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1 ISRAELI COMPANY PROFILES WATER TECHNOLOGIES SETTORE NOME AZIENDA DESCRIZIONE AZIENDA COSA CERCANO SITO WEB 1 WATER AQWISE WISE WATER TECHNOLOGIES LTD L innovativa tecnologia AGAR (Attached Growth Airlift Reactor): procedimenti biologici a base di biofilm, concepiti per accrescere capacità ed efficienza nella rimozione dei nutrienti e del BOD (Domanda Biochimica di Ossigeno) negli impianti di depurazione dell acqua e delle acque reflue. Si rivolgono a municipalità, varie industrie (industria cartaria, agroalimentare, petrolio e altre forme di energia). Ricercano: gestori pubblici o parzialmente pubblici del Servizio Integrato Italiano 2 WATER EMEFCY LTD. Bioreattore elettrogenico (EBR): Soluzione elettricità (MFC): Depurazione delle acque reflue, produzionedi elettricità ecologica come sottoprodotto; ideale per il trattamento dei reflui ad alta concentrazione di sostanze organiche. Soluzione Zero-Energy (DFX): Depurazione delle acque reflue con fabbisogno virtualmente nullo di energia per l'aerazione; ideale per il trattamento dei reflui a bassa concentrazione di sostanze organiche. Si rivolgono per la soluzione dell'elettricità (MFC) a: Industria alimentare e delle bevande (lavorazione di prodotti alimentari, produzione di additivi alimentari), Case farmaceutiche (con alti livelli di acque reflue organiche), Industrie chimiche. Per la soluzione Zero-Energy (DFX) si rivolgono a: Impianti di depurazione delle acque reflue municipali (BOD < 400 mg/). Ricercano: partner strategici nell'industria delle acque reflue. 3 WATER GREEN CITY URBAN RECYCLING LTD Trattamento delle acque reflue: riduzione dei danni causati da grassi Si occupano di impianti di trattamento delle acque reflue e si rivolgono ad aziende che ed oli (FOG - Fats Oils & Grease) e della domanda biochimica di utilizzano processi di alimentazione industriale che generano liquami (imprese di ossigeno (BOD); CPU500: unità trasportabile che lavora efficacemente macellazione e trasformazione delle carni, industria di specialità alimentari). con i grassi e gli oli FOG ottenuti dai collettori di rifiuti, dai processi Ricercano: aziende pubbliche che si dell industria alimentare e dai fanghi organici: ottiene fino al 100% di occupano della gestione delle acque, comuni e pubbliche amministrazioni, produttori di acidi senza grassi (FFA-Free fatty acid) e riduce i fanghi e li trasforma Biodiesel, fornitori di apparecchiature per biodiesel come possibili distributori o partner in prezioso biodiesel. per progetti BOT. 4 WATER NIROSOFT INDUSTRIES LTD. Progettazione, costruzione, istallazione, conduzione e manutenzione di soluzioni high-tech su misura per l'acqua e le acque reflue (sistemi di dissalazione, acqua demineralizzata, acqua di processo, depurazione di acque reflue e recupero di effluenti, unità mobili di depurazione dell'acqua e soluzioni modulari salvaspazio). Si rivolgono a Industrie alimentari, Centrali elettriche, EPC contractor, Imprese di ingegneria, Impianti farmaceutici, Elettronici, Chimici, Settore turistico, Servizi municipali e pubblici. Ricercano: Clienti finali, Società di ingegneria, EPC contractor (Engineering, Procurement and Construction), distributori e Project agent.

