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1 ITALIAN (CONTINUERS) External Examination 2015 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SUPERVISOR CHECK ATTACH SACE REGISTRATION NUMBER LABEL TO THIS BOX QUESTION BOOKLET 1 7 pages, 5 questions RE-MARKED Tuesday 10 November: 1.30 p.m. Time: 3 hours Section 1: Listening and Responding Examination material: Question Booklet 1 (7 pages) Question Booklet 2 (5 pages) Question Booklet 3 (4 pages) Question Booklet 4 (5 pages) one SACE registration number label Monolingual and bilingual printed dictionaries may be used. Instructions to Students 1. You will have 10 minutes to read the paper. You must not write in your question booklets during this reading time but you may make notes on the scribbling paper provided. 2. This paper is in three sections: Section 1 is in Question Booklet 1; Part A of Section 2 is in Question Booklet 2; Part B of Section 2 is in Question Booklet 3; and Section 3 is in Question Booklet 4. Section 1: Listening and Responding (Questions 1 to 5) Answer all questions in Section 1 in the spaces provided in Question Booklet 1. You may begin writing your answers to the questions in Section 2 or Section 3 any time after Text 5 is read for the second time. You may return to Section 1 at any time during the examination. Section 2: Reading and Responding (Questions 6 to 8) Answer all questions in Part A of Section 2 (Questions 6 and 7) in the spaces provided in Question Booklet 2. Answer Part B of Section 2 (Question 8) in the space provided in Question Booklet 3. Section 3: Writing in Italian (Questions 9 to 11) Answer one question from Section 3. Write your answer in Question Booklet The allocation of marks is as follows: Section 1: Listening and Responding Section 2: Reading and Responding Section 3: Writing in Italian 20 marks 30 marks 20 marks 4. Attach your SACE registration number label to the box at the top of this page. Copy the information from your SACE registration number label into the boxes on the front covers of Question Booklets 2, 3, and At the end of the examination, place Question Booklets 2, 3, and 4 inside the back cover of this question booklet. SACE Board of South Australia 2015

2 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND RESPONDING (Questions 1 to 5) (20 marks) You will hear five texts in Italian. Each text will be read twice. There will be a 2-minute break between the first and second readings of each text. You may make notes at any time. You will have 2 minutes to answer Question 1, 4 minutes to answer Question 2, 5 minutes to answer Question 3, 5 minutes to answer Question 4, and 6 minutes to answer Question 5 after the second reading of each text. Text 1 Listen to the text and then answer Question 1 in English. 1. (a) What time was the train due to arrive at Bologna Centrale? (1 mark) (b) What are the passengers asked to do? (1 mark) You may make notes in this space. page 2 of 7

3 Text 2 Listen to the text and then answer Question 2 in English. 2. (a) Who is the intended audience of this text? (1 mark) (b) Use the information from the text to complete the following details about the property offered. Town: Type of property: Rooms: (3 marks) You may make notes in this space. page 3 of 7 PLEASE TURN OVER

4 Text 3 Listen to the text and then answer Question 3 in English. 3. (a) Explain the concept of Volonturismo as outlined in the text. (2 marks) (b) Why did the concept come about? (1 mark) (c) What is Marco s reaction to the idea of Volonturismo? (2 marks) You may make notes in this space. page 4 of 7

5 Text 4 Listen to the text and then answer Question 4 in English. 4. (a) What is the purpose of this announcement? (2 marks) (b) What activities will be offered? (2 marks) You may make notes in this space. page 5 of 7 PLEASE TURN OVER

6 Text 5 Listen to the text and then answer Question 5 in English. 5. (a) What is the topic of this discussion? (1 mark) (b) Explain the opinion of each of the two speakers. Provide details. (4 marks) page 6 of 7

7 You may make notes on this page. page 7 of 7 end of Question Booklet 1


9 ITALIAN (CONTINUERS) EXAMINATION 2015 Section 1: Listening and Responding Text 1 Bologna Centrale...bing...bing...bing... Questo è un annuncio per i passeggeri in partenza per Roma questo pomeriggio. Il treno ad alta velocità Frecciarossa 9056 proveniente da Milano Centrale e diretto a Roma delle quattordici e ventidue è in ritardo di settanta minuti a causa della neve. Siete pregati di controllare il monitor per l arrivo e la partenza della Frecciarossa 9056 dal binario numero 2. La partenza per Roma è prevista alle quindici e trentadue. Ci scusiamo per il disagio. Obj ref: A Last updated: 30/11/ :40 AM 1

10 Text 2 Avete sempre sognato di comprare una Casa Vacanza che si affaccia su un monte con la cima coperta di neve? O una casa tra campi in fiore? Siamo sicuri che, come tanti italiani, anche voi preferite una casa in montagna o in campagna, fuori dal centro. È un modo per rifugiarsi dalla vita frenetica, dal caos che si vive in città. Ed ecco che vi presentiamo a Siena, tra le bellissime colline, uno splendido appartamento luminoso, restaurato e a buon prezzo. L appartamento ha un ampio soggiorno, cucina moderna, 2 camere matrimoniali e bagno con doccia. Questa è un occasione da non perdere. L agenzia Casapertutti vende solo case e appartamenti lussuosi. Per ulteriori informazioni telefonate al Obj ref: A Last updated: 30/11/ :40 AM 2

