EURES REGIONE UMBRIA Servizio Politiche Attive del Lavoro. Le richieste di personale selezionate dal servizio EURES della Regione Umbria

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1 Aggiornamento: EURES REGIONE UMBRIA Servizio Politiche Attive del Lavoro La rete EURES (EURopean Employment Services - Servizi Europei per l Impiego) promuove la mobilità geografica e professionale attraverso un servizio di informazione, consulenza e assistenza rivolto ai cittadini europei che desiderano lavorare nei paesi dello Spazio Economico Europeo e ai datori di lavoro che intendono assumere personale proveniente da altri paesi. E stata istituita dalla Commissione Europea nel 1993 e ne fanno parte i Servizi Pubblici per l Impiego dei 27 paesi UE, più la Norvegia, l Islanda, il Liechtenstein e dal 2002 anche la Svizzera, che ha concluso con l UE un accordo sulla libera circolazione delle persone. Il Ministero del Lavoro coordina l attività della rete italiana. I cittadini interessati a lavorare nei paesi aderenti possono accedere al Portale Europeo della Mobilità Professionale per avere informazioni sulle condizioni di vita e lavoro e conoscere tutte richieste di personale disponibili. Per una consulenza personalizzata possono rivolgersi al Consigliere EURES presso la Regione Umbria (tel , ), oppure ai Referenti presenti nei Centri per l Impiego. La conoscenza di altre lingue è fondamentale per cercare lavoro in un altro paese, per questa ragione la maggior parte delle offerte sono pubblicate nella lingua richiesta. Le richieste di personale selezionate dal servizio EURES della Regione Umbria Per vedere tutte le offerte disponibili consulta il Portale EURES: N.B. Prima di candidarti verifica, nel portale EURES, che l offerta sia ancora disponibile e che non abbia subito delle modifiche (inserisci come parola chiave la qualifica o il numero di riferimento EURES indicati e seleziona il paese) Le offerte di questa settimana: da pag. 1 a pag. 34 Le offerte già segnalate, ma ancora valide: da pag. 35 a pag. 67 EURES Provincia Torino Importante azienda in Val Pellice cerca 1 ARCHITETTO Mansioni: Gestione cantieri e ricerca lavori edili. La figura dovrà occuparsi della gestione dei cantieri in Francia, dal proprio ufficio presso la sede legale dell azienda in Val Pellice. Sono previsti occasionali sopralluoghi sul posto. Requisiti: Ottima conoscenza della lingua francese, livello C (comprensione, parlato e scritto). Preferibile eventuale conoscenza lingua inglese. Indispensabile esperienza nella mansione. Indispensabile patente B, automuniti. Titolo di studio: Laurea triennale o magistrale in architettura (indirizzo edile) Condizioni: CCNL Artiagianato/lapidei, tempo indeterminato, 40 ore Retribuzione a partire da un minimo di euro 1500 netti (sarà definita in fase di colloquio in base alla capacità ed esperienza). Come candidarsi: Inviare il curriculum dettagliato e aggiornato con lettera di presentazione a SCADENZA OFFERTA 1 AGOSTO 2013 EURES Provincia Torino Hotel & Spa in CARINZIA (Austria) ricerca 1 ESTETISTA Mansioni: trattamenti cosmetici del corpo e del viso (pulizia della pelle, make-up, depilazione, manicure, pedicure); gestione degli aspetti relazionali con clienti di lingua tedesca, italiana e inglese; predisposizione alla vendita attiva di prodotti cosmetici e trattamenti ; mantenimento dell'ordine e dell'igiene nell'area wellness. Autonomia nel lavoro Pagina 1 di 67

2 Requisiti: Qualifica Professionale di Estetista Madrelingua italiana Ottima conoscenza della lingua tedesca Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese. Condizioni: Contratto di lavoro a tempo indeterminato e orario pieno con turni diurni e festivi. Lo stipendio lordo mensile è di circa 1342,00, netto circa 1100,00 e secondo qualificazione. Si offre vitto e alloggio Per candidarsi inviare il Curriculum Vitae aggiornato in lingua inglese all'indirizzo e c/c SCADENZA 30/07/2013 EURES Belgio Rif. EURES Serco Group is a FTSE100 company with more than 100,000 employees delivering mission-critical services to government and private clients world-wide. Serco is an international service company which combines commercial know-how with a deep public service ethos. Serco improves services by managing people, processes, technology and assets more effectively. Acting on a consultative basis, Serco designs innovative solutions, integrates systems and, most of all, delivers to the public. To reinforce our team at one of our prestigious customer we are currently looking for a: ANALYST PROGRAMMER Job Description: Analysis of the requirements. Prototyping. Writing/maintenance of applications that reflect the specifications. Elaboration of test programs. Definition and integration of technological components. Integration with other applications. Production of technical documentation. Assistance with training the administrators and users of the system. Assistance with deployment and configuration of the system. Assist with evaluating and testing products delivered by other teams to ensure that they conform to the Commission requirements and methodology. Participation in meetings with the Commission. Profile: Knowledge and skills: Level English C1 and second language is an advantage (preferably French) In depth knowledge of application development environments. Working experience in the design and development of web and multi-tiers Internet applications. Working experience with modeling tools (e.g. UML). Working experience of software development methodologies (e.g. RUP). Working experience of relational database systems. Ability to cope with fast changing technologies used in application developments. Ability to participate in multi-lingual meetings, ease of communication. Capability of integration in an international/multi-cultural environment, rapid self-starting capability and experience in team working. Education and experience: University degree with minimum 2 years experience in IT OR Non-university degree with minimum 4 years experience in IT. Minimum 1 year of analysis and programming experience. Experience with UML or case tools. Experience with relational databases. Experience in internet application development. Optional specific expertise: Minimum 3 years in modelling tools (e.g. UML), RDBMS (e.g. Oracle), or development tools/ environments/languages (e.g. Java, J2EE, pl/sql). Offer: A full time contract A salary/benefits package in line with your profile An interesting work environment with a real opportunity to build your career Do you recognize yourself in this profile? Please send us your application and CV to the following address: EURES Belgio Rif. EURES Serco Group is a FTSE100 company with more than 100,000 employees delivering mission-critical services to government and private clients world-wide. Serco is an international service company which combines commercial know-how with a deep public service ethos. Pagina 2 di 67

3 Serco improves services by managing people, processes, technology and assets more effectively. Acting on a consultative basis, Serco designs innovative solutions, integrates systems and, most of all, delivers to the public. To reinforce our team at one of our prestigious customer we are currently looking for a: PROJECT MANAGER Job Description: Manage the development and implementation of information systems to meet identified business needs, acquiring and utilising the necessary resources and skills, within agreed parameters of cost, timescales, and quality. Give proposals for project strategies, planning, definition of tasks and deliverables, review of project deliverables, quality control, risk analysis and management, status reports, problem reporting and management systems, follow up and organisation. Guide the team in charge of project activities and review their deliverables. Participate in functional working groups and progress meetings. Estimate costs, timescales and resource requirements for the successful completion of each project to agreed terms of reference. Prepare and maintain project and quality plans and track activities against the plan, provide regular and accurate reports. Monitor costs, timescales and resources used, and take action where these deviate from agreed tolerances. Ensure that delivered systems are implemented within these criteria. Manage the change control procedure gaining agreement for revisions to the project from project sponsors. Provide effective leadership for the project team ensuring that team members are motivated and constantly developing their skills and experience. Profile: Knowledge and skills: Level English C1 and second language is an advantage (preferably French) Project Management. Good knowledge of project management standards and methodologies. Usage of project management tools. Good technical knowledge on the projects aspects. Good reporting methods. Ability to give presentations. Ability to apply high quality standards to all tasks. Ability to participate in multi-lingual meetings, good communication skills. Capability of working in an international/multi-cultural environment, rapid self-starting capability and experience in team working, understanding the needs, objectives and constraints of those in other disciplines and functions. Leadership capability. Education and experience: University degree with minimum 6 years experience in IT, OR, Non-university degree with minimum 12 years experience in IT. Minimum 2 years experience in Project Management of information systems construction. Knowledge of project management guidelines (e.g. PMBOK). Minimum 2 years experience in RUP or another software development process methodology. Minimum 1 year of experience with a project management methodology (e.g. Prince2). Experience with quality procedures. (e.g. ISO 1006:2003). Optional specific expertise: Minimum 3 years in a project management or software development methodology or tool (e.g. RUP, Prince2, MS-Project) Offer: A full time contract A salary/benefits package in line with your profile An interesting work environment with a real opportunity to build your career Do you recognize yourself in this profile? Please send us your application and CV to the following address: Rif. Cliclavoro SAINT-ETIENNE (France) Agence de voyage Carlson recherche 5 CONSEILLER / CONSEILLÈRE VOYAGES D'AFFAIRES Descriptif de l'emploi : Gestion de la production de voyages d'affaires pour des entreprises internationals du CAC40. Maitrise de la Relation client exclusivement téléphonique en anglais (appels entrants et sortants). Gestion de la vente de voyages d'affaires dans sa globalité de la commande client à la facturation. Profil recherché Imperative connaissances solides du logiciel AMADEUS formation : BTS tourisme (serait un +) ou expérience avec utilisation impérative à minima d AMADEUS rail/air. aisance verbale, écrite en français et en anglais (vérification de base sur courrier manuscrit de motivation) téléphonique : mise en avant de la Relation Client par téléphone en anglais, connaissance outil informatique : outlook (messageri ) et outil tourisme : Amadeus. Sens relationnel Pagina 3 di 67