2 5 WATER TRIPLE - T LTD. Progettazione, costruzione e esercizio di sistemi di fitodepurazione intensi per acque reflue domestiche, industriali ed agricole con carichi elevati di materie organiche e ammoniaca. Il sistema TAYA tratta carichi organici pesanti allo stadio secondario o terziario (ad es. polishing) a costi operativi straordinariamente bassi. Si rivolgono a: Industria (lavorazione di prodotti alimentari, macelli, ecc.), Agricoltura (produzione di generi alimentari, produzione animali, ecc.), Domestico (comuni, villaggi decentralizzati, ecc.). Ricercano: Imprenditori e società di ingegneria con esperienza nell industria delle acque reflue in cerca di collaborazioni in progetti che prevedono la depurazione delle acque reflue agricole, industriali o domestiche. 6 WATER AGM COMMUNICATION & CONTROL LTD. Soluzioni di comunicazione e controllo per applicazioni SCADA/DCS nel settore idrico, del trattamento delle acque reflue, del petrolio e di altre fonti energetiche, dell ambiente e dei sistemi d irrigazione. Si occupano di progetti SCADA /DCS per sistemi di controllo distribuito, servizi d ingegneria e si rivolgono a gestori delle risorse idriche, dell acqua potabile e del trattamento delle acque reflue. Ricercano: Fornitori di soluzioni ed integratori SCADA che vogliono aggiungere la competenza di AGM ai propri progetti. 7 WATER ARAD LTD Tecnologia Dialog 3G, un brevetto riconosciuto a livello mondiale: il Si rivolgono a: Fornitori di risorse idriche, Uffici per la depurazione delle acque primo contatore trasmittente al mondo, un sodalizio di precisione municipali, Aziende di gestione delle risorse idriche. Ricercano: Fornitori di risorse meccanica e microelettronica; contatori per impianti idrici domestici, idriche, Rappresentanti municipali degli uffici per la depurazione delle risorse idriche, per gli acquedotti e per l agricoltura per la gestione delle risorse idriche Distributori e stabilimenti industriali, Studi di ingegneria, Fornitori di risorse e dei sistemi AMR energetiche, gas e petrolio. 8 WATER MTR WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS LTD. I Sistemi wireless Smart Grid MTR collegano un centro di gestione decentralizzato a ogni genere di Client End Point [CEP], sensori multi tipo e contatori per acqua/gas/elettricità ecc. nella rete; Applicazioni software MTR SmartNet permettono a un centro di gestione di servizi di ricevere, analizzare e reagire ai dati di esercizio attuali in tempo reale. Si rivolgono a: Fabbricanti di contatori per l'elettricità, l'acqua e il gas come "Original Design Manufacture" [ODM], a Aziende produttive di punta e fornitori di servizi idrici, elettrici e del gas come Original Equipment Manufacture [OEM], a Integratori Tier 1, che hanno come target i rivenditori di valore aggiunto per i servizi di erogazione di acqua, elettricità e gas e Produttori di software per reti intelligenti. Ricercano: produttori di contatori per acqua, gas ed elettricità, Industria di punta per AMI/Smart Grid, Integratori Tier 1 che forniscono assistenza nei progetti per acqua, gas ed elettricità e Partner software che sviluppano applicazioni di gestione dei dati di misurazione Smart Grid 9 WATER REALITEQ - REALI TECHNOLOGIES LTD. RealiteQ è un infrastruttura IT virtuale che semplifica il monitoraggio in tempo reale, il controllo e l acquisizione dei dati per sistemi remoti dislocati nel mondo su reti e siti diversi. RealiteQ sfrutta la potenza delle reti cellulari, satellitari e di Internet per offrire prestazioni, scalabilità e semplicità d uso senza precedenti. Si rivolgono a: Municipalità, Fornitori di servizi pubblici, Associazioni, Gruppi di produzione energetica, OEM/integratori in progetti nazionali e internazionali. Ricercano: Distributori di sistemi di controllo e di telemetria (PLC, strumentazione, controller per pompe ecc), Integratori di sistemi, Studi di ingegneria, Fornitori di servizi publici, Fabbricanti di controller/pompe/analizzatori ecc.

3 10 WATER TAKADU LTD. Il sistema TaKaDu è una soluzione SaaS ( Software-as-a-Service Solution ) remota per il monitoraggio delle reti di distribuzione idrica, che emette messaggi di allarme, relazioni e immagini in tempo reale per il personale dell'azienda servendosi di un'interfaccia grafica di facile impiego. Si rivolgono ad aziende acquedottistiche. Ricercano: Aziende acquedottistiche interessate a mettere in piedi un progetto pilota, Società di ingegneria, integratori di sistema o distributori attivi sul mercato della distribuzione idrica che possono offrire assistenza per la vendita e la messa in opera di soluzioni IT 11 WATER WHITEWATER SECURITY LTD. Products focused on improving and optimizing the efficiency and productivity of water utility and industrial facility operations through unifying communications, online monitoring, event detection, situation management and decision support intelligence; BlueBox Event Detection System (EDS): integrates controls and presents online monitoring of all sensors; intelligent detection of abnormal water quality events, offering an innovative approach to time series analysis of multi-variable data. Si rivolgono a: operatori di servizi idrici, sia pubblici che privati, impianti che trattano acqua e altro, strutture ad alto rischio di produzione in cui viene utilizzata l'acqua sia come sorgente di ingresso che come effluente. Ricercano: operatori di servizi idrici publici per creare un sito pilota o di riferimento per la BlueBox Event Detection System, aziende specializzate in sicurezza ed emergenza, direttori/supervisori dei sistemi di distribuzione e di qualità dell'acuqa WATER CURAPIPE SYSTEMS LTD. Sistema di riparazione di perdite automatizzato senza trincea di scavo (TALR): una soluzioni d avanguardia per la riparazione di falle nelle tubazioni interrate. Riparazione di falle e perdite normalmente non rilevate dalle attuali tecnologie di indagine Si rivolgono a: Gestori delle reti idriche urbane. Ricercano: Progetti pilota di gestori delle reti idriche urbane alla ricerca di soluzioni di ampia diffusione per la riduzione massiccia delle perdite nelle reti di distribuzione urbana. Compartecipazioni con importanti imprese di manutenzione a livello locale/regionale che forniscono servizi ai gestori delle reti idriche urbane WATER IDE TECHNOLOGIES LTD. Sviluppo, progettazione, produzione e esercizio di sistemi di dissalazione all'avanguardia e di soluzioni innovative per l'industria, quali "green solutions" per la depurazione di acque affluenti, il riscaldamento/raffreddamento di aree di grandi dimensioni, l'accumulo di energia termica e generatori di neve. Si rivolgono a: municipalità/agenzie che necessitano di acqua potabile e/o per l'irrigazione, a industrie come quella petrolchimica, dell'energia acciaierie ecc. che utilizzano acqua di processo, e a impianti per il calore/vapore residuo quali centrali e le raffinerie. Ricercano: clienti finali, società di ingegneria, EPC contractor (engineering Procurement and Construction), distributori e project agent.

