AVVERTENZA IMPORTANTE Questo modello è redatto sulla base della normativa italiana in vigore al dicembre 2011 e della Convenzione di Vienna del 1980

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AVVERTENZA IMPORTANTE Questo modello è redatto sulla base della normativa italiana in vigore al dicembre 2011 e della Convenzione di Vienna del 1980 sulla vendita internazionale di beni mobili. Il presente contratto costituisce solo un esempio di contratto internazionale di fornitura di un macchinario o di un impianto, redatto sul presupposto di rivolgersi essenzialmente a piccole e medie imprese italiane fornitrici del macchinario o dell'impianto, e sul presupposto che la legge italiana possa costituire legge regolatrice del contratto. Nel nostro ordinamento il contratto di compravendita di macchinari o impianti è in realtà un contratto che presenta caratteristiche e contenuti peculiari, riconducibili, di volta in volta, al contratto di compravendita, al contratto di appalto di fornitura o al contratto di sub-fornitura industriale. Il metodo seguito nella redazione del presente contratto è quello di considerare prevalente, rispetto ad altre forme contrattuali tipiche, l'aspetto della vendita internazionale, e, dunque, si è scelto di sottoporre espressamente il contratto oltre che ad una legge nazionale (secondo la presente proposta, da identificarsi in quella italiana) anche alla Convenzione di Vienna sulla vendita internazionale di beni mobili del 1980 che, in quanto norma internazionale uniforme applicabile ogni qual volta si applichi al contratto la legge di uno Stato aderente (alla data di pubblicazione del presente contratto, gli Stati aderenti sono 77, compresa l'italia), costituisce in ogni caso una fondamentale fonte internazionale di riferimento. L'obiettivo che ci si è prefisso non è, infatti, quello di fornire un contratto pronto all'uso, ma quello di offrire al lettore uno schema che possa costituire un utile riferimento in caso di necessità di redazione di un contratto internazionale di fornitura di macchinari o impianti, senza alcuna pretesa che il presente modello di contratto sia utilizzabile in qualsivoglia situazione contrattuale. In sostanza, come generalmente avviene nella redazione di modelli di contratto, sono state operate scelte che costituiscono soltanto una tra le possibili soluzioni, sebbene le soluzioni qui proposte risultino generalmente tipiche nella prassi, senza la pretesa che la soluzione volta a volta proposta rappresenti necessariamente la soluzione ottimale nel caso concreto. Il contratto di fornitura di macchinari o impianti non si presta, infatti, ad essere pienamente standardizzato. Pertanto, nel presente modello di contratto sono riportate alcune note esplicative che illustrano gli scopi che le clausole intendono raggiungere, e che si propongono di aiutare l'operatore ad identificare possibili soluzioni alternative che possono rivelarsi più adeguate al proprio caso specifico. Vista, dunque, la complessità della materia, Unioncamere Lombardia raccomanda di utilizzare il presente modello di contratto con la massima attenzione, valutando le soluzioni proposte alla luce della situazione concreta, e avvalendosi, nella messa a punto del proprio contratto, dell'assistenza del legale di fiducia. Nessuna responsabilità derivante dall'uso del modello e dei suoi contenuti, potrà essere imputata a Unioncamere Lombardia o agli estensori del modello stesso, fatto salvo quanto previsto dall'art. 1229 c.c.

Model Form Contract for the supply of machinery/industrial plant day of 1 by and between: hereinafter referred to as the "Seller"; and 2. And /the company / in his capacity as guarantor.] ( Whereas 3: the Buyer desires to purchase from the Seller the machinery and/or equipment described in Annex 1 (hereinafter the 1 ata di sottoscrizione che costituisce altresì, ove non previsto diversamente, la data di entrata in vigore del contratto. Se il redattore scegliesse di concordare un sistema di revede il pagamento di un down payment secondo la quale alla sottoscrizione del contratto ed il contratto potrà essere risolto se non verrà posta in essere a cura prevista entro e non oltre un certo numero di giorni dalla sottoscrizione del contratto. 2 i dati identificativi delle Parti stesse ma altresì la persona fisica che possa validamente rappresentarle ai fini della conclusione del contratto. 3 whereas presupposti che hanno portato le Parti a concludere il contratto. In un contratto quale quello in esame le Parti quale, pertanto, si dichiara disponibile a concludere il contratto sul presupposto di essere in grado di produrre quello specifico impianto (e non altri). In genere, il venditore dispone delle competenze tecniche per definire con precisione le caratterist venditore di prestare particolare attenzi Performance Criteria con attenzione anche le condizioni garantite. Potrebbe essere oltremodo utile prevedere, nella definizione dei parametri per le prestazioni garantite, determinate soglie di tolleranza. 1

