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1 Western Australian Certificate of Education Sample Examination, 2016 Question/Answer Booklet ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE Please place your student identification label in this box Student Number: In figures In words Time allowed for this paper Reading time before commencing work: Working time for paper: ten minutes two and a half hours Materials required/recommended for this paper To be provided by the supervisor This Question/Answer Booklet Sound recording Number of additional answer booklets used: (if applicable) To be provided by the candidate Standard items: pens (blue/black preferred), pencils (including coloured), sharpener, correction fluid/tape, eraser, ruler, highlighters Special items: Monolingual and/or bilingual print dictionaries No electronic dictionaries are allowed Note: Dictionaries must not contain any notes or other marks Important note to candidates No other items may be taken into the examination room. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not have any unauthorised notes or other items of a non-personal nature in the examination room. If you have any unauthorised material with you, hand it to the supervisor before reading any further. Copyright School Curriculum and Standards Authority /42975

2 ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE 2 SAMPLE EXAMINATION Structure of the examination The WACE Italian: Background Language examination consists of a written component and a practical (oral) component. Structure of this paper Section Number of questions available Number of questions to be answered Suggested working time (minutes) Marks available Percentage of exam Section One Response: Listening Section Two Response: Viewing and reading Section Three Written communication Total 100 Instructions to candidates 1. The rules for the conduct of Western Australian external examinations are detailed in the Year 12 Information Handbook Sitting this examination implies that you agree to abide by these rules. 2. Write your answers in Standard Australian English or Italian in this Question/Answer Booklet. 3. You must be careful to confine your responses to the specific questions asked and to follow any instructions that are specific to a particular question. You may not use SMS-style abbreviations in any section of the paper. 4. Spare pages are included at the end of this booklet. They can be used for planning your responses and/or as additional space if required to continue an answer. Planning: If you use the spare pages for planning, indicate this clearly at the top of the page. Continuing an answer: If you need to use the space to continue an answer, indicate in the original answer space where the answer is continued, i.e. give the page number. Fill in the number of the question that you are continuing to answer at the top of the page.

3 SAMPLE EXAMINATION 3 ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE Listen to the short text, which is printed below. This will help you to become accustomed to the speakers voices. There are no questions or marks associated with this text. La dolce vita italiana Siamo appena rientrati in Australia, dopo aver partecipato ad un esperienza indimenticabile una vacanza culturale alla scoperta della dolce vita italiana. I veri fiorentini sono meravigliosi. Tutti i giorni convivono con tanta gente straniera, ma riescono anche a mantenere le loro tradizioni e i loro costumi. Turn over page and begin Section One.

4 ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE 4 Section One Response: Listening SAMPLE EXAMINATION 30% (24 Marks) This section contains two (2) questions. Answer both questions in the spaces provided. You will hear two (2) texts in Italian. Each text will be played twice. There will be a pause between the readings and a longer pause after the second reading, to allow you to respond to the questions. You can respond to the questions at any time once the spoken texts begin. Suggested working time: 30 minutes. Text 1: Servizio Volontario Europeo Listen to this interview and answer Question 1. Space for notes

5 SAMPLE EXAMINATION 5 ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE Question 1 (12 marks) Scrivi un articolo sullo SVE riassumendo le informazioni dall intervista. Includi tutte i dettagli rilevanti per esempio, cos è lo SVE, a chi è rivolto, il costo, benefici per il volontario. Scrivi circa 100 parole in inglese. Write an article about the SVE, summarising the information from the interview. Include all relevant details: for example, what is the SVE, who it is aimed at, the cost, the benefits for the volunteer. Write approximately 100 words in English.

6 ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE 6 SAMPLE EXAMINATION Text 2: Due generazioni di immigrati Listen to this conversation and answer Question 2. Armando e Valeria sono due Italiani immigrati in Australia. Armando ha 75 anni e emigrò dall Italia negli anni Sessanta, mentre Valeria è una giovane di 27 anni arrivata a Perth due anni fa. Space for notes

7 SAMPLE EXAMINATION 7 ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE Question 2 (12 marks) Scrivi un sintesi spiegando le somiglianze e differenze tra le esperienze come immigrati di Armando e Valeria. Scrivi circa 100 parole in italiano. Write a summary explaining the differences and similarities between Armando s and Valeria s experiences as immigrants. Write approximately 100 words in Italian. End of Section One

