Cogli l attimo e prendi la giusta decisione

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1 Cogli l attimo e prendi la giusta decisione prima che la tua rete aziendale finisca sotto assedio Scegli la sicurezza di nuova generazione progettata per le reti aziendali del futuro Fenomeni come BYOD, deperimetrazione delle reti aziendali, aumento del numero di utenti e dei dispositivi che accedono alla rete, esplosione delle applicazioni e virtualizzazione possono essere un vantaggio o una minaccia per il tuo business e causare la perdita di controllo sulla sicurezza della rete aziendale. I firewall next generation di Cyberoam offrono protezione certificata EAL+, strumenti e controlli di intelligence attivabili e funzionalità di sicurezza di nuova generazione per garantire protezione Layer basata sull'identità dell'utente, visibilità e controllo sulle applicazioni, IPS, VPN, onappliance reporting e molto altro ancora. Inoltre, grazie a performance cinque volte superiori rispetto allo standard di mercato, un'architettura di sicurezza estensibile e alta affidabilità dei sistemi, Cyberoam consente ai CIO aziendali di affrontare con serenità questo cambio generazionale mantenendo il pieno controllo sui propri network. Cyberoam Product Line : Network security appliances (NextGeneration Firewalls/UTMs) Centralized Management (Hardware & Virtual) Centralized Reporting Distributore Ufficiale per l'italia: HORUS INFORMATICA Srl Via Enzo Ferrari, /B 000 Arluno Milano Italy Copyright 0 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Ufficio Commerciale Tel: 0/5 Fax: 0/99 Supporto Tecnico Pre vendita Post vendita Ufficio Marketing Fax: 0/

2 Soluzioni Cyberoam per la Network Security Con una presenza capillare in oltre 5 paesi, Cyberoam Technologies, azienda di Sophos, è il fornitore globale delle pluripremiate soluzioni per la sicurezza IT. Con la sua gamma completa di prodotti accreditati sul mercato con standard e certificazioni globali, Cyberoam offre soluzioni affidabili che rispondono alle principali esigenze di network security, gestione e reporting centralizzato della sicurezza delle aziende di qualsiasi dimensione. Grazie a caratteristiche innovative e uniche sul mercato le soluzioni Cyberoam sono oggi la scelta vincente di migliaia di aziende che affidano a Cyberoam la protezione ed il controllo dei propri network. Portfolio soluzioni Cyberoam: Network Security Appliance firewall di nuova generazione per la protezione da minacce attuali e future dei network fisici e virtuali. Gestione centralizzata della sicurezza Console per la gestione e il controllo centralizzato dei dispositivi UTM all interno di network distribuiti ed estesi Reporting centralizzato Logging e reporting centralizzato per la visibilità in tempo reale delle attività all interno del network aziendale Training & Supporto Rapida risoluzione dei problemi grazie a supporto cliente e piani di training che offrono gli skill necessari ad implementare e gestire in modo efficace le soluzioni Cyberoam L USER L7 Application L Presentation ASCII, EBCDIC, ICA L5 Session L Transport L Network L Data Link L Physical LTP, PPTP TCP, UDP BBCEE7 TECNOLOGIA LAYER DI CYBEROAM La tecnologia identitybased di Cyberoam estende le funzionalità di security al Layer, lo human layer del modello OSI. L ecosistema IT può essere suddiviso in 7 livelli definiti livelli OSI: il punto d incontro tra persone e tecnologia è conosciuto come Layer e Cyberoam garantisce sicurezza a questo livello ponendosi al livello più vicino all intelligenza umana. Questo consente alle aziende di identificare gli utenti in modo univoco, controllare le loro attività all interno della rete e attivare policy e reporting in base allo username, anche in ambienti di IP dinamici come DHCP e WiFi. La tecnologia Layer di Cyberoam aggiunge velocità alla sicurezza della rete aziendale offrendo immediata visibilità dell origine degli attacchi e permette il monitoraggio proattivo degli incidenti. Grazie a questa tecnologia le aziende sono in grado di gestire la sicurezza, proteggere i dati, effettuare analisi e garantire la conformità alle normative. La Tecnologia Layer di Cyberoam considera l identità dell utente come l livello del modello OSI I firewall di nuova generazione di Cyberoam garantiscono la sicurezza dal Layer al Layer grazie alle policy identity based

3 NETWORK SECURITY Grazie a molteplici funzionalità di sicurezza integrate in una singola appliance Cyberoam offre una sicurezza di rete completa. Le appliance Cyberoam proteggono le reti da malware, vulnerabilità di applicazioni web, problematiche BYOD, perdita di dati su siti Web e applicazioni, attacchi misti sofisticati, spam, spyware e altre minacce esterne in continua evoluzione. Grazie alla disponibilità sia della versione hardware che virtuale, Cyberoam protegge sia network fisici che virtuali. Funzionalità di sicurezza di nuova generazione della serie Cyberoam NGFW:. Stateful Inspection Firewall. Application Visibility&Control. Web Application Firewall. VPN (SSL VPN&IPSec). Intrusion Prevention System. AntiVirus&AntiSpyware. AntiSpam. Outbound Spam Protection. Web Filtering. Bandwidth Management. G / G / WiMAX Connectivity. IM Archiving&Controls. Multiple Link Management. OnAppliance Reporting. IPv Ready. WiFi Appliances. FleXi Ports Funzionalità non disponibili nelle appliance virtuali FATTORI CHIAVE: Presenza capillare in oltre 5 paesi Leader nel settore per R&D Primo vendor di network security dotato di Global Customer Support Service certificato ISO 0000:0 Standard e certificazioni globali, come EAL+, CheckMark UTM Level 5 Certification, ICSA Labs, IPv Gold logo, membro del Virtual Private Network Consortium Riconosciuto come Network Security Innovator da SC Magazine Riconosciuto come Visionary all interno del Magic Quadrant per SMB Multifunction Firewalls di Gartner

4 Cyberoam serie NG Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) Le appliance Cyberoam NG Series NGFW offrono ad aziende di qualsiasi dimensione, protezione dalle minacce attuali e future. Grazie a funzionalità di sicurezza di nuova generazione i network aziendali sono protetti dalle minacce derivanti dai nuovi trend IT emergenti come l aumento del numero dei dispositivi e delle applicazioni che accedono alla rete, l ampia diffusione delle applicazioni web. Firewall Throughput Gigabit, anche per Branch Office Grazie a valori difirewall throughput Gigabit disponibili sin dalle appliance entrylevel le aziende possono godere di performance eccezionali anche per le loro sedi remote. Security Appliance con opzioni di connettività flessibili Le appliance Cyberoam flexi Port NGFW, disponibili come parte della serie NG, garantiscono alle aziende la flessibilità di rete e la libertà di configurazione grazie a slot I/O che permettono di scegliere tra connettività di rete CopperGbE e Fiber GbE/0GbE Firmware Intelligente OS Perfettamente integrato con hardware per accelerazione criptografica e di rete il sistema operativo di Cyberoam estrae i massimi livelli diperformance graze alla sua piattaforma multicore ed garantisci i più bassi valori di latenza. Unito alle funzionalità di sicurezza di nuova generazione offre la migliore protezione dalle nuove minacce in continua evoluzione Extensible Security Architecture (ESA) L architettura di sicurezza Extensible di Cyberoam aiuta le aziende a contrastare le minacce sconosciute del futuro grazie alla capacità di prolungare la vita e le performance delle sue appliance NGFW così da supportare le nuove funzionalità e le migliorie che verranno implementate a livello di sicurezza FutureReady Security. Serie Hardware Appliance Cyberoam NGFW: Serie CRNG 5wiNG, 5iNG, 5wiNG, 5iNG, 5wiNG, 5iNG, ing, 00iNG, 00iNG, ing, 0iNGXP, ingxp, 000iNGXP, 0iNGXP, 0iNG, 0iNGXP Caratteristiche principali Tecnologia Layer Tutti i moduli di sicurezza integrati nelle appliance Cyberoam NGFW si basano sulla tecnologia Layer per garantire controlli basati sull identità dell utente attraverso le fasi di user authentication, service authorization e reporting (AAA) Strumenti Avanzati di logging e reporting identity based Controllo della navigazione utenti identity based anche in ambienti Remote Desktop e Citrix UTQ User Threat Quotient Cyberoam è l unica soluzione di sicurezza UTM/NGFW in grado di identificare i fattori di rischio attraverso l analisi comportamentale degli utenti della rete e fornire un completo controllo dei rischi per intraprendere in maniera automatica le contromisure necessarie in caso di attacco Wireless Guest User Authentication via SMS gateway Automazione dei processi di gestione utenti ospiti delle retei WiFi è così possibile coprire le esigenze del mercato hospitality Eye authentication Grazie a questa caratteristica Cyberoam è l unica soluzione di sicurezza UTM/NGFW veramente compliant con le normative sulla privacy Sicurezza delle reti WiFi Possibilità di estendere le funzionalità di sicurezza alle reti WiFi esistenti grazie all integrazione con i wireless controller per l autenticazione utenti via Radius Single Sign On (RSSO) o via API Funzionalità di multi link management e local Load Balancer Gestione automatica del Failover/Failback della linea Gestione di multi connessioni Wan Supporto connessioni G/G su porta USB e WiMax Supporto routing dinamico: RIP v& v, OSPF, BGP, Multicast Funzionalità di Local Load Balancer basate su WRR

5 Security Appliance virtuali Progettate per rispondere alle esigenze di sicurezza delle aziende in ambienti virtuali come data center virtuali, ambienti Security in a box ed Office in a box, le soluzioni Cyberoam offrono una soluzione di network security adatta ai principali scenari di virtualizzazione: Protezione dei data center virtuali senza la necessità di implementare soluzioni di sicurezza hardware dedicate Sicurezza Layer e controllo degli accessi basati sull utente fondamentali in ambienti Offi ceinabox e BYOD Supporto piattaforme VMware, Microsoft HyperV, KVM e Citrix XenServer con la possibilità di passare facilmente a configurazioni di sicurezza chiavi in mano per MSSP/aziende. I moduli di licenza permettono di assegnare il numero di vcpu per l appliance Cyberoam NGWF virtuale in base all esigenza dell azienda. Tale flessibilità, unitamente alla compatibilità con diverse piattaforme virtuali e alla possibilità di aggiornarla facilmente a modelli virtuali UTM superiori, garantisce alle aziende pieno controllo delle infrastrutture di rete. Grazie alla scansione del traffico in ambienti virtuali e alle funzionalità di sicurezza integrata su un unica appliance virtuale, Cyberoam virtual UTM protegge le reti virtuali da attacchi su console di gestione hypervisor, hypervisor & Guest OS, applicazioni web virtualizzate e server, e permette alle aziende di proteggere le reti Zero Trust Networks. Cyberoam offre una soluzione di sicurezza completamente virtuale in combinazione con la Virtual Cyberoam Central Console per la gestione centralizzata della sicurezza, e al software Cyberoam iview per il logging e il reporting. Linea di appliance virtuali Cyberoam NGFW: CRiVC, CRiVC, CRiVC, CRiVC, CRiVC Application Visibility & Control Gestione della priorità delle applicazioni in base alla combinazione di più criteri tra cui utente, orario, tipo di applicazione e banda QoS (Quality of Service) sulla navigazione Controlli granulari delle applicazioni attraverso classificazione basata su livello di rischio, caratteristiche, tecnologia Modello di protezione proattivo che evita la necessità di interventi manuali per l aggiornamento delle policy con le nuove applicazioni Web Application Firewall (WAF) Protezione avanzata delle applicazioni web (ecommerce, intranet, webmail aziendali) grazie alla nuovissima tecnicologia WAF VPN Accessi remoti sicuri grazie a IPSec VPN, LTP, PPTP e SSL VPN Tecnologia Threatfree Tunneling per la scansione del traffico di malware e tentativi di intrusione Advanced Threat Protection Grazie alla protezione contro le nuove minacce in evoluzione garantita dai moduli Intrusion Prevention, Gateway AntiVirus/Anti Spyware, Gateway AntiSpam e Web & Content Filtering, Cyberoam offre il massimo della sicurezza al livello delle migliori soluzioni bestofbreed Outbound Spam Protection Protezione da incidenti di outbound spam ricorrenti con una significativa riduzione del consumo di banda e ottimizzazione delle performance della rete Tecnologia Recurrent Pattern Detection (RPD) per classificazione in tempo reale e rapida identificazione e blocco dello spam

6 Le aziende ed i MSSP possono gestire centralmente la sicurezza di tutte le sedi e client remoti che utilizzando le appliance Cyberoam UTM e NGWF attraverso lo strumento di managemnt CyberoamCentral Console (CCC), disponibile sia in versione hardware che virtuale. Centralized Security Management across Branch Offices Attivazione centrale di policy, security subscription e aggiornamenti di firmware/signature con gestione delle modifiche per uniformare policy e garantire protezione da minacce zero hour Possibilità di raggruppare le appliance per client, area geografica, modello appliance, versione firmware, tipo azienda o tipo di licenza Creazione di policy template da riutilizzare per la configurazione delle security policy di nuove sedi o di nuovi clienti possibilità di impostare diversi livelli di amministazione in base al ruolo e prevenire l abuso di privilegi amministrativi Notifiche di alert come reminder per la scadenza di licenze, minacce che superano una determinata soglia di punteggio, cambiamenti di stato di connessione delle appliance o della VPN Ottimizzazione dei tool di Professional Services Automation (PSA) esistenti, monitoring dell infrastruttura IT e dei sistemi di ticketing Business Continuity High Availability (HA) ActivePassive Rollback configuration Change Control & Logging: gestione centralizzata e controllo dei change per mantenere la revision history dei cambiamenti effettuati sugli appliance gestiti ed effettuare il Rollback delle configurazioni modificate L integrazione con Cyberoam iview consente l autoprovisioning delle appliance e la sincronizzazione automatica degli amministratori CCC in Cyberoam iview Linea di appliance CCC: Hardware CCC NM Appliances CCC5NM, CCCNM, CCC00NM, CCC00NM, CCC0NM Hardware CCC Appliances CCC5, CCC, CCC00, CCC00, CCC0, CCC000 Virtual CCC Appliances CCCV5, CCCV, CCCV00, CCCV00, CCCV0 Le aziende possono avere in tempo reale la visibilità completa delle attività utente e di rete grazie alle funzionalità di logging e reporting centralizzato offerte da Cyberoam iview Centralized Visibility across Networks Oltre 00 report a supporto della gestione della sicurezza, della conformità alle normative e delle analisi forensi Log, report ed alert su molteplici dispositivi, protocolli e location forniscono informazioni sull attività degli utenti e della rete così da poter identificare eventuali violazioni alla sicurezza ed intraprendere velocemente le opportune contromisure minimizzando downtime della rete Report che rispondono alle normative vigenti come HIPAA, PCI DSS, GLBA, SOX e report drilldown riducono notevolmente i costi per garantire la conformità Supporto per analisi legali; le aziende sono in grado di ricostruire la sequenza degli eventi che si sono verificati nel momento di della violazione ed estrarre lo storico degli eventi relativi alla rete, riducendo i costi necessari a indagare sull accaduto e ridurre il downtime della rete Compatibilità con un ampia gamma di dispositivi inclusi Proxy Firewall, applicazioni customizzate e qualsiasi dispositivo compatibile con Syslog. Le aziende possono raccogliere log e report provenienti da molteplici dispositivi Cyberoam iview Appliance Range: Hardware appliances CRiVU5NR, CRiVU00NR, CRiVU00NR Software