4 NEW MEDIA SETTORE NOME AZIENDA DESCRIZIONE AZIENDA COSA CERCANO SITO WEB 14 NEW MEDIA ORCA INTERACTIVE Orca Interactive is a leading provider of IPTV & OTT Middleware, Content Discovery and Recommendations solutions that power nextgeneration TV for Cable Operators, ISP s, Telco s, Broadcasters and OTT Providers. Established in 1996, Orca Interactive is based in Israel, and is a subsidiary of Viaccess, a wholly-owned unit of France Telecom SA, and has more than 20 deployments worldwide. Pay TV Operators (Cable, Satellite7Broadcaster, IPTV, OTT, Content Owners, ISP'ws, Teleco's). m 15 NEW MEDIA JUSTAD.TV JustAd.TV is the first company to unlock the potential of non-linear TV, Non-linear TV services operators (Cable, IPTV, OTT), Content owners, Broadcaster, by providing a bouquet of innovative advertising formats specifically TV Channels, content and rights owners. suited for these experiences, where the viewer is in control on when, what and how to consume his content. With embedads solution, ads are presented at times of minimal disturbance to the viewer, and most importantly, with zero additions to his viewing time. We offer an end-to-end system comprised of a thin software client interoperable with every digital STB/Connected TV/Device, an ad server and full suite of tools to define formats, create ads, schedule campaigns, and measure effectiveness. is a start-up company focused on non-linear TV advertising. Our solution enables content owners and TV operators to better monetize TV content by offering a bouquet of viewer-friendly and engaging formats custom-made for the non-linear TV experience. is the first company to serve targeted and interactive TV ads in Europe. Our solution currently works on Cable, IPTV, Connected TV platforms and tablet PCs NEW MEDIA ACTUS-IMAGO Ltd. (ACTUSDIGITAL) Actus Digital is a customer-driven company which delivers industry Broadcaster, Cable/Satellite operators, regulators, playout centres, Teleports, leading technology solutions for video content logging, tagging, Government Agencies. monitoring, analysis and repurposing. Actus is specializing in providing solutions that allow customers to extract added value from any content after it has been broadcast. Actus captures any transmission from satellite, cable, archives it and process the Live feed for monitoring, from any location in the globe, content/ad detection, Analysis of Rating, Clip creation. This company provides user-friendly solutions which support an unlimited number of channel inputs, thereby facilitating greater functionality efficiency, and saving costs, while providing enhanced video productivity across our clients organizations. Actus solutions enable media monitoring and reporting; analysis of content, ads and ratings; legal compliance, and extensive automated exporting tools for repurposing and rebroadcasting linear broadcasts to the Internet and mobile.

5 17 NEW MEDIA NDS NDS creates innovative solutions that allow pay-tv operators to generate revenues by securely delivering digital content to multiple devices. These include CA/DRM solutions, STB/DVR middleware software, EPGs & UI design, Advertising solutions and more. NDS securely delivers digital TV content anywhere, anytime to any device while integrating complex multi-platform, multi-network systems. We provide: Robust security solutions Scalable solutions, more features, flexibility & protection Strategic global alliances deliver better solutions Unrivalled experience working with the world s largest operators Evolving technology supporting the future of TV Pay-TV operators, Telcos, Channels and Content Providers 18 NEW MEDIA LIVEU LiveU is the pioneer of broadcast-quality, video-over-cellular backpack Broadcasting solutions that allow live video transmission (HD and SD) from any Multimedia Content: Video / Music / Games location/event worldwide e.g. World Cup (SA), Oscars, Grammys. Digital & Cable TV, IPTV LiveU s flagship LU60 solution is the industry s first bonded 3G/4G LTE backpack with proprietary RF technology for superior resiliency, up to 1080 HD video and sub-second latency for a satellite-like experience. The LU60 includes multiple cellular links (4G LTE/3G, HSPA+, WiMAX, and Wi-Fi), which are optimized for maximum throughput when 4G is not available. LiveU s LU30 solution is the de-facto industry standard for cellularbased backpacks NEW MEDIA CRAZE PRODUCTIONS Craze Productions is dedicated to the online and mobile distribution of Operators in the field of Multimedia Content: Video / Music / Games audio visual content. Craze is aiming to be one of the leading Digital Distributors and Technology Solutions to the Film/TV industry. Craze offers an amazing array of entertainment productions including 30,000 songs, 7,000 full length movies ready for online and mobile streaming and download. Craze also has more than 20,000 video clips of all kinds, mainly music oriented, as well as lifestyle and instructional content. Craze also offers Applications for all Smart Phones, iphones, ipad Touches, Android and Nokia devices. In addition Craze has Connected TV platforms and soon will add movies featuring AAA list stars to their offerings. Craze is developing an instant Flash ad platform for instant shifting of ads.

