Michelle. A New Born!

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A New Born! Our nine months mentoring program reminds me of gestation, having a baby only we, as women, have this ability and our program in some way resembles this care and warmth how can we highlight this aspect? The time and care we would dedicate to a baby we dedicate to ourselves, our embryo to achievement and to success! Some years ago I was going through a period of emotional diffi culty and felt the need to change, maybe even to have a second child, but did not quite know what to do. My then mentor, after listening to my confusion, said to me: Michelle, use this same energy, need, care, and warmth and dedicate it to yourself. Pretend you are your new-born baby and dedicate all the time, care, love towards your new self and see what happens. Wow! It was not easy, but then again what successful endeavor is? My personal growth and accomplishments are tangible stepping stones that I now share with my mentees. Of course one must put in the footwork to truly feel the release of energy towards growth and success. I truly suggest participation in the nine month PWA MENTORING PROGRAM. Why? To learn, to explore, to connect, to share, to enhance, to enjoy, to set goals and to develop your career, life, and leadership potential. You can actually experience more than one of these at a time! I must underline the confi dential nature of your mentoring relationship together with your commitment; essential ingredients for the success of the program. I have given you only nine reasons now you discover yours! Take a chance and actively be-a-part-of-it and you will experience a whole new perspective on your place in life! Yours sincerely, Michelle PWA Mentoring Program Coordinator

INTRODUCTION PWA MENTORING PROGRAM FACTSHEET PWA aims to accelerate the advancement of women in all professions, facilitate mentoring, and enhance our leadership role in the community. The PWA Mentoring Program provides highly motivated individuals with tools for personal development, their careers and leadership abilities. Through guided activities and formal mentoring partnerships, it strengthens and expands our network of women by: Encouraging women to help each other through structured one-on-one mentoring so we can all succeed. Providing an opportunity for participants to learn and share through guided activities which develop practical, goal-oriented career and leadership skills. If you are a PWA member pursuing a professional career and are willing to make the commitment, you are encouraged to apply. Please note that this program is not in any way connected with job placement. As you embark on this first session of the PWA BIG SISTER or CARPE DIEM mentoring programs, it is important to highlight the value of a structured, formal program. While a lot of structure is not for everyone, a formalized leadership or personal development mentoring program can be far more beneficial than anything informal. The goal of the Program is to improve her leadership and career skills, and/or simply advance as a person. As a mentee, you will have an opportunity to: Learn how to establish and maintain professional mentoring partnerships. Explore career options and possible paths toward your career goals. Set goals and develop a plan to take the next steps in your advancement. Receive useful guidance and honest feedback from an advisor who has been there, done that. Make a networking connection with someone farther along on their career path. Learn practical skills that can be put to use right away in advancing your career. By mentoring another woman, you will have an opportunity to: Pass along the mentoring and support you received, or become the mentor you wish you had. Share enthusiasm for your own career, and catch enthusiasm from another. Gain perspective on how far you have progressed, and reinforce your competency and expertise. Develop as a leader and learn by teaching others. Help another woman to avoid mistakes, persevere through difficulties, and reach important goals. Build a mutually beneficial relationship with someone who may be able to help you in the future. Enjoy the success of others, knowing you contributed to making it happen. LEADERSHIP Every team member contributes to the success of an objective. She needs to be committed to the mission, support the Team leader, contribute to decision-making, and coordinate her efforts with others. The leader of her team needs to motivate team members, communicate effectively, and supervise group efforts. When you are adept at teamwork in both support and leadership roles, you will more easily advance to better jobs and executive positions. By improving your skills as a team player and leader