8 ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE 8 Section Two Response: Viewing and reading SAMPLE EXAMINATION 30% (48 Marks) This section contains four (4) texts and four (4) questions. Answer all questions in the spaces provided. Suggested working time: 80 minutes. Text 3: Mamma o non mamma? Il paese dei mammoni non si smentisce. Tutt oggi quasi il 45% dei giovani tra i 25 e i 35 anni vive ancora a casa dei genitori. Fenomeno tipicamente italiano, i mammoni non lasciano il nido materno se non per sposarsi. Il sesso debole è il più temerario; le donne sono le prime ad andarsene. Ma siamo davvero ancora così legati alla mamma? Se in tanti paesi europei si tende a spiccare il volo prima dei 25 anni in Italia resistiamo imperterriti. Affitti alle stelle e precarietà nell impiego non aiutano e vengono citate tra le cause principali di tale fenomeno. Ed è qui che il dibattito si apre: secondo alcuni la sorgente è da ricercare nel sistema italiano. Le scuola superiori vengono terminate come minimo a 18 anni. Si passa poi all università dove, se tutto va secondo i piani, ci si laurea attorno ai anni. Dopo di ciò tirocini formativi e varie esperienze di lavoro precario non favoriscono di certo la corsa all indipendenza e si finisce così per rimanere a casa dei genitori fino ai 30 anni e oltre. Secondo altri la colpa è da attribuire al consumismo moderno: vivere da soli, dovendo pagare bollette e conti potrebbe impedire ai giovani italiani di vestire all ultima moda o di comprare gli accessori tecnologici più recenti. Ma perchè andarsene quando si può avere una madre che lava, stira e prepara da mangiare? Certo, le mamme-chiocce italiane sono note per essere iperprotettive, e allora di chi è la vera colpa? Del sistema che non aiuta i giovani o delle madri che faticano a dare libertà e indipendenza alla loro prole?

9 SAMPLE EXAMINATION 9 ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE Question 3 (12 marks) Prepara un discorso per i tuoi compagni di classe australiani in cui spieghi che cos è il fenomeno dei mammoni e quali sono le cause. Scrivi circa 120 parole in inglese. Prepare a speech to give to your Australian school mates, explaining what the mammoni phenomenon is and what causes it. Write approximately 120 words in English.

10 ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE 10 SAMPLE EXAMINATION Text 4: Gruppi di acquisto solidale Marco Gianni Ciao a tutti! Recentemente ho sentito parlare di una nuova iniziativa che si chiama Gruppo di acquisto solidale (GAS).In pratica alcune persone decidono di comprare insieme frutta e verdura biologica direttamente dal produttore. Qualcuno di voi l ha provato? Sapete come funziona? Sì Marco! Io mi servo dei GAS da mesi ormai. Ho cominciato per la voglia di avere una dieta salutare, con prodotti stagionali, che oltretutto sono più buoni e contengono un numero maggiore di sostanze nutritive. E poi mi piaceva l idea di supportare piccole aziende a gestione familiare in cui non esiste solo la dimensione commerciale ma ci si può relazionare direttamente con i produttori e instaurare un rapporto di fiducia. Anche i prezzi sono abbastanza contenuti, considerando che i prodotti sono di alta qualità. Blog threads New Old FAQ Sign up Tutte cose giustissime Gianni. Non dimentichiamoci poi i benefici per l ambiente; con l abbandono della produzione di massa siriduce l uso Franca di pesticidi e diserbanti che sarebbero altrimenti riversati nel suolo, nelle falde acquifere e anche nell aria con conseguenze gravi per la biodiversità. Insomma, io i GAS li approvo pienamente! Marco Grazie a tutti per la spiegazione! Sembra davvero una fantastica iniziativa! Non vedo l ora di provare questi GAS!!! Ciao

11 SAMPLE EXAMINATION 11 ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE Question 4 (12 marks) Scrivi un blog riassumendo i benefici ambientali, sociali e per la salute dei GAS e per convincere un pubblico australiano di considerare una tale iniziativa. Scrivi circa 100 parole in inglese. Write your own blog summarising the environmental, social and health benefits of GAS and to persuade an Australian audience to consider such an initiative. Write approximately 100 words in English. Blog New New Old Old FAQ FAQ Sign Sign up up threads

