Elementi di modellazione e programmazione di contenuti digitali

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Elementi di modellazione e programmazione di contenuti digitali

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Elementi di modellazione e programmazione di contenuti digitali



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Eementi di modeazione e programmazione di contenuti digitai Corso di Laurea Magistrae in Metodoogie informatiche per e discipine umanistiche Ing. Michea Paoucci Department of Systems and Informatics University of Forence Via S. Marta 3, 50139, Firenze, Itay te: +39-055-4796523, fax: +39-055-4796363 Lab: DISIT, Sistemi Distribuiti e Tecnoogie Internet http://www.disit.dsi.unifi.it/ paoucci@dsi.unifi.it http://www.dsi.unifi.it/~nesi, http://www.dsi.unifi.it/~paoucci, http://www.axmedis.org http://mobmed.axmedis.org/ 1

Eementi di modeazione e programmazione di contenuti digitai Corso di Laurea Magistrae in Metodoogie informatiche per e discipine umanistiche Esercitazione: Drupa 2

Drupa 3

Drupa (1) Drupa è un gestore di contenuti (CMS, Content Management System): Distribuito sotto icenza GPL (Genera Pubic License) Scritto in iguaggio PHP Instaabie sui principai web server (Apache, ight httpd o IIS) Si interfaccia con i database Mysq o PostgreSq Funziona su diversi sistemi operativi, tra cui Windows, Mac OS X, Linux Dotato di una community (sia sviuppatori che utenti) attiva, capace di fornire: Modui aggiuntivi (rispetto a quei di base, de Drupa Core) Supporto in caso di bug, modifiche de codice, reaizzazione di servizi aggiuntivi per customizzare i prorpio sito etc. 4

Drupa (2) Caratteristiche di Drupa: Moduarità Notevoe configurabiità, estendibiità e adattabiità Sempice impementazione dee principai caratteristiche tipiche di un sito web orientato ae attività sociai: Lavoro e attività coaborative: Gestione di Contenuti ed Utenti (Configurabiità de Profio utente,etc) Gestione di gruppi di utenti Condivisione di risorse Uso di Messaging, forum, chat, etc. Cassificazione dee risorse Possibiità di abiitare modui per descrivere e risorse (utenti, gruppi, contenuti) attraverso tassonomie e ontoogie (XML, RDF, OWL) Anaisi e gestione dei dati egati ae attività svote dagi utenti nea piattaforma 5

Drupa Community: http://drupa.org/ e http://www.drupaitaia.org/ 6

Drupa: principi di base (1) Drupa è un appicazione Web: i contenuti vengono inseriti e visuaizzati attraverso un Web Browser (Internet Exporer, Mozia Firefox, Opera etc.) E' possibie reaizzare siti Web pubbici o ocai (intranet) I componenti richiesti per 'instaazione di Drupa sono fondamentamente tre: Web server: un server in grado di pubbicare pagine Web. I Web server predefinito è Apache, ma anche IIS è previsto. La maggior parte degi Internet Provider mette a disposizione 'uno o 'atro Web server. Per reaizzare un'instaazione ocae, è invece necessario instaare ocamente un Web server Interprete PHP: Drupa è un insieme di modui di codice PHP: e pagine Web vengono generate dinamicamente in base ae richieste ricevute, a partire da codice PHP. I sistema che converte i codice PHP in pagine Web fruibii da'utente è chiamato interprete PHP. Per un'instaazione Web, verificare che i proprio provider supporti PHP Database SQL: i dati di configurazione e i contenuti inseriti dagi utenti vengono archiviati in un database SQL. I database predefinito è MySQL, ma praticamente quasiasi database supportato da PHP è utiizzabie 7

Drupa: principi di base (2) Consente agi utenti di registrarsi e autenticarsi in modo da tenere traccia di chi è autore di ogni singoo contenuto Permette agi amministratori de sito di consentire ivei di accesso differenziati a seconda dei ruoi (utente, moderatore, amministratore, etc.) Attivando e configurando i singoi modui, un amministratore può customizzare i sito. In particoare è possibie attivare modui (e quindi servizi) egati a: Gestione dei Contenuti Webog Comunità basate sua discussione Coaborazione Etc. 8

