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D.M. 14/01/08 Norme tecniche per le costruzioni


PREMESSA La presente relazione è volta ad illustrare le ipotesi di calcolo e le verifiche degli elementi strutturali relativi al progetto di ampliamento dell Ex-Macello in via Dario Campana, sito nel Comune di Rimini. 1. DESCRIZIONE GENERALE DELL OPERA E CRITERI GENERALI DI PROGETTAZIONE, ANALISI E VERIFICA L intervento prevede la realizzazione di due corpi di ampliamento, laterali rispetto alla palazzina principale esistente, mantenuti separati dei fabbricati esistenti mediante la realizzazione di un giunto sismico di opportune dimensioni. I fabbricati verranno adibiti a laboratori di ricerca, stoccaggio materiali, spogliatoi e collegamento di distribuzione fra le diverse zone del complesso. Gli ampliamenti in progetto si sviluppano su un solo piano e risultano privi di regolarità, così come definita ai sensi del par. 7.2.2. del D.M. 14/01/2008. La struttura in elevazione, realizzata in carpenteria metallica, è riconducibile alla tipologia strutturale struttura con controventi concentrici con diagonale tesa attiva, b1) ai sensi del par. del D.M. 14/01/2008. Il solaio di copertura verrà realizzato con lamiera grecata e soletta collaborante in calcestruzzo armato, per la zona dei laboratori e del collegamento distributivo, mentre verrà realizzato con un tavolato ligneo leggero per la porzione che realizza la pensilina a protezione della vetrata sul retro con aggetto di circa 50 cm. L impalcato, per quanto appena descritto, può essere considerato infinitamente rigido nel proprio piano. Le fondazioni sono di tipo superficiale, costituite da travi rovesce realizzate in conglomerato cementizio armato. 2. QUADRO NORMATIVO - D.M. 14 Gennaio 2008: Norme tecniche per le costruzioni. Testo normativo che raccoglie in forma unitaria le norme che disciplinano la progettazione, l esecuzione ed il collaudo delle costruzioni al fine di garantire, per stabiliti livelli sicurezza, la pubblica incolumità; - Circolare 2 Febbraio 2009, n. 617: Istruzioni per l applicazione delle Nuove norme tecniche per le costruzioni di cui al D.M. 14 gennaio 2008. Con le presenti istruzioni si è inteso fornire agli operatori indicazioni, elementi informativi ed integrazioni, per una più agevole ed univoca applicazione delle Nuove norme tecniche per le costruzioni. 3. AZIONI DI PROGETTO SULLE COSTRUZIONI Sono riportati in seguito i calcoli relativi alle valutazioni delle azioni di riferimento per il progetto della struttura. 3.1 Solai di Copertura Per le strutture di ampliamento si individuano le seguenti zone di copertura:

- TIPO 1-A: copertura con lamiera grecata e soletta collaborante (h = 16 cm), portante impianti e macchinari laboratori. COPERTURA TIPO 1-A Permanenti Strutturali (G 1) 3.63 kn/m 2 Permanenti Non Strutturali (G 2) (*) 4.55 kn/m 2 Totale Permanenti 8.18 kn/m 2 Carichi Variabili (CAT. H1) 0.50 kn/m 2 (*) I permanenti non strutturali G 2 risultano comprensivi del peso degli impianti che ammonta complessivamente a 56.00 + 22.00 = 78.00kN, distribuiti su di una superficie di 4.60m 7.90m = 36.34m, per cui l incidenza degli impianti risulta pari a 78.00/36.34 = 2.15kN/m 2. Per i calcoli dei solai si assume, a favore di sicurezza, un valore di 2.80 kn/m 2. - TIPO 1-B: copertura con lamiera grecata e soletta collaborante (h = 16 cm). COPERTURA TIPO 1-B Permanenti Strutturali (G 1) 3.63 kn/m 2 Permanenti Non Strutturali (G 2) 1.75 kn/m 2 Totale Permanenti 5.38 kn/m 2 Carichi Variabili (CAT. H1) 0.50 kn/m 2 - TIPO 1-D: copertura con lamiera grecata e soletta collaborante (h = 12 cm). COPERTURA TIPO 1-D - TIPO 2: copertura leggera in tavolato. COPERTURA TIPO 3 Permanenti Strutturali (G 1) 2.51 kn/m 2 Permanenti Non Strutturali (G 2) 2.55 kn/m 2 Totale Permanenti 5.06 kn/m 2 Carichi Variabili (CAT. H1) 0.50 kn/m 2 Permanenti Strutturali (G 1) 0.30 kn/m 2 Permanenti Non Strutturali (G 2) 1.30 kn/m 2 Totale Permanenti 1.60 kn/m 2 3.2 Azione della Neve Il carico della neve viene valutato seguendo le prescrizioni al par. 3.4 del D.M. 14/01/2008: dove: q sk valore caratteristico di riferimento del carico neve al suolo; il sito in costruzione è localizzato nella Provincia di Rimini (Zona I Mediterranea), ad una quota sul livello del mare inferiore ai 200m. Pertanto: µ i fattore di forma; la copertura sarà orizzontale, con angolo 0 < α < 30 ; si assume quindi: C E coefficiente di esposizione;

In base alla tabella 3.4.I, il sito di costruzione può essere definito Normale: aree su cui non è presente una significativa rimozione di neve sulla costruzione prodotta dal vento, a causa del terreno, altre costruzioni o alberi. Si assume: C T coefficiente termico; in via cautelativa si assume: Il carico da neve risulta dunque: 3.3 Azione del Vento La pressione del vento viene valutata in accordo a quanto prescritto nel par. 3.3 del D.M. 14/01/2008: dove: q b pressione cinetica di riferimento; il sito in costruzione è localizzato in Emilia Romagna (Zona II), ad una quota sul livello del mare a s inferiore ad a 0. Pertanto v b = v b,0 = 25 m/s ; da cui: c e coefficiente di esposizione; il sito d interesse è localizzato ad una distanza compresa tra i 2 km ed i 10 km dalla costa. La classe di rugosità, in accordo con la Tab. 3.3. III, è B Aree urbane, suburbane, industriali e boschive, da cui si ricava una classe di esposizione del sito III. Con i parametri ottenuti dalla Tab. 3.3.II (k r =0.20 ; z 0 =0.1 ; z min =5.0) e considerando un coefficiente topografico c t unitario, si ricava il coefficiente di esposizione dall equazione: c d coefficiente dinamico; viene assunto cautelativamente pari ad 1,0. c p coefficiente di forma; con riferimento alla Circolare Applicativa al par. 3.3.10, vengono ora esposti i valori dei coefficienti di forma (o aerodinamici) a seconda della porzione d interesse dei fabbricati: - superficie verticale sopravento: c p = + 0.8

- superficie verticale sottovento: c p = - 0.4 - superficie orizzontale copertura: c p = - 0.4 - pensilina orizzontale a sbalzo (α=0 ): c p = ± 1.2 Per al fine si ottiene: - superficie verticale sopravento: p = 0.39 1.71 0.80 = 0.54 kn/m 2 - superficie verticale sottovento: p = - 0.39 1.71 0.40 = - 0.27 kn/m 2 - superficie orizzontale copertura: p = - 0.39 1.71 0.40 = - 0.27 kn/m 2 - pensilina orizzontale a sbalzo (α=0 ): p = ± 0.39 1.71 1.20 = ± 0.65 kn/m 2 L azione del vento esercitata dalla vetrata di tamponamento sulle travi di bordo del solaio di copertura sarà pari a 0.54 3.15/2 = 0.85kN/m. 3.4 Azioni Sismiche Le azioni sismiche su ciascuna costruzione vengono valutate in accordo con il par. 3.2 del D.M. 14/01/2008, in relazione ad un periodo di riferimento V R che si ricava come: dove: V N vita nominale dell opera; la costruzione ricade nella categoria di Opera ordinaria, quindi con V N 50 anni. C U classe d uso; i fabbricati, ricadenti in Classe II, vengono considerati a favore di sicurezza ricadenti in Classe III: Costruzioni il cui uso preveda affollamenti significativi. Il coefficiente è dunque pari ad: C U =1.5 Il periodo di riferimento per il calcolo dell azione sismica risulta quindi: V R =75 anni. Nel D.M. 14/01/2008 la definizione della pericolosità sismica viene fatta mediante un approccio sito dipendente. Le azioni sismiche di progetto, in base alle quali valutare il rispetto dei diversi stati limite considerati, si definiscono a partire dalla pericolosità sismica di base del sito di costruzione. Quest ultima è definita in termini di accelerazione orizzontale massima attesa a g e di ordinate dello spettro di risposta elastico in accelerazione ad essa corrispondente S e (T), con riferimento a prefissate probabilità di eccedenza P VR nel periodo di riferimento V R. Le condizioni del sito di riferimento rigido in generale non corrispondono a quelle effettive. È necessario tenere conto delle condizioni stratigrafiche del volume di terreno interessato dall opera ed anche delle condizioni topografiche, poiché entrambi questi fattori concorrono a modificare l azione sismica in superficie. Categoria di sottosuolo dalle indagini geofisiche di micro-zonazione risulta una velocità

equivalente delle onde di taglio V S30 = 193 239 m/s. Il terreno d interesse ricade in categoria C: Depositi di terreni a grana grossa mediamente addensati o terreni a grana fina mediamente consistenti con spessori superiori a 30 m, caratterizzati da un graduale miglioramento delle proprietà meccaniche con la profondità. Condizione topografica la superficie del piano campagna risulta orizzontale o comunque con inclinazione media 15. Il sito ricade dunque in categoria T1. Per il calcolo degli spettri elastici, relativi ai diversi stati limite considerati, ci si è avvalsi del software fornito dal sito del Consiglio Superiore dei Lavori Pubblici denominato Azioni sismiche - Spettri NTC ver. 1.0.3. Il programma effettua tutte 28 le operazioni di interpolazione sia geografica che temporale richieste per la valutazione dell azione sismica. Si espongono i risultati ottenuti grazie all utilizzo di tale software: 3.4.1 Spettro elastico allo SLO Tale spettro di risposta è stato calcolato nel comune di Rimini per categoria di sottosuolo C e categoria topografica T1, con una probabilità di superamento P VR = 81% in una vita di riferimento V R = 75 anni e con un tempo di ritorno T R = 45 anni. Parametri Indipendenti Parametri Dipendenti a g 0.061 g S 1.500 F 0 2.507 η 1.000 T* C 0.276 s T B 0.148 s S S 1.500 T C 0.443 s C C 1.606 T D 1.844 s S T 1.000 q 1.000

3.4.2 Spettro elastico allo SLD Tale spettro di risposta è stato calcolato nel comune di Rimini per categoria di sottosuolo C e categoria topografica T1, con una probabilità di superamento P VR = 63% in una vita di riferimento V R = 75 anni e con un tempo di ritorno T R = 75 anni. Parametri Indipendenti Parametri Dipendenti a g 0.079 g S 1.500 F 0 2.524 η 1.000 T* C 0.281 s T B 0.150 s S S 1.500 T C 0.449 s C C 1.596 T D 1.914 s S T 1.000 q 1.000 3.4.3 Spettro elastico allo SLD, η pari a 2/3 Come richiesto dalla Circolare Esplicativa al par. C7.1, per fabbricati ricadenti in classe d uso III è necessario effettuare una verifica, in termini di resistenza, con azione sismica corrispondente allo SLD attribuendo ad η il valore di 2/3 (par. D.M. 14/01/2008). Tale spettro di risposta è stato calcolato nel comune di Rimini per categoria di sottosuolo C e categoria topografica T1, con una probabilità di superamento P VR = 63% in una vita di riferimento V R = 75 anni e con un tempo di ritorno T R = 75 anni.

Parametri Indipendenti Parametri Dipendenti a g g S F 0 η T* C s T B s S S T C s C C T D s S T q 3.4.4 Spettro elastico allo SLV Tale spettro di risposta è stato calcolato nel comune di Rimini per categoria di sottosuolo C e categoria topografica T1, con una probabilità di superamento P VR = 10% in una vita di riferimento V R = 75 anni e con un tempo di ritorno T R = 712 anni.

Parametri Indipendenti Parametri Dipendenti a g 0.212 g S 1.381 F 0 2.507 η 1.000 T* C 0.304 s T B 0.157 s S S 1.381 T C 0.472 s C C 1.556 T D 2.449 s S T 1.000 q 1.000 3.4.5 Spettro di progetto allo SLV Tale spettro viene calcolato dividendo le ordinate dello spettro di risposta elastico allo SLV per il fattore di struttura q. Il valore del fattore di struttura q da utilizzare per ciascuna direzione dell azione sismica, dipende dalla tipologia strutturale, dal suo grado di iperstaticità, dai criteri di progettazione adottati e prende in considerazione le non linearità dei materiali; esso può essere calcolato tramite la seguente espressione: dove: q 0 valore massimo del fattore di struttura; Le strutture in acciaio con diagonale tesa attiva (b1), in accordo con il par. del D.M. 14/01/2008, hanno un valore di q 0 pari a 4, sia per strutture in CD A che strutture in CD B. K R fattore riduttivo funzione della regolarità in altezza;

I corpi di ampliamento non sono regolari in altezza, per cui K R = 0.8 Il fattore di struttura d interesse risulta: Parametri Indipendenti Parametri Dipendenti a g 0.212 g S 1.381 F 0 2.507 η 0.313 T* C 0.304 s T B 0.157 s S S 1.381 T C 0.472 s C C 1.556 T D 2.449 s S T 1.000 q 3.200 3.4.6 Accelerogrammi In accordo con il par. del D.M. 14/01/2008, gli stati limite, ultimi e di esercizio, possono essere verificati attraverso l uso di accelerogrammi artificiali, simulati o naturali. Attraverso un indagine geognostica di microzonazione sismica del sito in esame, ed utilizzando i tre accelerogrammi forniti dalla regione Emilia Romagna, si sono ottenuti gli spettri di risposta (in termini di accelerazione e di spostamento) del piano campagna.

La procedura utilizzata per la determinazione degli spettri fa riferimento ad una sismicità di base caratterizzata da un periodo di ritorno di 475 anni, quindi non compatibile con la nostra struttura che, essendo in Classe III, si riferisce ad un tempo di ritorno di 712 anni allo SLV. Per poter comparare gli spettri di risposta derivanti dagli accelerogrammi e quelli elastici, è necessario scalare i primi in base alla differenza percentuale che intercorre tra lo spettro SLV con T R = 475 anni e lo spettro SLV T R = 712 anni. T R a g (g) F 0 T* C (s) 475 0.183 2.487 0.296 712 0.212 2.507 0.304 (%) 15.85 0.80 2.70 Osservando i tre parametri indipendenti fondamentali (a g, F 0 e T* C ), si desume che è l accelerazione al suolo a g a rappresentare la differenza fondamentale tra i due spettri studiati. Aumentando le ordinate degli spettri derivanti dagli accelerogrammi di (%) è possibile compararli con lo spettro elastico allo SLV ed utilizzarli per l analisi e la verifica delle strutture d ampliamento.

PREMESSA La presente relazione è volta ad illustrare le caratteristiche dei materiali ad uso strutturale impiegati nel progetto di ampliamento dell Ex-Macello in via Dario Campana, sito nel Comune di Rimini. 1. ELENCO DEI MATERIALI IMPIEGATI E LORO MODALITÀ DI POSA IN OPERA Vieni qui riportata una descrizione delle caratteristiche principali dei materiali da impiegare nel progetto di ampliamento. 1.1 CALCESTRUZZO Sono definite, per ogni tipologia strutturale in progetto, le caratteristiche dei calcestruzzi da adoperarsi in accordo le normative vigenti: - D.M. 14/01/2008 per le resistenze caratteristiche; - UNI 11104:2004 ed UNI EN 206-1:2006 per le prestazioni di durabilità; Il copriferro nominale, dimensionato in accordo con l Eurocodice 2, è inteso come la distanza tra la superficie di getto e la superficie esterna dell armatura. 1.1.1. Fondazioni Classe di esposizione XC2 Resistenza caratteristica minima C25/30 Dosaggio cemento 300 kg/m 3 Rapporto a/c 0.60 Copriferro nominale 30 mm Dimensione aggregato 32 mm Classe di consistenza S3 1.1.2 Soletta collaborante Classe di esposizione XC2 Resistenza caratteristica minima C25/30 Dosaggio cemento 300 kg/m 3 Rapporto a/c 0.60 Copriferro nominale 30 mm Dimensione aggregato 32 mm Classe di consistenza S3 1.2 ACCIAIO PER BARRE DI ARMATURA L acciaio delle barre di armatura del cemento armato dovrà essere del tipo B450C, come prescritto al paragrafo del D.M. 14/01/2008. Vengono ora riportate le principali caratteristiche meccaniche del materiale: Tipologia B450C f yk (tensione caratteristica di snervamento) 450 N/mm 2 (frattile 5%) f tk (tensione caratteristica di rottura) 540 N/mm 2 (frattile 5%) (f t/ f y) k 1.15; 1.35 (frattile 10%) (f t/ f y nom) k 1.25 (frattile 10%) (A gt) k (allungamento) 7.50 (frattile 10%) I (coeff. protezione sismica) 1.00 1.3 ACCIAIO DI CARPENTERIA 3

L acciaio di carpenteria pesante è del tipo S235, conformi alla norma UNI EN 10025-2 (per i laminati) ed UNI EN 10219-1 (per i tubi saldati). Si riportano nel seguito le principali caratteristiche riportate al paragrafo del D.M. 14/01/2008. Tipologia S235 f yk (t 40 mm) 235 N/mm 2 f tk (t 40 mm) 360 N/mm 2 f yk (40 mm < t 80 mm) 215 N/mm 2 f tk (40 mm < t 80 mm) 360 N/mm 2 E (Modulo Elastico) 210000 N/mm 2 ν (coeff. Poisson) 0.30 1. VALORI DI CALCOLO I valori di calcolo utilizzati per le analisi strutturali per i singoli materiali impiegati sono stati individuati seguendo le indicazioni riportate nel D.M. 14/08/2008, in base alle tipologie di materiale e di verifica. 4

Figura 1 3d Figura 2 nodi *** NODE DATA < Node > NO X Y Z TEMPERATURE -------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 1-26.5 6.67-0.9 0 2-26.16 6.67-0.9 0 3-25.29 6.67-0.9 0 4-24.41 6.67-0.9 0 5-23.54 6.67-0.9 0 6-23.2 6.67-0.9 0 7-20.5 6.67-0.9 0 8-20.16 6.67-0.9 0 9-19.29 6.67-0.9 0 10-18.41 6.67-0.9 0 11-17.54 6.67-0.9 0 12-17.2 6.67-0.9 0 13-14.5 6.67-0.9 0 14-14.16 6.67-0.9 0 15-13.29 6.67-0.9 0 16-12.41 6.67-0.9 0 17-11.54 6.67-0.9 0

18-11.2 6.67-0.9 0 19-26.5 7.15-0.9 0 20-26.16 7.15-0.9 0 21-25.29 7.15-0.9 0 22-24.41 7.15-0.9 0 23-23.54 7.15-0.9 0 24-23.2 7.15-0.9 0 25-20.5 7.15-0.9 0 26-20.16 7.15-0.9 0 27-19.29 7.15-0.9 0 28-18.41 7.15-0.9 0 29-17.54 7.15-0.9 0 30-17.2 7.15-0.9 0 31-14.5 7.15-0.9 0 32-14.16 7.15-0.9 0 33-13.29 7.15-0.9 0 34-12.41 7.15-0.9 0 35-11.54 7.15-0.9 0 36-11.2 7.15-0.9 0 37-26.5 8.35-0.9 0 38-26.16 8.35-0.9 0 39-25.29 8.35-0.9 0 40-24.41 8.35-0.9 0 41-23.54 8.35-0.9 0 42-23.2 8.35-0.9 0 43-20.5 8.35-0.9 0 44-20.16 8.35-0.9 0 45-19.29 8.35-0.9 0 46-18.41 8.35-0.9 0 47-17.54 8.35-0.9 0 48-17.2 8.35-0.9 0 49-14.5 8.35-0.9 0 50-14.16 8.35-0.9 0 51-13.29 8.35-0.9 0 52-12.41 8.35-0.9 0 53-11.54 8.35-0.9 0 54-11.2 8.35-0.9 0 55-26.5 8.97-0.9 0 56-26.16 8.97-0.9 0 57-25.29 8.97-0.9 0 58-24.41 8.97-0.9 0 59-23.54 8.97-0.9 0 60-23.2 8.97-0.9 0 61-20.5 8.97-0.9 0 62-20.16 8.97-0.9 0 63-19.29 8.97-0.9 0 64-18.41 8.97-0.9 0 65-17.54 8.97-0.9 0 66-17.2 8.97-0.9 0 67-14.5 8.97-0.9 0 68-14.16 8.97-0.9 0 69-13.29 8.97-0.9 0 70-12.41 8.97-0.9 0 71-11.54 8.97-0.9 0 72-11.2 8.97-0.9 0 82-8.13 0-0.9 0 83-7.63 0-0.9 0 84-6.59 0-0.9 0 85-5.55 0-0.9 0 86-4.51 0-0.9 0 87-4.01 0-0.9 0 88-3.51 0-0.9 0 89-2.51 0-0.9 0 90-1.5 0-0.9 0 91-0.5 0-0.9 0 92 0 0-0.9 0 93-8.13 0.5-0.9 0 94-7.63 0.5-0.9 0 95-6.59 0.5-0.9 0 96-5.55 0.5-0.9 0 97-4.51 0.5-0.9 0 98-4.01 0.5-0.9 0 99-3.51 0.5-0.9 0 100-2.51 0.5-0.9 0 101-1.5 0.5-0.9 0 102-0.5 0.5-0.9 0 103 0 0.5-0.9 0 104-8.13 1.865-0.9 0 105-7.63 1.865-0.9 0 106-4.51 1.865-0.9 0 107-4.01 1.865-0.9 0 108-3.51 1.865-0.9 0 109-0.5 1.865-0.9 0 110-8.882e-016 1.865-0.9 0 111-8.13 3.23-0.9 0