6 20 NEW MEDIA CENT2CENT LTD. Cent2Cent has developed a platform, user friendly, which enables sites Operators in the field of: - Content Management & Distribution and users an easy solution for the selling and consuming content over - Multimedia Content: Video / Music / Games the net. Following is a list of the platform capabilities: - Digital & Cable TV, IPTV - Plug & play integration, Support all kinds of content such as: video, - Broadcasting music, image, text. - Internet content - Flexible Business Model PPV (Pay Per View), PPT (Pay Per Time), bundles, packages, VIP clients, geographical, or subscription, recurring subscription common models. - Mixture of sales models to benefit revenues from content selling and advertising. - Client and Sales management. - One stop shop for billing process with a large variety of billing methods. - One Click Purchasing. - One ID/one account for easy purchasing of content across various unrelated websites. - Single sign on (the ability to logon via FaceBook, PayPal accounts e.g.). - No deposit barrier pay only for what you get NEW MEDIA PEER TV PLC PeerTV is a leading developer of hardware and software solutions for the Internet-based TV market. Since its establishment in May 2007, PeerTV has successfully sold advanced PeerStation set-top-boxes to mass-deployments of Internet-based TV operators supplying subscription based TV services globally. PeerTV operates in an emerging and rapidly growing consumeroriented market in which new generation of Internet TV operators seek a replacement for the costly use of satellite/cable infrastructure as a delivery platform. PeerStation is a state-of-the art Internet TV Set Top Box (STB) that combines the latest in streaming and embedded applications technology to satisfy the diverse needs of today's sophisticated TV user. PeerStation's unique streaming video architecture provides clear and effective competitive edge, paving the way to a fully interactive HD-quality streaming over the Open Internet. PeerTV's is introducing a server-based Internet-TV Application Integration Framework that implements a form of a 'Content Highway', enabling quick introduction of personalized TV services to PeerStation connected TVs. PeerTV is constantly looking for business partners interested in promoting PeerStation products to Internet-based TV or other IP video communications project as part of their Integration and/or Application Development services.

7 HOMELAND SECURITY SETTORE NOME AZIENDA DESCRIZIONE AZIENDA COSA CERCANO SITO WEB 22 SECURITY ATHENA GS3 SECURITY Athena GS3 Security Implementations Ltd. is a leading security Governments, Security Companies, Intelligence Organizations IMPLEMENTATIONS LTD. solution provider, focusing on Intelligence & Counter Terrorism for governments, institutions and high risk facilities around the world from various threats, regardless of source or motivation. To accomplish this, Athena have created and implemented for our clients a truly impressive array of intuitive, proactive security solutions, products and services that are founded on more than forty years of experience in combating terrorism and supporting law enforcement. Athena was founded by current Chairman Shabtai Shavit, the former head of the Israeli Mossad ( ) and a leading authority on homeland security, intelligence gathering and counter-terrorism issues. Our professional, experienced team includes top international security experts from the Israeli elite intervention units (SWAT Teams, Commando, Navy Seals, Air Force SAS), Israeli Security Services, El- Al Israel Airlines and the Israeli Navy, along with leaders and top executives from private industry and from the public sector. 23 SECURITY MAGAL S3 Magal S3 produces: Taut-wire sensors (DTR & Yael), Buried Cable sensors (Omnitrax), Vibration sensors (Barricade, Inteli-Fiber & Flex- PS), Decorative fence sensors (Inno-Fence & Magbar), IVA sensor (DB & Maestro), Management system (Fortis), Microwave sensors (Ultra wave). They sell all over the world mainly: Israel, N. America, Mexico, Colombia, West & East Europe, India, China, Japan, Australia and Africa. Transportation airports, seaports and train/railroad. Prisons Military Army, air force, special forces, police etc. Municipality Gas & Oil Energy power stations, refineries etc. Governmental and private industry CIP - Communication sites, water resources, storage areas etc. Governmental sites Museums 24 SECURITY J.GORDON CONSULTING ENGINEERS LTD. J. Gordon Consulting Engineers Ltd. offers a wide range of consulting and engineering services in Homeland Security. and provides high quality, practical, customized, reliable and cost effective security solutions, designed to answer costumers specific needs protecting their facilities and business operations. Gordon is a global organization, comprising a core group of highly competent and experienced corporate, security experts and security engineers. Gordon is considered to be one of the largest and most significant consulting and engineering security firms in Israel. Our large client base includes government, public and private organizations which source security services Our experience spans over 33 years of worldwide successful operation in protection of national infrastructure and sensitive sites such as: airports, international borders, seaports, oil and gas facilities, power stations, mass transit systems (railway, metro, public transportation), military bases, sea shores, water carriers, public events (Olympic Games), compounds, campuses, banks, high rise buildings and others. Governments National security forces : army forces, special forces, police forces, National companies [transportation, infrastructure etc.] Security officers om

