Gli attori. La standardizzazione e Gli enti di standardizzazione

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Gli attori La standardizzazione e Gli enti di standardizzazione

Gli standard Gli standard sono diventati una parte così integrante della nostra esistenza che l'individuo medio dà poco o nessuna attenzione al fatto che quello che sta utilizzando funziona perché è conforme ad uno standard. Ma immaginate la nostra frustrazione se una nuova lampadina non entrasse nel portalampade perché di una marca differente da quella precedente.

Si sta ormai abbandonando la lampadina ad incandescenza, ma attacco Edison E27 gli sopravvivrà

Quando il sistema di standard formali degli Stati Uniti fu istituito quasi un secolo fa, gli standard venivano principalmente sviluppati per supportare i processi di lavorazione e per normalizzare la componentistica meccanica. Whitworth capì che il successo dell'industria meccanica dipendeva, fra l'altro, dalla unificazione dei sistemi di lavorazione e inventò un sistema di filettatura delle viti che fu adottato come standard, ed è ancora, largamente usato. Joseph Whitworth (1803-1887)

Al giorno d'oggi, gli standard spaziano su ogni tecnologia e su ogni relativa applicazione. Offrono vantaggi e supporto a svariati settori : dal commercio all'industria, dai governi ai consumatori. Essi semplificano lo sviluppo dei prodotti, riducono i doppioni inutili, abbassano i costi, aumentano la produttività, promuovono la sicurezza, e consentono intercambiabilità, compatibilità e interoperabilità tra differenti brand in differenti paesi. Essi possono essere anche uno stimolo per i processi di innovazione e per il progresso nelle scoperte scientifiche.

In tutte le proposte di standard di ultima generazione requisiti fondamentali sono : salvaguardare la sicurezza delle persone e tutelare le risorse ambientali chiavi.

L utilizzo degli standard porta vantaggio sia ai consumatori che alle aziende:

Che cosa assicura uno standard

I consumatori hanno nella intercambiabilità la possibilità di scegliere senza vincoli di compatibilità, secondo parametri di prezzo e/o prestazioni sia il prodotto fondamentale che gli accessori. Un computer Dell, una stampante Hewlett Packard, un mouse Logitech possono lavorare tutti insieme perché nel loro design sono stati rispettati gli standard di compatibilità. Produttori di apparecchiature utilizzano tra l altro gli standard per garantire che i loro prodotti siano compatibili con quello di altre compagnie per ampliare il mercato. Più fornitori per lo stesso prodotto porta ad equilibrare i prezzi verso il basso

I benefici per le aziende Standards Visible Benefits

Garantendo che l utilizzo degli standard faccia parte integrante della strategia aziendale, le aziende ne ricavano molteplici benefici. L utilizzo degli standard migliora infatti l'efficienza della progettazione. Fa risparmiare denaro, risorse umane, tempo, spazi e risorse naturali, riducendo al minimo, la varietà di processi, la componentistica ed il relativo stoccaggio, e, fatto non trascurabile, la documentazione che non poco contribuisce alle spese generali di produzione e vendita di prodotti. Gli standard permettono di migliorare l efficienza in produzione. Utilizzando parti standardizzate, i produttori sono in grado di ridurre i costi grazie alla possibilità di scegliere tra diverse fonti di approvvigionamento, piuttosto che dover fare affidamento su componentistica o parti preassemblate ad hoc. Avere più fornitori per la stessa componentistica significa che i prezzi si riescono a negoziare in maniera più efficace,ma che che si possono selezionare i fornitori anche su altri parametri quali la deliver precision, e quindi portare avanti politiche di iust in time Gli standard aprono nuovi mercati

La diffusione dei prodotti favorita dalle standardizzazione,consente di realizzare economia di scala ai grandi ed di sfruttare l economia di scala dei grandi a chi lavora sulla coda,per mantenere i costi incrementali a livelli bassi

La competitività e gli standard La competitività tra i fornitori di prodotti standard si costruisce su differenti parametri : soluzione globale,deliver precision,adattamento di mercato, assistenza, marketing, prezzo.

