AP Italian Language and Culture 2006 Free-Response Questions

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1 AP Italian Language and Culture 2006 Free-Response Questions The College Board: Connecting Students to College Success The College Board is a not-for-profit membership association whose mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity. Founded in 1900, the association is composed of more than 5,000 schools, colleges, universities, and other educational organizations. Each year, the College Board serves seven million students and their parents, 23,000 high schools, and 3,500 colleges through major programs and services in college admissions, guidance, assessment, financial aid, enrollment, and teaching and learning. Among its best-known programs are the SAT, the PSAT/NMSQT, and the Advanced Placement Program (AP ). The College Board is committed to the principles of excellence and equity, and that commitment is embodied in all of its programs, services, activities, and concerns. College Board, AP Central, APCD, Advanced Placement Program, AP, AP Vertical Teams, Pre-AP, SAT, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board. Admitted Class Evaluation Service, CollegeEd, connect to college success, MyRoad, SAT Professional Development, SAT Readiness Program, and Setting the Cornerstones are trademarks owned by the College Board. PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. All other products and services may be trademarks of their respective owners. Permission to use copyrighted College Board materials may be requested online at: Visit the College Board on the Web: AP Central is the official online home for the AP Program: apcentral.collegeboard.com.

2 ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE SECTION II Total time Approximately 1 hour and 25 minutes Part A Suggested time 40 minutes Directions: Read the following passage. Then, based on the context provided by the entire passage, write on the line after each number the correct form of the verb in parentheses. In order to receive credit, you must spell the verb correctly and place accents and apostrophes where necessary. Be sure to write the verb on the line even if no change is needed. Do NOT use the passato remoto. (Suggested time 5 minutes) Un anfora dal Rinascimento al Computer Oggi, più esperti (1) «at», come gli inglesi, ma la maggior parte degli italiani la chiama «chiocciola». Di che cosa stiamo parlando? il simbolo che sta in mezzo a un indirizzo di posta elettronica e che serve a separare il nome dal dominio. Se qualcuno pensa che questo carattere (2) con Internet, sbaglia. La chiocciola appare per la prima volta in alcuni scritti veneziani del Cinquecento. Lo (3) il professore di storia della scienza Giorgio Stabile, dell Università La Sapienza di Roma. Il punto di partenza è stato il mondo anglosassone, dove, tra i caratteri tipografici del secolo scorso, (4) il significato di «at a price of», cioè «al prezzo di». Evidentemente era un simbolo di tipo commerciale. Nel (5) documenti mercantili italiani, Stabile ha trovato che (6) un icona dei mercanti italiani, soprattutto veneziani, usata come abbreviazione commerciale di «anfora», un unità di peso e capacità di origine antichissima. Un ulteriore conferma dell universalità del simbolo (7) poi da altri documenti. Il passaggio al ciberspazio (8) semplice. L ingegnere americano Ray Tomlison, uno dei padri di Internet, è stato il primo a creare un sistema di posta elettronica da (9) su Arpanet. Dato che gli (10) un simbolo da mettere tra il nome del destinatario e il percorso per arrivare al server, Tomlison ha utilizzato che era già sulla tastiera. 1. (dire) 2. (nascere) 3. (scoprire) 4. (avere) 5. (consultare) 6. (essere) 7. (venire) 8. (dimostrarsi) 9. (usare) 10. (servire) 2

3 Directions: Read the following passage. Then, based on the context provided by the entire passage, write on the line, after each number, ONE single Italian word that is correct in meaning and form. In order to receive credit, you must spell the word correctly and place accents and apostrophes where necessary. Be sure to write a word for every blank. Do NOT use proper nouns meaning, names of people, such as Anna ; or places, such as Roma ; or things, such as Internet. (Suggested time 5 minutes) Renata Tebaldi: Una voce d angelo Nata a Pesaro (11) primo febbraio 1922, Renata Tebaldi si avvicina alla musica studiando pianoforte per sei anni. Quando però (12) accorge di avere una bella voce, lascia il piano (13) il canto. Prima frequenta il conservatorio Arrigo Boito di Parma e poi il Gioacchino Rossini di Pesaro. A 18 anni diventa allieva di Carmen Melis, grande soprano dei primi del Novecento e ottima insegnante. (14) 1944 debutta in teatro a Rovigo, in (15) ruolo minore (Elena di Troia) del Mefistofele di Boito, e nel dicembre dell anno successivo, al Comunale di Trieste, è per la prima volta protagonista come Desdemona nell Otello di Verdi. Ma la (16) più grande occasione arriva nel 1946, quando Arturo Toscanini (17) sceglie per il concerto di riapertura della Scala dopo la guerra e la definisce «voce d angelo»: un appellativo che l accompagnerà per tutto il resto (18) sua carriera. A (19) punto l «angelo» prende veramente il volo. Il successo alla Scala e l apprezzamento di Toscanini (20) aprono le porte di tutti i più importanti teatri d opera italiani e stranieri