12 ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE 12 SAMPLE EXAMINATION Text 5: Stessa spiaggia, stesso mare Stessa spiaggia stesso è ancora questa la vacanza tipica italiana? C era una volta la vacanza della famiglia italiana che trascorreva le ferie di agosto in una località di villeggiatura, generalmente lungo le coste italiane. Si partiva con l auto per spostarsi e arrivare a destinazione dopo lunghe ore di coda. C erano una volta le vacanze trascorse nella casa al mare o nella pensione di fiducia, i tempi in cui le stesse comitive si incontravano ogni anno negli stessi stabilimenti balneari, quando non era importante il luogo ma quello che si faceva. E da quel tempo esiste un repertorio di canzoni della musica leggera italiana con il tema delle vacanze estive in Italia e il testo e la musica che rispecchiano il clima vacanziero e spensierato delle ferie d agosto lungo le Riviere italiane degli anni sessanta e settanta come la canzone di Mina Stessa spiaggia stesso mare, del 1963 che ci invitava a tornare alla stessa spiaggia per rivedere gli stessi amici e rivivere le stesse emozioni e che ancora oggi ci fa pensare a quell epoca. Ma il turismo Italiano è ancora così? Gli italiani trascorrono ancora le vacanze sotto lo stesso ombrellone? Naturalmente con la globalizzazione e l abbassamento delle tariffe aere, il turismo in Italia, come nel resto del mondo, ha aperto le porte a nuove destinazioni. Poi grazie ad Internet l offerta delle vacanze è diventata sempre più specifica e individuale. Mentre prima il turismo di massa proponeva praticamente lo stesso tipo di vacanza per tutti, stessa spiaggia stesso mare, ora il turismo chiamato appunto di nicchia pubblicizza esperienze diverse per diversi tipi di turisti. L esperienza di luoghi e culture diverse diventa sempre più importante. Nasce per esempio il turismo enogastronomico, per gli amanti della buona cucina e gli intenditori di vino; il turismo attivo, le vacanze in bicicletta o in barca; le vacanze benessere; il turismo che ruota attorno ai festival, o il recente turismo responsabile, che deve contribuire a migliorare la qualità della vita delle popolazioni indigene. Insomma, magari il turista italiano di cui ci parlava Mina non sarà scomparso, ma sicuramente è solo una parte della grande varietà dei turisti d oggi.

13 SAMPLE EXAMINATION 13 ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE Question 5 (12 marks) Basandoti sull articolo e sulle tue conoscenze dell argomento, scrivi una discussione su come generalmente si passano le vacanze estive in Italia e in Australia. Scrivi circa 150 parole in italiano. Using the article and your previous knowledge on the topic, write a discussion about how summer vacations are generally spent in Italy compared with Australia. Write approximately 150 words in Italian.


15 SAMPLE EXAMINATION 15 ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE This page has been left blank intentionally

16 ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE 16 SAMPLE EXAMINATION Text 6: L italiano e i dialetti La storia dell italiano è, per molti versi, la storia dei dialetti. Infatti, l italiano stesso nacque da uno dei tanti dialetti parlati in Italia: il fiorentino di Dante Alighieri. Ma chiariamo innanzitutto che cosa sono i dialetti? Tutte le lingue derivate dal latino vennero chiamate lingue volgari o semplicemente volgari. Il termine prese origine dalla parola latina vulgus, cioè del popolo, che ormai non conosceva più il latino. Nel XVI secolo, il volgare fiorentino venne riconosciuto come la lingua italiana di tutta la nazione. Nacque così il termine dialetto, per distinguere tutti i volgari parlati nelle varie parti del paese dal toscano divenuto nel frattempo l italiano. Nonostante esitano diverse correnti di pensiero e altrettante sfumature di significato, si può dire che il dialetto è una lingua utilizzata da un ristretto gruppo di persone in situazioni non ufficiali. L uso sociale è un altro importante tratto distintivo: l italiano e non il dialetto è da sempre usato nell insegnamento della lingua a scuola o nell amministrazione, negli uffici pubblici, nei tribunali, nei giornali, in televisione, nelle produzioni cinematografiche o nelle occasioni più formali. I dialetti, soprattutto nella loro forma parlata, ebbero un enorme diffusione in Italia, tanto che non solo ogni città, ma perfino ogni paese sviluppò un proprio dialetto. Contare i dialetti oggigiorno è veramente difficile, se non impossibile. Un altra caratteristica dei dialetti in Italia fu rappresentata dalla loro persistenza nel tempo. Infatti, fino a qualche decennio fa la maggior parte della popolazione italiana non conosceva l italiano, ma sapeva parlare solo il dialetto. Tuttavia, il fatto che i dialetti non si diffusero su vaste aree e che siano appunto parlati da ristretti gruppi di persone, non significa che non vennero valorizzati come lingue in passato e che non lo siano tutt ora. Sarebbe un errore pensare che il dialetto sia una brutta copia dell italiano o una corruzione della regola, in quanto ogni dialetto è una vera e propria lingua, con uno specifico lessico e precise regole di fonologia e grammaticali. In conclusione, i dialetti non potrebbero sostituire l italiano, la lingua ufficiale del Bel Paese, ma dovrebbero costituire una ricchezza in più, un importante contributo all identità nazionale e una ricchezza da preservare. Se i dialetti non fossero esistiti in Italia, non ci sarebbero, per esempio, parole come panettone e risotto, derivanti dal dialetto milanese, o grissino, di origine piemontese, o mozzarella, dal napoletano.

