Microbiology Products. Liofilchem. Microbiologia Clinica ed Industriale. Listino Prezzi

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Liofilchem. Microbiologia Clinica ed Industriale. Listino Prezzi


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* : Dopo incubazione, aggiungere il reagente indicato per l'esecuzione del test.

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Copro System AST. System for the detection, identification and susceptibility testing of intestinal pathogenic bacteria. Ref.

n. 1 busta con l indicazione Documentazione amministrativa contenente i seguenti documenti:

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all "Prodotti microbiologici da laboratorio, kit, sieri e terreni di cultura disidratati " - CIG [ ]

β-lattamine Penicillina G Penicillina V Oxacillina Cloxacillina Dicloxacillina Cocchi Gram +: stafilococchi

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CAPITOLATO TECNICO LOTTO N. 2. Test vari (test rapidi e conferme microbiologia, sierodiagnosi, gruppi sanguigni).

Aggiornamenti in tema di antibiogramma

Piastre 90 mm: 20 piastre in involucro termoretraibile, divise in pile da 5. Classiche (19 ml di terreno) o da sedimentazione (25/30 ml di terreno).


Microbiology Products Liofilchem Microbiologia Clinica ed Industriale Listino Prezzi Liofilchem Listino Prezzi Rev.4-20.05.2013 Il Listino prezzi ufficialmente in vigore è quello pubblicato sul sito web di Liofilchem : http://www.liofilchem.net/it/download/liofilchem_italia.pdf Nuovo WEB STORE Il modo più facile e veloce per effettuare gli ordini! Visita www.liofilchem.it

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Sono disponibili formule di noleggio con consumo di reagenti per BIOMIC V3 e Giotto Reader. BIOMIC V3 Descrizione Codice prezzo BIOMIC V3 96909 45.000 Software completo: AST + ID + CC BIOMIC V3 AST 96914 30.000 Pacchetto Antibiogramma: legge i test di sensibilità con metodo Kirby-Bauer per dischi e strisce a gradiente ed interpreta automaticamente secondo EUCAST, CLSI e BSAC e con metodo in brodo microdiluizione (Liofilchem SensiQuattro). BIOMIC V3 ID 96915 30.000 Pacchetto Identificazione: legge ed interpreta automaticamente una vasta gamma di pannelli e gallerie per identificazione microbica. BIOMIC V3 CC 96916 30.000 Conta Colonie e Agar Cromogenici: conta automaticamente le colonie batteriche e fungine su piastre fino a 150 mm, legge ed interpreta le piastre con terreni cromogenici. Contratto di Assistenza Annuale S0004 2.000 E disponibile a partire dal secondo anno. L Assistenza è compresa nell acquisto per il primo anno. Il Contratto di Assistenza prevede la garanzia completa su hardware, aggiornamento annuale del software, supporto per interfaccia LIS/LIMS (il fornitore del LIS/LIMS potrebbe avere costi aggiuntivi) e supporto tecnico in lingua inglese dal fabbricante 7 giorni su 7. Aggiornamento Software S0007 1.500 Aggiorna il software del BIOMIC V3 alla versione annuale più recente. Non comprende garanzia su hardware. Aggiunta pacchetti software a sistemi già installati AST 96919 9.000 ID 96931 9.000 CC 96932 7.000 micropiastre 96 pozzetti 96933 9.000 PC Computer da collegare e dedicare al BIOMIC V3. 96917 1.000 GIOTTO Reader Descrizione Codice prezzo GIOTTO Reader 96900 10.000 Legge ed interpreta automaticamente una vasta gamma di pannelli e gallerie Liofilchem per identificazione microbica ed antibiogramma. Contratto di Assistenza Annuale S0005 2.000 E disponibile a partire dal secondo anno. L Assistenza è compresa nell acquisto per il primo anno. Il Contratto di Assistenza prevede la garanzia completa su hardware, aggiornamento annuale del software e supporto tecnico in lingua italiana da Liofilchem. Aggiornamento Software S0006 1.500 Aggiorna il software del GIOTTO Reader alla versione annuale più recente. Non comprende garanzia su hardware. Stampante Da collegare al GIOTTO Reader per la stampa dei referti. 96918 500 4

Sistemi per identificazione microbica ed antibiogramma direttamente da campioni clinici A.F. GENITAL SYSTEM 20 test 74156 140,60 System for detection, count and susceptibility testing of pathogenic urogenital microorganisms. 4 test 79156 33,70 A.F. GENITAL SYSTEM Mono-test (complete kit with swab and reagents) 1 test 741561 20,00 A.F. GENITAL SYSTEM REAGENT 100 test 80258 54,10 Additional biochemical reagents for A.F. GENITAL SYSTEM. MYCOPLASMA TRANSPORT BROTH Liquid medium for transporting and storing clinical specimen for mycoplasma and other pathogenic microorganisms detection. 20 fiale 20158 21,60 COPRO SYSTEM System for detection and identification of intestinal pathogenic microorganisms directly from stool specimens (9 wells). COPRO SYSTEM Plus System for detection and identification of intestinal pathogenic microorganisms directly from stool specimens (18 wells). MYCOPLASMA SYSTEM Plus System for detection, count and susceptibility testing of urogenital mycoplasma. MYCOPLASMA TRANSPORT BROTH Liquid medium for transporting and storing clinical specimen for mycoplasma and other pathogenic microorganisms detection. PATHOGENIC SYSTEM 18 wells system for the identification of pathogenic microorganisms directly from pharyngeal, auricular, ophthalmic swabs, expectorate and other clinical specimens. PATHOGENIC SYSTEM Double 12 wells system for the identification of pathogenic microorganisms directly from pharyngeal, auricular, ophthalmic swabs, expectorate and other clinical specimens. 40 test 8 test 20 test 4 test 20 test 4 test 71670 79670 71675 79675 72592 79592 173,00 41,00 140,00 33,00 173,00 41,00 20 fiale 20158 21,60 20 test 4 test 40 test 8 test 71679 79679 71678 79678 140,00 33,00 206,00 49,00 PATHOGENIC SYSTEM AST 20 test 71681 160,00 32 wells system for the direct identification and susceptibility testing of pathogenic microorganisms from pharyngeal, auricular, ophthalmic swabs, expectorate and other clinical specimens. Count, Identification and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing URIN SYSTEM Chrom of the main pathogenic microorganisms directly from Urine 20 Specimen test 74161 140,00 System for microbial count, ID and AST directly from urine specimens (32 wells). 4 test 79161 33,00 1 GR+ 9 KES 17 TZP 25 AMS 1 GR+ 9 KES 2 GR++ 10 VP 18 FOS 26 NA * 2 GR++ 10 VP 3 ESC 11 STR 19 IMI 27 CIP 3 ESC 11 STR * 4 IND 12 STA 5 PD 13 CAN 20 CFM 21 CFP 28 LEV 29 OFL 6 UR 14 AK 22 CTX 7 H2S 15 CN 23 CAZ 30 AUG 31 SXT URIN SYSTEM Chrom Specimen... Date... 17 18 19 20 TZP FOS IMI CFM CFP 21 22 23 24 Sistemi per identificazione microbica CTX CAZ NET ed antibiogramma System for Enterobacteriaceae identification URIN and SYSTEM susceptibility Chrom testing. Specimen... GR+ 1 GR++ 2 ESC 3 IND 4 PD 5 UR 6 H2S 7 PSE 8 System for staphylococci identification and susceptibility testing. Liofilchem and the Liofilchem company logo are registred trademarks of LIOFILCHEM s.r.l. Date... Integral System GARDNERELLA System for Gardnerella vaginalis identification and susceptibility testing. Benefits 25 AMS 26 NA * * 27 CIP URIN SYSTEM Chrom * 4 IND 12 STA * 28 LEV 5 PD 13 CAN 29 OFL 6 UR 14 AK 7 H2S 15 CN 30 AUG 31 SXT URIN SYSTEM Chrom Specimen... Date... 8 PSE 16 TOB 24 NET 32 Growth 8 PSE 16 TOB 32 Growth Count and Direct Microbial Identification Escherichia coli, Proteus spp., Providencia spp., Citrobacter spp., Pseudomonas spp., Klebsiella spp., Enterobacter spp., Serratia spp., Enterococcus spp. (Group D), Staphylococcus aureus, Candida spp. Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing URIN SYSTEM Plus 20 test System for microbial count, ID and AST directly from urine specimens (24 wells). 4 test Amikacin, Gentamicin, Tobramycin, Piperacillin-Tazobactam, Fosfomycin, Imipenem, Cefixime, Cefoperazone, Cefotaxime, Ceftazidime, Ceftriaxone, Netilmicin, Ampicillin-Sulbactam, Nalidixic Acid, Ciprofloxacin, Automatic reading available 74160 79160 129,80 31,00 Levofloxacin, Amoxicillin-Clavulanic Acid, Co-trimoxazole 25 26 27 28 29 30 AMS NA CIP LEV OFL AUG SXT 31 32 Growth Integral System ENTEROBACTERIA 20 test 71714 95,20 4 test 79714 23,00 Integral System STAPHYLOCOCCI Integral System STREPTOCOCCI 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 KES VP STR STA CAN AK CN TOB System for streptococci identification and susceptibility testing. 17 18 19 20 TZP FOS IMI CFM CFP 21 22 23 24 CTX CAZ NET Integral System YEASTS Plus System for yeasts identification and susceptibility testing. 20 test 4 test Complete diagnosis 20 test Save time and labor with direct 4 test testing 20 test Results in 18-24 hours 4 test Clear and well defined color changes 20 test Easy interpretation 4 test 71724 79724 71718 79718 71720 79720 71822 79822 95,20 23,00 95,20 23,00 95,20 23,00 123,60 29,00 www.liofilchem.net 5