Drupa: instaazione (1) Se si vuoe usare Drupa in ocae, 'instaazione dei tre componenti (Web server, Interprete PHP, Database SQL) può risutare abbastanza compessa, per cui è consigiato scaricare XAMPP: un pacchetto integrato reaizzato appositamente per o scopo. È un software gratuito e disponibie per e più diffuse piattaforme (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux) E necessario scaricare i pacchetto con tutti i fie da sito ufficiae: un archivio ZIP, da quae si può estrarre i fie e copiari in una cartea su nostro PC (da determinare in base aa XAMPP usata) Una vota caricati tutti i fie, si seeziona su browser i sito (es. http://www.nomedominio.com) e verrà mostrata a pagina iniziae de'instaazione 9

Drupa: instaazione (2) Seezione Lingua: Per instaare Drupa in itaiano potrebbe essere necessario importare un fie con a traduzione (http://drupa.org/project/it ) Database: Soitamente si usa mysq Configurazione de sito: Nome de sito E-mai Etc. 10

Drupa: instaazione (3) Seezione Lingua: Per instaare Drupa in itaiano è necessario importare un fie con a traduzione (http://drupa.org/project/transations) Si effettuano e sostituzioni dei modui nea cartea hotdocs (o in quee equivaenti se si hanno sistemi operativi diversi da Windows) Si ricarica nuovamente a pagina per instaazione che a questo punto da a possibiità di eseguire instaazione in itaiano 11

Drupa: instaazione (4) Passo successivo: si risovono gi eventuai probemi segnaati 12

Drupa: instaazione (5) Si imposta i Database (creare un nuovo Db con i nome inserito ne interfaccia) 13

Si configura i sito Drupa: instaazione (6) 14

Si configura i sito Drupa: instaazione (7) 15

Si configura i sito Drupa: instaazione (8) 16

Drupa: instaazione (9) Instaazione competata: ciccando su ink fornito ( i tuo nuovo sito ) si accede a sito vero e proprio 17

Drupa: pagina iniziae Seguendo i ink proposti nea pagina iniziae é possibie: 18

Drupa: Profio utente Dopo avere effettuato 'instaazione, si inseriscono ogin e password di amministratore (impostate durante 'instaazione). Si visuaizzano ora dei ink accessibii soo a'amministratore: Profio utente: si visuaizzano acune informazioni reative a utente root (o agi atri utenti se sono stati creati), inotre è possibie cambiare e impostazioni principai de'account (es: nome utente, 'indirizzo e-mai, a password, o stato, i fuso orario e i inguaggio predefinito, etc.) 19

Drupa: Crea contenuto Dopo avere effettuato 'instaazione, si inseriscono ogin e password di amministratore (impostate durante 'instaazione). Si visuaizzano ora dei ink accessibii soo a'amministratore: Crea contenuto: L'instaazione standard prevede due soe categorie di contenuto, ma è possibie aggiungerne di nuove (utiizzando modui drupa aggiuntivi). Le tipoogie di base sono: Pagina web (di defaut è possibie aggiungere dei commenti) Storia (si comporta come un post di un bog, a cui è assegnata una data ed a cui è possibie aggiungere dei commenti) 20

Drupa: Amministra Dopo avere effettuato 'instaazione, si inseriscono ogin e password di amministratore (impostate durante 'instaazione). Si visuaizzano ora dei ink accessibii soo a'amministratore: Amministra: permette di occuparsi dea configurazione de CMS scegiendo tra due modaità di visuaizzazione per funzionaità (o categoria): raggruppando e funzionaità offerte in base aa tipoogia di operazione compiuta da ciascuna opzione per modui: quando viene aggiunto un moduo a sistema vengono incrementate e opzioni e viene aggiunto un nuovo gruppo di configurazione. 21

Drupa: Amministra Amministra>Costruzione de sito 22

Drupa: Amministra Amministra>Costruzione de sito>bocchi 23

Drupa: Amministra Amministra> Costruzione de sito > bocchi 24

Drupa: Amministra Amministra> Costruzione de sito > menu Abiitare uno o piú menu Cercare i menu ne codice php de moduo 25

