- Contents. Sommario. Servizi Speciali. LugliolAugust. Regular Features. Entertainment, Leisure & Sport. Notices - A vvisi. 'f... p. 19 p.20 p.

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3 \ Sommario Servizi Speciali - Contents LugliolAugust '. Renzo Arbore A Voice for All Ages Letters Wedding p. 5 p. 8 p.27 p.27 Regular Features Due Parole The Hill Cronaca Dall'Italia In Cammino con Carmelo For a Rainy Day p. 4 p. 8 p. 14 p. 19 p.20 p.26 'f... Entertainment, Leisure & Sport Tempo Libero Cinema Sportlight Italsport Fantasy Football League A.I.F.L. Mamma's Ricetta Notices - A vvisi p.28 p.29 p.32 p.33 p.34 p.35 p.38 Honouring San Vincenzo Pallotti See p. 10 Photo: Newbery Smith Studio To advertise in Backhill write to: Anna Advertising Department Backhill Magazine 4 Back Hill London EelR 5EN Chiesa di San Pietro Noticeboard p.21 p.39 Q BACKHILL. 136 Clerkenwell Road, LondonECl Printed by Sterling Printing Co. Lttl. 164 l1igh Street. Barnet./lerrs. EN65XP LugliolAgoslO 95 3

4 Due Parole -b~,.,j::> RlVJSl'A DEILA COMUNITA'ITAUANA Padre, Roberto Russo Con queste Due Parole desidcro parlare c meditare sulla Festa, di Pcntecostc, la festa dcllo Spirito Santa. E' vero chc e' passata, ma questo nostro giornalc,backhill ci guida nclla vita dclla Comunita' Italiana,e nclla vita dclla Chiesa.,Le feste dclla ChicSa non sono mai vccchic, mai passate. Sono scmpre nuovc c potcnti nclla loro prescntazionc. Noi parliamo di Gcsu', parliamo di Dio Padre, ma parliamo poco dcllo Spirito Santo. Anche Gcsu' ha parlato poco dcllo Spirito Santo ma ha dato tulta la fona allo Spirito Santo. Ha dclto: "Lo Spirito Santo rimarra' con voi, scmprc c vi insegncra' ogni cosa". Lo Spirito Santo e' it respiro di Dio che noi riccviamo ncl Battesimo, che trasforma la nostra vita, chc C<1mbia tuttc Ic cose dcl mondo, che C<1mbia it mondo. Noi dovrcmmo prcgarc 10Spirito Santo 'ogni giorno, spccialmcntc quando ei sentiamo cattivi, cioc' quando ci scntiamo cgoisti, orgogliosi, prcpotcnti, quando vogliamo giudicarc gli altri, quando ci manca it 'coraggio di difcndcre la vcrita', di difcndcre la giustizia, quando ci manca la spcranza, I'cntusiasmo, quando non sappiamo vivcrc. Allora 'noi diciamo: "Vicni, Spirito Santo, manda a noi dal Ciclo un raggio dclla tua lucc". Qucsta lucc dcllo Spirito Santo ei fa scntirc chc siamo figli di Dio. Noi 10 s.1ppiamo chc siamo figli di Dio, ma 10 dobbiamo scntirc, eioe' 10 dobbiamo vivcre. Scnza la lucc dcllo SpirilO Santo noi non riusciremo mai a gridarc "Padrc". Noi invccc dobbiamo scntirc ncl nostro Spirito, nclla nostra vita, la parola "Padre": c' la parolo della nostra vita: ci fa scntire figli dcl Rcgno di Dio insiemc a Gesu', ci fa sentirc chc noi entriamo ncl Rcgno di Dio partccipando allc solfcrenzc di Cristo. Cristo non ha avuto solo i dolori personali della Passione e della Crocifissionc, Cristo ha avuto anchc i dolori del mondo, dcl pccc<1to chc c' ncl mondo. Guardatc, la nostra strada I d%d del mondo c' insicmc a Gcsu'. Tutto it C<1mmino dclla 'nostra vita c' it C<1mmino dcl mondo in cui vivimno: c' un cmnmino di vit:l concrcta ogni giorno dclla nostra vita. In qucsto cammino noi abbiamo Ic nostre solfcrcnzc personali c abbiamo it nostro impegno ncl mondo, nclla vita dcl mondo. Entrano tantc nuove idcc ncl mondo: aborto, divorzio, un tipo di divcrtimcnto, la droga, la difficolta' dcl lavoro, di trovarc lavoro, la difficolta' dcllc C<1SC, dcllc famiglic, it rispctto dclla Icggc, dcllo Stato, la vita socialc. Lo Spirito Santo non si vivc da soli. Non esistc uno SpirilO Santo personalc, anche se si riccvc personalmcnte nei Sacramenti. Lo Spirito Santo che ci fa chiamare Dio con it nomc di Padre, ci fa chiamare adche le altre persone con ii nomc di fratelli e sorelle. Gli Apostoli parlano una sola lingua e tutti quelli che ascoltano, C<1piscono nclla loro lingua: Dio Padre e' uno e ognuno 10 invoca nella propria lingua e ognuno scnte che Dio e: Padrc e ognuno scntc che siamo fratclli e sorcllc. Pcr questo ei impcgnamo nella vila dcl mondo: e it nostro impegno prima di tutto' e' vivcrc il Vangelo ncl momcnto in cui ci troviamo, con le cosc c Ic persone con cui ci troviamo, c' vivcre la parola di Gcsu' ncl proprio cuorc, nclla propria anima c concrctamcntc ncl momcnto in cui ci troviamo con Ic cose c con Ic pcrsonc, cd e' una scclta forte chc ci fa scntire la nostra dignila'. it nostro coraggio, it nostro cntusiasmo, la nostra santita'. Abbiamo bisogno di pregare con tanta fedc c con tanta umilta', Sarcmo C<1paei'di impegnarci ncl bcnc per noi stcssi e pcr ii mondo. Sarcmo capaci, pcrchc' Dio, attravcrso la Passionc di Gcsu', ci da it suo SpirilO: c noi accogliamo 10 SpirilO Santo c 10 vogliamo vivcrc. Per qucsto noi diciamo: "Sia scmprc operantc in noi la potcnza dcl tuo Spirito". Grazic, Si gnorc. Am I a Christian? Lord, can wc t.1ik? It's about my faith, my bclicf. You sce, as a Christian I'm supposcd to "sprc<1d thc Word", "Tcll thc Good Ncws", "bring peoplc to Christ". To be honest, Lord, I don't, (wcll at 1C<1st, not vcry wcll). I'm ncrvous, scared, cmbarassed. "What will peoplc think?" "I can't tcll thcm, thcy'li laugh at mc". It's quitc a problcm bcc<1usc for somc rcason pcoplc ask, "Arc you a Christian?" "Ycs!" I proclaim out loud! But thcn tlicy ask, "Why?" And that finishcs mc, I'm donc for, trappcd, a stuttcring mass of confusion, lost for words, a'ld unablc to answcr. Huh! Somc Christianl How about a job description, guidclines for ncrvous Christians, whcn confrontcd by that "why?". I rc<111y wish I could hold my ground, answcr thcir cvcry qucstiou, spcak your truth; proclaim your Word. Arcn't I good cnough? Am I a bad design? A faully product? Whal am I doing wrong? Lord, (arc you still thcre?), could you givc mc a hand, plcasc. I do find it hard to spc.1k' out. So hclp mc whcn somconc asks,..arc you a Christian?" BCC<1USC maybe if thcy'rc asking, thcir rc<1son for doing so might be mc, my Iifc, and thc way I livc it with you. So'who knows, Lord, maybc I'm gctting thcrc aocr all! I do know why I belicvc. (Honest!) It's just cxplaining' 'Extract from "can wc Mk. LorJ?", Copyright Kcvin Mcyi1cw. licence no. it that's thc problcm. C1n you givc mc somc' hclp, Lord? 290J/). 4 July/August 95