7 I Logs Realtime/Archived logs Log storage (Backup/restore) Audit logs Categories Mail, User, Device, Application, Views, Data, Archive, Report Reports,00+ drilldown Reports Compliance Reports HIPAA, SOX, FISMA, GLBA, PCI Web based Management Console Rolebased administration Multiple Dashboards Resource, Device, User, Host, Address Device Grouping Device type & models Supported Web Browsers Microsoft Internet Explorer.0+ Mozilla Firefox.0+ (Best view) Centralized Visibility across Networks with Cyberoam iview User and Group based Reports Internet Usage Reports Data Transfer, Surfing Time, Client Type Security Reports Firewall, Attacks, Spam, Virus, Blocked Attempts, WAF Remote Access Reports Exportable formats PDF, Excel Alerts/automated Report Scheduling Operating Environment Hardened Linux OS Supported Network and Security Devices Custom/Proprietary devices including UTMs Proxy Firewalls, Access Gateway Smart Wireless Router Endpoint Security Solution Syslogcompatible devices,,, Available in all the Models except CR5iNG & CR5wiNG Not supported in CR5iNG & WiFi series of appliances Additional Purchase Required CyberoamOS The SecurityHardened Operating System Extensible Security Architecture Agility to prolong the life and performance of its NGFW appliances Supports newer enterprise security features and enhancements Stateful Inspection Firewall Layer (User Identity) Firewall Multiple Security Zones Access Control Criteria (ACC) : UserIdentity, Source and Destination Zone, MAC and IP address, Service Intrusion Prevention System Signatures: Default (0+), Custom IPS Policies: Multiple, Custom Userbased policy creation SCADAaware IPS with predefined category for ICS and SCADA signatures Web Filtering OnCloud Web Categorization Web Categories: Default(9+), Custom Protocols supported: HTTP, HTTPS Application Filtering Layer 7 (Applications) & Layer (User Identity) Visibility Control over,000+ Applications, classified in Categories Filter based selection: Category, Risk Level, Characteristics and Technology Securing SCADA Networks SCADA/ICS Signaturebased Filtering for Protocols Modbus, DNP, IEC, Bacnet etc Control various Commands and Functions Web Application Firewall Positive Protection model Unique "Intuitive Website Flow Detector" technology Protection against SQL Injections, Crosssite Scripting (XSS), Session Hijacking, URL Tampering, Cookie Poisoning etc High Availability ActiveActive and ActivePassive Stateful Failover Bandwidth Management Application and User Identity based Bandwidth Management Categorybased Bandwidth restriction Networking Automated Failover/Failback, MultiWAN WRR based Load balancing Dynamic Routing: RIP v& v, OSPF, BGP, Multicast Forwarding Wireless WAN USB port G/G and WiMax Support Primary WAN link WAN Backup link Virtual Private Network IPSec, LTP, PPTP Encryption DES, DES, AES, Twofish, Blowfish, Serpent Authentication: Preshared key, Digital certificates IPSec VPN Client Interoperability with major IPSec VPN Gateways Supported platforms: Windows 000, WinXP /bit, Windows 00 bit, Windows 00 /bit, Windows Vista / bit, Windows 7 RC /bit, Windows RC /bit SSL VPN TCP & UDP Tunneling Authentication Active Directory, LDAP, RADIUS, Cyberoam (Local) TCPbased Application Access HTTP, HTTPS, RDP, TELNET, SSH and System Management Webbased configuration wizard Command line interface (Serial, SSH, Telnet) SNMP (v, v, v) User Authentication Internal database AD Integration with support for OUbased Security Policies Automatic Windows Single Sign On External LDAP/DAPS/RADIUS database Integration OnAppliance Cyberoam iview Reporting Integrated Webbased Reporting tool,00+ drilldown reports Compliance reports HIPAA, GLBA, SOX, PCI, FISMA Historical and Realtime report Supports rd party PSA Solution ConnectWise Logging and Monitoring Graphical realtime and historical Monitoring Log Viewer IPS, Web filter, WAF, AntiVirus, AntiSpam, Authentication, System and Admin Events Gateway AntiVirus & AntiSpyware Scans HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, IM, VPN Tunnels Self Service Quarantine area Gateway AntiSpam Inbound/Outbound Scanning Realtime Blacklist (RBL), MIME header check Self Service Quarantine area Certification Common Criteria EAL+ ICSA Firewall Corporate Checkmark UTM Level 5 Certification VPNC Basic and AES interoperability IPv Ready Gold Logo Cyberoam Virtual Appliance advantages Supported Virtualization Platforms: VMware, Microsoft HyperV, KVM and Citrix XenServer Protects virtual datacenters, SecurityinaBox, and Officeina Box setups Scans traffic within virtual networks, protecting hypervisor management console, hypervisor & Guest OS, securing zero trust networks Centralized Security Management with Cyberoam Central Console (CCC) Centralized logging Audit and System log Upgrade Distribution Service Security Upgrades AV, IPS & Application Signatures Web Filtering Categories CyberoamOS Firmware Updates Rolebased Granular control over Appliance and Appliance Groups Health Monitoring: CCC, Managed Appliances Centralized Remote Management Configure and Manage Individual Appliances Appliance Groups Global Policy Enforcement Firewall Network configuration Web Filter Application Filter QoS Policy IPS Anti Virus, Anti Spam Web Application Firewall Logs & Reports VPN User, User Groups and Guest Users and more... Configuration Management Templatebased configuration Configuration Synchronization Backup and Restore Appliance Monitoring & Alerts Dashboard for Appliance Group, Individual Appliance Appliance Monitor Graph Alerts Communication Secure Encryption Mutual Authentication HTTP, HTTPS, Syslog & Secure Syslog System Management Web Based User Interface Command Line Interface Compliance CE, FCC, UL, RoHS Cyberoam Network Security Appliances VIEW Cyberoam TM Cyberoam offers NextGeneration security along with high performance to SOHO, SMEs and Enterprise networks with its NextGeneration Firewalls and UTM appliances. Cyberoam moves beyond offering comprehensive network security to simplify security management for organizations with multiple offices with its centralized security management solution, Cyberoam Central Console (CCC), and its centralized visibility solution, Cyberoam iview. These futureready security solutions are available for both physical and virtual networks. Cyberoam Products Portfolio Virtual Security Appliances Cyberoam Central Console (CCC) CR iview (Logging & Reporting) CR NG series NGFWs CR NG series UTMs Tech Sheet Cyberoam Product Range Also available as Software I Logs Realtime/Archived logs Log storage (Backup/restore) Audit logs Categories Mail, User, Device, Application, Views, Data, Archive, Report Reports,00+ drilldown Reports Compliance Reports HIPAA, SOX, FISMA, GLBA, PCI Web based Management Console Rolebased administration Multiple Dashboards Resource, Device, User, Host, Address Device Grouping Device type & models Supported Web Browsers Microsoft Internet Explorer.0+ Mozilla Firefox.0+ (Best view) Centralized Visibility across Networks with Cyberoam iview User and Group based Reports Internet Usage Reports Data Transfer, Surfing Time, Client Type Security Reports Firewall, Attacks, Spam, Virus, Blocked Attempts, WAF Remote Access Reports Exportable formats PDF, Excel Alerts/automated Report Scheduling Operating Environment Hardened Linux OS Supported Network and Security Devices Custom/Proprietary devices including UTMs Proxy Firewalls, Access Gateway Smart Wireless Router Endpoint Security Solution Syslogcompatible devices,,, Available in all the Models except CR5iNG & CR5wiNG Not supported in CR5iNG & WiFi series of appliances Additional Purchase Required CyberoamOS The SecurityHardened Operating System Extensible Security Architecture Agility to prolong the life and performance of its NGFW appliances Supports newer enterprise security features and enhancements Stateful Inspection Firewall Layer (User Identity) Firewall Multiple Security Zones Access Control Criteria (ACC) : UserIdentity, Source and Destination Zone, MAC and IP address, Service Intrusion Prevention System Signatures: Default (0+), Custom IPS Policies: Multiple, Custom Userbased policy creation SCADAaware IPS with predefined category for ICS and SCADA signatures Web Filtering OnCloud Web Categorization Web Categories: Default(9+), Custom Protocols supported: HTTP, HTTPS Application Filtering Layer 7 (Applications) & Layer (User Identity) Visibility Control over,000+ Applications, classified in Categories Filter based selection: Category, Risk Level, Characteristics and Technology Securing SCADA Networks SCADA/ICS Signaturebased Filtering for Protocols Modbus, DNP, IEC, Bacnet etc Control various Commands and Functions Web Application Firewall Positive Protection model Unique "Intuitive Website Flow Detector" technology Protection against SQL Injections, Crosssite Scripting (XSS), Session Hijacking, URL Tampering, Cookie Poisoning etc High Availability ActiveActive and ActivePassive Stateful Failover Bandwidth Management Application and User Identity based Bandwidth Management Categorybased Bandwidth restriction Networking Automated Failover/Failback, MultiWAN WRR based Load balancing Dynamic Routing: RIP v& v, OSPF, BGP, Multicast Forwarding Wireless WAN USB port G/G and WiMax Support Primary WAN link WAN Backup link Virtual Private Network IPSec, LTP, PPTP Encryption DES, DES, AES, Twofish, Blowfish, Serpent Authentication: Preshared key, Digital certificates IPSec VPN Client Interoperability with major IPSec VPN Gateways Supported platforms: Windows 000, WinXP /bit, Windows 00 bit, Windows 00 /bit, Windows Vista / bit, Windows 7 RC /bit, Windows RC /bit SSL VPN TCP & UDP Tunneling Authentication Active Directory, LDAP, RADIUS, Cyberoam (Local) TCPbased Application Access HTTP, HTTPS, RDP, TELNET, SSH and System Management Webbased configuration wizard Command line interface (Serial, SSH, Telnet) SNMP (v, v, v) User Authentication Internal database AD Integration with support for OUbased Security Policies Automatic Windows Single Sign On External LDAP/DAPS/RADIUS database Integration OnAppliance Cyberoam iview Reporting Integrated Webbased Reporting tool,00+ drilldown reports Compliance reports HIPAA, GLBA, SOX, PCI, FISMA Historical and Realtime report Supports rd party PSA Solution ConnectWise Logging and Monitoring Graphical realtime and historical Monitoring Log Viewer IPS, Web filter, WAF, AntiVirus, AntiSpam, Authentication, System and Admin Events Gateway AntiVirus & AntiSpyware Scans HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, IM, VPN Tunnels Self Service Quarantine area Gateway AntiSpam Inbound/Outbound Scanning Realtime Blacklist (RBL), MIME header check Self Service Quarantine area Certification Common Criteria EAL+ ICSA Firewall Corporate Checkmark UTM Level 5 Certification VPNC Basic and AES interoperability IPv Ready Gold Logo Cyberoam Virtual Appliance advantages Supported Virtualization Platforms: VMware, Microsoft HyperV, KVM and Citrix XenServer Protects virtual datacenters, SecurityinaBox, and Officeina Box setups Scans traffic within virtual networks, protecting hypervisor management console, hypervisor & Guest OS, securing zero trust networks Centralized Security Management with Cyberoam Central Console (CCC) Centralized logging Audit and System log Upgrade Distribution Service Security Upgrades AV, IPS & Application Signatures Web Filtering Categories CyberoamOS Firmware Updates Rolebased Granular control over Appliance and Appliance Groups Health Monitoring: CCC, Managed Appliances Centralized Remote Management Configure and Manage Individual Appliances Appliance Groups Global Policy Enforcement Firewall Network configuration Web Filter Application Filter QoS Policy IPS Anti Virus, Anti Spam Web Application Firewall Logs & Reports VPN User, User Groups and Guest Users and more... Configuration Management Templatebased configuration Configuration Synchronization Backup and Restore Appliance Monitoring & Alerts Dashboard for Appliance Group, Individual Appliance Appliance Monitor Graph Alerts Communication Secure Encryption Mutual Authentication HTTP, HTTPS, Syslog & Secure Syslog System Management Web Based User Interface Command Line Interface Compliance CE, FCC, UL, RoHS Cyberoam Network Security Appliances VIEW Cyberoam TM Cyberoam offers NextGeneration security along with high performance to SOHO, SMEs and Enterprise networks with its NextGeneration Firewalls and UTM appliances. Cyberoam moves beyond offering comprehensive network security to simplify security management for organizations with multiple offices with its centralized security management solution, Cyberoam Central Console (CCC), and its centralized visibility solution, Cyberoam iview. These futureready security solutions are available for both physical and virtual networks. Cyberoam Products Portfolio Virtual Security Appliances Cyberoam Central Console (CCC) CR iview (Logging & Reporting) CR NG series NGFWs CR NG series UTMs Tech Sheet Cyberoam Product Range I Also available as Software Logs Realtime/Archived logs Log storage (Backup/restore) Audit logs Categories Mail, User, Device, Application, Views, Data, Archive, Report Reports,00+ drilldown Reports Compliance Reports HIPAA, SOX, FISMA, GLBA, PCI Web based Management Console Rolebased administration Multiple Dashboards Resource, Device, User, Host, Address Device Grouping Device type & models Supported Web Browsers Microsoft Internet Explorer.0+ Mozilla Firefox.0+ (Best view) Centralized Visibility across Networks with Cyberoam iview User and Group based Reports Internet Usage Reports Data Transfer, Surfing Time, Client Type Security Reports Firewall, Attacks, Spam, Virus, Blocked Attempts, WAF Remote Access Reports Exportable formats PDF, Excel Alerts/automated Report Scheduling Operating Environment Hardened Linux OS Supported Network and Security Devices Custom/Proprietary devices including UTMs Proxy Firewalls, Access Gateway Smart Wireless Router Endpoint Security Solution Syslogcompatible devices,,, Available in all the Models except CR5iNG & CR5wiNG Not supported in CR5iNG & WiFi series of appliances Additional Purchase Required CyberoamOS The SecurityHardened Operating System Extensible Security Architecture Agility to prolong the life and performance of its NGFW appliances Supports newer enterprise security features and enhancements Stateful Inspection Firewall Layer (User Identity) Firewall Multiple Security Zones Access Control Criteria (ACC) : UserIdentity, Source and Destination Zone, MAC and IP address, Service Intrusion Prevention System Signatures: Default (0+), Custom IPS Policies: Multiple, Custom Userbased policy creation SCADAaware IPS with predefined category for ICS and SCADA signatures Web Filtering OnCloud Web Categorization Web Categories: Default(9+), Custom Protocols supported: HTTP, HTTPS Application Filtering Layer 7 (Applications) & Layer (User Identity) Visibility Control over,000+ Applications, classified in Categories Filter based selection: Category, Risk Level, Characteristics and Technology Securing SCADA Networks SCADA/ICS Signaturebased Filtering for Protocols Modbus, DNP, IEC, Bacnet etc Control various Commands and Functions Web Application Firewall Positive Protection model Unique "Intuitive Website Flow Detector" technology Protection against SQL Injections, Crosssite Scripting (XSS), Session Hijacking, URL Tampering, Cookie Poisoning etc High Availability ActiveActive and ActivePassive Stateful Failover Bandwidth Management Application and User Identity based Bandwidth Management Categorybased Bandwidth restriction Networking Automated Failover/Failback, MultiWAN WRR based Load balancing Dynamic Routing: RIP v& v, OSPF, BGP, Multicast Forwarding Wireless WAN USB port G/G and WiMax Support Primary WAN link WAN Backup link Virtual Private Network IPSec, LTP, PPTP Encryption DES, DES, AES, Twofish, Blowfish, Serpent Authentication: Preshared key, Digital certificates IPSec VPN Client Interoperability with major IPSec VPN Gateways Supported platforms: Windows 000, WinXP /bit, Windows 00 bit, Windows 00 /bit, Windows Vista / bit, Windows 7 RC /bit, Windows RC /bit SSL VPN TCP & UDP Tunneling Authentication Active Directory, LDAP, RADIUS, Cyberoam (Local) TCPbased Application Access HTTP, HTTPS, RDP, TELNET, SSH and System Management Webbased configuration wizard Command line interface (Serial, SSH, Telnet) SNMP (v, v, v) User Authentication Internal database AD Integration with support for OUbased Security Policies Automatic Windows Single Sign On External LDAP/DAPS/RADIUS database Integration OnAppliance Cyberoam iview Reporting Integrated Webbased Reporting tool,00+ drilldown reports Compliance reports HIPAA, GLBA, SOX, PCI, FISMA Historical and Realtime report Supports rd party PSA Solution ConnectWise Logging and Monitoring Graphical realtime and historical Monitoring Log Viewer IPS, Web filter, WAF, AntiVirus, AntiSpam, Authentication, System and Admin Events Gateway AntiVirus & AntiSpyware Scans HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, IM, VPN Tunnels Self Service Quarantine area Gateway AntiSpam Inbound/Outbound Scanning Realtime Blacklist (RBL), MIME header check Self Service Quarantine area Certification Common Criteria EAL+ ICSA Firewall Corporate Checkmark UTM Level 5 Certification VPNC Basic and AES interoperability IPv Ready Gold Logo Cyberoam Virtual Appliance advantages Supported Virtualization Platforms: VMware, Microsoft HyperV, KVM and Citrix XenServer Protects virtual datacenters, SecurityinaBox, and Officeina Box setups Scans traffic within virtual networks, protecting hypervisor management console, hypervisor & Guest OS, securing zero trust networks Centralized Security Management with Cyberoam Central Console (CCC) Centralized logging Audit and System log Upgrade Distribution Service Security Upgrades AV, IPS & Application Signatures Web Filtering Categories CyberoamOS Firmware Updates Rolebased Granular control over Appliance and Appliance Groups Health Monitoring: CCC, Managed Appliances Centralized Remote Management Configure and Manage Individual Appliances Appliance Groups Global Policy Enforcement Firewall Network configuration Web Filter Application Filter QoS Policy IPS Anti Virus, Anti Spam Web Application Firewall Logs & Reports VPN User, User Groups and Guest Users and more... Configuration Management Templatebased configuration Configuration Synchronization Backup and Restore Appliance Monitoring & Alerts Dashboard for Appliance Group, Individual Appliance Appliance Monitor Graph Alerts Communication Secure Encryption Mutual Authentication HTTP, HTTPS, Syslog & Secure Syslog System Management Web Based User Interface Command Line Interface Compliance CE, FCC, UL, RoHS Cyberoam Network Security Appliances VIEW Cyberoam TM Cyberoam offers NextGeneration security along with high performance to SOHO, SMEs and Enterprise networks with its NextGeneration Firewalls and UTM appliances. Cyberoam moves beyond offering comprehensive network security to simplify security management for organizations with multiple offices with its centralized security management solution, Cyberoam Central Console (CCC), and its centralized visibility solution, Cyberoam iview. These futureready security solutions are available for both physical and virtual networks. Cyberoam Products Portfolio Virtual Security Appliances Cyberoam Central Console (CCC) CR iview (Logging & Reporting) CR NG series NGFWs CR NG series UTMs Tech Sheet Cyberoam Product Range Also available as Software I Logs Realtime/Archived logs Log storage (Backup/restore) Audit logs Categories Mail, User, Device, Application, Views, Data, Archive, Report Reports,00+ drilldown Reports Compliance Reports HIPAA, SOX, FISMA, GLBA, PCI Web based Management Console Rolebased administration Multiple Dashboards Resource, Device, User, Host, Address Device Grouping Device type & models Supported Web Browsers Microsoft Internet Explorer.0+ Mozilla Firefox.0+ (Best view) Centralized Visibility across Networks with Cyberoam iview User and Group based Reports Internet Usage Reports Data Transfer, Surfing Time, Client Type Security Reports Firewall, Attacks, Spam, Virus, Blocked Attempts, WAF Remote Access Reports Exportable formats PDF, Excel Alerts/automated Report Scheduling Operating Environment Hardened Linux OS Supported Network and Security Devices Custom/Proprietary devices including UTMs Proxy Firewalls, Access Gateway Smart Wireless Router Endpoint Security Solution Syslogcompatible devices,,, Available in all the Models except CR5iNG & CR5wiNG Not supported in CR5iNG & WiFi series of appliances Additional Purchase Required CyberoamOS The SecurityHardened Operating System Extensible Security Architecture Agility to prolong the life and performance of its NGFW appliances Supports newer enterprise security features and enhancements Stateful Inspection Firewall Layer (User Identity) Firewall Multiple Security Zones Access Control Criteria (ACC) : UserIdentity, Source and Destination Zone, MAC and IP address, Service Intrusion Prevention System Signatures: Default (0+), Custom IPS Policies: Multiple, Custom Userbased policy creation SCADAaware IPS with predefined category for ICS and SCADA signatures Web Filtering OnCloud Web Categorization Web Categories: Default(9+), Custom Protocols supported: HTTP, HTTPS Application Filtering Layer 7 (Applications) & Layer (User Identity) Visibility Control over,000+ Applications, classified in Categories Filter based selection: Category, Risk Level, Characteristics and Technology Securing SCADA Networks SCADA/ICS Signaturebased Filtering for Protocols Modbus, DNP, IEC, Bacnet etc Control various Commands and Functions Web Application Firewall Positive Protection model Unique "Intuitive Website Flow Detector" technology Protection against SQL Injections, Crosssite Scripting (XSS), Session Hijacking, URL Tampering, Cookie Poisoning etc High Availability ActiveActive and ActivePassive Stateful Failover Bandwidth Management Application and User Identity based Bandwidth Management Categorybased Bandwidth restriction Networking Automated Failover/Failback, MultiWAN WRR based Load balancing Dynamic Routing: RIP v& v, OSPF, BGP, Multicast Forwarding Wireless WAN USB port G/G and WiMax Support Primary WAN link WAN Backup link Virtual Private Network IPSec, LTP, PPTP Encryption DES, DES, AES, Twofish, Blowfish, Serpent Authentication: Preshared key, Digital certificates IPSec VPN Client Interoperability with major IPSec VPN Gateways Supported platforms: Windows 000, WinXP /bit, Windows 00 bit, Windows 00 /bit, Windows Vista / bit, Windows 7 RC /bit, Windows RC /bit SSL VPN TCP & UDP Tunneling Authentication Active Directory, LDAP, RADIUS, Cyberoam (Local) TCPbased Application Access HTTP, HTTPS, RDP, TELNET, SSH and System Management Webbased configuration wizard Command line interface (Serial, SSH, Telnet) SNMP (v, v, v) User Authentication Internal database AD Integration with support for OUbased Security Policies Automatic Windows Single Sign On External LDAP/DAPS/RADIUS database Integration OnAppliance Cyberoam iview Reporting Integrated Webbased Reporting tool,00+ drilldown reports Compliance reports HIPAA, GLBA, SOX, PCI, FISMA Historical and Realtime report Supports rd party PSA Solution ConnectWise Logging and Monitoring Graphical realtime and historical Monitoring Log Viewer IPS, Web filter, WAF, AntiVirus, AntiSpam, Authentication, System and Admin Events Gateway AntiVirus & AntiSpyware Scans HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, IM, VPN Tunnels Self Service Quarantine area Gateway AntiSpam Inbound/Outbound Scanning Realtime Blacklist (RBL), MIME header check Self Service Quarantine area Certification Common Criteria EAL+ ICSA Firewall Corporate Checkmark UTM Level 5 Certification VPNC Basic and AES interoperability IPv Ready Gold Logo Cyberoam Virtual Appliance advantages Supported Virtualization Platforms: VMware, Microsoft HyperV, KVM and Citrix XenServer Protects virtual datacenters, SecurityinaBox, and Officeina Box setups Scans traffic within virtual networks, protecting hypervisor management console, hypervisor & Guest OS, securing zero trust networks Centralized Security Management with Cyberoam Central Console (CCC) Centralized logging Audit and System log Upgrade Distribution Service Security Upgrades AV, IPS & Application Signatures Web Filtering Categories CyberoamOS Firmware Updates Rolebased Granular control over Appliance and Appliance Groups Health Monitoring: CCC, Managed Appliances Centralized Remote Management Configure and Manage Individual Appliances Appliance Groups Global Policy Enforcement Firewall Network configuration Web Filter Application Filter QoS Policy IPS Anti Virus, Anti Spam Web Application Firewall Logs & Reports VPN User, User Groups and Guest Users and more... Configuration Management Templatebased configuration Configuration Synchronization Backup and Restore Appliance Monitoring & Alerts Dashboard for Appliance Group, Individual Appliance Appliance Monitor Graph Alerts Communication Secure Encryption Mutual Authentication HTTP, HTTPS, Syslog & Secure Syslog System Management Web Based User Interface Command Line Interface Compliance CE, FCC, UL, RoHS Cyberoam Network Security Appliances VIEW Cyberoam TM Cyberoam offers NextGeneration security along with high performance to SOHO, SMEs and Enterprise networks with its NextGeneration Firewalls and UTM appliances. Cyberoam moves beyond offering comprehensive network security to simplify security management for organizations with multiple offices with its centralized security management solution, Cyberoam Central Console (CCC), and its centralized visibility solution, Cyberoam iview. These futureready security solutions are available for both physical and virtual networks. Cyberoam Products Portfolio Virtual Security Appliances Cyberoam Central Console (CCC) CR iview (Logging & Reporting) CR NG series NGFWs CR NG series UTMs Tech Sheet Cyberoam Product Range Also available as Software I Logs Realtime/Archived logs Log storage (Backup/restore) Audit logs Categories Mail, User, Device, Application, Views, Data, Archive, Report Reports,00+ drilldown Reports Compliance Reports HIPAA, SOX, FISMA, GLBA, PCI Web based Management Console Rolebased administration Multiple Dashboards Resource, Device, User, Host, Address Device Grouping Device type & models Supported Web Browsers Microsoft Internet Explorer.0+ Mozilla Firefox.0+ (Best view) Centralized Visibility across Networks with Cyberoam iview User and Group based Reports Internet Usage Reports Data Transfer, Surfing Time, Client Type Security Reports Firewall, Attacks, Spam, Virus, Blocked Attempts, WAF Remote Access Reports Exportable formats PDF, Excel Alerts/automated Report Scheduling Operating Environment Hardened Linux OS Supported Network and Security Devices Custom/Proprietary devices including UTMs Proxy Firewalls, Access Gateway Smart Wireless Router Endpoint Security Solution Syslogcompatible devices,,, Available in all the Models except CR5iNG & CR5wiNG Not supported in CR5iNG & WiFi series of appliances Additional Purchase Required CyberoamOS The SecurityHardened Operating System Extensible Security Architecture Agility to prolong the life and performance of its NGFW appliances Supports newer enterprise security features and enhancements Stateful Inspection Firewall Layer (User Identity) Firewall Multiple Security Zones Access Control Criteria (ACC) : UserIdentity, Source and Destination Zone, MAC and IP address, Service Intrusion Prevention System Signatures: Default (0+), Custom IPS Policies: Multiple, Custom Userbased policy creation SCADAaware IPS with predefined category for ICS and SCADA signatures Web Filtering OnCloud Web Categorization Web Categories: Default(9+), Custom Protocols supported: HTTP, HTTPS Application Filtering Layer 7 (Applications) & Layer (User Identity) Visibility Control over,000+ Applications, classified in Categories Filter based selection: Category, Risk Level, Characteristics and Technology Securing SCADA Networks SCADA/ICS Signaturebased Filtering for Protocols Modbus, DNP, IEC, Bacnet etc Control various Commands and Functions Web Application Firewall Positive Protection model Unique "Intuitive Website Flow Detector" technology Protection against SQL Injections, Crosssite Scripting (XSS), Session Hijacking, URL Tampering, Cookie Poisoning etc High Availability ActiveActive and ActivePassive Stateful Failover Bandwidth Management Application and User Identity based Bandwidth Management Categorybased Bandwidth restriction Networking Automated Failover/Failback, MultiWAN WRR based Load balancing Dynamic Routing: RIP v& v, OSPF, BGP, Multicast Forwarding Wireless WAN USB port G/G and WiMax Support Primary WAN link WAN Backup link Virtual Private Network IPSec, LTP, PPTP Encryption DES, DES, AES, Twofish, Blowfish, Serpent Authentication: Preshared key, Digital certificates IPSec VPN Client Interoperability with major IPSec VPN Gateways Supported platforms: Windows 000, WinXP /bit, Windows 00 bit, Windows 00 /bit, Windows Vista / bit, Windows 7 RC /bit, Windows RC /bit SSL VPN TCP & UDP Tunneling Authentication Active Directory, LDAP, RADIUS, Cyberoam (Local) TCPbased Application Access HTTP, HTTPS, RDP, TELNET, SSH and System Management Webbased configuration wizard Command line interface (Serial, SSH, Telnet) SNMP (v, v, v) User Authentication Internal database AD Integration with support for OUbased Security Policies Automatic Windows Single Sign On External LDAP/DAPS/RADIUS database Integration OnAppliance Cyberoam iview Reporting Integrated Webbased Reporting tool,00+ drilldown reports Compliance reports HIPAA, GLBA, SOX, PCI, FISMA Historical and Realtime report Supports rd party PSA Solution ConnectWise Logging and Monitoring Graphical realtime and historical Monitoring Log Viewer IPS, Web filter, WAF, AntiVirus, AntiSpam, Authentication, System and Admin Events Gateway AntiVirus & AntiSpyware Scans HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, IM, VPN Tunnels Self Service Quarantine area Gateway AntiSpam Inbound/Outbound Scanning Realtime Blacklist (RBL), MIME header check Self Service Quarantine area Certification Common Criteria EAL+ ICSA Firewall Corporate Checkmark UTM Level 5 Certification VPNC Basic and AES interoperability IPv Ready Gold Logo Cyberoam Virtual Appliance advantages Supported Virtualization Platforms: VMware, Microsoft HyperV, KVM and Citrix XenServer Protects virtual datacenters, SecurityinaBox, and Officeina Box setups Scans traffic within virtual networks, protecting hypervisor management console, hypervisor & Guest OS, securing zero trust networks Centralized Security Management with Cyberoam Central Console (CCC) Centralized logging Audit and System log Upgrade Distribution Service Security Upgrades AV, IPS & Application Signatures Web Filtering Categories CyberoamOS Firmware Updates Rolebased Granular control over Appliance and Appliance Groups Health Monitoring: CCC, Managed Appliances Centralized Remote Management Configure and Manage Individual Appliances Appliance Groups Global Policy Enforcement Firewall Network configuration Web Filter Application Filter QoS Policy IPS Anti Virus, Anti Spam Web Application Firewall Logs & Reports VPN User, User Groups and Guest Users and more... Configuration Management Templatebased configuration Configuration Synchronization Backup and Restore Appliance Monitoring & Alerts Dashboard for Appliance Group, Individual Appliance Appliance Monitor Graph Alerts Communication Secure Encryption Mutual Authentication HTTP, HTTPS, Syslog & Secure Syslog System Management Web Based User Interface Command Line Interface Compliance CE, FCC, UL, RoHS Cyberoam Network Security Appliances VIEW Cyberoam TM Cyberoam offers NextGeneration security along with high performance to SOHO, SMEs and Enterprise networks with its NextGeneration Firewalls and UTM appliances. Cyberoam moves beyond offering comprehensive network security to simplify security management for organizations with multiple offices with its centralized security management solution, Cyberoam Central Console (CCC), and its centralized visibility solution, Cyberoam iview. These futureready security solutions are available for both physical and virtual networks. Cyberoam Products Portfolio Virtual Security Appliances Cyberoam Central Console (CCC) CR iview (Logging & Reporting) CR NG series NGFWs CR NG series UTMs Tech Sheet Cyberoam Product Range Also available as Software Cyberoam offre a network SOHO, SMEs ed Enterprise sicurezza di nuova generazione dalle performance eccezionali attraverso la sua linea di appliance NextGeneration Firewall ed UTM. Cyberoam non si limita a fornire una soluzione completa di network security, ma semplifica la gestione della sicurezza per aziende con più sedi attraverso la console di management Cyberoam Central Console (CCC), e la soluzione di logging & reporting centralizzato Cyberoam iview. L intera linea di prodotti Cyberoam è disponibile sia in versione harware che virtuale.