112-7.63 3.23-0.9 0 113-4.51 3.23-0.9 0 114-4.01 3.23-0.9 0 115-3.51 3.23-0.9 0 116-0.5 3.23-0.9 0 117-1.776e-015 3.23-0.9 0 118-8.13 4.84-0.9 0 119-7.63 4.84-0.9 0 120-4.51 4.84-0.9 0 121-4.01 4.84-0.9 0 122-3.51 4.84-0.9 0 123-0.5 4.84-0.9 0 124-8.882e-016 4.84-0.9 0 125-8.13 6.45-0.9 0 126-7.63 6.45-0.9 0 127-4.51 6.45-0.9 0 128-4.01 6.45-0.9 0 129-3.51 6.45-0.9 0 130-0.5 6.45-0.9 0 131-1.776e-015 6.45-0.9 0 132-8.13 8.35-0.9 0 133-7.63 8.35-0.9 0 134-4.51 8.35-0.9 0 135-4.01 8.35-0.9 0 136-3.51 8.35-0.9 0 137-0.5 8.35-0.9 0 138-8.882e-016 8.35-0.9 0 139-8.13 9.56-0.9 0 140-7.63 9.56-0.9 0 141-4.51 9.56-0.9 0 142-4.01 9.56-0.9 0 143-3.51 9.56-0.9 0 144-0.5 9.56-0.9 0 145-8.882e-016 9.56-0.9 0 146-8.13 10.9-0.9 0 147-7.63 10.9-0.9 0 148-4.51 10.9-0.9 0 149-4.01 10.9-0.9 0 150-3.51 10.9-0.9 0 151-0.5 10.9-0.9 0 152-1.776e-015 10.9-0.9 0 153-8.13 11.78-0.9 0 154-7.63 11.78-0.9 0 155-8.13 12.71-0.9 0 156-7.63 12.71-0.9 0 157-4.51 12.8-0.9 0 158-4.01 12.8-0.9 0 159-3.51 12.8-0.9 0 160-0.5 12.8-0.9 0 161-8.882e-016 12.8-0.9 0 162-8.13 13.96-0.9 0 163-7.63 13.96-0.9 0 164-4.51 13.96-0.9 0 165-4.01 13.96-0.9 0 166-3.51 13.96-0.9 0 167-0.5 13.96-0.9 0 168-8.882e-016 13.96-0.9 0 169-8.13 15.11-0.9 0 170-7.63 15.11-0.9 0 171-4.51 15.11-0.9 0 172-4.01 15.11-0.9 0 173-3.51 15.11-0.9 0 174-0.5 15.11-0.9 0 175-8.882e-016 15.11-0.9 0 176-8.13 16.27-0.9 0 177-7.63 16.27-0.9 0 178-6.59 16.27-0.9 0 179-5.55 16.27-0.9 0 180-4.51 16.27-0.9 0 181-4.01 16.27-0.9 0 182-3.51 16.27-0.9 0 183-2.16 16.27-0.9 0 184-1.28 16.27-0.9 0 185-0.5 16.27-0.9 0 186-1.776e-015 16.27-0.9 0 187-8.13 16.77-0.9 0 188-7.63 16.77-0.9 0 189-6.59 16.77-0.9 0 190-5.55 16.77-0.9 0 191-4.51 16.77-0.9 0 192-4.01 16.77-0.9 0 193-3.51 16.77-0.9 0 194-2.16 16.77-0.9 0 195-1.28 16.77-0.9 0 196-0.5 16.77-0.9 0

197-1.776e-015 16.77-0.9 0 198-8.13 17.27-0.9 0 199-7.63 17.27-0.9 0 200-6.59 17.27-0.9 0 201-5.55 17.27-0.9 0 202-4.51 17.27-0.9 0 203-4.01 17.27-0.9 0 204-3.51 17.27-0.9 0 205-2.16 17.27-0.9 0 206-1.28 17.27-0.9 0 207-0.5 17.27-0.9 0 208-1.776e-015 17.27-0.9 0 209-8.13 0 0 0 210-7.63 0 0 0 211-6.59 0 0 0 212-5.55 0 0 0 213-4.51 0 0 0 214-4.01 0 0 0 215-3.51 0 0 0 216-2.51 0 0 0 217-1.5 0 0 0 218-0.5 0 0 0 219 0 0 0 0 220-8.13 0.5 0 0 221-4.01 0.5 0 0 222 0 0.5 0 0 223-8.13 1.865 0 0 224-4.01 1.865 0 0 225-8.882e-016 1.865 0 0 226-8.13 3.23 0 0 227-4.01 3.23 0 0 228-1.776e-015 3.23 0 0 229-8.13 4.84 0 0 230-4.01 4.84 0 0 231-8.882e-016 4.84 0 0 232-8.13 6.45 0 0 233-4.01 6.45 0 0 234-1.776e-015 6.45 0 0 235-26.16 6.67 0 0 236-23.54 6.67 0 0 237-20.16 6.67 0 0 238-17.54 6.67 0 0 239-14.16 6.67 0 0 240-11.54 6.67 0 0 241-26.16 7.15 0 0 242-23.54 7.15 0 0 243-20.16 7.15 0 0 244-17.54 7.15 0 0 245-14.16 7.15 0 0 246-11.54 7.15 0 0 248-26.16 8.35 0 0 249-25.29 8.35 0 0 250-24.41 8.35 0 0 251-23.54 8.35 0 0 252-20.16 8.35 0 0 253-19.29 8.35 0 0 254-18.41 8.35 0 0 255-17.54 8.35 0 0 256-14.16 8.35 0 0 257-13.29 8.35 0 0 258-12.41 8.35 0 0 259-11.54 8.35 0 0 260-8.13 8.35 0 0 261-4.01 8.35 0 0 262-8.882e-016 8.35 0 0 263-8.13 9.56 0 0 264-4.01 9.56 0 0 265-8.882e-016 9.56 0 0 268-8.13 10.9 0 0 269-4.01 10.9 0 0 270-1.776e-015 10.9 0 0 271-8.13 11.79 0 0 273-8.13 12.71 0 0 274-4.01 12.8 0 0 275-8.882e-016 12.8 0 0 277-8.13 13.96 0 0 278-4.01 13.96 0 0 279-8.882e-016 13.96 0 0 280-8.13 15.11 0 0 281-4.01 15.11 0 0 282-8.882e-016 15.11 0 0 283-8.13 16.27 0 0 284-4.01 16.27 0 0 285-1.776e-015 16.27 0 0 286-8.13 16.77 0 0

287-7.63 16.77 0 0 288-6.59 16.77 0 0 289-5.55 16.77 0 0 290-4.51 16.77 0 0 291-4.01 16.77 0 0 292-3.51 16.77 0 0 293-2.16 16.77 0 0 294-1.28 16.77 0 0 295-0.5 16.77 0 0 296-1.776e-015 16.77 0 0 297-26.16 6.67 0.5 0 298-23.54 6.67 0.5 0 299-20.16 6.67 0.5 0 300-17.54 6.67 0.5 0 301-14.16 6.67 0.5 0 302-11.54 6.67 0.5 0 303-26.16 7.15 0.5 0 304-23.54 7.15 0.5 0 305-20.16 7.15 0.5 0 306-17.54 7.15 0.5 0 307-14.16 7.15 0.5 0 308-11.54 7.15 0.5 0 309-26.16 8.35 0.5 0 310-23.54 8.35 0.5 0 311-20.16 8.35 0.5 0 312-17.54 8.35 0.5 0 313-14.16 8.35 0.5 0 314-11.54 8.35 0.5 0 315-26.16 7.15 0.65 0 316-23.54 7.15 0.65 0 317-20.16 7.15 0.65 0 318-17.54 7.15 0.65 0 319-14.16 7.15 0.65 0 320-11.54 7.15 0.65 0 321-26.16 8.35 1.7 0 322-23.54 8.35 1.7 0 323-20.16 8.35 1.7 0 324-17.54 8.35 1.7 0 325-14.16 8.35 1.7 0 326-11.54 8.35 1.7 0 327-26.16 7.15 2.75 0 328-23.54 7.15 2.75 0 329-20.16 7.15 2.75 0 330-17.54 7.15 2.75 0 331-14.16 7.15 2.75 0 332-11.54 7.15 2.75 0 333-8.13 10.9 3.72 0 334-8.13 12 3.72 0 335-8.13 13.29 3.72 0 336-8.13 14.57 3.72 0 337-8.13 15.67 3.72 0 338-8.13 16.77 3.72 0 339-26.16 8.35 3.8 0 340-23.54 8.35 3.8 0 341-20.16 8.35 3.8 0 342-17.54 8.35 3.8 0 343-14.16 8.35 3.8 0 344-11.54 8.35 3.8 0 345-8.13 0 3.92 0 346-4.01 0 3.92 0 347-1.776e-015 0 3.92 0 348-4.01 0.92 3.92 0 349-1.776e-015 0.92 3.92 0 350-8.13 1.29 3.92 0 351-6.54 1.29 3.92 0 352-4.01 1.29 3.92 0 353-4.01 1.84 3.92 0 354-2.7 1.84 3.92 0 355-1.776e-015 1.84 3.92 0 356-8.13 2.59 3.92 0 357-6.54 2.59 3.92 0 358-4.01 2.59 3.92 0 359-4.01 2.74 3.92 0 360-2.7 2.74 3.92 0 361-8.13 3.23 3.92 0 362-4.01 3.23 3.92 0 363-2.7 3.23 3.92 0 364-1.776e-015 3.23 3.92 0 365-8.13 4.3 3.92 0 366-4.01 4.3 3.92 0 367-1.776e-015 4.3 3.92 0 368-8.13 5.37 3.92 0 369-4.01 5.37 3.92 0 370-1.776e-015 5.37 3.92 0 371-8.13 6.45 3.92 0

372-4.01 6.45 3.92 0 373-2.54 6.45 3.92 0 374-1.38 6.45 3.92 0 375-1.776e-015 6.45 3.92 0 376-26.16 6.67 3.92 0 377-23.54 6.67 3.92 0 378-20.16 6.67 3.92 0 379-17.54 6.67 3.92 0 380-14.16 6.67 3.92 0 381-11.54 6.67 3.92 0 382-4.01 6.94 3.92 0 383-2.54 6.94 3.92 0 384-1.38 6.94 3.92 0 385-26.16 7.15 3.92 0 386-23.54 7.15 3.92 0 387-20.16 7.15 3.92 0 388-17.54 7.15 3.92 0 389-14.16 7.15 3.92 0 390-11.54 7.15 3.92 0 391-4.01 8.04 3.92 0 392-2.54 8.04 3.92 0 393-1.38 8.04 3.92 0 394-29.26 8.35 3.92 0 395-26.16 8.35 3.92 0 396-23.54 8.35 3.92 0 397-20.16 8.35 3.92 0 398-17.54 8.35 3.92 0 399-14.16 8.35 3.92 0 400-11.54 8.35 3.92 0 401-8.13 8.35 3.92 0 402-4.01 8.35 3.92 0 403-2.54 8.35 3.92 0 404-1.38 8.35 3.92 0 405-8.882e-016 8.35 3.92 0 406-8.13 9.63 3.92 0 407-4.01 9.63 3.92 0 408-8.882e-016 9.63 3.92 0 410-26.16 10.77 3.92 0 411-23.54 10.77 3.92 0 412-20.16 10.77 3.92 0 413-17.54 10.77 3.92 0 414-14.16 10.77 3.92 0 415-11.54 10.77 3.92 0 416-8.13 10.77 3.92 0 417-8.13 10.9 3.92 0 418-4.01 10.9 3.92 0 419-1.776e-015 10.9 3.92 0 421-4.01 11.31 3.92 0 422-2.54 11.31 3.92 0 423-1.38 11.31 3.92 0 424-1.776e-015 11.31 3.92 0 431-8.13 12 3.92 0 432-4.01 12 3.92 0 446-4.01 12.42 3.92 0 447-2.54 12.42 3.92 0 448-1.38 12.42 3.92 0 449-1.776e-015 12.42 3.92 0 461-8.13 13.29 3.92 0 462-4.01 13.29 3.92 0 463-1.776e-015 13.29 3.92 0 486-8.13 14.57 3.92 0 487-4.01 14.57 3.92 0 488-1.776e-015 14.57 3.92 0 491-8.13 15.67 3.92 0 492-4.01 15.67 3.92 0 493-1.776e-015 15.67 3.92 0 495-8.13 16.77 3.92 0 496-4.01 16.77 3.92 0 497-2.16 16.77 3.92 0 498-1.776e-015 16.77 3.92 0 499-26.16 8.35 3.98 0 500-23.54 8.35 3.98 0 501-20.16 8.35 3.98 0 502-17.54 8.35 3.98 0 503-14.16 8.35 3.98 0 504-11.54 8.35 3.98 0 505-26.16 7.15 4.8 0 506-23.54 7.15 4.8 0 507-20.16 7.15 4.8 0 508-17.54 7.15 4.8 0 509-14.16 7.15 4.8 0 510-11.54 7.15 4.8 0 511-26.16 7.15 5.62 0 512-23.54 7.15 5.62 0 513-20.16 7.15 5.62 0

514-17.54 7.15 5.62 0 515-14.16 7.15 5.62 0 516-11.54 7.15 5.62 0 517-26.16 8.35 5.62 0 518-23.54 8.35 5.62 0 519-20.16 8.35 5.62 0 520-17.54 8.35 5.62 0 521-14.16 8.35 5.62 0 522-11.54 8.35 5.62 0 523-29.26 11.27 3.92 0 524-26.16 11.27 3.92 0 525-23.54 11.27 3.92 0 526-20.16 11.27 3.92 0 527-17.54 11.27 3.92 0 528-14.16 11.27 3.92 0 529-11.54 11.27 3.92 0 530-8.63 16.77 3.92 0 531-8.63 15.67 3.92 0 532-8.63 14.57 3.92 0 533-8.63 13.29 3.92 0 534-8.63 12 3.92 0 535-8.63 10.77 3.92 0 536-8.63 11.27 3.92 0 537-29.26 10.77 3.92 0 Figura 3 aste *** BEAM MEMBER DATA < Beam > NO NODAL CONNECTIVITY BEAM END RELEASE MATERIAL SECTION LENGTH I J I J -------- --------- -------- -------- -------- --------------- --------------- ---------- 207 232 233 - - C25/30 Cord_Fond 4.12 208 233 234 - - C25/30 Cord_Fond 4.01 210 251 252 - - C25/30 Cord_Fond 3.38 211 255 256 - - C25/30 Cord_Fond 3.38 212 259 260 - - C25/30 Cord_Fond 3.41 216 268 269 - - C25/30 Cord_Fond 4.12 217 269 270 - - C25/30 Cord_Fond 4.01 233 303 315 000011 000000 S235 - ret pilastri 0.15 234 304 316 000011 000000 S235 - ret pilastri 0.15 235 305 317 000011 000000 S235 - ret pilastri 0.15 236 306 318 000011 000000 S235 - ret pilastri 0.15 237 307 319 000011 000000 S235 - ret pilastri 0.15 238 308 320 000011 000000 S235 - ret pilastri 0.15 239 309 321 000011 000000 S235 - ret pilastri 1.2 240 310 322 000011 000000 S235 - ret pilastri 1.2 241 311 323 000011 000000 S235 - ret pilastri 1.2 242 312 324 000011 000000 S235 - ret pilastri 1.2 243 313 325 000011 000000 S235 - ret pilastri 1.2 244 314 326 000011 000000 S235 - ret pilastri 1.2 245 315 321 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 246 316 322 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595

247 317 323 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 248 318 324 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 249 319 325 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 250 320 326 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 251 315 327 - - S235 - ret pilastri 2.1 252 316 328 - - S235 - ret pilastri 2.1 253 317 329 - - S235 - ret pilastri 2.1 254 318 330 - - S235 - ret pilastri 2.1 255 319 331 - - S235 - ret pilastri 2.1 256 320 332 - - S235 - ret pilastri 2.1 257 268 333 000011 000000 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.72 258 286 338 000011 000000 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.72 259 209 345 000011 000010 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 262 214 346 000010 000010 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 265 219 347 000011 000010 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 270 226 361 000011 000011 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 271 228 364 000011 000011 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 276 232 371 000011 000011 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 277 233 372 000010 000010 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 278 234 375 000011 000011 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 279 269 418 000010 000010 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 280 270 419 000011 000011 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 284 291 496 000010 000010 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 285 293 497 000011 000011 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 288 296 498 000011 000010 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 289 321 327 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 290 322 328 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 291 323 329 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 292 324 330 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 293 325 331 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 294 326 332 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 295 321 339 - - S235 - ret pilastri 2.1 296 322 340 - - S235 - ret pilastri 2.1 297 323 341 - - S235 - ret pilastri 2.1 298 324 342 - - S235 - ret pilastri 2.1 299 325 343 - - S235 - ret pilastri 2.1 300 326 344 - - S235 - ret pilastri 2.1 301 327 339 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 302 328 340 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 303 329 341 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 304 330 342 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 305 331 343 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 306 332 344 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 307 327 385 - - S235 - ret pilastri 1.17 308 328 386 - - S235 - ret pilastri 1.17 309 329 387 - - S235 - ret pilastri 1.17 310 330 388 - - S235 - ret pilastri 1.17 311 331 389 - - S235 - ret pilastri 1.17 312 332 390 - - S235 - ret pilastri 1.17 313 333 334 000011 000000 S235 HEB200 1.1 314 334 335 - - S235 HEB200 1.29 315 335 336 - - S235 HEB200 1.28 316 336 337 - - S235 HEB200 1.1 317 337 338 000000 000011 S235 HEB200 1.1 318 333 417 000000 000011 OFFSET HEB200 - pil 0.2 323 338 495 000000 000001 OFFSET HEB200 - pil 0.2 324 339 395 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.12 325 340 396 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.12 326 341 397 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.12 327 342 398 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.12 328 343 399 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.12 329 344 400 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.12 330 345 346 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.12 331 346 347 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.01 333 347 349 - - S235 HEB200 0.92 334 350 345 - - S235 HEB200 1.29 335 348 349 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.01 337 350 351 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 1.59 338 351 352 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 2.53 339 349 355 - - S235 HEB200 0.92 340 353 352 - - S235 HEB200 0.55 341 353 354 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 1.31 342 354 355 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 2.7 343 356 350 - - S235 HEB200 1.3 344 351 357 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 1.3 345 358 353 - - S235 HEB200 0.75 346 354 360 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 0.9 347 364 355 - - S235 HEB200 1.39 348 357 356 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 1.59 349 358 357 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 2.53 350 359 358 - - S235 HEB200 0.15 351 359 360 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 1.31 352 361 356 - - S235 HEB200 0.64 353 362 359 - - S235 HEB200 0.49 354 360 363 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 0.49