8 25 SECURITY EVIGILO LTD. evigilo develops the industry s only fully integrated, multi-technology Emergency Responders mass alert platform that can reach millions of people in just seconds Civil Defence Authorities to enhance safety and security and save lives in emergency situations. Rescue Services Supporting multi-channel alert notification and communication, the Fire Department holistic, flexible Integrated Alert Distribution Center (IADC) Platform is They are mainly interested in system integrators to be the front end to the customers the most effective and efficient turnkey solution for mass alert systems offering evigilo solution that is being delivered by evigilo as subcontractor. used by governments, homeland security and rescue forces, They are furthermore interested in agents and lobbyists that can help us to solicit the educational institutions, energy companies, industry and public utilities. solution in front of the right partners as well as end customers. evigilo develops emergency notification solutions used by authorities to alert and inform the public in times of crisis. evigilo IADC (Integrated Alert Distribution Center) allows the authorities to send geo-targeted alerts and notifications simultaneously across different networks such as mobile, TV, radio, sirens, pagers and IP. The notification sent out by the evigilo IADC are being either created via human interaction by the relevant emergency responders or are being triggered automatically through relevant sensor input SECURITY NICE SYSTEMS LTD. NICE Systems (NASDAQ: NICE), is the worldwide leader of intentbased Governments, Security Companies, Intelligence Organizations solutions that capture and analyze interactions and transactions, By Industry: realize intent, and extract and leverage insights to deliver impact in real time. NICE serves over 25,000 organizations in the enterprise and security sectors, representing a variety of sizes and industries in more than 150 countries, and including over 80 of the Fortune 100 companies. With solutions tailored to meet their specific needs, many of the world s most security-conscience organizations airports, public transportation, seaports, first responders, critical facilities, utilities, banks and homeland security rely on NICE Security Solutions to enhance their security and safety operations. Their products/services are: * IP Video / Hybrid * Public Transport * Banks * Critical Infrastructure Protection * Airports * Public Safety * SafeCity * Air Traffic Control * LEA * Intelligence Organizations * Seaports * Next Gen Emergency Call Management * Gaming * Video Analytics * Incident Information Management * Audio Recording * VoIP Recording * Trunked Radio Recording * Next Gen Emergency Call Management * Quality Assurance * Security Solutions

9 MEDICAL SETTORE NOME AZIENDA DESCRIZIONE AZIENDA COSA CERCANO SITO WEB 27 MEDICAL / SECURITY GAMA OPERATIONS GAMA Operations is an international company based in Israel and System Integrators since 1995 has specialized in advanced telecommunications systems Hospital / Telemedicine m in particular for Voice Processing, Interactive Voice Response (IVR Police Forces (and Unified Messaging applications. These systems, developed inhouse by a highly skilled team drawn from the cream of Israel's Corporate Emergency systems Safe City technological talent, have proven their market success. Over 15,000 offices, businesses and organizations in Israel and abroad have purchased a wide range of GAMA's voic and IVR systems. GAMA Operations has gained a strong reputation for the telecommunications systems designed for emergency services - where the test is the ability to handle huge workloads within highly pressured time periods. Since 2000 the company has supplied the Israel Defense Forces with the main call-up system used for emergencies and military training. The company is highly adaptive to client requirements and uses its expert skills to respond rapidly and reliably to calls from anywhere around the world. GAMA Operations will build a complete turnkey solution or contribute expertise at any specific stage all with the goal of significantly improving the client's operational performance. GAMA Operations is jointly owned by BMT Technologies Ltd (itself under full ownership of CEO Eyal Alon) and the Hagshama Investment Fund. 28 MEDICAL SHINA SYSTEMS Ltd. Shina System offers an innovative line of image management and Dealers/Distributers of Paces/Advanced visualization solution, Dealers/Dostributers advanced visualization solutions for imaging centers, teleradiology that sale to Radiologist and image centres, Teleradiology companies, imaging centers and hospitals. 3Di is available in cloud-based, client-server and centres chains. stand-alone workstation provides anywhere image management, visualization processing with no up-front cost and no long-term commitements, a long-term image archiving and secured servers. With the increasing of medical imaging data in hospitals, and the need to be efficient and cost effective, hospitals and imaging centers challenge is to manage, analyze and report this huge amount of data using reliable and centralize systems over the internet network. 3Di Cloud provides anytime, anywhere image management, visualization and processing with no up-front cost and no long-term commitments. With imaging data stored remotely in the Cloud, 3Di Cloud ensures safe, long-term image archiving, and anywhere/anytime availability to image data and patient information.