8 5wiNG 5wiNG 5iNG/P 5wiNG/P 5iNG 5iNG Console Ports (RJ5) / / System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps),,000,000, , ,0,000, ,0,000, , ,,000,000, VAC 7.W 000VAC.W 5 000VAC.5W 000VAC.5W 000VAC.W 5 000VAC 7.W.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x..5 kg,.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x..5 kg,.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs Builtin Wireless LAN (Only for wing series) Transmit (EIRP) IEEE 0. a/b/g/n (WEP, WPA, WPA, 0.i, TKIP, AES, PSK) Detachable x MIMO Up to bssid n HT0 : +5dBm, b CCK: +5dBm, g OFDM:+5dBm dbm at Mbps, 70dBm at 5Mbps, dbm at Mbps USA (FCC) channels, EU (ETSI) / Japan (TELEC) channels 0.n: up to Mbps, 0.b:,, 5,5, Mbps, 0.g:, 9,,,,,, 5Mbps. GHz.7 GHz 5.00 GHz 5.5 GHz (GbE Copper/GbE Fiber/0GbE Fiber) Console Ports (RJ5) System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps) 00iNG 00iNG/XP ing/xp 0 / 0 / ing,,000,,00 0,000,000,0,000 00,000,00,000,00,000 9,0,000,000,00 0,,00,,0,,000,000 00, VAC 000VAC 7W 7 000VAC 7W 7 000VAC.7 x. x 7.. X 7. X 5 kg,.0 lbs.7 x 7. x.5. x.9 x kg,. lbs.7 x 7. x.5. x.9 x kg,. lbs.7 x. x 7.. X 7. X 5 kg,.0 lbs Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature 0 C to 0 C, Storage Temperature 5 C to C, Relative Humidity (Non condensing) 0% to 90% If Enabled, will bypass traffic only in case of failure. Antivirus, IPS and UTM performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Additional Purchase required, only single can be used at a time. 5wiNG 5wiNG 5iNG/P 5wiNG/P 5iNG 5iNG Console Ports (RJ5) / / System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps),,000,000, , ,0,000, ,0,000, , ,,000,000, VAC 7.W 000VAC.W 5 000VAC.5W 000VAC.5W 000VAC.W 5 000VAC 7.W.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x..5 kg,.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x..5 kg,.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs Builtin Wireless LAN (Only for wing series) Transmit (EIRP) IEEE 0. a/b/g/n (WEP, WPA, WPA, 0.i, TKIP, AES, PSK) Detachable x MIMO Up to bssid n HT0 : +5dBm, b CCK: +5dBm, g OFDM:+5dBm dbm at Mbps, 70dBm at 5Mbps, dbm at Mbps USA (FCC) channels, EU (ETSI) / Japan (TELEC) channels 0.n: up to Mbps, 0.b:,, 5,5, Mbps, 0.g:, 9,,,,,, 5Mbps. GHz.7 GHz 5.00 GHz 5.5 GHz (GbE Copper/GbE Fiber/0GbE Fiber) Console Ports (RJ5) System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps) 00iNG 00iNG/XP ing/xp 0 / 0 / ing,,000,,00 0,000,000,0,000 00,000,00,000,00,000 9,0,000,000,00 0,,00,,0,,000,000 00, VAC 000VAC 7W 7 000VAC 7W 7 000VAC.7 x. x 7.. X 7. X 5 kg,.0 lbs.7 x 7. x.5. x.9 x kg,. lbs.7 x 7. x.5. x.9 x kg,. lbs.7 x. x 7.. X 7. X 5 kg,.0 lbs Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature 0 C to 0 C, Storage Temperature 5 C to C, Relative Humidity (Non condensing) 0% to 90% If Enabled, will bypass traffic only in case of failure. Antivirus, IPS and UTM performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Additional Purchase required, only single can be used at a time. 5wiNG 5wiNG 5iNG/P 5wiNG/P 5iNG 5iNG Console Ports (RJ5) / / System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps),,000,000, , ,0,000, ,0,000, , ,,000,000, VAC 7.W 000VAC.W 5 000VAC.5W 000VAC.5W 000VAC.W 5 000VAC 7.W.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x..5 kg,.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x..5 kg,.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs Builtin Wireless LAN (Only for wing series) Transmit (EIRP) IEEE 0. a/b/g/n (WEP, WPA, WPA, 0.i, TKIP, AES, PSK) Detachable x MIMO Up to bssid n HT0 : +5dBm, b CCK: +5dBm, g OFDM:+5dBm dbm at Mbps, 70dBm at 5Mbps, dbm at Mbps USA (FCC) channels, EU (ETSI) / Japan (TELEC) channels 0.n: up to Mbps, 0.b:,, 5,5, Mbps, 0.g:, 9,,,,,, 5Mbps. GHz.7 GHz 5.00 GHz 5.5 GHz (GbE Copper/GbE Fiber/0GbE Fiber) Console Ports (RJ5) System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps) 00iNG 00iNG/XP ing/xp 0 / 0 / ing,,000,,00 0,000,000,0,000 00,000,00,000,00,000 9,0,000,000,00 0,,00,,0,,000,000 00, VAC 000VAC 7W 7 000VAC 7W 7 000VAC.7 x. x 7.. X 7. X 5 kg,.0 lbs.7 x 7. x.5. x.9 x kg,. lbs.7 x 7. x.5. x.9 x kg,. lbs.7 x. x 7.. X 7. X 5 kg,.0 lbs Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature 0 C to 0 C, Storage Temperature 5 C to C, Relative Humidity (Non condensing) 0% to 90% If Enabled, will bypass traffic only in case of failure. Antivirus, IPS and UTM performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Additional Purchase required, only single can be used at a time. 5wiNG 5wiNG 5iNG/P 5wiNG/P 5iNG 5iNG Console Ports (RJ5) / / System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps),,000,000, , ,0,000, ,0,000, , ,,000,000, VAC 7.W 000VAC.W 5 000VAC.5W 000VAC.5W 000VAC.W 5 000VAC 7.W.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x..5 kg,.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x..5 kg,.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs Builtin Wireless LAN (Only for wing series) Transmit (EIRP) IEEE 0. a/b/g/n (WEP, WPA, WPA, 0.i, TKIP, AES, PSK) Detachable x MIMO Up to bssid n HT0 : +5dBm, b CCK: +5dBm, g OFDM:+5dBm dbm at Mbps, 70dBm at 5Mbps, dbm at Mbps USA (FCC) channels, EU (ETSI) / Japan (TELEC) channels 0.n: up to Mbps, 0.b:,, 5,5, Mbps, 0.g:, 9,,,,,, 5Mbps. GHz.7 GHz 5.00 GHz 5.5 GHz (GbE Copper/GbE Fiber/0GbE Fiber) Console Ports (RJ5) System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps) 00iNG 00iNG/XP ing/xp 0 / 0 / ing,,000,,00 0,000,000,0,000 00,000,00,000,00,000 9,0,000,000,00 0,,00,,0,,000,000, VAC 000VAC 7W 7 000VAC 7W 7 000VAC.7 x. x 7.. X 7. X 5 kg,.0 lbs.7 x 7. x.5. x.9 x kg,. lbs.7 x 7. x.5. x.9 x kg,. lbs.7 x. x 7.. X 7. X 5 kg,.0 lbs Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature 0 C to 0 C, Storage Temperature 5 C to C, Relative Humidity (Non condensing) 0% to 90% If Enabled, will bypass traffic only in case of failure. Antivirus, IPS and UTM performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Additional Purchase required, only single can be used at a time. 5wiNG 5wiNG 5iNG/P 5wiNG/P 5iNG 5iNG Console Ports (RJ5) / / System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps),,000,000, , ,0,000, ,0,000, , ,,000,000, VAC 7.W 000VAC.W 5 000VAC.5W 000VAC.5W 000VAC.W 5 000VAC 7.W.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x..5 kg,.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x..5 kg,.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs Builtin Wireless LAN (Only for wing series) Transmit (EIRP) IEEE 0. a/b/g/n (WEP, WPA, WPA, 0.i, TKIP, AES, PSK) Detachable x MIMO Up to bssid n HT0 : +5dBm, b CCK: +5dBm, g OFDM:+5dBm dbm at Mbps, 70dBm at 5Mbps, dbm at Mbps USA (FCC) channels, EU (ETSI) / Japan (TELEC) channels 0.n: up to Mbps, 0.b:,, 5,5, Mbps, 0.g:, 9,,,,,, 5Mbps. GHz.7 GHz 5.00 GHz 5.5 GHz (GbE Copper/GbE Fiber/0GbE Fiber) Console Ports (RJ5) System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps) 00iNG 00iNG/XP ing/xp 0 / 0 / ing,,000,,00 0,000,000,0,000 00,000,00,000,00,000 9,0,000,000,00 0,,00,,0,,000,000 00, VAC 000VAC 7W 7 000VAC 7W 7 000VAC.7 x. x 7.. X 7. X 5 kg,.0 lbs.7 x 7. x.5. x.9 x kg,. lbs.7 x 7. x.5. x.9 x kg,. lbs.7 x. x 7.. X 7. X 5 kg,.0 lbs Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature 0 C to 0 C, Storage Temperature 5 C to C, Relative Humidity (Non condensing) 0% to 90% If Enabled, will bypass traffic only in case of failure. Antivirus, IPS and UTM performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Additional Purchase required, only single can be used at a time. 5wiNG 5wiNG 5iNG/P 5wiNG/P 5iNG 5iNG Console Ports (RJ5) / / System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps),,000,000, , ,0,000, ,0,000, , ,,000,000, VAC 7.W 000VAC.W 5 000VAC.5W 000VAC.5W 000VAC.W 5 000VAC 7.W.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x..5 kg,.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x..5 kg,.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs Builtin Wireless LAN (Only for wing series) Transmit (EIRP) IEEE 0. a/b/g/n (WEP, WPA, WPA, 0.i, TKIP, AES, PSK) Detachable x MIMO Up to bssid n HT0 : +5dBm, b CCK: +5dBm, g OFDM:+5dBm dbm at Mbps, 70dBm at 5Mbps, dbm at Mbps USA (FCC) channels, EU (ETSI) / Japan (TELEC) channels 0.n: up to Mbps, 0.b:,, 5,5, Mbps, 0.g:, 9,,,,,, 5Mbps. GHz.7 GHz 5.00 GHz 5.5 GHz (GbE Copper/GbE Fiber/0GbE Fiber) Console Ports (RJ5) System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps) 00iNG 00iNG/XP ing/xp 0 / 0 / ing,,000,,00 0,000,000,0,000 00,000,00,000,00,000 9,0,000,000,00 0,,00,,0,,000,000 00, VAC 000VAC 7W 7 000VAC 7W 7 000VAC.7 x. x 7.. X 7. X 5 kg,.0 lbs.7 x 7. x.5. x.9 x kg,. lbs.7 x 7. x.5. x.9 x kg,. lbs.7 x. x 7.. X 7. X 5 kg,.0 lbs Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature 0 C to 0 C, Storage Temperature 5 C to C, Relative Humidity (Non condensing) 0% to 90% If Enabled, will bypass traffic only in case of failure. Antivirus, IPS and UTM performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Additional Purchase required, only single can be used at a time. 5wiNG 5wiNG 5iNG/P 5wiNG/P 5iNG 5iNG Console Ports (RJ5) / / System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps),,000,000, , ,0,000, ,0,000, , ,,000,000, VAC 7.W 000VAC.W 5 000VAC.5W 000VAC.5W 000VAC.W 5 000VAC 7.W.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x..5 kg,.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x..5 kg,.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs Builtin Wireless LAN (Only for wing series) Transmit (EIRP) IEEE 0. a/b/g/n (WEP, WPA, WPA, 0.i, TKIP, AES, PSK) Detachable x MIMO Up to bssid n HT0 : +5dBm, b CCK: +5dBm, g OFDM:+5dBm dbm at Mbps, 70dBm at 5Mbps, dbm at Mbps USA (FCC) channels, EU (ETSI) / Japan (TELEC) channels 0.n: up to Mbps, 0.b:,, 5,5, Mbps, 0.g:, 9,,,,,, 5Mbps. GHz.7 GHz 5.00 GHz 5.5 GHz (GbE Copper/GbE Fiber/0GbE Fiber) Console Ports (RJ5) System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps) 00iNG 00iNG/XP ing/xp 0 / 0 / ing,,000,,00 0,000,000,0,000 00,000,00,000,00,000 9,0,000,000,00 0,,00,,0,,000,000 00, VAC 000VAC 7W 7 000VAC 7W 7 000VAC.7 x. x 7.. X 7. X 5 kg,.0 lbs.7 x 7. x.5. x.9 x kg,. lbs.7 x 7. x.5. x.9 x kg,. lbs.7 x. x 7.. X 7. X 5 kg,.0 lbs Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature 0 C to 0 C, Storage Temperature 5 C to C, Relative Humidity (Non condensing) 0% to 90% If Enabled, will bypass traffic only in case of failure. Antivirus, IPS and UTM performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Additional Purchase required, only single can be used at a time. 5wiNG 5wiNG 5iNG/P 5wiNG/P 5iNG 5iNG Console Ports (RJ5) / / System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps),,000,000, , ,0,000, ,0,000, , ,,000,000, VAC 7.W 000VAC.W 5 000VAC.5W 000VAC.5W 000VAC.W 5 000VAC 7.W.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x..5 kg,.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x..5 kg,.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs Builtin Wireless LAN (Only for wing series) Transmit (EIRP) IEEE 0. a/b/g/n (WEP, WPA, WPA, 0.i, TKIP, AES, PSK) Detachable x MIMO Up to bssid n HT0 : +5dBm, b CCK: +5dBm, g OFDM:+5dBm dbm at Mbps, 70dBm at 5Mbps, dbm at Mbps USA (FCC) channels, EU (ETSI) / Japan (TELEC) channels 0.n: up to Mbps, 0.b:,, 5,5, Mbps, 0.g:, 9,,,,,, 5Mbps. GHz.7 GHz 5.00 GHz 5.5 GHz (GbE Copper/GbE Fiber/0GbE Fiber) Console Ports (RJ5) System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps) 00iNG 00iNG/XP ing/xp 0 / 0 / ing,,000,,00 0,000,000,0,000 00,000,00,000,00,000 9,0,000,000,00 0,,00,,0,,000,000, VAC 000VAC 7W 7 000VAC 7W 7 000VAC.7 x. x 7.. X 7. X 5 kg,.0 lbs.7 x 7. x.5. x.9 x kg,. lbs.7 x 7. x.5. x.9 x kg,. lbs.7 x. x 7.. X 7. X 5 kg,.0 lbs Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature 0 C to 0 C, Storage Temperature 5 C to C, Relative Humidity (Non condensing) 0% to 90% If Enabled, will bypass traffic only in case of failure. Antivirus, IPS and UTM performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Additional Purchase required, only single can be used at a time. 5wiNG 5wiNG 5iNG/P 5wiNG/P 5iNG 5iNG Console Ports (RJ5) / / System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps),,000,000, , ,0,000, ,0,000, , ,,000,000, VAC 7.W 000VAC.W 5 000VAC.5W 000VAC.5W 000VAC.W 5 000VAC 7.W.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x..5 kg,.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x..5 kg,.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs Builtin Wireless LAN (Only for wing series) Transmit (EIRP) IEEE 0. a/b/g/n (WEP, WPA, WPA, 0.i, TKIP, AES, PSK) Detachable x MIMO Up to bssid n HT0 : +5dBm, b CCK: +5dBm, g OFDM:+5dBm dbm at Mbps, 70dBm at 5Mbps, dbm at Mbps USA (FCC) channels, EU (ETSI) / Japan (TELEC) channels 0.n: up to Mbps, 0.b:,, 5,5, Mbps, 0.g:, 9,,,,,, 5Mbps. GHz.7 GHz 5.00 GHz 5.5 GHz (GbE Copper/GbE Fiber/0GbE Fiber) Console Ports (RJ5) System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps) 00iNG 00iNG/XP ing/xp 0 / 0 / ing,,000,,00 0,000,000,0,000 00,000,00,000,00,000 9,0,000,000,00 0,,00,,0,,000,000 00, VAC 000VAC 7W 7 000VAC 7W 7 000VAC.7 x. x 7.. X 7. X 5 kg,.0 lbs.7 x 7. x.5. x.9 x kg,. lbs.7 x 7. x.5. x.9 x kg,. lbs.7 x. x 7.. X 7. X 5 kg,.0 lbs Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature 0 C to 0 C, Storage Temperature 5 C to C, Relative Humidity (Non condensing) 0% to 90% If Enabled, will bypass traffic only in case of failure. Antivirus, IPS and UTM performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Additional Purchase required, only single can be used at a time. 5wiNG 5wiNG 5iNG/P 5wiNG/P 5iNG 5iNG Console Ports (RJ5) / / System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps),,000,000, , ,0,000, ,0,000, , ,,000,000, VAC 7.W 000VAC.W 5 000VAC.5W 000VAC.5W 000VAC.W 5 000VAC 7.W.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x..5 kg,.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x..5 kg,.07 lbs.7 x x 9.. x 5. x.. kg, 5.07 lbs Builtin Wireless LAN (Only for wing series) Transmit (EIRP) IEEE 0. a/b/g/n (WEP, WPA, WPA, 0.i, TKIP, AES, PSK) Detachable x MIMO Up to bssid n HT0 : +5dBm, b CCK: +5dBm, g OFDM:+5dBm dbm at Mbps, 70dBm at 5Mbps, dbm at Mbps USA (FCC) channels, EU (ETSI) / Japan (TELEC) channels 0.n: up to Mbps, 0.b:,, 5,5, Mbps, 0.g:, 9,,,,,, 5Mbps. GHz.7 GHz 5.00 GHz 5.5 GHz (GbE Copper/GbE Fiber/0GbE Fiber) Console Ports (RJ5) System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps) 00iNG 00iNG/XP ing/xp 0 / 0 / ing,,000,,00 0,000,000,0,000 00,000,00,000,00,000 9,0,000,000,00 0,,00,,0,,000,000 00, VAC 000VAC 7W 7 000VAC 7W 7 000VAC.7 x. x 7.. X 7. X 5 kg,.0 lbs.7 x 7. x.5. x.9 x kg,. lbs.7 x 7. x.5. x.9 x kg,. lbs.7 x. x 7.. X 7. X 5 kg,.0 lbs Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature 0 C to 0 C, Storage Temperature 5 C to C, Relative Humidity (Non condensing) 0% to 90% If Enabled, will bypass traffic only in case of failure. Antivirus, IPS and UTM performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Additional Purchase required, only single can be used at a time.

