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LISTE DAL CATALOGO DI BIBLIOTECA luglio 2015 SUBJECT LISTS FROM LIBRARY CATALOGUE July 2015 Adil Zulfikarpasic : eine politische Biographie aus dem heutigen Bosnien / Milovan Dilas, Nadezda Gace ; ins Deutsche übersetzt und eingeleitet von Jens Reuter. - München : Oldenbourg, 1996. - ix, 236p. - (Untersuchungen zur Gegenwartskunde Südosteuropas ; 33). - ISBN 3-486-56252-5 O 1908 Afghanistan and post-soviet Central Asia: prospects for political evolution and the role of / a special report of the study group on the prospects for conflict and opportunities for peacemaking in the Southern tier of former Soviet republics. - Washington, D.C. : United States Institute of Peace, 1992. - 42p. Sulla cop.: Special Middle East Program in Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution CO 1212 Afghanistan in transition: the security context post-bin Laden / by Alessandro Marrone. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 2011. - 15 p. - (Iai working papers ; 1113). - ISBN 978-88-98042-18-0 Paper prepared for the Istituto affari internazionali (IAI), June 2011. This paper largely draws on field work, including interviews and meetings, carried out by the author in Afghanistan between March and April 2011 in the framework of the Transatlantic Opinion Leaders Tour Afghanistan organized by NATO Testo online: IAIWP 2011 AFRICOM's dilemma: the "global war on terrorism", "capacity building", humanitarianism, and the future of U.S. security policy in Africa / Robert G. Berschinski. - Carlisle Barracks : U.S. Army War College. Strategic Studies Institute, 2007. - vi, 71 p. - ISBN 1-58487-328-0 Testo online: DO 1682 Afrique / Centre d'analyse et de prévision du Ministère des Affaires étrangères. - [Paris : Ministère des Affaires étrangères], 2011. - 242 p. - (Les carnets du CAPS ; 15) Dossier dirigé par Laurent d'ersu. - Sul front.: Direction de la prospective du Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes O 2599 L'Afrique du nord : développement contemporain. - Moscow : Sciences sociales aujourd'hui, 1988. - 159 p. - (Afrique : recherches des savants soviétiques ; 9). - ISBN 5-02-022327-I In testa al front.: Académie des Sciences de l'u.r.s.s. Institut de l'afrique PM 637 After September 11th. Governing stability across the Mediterranean Sea: a Transatlantic perspective / a conference report by Maria Cristina Paciello. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 2002. - 23 p. - (Documenti Iai ; 0214) Sul front.: Report of the conference on "Governing stability across the Mediterranean Sea: a Transatlantic perspective", Rome, 21-23 March 2002. - Pubbl. in appendice a: Roberto Aliboni [et al.], North-South relations across the Mediterranean after September 11. Challenges and cooperative approaches, Roma, Istituto affari internazionali, March 2003 (IAI Quaderni. English series ; 3), p. 67-87 IAI 2002 Al Qaeda in the ic Maghreb (AQIM): implications for Algeria's regional and international relations / by Dario Cristiani and Riccardo Fabiani. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 2011. - 14 p. - (Iai working papers ; 1107). - ISBN 978-88-98042-06-7 Paper prepared for the Istituto affari internazionali (IAI), April 2011 Testo online: IAIWP 2011 Algeria : the next fundamentalist state? / Graham E. Fuller. - Santa Monica : RAND, 1996. - xxiii, 124p. - ISBN 0-8330-2387-X Sul. front.: Arroyo Center; Prepared for the United States Army PM 907 Algeria: adversaires in search of uncertain compromises / Rémy Leveau. - Paris : Western European Union. Institute for security studies, 1992. - v, 29 p. - (Chaillot paper ; 4) 1

Testo online: UEO 4 Algeria: dieci anni di guerra civile? / a cura di Andrea Bianchi. - Roma : Centro militare di studi strategici. Osservatorio strategico, 2002. - 66p. - (Obiettivo ; 2002/11) CO 2321 Algeria in ostaggio : tra esercito e fondamentalismo, storia di una pace difficile / Marco Impagliazzo, Mario Giro. - Milano : Guerini e associati, 1997. - 274p. - (Frontiere ; 8). - ISBN 88-7802-748-0 PM 975 The Algerian crisis : origins, evolution and lessons for the Maghreb and Europe / Shireen T. Hunter. - Brussels : Centre for European Policy Studies, c1996. - i, 104p. - (CEPS papers ; 66). - ISBN 92-9079-201-9 CEPS 56 Algérie : la guerre des ombres / Youcef Zirem. - Bruxelles : Groupe de recherche et d'information sur la paix et la sécurité ; Paris : Complexe, 2002. - 123p. - (Les livres du GRIP ; 263). - ISBN 2-87027-931-0 PM 1162 L'Algérie par ses islamistes / M. al-ahnaf, B. Botiveau, F. Frégosi. - Paris : Karthala, c1991. - 328 p. - (Les Afriques). - ISBN 2-86537-318-5 PM 738 All'ombra della Mezzaluna : dopo Saddam, dopo Arafat, dopo la guerra / Giuseppe Romeo. - Bari : Dedalo, c2005. - 325 p. - (Strumenti/Scenari ; 50). - ISBN 88-220-6077-6 Bibliografia: p. 299-311 PM 1245 L'alleanza inevitabile : Europa e Stati uniti oltre l'iraq / Vittorio Emanuele Parsi. - Milano : Egea, 2003. - xvii, 196 p. - ISBN 88-8350-051-2 O 2249 L'altro: immagine e realtà : incontro con la sociologia dei paesi arabi : Milano, 18-19 novembre 1994 / Università degli Studi, Milano. Dipartimento di Sociologia. - [ S.l. : s.n., 1994]. - 1 cartella (10 fasc.) Convegni L'altro nella cultura araba / al-tahir Labib, Hilmi Sha rawi, Hasan Hanafi ; presentazione di Francesca Maria Corrao ; cura di Samuela Pagani. - Messina : Mesogea, 2006. - 271 p. - (La piccola ; 42). - ISBN 88-469-2058-9 ; 978-88-469-2058-4 Atti del convegno organizzato dall'associazione araba per le scienze sociali e dall'organizzazione educativa, culturale e scientifica della Lega araba (Alecso) Ed. orig.: Surat al-akhar : al-'arabi naziran wa-manzuran ilayhi / tahrir al-tahir Labib, Bayrut, Markaz Dirasat al-wahda al-'arabiyya, 1999 Contiene: Presentazione, di Francesca Maria Corrao; L'altro nella cultura araba, al-tahir Labib; L'immagine dell'africano nella cultura araba, Hilmi Sha rawi; Gli arabi nello specchio dell'occidente: la Descrizione di Parigi di Rifa a Rafi al-tahtawi, Hasan Hanafi PM 1311 American : the struggle for the soul of a religion / Paul M. Barrett. - New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, c2007. - 304 p. - ISBN 0-374-10423-9 ; 978-0-374-10423-8 Sul verso del front.: Some of the material in this book first appeared in slightly different form in The Wall Street Journal O 2344 Another empire? : a decade of Turkey's foreign policy under the Justice and Development Party / edited by Kerem Öktem, Ayse Kadioglu, Mehmet Karli. - Istanbul : Istanbul Bilgi University Press, 2012. - xxiii, 309 p. - (Political science ; 43). - ISBN 978-605-399-236-3 Sul verso del front.: This is a publication of South East European Studies at Oxford (SEESOX), St Antony's College, University of Oxford Contiene: The editors and the authors; Acknowledgements; Preface: A proactive policy with many hunches on the back / Baskin Oran; Introduction / Kerem Öktem and Ayse Kadioglu. -- Pt. I. Turkey's Transformations: New Classes and Identities, New Actors and Networks : 1. Proactivism in Turkish foreign policy: the global-local nexus / Fuat Keyman; 2. Limits of conservative change: Reform choreography of the Justice and Development Party / Ayse Kadioglu; 3. 'Democratic Depth': the missing ingredient in Turkey's domestic/foreign policy nexus? / Nora Fisher Onar; 4. Projecting power: non-conventional policy actors in Turkey's international relations / Kerem Öktem; 5. Discourse vs. Figures: a reality check for Turkey's economic depth / Mehmet Karli. -- Pt. II. The Western Alliance and Turkey's Southeast European Neighbourhood : 6. The United States and Turkey in a changing world / Joshua W. Walker; 7. What went wrong in the Turkey-EU relationship? / Nilgün Arisan Eralp and Atila Eralp; 8. Turkey's assertive presence in Southeast Europe: Between identity politics and elite 2

pragmatism / Othon Anastasakis; 9. A very long engagement: Turkey in the Balkans / Dimitar Bechev. -- Pt. III. The Eastern Neighbourhood : 10. Arab perceptions of contemporary Turkish foreign policy: cautious engagement and the question of independence / Reem Abou-El Fadl; 11. Turkey's Iranian conundrum: a delicate balancing act / Karabekir Akkoyunlu; 12. The litmus test for Turkey's new foreign policy: the historical rapprochement with Armenia / Aybars Görgülü. -- Epilogue / Kalypso A. Nicolaïdis; Index PM 1592 Arab and regional politics in the Middle East / P.J. Vatikiotis. - London : Croom Helm, 1984. - 267p. - ISBN 070992609X PM 513 Arab migrants and Muslims in Europe : issues and prospects : proceedings of the Euro-Arab dialogue 5. : Amman, 1-2 September 1993 / Arab Thought Forum. - Amman : Arab Thought Forum, 1994. - 159p. PM 759 Arab political currents and the pattern of Arab-European cultural interaction / by Paul Salem. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 1994. - 44p. - (Documenti Iai ; 9419) Sul front.: Paper presented at the conference "Global interdependence and the future of the Middle East", Rome, November 7-8, 1994. - Pubbl. in: The Middle East in global change : the politics and economics of interdependence versus fragmentation / edited by Laura Guazzone, London, Macmillan, 1997, p.23-42 IAI 1994 Arab regimes and democratization: responses to the challenge of political / by Michael C. Hudson. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 1993. - 34p. - (Documenti Iai ; 9347) Sul front.: Paper presented at the conference "The political role of the ist movements in the contemporary Arab world: national, regional and international dimensions", Bologna 26-27 November 1993. - Pubbl. in: The International Spectator, Vol. 29., No. 4 (October- December 1994), p. 3-27. - Pubbl. in: The ist dilemma : the political role of ist movements in the contemporary Arab world / edited by Laura Guazzone, Reading, Ithaca Press, 1995, p.217-245. - Pubbl. in: Il dilemma dell' : politica e movimenti islamisti nel mondo arabo contemporaneo / a cura di Laura Guazzone, Milano, F. Angeli, c1995, p.74-102 IAI 1993 Arab society in revolt : the West's Mediterranean challenge / Cesare Merlini, Olivier Roy, editors. - Washington : Brookings Institution Press, c2012. - xii, 268 p. - ISBN 978-0-8157-2396-7 Output of the project on The Mediterranean Microcosm in the Broader Relationship Between the West and the Arab-Muslim World conducted by IAI in cooperation with the Center for the US and Europe (CUSE) of the Brookings Institution, in Washington and the Robert Schuman Centre (RSC) of the European University Institute (EUI), in Florence. - Presented at a conference organized by IAI, Rome, 6 September 2012 Contiene: Foreword, Strobe Talbott, p. vii-ix; Acknowledgments, p. xi-xii; Introduction, Cesare Merlini and Olivier Roy, p. 1-13. -- Pt. I. Societal Change in the Arab Muslim World : 1. Demography, Migration, and Revolt in the Southern Mediterranean, Philippe Fargues, p. 17-46; 2. ic Revival and Democracy: The Case in Tunisia and Egypt, Olivier Roy, p. 47-52; 3. The Changing Role of Women in Society, Maria Cristina Paciello and Renata Pepicelli, p. 53-75; 4. Mediterranean ic Expression and Web 2.0, Gary R. Bunt, p. 76-95; 5. Modern Commercial and Social Entrepreneurship as a Factor of Change, Gonzalo Escribano and Alejandro Lorca, p. 96-121; 6. The Economics of Arab Transitions, Caroline Freund and Carlos A. Primo Braga, p. 122-143. -- Pt. II. Consequences and Policy Options : 7. Midwife or Spectator? U.S. Policies toward North Africa in the Twenty-First Century, Jonathan Laurence, p. 147-168; 8. The Power of False Analogies: Misunderstanding Political in a Post-Totalitarian World, Alan Wolfe, p. 169-183; 9. Societal Change and Political Responses in Euro- Mediterranean Relations, Roberto Aliboni, p. 184-213, 10. The West and the ist Challenge: Toward a Common Religious Market?, Olivier Roy, p. 214-226; 11. The Challenge of a Changing Arab in Future Transatlantic Relations, Cesare Merlini, p. 227-252. -- Contributors, p. 253-257; Index, p. 259-268 IAI/F 142 Arabia of the Wahhabis / John Philby. - New York : Arno Press, 1973. - xiv, 422p. - (The Middle East collection). - ISBN 040505355X Reprint of the 1928 ed. published by Constable, London PM 372 Arabia saudita cent'anni : cooperazione, sicurezza, identità / a cura di Roberto Aliboni e Daniela Pioppi. - Milano : F. Angeli, c2000. - 251 p. - (Lo spettatore internazionale [n.s.] ; 18). - ISBN 88-464-1929-4 Atti del convegno "Italian-Saudi relations: development, cooperation and common concerns, Europe and the Middle East", tenutosi a Roma, 3-5 marzo 1999 Contiene: Prefazione; Indirizzo d'apertura dell'ambasciatore dell'arabia Saudita in Italia / Muhammad ibn Nawaf ibn Abd al-aziz al-sa'ud; Indirizzo di saluto del Ministro degli Esteri d'italia / Lamberto Dini. -- Pt I. Le relazioni fra l'arabia Saudita, l'europa e l'italia : 1. Le relazioni tra l'arabia Saudita e l'europa / Gerd Nonneman; 2: I rapporti fra Italia e Arabia Saudita / Pier Giovanni Donini; 3. Italia e Arabia Saudita dopo il secondo conflitto mondiale / Vincenzo Strika. -- Pt. II. Arabia Saudita: società, istituzioni e religione : 4. Lo sviluppo sociale e politico dell'arabia Saudita / Abd Allah M. al-fawzan; 5. e società in Arabia Saudita / Abd Allah H.M al-khalifa; 6. I diritti dell'uomo nell' / Ahmad ibn Sayf al-din; 7. e diritti umani: un punto di vista occidentale / Edward Mortimer. -- Pt. III. Il Golfo: sicurezza e approvvigionamenti : 8. La sicurezza nel Golfo e la politica saudita / Uthman Y. al-rawaf; 9. Gli Usa, l'europa e la sicurezza del Golfo / F. Stephen Larrabee; 10. Asia e sicurezza nel Golfo / Friedemann Müller; 11. Il petrolio dal Golfo: una prospettiva giapponese / Naofumi 3