Drupa: Amministra Amministra> Costruzione de sito > modui 26

Drupa: Bocchi Amministra>Costruzione de sito>bocchi Abiitare uno o piú bocchi 27

Drupa: Menu Amministra> Costruzione de sito > menu Abiitare uno o piú menu 28

Drupa: Abiitazione Modui Amministra> Costruzione de sito > modui: abiitiamo un moduo. Ad esempio i moduo Forum Questo moduo richiede che atri due modui siano abiitati: Taxonomy e Comment. Come risuta da interfaccia tai modui sono giá attivi di defaut quindi si puo procedere con abiitazione de moduo Forum A questo punto: nea pagina di hep (Amministra > Aiuto) compaiono e spiegazioni reative a moduo attivato Ne menu per a gestione dei contenuti si attiveranno una serie di azioni che possono essere svote da amministratore per configurare I forum (Amministra > Gestione dei contenuti > Forum) È possibie creare un nuovo contenuto di tipo Forum (Crea Contenuto > Forum topic) 29

Drupa: Abiitazione Modui 30

Drupa: Abiitazione Modui 31

Drupa: Abiitazione Modui Aggiungere: Un contenitore Un forum Uno o piú argomenti Effettuare un commento 32

Drupa: Abiitazione Modui Abiitare un bocco egato a moduo forum (Amministra> costruzione de sito>bocchi) e configuraro 33

Drupa: Abiitazione Modui Abiitare un bocco egato a moduo forum (Amministra> costruzione de sito>bocchi) 34

Drupa: Amministra Amministra> Costruzione de sito > temi Cambiare i tema (ayout de sito) 35

Drupa: Traduzioni Amministra> Costruzione de sito > Traduci interfaccia 36

Drupa: Traduzioni Amministra> Costruzione de sito > Traduci interfaccia Effettuare a ricerca di una stringa (es: Argomenti de forum attivi ) e cercare a stringa ne codice php de moduo reativo 37

Drupa: Traduzioni Amministra> Costruzione de sito > Traduci interfaccia Effettuare a ricerca di una stringa (es: Argomenti de forum attivi ) e cercare a stringa ne codice php de moduo reativo 38

Drupa: Contenuto Amministra> Gestione de contenuto > Contenuto Creare acuni contenuti e controare che appaiano nea ista 39

Drupa: Taxonomy Amministra> Gestione de contenuto > Taxonomy Creare un vocaboario (e i reativi termini), controare a ista dei termini e poi creare acuni oggetti associandogi ameno un termine appartenente a tae vocaboario 40

Drupa: Taxonomy Amministra> Gestione de contenuto > Tipi di contenuto Lista dei tipi di oggetti (contenuti) che si possono pubbicare ne sito Ciccando su ogni oggetto è possibie modificarne e impostazioni 41

Drupa: Configurazione sito Amministra> Configurazione de sito > Informazioni su sito 42

Drupa: Configurazione sito Amministra> Gestione utente > Impostazioni utente Amministra> Gestione utente > Permessi Sistemare i permessi per i moduo Forum Cercare i permessi ne codice php 43

Drupa: Configurazione sito 1) Cercare a traduzione ingese dea stringa da interfaccia 2) Cercare a stringa ne fie indicato ES: amministra i forum -> administer forum Ne fie forum.modue é presente a stringa administer forum La definizione di tae permesso é ne hook_perm Cercare ne fie php tae permesso e osservarne i funzionamento /** * Impementation of hook_perm(). */ function forum_perm() { return array('create forum topics', 'deete own forum topics', 'deete any forum topic', 'edit own forum topics', 'edit any forum topic', 'administer forums'); } 44

Drupa: Configurazione sito Amministra> Gestione utente > Ruoi Creare un nuovo ruoo utente e tornare nea pagina dea impostazione dei permessi aggiornandoi Amministra>Gestione utente > Ruoi Creare acuni utenti 45