Sistemi per antibiogramma SensiQuattro Gram-negative EU System for susceptibility testing of Gram-negative bacteria, 10 antimicrobial agents x 4 concentrations. SensiQuattro Gram-positive EU System for susceptibility testing of Gram-positive bacteria, 10 antimicrobial agents x 4 concentrations. SensiQuattro Candida EU System for susceptibility testing of yeasts, 8 antifungal agents x 4 concentrations. SensiTest Gram-negative System for susceptibility testing of Gram-negative bacteria, 23 antimicrobial agents in single concentration. SensiTest Gram-positive System for susceptibility testing of Gram-positive bacteria, 23 antimicrobial agents in single concentration. 20 test 4 test 20 test 4 test 20 test 4 test 20 test 4 test 20 test 4 test 76031 79031 76032 79032 76033 79033 76010 79010 76020 79020 140,00 34,00 140,00 34,00 200,00 48,00 76,80 18,00 76,80 18,00 Sistemi per identificazione microbica EnteroPluri-Test System with 12 agar media by simultaneous inoculum for Enterobacteriaceae identification. 10 test 25 test 78618 78619 60,60 138,40 V.P. TEST EP KOH and alpha-naphtol solutions for Voges Proskauer test. KOVAC S - REAGENT Reagent solution for indole test. EnteroPluri-Test CODE BOOK Bacterial Code Book for Enterobacteriaceae identification using EnteroPluri-Test. Oxi/Ferm Pluri Test System for the identification of Gram negative, oxidase positive bacteria. Oxi/Ferm Pluri Test CODE BOOK Bacterial Code Book for Enterobacteriaceae identification using Oxi/Ferm Pluri Test. ENTEROSYSTEM 18 R System with 18 desiccated biochemical tests in wells for Enterobacteriaceae identification. ENTEROSYSTEM 18 R REAGENT Additional biochemical reagents for Enterosystem 18 R. ENTEROSYSTEM 18 R CODE BOOK Bacterial Code Book for enterobacteria identification using Enterosystem 18 R. LISTERIA SYSTEM 18 R System with 18 desiccated biochemical tests in wells for Listeria spp. identification. LISTERIA - SYSTEM 18 R - REAGENT Additional biochemical reagents for Listeria system 18 R. STAF SYSTEM 18 R System with 18 desiccated biochemical tests in wells for staphylococci identification. IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM REAGENT Additional biochemical reagents for identification systems. STREPTO SYSTEM 9 R System with 9 desiccated biochemical tests in wells for streptococci identification. 100/200 80281 30,30 800/1000 80271 33,60 1 book 71709 10 test 78620 60,60 25 test 78621 138,40 1 book 71708 23,00 20 test 71618 80,00 4 test 79618 19,00 100/200 80252 44,40 1 book 71710 20 test 4 test 71640 79640 80,00 19,00 100/200 80257 64,90 20 test 71630 80,00 4 test 79630 19,00 100/200 80260 81,20 40 test 8 test 72540 79540 89,80 21,00 6

Accessori e kit reagenti per sistemi di identificazione e antibiogramma Multichannel Pipette 1 unit 96759 300,00 8 channels, 50 300 μl Solution reservoir for multichannel pipette 60 unità 96761 60,00 IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM REAGENT 100/200 80260 81,20 Additional biochemical reagents for identification systems. KOVAC S - REAGENT 4 bottiglie x 25 ml 80271 33,60 Reagent solution for indole test. Mc FARLAND 0.5 BARIUM SULPHATE STANDARD 1 vial 80400 35,00 Turbidity standard for preparing suspensions of microorganisms. Mc FARLAND 1 BARIUM SULPHATE STANDARD 1 vial 80401 40,00 Turbidity standard for preparing suspensions of microorganisms. Mc FARLAND 2 BARIUM SULPHATE STANDARD 1 vial 80402 40,00 Turbidity standard for preparing suspensions of microorganisms. PHYSIOLOGICAL SOLUTION 20x7 ml 20095 10,80 Sterile physiological solution for diagnostic use. V.P. TEST - REAGENT 100/200 80280 30,30 NaOH and alpha-naphtol solutions for Voges Proskauer test. VASELINE OIL Supplementary reagent for identification systems. 4x50 ml 80279 Coloranti e fissativi ALBERT COLOR KIT 2x250 ml 80294 35,70 Complete kit for Corynebacterium diphteriae staining according to Albert. CRYSTAL VIOLET SOLUTION (Gram staining) 1000 ml 80299 45,40 Crystal violet solution for Gram staining. DECOLOURIZING SOLUTION (Gram staining) 1000 ml 80295 40,10 Decolourizing solution for Gram staining. GRAM COLOR KIT Complete kit for bacteria Gram staining. 4x250 ml 80293 54,10 KINYOUN COLOR KIT Complete kit for cold staining alcohol-acid resistant microorganisms. LUGOL PVP SOLUTION (Gram staining) Lugol solution for Gram staining. METHYLENE BLUE 0.3% Methylene blue solution for Ziehl-Neelsen staining. MIF COLOR KIT Solution for eggs and fecal parasites detection. SAFRANINE SOLUTION (Gram staining) Safranine solution for Gram staining. ZIEHL NEELSEN COLOR KIT Complete kit for hot staining alcohol-acid resistant microorganisms. 2x250 ml 80380 61,70 1000 ml 80296 45,40 250 ml 80277 13,00 50x12 ml 80275 97,30 1000 ml 80290 33,60 3x250 ml 80276 50,90 7