4 Sociabilité pour travail en équipe et connaissance de la culture, us et coutume anglophone (serait un +), autonomie et rigueur exigées Langues: Anglais et Français courant exigé Type de contrat: Contrat à durée déterminée - 6 Mois renouvelables (1 an ou CDI) Salaire: Mensuel de EU brut à EU brut, Chèque repas, Mutuelle, 35H Hebdo ( du Lundi au vendredi) Pour postuler: Envoyer votre CV et lettre de motivation manuscrite par courrier à l'agence PE ALE ST ETIENNE CHATEAUCREUX 14 RUE DE LA MONTAT CS ST ETIENNE FRANCE Pour postuler: Envoyer votre CV et lettre de motivation à et c/c Une mauvaise application ne sera pas prise en considération Dernière candidature: 30/06/2013 Importante azienda nell ambito di un progetto garanzie nel settore automotive ricerca 1 WARRANTY ASSESSOR-NEO-LAUREATO IN INGEGNERIA MADRELINGUA TEDESCO Requisiti : Madrelingua tedesco con conoscenza fluente della lingua inglese (liv.c). Laurea in Ingegneria Anche prima esperienza Conoscenze informatiche di Windows, Word, Excel, Access, Power Point Mansioni: Il Warranty Assessor verificherà che le richieste di rimborso in garanzia (claims) siano in linea con le procedure di Casa madre e la rispondenza tecnica. Valuterà situazioni complesse e si interfaccerà con le concessionarie. Dovrà essere in grado di lavorare in team. Possedere spirito d iniziativa, ottime capacità di comunicazione. Condizioni: CCNL Commercio, tempo determinato, 40 ore Retribuzione lorda da euro minimo ad un max di euro annui. La retribuzione sarà definita in sede di colloquio secondo capacità ed esperienza. Garantita sistemazione alloggiativa se non residente nella Provincia di Torino, pasti inclusi, per n.1 mese di residence. Come candidarsi: Inviare il curriculum dettagliato e aggiornato con lettera di presentazione a SCADENZA OFFERTA 31 AGOSTO 2013 Ref.cliclavoro: SENIOR PHP DEVELOPER Your responsibilities include analysing, programming, testing, implementing, monitoring and maintaining interactive websites and educational applications. You keep track of the clients needs and wants and figure out the most suitable solution. You work closely with the development team and the project manager. Offered : Indefinite contract, full time We offer you an interesting challenge in a dynamic company! The average start salary for a bachelor ranges between 1750 and 1999 euro gross per month. For a master it lays between 2000 and 2249 euro gross per month. In general as a master engineer you can start at 2500 euro gross on a monthly basis ( according experience and skills, your salary will increase progressively ) The employer will help the selected candidate in his or her search for a suitable house or apartment ( the candidate himself needs to pay the rent ). Expected : You have a healthy sense of duty and responsibility. You can communicate openly and clearly. You have an analytical and creative mindset. You embrace innovation. You work well with others You have several years experience in the development of online applications. You are very skilled in PHP and MySQL. You are proficient in (X)HTML and CSS, in accordance with W3C standards. You have experience in object-oriented programming. You are knowledgeable about Java and Ajax. You have experience in the development of database schemas. You are a competent speaker of Dutch, French or English. Paese: Belgio Regione : BE23 Pagina 4 di 67

5 Tra 2 e 5 anni VISION Jessica Decoster Telefono: Fax: : Contatto: VISION, Dendermondsesteenweg 201 bus 48, 9000 GENT, BELGIE Altro - vedere testo libero Jessica Decoster (Adres: VISION, Dendermondsesteenweg 201 bus 48, 9000 GENT, BELGIE, ) Numero di posti: 1 Data di pubblicazione: 07/01/2013 Data dell'ultimo aggiornamento: 10/06/2013 Codice ISCO: 3471 Codice Nace: 7222 ID del posto vacante: Riferimento nazionale: VDAB, Servizi pubblici dell'occupazione, Belgio EURES Norway HOST AND HOTEL MANAGER NB: We don t want contact with sales-promoters Employer: Hotell Hardanger AS (former Strandebarm Fjord Hotel) Address: Strandebarmsvegen 276, N-5630 Strandebarm, Norway Phone: Website: Contact Person: Mr. Lars Berge, Phone: Work Place: The village of Strandebarm, in the county of Kvam, Hordaland, Norway About the company: Strandebarm has a central location along The Hardangerfjord, one of the most popular and famous tourist areas in Norway. Hotell Hardanger has 26 rooms and 50 beds. The hotel has had the same owner since Our manager has been looking for new challenges. We need to find his replacement. The hotels reputation is based around food and a relaxed atmosphere. The company has a solid fiscal development in 2013 and very good prospects for next couple of years. More information online: Information about the position: We are looking for a host and manager in fulltime permanent possition for our hotel, and the company running it. For the right person we can offer a challenging position, with competitive benefits, including unharvested potential for development and growth. Hotell Hardanger is a unique option if you are interested in: Running a profitable hotel, developing a hotel- and food experience, a love for sale, fiscal control and creating the food, continuing the atmosphere and good working environment, utilizing PR and digital channels, being the good host in all aspects of your management, entertaining and empowering the guest and the local community. Position demands: You are a leader that value sale, food, quality and a strong work environment. You know how to challenge and empower your self, your employees and your partners, in serving the customer experience. Proven track record from hotel and/or kitchen is vital. You might just want to create your product. Your hands-on signature to guest experience is part of the total package. Stamina, working capacity, flexibility, leadership and focus on achieving results, are labels you put on your self. You are hands-on with all hotel facilities and operational functions. A focus on results and a healthy financial management is in your back bone. The applicant must have kitchen background, leadership experience and experience from being a host or similar. We also value experience/knowledge within: Sale, digital marketing, facility management Wages: NOK gross per month depending on experience and qualifications (app ) + bonus upon performing on and beyond budget. Phone is also compensated. Housing: The employer will assist in finding housing. Family: The employer will assist you if you bring your family, and it is positive if the host is a family/couple. Work Regulations: Fulltime, permanent possition.. Last application date: 30 th of June Start date: August Application: Send short application and CV pr. Diplomas and other papers must be brought if interview. For more information: please call Lars Berge at ID del posto vacante: MECHANICAL AGRICULTURE Numero di posti: 1 Pagina 5 di 67