355 361 362 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.12 356 362 363 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 1.31 357 363 364 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 2.7 358 365 361 - - S235 HEB200 1.07 359 366 362 - - S235 HEB200 1.07 360 367 364 - - S235 HEB200 1.07 361 365 366 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.12 362 366 367 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.01 363 368 365 - - S235 HEB200 1.07 364 369 366 - - S235 HEB200 1.07 365 370 367 - - S235 HEB200 1.07 366 368 369 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.12 367 369 370 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.01 368 371 368 - - S235 HEB200 1.08 369 372 369 - - S235 HEB200 1.08 370 375 370 - - S235 HEB200 1.08 371 371 372 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.12 372 372 373 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 1.47 373 373 374 - - S235 HEA140 1.16 374 374 375 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 1.38 375 376 377 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 2.62 376 378 379 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 2.62 377 380 381 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 2.62 379 373 383 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 0.49 380 374 384 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 0.49 381 376 385 - - S235 HEA140 0.48 382 377 386 - - S235 HEA140 0.48 383 378 387 - - S235 HEA140 0.48 384 379 388 - - S235 HEA140 0.48 385 380 389 - - S235 HEA140 0.48 386 381 390 - - S235 HEA140 0.48 387 382 383 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 1.47 388 383 384 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 1.16 389 386 385 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 2.62 390 388 387 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 2.62 391 390 389 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 2.62 392 371 401 - - S235 HEB200 1.9 393 405 375 - - S235 HEB200 1.9 395 383 392 - - S235 HEA140 1.1 396 384 393 - - S235 HEA140 1.1 397 385 395 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 1.2 398 386 396 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 1.2 399 387 397 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 1.2 400 388 398 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 1.2 401 389 399 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 1.2 402 390 400 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 1.2 403 391 392 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 1.47 404 392 393 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 1.16 406 392 403 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 0.31 407 393 404 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 0.31 408 395 394 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 3.1 409 396 395 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 2.62 410 397 396 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 3.38 411 398 397 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 2.62 412 399 398 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 3.38 413 400 399 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 2.62 414 400 401 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 3.41 415 401 402 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.12 416 402 403 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 1.47 417 403 404 - - S235 HEA140 1.16 418 404 405 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 1.38 419 401 406 - - S235 HEB200 1.28 421 408 405 - - S235 HEB200 1.28 423 395 410 000010 000000 S235 HEB160 2.42 424 396 411 000010 000000 S235 HEB160 2.42 425 397 412 000010 000000 S235 HEB160 2.42 426 398 413 000010 000000 S235 HEB160 2.42 427 399 414 000010 000000 S235 HEB220 2.42 428 400 415 000010 000000 S235 HEB160 2.42 429 406 407 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.12 430 407 408 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.01 431 406 416 - - S235 HEB200 1.14 433 419 408 - - S235 HEB200 1.27 435 411 410 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 2.62 436 412 411 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 3.38 437 413 412 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 2.62 438 414 413 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 3.38 439 415 414 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 2.62 440 415 535 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 2.91 441 416 417 - - S235 HEB200 0.13 442 417 418 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.12 443 418 419 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.01 446 421 418 - - S235 HEB200 0.41 447 424 419 - - S235 HEB200 0.41 450 421 422 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 1.47

451 422 423 - - S235 HEA140 1.16 452 423 424 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 1.38 458 432 421 - - S235 HEB200 0.69 459 422 447 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 1.11 460 423 448 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 1.11 461 449 424 - - S235 HEB200 1.11 467 431 432 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 4.12 476 446 432 - - S235 HEB200 0.42 483 446 447 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 1.47 484 447 448 - - S235 HEA140 1.16 485 448 449 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 1.38 495 462 446 - - S235 HEB200 0.87 496 463 449 - - S235 HEB200 0.87 503 461 462 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 4.12 504 462 463 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.01 514 487 462 - - S235 HEB200 1.28 515 488 463 - - S235 HEB200 1.28 535 486 487 000000 000010 S235 doppioheb140 4.12 536 487 488 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.01 539 492 487 - - S235 HEB200 1.1 540 493 488 - - S235 HEB200 1.1 543 491 492 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 4.12 544 492 493 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.01 546 496 492 - - S235 HEB200 1.1 547 498 493 - - S235 HEB200 1.1 549 495 496 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 4.12 550 496 497 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 1.85 551 497 498 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 2.16 552 395 499 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.06 553 396 500 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.06 554 397 501 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.06 555 398 502 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.06 556 399 503 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.06 557 400 504 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.06 558 385 505 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.88 559 386 506 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.88 560 387 507 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.88 561 388 508 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.88 562 389 509 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.88 563 390 510 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.88 564 499 505 - - S235 - ret aste 1.453 565 500 506 - - S235 - ret aste 1.453 566 501 507 - - S235 - ret aste 1.453 567 502 508 - - S235 - ret aste 1.453 568 503 509 - - S235 - ret aste 1.453 569 504 510 - - S235 - ret aste 1.453 570 410 517 000010 000010 S235 - ret tiranti 2.957 571 411 518 000010 000010 S235 - ret tiranti 2.957 572 412 519 000010 000010 S235 - ret tiranti 2.957 573 413 520 000010 000010 S235 - ret tiranti 2.957 574 414 521 000010 000010 S235 - ret tiranti 2.957 575 415 522 000010 000010 S235 - ret tiranti 2.957 576 499 517 - - S235 - ret pilastri 1.64 577 500 518 - - S235 - ret pilastri 1.64 578 501 519 - - S235 - ret pilastri 1.64 579 502 520 - - S235 - ret pilastri 1.64 580 503 521 - - S235 - ret pilastri 1.64 581 504 522 - - S235 - ret pilastri 1.64 582 505 511 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.82 583 506 512 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.82 584 507 513 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.82 585 508 514 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.82 586 509 515 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.82 587 510 516 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.82 588 505 517 - - S235 - ret aste 1.453 589 506 518 - - S235 - ret aste 1.453 590 507 519 - - S235 - ret aste 1.453 591 508 520 - - S235 - ret aste 1.453 592 509 521 - - S235 - ret aste 1.453 593 510 522 - - S235 - ret aste 1.453 594 511 517 - - S235 - ret aste 1.2 595 512 518 - - S235 - ret aste 1.2 596 513 519 - - S235 - ret aste 1.2 597 514 520 - - S235 - ret aste 1.2 598 515 521 - - S235 - ret aste 1.2 599 516 522 - - S235 - ret aste 1.2 603 495 491 000010 000110 OFFSET offset 1.1 604 491 486 000110 000110 OFFSET offset 1.1 605 486 461 000110 000110 OFFSET offset 1.28 606 461 431 000110 000110 OFFSET offset 1.29 607 431 417 000110 000110 OFFSET offset 1.1 609 352 348 - - S235 HEB200 0.37 610 348 346 - - S235 HEB200 0.92 611 418 407 - - S235 HEB200 1.27 612 407 402 - - S235 HEB200 1.28

613 402 391 - - S235 HEB200 0.31 614 391 382 - - S235 HEB200 1.1 615 382 372 - - S235 HEB200 0.49 616 535 416 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 0.5 617 530 531 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 1.1 618 531 532 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 1.1 619 532 533 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 1.28 620 533 534 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 1.29 621 534 536 000010 000000 S235 UPN140 0.73 622 536 535 000000 000010 S235 UPN140 0.5 623 523 524 000000 000010 S235 UPN140 3.1 624 524 525 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 2.62 625 525 526 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 3.38 626 526 527 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 2.62 627 527 528 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 3.38 628 528 529 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 2.62 629 529 536 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 2.91 630 410 524 - - S235 HEB160 0.5 631 411 525 - - S235 HEB160 0.5 632 412 526 - - S235 HEB160 0.5 633 413 527 - - S235 HEB160 0.5 634 414 528 - - S235 HEB220 0.5 635 537 410 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 3.1 636 415 529 - - S235 HEB160 0.5 638 531 491 - - S235 HEA140 0.5 639 533 461 - - S235 HEA140 0.5 640 534 431 - - S235 HEA140 0.5 641 530 495 - - S235 HEA140 0.5 642 532 486 - - S235 doppioheb140 0.5 643 394 537 000010 000010 S235 offset 2.42 644 537 523 000010 000010 S235 offset 0.5 *** TRUSS MEMBER DATA < Truss > NO NODAL CONNECTIVITY MATERIAL SECTION TENSION / SECTION AREA LENGTH I J COMPRESSION I J -------- --------- -------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 260 209 346 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.687 261 214 345 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.687 263 214 347 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.608 264 219 346 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.608 266 209 361 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.079 267 226 345 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.079 268 228 347 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.079 269 219 364 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.079 272 226 371 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.073 273 232 361 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.073 274 228 375 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.073 275 234 364 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.073 282 286 496 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.687 283 291 495 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.687 286 296 497 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-4.476 287 293 498 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-4.476 Tabella 1 1 : HEA140 z y A(m 2 ) Asy(m 2 ) Asz(m 2 ) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.067 0.067 Ixx(m 4 ) Iyy(m 4 ) Izz(m 4 ) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.070 0.070

Tabella 2 2 : HEB200 z y A(m 2 ) Asy(m 2 ) Asz(m 2 ) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.008 0.005 0.002 0.100 0.100 Ixx(m 4 ) Iyy(m 4 ) Izz(m 4 ) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.100 Tabella 3 3 : HEB200 - pil z y A(m 2 ) Asy(m 2 ) Asz(m 2 ) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.008 0.005 0.002 0.100 0.100 Ixx(m 4 ) Iyy(m 4 ) Izz(m 4 ) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.100 Tabella 4 4 : offset z y A(m 2 ) Asy(m 2 ) Asz(m 2 ) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.005 Ixx(m 4 ) Iyy(m 4 ) Izz(m 4 ) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.005

Tabella 5 5 : HEB160 z y A(m 2 ) Asy(m 2 ) Asz(m 2 ) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.005 0.003 0.001 0.080 0.080 Ixx(m 4 ) Iyy(m 4 ) Izz(m 4 ) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.080 0.080 Tabella 6 6 : piatti_controventi z y A(m 2 ) Asy(m 2 ) Asz(m 2 ) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.040 0.040 Ixx(m 4 ) Iyy(m 4 ) Izz(m 4 ) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.008 0.008 Tabella 7 7 : UPN140 z y A(m 2 ) Asy(m 2 ) Asz(m 2 ) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.070 0.070 Ixx(m 4 ) Iyy(m 4 ) Izz(m 4 ) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.041 0.019

Tabella 8 8 : pilastri z y A(m 2 ) Asy(m 2 ) Asz(m 2 ) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.004 0.002 0.002 0.070 0.070 Ixx(m 4 ) Iyy(m 4 ) Izz(m 4 ) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.070 0.070 Tabella 9 9 : aste z y A(m 2 ) Asy(m 2 ) Asz(m 2 ) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.044 0.044 Ixx(m 4 ) Iyy(m 4 ) Izz(m 4 ) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.044 0.044 Tabella 10 10 : tiranti z y A(m 2 ) Asy(m 2 ) Asz(m 2 ) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.038 0.038 Ixx(m 4 ) Iyy(m 4 ) Izz(m 4 ) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.038 0.038

Tabella 11 11 : doppioheb140 z y A(m 2 ) Asy(m 2 ) Asz(m 2 ) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.008 0.007 0.002 0.070 0.070 Ixx(m 4 ) Iyy(m 4 ) Izz(m 4 ) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.140 0.140 Tabella 12 14 : HEB220 z y A(m 2 ) Asy(m 2 ) Asz(m 2 ) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.009 0.006 0.002 0.110 0.110 Ixx(m 4 ) Iyy(m 4 ) Izz(m 4 ) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.110 0.110 Tabella 13 15 : Cord_Fond z y A(m 2 ) Asy(m 2 ) Asz(m 2 ) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.090 0.075 0.075 0.150 0.150 Ixx(m 4 ) Iyy(m 4 ) Izz(m 4 ) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.150 0.150 Figura 4 vincoliest

Figura 5 vincoliint < Floor Diaphragm/Rigid Link > *** FLOOR DIAPHRAGM / RIGID LINK DATA MASTER DDDRRR NODES OF SAME DISPLACEMENT ---------- --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 2F Floor Diaphragm 345to408 410to419 421to424 431 432 446to449 461to463 486to488 491to493 495to498 523to537 334 1000 431 335 1000 461 336 1000 486 337 1000 491 ** SUPPORT / SPECIFIED DISPLACEMENT < Boundary > NODE SUPPORT SPECIFIED DISPLACEMENT DDDRRR Dx Dy Dz Rx Ry Rz -------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 3 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 4 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 5 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 6 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 7 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 8 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 9 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 10 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 11 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 12 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 13 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 14 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 15 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 16 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 17 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 18 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 19 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 20 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 21 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 22 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 23 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 24 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 25 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 26 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 27 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 28 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 29 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 30 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 31 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 32 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

33 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 34 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 35 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 36 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 37 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 38 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 39 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 40 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 41 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 42 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 43 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 44 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 45 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 46 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 47 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 48 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 49 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 50 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 51 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 52 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 53 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 54 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 55 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 56 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 57 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 58 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 59 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 60 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 61 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 62 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 63 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 64 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 65 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 66 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 67 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 68 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 69 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 70 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 71 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 72 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 82 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 83 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 84 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 85 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 86 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 87 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 88 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 89 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 90 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 91 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 92 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 93 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 94 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 95 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 96 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 97 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 98 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 99 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 100 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 101 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 102 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 103 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 104 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 105 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 106 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 107 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 108 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 109 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 110 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 111 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 112 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 113 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 114 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 115 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 116 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 117 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 118 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 119 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 120 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 121 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 122 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 123 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 124 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 125 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 126 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

127 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 128 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 129 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 130 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 131 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 132 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 133 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 134 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 135 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 136 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 137 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 138 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 139 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 140 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 141 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 142 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 143 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 144 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 145 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 146 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 147 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 148 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 149 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 150 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 151 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 152 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 153 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 154 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 155 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 156 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 157 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 158 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 159 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 160 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 161 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 162 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 163 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 164 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 165 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 166 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 167 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 168 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 169 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 170 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 171 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 172 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 173 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 174 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 175 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 176 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 177 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 178 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 179 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 180 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 181 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 182 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 183 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 184 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 185 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 186 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 187 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 188 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 189 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 190 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 191 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 192 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 193 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 194 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 195 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 196 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 197 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 198 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 199 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 200 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 201 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 202 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 203 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 204 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 205 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 206 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 207 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 208 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 209 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 210 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 211 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

212 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 213 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 214 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 215 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 216 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 217 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 218 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 219 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 220 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 221 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 222 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 223 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 224 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 225 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 226 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 227 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 228 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 229 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 230 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 231 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 232 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 233 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 234 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 235 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 236 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 237 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 238 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 239 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 240 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 241 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 242 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 243 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 244 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 245 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 246 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 248 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 249 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 250 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 251 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 252 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 253 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 254 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 255 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 256 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 257 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 258 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 259 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 260 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 261 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 262 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 263 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 264 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 265 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 268 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 269 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 270 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 271 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 273 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 274 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 275 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 277 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 278 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 279 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 280 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 281 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 282 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 283 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 284 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 285 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 286 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 287 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 288 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 289 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 290 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 291 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 292 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 293 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 294 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 295 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 296 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 297 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 298 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 299 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 300 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 301 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

302 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 303 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 304 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 305 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 306 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 307 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 308 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 309 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 310 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 311 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 312 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 313 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 314 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 394 001000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 523 001000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 537 001000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Tabella 14 Kw (winkler) Element Type Distributed Type Face Spring Type Modulus of Subgrade Reaction (kgf/cm^3) 1 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 2 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 3 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 4 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 5 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 6 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 7 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 8 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 9 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 10 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 11 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 12 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 13 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 14 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 15 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 16 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 17 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 18 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 19 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 20 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 21 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 22 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 23 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 24 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 25 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 26 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 27 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 28 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 29 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 30 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 31 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 32 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 33 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 34 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 35 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 36 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 37 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 38 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 39 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 40 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 41 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 42 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 43 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 44 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 45 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 50 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 51 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 52 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 53 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 54 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 55 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 56 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00

57 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 58 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 59 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 60 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 61 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 62 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 63 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 64 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 65 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 66 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 67 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 68 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 69 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 70 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 71 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 72 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 73 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 74 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 75 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 76 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 77 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 78 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 79 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 80 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 81 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 82 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 83 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 84 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 85 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 86 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 87 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 88 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 89 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 90 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 91 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 92 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 93 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 94 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 95 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 96 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 97 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 98 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 99 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 100 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 101 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 102 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 103 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 104 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 105 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 106 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 107 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 108 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 109 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 110 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 111 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 112 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 113 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 114 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 115 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 116 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 117 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 118 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 119 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 120 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 121 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 122 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 123 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 124 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00

*** LOAD CASE DATA < Static Loadcase > - NO NAME TYPE SELF WEIGHT FACTOR DESCRIPTION X Y Z -------- -------------------- ---------- ------ ------ ------ ---------------------------------- 1 G1 D 0.000 0.000-1.000 2 G2 D 0.000 0.000 0.000 3 Qk,neve S 0.000 0.000 0.000 4 Qk,copertura LR 0.000 0.000 0.000 5 VENTO X W 0.000 0.000 0.000 6 VENTO Y W 0.000 0.000 0.000 7 VENTO Z W 0.000 0.000 0.000 Tabella 15 Floor Load No Sno Name Desc. 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Load case1 Load1 Load Sub1 (kn/m^2) case2 Load2 Load Sub2 (kn/m^2) case3 Load3 Load Sub3 (kn/m^2) case4 TIPO 1- laboratori A -impianti G1-3.6300 X G2-4.5500 X Qk,ne -1.2000 X ve TIPO 1- laboratori G1-3.6300 X G2-1.7500 X B Qk,ne ve -1.2000 X TIPO 1- corridoioimpianti G1-2.5100 X G2-5.5500 X Qk,ne C -1.2000 X ve TIPO 1- corridoio G1-2.5100 X G2-2.5500 X D 5 5 TIPO 2 pensilina G1-0.3000 X G2-1.3000 X 6 6 LUCERNA I 7 7 VENTO Z G2 VENTO Z -1.0000 O Qk,ne ve Qk,ne ve Qk,ne ve -1.2000 X -1.2000 X Load4 (kn/m^2) Sub4 Qk,cop ertura -0.5000 X Qk,cop ertura -0.5000 X Qk,cop ertura -0.5000 Qk,cop ertura -0.5000 Qk,cop ertura -0.5000-1.2000 X NONE 0.0000 X NONE 0.0000 X 0.2700 O NONE 0.0000 X NONE 0.0000 X NONE 0.0000 X X X X Tabella 16 Flld1 No Load Type Distribution Type Load Angle ([deg]) Sub Beam No Sub Beam Angle ([deg]) Load Direction 1 LUCERNAI Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 2 TIPO 1-A One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 3 TIPO 1-A One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 4 TIPO 1-A One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 5 TIPO 1-A One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 6 TIPO 1-A One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 7 TIPO 1-A One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 8 TIPO 1-A One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 9 TIPO 1-A One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 10 TIPO 1-A One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 11 TIPO 1-A One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 12 TIPO 1-A One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 13 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 14 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 15 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 16 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 17 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 18 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z Nodes for Loading Area 350, 356, 357, 351 345, 350, 352, 346 351, 357, 358, 352 346, 348, 349, 347 348, 353, 355, 349 354, 363, 364, 355 359, 362, 363, 360 356, 361, 362, 358 361, 365, 366, 362 362, 366, 367, 364 365, 368, 369, 366 366, 369, 370, 367 369, 372, 375, 370 368, 371, 372, 369 371, 401, 402, 372 372, 382, 383, 373 373, 383, 384, 374 374, 404, 405, 375 19 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 392, 403, 404,

393 20 TIPO 1-A One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 391, 402, 403, 392 21 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 401, 406, 407, 402 22 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 402, 407, 408, 405 23 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 407, 418, 419, 408 24 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 418, 421, 424, 419 25 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 423, 448, 449, 424 26 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 446, 462, 463, 449 27 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 462, 487, 488, 463 28 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 487, 492, 493, 488 29 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 492, 496, 498, 493 30 TIPO 1-D One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 376, 385, 386, 377 31 TIPO 1-D One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 378, 387, 388, 379 32 TIPO 1-C One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 380, 389, 390, 381 33 LUCERNAI Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 353, 359, 360, 354 34 TIPO 1-D One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 395, 410, 411, 396 35 TIPO 1-D One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 396, 411, 412, 397 36 TIPO 1-D One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 397, 412, 413, 398 37 TIPO 1-D One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 398, 413, 414, 399 38 TIPO 1-D One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 399, 414, 415, 400 39 TIPO 1-D One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 400, 415, 416, 401 40 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 406, 417, 418, 407 41 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 417, 431, 432, 418 42 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 431, 461, 462, 432 43 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 461, 486, 487, 462 44 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 486, 491, 492, 487 45 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 491, 495, 496, 492 46 TIPO 1-D One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 389, 399, 400, 390 47 TIPO 1-D One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 387, 397, 398, 388 48 TIPO 1-D One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 385, 395, 396, 386 49 LUCERNAI Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 382, 391, 392, 383 50 LUCERNAI Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 383, 392, 393, 384 51 LUCERNAI Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 421, 446, 447, 422 52 LUCERNAI Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 422, 447, 448, 423 53 TIPO 1-D One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 394, 537, 410, 395 54 TIPO 2 One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 537, 523, 524, 410 55 TIPO 2 One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 410, 524, 525, 411 56 TIPO 2 One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 411, 525, 526, 412 57 TIPO 2 One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 412, 526, 527,