Definizione di standardizzazione Formulazione, pubblicazione e implementazione di linee guida, regole, specifiche per un uso comune e ripetuto, volte a conseguire un grado ottimale di uniformità o di compatibilità in un determinato contesto, disciplina, o campo.

Le organizzazioni di standardizzazione Le organizzazione di standardizzazione sono le organizzazione che sviluppano e propongono standard.

Le organizzazioni di standardizzazione Esistono diversi tipi di organizzazione di standardizzazione: Associazioni formali riconosciute dagli stati o da organismi internazionali che rappresentano stati (EU,ONU) Associazioni spontanee Associazioni di agenzie governative Associazioni di imprese Associazioni di individui Associazione miste

Enti di standardizzazione formali SDO (Standard Development Organization) Gli enti di standardizzazione formali sono indipendenti dalle imprese per cui producono standard

Enti di standardizzazione formali SDO (Standard Development Organization)

L ISO è il più grande ente di standardizzazione internazionale. E costituito da una rete di istituti nazionali di standardizzazione di 163 paesi, un membro per ogni paese, con un segretariato centrale a Ginevra, in Svizzera, che coordina il sistema. L ISO è una organizzazione non governativa che costituisce un ponte tra il settore pubblico e privato. Molti dei suoi istituti membri fanno parte della struttura di governo dei loro paesi, o sono incaricati dal loro governo. Altri membri hanno invece le loro radici unicamente nel settore privato, essendo l ente relativo stato costituito con la partnership nazionale di associazioni di settore. L ISO sviluppa e pubblica standard in svariati campi..

ISO 9001 Uno standard per il sistema di qualità delle aziende Il grande business degli enti certificatori degli anni 90

La sfera di competenza dell ISO non copre però la standardizzazione nel campo dell ICT e quella nel campo dell elettricità ed elettronica "electrotechnology, dove agiscono rispettivamente l ITU ed il IEC

CEN is a major provider of European Standards and technical specifications. It is the only recognized European organization according to Directive 98/34/EC for the planning, drafting and adoption of European Standards in all areas of economic activity with the exeption of electrotechnology (CENELEC) and telecommunication (ETSI). CEN's 31 National Members work together to develop voluntary European Standards (ENs). In a globalized world, the need for international standards simply makes sense. The Vienna Agreement signed by CEN in 1991 with ISO (International Organization for Standardization), its international counterpart ensures technical cooperation by correspondence, mutual representation at meetings and coordination meetings, and adoption of the same text, as both an ISO Standard and a European Standard.

Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione UNI - Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione - è un associazione privata senza fine di lucro fondata nel 1921 e riconosciuta dallo Stato e dall Unione Europea, che studia, elabora, approva e pubblica le norme tecniche volontarie - le cosiddette norme UNI - in tutti i settori industriali, commerciali e del terziario (tranne in quelli elettrico ed elettrotecnico). I soci UNI sono imprese, professionisti, associazioni, enti pubblici, centri di ricerca e istituti scolastici. UNI rappresenta l Italia presso le organizzazioni di standardizzazione europea (CEN) e mondiale (ISO). Le norme UNI sono documenti elaborati consensualmente dai rappresentanti di tutte le parti interessate mediante un processo di autoregolamentazione trasparente e democratico, e - pur essendo di applicazione volontaria - forniscono agli operatori riferimenti certi, anche di rilevanza contrattuale.

Enti di standardizzazione formali SDO (Standard Development Organization)

International Electrotechnical Commission Mission The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes international standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies. These serve as a basis for national standardization and as references when drafting international tenders and contracts. Through its members, the IEC promotes international cooperation on all questions of electrotechnical standardization and related matters, such as the assessment of conformity to standards, in the fields of electricity, electronics and related technologies. The IEC charter embraces all electrotechnologies including electronics, magnetics and electromagnetics, electroacoustics, multimedia, telecommunication, and energy production and distribution, as well as associated general disciplines such as terminology and symbols, electromagnetic compatibility, measurement and performance, dependability, design and development, safety and the environment.