5 Renzo Arbore Giovanna Giacon URcnzo chi?" Andavo ancora disperatamente in cerea di un modo qualsiasi per dire di no a mio padre. La Radio Spectrum ci aveva invitati ad un 'concerto' al Royal Albert Hall. E' raro che mio padrc chicde qualcosa di mc, e in verita' non volevo rifiutarlo, ma... "In It:ilia c' molto famoso, canta spcsso in televisione.. " tultc parole che sentivo pronunciarc non per la prima volta. Si, sara' stato it famoso eantante italiano sconosciuto in tulto il mondo. 11 mio ccrvello continuava ad andarc freltolos.1mentc in,cerea di qualcuno 0 qualcosa che mi venissc in aiuto... cd ccco, di colpo 'Elephant on the River' - '~Come?" "Siamo stati invitati ad un ricevimento dopa it concerto che si fara' al ristorante 'Elephant on the River'. Ed ccco che io rispondo immediatamente - "Ma come che vengo a farti compagnia papa"". E cosi' ammelto senza esitazione e pubblicamente che I'unico vero motivo che mi ha spinto ad assistere a qucsto concerto di.questo famoso conosciutissimo eantante Renzo Arbore e I'Orchcstra Italiana al Royal AlOOn Hall quella domeniea sera del 4 giugno e' stata la golosita, la voglia di mangiarc bene (uno delle riligliore cose di questa Vit.1). Nonostante questi miei motivi non del tulto sinceri per aver deciso di accompagnare mio padre devo confessare che la serata e' St.1ta una piacevole sorprcsa e che mi sono vcramente divertita. In un vano tentativo di prcpararmi ho cereato di scoprirc chi fosse Renzo Arbore e l'orchestra It.1liana. L'uniea definizione fu questa: "Renzo Arbore prcnde la classiea canzone napoletana e la fa diventarc modernal" Nonostante qucste parole e qucsta spiegazi one conlinuavo ad csserc incerta di cosa avcssi trovalo. La Radio Spectrum, organizzalore del concerto I'avevano dcserillo come I'evenlo del I'anno - cd infalli fu per me probabil. mente I'evenlo musicale del Mi ero. proprio dimenticalo della grandiosita' della Royal Albert Hall, in particolarc quando e' lullo csaurito. Ho un idea che neppurc la Radio avessc poluto immaginare che ci sarcbbc stata cosi' t.1nta genic. 10 personalmenle non mi aspeltavo una serala piena di tanta profcssionalita' artistica, talmenle divertenle e musicalmente diversa. L'Orchcstra ltaliana consiste di quindicicomponenti (14 uomini cd una donna) con percussionisti, ghitarristi, una fisarmonica e tre mando linieri che si 'csprimono in, dei brani veramenle meravigliosi id~1li da Massimo 'Volpe. Infalli hanno proprio preso dei brani' classici della vccchia Napoli e Ii hanno (hili diventare veramente moderni. Ma fu la varieta' dei ritmi che mi fcccro cosi' imprcs. sionare. "Come facelte mammeta", "Guaglione" HRossa Luna" HQ' Sanacino" mischiati con una misccla di musica latino americana, polincsiana, Blucs, Counlry e Wcstern e salsa. Nel primo sono certa che i veri intcnditori della musica napolelana si sono trovali piu' che un po"perplessi da tulta qucsla confusione di suoni. Per me I'unica lamentela si e' cenlrala su un punlo lccnico - ii volume era troppo alto!. Ma dopo I'inlervallo cceo I'arrivo della vera canzone napolelana con "Catari'" cd una'delle piu' belle intcrprclazione di "0' Sole Mio" alia quale io abbia mai assislilo. Che gioia nel senlire qucslo brano cscguito con cos;' tanta vera emozione da Eddy Napoli,.~~.o.;:~.~,",,'..' '-=-:r.;.,. " t,,rvi': "',~,. \\\<o.:::?,'.,. :~, ( aceompagnalo dai Ire mandolinieri. Ma scnza a1cun dubbio una gran parte del succcsso di qucsta favolosa scrata e' dovuta alia prcscnza. del macstro Renzo Arborc. Con i suoi vani tenta tivi a parlarc I'inglcse, che con ii passare'dei minuli andava degeneran dosi a causa della volonta' di un rumoroso e protestante pubblico italcsc con ii quale Arborc ha imme diatamenle crcato un strello rapporto di rispcllo e di affello. Qucsto pubblico ha riconosciulo in lui un person aggio del tullo simpalico. Non c'e' dubbio che dalla parte di Renzo Arborc qucsto affello e' nato dal fallo che forsc lui si aspettava un pubblico londincse piullosto frcddo cd invccc e' stato seonvolto da un tcalro colmo ai Iimili con calore cd affello per lui. QUC510, collegato al fallo che I'artista owiamente conosce i gusti del suo pubblico,. ha finalmente port.1to ad un audilorio che si e' ripelutamente al zalo in picdi, ballando a lempo con la musica cd urlando ad alta voce '''Bis,.. bis... " Renzo Arbore non sara" certamente per lutti "a' tazzulelle e caffc'" e per i gli amanli della vcra musica napoletana ci sara' stato forsc Iroppo rumorc e confusione; ma non c'e' dubbio che per molti Arborc e' un fuoriclassc. Qucst'uomo che ha scrillo tcsti inlilolali "11 Dizionario di Rock & Roll" e "11 Blucs, Jazz & Soul" c' slalo proprio colui che ha riuscilo a raggiungere I'obbiellivo di portare la vccchia canzone alia nuova gcnerazione. Infalli non vcdo I'ora di vcderlo cambiarc direzione, lasciare per un po' la musica napoletana cd intercssarsi anche della musica ilal iana in generc. Pcr ii momenlo dcvo dire che se un giorno nel fuluro Renzo Arborc dovcsse tornarc di nuovo a Londra io non cerchcro' "The Elephanl on the River" come scusa per poter assistere ad un altro spellacolo. Concludo congratulando Wolf.1ngo Bucci e lulli alia Speclrum Radio per quesla meravigliosa serata di spella colo musicale e divertimenlo. 1/ lul/o esaurilo al Royal Alherll/aU (Fo!o Castagno) J1 Sig. Buos! ospila Renzo Arbore (Foto M&IlCUso) Luglio/AgoSIO 95 5

6 :1J;~FlLA COMUNlTA~rrALIANA THE GARTHHOTEL BANQUETING & CONFERENCE SUITES The hotel has two new purpose built conference and banqueting suites capable ofaccommodating up to 300 people. Each suite is elegantly furnished and equipped to the highest standards with purpose built bars, fun audio visual and lighting facilities, which help to provide the atmosphere for any occasi.on. A selection ofmenus are available for banquets with an emphasis on Italian cuisine. For more information or a brochure pack please contact Mr Marino at the Hotel. (j~" GARTHHOTEL Hendon Way Crkklewood London NW22Nl RESERVATIONS JIIly/Allgllst 95

7 A. -vtvj/tjii-,..p RIVJSI'A DELLA COMUNlTA'ITAIJANA FRANCE & SON INDEPENDENT CATHOLIC FAMILY UNDERTAKERS SERVIZI FUNEBRI ALL'ITALIANA LUNGA ESPERIENZA TRASLOCHI SALME IN ITALIA FUNERALS ARRANGED IN LONDON, THE COUNTRY AND ITALY Personal Attention At All Times Italian "ULTIMA CENA" COFFINS * RICORDINI It.,lian Or English * LAPIDE. Italian Or Englisl, Inscriptions Head Office PRIVATE CHAPEL OF REST OPEN 7 DAYS for VISITING 45 LAMB'S CONDUIT ST., LONDON WCt TEL: OR For Immediate 24 Hour Service If desired, funeral arrangements can be made at your home * Pre-Payment Funeral Plans available for England and Italy Also At 41 MONMOIITH ST., LONDON WC2 14 WATFORD WAY, LONDON NW4 166 CALEDONIAN RD., LONDON NI TOTREASURETHEBESTMOMENTSOFYOURUFE Photographer & Video Producer NEGRONl. TIlE ITAIJAN STAR AT YOUR TABLE WEDDINGS'" BANQUETS COMMERCIAL." STUDIO POR.TRAITS CHILDREN PHOTOGRAPHED AT HOME SA, Spencer HiIl- Wimbledon, London SW19 4NY Phone: Good selection oftop quality frames and albums available on request Lllglio/Agosto'95