Drupa 6 Acuni modui aggiuntivi 46

Drupa 6: Modui utii RDF externa vocabuary importer Being abe to reuse RDF vocabuaries across sites is one of the key eements for the semantic web to take off. The RDF externa vocabuary importer modue (evoc) wi cache any externa RDF vocabuary in Drupa, and expose its casses and properties to other modues. RDFCCK reies on evoc to offer casses and properties to be mapped to CCK fieds, node tite and body. SPARQL This is a modue that enabes the use of SPARQL queries with the RDF API for Drupa 6.x. For more information, read the introductory posting or watch the demo video. Be sure to subscribe to the Semantic Web group on groups.drupa.org to keep up with the atest happenings. 47

Drupa 6: Modui utii Workfow The workfow modue aows the creation and assignment of arbitrary workfows to Drupa node types. Workfows are made up of workfow states. For exampe, a workfow with the states Draft, Review, and Pubished coud be assigned to the Story node type. Transitions between workfow states can have actions assigned to them. In our exampe, we coud assign an action so that when the story moves from the Draft state to the Review state an emai is sent out. Another action coud be assigned to the transition from Review to Pubished so that the node's status is set to Pubished (and becomes visibe on your website). Workfow Fieds This modue extends Workfow by aowing CCK node fieds to be made invisibe or read-ony depending on the current workfow state. The workfow state form is extended to show a node fieds with appropriate contros to hide and/or disabe each fied for that particuar state Workfow Named Transitions Named transitions are an addon to the workfow modue so specific workfow transitions can have their own abes which the admin can describe reative to the beginning and ending states. With named transitions, the workfow state options can be state aware. Rather than showing the user a workfow box containing options ike "review required" as a state in the workfow, it coud say "move to the editing department for grammar review". That means your workfow options can show text as an action representing the fow of the workfow action as opposed to a state name 48

Drupa 6: Modui utii Workfow Private Comments Aows admins to hide workfow comments based on the state of a node in a roe-sensitive way. It's basicay so admins can comment about that's going on in a workfow state change without esser roes being abe to see what they said. Workfow Reationships (red) This modue aows to setup Workfow reationships. At the moment ony "workfow -> node" reationship is impemented, but the modue coud be expanded to support any kind of workfow reationship. Currenty Workfow Reationships consists of 2 parts: Administration UI, that aows to setup reationship tabe CToos/Panes integration: reationship you set up is then avaiabe as CToos reationship, so you can show "reated" node (or part of it) in a Pane pane that you put in Pane containing source node context 49

Drupa 6: Modui utii Account Profie Integration user core form fieds (such as username, password, etc.) form with content profie. ACL (Access Contro List ) The ACL modue, short for Access Contro List, is an API for other modues to create ists of users and give them access to nodes. It has no UI of its own and wi not do anything by itsef; insta this modue ony if some other modue tes you to. Active Transation The Active Transation modue is designed for internationaized sites where transated versions of content need to be dispayed when avaiabe but if they're not the origina, untransated content shoud be dispayed. If severa regiona versions of a anguage are avaiabe these wi be used as substitutions. Internationaization Provides content transation -nodes and taxonomy-, interface transation for anonymous users -with the ocae modue- and browser anguage detection. Incudes a bock for anguage seection and manages transation reationships for nodes and taxonomy terms 50

Drupa 6: Modui utii GMap Modue The GMap modue provides an interface to the Googe Maps API within Drupa. It integrates with the Location modue to provide users a cickabe map for entering atitude and ongitude, as we as to dispay maps of Drupa nodes and users. GMap can be used to create interactive maps with various map markers and content in map bubbes, taking advantage of Drupa's other content management features. The modue aso provides a Views dispay pugin which aows users to dispay the resuts of a view on a Googe map. Activity Map a Simpe Modue which dispays Site activity on GMAP. just integrated, issues wecome. Advanced Bog Advanced bog is designed to expand on the features provided by the core bog modue. It aso acts as a repacement for the foowing modues: Bogger, Bog Informations, Bog Add-ons. Advanced Bog integrates and expands on the features of the above modues in order to provide better navigation of site bogs, aow more options for community bogs, and dispay bogs in a unique fashion 51