11 Text 3 Marco: Katia: Marco: Katia: Sai, Katia, ho sempre voluto visitare le Cinque Terre sulla costa della Liguria. Mi piacerebbe tanto fare trekking o un giro in mountain bike tra i paesi delle Cinque Terre. Ma guarda Marco! C è un occasione proprio ideale per te. Dimmi! Recentemente ho letto un articolo che parlava delle Cinque Terre e del Volonturismo, cioè Volontariato e Turismo. È un nuovo modo di viaggiare così i turisti sono immersi nell ambiente naturale e possono aiutare la zona. Vivono in campagna così riescono a capire il vero modo di vivere nelle Cinque Terre. La mattina presto, i turisti si armano di guanti, forbici e zappe e lavorano nei campi per dare una mano dove ce n è bisogno. C è sempre qualcosa da fare in campagna: ricostruire un muretto danneggiato dal tempo; potare le vigne, pulire un sentiero! E dopo una giornata di lavoro si mangia e si beve insieme. Marco: Katia: Marco: Katia: Marco: Che idea interessante e intelligente! Sì, è vero. Questa è un iniziativa del Comune, nata dopo un brutto temporale e tanta pioggia che ha causato l alluvione del 25 ottobre Oh, sì, mi ricordo. Nel 2011 c è stato brutto tempo e la pioggia ha distrutto la zona delle Cinque Terre. Esatto, e ora si invitano i turisti a ricostruire ma anche a conoscere la zona, mangiare e divertirsi. Sì! Sì! Sarebbe una grande soddisfazione visitare e lavorare lì, sapendo che hai aiutato le Cinque Terre. E poi, mangiare un bel pranzo a base di prodotti locali cucinato dalle persone del posto. Che bello! Quando ci andiamo? Obj ref: A Last updated: 30/11/ :40 AM 3

12 Text 4 Oggi vogliamo finire il programma con un annuncio speciale per tutti i nostri ascoltatori che vivono e visitano la bella città di Firenze. C è una nuova iniziativa solo nel mese di maggio al mercato centrale di Firenze, di trasformare questo semplice e tradizionale mercato in una nuova destinazione del gusto con piatti di cucina locale e anche street food. All interno di questo mercato si troveranno: ristoranti, pizzerie, caffè, una scuola di cucina e una libreria fiorentina. Il mercato è un luogo speciale ricco di attività. Sarà aperto per voi tutti i giorni per degustare ma anche acquistare e portare a casa i veri piatti fatti con prodotti locali e di stagione. Non dimentichiamo che per la gioia dei bambini durante maggio ci sarà la possibilità di cucinare con il cioccolato e creare i propri cioccolatini. Queste lezioni saranno gratuite per i bambini dai cinque ai dieci anni nella scuola creata all interno del mercato. Vi preghiamo di non perdere quest occasione. Visitate il mercato e assaggiate nuovi gusti. Obj ref: A Last updated: 30/11/ :40 AM 4

13 Text 5 Gianluca: Buongiorno, state ascoltando Radio Napoli con Gianluca. Oggi parliamo del grande dibattito in Italia, cioè, che le vacanze estive sono troppo lunghe per gli studenti. Abbiamo con noi una studentessa, Daniela, dal Liceo Scientifico di Salerno per esprimere la sua opinione. Salve, Daniela. Daniela: Gianluca: Ciao Gianluca, e grazie per l invito. Allora, comincio per dire che, secondo me, tre mesi di vacanze durante l estate sono troppi. I giovani dovrebbero fare un esperienza formativa nel mondo del lavoro per almeno uno dei tre mesi. Inoltre, penso che non ci sia niente di male a lavorare tre o quattro ore al giorno per fare esperienza di lavoro. Questa esperienza potrebbe aiutare ad entrare nel mondo del lavoro ma anche con la scelta dei corsi universitari. Qual è la tua opinione Daniela? Daniela: Veramente Gianluca, non sono d accordo con questo punto di vista perché, secondo noi giovani, gli insegnanti danno molti compiti per le vacanze estive. Non si riesce a godere il tempo libero. Tanti ragazzi fanno varie attività e non stanno a casa a rovinarsi gli occhi davanti alla televisione, al computer o agli adorati videogiochi. Secondo i giovani, l estate dovrebbe essere un periodo di serenità e tranquillità. Anche noi abbiamo il diritto di prenderci una boccata d aria e avere un po di libertà almeno per un paio di mesi all anno! Non ti ricordi le tue estati al mare, sotto il sole, con amici per ore e ore? Gianluca: Daniela: Gianluca: Sì, certo. Belle giornate lunghe in compagnia: nuotando, ballando, chiacchierando! Appunto, se le vacanze sono più corte, quando ci si può rilassare? E quando si può studiare per il prossimo anno scolastico? Adesso ascoltatori, vogliamo la vostra opinione. Telefonateci o continuate questa discussione sul nostro sito. Obj ref: A Last updated: 30/11/ :40 AM 5


15 2015 ITALIAN (CONTINUERS) External Examination 2015 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SUPERVISOR CHECK SEQ SACE REGISTRATION NUMBER FIGURES CHECK LETTER ITALIAN (CONTINUERS) BIN QUESTION BOOKLET 2 5 pages, 2 questions RE-MARKED Tuesday 10 November: 1.30 p.m. 2 Section 2: Reading and Responding Part A Write your answers to all parts of Questions 6 and 7 in this question booklet. SACE Board of South Australia 2015