9 Cyberoam NG series NextGeneration Firewalls Technical AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps),0, / / 0 GB / GB,000,0,000,000,,00,00, / / 0 GB / GB,0 5,000 0,0 / / 0 GB / GB,,000,0,,,, / / 0 GB / GB / / 0 GB / GB 0,000,00,000,0 00,000,00,000 CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC VMware ESX/ESXi.0/./5.0, VMware Workstation 7.0/.0/9.0, VMware Player.0/5.0, Microsoft HyperV 00/0, KVM, Citrix XenServer Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Performance values given above were observed using server with Intel Xeon E55 (. GHz) and E000E Ethernet Drivers, running VMware version ESXi 5.0 (Update ) with GB vram assigned to CR Virtual Security Appliance. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Fully Protected Throughput is measured with Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature 0 C to 0 C, Storage Temperature 5 C to C, Relative Humidity (Non condensing) 0% to 90% Additional Purchase required. If Enabled, will bypass traffic only in case of failure. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. (GbE Copper/GbE Fiber/0GbE Fiber) Console Ports (RJ5) Hardware Bypass Segments System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps) NGFW Throughput (Mbps) Fully Protected Throughput Redundant Supply ingxp 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs 000iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9kg,.lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP,000,000 0,000,000,,0,,0,00 7,0,0 0,000 5,0,000,000 0,0,000 7,0,000,0,,0,000,000,000 0,000,000,,00,0,000,000 5,0,000,000 00,000,0,000,0,000,0,, 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs Cyberoam NG series NextGeneration Firewalls Technical AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps),0, / / 0 GB / GB,000,0,000,000,,00,00, / / 0 GB / GB,0 5,000 0,0 / / 0 GB / GB,,000,0,,,, / / 0 GB / GB / / 0 GB / GB 0,000,00,000,0 00,000,00,000 CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC VMware ESX/ESXi.0/./5.0, VMware Workstation 7.0/.0/9.0, VMware Player.0/5.0, Microsoft HyperV 00/0, KVM, Citrix XenServer Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Performance values given above were observed using server with Intel Xeon E55 (. GHz) and E000E Ethernet Drivers, running VMware version ESXi 5.0 (Update ) with GB vram assigned to CR Virtual Security Appliance. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Fully Protected Throughput is measured with Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature 0 C to 0 C, Storage Temperature 5 C to C, Relative Humidity (Non condensing) 0% to 90% Additional Purchase required. If Enabled, will bypass traffic only in case of failure. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. (GbE Copper/GbE Fiber/0GbE Fiber) Console Ports (RJ5) Hardware Bypass Segments System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps) NGFW Throughput (Mbps) Fully Protected Throughput Redundant Supply ingxp 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs 000iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9kg,.lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP,000,000 0,000,000,,0,,0,00 7,0,0 0,000 5,0,000,000 0,0,000 7,0,000,0,,0,000,000,000 0,000,000,,00,0,000,000 5,0,000,000 00,000,0,000,0,000,0,, 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs Cyberoam NG series NextGeneration Firewalls Technical AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps),0, / / 0 GB / GB,000,0,000,000,,00,00, / / 0 GB / GB,0 5,000 0,0 / / 0 GB / GB,,000,0,,,, / / 0 GB / GB / / 0 GB / GB 0,000,00,000,0 00,000,00,000 CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC VMware ESX/ESXi.0/./5.0, VMware Workstation 7.0/.0/9.0, VMware Player.0/5.0, Microsoft HyperV 00/0, KVM, Citrix XenServer Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Performance values given above were observed using server with Intel Xeon E55 (. GHz) and E000E Ethernet Drivers, running VMware version ESXi 5.0 (Update ) with GB vram assigned to CR Virtual Security Appliance. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Fully Protected Throughput is measured with Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature 0 C to 0 C, Storage Temperature 5 C to C, Relative Humidity (Non condensing) 0% to 90% Additional Purchase required. If Enabled, will bypass traffic only in case of failure. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. (GbE Copper/GbE Fiber/0GbE Fiber) Console Ports (RJ5) Hardware Bypass Segments System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps) NGFW Throughput (Mbps) Fully Protected Throughput Redundant Supply ingxp 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs 000iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9kg,.lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP,000,000 0,000,000,,0,,0,00 7,0,0 0,000 5,0,000,000 0,0,000 7,0,000,0,,0,000,000,000 0,000,000,,00,0,000,000 5,0,000,000 00,000,0,000,0,000,0,, 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs Cyberoam NG series NextGeneration Firewalls Technical AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps),0, / / 0 GB / GB,000,0,000,000,,00,00, / / 0 GB / GB,0 5,000 0,0 / / 0 GB / GB,,000,0,,,, / / 0 GB / GB / / 0 GB / GB 0,000,00,000,0 00,000,00,000 CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC VMware ESX/ESXi.0/./5.0, VMware Workstation 7.0/.0/9.0, VMware Player.0/5.0, Microsoft HyperV 00/0, KVM, Citrix XenServer Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Performance values given above were observed using server with Intel Xeon E55 (. GHz) and E000E Ethernet Drivers, running VMware version ESXi 5.0 (Update ) with GB vram assigned to CR Virtual Security Appliance. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Fully Protected Throughput is measured with Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature 0 C to 0 C, Storage Temperature 5 C to C, Relative Humidity (Non condensing) 0% to 90% Additional Purchase required. If Enabled, will bypass traffic only in case of failure. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. (GbE Copper/GbE Fiber/0GbE Fiber) Console Ports (RJ5) Hardware Bypass Segments System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps) NGFW Throughput (Mbps) Fully Protected Throughput Redundant Supply ingxp 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs 000iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9kg,.lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP,000,000 0,000,000,,0,,0,00 7,0,0 0,000 5,0,000,000 0,0,000 7,0,000,0,,0,000,000,000 0,000,000,,00,0,000,000 5,0,000,000 00,000,0,000,0,000,0,, 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs Cyberoam NG series NextGeneration Firewalls Technical AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps),0, / / 0 GB / GB,000,0,000,000,,00,00, / / 0 GB / GB,0 5,000 0,0 / / 0 GB / GB,,000,0,,,, / / 0 GB / GB / / 0 GB / GB 0,000,00,000,0 00,000,00,000 CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC VMware ESX/ESXi.0/./5.0, VMware Workstation 7.0/.0/9.0, VMware Player.0/5.0, Microsoft HyperV 00/0, KVM, Citrix XenServer Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Performance values given above were observed using server with Intel Xeon E55 (. GHz) and E000E Ethernet Drivers, running VMware version ESXi 5.0 (Update ) with GB vram assigned to CR Virtual Security Appliance. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Fully Protected Throughput is measured with Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature 0 C to 0 C, Storage Temperature 5 C to C, Relative Humidity (Non condensing) 0% to 90% Additional Purchase required. If Enabled, will bypass traffic only in case of failure. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. (GbE Copper/GbE Fiber/0GbE Fiber) Console Ports (RJ5) Hardware Bypass Segments System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps) NGFW Throughput (Mbps) Fully Protected Throughput Redundant Supply ingxp 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs 000iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9kg,.lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP,000,000 0,000,000,,0,,0,00 7,0,0 0,000 5,0,000,000 0,0,000 7,0,000,0,,0,000,000,000 0,000,000,,00,0,000,000 5,0,000,000 00,000,0,000,0,000,0,, 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs Cyberoam NG series NextGeneration Firewalls Technical AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps),0, / / 0 GB / GB,000,0,000,000,,00,00, / / 0 GB / GB,0 5,000 0,0 / / 0 GB / GB,,000,0,,,, / / 0 GB / GB / / 0 GB / GB 0,000,00,000,0 00,000,00,000 CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC VMware ESX/ESXi.0/./5.0, VMware Workstation 7.0/.0/9.0, VMware Player.0/5.0, Microsoft HyperV 00/0, KVM, Citrix XenServer Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Performance values given above were observed using server with Intel Xeon E55 (. GHz) and E000E Ethernet Drivers, running VMware version ESXi 5.0 (Update ) with GB vram assigned to CR Virtual Security Appliance. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Fully Protected Throughput is measured with Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature 0 C to 0 C, Storage Temperature 5 C to C, Relative Humidity (Non condensing) 0% to 90% Additional Purchase required. If Enabled, will bypass traffic only in case of failure. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. (GbE Copper/GbE Fiber/0GbE Fiber) Console Ports (RJ5) Hardware Bypass Segments System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps) NGFW Throughput (Mbps) Fully Protected Throughput Redundant Supply ingxp 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs 000iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9kg,.lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP,000,000 0,000,000,,,0,00 7,0,0 0,000 5,0,000,000 0,0,000 7,0,000,0,,0,000,000,000 0,000,000,,00,0,000,000 5,0,000,000 00,000,0,000,0,0,, 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs Cyberoam NG series NextGeneration Firewalls Technical AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps),0, / / 0 GB / GB,000,0,000,000,,00,00, / / 0 GB / GB,0 5,000 0,0 / / 0 GB / GB,,000,0,,,, / / 0 GB / GB / / 0 GB / GB 0,000,00,000,0 00,000,00,000 CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC VMware ESX/ESXi.0/./5.0, VMware Workstation 7.0/.0/9.0, VMware Player.0/5.0, Microsoft HyperV 00/0, KVM, Citrix XenServer Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Performance values given above were observed using server with Intel Xeon E55 (. GHz) and E000E Ethernet Drivers, running VMware version ESXi 5.0 (Update ) with GB vram assigned to CR Virtual Security Appliance. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Fully Protected Throughput is measured with Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature 0 C to 0 C, Storage Temperature 5 C to C, Relative Humidity (Non condensing) 0% to 90% Additional Purchase required. If Enabled, will bypass traffic only in case of failure. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. (GbE Copper/GbE Fiber/0GbE Fiber) Console Ports (RJ5) Hardware Bypass Segments System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps) NGFW Throughput (Mbps) Fully Protected Throughput Redundant Supply ingxp 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs 000iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9kg,.lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP,000,000 0,000,000,,0,,0,00 7,0,0 0,000 5,0,000,000 0,0,000 7,0,000,0,,0,000,000,000 0,000,000,,00,0,000,000 5,0,000,000 00,000,0,000,0,000,0,, 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs Cyberoam NG series NextGeneration Firewalls Technical AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps),0, / / 0 GB / GB,000,0,000,000,,00,00, / / 0 GB / GB,0 5,000 0,0 / / 0 GB / GB,,000,0,,,, / / 0 GB / GB / / 0 GB / GB 0,000,00,000,0 00,000,00,000 CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC VMware ESX/ESXi.0/./5.0, VMware Workstation 7.0/.0/9.0, VMware Player.0/5.0, Microsoft HyperV 00/0, KVM, Citrix XenServer Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Performance values given above were observed using server with Intel Xeon E55 (. GHz) and E000E Ethernet Drivers, running VMware version ESXi 5.0 (Update ) with GB vram assigned to CR Virtual Security Appliance. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Fully Protected Throughput is measured with Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature 0 C to 0 C, Storage Temperature 5 C to C, Relative Humidity (Non condensing) 0% to 90% Additional Purchase required. If Enabled, will bypass traffic only in case of failure. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. (GbE Copper/GbE Fiber/0GbE Fiber) Console Ports (RJ5) Hardware Bypass Segments System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps) NGFW Throughput (Mbps) Fully Protected Throughput Redundant Supply ingxp 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs 000iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9kg,.lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP,000,000 0,000,000,,0,,0,00 7,0,0 0,000 5,0,000,000 0,0,000 7,0,000,0,,0,000,000,000 0,000,000,,00,0,000,000 5,0,000,000 00,000,0,000,0,000,0,, 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs Cyberoam NG series NextGeneration Firewalls Technical AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps),0, / / 0 GB / GB,000,0,000,000,,00,00, / / 0 GB / GB,0 5,000 0,0 / / 0 GB / GB,,000,0,,,, / / 0 GB / GB / / 0 GB / GB 0,000,00,000,0 00,000,00,000 CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC VMware ESX/ESXi.0/./5.0, VMware Workstation 7.0/.0/9.0, VMware Player.0/5.0, Microsoft HyperV 00/0, KVM, Citrix XenServer Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Performance values given above were observed using server with Intel Xeon E55 (. GHz) and E000E Ethernet Drivers, running VMware version ESXi 5.0 (Update ) with GB vram assigned to CR Virtual Security Appliance. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Fully Protected Throughput is measured with Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature 0 C to 0 C, Storage Temperature 5 C to C, Relative Humidity (Non condensing) 0% to 90% Additional Purchase required. If Enabled, will bypass traffic only in case of failure. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. (GbE Copper/GbE Fiber/0GbE Fiber) Console Ports (RJ5) Hardware Bypass Segments System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps) NGFW Throughput (Mbps) Fully Protected Throughput Redundant Supply ingxp 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs 000iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9kg,.lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP,000,000 0,000,000,,0,,0,00 7,0,0 0,000 5,0,000,000 0,0,000 7,0,000,0,,0,000,000,000 0,000,000,,00,0,000,000 5,0,000,000 00,000,0,000,0,000,0,, 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs Cyberoam NG series NextGeneration Firewalls Technical AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps),0, / / 0 GB / GB,000,0,000,000,,00,00, / / 0 GB / GB,0 5,000 0,0 / / 0 GB / GB,,000,0,,,, / / 0 GB / GB / / 0 GB / GB 0,000,00,000,0 00,000,00,000 CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC VMware ESX/ESXi.0/./5.0, VMware Workstation 7.0/.0/9.0, VMware Player.0/5.0, Microsoft HyperV 00/0, KVM, Citrix XenServer Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Performance values given above were observed using server with Intel Xeon E55 (. GHz) and E000E Ethernet Drivers, running VMware version ESXi 5.0 (Update ) with GB vram assigned to CR Virtual Security Appliance. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Fully Protected Throughput is measured with Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature 0 C to 0 C, Storage Temperature 5 C to C, Relative Humidity (Non condensing) 0% to 90% Additional Purchase required. If Enabled, will bypass traffic only in case of failure. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. (GbE Copper/GbE Fiber/0GbE Fiber) Console Ports (RJ5) Hardware Bypass Segments System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps) NGFW Throughput (Mbps) Fully Protected Throughput Redundant Supply ingxp 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs 000iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9kg,.lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP,000,000 0,000,000,,0,,0,00 7,0,0 0,000 5,0,000,000 0,0,000 7,0,000,0,,0,000,000,000 0,000,000,,00,0,000,000 5,0,000,000 00,000,0,000,0,000,0,, 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs Cyberoam NG series NextGeneration Firewalls Technical AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps),0, / / 0 GB / GB,000,0,000,000,,00,00, / / 0 GB / GB,0 5,000 0,0 / / 0 GB / GB,,000,0,,,, / / 0 GB / GB / / 0 GB / GB 0,000,00,000,0 00,000,00,000 CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC VMware ESX/ESXi.0/./5.0, VMware Workstation 7.0/.0/9.0, VMware Player.0/5.0, Microsoft HyperV 00/0, KVM, Citrix XenServer Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Performance values given above were observed using server with Intel Xeon E55 (. GHz) and E000E Ethernet Drivers, running VMware version ESXi 5.0 (Update ) with GB vram assigned to CR Virtual Security Appliance. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Fully Protected Throughput is measured with Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature 0 C to 0 C, Storage Temperature 5 C to C, Relative Humidity (Non condensing) 0% to 90% Additional Purchase required. If Enabled, will bypass traffic only in case of failure. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. (GbE Copper/GbE Fiber/0GbE Fiber) Console Ports (RJ5) Hardware Bypass Segments System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps) NGFW Throughput (Mbps) Fully Protected Throughput Redundant Supply ingxp 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs 000iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9kg,.lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP,000,000 0,000,000,,,0,00 7,0,0 0,000 5,0,000,000 0,0,000 7,0,000,0,,0,000,000,000 0,000,000,,00,0,000,000 5,0,000,000 00,000,0,000,0,0,, 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs Cyberoam NG series NextGeneration Firewalls Technical AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps),0, / / 0 GB / GB,000,0,000,000,,00,00, / / 0 GB / GB,0 5,000 0,0 / / 0 GB / GB,,000,0,,,, / / 0 GB / GB / / 0 GB / GB 0,000,00,000,0 00,000,00,000 CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC VMware ESX/ESXi.0/./5.0, VMware Workstation 7.0/.0/9.0, VMware Player.0/5.0, Microsoft HyperV 00/0, KVM, Citrix XenServer Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Performance values given above were observed using server with Intel Xeon E55 (. GHz) and E000E Ethernet Drivers, running VMware version ESXi 5.0 (Update ) with GB vram assigned to CR Virtual Security Appliance. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Fully Protected Throughput is measured with Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature 0 C to 0 C, Storage Temperature 5 C to C, Relative Humidity (Non condensing) 0% to 90% Additional Purchase required. If Enabled, will bypass traffic only in case of failure. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. (GbE Copper/GbE Fiber/0GbE Fiber) Console Ports (RJ5) Hardware Bypass Segments System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps) NGFW Throughput (Mbps) Fully Protected Throughput Redundant Supply ingxp 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs 000iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9kg,.lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP,000,000 0,000,000,,0,,0,00 7,0,0 0,000 5,0,000,000 0,0,000 7,0,000,0,,0,000,000,000 0,000,000,,00,0,000,000 5,0,000,000 00,000,0,000,0,000,0,, 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs Cyberoam NG series NextGeneration Firewalls Technical AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps),0, / / 0 GB / GB,000,0,000,000,,00,00, / / 0 GB / GB,0 5,000 0,0 / / 0 GB / GB,,000,0,,,, / / 0 GB / GB / / 0 GB / GB 0,000,00,000,0 00,000,00,000 CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC CRiVC VMware ESX/ESXi.0/./5.0, VMware Workstation 7.0/.0/9.0, VMware Player.0/5.0, Microsoft HyperV 00/0, KVM, Citrix XenServer Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Performance values given above were observed using server with Intel Xeon E55 (. GHz) and E000E Ethernet Drivers, running VMware version ESXi 5.0 (Update ) with GB vram assigned to CR Virtual Security Appliance. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real network traffic environments. Fully Protected Throughput is measured with Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature 0 C to 0 C, Storage Temperature 5 C to C, Relative Humidity (Non condensing) 0% to 90% Additional Purchase required. If Enabled, will bypass traffic only in case of failure. Antivirus, IPS and Fully Protected Throughput performance is measured based on HTTP traffic as per RFC 5 guidelines. Actual performance may vary depending on the real Firewall, IPS, Web & Application Filtering and AntiVirus features turned on. (GbE Copper/GbE Fiber/0GbE Fiber) Console Ports (RJ5) Hardware Bypass Segments System Performance AntiVirus Throughput (Mbps) NGFW Throughput (Mbps) Fully Protected Throughput Redundant Supply ingxp 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs 000iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9kg,.lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP 0 VAC 5 W.5 x 7.5 x. 9 kg,. lbs 0iNGXP,000,000 0,000,000,,0,,0,00 7,0,0 0,000 5,0,000,000 0,0,000 7,0,000,0,,0,000,000,000 0,000,000,,00,0,000,000 5,0,000,000 00,000,0,000,0,000,0,, 000 VAC 0 W 5.7 x 7. x.. X. X kg,. lbs