Drupa 6: Modui utii Advanced Taxonomy Bocks Advanced Taxonomy Bocks makes use of the JQuery menu modue to create extremey customizabe bocks for browsing through singe hierarchy taxonomies. Though the taxonomy menu modue does something simiar, if you use this modue you wi see that they are in fact entirey different in their approach. Advertisement The ad modue is a powerfu advertising system for Drupa-powered websites. It supports the random dispay and tracking of graphica (banner) and text ads. Ads can easiy be dispayed in themes, bocks, or embedded in site content. The modue records comprehensive statistics about when and how often ads are viewed and cicked, incuding a pug-in modue for generating graphica time-based reports. ad_fash An add-on for the Advertisment modue that aows fash advertisements to be dispayed. Agenda The Agenda modue aows you to dispay a ist of upcoming events from Googe Caendar as a bock on your website 52

Drupa 6: Modui utii abum photos "Abum photos" is an image abum modue providing muti-user abum features. Ater profie page The soe purpose of the Ater Profie Page modue is to bring more of socia networking, MySpace-ish ook to Drupa's user profie page. Annotate Make annotation can be done in severa ways. With this project you are abe to create: private note (annotate), editoria node (annotate_ed). Annotate aows users to post persona notes on various nodes within the web site. Archive/ Archive by Terms/Archive Caendar Features: Simpe caendar bock that dispays current month and inks to archive pages for days with posts; Aows sorting a nodes by date and node type Area AREA is a visuaization too that aows friendy-graphica browsing of your nodes and creation of intuitive representations. Aso aows the user to see the weight of their searches of the entire site. 53

Drupa 6: Modui utii Audio/AudioFied The audio modue aows users with proper permissions to upoad audio fies into drupa. Each audio item is created as its own individua audio node. Author Taxonomy Author Taxonomy aows you to assign one or more authors to a node using terms from a taxonomy of author names. Auto Expire This modue aows site administrators to set expiration times for content types. End users creating content that has auto expiry set cannot contro the expiry time. They coud be aowed to renew the content for one or more cyces [ ]. Avatar Seection When a user edits their account detais they can choose to upoad an image or photo of themseves, aso known as an avatar. The Avatar Seection modue aows the user to pick an avatar image from a ist aready oaded by an administrative user. It is aso possibe to disabe the upoading of pictures by users and ony aow them to seect an avatar icon from this ist. FriendList it provides the abiity to create custom reationships between users. It's a featurerich suite of modues that features integration pugins with a ist of major Drupa modues (see beow). Admins can create reationship types. Both singe (think: a fan) and two-way reationships (e.g. a friend) are aowed. 54

Drupa 6: Modui utii BUEditor A pain textarea editor aiming to faciitate code writing: Editor interface and button functionaity are competey customizabe through administration pages; It supports roe based editor interfaces; It's possibe to create image or text buttons; Buttons can be customized to generate code snippets, htm tags, bbcode tags etc. [ ] CHAT Users and Design Integrated/Chat room/chatter box Chat integrated with your Drupa users and design. Cassroom Cassroom is a simpe but fexibe e-earning system. It aows to create courses containing resources, assignments and that kind of stuff. Coapsibe Text This input fiter aows you to make sections of text coapsibe, as you often see in forms. Coection The coection modue provides a simpe way to group nodes into a 'coection' with an associated node. For instance, a news site might want to group artices together under a given topic, and aow users to jump between artices. 55

Drupa 6: Modui utii Creative Commons/Creative Commons Lite The Creative Commons modue aows users to seect and assign a Creative Commons icense to a node and any attached content, or to the entire site. It aso provides integration between CC and Drupa technoogy. Dictionary Technica terms are often not incuded in norma dictionaries, or aren't transated correcty. The dictionary modue aows the setup of a dictionary for such terms. E-Journa This modue is a powerfu production pubishing system. It aows you to create and contro your own eectronic (and possiby printed) journas in Drupa E-Pubish This modue heps organize a group of nodes into a pubication, such as a newspaper, magazine or newsetter. Each pubication can have mutipe editions. Within each edition, the epubish modue aso makes it possibe to organize content by topic, simiar to the way news websites such as the New York Times categorize their content using topics such as "internationa," "nationa," "sports," etc. 56