16 SECTION 2: READING AND RESPONDING, PART A (Questions 6 and 7) (15 marks) Read Text 6 and then answer Question 6 in English. Text 6 Crisi in Italia così si aprono le cliniche Emergency Un italiano su cinque non può avere cure mediche per ragioni economiche. Il programma italiano Emergency, che esiste fin dal 2006, cerca di aiutare aprendo cliniche in varie zone d Italia dal Nord al Sud. Grazie ad un gruppo di infermieri e medici volontari, queste cliniche Emergency danno assistenza sanitaria gratuita a persone che ne hanno bisogno ma non possono permettersela. Immigrati e clandestini che sbarcano sulle coste d Italia, italiani che sono pensionati o disoccupati fanno parte dei 12 milioni di ammalati che chiedono aiuto e che non riescono a pagare le visite specialistiche e neanche le medicine. I centri sono accoglienti ed efficienti, con il meglio delle attrezzature ospedaliere e un personale eccezionale. Tra medici e infermieri sono più di 80 i volontari in una delle cliniche. All inizio queste cliniche erano state aperte per i tanti immigrati che non conoscevano i loro diritti e non riuscivano a farsi capire per motivi linguistici. Ma negli ultimi anni oltre agli stranieri, anche molti italiani hanno avuto bisogno di cure mediche gratuite. Le cure più richieste sono quelle per i denti. Curarsi la bocca è molto costoso e spesso si lascia perdere fino a quando il problema diventa serio. Alle cliniche Emergency le cure sono di qualità, e le richieste sono tantissime e c è un grande bisogno di dentisti volontari per fare in modo che ci sia assistenza per tutti e per tutta la settimana. Grazie a questa enorme iniziativa, tutti quelli che ne hanno bisogno possono ricevere assistenza da bambini appena nati agli anziani. 6. (a) What is the Italian program Emergency? (2 marks) page 2 of 5

17 (b) How and why has the Italian program Emergency changed over time? (2 marks) (c) What are the benefits of this program? (2 marks) page 3 of 5 PLEASE TURN OVER

18 Read Text 7 and then answer Question 7 in English. Text 7 Discorso al Congresso sulla Salute, Società e Medicina Buongiorno. Mi chiamo Franco Rossi e, da dieci anni, faccio parte del gruppo umanitario di dottori e infermieri, Medici Senza Frontiere, che riconosce la sofferenza di tanti nel mondo. Medici Senza Frontiere, fondato nel 1971, offre assistenza medica d emergenza alle popolazioni colpite da guerre, epidemie, malnutrizione o catastrofi naturali. Al momento, lavoriamo in circa sessanta paesi del mondo. Le nostre cure assistono le vittime di discriminazioni e le persone escluse dall assistenza sanitaria locale. Le nostre iniziative più importanti sono di dare accesso alla medicina essenziale per chi non ha soldi per pagarla. Allora, quali sono i nostri progetti? Abbiamo dato cura ai malati di HIV/AIDS in Africa e abbiamo curato la malaria in paesi come la Guinea. Offriamo medicina specializzata e mandiamo i nostri chirurghi nelle zone di guerra come la Siria e l Afghanistan. Offriamo sostegno psicologico per tutte le vittime di traumi in Centrafrica, Sudan, Colombia, India e tanti altri posti, inclusa l Italia. Andiamo dovunque ce ne sia bisogno. Siamo indipendenti. Neutrali. Imparziali. Aiutateci! Abbiamo bisogno di fondi per continuare il nostro lavoro essenziale. Medici Senza Frontiere garantisce che l assistenza è gratuita e i fondi ricevuti dalle donazioni sono solo usati per i tanti bisognosi nel mondo. 7. (a) What is the purpose of this text? (2 marks) (b) Using evidence from the text, describe the work of the group. (3 marks) page 4 of 5

19 (c) List the four projects highlighted by Franco Rossi. (2 marks) (d) Describe the language used by Franco Rossi to deliver his message. Support your answer with examples from the text. (2 marks) page 5 of 5 end of Question Booklet 2




23 2015 ITALIAN (CONTINUERS) External Examination 2015 SEQ SACE REGISTRATION NUMBER FIGURES CHECK LETTER ITALIAN (CONTINUERS) BIN QUESTION BOOKLET 3 4 pages, 1 question Tuesday 10 November: 1.30 p.m. Section 2: Reading and Responding Part B Write your answer to Question 8 in this question booklet. 3 SACE Board of South Australia 2015

24 SECTION 2: READING AND RESPONDING, PART B (Question 8) (15 marks) Read Text 8 and then answer Question 8 in 200 to 250 words in Italian. Text 8 Message To: Alex From: Anna Ciao Alex! I miei hanno finalmente deciso di emigrare in Australia! So che sarà importante per il nostro futuro perché, come sai, papà ha perso il lavoro e qui in Italia c è la crisi economica. Sono un po preoccupata perché so che ci saranno dei grandi cambiamenti per me. Alla mia scuola superiore, un liceo scientifico, studio tredici materie, molte di scienze e matematica, frequento la scuola sei giorni alla settimana e studio almeno tre ore dopo scuola nel pomeriggio. Non ho un lavoretto e non vado in palestra, ma la sera trovo sempre il tempo di fare una passeggiata con gli amici per prendere un gelato o una pizza in piazza. Anche se la scuola è molto impegnativa ormai mi sono abituata. Penso a quanto è diverso andare a scuola in Australia. E la tua settimana a scuola è come la mia? Per aiutarmi a capire il modo di vivere australiano, mi puoi dire cosa sarà diverso per me? Mi puoi descrivere la tua settimana tipica? A presto! Anna 8. You have received this from your Italian friend Anna. Write an to Anna, comparing your school week and your lifestyle in Australia with hers in Italy. Hai ricevuto questa mail dalla tua amica italiana Anna. Scrivi una mail a Anna in cui paragoni la tua settimana a scuola e la tua vita in Australia a quella di Anna in Italia. You may make notes in this space. page 2 of 4

