Stile Bertone e Fidia Quando è birusa... anche la fresatura

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Registrazione al Tribunale di Torino n. 5511 del 09-05-01 - Sped. in a.p. - 70% - Bergamo Anno III - numero 2 - settembre 2003 In this issue Stile Bertone e Fidia Quando è birusa... anche la fresatura Sparkling milling for sparkling cars! A tutto idrogeno o a tutta birra? Bella domanda, soprattutto se a competere sono due concept car del calibro di Hy-wire (capofila del progetto AUTOnomy di General Motors) e Birusa (dal piemontese grintosa) la berlina ispirata al mondo della vela, entrambe uscite dalle officine di Stile Bertone e presentate al salone di Ginevra. Da un lato dunque, l auto ad alimentazione a celle di idrogeno con sistema di guida by wire, dall altro, l evoluzione raffinata del concetto di berlina sportiva, con tanto di monopattino urban move, per esaltare la doppia anima dell auto. Comune denominatore, l utilizzo raffinato di particolari in alluminio, reintrodotto da Stile Bertone anche in seguito alle nuove possibilità offerte dall abbinamento di materiali più versatili con la fresatura ad alta velocità della K211 Fidia. 2 All around Fidia Fidia Co. Icma Salzgitter Stile Bertone Valmold Hydrogen or beer? A good question, especially if the contest is between two concept cars of the calibre of Hy-wire (lead product of General Motors AUTOnomy Project) and Birusa (the name derives from the Piedmontese word meaning sparkling beer ) inspired by the world of sailing. Designed by the Stile Bertone workshops, both cars were presented at the Geneva Motor Show. The first is a car powered by hydrogen fuel cells with a by wire drive system, while the other is a refined development of the sports saloon concept, complete with an urban move scooter to enhance the dual spirit of the car. The common denominator is the refined use of aluminium details, reintroduced by Stile Bertone as a result of the new possibilities offered by combining more versatile materials with the high speed milling of Fidia s K211 machine tool. 2 Icma Objetivo adaptación y flexibilidad Objective: adaptation and flexibility En un mundo cambiante en el que la globalización de la economía ha cambiado las reglas del juego, se hace necesario para poder sobrevivir interpretar la realidad circundante con rapidez y visión para adaptarse a las nuevas circunstancias. ICMA es un óptimo ejemplo de empresa que, haciendo un análisis severo de la situación, ha tomado las decisiones oportunas para adaptarse a los tiempos usando los instrumentos más adecuados que ha encontrado a disposición. Efectivamente como veremos después, la apuesta que la gerencia de ICMA ha hecho en inversión en Alta Velocidad de mecanizado y en programación a pie de máquina ha dado sus frutos positivos y los resultados en poco tiempo han sido espectaculares. 8 In such a changeable world where the globalization of the economy has changed the rules of the game, it becomes necessary to be able to survive, to understand the surrounding reality, quick and with great vision to cope with the new circumstances. ICMA is a great case by which a Company, having carried out a deep analysis of the situation, has taken the right decisions to adapt in this day using the most appropriate instruments at their disposal. Actually, as we will see later, the Management of ICMA made a strong bet on High Speed Machining and onboard CAM programming that afterwards has proved right with successful results in a short term. Catalonia is a land with a long 8 Editorial Cari Lettori, sono andato a rivedere le poche righe che avevo scritto in occasione della scorsa BIMU e, quasi con incredulità, ho notato la frase in cui affermavo che saremmo stati ansiosi di... verificare sul campo se i deboli segni di rilancio riscontrati si sarebbero potuti realmente confermare come l inizio della ripresa auspicata da tutti... Purtroppo la ripresa non c è stata e anzi, abbiamo affrontato un anno ancora più duro del 2002. Un anno caratterizzato da una congiuntura veramente debole, ulteriormente compromessa da gravi eventi di natura non strettamente economica quali la guerra in Iraq e la