17 SAMPLE EXAMINATION 17 ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE Question 6 (12 marks) In Italia, sempre meno persone conoscono e sanno parlare il dialetto e molti dialetti stanno morendo. Sono più importanti i dialetti o l italiano? Scrivi una ad un amico italiano/ un amica italiana dando la tua opinione. Giustifica, la tua risposta. Scrivi circa 100 parole in italiano. In Italy, fewer and fewer people know and are able to speak their own dialect and many dialects are dying. What is more important: dialect or Italian language? Write an to an Italian friend giving your opinion. Justify your answer. Write approximately 100 words in Italian. From: To: Subject: End of Section Two

18 ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE 18 Section Three: Written communication SAMPLE EXAMINATION 40% (16 Marks) This section contains two (2) questions. Answer one (1) question in Italian on the following pages in approximately 300 words. Spare pages are included at the end of this booklet. They can be used for planning your responses and/or as additional space if required to continue an answer. Planning: If you use the spare pages for planning, indicate this clearly at the top of the page. Continuing an answer: If you need to use the space to continue an answer, indicate in the original answer space where the answer is continued, i.e. give the page number. Fill in the number of the question that you are continuing to answer at the top of the page. Suggested working time: 40 minutes. Question 7 (16 marks) Scrivi un articolo per il giornalino della scuola in cui presenti gli effetti dei mezzi di comunicazione di massa sui giovani. Analizza l influenza esercitata sulle loro scelte di vita e aspirazioni future. Write an article for your school magazine in which you describe the effects of the mass media on young people s lives. Examine how life choices and future aspirations are influenced. or Question 8 (16 marks) Scrivi una lettera di presentazione che accompagni la tua domanda per partecipare ad un progetto di volontariato. Nella lettera spiega come il tuo ruolo nella comunità abbia influenzato le tue aspirazioni future e come le tue qualità personali possano contribuire a questa esperienza. Write a covering letter to accompany your application to participate in a volunteering project. In the letter, explain how your role in the community has influenced your future aspirations and how your personal qualities might contribute to your participation in the project. End See of next questions page






24 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Section Two Text 4 Bauer, S. [U.S. Department of Agriculture]. (n.d.). Fruits vegetables and nuts [Image]. Retrieved March, 2014, from flora-plants-public-domain-images-pictures/fruits-public-domain-images-pictures/ fruits-vegetables-and-nuts.jpg-copyright-friendly-image.html This document apart from any third party copyright material contained in it may be freely copied, or communicated on an intranet, for non-commercial purposes in educational institutions, provided that it is not changed and that the School Curriculum and Standards Authority is acknowledged as the copyright owner, and that the Authority s moral rights are not infringed. Copying or communication for any other purpose can be done only within the terms of the Copyright Act 1968 or with prior written permission of the School Curriculum and Standards Authority. Copying or communication of any third party copyright material can be done only within the terms of the Copyright Act 1968 or with permission of the copyright owners. Any content in this document that has been derived from the Australian Curriculum may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Australia licence. Published by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority of Western Australia 27 Walters Drive OSBORNE PARK WA 6017

Recording transcript

Recording transcript Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2015 ITALIAN Written examination Stage 3 Section One: Response Recording transcript 2016/8063 Copyright School Curriculum and Standards Authority


ITALIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE. ATAR course examination Recording transcript

ITALIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE. ATAR course examination Recording transcript ITALIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE ATAR course examination 2017 Recording transcript 2018/3584 Copyright School Curriculum and Standards Authority 2017 ITALIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE 2 RECORDING TRANSCRIPT This is the


ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE. ATAR course examination Recording transcript

ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE. ATAR course examination Recording transcript ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE ATAR course examination 2017 Recording transcript 2018/3545 Copyright School Curriculum and Standards Authority 2017 ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE 2 RECORDING TRANSCRIPT This


To be provided by the candidate Standard items: pens (blue/black preferred), pencils (including coloured), sharpener,

To be provided by the candidate Standard items: pens (blue/black preferred), pencils (including coloured), sharpener, ITALIAN Stage 3 Student Number: Time allowed for this paper Reading time before commencing work: Working time for paper: ten minutes two and a half hours Materials required/recommended for this paper To


Recording transcript

Recording transcript Western Australian Certificate of Education ATAR course examination, 2016 ITALIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE Written examination Section One Response: Listening Recording transcript 2016/66612 Copyright School Curriculum



ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE Western Australian Certificate of Education ATAR course examination, 2016 Question/Answer booklet ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE Please place your student identification label in this box Student number:


ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE. ATAR course examination Recording transcript

ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE. ATAR course examination Recording transcript ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE ATAR course examination 2018 Recording transcript 2018/63267 Copyright School Curriculum and Standards Authority 2018 ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE 2 RECORDING TRANSCRIPT This


ITALIAN. Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, Question/Answer Booklet. Stage 3