International Electrotechnical Commission Members An IEC member is called a National Committee and each NC represents its nation's electrotechnical interests in IEC management and standardization work. This includes: manufacturers, providers, distributors and vendors consumers and users all levels of governmental agencies professional societies and trade associations standards developers National committee are constituted in different ways. Some are public sector only, some are a combination of public and private sector, and some are private sector only. In this respect, the IEC does not specify how an NC should be formed. It is up to the interested parties in each country to decide how they will constitute their NC.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization CENELEC was created in 1973 as a result of the merger of two previous European organizations: CENELCOM and CENEL. Nowadays, CENELEC is a non-profit technical organization set up under Belgian law and composed of the National Electrotechnical Committees of 31 European countries. In addition, 11 National Committees from neighbouring countries are participating in CENELEC work with an Affiliate status. CENELEC s mission is to prepare voluntary electrotechnical standards that help develop the Single European Market/European Economic Area for electrical and electronic goods and services removing barriers to trade, creating new markets and cutting compliance costs.

Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano Fondato nel 1909, tra i primi Enti normatori al mondo, il CEI è l'ente istituzionale riconosciuto dallo Stato Italiano e dall Unione Europea, preposto alla normazione e all'unificazione in Italia del settore elettrotecnico, elettronico e delle telecomunicazioni. La Legge italiana n. 186 del 1º marzo 1968 ne riconosce l'autorità stabilendo che i materiali, le macchine, le installazioni e gli impianti elettrici ed elettronici, realizzati secondo le Norme del CEI si considerano a regola d'arte. l CEI è rappresentante italiano nei principali organismi di normazione e certificazione internazionali quali IEC, CENELEC e, per il tramite del CONCIT, partecipa all'attività dell ETSI

La necessità di standard nella comunicazione è antica Senza una lingua comune è impossibile comunicare. Se si vuole telecomunicare la lingua comune non basta

Enti di standardizzazione formali SDO (Standard Development Organization)

ITU is the leading United Nations agency for information and communication technology issues, and the global focal point for governments and the private sector in developing networks and services. ITU is based in Geneva, Switzerland, and its membership includes 192 Member States and more than 700 Sector Members and Associate. For 145 years, ITU has coordinated the shared global use of the radio spectrum, promoted international cooperation in assigning satellite orbits, established the worldwide standards that foster seamless interconnection of a vast range of communications systems. ITU also organizes worldwide and regional exhibitions and forums, such as ITU TELECOM WORLD, ITU standards range from broadband Internet to latest-generation wireless technologies, from aeronautical and maritime navigation to radio astronomy and satellite-based meteorology, from convergence in fixed-mobile phone, Internet access, data, voice and TV broadcasting to nextgeneration networks

ITU Membership includes: Member States (Official Designations) Sector Members Associates In today's fast-moving environment, Membership of the ITU gives governments and private organizations a unique opportunity to make an important and valued contribution to the developments rapidly reshaping the world around us. ITU Membership represents a cross-section of the telecommunications and information technology industry, from the world's largest manufacturers and carriers to small, innovative new players working in new fields like IP networking. Founded on the principle of international cooperation between governments and the private sector, the ITU represents a global forum through which governments and industry can work towards consensus on a wide range of issues affecting the future direction of this increasingly vital industry.

ITU-R ITU-T ITU-D 1865 International Telegraph Union ITU History 1992 three sectors in ITU 1956 CCITT 1885 ITU start with telephony 1903 ITU first wireless telegraphy 1906 first radiotelegraph convention 1947 ONU specialized agency for telecommunications 1948 ITU headquarters transferred to Geneva 1932 Combining Telegraph and Radiotelegraph International Telecommunication Union

ITU Sectors and TELECOM Radiocommunication (ITU-R) Managing the international radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbit resources is at the heart of the work of the ITU. Standardization (ITU-T) ITU's standards-making efforts are its best-known and oldest activity. Development (ITU-D) Established to help spread equitable, sustainable and affordable access to information and communication technologies (ICT). ITU TELECOM ITU TELECOM brings together the top names from across the ICT industry as well as ministers and regulators and many more for a major exhibition, a high-level forum and a host of other opportunities.