you will: Enjoy fun activities and share your enthusiasm for growth with others. Learn to effectively contribute to the success of a team. Learn to lead, motivate and organize individuals and teams. Develop career skills in event planning, public speaking, and written presentations. Gain self-confidence as a leader in business. Build and strengthen your professional network. Contribute to increasing the presence of women in the professional community. Guidance for this formal mentoring program comes from messages known as Dispatches. There are nine Dispatches for the program. You are prompted via email to read them at approximately two week intervals. Dispatches can be several pages long and are important for understanding program requirements as well as mentoring/leadership concepts. PROGRAM OUTLINE & TIMETABLE Apply by January 7th begin with Mentoring Session A Apply by July 31st begin with Mentoring Session B Mentoring Session A: January 15th June 30th Mentoring Session B: September 15th November 30th APPLICATION & PARTICIPATION CRITERIA The PWA Mentoring program demands a considerable, sustained commitment. You must meet these criteria and agree to the following: PWA Membership: You must maintain membership to the PWA throughout participation in the program, and have started or be planning a professional career. If you are not currently a PWA member, please join right away. Contact our Membership director at membership@pwarome.org or see our website for details. Registration Fee: New participants accepted into the program pay a one-time Registration fee of 25 (mentors excluded). Participation Fees: BIG SISTER 20 monthly (9 months) or 162 in advance (10% discount) Participation Fees: CARPE DIEM 40 monthly (9 months) or 324 in advance (10% discount) Email Access: You will need regular (at least once per week) email access to communicate with the PWA Mentoring Coordination Team and your mentoring partners. Internet Access: You will need regular internet access to interact with the PWA mentoring program. You may need to view or print the program materials in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Telephone Calls: At least monthly, you must communicate with your mentoring partner by telephone, which may incur phone charges. These charges will be shared between mentoring partners by mutual agreement. Many of our participants use Skype for calls. Commitment to Mentoring, Career Development, and Leadership Activities: It takes time and effort to build mentoring partnerships and learn new skills. During the two Mentoring Sessions of your Choice (BIG SISTER or CARPE DIEM), we require a minimum of three communications per month, via email, Skype or telephone, with your mentoring partner. At least one of these must be a 20 30 minute telephone call (except when your mentoring partner is not in your country). In addition, you will be asked to read the Dispatches and complete the assignments on schedule. Plan to spend approximately ten hours per month on these activities. 4 5

Communication with PWA Coordination Team: All participants are required to check in via email at least once per month with a designated member of the PWA Coordination Team known as a Mentoring Coordinator. Confidentiality: All parties are asked to respect sensitive personal information shared by mentoring partners. Commitment to the entire program: It will take you 9 months to complete the PWA mentoring program and graduate. You are expected to commit to continuing through the entire program without interruption. At end of program term (December) you will receive your PWA Passport in recognition of your mentoring journey achievement. FAQS How far along in my career do I need to be in order to participate? This program is for any woman who has not yet achieved her professional career goal and would benefit from mentoring for both personal and leadership development. You could be a person who intends to pursue a professional career or a high-level professional seeking to advance into management, or anything in between. Keep in mind that the expectation is for you to reach your own objective. I really need some mentoring right now. Can I just complete the first 6 months? No. This program aims to help individuals and build our community of professional women. To achieve those ends, we only consider applicants willing to give and receive mentoring guidance as well as develop as leaders. This requires a commitment to complete the entire program. I want to commit to the whole program, but I m really busy. What can I do? You will get many benefits through participation in this program. Only you can weigh those benefits against the time, effort, and cost to participate. Think of it as a training investment that