8 ::ij;~eila COMUNITA'ITAUANA The Hill Famiglia AveIla Continued Gaetano (peche) son number five, married Tarquinia (Quecnie Terroni) daughter of Duilo Terroni a member of the well known Famiglia Terroni of the provisions shop in Clerkenwell Road. They had th~ ehildren Peter, John and Maria. As a relatively young man Peche became a familiar face in British films. I love this story: apparently, he was walking along High Holbom, when he was approached by a man who asked him if he would Iikc to be films. Peche thinking it was a wind up (as he was no Robert Taylor), told the man in no uncertain tcrms to "F... on". The man finally convinced him that- he was serious and tjmt tlley were looking for strong looking young men to take the part of gladiators in the new film 'Clcopatra'. Peche went along, and from there on he,was' known as Peter Avella and was secn on the sereen in many other British films over a long period of time. He used to tell the story that whilst he was being made up for his part as an extra in the making of Oliver, he was told "I don't know why they didn't cast you as Fagin, with your features you wouldn't have to have been made up - you're a natural". 'Giovanni (]ohnny) was the musician of the family. He played several instruments, the violin being his forte. ]ohnny formed an orchestra, and changed his name to R."lmon, the orchestra was billed as Ramon Avella and his Famous International Sym Ilhonie Orchestra. It was a large orchestra consisting of 35 instrumentalisis. The venues where they played give you some idea of the heights achieved by this member of Famiglia Avella: Prince of Wales Theatre, London Palladium, Winter Garden (Berlin), and many other top thc<"ltres. The orchestra had many, listeners, on the wircless; they played on Radio Roma, R."ldio Luxembonrg among others. He married, quite late in life, to a German girl - Anne. Michele (Micky), at the age of 18 years went for a holiday to visit his father's brother in the United States, where he met and married his cousin RAMON FAMOUS INiE~NA'TIONAL "N() IIrt 11 ~U'_N",,,,,,KH AVELLA SYMPHONic ORCHESTRA I~... "4~~,,~. tiolt\orn PUBU$Ulo..:~ CO Olive Besagni Olympia, they had two sons Miehael and Tony. Micky never returned to England;' but his sister Carmela (2) and brothers made' the long journey across 'the Atlantic by boat (planes would have been out of the question in those days) to visit him. The couple ran a successful laundry business in Brooklyn, they had a house on Long Island and judging by,the car in the photograph below they were doing O.KI'. Dominie was a mosaie worker. He was conscripted into the British Army during W.W.2. On his'return he, witl! his wife Lena, ran a cafe in Cross Street, Leather Lnne. Carmela (3) my friend, recalled Lena's rather unique way of getting her daughter Netta to cat: the plate offood would be placed on the turntable of a wind up grnmophone; Carmela (3) would turn the,handle and :stop -when told, at which point Lena would spoon the food into the little girl's mouth. Lena was an exccllent cook and alwnys had a large saucepan of pasta e fagioli on the stove and in neighbourly fashion n plate of the snme would be offered to any friends, and they were many, who happened by.. In the 1930's, 'Sunday dinner at No. 19 Eyre Street Hill was a feeding of the'five thousand; in other words all 'of tile Avella family nnd their offspring, friends and relatives would gather for one of Carmela(l)'s Sunday Dinners. A massive table filled the room with just enough space to SC<1t everyone. Of course, large plates of pasta, followed by massive main courses of stc<"iks, sometimes goat's 1IIC<"lt, plenty of insalala, an abundance of wine and,fresh fruit. Finally handfuls of nuts would be thrown onto to the iable, amongst whieh would be Pumpkin seeds, also,known as 'take your time': the rc<"lson for thinvas the length of time that it took to get to the nut, but it was worth the effort once the delicaey was revc<"lled. Quite oren.father Kennedy would come and join the f.1mily for the repast: Above: Micky (second from left) in the 1930s Left: Ramon'sfamous orchestrrz 8 July/August 95

9 After the meal the men would play cards and on warm sunny days the women would sit outside the shop gossiping and, watclling the children playing in the,street. The two young Carmelas would,be playing with the Aguda children, the Falcos, the Ricordis, the girl Cemini. They would play whips and tops, hoops, hide and seek, ball games etc. Unlike today's world, the mothers didn't have to watch the children who played in the streets of 'I1 Quartiere'; they were safe, everyone looked out for every child in the vicinity of the hill. My friend was always looking :&~FJLA COMUNITA'ITALIANA after her young cousin Cannela (3) (sce photograph left) and at the age of ten years the two little girls were sent off to boarding sehool at 'The Immaculate Conception Convent', in Hampstead. Little did my friend realise at the time that they had been sent off to board on account of her cousin's frailty, as her illness had been diagnosed about that time. When her cousin died it had a traumatie effect on my friend, as the two girls had been inseparable for most of their lives, and she herself was still at a vuhlerable age. When Carmela (3) was old enough to go dancing, her brothers always had one eye on any young worthies hovering; but one night at the Hol born Hall she met a young 'Mcssa mess', Owen Pointing, who happened to,be a good friend of her brother Tony. (In Owen's case it was his mother who was the It.,lian half, Filumena was a member of the well known Fiori Family, who lived in Farringdon Road.) Her brothers were possibly sceptical, but Owen was a friendl Carmela and Owen were prolifie and excellent jivers, and would be seen every wcekend at the Holborn Hall happily jiving the night away. They actually won a contcst and were offered a tour, which they declined. In 1952 Cannela (3) and Owen were married, they had two sons Anthony and Michael. Anthony married Jackie Musto and they have three children Lisa, Emma and Anthony. Michael married Janey Paul and they live in a flat next door,to us, we sce their,children Ben,Harry and little Frederika on most days. Owen :was an ambitious young man and he tried his hand at everything, statue making and plumbing among other tradcs, finding no satisfaction there. Then he took quite an unusual step. He had a brother-in law who was doing very well in the City. He decided to take a chance and applied for a low' grade job in the offices of a Marine Insurance Com pany. Having got the job, he applied for every'promotional post that came up and with shcer detennination and the encouragement of Cannela, in no time at all he was doing very well. He was a member of the board for some years and eventually went into part nership for himself. He was vcry successful indeed. They still live around the corner from us, but they spend all their weekends at their beautiful thatched cottage in S)'bil Heddingham, a small village in Essex. One of their great pleasures is to have their six grandchildren spend the weekend -with them. Cannela never wants to leave this area, so near to their roots. She is an excellent cook and they still keep up the Italian way of life - in the kitchen anyway, with pasta e fagioli often on the menu. They kcep up the same style of hospitality as their forebears; friends are always welcome. Theirs is yet another success story of the children whose st.,rt in life began in 'thi: old days 'down the hill". The/ceding o/thefive thousand at no. /9 Eyre Street Hill Lug/iq/Agosto95 9

10 :t:~;r.a COMUNITA'ITAUANA A Voice for all Ages F. Spirito I am sure it is a long time since St. Peter's Italian Church last saw quite an occasion as it did on Wednesday 21 June, and it is only fitting that it should have been in honour of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of its founder. San Vincenzo Pallotti The Gennan and Irish provinces joined'the Italian one for a joint celebration of the Pallottine Parishes in England. Along with them was Cardinal Basil Hume, b~shops O'Brien, McMahon and O'Donoghue. Fr. Hanley the Irish Provincial and the Irish and It.1Iian. Ambassadors. The occasion must have indeed been special for along with the group from Italy was Fr. 'Amoroso, once parish priest of St. Peter's, who had not seen his old parish in 23 years and Fr. MorelJi onetime vice-parish priest who last visited the ehurch fifteen years agol In recognition of the various apostolates. of San Vincenzo were 'prison chaplains, anglican clergy, chaplains to the various immigrant communitics in London. the religious and the laity who filled the church. Along' with the Westminster. Diocese clergy, almost one hundred 'priests filled the benches'of the side altars and added to the splendour. of a St. Peter's that was decorated to show it in all its magnificence,. ' Occasionally masses such as these can be. for the congregation, little more than a spect.1cle. Something. that it watches rather than participates in. This perhaps was the'most extraordinary aspect of the mass. Almost as if the spirit of San Vincenzo; who believed in the participation and equality of all the Catholic community, had been present. The hymns chosen were old and new. Everyone had the opportunity to participate and it seemed that everyone wanted to do so. In the next two hundred years. I hope we can al.l strive to achieve many more celebrations at St. Peter's in which we experience once again this unity in prayer and the mutual sense ofjoy. Top right: The Procession Into the church at the beginning ofn!ass Above right: Cardinal Hume reading the bi-centennlal prayer at the altar ofsan Vincenzo Pal/olli with Fr. Hanley. the Irish Father Provincial' Below: Fr. Gaetano Iannl ofthe Italian Provincial Council with Cardinal flume andfr. Carmelo Photo: Neooery Smith Studio Below: Standing - Fr. Carmelo, Fr. Vincenzo IlIar! from Rome, Fr. Russo, Fr. Francesco Amoroso, Fr. Marlo Morelli, Fr. Mario Proielll from Rome. Seated: Cardinal flume, Fr. Hanley the Irish FatherPravincial. l I!, _ v -. -.'';,;..;r~' -,. "';-,_ :...,~. 4. ~ 10 July/Aligust 95