ITU-T Study Group 2 (Study Period 2009-2012) Operational aspects of service provision and telecommunications management TU-T Study Group 3 (Study Period 2009-2012) Tariff and accounting principles including related telecommunication economic and policy issues ITU-T Study Group 5 (Study Period 2009-2012) Environment and climate change ITU-T Study Group 9 (Study Period 2009-2012) Television and sound transmission and integrated broadband cable networks TU-T Study Group 11 (Study Period 2009-2012) Signalling requirements, protocols and test specifications ITU-T Study Group 12 (Study Period 2009-2012) Performance, QoS and QoE ITU-T Study Group 13 (Study Period 2009-2012) Future networks including mobile and NGN

ITU-T Study Group 15 (Study Period 2009-2012) Optical transport networks and access network infrastructures ITU-T Study Group 16 (Study Period 2009-2012) Multimedia coding, systems and applications ITU-T Study Group 17 (Study Period 2009-2012) Security

ITU-T Study Group 13 (Study Period 2009-2012) Future networks including mobile and NGN 1.Lead study group for future networks and NGN 2.Lead study group on mobility management and fixed-mobile convergence Areas of study Responsible for studies relating to the requirements, architecture, evolution and convergence of future networks. Also includes NGN project management coordination across study groups and release planning, implementation scenarios and deployment models, network and service capabilities, interoperability, impact of IPv6, NGN mobility and network convergence, public data network aspects and network aspects of IdM. Responsible for studies relating to network aspects of mobile telecommunication networks, including International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT), wireless Internet, convergence of mobile and fixed networks, mobility management, mobile multimedia network functions, internetworking, interoperability and enhancements to existing ITU T Recommendations on IMT.

ITU-R Study Group 1 (SG 1) - Spectrum management Study Group 3 (SG 3) - Radiowave propagation Study Group 4 (SG 4) - Satellite services Study Group 5 (SG 5) - Terrestrial services Study Group 6 (SG 6) - Broadcasting service Study Group 7 (SG 7) - Science services

ETSI European telecommunications Institute

ETSI produce globally applicable standards for Information & Communications Technologies including fixed, mobile, radio, broadcast, internet, aeronautical and other areas. ETSI is recognized as an official European Standards Organization by the European Union, enabling valuable access to European markets. Low time-to-market is its constant aims. ETSI is active in vital complementary areas such as interoperability. Our international reputation is built on openness, discussion, consensus and direct input from our members.

ETSI has more than 700 members from more than 60 countries and across five continents. Amongst ETSI s present members are the biggest players in ICT and there are many government and regulatory bodies. But ETSI is also the home of small companies. Size is unimportant because ETSI s members work together as partners in the standardization process.

ETSI History Single European Market was created 1987 Need for Integrated communications infrastructure European Comission outlined Green Paper, recommending the establishment of an organisation to set telecommunication standard Idea was shared by former European Conference for Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) European Telecommunication Standardisation Institute (ETSI) was Born 1988

Considerando il suo ruolo di organismo pubblico e super partes, alcune delle attività dell Istituto sono connesse a particolari esigenze legate al mondo delle telecomunicazioni. La normazione tecnica nazionale ed internazionale in cui l'istituto è attore attivo e propositivo, riveste un ruolo importante per garantire migliore trasparenza ed accessibilità ai servizi a favore degli utenti, dei manifatturieri e dei gestori delle reti di telecomunicazione. In questo campo, l azione dell'istituto è duplice: tramite il CONCIT (Comitato di coordinamento formato da CEI, UNI e dallo stesso Istituto e riconosciuto a livello europeo) effettua la trasposizione nell'ordinamento nazionale delle norme europee e simultaneamente, rappresenta l'amministrazione, nelle funzioni di indirizzo e supporto nei gruppi nazionali presenti nelle varie commissioni e gruppi tecnici di studio dell ITU, della CEPT e dell ETSI. Inoltre, l'istituto predispone Specifiche Tecniche di interconnessione tra reti di telecomunicazioni di Gestori diversi e altre Specifiche Tecniche utili a definire aspetti delle TLC non coperti da norme nazionali o internazionali.