6 Recruitment Direct is looking for a professional mechanical agriculture, the candidate must be able to repair heavy agriculture machinery. Accommodation available near the farm. Please send us your CV with any related certificate you may have. or Paese: Regno Unito Regione : HIGHLANDS, ISLANDS Salario minimo: Salario massimo: GBP Periodo di retribuzione: Orario TEMPORANEO + TEMPO PIENO Tra 2 e 5 anni Recruitment Direct Elgin, IV301HS Telefono: +44 (0) Department for Work and Pensions, Public Employment Services, United Kingdom Job reference: Staff Nurse - (Full-time / Permanent) Job location: Portadown Salary: Â per hour Hours: 35 Worktime: 7.45pm - 8am 3 nights per week Age: 18 and over Closing date: 17/07/2013 Pension type: Prefer Not to Say Employer: St Francis Private Nursing Home Business: Private Nursing Home Address: c/o 11 Bleary Road Portadown Postcode: BT63 5NE Telephone: Job Duties: To assist in the overall objective of St Francis Private Nursing Home in creating & maintaining a caring environment where residents & their families feel secure & happy and were the respect & dignity of the resident is maintained. To be responsible & accountable for the delivery of the highest standards of care possible to residents. To assist in the supervision of the staff & ensure their adherence to the policies of the home. Qualifications / Experience: Applicants must be a fully qualified nurse on Part 1 of the live NMC register. Application Method: Employer application forms are available from Portadown Jobs & Benefits Office, 140 Jervis Street, Portadown, BT62 3BZ, telephone: or CV to If you are unemployed your local Jobs & Benefits Office can provide you with additional support. For assistance with your job interview visit Getting Started. Other Information: The position for staff nurse is night shift, 3 nights per week and the nights will be discussed at interview stage. Must be over 18 for night duty. Employer is willing to help source accomodation Equality Statement: St Francis Private Nursing Home is an Equal Opportunities Employer which welcomes applicants from all sections of the community. A copy of our Equal Opportunities Policy is available upon request. Required Languages: Fluent English required for health and safety purposes. Job reference: Staff Nurse - (Full-time / Permanent) Job location: Portadown Salary: Â per hour Hours: 36.5 Worktime: 3 nights per week shifts start at 7.45pm am Age: 18 and over Closing date: 17/07/2013 Pension type: None Employer: Glenview Private Nursing Home Business: Private Home Address: 11 Bleary Road Portadown Postcode: BT63 5NE Telephone: Pagina 6 di 67

7 Job Duties: To assist in the overall objective of Glenview Private Nursing Home in creating & maintaining a caring environment where residents & their families feel secure & happy and where the respect & dignity of the resident is maintained. Applicants must be responsible & accountable for the delivery of the highest standards of care possible to residents. Assist in the supervision of staff & ensure their adherence to the policies of the home. Qualifications / Experience: Public transport does not cover this area. It is essential criteria that applicants are fully qualified nurses on Part 1 of the Live NMC Register & have a minimum of 2 years experience. Application Method: Employer application forms are available from Portadown Jobs & Benefits Office, 140 Jervis Street, Portadown, BT62 3BZ, telephone or CV to If you are unemployed your local Jobs & Benefits Office can provide you with additional support. For assistance with your job interview visit Getting Started. Other Information: Applicants must be over 18 for insurance purposes. Completed application forms to be returned to Glenview Private Nursing Home, 11 Bleary Road, Portadown, BT63 5NE. Employer is willing to help source accomodation. Equality Statement: Glenview Private Nursing Home is an Equal Opportunities employer which welcomes applicants from all sections of the community. A copy of our Equal Opportunities policy is available upon request. Required Languages: Fluent English required for health & safety purposes KÖCHE FÜR GEHOBENES ITALIENISCHES RESTAURANT W/M ARBEITSORT: FULDA Für unsere Kunden, einem gehobenen Italienischem Restaurant, suchen wir derzeit in Festanstellung Commis de cuisine w/m bzw. Jungkoch w/m Chef de partie, Souchef Wenn Sie in der gehobenen Italienischen Küche bereits Erfahrung sammeln konnten oder vielleicht unbedingt Erfahrung sammeln möchten, sollten Sie sich diese Chance nicht entgehen lassen. Falls Sie noch nicht in Fulda wohnen, helfen wir Ihnen gerne bei der Wohnungssuche. Ein motiviertes Kollegenteam wartet auf Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung, gerne per oder Post. Kostenfrei arbeiten wir für Bewerber, die Anspruch auf einen Aktivierungs- und Vermittlungsgutschein haben - hier hat man im Alg1 einen gesetzlichen Anspruch nach 6 Wochen. Zu den zusätzlichen neuen Regelungen ab dem informieren wir gerne telefonisch. Gutschein ab dem 1. Tag / Gutschein ohne Leistungsbezug / Gutschein bei drohender Arbeitslosigkeit etc. Lassen Sie diese 6 Wochen aber nicht ungenutzt verstreichen, setzen Sie sich gleich mit uns in Verbindung, dann haben wir genug Zeit Ihre Bewerbungsmappe zu optimieren. Zum Optimieren Ihrer Unterlagen benötigen wir Ihren Lebenslauf in Word-Datei, ein Foto in.jpg, sowie gute Zeugniskopien. Daraus erstellen wir eine onlinefähige pdf-datei. Bewerbungsunterlagen per Post nur als Fotokopien ohne Plastikhüllen, Heftmappen etc. einreichen. Schont die Umwelt und den Geldbeutel. Eine Rücksendung Ihrer Unterlagen ist uns nur mit frankiertem Rückumschlag möglich. Wenn wir uns über Ihre genaue Qualifikation informiert haben, dann können wir Ihnen gerne weitere passgenaue Stellen vorschlagen. Sind noch Fragen offen, dann rufen Sie uns einfach noch mal an. MEHR STELLENANGEBOTE FINDEN SIE AUF UNSERER HOMEPAGE: Wir sind eine engagierte, zertifizierte Fachvermittlung für Hotellerie und Gastronomie, mit weiteren Bereichen: Gemeinschaftsverpflegung, Catering, Hauswirtschaft und Facility. - Arbeitnehmern helfen wir bei der Stellensuche und - Arbeitgeber unterstützen wir bei der passgenauen Stellenbesetzung. Hier fungieren wir als Personalmakler und externes Personalbüro - als Bindeglied zwischen AG und AN. Unser großes Plus: Wir sind alle aus dem HoGa-Bereich und seit 2004 erfolgreich tätig. Wir freuen uns schon jetzt Sie kennenzulernen! - Geforderte Anlagen: Anschreiben, Lebenslauf mit Lichtbild, Zeugnisse Lingue richieste: Data di entrata in servizio: 01/07/2013 englisch-erweiterte Kenntnisse, deutsch-zwingend Erforderlich Paese: Germania Regione : HESSEN Imposta sul salario: EUR Lordo Periodo di retribuzione: Mensile Livello di istruzione richiesto: nicht relevant Die Joblotsen Zertifizierte Fachvermittlung für Hotellerie und Gastronomie Kunz Telefono: Auf dem Trieb 1a, D Hungen, Deutschland Pagina 7 di 67