characteristics set forth in said Annex 1, as may subsequently be amended in meeting the guaranteed performance criteria also set forth in said Annex 1 below; and - the Seller, having the necessary skill, know-how and resources to design, manufacture, supply and install the Equipment, is willing to sell said Equipment to the Buyer; NOW THEREFORE THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1) Subject of the Agreement 1.1 The Buyer hereby agrees to purchase from the Seller, and the Seller hereby agrees to sell and provide to the Buyer, the Equipment having the Technical Specifications and meeting the Performance Criteria set forth in this Agreement, as well as to provide the engineering, erection and start up services described in Article 8 and 4 subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein. 1.2. The Seller shall supply the Buyer, free of charge, with the documentation relating to the Equipment set forth in Annex 1 hereto. Said documentation shall be supplied to the Buyer exclusively in Italian and/or English 5. 1.3. The Buyer represents and warrants that the Buyer purchases the Equipment for a lawful and legitimate civil use (only) and is the end user of the Equipment. The Parties acknowledge that no resale or other use is authorized and that the Buyer shall be fully and solely liable for any violation hereof 6. 4 Convenzi I contratti aventi per oggetto la fornitura di merce da fabbricare o produrre, sono da considerarsi vendite, a meno che la parte che ordina la merce non debba fornire una parte sostanziale dei materiali per tale fabbricazione o produzione. La presente convenzione non si applica ai contratti in cui la parte preponderante degli obblighi del contraente che fornisce la merce consiste nella che le Parti abbiano comunque scelto espressamente (clausola 15) di applicare al contratto la CISG. La formulazione d del contratto le prestazioni di servizio accessorie alla vendita (progettazione, installazione e start up) tenendo conto delle peculiarità del caso concreto e della volontà delle Parti. 5 La clausola si riferisce essenzialmente ad eventuali certificazioni ed alla manualistica (relativa alle istruzioni generalmente accompagna i macchinari e che viene generalmente redatta dal venditore nella propria lingua raccomanda che la versione in lingua straniera (nel caso in esam e/o verificata da un traduttore esperto della terminologia tecnica del settore. 6 Il contratto di fornitura di macchinari o impianti è, nella prassi dei contratti internazionali, spesso influenzato dal tipo di venga acquistato a scopo di rivendita) e che tale impianto venga acquistato per fini produttivi e dunque per scopi civili e legittimi, escludendosi qualsiasi utilizzo di carattere militare. Tale ultimo aspetto è rilevante ai fini 2

2) Changes in the Equipment and Technical Specifications 7 2.1 The Seller shall be entitled, at any time prior to the Pre-ship Acceptance Test (as reasonable discretion, inter alia in order to ensure that the Equipment complies with generally accepted standards of the industry and satisfies the Performance Criteria or to enhance the safety and/or performance and/or quality features of the Equipment. 2.2 The Seller shall notify the Buyer in writing of any such amendment to the Technical Specifications prior to completion of the Pre-ship Acceptance Test as defined hereinafter. Should this result in a delay of more than [sixty (60)] days 8 in the Time Schedule and/or in an increase of the Purchase Price of more than [2% (two percent)], then, and only then, the Buyer shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by sending to the Seller written notice of termination within [fifteen (15)] days following its receipt of the Seller's notice of the said changes, it being understood that, in such event, i) the Buyer shall reimburse the Seller for any and all costs incurred by the Seller in connection with this Agreement prior to the effective date of termination and ii) such reimbursement shall take place within [thirty (30)] days following receipt by the Buyer of the upon the expiration of said [fifteen (15)] day term, any right of the Buyer to reject any amendment to the Technical Specifications shall be deemed to have been waived. dual use, ossia di quei beni (materiali, componenti, macchinari, prodotti finiti, semilavorati, software etc.) commercializzati a scopo civile utilizzabili anche per la costruzione di armi o comunque per scopi bellici. 7 Il venditore si impegna a fornire un impianto non soltanto in grado di rispettare le specifiche tecniche riportate in allegato ma altresì di raggiungere determinati livelli di prestazione garantiti. Le specifiche tecniche sono pertanto dichiarate come indicative e non vincolanti per il venditore che si riserva di modificarle a propria discrezione, in particolare qualora ciò si riveli necessario od utile al fine di realizzare un impianto avente ard riconosciuti nel settore). La clausola in esame è stata redatta sulla scorta della normativa italiana in materia di al progetto e, dunque, anche alle specifiche tecnic prevede che il venditore possa apportare tutte le modifiche alle specifiche tecniche che ritenga opportune itore (Pre-ship Acceptance Test). numero di giorni e/o un aumento del prezzo oltre una determinata percentuale. Tali elementi devono essere valutati dal redattore con estrema attenzione. Il venditore infatti dovrà in tal caso dare comunicazione ermine (ipotizzato di 15 giorni) potrà risolvere il contratto, fermo restando il diritto del venditore ad essere compensato per i costi sostenuti dal venditore stesso fino a quel momento. 8 (termine, scadenza, percentuale etc.) ma occorre che il redattore verifichi sempre se il dato suggerito sia effettivamente adeguato al caso concreto. Tutti i dati sono pertanto indicati tra parentesi quadre [..], ovviamente da eliminare in fase di redazione del testo. 3