10 HORUS INFORMATICA VALUE ADDED DISTRIBUTOR Un team di esperti in networking, sicurezza di rete e virtualizzazione al servizio delle imprese italiane. Le necessità del mercato L Azienda Indipendentemente dai contesti e dai settori industriali in cui si trovano a operare, oggi per le aziende la tecnologia informatica Sul mercato della distribuzione di information technology dal 997, Horus Informatica si propone come il naturale alleato e Internet sono elementi abilitanti di importanza fondamentale per la buona gestione del business. Si tratta però di risorse da maneggiare con estrema cura perché al ruolo cruciale dell hi delle società italiane nella loro inarrestabile marcia verso l innovazione. tech e del networking nelle attività di un impresa moderna fa da contraltare la crescente complessità degli ambienti distribuiti. Grazie a una rete di oltre 00 partner più rivenditori, system integrator e dealer in grado di coprire l intero territorio nazionale, Horus Informatica garantisce non soltanto la progettazione di applicazioni su misura scelte fra prodotti Temi come quello della mobility, con la possibilità di accedere ai dati aziendali da postazioni remote e con strumenti portatili; e della security, ovvero la necessità di amministrare i flussi di dati in modo affidabile e protetto, assumono un peso sempre più rilevante. Il successo nella scelta delle soluzioni da adottare, e di conseguenza la riuscita in un mercato quanto mai competitivo, è perciò spesso una questione di dettagli. Per curarli inmaniera efficiente e, soprattutto, vincente, le aziende non hanno più bisogno di semplici fornitori di hardware e software, ma di partner in grado di seguirli passo dopo passo nella realizzazione di strategie in linea con le loro esigenze, con un offerta composta sì di prodotti di qualità, ma soprattutto di consulenza a 0. best of breed, ma segue anche i servizi di assistenza pre o post vendita e di formazione dei clienti, erogata sul posto da personale qualificato e certificato. Il Supporto al cliente Su tutte queste soluzioni Horus Informatica è in grado di intervenire presso i clienti direttamente o attraverso i suoi partner di canale assicurando un accurata analisi delle infrastrutture prima della vendita e successivamente il design, la progettazione e l implementazione dei prodotti. A corredo di tutte queste operazioni, Horus Informatica si presenta in qualità di referente unico della clientela anche per quel che riguarda l assistenza postvendita e il training. E in virtù dello studio accurato delle reali necessità dei suoi interlocutori, può proporre architetture chiavi in mano personalizzate, che rispettano non soltanto le necessità tecnologiche delle aziende, ma anche i loro budget di spesa.