Test per identificazione microbica AESCULIN BILE TEST Rapid test for aesculin hydrolysis. ARGININE DECARBOXYLASE TEST Rapid test for arginine decarboxylation. BACITRACIN TEST Bacitracin 0.05 IU impregnated diagnostic discs for group A streptococci identification. BETA LACTAMASE STICKS Sticks impregnated with Nitrocefin, used for the detection of ß-Lactamase producing microorganisms. Brilliant Green 100 μg Discs for the presumptive identification of anaerobic bacteria. CAMP TEST R Rapid test for listeriae identification. CAMP TEST S Rapid test for listeriae identification. CATALASE / OXY TEST Rapid test for catalase and peroxidase enzyme determination. H 2O 2 Reagent Reagent for catalase test. CITRATE Disc for the identification of Enterobacteriaceae and non-fermenting gram-negative bacteria. COAGULASE TEST Citrated freeze-dried rabbit plasma for coagulase test in tube. C-390 Discs containing antibiotic C-390 for the identification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. E. COLI TEST Rapid test for Escherichia coli identification (MUG, ONPG, Indole). GRAM TEST STICK Rapid test for gram-negative and gram-positive germs identification. H 2S RAPID TEST Rapid test for H 2S production. HIPPURATE TEST Rapid test for hippurate hydrolysis. INDOLE TEST STICK Rapid test for indole production. INDOLE TEST Rapid test for indole production. LISTERIA-mono TEST Rapid test for Listeria monocytogenes identification. LYSINE DECARBOXYLASE TEST Rapid test for lysine decarboxylation. METRONIDAZOLE TEST Discs for Gardnerella vaginalis identification. NINHYDRIN 7% Reagent for Hippurate Test. NITRATE TEST Rapid test for nitrates to nitrites reduction. O129 discs Test for differentiating Vibro spp. from other Gram negative bacteria. ONPG Discs Rapid test for detecting the beta-galactosidase activity. ONPG TEST Rapid test for lactose fermenting microorganisms differentiation. OPTOCHINE TEST Diagnostic discs for pneumococci identification. ORNITHINE DECARBOXYLASE TEST Rapid test for ornithine decarboxylation. OXIDASE TEST DISCS Rapid test for cytochrome-oxydase enzyme detection. OXIDASE TEST STICKS Rapid test for cytochrome-oxydase enzyme detection. OXIDASE TEST SWABS Rapid test for cytochrome-oxydase enzyme detection. PEPTIDASE A STICKS Rapid test for group A and group D streptococci identification. S.F. RAPID TEST Rapid test for group D streptococci determination. 8 30 provette 88008 30,30 30 provette 88016 30,30 100 dischi 9502 21,60 30 stick 88033 60,00 50 discs 88041 15,00 30 dischi 88027 30,30 30 dischi 88021 30,30 30 provette 88023 64,90 10 ml 80057 15,10 30 dischi 88042 18,00 5 fiale (40 Test) 88030 54,10 50 dischi 88040 34,60 30 provette 3 ml Kovac s 88006 51,90 30 sticks 88031 3 ml DMAC 30 provette 88013 30,30 30 provette 88007 32,40 30 sticks 3 ml DMAC 88032 30 provette 88017 30,30 3 ml Kovac s 88010 86,50 20 dischi 3 ml reagent 30 provette 88014 30,30 100 dischi 9508 27,10 10 ml 80273 32,40 30 provette 88009 45,40 3 ml α-naphthylamine 3 ml Sulphanilic acid 50 dischi 88043 58,00 30 dischi 88105 # 30,00 30 provette 88005 40,10 100 dischi 9501 21,60 30 provette 88015 30,30 30 dischi 88004 32,40 50 stick 88029 30,30 30 tamponi 88003 30 sticks 88034 30,30 5 ml Pyr reagent 30 provette 88020 30,30

Test per identificazione microbica SULPHONAMIDE Diagnostic discs for Gardnerella vaginalis identification. UREA / INDOLO TEST Rapid test for urea and indole detection. UREA RAPID TEST Rapid test for urease determination. V FACTOR TEST Diagnostic discs for Haemophilus spp. identification. X FACTOR TEST Diagnostic discs for Haemophilus spp. identification. X + V FACTOR TEST Diagnostic discs for Haemophilus spp. identification. 100 dischi 9511 27,10 30 provette 88024 30,30 3 ml Kovac s 30 provette 88011 30,30 100 dischi 9504 27,10 100 dischi 9503 27,10 100 dischi 9505 30,30 9

Test rapidi per la fermentazione degli zuccheri (terreni disidratati in provetta) ADONITOL TEST 30 provette 88208 33,60 Rapid test for adonitol fermentation. ARABINOSE TEST 30 provette 88209 33,60 Rapid test for arabinose fermentation. ARABITOL TEST 30 provette 88207 33,60 Rapid test for arabitol fermentation. DULCITOL TEST 30 provette 88210 33,60 Rapid test for dulcitol fermentation. GALACTOSE TEST 30 provette 88201 Rapid test for galactose fermentation. GLUCOSE TEST 30 provette 88202 33,60 Rapid test for glucose fermentation. INOSITOL TEST 30 provette 88211 33,60 Rapid test for inositol fermentation. INULIN TEST 30 provette 88212 33,60 Rapid test for inulin fermentation. LACTOSE TEST 30 provette 88203 33,60 Rapid test for lactose fermentation. LEVULOSE TEST 30 provette 88213 33,60 Rapid test for levulose fermentation. MALTOSE TEST 30 provette 88204 33,60 Rapid test for maltose fermentation. MANNITOL TEST 30 provette 88214 33,60 Rapid test for mannitol fermentation. MANNOSE TEST 30 provette 88215 33,60 Rapid test for mannose fermentation. RAFFINOSE TEST 30 provette 88205 33,60 Rapid test for raffinose fermentation. RHAMNOSE TEST 30 provette 88216 33,60 Rapid test for rhamnose fermentation. SALICIN TEST 30 provette 88217 33,60 Rapid test for salicin fermentation. SORBITOL TEST 30 provette 88218 33,60 Rapid test for sorbitol fermentation. SUCROSE TEST 30 provette 88206 33,60 Rapid test for sucrose fermentation. TREHALOSE TEST 30 provette 88219 33,60 Rapid test for trehalose fermentation. XYLOSE TEST Rapid test for xylose fermentation. 30 provette 30 discs 88220 33,60 10