CONCIT L'ISCOM, il Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano (CEI) e l'ente Italiano di Unificazione (UNI) hanno costituto il CONCIT (Comitato Nazionale di Coordinamento per l'informatica e le Telecomunicazioni) allo scopo di promuovere e coordinare le attività normative nei settori dell'informatica e delle Telecomunicazioni. Il CONCIT persegue i seguenti obiettivi: Assicurare e coordinare le attività di normalizzazione per i settori dell'informatica e delle telecomunicazioni. Garantire la circolazione delle informazioni sulle attività normative presenti e future del settore, nonché l'accesso alla preparazione delle norme da parte di tutti gli interessati. Esercitare le funzioni di Organismo Nazionale di Normalizzazione (National Standardisation Organisation-NSO) nei confronti dell'istituto Europeo per le Norme di Telecomunicazioni (European Telecommunications Standards Institute - ETSI). Assicurare la trasposizione a livello nazionale, come Norme italiane ufficialmente riconosciute, delle Norme emesse da organismi europei nel settore dell'informatica e delle telecomunicazioni. Assicurare un collegamento informativo con gli organismi pubblici partecipanti ai lavori delle commissioni europee nel settore dell'informatica e delle telecomunicazioni. Contribuire a diffondere in Italia una consapevole "cultura delle Norme" attraverso opportune iniziative. Nell'ambito delle attività svolte dal CONCIT in qualità di NSO, la segreteria CONCIT/ISCOM, ha il compito di interfacciarsi con l'etsi per l'attuazione delle procedure nazionali di approvazione delle Norme Europee di telecomunicazioni.

The ANSI mission To enhance both the global competitiveness of U.S. business and the U.S. quality of life by promoting and facilitating voluntary consensus standards and conformity assessment systems, and safeguarding their integrity

Associazioni di standardizzazione spontanee Internet Engineering Task Force Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

The Consortium is jointly administered by the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) in the USA, the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) (in Sophia Antipolis, France), and Keio University (in Japan ). The W3C also has World Offices in sixteen regions around the world. The W3C Offices work with their regional Web communities to promote W3C technologies in local languages, broaden W3C's geographical base, and encourage international participation in W3C Activities.

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is a large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet. It is open to any interested individual. The actual technical work of the IETF is done in its working groups, which are organized by topic into several areas (e.g., routing, transport, security, etc.). Much of the work is handled via mailing lists. The IETF holds meetings three times per year.

IEEE is the world s largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through IEEE's highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. (IEEE 802.16)

Il monopolio e il CCITT In regime di monopolio gli standard erano soprattutto guidati dagli operatori e dai governi, che supportavano le loro organizzazioni delle Telecomunicazioni I tempi erano biblici e l attesa lunga

La standardizzazione oggi Gli standard oggi sono norme volontarie che nascono da un processo formale, coordinato, basato sul consenso e aperto a tutti. Sviluppato da esperti in materia sia dal settore pubblico che e privato, provenienti sia dall industria che dai,gestori il processo volontario è aperto a tutte le parti interessate e si basa sulla cooperazione e il compromesso tra una serie di soggetti interessati

Le regole della standardizzazione oggi Il mondo della standardizzazione afferma di agire secondo le seguenti regole: consensualità: la norma deve essere approvata con il consenso di tutti coloro che hanno partecipato ai lavori di elaborazione; democraticità : tutte le parti economico-sociali interessate possono partecipare ai lavori e soprattutto chiunque è messo in grado di formulare osservazioni nel processo che precede l'approvazione finale; trasparenza: l'ente di standardizzazione segnala le tappe fondamentali del processo di approvazione di un progetto di norma, tenendo il progetto stesso a disposizione degli interessati;

Ma il cammino della standardizzazione e spesso lungo e tortuoso

I sistemi radiomobili di terza generazione e oltre Da un punto di vista della standardizzazione, le origini dei sistemi di terza generazione risalgono alla metà degli anni Ottanta, quando l ITU (International Telecommunication Union) propose il progetto di un nuovo ed unico sistema radiomobile, chiamato in un primo momento FPLMTS (Future Public Land MobileTelecommunication Systems) e poi rinominato IMT-2000 (International MobileTelecommunications 2000). Inizialmente ITU definì i requisiti minimi che un generico sistema doveva soddisfare per diventare un candidato per IMT-2000.