11 HORUS INFORMATICA VALUE ADDED DISTRIBUTOR L OFFERTA Horus Informatica scommette oggi principalmente su cinque brand di cui è distributore uffi ciale a valore aggiunto per il mercato italiano Cyberoam, con le soluzioni: Cyberoam Unified Threat Management, un pacchetto completo e fl essibile per la gestione identitybased e la reportistica degli strumenti di sicurezza e antiintrusione presenti sulle reti aziendali accessibili anche in mobilità; Cyberoam Central Console (CCC): hardware e virtual appliance per la gestione e il controllo centralizzato dei dispositivi UTM all interno di network distribuiti ed estesi. Consente di potenziare le policy di sicurezza aziendali volte a rafforzare il livello di protezione degli uffi ci periferici o gestiti da remoto. Cyberoam iview, soluzione per logging e reporting che aiuta le aziende a monitorare le reti attraverso dispositivi multipli in modo da garantire elevati livelli di sicurezza e riservatezza dei dati nella totale conformità alle normative vigenti. Array Networks, con le soluzioni: Array Networks APV, una gamma di controller tesi a migliorare l effi cienza, la sicurezza e la disponibilità delle applicazioni basate sul Web; Array Networks AG, una nuova famiglia di controller che garantiscono la sicurezza perimetrale delle informazioni sensibili per le aziende e la estendono via via a tutte le applicazioni client e ai singoli utenti; Array Networks DesktopDirect, applicazione enterprise di protezione dei dati critici che è oggi progettata per servire al meglio le esigenze degli utenti mobile ed è compatibile anche con dispositivi come ipad e iphone di Apple. Array Networks WANVelocity, è un WAN Optimization Controller che ha come punto di forza le performance; è in grado di ottimizzare le connessioni WAN utilizzando tecnologia proprietaria. NComputing, con le soluzioni: vspace Server, il cuore dell offerta di NComputing è rappresentato dal software vspace Server che permette alle imprese di ottimizzare le operazioni di abilitazione dei virtual desktop assicurando l accesso simultaneo a un solo sistema operativo da parte di una molteplicità di utilizzatori; Dispositivi di accesso, a basso costo e basso consumo, piccoli e duraturi, i dispositivi di accesso alla desktop virtualization della gamma NComputing si connettono da un lato alle periferiche degli utenti come il mouse, la tastiera o il monitor; dall altra a un server centralizzato raggiungibile direttamente o via Ethernet che ospita ogni desktop virtuale e le applicazioni necessarie. Disponibili nelle gamme LSeries, MSeries, XSeries Thin client NSeries di NComputing per Citrix HDX: La linea di prodotti altamente innovativi dedicata agli ambienti Citrix XenDesktop, Citrix XenApp, e Citrix VDIinaBox, soluzioni per le quali NComputing ha ottenuto la certifi cazione HDX Ready. vspace Client, software innovativo che estende i benefi ci della desktop virtualization a qualsiasi PC o laptop trasformandolo in un performante client virtuale e consente di offrire accessi sicuri in qualsiasi momento e luogo al desktop aziendale o a determinate applicazioni sul server host centrale alimentato da software vspace Server Cellopoint Cellopoint UTM, è una soluzione unica nel suo genere. E il primo sistema UTM per la posta elettronica. Esiste sia nella versione virtuale, fi sica e software. Il sistema proprietario Cello Operating System consente di avere in un unico apparato la protezione da spam e virus, la possibilità di tracciare e prevenire la fuga di informazioni (Audit e Data Loss Prevention), l archiviazione delle e la loro cifratura per comunicare in maniera sicura. Online Billing & Bandwidth Management Reti WIFI Soluzione esaustiva per il controllo degli accessi, l ottimizzazione e l amministrazione della banda nelle infrastrutture di rete WIFI. Professional service & skill I nostri servizi di delivery, messi a punto per i partner ed il mercato, hanno l obiettivo di fi nalizzare l implementazione e la personalizzazione delle soluzioni proposte e si riferiscono al raggiungimento degli obiettivi del progetto: analisi iniziale del progetto e definizione obiettivi implementazione ed ottimizzazione della configurazione / training on the job verifica delle funzionalità ambiente e del raggiungimento obiettivi / go live supporto post golive Offriamo una competenza specifi ca per individuare le linee guida di defi nizione dei progetti e perseguire risultati legati all affi dabilità ed effi cacia dell infrastruttura e quindi ottimizzazione delle risorse e budget. Un team di specialisti dedicato alla progettazione di infrastrutture informatiche complesse con le capacità di progettazione di soluzioni per l integrazione di sistemi ed apparati in ambiente multivendor, di gestione di problematiche relative alle architetture, alla sicurezza ed all alta disponibilità, ed esperienza nell analisi di performance di sistemi e reti fi nalizzata al capacity management di infrastrutture IT.