Dischi antibiotici in cartucce Descrizione μg CLSI 1,2 EUCAST 3 BSAC 4 Confezione * Ref. prezzo (Euro) Amikacin AK 30 5x50 dischi 9004 27,60 Amoxicillin AML 30 5x50 dischi 9005 27,60 Amoxicillin AML 10 5x50 dischi 9133 27,60 Amoxicillin AML 2 5x50 dischi 9151 27,60 Ampicillin AMP 2 5x50 dischi 9115 27,60 Ampicillin AMP 10 5x50 dischi 9006 27,60 Ampicillin + Sulbactam AMS 20 (10+10) 5x50 dischi 9031 27,60 Ampliclox (AMP + CX) ACL 30 (25+5) 5x50 dischi 9122 27,60 Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid AUG 30 (20+10) 5x50 dischi 9048 27,60 Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid AUG 3 (2+1) 5x50 dischi 9191 27,60 Azithromycin AZM 15 5x50 dischi 9105 27,60 Azlocillin AZL 75 5x50 dischi 9007 27,60 Aztreonam ATM 30 5x50 dischi 9008 27,60 Bacitracin BA 10 IU 5x50 dischi 9051 27,60 Carbenicillin CAR 100 5x50 dischi 9009 27,60 Cefaclor CEC 30 5x50 dischi 9010 27,60 Cefadroxil CDX 30 5x50 dischi 9052 27,60 Cefamandole MA 30 5x50 dischi 9014 27,60 Cefazolin KZ 30 5x50 dischi 9015 27,60 Cefepime FEP 30 5x50 dischi 9104 27,60 Cefepime + Clavulanic acid FEL 40 (30+10) 5x50 dischi 9143 27,60 Cefixime CFM 5 5x50 dischi 9089 27,60 Cefoperazone CFP 75 5x50 dischi 9108 27,60 Cefoperazone CFP 30 5x50 dischi 9016 27,60 Cefotaxime CTX 30 5x50 dischi 9017 27,60 Cefotaxime CTX 5 5x50 dischi 9152 27,60 Cefotaxime + Clavulanic acid CTL 40 (30+10) 5x50 dischi 9182 27,60 Cefotetan CTT 30 5x50 dischi 9081 27,60 Cefpodoxime PX 10 5x50 dischi 9064 27,60 Cefpodoxime + Clavulanic acid PXL 11 (10+1) 5x50 dischi 9190 27,60 Cefoxitin FOX 30 5x50 dischi 9018 27,60 Cefoxitin + Cloxacillin FOC 230 (30+200) 5x50 dischi 9144 27,60 Cefpirome CR 30 5x50 dischi 9185 27,60 Cefprozil CPR 30 5x50 dischi 9112 27,60 Cefsulodin CSD 30 5x50 dischi 9053 27,60 Ceftaroline CPT 5 5x50 dischi 9195 27,60 Ceftaroline CPT 30 5x50 Discs 9198 27,60 Ceftazidime CAZ 30 5x50 dischi 9019 27,60 Ceftazidime CAZ 10 5x50 dischi 9153 27,60 Ceftazidime + Clavulanic acid CAL 40 (30+10) 5x50 dischi 9145 27,60 Ceftibuten CTB 30 5x50 dischi 9101 27,60 Ceftizoxime CZX 30 5x50 dischi 9054 27,60 Ceftriaxone CRO 30 5x50 dischi 9020 27,60 Cefuroxime CXM 30 5x50 dischi 9021 27,60 Cephalexin CL 30 5x50 dischi 9011 27,60 Cephalothin KF 30 5x50 dischi 9013 27,60 Cephradine CE 30 5x50 dischi 9055 27,60 Chloramphenicol C 30 5x50 dischi 9022 27,60 Chloramphenicol C 10 5x50 dischi 9128 27,60 Cinoxacin CIN 100 5x50 dischi 9057 27,60 Ciprofloxacin CIP 5 5x50 dischi 9056 27,60 Clarithromycin CLR 15 5x50 dischi 9098 27,60 Clindamycin CD 2 5x50 dischi 9047 27,60 Cloxacillin CX 5 5x50 dischi 9058 27,60 11

Dischi antibiotici in cartucce Descrizione μg CLSI 1,2 EUCAST 3 BSAC 4 Confezione * Ref. prezzo (Euro) Colistin sulfate CS 10 5x50 dischi 9023 27,60 Dicloxacillin DCX 1 5x50 dischi 9093 27,60 Doripenem DOR 10 5x50 dischi 9154 27,60 Doxycycline DXT 30 5x50 dischi 9059 27,60 Ertapenem ETP 10 5x50 dischi 9061 27,60 Erythromycin E 15 5x50 dischi 9024 27,60 Fosfomycin (includes G-6-P) FOS 200 5x50 dischi 9109 27,60 Fosfomycin (includes G-6-P) FOS 100 5x50 dischi 9121 27,60 Fosfomycin FOS 50 5x50 dischi 9025 27,60 Furazolidon FR 50 5x50 dischi 9099 27,60 Fusidic acid FC 10 5x50 dischi 9049 27,60 Fusidic acid FC 30 5x50 dischi 9111 27,60 Gatifloxacin GAT 5 5x50 dischi 9169 27,60 Gentamicin CN 10 5x50 dischi 9026 27,60 Gentamicin CN 30 5x50 dischi 9125 27,60 Gentamicin CN 120 5x50 dischi 9124 27,60 Imipenem IMI 10 5x50 dischi 9079 27,60 Imipenem + EDTA IMD 760 (10+750) 5x50 dischi 9183 27,60 Imipenem + Cilastatin IMC 20 (10+10) 5x50 dischi 9095 27,60 Kanamycin K 30 5x50 dischi 9027 27,60 Levofloxacin LEV 5 5x50 dischi 9102 27,60 Lincomycin MY 15 5x50 dischi 9116 27,60 Lincomycin MY 2 5x50 dischi 9028 27,60 Linezolid LNZ 10 5x50 dischi 9155 27,60 Linezolid LNZ 30 5x50 dischi 9136 27,60 Lomefloxacin LOM 10 5x50 dischi 9113 27,60 Loracarbef LOR 30 5x50 dischi 9173 27,60 Mecillinam MEC 10 5x50 dischi 9156 27,60 Meropenem MRP 10 5x50 dischi 9068 27,60 Meropenem + Cloxacillin MR+CL 5x50 dischi 9175 50,00 Meropenem + Boronic acid MR+BO 5x50 dischi 9176 50,00 Meropenem + Dipicolinic acid MR+DP 5x50 dischi 9177 27,60 Meropenem + EDTA MR+ED 5x50 dischi 9178 27,60 Methicillin MET 5 5x50 Discs 9029 27,60 Metronidazole LZ 50 5x50 dischi 9119 27,60 Metronidazole LZ 5 5x50 dischi 9076 27,60 Mezlocillin MEZ 75 5x50 dischi 9062 27,60 Minocycline MN 30 5x50 dischi 9030 27,60 Miokamicin MK 15 5x50 dischi 9106 27,60 Moxifloxacin MOX 5 5x50 dischi 9103 27,60 Mupirocin MUP 200 5x50 dischi 9157 27,60 Nafcillin NAF 1 5x50 dischi 9174 27,60 Nalidixic acid NA 30 5x50 dischi 9001 27,60 Neomycin N 30 5x50 dischi 9032 27,60 Netilmicin NET 10 5x50 dischi 9170 27,60 Netilmicin NET 30 5x50 dischi 9033 27,60 Nitrofurantoin F 100 5x50 dischi 9158 27,60 Nitrofurantoin F 300 5x50 dischi 9034 27,60 Norfloxacin NOR 10 5x50 dischi 9035 27,60 Novobiocin NO 30 5x50 dischi 9063 27,60 Novobiocin NO 5 5x50 dischi 9117 27,60 Ofloxacin OFX 5 5x50 dischi 9080 27,60 Oxacillin OX 1 5x50 dischi 9036 27,60 Oxacillin OX 5 5x50 dischi 9135 27,60 Oxolinic acid OA 2 5x50 dischi 9002 27,60 12