SARS. In un simile contesto ancor oggi lontano da quella che può definirsi crescita, una considerazione ci rende orgogliosi e confidenti che il futuro riserverà notevoli soddisfazioni: in questo periodo veramente difficile abbiamo intensificato gli sforzi nello sviluppo di nuovi prodotti. Alla EMO infatti presenteremo una consistente serie di novità sia nel campo dei Controlli Numerici sia in quello dei Sistemi di Fresatura. Non voglio anticipare quello che troverete descritto nel nostro giornale, ma sento tranquillamente di poter affermare che il contenuto di innovazione presente nei nostri stand saprà soddisfare le vostre aspettative. Buona lettura dunque, e buona EMO a tutti! Dear Readers, I looked over the few lines that I wrote on the occasion of the last BIMU and, I noticed, almost incredulously, the sentence where I stated that we would be anxious to verify in the field whether the weak signs of a recovery would actually be confirmed as the beginning of the upswing hoped for by everyone... Unfortunately, there has not been an upswing and, in fact, we have had to deal with a year that was even harder than 2002. It was a year that was characterized by a recession that was further compromised by serious events that were not of a strictly economical nature such as the war in Iraq and SARS. In a similar context that is still a far cry from what could be defined as growth, there is one consideration that makes us proud and confident that the future will hold significant satisfaction: in this truly difficult period we have actually intensified our efforts into the development of new products. We will be presenting at the EMO quite a number of substantial innovations in both the field of numerical controls and in the field of milling systems. I don t want to disclose what you will be reading about in this newsletter, but I feel confident in saying that the innovative contents of our stands will satisfy any of your expectations. Enjoy reading the newsletter and see you all at the EMO! A. Ghioldi 1 Stile Bertone e Fidia Quando è birusa... anche la fresatura Sparkling milling for sparkling cars! Icma Objetivo adaptación y flexibilidad Objective: adaptation and flexibility Editorial 6 All around Fidia Fidia Sarl France Fidia Jve China Fidia GmbH German Fidia Co Usa 3 4 Valmold La culture de l UGV The high speed culture Salzgitter Gute Gründe für ein Retrofit Good reasons for choosing a Retrofit 7 8 Luca Morfino La scommessa americana The US challenge Impressum 1

inform Sporty appeal and urban comfort for the concept car Birusa. Nearby, the K211 HS Milling Centre working at full pace. 1 Abbiamo scoperto le macchine FIDIA dopo anni di utilizzo dei loro CNC - spiega Giovanni Lucco Castello, responsabile del reparto fresatura in Stile Bertone - e non credevamo che si potessero ottenere precisioni così elevate in rapporto a questi volumi operativi: il sistema di condizionamento termico delle strutture è pressoché perfetto, garantendo raccordi senza mismatch tra diverse superfici lavorate in tempi diversi e con diverse inclinazioni dell utensile. La precisione che ricerchiamo nel nostro lavoro è proprio localizzata lì, nella perfezione dei raccordi delle diverse superfici che si susseguono rispettando le linee stilistiche volute dal designer, e dove i difetti delle macchine utensili introducono spesso modifiche indesiderate. Una show car nasce per mostrare le nostre capacità creative ai Costruttori di automobili; importante quindi utilizzare le tecnologie come opportunità per il design, per nuovi contenuti e nuove provocazioni. A parlare è Roberto Piatti, Direttore Generale della Stile Bertone che, dalla passione per il timone, ha tratto spunto per l inserimento del monopattino elettronico Segway come sofisticato tender automobilistico. Come in barca l utilizzo del tender è utile per disimpegnarsi nei bassi fondali, così le moderne condizioni di traffico (un ora per andare da Torino a Milano e un altra ora per fare pochi chilometri nel centro cittadini) richiedono un mezzo integrato nell auto da estrarre al momento giusto. Ma la realtà di Stile Bertone è anche fatta di modelli master e di sofisticati