Hashimoto. -- Pt. IV., Occidente, Gerusalemme : 12. L', l'occidente e il ruolo dell'arabia Saudita / Abd al-a ziz I. al-swayl; 13. e Occidente: confronto o scontro? / Vincenzo Strika; 14. Arabia Saudita e Santa Sede sulla questione di Gerusalemme / Adil al-abd al- Karim; 15. Gerusalemme / Rodolfo Ragionieri. -- Pt. V. Commercio, investimenti, petrolio : 16. I rapporti commerciali fra Arabia Saudita e Unione Europea / Abd al-rahman al-a'ali; 17. UE e Ccg: una prospettiva europea / Bichara Khader; 18. UE e Ccg: una prospettiva saudita / Salih A. al-mani; 19. Il futuro del mercato internazionale del petrolio e il ruolo dell'arabia Saudita / Majid A. al-munif; 20. Il petrolio saudita: una risorsa di crescente importanza / Giacomo Luciani17. UE e Ccg: una prospettiva europea / Bichara Khader; 18. UE e Ccg: una prospettiva saudita / Salih A. al-mani; 19. Il futuro del mercato internazionale del petrolio e il ruolo dell'arabia Saudita / Majid A. al-munif; 20. Il petrolio saudita: una risorsa di crescente importanza / Giacomo Luciani IAI/C 71 Arabie Saoudite, Afrique: éléments pour une analyse de la politique extérieure d'un panislamisme conservateur / par René Otayek. - Talence : Centre d'étude d'afrique noire, 1983. - 26p. - (Travaux et documents / Centre d'étude d'afrique noire ; 5) Bibliografia: p. 23-26 CEAN 2 The Arabs and the West : towards a constructive dialogue / Abdel Alim Mohamed. - Cairo : Al- Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies, 1995. - 38p. - (Kurasat istratijya ; 36). - ISBN 977-13-0161-6 ACPSS 12 L'arco della crisi / a cura di Fabio Tana. - Milano : Istituto per gli studi di politica internazionale, 1981. - 102 p. - (Quaderni di "Relazioni internazionali" ; 5) Suppl. a: Relazioni internazionali, 23 (6 giugno 1981) CO 1128 Arms and security in the Mediterranean region: redefining threats and options / by Jed C. Snyder. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 1994. - 35p. - (Documenti Iai ; 9413) Sul front.: Paper presented at the International conference on " Security challenges in the Mediterranean region", Rome, 23-24 September 1994 [organized by the Istituto affari internazionali and NATO Office for Information and Press]. - Pubbl. in: Security challenges in the Mediterranean region / edited by Roberto Aliboni, George Joffé, Tim Niblock, London, Frank Cass, c1996, p.161-185 IAI 1994 Aspettando Saddam / LiMes. - Roma : Gruppo editoriale L'Espresso, 2002. - 191p. - (I quaderni speciali di Limes ; 2002) Suppl. a: Limes, n. 3/2002 PM 1148 Attributional tendencies in the Muslim world after the Gulf war / Daniel Heradstveit. - Oslo : NUPI, 1992. - 24p. - (NUPI notat ; 459) Sulla cop.: April 1992 : paper to be delivered at the colloquium on " The semiotics of political transition" at Vista University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 17-21 August 1992 AO/NP 319 Avanguardie della fede : l'islamismo tra ideologia e politica / Renzo Guolo. - Milano : Guerini e associati, 1999. - 143p. - (Frontiere ; 17). - ISBN 88-8335-035-9 PM 1052 Der Balkan nach der Jugoslawienkrise: die muslime auf dem Südlichen Balkan und die Türkei = L'area di instabilità balcanica dopo la crisi jugoslava: i musulmani nei Balcani del Sud e la Turchia / di Klaus Riehle. - Milano : Istituto per gli studi di politica internazionale, 1995. - 150p. - (Ricerche e rassegne ; 31) Testo in tedesco e sintesi in italiano ISPI/WP 27 Banca e finanza islamica : autonomia e cooperazione / Camera di commercio italo-araba ; [a cura di Roberto Aliboni]. - Roma : Camera di commercio italo-araba, 2003. - 175 p. - (Quaderni della Camera di commercio italoaraba) Atti del convegno "Le banche islamiche", Roma, 19 dicembre 2002, organizzato da ic Development Bank, ic Research and Training Institute, Camera di commercio italo-araba PM 1189 La banca islámica sin intereses: elementos básicos / Alejandro V. Lorca Corróns, Olivia Orozco de la Torre. - Madrid : Agencia española de cooperación internacional, 1999. - 115p. Sulla cop.: Ediciones Mundo arabe e. Historia, economia y derecho PM 1068 4

Les banlieues de l' : naissance d'une religion en France / Gilles Kepel. - Paris : Seuil, c1987. - 423p. - (L'épreuve des faits). - ISBN 2-02-009804-0 PM 742 Basta! : musulmani contro l'estremismo islamico / a cura di Valentina Colombo. - Milano : Mondadori, 2007. - lxi, 374 p. - (Piccola biblioteca Oscar ; 522). - ISBN 978-88-04-56402-7 PM 1447 The bearded elites and the sad state of Egyptian state institutions / by Silvia Colombo. - Washington : The German Marshall Fund of the United States, 2012. - 4 p. - (Op-Med: Opinions on the Mediterranean) Sul front.: The German Marshall Fund of the United States, Istituto affari internazionali. - Product from a strategic partnership between GMF and IAI focused on Mediterranean issues and strategies Testo online:; Bearers of global Jihad? : immigration and national security after 9/11 / by Robert S. Leiken. - Washington : The Nixon Center, 2004. - 150 p. Testo online: Contiene: Introduction; 1. The Convergence of Immigration and National Security; 2. The Entanglement of Immigration with Global Jihadism; 3. ism and Jihadism; 4. ic Networks: Fronts for Jihad?; 5. Modes of attack: Hit Squads and Sleeper Cells; 6. Jihad and Immigration in Western Europe; 7. Post 9/11 Measures and Revived Dangers in Western Europe; 8. Policy Issues and Conclusions A 1570 Being young and Muslim : new cultural politics in the global south and north / edited by Linda Herrera and Asef Bayat.. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2010. - xv, 428 p. : ill. - (Religion and global politics). - ISBN 978-0-19-536921-2 ; 978-0-19-536920-5 (pbk) Contiene: About the Authors; 1. Introduction: Being young and muslim in neoliberal times / Asef Bayat and Linda Herrera. -- Pt. I. Politics of Dissent : 2. Muslim youth and the claim of youthfulness / Asef Bayat; 3. The drama of jihad: the emergence of salafi youth in Indonesia / Noorhaidi Hasan; 4. Moroccan youth and political / Mounia Bennani-Chrai bi; 5. Rebels without a cause? a politics of deviance in Saudi Arabia / Abdullah al-otaibi and Pascal Me noret; 6. The battle of the ages: contests for religious authority in the Gambia / Marloes Janson; 7. Cyber resistance: Palestinian youth and emerging internet culture / Makram Khoury-Machool. -- Pt. II. Livelihoods and Lifestyles : 8. Young Egyptians quest for jobs and justice / Linda Herrera; 9. Reaching a larger world: Muslim youth and expanding circuits of operation / Abdou Maliq Simone; 10. Being young, Muslim and American in Brooklyn / Moustafa Bayoumi. -- Pt. III. Strivings for Citizenship : 11. "Also the school is a temple": republicanism, imagined transnational spaces, and the schooling of Muslim youth in France / Andre Elias Mazawi; 12. Avoiding "youthfulness"? Young Muslims negotiating gender and citizenship in France and Germany / Schirin Amir-Moazami; 13. Struggles over defining the moral city: and urban public life in Iran / Azam Khatam. -- Pt. IV. Navigating Identities : 14. Securing futures: youth, generation, and Muslim identities in Niger / Adeline Masquelier; 15. "Rasta" sufis and Muslim youth culture in Mali / Benjamin F. Soares; 16. Performance, politics and visceral transformation: post-ist youth in Turkey / Ays e Saktanber; 17. Negotiating with modernity: young women and sexuality in Iran / Fatemeh Sadeghi. -- Pt. V. Musical Politics : 18. Fun'da'mental s "jihad rap" / Ted Swedenburg; 19. Maroc-hop: music and youth identities in the Netherlands / Miriam Gazzah; 20. Heavy metal in the Middle East: new urban spaces in a translocal underground / Pierre Hecker; 21. Music VCDs and the new generation: negotiating youth, femininity and in Indonesia / Suzanne Naafs; Conclusion: knowing muslim youth / Linda Herrera and Asef Bayat. -- Notes; References; Index PM 1653 La Belgique et le monde arabe / Claude Roosens... [et al.]. - Louvain-la-Neuve : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le monde arabe contemporain, 1988. - 3v. (20; 38; 26p.) - (Cahier CERMAC ; 56-58) Contiene: [1.] Aspects politiques / C. Roosens, R. Delcorde. [2.] Aspects économiques / P. Hatry, P. Mathieu. [3.] L'immigration / A. Bastenier, F. Dessetto CERMAC 8-10 Benvenuta Turchia! : l adesione, all'alba di una nuova Europa. - [Roma] : Mariano Giustino editore, 2011. - 423 p. Pubbl. come Diritto e Libertà = ISSN 1825-3180, a. 12., n. 19 (2011). - Esplorando il triangolo USA-Europa-Turchia / Nathalie Tocci, p. 102-111 Contiene: I. Benvenuta Turchia! : Editoriale: Gli innegabili vantaggi dell ingresso della Turchia nell Unione europea / Emma Bonino; 1. Le ragioni dell adesione in un Europa aperta : Da mille anni la Turchia guarda all Occidente / Intervista a Egemen Bagis; 2. Un missione storica paragonabile alla caduta del Muro di Berlino / Carlo Marsili; 3. Un adesione difficile, impegnativa e assolutamente necessaria / Graham Watson; 4. Un circolo vizioso da interrompere / Pier Virgilio Dastoli; 5. Lo spirito europeo dell apertura per non ritrarsi dal mondo / Daniel Cohn-Bendit; 6. L ingresso della Turchia per un Europa laica, democratica e di pace / Hélène Flautre; 7. Un nuovo concetto di sovranità / Andrew Duff; 8. Storia di promesse mancate e di antichi dispetti / Niccolò Rinaldi; 9. Rinfocolare le relazioni UE-Turchia / E. Fuat Keyman; 10. Esplorando il triangolo USA-Europa-Turchia / Nathalie Tocci; 11. Una risorsa demografica per l Europa / Andrea Furcht; Scheda: I dati del processo riformatore in Turchia secondo Bruxelles. -- II: Un secolare intreccio di storia tra Bisanzio-Istanbul e l Occidente europeo : 1. Radici ottomane per l Europa? / Luca Berardi; 2. Vaticano e Impero ottomano tra XIX e XX secolo / Giorgio Del Zanna; 3. Gli Italiani di Costantinopoli-Istanbul / Rinaldo Marmara. -- III. Genesi e trasformazione dell turco : 1. Da antisistemico a sistemico: trasformazione dell ismo turco / Gönül Tol; 2. I partiti politici musulmani nella Turchia repubblicana / Michelangelo Guida. -- IV: Un valore aggiunto su 5