25 page 3 of 4 PLEASE TURN OVER

26 page 4 of 4 end of Question Booklet 3

27 2015 ITALIAN (CONTINUERS) External Examination 2015 SEQ SACE REGISTRATION NUMBER FIGURES CHECK LETTER ITALIAN (CONTINUERS) BIN QUESTION BOOKLET 4 5 pages, 3 questions Tuesday 10 November: 1.30 p.m. Section 3: Writing in Italian Answer one question from this section. Write your answer in this question booklet. 4 SACE Board of South Australia 2015

28 SECTION 3: WRITING IN ITALIAN (Questions 9 to 11) (20 marks) Answer one question from this section in 250 to 300 words in Italian. Write the number of the question you choose in the box provided at the top of page Write a letter to your friend in Italy in which you describe your plans to travel during your gap year and try to persuade your friend to come with you. Scrivi una lettera al tuo amico/alla tua amica in Italia in cui descrivi le tue intenzioni di viaggiare durante il tuo anno sabbatico e convinci il tuo amico/tua amica a venire con te. 10. Use the phrase Che strana esperienza! in a creative story for a local Italian magazine. Usa la frase Che strana esperienza! in un racconto per una rivista italiana locale. 11. Write an article for your school newspaper, evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of having a pet. Scrivi un articolo per il giornale della tua scuola e valuta i vantaggi e gli svantaggi di avere un animale domestico. You may make notes in this space. page 2 of 5

29 Question No. page 3 of 5 PLEASE TURN OVER

30 page 4 of 5

31 page 5 of 5 end of Question Booklet 4










Italian Extension. Written Examination. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40. Section I Pages 2 7

Italian Extension. Written Examination. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40. Section I Pages 2 7 Centre Number 2015 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Student Number Italian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes


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Recording script. ITALIAN Written examination Stage 2. Section One: Response (Listening and responding)

Recording script. ITALIAN Written examination Stage 2. Section One: Response (Listening and responding) Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2012 ITALIAN Written examination Stage 2 Section One: Response (Listening and responding) Recording script Copyright School Curriculum and Standards


Italian Extension. Written Examination. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40

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Italian Continuers 2012 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I. Pages 2 4

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BSc (Hons) Tourism and Hospitality Management

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Italian Continuers. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 6

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Recording transcript

Recording transcript Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2015 ITALIAN Written examination Stage 3 Section One: Response Recording transcript 2016/8063 Copyright School Curriculum and Standards Authority


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Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2010. ITALIAN Written examination Stage 3. Section One: Response. Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2010 ITALIAN Written examination Stage 3 Section One: Response Recording script 2010/34306 Copyright Curriculum Council 2010 ITALIAN STAGE 3 2 RECORDING


Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2011. ITALIAN Written examination Stage 2. Section One: Response.

Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2011. ITALIAN Written examination Stage 2. Section One: Response. Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2011 ITALIAN Written examination Stage 2 Section One: Response Recording script Copyright Curriculum Council 2011 ITALIAN STAGE 2 2 RECORDING SCRIPT


Italian Continuers. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 6

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Italian Beginners. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 6

Italian Beginners. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 6 Centre Number 2015 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Student Number Italian Beginners Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 6 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 30 minutes


Italian Extension. Written Examination 2001 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40

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Italian Continuers 2001 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I. Pages 2 4

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Italian Beginners. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 6

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ITALIAN. Written examination. Day Date Reading time: *.** to *.** (15 minutes) Writing time: *.** to *.** (2 hours) QUESTION AND ANSWER BOOK

ITALIAN. Written examination. Day Date Reading time: *.** to *.** (15 minutes) Writing time: *.** to *.** (2 hours) QUESTION AND ANSWER BOOK Victorian Certificate of Education 2005 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Section ITALIAN Written examination Day Date 2005 Reading time: *.** to *.** (15 minutes) Writing time: *.** to *.** (2


Lezione 1: Ciao! A. Read the following descriptions of two young people. Then rewrite them as if they were introducing themselves.

Lezione 1: Ciao! A. Read the following descriptions of two young people. Then rewrite them as if they were introducing themselves. Lezione 1: Ciao! Prima di guardare A. Read the following descriptions of two young people. Then rewrite them as if they were introducing themselves. Example: Si chiama Sara. Non è italiana: è italoamericana.


Italian Continuers. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 6

Italian Continuers. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 6 Centre Number 2015 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Student Number Italian Continuers Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 6 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 50 minutes


Letter STUDENT NUMBER ITALIAN. Written examination. Wednesday 19 November 2014

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Italian Extension. Written Examination. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40

Italian Extension. Written Examination. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40 Centre Number 2014 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Student Number Italian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes


UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject

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National Quali cations

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SCUOLA ITALIANA PIETRO DELLA VALLE TEHRAN SCUOLA ITALIANA PIETRO DELLA VALLE TEHRAN Corso settembre - dicembre 2010 ESAME FINALE LIVELLO 1 A Nome: Cognome: CI Numero tessera: 1 A PROVA DI ASCOLTO N. 1 Ascolta il dialogo e rispondi alle seguenti


U Corso di italiano, Lezione Cinque

U Corso di italiano, Lezione Cinque 1 U Corso di italiano, Lezione Cinque D Ciao, questo è mio figlio. Si chiama Paolo. F Hi, this is my son. His name is Paolo. D Ciao, questo è mio figlio. Si chiama Paolo. M How old is he? D Ha sette anni.