10 29 MEDICAL HALDOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES LTD ORLocate offers hospitals a business opportunity to tap into longterm revenue schemes with a high Return on Investment (ROI) while Hospital, specialist magazine, pharmaceutical companies. focusing on the highest industry standards for patient safety. ORLocate RFID system designed to detect, count & track surgical items during operations and throughout their logistic cycle, enhancing patient safety, decreasing time consuming counting procedures and improving inventory control. It provides medical equipment, decision support system and general surgery MEDICAL AEROTEL MEDICAL SYSTEMS Aerotel Medical Systems is a world leading manufacturer of modular, home and mobile telecare and telemedicine solutions designed to transfer essential data over the telephone, mobile phone and the Internet. Our solutions provide peace of mind, improve quality of life and save costs to users and service providers. It provides home and mobile personal telemedicine systems, mobile personal safety and location systems, homecare hubs (PSTN, cellular and IPbased), telemedicine receiving systems Healthcare service organizations, medical insurance companies, telecom operators MEDICAL LIFE WATCH AG & CARD GUARD LifeWatch AG in leading healthcare service, technology and solution Telecomunications compains, medical institutional insurance companies against provider, focused on delivering the next generation healtcare delivery desease. platform for costumers, high-risk and chronically ill patients and to home health, ehealth and wellness markets. LifeWatch monitoring more than 300,000 patients a year and is offering solution designed for an expanding population with health conditions such ad obesity, diabetes, hypertension and cardiac problems, and those requiring medical supervision and monitoring. as LifeWatch is currently expanding its services portfolio within Europe, LifeWatch is offering Tele Monitoring solutions for high risk chronically ill using Card guard offers state-of-the-art devices for chonically ill patients.

11 32 MEDICAL AFERRIX LTD Aferrix is an innovative leader in development and applications of novel It is searching for a distributer and a strategic partner to market and sell their tools for early diagnosis and monitoring of toxic iron in the serum.the technology. company has developed several methods that quantify different forms of toxic iron in the serum, which are not detected by conventional tests. It offers iron testing services and kits for research and treatment centers that specialize in iron over load diseases (Thalassemia, Hemochromatosis, Myelodysplastic syndrome) and to pharmaceutical companies that are developing iron chelators MEDICAL ERIKA CARMEL LTD. It is a company that brings innovations in treatments, care and quality of life by providing a soft laser therapy with the use of the so called B- Cure laser. The soft-laser effects the skin s surface and simultaneously penetrates the skin without heating or hurting the skin. Soft laser treatment biostimulates the body s natural healing mechanisms on a cellular and systemic level. The result: every kind of cell receives the energy required for activation of its optimal functioning in the body, thus allowing it to self-heal and naturally overcome specific problems. The result: a perfect combination of the most effective therapy with the ability to provide immediate and continuous treatments, thus enabling high quality and fast recovery in shorter individual treatment times, and with less total healing time. Clinics, Hospital, Sports teams, Athletes, Security forces, Home care, Nursing homes, and individuals for self-treatments at home MEDICAL RAMOT LTD Ramot at Tel Aviv University Ltd. is the technology transfer company of Hospital, University, Research centers. Ramot Incubator that have several projects in Tel Aviv University (TAU). Ramot manages all activities relating to the Medical devices. They are looking for partners with the R&D capability to transform protection and commercialization of inventions and discoveries made their early stage technologies into products. by faculty, students and other researchers of TAU. Ramot provides a dynamic interface connecting industry to leading edge science and innovation, offering new business opportunities in a wide variety of emerging markets. Founded in 1956, TAU is one of Israel's foremost research and teaching universities. Located in Israel's cultural, financial and industrial heartland, TAU is at the forefront of basic and applied research in a wide variety of scientific research disciplines. we invented a new objective device for detecting diabetic neuropathy,an improved algorithm for handling CT scan information wich enable the display of all relevant anatomical features in a single image, a new method for processing audio inputs to hearing impaired, and a new peripheral infusion catheter qwith a very short cannula wich significantly recudes the occurrence of inflammation and thrombosis in patients.