will pay you large future dividends. What if I have a major scheduling issue, such as a lengthy training course or a new baby? If you anticipate undertaking a major commitment (such as a lengthy training course or an addition to your family), please delay your application until the next session. Unexpected scheduling conflicts will be handled on a case-by-case basis by the PWA Coordination Team. Will my mentor help me get a job? This is not a job placement program. Your mentor is a guide, not your in at a particular company. You are expected to learn how to help yourself and acquire the skills and knowledge to advance on your own. Is the relationship with my mentoring partner open-ended? The structured mentoring session ends after nine months. At that time, you may continue your mentoring relationship by mutual agreement, but this is not required of either of you. I am financially pressured. How can I afford to participate? You may be able to find a sponsor among your acquaintances, or apply to your company for special conditions. Please remember that your mentor takes no remuneration for guiding you, dedicating their personal time. GETTING STARTED WITH MENTORING As we encourage you to embark on this first session of the PWA BIG SISTER or CARPE DIEM mentoring programs, we feel it is important to highlight the value of a structured, formal program. While a lot of structure is not for everyone, a formalized leadership or personal development mentoring program can be far more beneficial than anything informal. We urge you to jump in, work with your mentor, read the Dispatches, and complete all the assignments according to the timeline. The Mentees who follow these steps make the biggest strides forward both in personal development and their careers. Formal mentoring between pairs, or a session in the program, is six months plus three months in duration (January-June; September-November). The mentoring partners will get to know one another and learn about mentoring. The Mentor will guide the Mentee as she creates an objective or Personal Development Plan. The goal of the Plan is to improve her Leadership and career skills, and/or simply advance as a person. As the session draws to a close, you and your mentoring partner will end your formal mentoring agreement, following which you will receive (in December) your PWA Passport. You might choose to continue your interaction on an informal basis beyond this program, but only by mutual agreement. This is strictly optional. Either way, Mentees and Mentors are expected to continue working on their goals and skills as they participate in the program and mentor another woman. COMMUNICATIONS PROTOCOL Because mentoring partners are in different areas or cities, and travel is complicated nowadays, we utilize distance mentoring techniques. Establishing an agreed-upon communications protocol will facilitate the communication process, which is crucial to the mentoring relationship. We expect mentoring partners to communicate at least twice per month once or twice weekly is ideal. During your first meeting, discuss how often and by which methods you will communicate, formalizing your communications protocol. Telephone calls. In most cases, you should talk by phone at least once a month. Program participants who are able to regularly speak on the phone (or even meet in person) are the ones who tend to make the most significant progress. These kinds of interactions are often more productive and efficient than just using email. Determine whether it is feasible to make telephone calls or if all communication will be via email. Work schedules. Does each person know her schedule well in advance or work on call? What are acceptable times of the day or evening to call? PERSONAL COMMITMENT AND BOUNDARIES A commitment to the mentoring relationship and respect for each other s personal boundaries will help your relationship be more productive and enjoyable. We want to underline that they all center around respect for both your Mentor and for yourself. That being said, please consider the following: Time commitments. We are all busy. When a time is set for a phone contact, it is important for both parties to respect that appointment. If something comes up, explain it in advance and arrange for another contact time. Outside distractions. Be in a position to focus your attention on your mentoring partner when you are communicating with her. 6 7