I sistemi radiomobili di terza generazione e oltre Ma i tempi dell ITU vennero considerati troppo lunghi e al tempo un sistema veramente unico con così differenti portatori di interesse poco fattibile Sullabase dei requisiti base dell ITU, vari enti di standardizzazione decisero di trovare la loro via alla terza generazione. In Europa l ETSI iniziò a standizzare ilsistema UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System),iniziando una stretta collaborazione altri enti di normativa quali ARIB (Association of Radio Industries and Business)in Giappone, TTA (Telecommunications Technology Association) in Corea e ANSI(America National Standards Institute) negli Stati Uniti.

I sistemi radiomobili di terza generazione e oltre A tal scopo fu creato un progetto multisponsor il

2007 Third Generation Partnership Project 2 (3GPP2) La risposta dell ANSI

What is 3GPP2? The Third Generation Partnership Project 2 (3GPP2) is: a collaborative third generation (3G) telecommunications specifications-setting project comprising North American and Asian interests developing global specifications for ANSI/TIA/EIA-41 Cellular Radiotelecommunication Intersystem Operations network evolution to 3G and global specifications for the radio transmission technologies (RTTs) supported by ANSI/TIA/EIA-41. 3GPP2 was born out of the International Telecommunication Union's (ITU International Mobile Telecommunications "IMT-2000 initiative, covering high speed, broadband, and Internet Protocol (IP)-based mobile systems featuring network-to-network interconnection, feature/service transparency, global roaming and seamless services independent of location. IMT-2000 is intended to bring high-quality mobile multimedia telecommunications to a worldwide mass market by achieving the goals of increasing the speed and ease of wireless communications, responding to the problems faced by the increased demand to pass data via telecommunications, and providing "anytime, anywhere" services. Collaboration Back in 1998, when serious discussions about working on the IMT-2000 initiative began, it became evident that the goals of globalization and convergence could not be accomplished efficiently using traditional standards-setting processes, often characterized as "too slow" given the speed with which technology was forging ahead. Bodies such as the Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) and Radio Standardization (RAST) helped to forge understanding of issues and work plans among all Participating Standards Organizations (PSOs). The concept of a "Partnership Project" was pioneered by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) early in 1998 with the proposal to create a Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) focusing on Global System for Mobile (GSM) technology. Although discussions did take place between ETSI and the ANSI-41 community with a view to consolidating collaboration efforts for all ITU "family members," in the end it was deemed appropriate that a parallel Partnership Project be established - "3GPP2," which, like its sister project 3GPP, embodies the benefits of a collaborative effort (timely delivery of output, speedy working methods), while at the same time benefiting from recognition as a specifications-developing body, providing easier access of the outputs into the ITU after transposition of the specifications in a Standards Development Organization (SDO) into a standard and submittal via the national process, as applicable, into the ITU.

"IMT" or "International Mobile Telecommunications" is the umbrella term for mobile systems and services. "IMT-2000" is the term used for third generation (3G) systems aimed at using the nominal 2GHz frequency band with standards developed and products deployed in approximately year 2000, and providing smooth evolution paths to 3G from the various widely deployed existing 2G mobile networks. "IMT Advanced" is the evolution of the terminology to reflect the addition of new radio technologies and advanced network infrastructure capabilities. Radio access - CDMA-Direct Spread (Universal Terrestrial Radio Access-UTRA) - CDMA-Multi Carrier (CDMA2000) - CDMA TDD (UTRA TDD) - TDMA Single Carrier (UWC (Universal Wireless Communication)-136) - FDMA/TDMA (Digital Enhanced Cordless Communications-DECT) - OFDMA TDD WMAN (WiMAX) Currently under study are technologies for Long Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE-Advanced (LTE- A.) Network infrastructure is described in two series of ITU-T Recommendations. The Q.1741 series covers IMT-2000 references to Release *x+ of GSM evolved UMTS core network and the Q.1742 series covers IMT 2000 references (approved as of *date+) to ANSI-41 evolved core network with cdma2000 access network. These are the two IMT Family members that comprise the majority of global mobile systems.