3) Delivery terms - Time of Performance and Deliveries 3.1 Except as otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties hereto, all Equipment deliveries shall be made by the Seller [CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid to) [inserire luogo di destinazione convenuto] Incoterms 2010 9 (accordingly the Seller shall deliver the Incoterms 2010, International Chamber of Commerce, it being understood that any alternative delivery term that may be agreed upon in writing, using trade delivery terms included in Incoterms, shall have the meaning given to it in Incoterms. The Buyer shall obtain from an insurance company of its choice, if it so wishes, an additional adequate insurance covering risk of damage or loss to the Equipment during transportation from delivery to destination. 3.2 The time schedule attached hereto as Annex 3 ( specifies the dates for the performance by the Parties of the relevant obligations under this Agreement. 3.3 Any and all dates set forth in the Time Schedule are approximate only and nonbinding. The Seller shall exercise reasonable efforts to effect delivery within the terms specified in the Time Schedule. Time of delivery shall not be of the essence a delay in delivery. The Seller shall inform the Buyer in writing as soon as possible of any delay in delivery of the Equipment as compared with the anticipated delivery dates. 10 9 La scelta del termine di resa dovrà naturalmente essere fatta dal redattore dopo aver attentamente termine Incoterms, CIP il venditore adempie al proprio obbligo di consegna rimettendo la merce al vettore (e non di destinazione convenuto ed a stipulare integrati previsto alla clausola 3.1, coprire il trasporto con una ulteriore idonea assicurazione. noltre, il CIP richiede che il venditore termine 10 Anche la presente clausola è chiaramente stata redatta a favore del venditore. I termini indicati dalle Parti nel Time Schedule sono da considerarsi non vincolanti e non costituenti in ogni caso termini essenziali. Qualora non sia possibile inserire in contratto una tale previsione, si raccomanda di pattuire comunque una clausola di limitazione della responsabilità del venditore in caso di ritardo e di prevedere una predeterminazione dei danni (liquidated damages) attenzione a prevedere che tali liquidated damages non sia possibile -liquidati nella clausola). Except as otherwise provided herein, in the event the Seller does not comply with the dates specified in the Time Schedule, the Seller shall be liable to pay to the Buyer liquidated damages of 1% of the Purchase Price, as hereinafter defined, per each week of delay following a (15) fifteen day grace period. The total sum of the liquidated damages due by the Seller hereunder shall not exceed 5% of the Purchase Price, notwithstanding any provision to the contrary herein. The parties hereto hereby acknowledge and agree that the foregoing 4

4) Purchase Prices The price/s for the supply of the Equipment, including the Works described in Annex 2 shall be those set forth in Annex 4 11 12. 5) Payment Terms and Guarantees - Entry into force 5.1 Except as otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties, payment of the Purchase Price shall be effected by the Buyer to the Seller in the invoice currency in accordance understood that payment shall be deemed made to the Seller only at the time when the sum in question has been unconditionally credited to said bank account of Seller. 5.2.1 This Agreement shall enter into force at the moment of its signature by both Parties, provided that the Down Payment (as defined in Annex 5) has been received by the Seller. Should the Down Payment be made after the signature by both Parties, then this Agreement shall have no force and effect unless the Down Payment is made and shall enter into force and effect at the time the Down Payment is made, provided also that the Down Payment is made on or before the [tenth (10th)] day following signature by both Parties. 5.2.2 Unless otherwise agreed by the Seller in writing, should the Letter of Credit (as defined in Annex 5) not have been issued within [thirty (30)] days following the date liquidated damages s 11 quella qui di seguito riportata. La formula è tratta dalla clausola di revisione del prezzo adottata nelle The Purchase Price/s set forth in Annex 4 shall remain fixed for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days only. Thereafter, upon the request of either Party hereto, should any change occur in the cost of the relevant materials and/or wages during the performance of this Agreement, the Purchase Price shall be subject to revision on the basis of the following formula: P1= P0/100 (a + b M1/M0 +c S1/S0) where: P1= final price for invoicing; M1= mean of the prices (or price indices) for (type of materials concerned) ove categories of labour and social charg S0= wages (including social charges) or relevant indices in respect of the same categories at the date stipulated above for P0. a, b and c, represent the contractually agreed percentage of the individual elements of the initial price, which adds up to 100. (a+b+c =100) Where necessary, b (and if need b,c) can be broken down into as many there are variables taken into account. For the purpose of determining the values of materials and wages, the 12 Le Parti possono prevedere n e per i lavori. 5

of signature of this Agreement by both Parties hereto, then Article 5.3 hereinbelow shall apply. 13 5.3 Should the Buyer fail to provide the Letter of Credit (as defined in Annex 5) in accordance with the provisions of Article 5.2.2 hereinabove, then the Seller shall be entitled, in its sole discretion and without incurring any liability for damages: a) to terminate this Agreement and to retain the portion of the Purchase Price already paid by the Buyer, by way of partial compensation for the expenses incurred by the Seller in connection with this Agreement, and to claim further damages, if any; b) to refuse to deliver, in whole or in part, the Equipment not yet delivered or to postpone delivery until such time as all sums owed to the Seller by the Buyer have been paid 14. 6) Title to the Equipment 15 Except as otherwise provided by applicable rule of law, which rule of law is absolute and may not be varied by contract, title to the Equipment shall pass to the Buyer only upon payment in full of the Purchase Price of said Equipment. Until such time as title to the Equipment passes to the Buyer in accordance herewith, the Equipment shall be kept labelled as property of the Seller. The Buyer shall not I) deliver to third parties, ii) give as security or iii) in any way dispose of the Equipment subject to 13 Le clausole 5.2 e 5.3 sono state redatte tenendo conto delle modalità di pagamento attualmente previste modifichino le modalità di pagamento. 14 La clausola 5.3 è una clausola risolutiva espressa a favore del venditore che conferisce al venditore la facoltà di risolvere immediatamente il contratto nel caso in cui non venga aperta la lettera di credito el prezzo concordato). Nella formulazione adottata il venditore ha diritto alla risoluzione del contratto senza obbligo di adempiere. La clausola prevede altresì che in caso di risoluzione, il venditore abbia diritto a trattenere quella parte del prezzo che il venditore abbia già ricevuto a titolo di risarcimento dei danni subiti, fatti salvi gli ulteriori danni; la clausola prevede altresì che q clausola è conforme alle previsioni della Convenzione di Vienna del 1980 secon Una parte può insufficienza nella sua capacità di adempiere o nella sua solvibilità; (b) del modo in cui si prepara a dare esecuzione o esegue il contratto. Art. 71 CISG). 15 Nel nostro ordinamento il trasferimento della proprietà è il principale oggetto del contratto di compravendita il contratto che ha per oggetto il trasferimento della proprietà di una cosa o il trasferimento di un altro diritto verso il corrispettivo di un prezzo al vendito à che dunque dipende dalla legge nazionale applicabile. La clausola 6 è una clausola di riserva di proprietà (o patto di riservato dominio) redatta sulla base della legge italiana che tegrale pagamento del prezzo della di tale clausola deve essere verificata con estrema attenzione alla luce della legge che le Parti sceglieranno come applicabile al contratto ed alla luce altresì della normativa applicabile, e delle relative formalità richieste clausola di riserva di proprietà potrebbe risultare, ancorché valida, non opponibile in caso di fallimento 6

