Ricerca e Innovazione Le sinergie tra le smart specialization e Horizon 2020. Roma 9 Luglio 2014 Aula Convegni CNR

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Giornata di approfondimento Ricerca e Innovazione Le sinergie tra le smart specialization e Horizon 2020 Roma 9 Luglio 2014 Aula Convegni CNR Dr. Massimo Busuoli Responsabile ufficio rappresentanza ENEA Bruxelles

Sommario Case study 1 - Sinergie ex-post Utilizzo di infrastrutture già finanziate con fondi strutturali per attrarre fondi Europei e creare indotto L esempio della Trisaia Case study 2 Sinergie ex-ante programmazione strategica su combinazione di fondi nel medio lungo periodo La realizzazione di ALFRED Conclusioni

Case study 1

La riconversione di Enea Trisaia Strumenti finanziari Investimento per strumento finanziario (Importi in K ) Totale : 55.299 MIUR Intesa di Programma PIT di cui: 33.180 a carico MIUR Totale : 57.049 UE MIUR Fondi Strutturali 94-99 di cui: 34.230 a carico UE/MIUR TOTALE INVESTIMENTI CIRCA 60 M

Impianto di pretrattamento di Steam explosion 300 Kg/h Investimento circa 8 M Emicellulosa Lignina Cellulosa

Hall Tecnologica di AGROBIOPOLIS Agrobiotecnologie Realizzata con fondi strutturali

PROGETTI BIOCARBURANTI LIQUIDI E DI 2 GEN. Progetto PRIT: Sviluppo di una tecnologia di pretrattamento italiana per la produzione di bioetanolo di seconda generazione basato sul pretrattamento steam explosion presente in Trisaia BIOLIFE: Sviluppo di una tecnologia di pretrattamento italiana per la produzione di bioetanolo di seconda generazione Importo progetto 24,1 M ; Enea 4.1 M 15,6 M Enea 681 K Finanziatore MISE UE 7 PQ Impianto di steam explosion Progetti completati in precedenti bandi comunitari basati sull impianto di steam explosion TIME Technological Improvement for ethanol production from lignocellulose Enea 700 K UE 6 PQ BIOPAL Algae as raw material for production of bioplastics and biocomposites contributing to sustainable development of european coastal regions BIO-H2: Production of clean hydrogen for fuel cells by reformation of bioethanol Enea 350 K Enea 400 K UE 5 PQ UE 5 PQ H2020: Progetto BIOMAVISH passata prima fase call ENERGIA LCE-2014-1

Cluster Chimica verde FILIERA BIOMASSE USI FINALI : ENERGIA ELETTRICA- TERMICA- BIOCOMBUSTIBILI Scienza delle Piante Genomica; Proteomica; Enzimi; Metabolismo; Composizione Produzione Colture Energetiche; Erbe da sfalcio; Colture agricole; Residui agricoli; Rifiuti animali; Rifiuti solidi urbani PROCESSI Idrolisi; Fermentazione; Bioconversione;; Gassificazione; Combustione; Co-generazione. Prodotti Sostituti delle Plastiche; Monomeri funzionali; Solventi; Intermedi chimici; FEnoli; Adesivi; Fluidi idraulici; Pitture; Coloranti, Pigmenti; Detergenti; Carta; Prodotti per l orticultura; Cartone; Solventi; Adesivi; Cariche per plastiche NUOVI BIOMATERIALI;

Green chemistry Cluster Capofila Industriali : Circa 100 adesioni Aziende Centri di ricerca Associazioni Regioni (BASILICATA.. Enea Trisaia partecipa su 3 dei 4 progetti : Versalis leads project n 1 (ALBE) Novamont : Bioraffineria di 3 Generazione Materbiotech: Progetto su bioplastiche

TRISAIA -CLUSTER CHIMICA VERDE Campi sperimentali Laboratorio NMR Laboratorio di genomica Steam Explosion Laboratori di idrolisi Laboratori analitici valorizzazione energetica Progetto Importo progetto Finanziatore Progetto ALBEE:.coordinatore Versalis 10,5 M, Enea 650 K MIUR BIT3G Coordinatore NOVAMONT 10,6 M, Enea 945 K MIUR REBCHIOM : Coordinatore Matrica 10,7 M, Enea 981 K MIUR

Regione Basilicata Smart specialization Enea Trisaia connessione con CLUSTER TECNOLOGICI Energia ed efficienza energetica Chimica verde Agroalimentare