413 58 TIPO 2 One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 413, 527, 528, 414 59 TIPO 2 One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 414, 528, 529, 415 60 TIPO 2 One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 415, 529, 536, 535 61 TIPO 2 One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 535, 534, 431, 416 62 TIPO 2 One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 534, 533, 461, 431 63 TIPO 2 One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 533, 532, 486, 461 64 TIPO 2 One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 532, 531, 491, 486 65 TIPO 2 One Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 531, 530, 495, 491 67 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 394, 537, 410, 395 69 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 395, 410, 411, 396 70 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 385, 395, 396, 386 71 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 376, 385, 386, 377 72 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 396, 411, 412, 397 75 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 397, 412, 413, 398 76 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 387, 397, 398, 388 77 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 378, 387, 388, 379 78 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 398, 413, 414, 399 79 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 389, 399, 400, 390 80 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 380, 389, 390, 381 81 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 399, 414, 415, 400 84 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 400, 415, 416, 401 86 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 345, 350, 352, 346 87 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 350, 356, 357, 351 88 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 351, 357, 358, 352 89 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 356, 361, 362, 358 90 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 346, 348, 349, 347 91 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 348, 353, 355, 349 92 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 353, 359, 360, 354 93 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 359, 362, 363, 360 94 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 354, 363, 364, 355 95 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 361, 365, 366, 362 96 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 362, 366, 367, 364 97 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 365, 368, 369, 366 98 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 366, 369, 370, 367 99 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 368, 371, 372, 369 100 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 369, 372, 375, 370 101 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 372, 382, 383, 373 102 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 373, 383, 384,

103 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 104 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 105 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 106 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 107 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 108 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 109 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 110 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 111 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 112 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 113 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 114 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 115 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 116 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 117 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 118 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 119 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 120 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 121 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 122 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 123 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 124 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 125 VENTO Z Two Way 0.00 0 0.00 Global Z 374 374, 404, 405, 375 383, 392, 393, 384 382, 391, 392, 383 391, 402, 403, 392 392, 403, 404, 393 371, 401, 402, 372 401, 406, 407, 402 402, 407, 408, 405 406, 417, 418, 407 407, 418, 419, 408 418, 421, 424, 419 417, 431, 432, 418 421, 446, 447, 422 422, 447, 448, 423 423, 448, 449, 424 446, 462, 463, 449 431, 461, 462, 432 461, 486, 487, 462 462, 487, 488, 463 486, 491, 492, 487 487, 492, 493, 488 491, 495, 496, 492 492, 496, 498, 493 Tabella 17 Bmld1 Element BM LD Type Load Case Load Type Direction D1 D2 P1 P2 Unit 313 Beam Load VENTO X Distributed Forces Global X 0.00 1.00-0.85-0.85 kn/m 314 Beam Load VENTO X Distributed Forces Global X 0.00 1.00-0.85-0.85 kn/m 315 Beam Load VENTO X Distributed Forces Global X 0.00 1.00-0.85-0.85 kn/m 316 Beam Load VENTO X Distributed Forces Global X 0.00 1.00-0.85-0.85 kn/m 317 Beam Load VENTO X Distributed Forces Global X 0.00 1.00-0.85-0.85 kn/m 435 Beam Load VENTO Y Distributed Forces Global Y 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 436 Beam Load VENTO Y Distributed Forces Global Y 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 437 Beam Load VENTO Y Distributed Forces Global Y 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 438 Beam Load VENTO Y Distributed Forces Global Y 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 439 Beam Load VENTO Y Distributed Forces Global Y 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 440 Beam Load VENTO Y Distributed Forces Global Y 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 549 Beam Load VENTO Y Distributed Forces Global Y 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 550 Beam Load VENTO Y Distributed Forces Global Y 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 551 Beam Load VENTO Y Distributed Forces Global Y 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 635 Beam Load VENTO Y Distributed Forces Global Y 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m [ LOAD CASE : G1 ] < Self Weight > ; X=0, Y=0, Z=-1

< Weight/Volume/Surface area of all member > *** TOTAL WEIGHT / VOLUME / SURFACE AREA SUMMARY SECTION SECION SURFACE AREA VOLUMN WEIGHT FRAME TRUSS NO NAME NUMBER NUMBER -------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------- -------- 1 HEA140 162.4 0.6259 48.18 93 0 2 HEB200 59.47 0.3929 30.25 51 0 3 HEB200 - pil 69.5 0.4592 35.11 17 0 4 offset 0.2761 0.0006904 0.01765 7 0 5 HEB160 13.78 0.07928 6.103 10 0 6 piatti_controv~ 16.04 0.1069 8.23 0 16 7 UPN140 17.45 0.07036 5.416 16 0 8 pilastri 50.07 0.2503 19.27 60 0 9 aste 28.12 0.0703 5.412 36 0 10 tiranti 7.927 0.01982 1.526 6 0 11 doppioheb140 7.41 0.03855 2.968 2 0 12 UPN180 0 0 0 0 0 13 pilastro_obl 0 0 0 0 0 14 HEB220 3.799 0.02657 2.046 2 0 15 Cord_Fond 31.72 2.379 59.47 7 0 17 Pilastrino 0 0 0 0 0 Figura 6 SLD

Figura 7 SLV Figura 8 SLD eta 2/3

Figura 9 SP1 Figura 10 SP2

Figura 11 SP3 < Load Combination > ** GENERAL NO NAME TYPE ACTIVE DESCRIPTION -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------------------------------------------- 1 glcb1 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)+sisma_X_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 2 glcb2 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)-sisma_X_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 3 glcb3 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)+sisma_X_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 4 glcb4 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)-sisma_X_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 5 glcb5 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)+sisma_Y_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 6 glcb6 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)-sisma_Y_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 7 glcb7 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)+sisma_Y_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 8 glcb8 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)-sisma_Y_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 9 glcb9 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 10 glcb10 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 11 glcb11 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 12 glcb12 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 13 glcb13 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 14 glcb14 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 15 glcb15 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 16 glcb16 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 17 glcb17 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)+sisma_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 18 glcb18 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)-sisma_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 19 glcb19 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)+sisma_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 20 glcb20 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)-sisma_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 21 glcb21 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(

sisma_y_sp_1(rs)+sisma_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 22 glcb22 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)-sisma_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 23 glcb23 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)+sisma_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 24 glcb24 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)-sisma_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 25 glcb25 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)+sisma_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 26 glcb26 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)-sisma_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 27 glcb27 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)+sisma_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 28 glcb28 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)-sisma_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 29 glcb29 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)+sisma_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 30 glcb30 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)-sisma_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 31 glcb31 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)+sisma_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 32 glcb32 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)-sisma_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 33 glcb33 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)+sisma_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 34 glcb34 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)-sisma_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 35 glcb35 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)+sisma_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 36 glcb36 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)-sisma_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 37 glcb37 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)+sisma_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 38 glcb38 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)-sisma_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 39 glcb39 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)+sisma_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 40 glcb40 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)-sisma_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 41 glcb41 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)+sisma_X_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 42 glcb42 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)-sisma_X_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 43 glcb43 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)+sisma_X_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 44 glcb44 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)-sisma_X_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 45 glcb45 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)+sisma_Y_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 46 glcb46 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)-sisma_Y_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 47 glcb47 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)+sisma_Y_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 48 glcb48 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)-sisma_Y_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 49 glcb49 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 50 glcb50 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 51 glcb51 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 52 glcb52 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 53 glcb53 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 54 glcb54 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 55 glcb55 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 56 glcb56 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 57 glcb57 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)+sisma_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 58 glcb58 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)-sisma_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 59 glcb59 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)+sisma_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 60 glcb60 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)-sisma_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 61 glcb61 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)+sisma_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 62 glcb62 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)-sisma_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 63 glcb63 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)+sisma_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00..

64 glcb64 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)-sisma_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 65 glcb65 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)+sisma_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 66 glcb66 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)-sisma_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 67 glcb67 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)+sisma_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 68 glcb68 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)-sisma_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 69 glcb69 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)+sisma_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 70 glcb70 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)-sisma_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 71 glcb71 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)+sisma_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 72 glcb72 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)-sisma_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 73 glcb73 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)+sisma_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 74 glcb74 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)-sisma_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 75 glcb75 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)+sisma_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 76 glcb76 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)-sisma_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 77 glcb77 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)+sisma_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 78 glcb78 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)-sisma_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 79 glcb79 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)+sisma_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 80 glcb80 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)-sisma_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 81 glcb81 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)+sisma_X_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 82 glcb82 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)-sisma_X_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 83 glcb83 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)+sisma_X_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 84 glcb84 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)-sisma_X_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 85 glcb85 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)+sisma_Y_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 86 glcb86 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)-sisma_Y_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 87 glcb87 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)+sisma_Y_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 88 glcb88 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)-sisma_Y_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 89 glcb89 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 90 glcb90 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 91 glcb91 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 92 glcb92 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 93 glcb93 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 94 glcb94 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 95 glcb95 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 96 glcb96 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 97 glcb97 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)+sisma_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 98 glcb98 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)-sisma_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 99 glcb99 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)+sisma_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 100 glcb100 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)-sisma_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 101 glcb101 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)+sisma_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 102 glcb102 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)-sisma_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 103 glcb103 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)+sisma_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 104 glcb104 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)-sisma_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 105 glcb105 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)+sisma_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 106 glcb106 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(

sisma_x_sp_2(rs)-sisma_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 107 glcb107 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)+sisma_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 108 glcb108 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)-sisma_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 109 glcb109 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)+sisma_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 110 glcb110 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)-sisma_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 111 glcb111 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)+sisma_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 112 glcb112 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)-sisma_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 113 glcb113 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)+sisma_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 114 glcb114 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)-sisma_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 115 glcb115 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)+sisma_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 116 glcb116 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)-sisma_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 117 glcb117 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)+sisma_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 118 glcb118 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)-sisma_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 119 glcb119 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)+sisma_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 120 glcb120 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)-sisma_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 121 glcb121 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)+sisma_X_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 122 glcb122 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)-sisma_X_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 123 glcb123 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)+sisma_X_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 124 glcb124 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)-sisma_X_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 125 glcb125 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)+sisma_Y_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 126 glcb126 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)-sisma_Y_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 127 glcb127 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)+sisma_Y_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 128 glcb128 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)-sisma_Y_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 129 glcb129 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 130 glcb130 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 131 glcb131 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 132 glcb132 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 133 glcb133 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 134 glcb134 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 135 glcb135 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 136 glcb136 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 137 glcb137 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)+sisma_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 138 glcb138 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)-sisma_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 139 glcb139 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)+sisma_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 140 glcb140 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)-sisma_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 141 glcb141 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)+sisma_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 142 glcb142 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)-sisma_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 143 glcb143 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)+sisma_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 144 glcb144 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)-sisma_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 145 glcb145 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)+sisma_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 146 glcb146 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)-sisma_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 147 glcb147 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)+sisma_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 148 glcb148 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)-sisma_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00..

149 glcb149 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)+sisma_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 150 glcb150 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)-sisma_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 151 glcb151 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)+sisma_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 152 glcb152 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)-sisma_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 153 glcb153 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)+sisma_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 154 glcb154 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)-sisma_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 155 glcb155 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)+sisma_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 156 glcb156 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)-sisma_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 157 glcb157 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)+sisma_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 158 glcb158 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)-sisma_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 159 glcb159 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)+sisma_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 160 glcb160 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)-sisma_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 161 RC SB01_S~ Envelope ACTIVE Seismic Sub Envelope(001) - Strength 162 RC SB02_S~ Envelope ACTIVE Seismic Sub Envelope(002) - Strength 163 RC ENV_S~ Envelope ACTIVE Seismic Strength Envelope 164 SLU Neve Add ACTIVE 1.3G1 + 1.5G2 + 1.5(1.0Neve + 0.0Copertura) 165 SLU Coper~ Add ACTIVE 1.3G1 + 1.3G2 + 1.5(0.5Neve + 1.0Copertura) 166 SLE Rara ~ Add ACTIVE 1.0G1 + 1.0G2 + 1.0Neve + 0.0Copertura 167 SLE Rara ~ Add ACTIVE 1.0G1 + 1.0G2 + 0.5Neve + 1.0Copertura 168 SLE Frequ~ Add ACTIVE 1.0G1 + 1.0G2 + 0.5Neve 169 SLE Q. Pe~ Add ACTIVE 1.0G1 + 1.0G2 170 SLU NEVE ~ Add ACTIVE 171 SLU NEVE ~ Add ACTIVE 172 SLU VENTO~ Add ACTIVE 173 SLU VENTO~ Add ACTIVE 174 SLE Rara ~ Add ACTIVE 175 SLE Rara ~ Add ACTIVE 176 SLE Rara ~ Add ACTIVE 177 SLE Rara ~ Add ACTIVE 178 SLU Envel~ Envelope ACTIVE 179 SLE Rara Envelope ACTIVE 180 SLV Fonda~ Add ACTIVE ** STEEL DESIGN NO NAME TYPE ACTIVE DESCRIPTION -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------------------------------------------- 1 glcb1 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)+sisma_X_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 2 glcb2 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)-sisma_X_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 3 glcb3 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)+sisma_X_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 4 glcb4 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)-sisma_X_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 5 glcb5 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)+sisma_Y_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 6 glcb6 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)-sisma_Y_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 7 glcb7 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)+sisma_Y_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 8 glcb8 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)-sisma_Y_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 9 glcb9 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 10 glcb10 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 11 glcb11 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 12 glcb12 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 13 glcb13 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 14 glcb14 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 15 glcb15 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 16 glcb16 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 17 glcb17 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)+sisma_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 18 glcb18 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)-sisma_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 19 glcb19 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)+sisma_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00..

20 glcb20 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)-sisma_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 21 glcb21 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)+sisma_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 22 glcb22 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)-sisma_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 23 glcb23 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)+sisma_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 24 glcb24 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)-sisma_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 25 glcb25 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)+sisma_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 26 glcb26 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)-sisma_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 27 glcb27 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)+sisma_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 28 glcb28 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)-sisma_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 29 glcb29 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)+sisma_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 30 glcb30 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)-sisma_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 31 glcb31 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)+sisma_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 32 glcb32 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)-sisma_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 33 glcb33 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)+sisma_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 34 glcb34 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)-sisma_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 35 glcb35 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)+sisma_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 36 glcb36 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)-sisma_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 37 glcb37 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)+sisma_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 38 glcb38 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)-sisma_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 39 glcb39 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)+sisma_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 40 glcb40 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)-sisma_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 41 glcb41 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)+sisma_X_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 42 glcb42 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)-sisma_X_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 43 glcb43 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)+sisma_X_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 44 glcb44 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)-sisma_X_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 45 glcb45 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)+sisma_Y_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 46 glcb46 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)-sisma_Y_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 47 glcb47 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)+sisma_Y_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 48 glcb48 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)-sisma_Y_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 49 glcb49 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 50 glcb50 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 51 glcb51 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 52 glcb52 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 53 glcb53 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 54 glcb54 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 55 glcb55 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 56 glcb56 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 57 glcb57 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)+sisma_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 58 glcb58 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)-sisma_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 59 glcb59 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)+sisma_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 60 glcb60 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)-sisma_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 61 glcb61 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)+sisma_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 62 glcb62 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(

sisma_y_sp_1(rs)-sisma_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 63 glcb63 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)+sisma_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 64 glcb64 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)-sisma_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 65 glcb65 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)+sisma_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 66 glcb66 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)-sisma_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 67 glcb67 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)+sisma_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 68 glcb68 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)-sisma_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 69 glcb69 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)+sisma_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 70 glcb70 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)-sisma_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 71 glcb71 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)+sisma_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 72 glcb72 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)-sisma_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 73 glcb73 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)+sisma_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 74 glcb74 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)-sisma_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 75 glcb75 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)+sisma_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 76 glcb76 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)-sisma_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 77 glcb77 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)+sisma_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 78 glcb78 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)-sisma_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 79 glcb79 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)+sisma_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 80 glcb80 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L + 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)-sisma_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 81 glcb81 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)+sisma_X_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 82 glcb82 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)-sisma_X_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 83 glcb83 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)+sisma_X_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 84 glcb84 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)-sisma_X_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 85 glcb85 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)+sisma_Y_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 86 glcb86 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)-sisma_Y_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 87 glcb87 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)+sisma_Y_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 88 glcb88 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)-sisma_Y_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 89 glcb89 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 90 glcb90 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 91 glcb91 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 92 glcb92 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 93 glcb93 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 94 glcb94 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 95 glcb95 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 96 glcb96 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 97 glcb97 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)+sisma_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 98 glcb98 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)-sisma_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 99 glcb99 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)+sisma_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 100 glcb100 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)-sisma_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 101 glcb101 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)+sisma_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 102 glcb102 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)-sisma_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 103 glcb103 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)+sisma_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 104 glcb104 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)-sisma_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00..

105 glcb105 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)+sisma_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 106 glcb106 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)-sisma_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 107 glcb107 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)+sisma_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 108 glcb108 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)-sisma_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 109 glcb109 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)+sisma_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 110 glcb110 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)-sisma_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 111 glcb111 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)+sisma_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 112 glcb112 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)-sisma_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 113 glcb113 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)+sisma_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 114 glcb114 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)-sisma_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 115 glcb115 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)+sisma_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 116 glcb116 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)-sisma_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 117 glcb117 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)+sisma_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 118 glcb118 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)-sisma_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 119 glcb119 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)+sisma_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 120 glcb120 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)-sisma_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 121 glcb121 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)+sisma_X_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 122 glcb122 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)-sisma_X_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 123 glcb123 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)+sisma_X_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 124 glcb124 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_X_SV( RS)-sisma_X_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 125 glcb125 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)+sisma_Y_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 126 glcb126 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)-sisma_Y_SV(ES))+0.3(1.00)(si... 127 glcb127 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)+sisma_Y_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 128 glcb128 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(sisma_Y_SV( RS)-sisma_Y_SV(ES))-0.3(1.00)(si... 129 glcb129 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 130 glcb130 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 131 glcb131 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 132 glcb132 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_x_sd_eta2/3(es).. 133 glcb133 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 134 glcb134 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 135 glcb135 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)+sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 136 glcb136 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(rs)-sisma_y_sd_eta2/3(es).. 137 glcb137 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)+sisma_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 138 glcb138 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)-sisma_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 139 glcb139 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)+sisma_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 140 glcb140 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_1(rs)-sisma_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 141 glcb141 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)+sisma_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 142 glcb142 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)-sisma_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00.. 143 glcb143 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)+sisma_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 144 glcb144 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_1(rs)-sisma_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00.. 145 glcb145 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)+sisma_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 146 glcb146 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)-sisma_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 147 glcb147 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(

sisma_x_sp_2(rs)+sisma_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 148 glcb148 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_2(rs)-sisma_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 149 glcb149 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)+sisma_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 150 glcb150 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)-sisma_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00.. 151 glcb151 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)+sisma_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 152 glcb152 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_2(rs)-sisma_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00.. 153 glcb153 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)+sisma_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 154 glcb154 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)-sisma_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 155 glcb155 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)+sisma_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 156 glcb156 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_x_sp_3(rs)-sisma_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 157 glcb157 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)+sisma_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 158 glcb158 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)-sisma_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00.. 159 glcb159 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)+sisma_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 160 glcb160 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(0.0)L - 1.0(1.0(1.00)( sisma_y_sp_3(rs)-sisma_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00.. 161 SLU Neve Add ACTIVE 1.3G1 + 1.5G2 + 1.5(1.0Neve + 0.0Copertura) 162 SLU Coper~ Add ACTIVE 1.3G1 + 1.3G2 + 1.5(0.5Neve + 1.0Copertura) 163 SLE Rara ~ Add SERVICE 1.0G1 + 1.0G2 + 1.0Neve + 0.0Copertura 164 SLE Rara ~ Add SERVICE 1.0G1 + 1.0G2 + 0.5Neve + 1.0Copertura 165 SLE Frequ~ Add SERVICE 1.0G1 + 1.0G2 + 0.5Neve 166 SLE Q. Pe~ Add SERVICE 1.0G1 + 1.0G2 167 SLU NEVE ~ Add ACTIVE 168 SLU NEVE ~ Add ACTIVE 169 SLU VENTO~ Add ACTIVE 170 SLU VENTO~ Add ACTIVE 171 SLE Rara ~ Add SERVICE 172 SLE Rara ~ Add SERVICE 173 SLE Rara ~ Add SERVICE 174 SLE Rara ~ Add SERVICE

