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RENDICONTI Online. della. Volume 31, Supplemento n. 1 - Settembre The Future of the Italian Geosciences - The Italian Geosciences of the Future

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RENDICONTI Online della Società Geologica Italiana

RENDICONTI Online della Società Geologica Italiana

RENDICONTI Online della Società Geologica Italiana

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doi: 10.3301/ROL.2014.140 ISSN 2035-8008 RENDICONTI Online della Società Geologica Italiana Volume 31, Supplemento n. 1 - Settembre 2014 The Future of the Italian Geosciences - The Italian Geosciences of the Future 87 Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana e 90 Congresso della Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia Abstract Book Milan, Italy, September 10-12, 2014 edited by: B. Cesare, E. Erba, B. Carmina, L. Fascio, F.M. Petti, A. Zuccari. ROMA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA 2014

RENDICONTI Online della Società Geologica Italiana, è un periodico quadrimestrale della Società Geologica Italiana. Esce nei mesi di Dicembre, Aprile ed Agosto. The RENDICONTI Online della Società Geologica Italiana is a journal of the Italian Geological Society. It is published every four months in December, April and August. Direttore responsabile e Redattore (Editor-in-Chief): Domenico CALCATERRA (Napoli). Responsabili editoriali (Editorial Managers): Alessandro ZUCCARI (SGI - Roma), Fabio Massimo PETTI (SGI - Roma). Comitato di redazione (Associate Editors): Alessandra ASCIONE (Napoli), Domenico COSENTINO (Roma TRE - Roma), Corrado CENCETTI (Perugia), Gianfranco CIANCETTI (Pavia), Massimo CIVITA (Torino), Piero FARABOLLINI (Camerino), Fabrizio GALLUZZO (ISPRA - Roma), Massimo MATTEI (Roma TRE - Roma), Carmelo MONACO (Catania), Paolo MOZZI (Padova), Mariano PARENTE (Napoli), Dario SLEJKO (OGS - Trieste), Iole SPALLA (Milano). La SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA fu fondata il 29 settembre 1881, eretta ad Ente Morale con Regio Decreto del 17 Ottobre 1885. La Segreteria è ospitata dal Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra della Sapienza, Università di Roma, Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5-00185 Roma, Italy. The SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA was founded in Bologna on September 29th, 1881. It was recognized as non-profit corporation with the Royal Decree of October 17th, 1885. The secretary office is hosted by the Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra of the Sapienza University, Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5-00185 Roma, Italy. Contatti (Contacts): Tel. +39-06-4959-390; Fax +39-06-4991-4154; e-mail: Sito web (Society Web Site): Codice Fiscale (Income Tax Number): 80258790585; Conto corrente postale (Postal giro account): 350009. CONSIGLIO DIRETTIVO 2014 (Council Members for 2014): Carlo DOGLIONI - President, Alessandro ZUCCARI - General Secretary, Marco PETITTA - Treasurer, Elisabetta ERBA, Domenico CALCATERRA (EiC of the ROL), Piero CASERO, Paolo CONTI, Domenico COSENTINO, Stefano DALLA, David GOVONI, Carmelo MONACO, Fabio Massimo PETTI, Sandro CONTICELLI (EiC of the IJG - BSGI). REVISORI DEI CONTI 2014 (Financial Auditors 2014): Luca ALDEGA, Eugenio CARMINATI, Fabio TRIPPETTA SEZIONI DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA (Italian Geological Society Sections): Marine Geology: Francesco CHIOCCI - Chair Planetary Geology: Gian Gabriele ORI - Chair Hydrogeology: Giovanni BARROCU - Chair Carbonate Geology: Gloria CIARAPICA, Antonio PRATURLON - Chairs Geo-informatics: Chiara D AMBROGI - Chair Structural Geology: Giovanni CAPPONI - Chair Young Geologists: Ester TIGANO - Chair Environmental Geology: Leo ADAMOLI - Chair Himalayan Geology: Rodolfo CAROSI - Chair GeoSed: Simonetta CIRILLI - Chair History of Geosciences: Alessio ARGENTIERI, Marco PANTALONI - Chairs Geoethics and Geological Culture: Silvia PEPPOLONI - Chair La Società Geologica Italiana è affiliata alla European Geosciences Union (EGU). The Società Geologica Italiana is affiliated to the European Geosciences Union (EGU). QUOTA ASSOCIATIVA 2014 (Association Fees 2014): socio sostenitore (supporter fellow) 100, socio ordinario (ordinary fellow) 93; socio senior (senior fellow) 68, socio junior (junior fellow) 68; studente (student) 36; Istituzioni (Institutions) 300. Iscrizione alla pagina (Subscription at): or at La Società Geologica Italiana detiene il copyright degli articoli, dei dati, delle figure e di tutto il materiale pubblicato. Papers, data, figures, maps and any other material published are covered by the copyright own by the Società Geologica Italiana. DISCLAIMER: The Società Geologica Italiana, the Editors (Chief, Associates), and the Publisher are not responsible for the ideas, opinions, and contents of the papers published; the authors of each paper are responsible for the ideas, opinions and contents published. La Società Geologica Italiana, i curatori scientifici (Chief, Associates), e la Casa Editrice non sono responsabili delle opinioni espresse e delle affermazioni pubblicate negli articoli: l autore/i è/sono il/i solo/i responsabile/i.