11 This month we begin a two- part look at the life and charism of St. Vincent Pallotti by the Rector General of the Pallottine Fathers, Fr. Freeman. Every person has the potential to give us a message about truth that is relevant for all ages and times. However, few there arc whose voices reach beyond their own private lives and with a relevance thal is universal. The Roman priest Vincent Pallotti"is an example of onc who did. Born in 1795, he died in 1850 and today there arc in the world thousands of people committed to his message and influenced by its content."the extent of his influence demands that, in 1995, we celebrate with gratitude the 200th anniversary of his birth. Le\.us "Always be Thankful" for all who arc involved in the joys and the tasks of understanding and developing the Iifegiving energy that still issues from what we eall his "charism". The word "charism" means gift or grace. In practical terms.it means that a person in his or her life-time succeeds in. bringing to light a value that is dormant, hidden or forgotten. We all tend to forget. When distracted wc forget many titings. Whether we are young or aging, we tend to forget. It is the nature of people, and it is people that make up cultures. societies, and also the Church of Christ. The Church, too, and in every age. can have lapses of memory. At times, the Church gets so involved in the task of surviving exceedingly difficult historical circumstances that undue emphasis is given to certain aspects of its message at the expense of other aspects. Essential evangelical values can be lost or ignored in history. Only Jesus Christ has the total memory of the Church. That is why in every Eucharistic celebration we say the words:.. 'Do this in memory of Me". Wc have to continually pause and try to recuperate the fullness of Christian memory. To the extent that the Christian Church is not effectively evangelizing, not effectively responding 10 Ihe needs of our time, then, some of Ihe memory of the Church lies dormant. When the Church' was trying to survive the threats of alien powers to its message and ' find an adequate space in the context of Roman Empire conditions, it was forced, \villingly and unwillillgly. consciously and unconsciously, to make some compromises. Wc resemble all Ihat wc love and all that wc hate: This is surely :tj;~1la COMUNITA'ITALlANA onc of the greatest dilemmas of our life. The result was that the Church too took on many of the trappings and fashions of the time,' in tenus of power, statehood, and diplomacy. At such times the Church began to ignore aspects ofessential memol)'. When the Church became too worldly, there emerged the spiritual protest of the desert Fathers. When the world lost all sense of stability and community, people rccognized the gin of fraternity and peace in the person of St. Benedict. When the Church began to "forget" the importance of Christian poverty, the power of transcendence in the person of St. Francis of Assisi reminded the Church of the indispensable value of evangelical poverty. At a time when preaching the word of the gospel was limited to the issuing of edicts of feudal laws and orders, God gave the gift of St. Dominie to the Church to revive the memol)' of preaching, so that people might understand. At a time when the Church needed to be more direct and certain of its message, at a time when it felt unsure of itself after the Refonnation, God gave it the gift of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the courageous soldier of Christ. In each centul)', gifted individuals recall to the attention of people forgotten aspects.of essential memories. In the ninetcenth centul)', in Ihe wake of the English, American and French revolutions, the masses of people began to get a sense of their liberty, their freedom, and that they had a Say: a political say, a social say. The univers.,1 participation of the people in the processes of government became an inalienable human right. This presented the Church with a grc.,t challenge. People sought to have some similar univers.,1 participation in the Church of Christ. It was in this historical context that God made a gin to the Church of SI. Vincent Pallotti, who was inspired to reinind C'tholics Ihat they are not to be passive receivers of the mess.,&e. He had Ihe spiritual certitude that all people are called to participate and cooperate in the mission of unveiling the mysteries of truth. For Vincent Pallotti, Jesus Christ is the only reference point. This is the substance of Vincent Pallotti's charism. Vincent Pallotti rediscovered the right of evcl)' person to contribute to the life and mission of the Church of Christ. He rediscovered: he did not discover anything new about the memol)' of Christ. He realized there had been a lapse in memol)', and that something had.to be reappropriated. He rediscovered :that the word "apostle" is a characteristic of all members of the People of God and for Vincent Pallotti the word "apostle" had a triple meaning. It meant being called by God, because we are in His image. It meant being in close union with Jesus, who is obedient servant of the Father. It meant being sent, cooperating with the God of love in the transfonnation and saving of the world. It was the special insight of Vincent Pallotti that all are called to dedicate evel)' aspect of life to the glol)' of God and to the sanctification of self and of others. Indeed, he launched the intuition that it is in evangelizing others that we are evangelized ourselves. In his time, Catholics were turning away from the Church. Although they participated in political and social affairs, they had no such role in the Church. Many rejected the Church. To this day in Europe, entire classes of people remain estranged from the Church. Today is similar to the time of Vincent Pallotti. It is thought by many people today that materialism and secularism can liberate us from the limitation of religion. They view faith as a threat to liberty and the autonomy of the human person. Generations have been putting their trust in materialism and secularism. Have we scen some of the fruit of this investment by our contemporal)' world? It has led many persons and countries to a great indifference. Nothing makes sense anymore. It has led to a loss of dignity; a grc.,t tension in families between the sincere yearnings of parents and the attractions of materialism and secularism. It has led to violence. It had led to enonnous injustice, to manipulation of all values regarding Ihe family and the dignity of human beings. Many solutions are proposed. Most of them, according to the approach of Vincent Pallotti, ignore the real cause. LugliolAgosto 95 11

12 RISTORANTE SAN CARLO HIGHGATE VILLAGE'S LOCAL RESTAURANT WITH ELAN OPENS A NEW PRIVATE ROOM Ristorante San Carlo, 2 Highgate High Street, Highgate Village, London N6, (Telephone ), is currently enjoying critical acclaim and massive popularity under new ownership. The restaurant, established as one ofnorth London's culinary landmarks' for over 20 years, has been splendidly refurbished. Ristorante San Carlo offers a wide variety of classic Italian and some modem dishes. Prices are reasonable and 'light lunchers' are welcome - for whom the wide range of tempting pastas is ideal. Ristorante,San Carlo is large and spacious - its creamy walls decked with huge tapestries. Cocktails and aperitifs can be enjoyed in, the elegant and comfortable raised bar area. With summer in sight, al fresco eating in the walled garden with its new fountain is almost imminent. The restaurant has a seating capacity of 100 plus and is well equipped to cater for weddings, private parties etc. A private meeting room seating 16 has now opened above the restaurant with a view across Waterlow Park - a boon for the business community and others wanting a venue for special meetings. Proprietor Mario Beccarelli was born in Borgotaro, Parma ( the home of the porcini mushroom). he took over Ristorante San Carlo with his wife Mair after their previous restaurant,at the South Bankwas closed to make way for the Channel Tunnel Opening hours are: Tuesday to Sunday between 12 noon and 3.00p.m. and from 6.30 p,m. to p.m. (last orders), RISTORANTE SAN CARLO 2 Highgate High Street, London N6 5JL Telephone: July/August 95