8 : per Numero di posti: 3 Data di pubblicazione: 13/06/2013 Codice ISCO: 5122 Codice Nace: ID del posto vacante: S BA, Servizi pubblici dell'occupazione, Germania CALL-CENTER-AGENT/IN - ITALIENISCH ARBEITSORT: NÜRNBERG, MITTELFRANKEN Für unseren Kunden, ein führender Anbieter im Bereich E-Commerce, können wir diese Vollzeitstelle mit langfristigen Perspektiven und späterer Übernahmemöglichkeit anbieten. Eine entsprechende Einarbeitung in das Aufgabengebiet ist gewährleistet. Ihre Aufgaben: Telefonische Betreuung von Kreditkartenkunden/Bankfilialen/Händlern Durchführung von Notfallservices aller Art (z.b. Kartensperrungen) Beantwortung aller Fragen rund um das Kreditkartenkonto sowie Bearbeitung von Autorisierungsanfragen Beratung zu den jeweiligen Produkten und Dienstleistungen Reklamationsbearbeitung und Beschwerdemanagement Allgemeine Bürotätigkeiten (z.b. die Bearbeitung von schriftlichen Anträgen) Übernahme von Sondertätigkeiten, wie Quality Checks und Reportings Ihr Profil: Kaufmännische Ausbildung, idealerweise Berufserfahrung in der telefonischen Kundenbetreuung oder in einer vergleichbaren Tätigkeit Sichere Beherrschung der englischen und italienischen Sprache Gute Microsoft-Office- Kenntnisse (Word, Excel, Outlook) Serviceorientiert und überzeugend Kommunikations- und Teamfähigkeit Wir bieten: langfristigen Arbeitsplatz mit Übernahmemöglichkeit Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld Nachtschicht-, Sonnund Feiertagszuschläge Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Wir freuen uns auf Ihre vollständige Bewerbung unter Angabe Ihrer Verdienstvorstellung. - Geforderte Anlagen: Vollständige Bewerbungsunterlagen erwünscht. Lingue richieste: Data di entrata in servizio: 14/06/2013 Data di cessazione del servizio: italienisch-verhandlungssicher, englisch-verhandlungssicher 13/06/2014 Paese: Germania Regione : BAYERN Salario minimo: Imposta sul salario: nach Qualifikation und Vereinbarung EUR Lordo Periodo di retribuzione: Mensile Ore alla settimana: 40 Livello di istruzione richiesto: TEMPORANEO + TEMPO PIENO nicht relevant redworkgroup GmbH Massimo Calignano Telefono: Plobenhofstr. 1-9, D Nürnberg, Mittelfranken, Deutschland Fax: : per Numero di posti: 1 Data di pubblicazione: 14/06/2013 Codice ISCO: 3419 Codice Nace: ID del posto vacante: S BA, Servizi pubblici dell'occupazione, Germania KUNDENBETREUER(M/W) DEUTSCH/ITALIENISCH IM INBOUND Pagina 8 di 67

9 ARBEITSORT: KARLSRUHE, BADEN Sind Sie bereit für neue berufliche Herausforderungen oder Ihren nächsten Karriereschritt? Dann ist CALLKONZEPT GmbH genau der richtige Partner an Ihrer Seite! Profitieren Sie von unserer langjährigen Erfahrung und nutzen Sie die zahlreichen Chancen, die Ihnen unsere namhaften Kundenunternehmen in der sich stets verändernden Arbeitswelt bieten. Unsere Kunden und wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung als: Kundenbetreuer (m/w) Deutsch/Italienisch im Inbound Ihre Aufgaben: Telefonische Annahme und Bearbeitung von Kundenaufträgen in Deutsch und Italienisch Weiterleitung von Aufträgen und Kundenanfragen Sachbearbeitung am PC Nachbereitung und Dokumentation der Kundenanfragen Das bringen Sie mit: Deutsch und Italienisch in Wort und Schrift Sichere Kenntnisse im Umgang mit MS Office Teamfähigkeit Kommunikationsfähigkeit Zuverlässigkeit Wir bieten: Gute Erreichbarkeit Perspektiven in einem stark wachsenden Unternehmen Ein faires Gehalt (zzgl. Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld) Eine super Stimmung im Unternehmen und Spaß bei der Arbeit Den Willen zusammen in einem jungem Team etwas zu erreichen Unser Auftraggeber bietet Ihnen eine gute Einarbeitung in Ihren Aufgabenbereich, eine abwechslungsreiche, interessante und anspruchsvolle Aufgabe und die Mitarbeit in einem sympathischen Team. Ihre Perspektive: Eine gute ausgezeichnete Aufstiegschance, und bei Eignung findet selbstverständlich, nach 3-6 monatiger Einarbeitung, eine Übernahme in ein festes Arbeitsverhältnis durch unseren Kunden statt. Die Übernahme Quote liegt bei 89% Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung per an: Bitte bedenken Sie, dass aus Organisatorischen Gründen, Ihre schriftliche Bewerbung nicht Zurück Geschickt werden kann. - Geforderte Anlagen: Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse Lingue richieste: Data di entrata in servizio: 24/06/2013 deutsch-verhandlungssicher, italienisch-verhandlungssicher Paese: Germania Regione : BADEN-WUERTTEMBERG Salario minimo: Imposta sul salario: Periodo di retribuzione: Übertariflich EUR Ore alla settimana: 35 Lordo Mensile Livello di istruzione richiesto: nicht relevant Call Konzept GmbH Jäger : per Termine ultimo per la presentazione della 01/07/2013 Am Sandfeld 4, D Karlsruhe, Baden, Deutschland Numero di posti: 8 Data di pubblicazione: 19/06/2013 Codice ISCO: 3419 Codice Nace: ID del posto vacante: BA, Servizi pubblici dell'occupazione, Germania S KONTRUKTEUR ODER TECHNISCHEN ZEICHNER M/W - ITALIENISCH ARBEITSORT: RÖDERMARK Seit 1993 steht Propartner im Bereich Arbeitnehmerüberlassung und Arbeitsvermittlung mit seinen Niederlassungen in Weil am Rhein, Freiburg, Saarbrücken, VS-Schwenningen, Karlsruhe, Darmstadt und Mannheim im Dienste Ihrer Kunden und Mitarbeiter. Für unseren Kunden in Rödermark suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt einen: Technischen Zeichner oder Konstrukteur m/w mit sehr guten italienisch Kenntnissen. Ihre Aufgaben: - Konstruktion von Heißkanalsystemen - Erstellung von Baugruppen- und Einzelteilzeichnungen - Bearbeiten von Stücklisten - Klärung von konstruktiven Details in Zusammenarbeit mit der Anwendungstechnik und Kunden Ihr Profil - Abgeschlossene Ausbildung zum Technischen Zeichner oder Techniker Kunststofftechnik/Maschinenbau - Berufserfahrung im Bereich 3D-Konstruktion mit Solid Works - Sicherer Umgang mit MS Office - Sehr gute Italienisch Kenntnisse - Englisch Grundkenntnisse Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen. Ihre aussagefähige schriftliche Bewerbung richten Sie bitte per an die folgende Adresse: Pagina 9 di 67

10 - Geforderte Anlagen: Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse Lingue richieste: Data di entrata in servizio: 19/06/2013 englisch-grundkenntnisse, italienisch-zwingend Erforderlich Paese: Germania Regione : HESSEN Salario minimo: nach Tarif EUR Imposta sul salario: Lordo Periodo di retribuzione: Mensile Ore alla settimana: 35 Livello di istruzione richiesto: nicht relevant Propartner Zeitarbeit + Handelsagentur GmbH Aytekin Aygurlu Telefono: Come sollecitare l'impiego: Ludwigstr. 17, D Darmstadt, Deutschland per Numero di posti: 1 Data di pubblicazione: 19/06/2013 Codice ISCO: 3119 Codice Nace: ID del posto vacante: S BA, Servizi pubblici dell'occupazione, Germania CALL CENTER AGENT/IN MIT ITALIENISCH-KENNTNISSEN GESUCHT! ARBEITSORT: HAMBURG Die REGIO Personalagentur gehört zu den erfolgreichsten privaten Arbeitsvermittlungen und gestaltet die Zukunft vieler Menschen und Unternehmen in Ihrer Region erheblich mit. Call Center Agent/in mit Italienisch-Kenntnissen gesucht Ihre Aufgaben: - Telefonische Kundenbetreuung für eine italienische Hotline - Auftrags- und Bestellannahme - Reklamationsbearbeitung - Sachbearbeitung und Datenerfassung Ihr Profil: - verhandlungssichere bzw. muttersprachliche Italienisch-Kenntnisse - gute Deutsch-Kenntnisse in Wort und Schrift - Spaß an telefonischer Kundenbetreuung - EDV-Kenntnisse Arbeitszeit: Bei dieser Stelle handelt es sich um eine unbefristete Teilzeitstelle Interessiert und motiviert? Dann richten Sie Ihre Bewerbung in unserem Bewerberportal an Frau Denise Pohl. So bewerben Sie sich auf diese Stelle: - Bitte NICHT per bewerben! - Nutzen Sie unser übersichtliches Bewerberportal unter: - Dadurch kann Ihre Bewerbung innerhalb weniger Minuten von Ihrem Ansprechpartner Frau Denise Pohl bearbeitet werden Bitte entschuldigen Sie, dass wir aufgrund der hohen Anzahl an Bewerbungen leider nur Unterlagen mit frankiertem Rückumschlag zurücksenden können. - Internetadresse: ; Geforderte Anlagen: Data di entrata in servizio: 19/06/2013 Paese: Germania Regione : HAMBURG Salario minimo: Imposta sul salario: 9,00/h EUR Lordo Periodo di retribuzione: Mensile Ore alla settimana: 20 PERMANENTE + TEMPO PARZIALE Pagina 10 di 67