pezzi fresati in alluminio. L alluminio è un materiale fantastico - aggiunge Lucco - partiamo da fusioni di alluminio auto temprante mentre una decina di anni fa le tipologie di alluminio erano crude, difficili da fresare; perlopiù i particolari venivano eseguiti a mano - spiega ricordando il lavoro di vuotatura e bucatura dei particolari delle concept dell epoca Dixter e Carisma - oggi la lavorazione a cinque assi ad Alta Velocità permette una lavorazione quasi finita. Difficile non soffermarsi sulle immagini che scorrono sul video e sembrano tratte da cartoon futuristici. Dal cofano marsupio della Birusa alle proiezioni dei vari step evolutivi di quello che a ragione è stato definito il prototipo della rivoluzione globale. Frutto dell abbinamento di due tecnologie giovanissime che interagiscono esaltando i reciproci plus il progetto AUTOnomy assicura emissioni zero grazie all utilizzo di energia elettrica abbinata a sistemi elettronici di guida con ingombri ridotti. Le fuel cells sono modulari e quindi grazie alla rete by wire è possibile utilizzare un telaio piatto, che offre nuove possibilità ai progettisti: automobili con telaio e abitacolo intercambiabili. Grazie a un sistema di poussoir, ovvero 10 punti di attacco, si potrà agganciare un diverso abitacolo a una sorta di grande skateboard che, in 28cm di spessore assembla tutte le funzioni vitali della propulsione. In due parole: auto su misura per diversi target e, più in generale, per tutte le tasche. Il primo step del progetto che vedrà la sua completa realizzazione tra dieci anni, ha dato origine alla concept car Hy-wire (Hydrogen - by wire) che, seppur nella sua funzionalità limitata, rappresenta un primo passo concreto verso la realizzazione di quel programma ben più vasto in cui credono fermamente gli strateghi della General Motors. Intanto, dalla dimensione virtuale del project design siamo passati in officina, dove la K211 - che è operativa da sei mesi - lavora a pieno ritmo in ragione di un ulteriore aumento del carico di lavoro. Per Hy-wire abbiamo impostato cicli di lavorazioni di una quindicina di ore al giorno di cui sei non presidiate - conclude Lucco -. Ottimo l abbinamento rigidezza e potenza (34kW) per lavorazioni di sgrossatura con qualsiasi orientamento del mandrino e finitura ad assi sciolti. Quello che apprezziamo molto della K211 è anche il facile cambio di tipologia di lavorazione che incontra la nostra richiesta di adattabilità a nuove esigenze. D altra parte facciamo pezzi unici. E noi, fuori dalle virgolette, vorremmo aggiungere: unici davvero! more info: Roberto Piatti, Managing Director of Stile Bertone 1 We discovered FIDIA machine tools after years of using their CNCs, explains Giovanni Lucco Castello, CAM Area Manager at Stile Bertone. And we didn t think such high precision could be obtained with these large work volumes. The heat conditioning system for the structures is almost perfect, guaranteeing fillets without mismatch between different surfaces machined at different times and with different tool inclinations. That is the precision we are looking for in our work, perfect fillets between different surfaces that follow on smoothly one after the other and respect the designer s stylistic lines. And this is where the defects of machine tools often introduce unwanted modifications. A show car is built to display our creative skills to Automobile Manufacturers. So it is important to use technologies as a design opportunity, creating new contents and new provocative designs, says Roberto Piatti, Managing Director of Stile Bertone. His passion for sailing inspired the insertion of the Segway electronic scooter as a sophisticated automobile tender. Just as, when sailing, a tender is useful in shallow waters, so modern traffic conditions (one hour to drive from Turin to Milan and another hour to travel the few kilometres through the city centre) require a means of transport that is integrated in the car and can be extracted at the right time. But Stile Bertone also means master models and sophisticated milled aluminium parts. Aluminium is a fantastic material, points out Lucco. We start with self-hardening