4 Directions: Write in Italian a well-organized and coherent composition of about 150 words on the topic below. Imagine you are writing the composition to submit it to an Italian writing contest. You should take a few minutes to organize your thoughts before you begin to write your composition. Your work will be evaluated for organization and clarity, range and appropriateness of vocabulary, grammatical accuracy, and spelling. (Suggested time 30 minutes) 21. La vita cambia da una generazione all altra. Paragona la vita di oggi a quella della generazione dei tuoi genitori. Cosa pensi dei cambiamenti avvenuti? Come hanno migliorato o peggiorato la vita? Giustifica la tua risposta con alcuni esempi specifici. END OF PART A. GO ON TO PART B. 4

5 Part B Suggested time 30 minutes Directions: Write in Italian a well-organized and coherent composition of about 150 words on the topic below. Imagine you are writing the composition to submit it to an Italian writing contest. You should take a few minutes to organize your thoughts before you begin to write your composition. Your work will be evaluated for your knowledge of Italian culture, as well as its organization and clarity, range and appropriateness of vocabulary, grammatical accuracy, and spelling. 22. Scegli un industria italiana (moda, macchine, artigianato, ecc.). Descrivi ALMENO DUE elementi diversi (prodotti, regione o città d origine, personaggi rappresentativi, impatto sulla società o cultura, ecc.) che la rendono importante e spiega perché. Giustifica la tua opinione con ALMENO UN riferimento culturale (cinema, letture, arte, musica, ecc.). Puoi anche includere esperienze personali e discussioni in classe. STOP END OF PART B. 5

6 The text on this and the following pages is the script for the recorded parts of the exam that students hear during the administration of the speaking part. This text does not appear in the exam booklet but is provided here for your reference. Track #1 Directions: Speaking Part This is the Speaking part of the AP Italian Language and Culture exam. Break the seal and open your green insert. (10 seconds) Read with me the directions for the speaking part. Your spoken responses will be recorded. Your score will be based on what you record. It is important that you speak loudly and clearly enough for the machine to record what you say. You will be asked to start, pause, and stop your recorder at various points during the exam. Follow the directions and start, pause, or stop the recorder only when you are told to do so. Your cue to start or stop speaking will always be this tone. If you have any problems or questions about the operation of the recorder, raise your hand and the proctor will help you. (30 seconds) Track #2 Picture Sequence You will now be asked to narrate a story in Italian based on the pictures on the following pages. Imagine you are narrating the story to a friend. You will have two minutes to look at and think about the six pictures. During that time, you may make notes in the insert. You will not be graded on those notes. You will then have two minutes to narrate a complete story as suggested by the pictures. Consider each of the six pictures, and give your story a beginning, a middle, and an end. No tone will sound between pictures. You will be scored on fluency of your response, ability to narrate, grammatical accuracy, range of vocabulary, and pronunciation. The completeness of your response will affect your score. Be sure to use all of the time allotted. Do not start your recorder until you are told to do so. Go on to the next page. (6 seconds) You now have two minutes to plan your narration. (2 minutes) You will have two minutes to narrate the story. Now press Record to start the recorder. (6 seconds) Begin as soon as you hear the tone. (2 minutes) 6

7 Press Pause to pause your recorder. (6 seconds) Go on to the next page. (6 seconds) Track #3 Directions: Directed Responses Now you will be asked to participate in a simulated conversation in Italian. The questions you will hear are not printed in your booklet. Each question will be spoken twice, and then you will hear a tone. After the sound of the tone, you will have twenty seconds to respond in Italian. Always wait until you have heard the tone before you speak. A second tone will sound after twenty seconds have elapsed; if you are still responding when you hear the second tone, stop speaking and listen. Do not be concerned if your response is cut off. Do not pause or stop the recording between questions. Your score will be based on your ability to answer each question fully and appropriately and to express yourself fluently and correctly. Credit will be deducted if the answer is too short. You should therefore use all of the time allotted. Track #4 Practice Question (MA) Now you will have a conversation with an Italian journalist about studying languages. First, you will hear a practice question typical of the questions you will be asked. Try to answer it. Your answer to this practice question will not be recorded or scored. Here is the practice question. Quali lingue straniere studiano i tuoi amici? Quali lingue straniere studiano i tuoi amici? (20 seconds) You will be scored on the next five questions. Now press Record, or release Pause, to restart the recorder. (6 seconds) Now we will begin. 7