11 Livello di istruzione richiesto: nicht relevant Regio Personalagentur GmbH NL Hamburg Denise Pohl Telefono: Glockengießerwall 17, D Hamburg, Deutschland Fax: Come sollecitare l'impiego: über Internet Numero di posti: 1 Data di pubblicazione: 19/06/2013 Codice ISCO: 3419 Codice Nace: ID del posto vacante: S FERNVERKEHR ITALIEN *WECHSELBRÜCKE* ARBEITSORT: DIVERSE ARBEITSORTE Wir suchen zum schnellstmöglichen Eintritt Berufskraftfahrer/innen für die Standorte Herford und Herne. Es handelt sich um Vollzeitstellen mit sicherem Arbeitsplatz und modernem Equipment. Voraussetzungen: - Führerschein Klasse CE - Erfahrung mit Wechselbrücke - Berufserfahrung - Wochentouren Italienlinie; Bergano, Mailand, Bologna - Es können sich auch 2-er Teams bewerben!! Bewerbungen bitte per oder telefonisch unter oder Führerscheine: Fahrerlaubnis CE Schwere LKW mit Anhänger (alt: FS 2): Zwingend erforderlich; Kenntnisse und Fertigkeiten: Wechselbrücke Data di entrata in servizio: 18/06/2013 Data di cessazione del servizio: 17/06/2014 Paese: Germania Regione : NORDRHEIN-WESTFALEN Salario minimo: Imposta sul salario: nach Qualifikation EUR Lordo Periodo di retribuzione: Mensile Livello di istruzione richiesto: TEMPORANEO + TEMPO PIENO nicht relevant Patente di guida richiesta: FS CE Schwere LKW mit Anhänger (alt: FS 2) Westfalen-Lippe Speditions- und Lagerhausgesellschaft mbh Joerg Schwerdtfeger Telefono: : per Goebenstr. 64, D Herford, Deutschland Numero di posti: 6 Data di pubblicazione: 18/06/2013 Codice ISCO: 8324 Codice Nace: ID del posto vacante: S BA, Servizi pubblici dell'occupazione, Germania Pagina 11 di 67

12 SECOND CHEF REQUIRED FOR ITALIAN RESTAURANT Busy Italian restaurant and bar in Charminster Bournemouth requires another part time chef with good spoken English. References will be required from previous employers. Must have experience in Italian food. Salary and hours of work to be discussed at interview stage. Please CV and covering letter. Paese: Regno Unito Regione : DORSET Periodo di retribuzione: GBP Orario TEMPORANEO + TEMPO PARZIALE Peppinos Italian Fusion Restaurant & Live Music Lounge Bar Bournemouth, BH8 8UE Numero di posti: 1 Data di pubblicazione: 19/06/2013 Codice ISCO: 7414 Codice Nace: 56 ID del posto vacante: Department for Work and Pensions, Public Employment Services, United Kingdom FRENCH & ITALIAN CALL CENTRE ADVISOR We are seeking an experienced French and Italian customer service advisor to work at our prestigious client in Middleton, Manchester. The role involves liaising with customers in French and Italian language, dealing with queries, placing orders and processing payments and general product queries. Applicants must be fluent in French and Italian and have a high standard of written in both languages along with excellent English skills. Some experience within a call centre or customer service environment would be advantageous. This is an immediate start and is a temporary to permanent position. Previous applicants need not apply. PLEASE ONLY APPLY IF YOU CAN SPEAK FRENCH AND ITALIAN LANGUAGE. Paese: Regno Unito Regione : LANCASHIRE Salario minimo: 7.00 Salario massimo: 8.00 Periodo di retribuzione: GBP Orario TEMPORANEO + TEMPO PIENO Xpress Solutions Manchester, M24 1UD Numero di posti: 1 Data di pubblicazione: 17/06/2013 Codice ISCO: 1319 Codice Nace: 94 ID del posto vacante: Department for Work and Pensions, Public Employment Services, United Kingdom Pagina 12 di 67

13 ITALIAN TELEMARKETERS My client is currently looking for Italian Telemarketers to work from their Birmingham Offices to support in their tailored market research campaigns. Duties: APPOINTMENT MAKING AND MANAGEMENT If you are working or have worked in sales before or you are looking to make your way up the ladder in sales or simply want to enhance your career... Apply with you CV Full training and mentoring will be given to ensure you succeed in this role and develop within the company. Only candidates with the relevant language skills and experience will be considered for this role. Please a copy of your CV to [Admin: Removed]Contact: APPLY ONLINE at Paese: Regno Unito Regione : WEST MIDLANDS (COUNTY) GBP Periodo di retribuzione: Mensile Agency Central Limited (Job Warehouse) Birmingham, MID B16 Numero di posti: 1 Data di pubblicazione: 17/06/2013 Codice ISCO: 2419 Codice Nace: 78 ID del posto vacante: Department for Work and Pensions, Public Employment Services, United Kingdom TEACHER OF ITALIAN AND FRENCH - NOTRE DAME HIGH SCHOOL Can you make a difference to the future lives of Glasgow's children? Glasgow City Council is seeking to recruit teacher of Italian and French to work within the school. You must be committed, passionate and a well qualified staff member. We will support you to inspire the learning of our children and young people. Teaching duties - To teach subject(s) to pupils S1-S6. To prepare lessons and courses required - supporting the delivery of Curriculum for Excellence across all ages and stages of the secondary school. In addition to the range of teaching and other duties outlined in the job specification we are looking for individuals who enjoy working collegiately with colleagues, and who have with a firm commitment to improving the outcomes for Glasgow's young people. Please note that interviews for this vacancy will be held week beginning 24/06/2013. In line with section 21(2A) of the Education (Scotland) Act 1980 the successful candidate for this post will require RC Approval. Membership of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme will be essential on taking up appointment along with GTCS Registration. Please note successful candidates for the above position will be required to pay for their PVG Membership/or Scheme Checks. Location: Notre Dame High School, 160 Observatory Road, Glasgow, G12 9LNSalary: 25,716-34,200 Applying for this vacancy. If you are interested in this job and would like to apply, we prefer you to complete the online application form by clicking on the apply now button below. Alternative Application Packs can be requested in other formats for example, Large Print, Braille, Audio and other languages. To request an alternative Application Pack please phone Packs will be posted out to you within 3 working days of receiving your telephone request. Please note the closing date of the job advert to ensure that you give yourself plenty of time to complete your application form and return it to us. Paese: Regno Unito Regione : SCOTLAND Salario minimo: 25, Salario massimo: 34, GBP Periodo di retribuzione: Annuale Glasgow City Council Glasgow, G12 9LN Pagina 13 di 67