13 r--...:$=- ~...:RIVIS'r::..:.:::::<\::..:D::::;EUACOMUNlTA'rrALIANA Maria Grace I I I I, Residential Care Home * Home from Home * Where genuine quality care is provided 24 hours a day. Long & Short Term Care. Respite, Holiday & day Care Specialists in Italian Cheeses, Fresh Pasta and Meat Products Importers and Distributors ofwines and provisions CARNEVALE HOUSE BLUNDELL STREET LONDON N7 9BN TEL: FAX: POPLAR STREET MOLDGREEN HUDDERSFIELD HOS 9AY TEL: FAX: EST 1965 R.PROIETTI ITALIAN CAR SPECIALISTS For details call: Buckland Road, Maidstone Kent ME16 OSL Mr & Mrs Cirelli Proprietors & Managers Registered Nurses - Specialists in the Care of the Elderly. KCC Registered. Member ofthe KCHA 11 I ====locks&toois o HAND & POWER,OOL SPECIALISTS o PlAN, HIRE & POWER TOOL REPAIRS o ARCHITECTURAL & BUlLDERS IRONMONGERS olocksml,hs SERVICING GENERAL REPAIRS BODYWORK RESTORATIONS FOR YOUR CLASSIC/NEW FIAT * ALFA * LANCIA Tel: Fax: BLUNDELL STREET, LONDON N7 9BJ ''''',)/jot/ice 21&tt'rllow"Y Ro..\J,JOr'kb'l N7 6N( ~$(ut IU l&q Kel 1$1'\ Jov,ol'l flo,.",.t(r(k.yl N'N I fob ~'Oll001nco kit:1t"('nc, l:l LlIglio/Agosto 95 13

14 Cronaca ~~ ~ RIVISTA DELLA COMUNITA'ITALIANA Attivita della comunita AS,sociazione Italiana Tiro a Volo G.B. Domenica 14 maggio, i numerosi connazionali che praticano la disciplina del Tiro al Piallello, si sono dati appuntamento al campo olimpico di Nuthampstead (Herts) per partccipare all'annuale gara di tiro franord e Sud ltalia. La simpatica iniziativa, organizzata dall'assoc. Italiana Tiro A Volo (A.I.T.A.V.) e sponsorizz.'1ta dalla dilla Salvo CFS, piu' che una gara "Nord contro Sud" (0 Sud Contro Nord), e',,per tradizione, una manifcstazione che si potrebbe meglio< definire' "Nord e Sud United" ed anche quest'anno e' st.'1ta fedele alle sue usanzc. 'L'atmosfera in campo, infalli, e' stata anche quest'anno tale da creare I'impressione di non assistere ad 'una gara' agonistica,degli uni contro gli altri, ma. si e' avuta la chiara'sensazione di assistere ad una manifcstazione di solidariet3', amicizia e fratellanza fra persone legate dall'amore per 10 sport che pratieano. Per la cronaca, e' pero' doveroso riportare che la squadra del Sud,'capitanata da l.iiio Alu'" si e' aggiudicata ij' favoloso trofco Salvo CFS avendo balluto la squadra del Nord, capitanata da Fabio Del Vccchio per un piallello. Puntcggio: Sud Nord 50J. Molto,eccit.'1nte invcce la finale a sei per I'assegnazione dei premi individuali. SLqualificavano i tre tiratori di ciascuna,quadra che avcssero ollenuto ii migliore punteggio nella competizione a squadre. Salivano cosi in pedana 'L. Boffa, T. GentiJi e S. Di Francesco della squadra del Sud e L. Rastelli, R Gianesi e R. Morcsco per la squadra del Noed... AI traguardo dei 25 piallelli, Remo Gianesi e J'incrcdibile quindicennc Roberto Moresco finivano a punteggio pieno e si e' quindi dovuti passare ad uno spareggio all'americana per dccidere ii vincitore. Eventualmente, la vccchia volpe Remo Gianesi aveva la meglio sui.bambino prodigio Roberto Moresco c1ui,, ;:::;. f'*:''> Sinislra la squadra -..J,I del Sud: C. Capaldo. s :...m-.~: "'" R.. S' ai asi.. L. AI U. ' To ~. " G 'I' S' D' :",,"""", "J,.-. "'" entl I.!. I certamente tradito dalla stanchczz3, per questa volta ha dovuto accontentarsi del sccondo gradino sui podio. Parallelamente alia competizione Nord v Sud ltalia, e nell'ambito della stessa organizzazione, si e' disputato anche ii prime "AITAV Grand Prix of London". Oltre agli it.'1liani, hanno partccipato a qucsta gara tutti i migliori tiralori lirilannici, inclusi tulli i tiratori della nazionale inglcse. La competizione, magistralmente organizzata dal capitano della A.I.T.A.V. Leonardo Rastelli coadiuvato dai suoi compagni di club e dal team, del proprietario del campo Martin Baker, ha avuto un grande e meritatissimo successo. sollo ogni punto'di vista. Infatti, nonostante ii tullo esaurito, tulle ha funzionato benissimo e non ci sono stati problemi'di sorte. Come prevedibile, la gara si e' presto trasformata in un duello fra nazionali. ingesi ed i nostri!iratori, pur fornendo prestazioni di lullo rispello, si..sono,dovuti arrendere ai loro piu' csperti colleghi. Particolarmente bello 10 spareggio finale fra i nazionali inglcsi J. Grice e K. Gill. L'ha spuntata J. Grice che con un classico si c' merit.'1tamcnte :aggiudicato ii primo premio..., II trofeo delle "Ladics" e" andato alia fortissima Belinda Usher che ha dovuto sfoderare tutta la sua classe per sbarazzarsi delle sue accanite awersarie. Ha s.'1lvato I'onore della nostra bandiera ii solito Roberto Morcsco, ij cui punteggio di 84/100 gli ha perinesso di portarsi a cas.'1 ij trofeo "Juniors" e tanti meritati applausi. 'Una giornat.'1 di gran suecesso ed un grande "grazie" dalla 'parte degli organizz.'1tori agli sponsors della giornata: Salvo CFS, LSI the Grand Vacation Club, Express Cartridges (Lyvcsdale), Gunrnark Ltd., Perazzi of Italy, Sawa Bros., C.'1rncvale Bros., St. George's of Mayfair, AIi Travel, Negroni Salumi, Portalupi Salumi, II Fornello Rest.'1urant, The Alpine Restaurant, Spaghelli Tree Restaurants, Tralloria Verdi Restaurant. Francesco. L Bo./Ja. In ginocchio 5: CUII/bo di Salvo CFS. Deslra la squadra del Nord: M. Raslelli; Loo'Raslelli. R. Moresco, P. /lalli co'; Kevin Gill deua squadra G.B.. In gfnocchfo Peler Bow<len deua sq/{adra G.B. e S, CUII/bo df Salvo CFS 14 July/Augusl95

15 :#~F.U.A COMUNITA'ITAUANA Confirmation at St; Peter's Italian Church +/~;///~////~/////////J~~ 1i1'li " ~t;.,.' ~.,..,,..--~--- _.~-----"...,- The picture above shows the Episcapal Vicar for central London, E,V. Henry Turner surrounded by those who received the Holy Spirit in Confirmation at SI. Peter's Italian Church on 21 May 1995, Photo: G, Castagno ( CarnevaJe and Prince Charles ) At the recent International Food Exhibition (IFE) at ' ~..:..--..:..--..) Earls Court, Prince Charles visited the firm,"carnevale" to diseuss the making of mozzarella with its founder Mr Carmine Carnevale (sce photo). Like Prince Charles you may be surprised to learn that authentic, fresh Italian mozzarella is manufactured in Britain and Carnevale are the country's leading producer, NO-<lne knows exactly when or where mozzarella was first created, but it is generally believed to have originated in the Napoli region of Italy. Only in 1958 did anyone start 10 manufacture it in England. Soon after, when he was just 19 years old, Mr Carnevale cam~.from Italy to England, in order 10 fill a growing gap in the market and begin his business making mozzarella checse, By the mid 1960s he had set up a small factory in London producing fresh, natural, "white and juicy'" molz.1rella in the time-honoured 'Italian tradition. Unfortunately for us consumers, loday many chccscs labelled 'mozzarella' be.1r little resemblance to lhe genuine item. Thankfully,Carnevale continue 10 produce their fresh molz.1rella using the original and traditional Italian recipe. Luglio/AgoslO 95 ~ 15