ichoose PWA MENTORING PROGRAMS CARPE DIEM ichoose PWA MENTORING PROGRAMS BIG SISTER motivating inspiring challenging The goal of the CARPE DIEM Professional Leadership and Business Support Program is to help women become leaders and role models in their specific fields; to become our future chief executives, union leaders, managers, master instructors, and CEOs. In the CARPE DIEM program, experienced professional women can help those who follow by providing ideas and unique perspectives while they chart their own course. Careers in organisations are particularly challenging and competitive, and all women need to develop qualities like self-motivation, courage, leadership, and perseverance in order to succeed. If you think there are shortcuts to the best jobs, that your mentor will give you all the answers, or you will be favored or advantaged because you are a woman, you are very mistaken. Everyone must put the hours in to succeed, and women are still asked to be as good as or (more likely) better than male counterparts. If you set your sights high, you can be a leader in your chosen career field. Participation in, and the support of, this program will help you on your journey. Ultimately though, the motivation and hard work must start with you. A major objective of the CARPE DIEM program is to have you learn about leadership and business support from both the perspective of mentee and mentor. After completion, we hope you will want to take what you learn in the program and seek out mentoring relationships on your own. Identifying the right person and asking him or her for guidance takes initiative and confidence. In the CARPE DIEM program, you are gaining that confidence by learning how to conduct yourself appropriately and professionally in a mentoring relationship. What are you measuring in your life? We all have things that we want to achieve in our lives getting into better shape, building a successful business, raising a wonderful family, writing a best-selling book, winning a championship, and so on. And for most of us, the path to those things starts by setting a specific and actionable goal in personal development (i.e. for clients I want in my business, to gain self-confidence or become more assertive, choose a career path, obtain work/life balance). What We Measure, We Improve It s not about the Result, it s about Awareness. The trick is to realize that counting, measuring, and tracking is not about the result. Measure from a place of curiosity. Measure to discover, to find out, to understand. Measure from a place of self-awareness. Measure to get to know yourself better. Measure to see if you are showing up. Measure to see if you re actually spending time on the things that are important to you. PWA Mentoring Program BIG SISTER is important for building a good system because it allows you to keep track of many different pieces without feeling the pressure to predict what is going to happen with everything. Forget about predicting the future and build a system with your mentor that can signal when you need to make adjustments. Discover that goals are good for planning your progress and systems are good for actually making progress. Goals can provide direction and even push you forward in the short-term, but eventually a well-designed system will always win Committing to the BIG SISTER mentoring process is what makes the difference. 8 9

CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD MENTOR A good mentor Is willing to share his/her knowledge and academic plus career experience. Listens actively and non-judgmentally not only to what is being said, but also to how it is said. Asks open and supportive questions that stimulate reflection and makes suggestions without being prescriptive. Gives thoughtful, candid, and constructive feedback on performance, and asks for the same. Provides emotional and moral encouragement, remaining accessible through regular meetings, emails, calls, etc. Acts as an advocate for his/her mentoring partner, brokering relationships and aiding in obtaining opportunities Consider your own motivation for being a mentor. How will your experience and expertise contribute to the relationship? What concrete things can you do to help your mentoring partner? What skills are your strengths as a mentor (e.g., coaching, goal setting, guiding, promoting, problem solving, navigating political shoals)? CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD PROTÉGÉ/MENTEE A good protégé/mentee Proactively identifies what types of knowledge, relationships, and support could be potentially helpful and career-enhancing to a mentoring partner. Recognizes and accommodates the time constraints of his/her mentoring partners. Follows up promptly when a mentoring partner offers to make helpful introductions or referrals. Asks for and also provides feedback on how the mentoring relationship is working, or not working. Offers his/her expertise or support whenever appropriate; understands that the benefits of the mentoring relationship can be reciprocal. Suggests specific options