scala mondiale : 1. L interpretazione di un grande ruolo nella regione e nel mondo / intervista ad Ahmet Davutoglu; 2. Un asse politico orientato sui valori liberali / Ramazan Gözen; 3. Ahmet Davutoglu e il ruolo della religione nella politica estera turca / Luca Ozzano; 4. La natura realistica e non ideologica della politica mediorientale della Turchia / Stefano Torelli; 5. Turchia e Israele: un alleanza in crisi / Valeria Talbot. -- V: Un laboratorio di politica economica alle porte dell Unione europea : 1. Nel mezzo di tre Continenti un economia in ascesa / Hakki Akil; 2. La Borsa di Ankara come hub finanziario di un intera area / Alessandro Volpi; 3. Nuove rotte commerciali e strategie extraeuropee per un economia in crescita / Vittorio Da Rold; 4. Radici ed evoluzione della politica energetica turca / Carlo Frappi. -- VI. Cipro: al di là dei risentimenti, una soluzione federale : 1. Per Cipro, una soluzione condivisa, equa e duratura / Dervis Eroglu; 2. L isola di Marte / Pietro Paolo Amato; 3. Tre scenari per un annoso conflitto / Ahmet Sözen; 4. Profili di legalità internazionale nella Repubblica turca di Cipro del Nord / Giampiero Buonomo; 5. L Unione europea vuol morire a Cipro Nord? / Maurizio Turco; 6. UNFICYP: un altra ferita aperta della e nella Unione europea / Marco Perduca. -- VII. Dalla teoria della sovranità nazionale alla riforma democratica : 1. Un nuovo slancio nella politica del CHP / intervista a Kemal Kiliçdaroglu; 2. AKP e conservative democracy / Valeria Giannotta; 3. Riforma giudiziaria e democratizzazione in Turchia / Ozan Erözden; Scheda: Dal millî görüs alla forza democratizzante dell AKP. -- VIII. Ricchezza di società civile e di minoranze : 1. L irrisolta questione dell identità turca / Nicola Melis; 2. Una società civile in transizione: il caso del sivil toplum / Laura Tocco. -- IX. Una complessità storica di sinergismi culturali : 1. La cultura deve costruire ponti / intervista a Elif Safak; 2. Nelle donne turche un vivo desiderio di cambiamento / intervista a Ipek Çalislar; 3. Turchia: ponte o crogiolo culturale / Emin Mahir Balcioglu. -- Diario Europeo : 1. La diaspora turca in Europa: terreno di conquista per gli islamisti? / Luca Ozzano; 2. Osare l Europa: se non ora, quando? / Valter Coralluzzo. -- Il Taccuino di Puk PM 1543 Between memory and desire : the Middle East in a troubled age / R. Stephen Humphreys. - Updated with a new preface. - Berkeley [etc.] : University of California Press, c2005. - xxxiv, 297 p. - ISBN 0-520-24691-8 Contiene: Preface to the 2005 Edition; Preface to the First Edition; Acknowledgments; 1. Hard Realities: Population Growth and Economic Stagnation; 2. From Imperialism to the New World Order: The Middle East in Search of a Future; 3. The Strange Career of Pan-Arabism; 4. The Shaping of Foreign Policy: The Myth of the Middle East Madman; 5. Military Dictatorship and Political Tradition in the Middle East; 6. Profane and Sacred Politics: The Ends of Power in the Middle East; 7. as a Political System; 8. Jihad and the Politics of Salvation; 9. Women in Public Life: ic Perspectives, Middle Eastern Realities; 10. and Human Rights; Toward a Conclusion: Between Memory and Desire; Notes; A Bibliographic Note; Index PM 1337 Beyond al-qaeda / Angel Rabasa... [et al.]. - Santa Monica : Rand, 2006. - 2 v. (xxxix, 186; xxxvi, 178 p.). - ISBN 0-8330-3930-X (Pt.1) ; 978-0-8330-3930-9 (Pt.1) ; 0-8330-3932-6 (Pt.2) ; 978-0-8330-3932-3 (Pt.2) Sul front.: Prepared for the United States Air Force. - Autori: Angel Rabasa, Peter Chalk, Kim Cragin, Sara A. Daly, Heather S. Gregg, Theodore W. Karasik, Kevin A. O'Brien, William Rosenau Pt. 1. The Global Jihadist Movement; xxxix, 186 p.; ISBN 978-0-8330-3930-9 Pt. 2. The Outer Rings of the Terrorist Universe; xxxvi, 178 p.; ISBN 978-0-8330-3932-3 Testo online: (Pt. 1); (Pt. 2) Contiene: Pt. 1. The Global Jihadist Movement - 1. Introduction; 2. Al-Qaeda s Ideology and Propaganda; 3. Strategy, Structure, and Operational Evolution; 4. Al-Qaeda s Finances; 5. Al-Qaeda s Operational Planning Cycle; 6. The al-qaeda Nebula; 7. South Asian Clusters; 8. The Caucasus and Central Asia; 9. The North and East African Clusters; 10. The Al-Zarqawi Network: Jordanian and Iraqi Jihadis; 11. The Southeast Asian Cluster; 12. Conclusions and Recommendations Pt. 2. The Outer Rings of the Terrorist Universe - 1. Introduction; 2. Hezbollah and Hamas; 3. Other ist Groups Outside the al-qaeda Network; 4. The Iraqi Insurgency; 5. Non-ist Groups; 6. Antiglobalization Movements; 7. The Convergence of Terrorism, Insurgency, and Crime; 8. Conclusions and Recommendations PM 1312/1-2 Bibliographie française et anglaise du monde arabe : 1988-1992 / compilation: Vincent van Gulck = French and English bibliography of the Arab world : 1988-1992 / compiled by: Vincent van Gulck. - Louvain-la-Neuve : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le monde arabe contemporain, 1993. - 87 p. - (Les cahiers du monde arabe ; 101-102) CERMAC 38 A bitter harvest : US foreign policy and Afghanistan / Tom Lansford. - Aldershot ; Burlington : Ashgate, c2003. - 206 p. - (US Foreign Policy and Conflict in the ic World). - ISBN 0-7546-3615-1 Bibliografia: p. 189-202 Contiene: Introduction: the renewed importance of Afghanistan in US policy; The ethnic actors; Colonialism and the history of conflict; The failure of the post-colonial Afghan state; US policy at the dawn of the Cold War; The turn to the Soviet Union; 1979: the invasion and the Mujahideen; The Taliban and post-cold War US policy; September 11 and the fall of the Taliban; Conclusion: the present and future US role; Bibliography; Index A 1441 Brennpunkt Mittel-Ost / mit Beitr. von Fred Scholz... [et al.] ; Red. Hans-Georg Wehling. - Stuttgart [etc.] : Kohlhammer, 1981. - 218p. - (Kohlhammer Taschenbücher ; 1055) Contiene: Vorwort / Hans-Georg Wehling. Der Mittlere Osten / Fred Scholz. Warum ist der Orient zurückgeblieben? / Peter Pawelka. und Politik / Johannes Reissner. Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung des Mittleren Ostens für die Bundesrepublik / Herbert Wilkens, Hans- Joachim Ziesing. Vor einer Konfrontation der Grossmächte / Ernst-Otto Czempiel. Von Nasser zu Sadat / Peter Pawelka. Wie stabil ist das Regime in Saudi-Arabien? / Arnold Hottinger. Afghanistan zwischen Ost und West / Klaus Landfried. Iran im Zeichen der Revolution / Fred 6

Halliday PM 469 British policy and inter-sectarian relations in Iraq : 1914-1926 : a preliminary study based on documents of the British government / Reidar Visser. - Oslo : Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, 1997. - 99 p. - (NUPI rapport ; 222) Sulla cop.: September 1997. Research group on political Contiene: 1. Introduction; 2. The Sanjak of Basra in the early twentieth century; 3. The development of a British Mesopotamian policy; 4. Basra politics after the first world war; 5. Conclusion; Sources; Maps AO/NP 412 Building a new Afghanistan / Robert I. Rotberg, editor. - Cambridge : World Peace Foundation ; Washington : Brookings Institution Press, 2007. - ix, 242 p. - ISBN 978-0-8157-7568-3 ; 0-8157-7568-7 ; 978-0-8157-7569-0 (pbk) ; 0-8157-7569-5 (pbk) Sulla p.ix: This book emerged from discussions that began... at the three-day meeting held at the Kennedy School of Government in late 2005 Contiene: Preface; Map of Afghanistan; 1. Renewing the Afghan State, Robert I. Rotberg; 2. The Legacy of War and the Challenge of Peace Building, Ali A. Jalali; 3. Strengthening Security in Contemporary Afghanistan: Coping with the Taliban, Hekmat Karzai; 4. Neither Stable nor Stationary: The Politics of Transition and Recovery, Paula R. Newberg; 5. Rebuilding a Robust Afghan Economy, Alastair J. McKechnie; 6. Revitalizing Afghanistan's Economy: The Government's Plan, Hedayat Amin Arsala; 7. Regional Development in Greater Central Asia: The Afghan Pivot, S. Frederick Starr; 8. Responding to the Opium Dilemma, Cindy Fazey; 9. The Place of the Province in Afghanistan's Subnational Governance, Sarah Lister and Hamish Nixon; Contributors; Index A 1630 Building moderate Muslim networks / Angel Rabasa... [et al.]. - Santa Monica : Rand, 2007. - xxxi, 183 p. - ISBN 978-0-8330-4122-7 ; 0-8330-4122-3 Sul front.: Center for Middle East Public Policy. - Autori: Angel Rabasa, Cheryl Benard, Lowell H. Schwartz, Peter Sickle Testo online: Contiene: 1. Introduction; 2. The Cold War Experience; 3. Parallels Between the Cold War and the Challenges in the Muslim World Today; 4. U.S. Government Efforts to Stem the Radical Tide; 5. Road Map for Moderate Network Building in the Muslim World; 6. The European Pillar of the Network; 7. The Southeast Asian Pillar of the Network; 8. The Middle East Component; 9. Secular Muslims: A Forgotten Dimension in the War of Ideas; 10. Conclusions and Recommendations; App. A. U.S. Foreign Assistance Framework; App. B. Documents O 2350 Building security in the new states of Eurasia : subregional cooperation in the former Soviet space / edited by Renata Dwan and Oleksandr Pavliuk. - New York [etc.] : EastWest Institute ; Armonk ; London : M.E. Sharpe, c2000. - xii, 304p. - ISBN 0-7656-0532-5 O 2087 Caccia ai Fratelli musulmani. E dopo? / Paola Caridi. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 2014. - 15 p. - (Documenti IaiR Insight Egypt. Versione italiana ; 1405 4) Documento preparato per l ENI nell ambito del progetto "L Egitto in transizione", maggio 2014. - Contiene anche: Cronologia novembre 2013-gennaio 2014 / [Azzurra Meringolo], p. 8-15. - Versione ridotta pubbl. in inglese: The hunt for the Muslim Brotherhood: what next?, Roma, Istituto affari internazionali, May 2014, 8 p. (Insight Egypt ; 4) IAI R 2014 Il capitale straniero nel Maghreb : Algeria, Marocco, Tunisia / CENEAP. Elites al potere e processo di secolarizzazione in un contesto di sunnita e di stato repubblicano: il caso della Tunisia / di Zeinab Samandi. Il commercio estero siciliano con i paesi dell'area mediterranea / di Mario Centorrino, Marina La Rocca, Guido Signorino. Appunti per una Conferenza sui rapporti economici nel Mediterraneo / di Silvia Boba. - Roma : Istituto per il Mediterraneo, 1990. - 43 p. - (Dossier Istituto per il Mediterraneo ; 3) CO 906 Le "carte" delle organizzazioni araba, islamica e africana / a cura di Paolo Ungari e Milena Modica. - Roma : EURoma, stampa 1997. - 169p. - (Centro di ricerca e di studio sui diritti dell'uomo Per una convergenza mediterranea sui diritti dell'uomo ; 4 1). - ISBN 88-8066-171-X In testa al front.: Libera università internazionale degli Studi sociali "Guido Carli". Centro di ricerca e di studio sui diritti dell' uomo. - Sul front.: Gruppo di ricerca interuniversitario tra le Facoltà di Scienze politiche (Luiss Roma), di Giurisprudenza (Torino), di Scienze della formazione (Palermo), di Scienze politiche (Trieste) PM 960 Un caso di conflitto mediterraneo : l'algeria e il ruolo politico dell' / di Roberto Aliboni. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 1999. - 10p. - (Documenti Iai ; 9902) Sul front.: Lezione tenuta al corso sul "Ruolo dei paesi arabi nel Mediterraneo" organizzato dalla Residenza universitaria A. Lamaro-E. Pozzani, Roma, 30 gennaio 1999. - Pubbl. in: Italia e Mediterraneo: le occasioni dello sviluppo / a cura di Stefano Semplici e Luigi Troiani, 7