ITALIAN. Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, Question/Answer Booklet. Stage 3 Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2012 Question/Answer Booklet ITALIAN Stage 3 Please place your student identification label in this box Student Number: In figures In words Time



ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE ATAR course examination, 2018 Question/Answer booklet ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE Please place your student identification label in this box Student number: In figures In words Time allowed for this paper


ITALIAN. Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, Question/Answer Booklet. Stage 3

ITALIAN. Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, Question/Answer Booklet. Stage 3 Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2015 Question/Answer Booklet ITALIAN Stage 3 Please place your student identification label in this box Student Number: In figures In words Time


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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *4398984596* ITALIAN 0535/04 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2016 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question


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Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2010. ITALIAN Written examination Stage 3. Section One: Response. Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2010 ITALIAN Written examination Stage 3 Section One: Response Recording script 2010/34306 Copyright Curriculum Council 2010 ITALIAN STAGE 3 2 RECORDING


Recording script. ITALIAN Written examination Stage 2. Section One: Response (Listening and responding)

Recording script. ITALIAN Written examination Stage 2. Section One: Response (Listening and responding) Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2012 ITALIAN Written examination Stage 2 Section One: Response (Listening and responding) Recording script Copyright School Curriculum and Standards


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *4678530460* ITALIAN 0535/04 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2018 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question



ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE ATAR course examination, 2017 Question/Answer booklet ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE Please place your student identification label in this box Student number: In figures In words Time allowed for this paper



ITALIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE ATAR course examination, 2017 Question/Answer booklet ITALIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE Please place your student identification label in this box Student number: In figures In words Time allowed for this paper


ITALIAN. Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2014. Question/Answer Booklet. Stage 3

ITALIAN. Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2014. Question/Answer Booklet. Stage 3 Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2014 Question/Answer Booklet ITALIAN Stage 3 Please place your student identification label in this box Student Number: In figures In words Time


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Recording transcript

Recording transcript Western Australian Certificate of Education ATAR course examination, 2016 ITALIAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE Written examination Section One Response: Listening Recording transcript 2016/66607 Copyright School



ITALIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE Western Australian Certificate of Education ATAR course examination, 2016 Question/Answer booklet ITALIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE Please place your student identification label in this box Student number: In


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ITALIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE. ATAR course examination Recording transcript

ITALIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE. ATAR course examination Recording transcript ITALIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE ATAR course examination 2018 Recording transcript 2018/63271 Copyright School Curriculum and Standards Authority 2018 ITALIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE 2 RECORDING TRANSCRIPT This is the


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Recording script. ITALIAN Written examination Stage 3. Section One: Response (Listening and responding) Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2013 ITALIAN Written examination Stage 3 Section One: Response (Listening and responding) Recording script Copyright School Curriculum and Standards


STUDENT NUMBER Letter ITALIAN. Written examination. Tuesday 22 November 2011

STUDENT NUMBER Letter ITALIAN. Written examination. Tuesday 22 November 2011 2011 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Figures Words STUDENT NUMBER Letter ITALIAN Written examination Tuesday 22 November 2011 Reading time: 3.00 pm to 3.15 pm (15 minutes) Writing time: 3.15



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EXAMINER S PAPER Groups A & B HALF YEARLY EXAMINATIONS CLUSTERING FEBRUARY 2018 YEAR 10 (4 th Year) ITALIAN ORAL 6 minutes Instructions to examiners Groups A & B i) Make the candidates feel at ease. ii)remind candidates that in all


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UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject *4322043120* ITALIAN 9783/03 Paper 3 Writing and Usage May/June 2013 2 hours 15 minutes



HALF YEARLY EXAMINATIONS CLUSTERING FEBRUARY FORM 3 (1st year) ITALIAN TIME: 6 min ORAL EXAMINATION EXAMINER S PAPER (GROUPS A & B) FORM 3 (1st year) ITALIAN TIME: 6 min Instructions to Examiners ORAL EXAMINATION (GROUPS A & B) i) Make the candidates feel at ease. ii) Remind candidates that in all three parts of this oral they are


Italian Extension. Written Examination 2001 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40

Italian Extension. Written Examination 2001 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40 Centre Number Student Number 001 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Italian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes


Italian Extension. Written Examination 2002 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40

Italian Extension. Written Examination 2002 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40 Centre Number Student Number 2002 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Italian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes


UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject * 5 213374 592* ITALIAN 9783/03 Paper 3 Writing and Usage May/June 2010 2 hours 15



NATIONAL SPORT SCHOOL NATIONAL SPORT SCHOOL HALF-YEARLY EXAMINATION 2016 Level 5-6-7 FORM 2 ITALIAN TIME: 30 mins LISTENING COMPREHENSION TEST Teacher s Paper (20 punti) Comprensione del Testo Ascoltato Please first read the