Mode No Frequency Period (rad/sec) (cycle/sec) (sec) 1 6,2098 0,9883 1,0118 2 6,4025 1,019 0,9814 3 6,9616 1,108 0,9025 4 8,701 1,3848 0,7221 5 8,7011 1,3848 0,7221 6 9,2156 1,4667 0,6818 7 9,4439 1,503 0,6653 8 12,1366 1,9316 0,5177 9 15,9694 2,5416 0,3935 10 17,0298 2,7104 0,369 11 18,5048 2,9451 0,3395 12 24,5058 3,9002 0,2564 13 25,2477 4,0183 0,2489 14 27,6871 4,4065 0,2269 15 28,9755 4,6116 0,2168 16 32,6078 5,1897 0,1927 17 32,8621 5,2302 0,1912 18 34,0226 5,4149 0,1847 19 36,2351 5,767 0,1734 20 37,3359 5,9422 0,1683 21 40,7976 6,4931 0,154 22 40,8961 6,5088 0,1536 23 42,5949 6,7792 0,1475 24 42,5994 6,7799 0,1475 25 42,5994 6,7799 0,1475 26 42,5994 6,7799 0,1475 27 42,5994 6,7799 0,1475 28 42,5995 6,7799 0,1475 29 43,7279 6,9595 0,1437 30 43,9067 6,988 0,1431 31 45,1589 7,1873 0,1391 32 46,1938 7,352 0,136 Mode No TRAN-X TRAN-Y TRAN-Z ROTN-Z MASS(%) SUM(%) MASS(%) SUM(%) MASS(%) SUM(%) MASS(%) SUM(%) 1 0,0291 0,0291 0 0 0,1172 0,1172 0,0027 0,0027 2 0 0,0291 0,0358 0,0358 0 0,1172 0,0086 0,0113 3 0 0,0291 0,0347 0,0705 0 0,1172 0,0086 0,0199 4 0 0,0291 0,041 0,1115 0 0,1172 0,0135 0,0335 5 0 0,0291 0,0014 0,1129 0 0,1172 0,0051 0,0385 6 0,1 0,1291 0 0,1129 0,1184 0,2357 0,0007 0,0393 7 0,025 0,1541 0 0,1129 0 0,2357 0,0196 0,0588 8 0 0,1541 0,0714 0,1843 0 0,2357 0,0338 0,0926 9 0,0095 0,1636 0,0001 0,1844 0,0005 0,2362 0,0117 0,1043 10 0,02 0,1836 0 0,1844 0,0148 0,2509 0,0007 0,105 11 0,0001 0,1837 0 0,1844 0,0234 0,2743 0,0017 0,1067 12 4,0072 4,1909 0,0049 0,1893 0,0052 0,2795 0,0011 0,1078 13 94,493 98,6838 0,2415 0,4308 0,0007 0,2803 0,5395 0,6473 14 0,0358 98,7197 0,0038 0,4347 0,012 0,2923 0,0228 0,6701 15 0 98,7197 0,0021 0,4367 0,0463 0,3385 0,009 0,6791 16 0,5921 99,3118 79,4514 79,8881 0,0008 0,3393 18,6779 19,357 17 0,0074 99,3193 0,0036 79,8917 0,0093 0,3486 0,0014 19,3584 18 0 99,3193 0 79,8917 0,0007 0,3493 0 19,3584 19 0,0077 99,327 0,0103 79,9019 0,2348 0,5841 0,0004 19,3588 20 0,0005 99,3274 0,0001 79,902 0,0221 0,6062 0 19,3588 21 0,0006 99,328 0,0135 79,9155 0,014 0,6203 0,1407 19,4995

22 0,0012 99,3292 0,0018 79,9173 0,0042 0,6245 0,0015 19,501 23 0,0004 99,3296 0,0644 79,9817 0 0,6245 0,0997 19,6007 24 0 99,3296 0 79,9817 0 0,6245 0 19,6007 25 0 99,3296 0 79,9817 0 0,6245 0 19,6007 26 0 99,3296 0 79,9817 0 0,6245 0 19,6007 27 0 99,3296 0 79,9817 0 0,6245 0 19,6007 28 0 99,3296 0,0003 79,9819 0 0,6245 0,0004 19,6011 29 0 99,3296 0 79,982 0,0001 0,6246 0 19,6012 30 0 99,3296 0,005 79,9869 0,0036 0,6282 0,0209 19,6221 31 0,0016 99,3312 0,014 80,0009 0,0071 0,6353 0,1295 19,7516 32 0,1791 99,5104 18,4388 98,4396 0,0008 0,6361 73,7481 93,4996 Figura 1 Mode13

Figura 2 Mode13 Vista dall alto Figura 3 Mode16 Vista dall alto

Figura 4 Mode32 Vista dall alto Tabella 1 DispRARA Node Load DX (cm) DY (cm) DZ (cm) RX ([rad]) RY ([rad]) RZ ([rad]) 313 SLE Rara Neve 0.000000 0.000000-0.205836 0.000000 0.000000-0.000000 314 SLE Rara Neve 0.000000 0.000000-0.205970 0.000000-0.000001-0.000002 315 SLE Rara Neve 0.000012 0.002701-0.191131-0.000175 0.000001-0.000002 316 SLE Rara Neve 0.000012 0.000716-0.191475-0.000064 0.000001-0.000002 317 SLE Rara Neve 0.000012-0.001028-0.195675 0.000034 0.000001-0.000002 318 SLE Rara Neve 0.000012-0.002378-0.195848 0.000110 0.000001-0.000002 323 SLE Rara Neve 0.001891 0.011602-0.214206-0.000091 0.000015-0.000014 324 SLE Rara Neve 0.001892 0.008032-0.213607-0.000069 0.000015-0.000014 325 SLE Rara Neve 0.001891 0.003527-0.220023-0.000041 0.000015-0.000014 326 SLE Rara Neve 0.001902 0.000309-0.219469-0.000021 0.000015-0.000015 327 SLE Rara Neve 0.000183 0.049741-0.179903-0.000384 0.000002-0.000026 328 SLE Rara Neve 0.000183 0.042146-0.180595-0.000373 0.000002-0.000026 329 SLE Rara Neve 0.000184 0.033899-0.185638-0.000348 0.000002-0.000026 330 SLE Rara Neve 0.000183 0.027506-0.186464-0.000330 0.000002-0.000026 331 SLE Rara Neve 0.000184 0.019265-0.194847-0.000316 0.000002-0.000026 333 SLE Rara Neve 0.013939 0.044509-0.334261-0.000121 0.000038-0.000038 334 SLE Rara Neve 0.017885 0.044506-1.527873-0.009229 0.000048-0.000036 335 SLE Rara Neve 0.022512 0.044503-2.371407-0.003121 0.000061-0.000036 337 SLE Rara Neve 0.031050 0.044496-1.517335 0.009333 0.000083-0.000036 338 SLE Rara Neve 0.034996 0.044493-0.312958-0.000121 0.000094-0.000038 339 SLE Rara Neve 0.004914 0.102642-0.238532-0.000971 0.000012-0.000036 340 SLE Rara Neve 0.004914 0.093104-0.239329-0.000951 0.000012-0.000036 341 SLE Rara Neve 0.004914 0.081135-0.242126-0.000894 0.000012-0.000036 342 SLE Rara Neve 0.004914 0.071857-0.241208-0.000850 0.000012-0.000036 343 SLE Rara Neve 0.004914 0.059883-0.247557-0.000795 0.000012-0.000036 344 SLE Rara Neve 0.004914 0.050697-0.246354-0.000743 0.000012-0.000037 345 SLE Rara Neve -0.026504 0.046919-0.318504-0.001049-0.000068-0.000038 346 SLE Rara Neve -0.026504 0.031349-0.335066-0.022820-0.000100-0.000038

347 SLE Rara Neve -0.026504 0.016194-0.316962-0.001307-0.000067-0.000038 348 SLE Rara Neve -0.023027 0.031349-2.398393-0.019987-0.000087-0.000038 349 SLE Rara Neve -0.023027 0.016194-0.429333-0.000706-0.000059-0.000038 350 SLE Rara Neve -0.021629 0.046919-0.429433-0.000257-0.000068-0.000038 351 SLE Rara Neve -0.021629 0.040910-3.261811-0.006856 0.011762-0.000038 352 SLE Rara Neve -0.021629 0.031349-3.107189-0.017355-0.000082-0.000038 353 SLE Rara Neve -0.019550 0.031349-3.945180-0.012442-0.000074-0.000038 354 SLE Rara Neve -0.019550 0.026398-4.161026-0.008234-0.002293-0.000038 355 SLE Rara Neve -0.019550 0.016194-0.439832 0.000439-0.000050-0.000038 356 SLE Rara Neve -0.016716 0.046919-0.378722 0.000695-0.000068-0.000038 357 SLE Rara Neve -0.016716 0.040910-3.300627-0.001354 0.014127-0.000038 358 SLE Rara Neve -0.016716 0.031349-4.601317-0.004614-0.000063-0.000038 359 SLE Rara Neve -0.016149 0.031349-4.658275-0.002952-0.000061-0.000038 360 SLE Rara Neve -0.016149 0.026398-4.575706-0.004471-0.003184-0.000038 361 SLE Rara Neve -0.014297 0.046919-0.328075 0.000438-0.000068-0.000038 362 SLE Rara Neve -0.014297 0.031349-4.669644 0.002483-0.000054-0.000038 363 SLE Rara Neve -0.014297 0.026398-4.790523 0.001737-0.003670-0.000038 364 SLE Rara Neve -0.014297 0.016194-0.328983 0.000199-0.000036-0.000038 365 SLE Rara Neve -0.010253 0.046919-0.324731 0.000071-0.000068-0.000038 366 SLE Rara Neve -0.010253 0.031349-3.805871 0.012537-0.000039-0.000038 367 SLE Rara Neve -0.010253 0.016194-0.373669-0.000347-0.000026-0.000038 368 SLE Rara Neve -0.006209 0.046919-0.304930 0.000098-0.000068-0.000038 369 SLE Rara Neve -0.006209 0.031349-2.101114 0.016942-0.000023-0.000038 370 SLE Rara Neve -0.006209 0.016194-0.379141 0.000300-0.000016-0.000038 371 SLE Rara Neve -0.002127 0.046919-0.336491-0.001450-0.000068-0.000038 372 SLE Rara Neve -0.002127 0.031349-0.358442 0.011826-0.000008-0.000038 373 SLE Rara Neve -0.002127 0.025793-1.592713 0.007579 0.004220-0.000038 374 SLE Rara Neve -0.002127 0.021409-1.559901 0.004228-0.004796-0.000038 375 SLE Rara Neve -0.002127 0.016194-0.323259 0.000241-0.000005-0.000038 376 SLE Rara Neve -0.001296 0.115060-0.144553-0.000609 0.000005-0.000038 377 SLE Rara Neve -0.001296 0.105159-0.144948-0.000608 0.000005-0.000038 379 SLE Rara Neve -0.001296 0.082483-0.153746-0.000548 0.000005-0.000038 380 SLE Rara Neve -0.001296 0.069709-0.168180-0.000424 0.000005-0.000038 381 SLE Rara Neve -0.001296 0.059807-0.171111-0.000389 0.000005-0.000038 382 SLE Rara Neve -0.000276 0.031349 0.092433 0.007414-0.000001-0.000038 383 SLE Rara Neve -0.000276 0.025793-1.506922 0.001953 0.004835-0.000038 384 SLE Rara Neve -0.000276 0.021409-1.521542 0.000877-0.004324-0.000038 385 SLE Rara Neve 0.000518 0.115060-0.173968-0.000732 0.000005-0.000038 386 SLE Rara Neve 0.000518 0.105159-0.174332-0.000731 0.000005-0.000038 387 SLE Rara Neve 0.000518 0.092384-0.179396-0.000697 0.000005-0.000038 388 SLE Rara Neve 0.000518 0.082483-0.180239-0.000671 0.000005-0.000038 389 SLE Rara Neve 0.000518 0.069709-0.188799-0.000599 0.000005-0.000038 390 SLE Rara Neve 0.000518 0.059807-0.190057-0.000564 0.000005-0.000038 391 SLE Rara Neve 0.003882 0.031349 0.475398 0.000964 0.000015-0.000038 392 SLE Rara Neve 0.003882 0.025793-1.240233 0.002835 0.006216-0.000038 393 SLE Rara Neve 0.003882 0.021409-1.400747 0.001289-0.003265-0.000038 395 SLE Rara Neve 0.005053 0.115060-0.240081-0.001090 0.000011-0.000038 396 SLE Rara Neve 0.005053 0.105159-0.240945-0.001077 0.000011-0.000038 397 SLE Rara Neve 0.005053 0.092384-0.243740-0.001022 0.000011-0.000038 398 SLE Rara Neve 0.005053 0.082483-0.242820-0.000979 0.000011-0.000038 399 SLE Rara Neve 0.005053 0.069709-0.249189-0.000927 0.000011-0.000038 400 SLE Rara Neve 0.005053 0.059807-0.247963-0.000874 0.000011-0.000038 401 SLE Rara Neve 0.005053 0.046919-0.800705-0.001290-0.000068-0.000038 402 SLE Rara Neve 0.005053 0.031349 0.479766-0.000023 0.000020-0.000038 403 SLE Rara Neve 0.005053 0.025793-1.148197 0.000056 0.006605-0.000038 404 SLE Rara Neve 0.005053 0.021409-1.358965 0.000118-0.002967-0.000038 406 SLE Rara Neve 0.009891 0.046919-0.747177 0.002024-0.000068-0.000038 407 SLE Rara Neve 0.009891 0.031349 0.273267-0.003018 0.000038-0.000038

408 SLE Rara Neve 0.009891 0.016194-0.279127 0.000358 0.000025-0.000038 410 SLE Rara Neve 0.014199 0.115060-0.606157-0.001661 0.000011-0.000038 411 SLE Rara Neve 0.014199 0.105159-0.618452-0.001720 0.000011-0.000038 412 SLE Rara Neve 0.014199 0.092384-0.616079-0.001699 0.000011-0.000038 413 SLE Rara Neve 0.014199 0.082483-0.611146-0.001682 0.000011-0.000038 414 SLE Rara Neve 0.014199 0.069709-0.616168-0.001559 0.000011-0.000038 415 SLE Rara Neve 0.014199 0.059807-0.605657-0.001621 0.000011-0.000038 416 SLE Rara Neve 0.014199 0.046919-0.385250 0.003647-0.000068-0.000038 417 SLE Rara Neve 0.014690 0.046919-0.334261 0.003674-0.000068-0.000038 418 SLE Rara Neve 0.014690 0.031349-0.337678-0.007718 0.000056-0.000038 419 SLE Rara Neve 0.014690 0.016194-0.329536-0.002212 0.000037-0.000038 421 SLE Rara Neve 0.016240 0.031349-0.713173-0.009372 0.000062-0.000038 423 SLE Rara Neve 0.016240 0.021409-1.051554-0.005441-0.002503-0.000038 424 SLE Rara Neve 0.016240 0.016194-0.458331-0.003378 0.000041-0.000038 431 SLE Rara Neve 0.018848 0.046919-1.527873-0.009866 0.010114-0.000038 446 SLE Rara Neve 0.020435 0.031349-1.838701-0.008938 0.000078-0.000038 447 SLE Rara Neve 0.020435 0.025793-2.229752-0.007113 0.000244-0.000038 461 SLE Rara Neve 0.023723 0.046919-2.371407-0.004854 0.011599-0.000038 495 SLE Rara Neve 0.036875 0.046919-0.312958-0.000121 0.005051-0.000038 496 SLE Rara Neve 0.036875 0.031349-0.316332 0.013448 0.000139-0.000038 503 SLE Rara Neve 0.005120 0.076874-0.249803-0.000966 0.000011-0.000038 504 SLE Rara Neve 0.005120 0.066636-0.248566-0.000915 0.000011-0.000038 514 SLE Rara Neve 0.001666 0.253510-0.174498-0.001009 0.000008-0.000040 515 SLE Rara Neve 0.001665 0.238334-0.182997-0.000995 0.000008-0.000040 535 SLE Rara Neve 0.014199 0.048809-0.750919 0.002875-0.006550-0.000038 536 SLE Rara Neve 0.016089 0.048809-0.868385-0.002118 0.001139-0.000038 313 SLE Rara Copertura 0.000000 0.000000-0.204300 0.000000 0.000000-0.000000 314 SLE Rara Copertura 0.000000 0.000000-0.204433 0.000000-0.000001-0.000002 315 SLE Rara Copertura 0.000012 0.002653-0.189711-0.000172 0.000001-0.000002 316 SLE Rara Copertura 0.000012 0.000704-0.190050-0.000063 0.000001-0.000002 317 SLE Rara Copertura 0.000013-0.001010-0.194222 0.000033 0.000001-0.000002 318 SLE Rara Copertura 0.000012-0.002336-0.194392 0.000108 0.000001-0.000002 323 SLE Rara Copertura 0.001860 0.011407-0.212437-0.000090 0.000015-0.000014 324 SLE Rara Copertura 0.001862 0.007900-0.211849-0.000068 0.000015-0.000014 325 SLE Rara Copertura 0.001861 0.003477-0.218252-0.000040 0.000015-0.000014 326 SLE Rara Copertura 0.001872 0.000321-0.217707-0.000021 0.000015-0.000015 327 SLE Rara Copertura 0.000186 0.048866-0.178699-0.000378 0.000002-0.000025 328 SLE Rara Copertura 0.000186 0.041405-0.179381-0.000366 0.000002-0.000025 329 SLE Rara Copertura 0.000187 0.033304-0.184381-0.000342 0.000002-0.000025 330 SLE Rara Copertura 0.000186 0.027024-0.185192-0.000324 0.000002-0.000025 331 SLE Rara Copertura 0.000187 0.018927-0.193530-0.000311 0.000002-0.000025 333 SLE Rara Copertura 0.013702 0.043729-0.331694-0.000118 0.000037-0.000037 334 SLE Rara Copertura 0.017578 0.043726-1.506542-0.009085 0.000047-0.000035 335 SLE Rara Copertura 0.022124 0.043723-2.336878-0.003073 0.000059-0.000035 337 SLE Rara Copertura 0.030511 0.043717-1.496228 0.009187 0.000082-0.000035 338 SLE Rara Copertura 0.034387 0.043714-0.310675-0.000119 0.000092-0.000037 339 SLE Rara Copertura 0.004836 0.100840-0.236304-0.000954 0.000012-0.000036 340 SLE Rara Copertura 0.004836 0.091470-0.237089-0.000934 0.000012-0.000036 341 SLE Rara Copertura 0.004836 0.079712-0.239882-0.000878 0.000012-0.000036 342 SLE Rara Copertura 0.004836 0.070597-0.238980-0.000835 0.000012-0.000036 343 SLE Rara Copertura 0.004836 0.058835-0.245324-0.000781 0.000012-0.000036 344 SLE Rara Copertura 0.004837 0.049813-0.244135-0.000730 0.000012-0.000036 345 SLE Rara Copertura -0.026027 0.046097-0.316137-0.001007-0.000066-0.000037 346 SLE Rara Copertura -0.026027 0.030801-0.332495-0.022473-0.000098-0.000037 347 SLE Rara Copertura -0.026027 0.015913-0.314708-0.001290-0.000066-0.000037 348 SLE Rara Copertura -0.022611 0.030801-2.364419-0.019684-0.000085-0.000037 349 SLE Rara Copertura -0.022611 0.015913-0.425658-0.000696-0.000058-0.000037 350 SLE Rara Copertura -0.021238 0.046097-0.422527-0.000244-0.000066-0.000037