Dischi antibiotici in cartucce Descrizione μg CLSI 1,2 EUCAST 3 BSAC 4 Confezione * Ref. prezzo (Euro) Oxytetracycline OT 30 5x50 dischi 9065 27,60 Pefloxacin PEF 5 5x50 dischi 9091 27,60 Penicillin G P 10 IU 5x50 dischi 9037 27,60 Penicillin G P 2 IU 5x50 dischi 9127 27,60 Penicillin G P 1 IU 5x50 dischi 9130 27,60 Phenoxymethylpenicillin PV 10 5x50 dischi 9171 27,60 Pipemidic acid PI 20 5x50 dischi 9003 27,60 Piperacillin PRL 30 5x50 dischi 9159 27,60 Piperacillin PRL 100 5x50 dischi 9038 27,60 Piperacillin/tazobactam TZP 110 (100+10) 5x50 dischi 9100 27,60 Piperacillin/tazobactam TZP 36 (30+6) 5x50 dischi 9160 27,60 Polymyxin B PB 100 IU 5x50 dischi 9066 27,60 Polymyxin B PB 300 IU 5x50 dischi 9120 27,60 Quinupristin-Dalfopristin QDA 15 5x50 dischi 9161 27,60 Rifampicin RD 30 5x50 dischi 9039 27,60 Rifampicin RD 5 5x50 dischi 9118 27,60 Roxitromycin RXT 15 5x50 dischi 9060 27,60 Sisomycin SIS 30 5x50 dischi 9046 27,60 Sodium Fusidate FC 30 5x50 dischi 9131 27,60 Spectinomycin SPC 100 5x50 dischi 9067 27,60 Spiramycin SP 100 5x50 dischi 9088 27,60 Streptomycin S 10 5x50 dischi 9040 27,60 Streptomycin S 300 5x50 dischi 9162 27,60 Sulbactam SU 20 5x50 dischi 9129 27,60 Sulfafurazole SF 300 5x50 dischi 9041 27,60 Sulfamethoxazole SMX 50 5x50 dischi 9084 27,60 Sulfaprim SXT 50 5x50 dischi 9132 27,60 Sulphonamide S3 300 5x50 dischi 9126 27,60 Teicoplanin TEC 30 5x50 dischi 9050 27,60 Telithromycin TEL 15 5x50 dischi 9172 27,60 Temocillin TMO 30 5x50 dischi 9186 27,60 Tetracycline TE 30 5x50 dischi 9043 27,60 Tiamulin T 30 5x50 dischi 9094 27,60 Ticarcillin TC 75 5x50 dischi 9070 27,60 Ticarcillin + Clavulanic acid TTC 85 (75+10) 5x50 dischi 9096 27,60 Tigecycline TGC 15 5x50 dischi 9147 27,60 Tobramycin TOB 10 5x50 dischi 9044 27,60 Tobramycin TOB 30 5x50 dischi 9163 27,60 Trimethoprim TM 5 5x50 dischi 9110 27,60 Trimethoprim TM 2.5 5x50 dischi 9083 27,60 Trimethoprim +Sulfamethoxazole SXT 25 (1,25+23,75) 5x50 dischi 9042 27,60 Tylosin TY 30 5x50 dischi 9082 27,60 Vancomycin VA 5 5x50 dischi 9164 27,60 Vancomycin VA 30 5x50 dischi 9045 27,60 *Singole cartucce da 50 dischi sono disponibili: aggiungere /1 al n. di catalogo per indicare il relativo codice. Esempio: ref. 9045/1 indica Vancomycin 30 μg in una singola cartuccia da 50 dischi. Prezzo di una singola cartuccia da 50 dischi = 6,50 euro NOTE: 1. CLSI M100-S22 - Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing. 2. CLSI M02-A11 - Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk Susceptibility Tests; Approved Standard-Eleventh Edition 3. EUCAST Clinical Breakpoint Table v. 2.0 4. BSAC Methods for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Version 10.1 April 2011 13

Dischi antimicotici in cartucce Descrizione μg CLSI 5,6 Confezione * Ref. prezzo (Euro) Amphotericin B AMB 20 5x50 dischi 9071 27,60 Caspofungin CAS 5 5x50 dischi 9165 50,00 Clotrimazole CLO 50 5x50 dischi 9097 27,60 Econazole ECN 10 5x50 dischi 9072 27,60 Fluconazole FLU 25 5x50 dischi 9166 27,60 Fluconazole FLU 100 5x50 dischi 9069 27,60 Flucytosine AFY 1 5x50 dischi 9073 27,60 Griseofulvin AGF 10 5x50 dischi 9074 27,60 Itraconazole ITC 50 5x50 dischi 9107 27,60 Ketoconazole KCA 10 5x50 dischi 9075 27,60 Miconazole MCL 10 5x50 dischi 9077 27,60 Nystatin NY 100 IU 5x50 dischi 9078 27,60 Posaconazole POS 5 5x50 dischi 9167 38,00 Voriconazole VO 1 5x50 dischi 9168 36,00 *Singole cartucce da 50 dischi sono disponibili: aggiungere /1 al n. di catalogo per indicare il relativo codice. Esempio: ref. 9045/1 indica Vancomycin 30 μg in una singola cartuccia da 50 dischi. Prezzo di una singola cartuccia da 50 dischi = 6,50 euro NOTE: 5. CLSI M44-A2 - Method for Antifungal Disk Diffusion Susceptibility Testing of Yeasts; Approved Guideline Second Edition (August 2009). 6. CLSI M44 S3 - Zone Diameter Interpretive Standards, Corresponding Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Interpretive Breakpoints, and Quality Control Limits for Antifungal Disk Diffusion Susceptibility Testing of Yeasts;Third Informational Supplement. Multodischi con otto agenti antimicrobici MULTODISC ANAEROBES 100 Multodischi 95410 97,40 Carbenicillin, Cefoxitin, Clindamycin, Chloramphenicol, Erythromycin, Metronidazole, Ampicillin, Tetracycline. MULTODISC ENTEROBACTERIA 100 Multodischi 95380 97,40 Amikacin, Aztreonam, Carbenicillin, Chloramphenicol, Fosfomycin, Netilmycin, Cefotaxime, Rifampicin. MULTODISC ENTEROBACTERIA URINE 100 Multodischi 95430 97,40 Nalidixic acid, Ampicillin, Cefuroxime, Ceftazidime, Co-trimoxazole, Gentamicin, Nitrofurantoin, Norfloxacin. MULTODISC ENTEROBACTERIA URINE AND OTHER SAMPLES 100 Multodischi 95440 97,40 Pipemidic acid, Cefoxitin, Cefoperazone, Cefuroxime, Sisomycin, Netilmicin, Piperacillin, Tobramycin. MULTODISC ENTEROCOCCI 100 Multodischi 95400 97,40 Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Erythromycin, Nitrofurantoin, Tetracycline, Vancomycin, Gentamicin, Ciprofloxacin. MULTODISC PSEUDOMONAS / ACINETOBACTER 100 Multodischi 95390 97,40 Amikacin, Carbenicillin, Cefoperazone, Ceftazidime, Gentamicin, Netilmycin, Pipemidic acid, Tobramycin. MULTODISC STAPH/STREP 100 Multodischi 95420 97,40 Cefalothin, Cefuroxime, Netilmicin, Co-trimoxazole, Erytromycin, Gentamicin, Rifampicin, Oxacillin. MULTODISC YEASTS Econazole, Nystatin, Griseofulvin, Amphotericin B, Flucytosine, Miconazole, Metronidazole, Ketoconazole. 100 Multodischi 95500 97,40 14

Liofilchem Listino Prezzi Rev.4-20.05.2013 Il Listino prezzi ufficialmente in vigore è quello pubblicato sul sito web di Liofilchem http://www.liofilchem.net/pricelist/download/liofilchem_italia.pdf Disc Dispenser Descrizione Disc Dispenser 1 cartridge Disc Dispenser 6 cartridges Disc Dispenser 8 cartridges Disc Dispenser 12 cartridges Ref. 91201 91203 91200 91202 prezzo (Euro) 31 440 340 620 Descrizione SensorTurn - Inoculatore rotante automatico handsfree 14-110 rpm include adattatore per piastre petri da 90 mm Ref. 96795 prezzo (Euro) 800 SensorTurn - Inoculatore rotante automatico handsfree PRO 14-210 rpm include adattatore per piastre petri da 90 mm 96796 900 Turntable extra wide adattatore per piastre petri da 140 mm Pedale Wireless Pedale in acciaio Pedale in plastica 96797 160 96801 96798 96799 400 140 100 Ref. 96880 prezzo (Euro) 480 96881 612 96882 25 96883 96884 360 186 Inoculatore rotante automatico handsfree per semina confluente Densitometro Descrizione DEN-1 McFarland densitometer, with built-in adapter for 18 mm tubes DEN-1B McFarland densitometer with built-in adapter for 18 mm tubes A-16 Adapter for 16 mm tubes CKG18, calibration kit for DEN-1, for 18mm glass tubes CKG16, calibration kit for DEN-1, for 16mm glass tubes 15