14 Numero di posti: 1 Data di pubblicazione: 19/06/2013 Codice ISCO: 2320 Codice Nace: 84 ID del posto vacante: Department for Work and Pensions, Public Employment Services, United Kingdom TEACHER OF ITALIAN AND FRENCH - NOTRE DAME HIGH SCHOOL (TEMPORARY) Can you make a difference to the future lives of Glasgow's children? Glasgow City Council is seeking to recruit teacher of Italian and French to work within the school. You must be committed, passionate and a well qualified staff member. We will support you to inspire the learning of our children and young people. Teaching duties - To teach subject(s) to pupils S1-S6. To prepare lessons and courses required - supporting the delivery of Curriculum for Excellence across all ages and stages of the secondary school. In addition to the range of teaching and other duties outlined in the job specification we are looking for individuals who enjoy working collegiately with colleagues, and who have with a firm commitment to improving the outcomes for Glasgow's young people. Please note that interviews for this vacancy will be held week begining 24/06/2013 In line with section 21(2A) of the Education (Scotland) Act 1980 the successful candidate for this post will require RC Approval. Membership of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme will be essential on taking up appointment along with GTCS Registration. Please note successful candidates for the above position will be required to pay for their PVG Membership/or Scheme Checks. This post is temporary to cover a period of maternity leave. Location: Notre Dame High School, 160 Observatory Road, Glasgow, G12 9LN. Paese: Regno Unito Regione : SCOTLAND Salario minimo: 25, Salario massimo: 34, GBP Periodo di retribuzione: Annuale TEMPORANEO + TEMPO PIENO Glasgow City Council Glasgow, G12 9LN Numero di posti: 1 Data di pubblicazione: 19/06/2013 Codice ISCO: 2320 Codice Nace: 84 ID del posto vacante: Department for Work and Pensions, Public Employment Services, United Kingdom MEDICAL INFORMATION ASSOCIATE ITALIAN Title: Medical Information Associate (Italian) Location: Surrey Organizational Relationship(s) Medical Information (MI) EMEA is a customer-focused group within External Medical Communications that is responsible for responding to unsolicited inquiries regarding Clients human prescription products and devices. The MIA will report into the MCI Team Leader or to the relevant line manager within Medical Information EMEA. Position Purpose Expectations of this role include providing technical and medical information with high quality customer service. In addition the MIA will be responsible for researching and preparing responses for escalated medical inquiries as well as Scientific Response Documents related to one or two therapeutic areas. Primary Responsibilities Frontline Medical Information Request management: Researching and responding to inquiries received via phone, , internet or mail. Document the inquiry and response accurately and completely according to relevant Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)/ Work Instruction (WI), and regulatory guidelines. Responsible for identifying and recording, or triaging to responsible designee, adverse events and product quality complaints as well as processing fulfillment. Escalated Enquiry Management: Exhibits broad knowledge of assigned therapeutic area and a solid understanding of pertinent disease state(s). Handles escalated MI inquiries from various sources. Creates and maintains MI documents by ensuring that Pagina 14 di 67

15 responses are medically and scientifically accurate, timely, balanced, and meet customers' needs. Ensures the alignment of response documents to global/regional/local labeling and licensing for all the Countries we support. Maintains compliance with corporate and departmental trainings, SOPs and WIs. Qualifications (i.e., preferred education, experience, attributes) Bachelor's degree in a science/health-related field (Pharmacy Degree Preferred). Some Pharmacy/Hospital experience preferred Medical Information/Pharmaceutical experience preferred Technical Skill Requirements High level of Proficiency in both written and spoken English and one or more of the following languages: Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Swedish, Italian, Spanish, French, German, or Greek. Medical Writing experience advantageous. Excellent verbal and written Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Ability to interpret and relay technical information. Proficiency with computer and software applications (i.e., Microsoft office). NOTE: I am a senior recruiter within the industry across a number of job divisions for the pharmaceutical, biotech and CRO sectors. For a confidential and professional chat about your requirements/ career advice and the chance to register for free and receive weekly job updates, please call Alex on or If this role is not what you are looking for and you have experience in or are looking to enter the pharmaceutical, pharmacy, biochemical or other scientific fields, please still contact us anyway because listed here on British Medical Jobs are only a selection of the many vacancies we have available. Keywords: Medical information officer, medical information scientist, medical information pharmacist, medical information associate, med info, ZINC, copy approval, MIO, MI, ABPI, code of practice,italian, Danish, French, Swedish, EMEA, Italian, Italian, Medical information officer, medical information scientist, medical information pharmacist, medical information associate, med info, ZINC, copy approval, MIO, MI, ABPI, code of practice,italian, Danish, French, Swedish, EMEA, Italian, Italian, Medical information officer, medical information scientist, medical information pharmacist, medical information associate, med info, ZINC, copy approval, MIO, MI, ABPI, code of practice,italian, Danish, French, Swedish, EMEA, Italian, Italian,Ref lpvtufl3ellitj%2bhrjm2iwr" Apply Now Paese: Regno Unito Regione : SURREY TEMPORANEO + TEMPO PARZIALE Numero di posti: 1 Data di pubblicazione: 20/06/2013 Codice ISCO: 4115 Codice Nace: 74 ID del posto vacante: Department for Work and Pensions, Public Employment Services, United Kingdom PROJECT PLANNER Project Planner Position description We are looking for a Project Planner to Wärtsilä, Power Plants in Vaasa. Responsibilities - Create and revise master schedule for Operations detailing the sequence of all work to be performed based on the contract and internal and customer reporting requirements. - Maintain master schedule and identify and record the impact of work performed and not performed as scheduled. Evaluate actual progress and provide regular schedule updates. - Interface with Sales Team, Project Mangers (Project Teams), other functions, customer and Subcontractors/suppliers to discuss impact of work and resolution of problems. - Prepare and issue proposal and preliminary schedules for sales projects. - Assist Project Manager in creating short-term schedules, monitor such schedules to determine impact on master schedule, and help in formulating actions to correct scheduling problems. - Provide information as needed on the content, modification, or presentation of project schedule. - Responsible for continuously expanding and updating professional knowledge and honing training skills in order to enhance individual and team innovation and productivity Requirements - B.Sc or M.Sc - Experience in Nuclear Projects is an advantage - Knowledge of schedule systems, principles and practices required. - Working knowledge of computer scheduling programs (i.e. Microsoft Project, Primavera, P3,) and department computer system is beneficial. - Must have excellent verbal/written communication skills and effective interpersonal skills. - French language skills is an advantage, uage=uk&layout=w Paese: Finlandia Regione : Pohjanmaa Wärtsilä Finland Oy Vaasa PL 252,65101 VAASA : Appuntamento fissato dal datore di lavoro - vedere testo libero Pagina 15 di 67

16 Contatto: Peter Storm Phone: /06/2013 Numero di posti: 1 Data di pubblicazione: 14/06/2013 Codice ISCO: 2145 Codice Nace: 28 ID del posto vacante: Riferimento nazionale: MOL/Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö, Servizi pubblici dell'occupazione, Finlandia PROJECT QUALITY MANAGER Project Quality Manager Position description We are looking for a project quality manager to Wärtsilä, Power Plants in Vaasa, Finland. The position is offered for project duration. Responsibilities - Lead, manage, plan and execute nuclear project quality tasks in assigned nuclear projects - Lead and coach project quality assurance team members - Be responsible for project quality management and its execution until end of warranty period - Establish and maintain excellent customer, vendor and contractor relationships - Plan, monitor, control, update and report nuclear project quality progress and performance - Establish, maintain and ensure implementation of project quality management documents according to project specific requirements - Interpret and implement project related quality assurance standards - Review the implementation and efficiency of quality and inspection systems - Plan and coordinate inspections to ensure finished product quality - Investigate customer complaints and non-conformance issues - Analyze data to identify areas for improvement in the project quality system - Develop, recommend and monitor corrective and preventive actions - Prepare reports to communicate outcomes of quality activities - Identify project specific training needs and organize training interventions to meet quality standards - Coordinate and support project & on-site audits conducted by Customer - Evaluate project audit findings and implement appropriate corrective actions - Assure ongoing compliance with quality and industry regulatory requirements - Ensure coordination of quality management tasks among different Wärtsilä business divisions - Ensure that requirements are communicated, understood and taken in account along the supply chain Requirements - MSc or BSc in Engineering - At least 6 years of experience in project quality management and nuclear industry - Excellent knowledge of project quality management techniques, methodology and tools - Excellent leadership, communication and team working skills and capabilities - Ability to manage multiple quality management tasks simultaneously - Be proactive, a self starter and ability to work with minimum supervision - Committed, determined and persistent attitude, and being able to finalise what you have started - Quality inspection, auditing and testing experience - Certifications including Quality Auditor, Quality Engineer, Quality Improvement Associate, Six Sigma are regarded as merit - Fluent skills verbally and written in English and French - Willingness to travel, uage=uk&layout=w Paese: Finlandia Regione : Pohjanmaa : Contatto: Wärtsilä Finland Oy Vaasa PL 252,65101 VAASA Appuntamento fissato dal datore di lavoro - vedere testo libero Jaunatre Matthieu Phone: 27/06/2013 Numero di posti: 1 Data di pubblicazione: 14/06/2013 Codice ISCO: 2145 Codice Nace: 28 ID del posto vacante: Riferimento nazionale: MOL/Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö, Servizi pubblici dell'occupazione, Finlandia PROJECT SUPPORT ENGINEER Pagina 16 di 67