351 SLE Rara Copertura -0.021238 0.040194-3.201056-0.006747 0.011582-0.000037 352 SLE Rara Copertura -0.021238 0.030801-3.062463-0.017094-0.000080-0.000037 353 SLE Rara Copertura -0.019196 0.030801-3.887937-0.012261-0.000073-0.000037 354 SLE Rara Copertura -0.019196 0.025937-4.094991-0.008114-0.002267-0.000037 355 SLE Rara Copertura -0.019196 0.015913-0.435941 0.000434-0.000049-0.000037 356 SLE Rara Copertura -0.016411 0.046097-0.373701 0.000663-0.000066-0.000037 357 SLE Rara Copertura -0.016411 0.040194-3.238129-0.001353 0.013905-0.000037 358 SLE Rara Copertura -0.016411 0.030801-4.535074-0.004560-0.000062-0.000037 359 SLE Rara Copertura -0.015854 0.030801-4.591433-0.002924-0.000060-0.000037 360 SLE Rara Copertura -0.015854 0.025937-4.508682-0.004472-0.003134-0.000037 361 SLE Rara Copertura -0.014035 0.046097-0.325516 0.000410-0.000066-0.000037 362 SLE Rara Copertura -0.014035 0.030801-4.603571 0.002429-0.000053-0.000037 363 SLE Rara Copertura -0.014035 0.025937-4.723879 0.001698-0.003606-0.000037 364 SLE Rara Copertura -0.014035 0.015913-0.326587 0.000194-0.000036-0.000037 365 SLE Rara Copertura -0.010063 0.046097-0.323668 0.000065-0.000066-0.000037 366 SLE Rara Copertura -0.010063 0.030801-3.754179 0.012345-0.000038-0.000037 367 SLE Rara Copertura -0.010063 0.015913-0.371062-0.000345-0.000026-0.000037 368 SLE Rara Copertura -0.006090 0.046097-0.303917 0.000104-0.000066-0.000037 369 SLE Rara Copertura -0.006090 0.030801-2.074346 0.016704-0.000023-0.000037 370 SLE Rara Copertura -0.006090 0.015913-0.376487 0.000299-0.000015-0.000037 371 SLE Rara Copertura -0.002081 0.046097-0.333960-0.001420-0.000066-0.000037 372 SLE Rara Copertura -0.002081 0.030801-0.355261 0.011677-0.000008-0.000037 373 SLE Rara Copertura -0.002081 0.025343-1.543844 0.007486 0.004070-0.000037 374 SLE Rara Copertura -0.002081 0.021037-1.513565 0.004179-0.004613-0.000037 375 SLE Rara Copertura -0.002081 0.015913-0.320797 0.000245-0.000005-0.000037 376 SLE Rara Copertura -0.001264 0.113036-0.144021-0.000597 0.000005-0.000037 377 SLE Rara Copertura -0.001264 0.103309-0.144412-0.000597 0.000005-0.000037 379 SLE Rara Copertura -0.001264 0.081033-0.153100-0.000537 0.000005-0.000037 380 SLE Rara Copertura -0.001264 0.068484-0.167460-0.000414 0.000005-0.000037 381 SLE Rara Copertura -0.001264 0.058757-0.170352-0.000379 0.000005-0.000037 382 SLE Rara Copertura -0.000261 0.030801 0.090331 0.007329-0.000001-0.000037 383 SLE Rara Copertura -0.000261 0.025343-1.454208 0.002009 0.004673-0.000037 384 SLE Rara Copertura -0.000261 0.021037-1.472602 0.000920-0.004142-0.000037 385 SLE Rara Copertura 0.000518 0.113036-0.172877-0.000719 0.000005-0.000037 386 SLE Rara Copertura 0.000518 0.103309-0.173237-0.000718 0.000005-0.000037 387 SLE Rara Copertura 0.000518 0.090760-0.178258-0.000685 0.000005-0.000037 388 SLE Rara Copertura 0.000518 0.081033-0.179085-0.000659 0.000005-0.000037 389 SLE Rara Copertura 0.000518 0.068484-0.187600-0.000588 0.000005-0.000037 390 SLE Rara Copertura 0.000518 0.058757-0.188841-0.000553 0.000005-0.000037 391 SLE Rara Copertura 0.003823 0.030801 0.469408 0.000952 0.000015-0.000037 392 SLE Rara Copertura 0.003823 0.025343-1.187898 0.002778 0.006026-0.000037 393 SLE Rara Copertura 0.003823 0.021037-1.350016 0.001281-0.003083-0.000037 395 SLE Rara Copertura 0.004973 0.113036-0.237826-0.001071 0.000011-0.000037 396 SLE Rara Copertura 0.004973 0.103309-0.238677-0.001058 0.000011-0.000037 397 SLE Rara Copertura 0.004973 0.090760-0.241468-0.001004 0.000011-0.000037 398 SLE Rara Copertura 0.004973 0.081033-0.240565-0.000962 0.000011-0.000037 399 SLE Rara Copertura 0.004973 0.068484-0.246928-0.000910 0.000011-0.000037 400 SLE Rara Copertura 0.004973 0.058757-0.245716-0.000858 0.000011-0.000037 401 SLE Rara Copertura 0.004973 0.046097-0.790677-0.001270-0.000066-0.000037 402 SLE Rara Copertura 0.004973 0.030801 0.473638-0.000029 0.000019-0.000037 403 SLE Rara Copertura 0.004973 0.025343-1.098118 0.000051 0.006407-0.000037 404 SLE Rara Copertura 0.004973 0.021037-1.308699 0.000113-0.002785-0.000037 406 SLE Rara Copertura 0.009726 0.046097-0.738131 0.001992-0.000066-0.000037 407 SLE Rara Copertura 0.009726 0.030801 0.267892-0.002990 0.000037-0.000037 408 SLE Rara Copertura 0.009726 0.015913-0.277025 0.000345 0.000025-0.000037 410 SLE Rara Copertura 0.013958 0.113036-0.597393-0.001629 0.000011-0.000037 411 SLE Rara Copertura 0.013958 0.103309-0.609463-0.001686 0.000011-0.000037 412 SLE Rara Copertura 0.013958 0.090760-0.607177-0.001665 0.000011-0.000037

413 SLE Rara Copertura 0.013958 0.081033-0.602331-0.001649 0.000011-0.000037 414 SLE Rara Copertura 0.013958 0.068484-0.607439-0.001531 0.000011-0.000037 415 SLE Rara Copertura 0.013958 0.058757-0.597018-0.001590 0.000011-0.000037 416 SLE Rara Copertura 0.013958 0.046097-0.381883 0.003590-0.000066-0.000037 417 SLE Rara Copertura 0.014441 0.046097-0.331694 0.003616-0.000066-0.000037 418 SLE Rara Copertura 0.014441 0.030801-0.334592-0.007584 0.000055-0.000037 419 SLE Rara Copertura 0.014441 0.015913-0.326866-0.002169 0.000037-0.000037 421 SLE Rara Copertura 0.015963 0.030801-0.703142-0.009201 0.000061-0.000037 423 SLE Rara Copertura 0.015963 0.021037-1.006855-0.005339-0.002326-0.000037 424 SLE Rara Copertura 0.015963 0.015913-0.453091-0.003313 0.000041-0.000037 431 SLE Rara Copertura 0.018525 0.046097-1.506542-0.009689 0.009964-0.000037 446 SLE Rara Copertura 0.020084 0.030801-1.808227-0.008783 0.000076-0.000037 447 SLE Rara Copertura 0.020084 0.025343-2.161283-0.006989 0.000148-0.000037 461 SLE Rara Copertura 0.023314 0.046097-2.336878-0.004780 0.011421-0.000037 495 SLE Rara Copertura 0.036234 0.046097-0.310675-0.000119 0.004981-0.000037 496 SLE Rara Copertura 0.036234 0.030801-0.313955 0.013222 0.000137-0.000037 503 SLE Rara Copertura 0.005040 0.075522-0.247531-0.000948 0.000011-0.000037 504 SLE Rara Copertura 0.005039 0.065463-0.246309-0.000898 0.000011-0.000037 514 SLE Rara Copertura 0.001650 0.249022-0.173449-0.000991 0.000008-0.000040 515 SLE Rara Copertura 0.001650 0.234135-0.181901-0.000978 0.000008-0.000040 535 SLE Rara Copertura 0.013958 0.047953-0.740936 0.002831-0.006432-0.000037 536 SLE Rara Copertura 0.015814 0.047953-0.856646-0.002087 0.001122-0.000037 313 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.000000 0.000000-0.204735 0.000000 0.000000-0.000000 314 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.000000 0.000000-0.204869 0.000000-0.000001-0.000002 315 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.000160 0.002033-0.190197-0.000137 0.000011-0.000002 316 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.000160 0.000076-0.190537-0.000028 0.000011-0.000002 317 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.000160-0.001639-0.194718 0.000068 0.000011-0.000002 318 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.000160-0.002968-0.194888 0.000143 0.000011-0.000002 323 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.003043 0.009834-0.212699-0.000080 0.000025-0.000014 324 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.003045 0.006322-0.212110-0.000059 0.000025-0.000014 325 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.003043 0.001892-0.218524-0.000031 0.000025-0.000014 326 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.003054-0.001268-0.217978-0.000011 0.000025-0.000015 327 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.002398 0.046195-0.179390-0.000372 0.000012-0.000026 328 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.002398 0.038716-0.180071-0.000360 0.000012-0.000025 329 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.002399 0.030602-0.185080-0.000336 0.000012-0.000026 330 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.002398 0.024313-0.185893-0.000318 0.000012-0.000025 331 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.002399 0.016204-0.194244-0.000305 0.000012-0.000026 333 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.018508 0.039975-0.332578-0.000108-0.000034-0.000037 334 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.128125 0.039972-1.514266-0.009137-0.000024-0.000870 335 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.207466 0.039969-2.349362-0.003090-0.000012-0.000317 337 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.141077 0.039964-1.503784 0.009240 0.000011 0.000799 338 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.039225 0.039962-0.311405-0.000109 0.000021-0.000037 339 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.008087 0.097181-0.236585-0.000941 0.000021-0.000036 340 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.008087 0.087795-0.237380-0.000920 0.000021-0.000036 341 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.008087 0.076020-0.240179-0.000865 0.000022-0.000036 342 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.008087 0.066892-0.239276-0.000822 0.000021-0.000036 343 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.008087 0.055111-0.245630-0.000767 0.000022-0.000036 344 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.008088 0.046076-0.244439-0.000716 0.000021-0.000036 345 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.022704 0.042138-0.317154-0.001036-0.000058-0.000037 346 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.022704 0.026819-0.333584-0.022618-0.000086-0.000037 347 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.022704 0.011909-0.315943-0.001295-0.000058-0.000037 348 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.019284 0.026819-2.378633-0.019810-0.000073-0.000037 349 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.019284 0.011909-0.427282-0.000699-0.000049-0.000037 350 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.017908 0.042138-0.426716-0.000253-0.000058-0.000037 351 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.017908 0.036226-3.233303-0.006794 0.011660-0.000037 352 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.017908 0.026819-3.081164-0.017202-0.000068-0.000037 353 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.015863 0.026819-3.911760-0.012333-0.000060-0.000037 354 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.015863 0.021948-4.125439-0.008161-0.002271-0.000037

355 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.015863 0.011909-0.437599 0.000437-0.000040-0.000037 356 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.013074 0.042138-0.376546 0.000686-0.000058-0.000037 357 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.013074 0.036226-3.271475-0.001344 0.014003-0.000037 358 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.013074 0.026819-4.562196-0.004575-0.000049-0.000037 359 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.012517 0.026819-4.618675-0.002927-0.000047-0.000037 360 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.012517 0.021948-4.536924-0.004439-0.003154-0.000037 361 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.010695 0.042138-0.326551 0.000431-0.000058-0.000037 362 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.010695 0.026819-4.630024 0.002460-0.000040-0.000037 363 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.010695 0.021948-4.750304 0.001721-0.003634-0.000037 364 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.010695 0.011909-0.327577 0.000197-0.000027-0.000037 365 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.006716 0.042138-0.323531 0.000069-0.000058-0.000037 366 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.006716 0.026819-3.773968 0.012427-0.000025-0.000037 367 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.006716 0.011909-0.371835-0.000344-0.000017-0.000037 368 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.002738 0.042138-0.303892 0.000099-0.000058-0.000037 369 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.002738 0.026819-2.084159 0.016794-0.000010-0.000037 370 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.002738 0.011909-0.377189 0.000299-0.000007-0.000037 371 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.001278 0.042138-0.334653-0.001428-0.000058-0.000037 372 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.001278 0.026819-0.356605 0.011726 0.000005-0.000037 373 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.001278 0.021354-1.574262 0.007516 0.004164-0.000037 374 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.001278 0.017040-1.542025 0.004193-0.004731-0.000037 375 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.001278 0.011909-0.321673 0.000241 0.000003-0.000037 376 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.002096 0.109178-0.144993-0.000590 0.000014-0.000037 377 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.002096 0.099436-0.145372-0.000590 0.000014-0.000037 379 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.002096 0.077127-0.154076-0.000531 0.000014-0.000037 380 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.002096 0.064559-0.168451-0.000407 0.000014-0.000037 381 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.002096 0.054817-0.171350-0.000372 0.000014-0.000037 382 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.003100 0.026819 0.090551 0.007354 0.000012-0.000037 383 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.003100 0.021354-1.488686 0.001945 0.004773-0.000037 384 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.003100 0.017040-1.503404 0.000878-0.004263-0.000037 385 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.003881 0.109178-0.173521-0.000712 0.000014-0.000037 386 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.003881 0.099436-0.173876-0.000712 0.000014-0.000037 387 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.003881 0.086868-0.178907-0.000678 0.000014-0.000037 388 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.003881 0.077127-0.179736-0.000652 0.000014-0.000037 389 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.003881 0.064559-0.188264-0.000581 0.000014-0.000037 390 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.003881 0.054817-0.189508-0.000547 0.000014-0.000037 391 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.007190 0.026819 0.470485 0.000956 0.000028-0.000037 392 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.007190 0.021354-1.224035 0.002808 0.006141-0.000037 393 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.007190 0.017040-1.383434 0.001273-0.003212-0.000037 395 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.008343 0.109178-0.238117-0.001059 0.000021-0.000037 396 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.008343 0.099436-0.238978-0.001046 0.000021-0.000037 397 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.008343 0.086868-0.241776-0.000992 0.000021-0.000037 398 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.008343 0.077127-0.240871-0.000950 0.000021-0.000037 399 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.008343 0.064559-0.247244-0.000898 0.000021-0.000037 400 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.008343 0.054817-0.246030-0.000846 0.000021-0.000037 401 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.008343 0.042138-0.792912-0.001273-0.000058-0.000037 402 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.008343 0.026819 0.474788-0.000024 0.000032-0.000037 403 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.008343 0.021354-1.132930 0.000054 0.006527-0.000037 404 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.008343 0.017040-1.342209 0.000116-0.002915-0.000037 406 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.013102 0.042138-0.740028 0.001997-0.000058-0.000037 407 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.013102 0.026819 0.269509-0.002995 0.000050-0.000037 408 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.013102 0.011909-0.278019 0.000352 0.000033-0.000037 410 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.017341 0.109178-0.598603-0.001652 0.000021-0.000037 411 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.017341 0.099436-0.610801-0.001710 0.000021-0.000037 412 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.017341 0.086868-0.608514-0.001689 0.000021-0.000037 413 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.017341 0.077127-0.603661-0.001673 0.000021-0.000037 414 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.017341 0.064559-0.608771-0.001541 0.000021-0.000037 415 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.017341 0.054817-0.598323-0.001613 0.000021-0.000037 416 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.017341 0.042138-0.382896 0.003599-0.000058-0.000037

417 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.017824 0.042138-0.332578 0.003625-0.000058-0.000037 418 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.017824 0.026819-0.335896-0.007636 0.000068-0.000037 419 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.017824 0.011909-0.327963-0.002186 0.000045-0.000037 421 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.019349 0.026819-0.707249-0.009268 0.000074-0.000037 423 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.019349 0.017040-1.038983-0.005379-0.002462-0.000037 424 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.019349 0.011909-0.455250-0.003338 0.000049-0.000037 431 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.021914 0.042138-1.514266-0.009753 0.009988-0.000037 446 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.023476 0.026819-1.819885-0.008835 0.000089-0.000037 447 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.023476 0.021354-2.203280-0.007030 0.000232-0.000037 461 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.026711 0.042138-2.349362-0.004798 0.011455-0.000037 495 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.039650 0.042138-0.311405-0.000109 0.004994-0.000037 496 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.039650 0.026819-0.314935 0.013293 0.000150-0.000037 503 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.008468 0.071542-0.247852-0.000938 0.000021-0.000037 504 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.008468 0.061467-0.246627-0.000888 0.000021-0.000037 514 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.006686 0.245141-0.174059-0.000991 0.000017-0.000040 515 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.006685 0.230231-0.182524-0.000978 0.000017-0.000040 535 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.017341 0.043997-0.744892 0.002835-0.006483-0.000037 536 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.019200 0.043997-0.861834-0.002109 0.001128-0.000037 313 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.000000 0.000000-0.204700 0.000000 0.000000-0.000000 314 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.000000 0.000000-0.204836 0.000000-0.000001-0.000002 315 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.000087 0.001090-0.190294-0.000084 0.000006-0.000002 316 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.000087-0.000804-0.190627 0.000021 0.000006-0.000002 317 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.000087-0.002439-0.194800 0.000113 0.000006-0.000002 318 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.000087-0.003705-0.194963 0.000185 0.000006-0.000002 323 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.002374 0.007719-0.212323-0.000067 0.000019-0.000013 324 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.002375 0.004371-0.211763-0.000047 0.000019-0.000013 325 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.002374 0.000154-0.218215-0.000020 0.000019-0.000013 326 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.002385-0.002840-0.217698-0.000002 0.000019-0.000014 327 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.001299 0.041730-0.179942-0.000359 0.000007-0.000024 328 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.001299 0.034546-0.180586-0.000348 0.000007-0.000024 329 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.001300 0.026814-0.185549-0.000325 0.000007-0.000024 330 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.001299 0.020821-0.186324-0.000308 0.000007-0.000024 331 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.001300 0.013094-0.194629-0.000295 0.000007-0.000024 333 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.015492 0.036405-0.332571-0.000098-0.000000-0.000035 334 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.072059 0.036403-1.514282-0.009137 0.000010-0.000451 335 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.113792 0.036401-2.349404-0.003090 0.000021-0.000175 337 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.084402 0.036396-1.503874 0.009240 0.000043 0.000384 338 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.035234 0.036394-0.311518-0.000099 0.000053-0.000035 339 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.006260 0.090700-0.235919-0.000910 0.000016-0.000034 340 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.006260 0.081744-0.236757-0.000892 0.000016-0.000034 341 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.006260 0.070522-0.239614-0.000839 0.000016-0.000034 342 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.006260 0.061823-0.238754-0.000798 0.000016-0.000034 343 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.006260 0.050597-0.245165-0.000746 0.000016-0.000034 344 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.006260 0.041991-0.244018-0.000697 0.000016-0.000034 345 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.023136 0.038375-0.317344-0.001035-0.000059-0.000035 346 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.023136 0.023776-0.333627-0.022618-0.000088-0.000035 347 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.023136 0.009567-0.316034-0.001295-0.000059-0.000035 348 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.019876 0.023776-2.378670-0.019810-0.000075-0.000035 349 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.019876 0.009567-0.427348-0.000699-0.000051-0.000035 350 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.018565 0.038375-0.426841-0.000253-0.000059-0.000035 351 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.018565 0.032741-3.233393-0.006794 0.011659-0.000035 352 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.018565 0.023776-3.081199-0.017202-0.000070-0.000035 353 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.016616 0.023776-3.911793-0.012333-0.000063-0.000035 354 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.016616 0.019134-4.125474-0.008161-0.002271-0.000035 355 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.016616 0.009567-0.437639 0.000437-0.000042-0.000035 356 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.013959 0.038375-0.376602 0.000687-0.000059-0.000035 357 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.013959 0.032741-3.271520-0.001344 0.014003-0.000035 358 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.013959 0.023776-4.562226-0.004575-0.000053-0.000035