FORM 3 (3rd year) ITALIAN TIME: 6 minutes ORAL EXAMINATION. EXAMINER S PAPER Groups A & B Instructions to examiners EXAMINER S PAPER Groups A & B i) Make the candidates feel at ease. ii) Remind candidates that in all three parts of this oral they are to speak naturally and show that they can






UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education FOREIGN LANGUAGE ITALIAN 0535/03 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education FOREIGN LANGUAGE ITALIAN 0535/03 Paper 3 Speaking Role Play Card One No Additional Materials


Italian Extension Written Examination

Italian Extension Written Examination Centre Number Student Number 2013 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C A T E E X A M I N A T I O N Italian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working


Italian Extension. Written Examination. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40

Italian Extension. Written Examination. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40 Centre Number Student Number 2010 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Italian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education ITALIAN 0535/03 Paper 3 Speaking Role Play Card One For Examination from 2014 SPECIMEN ROLE PLAY


EXAMINER S PAPER Groups A & B Instructions to examiners

EXAMINER S PAPER Groups A & B Instructions to examiners Form 3 (1 o anno) Italian Oral 6 minutes EXAMINER S PAPER Groups A & B Instructions to examiners i) Make the candidates feel at ease. ii) Remind candidates that in all three parts of this oral they are


MLTAQ Sunshine Coast Branch SPEECH CONTEST 2017 Year 4 Italian Speech. Il mio numero di telefono è. (single digits) (Non) Ho fratelli e sorelle.

MLTAQ Sunshine Coast Branch SPEECH CONTEST 2017 Year 4 Italian Speech. Il mio numero di telefono è. (single digits) (Non) Ho fratelli e sorelle. Year 4 Italian Speech Buongiorno Mi chiamo. Sto. Ho anni. Abito a. Il mio numero di telefono è. (single digits) (Non) Ho fratelli e sorelle. Frequento la scuola elementare di. Faccio la quarta classe.



NATIONAL SPORT SCHOOL FORM 2 ITALIAN ORAL TIME: 6 mins Teacher s Paper Instructions to examiners Groups A & B i) Make the candidates feel at ease. ii) Remind candidates that in all three parts of this oral they are to speak


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 6561/01 Edexcel GCE Italian Advanced Subsidiary/Advanced Unit 1 Listening and Writing

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 6561/01 Edexcel GCE Italian Advanced Subsidiary/Advanced Unit 1 Listening and Writing Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 6561/01 Edexcel GCE Italian Advanced Subsidiary/Advanced Unit 1 Listening and Writing Monday 4 June 2007 Afternoon Time: 1 hour Materials required for examination


How to register for exam sessions ( Appelli ) Version updated on 17/10/2018

How to register for exam sessions ( Appelli ) Version updated on 17/10/2018 How to register for exam sessions ( Appelli ) Version updated on 17/10/2018 Course catalogue and Piano Carriera (Career Plan) At the beginning of your exchange period in Torino you will need to register


Italian Extension. Written Examination 2001 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40

Italian Extension. Written Examination 2001 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40 Centre Number Student Number 2001 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Italian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes



WELCOME UNIPA REGISTRATION: WELCOME This is a Step by Step Guide that will help you to register as an Exchange for study student to the University of Palermo. Please, read carefully this guide and prepare all required data and documents.


Italian Extension. Written Examination. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40

Italian Extension. Written Examination. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40 Centre Number 2014 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Student Number Italian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 6561/01 Edexcel GCE Italian Advanced Subsidiary/Advanced Unit 1 Listening and Writing

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 6561/01 Edexcel GCE Italian Advanced Subsidiary/Advanced Unit 1 Listening and Writing Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 6561/01 Edexcel GCE Italian Advanced Subsidiary/Advanced Unit 1 Listening and Writing Monday 5 June 2006 Afternoon Time: 1 hour Materials required for examination


Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2011. ITALIAN Written examination Stage 2. Section One: Response.

Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2011. ITALIAN Written examination Stage 2. Section One: Response. Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2011 ITALIAN Written examination Stage 2 Section One: Response Recording script Copyright Curriculum Council 2011 ITALIAN STAGE 2 2 RECORDING SCRIPT



UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education FOREIGN LANGUAGE ITALIAN 0535/03 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education FOREIGN LANGUAGE ITALIAN 0535/03 Paper 3 Speaking Role Play Card One No Additional Materials


EXAMINER S PAPER GROUPS A & B. Ask the candidates to say which book they have chosen and to speak about it.