Bologna, Il mulino, c2000 (Collana di studi e ricerche Dario Mazzi, 4), p.79-91 IAI 1999 Caucaso e Asia Centrale : tra geopolitica e strategie, verso un nuovo grande gioco / a cura di Manlio Masnata, Christian Piccardo e Andrea Privitera. - Roma : Gan, 2006. - 282 p. - (I quaderni dell'osservatorio scenari internazionali Globe Research). - ISBN 88-89640-09-X Contiene: Introduzione, Manlio Masnata, Christian Piccardo e Andrea Privitera. -- 1. Il Caucaso : 1.1. Il Caucaso post-sovietico: tra Russia e indipendenza, Aldo Ferrari; 1.2. L Armenia post-sovietica fra transizione e marginalità, Luca Zarrilli; 1.3. Azerbaijan: oltre la transizione, Fabio Pollice e Caterina Rinaldi; 1.4. La transizione difficile della Georgia post-sovietica dopo la Rivoluzione delle Rose, Nodar Gabashvili; 1.5. Cecenia: dopo tre secoli, conflitto a un bivio, Orietta Moscatelli. -- 2. L Asia Centrale : 2.1. L Asia Centrale: dalla Via della seta al XXI secolo, Maria Grazia Bottaro Palumbo; 2.2. Kazakhstan e Kyrgyzstan: crocevia geopolitica e di transizioni, Fabrizio Vielmini; 2.3. La centralità geopolitica dell Uzbekistan in Asia Centrale: il fattore e gli elementi di instabilità interna e regionale, Fabio Indeo; 2. 4. Le nuove vie della droga: l Asia Centrale nell era post-urss, Sandro Tucci; 2. 5. Il ruolo geostrategico del Caucaso e dell Asia Centrale in relazione ai giacimenti petroliferi del Mar Caspio e nel quadro delle strategie di Cina, Russia e USA nella regione, Raffaele Boldracchi O 2452 Central Asia : the new geopolitics / Graham E. Fuller. - Santa Monica : RAND, 1992. - xvi, 86p. - (RAND reports). - ISBN 0-8330-1271-1 RAND 21 The challenges of state sustainability in the Mediterranean / edited by Silvia Colombo and Nathalie Tocci. - Roma : Nuova Cultura, 2011. - 275 p. - (IAI research paper ; 3). - ISBN 978-88-6134-717-5 Revised and updated version of the working papers produced in the framework of MedPro, a project financed by the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme... They have been revised and published in the framework of Microcon, an integrated project financed by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme Testo online: Contiene: List of Contributors, p. 7; List of Abbreviations, p. 9-10; Preface / Silvia Colombo, Nathalie Tocci, p. 11-13; 1. The Southern Mediterranean. Between Changes and Challenges to its Sustainability / Silvia Colombo, p. 15-58 (v. anche: MEDPRO Technical Report No. 1, November 2010, 26 p.); 2. Tunisia: Changes and Challenges of Political Transition / Maria Cristina Paciello, p. 59-99 (v. anche: MEDPRO Technical Report No. 3, May 2011, 29 p.); 3. Egypt: Changes and Challenges of Political Transition / Maria Cristina Paciello, p. 101-160 (v. anche: MEDPRO Technical Report No. 4, May 2011, 34 p.); 4. Morocco at the Crossroads: Seizing the Window of Opportunity for Sustainable Development / Silvia Colombo, p. 161-191 (v. anche: MEDPRO Technical Report No. 2, April 2011, 17 p.); 5. Israel and Palestine and State (Un)sustainability / Paolo Napolitano, p. 193-222 (v. anche: MEDPRO Technical Report No. 5, June 2011, 17 p.); 6. Syria and Lebanon: Diverging Paths of State Unsustainability / Silvia Colombo, p. 223-255 (v. anche: MEDPRO Technical Report No. 6, June 2011, 18 pp.); 7. State (un)sustainability in the Southern Mediterranean and Scenarios to 2030: The EU's Response / Nathalie Tocci, p. 257-275 (v. anche: MEDPRO Policy Paper No. 1, August 2011, 15 p.) IAI/QU/E 22 The changing face of Egypt's islamic activism: how much of a threat? / by Saad Eddin Ibrahim. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 1994. - 18p. - (Documenti Iai ; 9410) Sul front.: Paper presented at the International conference on " Security challenges in the Mediterranean region", Rome, 23-24 September 1994 [organized by the Istituto affari internazionali and NATO Office for Information and Press]. - Pubbl. in: Security challenges in the Mediterranean region / edited by Roberto Aliboni, George Joffé, Tim Niblock, London, Frank Cass, c1996, p.27-40 IAI 1994 Changing identities and evolving values: is there still a transatlantic community? / edited by Esther Brimmer. - Washington : Center for Transatlantic Relations, 2006. - xiv, 136 p. - ISBN 0-9766434-3-X ; 978-0-9766434-3-2 Sulla p. viii: The chapters in this volume were presented as papers at a Franco-American conference ["Changing Societies and Transatlantic Relations"] held on October 27-28, 2005, cohosted by the Center for Transatlantic Relations and the Fondation Robert Schuman CE 1096 Changing parameters of citizenship and claims-making: organized in European public spheres / Yasemin Soysal. - San Domenico : European University Institute, 1996. - 21p. - (EUI Working paper EUF ; 96/4) EUI 185 China and India in Central Asia : a new "great game"? / edited by Marlène Laruelle... [et al.]. - New York : Palgrave MacMillan, 2010. - xiii, 254 p. - (Sciences Po series in international relations and political economy). - ISBN 978-0-230-10356-6 Atti del convegno internazionale "Central Asia, the new 'great game' between the emerging powers of China and India", organizzato da Centre de sciences humaines de New Delhi (Csh-Delhi), Institut français d études sur l Asie centrale (Ifeac) e Centre d études français sur la Chine contemporaine (Cefc), New Delhi, 14-15 ottobre 2009. - Curatori: Marlène Laruelle, Jean-François Huchet, Sébastien Peyrouse and Bayram Balci Contiene: List of illustrations; Notes on contributors; 1. Why Central Asia? The Strategic Rationale of Indian and Chinese Involvement in the region / Marlène Laruelle, Jean-François Huchet, Sébastien Peyrouse, and Bayram Balci. -- Pt. I. Negotiating projections of power in Central Asia : 2. Russia facing China and India in Central Asia: Cooperation, Competition, and Hesitations / Marlène Laruelle; 3. Central Asia-China Relations and Their Relative Weight in Chinese Foreign Policy / Jean-Pierre Cabestan; 4. An Elephant in a China Shop? India s Look North 8

to Central Asia Seeing Only China / Emilian Kavalski; 5. Afghanistan and Regional Strategy: The India Factor / Meena Singh Roy; 6. Afghan Factor in Reviving Sino-Pak Axis / Swaran Singh. -- Pt. II. India and China in Central Asia, between cooperation, parallelism, and competition : 7. India and China in Central Asia: Mirroring their Bilateral Relations / Jean-François Huchet; 8, India-China Interactions in Central Asia through the Prism of Paul Kennedy s Analysis of Great Powers / Basudeb Chaudhuri and Manpreet Sethi; 9. Cooperation or Competition? China and India in Central Asia / Zhao Huasheng. -- Pt. III. Chinese and Indian economic implementations from the Caspian basin to Afghanistan : 10. Scramble for Caspian Energy: can Big Power Competition sidestep China and India? / Padma L. Dash; 11. Comparing the Economic Involvement of China and India in post-soviet Central Asia / Sébastien Peyrouse; 12. The Reconstruction Issue in Afghanistan. The Indian and Chinese Contribution / Gulshan Sachdeva. Pt. IV. Revisited historical backgrounds, disputed religious modernities : 13. From The Oxus to the Indus: Looking Back at India-Central Asia Connexions in the Early Modern Age / Laurent Gayer; 14. Uyghur : Caught between Foreign Influences and Domestic Constraints / Rémi Castets; 15. The Jama at al Tabligh in Central Asia. A Mediator in the Recreation of ic Relations with the Indian Subcontinent / Bayram Balci. -- Index O 2553 Christian communities in the Arab Middle East : the challenge of the future / edited by Andrea Pacini. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1998. - xiii, 365p. - ISBN 0-19-829388-7 Ed. orig.: Comunità cristiane nell' arabo : la sfida del futuro / a cura di Andrea Pacini, Torino, Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, c1996 ( Universi culturali e modernità), ISBN 88-7860-139-X PM 1008 Chronique d'une guerre d'orient (automne 2001) ; suivi de Brève chronique d'israël et de Palestine (avril-mai 2001) / Gilles Kepel. - Paris : Gallimard, 2002. - 131 p. - ISBN 2-07-076513-X PM 1420 Les citoyens arabes d'israël / Laurence Louër ; préf. de Gilles Kepel. - Paris : Balland, 2003. - 267 p. - (Voix et regards). - ISBN 2-7158-1440-2 ; 978-2-7158-1440-0 Bibl.: p. 255-264 Contiene: Préface / Gilles Kepel; Introcuction. -- Pt. 1. Naissance d'une communauté arabe en Israël : 1. Être arabe en Israël; 2. Les usages de l'identité palestinienne; 3. La montée en puissance des groupes politiques marginaux; 4. Les acteurs de la "palestinisation"; 5. Le partenaire travalliste; 6. Les usages de l'israélisation. -- Pt. 2. Les islamistes entre religion et politique : 7. Périls en la demeure; 8. Entre Israël et la Palestine; 9. Les nouveaux clercs; 10. Dans le giron de l'état juif; Conclusion; Bibliographie sélective PM 1421 Civil : Muslims and democratization in Indonesia / Robert W. Hefner. - Princeton and Oxford : Princeton University Press, c2000. - xxiv, 286p. - (Princeton studies in Muslim politics). - ISBN 0-691-05046-5 ; 0-691- 05047-3 (pbk) PM 1085 Civil society in the Middle East / edited by Augustus Richard Norton. - Leiden [etc.] : Brill, 1995-1996. - 2 v. (x, 328; xvi, 353 p.) - (Social, economic and political studies of the Middle East ; 50). - ISBN 90-04-10175-6 ; 90-04- 10037-7 (v.1) ; 90-04-10039-3 (v.2) PM 844/1-2 The clash of ideas in world politics : transnational networks, states, and regime change, 1519-2010 / John M. Owen IV. - Princeton and Oxford : Princeton University Press, c2010. - 332 p. - (Princeton studies in international history and politics). - ISBN 978-0-691-14238-8 ; 978-0-691-14239-5 (pbk) Contiene: 1. Forcible regime promotion, then and now; 2. The agents: transnational networks and governments; 3. The structures: transnational ideological contests; 4. Church and state, 1510-1700; 5. Crown, nobility, and people, 1770-1870; 6. Individual, class, and state, 1910-1990; 7. Mosque and state, 1923-; 8. The future of forcible regime promotion; Appendix; Notes; Index O 2524 Clash or cooperation of civilizations? : overlapping integration and identities / edited by Wolfgang Zank. - Aldershot ; Burlington : Ashgate, c2009. - xii, 225 p. - (The international political economy of new regionalisms series). - ISBN 978-0-7546-7407-8 Atti del seminario tenutosi a Aalborg il 23-24 agosto 2007, organizzato dal Center for Comparative Integration Studies (CCIS) Contiene: 1. Introduction: Overlapping identities and integration processes in the Mediterranean basin, Wolfgang Zank; 2. A clash of civilizations inside the MENA countries? ist versus secular civil society and the failure of pro-democracy policies, Francesco Cavatorta; 3. Beyond the clash of civilizations: the rapprochement of Turkish ic elite with the West, Ihsan Dagi; 4. The alliance of civilizations: the Spanish approach to bridging the divide between and the West, Koussay Boulaich and Søren Dosenrode; Obstacles to African unity a Deutschian perspective and Søren Dosenrode; 5. Obstacles to African unit - a Deutschian perspective, Søren Dosenrode; 6. The gradual Europeanization of North Africa: from 'Arab socialism' to a 'stake in EU's internal market', Wolfgang Zank; 7. European security and the 'clash of civilizations': differences in the policies of France, Germany and the UK towards the Mediterranean and the Middle East, Peter Seeberg; 8. Citizenship and cultural clashes: the cartoon crisis and changing notions of citizenship, Jakob Feldt; 9. 'Enriched by open borders and a lively variety of languages, cultures and regions': cooperation and integration in the EU in spite of cultural diversity, Wolfgang Zank; 10. Some concluding remarks on overlapping integration in the Mediterranean basin, Wolfgang Zank; Index PM 1409 9

Clés pour l' : du religieux au politique : des origines aux enjeux d'aujourd'hui / coordination: Andrée Gérard. - Bruxelles : Institut européen de recherche et d'information sur la paix et la sécurité, 1993. - 178p. - (Les livres du GRIP ; 23). - ISBN 2-87291-005-0 PM 856 Des clés pour le monde / Centre d'analyse et de prévision du Ministère des Affaires étrangères. - [Paris : Ministère des Affaires étrangères], 2008. - 164 p. - (Les carnets du CAPS ; 9) Dossier dirigé par Arnaud d'andurain e Manuel Lafont Rapnouil O 2438 Co-chairmen's report [of the] brainstorming "Implementing the UN General Assembly's counter-terrorism strategy: addressing youth radicalisation in the Mediterranean region. Lessons learned, best practices and recommendations" / Istituto affari internazionali. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 2007. - 11 p. - (Documenti Iai ; 0730) Sul front.: Co-chairmen's report [of the] brainstorming "Implementing the UN General Assembly's counter-terrorism strategy: addressing youth radicalisation in the Mediterranean region. Lessons learned, best practices and recommendations", [organised by Istituto Affari Internazionali and Center on Global Counter-Terrorism Cooperation], Rome, 11-12 July 2007 Testo online: (discussion paper) IAI 2007 Colloque international sur le terrorisme : le précédent algérien : Alger, 26-28 octobre 2002 / sous le haut patronnage du Chef du Gouvernement. - [S.l. : s.n., 2002]. - 1 cartella (21 fasc.) Contiene: European security in the Mediterranean: from comprehensive to "neo-hard"? / by Laura Guazzone and Federica Bicchi, pubbl. in: Euro-Mediterranean security and the Barcelona process : strategic yearbook 2003 / eds: Bo Huldt, Mats Engman, Elisabeth Davidson. - Stockholm : The Swedish National Defence College, 2003, p.237-253 Convegni Colloqui quadrilaterali-c4 : Le conseguenze della guerra in Iraq sul Mediterraneo occidentale : seminario di studio fra gli istituti di alta formazione di Francia, Italia, Portogallo e Spagna (Parigi, maggio 2004). - Roma : Centro militare di studi strategici, 2004. - 33 p. Pubbl. in: Osservatorio strategico, suppl. al n. 6 (giugno 2004) Testo online: CO 2367 La componente sicurezza/rischio negli scacchieri geopolitici sud ed est : le opzioni del modello di difesa italiano / a cura di Alessandro Colombo ; CeMISS. - Roma : Informazioni della difesa, c1996. - 273p. - (Collana del "Centro Militare di Studi Strategici" [serie blu] ; 79) A 978 Compréhension et échanges culturels euro-arabes : séminaire euro-arabe organisé par le Secrétaire général du Conseil de l'europe : Strasbourg, 14-15 novembre 1991. - [S.l. : s.n., 1991]. - 1 cartella (2 v. + 2 alleg.) Contiene: Les moyens de communication de masse et la coopération méditerranéenne: le besoin d'artistes / Roberto Aliboni (IAI9126) Convegni Comunità cristiane nell' arabo : la sfida del futuro / a cura di Andrea Pacini. - Torino : Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, c1996. - xii, 406p. - (Universi culturali e modernità). - ISBN 88-7860-139-X PM 910 Confidence building and partnership in the Western Mediterranean : issues and policies for the 1995 Conference / Antonio Marquina ( editor). - Madrid : Research Unit on Security and International Cooperation, 1995. - ii, 140p. - (UNISCI papers ; 4). - ISBN 84-920440-1-2 PM 925 The conflict within Turkey's ic camp / Ömer Taspinar. - [Roma : Istituto affari internazionali], 2014. - 3 p. - (Global Turkey in Europe. GTE commentary ; 20) Sul front.: Stiftung Mercator, Istituto affari internazionali, Istanbul Policy Center-Sabanci University, November 2014. - Publ. also in: Global Turkey in Europe III. Democracy, trade, and the Kurdish question in Turkey-EU relations / edited by Senem Aydin-Düzgit et al., Roma, Nuova Cultura, May 2015, p. 115-120 (IAI Research Papers ; 19), ISBN 978-88-6812-511-0 Testo online:; Conflicting loyalties and the state in post-soviet Russia and Eurasia / edited by Michael Waller, Bruno Coppieters and Alexei Malashenko. - London ; Portland : Frank Cass, 1998. - 258p. - ISBN 0-7146-4882-5 ; 0-10