Recording transcript

Recording transcript Western Australian Certificate of Education ATAR course examination, 2016 ITALIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE Written examination Section One Response: Listening Recording transcript 2016/66612 Copyright School Curriculum


GCSE Italian Specimen Assessment Material Version 1.0 for first teaching 2009

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Italian Extension. Written Examination. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40

Italian Extension. Written Examination. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40 Centre Number Student Number 2012 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Italian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes


FRIDAY, 4 MAY 1.30 PM 2.30 PM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

FRIDAY, 4 MAY 1.30 PM 2.30 PM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE C Total 900/3/0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 0 FRIDAY, 4 MAY.30 PM.30 PM ITALIAN STANDARD GRADE Credit Level Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre


BUON GIORNO RAGAZZI! Oggi è il 13 ottobre, 2015

BUON GIORNO RAGAZZI! Oggi è il 13 ottobre, 2015 BUON GIORNO RAGAZZI! Oggi è il 13 ottobre, 2015 OBIETTIVO: Distinguish the different forms of Italian nouns and determine the correct form of nouns utilizing the appropriate grammar rules. 1A.1 Nouns and


LN760 Italian: Level Two (Standard)

LN760 Italian: Level Two (Standard) 2009 Examination (Language Centre) LN760 Italian: Level Two (Standard) Instructions to candidates Time allowed: 1 hour 50 minutes This paper contains 3 sections: Each section is given equal weight. Dictionaries


Italian Beginners. Listening Skills 2001 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Centre Number. Student Number

Italian Beginners. Listening Skills 2001 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Centre Number. Student Number Centre Number Student Number 200 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Italian Beginners Listening Skills General Instructions You may NOT open the examination paper until instructed to do so on the examination


You may make notes in this space. Question 1 a. Why is Maria Consuelo Fantin being interviewed today?

You may make notes in this space. Question 1 a. Why is Maria Consuelo Fantin being interviewed today? Victorian Certificate of Education 2009 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Figures Words STUDENT NUMBER Letter ITALIAN Written examination Tuesday 17 November 2009 Reading time: 11.45 am to 12.00


*M30605A0112* M30605A W850/T1237/57570 4/4/4/4. Turn over

*M30605A0112* M30605A W850/T1237/57570 4/4/4/4. Turn over Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 1 2 3 7 3 F Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 1237/3F Edexcel GCSE Italian Paper 3F Reading and Responding Foundation Tier Friday 16 May 2008 Morning Time: 40



REGISTRATION. Area Ricerca REGISTRATION Note: former students can skip the registration process and log in using their account (id123456) 1.1 HOW TO REGISTER: please, go to web page www.univr.it/applicationphd and select the item


STUDENT NUMBER Letter ITALIAN. Written examination. Tuesday 18 November 2008

STUDENT NUMBER Letter ITALIAN. Written examination. Tuesday 18 November 2008 Victorian Certificate of Education 2008 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Figures Words STUDENT NUMBER Letter ITALIAN Written examination Tuesday 18 November 2008 Reading time: 3.00 pm to 3.15


I- [ A ] Leggi il seguente testo : Samar è una studentessa egiziana del Cairo. Lei frequenta un corso di letteratura

I- [ A ] Leggi il seguente testo : Samar è una studentessa egiziana del Cairo. Lei frequenta un corso di letteratura Prova scritta( 2) 2011 I- [ A ] Leggi il seguente testo : Samar è una studentessa egiziana del Cairo. Lei frequenta un corso di letteratura italiana di tre mesi a Milano. Le sue colleghe Laila e Samira


Italian Beginners. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 6

Italian Beginners. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 6 Centre Number 2014 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Student Number Italian Beginners Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 6 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 30 minutes


U Corso di italiano, Lezione Ventuno

U Corso di italiano, Lezione Ventuno 1 U Corso di italiano, Lezione Ventuno U Oggi, facciamo un esercizio M Today we do an exercise U Oggi, facciamo un esercizio D Noi diciamo una frase in inglese e tu cerca di pensare a come dirla in italiano:


STUDENT NUMBER Letter ITALIAN. Written examination. Tuesday 16 November 2010

STUDENT NUMBER Letter ITALIAN. Written examination. Tuesday 16 November 2010 Victorian Certificate of Education 2010 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Figures Words STUDENT NUMBER Letter ITALIAN Written examination Tuesday 16 November 2010 Reading time: 11.45 am to 12.00


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 6565/01 Edexcel GCE Italian Advanced Unit 5 Paper 1: Topics and Texts. Monday 18 June 2007 Afternoon Time: 2 hours

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 6565/01 Edexcel GCE Italian Advanced Unit 5 Paper 1: Topics and Texts. Monday 18 June 2007 Afternoon Time: 2 hours Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 6 5 6 5 0 1 Paper Reference(s) 6565/01 Edexcel GCE Italian Advanced Unit 5 Paper 1: Topics and Texts Monday 18 June 2007 Afternoon Time: 2 hours Materials required