aluminium castings, whereas ten years ago the types of aluminium were crude and difficult to mill. The details were usually carried out by hand, he explains, recalling the hollowing and perforating of the details of the concept cars of the time, Dixter and Carisma. Today, High Speed 5- axis machining almost completes the job. It is hard not to linger over the images shown on the video that seem to be taken from futuristic cartoons. These range from the pouch-like bonnet of the Birusa to projections of the various steps in the development of what has rightly been termed the prototype of the global revolution. The result of combining two very new technologies that interact with each other and enhance their reciprocal plus points, the AUTOnomy project ensures zero emissions owing to the use of electrical energy combined with electronic drive systems with reduced dimensions. The fuel cells are modular and so, as a result of the by wire network, it is possible to use a flat chassis. This opens up new design possibilities: cars with an interchangeable chassis and passenger compartment. Thanks to a poussoir system, or rather 10 attachment points, a different passenger compartment can be fitted on to a sort of giant skateboard that groups together all the vital propulsion functions in its 28cm thickness. To sum up: made to measure cars for different targets and, more generally, for all pockets. The first step in the project, that will take ten years to complete, has resulted in the Hy-wire (Hydrogen - by wire) concept car. In spite of its limited functions, this car represents a first concrete step towards achieving the much broader programme in which the strategists of General Motors are firm believers. Meanwhile, we leave the virtual dimension of project design and enter the workshop where the K211 - that has been operational for six months - is working at full pace because of a further increase in the workload. For Hy-wire, we have set up machining cycles of fifteen hours per day, of which six are unmanned, concludes Lucco. The combination of rigidity and power (34kW) is optimum for roughing out machining with any spindle orientation and for finishing with the axes unlocked. What we also very much appreciate in the K211 is the ease with which the type of machining can be changed: this meets our need to adapt to new requirements. Then again, we make oneoff parts. And these are, we would like to add, truly unique! Zero emissions is the target for the GM s AUTOnomy project. Thanks to a poussoir system a different passenger compartment can be fitted on to a sort of giant skateboard 2

inform Valmold La culture de l UGV The high speed culture Jean-Paul. Lespour, Valmold s CEO (left) and Christian Gautier, Production Manager (right) together with our Roland Farant, Director of FIDIA Sarl. Cela fait plusieurs années que Monsieur Serge Lagoutte est à la retraite et il pourrait aspirer à un repos mérité, après une brillante carrière dans le groupe Saint-Gobain. Au contraire, avec le sourire et l attitude d une personne en pleine négociation, le voilà, encore il y a peu de temps, menant une réunion animée avec des clients. Il démarre en 1983 ce qui allait devenir le Groupe Lagoutte avec la reprise de la société Snepro. Aujourd hui le Groupe emploie environ 200 personnes et a réalisé un chiffre d affaires consolidé de 23 millions d euros en 2002. Il est constitué de plusieurs entreprises industrielles: Pinette Emidecau Industries (P.E.I.) avec un département presses hydrauliques et lignes automatiques, et un département machines spéciales (Snepro), Jean Perrot Industrie (travail de la tôle) et Valmold. Né en mai 2000 du rachat de Duval Moules et Modèles à Saint Rémy et de l activité moules de Moll à Crissey, Valmold est spécialisé dans la conception et la réalisation de moules destinés à l injection plastique mono et bi-matière, au surmoulage, à la compression, à l injection aluminium sous pression. Valmold réalise également les modèles, maître-modèles, maquettes de style et boîtes à noyaux pour la fonderie, les outillages de formage/découpe, ainsi que les essais et petites séries sur presses d injection