8 Track #5 Question #1 Numero 1. (MA) Perché èimportante studiare una lingua straniera? Perché èimportante studiare una lingua straniera? (20 seconds) Track #6 Question #2 Numero 2. (MA) Perché hai scelto di studiare l italiano invece di un altra lingua? Perché hai scelto di studiare l italiano invece di un altra lingua? (20 seconds) Track #7 Question #3 Numero 3. (MA) Quali aspetti della cultura italiana t interessano di più? Perché? Quali aspetti della cultura italiana t interessano di più? Perché? (20 seconds) 8

9 Track #8 Question #4 Numero 4. (MA) Se tu potessi studiare in Italia, dove preferiresti andare? Perché? Se tu potessi studiare in Italia, dove preferiresti andare? Perché? (20 seconds) Track #9 Question #5 Numero 5. (WA) Adesso, fa alcune domande al giornalista sulla sua esperienza riguardo alle lingue straniere. Adesso, fa alcune domande al giornalista sulla sua esperienza riguardo alle lingue straniere. (20 seconds) Track #10 Directions: End of Speaking Part Press Stop to stop your recorder. This is the end of the speaking part of the AP Italian Language and Culture exam. Close your booklet. If you are using a cassette, at the tone begin to rewind the recording. If you are not using a cassette you may not need to rewind. (10 seconds) Stop rewinding, even though the recording is not completely rewound. (6 seconds) You should now listen to your recording to make sure that your voice has been recorded. In the event that your voice was not recorded, raise your hand and the proctor will help you. Everyone should now press Play to play the recording. (20 seconds) 9

10 Press Stop. If you are using a cassette, now rewind the tape completely. (10 seconds) If you are using a cassette, remove your tape from the machine. Everyone should now wait for further instructions. (5 seconds) End of recording. 10

11 ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE SECTION II Part C Time Approximately 15 minutes Directions: Read with me the directions for the speaking part. Your spoken responses will be recorded. Your score will be based on what you record. It is important that you speak loudly and clearly enough for the machine to record what you say. You will be asked to start, pause, and stop your recorder at various points during the exam. Follow the directions and start, pause, or stop the recorder only when you are told to do so. Your cue to start or stop speaking will always be this tone. If you have any problems or questions about the operation of the recorder, raise your hand and the proctor will help you. You will now be asked to narrate a story in Italian based on the pictures on the following pages. Imagine you are narrating the story to a friend. You will have two minutes to look at and think about the six pictures. During that time, you may make notes in the insert. You will not be graded on those notes. You will then have two minutes to narrate a complete story as suggested by the pictures. Consider each of the six pictures, and give your story a beginning, a middle, and an end. No tone will sound between pictures. You will be scored on fluency of your response, ability to narrate, grammatical accuracy, range of vocabulary, and pronunciation. The completeness of your response will affect your score. Be sure to use all of the time allotted. Do not start your recorder until you are told to do so. Go on to the next page. 11

12 The six pictures present a story. Imagine you are narrating the story to a friend. Narrate a complete story as suggested by the pictures. Give your story a beginning, a middle, and an end


14 Directions: Now you will be asked to participate in a simulated conversation in Italian. The questions you will hear are not printed in your booklet. Each question will be spoken twice, and then you will hear a tone. After the sound of the tone, you will have twenty seconds to respond in Italian. Always wait until you have heard the tone before you speak. A second tone will sound after twenty seconds have elapsed; if you are still responding when you hear the second tone, stop speaking and listen. Do not be concerned if your response is cut off. Do not pause or stop the recording between questions. Your score will be based on your ability to answer each question fully and appropriately and to express yourself fluently and correctly. Credit will be deducted if the answer is too short. You should therefore use all of the time allotted. Now you will have a conversation with an Italian journalist about studying languages. First, you will hear a practice question typical of the questions you will be asked. Try to answer it. Your answer to this practice question will not be recorded or scored. END OF PART C STOP END OF EXAM 14

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