Bibliografia. 5. Bibliografia

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5. Bibliografia ALBERTELLI G., COVAZZI-HARRIAGUE A., DANOVARO R., FABIANO M., FRASCHETTI S., PUSCEDDU A. (1999) - Differential responses of bacteria, meiofauna and macrofauna in a shelf area (Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean): role of food availability. J. Sea Res., 42: 11-26. ALVERSON D.L., FREEBERG M.H., POPE J.G., MURAWSKY S.A. (1994) - A global assessment of fisheries bycatch and discard. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap., 339, 233 pp. APHA - American Public Health Association (1985) - Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16th Edition, Method 209C, 96 pp. ARDIZZONE G.D. (2006) - An introduction to Sensitive and Essential Fish Habitats identification and protection in the Mediterranean Sea. EU STECF-SGRMED Meeting su Sensitive e Essential Fish Habitat nel Mar Mediterraneo (Roma, Marzo 2006), rapporto tecnico, 19 pp. ASTRALDI M., GASPARINI G.P., MANZELLA M.R. (1990) - Temporal variability of current in the eastern Ligurian Sea. J. Geophys. Res., 95: 1515-1522. ASTRALDI M., GASPARINI G.P. (1992) - The seasonal characteristics of the circulation in the north Mediterranean Basin and their relationship with the atmospheric-climatic conditions. J. Geophys. Res., 97 (C6): 9531-9540. ASTRALDI M., BORGHINI C., GALLI C., GASPARINI G.P., LAZZONI E. (1993) - Caratteristiche della circolazione nell Arcipelago Toscano. In: Progetto Mare, ricerca sullo stato biologico chimico e fisico dell Alto Tirreno toscano (Univ. Di Firenze e Regione Toscana). Lab. Di Ecologia, Dip. di Biologia vegetale, Università di Firenze: 37-44. 104

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