and alternatives to improve a mentoring relationship, as needed. Treats all information exchanged with his/her mentoring partners ethically and confidentially. Clarify your needs before you begin to identify or approach potential mentoring partners. Drill down to the specifics whenever possible. I.e., asking someone for help with time management is different from asking for help understanding which types of skills will be most manageable while you re preparing for a career enhancement. Knowing what you need helps others determine if they have relevant or useful knowledge to share with you. it is often difficult to know what questions to ask a mentoring partner, and/or what information is necessary to succeed. Near peers colleagues who are close to your career level can be particularly invaluable in such situations because their experiences as newcomers to the professional world are still reasonably fresh. EUROPEAN MENTORING AND COACHING COUNCIL CODICE ETICO Introduzione L European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) è stato fondato per promuovere le migliori pratiche (best practice) ed assicurare il mantenimento degli standard più elevati in qualunque relazione di coaching e mentoring, affinché l ambito in cui si svolge il coaching/ mentoring favorisca la migliore opportunità di apprendimento e sviluppo possibile. Scopi Il presente Codice Etico definisce cosa possono aspettarsi i clienti e gli sponsor da un coach/ mentor in una relazione di coaching/mentoring, formazione o supervisione e questo dovrà costituire la base per la conclusone di qualsiasi contratto. Tutti i membri di EMCC accettano i principi e gli scopi di EMCC. Tuttavia, essendo consapevoli che i membri potrebbero talvolta non osservare tali principi etici, EMCC ha stabilito una procedura attraverso la quale qualsiasi presunta violazione del Codice da parte di un membro possa essere segnalata ed investigata. Di questo si tratterà più avanti nel presente documento. Tutti i membri di EMCC dovranno notificare l esistenza del presente Codice Etico ad ogni organizzazione sponsor e ad ogni cliente individuale durante la fase preliminare della contrattazione. Terminologia Il termine coaching/mentoring è usato per descrivere tutti i tipi di coaching o mentoring che possono svolgersi nell ambiente di lavoro e al di fuori di esso. EMCC riconosce che possono esserci molte tipologie di coaching/mentoring e che queste dovranno essere definite con la redazione di standard più dettagliati. Il termine cliente indica chiunque usufruisca dei servizi di un coach/mentor. Riteniamo che il termine cliente sia intercambiabile con qualunque altro termine le parti di un rapporto di coaching/mentoring ritengano più appropriato, quali ad esempio collega, apprendista, partner, coachee o mentee. Riconosciamo che vi sono situazioni in cui il coach/mentor può avere due tipi di clienti : gli individui che ricevono il coaching e l organizzazione che ha commissionato l intervento di coaching/mentoring. In questo Codice abbiamo utilizzato il termine sponsor per identificare il secondo tipo di cliente. I termini supervisione e supervisore descrivono il processo tramite il quale viene verificato l operato del coach/mentor e richiesto un giudizio o un consiglio esperto. La stessa terminologia è utilizzata anche in altre professioni, quali la psicoterapia e il counseling, ma i processi differiscono in modo significativo. Il Codice Il coach/mentor riconosce la dignità di ogni essere umano. Si comporta nel rispetto delle diversità e promuove le pari opportunità. È responsabilità primaria del coach/mentor offrire il miglior servizio possibile al cliente e comportarsi in modo tale da non causare alcun danno a clienti e sponsor. Il coach/mentor si impegna ad operare con dignità, autonomia e responsabilità personale. 10 11

Codice Etico di EMCC concerne i seguenti ambiti: Competenze Contesto Gestione dei limiti Integrità Professionalità Competenze garantisce che il suo livello di esperienza e conoscenza è adeguato a soddisfare le esigenze del cliente; garantisce che le sue abilità pratiche sono tali da permettergli di operare secondo il presente Codice Etico ed ogni altro standard che venga redatto in futuro; si impegna a sviluppare ed elevare continuamente il proprio livello di competenze partecipando ad attività formative qualificate e ad attività atte a favorire lo Sviluppo Professionale Continuo; mantiene una relazione con un supervisore adeguatamente qualificato, il quale valuta con regolarità le sue competenze e supporta il suo sviluppo. Il supervisore è vincolato dai requisiti di riservatezza stabiliti dal presente Codice. Nel documento relativo agli Standard EMCC viene definito cosa si intende per supervisore adeguatamente