et de compression. Implantée à Crissey, près de Chalon sur Saône, la société Valmold est située dans une des plus belles régions viticoles et culinaires de France, la Bourgogne. Géographiquement placée à un carrefour de l Europe, elle bénéficie des meilleurs axes de communication. Nous sommes reçus par M. Jean-Paul Lespour, PDG de Valmold, qui, après avoir fait le tour de la conjoncture économique, nous fait part de son sentiment sur le marché actuel et ses exigences en terme de prix et délai. Il est important de répondre aux attentes des clients, nous explique t-il, en étant impliqué dès l origine du projet, afin de collaborer tout au long du processus, depuis la conception de la pièce jusqu à sa fabrication avec l outil Valmold. Cela présente l avantage de mieux comprendre les besoins du client et de proposer les meilleures solutions technico-économiques. De plus, pour lutter efficacement contre la concurrence des pays de l Est et d Asie, Valmold se démarque par sa technicité, avec par exemple la maîtrise de technologies variées comme le moulage bimatière (grille d auvent de la nouvelle Mégane) ou les outils de formage/découpe. La qualité de réalisation, qui nous permet l obtention de pièces bonnes au premier moulage, et la réactivité face à des délais qui ne vont qu en diminuant, sont nos 2 autres points forts dans cette lutte. Avec les années et grâce à une équipe technique très compétente, Valmold s est forgé une sérieuse réputation auprès d un éventail d entreprises aussi variées qu Alstom, EADS, Eurocopter, Faurecia, GDC (USA), Fabi, Möllertech, Neyr, Plastic Omnium, Superfos Industries, Vuitton. Le secteur automobile représente environ 64% de l activité. La collaboration avec Fidia remonte à plus de 15 ans. Les deux entreprises qui allaient devenir VALMOLD, utilisaient déjà plusieurs commandes numériques Fidia sur leurs machines. En 1999, Duval Moules et Modèles fit l acquisition d une fraiseuse UGV 5 axes D218 Fidia destinée à la finition des moules aciers, la réalisation des moules prototypes en aluminium et l usinage des électrodes graphite (avec aspiration des poussières). Cette première expérience, nous explique Vincent Vitale, Technicien fraiseur sur Fidia, nous a permis de revoir notre façon de faire et d aller beaucoup plus loin dans l usinage des outillages, afin de limiter les opérations de finition comme l ajustage et le polissage. Après une période de prise en main de la machine, les résultats se firent immédiatement sentir en terme de qualité et de délai. Un des objectifs de la création de Valmold était de compléter l offre de Pinette au niveau des outils dans ses lignes automatiques (intégrant des presses hydrauliques) dans le but de fournir une solution complète au client, ce qui constitue un argument très important dans son choix. Ce type d outils intègre donc peu à peu les fabrications de Valmold et nécessite pour certains une grande précision, notamment pour la découpe de divers matériaux. Si l on ajoute à cela le volume d outils traité par Valmold, un nouvel investissement apparaissait comme nécessaire pour profiter des avantages de l usinage UGV sur tous les outils. C est la raison pour laquelle nous avons investi dans un nouveau centre de fraisage 5 axes UGV fin 2001. Christian Gautier, Directeur de Production et Gérard Berthier, Directeur Technique, 5 Mr Serge Lagoutte has been retired for some years and could have looked forward to a well deserved rest. Instead we see him leading a lively meeting with his customers, his smile and attitude are those of someone who is busy negotiating a deal. After a brilliant career at Saint Gobain, in 1983 he started what was to become the Groupe Lagoutte with the recovery of the firm Snepro. Today, the Group has some 200 employees and achieved a consolidated turnover of 23 million Euro in 2002. The Group is made up of several industries: Pinette Emidécau Industries (P.E.I.) with a hydraulic press department and automatic lines, a special machines division (Snepro), Jean Perrot Industrie (sheet metal working) and Valmold. Valmold was established in May 2000 following the buy out of Duval Moules et Modèles at Saint Rémy and