12 DAL 997 ABBIAMO LA TESTA TRA LE NUVOLE Innovazione è sempre stata la parola chiave alla base delle nostre scelte. Abbiamo portato il cloud nelle aziende ben prima che divenisse un tema caldo del mercato e che operatori e vendor ne iniziassero a parlare. E dal 997 che i nostri clienti possono godere di soluzioni tecnologicamente all avanguardia che consentono a centinaia di utenti di gestire il proprio business in modo sicuro, efficace e professionale senza dover effettuare onerosi investimenti in risorse o competenze. HORUS HORUS INFORMATICA HORUS INFORMATICA HORUS INFORMATICA Srl INFORMATICA Ufficio Srl Srl Ufficio Commerciale Srl Ufficio Commerciale Ufficio Commerciale Supporto Commerciale Supporto Tecnico Supporto Tecnico Supporto Ufficio Tecnico Ufficio Marketing Tecnico Ufficio Marketing Ufficio Marketing Marketing Via Enzo Via Ferrari, Enzo Via Ferrari, /B Enzo Via Ferrari, Enzo /B Ferrari, /B /B Pre vendita Pre vendita Pre vendita Pre vendita 000 Arluno Arluno Milano 000 Arluno Milano Italy Arluno Milano Italy Tel: Milano 0/5 Italy Tel: 0/5 Italy Tel: 0/5 Tel: 0/5 Fax: 0/ Fax: 0/ Fax: 0/ Fax: 0/ Fax: 0/99 Fax: 0/99 Fax: 0/99 Fax: 0/99 Post vendita Post vendita Post vendita Post vendita

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VALUE ADDED DISTRIBUTOR VALUE ADDED DISTRIBUTOR HORUS Informatica Il tuo distributore disuguale per la sicurezza e il networking Innovazione è la parola chiave alla base delle scelte di Horus Informatica, che ha portato il cloud


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Next Generation USG 2

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Chi è Endian? Endian Germania - Monaco Endian Japan - Tokyo. Endian - Turchia. Endian US - Houston. Endian - Bolzano e Milano

Chi è Endian? Endian Germania - Monaco Endian Japan - Tokyo. Endian - Turchia. Endian US - Houston. Endian - Bolzano e Milano Benvenuti in Endian Chi è Endian? Endian nasce nel 2003 ad Appiano, in provincia di Bolzano, da un gruppo di specialisti delle reti accomunati dalla passione per Linux. L obiettivo e il modello di sviluppo


NEXT-GEN USG: Filtri Web

NEXT-GEN USG: Filtri Web NEXT-GEN USG: Filtri Web Content-Filter & Single Sign On Guida alla configurazione Content-Filter con policy di accesso basate su utenti lactive directory e SSO con USG con firmware ZLD 4.1 Configurazione


La sicurezza negli ambienti Thin Client Citrix

La sicurezza negli ambienti Thin Client Citrix Come indicato nel titolo ci occuperemo in questa white paper della sicurezza negli ambienti informatici virtuali con particolare riferimento a quelli realizzati con tecnologia Citrix. Per rispondere alle


Powered. Max Firewall. Soluzione intelligente. per un network sicuro

Powered. Max Firewall. Soluzione intelligente. per un network sicuro Powered Max Firewall Soluzione intelligente per un network sicuro Max Firewall Basato sul sistema operativo Hymera, Max Firewall è uno strumento per la difesa e l ottimale rendimento della rete, assicurando


Gamma Endpoint Protector

Gamma Endpoint Protector Gamma Endpoint Protector Architettura Client - Server Appliance Hardware o Virtual Appliance Cloud-based solution Manage your network centrally in the cloud Soluzione solo per Client USB Lockdown per Notebook,


Unified Threat Management

Unified Threat Management Unified Threat Management Cyberoam ICSA Certified Firewall ICSA Certified HighAvailability VPNC Certified for Basic VPN & AES Interoperability Le appliance UTM Identitybased di Cyberoam offrono una protezione


Open Source Tools for Network Access Control

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Servizi e Prodotti per la Sicurezza Aziendale. Il Gruppo BELLUCCI

Servizi e Prodotti per la Sicurezza Aziendale. Il Gruppo BELLUCCI Il Gruppo BELLUCCI Con la creazione di una Suite Servizi & Prodotti Bellucci si propone di far fronte alle esigenze in materia di sicurezza individuate dall Azienda e che la stessa potrebbe riscontrare


Symantec Protection Suite Small Business Edition Una soluzione semplice, efficace e conveniente progettata per le piccole aziende

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Barracuda Message Archiver

Barracuda Message Archiver Barracuda Message Archiver Mail aziendale conservata in modalita sicura, efficiente e sempre disponibile Luca Bin Sales Engineer EMEA Perche i clienti archiviano le Email Compliance


MOBILITY & SECURITY. Magazzini. Scuole. Business Center Porti Industrie Mobile Data Collection. Industrial Grade Solutions

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Obiettivi. Al termine del webinar sarete in grado di:

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Virtualization. Strutturare per semplificare la gestione. ICT Information & Communication Technology

Virtualization. Strutturare per semplificare la gestione. ICT Information & Communication Technology Virtualization Strutturare per semplificare la gestione Communication Technology Ottimizzare e consolidare Le organizzazioni tipicamente si sviluppano in maniera non strutturata e ciò può comportare la


Sicurezza: esperienze sostenibili e di successo. Accesso unificato e sicuro via web alle risorse ed alle informazioni aziendali: l esperienza FERPLAST

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Condividi, Sincronizza e Collabora

Condividi, Sincronizza e Collabora Condividi, Sincronizza e Collabora Progettato per le Aziende Migliora la redditività del team Riduce i tempi di elaborazione Riduce i costi uomo/progetto 2 EagleBox Secure File Sync & Sharing EagleBox


Come proteggere la vostra rete corporate in modo progressivo ed integrato

Come proteggere la vostra rete corporate in modo progressivo ed integrato Come proteggere la vostra rete corporate in modo progressivo ed integrato Kaspersky Open Space Security È una suite di prodotti che offre copertura per tutte le reti, partendo dai dispositivi mobili sino


Protezione integrale per la vostra azienda PROTECTION SERVICE FOR BUSINESS

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SBSAfg.exe nella cartella Tools del DVD Opzioni avanzate: Migration Mode Unattend Mode Attended Mode con dati pre-caricati

SBSAfg.exe nella cartella Tools del DVD Opzioni avanzate: Migration Mode Unattend Mode Attended Mode con dati pre-caricati SBSAfg.exe nella cartella Tools del DVD Opzioni avanzate: Migration Mode Unattend Mode Attended Mode con dati pre-caricati Collegare il router e tutti i devices interni a Internet ISP connection device


La sicurezza delle reti

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RISCOM. Track Your Company,.. Check by isecurity

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Andrea Gradella. Coordinatore divisione antivirus di Symbolic S.p.A.

Andrea Gradella. Coordinatore divisione antivirus di Symbolic S.p.A. Andrea Gradella Coordinatore divisione antivirus di Symbolic S.p.A. Prodotti semplici da utilizzare e configurare La minor manutenzione possibile Protezione in qualsiasi momento e su qualsiasi



PROGETTO: «LA SCUOLA DIGITALE CON NETGEAR» PROGETTO: «LA SCUOLA DIGITALE CON NETGEAR» Piano nazionale scuola digitale Il progetto Scuola Digitale nasce per sviluppare e potenziare l innovazione didattica attraverso l uso delle tecnologie


Making the Internet Secure TM

Making the Internet Secure TM Making the Internet Secure TM e-security DAY 3 luglio 2003, Milano Kenneth Udd Senior Sales Manager SSH Communications Security Corp. SSH Communications Security Corp Storia Fondata nel 1995 Ideatrice


Netwrix Auditor. Visibilità completa su chi ha fatto cosa, quando e dove attraverso l intera infrastruttura IT.

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Sicurezza architetturale, firewall 11/04/2006

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Aruba networks Gennaio 2012

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Chi siamo e cosa offriamo

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Massimiliano Grassi Marketing Manager Citrix Systems Italia. Cuneo 27 Settembre 2011

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Symantec Network Access Control Starter Edition

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Internet Security Systems Stefano Volpi

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CLOUD LAB. Servizi IT innovativi per le aziende del territorio. Parma, 5 Dicembre 2012

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Ministero dell Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare

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Migliorare l'efficacia delle tecnologie di sicurezza informatica grazie ad un approccio integrato e collaborativo

Migliorare l'efficacia delle tecnologie di sicurezza informatica grazie ad un approccio integrato e collaborativo Migliorare l'efficacia delle tecnologie di sicurezza informatica grazie ad un approccio integrato e collaborativo Marco Misitano, CISSP, CISM Advanced Technologies, Security Cisco Systems Italy


Cloud Managed Security

Cloud Managed Security La Sicurezza è nulla senza Controllo Un potente apparato UTM fornito in comodato d uso ed installato presso la tua azienda. Un NOC attivo H24 che controlla lo stato di sicurezza del sistema ed interviene


Tecnologie Informatiche. security. Rete Aziendale Sicura

Tecnologie Informatiche. security. Rete Aziendale Sicura Tecnologie Informatiche security Rete Aziendale Sicura Neth Security è un sistema veloce, affidabile e potente per la gestione della sicurezza aziendale, la protezione della rete, l accesso a siti indesiderati


SCENARI D'UTILIZZO DELLE NUOVE SOLUZIONI. Fabrizio Cassoni Content Security Manager

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Servizi di Sicurezza Informatica. Antivirus Centralizzato per Intranet CEI-Diocesi

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Ministero dell Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare

Ministero dell Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare Ministero dell Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare DIREZIONE GENERALE PER GLI AFFARI GENERALI E DEL PERSONALE Divisione III Sistemi Informativi RDO PER LA FORNITURA DEL SERVIZIO PER LA CONDUZIONE


Martino Traversa, Presidente. Differenti mercati, medesime sfide : il ruolo della Security.