Esempio : Esercizio 1

Esempio : Esercizio 1 Completare con il verbo essere o avere al presente. se la frase inizia con Sig. (Signor) un nome e una virgola, usare il "Lei" Giorgio, sei stanco? Sig. Rossi, ha il passaporto? Esercizio 1 Elena e Bruna



UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI TORINO STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE ONLINE APPLICATION FORM Enter the Unito homepage www.unito.it and click on Login on the right side of the page. - Tel. +39 011 6704425 - e-mail internationalexchange@unito.it


Certificazione di Italiano come Lingua Straniera. Quaderno di esame. Livello: A1 Integrazione in Italia

Certificazione di Italiano come Lingua Straniera. Quaderno di esame. Livello: A1 Integrazione in Italia Certificazione Quaderno di esame Livello: A1 Integrazione in Italia Sessione: Dicembre 2016 Certificazione Test di ascolto Numero delle prove 3 Ascolto - Prova n. 1 Ascolta i testi. Poi completa le frasi.


46302F (JUN1146302F01) General Certificate of Secondary Education Foundation Tier June 2011 2/3 4/5 6/7 8/9 10/11 12/13 14/15 16/17

46302F (JUN1146302F01) General Certificate of Secondary Education Foundation Tier June 2011 2/3 4/5 6/7 8/9 10/11 12/13 14/15 16/17 Centre Number Surname Candidate Number For Examiner s Use Other Names Candidate Signature Examiner s Initials Italian Unit 2 Reading Wednesday 8 June 2011 You will need no other materials. Time allowed


Italian Beginners. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 6

Italian Beginners. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 6 Centre Number Student Number 2012 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Italian Beginners Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 6 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 30 minutes


Understanding and Implementing Task Directions in the Exam

Understanding and Implementing Task Directions in the Exam Understanding and Implementing Task Directions in the Exam Paola Scazzoli Miami February 2 nd, 2013 Sono queste le tracce del saggio da seguire? Familiarizing with the test format You and the AP central


Specimen 2019 Morning Time allowed: 45 minutes

Specimen 2019 Morning Time allowed: 45 minutes SPECIMEN MATERIAL GCSE ITALIAN Foundation Tier Paper 3 Reading F Specimen 2019 Morning Time allowed: 45 minutes You will need no other materials. Instructions Use black ink or black ball-point pen. Fill


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education ITALIAN 0535/03 Paper 3 Speaking Role Play Card One For Examination from 2014 SPECIMEN ROLE PLAY


Recording script. ITALIAN Written examination Stage 3. Section One: Response (Listening and responding)

Recording script. ITALIAN Written examination Stage 3. Section One: Response (Listening and responding) Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2012 ITALIAN Written examination Stage 3 Section One: Response (Listening and responding) Recording script Copyright School Curriculum and Standards


La Bella Figura Experience Italian Culture Lesson Material, Level 4

La Bella Figura Experience Italian Culture Lesson Material, Level 4 Lesson 8 Ci arriviamo insieme Topics: i pronomi diretti e il pronome di luogo ci. Direct pronouns and the locative pronoun ci. Leggiamo insieme auesti scambi. Let s read together these exchanges. a. Rita:


Italian Beginners. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 5

Italian Beginners. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 5 Centre Number Student Number 2011 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Italian Beginners Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 5 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 30 minutes


5-A1 ragazzi estero.qxd:5-a1 ragazzi estero.qxd :53 Pagina 1

5-A1 ragazzi estero.qxd:5-a1 ragazzi estero.qxd :53 Pagina 1 5-A1 ragazzi estero.qxd:5-a1 ragazzi estero.qxd 8-11-2010 10:53 Pagina 1 Dicembre 2010 5-A1 ragazzi estero.qxd:5-a1 ragazzi estero.qxd 8-11-2010 10:53 Pagina 2 5-A1 ragazzi estero.qxd:5-a1 ragazzi estero.qxd


Section I Reading Skills

Section I Reading Skills Section I Reading Skills 0 marks Attempt Questions 4 Allow about hour and 20 minutes for this section Answer the questions in ENGLISH in the spaces provided. Question (4 marks) SCUOLA ESTIVA PER I GIOVANI


Letter STUDENT NUMBER ITALIAN. Written examination. Wednesday 16 November 2016

Letter STUDENT NUMBER ITALIAN. Written examination. Wednesday 16 November 2016 Victorian Certificate of Education 2016 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Letter STUDENT NUMBER ITALIAN Written examination Wednesday 16 November 2016 Reading time: 3.00 pm to 3.15 pm (15 minutes)



THE FUTURE OF WORK: A MATTER OF SUSTAINABILITY CONFERENCE VENUE THE FUTURE OF WORK: A MATTER OF SUSTAINABILITY VII Edition Bergamo (Italy), 11-12 November 2016 Piazzale Sant Agostino, n.2 #GTL2016 The conference will take place at the University of


ITALIAN. Written examination. Wednesday 21 November 2012

ITALIAN. Written examination. Wednesday 21 November 2012 Victorian Certificate of Education 2012 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Figures Words STUDENT NUMBER Letter ITALIAN Written examination Wednesday 21 November 2012 Reading time: 11.45 am to 12.00


46302F (JUN1446302F01) General Certificate of Secondary Education Foundation Tier June 2014 2/3 4/5 6/7 8/9 10/11 12/13 TOTAL. Time allowed 30 minutes

46302F (JUN1446302F01) General Certificate of Secondary Education Foundation Tier June 2014 2/3 4/5 6/7 8/9 10/11 12/13 TOTAL. Time allowed 30 minutes Centre Number Surname Candidate Number For Examiner s Use Other Names Candidate Signature Examiner s Initials Page Mark Italian General Certificate of Secondary Education Foundation Tier June 2014 46302F





Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Pre-U Certifi cate

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Pre-U Certifi cate Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Pre-U Certifi cate *0123456789* ITALIAN (PRINCIPAL) 9783/03 Paper 3 Writing and Usage For Examination from 2016 SPECIMEN PAPER 2 hours 15 minutes Candidates


45 marks are allocated to this paper. The value attached to each question is shown after each question.