EXAMINER S PAPER GROUPS A & B. Ask the candidates to say which book they have chosen and to speak about it. YEAR 10 (2 nd yr) ITALIAN ORAL 6 minutes Instructions to examiners i) Make the candidates feel at ease. EXAMINER S PAPER GROUPS A & B ii) Remind candidates that in all three parts of this oral they are



UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI TORINO How to register online for exams (Appelli) Version updated on 18/11/2016 The academic programs and the career plan Incoming students can take exams related to the courses offered by the Department where


When you are told to do so, open your paper and write your answers in English in the spaces provided.

When you are told to do so, open your paper and write your answers in English in the spaces provided. FOR OFFICIAL USE C 900/403 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 2008 WEDNESDAY, 7 MAY.0 AM 2.0 PM Total ITALIAN STANDARD GRADE Credit Level Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre


Italian Extension. Written Examination. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40

Italian Extension. Written Examination. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40 Centre Number Student Number 2012 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Italian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes


How to register online for exams (Appelli) Version updated on 23/10/2017

How to register online for exams (Appelli) Version updated on 23/10/2017 How to register online for exams (Appelli) Version updated on 23/10/2017 The academic programs and the career plan Incoming students can take exams related to the courses offered by the Department where


National Quali cations Date of birth Scottish candidate number

National Quali cations Date of birth Scottish candidate number N5FOR OFFICIAL USE X842/75/0 National Quali cations 208 Mark Italian Reading THURSDAY, 24 MAY 9:00 AM 0:30 AM *X842750* Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s)


PROGRAMMA DIDATTICO CONSUNTIVO. CLASSE 3Ai. Docente. Disciplina. Unità di Lavoro 1: PET Preliminary English Test

PROGRAMMA DIDATTICO CONSUNTIVO. CLASSE 3Ai. Docente. Disciplina. Unità di Lavoro 1: PET Preliminary English Test Anno Scolastico 2018-19 PROGRAMMA DIDATTICO CONSUNTIVO CLASSE 3Ai Docente Fiorenza Congedo Disciplina Lingua e Cultura Inglese Unità di Lavoro 1: PET Preliminary English Test Reading Writing Listening



FOREIGN LANGUAGE ITALIAN 0535/03 CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education FOREIGN LANGUAGE ITALIAN 0535/03 Paper 3 Speaking Role Play Card One No Additional Materials are required.


UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject *2505338531* ITALIAN 9783/03 Paper 3 Writing and Usage May/June 2011 2 hours 15 minutes


UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject *2505338531* ITALIAN 9783/03 Paper 3 Writing and Usage May/June


Italian Continuers. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 6

Italian Continuers. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 6 Centre Number Student Number 2013 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C A T E E X A M I N A T I O N Italian Continuers Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 6 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes


Fiori di campo. Conoscere, riconoscere e osservare tutte le specie di fiori selvatici più note

Fiori di campo. Conoscere, riconoscere e osservare tutte le specie di fiori selvatici più note Fiori di campo. Conoscere, riconoscere e osservare tutte le specie di fiori selvatici più note M. Teresa Della Beffa Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Fiori di campo. Conoscere, riconoscere


National Quali cations

National Quali cations H 06 X74/76/ National Quali cations Italian Reading TUESDAY, 0 MAY 9:00 AM 0:40 AM Total marks 30 Attempt ALL questions. Write your answers clearly, in English, in the Reading answer booklet provided.


Customer Centric/Inquiry/E-bill. Tanya Enzminger

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Italian Continuers 2012 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I. Pages 2 4

Italian Continuers 2012 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I. Pages 2 4 Centre Number Student Number 2012 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Italian Continuers Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 4 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 50 minutes


Italian Continuers. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 6

Italian Continuers. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 6 Centre Number 2016 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Student Number Italian Continuers Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 6 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 50 minutes


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Pre-U Certificate

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Pre-U Certificate Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Pre-U Certificate ITALIAN (PRINCIPAL) 9783/01 Paper 1 Speaking Card 1 May/June 2015 *4287686475* Additional Materials: READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Blank



REGISTRATION. Area Ricerca REGISTRATION Note: former students can skip the registration process and log in using their account (id123456) 1.1 HOW TO REGISTER: please, go to web page and select the item


Italian Extension. Written Examination. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40

Italian Extension. Written Examination. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40 Centre Number Student Number 2009 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Italian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes


Recording script. ITALIAN Written examination Stage 2. Section One: Response (Listening and responding)

Recording script. ITALIAN Written examination Stage 2. Section One: Response (Listening and responding) Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2013 ITALIAN Written examination Stage 2 Section One: Response (Listening and responding) Recording script Copyright School Curriculum and Standards


AP Italian Language and Culture

AP Italian Language and Culture 2018 AP Italian Language and Culture Audio Scripts College Board, Advanced Placement Program, AP, AP Central, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board. AP Central is the official