17 Project Support Engineer Position description We are looking for a Project Support Engineer to Wärtsilä Ship Power in Vaasa. As Project Support Engineer you will be participating in executing projects in accordance with the Project Plan as a part of the Project Team. Our projects consist mainly of contracted power generation and propulsion solutions including diesel electric propulsion systems. Responsibilities - Provide technical support in the pre-project stage - Prepare project specific installation and system planning - Prepare purchase order requisitions - Prepare and provide the customer with the project specific documentation / information - Gain knowledge in 4-stroke diesel engine product technology Requirements - Technical education (BSc or MSc in Engineering) - Preferably previous working experience - Strong team working skills - Good command of English - Knowledge of marine power generating systems is considered to be an important merit -IT skills: MS Office skills required. MS Projects / Primavera, SAP, Clarity experience seen as valuable, uage=uk&layout=w Paese: Finlandia Regione : Pohjanmaa : Contatto: Wärtsilä Finland Oy Vaasa PL 252,65101 VAASA Appuntamento fissato dal datore di lavoro - vedere testo libero Markus Berglund, General Manager, Project Management Tel /07/2013 Numero di posti: 1 Data di pubblicazione: 14/06/2013 Codice ISCO: 2145 Codice Nace: 28 ID del posto vacante: Riferimento nazionale: MOL/Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö, Servizi pubblici dell'occupazione, Finlandia SOFTWARE ENGINEER (EXPERT) Software Engineer (Expert) (1,0 FTE), Drunen Wärtsilä Technical Services Propulsion (CBM Centre Propulsion team) location Drunen is looking for a: Software Engineer (Expert) (1 FTE) Position description The Software Engineer (Expert) supports the systems used for gathering, processing and analyzing data. More information about the department: The CBM Centre Propulsion provides CBM (Condition Based Maintenance) services that enhance aim to improve efficiency, reliability, availability and optimizing maintenance logistics, while continuously improving our CBM services to benefit Wärtsilä's customers. The CBM Centre Propulsion provides such services for Wärtsilä's global propulsion equipment portfolio comprising of Steerable- and Transverse Thrusters, Controllable Pitch Propellers, Reduction Gears, Electric Pods and Water Jets. In order to achieve this, the CBM Centre Propulsion has three areas of focus: - Ensure customer satisfaction by providing high quality data analysis on-time and by providing support with world class competences in CBM and propulsion equipment maintenance. - Continuously improve and develop the CBM products and services in co-operation with other Wärtsilä stakeholders to acquire and maintain technological and market leadership. - Proactively provide technical support to Wärtsilä's sales (support) organizations to improve the success rate of the offering process. CBM data analysis is the main operation in the CBM Centre. It consists mainly of vibration analysis for rotating equipment, oil analysis, control system- and hydraulic- performance analysis and analysis of specific maneuvers. Data analysis is supported by an automated analysis / decision support system. The decision support system assists in identifying potential failures allowing the data analyst to focus on handling such issues in close contact with the customers. Responsibilities As a Software Engineer (Expert) you will: - Participate in cross-portfolio CBM integration projects. - Participate in new CBM developments. - Specify requirements for further development of the PCMS platform and partake in the planning of PCMS platform development activities. - Partake in the continuous improvement of CBM systems, tools and processes to improve system reliability and the effectiveness and efficiency of the data analysis process. - Closely cooperate with data analysts and system development experts. - Troubleshoot and resolve issues relating to acquisition hardware and software (C# and MATLAB), sensors, third party communication interfaces (MODBUS, NMEA), industrial Ethernet networks, and remote connectivity. - Standardize procedures for troubleshooting and resolving issues. - Support the data analysis process where necessary. Initially you will be trained in CBM data analysis as a thorough understanding of the data analysis process is crucial to identifying opportunities for improvement. There is potential for growth by assuming a partly coordinating role in the tasks described. Requirements - Bachelor+ / Master / PhD degree in software engineering or equivalent, alternatively a technical degree such as mechanical or electrical engineering with several years experience in technical programming is also sufficient - Experience in programming, preferably with MATLAB and C# (SQL knowledge is an advantage) - Experience with designing and / or troubleshooting measurement- or control systems - Fluent in English (and Dutch), Pagina 17 di 67

18 both orally and written - Excellent communication skills - Good analytical skills - Excellent troubleshooting skills - Technical reporting skills - Proactive attitude and ability to learn Contact person to give further information If you feel your personal skills and qualities match the job requirements we look forward to receive your job application, together with a Curriculum Vitae on our website: Select 'Netherlands' and the position you like to apply for. In case you have questions about the procedure please contact Mr. Fabian Benjamins (Recruiter) at +31 (0) or by Country: Finland France Germany Italy Netherlands Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland Job area: Service Delivery, uage=uk&layout=w Paese: Finlandia Regione : Pohjanmaa : Contatto: Wärtsilä Finland Oy Vaasa PL 252,65101 VAASA Appuntamento fissato dal datore di lavoro - vedere testo libero Mr. Fabian Benjamins (Recruiter) at +31 (0) or by 15/08/2013 Numero di posti: 1 Data di pubblicazione: 14/06/2013 Codice ISCO: 2145 Codice Nace: 28 ID del posto vacante: Riferimento nazionale: MOL/Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö, Servizi pubblici dell'occupazione, Finlandia CHIEF DESIGN ENGINEER Chief Design Engineer Position description Wärtsilä Product Management & Engineering is looking for Senior/Chief Design Engineers within the area of nuclear emergency generating sets. In this interesting and challenging position we offer the chance to work with world-leading products in an international business environment. The location of these positions is Vaasa, Finland. Responsibilities - Schedule, coordinate and execute mechanical design tasks and projects related to W32 emergency diesel generating sets for nuclear industry - Interpret technical specifications & standards for implementation into design. - Provide expertise support within selected area of design and/or manufacturing - Quality assurance of produced design - Secure implementation of nuclear industry change management in the design process Requirements - B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering - 3D PDM system knowledge (I-DEAS, Siemens Teamcenter) - Industry experience in internal combustion engine technology or similar machinery - Nuclear industry experience seen as strong asset - Good knowledge of main manufacturing technologies - Good team working skill with a proactive attitude in proposing new solutions. - Planning and coordination capability - Fluent written and oral English, uage=uk&layout=w Paese: Finlandia Regione : Pohjanmaa : Contatto: Wärtsilä Finland Oy Vaasa PL 252,65101 VAASA Appuntamento fissato dal datore di lavoro - vedere testo libero Antti Lehtonen, Technical Manager EDG Mobile: Stefano Ghetti, Technical Manager, Mech. Engineering Mobile: /08/2013 Pagina 18 di 67