7146-9479-X (pbk) O 2030 The conflicts in Yemen and U.S. national security / W. Andrew Terrill. - Carlisle Barracks : U.S. Army War College. Strategic Studies Institute, 2011. - xi, 104 p. - ISBN 1-58487-474-0 Testo online: PM 1531 Il conflitto in Somalia : Al-Shabaab tra radici locali e jihadismo globale / di Matteo Guglielmo. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 2011. - 10 p. - (Documenti Iai ; 1101) Documento preparato per l Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), gennaio 2011 Testo online: IAI 2011 The confrontation : winning the war against future Jihad / Walid Phares. - New York and Basingstoke : Palgrave MacMillan, 2008. - viii, 296 p. - ISBN 978-0-230-60389-9 ; 0-230-60389-0 Contiene: Acknowledgments; Prologue: Why This Book?; Introduction; 1. Redefining the War; 2. Western Rethinking; 3. Cultural Revolution in the West; 4. Economic Revolution; 5. Diplomatic Revolution; 6. Revolution in the Arab Muslim World; 7. War of Ideas Intensified; 8. Isolating Jihadism; 9. U.S. Homeland Survival; 10. A Greater Europe to Confront Jihadism; 11. Russia s War on Jihadism; 12. Confrontations in the Greater Middle East; 13. The Southern Battlefields; 14. The State of the Confrontation; Conclusion: Past Choices and New Directions; Notes; Index PM 1368 Considerazioni introduttive sui movimenti islamisti arabi / di Laura Guazzone. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 1993. - 13p. - (Documenti Iai ; 9346) Sul front.: Documento presentato alla conferenza "The political role of the ist movements in the contemporary Arab world: national, regional and international dimensions", Bologna 26-26 novembre 1993. - Pubbl. in: Il dilemma dell' : politica e movimenti islamisti nel mondo arabo contemporaneo / a cura di Laura Guazzone, Milano, F. Angeli, c1995, p.13-47 IAI 1993 Contemporary dimensions of the frontier between Christianity and / Mario Apostolov. - Geneva : Graduate Institute of International Studies. Programme for Strategic and International Security Studies, 1998. - 63p. - (PSIS occasional papers ; 3/1998) PM 1015 The contemporary Middle East scene: basic issues and major trends : international conference : Hamburg, 25-26 May 1978 / Deutsches Orient-Institut. - [S.l. : s.n., 1978]. - 1 cartella (14 fasc.) Convegni Convivere / Andrea Riccardi. - Roma ; Bari : Laterza, 2006. - 163 p. - (Saggi tascabili Laterza ; 297). - ISBN 88-420-7935-9 O 2616 Cooperazione in materia di terrorismo fra paesi arabi moderati e paesi occidentali / di Roberto Aliboni e Francesca Altieri. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 1987. - 37p. - (Documenti IaiR ; 8704) Sul front.: Marzo 1987. - Documento scritto su richiesta dell'ufficio RSP della DGPA del Ministero degli Affari esteri IAI R 1987 Counter-terrorism: containment and beyond / Jonathan Stevenson. - Oxford : Oxford University Press for The International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2004. - 127 p. - (Adelphi papers ; 367). - ISBN 0-19-856759-6 AO/AP 349 Creating a culture of peace / edited by Gershon Baskin and Zakaria al Qaq. - Jerusalem : Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI), 1999. - ii, 233 p. Testo online: 1999 Contiene: Introduction. Creating a Culture of Peace; Israelis and Palestinians: Trauma, Identity and Nationalism / Kalman Yaron; Multiplication, Fragmentation and Unification of the Palestinian Identity / Bernard Sabella; "If You Want it, it is not a Fairy Tale". Obstacles for Peace in the Ideology and Political Culture of Israel / Mordechai Bar-On; Developing a common value of civility and citizenship in creating a peaceful Middle East. Or is true Israeli-Palestinian dialogue possible? Discussion; Obstacles for Peace in the ideology of Israeli and Palestinian societies; Obstacles for Peace in the Experiences and Expectations of Israeli and Palestinian Societies / Said Zeidani; An ic Position pertaining to the Palestinian-Israeli Accord / Jamil Abdel Rahim Abdel Karim Hammami; The Influence of the Peace Process on Religious-Secular Relations in Israel / Naftali Rothenberg; Dialogue and Peacemaking; Religion and Peace: Jews and Judaism, Palestinians and ; Education for peace - educating the next generation to live in peace while peace is still absent; Israel and Palestine - a question of 11

identities / Robin Twite; In Attendance PM 1452 Creating new states in Central Asia / Roland Dannreuther. - London : Brassey's for The International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1994. - 83p. - (Adelphi papers ; 288). - ISBN 1-85753-190-6 Sulla cop.: March 1994 AO/AP 270 The credibility of transnational NGOs : when virtue is not enough / edited by Peter A. Gourevitch, David A. Lake, Janice Gross Stein. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012. - x, 234 p. : ill. - ISBN 978-1- 107-01804-4 ; 978-1-107-65169-2 (pbk) Contiene: List of figures; List of tables; List of contributors; Acknowledgments. -- Introduction : 1. Beyond virtue: evaluating and enhancing the credibility of non-governmental organizations / Peter A. Gourevitch and David A. Lake. -- Pt. I. Monitoring and NGOs : 2. Why believe international election monitors? / Susan D. Hyde; 3. Credible certification of child labor free production / Irfan Nooruddin and Sarah Wilson Sokhey; 4. Becoming a household name: how human rights NGOs establish credibility through organizational structure / Wendy H. Wong. -- Pt. II. Humanitarian NGOs : 5. Dilemmas of information and accountability: foreign aid donors and local development NGOs / Carew Boulding; 6. In defense of virtue: credibility, legitimacy dilemmas, and the case of ic relief / Laura Thaut, Janice Gross Stein, and Michael Barnett; 7. Monitoring repayment in online peer-to-peer lending / Craig McIntosh. -- Conclusion : 8. Credibility and compromises / Peter A. Gourevitch and David A. Lake. -- Reeferences; Index O 2643 La crise de la societe arabe : un essai d'explication / par Bichara Khader. - Louvain-la-Neuve : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le monde arabe contemporain, 1987. - 51p. - (Cahier CERMAC ; 51-52) Bibliografia: pages 49-51 CERMAC 4 La crisi del Medio Oriente : dimensione regionale e internazionale / A. Arioli... [et al.]. - Milano : F. Angeli, c1984. - 264 p. - (CeSPI/Dossier ; 1) Contiene: Note biografiche sugli autori; Presentazione. -- Pt. I. La dimensione regionale : 1. L'evoluzione dei rapporti inter-arabi, 1970-1983, M. Cristina Ercolessi; 2. L'Organizzazione per la liberazione della Palestina (Olp) dopo Beirut, Biancamaria Scarcia Amoretti; 3. Israele: la nuova sicurezza e i territori occupati, Marcella Emiliani; 4. La crisi libanese: dinamiche interne e condizionamenti esterni, Anna Bozzo; 5. Gestione ba'thista e opposizione islamica in Siria: l'incidenza sulla politica estera, Angelo Arioli; 6. L'evoluzione della politica egiziana dopo Sadat, Giuseppe Contu; 7. Conflitto arabo-israeliano e sicurezza del Golfo: la politica dell'arabia Saudita, Daniela Bredi; 8. Le costanti della politica regionale dell'iraq, Marco Lenci. -- Pt. II. La dimensione internazionale : 9. L'inziativa e l'influenza degli Stati Uniti nell'attuale quadro politico mediorientale, Vittorio Zucconi; 10. La politica sovietica in Medio Oriente tra interessi globali e condizionamenti locali, Lapo Sestan; 11. La politica europea in Medio Oriente, Marta Dassù e M. Cristina Ercolessi PM 512 Crisis in Turkey: just another bump on the road to Europe? / Walter Posch. - Paris : European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2007. - 49 p. - (EU-ISS occasional papers ; 67). - ISBN 978-92-9198-116-8 Testo online: CO 2489 The crisis of ic masculinities / Amanullah De Sondy. - Lodon [etc.] : Bloomsbury Academic, 2013. - x, 233 p. - ISBN 978-1-7809-3616-1 ; 978-1-4725-8714-5 ; 978-1-7809-3693-2 (ebk) ; 978-1-7809-3744-1 (epub) Bibliografia: p. 216-228 Contiene: Acknowledgments; Introduction; 1.The Knot Mawdudi Tied; 2. Feminists' Nonothering Hermeneutics; 3. The Failed Search for a Single Qur'anic Masculinity; 4. Mirza Ghalib's Hedonistic Challenge; 5.Sufism's Beloved Subversion; Conclusion; Bibliography; Index PM 1667 Crisis of statehood? : Afghanistan and Pakistan / Hiroki Fukamachi and Hisaya Oda. - Tokyo : Institute of Developing Economies, 2001. - x, 19 p. - (IDE spot survey). - ISBN 4-258-58019-8 CO 2283 Cross-links and double talk? : ic movements in the political process / by Gudrun Krämer. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 1993. - 21p. - (Documenti Iai ; 9349) Sul front.: Paper presented at the Conference "The political role of the ist movements in the contemporary Arab world: national, regional and international dimensions", Bologna 26-27 November 1993. - Pubbl. in: The ist dilemma : the political role of ist movements in the contemporary Arab world / edited by Laura Guazzone, Reading, Ithaca Press, 1995, p.39-67. - Pubbl. in: Il dilemma dell' : politica e movimenti islamisti nel mondo arabo contemporaneo / a cura di Laura Guazzone, Milano, F. Angeli, c1995, p.48-73 IAI 1993 Cross roads to civil war: Lebanon, 1958-1976 / Kamal S. Salibi. - Delmar : Caravan Books, 1976. - viii, 178 p. - ISBN 0882060104 PM 503 12