Case study 2

2013 2020 2025 2030 Design, Construction, Commissioning and Put into Operation SFR Prototype ASTRID Design, Construction, Commissioning and Put into Operation Multi-purpose research facility MYRRHA Design, Construction, Commissioning and Put into Operation LFR Demonstrator ALFRED conceptual design GFR Demonstrator ALLEGRO 2014 Design, Construction Supporting infrastructures, research facilities - loops, testing and qualification benches,... and fuel manufacturing facilities

ALFRED - Reactor Configuration Power: 300 MWth (125 MWe) Primary cycle (molten lead): 400-480 C Secondary cycle (water/superheated steam: 335-450 C Cycle Net Efficiency 41% STEAM GENERATOR MAIN COOLANT PUMP FUEL ASSEMBLIES MAIN COOLANT PUMP ANSALDO is the general architect. STEAM GENERATOR REACTOR CORE ENEA designs the core and performs the R&D REACTOR VESSEL SAFETY VESSEL

Safety features of ALFRED The reactor never pressurize since the boiling temperature is extremely high (1760 ) Lead, unlike water, cannot produce explosive gases (such as hydrogen) Assures cooling by natural circulation even without pumps. Assures the function of thermal sink due to high heat capacity Radioactive materials are mainly retained inside the reactor. Due to their buoyancy the leaking fuel, in case of accident, cannot accumulate and cannot reach re-criticality Lead, once solidified represent an ideal coffin for radioactive products 15 ALFRED

Closed cycle The Lead fast reactor allows the closure of the fuel cycle. This means: Multiple Recycling of the long life and high radiotoxicity wastes Discharge of the sole Fission products (500 kg/year) for a simplified Storage (400 years decay) Fabrication of fresh fuel only by addition of natural Uranium- consuming 1 /100 of present resources consumption- or addition of depleted Uranium- without affecting the present resources 16

Roadmap of ALFRED experimental infrastructures 1. High temperature corrosion testing TELEMAT, static 3. Subassembly thermal hydraulics NACIE, HELENA 2. SGTR issue (large scale) ATHENA I 10. Fuel coolant interaction New facility 11. Seismic platform New facility 6. Severe accident for LFR New facility (?) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Preliminary design, Preliminary testing Detailed design, Experiments in support of design and of Licensing Construction 3. Scaled down testing of DHR and SG CIRCE 9. Coolant chemistry New loop 8. Corrosion and rods testing in flowing Lead LECOR, HELENA 2. SGTR issue (small scale) LIFUS 5 7. Pump testing CIRCE /MCP loop 4. Pool T.H. CIRCE 12. Clad Material irradiation/ qualification 3. Integral tests CIRCE, ATHENA II 7. Full scale pump qualification MCP loop 5. Full scale components qualification ATHENA II ELECTRA Low power reactor for validation of neutronic codes Existing facilities Funded but not existing facilities Not yet funded facilities

ALFRED and FALCON In March 2011 the Romanian Minister of Energy wrote a letter to LEADER Project coordinator to propose a site for ALFRED Ansaldo response to the Romanian Minister welcomes the Romanian proposal and inform of the transmission of the letter of interest to ESNII members. In June 2013 the sub-secretary of the Italian Minister for Economic Development wrote to commissioner Oettinger to highlight the importance of Alfred in the European context and the intention to use synergies between RTD and infrastructural funds for ALFRED Project. Response from Commissioner Oettinger received in August 2013 welcome the Italian/Romanian proposal and highlights the importance and the usefulness of the synergies to pool resources and reach the critical mass for project deployement. An International consortium (FALCON) has been set-up on December 18 th 2013 by: Ansaldo Nucleare, ENEA and ICN Construction Site has been chosen at Mioveni European Organizations will be invited to join FALCON or a technical cooperation agreement (MoA).

Necessità finanziarie di ALFRED Summary of investment needs for ALFRED project: Before building the demonstrator, substantial design and experimental activities (as well as supporting activities for licensing) are deemed necessary. The plan shall include at least two different phases: First step (2013-2020): Second step (2020-25): Financing needs ALFRED exp. infrastructures, experiments and design ALFRED construction First step (2013-2020): around 460M Second step (2020-25): around 960 M Revenue potential First step (2013-2020): no revenues foreseen Second step (2020-25): revenues will mainly come from the sale of the electricity produced [125 MWe, expected availability 80%] => 23,7 M /year ALFRED implementation provides important impact in terms of: - High level job creation and infrastructures, available for next steps, widely diffused in the European countries.