the Moll moulding company at Crissey. The company specializes in the making of injection moulds for aluminium and single and twocomponent plastics, moulds for reproduction moulding, compression, models, style models and core boxes for casting, forming/cutting equipment as well as test pieces and small production runs using injection and compression presses. Located at Crissey near Chalon sur Saône, Valmold is in Burgundy one of the finest Vincent Vitale, Valmold s Milling Technician on our DIGIT 218 wine and culinary regions of France. Geographically situated at a crossroads of Europe, the region benefits from excellent axes of communication. We are received by Mr Jean-Paul Lespour, Valmold s chief executive officer. After illustrating the prevailing economic situation and giving his impressions of the current market, he discusses his requirements in terms of price and deadlines. «It is important to meet customers expectations», he explains. «We are involved right from the start of the project so that we work together throughout the entire process, from the design of the part to its manufacture using the Valmold tool. This has the advantage of a better understanding of the customer s needs while offering the best technical and financial solutions. Moreover, to effectively compete with countries in the East and in Asia, Valmold is well equipped with technically advanced solutions and the use of varied technologies, such as two-component moulding for the grilles of the new Mégane and its forming/cutting tools. Other key factors are the quality of its products good parts are obtained from the first moulding and its short response time.» Over the years and thanks to its extremely competent technical team, Valmold has gained an excellent reputation among a range of companies as varied as Alstom, EADS, Eurocopter, Faurécia, GDC (USA), Möllertech, Neyr, Plastic Omnium and Vuitton. The automobile sector counts for 64 % of the company s activities. Co-operation with Fidia goes back more than 15 years when the two companies already used several Fidia numerical controls on their machines. In 1999, Duval Moules et Modèles purchased a Fidia D218 5-axis high speed milling machine for the finishing of steel moulds, the making of prototype aluminium moulds and the machining of graphite electrodes (with dust elimination). «This first experience», explains Vincent Vitale, Milling Technician on the Fidia machine, «enabled us to review our way of working and to take the machining much further so as to limit finishing operations such as fitting and polishing. Once we had got used to the machine, the results were immediately apparent in terms of quality and machining times.» One of the objectives behind the establishing of Valmold was to expand the offering of P.E.I. as regards the equipment in its automatic lines (including the hydraulic presses) with the aim of providing a complete solution for the customer, a very important argument when making his choice. This type of equipment has gradually been integrated into Valmold s production and requires high precision, especially for cutting. If we add to this the volume of equipment manufactured by Valmold, a new investment seemed necessary in order to take advantage of high speed machining for all the equipment. This is why we invested in a new high speed 5-axis milling centre at the end of 2001. Christian Gautier, Production Manager, and Gérard Berthier, Technical Manager, carried out a study and machining tests on this investment project. «We chose the Fidia K411 on account of the many advantages the machine tool would have for the company», they point out. «Today, high speed covers about 85% of our requirements and with this machine our productivity has improved still further. Finishing has become a very significant phase in the machining of our tools and we appreciate being able to run these machines with no operator. In addition to traditional machining, using the 5-axis head we can perform the re-machining of radii, engraving and fine ribbing. This completely eliminates electric discharge machining in some cases 5 3