retention of title by Seller; furthermore, the Buyer shall promptly inform the Seller of any rights which third parties may have acquired over said Equipment. In the event of default by the Buyer, the Seller shall be entitled, without any formalities, including notifying the Buyer of the default, to repossess all of the Equipment with respect to which title has not yet passed to the Buyer, wherever said Equipment may be. In addition, the Seller reserves the right to seek any other judicial remedies available to it in respect of the damages suffered. 7. Inspection, Pre-shipment Acceptance Test 16 7.1 representatives inspect the Equipment during the manufacture, assembly, hours and, in each case, upon reasonable prior written notice to Seller, provided that said inspection 7.2 A pre- - Pre-ship Acceptance Test procedure i -ship [thirty (30)] days prior to the date on which the Equipment shall be ready for the Preship Acceptance Test and shall keep the Equipment at the disposal of the Buyer for said Pre-ship Acceptance Test for [ten (10)] days from said date. Should the Buyer fail to participate to said Pre-ship Acceptance Test, or should the Buyer interrupt its 16 A partire dalla clausola 7 in esame fino alla clausola 9 sono state inserite previsioni che hanno sostanzialmente lo scopo di stabil tecnica tra le Parti sia nella fase precedente alla consegna della merce che nelle fasi successive fino al che si conclude Final Performance Test verifica in corso di esecuzione del contratto è infatti principio previsto nel nostro ordinamento (ad esempio Il committente ha diritto di controllare lo svolgimento dei lavori e di verificarne a proprie spese lo stato. [II]. Quando, nel corso dell'opera, si accerta che la sua esecuzione non procede secondo le condizioni stabilite dal contratto e a regola d'arte, il committente può fissare un congruo termine entro il quale l'appaltatore si deve conformare a tali condizioni; trascorso inutilmente il termine stabilito, il contratto è risoluto, salvo il diritto del committente al risarcimento del danno nella Convenzione di Vienna del 1980 (art. 38 CISG) di accedere ai locali del venditore per verificare lo stato di avanzamento dei lavori, è stato pertanto previsto che, prima della consegna, le Parti effettuino, in una data da stabilirsi da parte del venditore, con un preavviso minimo contrattualmente stabilito, presso lo stabilimento del venditore un pre-shipment acceptance test (Pre-ship Acceptance Test), la cui procedura dovrà essere procedura primo collaudo è quello di verificare, già presso la sede del venditore (quale condizione per la spedizione), che Performance Criteria), prestazioni che costituiranno comunque Final Performance Test. Si raccomanda di definire contrattualmente anche il testo del certificato che dovrà essere sottoscritto Pre-ship Acceptance Test Pre-ship Acceptance Test e successivamente del Final Performance Test in entrambi i casi è stato previsto il ricorso alla nomina di un esperto sulla base delle Rules for Expertise della Camera di commercio internazionale. 7