Fonti di di finanziamento Banca Europea degli Investimenti Fondi Nazionali dei paesi aderenti Manpower per R&D in kind o pagato da H2020 Fondi strutturali Europei Meuro Meuro/anno anni Totale Note 410 * 410 *Da rimborsare tramite vendita di energia elettrica 5** 7 35 **Italia 3M /anno Romania 1M /anno Rep. Ceca 1M /anno 25*** 7 175 ***250 uomini/anno 800 800 Totale 1420 20

Partnership Agreement Ro- EU, 2014-2020 ERDF: 10.7 bil. Euro Strengthening research, technological development and innovation: 0.8 bl. Supporting the shift towards a low carbon economy in all sectors: 3.2 bl. ESF: 4.7 bil. Euro CF: 6.9 EAFRD: 8.0 Total: 30.45

Financing Scheme for Phase 2 H2020 RDI cover R&D critical issues (2015-2018)* Teaming & twining capacity building ESF 2014-2020 - investing in education, skills and lifelong learning synchronize with the calendar and themes Structural Funds ERDF- Operational Pr. Competitiveness Priority Priority PI 1.2 Improvement of R&I infrastructures and excellence in R&I - Action 1.2.1: Large RD infrastructures Conditions: ESFRII or use SET basic design Plan + national determination Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (2015-2018 of PMs Pre-licensing activity, site selection and characterization * also national funding to be explored

National funding There is a political willingness to ensure the funds for national contribution for ALFRED. This is expected to be around 20% of the total costs, that means 200 mil Euro. There are two categories of national funds: Public investment RDI programmes Hosting country public investment means the financing support dedicated to basic infrastructures co-related to a new research facility (land, civil buildings, and access infrastructure). In our specific case the land proposed as a reference site is owned by the state and also the existing infrastructure (roads, electricity, physical protection, water, gas) will reduce the costs and should be considered as a contribution to the total costs. National RDI programmes (based on the current framework) will cover some preparatory activities such as: creation of competences, training, experimental infrastructure for training, site selection and site characterization.

Piano copertura finanziario Roadmap ALFRED 1. High temperature corrosion testing TELEMAT, static H2020 3. Subassembly thermal hydraulics NACIE, HELENA 2. SGTR issue AdP (large scale) ATHENA I ENEA-MISE 10. Fuel coolant interaction S3 New facility ROMANIA 11. Seismic platform New facility S3 ROMANIA 6. Severe accident for LFR New facility (?) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Preliminary design, Preliminary testing Detailed design, Experiments in support of design and of Licensing Construction 3. Scaled down testing of DHR and SG CIRCE 9. Coolant chemistry New loop 8. Corrosion and rods testing in flowing Lead LECOR, HELENA H2020 2. SGTR issue (small scale) LIFUS 5 H2020 7. Pump testing CIRCE /MCP loop H2020 4. Pool T.H. CIRCE 12. Clad Material irradiation/ qualification AdP ENEA-MISE 3. Integral tests CIRCE, ATHENA II 7. Full S3 scale pump qualification ROMANIA MCP loop 5. Full scale AdP components qualification ATHENA II ENEA-MISE ELECTRA Low power reactor for validation of neutronic codes Existing facilities Funded but not existing facilities Not yet funded facilities

The main barriers for raising finance for First-Of- A-Kind demonstration projects were identified as: the high risk nature of the First-Of-A-Kind projects; the lack of supporting policy and regulatory frameworks that would allow to build a commercially viable business case; the lack of coordination and complementarity between financing instruments from EU, Member States, and technology promoters; the lack of financial and technical advice to technology developers and investors, respectively [1] J. Burnham, O. Debande, O. Jones, C. Mihai, J. Moore, I. Temperton, Report on Innovative Financial Instruments for the Implementation of the SET Plan, First-Of-A-Kind projects, JRC, 2013

ALCUNE ULTERIORI INIZIATIVE ENEA IN AMBITO S3 (lista non esaustiva) Dialogo aperto con tutte le regioni Italiane mediante contatto stabilito tra Commissario ENEA e presidenti regionali Dialoghi attualmente in essere su S3: Basilicata su tema Energia, Chimica Verde, Agroalimentare Lazio, Lombardia e Emilia Romagna su tema Raw Materials nel contesto della proposta nodo Italiano EIT KIC sul tema coordinata da ENEA

Grazie dell attenzione massimo.busuoli@enea.it