inform Salzgitter Gute Gründe für ein Retrofit Hohe Effektivitätssteigerung bei kalkulierbaren Kosten - Einsatz von Active Tuning im Fräszentrum der Salzgitter Automotive Engineering GmbH & Co. KG. Diese Situation kommt sicher vielen bekannt vor: Man steht vor einer älteren Maschine und überlegt sich, wie man sie noch einsetzen kann. Fast in jeder Firma stehen Maschinen mit Steuerungen, die in die Jahre gekommen sind. Maschinen, die nicht wirklich zum alten Eisen gehören, die aber auch nicht mehr dem Stand der heutigen Technik entsprechen. Das Schlagwort hierfür lautet Retrofit. Mit geringen Kosten die Maschinen und damit die Firma wieder wettbewerbsfähig machen, ohne gleich eine neue Maschine kaufen zu müssen. Die Ansprüche an heutige Maschinen und vor allem an die Steuerungen können von älteren Modellen nicht mehr erfüllt werden. Zunächst einmal steht man vor der älteren Maschine und stellt sich die Frage, ob und wie man sie noch wirtschaftlich einsetzen kann. In den meisten Fällen scheidet ein Austausch der Maschine gegen eine neue Maschine aus Kostengründen aus, da die Maschine zwar in die Jahre gekommen ist, aber noch lange nicht zum alten Eisen gehört. An dieser Stelle nun setzt die Überlegung an: Wo liegen die Schwachstellen, die es zu beseitigen gilt, damit die Maschine wirtschaftlicher als bisher eingesetzt werden kann, und das Ganze mit Mitteln, die geringer sind als bei der Anschaffung einer Neumaschine? Folgende Ausgangssituationen in der Werkstatt sollten auf jeden Fall auf Ihr Potential hin näher beleuchtet werden: Maschinen, die bisher ohne NC-Steuerungen auskamen, können mit aktuellen Steuerungen ausgerüstet und somit durch geringe Investitionen in CNC-gesteuerte Maschinen mit dem heutigen Stand moderner Steuerungen umgewandelt werden. Maschinen mit älteren Steuerungen, die nicht mehr dem heutigen Standard entsprechen, können auch mit relativ geringem Investitionsvolumen durch moderne, offene und PC-basierende Steuerungen mit standardisierten Betriebssystemen wie z.b. Windows NT oder Windows XP ersetzt werden. Maschinen mit älteren FIDIA-Steuerungen können durch aktuelle Steuerungen von FIDIA aufgerüstet werden. Mit diesen geringen und kalkulierbaren Investitionen bekommt man eine moderne leistungsfähige und PC-basierende Steuerung mit den Vorteilen, dass diese Steuerungen eine Leistungssteigerung von mind. 20% erzielen, direkt in das bestehende Hausnetz eingebunden werden können und mit den standardmäßigen Modulen ISOGRAPH für die 2 1/2 D und HI-MILL für die 3D Programmierung ausgestattet sind. Diese Vorteile gelten natürlich auch für alle neuen Steuerungen von FIDIA. Maschinen mit relativ aktuellen FIDIA-Steuerungen können durch Software-Updates noch leistungsfähiger gestaltet werden. FIDIA bietet hierzu die Möglichkeit, die Maschinen durch das Software-Tool Active Tuning um 15-20% zu optimieren, d.h. man erreicht eine höhere Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit, höhere Genauigkeit in der Kontur und bessere Oberflächenqualität. Dass die eben ausgeführten Argumente nicht nur in der Theorie gut klingen, sondern auch schon über Jahre hinweg in der Praxis durchgeführt und eingesetzt werden, zeigt sich eindrucksvoll bei der Firma Salzgitter Automotive Engineering GmbH & Co.KG in Osnabrück. Die SZAE setzte bis zum Jahre 1999 eine Droop&Rein Maschine Baujahr 1990 mit einer FIDIA CNC11-Steuerung ein. 1999 entschloss man sich, die Maschine mit einer neuen FIDIA-Steuerung der M-Klasse aufzurüsten und somit wieder auf den aktuellen Stand der Technik zu bringen, um die Vorteile der neuen Steuerungsgeneration nutzen zu können. Die Gründe, sich für ein Retrofit zu entscheiden, lagen praktisch auf der Hand: Produktionssicherheit durch Verfügbarkeit der Ersatzteile, d.h. weniger Maschinenausfälle und Stillstandszeiten, verursacht durch nicht mehr oder nur sehr schwer verfügbare Ersatzteile. Erhöhung der Gesamtproduktivität der Maschine, d.h. allein durch die Aufrüstung auf eine neue FIDIA-Steuerung konnte die Produktivität um ca. 20% gesteigert werden. Neue Einsatzgebiete für diese Maschine konnten durch das Retrofit erschlossen werden. Nach dem Umbau konnte auch Vorschlicht- und Schlichtbearbeitung, bedingt