ISSN 2035-8008 RENDICONTI Online della Società Geologica Italiana Volume 31, Supplemento n. 1 - Settembre 2014 The Future of the Italian Geosciences - The Italian Geosciences of the Future 87 Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana e 90 Congresso della Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia Abstract Book Milan, Italy, September 10-12, 2014 edited by: B. Cesare, E. Erba, B. Carmina, L. Fascio, F.M. Petti, A. Zuccari. A cura di: Domenico Calcaterra & Silvia Fabbrocino ROMA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA 2014

The Future of the Italian Geosciences - The Italian Geosciences of the Future 87 Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana e 90 Congresso della Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia Milan, Italy. September 10-12, 2014 Comitato Scientifico E. Erba, B. Cesare, G.P. Beretta, L. Bindi, G. Crosta, G. Della Porta, D. Gatta, R. Moretti, V. Pascucci, A. Pavese, I. Spalla, A. Zanchi. Comitato Organizzatore L. Angiolini, F. Berra, B. Carmina, P. Fumagalli, L. Fascio, M. Lustrino, S. Nazzareni, M. Petitta, F.M. Petti, A. Zuccari, M. Zucali, A. Zerboni. Comitato Corsi, Workshop, Escursioni R. Braga, G. Gosso, F. Jadoul, M. Masetti, M.R. Petrizzo, P. Tartarotti. Editori B. Cesare, E. Erba, B. Carmina, L. Fascio, F.M. Petti, A. Zuccari. Platinum Sponsor:

SOMMARIO Plenary lectures... 1 Sessione S1. Holes in the Bottom of the Sea: discoveries and challenges in marine geology... 9 Sessione S2. Geological timescales... 30 Sessione S3. Geological causes and consequences of Life evolution on Earth: the paleontological record of igneous/tectonic events... 50 Sessione S4. Geoscience frontiers: the role of Polar Regions in Global change... 64 Sessione S5. Sessione S6. Climate change and the Earth System: understanding the past, analyzing the present and predicting future scenarios... 80 Understanding carbonate sedimentary systems and diagenesis: new concepts and innovative approaches... 123 Sessione S7. Evaporite basins: facies, diagenesis and sequences... 144 Sessione S8. Stratigraphic architecture and sedimentary basin evolution: controlling factors and implications for geo-resources exploration and exploitation... 152 Sessione S9. Coastal environments: stratigraphy, resources and human impact... 181 Sessione S10. Geomaterials and their likes: from Nature to technology and manufacturing... 194 Sessione S11. Archaeometry and Cultural Heritage: the contribution of Geosciences... 237 Sessione S12. Sessione S13. Sessione S14. Looking inside the planet Earth: Experimental and Computational Methods in Mineralogy and Geochemistry... 281 New Minerals: The role played by the Italian Community - A tribute to Carlo Maria Gramaccioli... 302 Human activities and natural environment: News from Environmental Mineralogy and Geochemistry... 317 Sessione S15. Gemstones: from Nature to marketing... 336 Sessione S16. Rock-forming minerals and their bearing to petrogenetic processes... 355 Sessione S17. The oceanic lithosphere: formation, evolution and fate... 378 Sessione S18. The geological cycle of C and Earth degassing: what do we (really) know?... 402 Sessione S19. Fluids in the Earth s crust and Mantle... 418 Sessione S20. Magmatism and Geodynamics of the Mediterranean area... 433 Sessione S21. Sessione S22. Sessione S23. Sessione S24. The role of metamorphic petrology in understanding Earth evolution, mass transfer and orogenic processes. A tribute to Bruno Lombardo... 454 Volcano laboratories: where geology, geophysics and geochemistry gather together... 487 Tracing isotopes for tracking processes: advances in radiogenic and stable isotope geochemistry... 503 Geological risks and geomorphic processes in the Mediterranean area... 517