qualificato. Contesto comprende e si assicura che la relazione di coaching/mentoring rifletta il contesto nel quale si svolge il suo intervento; si assicura di comprendere a fondo le aspettative del cliente e dello sponsor e che essi stessi comprendano come tali aspettative debbano essere soddisfatte; cerca di creare un ambiente nel quale cliente, coach/mentor e sponsor siano focalizzati ed abbiano opportunità di apprendimento. Gestione dei limiti opera sempre nei limiti delle proprie competenze, sa riconoscere quando tali competenze sono potenzialmente insufficienti e quando è necessario indirizzare il cliente ad un coach/mentor più esperto, o supportarlo nella ricerca un altro professionista, quale uno psicologo, uno psicoterapeuta o un consulente economico/finanziario; è consapevole della possibilità che nella relazione di coaching/mentoring possano emergere potenziali conflitti d interesse, di natura commerciale o emotiva, e li affronta tempestivamente ed in modo efficace, allo scopo di non danneggiare il cliente o lo sponsor. Integrità mantiene nel tempo il livello di riservatezza ritenuto appropriato e concordato all inizio del rapporto; rivela le informazioni soltanto nei casi esplicitamente concordati con il cliente e lo sponsor (qualora esista), a meno che il coach/mentor non sia convinto dell esistenza di un serio pericolo per il cliente o per altri, qualora tale informazione venga tenuta nascosta; agisce in base alle leggi vigenti nel Paese in cui opera e non incoraggia, assiste o collude con altri che evidenzino comportamenti disonesti, illegali, non professionali o discriminatori. Professionalità a) risponde alle esigenze del cliente di apprendimento e sviluppo come definito nell agenda stabilita per la relazione di coaching/mentoring. b) non sfrutta il cliente in alcun modo, ivi inclusi, ma non limitati a, richieste finanziarie, sessuali o altri aspetti inerenti la relazione professionale. Il coach/mentor assicura che il contratto di coaching/mentoring ha la durata ritenuta necessaria per il cliente/sponsor; c) comprende che le responsabilità professionali continuano oltre il termine contrattuale di qualsiasi rapporto di coaching/mentoring. Tali responsabilità includono: mantenere la riservatezza concordata su tutte le informazioni relative a clienti e sponsor; evitare qualsiasi forma di sfruttamento della relazione passata; fornire ogni genere di follow-up che sia stato precedentemente concordato; conservare in modo sicuro e protetto tutti i relativi atti e dati; d) dimostra rispetto nei confronti delle diverse metodologie di coaching e mentoring e degli altri professionisti operanti nel settore; e) non presenta in nessun caso il lavoro e le opinioni di altri come propri; f) si assicura che ogni affermazione sulla propria competenza professionale, qualifiche ed accreditamenti sia spiegata in modo chiaro ed esauriente ai clienti potenziali e che non siano asserite o sottointese affermazioni false o fuorvianti in qualsiasi materiale pubblicato. Violazioni del Codice I membri di EMCC si impegnano a dare sempre con il loro operato un immagine positiva della professione del coaching e del mentoring. Se un cliente, o sponsor, ritiene che un membro di EMCC abbia agito in contrasto con i principi espressi nel presente Codice Etico, deve in prima istanza sollevare il problema e cercare una soluzione con il membro stesso. Ciascuna delle parti può richiedere l assistenza di EMCC nel trovare una soluzione alla controversia. Se il cliente, o lo sponsor, non è rimasto soddisfatto, ha il diritto di inoltrare un reclamo formale. I reclami saranno gestiti secondo la Procedura Disciplinare e di gestione dei Reclami di EMCC. I membri di EMCC sono tenuti a fornire una copia del documento su richiesta degli interessati. È possibile riceverne una copia scrivendo a: European Mentoring & Coaching Council PO Box 3154, Marlborough, Wiltshire, SN8 3WD, oppure inviando un e-mail a: info@emccouncil.org Nel caso in cui sia presentato un reclamo a carico di un membro di EMCC, quest ultimo ha l obbligo di collaborare alla risoluzione del contenzioso. I membri di EMCC si confronteranno con un collega qualora sussista un motivo ragionevole di credere che costui abbia agito non eticamente e, in mancanza di una risoluzione, riporteranno il caso del collega a EMCC. 12 13

PWA Mentoring Program Advisory Board Isabelle Alpi Presidente EMCC Italia Andrea Cardillo Partner The Performance Coach Marcella Mallen Presidente Manager Italia Roma PWA Mentoring Program Gestione Software Maria Letizia Nesta PWA

learning responsibility integrity service respect trustcommunity members professionalism fun commitment caring excellence honesty ethical quality networking friendliness mentor sharing our patron www.pwarome.org