19 Numero di posti: 1 Data di pubblicazione: 14/06/2013 Codice ISCO: 2145 Codice Nace: 28 ID del posto vacante: Riferimento nazionale: MOL/Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö, Servizi pubblici dell'occupazione, Finlandia CHIEF PROJECT ENGINEERS Chief Project Engineers, Retrofit, Environmental Solutions (2 positions) The Retrofit organisation within Wärtsilä Ship Power, Environmental Solutions is responsible for the project offering and execution of environmental retrofit projects for the existing fleets of ships. The retrofit market is expected to ramp-up quite rapidly in the coming years and to represent the majority of the environmental business. The Chief Project Engineer will be part of the team responsible for the project execution of environmental retrofit systems. Retrofit projects are normally quite complex: existing ships often require significant engineering and modifications for the installation of environmental equipment. Moreover, many ship owners prefer to delegate the overall responsibility to one organization meaning that Wärtsilä is asked to take the full turn-key installation responsibility. As a member of this team you will be responsible for that the provided technical solutions are according to contracted scope. Position description Position: Chief Project Engineer, - Retrofit, Environmental Solutions Location: Finland (Vaasa, Turku or Helsinki) Superior: General Manager, Project Management Responsibilities - Manage technical solutions in customer delivery projects in the assigned responsibility area. Secure project objectives and deliver results overseeing all technical and economical aspects in assigned responsibility area. - Responsible for engineering within project team. Define scope and review deliverables of basic engineering and detailed engineering phases of a retrofit turn-key project (basic engineering and detailed engineering will be mostly sub-contracted) - Specify and initiate purchases in area of responsibility. - Manage communication with Class, Ship- Owners' technical office and Ship-Yards' engineering office - Responsible for class approval of a specific installation - Develop and maintain tools and methods needed for effective project execution in defined area of responsibility - Ensure good documentation practices - Provide technical support at the quotation phase of a project when requested; review scope of supply prior to contract signature Requirements -B.Sc./M.Sc. in Engineering (Naval Architecture - Marine Engineering; Mechanical Engineering) - Strong engineering skills - Minimum 3 years of proven experience in a project management organisation - Strong knowledge on ship building technology and ships systems (engine room machinery, ballast water systems, automation and controls, etc) - Good understanding of Class rules - Leadership skills - Customer relationship skills - Capability of withstanding high workload and pressure - Strong "can do attitude" - Team player attitude - Good presentation and communication skills - Willingness to travel - Fluency in English - Ship yard (or design office) engineering experience is considered as an advantage, uage=uk&layout=w Paese: Finlandia Regione : Pohjanmaa : Contatto: Wärtsilä Finland Oy Vaasa PL 252,65101 VAASA Appuntamento fissato dal datore di lavoro - vedere testo libero Jan Sundholm, General Manager, Project Management Mobile: /06/2013 Numero di posti: 2 Data di pubblicazione: 14/06/2013 Codice ISCO: 2145 Codice Nace: 28 ID del posto vacante: Riferimento nazionale: MOL/Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö, Servizi pubblici dell'occupazione, Finlandia CONTRACT MANAGER Contract Manager Position description We are looking for a Contract Manager, Emergency power applications to Wärtsilä Power Plants in Vaasa. Responsibilities In the execution phase of the projects: - Manage contractual communication and control the contractual documentation/correspondence - Preserving Wärtsilä's rights and Pagina 19 di 67

20 entitlements as provided in the Contract. - Ensuring proper notices are given in line with contract requirements - Managing claims or change orders to / from customers and consortium partners and claims to / from sub-contractors and sub-suppliers - Support Project Team on general contract issues and clarifying contractual / legal queries - Main Contract and Subcontracting procedure responsibilities - Contract Administration - Control and report projects status and results with adequate conclusions - Identify, mitigate, monitor and report risks in own responsibility area - Participate in customer and/or stakeholder negotiations and maintain good customer and/or stakeholder relationships - Provide lessons learned initiatives for development in own responsibility area - Cooperate with internal stakeholders from other divisions and organisations Requirements - MSc or BSc - Minimum five years of experience in contract management and project management - Utility, oil and gas or nuclear industry experience is regarded as merit - Communication skills - Team work skills - Customer value understanding - Good command of English, both oral and written - French language is regarded as merit, uage=uk&layout=w Paese: Finlandia Regione : Pohjanmaa : Contatto: Wärtsilä Finland Oy Vaasa PL 252,65101 VAASA Appuntamento fissato dal datore di lavoro - vedere testo libero Catharina Håkans, Tel or Mikko Hämäläinen, Tel or 02/07/2013 Numero di posti: 1 Data di pubblicazione: 14/06/2013 Codice ISCO: 2145 Codice Nace: 28 ID del posto vacante: Riferimento nazionale: MOL/Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö, Servizi pubblici dell'occupazione, Finlandia PRODUCT IMPROVEMENT ENGINEER Product Improvement Engineer, Product Management & Engineering W 34 Position description We are looking for product improvement engineer for product improvement issues to Product Management & Engineering W34 at Powertech in Vaasa. Responsibilities - Manage the assigned product improvement issues as projects. - Develop plans and manage the entire execution of the product improvement issues with the help of cross-divisional teams. - Maintain the product risk portfolio and related reporting in close cooperation with the Product Manager for related product. - Participate in the realisation of design projects, as well as in the development of the processes and working methods within product engineering. Requirements - BSc or MSc in Mechanical, Electrical or Automation Engineering - Knowledge of Wärtsilä business years of experience with diesel and/or gas engines - 3 years of experience from work within area of project management - Project Manager experience seen as a benefit - Problems solving and risk management skills - Good positive drive and ability to work both independently and in teams - Good communication and co-operation skills - Good command of English, both oral and written, uage=uk&layout=w Paese: Finlandia Regione : Pohjanmaa : Wärtsilä Finland Oy Vaasa PL 252,65101 VAASA Appuntamento fissato dal datore di lavoro - vedere testo libero Technical Manager W34 Jukka Mikkilä, Contatto: General Manager W32/34 Engine Platform Rasmus Teir, +358 Pagina 20 di 67

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In pubblicazione nella settimana del 26/09/2011 AFOL MILANO SERVIZIO EURES

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Department of Business and Management/ Corso di Laurea Magistrale/ Master s Degree Program In Marketing Studenti iscritti al I anno /

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CORSO MOC55133: PowerShell for System Center Configuration Manager Administrators. CEGEKA Education corsi di formazione professionale

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CORSO MOC10324: Implementing and Managing Microsoft Desktop Virtualization. CEGEKA Education corsi di formazione professionale

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SOLUZIONI PER IL FUTURO SOLUZIONI PER IL FUTURO Alta tecnologia al vostro servizio Alta affidabilità e Sicurezza Sede legale e operativa: Via Bologna, 9 04012 CISTERNA DI LATINA Tel. 06/96871088 Fax 06/96884109


I profili professionali EUCIP per le architetture Service Oriented

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CODI/21 PIANOFORTE II // CODI/21 PIANO II MASTER di II livello - PIANOFORTE // 2nd level Master - PIANO ACCESSO: possesso del diploma accademico di II livello o titolo corrispondente DURATA: 2 ANNI NUMERO ESAMI: 8 (escluso l esame di ammissione)


In pubblicazione nella settimana del 28/02/2017 AFOL MILANO SERVIZIO EURES

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Pubblicazioni COBIT 5

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Sponsorship opportunities

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...e ora cominciamo a scrivere

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PATENTS. December 12, 2011

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In pubblicazione nella settimana del 15/04/2013 AFOL MILANO SERVIZIO EURES

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International Accelerator

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N 1 alla versione bilingue (italiano-inglese) NORMA UNI EN ISO 9001 (novembre 2008) Sistemi di gestione per la qualità - Requisiti.

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CORSO MOC10748: Planning and Deploying System Center 2012 Configuration Manager. CEGEKA Education corsi di formazione professionale

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+ per ogni persona dobbiamo vedere un password per entrare nel workingspace! (l utente stesso si aggiunge il suo qui in questo momento)

+ per ogni persona dobbiamo vedere un password per entrare nel workingspace! (l utente stesso si aggiunge il suo qui in questo momento) Name: Last name: Position: : Marco Rossi Outgoing bears AVATAR: UPLOAD AVATAR : +39 388 7549261 Skype * bear349 Password: I accept the privacy policy of imove: YES solo se l utente nuovo


why? what? when? where? who?

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