16 (,--_S...;t_,P_ct_c~r_'s_U_"_d_c_r_l_l_S_~) Congratulations to SI. Peter's under 'lis. '."'..."-~ football tearn who at Cheshimt Stadium beat Omonia 2.0 in their cup final. Paolo Marenghi opened the score sheet with a well timed run, meeting Vitale Cotena's cross to hammer the ball into the net. In the second halfof this action packed game, Teny Reilly made it 2.0 with a briiliant 'Nayim' style lob. All the boys played their hearts out and deserved the win. However, well done Omonia - worthy opponents.'. Once again the tearn managers (Luigi and Ray) would like to thank the generous sponsors Food House for their continued support. (The owners arc pictured at each cnd of the team photograph). Additionally, the managers would like to take the opportunity to thank those faithful parents who have helped throughout the season. in terms of putting up and taking down nets and ensuring that the kids are' ahvays fully equipped and don't leave anything behind. The team has bcnefitted overwhelmingly from their encouragement and support.. The team will be going into the under 12s league next season and the managers will be holding trials in.june and July. Anybody wishing'tojoin should contact them: Luigi'.(0181) or Ray ( ). Once. again -.well done St. Peter's, '~.'..,. n.b. SI. Peter's are now holding trials for under16s Sund.1y morning 'foo!ball. Anybody interested, please contact Luigi on (0181) ,7. Any players wishing to join the senior team in the Islington midweek league should contact Rayon (01992) Caro Padre Russo, [I... Y:...;:...;E_,_D_a.:..Y_,"_C_c_r_i_rn_o_"_i_a_C_o_rn_rn_c_rn_o..,:!"_a_t_iv_c_---') desidero ringraziarla di cuore per la preziosa assistenza fornita all'ambasciata nell'organizzazione delle cerimonie commemorative della fine del secondo conflitto mondiale, a cui come sa, ha presenziato if Presidente Scalfaro. L'attenzione e la cura con cui la parrocchia di San Pietro ha proccduto alia sclczione ed alla preparazione dei bambini italiani che hanno partecipato alle celebrazioni di San Paolo e di Hyde Park ha contribuilo, al succcsso dei momenti centrali delle commemorazioni stesse.. Come rappresentante del Presidente ScaUhro alla cerimonia dei Capi di Stato ho poi potuto apprczzare di persona if modo con c\1i i nostri bambini hanno trasmesso if loro mess.,ggio di pace e di riconciliazione. La pregherei pertanto di.far pervenire ad Anna Giacon, Francesca Evans, Katherine Gasparro, Mirella Masiello, Nicola Petruzziello e le loro famiglic L miei piu' scntiti ringraziamenti ed augtiri. Un riilgraziamento particolare vii poi al Signor Bertoncini ed alla Signora Wifson, per la cui opera di preparazione sono qui pervenuti i rallegramenti della stessa societa' che ha coordinato la parteeipazione dei bambini delle varie nazioni. Un grazie infine a tutti coloro ehe, nelle parrocchia italiana, hanno contribuito al felice esilo,dell'iniziativa.. Con i miei migliori s.,luti, mi creda, suo Paolo Galli Ambaseiatore Italiano,Desira:.'Katherine Gasparro, Frimcesca Evans. Anna Giiicor;",".Mirella Masiello pronti per lejeste,. "., 'N a Hyde Park: 16 July/August 95

17 ( -b~. -.&> RlVISl'A DEILA COMUNITA'ITAIJANA Festa di CastelIetto ) Ouidata dalla prescnza del nostro Don Carlo Sorrcnti, sempre piu' dinamico cd altivo, la fcsta di Castellelto e' stata un succcsso. Oli organizzatori sono stati proprio bravi nel prcparare i tavoli, la musica e la cueina: tutti bravi. Ma quel\o che e' t\ l., ~,-." stato vcramente bello. sono state le signore dedicate al servizio della tavola e della cucina: ehe brave e belle: dicono ehe il Padre Russo fa i complimenti alle donne: invccc e' vero e non e' vero. Infalti Padre Russo ringrazia sempre il Signore per tulte le cose belle ehe erea e fra qucste cose belle ehe Dio erea ei sono anehe le signore di Castellello. Insomma abbiamo tulli quanti riccvuto una carica di vita e di enlusiasmo: niente cl fa dimen ticarc le nostre difficolta', ma queste feste ei aiutano ad affron tarle. Ringraziamo la Divina Prowi denza.. Don ROIlk1no Mazzoni ehe e' anehe Parroco di Castellello ha scriuo una bella lellera ai suoi fedeli: Carissimi, non potendo csscre prcscllte. invio a tulli i convenuti un saluto caloroso da parte mia e della popolazione di CastelleUo. Qui a Castellello stiamo cornpletando i servizi pubblici; ne stiamo faccndo trc: stiamo faccndo anehe altri piccoli lavori di rcstauro. La nostra festa avra' luogo il 22 e 23 luglio cd il 13, agosto cl sara' la commcdia in dialello piaccntino. Ringrazio in modo particolarc lutti coloro ehe si sono impegnati per organizzare questa festa. So quanto tempo cd energie porta via. 11 Signore e la Madonna di Pione vi bencdicano. Vi allendiamo lutti questa estate a Castellello per un meritato riposo. Rinnovo a tutti voi cd ajle vostre famiglie gli auguri di ogni bene. Vostro a1t.mo Don Romano Mazzoni ( Quiz Night per i CervelIoni ) ' E' stata una sfida ecccziollale. NOli ho mai visto tanti cervelli Hlustri riulliti illsieme. Davallti a loro lulli i computers impallidivallol E' stata ulla sfida alia cultura di tuui i tempi, ma ulla sfida villla dai noslri Cervellolli, orgallizzata liella Sala Rossa del noslro Social Club Sail Pietro. Organizzaziolle cd' allegria simpaticissime e sponlance: e lallla amieizia. tallta colldivisiolle di idee. lanto sc:ullbio di csperienze. Rimalle sempre bello potersi riuuire iusiellle dimelltieme la vila, ma per scntire che c' un done di Dio' aperto alia partccipazi. olle di tulti. P. Roberto Russo FOlo: P. Russo Lllglio/AgoSIO 95 17