12 35 MEDICAL SALIWELL LTD. Saliwell has developed a product to treat xerostomia (mouth dryness), Hospitals medical companies coming from dental oral oncologey ent radiology. named GenNarino. It is a mouth-guard like device with an embedded electronic module. It delivers mild (not felt) electrical stimulation in the mouth and is typically worn for only a few minutes every day. GenNarino has CE mark. Dry mouth affects significantly the patient s quality of life and induces handicapped chewing, swallowing and speaking, bad breath, sleep disturbance, excessive tiredness, decreased enjoyment of life, and consistent negative effects on patient's day-to-day lives. Furthermore, the teeth are exposed to high decay rate, leading to high expenditures to restore the dentition. Currently, dry mouth is treated either by medications or by mouthwashes or gels. The advantages of Saliwell products are the absence of side effects, their lower costs and their long-lasting and more robust beneficial effects. Yearly costs to treat xerostomia with GenNarino are lower than one thousand euros, while in order to obtain optimal efficacy, the other treatments cost much more MEDICAL FLIGHT MEDICAL INNOVATIONS LTD. They produce life support respiratory equipment. Portable Medical Ventilator with unique piston technology, specially designed for HOME CARE, Hospitals, Long Term Care, Transport, Emergency Preparedness and sub-acute. The Flight 60, state of the art medical ventilator with the unique piston technology. The Flight 60 offers the perfect solution to cover the whole range of clinical set ups: From providing the highest clinical demands of the ICU, To delivering the performance and confidence required in Home Care environment. Find Distributors or/and Major Accounts. Such as home care providers and purchasing managers of Hospitals and Nursing homes MEDICAL SIALO LTD. Sialo Technology provides medical solutions for the treatment of salivary gland diseases, dentistry and other oral conditions and allows physicians to perform minimally invasive procedures in their clinics. Sialo Technology has been granted several international patents on a range of medical devices. Sialo Technology offers a tiny endoscope to enable vastly improved visibility of the area under treatment, thereby markedly increasing the success rate of root canal and dental implant procedures and preventing secondary complications. New innovated dental implant with internal structure which acts as a drug delivery system. The Modular Endoscope offered by Sialo Technology has very small diameters: 0.59mm (6,000 pixel, 70 field of view) and 0.93mm (10,000 pixel, 120 field of view - UNIQUE) that can be used with different size sterile disposable cannulas, solving the decontamination problem of miniature endoscopes. Research and development centers. Sialo Technology markets directly to leading hospitals/clinics in the field of ENT (Salivary glands) and dental application. They are looking for distributors. m

Tecnologie avanzate per il trattamento e la gestione dell acqua

Tecnologie avanzate per il trattamento e la gestione dell acqua Elenco sintetico dei partecipanti israeliana alla giornata di incontri d affari bilaterali Tecnologie avanzate per il trattamento e la gestione dell acqua Milano, 14 giugno 2011 Palazzo


ISAC. Company Profile

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INTERNET & MARKETING INNOVATIVE COMMUNICATION. INTERNET & MARKETING INNOVATIVE COMMUNICATION Passion Our passion to what we do every day allows us to have a special creativity and constantly improve the process of realization and execution.


IP TV and Internet TV

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GESTIONE IMMOBILIARE REAL ESTATE CONOSCENZA Il Gruppo SCAI ha maturato una lunga esperienza nell ambito della gestione immobiliare. Il know-how acquisito nei differenti segmenti di mercato, ci ha permesso di diventare un riferimento importante



LA STORIA STORY THE COMPANY ITI IMPRESA GENERALE SPA LA STORIA ITI IMPRESA GENERALE SPA nasce nel 1981 col nome di ITI IMPIANTI occupandosi prevalentemente della progettazione e realizzazione di grandi impianti tecnologici (termotecnici ed elettrici) in



AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING FOR HEAVY-DUTY EQUIPMENT AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING FOR HEAVY-DUTY EQUIPMENT Company Profile S.E.A. specializes in air conditioning for a wide range of applications, such as construction vehicles, agricultural vehicles, military





Pubblicazioni COBIT 5

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Solutions in motion.

Solutions in motion. Solutions in motion. Solutions in motion. SIPRO SIPRO presente sul mercato da quasi trent anni si colloca quale leader italiano nella progettazione e produzione di soluzioni per il motion control. Porsi


Technological installations: hydraulics electrical building

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Big Data: il futuro della Business Analytics

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E-Business Consulting S.r.l.

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A Solar Energy Storage Pilot Power Plant

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CREATING A NEW WAY OF WORKING 2014 IBM Corporation CREATING A NEW WAY OF WORKING L intelligenza collaborativa nella social organization Alessandro Chinnici Digital Enterprise Social Business Consultant IBM


Regional Health Information System

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accelerate your ambition

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HP e il Progetto SPC. Daniele Sacerdoti Consulting&Integration Public Sector. 12 Maggio 2008. Technology for better business outcomes

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Telecontrol systems for renewables: from systems to services

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Copyright 2012 Binary System srl 29122 Piacenza ITALIA Via Coppalati, 6 P.IVA 01614510335 - http://www.binarysystem.