Martino Traversa, Presidente. Differenti mercati, medesime sfide : il ruolo della Security. Martino Traversa, Presidente Differenti mercati, medesime sfide : il ruolo della Security. Agenda Welcome Coffee H 10.30 Martino Traversa - Symbolic CEO Differenti mercati, medesime sfide: il ruolo della



SOLUZIONI E SERVIZI ICT SOLUZIONI E SERVIZI ICT Chi siamo Cosa facciamo? In quindici parole : facciamo consulenza, assistenza, manutenzione, gestione e monitoraggio delle infrastrutture dei nostri clienti sul cablaggio, sulla


Descrizione della piattaforma software MPS Monitor

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Firegate SSL 5 - Release notes

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EasyCloud400. Il tuo AS/400. Come vuoi, quanto vuoi. Telecomunicazioni per l Emilia Romagna. Società del Gruppo Hera

EasyCloud400. Il tuo AS/400. Come vuoi, quanto vuoi. Telecomunicazioni per l Emilia Romagna. Società del Gruppo Hera EasyCloud400 Il tuo AS/400. Come vuoi, quanto vuoi. Telecomunicazioni per l Emilia Romagna Società del Gruppo Hera L opportunità Aumentare la flessibilità dell azienda in risposta ai cambiamenti dei mercati.


CLOUD AWS. #cloudaws. Community - Cloud AWS su Google+ Amazon Web Services. Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)

CLOUD AWS. #cloudaws. Community - Cloud AWS su Google+ Amazon Web Services. Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) Community - Cloud AWS su Google+ Web Services VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) Oggi vediamo le caratteristiche generali del servizio di VPC per creare una rete virtuale nel cloud. Hangout 29 del 27.10.2014


Infrastruttura e servizi collegati

Infrastruttura e servizi collegati Infrastruttura e servizi collegati Agenda Infrastruttura di erogazione Principali servizi erogati Mail Intranet CEI-Diocesi-Parrocchie WebConference e Riunioni a Distanza Sicurezza Rete Diocesana Firma


Wi-Fi, la libertà di navigare in rete senza fili. Introduzione.

Wi-Fi, la libertà di navigare in rete senza fili. Introduzione. Wi-Fi, la libertà di navigare in rete senza fili. Introduzione. L evoluzione delle tecnologie informatiche negli ultimi decenni ha contribuito in maniera decisiva allo sviluppo del mondo aziendale, facendo


NEAL. Increase your Siebel productivity

NEAL. Increase your Siebel productivity NEAL Increase your Siebel productivity Improve your management productivity Attraverso Neal puoi avere il controllo, in totale sicurezza, di tutte le Enterprise Siebel che compongono il tuo Business. Se



Presentazione di KASPERSKY ENDPOINT SECURITY FOR BUSINESS Presentazione di KASPERSKY ENDPOINT SECURITY FOR BUSINESS 1 Fattori di crescita aziendale e impatto sull'it FLESSIBILITÀ EFFICIENZA PRODUTTIVITÀ Operare velocemente, dimostrando agilità e flessibilità


ManageEngine ITSM: HelpDesk ITIL, gestione degli asset IT e MDM. Andrea Mannara Business Unit Manager

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Alessio Banich. Manager, Technical Solutions

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EyesServ. La piattaforma di monitoraggio per la tua sala server. Soluzioni Informatiche

EyesServ. La piattaforma di monitoraggio per la tua sala server. Soluzioni Informatiche EyesServ - La piattaforma di monitoraggio per la tua sala server Soluzioni Informatiche Che cos è EyesServ? EyesServ è una nuova soluzione per il monitoraggio infrastrutturale IT. E costituita da un pacchetto


COMUNICAZIONE E CONDIVISIONE PROTETTE. Protezione per server, email e collaborazione

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Replica di Active Directory. Orazio Battaglia

Replica di Active Directory. Orazio Battaglia Orazio Battaglia Active Directory è una base di dati distribuita che modella il mondo reale della organizzazione. Definisce gli utenti, i computer le unità organizzative che costituiscono l organizzazione.


Realizzazione di hotspot wireless per l Università degli Studi di Milano

Realizzazione di hotspot wireless per l Università degli Studi di Milano Realizzazione di hotspot wireless per l Università degli Studi di Milano Marcello Meroni, Michele de Varda, DIVISIONE TELECOMUNICAZIONI UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO Workshop GARR-X, 3 Aprile 2008 Agenda


Modulo Switch ProCurve xl Access Controller

Modulo Switch ProCurve xl Access Controller Aggiungendo il modulo ProCurve Switch xl Access Controller, lo switch serie 5300xl fornisce un approccio esclusivo all integrazione del controllo dell accesso degli utenti basato su identità, privacy dei


Soluzioni Network per la Media Impresa

Soluzioni Network per la Media Impresa Soluzioni Network per la Media Impresa Cosa Offre DrayTek Le Aziende di medie dimensioni al giorno d'oggi si affidano pesantemente a sistemi di business network avanzati per rimanere avanti alla concorrenza


10 metodi per ottimizzare la rete in modo sicuro

10 metodi per ottimizzare la rete in modo sicuro 10 metodi per ottimizzare la rete in modo sicuro Con l intelligenza applicativa dei firewall di nuova generazione e la serie WAN Acceleration Appliance (WXA) di SonicWALL Sommario Ottimizzazione sicura


Network and IT Infrastructure Monitoring System

Network and IT Infrastructure Monitoring System NIMS+ Network and IT Infrastructure Monitoring System Software web based per il monitoraggio avanzato delle reti di telecomunicazioni, dell infrastruttura IT e delle Applicazioni 2 Soluzione software modulare,


Telex telecomunicazioni. Soluzioni per le telecomunicazioni e le infrastrutture tecnologiche aziendali

Telex telecomunicazioni. Soluzioni per le telecomunicazioni e le infrastrutture tecnologiche aziendali Telex telecomunicazioni Soluzioni per le telecomunicazioni e le infrastrutture tecnologiche aziendali Agenda 1 azienda 2 organizzazione 3 offerta 4 partner 5 referenze Storia Azienda Nasce 30 anni fa Specializzata


Product Management & Partnerships Industrial & SCADA Infrastructure Protection. Milano 30 Ottobre 2013

Product Management & Partnerships Industrial & SCADA Infrastructure Protection. Milano 30 Ottobre 2013 Product Management & Partnerships Industrial & SCADA Infrastructure Protection Milano 30 Ottobre 2013 VIDEO IL NUOVO PANORAMA Le minacce sono più complesse E con tante risorse da proteggere il personale


progettiamo e realizziamo architetture informatiche Company Profile

progettiamo e realizziamo architetture informatiche Company Profile Company Profile Chi siamo Kammatech Consulting S.r.l. nasce nel 2000 con l'obiettivo di operare nel settore I.C.T., fornendo servizi di progettazione, realizzazione e manutenzione di reti aziendali. Nel


BE ACTIVE. Upgrading means growing

BE ACTIVE. Upgrading means growing BE ACTIVE Upgrading means growing Troviamo soluzioni, risolviamo problemi e restiamo al passo con lo sviluppo tecnologico. Lo facciamo garantendovi la nostra presenza continua e la massima velocità di


PAWSN. Wireless social networking

PAWSN. Wireless social networking PAWSN Wireless social networking WI-FI pubblico in sicurezza SFRUTTA LA TUA RETE WI-FI PER OFFRIRE AL PUBBLICO CONNETTIVITÀ E ACCESSO A SERVIZI PROFILATI E CONTESTUALI Non sarebbe bello potere utilizzare



KLEIS A.I. SECURITY SUITE KLEIS A.I. SECURITY SUITE Protezione dei servizi non web Kleis A.I. SecureMail, Kleis A.I. SecureEmulation, Kleis A.I. SecureXEmulation, Kleis A.I. SecureTransfer, Kleis A.I. SecureShare Protezione


Network Monitoring. Introduzione all attività di Network Monitoring introduzione a Nagios come motore ideale

Network Monitoring. Introduzione all attività di Network Monitoring introduzione a Nagios come motore ideale Network Monitoring & Introduzione all attività di Network Monitoring introduzione a Nagios come motore ideale Nicholas Pocher Poker SpA - Settimo Torinese, Novembre 2013 1 Indice Il Network Monitoring:


SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) Monitoraggio delle informazioni e degli eventi per l individuazione di attacchi

SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) Monitoraggio delle informazioni e degli eventi per l individuazione di attacchi SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) Monitoraggio delle informazioni e degli eventi per l individuazione di attacchi Log forensics, data retention ed adeguamento ai principali standard in uso


Sicurezza nelle applicazioni multimediali: lezione 9, firewall. I firewall

Sicurezza nelle applicazioni multimediali: lezione 9, firewall. I firewall I firewall Perché i firewall sono necessari Le reti odierne hanno topologie complesse LAN (local area networks) WAN (wide area networks) Accesso a Internet Le politiche di accesso cambiano a seconda della


Improve your management productivity

Improve your management productivity lob Balancing Power Improve your management productivity In molti ambienti aziendali la scalabilità, l'affidabilità e la ridondanza dei servizi informatici sono i punti chiave per fornire una soluzione


System & Network Integrator. Rap 3 : suite di Identity & Access Management

System & Network Integrator. Rap 3 : suite di Identity & Access Management System & Network Integrator Rap 3 : suite di Identity & Access Management Agenda Contesto Legislativo per i progetti IAM Impatto di una soluzione IAM in azienda La soluzione di SysNet: Rap 3 I moduli l



FIREWALL: LA PROTEZIONE PER GLI ACCESSI ESTERNI FIREWALL VPN RETI PRIVATE VIRTUALI: ACCESSO REMOTO Fondazione dell'ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Milano Commissione per l'ingegneria dell'informazione ing. Gianluca Sironi FIREWALL: LA PROTEZIONE


I benefici di una infrastruttura IT sicura e ben gestita: come fare di più con meno

I benefici di una infrastruttura IT sicura e ben gestita: come fare di più con meno I benefici di una infrastruttura IT sicura e ben gestita: come fare di più con meno I benefici di una infrastruttura IT sicura e ben gestita: come fare di più con meno In questi ultimi anni gli investimenti



...competenza ASSISTENZA TECNICA SISTEMISTICA Sinapsi è... MISSION Ci occupiamo di servizi sistemistici avanzati. Forniamo consulenza e assistenza tecnica su sistemi informatici evoluti. Ci rivolgiamo ad Imprese e Pubbliche Amministrazioni. La qualità



TREND MICRO DEEP SECURITY TREND MICRO DEEP SECURITY Protezione Server Integrata Semplice Agentless Compatibilità Totale Retroattiva Scopri tutti i nostri servizi su Il nostro obiettivo è la vostra competitività.



CYBER SECURITY COMMAND CENTER CYBER COMMAND CENTER Il nuovo Cyber Security Command Center di Reply è una struttura specializzata nell erogazione di servizi di sicurezza di livello Premium, personalizzati in base ai processi del cliente,

Dettagli Scopri CHI fa COSA nella tua rete S e c u r i n g Yo u Elitecore Product Scopri CHI fa COSA nella tua rete S e c u r i n g Yo u Elitecore Product Scopri CHI fa COSA? nella tua rete S e c u r i n g Yo u Elitecore Product Cyberoam Le appliance UTM Identitybased di Cyberoam offrono una protezione completa contro le esistenti ed emergenti


NET GENERATION SOLUTIONS. Soluzione software per gestire il problema dei LOG degli Amministratori di Sistema

NET GENERATION SOLUTIONS. Soluzione software per gestire il problema dei LOG degli Amministratori di Sistema NET GENERATION SOLUTIONS Soluzione software per gestire il problema dei LOG degli Amministratori di Sistema FOCUS La legge: la normativa in materia Compet-e: gli strumenti e la proposta La soluzione software:




Dettagli C-Light Web-based Management Software C-Light Web-based Management Software C-Light Web-based Management Software WEB-BASED MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE C-Light è l applicazione per la gestione locale (intranet) e remota (internet) di ogni impianto d automazione integrabile


Sviluppo siti e servizi web Programmi gestionali Formazione e Consulenza Sicurezza informatica Progettazione e realizzazione di reti aziendali

Sviluppo siti e servizi web Programmi gestionali Formazione e Consulenza Sicurezza informatica Progettazione e realizzazione di reti aziendali 1 Caratteristiche generali Nati dall esperienza maturata nell ambito della sicurezza informatica, gli ECWALL di e-creation rispondono in modo brillante alle principali esigenze di connettività delle aziende:


Introduzione a Windows XP Professional Installazione di Windows XP Professional Configurazione e gestione di account utente

Introduzione a Windows XP Professional Installazione di Windows XP Professional Configurazione e gestione di account utente Programma Introduzione a Windows XP Professional Esplorazione delle nuove funzionalità e dei miglioramenti Risoluzione dei problemi mediante Guida in linea e supporto tecnico Gruppi di lavoro e domini


Company overview. *stimato

Company overview. *stimato Company profile Company overview Sicurezza Informatica (difensiva ed offensiva) Vendor Independent Fondata nel 2003 2 soci fondatori e Amministratori operativi Finanziata da 2 primari fondi di Venture



I P A N E M A I T W A N G O V E R N A N C E S O L U T I O N I P A N E M A I T W A N G O V E R N A N C E S O L U T I O N IT WAN Governance per la PA La Convergenza su Reti Ibride Audit, Reportistica e Suggerimenti Hybrid Network Unification Massimizzare le prestazioni,


Punto d'accesso wireless, 300Mbps 802.11b/g/n

Punto d'accesso wireless, 300Mbps 802.11b/g/n WAP-6013 Versione H/w: 2 Punto d'accesso wireless, 300Mbps 802.11b/g/n Il LevelOne WAP-6013 è un Access Point wireless che offre agli utenti a casa e in ufficio la tecnologia 802.11n ad un prezzo competitivo.


AD Solutions - Gestione e Audit di Active Directory & Exchange. Stefano Arduini Senior Product Specialist

AD Solutions - Gestione e Audit di Active Directory & Exchange. Stefano Arduini Senior Product Specialist AD Solutions - Gestione e Audit di Active Directory & Exchange Stefano Arduini Senior Product Specialist ManageEngine AD Solutions Network Data Center Desktop & MDM ServiceDesk & Asset Active Directory


Monitorare la superficie di attacco. Dott. Antonio Capobianco (Founder and CEO Fata Informatica)

Monitorare la superficie di attacco. Dott. Antonio Capobianco (Founder and CEO Fata Informatica) Monitorare la superficie di attacco Dott. Antonio Capobianco (Founder and CEO Fata Informatica) Vulnerabilità Difetto o debolezza che può essere sfruttata per violare la politica di sicurezza di un sistema(*)


Sicurezza applicata in rete

Sicurezza applicata in rete Sicurezza applicata in rete Contenuti del corso La progettazione delle reti Il routing nelle reti IP Il collegamento agli Internet Service Provider e problematiche di sicurezza Analisi di traffico e dei