participation to the Pre-ship Acceptance Test before its completion, then the Seller with the ICC Rules for Expertise and the expert so appointed shall participate in the Pre-ship Acceptance Test in lieu of the Buyer. If the Test is passed the said expert shall sign the Pre-ship Acceptance Certificate pursuant to Article 7.3 hereinafter in lieu of the Buyer. 7.3 If the Pre-ship Acceptance Test reveals that the Equipment does not meet the Performance Criteria or otherwise does not comply with this Agreement, the Seller will promptly begin to correct any such non- again notify the Buyer in compliance with Article 7.2 above. As soon as the Equipment has passed the Pre-ship Acceptance Test, a Pre-ship Acceptance Certificate shall be issued substantially in the form of the certificate set forth in - the Pre-ship Acceptance Test of the Equipment has been completed and passed shall be certified. 7.4 Should all Performance Criteria not be met within [one hundred eighty (180)] days after commencement of the Pre-ship Acceptance Test, due to no fault of the Buyer, and unless an ICC expert has been appointed pursuant to Article 7.2 hereinabove by said deadline, the Buyer may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the Seller and the Seller shall refund to the Buyer the portion of the Purchase Price paid to date, it being understood that, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 11 below, restitution of said portion of the Purchase Price, shall be limited to [10% (ten percent)] of the said portion of the Purchase Price. 17 8) Erection, Start up and Final Performance Test 18 17 Pre- Ship Acceptance Test ovvero qualora le parti non raggiungano un accordo in merito al superamento del Test prevedendo un meccanismo che consenta al venditore di effettuare comunque in autonomia il Test di avvalendosi di un esperto nominato sulla base delle Rules for Expertise della Camera di commercio internazionale (reperibili al sito web www.cciitalia.org). superi il Pre-Ship Acceptance Test entro un determinato periodo di tempo (ad esempio 180 giorni). Ciò, stata prevista una predeterminazione anticipata del conseguente danno con riferimento ad una determinata percentuale previsione compare alla clausola 8.5 in caso di mancato raggiungimento dei Performance Criteria presso la 18 La clausola 8 e la clausola 9 Final Performance Test. Tale fase può essere regolamentata dalle Parti prevedendo gli obblighi di ciascuna Parte con maggiore o minore dettaglio. Nel testo qui proposto è stata fatta infatti la scelta di rimandare la descrizione di tali fasi testo del certificato di collaudo finale a destino ossia del Final Acceptance Certificate. Generalmente, una stato, il venditore procede con il 8

8.1 Following delivery of the Equipment in compliance with Article 3 hereinabove, and within [forty- this effect, the Seller agrees to provide its qualified erection engineers to go to the site of installation of the Equipment to erect, assemble and start up the Equipment ion, Start up, Final Performance Test and Final numbers or for periods of time exceeding those which the Seller deems reasonable, 8.2 The Buyer shall be responsible for providing suitable foundations, buildings, lifting gear, skilled and other labour, water, power and effluent connections, raw materials and all other material, labour, services and facilities which are reasonably necessary -up of the Equipment. 8.3 t-up and 19 shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures set out in Annex 7 and, with respect to matters not indicated in said Annex 7, in accordance with the standards and principles normally applied in test - which the Equipment is put into production for the purpose of testing its correct operation in accordance with the Performance Criteria, as defined in this Agreement, which stage ends with the completion of the Final Performance Test. The Parties shall co-operate fully with one another to this end and, as soon as the Seller believes that the Equipment is ready for the Final Performance Test it shall provide the Buyer with [five (5)] working days written notice thereof, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by the Parties,, it being understood that, in such former case the Final Performance Test shall begin in the morning of the [sixth (6 th )] working day ettuare direttamente il montaggio e fondamentale che le Parti chiariscano in questa fase le reciproche responsabilità. Anche la fase di start up supervisione del venditore. 19 Il collaudo finale a destino (Final Performance Test) costituisce uno dei momenti più critici del contratto di fornitura di macchinari ed impianti. Il contratto dovrà dunque definire in dettaglio le condizioni delle prove di collaudo finale (tempi, modalità, materie prime da utilizzare, personale etc.) e la forma del certificato di collaudo. Come già menzionato, è stata fatta la scelta di prevedere, anche in tal caso alla clausola 8.5 la (nel presente modello ipotizzato in 180 giorni). 9

from such notice and, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, shall continue without interruption until completion. 8.4 Until such time as the Final Performance Test has been completed, the Seller shall exercise its best efforts to provide the Buyer with such information and advice on matters relating to Erection, Start-up, operation and future maintenance of the Equipment as the Buyer may reasonably request. 8.5 Should one or more of the Performance Criteria not be met within [one hundred and eighty (180)] days after commencement of the Final Performance Test due to no fault of the Buyer, and unless an expertise proceeding has been started in compliance with Article 8.6 hereinafter by said deadline, at the request of either Party, then the Buyer may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the Seller and the Seller shall refund to the Buyer the portion of the Purchase Price paid to date, it being understood that, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 11 below, said portion of the Purchase Price, shall be limited to [10% (ten percent)] of said portion of the Purchase Price. 8.6 During the Final Performance Test, should the Equipment fail to meet one or more of the Performance Criteria (and/or if there is disagreement between the Parties as to whether or not the Equipment meets said Performance Criteria and/or is in compliance with this Agreement), then the existence and extent of the alleged failure of the Equipment to meet the Performance Criteria will be evaluated at the written request of either Party by a board of three (3) persons. Said board shall be composed of one (1) person nominated by the Seller (for example, the Project Manager), one (1) person nominated by the Buyer (for example, the Project Manager) and a third party expert to be agreed upon by the first two; if the third party expert has not been agreed upon within thirty (30) days following written notice by one of the Parties to the other (whether or not both Parties have appointed their respective person), he/she shall be appointed in accordance with the ICC Rules for Expertise. It is understood that all members of the board, however appointed, shall act at all times in compliance with said Rules., the third prepared and signed by the third party expert only, all in compliance with said Rules. If the third party Criteria then the Seller shall take reasonable steps as may be advised by the expert to cause the Performance Criteria to be met as soon as reasonably possible under 10