Sessione S25. Sessione S26. Sessione S27. Characterization, modeling and remediation of groundwater resources and contaminated sites... 540 Energy and earth resources: geology between renewable, sustainable and conventional energy sources... 567 Microstructures: characterization, interpretation and modeling as a key to deformation and reaction mechanisms, and technological processes... 583 Sessione S28. Active tectonics and seismic potential of the Mediterranean region... 594 Sessione S29. Sessione S30. Sessione S31. Sessione S32. Sessione S33. Sessione S34. Fault Zones: geometry, architecture, composition, fluid-rock interactions, and their seismic vs. aseismic behavior... 632 Field mapping, remote sensing and geomatics: modern tools for the construction and quantitative analysis of geological model in Italy and the Mediterranean region... 650 Geodynamics of the Alpine orogenic systems: from surface processes to deep dynamics... 676 Geodynamic modeling at different structural levels: comparison between natural data and model predictions... 691 Planetary Geology: frontiers of geological exploration, modeling and understanding... 707 Structural geology studies in extensional and compressional plate tectonic settings: petroleum geology implications... 736 Sessione S35. Poster - Open Session... 751 Sessione S36. Poster - Geoscience outreach: a challenge to be faced... 781 Sessione S37. Poster - Le geoscienze a scuola... 798 Addendum... 817 In coda al volume elenco alfabetico dei riassunti per sessione ed elenco degli autori Società Geologica Italiana, Roma 2014

Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., Suppl. n. 1 al Vol. 31 (2014) CONGRESSO SGI-SIMP 2014 Società Geologica Italiana, Roma 2014 Paleogene to Quaternary evolution of central Po basin: coupling sedimentation and tectonic control D Ambrogi C.* 1 & the Italian GeoMol Team [Cagnoni A. 2, Ferri F. 1, Maesano F.E. 3, Molinari F.C. 4, Monesi E. 5, Piccin A. 2, Scardia G. 5-7, Torri G. 6 ] 1. Servizio Geologico d'italia - ISPRA, Roma. 2. Regione Lombardia, Milano. 3. coll. est. Servizio Geologico d'italia - ISPRA, Roma. 4. Servizio Geologico, Sismico e dei Suoli - Regione Emilia Romagna, Bologna. 5. CNR IGAG, Roma. 6. coll. est. Servizio Geologico, Sismico e dei Suoli - Regione Emilia Romagna, Bologna. 7. Instituto Oceanográfico, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Corresponding email: Keywords: Po basin, 3D modeling, tectonic control, geopotentials. A new seismic interpretation, performed in the framework of the EU funded GeoMol Project, allows to detail the evolution of a wide area (3,800 km 2 ) in the central part of the Po basin. The area runs along a NW-SE direction from Brescia to Mirandola, enclosing the Southern Alps thrust front, which evolves in the Lake Garda area from a E-W strike to the NNE-trending Giudicarie belt, and the external front of the Northern Apennines, the Ferrara arc. Between the two thrust fronts is the south-dipping Mantova Monocline. The variability of the stratigraphic units, in terms of environment facies and thickness, is known, but the impressive dense seismic dataset (12,000 km, kindly provided by ENI S.p.A) analyzed for the GeoMol Project enables, through a 3D model and derived elaborations (restoration and thickness maps), to describe the steps of the sedimentary evolution and to detect the role of the tectonic structures on the basin architecture during the Paleogene-Quaternary time interval. We recognized and modeled 10 main seismic horizons younger than the top Scaglia (late Cretaceous-Paleogene) and the main thrust systems. Chronological data from recent literature are used to better constrain the age of the younger five horizons, Pleistocene in age. The core of our basin analysis is a 3D model time-depth converted and constrained using 136 well stratigraphies. The thickness maps derived from the 3D model describe the basin configuration as foreland of the Alps and then of the Apennines, and more in detail the changes in the architecture of the Apennine foredeep, where local depocentres have been detected. These depocentres are controlled by thrust activity up to the Pleistocene, which influenced the sedimentation history of the whole basin from the marine to continental environment. Due to the large number of geometrical and chronological constraints, the thrust activity is particularly well documented during the Pleistocene. The resulting effects do not only exercises a control on the morphology of the basin, but also affect the drainage pattern of the Po River and its tributaries during the shelf progradation. The result is a detailed 3D imagery of the central portion of the Po basin that points out the tectonic control on the different steps of the basin evolution. Moreover the 3D model will be the base for the assessment of the geothermal potential in the area, according to the common modeling and potential assessment workflows defined with the European partners and applied in the other pilot areas of the GeoMol Project. The project GeoMol is co-funded by the Alpine Space Program as part of the European Territorial Cooperation 2007-2013. The project integrates partners from Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia and Switzerland and runs from September 2012 to June 2015. Further information on 158