Drupa 6: Modui utii Favorite Nodes This modue aows users to add certain nodes to a favorite ist. Each node has an "add to favorites" ink at the bottom. This favorite ist is visibe to others viewing the site. Fie import This modue can import mutipe fies and save them as node attachments. It is very usefu when you are using such modues as sideshow and fashvideo, and if you need to import dozens of fies at once. Fie Node This modue create a new content type that is actuay an upoaded fie. We can therefore unify the administration to fie upoad with nodes. Finder/Finder Node/Users/Text../Finder Wizard Finder aows Drupa site administrators to create fexibe search forms to find entities such as Nodes or Users based on the vaues of a fied. Fivestar 57

Drupa 6: Modui utii Fag Fag is a fexibe fagging system that is competey customizabe by the administrator. Using this modue, the site administrator can provide any number of fags for nodes, comments, or users. Some possibiities incude bookmarks, marking important, friends, or fag as offensive. With extensive views integration, you can create custom ists of popuar content or keep tabs on important content. Fickr Access photos on Fickr's site via their API. The modue provides a fiter for inserting photos and photosets and aows the creation of bocks for rendering a user's recent photos and photosets. i18n Auto Transate To iustrate the use case, if you have three anguages enabed for content transation on your Drupa website, French, German and Engish, and French is the defaut anguage, when you create a new node in French, this modue wi automaticay create a draft node in German and Engish. I must stress, these nodes are draft ony and wi not be "perfect". This modue simpy gives a professiona transator a head start, by automaticay providing a working transation aready in the correct anguage, ready for editing. Internationaization Provides content transation -nodes and taxonomy-, interface transation for anonymous users -with the ocae modue- and browser anguage detection. Incudes a bock for anguage seection and manages transation reationships for nodes and taxonomy terms. 58

Drupa 6: Modui utii Interface The Interface modue aows site administrators to modify the defaut presentation of forms using a drag-and-drop stye of editing. Currenty, this functionaity is imited to node forms, this wi be addressed in the D7 reease of the modue to incude other forms in the system. Language Icons/Language Sections/ seection/ This modue provides icons for anguage inks, both for the Language switcher bock and (optionay) for node inks. It is a spin-off from Internationaization (i18n) package. Licensing/Licensing Ecommerce This modue is usefu for peope that pan on integrating a software icensing system on their site. Abiity to generate, edit & deete unimited unique icense keys. Abiity to export your keys into a CSV document, which you can mai merge and distribute with physica copies of your product. Abiity for users to 'register' their key when they sign up for a drupa account, or by visiting a page when ogged in. Users can have mutipe keys registered to one account, and they are a dispayed on their user page. Provides views functionaity for defaut and custom reports. Brandabe icense keys ike XXXX-BRAND-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX 59

Drupa 6: Modui utii Lega Dispays your Terms & Conditions to users who want to register, and requires that they accept the T&C before their registration is accepted. Live Transation Automaticay update your site transations! Navigate Navigate is a quicky depoyabe, highy customizabe and reasonaby sexy navigation too for Drupa. Navigate bar consists of widgets ike menu search, coapsibe menus and favorites, and can be customized for individua users or user roes. Navigate has been tested with many themes, and can be themed to match the ook of any site. Node Gaery Node gaery enabe users to create more fexibe and powerfu gaeries that are fuy integrated with Drupa's core node system. Nice Menus Nice Menus enabes drop-down/right/eft expandabe menus. 60

Drupa 6: Modui utii Node Recommendation This modue shows users other nodes that they might be interested in based on a simpe ogic and using taxonomy. The aim of this modue is to provide sensibe defauts and an easy configuration (not that Views-ike) for norma users and to aow it to be manuay overriden. Node Reationships The Node Reationships modue provides methods to compete two way reationships between content types enhancing the features of node reference fieds. Node Transation Node transation is a modue that utiizes the transation framework in order to machine transate nodes utiizing the ocae and transation modue. The modue aows you to transate a modue into any anguage that the transation framework api aows. Even if the anguage is not currenty turned on in the ocae modue the node transation modue wi add the additiona anguages to the seect box so that the user can see which anguages the node has been transated into. Node Vote This modue provides the abiity for users to vote on various node, assigning a score to each one. 61