ITU IMT-2000 TDMA Single-Carri er (IMT-SC) CDMA Multi-Carri er (IMT-MC) CDMA Direct Spre ad (IMT-DS) CDMA TDD (IMT-TC) FDMA/TDMA (IMT-FT) common name(s) bandwidth of data EDGE (UWT-136) EDGE Evolution none CDMA2000 EV-DO UMB UMTS 3]W-CDMA nb nb 4] HSPA TD-CDMA [ TD-SCDMA [ DECT none pre-4g duplex channel description LTE FDD TDD TDMA CDMA evolutionary upgrade to GSM/GPRS evolutionary upgrade to geographical areas worldwide, except Japan and South Korea Americas, Asia, some others cdmaone(is-95) family of revolutionary standards. short-range; FDMA/T standard for DMA cordless phones worldwide Europe China Europe, USA IP-OFDMA WiMAX (IEEE 802.16) OFDMA worldwide

UMTS Forum Mobile broadband is changing the way the world communicates. The UMTS Forum helps all players in this dynamic new value chain understand and profit from the opportunities of 3G/UMTS networks and their Long Term Evolution (LTE). The UMTS Forum participates actively in the work of the ITU as member of all three ITU Sector Groups. It also regularly contributes to the works of EC and CEPT, and fosters strong links with other governmental, administrative, industry and technical bodies. As an ETSI Observer and a Market Representation Partner in the Third Generation Partnership Project, 3GPP (, the UMTS Forum offers market-focused contributions to their standardisation work of mobile broadband. It also contributes to the timely licensing and deployment of mobile broadband globally through regular dialogue with regulators and responses to public consultations. The UMTS Forum supports the interests of its membership with a range of studies, reports and other outputs. Principal focus areas include markets trends, mobile broadband services and applications, key growth markets, spectrum & regulation, technology & implementation. A strong promotional voice is maintained via a high-profile presence at conferences, seminars and workshops as well as regular briefings to the media, analysts and other stakeholders. Membership of the UMTS Forum draws together everyone with an interest in mobile broadband, including network operators, regulators and the manufacturers of network infrastructure and terminal equipment.

About the WiMAX Forum The WiMAX Forum is an industry-led, not-for-profit organization formed to certify and promote the compatibility and interoperability of broadband wireless products based upon the harmonized IEEE 802.16/ETSI HiperMAN standard. One of the WiMAX Forum s goals is to accelerate the introduction of these systems into the marketplace. WiMAX Forum Certified products are fully interoperable and support broadband fixed, portable and mobile services. Along these lines, the WiMAX Forum works closely with service providers and regulators to ensure that WiMAX Forum Certified systems meet customer and government requirements.

The GSMA is a global trade association representing the interests of the worldwide mobile communications industry. Spanning 219 countries, the GSMA unites nearly 800 of the world s mobile operators, as well as more than 200 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem, including handset makers, software companies, equipment providers, Internet companies, and media and entertainment organizations. The GSMA is focused on innovating, incubating and creating new opportunities for its membership, all with the end goal of driving the growth of the mobile communications industry. It also produces the premier industry events including Mobile World Congress in Barcelona and Mobile Asia Congress

Global Standards Initiatives (GSI) A GSI is not a working entity but is a name for the package of work being conducted through co-located meetings of the involved study groups and rapporteur groups under the umbrella of a coordinated work plan managed by a JCA. Identity Management Global Standards Initiative (IdM-GSI) Internet Protocol Television Global Standards Initiative IPTV-GSI) Next Generation Networks Global Standards Initiative (NGN-GSI)

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ITU-D Study Group 2 Development and management of telecommunication services and networks and ICT applications Methods, techniques and approaches that are the most suitable and successful for service provision in planning, developing, implementing, operating, maintaining and sustaining telecommunication services which optimize their value to users. This work will include specific emphasis on telecommunication network security, mobile communication and communications for rural and remote areas, with particular focus and emphasis on applications supported by telecommunications. The implementation and technical application of information and communication technology, using studies by the others Sectors, taking into account the special requirements of the developing countries.