the circumstances and again notify the Buyer in compliance with article 8.3 hereinabove. 8.7 If the Equipment meets each of the Performance Criteria during the Final Performance Test (whether or not the Buyer participates in such Test), then the Seller will be provided by the Buyer or by the third party expert appointed pursuant to article 8.6, with written acceptance of the Equipment substantially in the form of the certificate set forth in Annex 7 hereto (th 9) Performance guarantees Buyer cooperation 9.1 The Seller hereby guarantees that the Equipment, once erected and started up in accordance with this Agreement, will satisfy the Performance Criteria specified in Annex 1 hereto. It is agreed that the successful completion of the Final Performance Test in accordance with the requirements specified in this Agreement, means that the Seller has fulfilled its obligation to guarantee satisfaction of the Performance Criteria, as indicated in this article. 9.2 These guarantees are made on the condition that the Buyer shall fully co-operate with the Seller throughout the design, Erection and Start-up process and provide all the facilities required for the Erection and Start-up of the Equipment as set forth in this Agreement, or as the Seller may reasonably indicate and require by written notice to the Buyer, as soon as reasonably possible. 9.3 If the Buyer fails to provide the above and Erection and Start-up is thereby delayed: i) for not more than [eight (8)] weeks, then the Buyer may request and the Seller will provide for its start-up engineer(s) to remain at the installation site at the Buyer's sole cost and expense; ii) for more than said term, then either Party may start the expertise proceeding in compliance with Article 8.6 hereinabove. 10) Warranties 20 10.1 and guarantees to the Buyer that (i) subject to the provisions of Article 6 above, title to the Equipment shall pass to the Buyer free of any liens or encumbrances and that 20 fabbricazione valida per un periodo di 12 mesi a decorrere dal superamento del Final Performance Test. Per attivare la garanzia occ entro un determinato termine, ipotizzato nel presente modello in 21 giorni dalla scoperta del difetto. La atto, dunque dovrà essere valutata con estrema i conseguenti costi. La clausola di garanzia contiene alcuni limiti e cause di esonero a favore del venditore; segnaliamo soprattutto da vizi e d 11

(ii) for a period of [twelve (12)] months from the date of the completion of the Final free - Any manufacturing defects arising during this Warranty Period will be corrected by -sale Warranty, as follows. 10.2 The Seller shall repair or replace, in its sole discretion, any defective parts covered by the After-sale Warranty. The Seller shall have the right to choose between at Seller's workshop. Where the materials used by Seller in manufacturing the Equipment have been manufactured by third parties and are themselves the subject of warranties by said third party manufacturers, the Seller shall make available to the Buyer the same warranties made available to the Seller by the third party manufacturers in lieu of the -sale Warranty. 10.3 The Seller shall examine the part to determine whether it is defective and whether the Seller is responsible for the defect; in the latter case, the cost of delivery of the replacement part or the cost of transportation of the part of the Equipment to be repaired to the Seller's workshop for Warranty repair and back to the Buyer's site shall be borne by the Seller. In respect (and only in respect) of parts replaced by the Seller under the Warranty, a new Warranty period shall commence and be effective for twelve (12) months following the delivery of said new part. Should the Seller be in breach of this After-sale Warranty, the Sel exclusive remedy shall be equal to the cost of replacement of the defective Equipment part, free of charge to the Buyer. 10.4 The Buyer acknowledges and agrees that the Seller's warranty is expressly limited to manufacturing defects and the Warranty shall not extend to defects resulting from other causes, including, without limitation, defects caused in whole or in part by damage in transit, by improper use, handling or maintenance of the Equipment (unless such handli work done or any changes made to the Equipment by the Buyer or any third party Warranty extend to works, repairs or replacements carried out by the Buyer, or by third parties, without the Seller's prior written consent in writing. This Warranty is exclusive and in lieu of any other warranty, whether written, oral or implied. 10.5 Any claim relating to defects in the Equipment must be made to the Seller in writing within [twenty-one (21)] days following the discovery of said defect and, in any case shall be deemed waived if not made on or before the later of the following two 12

deadlines i) [twelve (12)] months following the date of delivery of the Equipment and ii) the expiration of the Warranty Period. 10.6 For purposes of this Article 10, fax messages and e-mail communications with acknowledgment of receipt shall be deemed to constitute written notices. 11) Limitation of Liability 11.1 The Seller's warranties, guarantees and liability under and in connection with this Agreement are limited to those expressly set forth in this Agreement. Except as provided expressly herein or by applicable rule of law, which rule of law is absolute and may not be varied by contract, the Seller shall have no liability with respect to the Equipment. In no event shall the Seller be liable for loss of profit, incidental or consequential damages, direct or indirect losses of any kind (including personal injury and damage to property) or for any loss or damage resulting from mere recommendations given to the Buyer by the Seller. The Parties hereby acknowledge and agree that the Seller's total liability arising out of and/or relating to this Purchase Price in whole or in part) shall be limited, in all events, to the Purchase Price. 11.2 The Equipment shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with the legislative requirements if any in force in the country of the Seller at the date of signature of this Agreement and in accordance with the standards, if any, specified in Annex 1. The Seller makes no representation or warranty as to the compliance of the Equipment with the applicable laws, safety regulations and/or technical standards of the country in which the Equipment is finally erected and set-up responsible for ensuring that the Equipment complies with said laws, regulations and standards. The Buyer shall indemnify the Seller and hold the Seller harmless from and against any and all claims against the Seller and/or costs to the Seller arising out of or relating to any failure by the Buyer to ensure that the Equipment complies with the applicable laws, safety regulations and/or technical standards of the Destination Country. 12) Taxes And Duties; Authorizations 21 12.3 All taxes, duties, dues and fees incurred or owing in connection with the Seller's deliveries and services under this Agreement, or in relation thereto, due to the 21 unicamente le licenze e le autorizzazioni necessarie nel proprio Paese. 13