359 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.013427 0.023776-4.618704-0.002927-0.000051-0.000035 360 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.013427 0.019134-4.536946-0.004439-0.003154-0.000035 361 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.011691 0.038375-0.326570 0.000432-0.000059-0.000035 362 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.011691 0.023776-4.630050 0.002460-0.000044-0.000035 363 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.011691 0.019134-4.750320 0.001721-0.003634-0.000035 364 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.011691 0.009567-0.327571 0.000198-0.000030-0.000035 365 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.007900 0.038375-0.323485 0.000069-0.000059-0.000035 366 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.007900 0.023776-3.773990 0.012427-0.000030-0.000035 367 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.007900 0.009567-0.371785-0.000343-0.000020-0.000035 368 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.004108 0.038375-0.303789 0.000100-0.000059-0.000035 369 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.004108 0.023776-2.084178 0.016794-0.000015-0.000035 370 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.004108 0.009567-0.377100 0.000299-0.000010-0.000035 371 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.000281 0.038375-0.334514-0.001428-0.000059-0.000035 372 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.000281 0.023776-0.356621 0.011726-0.000001-0.000035 373 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.000281 0.018567-1.574231 0.007516 0.004163-0.000035 374 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.000281 0.014457-1.541956 0.004193-0.004731-0.000035 375 SLE Rara Neve + Vent -0.000281 0.009567-0.321560 0.000241-0.000001-0.000035 376 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.000498 0.102261-0.146439-0.000572 0.000009-0.000035 377 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.000498 0.092978-0.146722-0.000573 0.000009-0.000035 379 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.000498 0.071718-0.155207-0.000516 0.000009-0.000035 380 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.000498 0.059741-0.169459-0.000394 0.000009-0.000035 381 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.000498 0.050457-0.172260-0.000361 0.000009-0.000035 382 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.001455 0.023776 0.090535 0.007354 0.000006-0.000035 383 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.001455 0.018567-1.488656 0.001945 0.004773-0.000035 384 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.001455 0.014457-1.503337 0.000878-0.004263-0.000035 385 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.002199 0.102261-0.174085-0.000694 0.000009-0.000035 386 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.002199 0.092978-0.174402-0.000694 0.000009-0.000035 387 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.002199 0.081001-0.179386-0.000663 0.000009-0.000035 388 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.002199 0.071718-0.180176-0.000638 0.000009-0.000035 389 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.002199 0.059741-0.188657-0.000568 0.000009-0.000035 390 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.002199 0.050457-0.189862-0.000535 0.000009-0.000035 391 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.005352 0.023776 0.470471 0.000956 0.000021-0.000035 392 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.005352 0.018567-1.224007 0.002808 0.006141-0.000035 393 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.005352 0.014457-1.383373 0.001273-0.003212-0.000035 395 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.006451 0.102261-0.237449-0.001029 0.000016-0.000035 396 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.006451 0.092978-0.238354-0.001018 0.000016-0.000035 397 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.006451 0.081001-0.241209-0.000967 0.000016-0.000035 398 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.006451 0.071718-0.240348-0.000927 0.000016-0.000035 399 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.006451 0.059741-0.246779-0.000878 0.000016-0.000035 400 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.006451 0.050457-0.245608-0.000827 0.000016-0.000035 401 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.006451 0.038375-0.792790-0.001273-0.000059-0.000035 402 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.006451 0.023776 0.474774-0.000024 0.000025-0.000035 403 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.006451 0.018567-1.132903 0.000054 0.006527-0.000035 404 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.006451 0.014457-1.342149 0.000116-0.002916-0.000035 406 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.010986 0.038375-0.739957 0.001997-0.000059-0.000035 407 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.010986 0.023776 0.269500-0.002995 0.000042-0.000035 408 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.010986 0.009567-0.277949 0.000352 0.000028-0.000035 410 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.015026 0.102261-0.595132-0.001640 0.000015-0.000035 411 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.015026 0.092978-0.607559-0.001700 0.000015-0.000035 412 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.015026 0.081001-0.605569-0.001680 0.000016-0.000035 413 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.015026 0.071718-0.600946-0.001664 0.000015-0.000035 414 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.015026 0.059741-0.606353-0.001533 0.000016-0.000035 415 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.015026 0.050457-0.596134-0.001606 0.000015-0.000035 416 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.015026 0.038375-0.382883 0.003598-0.000059-0.000035 417 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.015486 0.038375-0.332571 0.003624-0.000059-0.000035 418 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.015486 0.023776-0.335896-0.007636 0.000059-0.000035 419 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.015486 0.009567-0.327917-0.002186 0.000039-0.000035 421 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.016939 0.023776-0.707245-0.009268 0.000065-0.000035

423 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.016939 0.014457-1.038953-0.005379-0.002462-0.000035 424 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.016939 0.009567-0.455207-0.003338 0.000043-0.000035 431 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.019384 0.038375-1.514282-0.009753 0.009988-0.000035 446 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.020872 0.023776-1.819866-0.008835 0.000079-0.000035 447 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.020872 0.018567-2.203251-0.007030 0.000232-0.000035 461 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.023955 0.038375-2.349404-0.004798 0.011455-0.000035 495 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.036286 0.038375-0.311518-0.000099 0.004993-0.000035 496 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.036286 0.023776-0.314822 0.013293 0.000137-0.000035 503 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.006544 0.066603-0.247386-0.000919 0.000015-0.000036 504 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.006544 0.056998-0.246205-0.000871 0.000015-0.000036 514 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.004126 0.238195-0.174506-0.000983 0.000012-0.000038 515 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.004126 0.224044-0.182923-0.000970 0.000012-0.000038 535 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.015026 0.040146-0.744560 0.002835-0.006476-0.000035 536 SLE Rara Neve + Vent 0.016798 0.040146-0.861645-0.002112 0.001132-0.000035 313 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.000000 0.000000-0.194884 0.000000 0.000000-0.000000 314 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.000000 0.000000-0.195020 0.000000-0.000001-0.000002 315 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.000260 0.001303-0.181051-0.000093 0.000017-0.000002 316 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.000259-0.000424-0.181367 0.000003 0.000017-0.000002 317 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.000260-0.001939-0.185365 0.000088 0.000017-0.000002 318 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.000259-0.003111-0.185518 0.000154 0.000017-0.000002 323 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.003632 0.007481-0.201082-0.000063 0.000030-0.000012 324 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.003634 0.004381-0.200564-0.000044 0.000030-0.000012 325 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.003633 0.000484-0.206996-0.000020 0.000030-0.000012 326 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.003643-0.002263-0.206517-0.000003 0.000030-0.000013 327 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.003892 0.038586-0.171820-0.000324 0.000018-0.000023 328 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.003892 0.031985-0.172439-0.000313 0.000018-0.000022 329 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.003893 0.024825-0.177169-0.000292 0.000018-0.000023 330 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.003892 0.019275-0.177887-0.000276 0.000018-0.000022 331 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.003893 0.012120-0.186045-0.000266 0.000018-0.000023 333 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.020146 0.032220-0.318922-0.000087-0.000086-0.000033 334 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.199795 0.032218-1.380072-0.008206-0.000077-0.001422 335 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.328461 0.032216-2.130343-0.002778-0.000066-0.000501 337 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.211225 0.032212-1.370931 0.008303-0.000046 0.001360 338 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.038427 0.032211-0.299488-0.000088-0.000037-0.000033 339 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.009741 0.082736-0.221917-0.000816 0.000027-0.000032 340 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.009741 0.074454-0.222639-0.000798 0.000027-0.000032 341 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.009741 0.064063-0.225420-0.000749 0.000027-0.000032 342 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.009741 0.056008-0.224625-0.000711 0.000027-0.000032 343 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.009741 0.045612-0.231044-0.000663 0.000027-0.000032 344 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.009742 0.037649-0.229955-0.000617 0.000027-0.000032 345 SLE Rara Vento X + N -0.017336 0.033963-0.305713-0.000936-0.000044-0.000033 346 SLE Rara Vento X + N -0.017336 0.020445-0.320984-0.020989-0.000066-0.000033 347 SLE Rara Vento X + N -0.017336 0.007288-0.305010-0.001206-0.000044-0.000033 348 SLE Rara Vento X + N -0.014317 0.020445-2.218759-0.018384-0.000054-0.000033 349 SLE Rara Vento X + N -0.014317 0.007288-0.408703-0.000650-0.000036-0.000033 350 SLE Rara Vento X + N -0.013103 0.033963-0.404571-0.000225-0.000044-0.000033 351 SLE Rara Vento X + N -0.013103 0.028746-2.998992-0.006300 0.010817-0.000033 352 SLE Rara Vento X + N -0.013103 0.020445-2.870705-0.015965-0.000049-0.000033 353 SLE Rara Vento X + N -0.011299 0.020445-3.641613-0.011450-0.000043-0.000033 354 SLE Rara Vento X + N -0.011299 0.016147-3.835028-0.007576-0.002116-0.000033 355 SLE Rara Vento X + N -0.011299 0.007288-0.418189 0.000408-0.000029-0.000033 356 SLE Rara Vento X + N -0.008838 0.033963-0.358913 0.000615-0.000044-0.000033 357 SLE Rara Vento X + N -0.008838 0.028746-3.034202-0.001265 0.012988-0.000033 358 SLE Rara Vento X + N -0.008838 0.020445-4.245857-0.004256-0.000033-0.000033 359 SLE Rara Vento X + N -0.008346 0.020445-4.298444-0.002727-0.000031-0.000033 360 SLE Rara Vento X + N -0.008346 0.016147-4.221087-0.004176-0.002926-0.000033 361 SLE Rara Vento X + N -0.006738 0.033963-0.314290 0.000373-0.000044-0.000033 362 SLE Rara Vento X + N -0.006738 0.020445-4.309580 0.002273-0.000025-0.000033

363 SLE Rara Vento X + N -0.006738 0.016147-4.422079 0.001590-0.003367-0.000033 364 SLE Rara Vento X + N -0.006738 0.007288-0.315561 0.000184-0.000017-0.000033 365 SLE Rara Vento X + N -0.003227 0.033963-0.314054 0.000049-0.000044-0.000033 366 SLE Rara Vento X + N -0.003227 0.020445-3.515777 0.011533-0.000012-0.000033 367 SLE Rara Vento X + N -0.003227 0.007288-0.356756-0.000319-0.000008-0.000033 368 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.000284 0.033963-0.296063 0.000106-0.000044-0.000033 369 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.000284 0.020445-1.946675 0.015599 0.000001-0.000033 370 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.000284 0.007288-0.361593 0.000280 0.000001-0.000033 371 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.003827 0.033963-0.321152-0.001269-0.000044-0.000033 372 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.003827 0.020445-0.341355 0.010913 0.000015-0.000033 373 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.003827 0.015622-1.423007 0.006998 0.003702-0.000033 374 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.003827 0.011816-1.395167 0.003908-0.004200-0.000033 375 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.003827 0.007288-0.309558 0.000233 0.000010-0.000033 376 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.004549 0.093121-0.142088-0.000509 0.000021-0.000033 377 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.004549 0.084525-0.142440-0.000508 0.000021-0.000033 379 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.004549 0.064838-0.150432-0.000456 0.000021-0.000033 380 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.004549 0.053748-0.164422-0.000336 0.000021-0.000033 381 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.004549 0.045152-0.167072-0.000305 0.000021-0.000033 382 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.005435 0.020445 0.075533 0.006860 0.000021-0.000033 383 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.005435 0.015622-1.338980 0.001880 0.004267-0.000033 384 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.005435 0.011816-1.356300 0.000868-0.003760-0.000033 385 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.006124 0.093121-0.166672-0.000619 0.000021-0.000033 386 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.006124 0.084525-0.167004-0.000619 0.000021-0.000033 387 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.006124 0.073435-0.171752-0.000589 0.000021-0.000033 388 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.006124 0.064838-0.172486-0.000566 0.000021-0.000033 389 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.006124 0.053748-0.180817-0.000499 0.000021-0.000033 390 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.006124 0.045152-0.181959-0.000468 0.000021-0.000033 391 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.009044 0.020445 0.431102 0.000891 0.000035-0.000033 392 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.009044 0.015622-1.090300 0.002591 0.005533-0.000033 393 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.009044 0.011816-1.241864 0.001188-0.002774-0.000033 395 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.010061 0.093121-0.223279-0.000921 0.000026-0.000033 396 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.010061 0.084525-0.224060-0.000910 0.000026-0.000033 397 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.010061 0.073435-0.226839-0.000862 0.000026-0.000033 398 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.010061 0.064838-0.226042-0.000825 0.000026-0.000033 399 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.010061 0.053748-0.232482-0.000780 0.000026-0.000033 400 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.010061 0.045152-0.231369-0.000733 0.000026-0.000033 401 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.010061 0.033963-0.733010-0.001148-0.000044-0.000033 402 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.010061 0.020445 0.435029-0.000035 0.000039-0.000033 403 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.010061 0.015622-1.006570 0.000040 0.005890-0.000033 404 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.010061 0.011816-1.203602 0.000100-0.002496-0.000033 406 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.014261 0.033963-0.685611 0.001797-0.000044-0.000033 407 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.014261 0.020445 0.239746-0.002813 0.000055-0.000033 408 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.014261 0.007288-0.269280 0.000312 0.000036-0.000033 410 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.018002 0.093121-0.540990-0.001452 0.000026-0.000033 411 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.018002 0.084525-0.551766-0.001502 0.000026-0.000033 412 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.018002 0.073435-0.550058-0.001484 0.000026-0.000033 413 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.018002 0.064838-0.545778-0.001469 0.000026-0.000033 414 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.018002 0.053748-0.551552-0.001357 0.000026-0.000033 415 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.018002 0.045152-0.541691-0.001417 0.000026-0.000033 416 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.018002 0.033963-0.364186 0.003239-0.000044-0.000033 417 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.018428 0.033963-0.318922 0.003262-0.000044-0.000033 418 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.018428 0.020445-0.321227-0.006981 0.000071-0.000033 419 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.018428 0.007288-0.314995-0.001977 0.000047-0.000033 421 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.019774 0.020445-0.659417-0.008433 0.000076-0.000033 423 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.019774 0.011816-0.936769-0.004881-0.002131-0.000033 424 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.019774 0.007288-0.429997-0.003017 0.000050-0.000033 431 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.022038 0.033963-1.380072-0.008848 0.009082-0.000033 446 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.023416 0.020445-1.668969-0.008009 0.000089-0.000033

447 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.023416 0.015622-1.989042-0.006371 0.000123-0.000033 461 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.026270 0.033963-2.130343-0.004346 0.010411-0.000033 495 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.037688 0.033963-0.299488-0.000088 0.004535-0.000033 496 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.037688 0.020445-0.302786 0.012055 0.000142-0.000033 503 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.010219 0.059841-0.233021-0.000816 0.000026-0.000033 504 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.010219 0.050941-0.231898-0.000771 0.000026-0.000033 514 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.009941 0.212607-0.167477-0.000872 0.000023-0.000035 515 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.009941 0.199594-0.175745-0.000861 0.000023-0.000035 535 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.018002 0.035604-0.683602 0.002556-0.005717-0.000033 536 SLE Rara Vento X + N 0.019642 0.035604-0.788157-0.001890 0.001053-0.000033 313 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.000000 0.000000-0.194825 0.000000 0.000000-0.000000 314 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.000000 0.000000-0.194966 0.000000-0.000001-0.000002 315 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.000137-0.000268-0.181213-0.000005 0.000009-0.000002 316 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.000137-0.001892-0.181517 0.000085 0.000009-0.000002 317 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.000138-0.003271-0.185502 0.000163 0.000009-0.000002 318 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.000137-0.004340-0.185643 0.000223 0.000009-0.000002 323 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.002517 0.003955-0.200454-0.000042 0.000020-0.000011 324 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.002519 0.001131-0.199984-0.000024 0.000020-0.000011 325 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.002517-0.002411-0.206481-0.000002 0.000020-0.000011 326 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.002528-0.004883-0.206049 0.000013 0.000021-0.000012 327 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.002060 0.031143-0.172741-0.000302 0.000010-0.000021 328 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.002060 0.025036-0.173297-0.000293 0.000010-0.000020 329 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.002061 0.018512-0.177949-0.000274 0.000010-0.000021 330 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.002060 0.013455-0.178606-0.000259 0.000010-0.000020 331 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.002061 0.006936-0.186686-0.000250 0.000010-0.000021 333 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.015119 0.026271-0.318912-0.000071-0.000029-0.000030 334 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.106352 0.026270-1.380098-0.008207-0.000021-0.000724 335 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.172337 0.026269-2.130413-0.002778-0.000011-0.000263 337 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.116767 0.026266-1.371082 0.008302 0.000007 0.000667 338 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.031776 0.026265-0.299677-0.000071 0.000015-0.000030 339 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.006696 0.071935-0.220807-0.000765 0.000018-0.000029 340 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.006696 0.064368-0.221601-0.000751 0.000018-0.000029 341 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.006696 0.054900-0.224477-0.000706 0.000018-0.000029 342 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.006696 0.047561-0.223755-0.000671 0.000018-0.000029 343 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.006696 0.038088-0.230270-0.000628 0.000018-0.000029 344 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.006697 0.030840-0.229253-0.000585 0.000018-0.000029 345 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.018055 0.027690-0.306030-0.000935-0.000046-0.000030 346 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.018055 0.015373-0.321054-0.020989-0.000068-0.000030 347 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.018055 0.003384-0.305161-0.001206-0.000046-0.000030 348 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.015305 0.015373-2.218821-0.018384-0.000058-0.000030 349 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.015305 0.003384-0.408813-0.000650-0.000039-0.000030 350 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.014199 0.027690-0.404779-0.000225-0.000046-0.000030 351 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.014199 0.022936-2.999143-0.006299 0.010816-0.000030 352 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.014199 0.015373-2.870764-0.015965-0.000054-0.000030 353 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.012554 0.015373-3.641668-0.011450-0.000047-0.000030 354 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.012554 0.011456-3.835087-0.007576-0.002116-0.000030 355 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.012554 0.003384-0.418256 0.000409-0.000032-0.000030 356 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.010312 0.027690-0.359006 0.000616-0.000046-0.000030 357 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.010312 0.022936-3.034277-0.001264 0.012988-0.000030 358 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.010312 0.015373-4.245906-0.004256-0.000039-0.000030 359 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.009864 0.015373-4.298492-0.002727-0.000037-0.000030 360 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.009864 0.011456-4.221124-0.004175-0.002926-0.000030 361 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.008399 0.027690-0.314322 0.000374-0.000046-0.000030 362 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.008399 0.015373-4.309624 0.002273-0.000032-0.000030 363 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.008399 0.011456-4.422106 0.001591-0.003367-0.000030 364 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.008399 0.003384-0.315551 0.000185-0.000021-0.000030 365 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.005200 0.027690-0.313978 0.000050-0.000046-0.000030 366 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.005200 0.015373-3.515814 0.011534-0.000019-0.000030

367 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.005200 0.003384-0.356674-0.000319-0.000013-0.000030 368 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.002001 0.027690-0.295891 0.000106-0.000046-0.000030 369 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.002001 0.015373-1.946706 0.015599-0.000007-0.000030 370 SLE Rara Vento Y + N -0.002001 0.003384-0.361445 0.000280-0.000005-0.000030 371 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.001228 0.027690-0.320920-0.001268-0.000046-0.000030 372 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.001228 0.015373-0.341382 0.010913 0.000005-0.000030 373 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.001228 0.010978-1.422955 0.006998 0.003702-0.000030 374 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.001228 0.007510-1.395052 0.003909-0.004200-0.000030 375 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.001228 0.003384-0.309368 0.000233 0.000003-0.000030 376 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.001886 0.081594-0.144498-0.000478 0.000012-0.000030 377 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.001886 0.073761-0.144690-0.000480 0.000012-0.000030 379 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.001886 0.055823-0.152316-0.000432 0.000012-0.000030 380 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.001886 0.045718-0.166101-0.000315 0.000012-0.000030 381 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.001886 0.037885-0.168590-0.000285 0.000012-0.000030 382 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.002693 0.015373 0.075507 0.006860 0.000011-0.000030 383 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.002693 0.010978-1.338929 0.001880 0.004266-0.000030 384 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.002693 0.007510-1.356189 0.000868-0.003761-0.000030 385 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.003321 0.081594-0.167612-0.000588 0.000012-0.000030 386 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.003321 0.073761-0.167880-0.000590 0.000012-0.000030 387 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.003321 0.063656-0.172550-0.000563 0.000012-0.000030 388 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.003321 0.055823-0.173220-0.000542 0.000012-0.000030 389 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.003321 0.045718-0.181472-0.000478 0.000012-0.000030 390 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.003321 0.037885-0.182550-0.000448 0.000012-0.000030 391 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.005982 0.015373 0.431078 0.000891 0.000023-0.000030 392 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.005982 0.010978-1.090253 0.002591 0.005533-0.000030 393 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.005982 0.007510-1.241761 0.001188-0.002774-0.000030 395 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.006909 0.081594-0.222167-0.000872 0.000017-0.000030 396 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.006909 0.073761-0.223020-0.000864 0.000017-0.000030 397 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.006909 0.063656-0.225895-0.000820 0.000017-0.000030 398 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.006909 0.055823-0.225171-0.000786 0.000017-0.000030 399 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.006909 0.045718-0.231707-0.000745 0.000017-0.000030 400 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.006909 0.037885-0.230666-0.000701 0.000017-0.000030 401 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.006909 0.027690-0.732806-0.001148-0.000046-0.000030 402 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.006909 0.015373 0.435007-0.000035 0.000027-0.000030 403 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.006909 0.010978-1.006524 0.000040 0.005890-0.000030 404 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.006909 0.007510-1.203502 0.000099-0.002496-0.000030 406 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.010735 0.027690-0.685492 0.001796-0.000046-0.000030 407 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.010735 0.015373 0.239730-0.002813 0.000041-0.000030 408 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.010735 0.003384-0.269164 0.000312 0.000027-0.000030 410 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.014144 0.081594-0.535205-0.001432 0.000017-0.000030 411 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.014144 0.073761-0.546362-0.001484 0.000017-0.000030 412 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.014144 0.063656-0.545150-0.001468 0.000017-0.000030 413 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.014144 0.055823-0.541252-0.001454 0.000017-0.000030 414 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.014144 0.045718-0.547521-0.001344 0.000017-0.000030 415 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.014144 0.037885-0.538043-0.001405 0.000017-0.000030 416 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.014144 0.027690-0.364164 0.003238-0.000046-0.000030 417 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.014532 0.027690-0.318912 0.003261-0.000046-0.000030 418 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.014532 0.015373-0.321228-0.006981 0.000056-0.000030 419 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.014532 0.003384-0.314918-0.001977 0.000037-0.000030 421 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.015758 0.015373-0.659410-0.008432 0.000060-0.000030 423 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.015758 0.007510-0.936720-0.004881-0.002132-0.000030 424 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.015758 0.003384-0.429925-0.003017 0.000040-0.000030 431 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.017821 0.027690-1.380098-0.008848 0.009082-0.000030 446 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.019077 0.015373-1.668936-0.008009 0.000073-0.000030 447 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.019077 0.010978-1.988994-0.006370 0.000123-0.000030 461 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.021678 0.027690-2.130413-0.004346 0.010410-0.000030 495 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.032082 0.027690-0.299677-0.000071 0.004534-0.000030 496 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.032082 0.015373-0.302598 0.012055 0.000121-0.000030