durch den höheren Bahnvorschub in der Kontur, durchgeführt werden sowie eine Programmierung der Grundbearbeitung und Erstellung von 3D-Fräsbahnen direkt an der Maschine. Auch die Kosten-Nutzen-Rechnung spricht klar für solch eine Aufrüstung. Berechnungsbeispiel für ein Retrofit von einer FIDIA-Steuerung CNC11 auf eine FIDIA-Steuerung der M-Klasse: Maschine im Zweischichtbetrieb entspricht 3200 Stunden/Jahr Durchschnittliche Produktivitätssteigerung: 20% 20% von 3200 Stunden/Jahr entspricht 640 Stunden Produktivitätserhöhung: entspricht ca. 640h pro Jahr Die Produktivitätserhöhung der Maschine nur durch den Umbau auf eine neue FIDIA- Steuerung beträgt im ersten Jahr ca. 640 Stunden im Zweischichtbetrieb. Stellt man nun die Retrofitkosten (abhängig von der Maschinenkonfiguration) der Produktivitätssteigerung gegenüber, wird schnell klar, dass sich die Aufrüstung innerhalb kürzester Zeit amortisiert hat. Nach diesem überzeugenden Retrofit wurde bei der Fa. SZAE ein Jahr später auch eine Zayer-Maschine, Baujahr 1995 und ausgestattet mit einer FIDIA-Steuerung, modernisiert und somit mit geringem Investitionsvolumen auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. Nach diesen vorangegangenen und erfolgreich durchgeführten Retrofits wurden die Maschinen im Jahre 2002 nochmals mit der Software Active Tuning aufgerüstet, um eine weitere Produktivitätssteigerung bei der Schlichtbearbeitung von ca. 20% in puncto Zeitersparnis und Qualitätsverbesserung zu erzielen. Das Ergebnis dieser Maßnahmen zeigt, dass vermeintlich ältere Maschinen durch eine entsprechende Ausrüstung auf FIDIA-Steuerungen, ggf. auch durch Modernisierung der Mechanik und Antriebe, durchaus noch ihre Leistungen im Zeitalter der HSC-Technik erbringen. Zudem wurde in der jüngsten Vergangenheit bei der Fa. Salzgitter Automotive Engineering GmbH & Co.KG die Entscheidung getroffen, eine Depomat- Maschine, Baujahr 1998, geliefert mit einer Siemens 840D-Steuerung, auf eine FIDIA- Steuerung umzurüsten, um auch dort die Vorteile und Leistungsfähigkeit einer FIDIA- Steuerung nutzen zu können. More info: Salzgitter Automotive Engineering GmbH & Co. KG Das Tochterunternehmen der Salzgitter AG mit ihren derzeit 470 Mitarbeitern und den zwei Standorten in Osnabrück sowie den Büros in Wolfsburg, Stuttgart und München hat sich in einem Zeitraum von nur 17 Jahren als feste Größe auf dem Automobil-Zulieferermarkt etabliert. Das Leistungsspektrum erstreckt sich von der Entwicklung und Fertigung von Werkzeugen, Bauteilen und Komponenten für den Konzept- und Prototypenbau bis hin zur Herstellung von Kleinserienteilen und produktionsreifen Serienwerkzeugen im Bereich der Karosserie. Enge Zusammenarbeit der Bereiche Produktmanagement, Methodenplanung, Konstruktion und Fertigung schaffen für den Kunden Vorteile bei Termineinhaltung, Qualität und Kosten. Dabei profitieren die Auftraggeber von der hohen Kompetenz, dem technischen Know-how und der Flexibilität der Mitarbeiter. Die Salzgitter Automotive Engineering bietet individuelle Lösungswege und unterstützt die Kunden bei der Realisierung ihrer Ziele. This subsidiary of Salzgitter AG currently has 470 employees, two plants in Osnabrück, and offices in Wolfsburg, Stuttgart and Munich. In just 17 years it has firmly established itself as a major ancillary supplier to the motor industry. Its range of services extends from the development and production of tools, parts and components for concept and prototype construction to the manufacture of job lot parts and production tooling for bodywork. Close collaboration between Product Management, Method Planning, Design and Production creates advantages for the client in terms of meeting deadlines, quality, and cost. Customers benefit from the expertise, technical know-how, and flexibility of the staff. Salzgitter Automotive Engineering offers individual solutions and helps clients achieve their goals. Head office: Salzgitter Automotive Engineering GmbH & Co. KG Industriestrasse 28 49082 Osnabrück Tel.: 0541 / 5 99 05-0 Fax.:0541 / 5 99 05-129 - Thanks to regular hardware and software updates by FIDIA the Zayer machine built in 1995 is still competitive. 4