best efforts in order to obtain any authorizations which may be required by the government of its country in connection with this Agreement. 12.4 All taxes, duties, dues and fees incurred or owing in connection with the Seller's deliveries and services under this Agreement, or in relation thereto, due to any aut sale of the Equipment), shall be paid by the Buyer. The Buyer shall be responsible for obtaining any authorizations which may be required by the government of the Destination Country in connection with this Agreement. 13) Training and maintenance 22 13.1 At the Buyer's request the Seller shall provide training courses for the Buyer's personnel on the use, maintenance and repair of the Equipment. All costs and expenses relating to the organization and holding of such courses shall be borne those currently ch request. 13.2 At the Buyer's request during the Warranty Period, as defined in article 10.1 hereinabove, and over and above said After-sale Warranty the Seller shall supply the Buyer with technical assistance in relation to the Equipment, at the rate currently charged by the Seller for such services at the time of the Buyer's request. A list of the Seller's technical assistance rates applicable as of the date hereof is attached hereto as Annex 4 and the Seller agrees to notify the Buyer of any changes in said rates during the Warranty Period. All reasonable travel and living expenses incurred by the Seller's personnel in providing technical assistance pursuant to this Article 13 shall be borne exclusively by the Buyer. 14) Force Majeure and Hardship 14.1 Neither Party shall be responsible to the other Party for any failure to perform, including, without limitation, late delivery or failure to deliver, which failure to perform is caused by -delivery of materials by suppliers, suspension of or difficulties in transportation. strikes, lock- 22 dalla prestazione dell richiedere al venditore di effettuare corsi di formazione integrare le clausole prevedendo un periodo di tempo entro il quale il venditore è disponibile a fornire tali servizi. 14

outs, labour disputes of any kind, fires, accidents, earthquakes and other natural events, riots, war (whether declared or undeclared), uprisings, delay of carriers, government seizures, embargos, laws or regulations of any political sub-division or agency (including government controlled export credit agency), or any government. 14.2 ability to perform become known to the same Party, said Party shall give written notice to the other Party of such impedim to perform. Notice in writing shall also be given when the Force Majeure Event ceases. 14.3 Failure to give either notice makes the Party thus failing liable for damages and losses which otherwise could have been avoided. 14.4 The existence of a Force Majeure Event under this clause relieves the Party failing to perform from liability for damages, penalties and other contractual sanctions, if any, but does not relieve the Party failing to perform of said P interest on money owing as long as and to the extent that the Force Majeure Event exists. Destination Country, as long as and to the extent that the Force Majeure Event exists, the Seller shall have no responsibility whatsoever and shall be entitled to an additional sum of [0.5% (zero point five percent)] of the Purchase Price per month by way of compensation for the cost of storage of the Equipme premises. 14.5 If the Force Majeure Event continues for more than [twelve (12)] months, either Party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other Party. 14.6 By way of exception to the foregoing, it is understood that should this Agreement be terminated pursuant to this article 14 due to an embargo and/or legislative or governmental or administrative act having equivalent effect in the Destination Country, then the Seller shall be entitled to retain the portion of the Purchase Price already paid by the Buyer, by way of partial compensation for the expenses incurred by the Seller in connection with this Agreement. 14.7 If at any time during the term of this Agreement i) continued performance by the Seller of its obligations hereunder becomes excessively onerous due to an event been expected to have taken into account at the time of the signature of this Agreement, and ii) the Seller could not reasonably have avoided or overcome said event or its consequences, the Parties shall, within thirty (30) days following written notice by the Seller to the Buyer to that effect, negotiate alternative contractual terms 15

in order to alleviate or mitigate the effects of such hardship. If the Parties are unable to reach an agreement as to said alternative contractual terms, the Seller shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement and to retain the portion of the Purchase Price already paid by the Buyer, by way of partial compensation for the expenses incurred by the Seller in connection with this Agreement. 15) Applicable Law - Expertise and Arbitration 23 15.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Italy and, in particular, the United Nations convention on contracts for the international sale of goods signed in Vienna on April 11, 1980. 15.2 In the event of any dispute or disagreement arising out of, or in connection with, this Agreement, which cannot be resolved pursuant to other provisions of this Agreement, the Parties agree to submit the matter, in the first instance to administered expertise proceedings in accordance with the Rules for Expertise of the International Chamber of Commerce. 15.3 Any such dispute or disagreement which has not been resolved through such Rules) notification of the termination of the Expertise proceedings, be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by three (3) arbitrators 24 appointed in accordance with said Rules. The place of arbitration shall be [Lugano Switzerland]. The language of arbitration shall be English. The arbitration award shall determine the Party or Parties required to pay the cost of arbitration. Any such decision shall be final and binding upon the Parties and may be entered as a final judgment in the jurisdiction of domicile of either Party or any jurisdiction in which such Party has assets. 16) Notices 23 internazionale sulla base del Regolamento arbitrale della Camera di commercio internazionale da svolgersi in un luogo da definirsi. anche verific York del 1958 che favorisce il riconoscimento delle sentenze arbitrali pronunciate nell'ambito degli Stati della Convenzione di New York può risultare complessa ed ricorso ad un arbitrato CCI potrebbe infatti rivelarsi non economico e dunque non giustificato se il valore complessivo non superi determ ricorrere ad un arbitrato si potrà prevedere la risoluzione delle controversie tramite il giudice ordinario e dunque inserire come articolo 15.3 una clausola di scelta del giudice competente quale quella qui di seguito Venue - Any and all disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be settled by the courts of competent jurisdiction for the place in which the defendant's principal place of business is located. 24 Nella clausola arbitrale è stata fatta la scelta di prevedere la nomina di un tribunale arbitrale composto di tre prevedere che la controversia venga definita da un arbitro unico. 16

Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, any and all notices required under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sent to the Parties by registered letter, return receipt requested, at the addresses set forth above or at such other addresses as the Parties may subsequently designate by written notice. 17) Confidential Information 17.1 Any and all information disclosed by either Party under this Agreement and relating to Equipment design or manufacturing, financial plans, Equipment development, forecasts or the like and any document or other material marked "Confidential" shall be treated by the receiving Party as confidential information and the receiving Party shall take all reasonable precautions to ensure that it is treated as such by the receiving Party's personnel. All such confidential information shall be used by the receiving Party and its personnel only as shall be strictly necessary for the performance of this Agreement and all documents and other materials containing confidential information shall be promptly returned to the disclosing Party or destroyed, at the option of this latter, upon written request and, in any event, upon the termination of this Agreement. 18) Miscellaneous 18.1 Neither Party shall assign any right or delegate any obligation arising out of this 18.2 This Agreement is the entire Agreement of the Parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all other prior oral and written agreements and all prior correspondence in respect of the subject matter hereof. 18.3 The recitals and the following Annexes constitute an integral part of this Agreement: Annex 1 Equipment, Technical Specifications and Performance Criteria Annex 2 Works Annex 3 Time Schedule Annex 4 Purchase Prices and Technical Assistance Rates Annex 5 Payment terms and bank guarantees; and Annex A Letter of credit; Annex 6 - Pre-ship Acceptance test and Certificate Annex 7 Erection, Start Up, Final Performance Test, Final Acceptance Certificate In the event of any discrepancies between this Agreement and the Annexes hereto, the former shall prevail. 18.4 This Agreement and the Annexes hereto are written and signed in the English language and the English language text of this Agreement is the only authentic text hereof. 17

18.5 Any amendments to this Agreement shall be valid only if made in writing, signed by the duly authorized representatives of both Parties and marked explicitly as amendments to this Agreement. 18.6 The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity and/or enforceability of the remainder of the Agreement. (Buyer) (Seller) by: by title title 18





ANNEX 5 PAYMENT TERMS AND BANK GUARANTEES 25. Payment of the Purchase Price shall be effected by the Buyer to the Seller in the invoice currency as follows: (a) be p insert name of bank by both Parties, it being understood that, pursuant to Article 5.2 of this Agreement, constituting said Down Payment in accordance with Article 5.2.1 hereinabove. (b) [50% (fifty per cent)] of the total Purchase Price shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller by irrevocable letter of credit substantially in the form of Exhibit A hereto Publication no. 600 of the International Chamber of Commerce, divisible and confirmed by a primary Italian bank satisfactory to the Seller within the deadline set forth in Article 5.2.2. Said Letter of Credit shall be valid for at least [twelve (12)] months following the date of delivery of the Equipment as set forth in this Agreement and shall be payable at sight at the counters of said Italian bank, as follows: 1) [30% (thirty percent)] of the total Purchase Price upon completion of Pre-ship against presentation of: i) the S -ship Acceptance Certificate signed by the Buyer, or alternatively, by the expert appointed in accordance with Article 7.3. 2) [20% (twenty per cent)] of the total Purchase Price upon completion of the Final Performance Test in compliance with Article 8 of this Agreement against Certificate signed by the Buyer or alternatively by the expert appointed in accordance with Article 8.6. 25 I termini e le modalità di pagamento di pagamento proposti, versamento di un acconto alla sottoscrizione del contratto e apertura di una lettera di credito rappresentano uno schema abbastanza comune in caso di vendita di macchinari ed impianti. Al fine però di determinare le modalità di pagamento più adeguate non si concordato etc. In alternativa alla formula proposta, ad esempio, qualora il credito documentario non rappresenti la forma di pagamento più idonea, il redattore potrà concordare il pagamento del prezzo tramite bonifico bancario in versamenti periodici da effettuarsi a diversi stadi di avanz contratto (stadi da indicarsi contrattualmente con riferimento alle clausole del contratto ed alle tempistiche pagam 23

The Parties hereby agree that all bank fees of the bank issuing the Letter of Credit shall be borne by the Buyer and all bank fees of the bank confirming the Letter of Credit shall be borne by the Seller. (c) the balance [10% (ten per cent)] of the total Purchase Price shall be paid by the Buyer by wire transfer at the expiry of the Warranty Period (as defined in Article 10 of this Agreement. The Guarantor hereby personally guarantees, jointly and severally with the Buyer, payment to Seller of said [10% (ten per cent)] of the total Purchase Price [twelve (12)] months following delivery of the complete Equipment. 26 26 garante, il del saldo. Said balance [10% (ten per cent)] of the total Purchase Price shall be covered by a first demand bank guarantee (Payment Guarantee) subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees published by the International Chamber of Commerce, substantially in the form of from the delivery of the complete Equipment 24