Dip-Slide per lo screening di infezioni urinarie # Prodotto con minimo d ordine URITEST (MAC CONKEY AGAR / CETRIMIDE AGAR / CLED ANDRADE AGAR) Enterobacteria, Pseudomonas spp., total bacterial count. URITEST N (MAC CONKEY AGAR / CETRIMIDE AGAR / CLED AGAR) Enterobacteria, Pseudomonas spp., total bacterial count. URITEST C (MAC CONKEY MUG AGAR / CETRIMIDE AGAR / CLED ANDRADE AGAR) Enterobacteria, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas spp., total bacterial count. URITEST EC (MAC CONKEY AGAR / E.COLI AGAR / CLED AGAR) Enterobacteria, Escherichia coli and coliforms, total bacterial count. URITEST 2 (CLED AGAR/ MAC CONKEY AGAR) Total bacterial count, enterobacteria. URITEST M (MAC CONKEY AGAR / MALT SELECTIVE AGAR / CLED ANDRADE AGAR) Enterobacteria, yeasts, total bacterial count. URITEST MALTO (MAC CONKEY AGAR / MALT AGAR / CLED AGAR) Enterobacteria, yeasts, total bacterial count. URITEST EF (MAC CONKEY AGAR / BILE ESCULIN AGAR / CLED AGAR) Enterobacteria, enterococci, total bacterial count. URITEST PENTA (CLED AGAR / MAC CONKEY AGAR / CETRIMIDE AGAR / MALT AGAR / BILE ESCULIN AGAR) Total bacterial count, enterobacteria, Pseudomonas spp., yeasts, enterococci. 20 slide 120 slide 20 slide 120 slide 500 slide 20 slide 120 slide 20 slide 120 slide 20 slide 120 slide 500 slide 20 slide 120 slide 500 slide 20 slide 120 slide 500 slide 20 slide 120 slide 20 slide 120 slide 500152 51015 500232 51023 51123 500242 # 51024 # 500412 51041 500302 51030 51130 500182 51018 51118 500402 51040 51140 500702 51070 500142 51014 24,50 130,10 24,50 130,10 486,70 140,60 31,40 160,10 23,50 125,50 486,70 24,50 130,10 486,70 24,50 130,10 486,70 24,50 130,10 34,60 207,60 Dip-Slide per lo screening di infezioni urogenitali VAGITEST (CHOCOLATE / ROGOSA / THAYER MARTIN) Fastidious microorganisms, lactobacilli, Neisseria gonorrhoeae. 10 slides 120 slides 50020 51020 23,50 259,60 Dip-Slide per lo screening di infezioni dermatologiche DERMATEST (MALTO / CORN MEAL / DTM-TAPLIN) Pathogenic dermatophytes and others non pathogenic fungi. 10 slides 120 slides 50021 51021 20,10 227,10 16

Contact Slide flessibili per lo screening microbiologico delle superfici (ISO 18593) CONTACT SLIDE 1 (PCA+TTC + NEUTRALIZING / V.R.B.G. AGAR + NEUTRALIZING) Total bacterial count, enterobacteria, with inactivation of disinfectants. CONTACT SLIDE 2 (PCA+TTC + NEUTRALIZING / ROSE BENGAL CAF AGAR + NEUTRALIZING) Total bacterial count, yeasts and moulds, with inactivation of disinfectants. CONTACT SLIDE 3 (PCA+TTC + NEUTRALIZING / VOGEL JOHNSON AGAR) Total bacterial count with inactivation of disinfectants, staphylococci. CONTACT SLIDE 4 (CETRIMIDE AGAR + NEUTRALIZING / ROSE BENGAL CAF AGAR + NEUTRALIZING) Peudomonas spp., yeasts and moulds. CONTACT SLIDE 5 (V.R.B.G. AGAR + NEUTRALIZING / BILE ESCULIN AGAR + NEUTRALIZING) Enterobacteria, fecal streptococci, with inactivation of disinfectants. CONTACT SLIDE 8 (PCA+TTC + NEUTRALIZING / V.R.B.L. AGAR + NEUTRALIZING) Total bacterial count, coliforms, with inactivation of disinfectants. CONTACT SLIDE 9 (PCA+TTC + NEUTRALIZING / PCA+TTC + NEUTRALIZING) Total bacterial count with inactivation of disinfectants. CONTACT SLIDE 10 (ROSE BENGAL CAF AGAR + NEUTRALIZING / VOGEL JOHNSON AGAR) Yeasts and moulds with inactivation of disinfectants, staphylococci. CONTACT SLIDE Chrom 1 (Chromatic E.coli-coliform / Chromatic Salmonella) Chromogenic selective media for detecting E. coli, coliforms and Salmonella spp. on surfaces or in food and waters. CONTACT SLIDE Chrom 2 (Chromatic E.coli-coliform / PCA+TTC + NEUTRALIZING) Chromogenic selective medium for detecting E. coli, coliforms and for total bacterial count. CONTACT SLIDE Chrom 3 (Chromatic E.coli-coliform / BAIRD PARKER AGAR + NEUTRALIZING) Chromogenic selective medium for detecting E. coli, coliforms and Staphylococcus aureus with inactivation of disinfectants. CONTACT SLIDE TSA + NEUTRALIZING / TSA + NEUTRALIZING Total bacterial count with inactivation of disinfectants. CONTACT SLIDE TSA + NEUTRALIZING / ROSE BENGAL CAF AGAR + NEUTRALIZING Total bacterial count with inactivation of disinfectants, yeasts and moulds. 20 slides 120 slides 20 slides 120 slides 20 slides 120 slides 20 slides 120 slides 20 slides 120 slides 20 slides 120 slides 20 slides 120 slides 20 slides 120 slides 20 slides 120 slides 20 slides 120 slides 20 slides 120 slides 20 slides 120 slides 20 slides 120 slides 525262 53526 525272 53527 525302 53530 525282 53528 525312 53531 525622 53562 525322 53532 525452 # 53545 # 525292 # 53529 # 525392 # 53539 # 525462 # 53546 # 525472 # 53547 # 525482 # 53548 # 40,20 217,40 40,20 217,40 40,20 217,40 40,20 217,40 40,20 217,40 40,20 217,40 40,20 217,40 46,00 250,00 46,00 250,00 46,00 250,00 46,00 250,00 40,20 217,40 46,00 250,00 17

Sistemi per identificazione microbica direttamente da campioni alimentari e superfici FOOD SYSTEM 40 test 71680 216 System for detection and identification of pathogenic microorganisms from food. VALIDATED to ISO 16140 standard Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Protocol for the validation of alternative methods HACCP SYSTEM Plus System for enumeration and identification of pathogenic microorganisms from surfaces. 40 test 71655 216 Ricerca di residui di pesticidi MAIA Pesticide MultiTest Colorimetric system for the detection of organophosphate, organochloride and carbamate pesticides residues in water, food and drink. 96 test 79700 540,80 Ricerca di residui organici su superfici CLEAN TEST Swab for detecting protein, fat and sugar residues for the hygiene control of surfaces. 50 test 3 test 86001 86001/3 123,60 9,60 Tamponi per superfici per ricerca microbica Contam Swab Listeria 30 test 86102 70 Contam Swab E.coli-coliforms 30 test 86101 70 Contam Swab Salmonella 30 test 86103 70 Contam Swab Contamination 30 test 86100 70 Test dell acqua Water Detect COLIFORMS Chromogenic medium for detecting E. coli and others coliforms in water samples. 20 test 630600 70 18