Copyright 2012 Binary System srl 29122 Piacenza ITALIA Via Coppalati, 6 P.IVA 01614510335 - http://www.binarysystem. CRWM CRWM (Web Content Relationship Management) has the main features for managing customer relationships from the first contact to after sales. The main functions of the application include: managing


partner tecnico dell evento dal 2013

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CRM - CITIZEN RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT NELLE AMMINISTRAZIONI "CRM - CITIZEN RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT NELLE AMMINISTRAZIONI" Marco Beltrami COMPA, Novembre 2004 COMPA Bologna 2004 IBM oggi non solo Information Technology! L ottava società mondiale per dimensione 45%


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IP multimedia services in the NGN

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gruppo Tecnologie e servizi ICT ICT technologies and services

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Liberi di... Immediately takes care of the client, creating a special feeling since the first meeting aimed to investigate the customer needs.

Liberi di... Immediately takes care of the client, creating a special feeling since the first meeting aimed to investigate the customer needs. Liberi di... Il rapporto tra la Immediately ed i propri clienti nasce dal feeling, dalla complicità che si crea in una prima fase di analisi e d individuazione dei risultati da raggiungere. La libertà


La domotica è un lusso. been easier.

La domotica è un lusso. been easier. La domotica è un lusso. ra Domotic has never been easier. La domotica èra un lusso. BLUE è la domotica della semplicità, dell evoluzione tecnologica capace di trasformare prodotti ed impianti in opportunità


service building automation

service building automation service building automation CPL CONCORDIA propone un nuovo servizio per l integrazione ottimale di diversi sistemi ed impianti tecnologici. Consulenza, progettazione e costruzione di sistemi all avanguardia


why? what? when? where? who?

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shared bytes -> shared good A geek proposal for the Sharing Economy survival

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Rinnova la tua Energia. Renew your Energy.

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International Development

International Development International Development PER NOI L INTERNAZIONALIZZAZIONE È STRATEGIA, METODOLOGIA E OPPORTUNITÀ DI SVILUPPO, MA PRIMA DI TUTTO È CULTURA D IMPRESA. For us internationalization is strategy, methodology


Customer Centric/Inquiry/E-bill. Tanya Enzminger

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Costruire un nuovo ecosistema per i servizi finanziari del futuro

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the creative point of view

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4ward SFB365 Bundle. Designed for. Digital Business Solutions for a Mobile-First, Cloud-First World

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an agile and High-Tech company backed up by big cloud player una azienda agile e High-Tech supportata dalle grandi piattaforme cloud

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La collaborazione come strumento per l'innovazione.

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Efficiency and productivity improvement Safety increase in the workplace Maintenance costs reduction Additional storage capacity Increased visibility

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Sistema modulare per visualizzazione prezzi carburanti.

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Creare Valore con il Supply Chain Management Bologna, 26 se:embre 2013. Roberto Pinto CELS Dip. di Ingegneria Università degli Studi di Bergamo

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Engineering & technology solutions

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Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe

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innovazione di casa nelle imprese



Servizi innovativi per la comunicazione Innovative communication services

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Informazione Regolamentata n. 0232-12-2015

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NFC: Abilitatore di servizi innova4vi per le Aziende. Alberto Luge9 - BT Italia Giancarlo Celentano - Giesecke & Devrient

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Energia libera s.r.l via Sergente Luigi Cosentino,1 95049 Vizzini (CT) Italy Tel./Fax +39 0933067103

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Buona volontà e serietà completano il profilo. Tipo di contratto: stage di 6 mesi con rimborso mensile di 600 euro + ticket restaurant

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SOLUZIONI PER IL FUTURO SOLUZIONI PER IL FUTURO Alta tecnologia al vostro servizio Alta affidabilità e Sicurezza Sede legale e operativa: Via Bologna, 9 04012 CISTERNA DI LATINA Tel. 06/96871088 Fax 06/96884109


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Le Aziende del Distretto Green & High Tech presentano i loro progetti. Valorizzare le sinergie della rete per creare valore aggiunto Le Aziende del Distretto Green & High Tech presentano i loro progetti Valorizzare le sinergie della rete per creare valore aggiunto SEM Communication Maurizio Colombo Presidente CdA 10-15 Aprile 2014 APA


A man s character is his fate

A man s character is his fate MAIL@ in, with the development of electromechanical and electronic in the industrial sector. The company s distinctive feature, since its early work, is the technological per mano dei fratelli Tona, nel,


LA FILIERA SW DEL DISTRETTO HIGH TECH le Aziende presentano i loro prodotti e progetti

LA FILIERA SW DEL DISTRETTO HIGH TECH le Aziende presentano i loro prodotti e progetti LA FILIERA SW DEL DISTRETTO HIGH TECH le Aziende presentano i loro prodotti e progetti Valorizzare le sinergie della rete per creare valore aggiunto 10 Aprile 2013 APA Confartigianato Monza Massimo Milano



COMPANY PROFILE. COMPANY PROFILE PROGETTAZIONE E REALIZZAZIONE IMPIANTI INDUSTRIALI DAL 1999 Design and manufacture of industrial systems since 1999 Keep the faith on progress that is always right even