ITALIAN. Written examination. Thursday 18 November 2004

ITALIAN. Written examination. Thursday 18 November 2004 Victorian Certificate of Education 2004 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE ITALIAN Written examination Thursday 18 November 2004 Reading time: 9.00 am to 9.10 am (10 minutes) Writing time: 9.10


UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject *4627338292* ITALIAN 9783/03 Paper 3 Writing and Usage May/June 2012 2 hours 15 minutes


STUDENT NUMBER Letter ITALIAN. Written examination. Tuesday 15 November 2005

STUDENT NUMBER Letter ITALIAN. Written examination. Tuesday 15 November 2005 Victorian Certificate of Education 2005 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Figures Words STUDENT NUMBER Letter ITALIAN Written examination Tuesday 15 November 2005 Reading time: 3.00 pm to 3.15


Italian 2019 v1.3. Unit 1 sample assessment instrument. Examination short response. February Assessment objectives

Italian 2019 v1.3. Unit 1 sample assessment instrument. Examination short response. February Assessment objectives Examination short response This sample has been compiled by the QCAA to assist and support teachers in planning and developing assessment instruments for individual school settings. Schools develop internal


Italian Continuers 2011 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 4

Italian Continuers 2011 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 4 Centre Number Student Number 2011 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Italian Continuers Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 4 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 50 minutes


STUDENT NUMBER Letter ITALIAN. Written examination. Tuesday 20 November 2007

STUDENT NUMBER Letter ITALIAN. Written examination. Tuesday 20 November 2007 Victorian CertiÞcate of Education 2007 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Figures Words STUDENT NUMBER Letter ITALIAN Written examination Tuesday 20 November 2007 Reading time: 3.00 pm to 3.15


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 6565/01 Edexcel GCE Italian Advanced Unit 5 Paper 1: Topics and Texts. Monday 18 June 2007 Afternoon Time: 2 hours

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 6565/01 Edexcel GCE Italian Advanced Unit 5 Paper 1: Topics and Texts. Monday 18 June 2007 Afternoon Time: 2 hours Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 6 5 6 5 0 1 Paper Reference(s) 6565/01 Edexcel GCE Italian Advanced Unit 5 Paper 1: Topics and Texts Monday 18 June 2007 Afternoon Time: 2 hours Materials required


ITALIAN. Written examination. Day Date Reading time: *.** to *.** (15 minutes) Writing time: *.** to *.** (2 hours) QUESTION AND ANSWER BOOK

ITALIAN. Written examination. Day Date Reading time: *.** to *.** (15 minutes) Writing time: *.** to *.** (2 hours) QUESTION AND ANSWER BOOK Victorian Certificate of Education 2005 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Section ITALIAN Written examination Day Date 2005 Reading time: *.** to *.** (15 minutes) Writing time: *.** to *.** (2


Recording transcript

Recording transcript Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2014 ITALIAN Written examination Stage 3 Section One: Response Recording transcript Copyright School Curriculum and Standards Authority 2014 ITALIAN


Letter STUDENT NUMBER. Written examination. Wednesday 22 November 2017

Letter STUDENT NUMBER. Written examination. Wednesday 22 November 2017 Victorian Certificate of Education 2017 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Letter STUDENT NUMBER Italian Written examination Wednesday 22 November 2017 Reading time: 3.00 pm to 3.15 pm (15 minutes)





Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Pre-U Certificate

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Pre-U Certificate Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Pre-U Certificate *0281189111* ITALIAN (PRINCIPAL) 9783/03 Paper 3 Writing and Usage May/June 2018 2 hours 15 minutes Candidates answer on the Question Paper.


WELCOME. Go to the link of the official University of Palermo web site; Click on the box on the right side Login unico

WELCOME. Go to the link of the official University of Palermo web site; Click on the box on the right side Login unico WELCOME This is a Step by Step Guide that will help you to register as an Exchange for study student to the University of Palermo. Please, read carefully this guide and prepare all required data and documents.


Introduction to Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) & First / First for Schools (FCE)

Introduction to Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) & First / First for Schools (FCE) Introduction to Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) & First / First for Schools (FCE) Cambridge ESOL Levels Council of Europe Levels Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE) Mastery C2 Cambridge English:


Total marks 40. Section I Pages Attempt Question 1 Part B 10 marks Attempt Question 2 OR Novel Jack Frusciante è uscito dal gruppo (Pages 11 15)

Total marks 40. Section I Pages Attempt Question 1 Part B 10 marks Attempt Question 2 OR Novel Jack Frusciante è uscito dal gruppo (Pages 11 15) Centre Number Student Number 2007 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Italian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 Section I Pages 2 15 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time


Italian Beginners. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 6

Italian Beginners. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 80. Section I Pages 2 6 Centre Number 016 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Student Number Italian Beginners Total marks 80 Section I Pages 6 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time hours and 30 minutes