Ricerca di residui di antibiotici MeRA Test 50 fiale 80356 61,70 Detection of antibiotic and sulphamide residues in meat by Geobacillus stearothermophilus. MiRA Test Detection of antibiotic and sulphamide residues in milk by Geobacillus stearothermophilus. 50 fiale 80355 61,70 PAR TEST AGAR Medium with spores of Geobacillus stearothermophilus subsp. calidolactis for residual antibiotic detection in biological liquids (milk, blood and urine). BLANK DISCS 6 mm dischi in carta. ANTIBIOTIC TEST Antibiotic residue detection in urine and other biological fluids by Bacillus subtilis. RAPID ANTIBIOTIC TEST Antibiotic residue detection in foodstuffs by Geobacillus stearothermophilus var. calidolactis. 100 PIASTRE 250 dischi 11200 11200* 9999 64,90 324,50 27,10 50 dischi 80350 68,20 50 test 80351 68,20 SUSPENSION SPORE BAS E8 10 ml 82012 270,40 Sterile suspension of Bacillus subtilis spores in distilled water for antibiotic residue detection in milk and other biological fluids (1-5x10 8 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE BAS E7 10 ml 82013 248,70 Sterile suspension of Bacillus subtilis spores in distilled water for antibiotic residue detection in milk and other biological fluids (1-5x10 7 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE BAS E6 10 ml 82014 237,90 Sterile suspension of Bacillus subtilis spores in distilled water for antibiotic residue detection in milk and other biological fluids(1-5x10 6 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE BAS E5 10 ml 82015 216,30 Sterile suspension of Bacillus subtilis spores in distilled water for antibiotic residue detection in milk and other biological fluids (1-5x10 5 CFU/mL). Soluzioni per la raccolta di campioni SWAB SOLUTION SKELETON 20 fiale 20157 11,90 Solution to hydrate samples collection swabs (2001/471/CE). SWAB SOLUTION SURFACES Solution to hydrate samples collection swabs before surfaces checking. 20 fiale 20160 15,10 Tamponi con e senza terreno di trasporto BIO CULT AMIES + charcoal 100 tamponi 85307 51,90 Swabs for collection and transport of clinical, environmental samples and microorganisms. BIO CULT AMIES 100 tamponi 85317 51,90 Swabs for collection and transport of clinical, environmental samples and microorganisms. BIO CULT STUART + charcoal 100 tamponi 85306 51,90 Swabs for collection and transport of clinical, environmental samples and microorganisms. BIO CULT STUART 100 tamponi 85308 51,90 Swabs for collection and transport of clinical, environmental samples and microorganisms. STERILE SWAB IN ENVELOPE 100 tamponi 85270 Dry swabs for clinical and environmental samples collection. STERILE SWAB WITHOUT ENVELOPE Swabs for clinical and environmental samples collection. 100 tamponi 85275 19

Self-contained per sterilizzazione a vapore # Prodotto con minimo d ordine STERILtest GST E6 self-contained Devices with nutrient medium, ph indicator and discs with spores of G. stearothermophilus (1-5x10 6 CFU/disc). 100 unità 91100 324,00 STERILtest GST E5 self-contained Devices with nutrient medium, ph indicator and discs with spores of G. stearothermophilus (1-5x10 5 CFU/disc). 100 unità 91101 # 324,00 Ampolle per sterilizzazione a vapore STERIL CONTROL E6 ampoules Ampoules with nutrient medium, ph indicator and spores of G. stearothermophilus (1-5x10 6 CFU/ampoule). STERIL CONTROL E5 ampoules Ampoules with nutrient medium, ph indicator and spores of G. stearothermophilus (1-5x10 5 CFU/ampoule). Strip per sterilizzazione a vapore 10 Ampoules 50 Ampoules 10 Ampoules 50 Ampoules 91010 91050 91051# 91052# 36,80 112,50 33,60 100,60 # Prodotto con minimo d ordine STRIP CONTROL GST E6 Strips with spores of G. stearothermophilus (1-5x10 6 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. 20 strip 91055 86,50 STRIP CONTROL GST E5 Strips with spores of G.stearothermophilus (1-5x10 5 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. STRIP CONTROL GST E4 Strips with spores of G. stearothermophilus (1-5x10 4 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. STRIP CONTROL GST E3 Strips with spores of G.stearothermophilus (1-5x10 3 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. 100 strip 91155 309,00 20 strip 91056 # 81,20 20 strip 20 strip 91057 # 81,20 91058 # 81,20 Sospensioni di spore per sterilizzazione a vapore SUSPENSION SPORE GST E8 Sterile suspension of G. stearothermophilus spores in distilled water (1-5x10 8 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE GST E7 Sterile suspension of G. stearothermophilus spores in distilled water (1-5x10 7 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE GST E6 Sterile suspension of G. stearothermophilus spores in distilled water (1-5x10 6 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE GST E5 Sterile suspension of G. stearothermophilus spores in distilled water (1-5x10 5 CFU/mL). 10 ml vial 82002 973,40 10 ml vial 82003 378,50 10 ml vial 82004 194,70 10 ml vial 82005 151,40 Strip per sterilizzazione a calore secco o ossido di etilene # Prodotto con minimo d ordine STRIP CONTROL BAT E8 Strips with spores of B. atrophaeus (1-5x10 8 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. 20 strip 91059 # 162,00 STRIP CONTROL BAT E7 Strips with spores of B. atrophaeus (1-5x10 7 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. STRIP CONTROL BAT E6 Strips with spores of B. atrophaeus (1-5x10 6 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. STRIP CONTROL BAT E5 Strips with spores of B. atrophaeus (1-5x10 5 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. STRIP CONTROL BAT E4 Strips with spores of B. atrophaeus (1-5x10 4 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. STRIP CONTROL BAT E3 Strips with spores of B. atrophaeus (1-5x10 3 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. 20 20 strip 20 strip 91062 # 75,70 91063 64,90 100 strip 91067 257,50 20 strip 91064 # 64,90 20 strip 20 strip 91065 # 64,90 91066 # 64,90

Sospensioni di spore per sterilizzazione a calore secco o ossido di etilene SUSPENSION SPORE BAT E10 10 ml vial 82006 5840,10 Sterile suspension of B. atrophaeus spores in distilled water (1-5x10 10 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE BAT E9 Sterile suspension of B. atrophaeus spores in distilled water (1-5x10 9 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE BAT E8 Sterile suspension of B. atrophaeus spores in distilled water (1-5x10 8 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE BAT E7 Sterile suspension of B. atrophaeus spores in distilled water (1-5x10 7 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE BAT E6 Sterile suspension of B. atrophaeus spores in distilled water (1-5x10 6 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE BAT E5 Sterile suspension of B. atrophaeus spores in distilled water (1-5x10 5 CFU/mL). 10 ml vial 82007 865,20 10 ml vial 82008 216,30 10 ml vial 82009 162,20 10 ml vial 82010 140,60 10 ml vial 82011 129,80 Self-contained per sterilizzazione a ossido di etilene # Prodotto con minimo d ordine STERILtest BAT E6 self-contained Devices with nutrient medium, ph indicator and discs with spores of B. atrophaeus (1-5x10 6 CFU/disc). 100 unità 91150 324,50 STERILtest BAT E5 self-contained Devices with nutrient medium, ph indicator and discs with spores of B. atrophaeus (1-5x10 5 CFU/disc). Pinza per self-contained 100 unità 91151 # 324,50 CRUSHER 1 pincer 96790 10,30 Steel pincer for the easy break of self-contained fiale. Strips per sterilizzazione ad irraggiamento # Prodotto con minimo d ordine STRIP CONTROL PUM E7 Strips with spores of B. pumilus (1-5x10 7 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. 20 strips 91071 # 86,50 STRIP CONTROL PUM E6 Strips with spores of B. pumilus (1-5x10 6 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. STRIP CONTROL PUM E5 Strips with spores of B. pumilus (1-5x10 5 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. STRIP CONTROL PUM E4 Strips with spores of B. pumilus (1-5x10 4 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. STRIP CONTROL PUM E3 Strips with spores of B. pumilus (1-5x10 3 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. 20 strips 20 strips 20 strips 20 strips 91072 75,70 91073 # 64,90 91074 # 64,90 91075 # 64,90 Coupon in Acciaio per sterilizzazione a perossido di idrogeno # Prodotto con minimo d ordine OXI CONTROL E6 SS Steel coupons with spores of G. stearothermophilus (1-5x10 6 CFU/coupon) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. 20 coupons 91082 144,90 OXI CONTROL E5 SS Steel coupons with spores of G. stearothermophilus (1-5x10 5 CFU/coupon) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. 20 coupons 91083 # 144,90 Coupon in Poliflex per sterilizzazione a perossido di idrogeno # Prodotto con minimo d ordine OXI CONTROL E6 PLX Poliflex coupons with spores of G.stearothermophilus (1-5x10 6 CFU/coupon) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. 20 coupons 91085 86,50 21