19 Dall'ltalia :/ff;~flla COM1JNJTA'ITALIANA news from Italy Italy's ethnic minorities took a tentative step towards winning full political rights as Turin immigrants elected their own city councillors. The unprecedented vote paves the way for similar elections in other Italian cities with rapidly expanding immigrant populations, including Rome, Bologna, Palermo and Naples. The new councillors' mini-parliament will have the power to propose new legislation promoting the rights of immigrants in Turin. After lengthy negotiations, trade unions and!lie government reached a landmark agreement to reform Italy's bloated pensions system and Parliament is expected to approve the deal. Under the agreement, a new system grounded in contributions made throughout a worker's career, rather than based on their most recent S<1lary, will go into effect in Before then, a minimum retirement age of 57 will be gradually phased in, and a provision allowing workers to reti rc aftcr 35 ycars of service, rcgardless of agc, will be slowly climinated. Italian cyclist Adriano Baffi, onc of thc top sprinters in road racing, broke his collar bone in a fall during the Tour of Catalonia and will miss the Tour de France. The aecident occurred 17 kms from the cnd of the fifth st.1ge and involved several other riders, who escaped serious injury. Barn would havc been a key member of the Mapei-Clas team backing Switzerland's Tony Romingers allempt to deprive Spaniard Miguel Indurain of a reeord fifth straight Tour de Francc victory. Four Grccnpcaee activisls climbed the bell tower of St. Mark's Basilica in Venice and unfurled a huge,banner to protest against the city's pollution problems. Ten other members of the environmental group chained themselves to sc,1ffolding on the tower which is being renovated. The group was protesting against toxic dioxins whieh, il says. sccp into the lagoon of Venicc, including the Grand Canal, from petrochemic,11 works in the Marghera industrial arc,1 on the Italian mainland. It wants the government 10 fund a c1c,1n-up' of the lagoon. LllgliolAgoslo 95 Mr Antonio Gava (below), IlaIy's former interior minister, was arrested for alleged corruption, the second time he has been detained in the past nine months. Police arrested Mr Gava, interior minister from 1988 to 1991, at his home in Rome at the request of prosecutors in the town of Tore Annunziata, south of Naples. Mr Gava, 64, a former Christian Democrat, is accused of taking a L300m ( 115,000) bribe for awarding a contract to rebuild a hospital destroyed in the 1980 earthquake. Europe's best-selling car is the Fiat Punlo with 189,035 units wold in the first quarter of VW's Golf and GM's Asfra took second and third places. In the UK, units were sold by Fiat in the firsl three months for a 3.5 per cent markel share. Punto is Germany's most imported car. Fcrrari have denied rumours that they are in talks with FI world champion Miehael Sehumaeher 10 sign him up for nexl season. The German's Contract with Benellon-Renaull expires at the end of the year. The Milan daily, 11 Giorno, claimed thal Ferrari had been given the grccn light by their parenl company, Fiat of Turin, for a L40bn ($25m) investment to sign Sehumaeher. Ferrari already employ Jc.1n Alesi, who won Ihe Canadian GP, and Gerhard Berger. A succession of earth tremors shook Rome over 12 and 13 June sending thousands of people into the streets. The National Geophysies Instilute measured the tremors at belween five and six on the 12-point Merca\1i scale ' and 3.4 and 3.9 on the Richter scale. There were no reports of injuries or damage. Couples in search of romance on Venice's gondolas may feel short changed by the gondoliers' decision to replace their oars with engines. Heavy swells on the Lagoon have led to the switch from manually-powered gondolas to motor boats. "The swell means we can't use our oars anyrnore, so four gondolas will have motors filled to their sterns," said Fulvio Scarpa, head of a gondoliers' association. The heavy-duty gondolas will be used as a trial, but Venice's 400 gondoliers warn that they will have to consider modifying the rest of their fleet if nothing is done about the increasing swell on the city's waters. A Sicilian priest has challenged Mafia gangsters 10 meet him afier arsonists set fire to his car in an aci of intimidation on 21 May. Father Gregorio Porcaro, who has' taken a stand against the Mafia, found his vehicle burning outside his parish church in the Acquasanta area of Sicily's capilal Palermo. Porcaro, 35, worked with Father Pino Puglisi, a Roman Catholic priest murdered in 1993 for opposing the Mafia. Porcaro issued a statement branding Ihe arson attack the act of a coward. Italy has scored a string of successes against the Mafia since the murder Ihree years ago on 23 May of leading anti-mafia investigator Giovanni Falcone. A two-seater helicopter crashed into the crater ofthe dormant volcano Vesuvius near Naples, injuring its two passengers, who had 10 be winched to safety. Italian fashion group, Benetton, which used a bloodstained T-shirt ofa dead Croatian soldier in an advertising camp<1ign, is Irying to open a shop in Sarajevo. 19

20 ~~ '" ~ RIVISl'A DEILA COMUNITA'ITALIANA In, Cammin,ocon. Carmelo Sono andalo in Thailandia nel mese di febbraio La prima voila c'ero stalo nel 1980, per visitare a1cuni delenuti italiani conosciuti in carcere a Londra a poi arrestali di nuovo in Thailandia. Ma'qucsta voila, oltre alle visile ai carcerali italiani, ii mio viaggio aveva un a1tro scopo: la ricerca di un bambino figlio di un italiano delenulo a Londra e di una thailandese. Dopo la loro separazione, ii padre aveva nolizie vaghe del bambino che la madre aveva riportalo in Thailandia dalla nonita. E mi aveva imploralo di cercarlo. Arivalo a Bangkok mi sono recalo all'ambasciata italiana. Ho spiegalo la vicenda del bambino e abbiamo cercalo insieme di localizzare ii vilaggio che sapevo 'si trovava nel nord-est, ai confine con ii Laos. LI mi hanno anche fallo avere i pe'rmessi per enlrare nel carcere. GIi italiani delenuti sono allualmenle oito, lulli Ira i 24 e i 30 anni. Tra loro c'il anche una donna di cui parlero dopo. In effelli. non c'era piu' ncssuno dei "vecchi'" delenuli chi: avevo conosciulo nelle mic precendenli visile. Ma ii mio viaggio c stalo 10 stcsso ulile perche ho conosciulo allri delenuli italiani con slorie terribili a1le spalle. Cinque di essi sono stali gia condannali (uno alia pena capitale, due a 25 anni di delenzione, uno a 30 anni, uno a 15 anni). GIi altri sono in allesa di giudizio. 11 condannalo a morte, che C' coslrello a portare nolle e giomo" pcsanli calene,che 10 legano alia cinlola, e a1lecaviglie, sta aspeltando ii terzo,appello. quello finale, per, chiedere la grazia ed un evenluale inlervenlo del govemo:. GIi inconlri sono stali mollo belli. Mi hanno chieslo tanle cose, sopral,iullo di prendere contallo con le famiglie in ltalia. Come sempre, in qucsle occasioni emerge I'importanza dei rapporti con i genitori, le mogli, i familiari in genere. Dielro quesle richiesle tanle slorie, tanle lacrime, tanli dolori. Questa volta sono rilornalo con ii cuore gonfio di pena, mollo piulrisle delle allre volle, perche ho loccalo con mano la SOliludine di qucsti ragazzi, quasi abbandonali a se slessi. In particolarc, ii caso piu doloroso a :inio avviso e Slalo quello di un friiiello e sorclla di Roma, Id infermieranon piu giovanissima. Non credo di aver mai visio, 20 in tulta la mia esperienza di assistenza ai prigionieri, tanta soffercnza come in questa donna. Era andata in vacanza in Thailandia, ma la vacanza si e trasformata in un incubo quando la polizia ha scoperto nella' valigia del fralello, ex-lossicodipendenle, 40 grammi di eroina acquistata duranle it viaggio. La polizia Ii ha arrestali entrambi. A nulla sono valso le prolesle del fralello, che si e allribuilo IUlta la colpa, e le assicurazioni della donna che diceva di non sapeme nienle. La hanno fallo firmare una carta in lingua Ihai dicendole che era una formalita ma in effelli era una ammissione di colpevolezza. 10 ho lrascorso mollc ore a parlare con quesla donna che ha pianlo per lulta la visita.iacrime amare, lacrime di dolore e di rabbia. Una vicenda veramenle agghiaccianlc. So'no, gia quasi 10-1I mesi che Slanno denlro. Da lullo ii colloquio io mi sono reso conlo, e ne sono convinlo, che questa donna c innocenle. "Aiulami ad uscire da queslo inferno" mi ha dello "perchc io qua denlro ci moriro". In Thailandia ho anche inconlralo Don Pierino Gelmini, it fondalore delle Comunita Ineonlro, e sono andalo a visilare un cenlro che lui ha aperto fuori Bangkok, una comunita bellissima con molti giovani, ma ehe accoglie anehe giovani e bambini orfani, non solo lossieodipendenli. Ne ho parlalo anche al Cardinale Michael Michai di Bangkok, che mi ha invi a cena una sera. Mi ha accollo mollo bene, abbiamo parlalo del problema delle' careeri e di quesli ragazzi bisognosi di tanta allenzione e di calore umano., AI' Cardinale ho anche dello che questi delenuti vivono nell'indigenza piu nera. Slo cercando ora di crcare un fondo anche per i ragazzi della Thailandia per aiutarli anche malerialmenle perche 11 derilro senza soldi muoiono di fame. E un problema mollo grave e mollo serio. Tomando in ltalia ho prcso contallo con quasi lulle le loro famiglie e sono stati felicissimi di avere notizie, specialmenle le mamme. Da Bangkok sono partilo in aerco fino a Sakonnakon nel nord-esl, alia fronlie'ra con ii L:los dove ho avulo la fortuna di inconlrare proprio ii vescovo di que)la diocesi, Mons. Lawrence Khai. E stalo mollo gentile e mi ha invilalo all'arcivescovando. GIi ho spiegalo ii mio problema, e si sono impegnati ad aiutarmi. 11 giomo dopo Mons. Khai ha mcsso a mia disposizione un'aulomobile e Ire preli lhailandesi, compreso un vecchio amico Padre Paul, e abbiamo 'comineialo questa avvenlura. j~ stata una impresa che ci ha portalo allraverso vilaggi I'uno piu povero dell'allro e che si e rivelata mollo piu diffieile del previslo. 10 cominciavo a disperare. Alia fine dopo aver"sbaglialo slrada varie volle siamo arrivati in una locaiita sperdula, quallro 0 cinque case in lullo. Ci siamo fermati a chiedere informazioni della famiglia che cercavamo e una persona ci ha dello: "Abilano Ii". Non polevo credercil Davanti a noi c'era una casa di legno con varie persone denlro. I miei accompagnalori hanno spiegalo chi eravamo e che cosa cercavamo c loro ci hanno Ihllo vedere ii bambino, di Ire anni, che stava dormendo in un'amaca sospcsa Ira due alberi. Quando I'ho vislo mi e venuta una grande commozione. Un bambino Slupendo. Dormiva pacifico. La nonna I'ha sveglialo e io gli dalo i regali che ii padre mi aveva dalo. Siamo rimasli alcune ore e ho visto che ii bambino era un po,lrisle, ma in buona salule. Quello che per me cl stalo mollo bello cl stalo I'aiulo di quesli preti IhailandeSi. Senza di loro:non sarei mai riuscilo a lrovare ii bambino per poler rassicurare ii padre sulle sue condizioni. NeI complesso comunque. e valsa la pena di fare tanli chilomelri per quesle due cause. July/August 95