La culture des jeunes et la montée des mouvements islamistes / par Rémy Leveau. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 1993. - 40p. - (Documenti Iai ; 9355) Sul front.: Relation présentée à la conférence "The political role of the ist movements in the contemporary Arab world: national, regional and international dimensions", Bologna 26-27 novembre 1993. - Pubbl. in: The ist dilemma : the political role of ist movements in the contemporary Arab world / edited by Laura Guazzone, Reading, Ithaca Press, 1995, p.265-287 con il tit.: Youth culture and ism in the Middle East IAI 1993 Culture e conflitti nel Mediterraneo / a cura di Rodolfo Ragionieri e Ottavia Schmidt di Friedberg ; con Elisabetta Addis... [et al.]. - Trieste : Asterios, 2003. - 422 p. - (Lo stato del mondo : libri per l'era della globalizzazione). - ISBN 88-86969-62-7 Questo libro è il risultato di un progetto di ricerca pluriennale promosso dal Forum per i problemi della pace e della guerra... - Contiene anche: Il Vicino Oriente, la stabilità senza soluzione dei conflitti, Daniela Pioppi e Rodolfo Ragionieri, p. 219-250; Nazione ed individuo nei Balcani, Radoslava Stefanova, p. 251-270 Contiene: Introduzione, Rodolfo Ragionieri e Ottavia Schmidt di Friedberg. -- Pt. I : 1. e cultura politica: continuità e fratture, Mario Nordio e Rodolfo Regionieri; 2. Il mediterraneo nella politica internazionale contemporanea, Rodolfo Regionieri; 3. La seconda guerra del Golfo e i mutamenti degli orientamenti delle culture politiche nei paesi arabi, Anna Baldinetti. -- Pt. II : Attori e contenuti della poltica estera europea per il Mediterraneo, Federica Bicchi; I paesi "esterni" del Mediterraneo nel regime valutario successivo all'introduzione dell'euro, Elisabetta Addis e Giorgia Giovannetti; 6. Movimenti di capitale e vincoli finanziari alla crescita nei paesi del sud del Mediterraneo, Carolina Ardi e Giorgia Giovannetti; 7. Le migrazioni nel Mediterraneo: continuità o frattura?, Ottavia Schmidt di Friedberg. -- Pt. III : 8. Il Vicino Oriente, la stabilità senza soluzione dei conflitti, Daniela Pioppi e Rodolfo Ragionieri; 9. Nazione ed individuo nei Balcani, Radoslava Stefanova; Il Maghreb: la partecipazione bloccata, Ottavia Schmidt di Friedberg; 11. La Turchia. Il dilemma dell'appartenenza, Valérie Amiraux. -- Pt. IV : 12. Le organizzazioni internazionali e la soluzione dei conflitti nell'area mediterranea, Michaela Frulli; 13. Le incognite della cooperazione. I comitati israelo-palestinesi nel processo di Oslo, Simona Santoro; 14. Cooperazione allo sviluppo, sicurezza e immigrazione nel Mediterraneo Occidentale, Roberto Barbagli PM 1172 Dagestan : Unaufhaltsamer Zerfall einer gewachsenen Kultur interethnischer Balance? / Otto Luchterhandt. - Hamburg : Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik, 1999. - 62p. - (Hamburger Beiträge zur Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik ; 118) Sul front.: September 1999 DO 1317 The dangerous landscape : international perspectives on twenty-first century terrorism; transnational challenge, international responses / edited by John J. Le Beau. - Garmisch-Partenkirchen : Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies Institutes, 2013. - x, 222 p. Testo online: A 1957 De l'existence d'un sous-système de la Méditerranée occidentale : actes du colloque international organisé à Toulouse, du 14 au 17 avril 1988 / par le Centre d'études et de recherches sur l'armée de Toulouse (C.E.R.S.A.), l'instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos de Madrid (I.E.E.E.) et l'observatoire Stratégique Méditerranéen de Nice. - Nice : L'Europe en Formation, c1988. - 142 p. - (Cahiers Observatoire Stratégique Méditerranéen ; 3). - ISBN 2-85505-110-X PM 654 Declino e rinascita di un'istituzione islamica: il waqf nell'egitto contemporaneo / Daniela Pioppi. - [S.l. : s.n., 2004]. - 275 p. Sul front.: Università degli studi di Pisa, Dipartimento di Scienze della politica, Dottorato in Storia, istituzioni e relazioni internazionali dei paesi extra-europei. Dottorato ciclo 16. PM 1238 Defining Iran : politics of resistance / Shabnam J. Holliday. - Farnham ; Burlington : Ashgate, c2011. - xv, 180 p. - ISBN 978-1-4094-0523-8 ; 978-1-4094-0524-5 (ebk) Bibliografia: p. 161-177 Contiene: Permissions; Acknowledgments; Note on Dates, Transliteration, and Translation; Glossary. -- Introduction; 1. Discourse of National Identity; 2. Iraniyat and Iranian Identity; 3. iyat and Iranian Identity; 4. Ayatollah Khamene'i's ist Discourse of National Identity; 5. ist-iranian Discourse of National Identity: Khatami's State Counter-Discourse; 6. A Contemporary Iranian Identity: Towards a Discourse of Iranian Civic National Identity?. -- Conclusions; Bibliography; Index PM 1545 Delegitimizing Al-Qaeda: a Jihad-realist approach / Paul Kamolnick. - Carlisle Barracks : U.S. Army War College. Strategic Studies Institute, 2012. - ix, 64 p. - (External research associates program monograph). - ISBN 1-13

58487-522-4 ; 978-1-58487-522-2 Testo online: DO 1801 Democracia y derechos humanos en el mundo árabe / bajo la dirección de Gema Martín Muñoz. - Madrid : ICMA Instituto de cooperación con el mundo árabe, 1993. - 367 p. - (Política árabe contemporánea ; 4). - ISBN 84-7252-924-0 Paper presentati al seminario internazionale organizzato dalla Fundació n Ortega y Gasset con il patrocinio dell'instituto de cooperación con el mundo árabe PM 796 Democracy, stability and the ist phenomenon in North Africa / by Laura Guazzone. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 1993. - 5 p. - (Documenti Iai ; 9304) Sul front.: Paper presented at the joint Rand-Iai conference on "The new Mediterranean environment: regional issues and responses" : Washington DC, February 18-19, 1993. - Pubbl. in: The RAND-Istituto affari internazionali conference on the new Mediterranean security environment / Ian Lesser, Robert Levine (eds.), Santa Monica : RAND, 1993, p. 65-76 IAI 1993 Democracy without democrats? : the renewal of politics in the Muslim world / edited by Ghassan Salamé. - London ; New York : I.B. Tauris, 1994. - 340 p. - ISBN 1-85043-748-3 This volume is part of the research programme on energy and the environment in the Mediterranean carried out by Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei Contiene: Introduction - Where are the democrats?, Ghassan Salame. Part 1 Hypotheses: democracy without democrats? - The potential for political liberalization in the Middle East, John Waterbury; Democratization in the Arab world - Uncertainty, vulnerability and legitimacy - A tentative conceptualization and some hypotheses, Jean Leca; Small is pluralistic - Democracy as an instrument of civil peace, Ghassan Salame; Populism contra democracy - Recent democratist discourse in the Arab world, Aziz Al-Azmeh; The oil rent, the fiscal crisis of the state and democratization, Giacomo Luciani; Demographic explosion or social upheaval?, Philippe Fargues. Part 2 Cases: socio-economic change and political mobilization - The case of Egypt, Roger Owen; The integration of the integrists - A comparative study of Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia, Gudrun Kramer; Socio-economic change and political implications - The Maghreb, Abdelbaki Hermassi; The private sector, economic liberalization, and the prospects of democratization - The case of Syria and some other Arab countries, Volker Perthes; Patronage and solidarity groups - survival or reformation?, Olivier Roy; Republican trajectories in Iran and Turkey - a Tocquevillian reading, Jean- Francois Bayart PM 832 Démocratie: les défis de l'analyse du changement politique / par Michel Camau. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 1993. - 21p. - (Documenti Iai ; 9348) Sul front.: Relation présentée à la conférence "The political role of the ist movements in the contemporary Arab world: national, regional and international dimensions", Bologna 26-26 novembre 1993 IAI 1993 Democratizing the Middle East? : a report on the conference... January 26-27, 2006 / Michael Kugelman. - Medford : Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies, [2007]. - iii, 60 p. - (Occasional paper / Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies ; 2) Testo online: DO 1722 Demokratieförderung zwischen Interessen und Werten : US-amerikanische und deutsche Reaktionen auf den politischen in der Türkei / Cemal Karakas. - Frankfurt am Main : Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktsforschung, 2010. - iii, 40 p. - (HSFK-Report ; 2010/12). - ISBN 978-3-942532-12-9 Testo online: HSFK 231 Deradicalizing ist extremists / Angel Rabasa... [et al.]. - Santa Monica : Rand, 2010. - xxvii, 214 p. - ISBN 978-0-8330-5090-8 Sul front.: National Security Research Division. - Autori: Angel Rabasa, Stacie L. Pettyjohn, Jeremy J. Ghez, Christopher Boucek. - Bibliografia: p. 195-214 Testo online: Contiene: 1. Disengagement and Deradicalization; 2. Survey of Deradicalization Programs; 3. Middle Eastern Programs; 4. Southeast Asian Programs; 5. European Approaches; 6. Collective Deradicalization; 7. Implications and Recommendations PM 1515 The desert king: the life of Ibn Saud / David Howarth. - Beirut : Librairie du Liban, c1964. - 251p. PM 500 Development, cultural diversity and peace : visions for a new world order : dialogues and viewpoints to mark the 14

tenth anniversary of the Development and Peace Foundation, 1986-1996. - Bonn : Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden, 1996. - 77p. - ISBN 3-927626-38-4 A 861 Dialogues, rencontres et points de contact entre musulmans et chrétiens dans une dimension historique / Maurice Borrmans. - Milano : Università Cattolica, 2007. - 110 p. - (CRiSSMA working paper ; 13). - ISBN 978-88-8311-501-1 In testa al front.: CRiSSMA, Centro di ricerche sul sistema SUD e il Mediterraneo allargato = Research centre on the Southern system and wider Mediterranean PM 1435 Diaspora, Öl und Rosen : zur innenpolitischen Entwicklung in Armenien, Aserbaidschan und Georgien / hrsg. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung ; Idee und Konzeption: Walter Kaufmann. - Berlin : Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, 2004. - 254 p. - ISBN 3-927760-48-X Contiene: Vorwort; Demokratisierung im Südkaukasus. Eine Einfürung / Volker Jacoby; [Pt. I] Georgien -- Die innenpolitische Entwicklung im postsowjetischen Georgien / Ivlian Haindrawa; Georgiens grösstes innenpolitisches Problem / David Berdzenischwili; Georgien und die euroatlantischen Sicherheitsstrukturen / David Dartschiaschwili; Einflussgruppen und Korruption in Georgien / Roman Goziridze & Otar Kandelaki; Über die Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter in Georgien / Lela Chomeriki; Auf dem Weg zu einem georgischen Rechtsstat / David Usupaschwili; [Pt. II] Armenien -- Das postsowjetische Armenien / Alexander Iskandarjan; Die Wahlen in Armenien: Segen oder Fluch für die Demokratie? / Agasi Tamewosjan; Die Parteien der armenischen Diaspora und der Aufbau der Demokratie in Armenien / Eduard Melkojan; Frauen in der armenischen Gesellschaft - Veränderungen von unten? / Anna Karaguljan & Nina Iskandarjan; Wege zur Entwicklung einer unabhangigen Medienlandschaft in Armenien / Ruben Melojan; Wirtschaft und Politik in Armenien / Arutjun Chatschatrjan; [Pt. III} Aserbaidschan -- Die Demokratie in Aserbaidschan zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts / Rachman Badalow; Die politischen Parteien und die Elite in Aserbaidschan / Rasim Musabeyow; Öl und Demokratie: Die Erfahrungen Aserbaidschans / Togrul Dschufarly; Die Öleinnahmen Aserbaidschans und die Aufgaben der Zivilgesellschaft / Sabit Bagirow; Der im kulturellen, sozialen und politischen Leben / Ali Abasow; Aserbaidschans Medien: Fünf bittere Wahrheiten und eine Hoffnung / Zeynal Mammedli O 2409 Dibattito sull'applicazione della Shari`a / scritti di Adcd al-qadir Uda, Sayyid Qutb, Tawfiq Al Wahba et [al.] ; introduzione di Andrea Pacini. - Torino : Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, c1995. - ix, 154 p. - (Dossier Mondo islamico ; 1). - ISBN 88-7860-120-9 PM 868 Il dilemma dell' : politica e movimenti islamisti nel mondo arabo contemporaneo / a cura di Laura Guazzone. - Milano : F. Angeli, c1995. - 295p. - (Lo spettatore internazionale [n.s.] ; 14). - ISBN 88-204-9501-5 Sulla p.10: Gli studi presentati in questo volume sono stati elaborati nell'ambito di una ricerca condotta nel 1992-1994 dall'istituto affari internazionali sotto la direzione di Laura Guazzone. - Paper presentati al convegno "The political role of the ist movements in the contemporary Arab world: national, regional and international dimensions", Bologna 26-27 novembre 1993. - Pubbl. anche: The ist dilemma : the political role of ist movements in the contemporary Arab world / edited by Laura Guazzone, Reading, Ithaca Press, 1995 IAI/C 67 Il dilemma della sicurezza nei regimi magrebini / di Simona Battistella. - Milano : Istituto per gli studi di politica internazionale, 1996. - 87p. - (Ricerche e rassegne ; 36) ISPI/WP 32 Le dinamiche universalismo-regionalismo nei diritti umani e i loro riflessi sulle relazioni euro-mediterranee: quali prospettive per un dialogo tra Europa e mondo arabo? / Silvia Angioi. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 2002. - 31p. - (Documenti IaiR ; 0201) Sul front.: Ricerca condotta con il contributo della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna (Fondazione CARISBO) IAI R 2002 Diritto alla sicurezza ed economia del terrore / Mariateresa Fiocca, Giancarlo Montedoro. - Roma : Luiss University Press, c2006. - 310 p. - (Collana di studi strategici ; 1). - ISBN 88-88877-74-6 Bibliografia: p. 285-294 A 1586 Discours et stratégie de l'islamisme algérien : 1986-1992 / par Ahmed Rouadjia. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 1993. - 49p. - (Documenti Iai ; 9350) Sul front.: Relation présentée à la conférence "The political role of the ist movements in the contemporary Arab world: national, regional and international dimensions", Bologna 26-27 novembre 1993. - Pubbl. in: The ist dilemma : the political role of ist movements in the contemporary Arab world / edited by Laura Guazzone, Reading, Ithaca Press, 1995, p.69-103 con il tit.: Discourse and strategy of the Algerian ist movement (1986-1992). - Pubbl. in: Il dilemma dell' : politica e movimenti islamisti nel mondo arabo contemporaneo / a cura di Laura Guazzone, Milano, F. Angeli, c1995, p. 105-136 IAI 1993 15