Coupon in Poliflex per sterilizzazione a perossido di idrogeno # Prodotto con minimo d ordine OXI CONTROL E5 PLX Poliflex coupons with spores of G.stearothermophilus (1-5x10 5 CFU/coupon) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. 20 coupons 91086 # 81,20 Strip per sterilizzazione a perossido di idrogeno # Prodotto con minimo d ordine OXI CONTROL E6 STRIP Strips with spores of G.stearothermophilus (1-5x10 6 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. OXI CONTROL E5 STRIP Strips with spores of G.stearothermophilus (1-5x10 5 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. 20 strips 20 strips 91088 133,90 91089 # 133,90 Sospensione di spore per sterilizzazione a perossido di idrogeno SUSPENSION SPORE GST VHP E8 Sterile suspension of G. stearothermophilus spores in distilled water (1-5x10 8 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE GST VHP E7 Sterile suspension of G. stearothermophilus spores in distilled water (1-5x10 7 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE GST VHP E6 Sterile suspension of G. stearothermophilus spores in distilled water (1-5x10 6 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE GST VHP E5 Sterile suspension of G. stearothermophilus spores in distilled water (1-5x10 5 CFU/mL). 10 ml vial 82030 973,40 10 ml vial 82031 378,50 10 ml vial 82032 194,70 10 ml vial 82033 194,70 Coupon in PVC per sterilizzazione a perossido di idrogeno OXI CONTROL E6 PVC PVC coupons with spores of G.stearothermophilus (1-5x10 6 CFU/coupon) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. 20 coupons 91092 257,50 Coupon in Alluminio per sterilizzazione a perossido di idrogeno OXI CONTROL E6 ALUMINUM Aluminum coupons with spores of G.stearothermophilus (1-5x10 6 CFU/coupon) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. 20 coupons 91098 257,50 Coupon in Vetro per sterilizzazione a perossido di idrogeno OXI CONTROL E6 GLASS Glass coupons with spores of G.stearothermophilus (1-5x10 6 CFU/coupon) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. 20 coupons 91096 257,50 22

Liofilchem Listino Prezzi Rev.4-20.05.2013 Il Listino prezzi ufficialmente in vigore è quello pubblicato sul sito web di Liofilchem http://www.liofilchem.net/pricelist/download/liofilchem_italia.pdf Terreni pronti in piastre da contatto (55 mm) # Prodotto con minimo d ordine Descrizione BAIRD PARKER AGAR + NEUTRALIZING Selective medium for Staphylococcus aureus isolation with inactivation of disinfectants. Confezionamento Ref. 15331 prezzo (Euro) 41,10 CETRIMIDE AGAR Selective medium for Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolation. E.P. 15332 35,70 LEGIONELLA AGAR (B.C.Y.E.) Non-selective medium for Legionella spp. isolation. ISO 11731-1 15334 54,10 LEGIONELLA AGAR (G.V.P.C.) Selective medium for Legionella spp. isolation. ISO 11731-1 15376 54,10 MAC CONKEY AGAR Selective medium for gram-negatives isolation. MANNITOL SALT AGAR Selective medium for staphylococci isolation. m-faecal COLIFORM AGAR Selective medium for fecal coliforms isolation and enumeration. PLATE COUNT AGAR Medium for surfaces and air total bacterial count. PLATE COUNT AGAR + NEUTRALIZING Medium for surfaces total bacterial count with inactivation of disinfectants. PLATE COUNT AGAR + NEUTRALIZING (IRRADIATED) Medium for surfaces total bacterial count with inactivation of disinfectants. PLATE COUNT AGAR + TTC + NEUTRALIZING Medium for surfaces total bacterial count with inactivation of disinfectants. ROSE BENGAL AGAR + CAF Selective medium for yeasts and moulds isolation and enumeration. R2 AGAR Medium for heterotrophic microorganisms count in drinking water. SABOURAUD DEXTROSE AGAR Medium for yeasts and moulds isolation. SABOURAUD AGAR + NEUTRALIZING (IRRADIATED) Medium for yeasts and moulds isolation with inactivation of disinfectants. SABOURAUD CAF AGAR (IRRADIATED) Selective medium for yeasts and moulds isolation. SABOURAUD CAF AGAR + NEUTRALIZING Selective medium for yeasts and moulds isolation with inactivation of disinfectants. SLANETZ BARTLEY AGAR + NEUTRALIZING Selective medium for fecal streptococci enumeration and isolation with inactivation of disinfectants. TRYPTIC SOY AGAR (IRRADIATED) Medium for surfaces and air total bacterial count. TRYPTIC SOY AGAR + NEUTRALIZING (IRRADIATED) Medium for surfaces and air total bacterial count with inactivation of disinfectants. TRYPTIC SOY AGAR + 0.1% PENASE + NEUTRALIZING Medium for surfaces and air total bacterial count with inactivation of disinfectants penicillins. VIOLET RED BILE GLUCOSE AGAR Selective medium for enterobacteria isolation and enumeration. E.P. 15329 35,70 E.P. 15328 35,70 15368 35,70 ISO 4833 15325 35,70 ISO 4833 15336 35,70 ISO 4833 15336S 44,70 ISO 4833 15360 38,90 APHA 15374 35,70 E.P. 15354 # 41,10 E.P. 15327 35,70 15323S 44,70 15380S 35,70 15365 38,90 15362 38,90 E.P. 15340S 47,60 E.P. 15339S 44,70 15330 # 38,90 ISO 21528-2 E.P. 15375 43,30 VIOLET RED BILE LACTOSE AGAR Selective medium for coliforms isolation and enumeration. ISO 4832 15326 35,70 23

Liofilchem Listino Prezzi Rev.4-20.05.2013 Il Listino prezzi ufficialmente in vigore è quello pubblicato sul sito web di Liofilchem http://www.liofilchem.net/pricelist/download/liofilchem_italia.pdf Terreni pronti in piastre da contatto (55 mm) # Prodotto con minimo d ordine Descrizione VIOLET RED BILE GLUCOSE AGAR + NEUTRALIZING Selective medium for Enterobacteriaceae isolation and enumeration with inactivation of disinfectants. VIOLET RED BILE LACTOSE AGAR + NEUTRALIZING Selective medium for coliforms isolation and enumeration with inactivation of disinfectants. ISO 21528-2 Confezionamento Ref. 15382 ISO 4832 15361 Confezionamento 3x3L 3x5L 3x3L 3x5L 3x3L 3x5L 3x3L 3x5L 3x3L Ref. 499010 499015 499020 499025 499030 499035 499040 499045 499060 prezzo (Euro) 35,70 38,90 Ready BAGS Terreni liquidi pronti in sacche da 3 L o 5 L. Descrizione LISTERIA U.V.M. Broth Bag LISTERIA Demi Fraser Broth Bag Buffered Peptone Water Bag Maximum Recovery Diluent Bag Tryptic Soy Broth Bag 24 prezzo (Euro) 180 240 135 180 70 96 70 96 70