Drupa 6: Modui utii Nodeorder The nodeorder modue gives users an easy way to order nodes within their taxonomy terms. The nodeorder modue gives the user the abiity to put nodes in any order they wish within each category that the node ives. OAI-PMH Modue This modue provides an Open Archives Initiative Protoco for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH), interface to the Bibiography Modue. OAI2 for CCK This modue provides an impementation the Open Archives Initiative Protoco for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) for Drupa with support for CCK content types and their fieds. By impementing the OAI2forCCK modue, you can expose content (its metadata) as an OAI-PMH repository. It wi then be accessibe by OAI harvesters Open Library API (MA é rosso!!!) This modue is designed to be a set of simpe wrapper functions for querying book edition and author metadata from Open Library or a service running the same software, using the Open Library RESTfu API. It aso transparenty caches requests, to be kind to the providers of these services. In addition a set of theme functions are provided, which for many deveopers may be a they need to achieve what they want. OG/OG user roes/forums/menu/event/vocabuary/ etc 62

Drupa 6: Modui utii Privatemsg Privatemsg aows your site's visitors to send private messages to each other. Perfect for community oriented sites, such as forums and socia networking sites. Profie permission Restrict editing/viewing of profie fieds with an auto generated permission. Ony users with that permission wi be abe to edit/view the fied. In order to restrict a fied you must check the "restrict" checkbox on the profie fied edit page which wi generate a set of permissions which can then be used to restrict the fied. Profie Privacy This modue aows users to set privacy options for their profie when using the core profie.modue. It does not create any settings pages or configuration screens, it integrates seamessy with the existing profie modue. Pubication Date This modue adds to each node a fied containing the date when it has been pubished. 63

Drupa 6: Modui utii Pubmed Integration As part of impementation of CMS for Biomedica appications, it is often a requirement to dispay pubications from we known databases. One such database is caed PubMed which is provided Nationa Center for Biotechnoogy Information, Nationa Library of Medicine and Nationa Institutes of Heath. PubMed incudes bibiographic information from MEDLINE, which contains over 17 miion citations from ife science journas for biomedica artices dating back to the 1950s. recaptcha Uses the recaptcha web service to improve the CAPTCHA system and protect emai addresses. ReatedContent ReatedContent enabes site maintainers to easiy seect on a per-node basis what nodes shoud be dispayed aong with it. Nodes that are avaiabe for seection are provided by one or more views, provided by the Views modue. How the nodes are dispayed is configurabe, as we as themeabe. The modue aso provide a sma but powerfu API for advanced users. 64

Drupa 6: Modui utii Schoary Utiity functions for schoary pubications/content, e.g. search, downoad, and attach PDF according to node tite (+ fied authors) or from fied URL inking to PDF rename attached PDFs according to tite (+ other fieds, e.g. year, author) normaize concatenated author ist fied (ots of diverse variants to consistent Surname, Forname; Sur...) spit/join authors from/to concatenated/mutipe fied Search Lucene API Search Lucene API adds Sor-ike search functionaity to Drupa. Simiarity Objects (red) This modue aows the administrator to create a wide ranging set of simiarity cacuations. It can out of the box, cacuate simiar nodes of a specific type using the search index, taxonomy terms and node tite. 65

Drupa 6: Modui utii Simiar By Terms This Drupa modue attempts to provide context for content items by dispaying a bock with inks to other simiar content. Simiarity is based on the taxonomy terms assigned to content. Bocks are avaiabe based on simiarity within each of the defined vocabuaries for a site as we as a bock for simiarity within a vocabuaries. As of version 1.8 you can now dispay teasers as we as just the tites. Simiar Entries A modue that dispays a bock with the most simiar nodes to the currenty viewed one, based on the tite and body fieds. Reated pages show as a ist in a bock. SimpeMenu This modue creates a menu bar that is dispayed at the top of every page. Site User List The Site User List modue dispays a sortabe and searchabe ist of a the users on the site based off of their profie.modue fieds. 66