45 marks are allocated to this paper. The value attached to each question is shown after each question. X06/30 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 00 TUESDAY, 5 MAY 9.00 AM 0.40 AM ITALIAN HIGHER Reading and Directed Writing 45 marks are allocated to this paper. The value attached to each question is shown after each


IL martedi 28 november 2006, il ministro della cultura egiziano ha inaugurato il

IL martedi 28 november 2006, il ministro della cultura egiziano ha inaugurato il [ I ] A ) Leggi il seguente testo : Prova scritta 3 IL martedi 28 november 2006, il ministro della cultura egiziano ha inaugurato il Festival Internazionale del cinema del Cairo al teatro grande dell'


Departures Partenze. Intermediate (Answers)

Departures Partenze. Intermediate (Answers) 1 Self-Guided Activities Intermediate (Answers) Departures Partenze Enter the first section of the exhibition Departures Partenze and answer the following questions, answering them in the language they


TUESDAY, 14 MAY 9.00 AM 10.40 AM. 45 marks are allocated to this paper. The value attached to each question is shown after each question.

TUESDAY, 14 MAY 9.00 AM 10.40 AM. 45 marks are allocated to this paper. The value attached to each question is shown after each question. X06//0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 03 TUESDAY, 4 MAY 9.00 AM 0.40 AM ITALIAN HIGHER Reading and Directed Writing 45 marks are allocated to this paper. The value attached to each question is shown after each



REGISTRATION GUIDE TO RESHELL SOFTWARE REGISTRATION GUIDE TO RESHELL SOFTWARE INDEX: 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 2. REGISTRATION GUIDE 1. GENERAL INFORMATION This guide contains the correct procedure for entering the software page http://software.roenest.com/


IL TEMPO E LE STAGIONI. OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to talk about the weather and the seasons organizing a trip.

IL TEMPO E LE STAGIONI. OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to talk about the weather and the seasons organizing a trip. IL TEMPO E LE STAGIONI OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to talk about the weather and the seasons organizing a trip. LEVEL: Beginner language learner Italian 111 TIME: 50 min MATERIALS: 1. Power Point


ITALIAN. Written examination. Thursday 20 November 2003

ITALIAN. Written examination. Thursday 20 November 2003 Victorian Certificate of Education 2003 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE ITALIAN Written examination Thursday 20 November 2003 Reading time: 9.00 am to 9.10 am (10 minutes) Writing time: 9.10


Test di Livello lingua Italiana

Test di Livello lingua Italiana Test di Livello lingua Italiana NOME COGNOME... DATA... Indicare con una x la risposta corretta: 1. Piacere! Il mio nome è Anna. Come chiami, tu? # ti sei VALUTAZIONE:... DOCENTE:... 2. Io abito Pordenone.


Paper 3F: Reading and understanding in Italian. Wednesday 19 May 2010 Afternoon Time: 35 minutes

Paper 3F: Reading and understanding in Italian. Wednesday 19 May 2010 Afternoon Time: 35 minutes Write your name here Surname Other names Edexcel GCSE Centre Number Candidate Number Italian Paper 3F: Reading and understanding in Italian Wednesday 19 May 2010 Afternoon Time: 35 minutes You do not need



COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN ITALIAN. Teacher Dictation Copy The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION I COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN ITALIAN Wednesday, June 22, 2011 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions


Italian Continuers 2006 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 5

Italian Continuers 2006 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 5 Centre Number Student Number 2006 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Italian Continuers Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 5 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 50 minutes


Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Spoken Expression and Response in Italian (Candidate Version)

Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Spoken Expression and Response in Italian (Candidate Version) Edexcel GCE Italian Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Spoken Expression and Response in Italian (Candidate Version) Summer 2009 Time: 8 10 minutes You do not need any other materials. Paper Reference 6IN01 Instructions


LEZIONE 1 - UNIT 1 Topics: greetings; verb chiamarsi; negative clauses; interrogative clauses. Activities: speaking; reading comprehension.

LEZIONE 1 - UNIT 1 Topics: greetings; verb chiamarsi; negative clauses; interrogative clauses. Activities: speaking; reading comprehension. LEZIONE 1 - UNIT 1 Topics: greetings; verb chiamarsi; negative clauses; interrogative clauses. Activities: speaking; reading comprehension. Let s read dialogue A page12. Leggiamo il dialogo A pagina 12.