U Corso di italiano, Lezione Quindici

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U Corso di italiano, Lezione Diciannove

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U Corso di italiano, Lezione Ventidue

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U Corso di italiano, Lezione Ventinove

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U Corso di italiano, Lezione Dodici

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U Corso di italiano, Lezione Ventotto

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U Corso di italiano, Lezione Trenta

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U Corso di italiano, Lezione Tre

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U Corso di italiano, Lezione Sette 1 U Corso di italiano, Lezione Sette M Two friends meet at the restaurant U Ciao, Paola M Hi, Paola U Ciao, Paola D Ciao Francesco, come stai? F Hi Francesco, how are you? D Ciao Francesco, come stai?


U Corso di italiano, Lezione Quattro

U Corso di italiano, Lezione Quattro 1 U Corso di italiano, Lezione Quattro U Buongiorno, mi chiamo Paolo, sono italiano, vivo a Roma, sono infermiere, lavoro in un ospedale. M Good morning, my name is Paolo, I m Italian, I live in Rome,


Scheda dati personali Inserisci i tuoi dati poi formula delle frasi per parlare di te stesso I m My birthday is in I ve got My telephone number is

Scheda dati personali Inserisci i tuoi dati poi formula delle frasi per parlare di te stesso I m My birthday is in I ve got My telephone number is Scuola Elementare Scuola Media AA. SS. 2004 2005 /2005-2006 Unità ponte Progetto accoglienza Scheda dati personali Inserisci i tuoi dati poi formula delle frasi per parlare di te stesso I m My birthday


Sponsorship opportunities

Sponsorship opportunities The success of the previous two European Workshops on Focused Ultrasound Therapy, has led us to organize a third conference which will take place in London, October 15-16, 2015. The congress will take





La truffa si sta diffondendo dal Canada con velocità impressionante.

La truffa si sta diffondendo dal Canada con velocità impressionante. Cari colleghi, vi volevo avvisare di questo nuovo metodo che usano i malviventi per cercare di raggirare le persone. Forse è il caso di avvisare pure le chiese di stare attenti e non fidarsi di nessuno



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U Corso di italiano, Lezione Sedici

U Corso di italiano, Lezione Sedici 1 U Corso di italiano, Lezione Sedici U Dove abiti? M Where do you live? U Dove abiti? D Abito nella città vecchia, davanti alla chiesa. F I live in the old town, in front of the church. D Abito nella


U Corso di italiano, Lezione Due

U Corso di italiano, Lezione Due 1 U Corso di italiano, Lezione Due U Ciao, mi chiamo Osman, sono somalo. Tu, come ti chiami? M Hi, my name is Osman. What s your name? U Ciao, mi chiamo Osman, sono somalo. Tu, come ti chiami? D Ciao,


S C.F.

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Si usa. Lesson 14 (B1/B2) Present perfect simple / Present perfect continuous

Si usa. Lesson 14 (B1/B2) Present perfect simple / Present perfect continuous Confronta i diversi usi del present perfect simple e del present perfect continuous. Si usa PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE per parlare della DURATA (con for e since) di AZIONI/SITUAZIONI NON CONCLUSE, (azioni/situazioni


E-Business Consulting S.r.l.

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Dr Mila Milani. Comparatives and Superlatives

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Lei, Vandelli. Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

Lei, Vandelli. Click here if your download doesnt start automatically Finferli, galletti e gallinacci. Alla scoperta del fungo più divertente da cercare. (Damster - Quaderni del Loggione, cultura enogastronomica) (Italian Edition) Lei, Vandelli Click here if your download


it is ( s) it is not (isn t) Is it? Isn t it? we are ( re) we are not (aren t) Are we? Aren t we?

it is ( s) it is not (isn t) Is it? Isn t it? we are ( re) we are not (aren t) Are we? Aren t we? Lesson 1 (A1/A2) Verbo to be tempo presente Forma Affermativa contratta Negativa contratta Interrogativa Interrogativo-negativa contratta I am ( m) I am not ( m not) Am I? Aren t I? you are ( re) you are


frutto della collaborazione fra Volontari della Caritas Parrocchiale, Alunni e Alunne, Insegnanti e Comitato dei Genitori

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AIM OF THE LESSON: for the students to familiarise themselves with the language of cooking

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hasn t he / she / it got? I / you / we / they have not / haven t got he / she / it has not / hasn t got

hasn t he / she / it got? I / you / we / they have not / haven t got he / she / it has not / hasn t got Lesson 2 (A1/A2) Verbo to have tempo presente Forma Affermativa Interrogativa Negativa Interrogativo-negativa I / you / we / they have / ve got he / she / it has / s got have I / you / we / they got? has


Canti Popolari delle Isole Eolie e di Altri Luoghi di Sicilia (Italian Edition)

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I tempi verbali. esaurire. presente dell indicativo tu. predire. passato prossimo (indicativo) spaventare. futuro semplice (indicativo)

I tempi verbali. esaurire. presente dell indicativo tu. predire. passato prossimo (indicativo) spaventare. futuro semplice (indicativo) ITL 312L RIPASSO FINALE A) i punti chiave I tempi verbali. esaurire. presente dell indicativo tu predire. passato prossimo (indicativo) spaventare. futuro semplice (indicativo) rimpiazzare. condizionale


TAL LIVELLO A1. Test scritto in 5 parti ( 50 minuti) Prova d ascolto (10 minuti)

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L'università in Italia (Farsi un'idea) (Italian Edition)

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1 1 0 /2 0 1 4. 0 n news

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Compiti (students going from level 2 to level 3 in August)

Compiti (students going from level 2 to level 3 in August) Compiti (students going from level 2 to level 3 in August) (Before doing this homework, you might want to review the blendspaces we used in class during level 2 at https://www.blendspace.com/classes/87222)


Fate Ora: 1. quaderno é rosso. (my) Possessive Adjectives. Possessive Adjectives **Must agree in gender and number!!

Fate Ora: 1. quaderno é rosso. (my) Possessive Adjectives. Possessive Adjectives **Must agree in gender and number!! Fate Ora: Using the model, write that the object given belongs to the subject given. EX: macchina/marcello La macchina di Marcello. 1. la famiglia/carlo 2. la zia/ Maria e Giuseppe 3. la cognata/ Rosa


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www.aylook.com -Fig.1-

www.aylook.com -Fig.1- 1. RAGGIUNGIBILITA DI AYLOOK DA REMOTO La raggiungibilità da remoto di Aylook è gestibile in modo efficace attraverso una normale connessione ADSL. Si presentano, però, almeno due casi: 1.1 Aylook che


Interface. Grammar for All 2. Ripasso sommativo per l Esame di Stato. 1. Completa gli aggettivi di sentimento e stato d animo, poi abbinali alla loro

Interface. Grammar for All 2. Ripasso sommativo per l Esame di Stato. 1. Completa gli aggettivi di sentimento e stato d animo, poi abbinali alla loro Interface Grammar for All 2 Ripasso sommativo per l Esame di Stato 1. Completa gli aggettivi di sentimento e stato d animo, poi abbinali alla loro traduzione. 1 w A contento 2 x d B imbarazzato 3 p s C