For the last 20 years, ITU has been coordinating efforts of government and industry and private sector in the development of a global broadband multimedia international mobile telecommunication system, known as IMT. Since 2000, the world has seen the introduction of the first family of standards derived from the IMT concept. Since May 2007, there are more than 1 billion IMT-2000 subscribers in the world! IMT-Advanced provides a global platform on which to build the next generations of mobile services - fast data access, unified messaging and broadband multimedia - in the form of exciting new interactive services. After an intensive week at the Radiocommunication Assembly (RA-07), in Geneva last October, consensus was reached to expand the IMT-2000 3G Radio Interface Family with OFDMA technology and to establish IMT-Advanced as the name for systems beyond IMT-2000.During the ITU World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-07) in Geneva last November, additional globally harmonized spectrum was identified for use by IMT, which represents an important step in the worldwide development of IMT systems, allowing for increased capacity and coverage requirements.

IMT-Advanced International Mobile Telecommunications-Advanced (IMT- Advanced) systems are mobile systems that include the new capabilities of IMT that go beyond those of IMT-2000. Such systems provide access to a wide range of telecommunication services including advanced mobile services, supported by mobile and fixed networks, which are increasingly packetbased.imt-advanced systems support low to high mobility applications and a wide range of data rates in accordance with user and service demands in multiple user environments. IMT Advanced also has capabilities for high quality multimedia applications within a wide range of services and platforms, providing a significant improvement in performance and quality of service.

Key features of IMT-Advanced a high degree of commonality of functionality worldwide while retaining the flexibility to support a wide range of services and applications in a cost efficient manner; compatibility of services within IMT and with fixed networks; capability of interworking with other radio access systems; high quality mobile services; user equipment suitable for worldwide use; user-friendly applications, services and equipment; worldwide roaming capability; and, enhanced peak data rates to support advanced services and applications (100 Mbit/s for high and 1 Gbit/s for low mobility were established as targets for research)*. These features enable IMT-Advanced to address evolving user needs and the capabilities of IMT-Advanced systems are being continuously enhanced in line with user trends and technology developments.* Data rates sourced from Recommendation ITU-R M.1645 - Framework and overall objectives of the future development of IMT-2000 and systems beyond IMT-200

ETSI Structure General Assemby (GA) Highest decision authority Normally meets twice a year Board Acts on behalf of GA Technical Organisation (TO) Consists of several sub-groups Prepare standards and deliverables Specialist Task Forces (STF Setup to support TO to speed up production of urgent deliverables Groups of higly skilled experts Secreteriat Supports activities of Institute Board General Assembly Technical Organisation Technical Committees (TC) ETSI Projects (EP) Partnership Projects Special Committees Secreteriat Specialist Task Forces

TISPAN is the ETSI core competence centre for fixed networks and their migration to Next Generation Networks.

ETSI SUPERVISION & COORDINATION Technical Stream Commercial Requirements IP Interworking Alliance ETSI: supporting the coordination of work to cover NGN Interconnection requirements Regulatory & Governmental Reqments. Sync SA1 study on Advanced Requirements for IP Interconnect WG2 Requirements & Architecture for NGN Interconnect SA2 Covering IP interconnection scenarios Unification & Alignment WG3 Protocols, Codecs WG4 Addressing, DNS / ENUM CTx WGs specific solution for scenarios and NNI interfaces ETSI INT IMS Inter-OP & ETSI/B67(08)25 Interconnect. Test 87 specs & events WG6 -Test Suites for Inter-Op & Interconnection

These by-invitation events bring together the top Standards officials from the USA, Canada, the EU, China, Japan, Korea, Australia, and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to discuss their standards work programs and identify areas for collaboration and ways to accelerate global standards for the industry. Observers from other standards-related organizations are also invited to participate.