Italian Beginners. Listening Skills 2002 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Centre Number. Student Number

Italian Beginners. Listening Skills 2002 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Centre Number. Student Number Centre Number Student Number 2002 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Italian Beginners Listening Skills General Instructions You may NOT open the examination paper until instructed to do so on the examination


LN758 Italian: Level One (Standard)

LN758 Italian: Level One (Standard) 2009 Examination (Language Centre) LN758 Italian: Level One (Standard) Instructions to candidates Time allowed: 1 hour 50 minutes This paper contains 3 sections: Each section is given equal weight. Dictionaries



SPEAKING ITALIAN TIME: 5-7 minutes DIRECTORATE FOR QUALITY AND STANDARDS IN EDUCATION Department of Curriculum Management Educational Assessment Unit Subject Proficiency Assessment 2015 SPA LEVEL 1 SPEAKING ITALIAN TIME: 5-7 minutes TEACHER


Compiti (students going from level 2 to level 3 in August)

Compiti (students going from level 2 to level 3 in August) Compiti (students going from level 2 to level 3 in August) (Before doing this homework, you might want to review the blendspaces we used in class during level 2 at https://www.blendspace.com/classes/87222)


Victorian Certificate of Education 2001 ITALIAN. Written examination

Victorian Certificate of Education 2001 ITALIAN. Written examination SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Figures Words STUDENT NUMBER Letter Victorian Certificate of Education 2001 ITALIAN Written examination Thursday 22 November 2001: 9.00 am to 12.00 noon Reading



COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN ITALIAN. Teacher Dictation Copy The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION I COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN ITALIAN Tuesday, June 23, 2009 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions


HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Italian Beginners. ( Section I Listening) Transcript

HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Italian Beginners. ( Section I Listening) Transcript 2016 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Italian Beginners ( Section I Listening) Transcript Familiarisation Text FE FE Ciao Roberta! Da quanto tempo che non ci vediamo Dove vai? Ehh Francesco! Sono


1. Al lavoro. 1. Chi fa cosa? Metti la parola accanto alla definizione giusta. 2. Elimina la professione che non c entra.

1. Al lavoro. 1. Chi fa cosa? Metti la parola accanto alla definizione giusta. 2. Elimina la professione che non c entra. 1. Al lavoro 1. Chi fa cosa? Metti la parola accanto alla definizione giusta. INFERMIERE CUOCO - MECCANICO OPERAIO PARRUCCHIERE IDRAULICO POSTINO CANTANTE PROFESSORE CAMERIERE ATTORE CENTRALINISTA - DOTTORE


Italian Beginners. Listening Skills. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 30 Attempt Questions 1 12

Italian Beginners. Listening Skills. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 30 Attempt Questions 1 12 Centre Number Student Number 2007 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Italian Beginners Listening Skills General Instructions You may NOT open the examination paper until instructed to do so on the recording


Italian Continuers 2005 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I. Pages 2 5

Italian Continuers 2005 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I. Pages 2 5 Centre Number Student Number 2005 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Italian Continuers Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 5 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 50 minutes


WELCOME. Go to the link of the official University of Palermo web site www.unipa.it; Click on the box on the right side Login unico

WELCOME. Go to the link of the official University of Palermo web site www.unipa.it; Click on the box on the right side Login unico WELCOME This is a Step by Step Guide that will help you to register as an Exchange for study student to the University of Palermo. Please, read carefully this guide and prepare all required data and documents.


National Quali cations 2015

National Quali cations 2015 H National Quali cations 205 X742/76/ Italian Reading THURSDAY, 30 APRIL 9:00 AM 0:40 AM Total marks 30 Attempt ALL questions Write your answers clearly, in English, in the Reading answer booklet provided.


Il Present Simple nella forma interrogativa. Ausiliare do/does + soggetto + verbo principale (all infinito senza to ) + ulteriori determinazioni +?

Il Present Simple nella forma interrogativa. Ausiliare do/does + soggetto + verbo principale (all infinito senza to ) + ulteriori determinazioni +? Beginner - Lesson 6 Il Present Simple nella forma interrogativa Domande che richiedono risposte brevi La forma interrogativa del Present Simple (presente indicativo) si costruisce con l ausiliare do (



L AMMINISTRATORE DI SOSTEGNO L AMMINISTRATORE DI SOSTEGNO Chi è l Amministratore di sostegno? E una persona: può essere un mio parente come un genitore o un fratello, oppure una persona che non è della famiglia. L amministratore di


National Quali cations Date of birth Scottish candidate number

National Quali cations Date of birth Scottish candidate number N5FOR OFFICIAL USE X742/75/0 National Quali cations 206 Mark Italian Reading TUESDAY, 0 MAY 9:00 AM 0:30 AM *X742750* Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s)


National Quali cations

National Quali cations H 2016 X742/76/11 National Quali cations Italian Reading TUESDAY, 10 MAY 9:00 AM 10:40 AM Total marks 30 Attempt ALL questions. Write your answers clearly, in English, in the Reading answer booklet provided.


AIM OF THE LESSON: for the students to familiarise themselves with the language of cooking

AIM OF THE LESSON: for the students to familiarise themselves with the language of cooking Lesson 1 Gli Gnocchi Date N of students AIM OF THE LESSON: for the students to familiarise themselves with the language of cooking The following activities are based on "Communicative method" which encourages


Unit 1 Listening Test Transcript. Thursday 16 June 2016 Morning Time allowed: 40 minutes approximately + 5 minutes reading time before the test

Unit 1 Listening Test Transcript. Thursday 16 June 2016 Morning Time allowed: 40 minutes approximately + 5 minutes reading time before the test GCSE ITALIAN Higher Tier Unit 1 Listening Test Transcript H Thursday 16 June 2016 Morning Time allowed: 40 minutes approximately + 5 minutes reading time before the test FOR INVIGILATOR S USE ONLY The


Italian Continuers 2007 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 7

Italian Continuers 2007 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 7 Centre Number Student Number 2007 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Italian Continuers Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 7 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 50 minutes