Disintegrating Indonesia? : implications for regional security / Tim Huxley. - Oxford : Oxford University Press for The International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2002. - 103 p. - (Adelphi papers ; 349). - ISBN 0-19-851668-1 AO/AP 331 La disintegrazione dell'impero sovietico : problemi di sicurezza nazionale e collettiva in Asia centrale / Valeria F. Piacentini ; CeMISS. - Roma : Rivista militare, c1995. - 513 p. - (Collana del "Centro Militare di Studi Strategici" [serie blu] ; 70) A 726 Le donne nei media arabi : tra aspettative tradite e nuove opportunità / a cura di Renata Pepicelli. - Roma : Carocci, 2014. - 128 p. - (Biblioteca di testi e studi ; 923). - ISBN 978-88-430-7216-3 Bibliografia: p. 111-122. - Contiene anche: Tra vignette e graffiti. L'autorappresentazione femminile svela il paradosso di genere egiziano / Azzurra Meringolo, p. 51-61 Contiene: Presentazione / di Francesca Maria Corrao. -- Introduzione. I media arabi dopo le rivolte del 2011-12: una lettura di genere / di Renata Pepicelli (1. Oltre una visione orientalista della donna araba; 2. Politica ed estetica dei corpi femminili nei media arabi; 3. Schermi velati: l islamizzazione delle società arabe; 4. Pluralità di modelli femminili e multiple sfere pubbliche tra vecchi e nuovi media; 5. Tra maggiore libertà di espressione e difficoltà a trasformare istituzioni e sfera pubblica; 6. I contributi del volume; 7. Traslitterazioni; 8. Ringraziamenti); 1. Le soap opera: narrazioni delle società arabe postcoloniali., emancipazione femminile e processi di nation-building / di Renata Pepicelli (1.1 Le musalsalat: voci e corpi del nazionalismo egiziano; 1.2 Diari di una donna: la critica all islamizzazione e l emancipazione femminile nella Tunisia post-ben Ali; 1.3 L affermazione delle soap turche nel mondo arabo: tra conservatorismo e innovazione sociale; 1.4 Conclusioni. Le trasformazioni del mercato delle musalsalat e la pluralizzazione dei modelli femminili); 2. On line & off line: le donne arabe tra autorappresentazione e partecipazione. Il caso egiziano e tunisino / di Cecilia Dalla Negra (2.1 Introduzione; 2.2 Social network e blogosfera in Egitto e Tunisia: genesi e sviluppi; 2.3 Le donne in rivolta: dal gender gap al web come strumento di empowerment; 2.4 Il web dopo la caduta dei regimi, tra violenza di genere e libertà di espressione. Le grandi campagne su Facebook e la rottura dei tabù sociali; 2.5 Conclusioni. I nuovi media come gender equalizer, tra limiti e nuove sfide); 3. Tra vignette e graffiti. L autorappresentazione femminile svela il paradosso di genere egiziano / di Azzurra Meringolo (3.1 Tra vignette e graffiti: il potenziale comunicativo delle immagini; 3.2 Tra denuncia ed empowerment: l opera pionieristica di Doaa el-adl; 3.3 Da vittime a icone: le donne egiziane invadono i muri della capitale; 3.4 Conclusioni); 4. Il corpo e l anima delle donne nel cinema egiziano / di Carolina Popolani (4.1 Il cinema e le donne al tempo delle rivolte: il racconto dell attivismo femminile; 4.2 La violenza contro le donne, non solo piazza Tahrir; 4.3 Alla vigilia della rivolta di gennaio 2011: la sessualità e i suoi tabù; 4.4 Yousry Nasrallah, un regista per le donne/inas El Degheidy, una regista per tutta la società; 4.5 Conclusioni); 5. Visibilità dei politici donna in Tunisia tra vecchi e nuovi media:ostacoli al loro risalto e strategie di copertura mediatica / di Maryam Ben Salem e Atidel Majbri (5.1 Stato della visibilità mediatica dei politici donna in Tunisia; 5.2 La sfida della visibilità mediatica per i politici donna: verso strategie di copertura dell azione politica femminile?; 5.3 Il caso dell abuso sessista come ostacolo alla presenza dei politici donna sui nuovi media; 5.4 Conclusioni); 6. Le giornaliste televisive in Tunisia: la trasformazione di uno scenario / di Leila El Houssi (61. Il giornalismo televisivo femminile durante il regime; 6.2 La trasformazione dello scenario all indomani della rivolta; 6.3 Libertà di espressione e le sue ombre; 6.4 Un progetto ambizioso: il canale per la parità di genere nissa tv; 6.5 Conclusioni); 7. Telepredicatrici e attiviste on line in Marocco: la costruzione mediatica del genere femminile tra ideale islamico e libertà individuali / di Sara Borrillo (7.1 Introduzione; 7.2 Il contesto: un sistema mediatico dinamico, ma non libero; 7.3 Diritti delle donne in Marocco; 7.4 Modelli femminili a confronto; 7.5 Conclusioni). -- Bibliografia; Gli autori; Indice dei nomi PM 1678 Dopo l'iraq: stabilità e cooperazione nel Golfo / di Roberto Aliboni. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 2007. - 18 p. - (Documenti Iai ; 0727) Pubbl. in: Il Golfo e l'unione europea : rapporti economici e di sicurezza / a cura di Roberto Aliboni, Roma, Istituto affari internazionali, 2007 (IAI Quaderni ; 28), p. 75-98 IAI 2007 Le droit de famille dans le monde arabe : constantes et défis / Sami R. Aldeeb Abu-Sahlieh. - Louvain-la- Neuve : CERMAC, 1993. - 38p. - (Les cahiers du monde arabe ; 98) CERMAC 36 Droits de l'homme conflictuels entre l'occident et l' / Sami A. Aldeeb Abu-Sahlieh. - Louvain-la-Neuve : CERMAC, 1991. - 34p. - (Les cahiers du monde arabe ; 88) CERMAC 28 Les droits de l'homme en et en Occident / par Mustapha Benchenane. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 2003. - 10 p. - (Documenti Iai ; 0308) Sul front.: Euromesco Working Group on Euro-Med Common Ground, III Seminar, Tunis 10-11 October 2003. - Pubbl. anche: Lisboa, EuroMeSCo Secretariat at the IEEI, 2004 (EuroMeSCo briefs ; 9) Testo online: IAI 2003 I due stati : società e potere in e Occidente / Bertrand Badie ; a cura di Sergio Noja e Khaled Fouad Allam. - 2. ed. - Genova : Marietti, 1991. - xxxvi, 265 p. - (Biblioteca arabo-islamica ; 1). - ISBN 88-211-7452-2 Tit. orig.: Les deux états 16

PM 696 The dying Sahara : US imperialism and terror in Africa / Jeremy Keenan. - London : Pluto Press, 2013. - xxv, 326 p. : ill. - ISBN 978-0-7453-2962-8 ; 978-0-7453-2961-1 (pbk) ; 978-1-8496-4826-4 (ebk) ; 978-1-8496-4827- 1 (EPub) ; 978-1-8496-4828-8 (Kindle) Contiene: Preface and Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; Timeline; Maps. -- 1. P2OG: A Long History of False-Flag Terrorism; 2. The US Invasion of the Sahara-Sahel; 3. Repression and Terrorism Rents; 4. Footing the Bill. Did the World Bank Fund State Terrorism?; 5. Putting the GWOT Back on Track; 6. New Tuareg Rebellions; 7. Uranium Goes Critical: Why the Tuareg Took Up Arms; 8. The Fifth Anniversary of 2003: Another Kidnap; 9. The Creation of AFRICOM; 10. The Future Ground Zero; 11. Perfidious Albion: The Murder of Edwin Dyer; 12. Drugs and the Threat of Western Intervention; 13. Al-Qaeda in the West for the West; 14. 'Washing the mountain': Desert Borders, Corruption and the DRS; 15. Sarkozy Declares War on Al-Qaeda; 16. Opening the Gates of Hell; 17. The Past Catches Up: Pressure on Algeria; 18. The Arab Spring and Gaddafi Intervene; 19. War Crime?; 20. Preparing for the 'Long War'. -- Notes; Index PM 1615 EC-Arab world relations: political dimension : Castelgandolfo, 18-20 June 1993 / Royal Institute of International Affairs. - [S.l. : s.n., 1993]. - 1 cartella (2 fasc.) Convegni L'Egitto tra Maghreb e Machrek : e democrazia, equilibri interni, ruolo regionale / Carlo Simon- Belli ; contributi di Silvia Mauri e Savino Onelli. - Milano : F. Angeli, 2001. - 270p. - (Politica / Studi ; 1.4). - ISBN 88-464-2823-4 In testa alla cop.: Centro militare di studi strategici (CeMiSS) PM 1125 Egypt and India in the post cold war world : comparative paradigms / edited by Mohammad El-Sayed Selim. - Cairo : Center for Asian Studies, 1996. - xix, 434p. - ISBN 977-223-242-1 Paper della prima Egyptian-Indian Conference, Cairo, aprile 1995, organizzata da Center for Asian Studies e School of International Studies- Jawaharlal Nehru University PM 895 Egypt and the politics of change in the Arab Middle East / Robert Bowker. - Cheltenham ; Northampton : Edward Elgar, c2010. - xiv, 225 p. - ISBN 978-1-84844-865-0 Bibliografia: p. 192-211 Contiene: Foreword / Jerrold D. Green; Preface; Acknowledgments; Introduction: Arab Middle East States and Societies in Transition; 1. Getting to Grips with Globalization: Differentiation and Integration in the Arab Middle East; 2. Middle East Arab States and Society: Fragmentation and Change; 3. Political Reform in Egypt; 4., Globalization and the Outlook for the Arab Middle East; 5. The Sustainability of Economic Reform: Governments, Social Contracts and Marginalized Groups; 6. Outlook: Demography, Democracy, Dinosaurs and Diplomacy; Selected Bibliography; Index PM 1488 Egypt: back to square one? / by Silvia Colombo and Azzurra Meringolo. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 2013. - 12 p. - (Iai working papers ; 1323). - ISBN 978-88-98042-94-4 Paper prepared for the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), July 2013 Testo online: IAIWP 2013 Egypt: changes and challenges of political transition / Maria Cristina Paciello. - [Brussels] : MedPro ; Centre for European Policy Studies, 2011. - 34 p. - (MedPro technical papers ; 4). - ISBN 978-94-6138-101-9 Sul front.: This paper was produced in the context of the MEDPRO (Mediterranean Prospects) project, a three-year project funded under the Socio-economic Sciences & Humanities Programme of DG Research of the European Commission's Seventh Framework Research Programme. - Revised and updated version publ. in: Silvia Colombo and Nathalie Tocci (eds), The challenges of state sustainability in the Mediterranean, Roma, Nuova Cultura, 2011 (IAI research paper), p. 101-160 Testo online: IAI/F 111 Egypt,, and democracy : twelve critical essays / Saad Eddin Ibrahim. - Cairo : American University in Cairo Press, c1996. - xi, 266 p. - ISBN 977-424-377-3 Contiene saggi e articoli pubblicati dal 1980 al 1995. - Contiene anche: "Management and Mismanagement of Diversity: The Case of Ethnic Conflict and State-Building in the Arab World", precedentemente pubbl. in The International Spectator, Vol. XXX, No. 4 (October-December 1995), p. 53-70 Contiene: Introduction. -- ic Activism : 1. Anatomy of Egypt's Militant ic Groups: Methodological Notes and Preliminary Findings (International Journal of Middle East Studies 12, 1980); 2. An ic Alternative in Egypt: The Muslim Brotherhood and Sadat (Arab Studies Quarterly 4, 1981); 3. ic Activism and Political Opposition in Egypt (Presented to the seminar on Aspects of Egyptian Development, Center for Development Research, Copenhagen, June 1990); 4. The Changing Face of Egypt's ic Activism (Ibn Khaldoun Center for Development Studies, Cairo, May 1995); 5. ic Activism and the Western Search for a New Enemy (Ibn Khaldoun Center for 17

Development Studies, Cairo, May 1995). -- Society, Economy, and Polity : 6. Cairo: A Sociological Profile (The Middle East City: Ancient Traditions Confront a Modern World, ed. Abdulaziz Y. Saqqaf, New York: Paragon House, Inc., 1987); 7. Egypt's Landed Bourgeoisie (Developmentalism and Beyond: Society and Politics in Egypt and Turkey, eds. Ayse Oncu, Caglar Keyder, Saad Eddin Ibrahim, Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press, 1994); 8. Governance and Structural Adjustment: The Egyptian Case (Ibn Khaldoun Center for Development Studies, Cairo, November 1994). -- Egypt and the Arab World: Reclaiming the Future : 9. Management and Mismanagement of Diversity: The Case of Ethnic Conflict and State-Building in the Arab World (The International Spectator 30, 1994); 10. The Vindication of Sadat in the Arab World (The Washington Institute Policy Focus Series, Research Memorandum 22, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, October 1995); 11. Grassroots Development in Egypt (Ibn Khaldoun Center for Development Studies, Cairo, August 1993); 12. Civil Society and Prospects of Democratization in the Arab World (Civil Society in the Middle East, ed. Richard Augustus Norton, Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1995) PM 1521 Egypt: security, political, and ist challenges / Sherifa Zuhur. - Carlisle Barracks : U.S. Army War College. Strategic Studies Institute, 2007. - x, 151 p. - ISBN 1-58487-312-4 Testo online: PM 1346 Egypt sets out on a dangerous path: treating political and diplomatic problems as security threats / by Nathan J. Brown. - Washington : The German Marshall Fund of the United States, 2014. - 3 p. - (Op-Med: Opinions on the Mediterranean) Sul front.: The German Marshall Fund of the United States, Istituto affari internazionali. - Product from a strategic partnership between GMF and IAI focused on Mediterranean issues and strategies - March 2014 Testo online:; Egypt: the moment of change / edited by Rabab El-Mahdi & Philip Marfleet. - London and New York : Zed Books, 2009. - xi, 186 p. - ISBN 978-1-84813-020-3 ; 978-1-84813-021-0 (pbk) ; 978-1-84813-504-8 (ebk) Bibliografia: p. 164-179 Contiene: Glossary; Preface and acknowledgements; Introduction/ Rabab El-Mahdi & Philip Marfleet; 1. State and society / Philip Marfleet; 2. Economic policy : from state control to decay and corruption / Ahmad El-Sayed El-Naggar; 3. The land and the people / Ray Bush; 4. Workers struggles under 'socialism' and neoliberalism / Joel Beinin; 5. The democracy movement: cycles of protest / Rabab El-Mahdi; 6. ism(s) old and new / Sameh Naguib; 7. Torture: a state policy / Aida Seif El-Dawla; 8. Mubarak in the international arena / Anne Alexander; 9. Conclusion: What s next? / Rabab El-Mahdi & Philip Marfleet; Notes; References; Contributors; Index PM 1553 Egyptian democracy and the Muslim Brotherhood : how the EU can seize the moment / edited by Esra Bulut Aymat ; introduction by Álvaro de Vasconcelos ; contributors: Nathan J. Brown, Amr Elshobaki, Kristina Kausch. - Paris : European Union. Institute for Security Studies, 2011. - 31 p. - (EU-ISS report ; 10). - ISBN 978-92-9198-180-9 Testo online: DO 1794 Élections et élites en Algérie : paroles de candidats / Rachid Tlemçani. - [Alger] : Chihab Éditions, 2003. - 279 p. PM 1208 Elezioni e dinamiche di democratizzazione in Marocco. Il ruolo del Partito della giustizia e dello sviluppo <Documento elettronico> / tesi di dottorato di Serena Dalla Valle. - [S.l. : s.n., 2009]. - 1 CD ROM Sul front.: Università Ca Foscari Venezia - Dottorato di ricerca in Lingue Culture e Società, 22 ciclo, anno accademico 2006/2007-2008/2009. - Software applicativo: Adobe Acrobat reader The emergence of ism in the Arab world: economic implications for the West / by Roberto Aliboni. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 1993. - 12p. - (Documenti Iai ; 9357) Sul front.: Paper presented at the Conference "The political role of the ist movements in the contemporary Arab world: national, regional and international dimensions", Bologna 26-27 November 1993. - Pubbl. in: The ist dilemma : the political role of ist movements in the contemporary Arab world / edited by Laura Guazzone, Reading, Ithaca Press, 1995, p.289-306 con il tit.: The ic factor in international economic cooperation IAI 1993 (En)gendering the war on terror : war stories and camouflaged politics / edited by Krista Hunt, Kim Rygiel. - Aldershot ; Burlington : Ashgate, c2006. - xvi, 234 p. - (Gender in a global/local world). - ISBN 0-7546-4481-2 Contiene: Foreword, Cynthia Enloe; Series Editors' Preface, Pauline Gardiner Barber, Jane Parapart and Marianne Marchand; 1. (En)gendered war stories and camouflaged politics, Krista Hunt and Kim Rygiel; Pt. I. A War for/on Women's Rights: Post-9/11 Rescue Narratives - 2. Between orientalism and fundamentalism: Muslim women and feminist engagement, Jasmin Zine; 3. 'Embedded Feminism' and the war on terror, Krista Hunt; 4. Benevolent invaders, heroic victims and depraved villains: white femininity in media coverage of the invasion of Iraq, Melisa Brittain; 5. Rescue in the age of Empire: children, masculinity, and the war on terror, Catherine V. Scott; Pt. II. A War on/of Terror: The Politics Of Control - 6. White nationalism, illegality and imperialism: border controls as ideology, Nandita Sharma; 7. 18

Protecting and proving identity: the biopolitics of waging war through citizenship in the post-9/11 era, Kim Rygiel; 8. The headscarf debate: Muslim women in Europe and the 'War on Terror', Jane Freedman; 9. Is 'W' for women?, Zillah Eisenstein; Bibliography; Index A 1612 The encounter :, the West and human rights : summaries of papers and presentations from the roundtable on the universality of human rights, December 10-12, 1994, Amman / The Institute of Diplomacy in cooperation with Rights and Humanity ; editor: Mazen Armouti. - Amman : The Institute of Diplomacy, 1996. - 94p. PM 927 Ending terrorism : lessons for defeating al-qaeda / Audrey Kurth Cronin. - Abingdon ; New York : Routledge for The International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2008. - 85 p. - (Adelphi papers ; 394). - ISBN 978-0-415-45062-1 AO/AP 373 Engaging the Middle East: after the Cairo speech / Amelia Cook. - Medford : Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies, [2010]. - v, 71 p. - (Occasional paper / Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies ; 7) A report on the conference: Engaging the Middle East: After the Cairo Speech, October 14-15, 2010, Tufts University, Medford/Somerville, MA Testo online: DO 1799 Engaging the Muslim world / Juan Cole. - New York : Palgrave MacMillan, 2009. - 282 p. - ISBN 978-0-230-60754-5 Contiene: Introduction; 1. The struggle for ic oil: the truth about energy independence; 2. Muslim activism, Muslim radicalism: telling the two apart; 3. The Wahhabi myth: from Riyadh to Doha; 4. Iraq and Anxiety: how fearmongering got up a war and kept it going; 5. Pakistan and Afghanistan beyond the Taliban; 6. Ayatollahs and caviar: the Iranian challenge; Conclusion; Notes; Index PM 1500 Entre le réel et l'imaginaire: quelques données sur les mouvements de population entre les deux rives / par Abdelbaki Hermassi. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 1995. - 7 p. - (Documenti Iai ; 9517) Sul front.: Communication au séminaire international sur "Southern and Eastern Mediterranean: notions and perceptions of security with respect to Western security alliances", Rome, 15-16 décembre 1995 / [Istituto affari internazionali et NATO Office of Information and Press] IAI 1995 L'envers des pyramides : l Egypte au quotidien / Daniel Le Gac. - Paris : Le sycomore ; S.F.I.E.D., c1984. - 229 p. - (Le Sycomore). - ISBN 2-86262-251-6 ; 978-2-86262-251-4 PM 1518 Les états arabes face à la contestation islamiste / sous la direction de Bassma Kodmani-Darwish, May Chartouni- Dubarry. - Paris : A. Colin, c1997. - 317p. - (Travaux et recherches de l'ifri). - ISBN 2-200-01533-X Sulla p.9: Cet ouvrage est l'aboutissement d'un projet de recherche, lancé en octobre 1993 par l'ifri, sur le thème initial "Les stratégies des Etats arabes vis-à-vis des mouvements islamistes" PM 941 Ethnic and religious strains in Turkey: internal and external implications / Ian O. Lesser. - Santa Monica : RAND, 1997. - 18p. CO 1801 Ethnic conflict and state-building in the Arab world / by Saad Eddin Ibrahim. - Roma : Istituto affari internazionali, 1994. - 31p. - (Documenti Iai ; 9421) Sul front.: Paper presented at the conference "Global interdependence and the future of the Middle East", Rome, November 7-8, 1994 IAI 1994 The ethnic factor in the Soviet armed forces : the Muslim dimension / Thomas S. Szayna. - Santa Monica : RAND, 1991. - XI, 59p. - (RAND reports). - ISBN 0-8330-1112-X Sul front.: Prepared for the United States Army RAND 15 Ethno-religious conflict in Europe : typologies of radicalisation in Europe s Muslim communities / edited by Michael Emerson. - Brussels : Centre for European Policy Studies, c2009. - 194 p. - ISBN 978-92-9079-822-4 "This book comes from a large research endeavour of the European Union s 6th Framework Programme, called Microcon..." Testo online: Contiene: Preface; 1. Introduction and Summary / Michael Emerson; 2. Al-Qaeda in the West as a Youth Movement: The Power of a 19

Narrative / Olivier Roy. -- Case Studies : 3. Ideological and Theological Foundations of Muslim Radicalism in France / Samir Amghar; 4. Political, Religious and Ethnic Radicalisation among Muslims in Belgium / Theodoros Koutroubas, Ward Vloeberghs & Zeynep Yanasmayan; 5. Muslims in the Netherlands: Tensions and Violent Conflict / Tinka Veldhuis & Edwin Bakker; 6. Radicalisation among Muslims in the UK / Rachel Briggs & Jonathan Birdwell; 7. Muslims in Spain and ic Religious Radicalism / Patricia Bezunartea, José Manuel López &Laura Tedesco; 8. Radicalisation of Russia s Muslim Community / Aleksei Malashenko & Akhmet Yarlykapov PM 1431 Études politiques du monde arabe : approches globales et approches specifiques : actes du deuxième colloque franco-égyptien de politologie : Paris, 3-5 juillet 1989 / J.- C. Vatin... [et al.]. - Le Caire : CEDEJ, 1991. - 403 p. - (Dossiers du CEDEJ ; 1991/1). - ISBN 2-905838-21-8 PM 746 The EU and Mindanao: innovative avenues for seeking peace / Alistair MacDonald and Gabriel Munuera Viñals. - Paris : EU Institute for Security Studies, 2012. - 35 p. - (EU-ISS occasional papers ; 97). - ISBN 978-92-9198-206-6 Testo online: DO 1813 Euro- : a conference on relations between European and ic cultures and on the position of Muslims in Europe : Stockholm, June 15-16 1995 : documentation / The Swedish Institute. - Stockholm : The Swedish Institute, stampa 1995. - 136, 41p. - ISBN 91-520-0381-7 PM 917 Euro- : the second conference on relations between the Muslim world and Europe : Mafraq, Jordan, June 10-13 1996 / The Swedish Institute. - 93, 96p. - ISBN 91-520-0449-X Posseduta anche 1 cartella (7 fasc.) ConvegniPM 918 Euromesco Working Group on Euro-Med security common ground : 3. seminar : Tunis, 10-11 October 2003 / Euro-Mediterranean Study Commission (EuroMeSCo). - [S.l. : s.n., 2003]. - 1 cartella (4 fasc.) Contiene: 1. La perception maghrébine de la sécurité, dans le partenariat euro-méditerranéen / Khalifa Chater (11 p.), pubbl. in Documenti IAI0309 2. Southern Mediterranean perceptions and proposals for Mediterranean security / Gamal A.G. Soltan (21 p.), pubbl. in Documenti IAI0311 3. Les droits de l'homme en et en Occident / Mustapha Benchenane (15 p.), pubbl. in Documenti IAI0308 4. Democracy and the EMP: European and Arab perspectives / Richard Gillespie and Richard Young (14 p.), pubbl. in Documenti IAI0310 Convegni Europe et Maghreb : voisinage immédiat, distanciation stratégique / sous la direction de Abdennour Benantar. - Alger : Centre de recherche en économie appliquée pour le développement, 2010. - 439 p. - ISBN 978-9961- 9883-2-9 PM 1532 L'Europe face aux nouveaux risques: le défi du Maghreb / Bichara Khader. - Louvain-la-Neuve : CERMAC, 1992. - 74p. - (Les cahiers du monde arabe ; 94-95) CERMAC 34 Europe for the Europeans : the foreign and security policy of the populist radical right / edited by Christina Schori Liang. - Aldershot ; Burlington : Ashgate, c2007. - xvi, 318 p. - ISBN 978-0-7546-4851-2 This publication arose out of a workshop... under the auspices of the Graduate Institute for International Studies in geneva in July 2004 Contiene: Foreword, François Heisbourg; 1. Europe for the Europeans: the foreign and security policy of the populist radical right, Christina Schori Liang; 2. Against the 'green totalitarianism': anti-ic nativism in contemporary radical right-wing populism in Western Europe, Hans-Georg Betz; 3. The aims and objections of the Austrian far right in the fields of foreign and military politics, Fabian Virchow; 4. Our own people first in a Europe of peoples: the international policy of the Vlaams Blok, Marc Swyngedouw, Koen Abts and Maarten van Craen; 5. Nationalism, new right, and new cleavages in Danish politics: foreign and security policy of the Danish People's Party, Jørgen Goul Andersen; 6. 'La politique du dehors avec les raisons du dedans': foreign and defence policy of the French Front National, Jocelyn A.J. Evans; 7. 'Nationalism ensures peace': the foreign and security policy of the German populist radical right after (re)unification, Christina Schori Liang; 8. The Communist legacy? Populist but not popular : the foreign policies of the Hungarian radical right, Eric Beckett Weaver; 9. Recalcitrant allies. The conflicting foreign policy agenda of the Alleanza Nazionale and the Lega Nord, Marco Tarchi; 10. A Fortuynist foreign policy, Cas Mudde; 11. The Swiss People's Party and the foreign and security policy since the 1990s, Oscar Mazzoleni; 12. Non Angeli, sed Angli: the neo-populist foreign policy of the 'new' BNP, Roger Griffin; 13. Between tradition and transition: the central European radical right and the new European order, Michael Minkenberg; 14. A specific variant of neo-populism: foreign and security policies of extreme right parties in the European Parliament elections in 2004, Volker Ahlemeyer; Appendix: Populist radical right parties; Index O 2399 20