503 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.007013 0.051609-0.232245-0.000785 0.000017-0.000030 504 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.007013 0.043492-0.231194-0.000742 0.000017-0.000030 514 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.005676 0.201030-0.168222-0.000858 0.000015-0.000032 515 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.005676 0.189282-0.176409-0.000848 0.000015-0.000032 535 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.014144 0.029185-0.683050 0.002557-0.005706-0.000030 536 SLE Rara Vento Y + N 0.015638 0.029185-0.787841-0.001895 0.001060-0.000030 Figura 5 DeformRARANEVE Tabella 2 Inter Story Drift SLD Tabella 3 Beam Force Story Height (cm) Allowable Story Drift Ratio Load Case Story Story Story Remark Drift Drift sisma_x_sld(rs) 1F 482.00 0.0050 0.4547 0.0009 OK sisma_y_sld(rs) 1F 482.00 0.0050 0.2265 0.0005 OK sisma_x_sld(es) 1F 482.00 0.0050 0.0240 0.0000 OK sisma_y_sld(es) 1F 482.00 0.0050 0.0290 0.0001 OK Elem Load Part Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z 207 RC ENV_STR(all) I[232] 1.05 0.00-4.64-0.01-3.20 0.01 207 RC ENV_STR(all) J[233] 1.05 0.00 5.11-0.01-4.11-0.01 208 RC ENV_STR(all) I[233] 1.40-0.00-4.98 0.02-3.92-0.00 208 RC ENV_STR(all) J[234] 1.40-0.00 4.65 0.02-3.27 0.00 210 RC ENV_STR(all) I[251] 1.04-0.00-4.04-0.00-2.50-0.00 210 RC ENV_STR(all) J[252] 1.04-0.00 3.60-0.00-1.75 0.00 211 RC ENV_STR(all) I[255] 1.04-0.00-4.24-0.00-2.83-0.00 211 RC ENV_STR(all) J[256] 1.04-0.00 3.42-0.00-1.45 0.00 212 RC ENV_STR(all) I[259] 1.19-0.00-10.39 0.00-13.29-0.01 212 RC ENV_STR(all) J[260] 1.19-0.00-2.71 0.00 9.05 0.00 216 RC ENV_STR(all) I[268] 1.78 0.00-4.53-0.02-2.94 0.01 216 RC ENV_STR(all) J[269] 1.78 0.00 5.19-0.02-4.25-0.01 217 RC ENV_STR(all) I[269] 1.55-0.00-4.93 0.03-3.82-0.00

217 RC ENV_STR(all) J[270] 1.55-0.00 4.46 0.03-2.89 0.00 233 RC ENV_STR(all) I[303] 130.36-32.79-0.05-0.11 0.00 0.00 233 RC ENV_STR(all) J[315] 130.41-32.79-0.05-0.11 0.01 4.92 234 RC ENV_STR(all) I[304] 115.44 29.52-0.05-0.11 0.00 0.00 234 RC ENV_STR(all) J[316] 115.49 29.52-0.05-0.11 0.01-4.43 235 RC ENV_STR(all) I[305] 100.03 27.10-0.04-0.11 0.00 0.00 235 RC ENV_STR(all) J[317] 100.08 27.10-0.04-0.11 0.01-4.07 236 RC ENV_STR(all) I[306] 91.34 26.31-0.04-0.11 0.00 0.00 236 RC ENV_STR(all) J[318] 91.39 26.31-0.04-0.11 0.01-3.95 237 RC ENV_STR(all) I[307] 82.33 26.48-0.04-0.11 0.00 0.00 237 RC ENV_STR(all) J[319] 82.38 26.48-0.04-0.11 0.01-3.97 238 RC ENV_STR(all) I[308] 78.55 27.24-0.04-0.11 0.00 0.00 238 RC ENV_STR(all) J[320] 78.59 27.24-0.04-0.11 0.01-4.09 239 RC ENV_STR(all) I[309] -187.25-0.77 0.05-0.09 0.00 0.00 239 RC ENV_STR(all) J[321] -186.88-0.77 0.05-0.09-0.06 0.93 240 RC ENV_STR(all) I[310] -174.22-0.65 0.05-0.10 0.00 0.00 240 RC ENV_STR(all) J[322] -173.84-0.65 0.05-0.10-0.06 0.78 241 RC ENV_STR(all) I[311] -158.86-0.54 0.04-0.09 0.00 0.00 241 RC ENV_STR(all) J[323] -158.48-0.54 0.04-0.09-0.05 0.65 242 RC ENV_STR(all) I[312] -150.18 0.48 0.05-0.10 0.00 0.00 242 RC ENV_STR(all) J[324] -149.80 0.48 0.05-0.10-0.06-0.58 243 RC ENV_STR(all) I[313] -143.98 0.48 0.04-0.09 0.00 0.00 243 RC ENV_STR(all) J[325] -143.60 0.48 0.04-0.09-0.05-0.58 244 RC ENV_STR(all) I[314] -139.49 0.50 0.05-0.09 0.00 0.00 244 RC ENV_STR(all) J[326] -139.11 0.50 0.05-0.09-0.06-0.60 245 RC ENV_STR(all) I[315] 48.06-0.00-1.03 0.00-0.98-0.02 245 RC ENV_STR(all) J[321] 48.17-0.00 1.01 0.00-0.57-0.01 246 RC ENV_STR(all) I[316] -42.94-0.01-0.95 0.00-0.91-0.02 246 RC ENV_STR(all) J[322] -42.84-0.01 0.84 0.00 0.52-0.01 247 RC ENV_STR(all) I[317] -39.41-0.00-0.88 0.00-0.83-0.02 247 RC ENV_STR(all) J[323] -39.30-0.00-0.76 0.00 0.48-0.01 248 RC ENV_STR(all) I[318] -38.26-0.01-0.86 0.00-0.81-0.02 248 RC ENV_STR(all) J[324] -38.15-0.01-0.74 0.00 0.46-0.01 249 RC ENV_STR(all) I[319] -38.49-0.00-0.87 0.00-0.82-0.02 249 RC ENV_STR(all) J[325] -38.38-0.00-0.75 0.00 0.47-0.01 250 RC ENV_STR(all) I[320] -39.59-0.00-0.89 0.00-0.84-0.02 250 RC ENV_STR(all) J[326] -39.49-0.00-0.77 0.00 0.48-0.01 251 RC ENV_STR(all) I[315] 98.09 2.83-0.07-0.09-0.01 3.99 251 RC ENV_STR(all) J[327] 98.75 2.83-0.07-0.09 0.13-1.96 252 RC ENV_STR(all) I[316] 88.89 2.37-0.07-0.10-0.01-3.54 252 RC ENV_STR(all) J[328] 89.55 2.37-0.07-0.10 0.13-1.68 253 RC ENV_STR(all) I[317] 78.64-2.00-0.07-0.09-0.01-3.24 253 RC ENV_STR(all) J[329] 79.29-2.00-0.07-0.09 0.13-1.43 254 RC ENV_STR(all) I[318] 72.87-1.94-0.07-0.09-0.01-3.15 254 RC ENV_STR(all) J[330] 73.53-1.94-0.07-0.09 0.13-1.28 255 RC ENV_STR(all) I[319] 66.48-1.94-0.07-0.09-0.01-3.16 255 RC ENV_STR(all) J[331] 67.14-1.94-0.07-0.09 0.13-1.18 256 RC ENV_STR(all) I[320] 63.63-2.00-0.07-0.09-0.01-3.26 256 RC ENV_STR(all) J[332] 64.29-2.00-0.07-0.09 0.13-1.13 257 RC ENV_STR(all) I[268] -79.23-0.06-0.03-0.00 0.00 0.00 257 RC ENV_STR(all) J[333] -77.00-0.06-0.03-0.00 0.10 0.23 258 RC ENV_STR(all) I[286] -99.77 0.07-0.02-0.00 0.00 0.00 258 RC ENV_STR(all) J[338] -97.53 0.07-0.02-0.00 0.08-0.25 259 RC ENV_STR(all) I[209] -76.48 0.04 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 259 RC ENV_STR(all) J[345] -74.12-0.04 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.15 262 RC ENV_STR(all) I[214] -88.63-1.03 0.00-0.00 0.00-3.97 262 RC ENV_STR(all) J[346] -86.28-1.03 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.23 265 RC ENV_STR(all) I[219] -78.93-0.07 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00

265 RC ENV_STR(all) J[347] -76.57-0.07 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.26 270 RC ENV_STR(all) I[226] -47.66 0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 270 RC ENV_STR(all) J[361] -45.30-0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 271 RC ENV_STR(all) I[228] -60.21 0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 271 RC ENV_STR(all) J[364] -57.85-0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 276 RC ENV_STR(all) I[232] -97.90 0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 276 RC ENV_STR(all) J[371] -95.54-0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 277 RC ENV_STR(all) I[233] -174.47-0.97 0.00-0.00 0.00-3.61 277 RC ENV_STR(all) J[372] -172.11-0.97 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.32 278 RC ENV_STR(all) I[234] -85.01 0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 278 RC ENV_STR(all) J[375] -82.65-0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 279 RC ENV_STR(all) I[269] -111.72 1.02 0.00-0.00 0.00 3.95 279 RC ENV_STR(all) J[418] -109.37 1.02 0.00-0.00 0.00-0.16 280 RC ENV_STR(all) I[270] -71.93 0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 280 RC ENV_STR(all) J[419] -69.57 0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 284 RC ENV_STR(all) I[291] -120.97 1.21 0.00-0.00 0.00 4.63 284 RC ENV_STR(all) J[496] -118.62 1.21 0.00-0.00 0.00-0.13 285 RC ENV_STR(all) I[293] -71.15 0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 285 RC ENV_STR(all) J[497] -68.79 0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 288 RC ENV_STR(all) I[296] -93.01 0.06 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 288 RC ENV_STR(all) J[498] -90.65 0.06 0.00-0.00 0.00-0.23 289 RC ENV_STR(all) I[321] -50.03-0.01-0.11 0.01 0.06-0.02 289 RC ENV_STR(all) J[327] -49.92-0.01 0.11 0.01 0.04-0.01 290 RC ENV_STR(all) I[322] 42.67-0.01-0.10 0.01 0.06-0.03 290 RC ENV_STR(all) J[328] 42.77-0.01 0.10 0.01 0.04-0.01 291 RC ENV_STR(all) I[323] 39.07-0.01-0.09 0.01 0.06-0.02 291 RC ENV_STR(all) J[329] 39.17-0.01 0.10 0.01 0.03-0.01 292 RC ENV_STR(all) I[324] 37.89-0.01-0.09 0.01 0.05-0.03 292 RC ENV_STR(all) J[330] 38.00-0.01 0.10 0.01 0.03-0.01 293 RC ENV_STR(all) I[325] 38.11-0.01-0.09 0.01 0.05-0.02 293 RC ENV_STR(all) J[331] 38.22-0.01 0.09 0.01 0.03-0.01 294 RC ENV_STR(all) I[326] 39.25-0.01-0.09 0.01 0.05-0.02 294 RC ENV_STR(all) J[332] 39.35-0.01 0.09 0.01 0.03-0.01 295 RC ENV_STR(all) I[321] -121.36 1.28 0.13-0.09 0.04 0.33 295 RC ENV_STR(all) J[339] -120.70 1.28 0.13-0.09-0.30-2.35 296 RC ENV_STR(all) I[322] -119.73 1.19 0.13-0.09 0.03 0.30 296 RC ENV_STR(all) J[340] -119.07 1.19 0.13-0.09-0.29-2.21 297 RC ENV_STR(all) I[323] -114.67 1.09 0.13-0.09 0.03 0.26 297 RC ENV_STR(all) J[341] -114.01 1.09 0.13-0.09-0.29-2.03 298 RC ENV_STR(all) I[324] -111.84 1.03 0.13-0.09 0.03 0.24 298 RC ENV_STR(all) J[342] -111.18 1.03 0.13-0.09-0.29-1.93 299 RC ENV_STR(all) I[325] -110.85 0.99 0.13-0.09 0.03 0.23 299 RC ENV_STR(all) J[343] -110.19 0.99 0.13-0.09-0.29-1.85 300 RC ENV_STR(all) I[326] -108.24 0.95 0.13-0.09 0.03 0.22 300 RC ENV_STR(all) J[344] -107.58 0.95 0.13-0.09-0.29-1.78 301 RC ENV_STR(all) I[327] 43.05-0.02 0.40 0.01 0.19-0.02 301 RC ENV_STR(all) J[339] 43.15-0.02 0.52 0.01-0.54-0.03 302 RC ENV_STR(all) I[328] -36.74-0.02 0.35 0.01 0.16-0.03 302 RC ENV_STR(all) J[340] -36.64-0.02 0.47 0.01-0.49-0.02 303 RC ENV_STR(all) I[329] -33.63-0.02 0.30 0.01 0.14-0.02 303 RC ENV_STR(all) J[341] -33.52-0.02 0.42 0.01-0.44-0.02 304 RC ENV_STR(all) I[330] -32.62-0.02 0.28 0.01 0.13-0.02 304 RC ENV_STR(all) J[342] -32.51-0.02 0.40 0.01-0.41-0.02 305 RC ENV_STR(all) I[331] -33.07-0.02 0.26 0.01 0.12-0.02 305 RC ENV_STR(all) J[343] -32.96-0.02 0.38 0.01-0.39-0.02 306 RC ENV_STR(all) I[332] -34.06-0.02 0.24 0.01 0.11-0.02 306 RC ENV_STR(all) J[344] -33.95-0.02 0.37 0.01-0.37-0.02 307 RC ENV_STR(all) I[327] 37.23-2.51-0.18-0.09 0.12-2.19

307 RC ENV_STR(all) J[385] 37.60-2.51-0.18-0.09 0.33-1.55 308 RC ENV_STR(all) I[328] 38.62 2.29-0.18-0.08 0.12-1.89 308 RC ENV_STR(all) J[386] 38.98 2.29-0.18-0.08 0.32-1.50 309 RC ENV_STR(all) I[329] 37.99 2.12-0.18-0.09 0.11-1.60 309 RC ENV_STR(all) J[387] 38.36 2.12-0.18-0.09 0.32-1.43 310 RC ENV_STR(all) I[330] 37.69 2.06-0.18-0.08 0.11-1.44 310 RC ENV_STR(all) J[388] 38.05 2.06-0.18-0.08 0.32-1.40 311 RC ENV_STR(all) I[331] 36.32 1.89-0.18-0.08 0.11-1.34 311 RC ENV_STR(all) J[389] 36.69 1.89-0.18-0.08 0.32-1.23 312 RC ENV_STR(all) I[332] 35.27 1.94-0.18-0.08 0.11-1.28 312 RC ENV_STR(all) J[390] 35.64 1.94-0.18-0.08 0.32-1.24 313 RC ENV_STR(all) I[333] -0.14 0.46-32.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 313 RC ENV_STR(all) J[334] -0.14-0.46-32.00 0.00 35.56 0.50 314 RC ENV_STR(all) I[334] -0.17-0.24-16.45 0.00 35.56 0.51 314 RC ENV_STR(all) J[335] -0.17-0.24-15.67 0.00 56.28 0.82 315 RC ENV_STR(all) I[335] -0.31 0.02 0.57 0.00 56.28 0.82 315 RC ENV_STR(all) J[336] -0.31 0.02 1.34 0.00 55.08 0.80 316 RC ENV_STR(all) I[336] -0.45 0.25 17.40 0.00 55.08 0.79 316 RC ENV_STR(all) J[337] -0.45 0.25 18.06 0.00 35.58 0.51 317 RC ENV_STR(all) I[337] -0.57 0.47 32.02 0.00 35.58-0.51 317 RC ENV_STR(all) J[338] -0.57-0.47 32.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 318 RC ENV_STR(all) I[333] -44.36-0.68 0.28-0.02 0.06-0.14 318 RC ENV_STR(all) J[417] -44.14-3.34-0.48 0.05 0.00 0.00 323 RC ENV_STR(all) I[338] -64.84 0.71-0.77-0.02 0.06 0.14 323 RC ENV_STR(all) J[495] -64.62-3.88 0.31 0.04-0.01 0.00 324 RC ENV_STR(all) I[339] -91.89-30.78 0.24-0.10-0.35-2.92 324 RC ENV_STR(all) J[395] -91.85-30.78 0.24-0.10-0.38-3.54 325 RC ENV_STR(all) I[340] -95.16 27.55 0.24-0.09-0.34-2.72 325 RC ENV_STR(all) J[396] -95.12 27.55 0.24-0.09-0.37-3.45 326 RC ENV_STR(all) I[341] -94.59 25.27 0.24-0.10-0.33-2.49 326 RC ENV_STR(all) J[397] -94.55 25.27 0.24-0.10-0.36-3.29 327 RC ENV_STR(all) I[342] -94.29 24.54 0.24-0.09-0.34-2.35 327 RC ENV_STR(all) J[398] -94.25 24.54 0.24-0.09-0.37-3.24 328 RC ENV_STR(all) I[343] -95.74 24.88 0.24-0.10-0.33-2.25 328 RC ENV_STR(all) J[399] -95.70 24.88 0.24-0.10-0.36-3.27 329 RC ENV_STR(all) I[344] -93.98 25.59 0.24-0.09-0.34-2.17 329 RC ENV_STR(all) J[400] -93.94 25.59 0.24-0.09-0.37-3.30 330 RC ENV_STR(all) I[345] -0.00 0.00-11.37-0.02 0.00-0.00 330 RC ENV_STR(all) J[346] 0.00-0.00 11.37-0.02 0.00 0.00 331 RC ENV_STR(all) I[346] -0.00 0.00-8.03 0.02 0.00-0.00 331 RC ENV_STR(all) J[347] 0.00-0.00 8.03 0.02 0.00-0.00 333 RC ENV_STR(all) I[347] 0.00 0.00-15.13 0.24 0.16 0.00 333 RC ENV_STR(all) J[349] 0.00 0.00-14.57 0.24 13.77 0.00 334 RC ENV_STR(all) I[350] 0.00 0.00 9.00 0.11 12.14 0.00 334 RC ENV_STR(all) J[345] 0.00 0.00 9.77 0.11 0.12 0.00 335 RC ENV_STR(all) I[348] -0.00 0.00-15.57 0.02 0.00-0.00 335 RC ENV_STR(all) J[349] 0.00-0.00 15.57 0.02 0.00-0.00 337 RC ENV_STR(all) I[350] 0.00-0.00-16.22-0.02 0.00 0.00 337 RC ENV_STR(all) J[351] 0.00 0.00-6.84-0.02 18.34 0.00 338 RC ENV_STR(all) I[351] 0.00 0.00-6.47-0.02 18.36 0.00 338 RC ENV_STR(all) J[352] -0.00 0.00 20.96-0.02 0.00-0.00 339 RC ENV_STR(all) I[349] 0.00 0.00 1.16 0.24 13.79 0.00 339 RC ENV_STR(all) J[355] 0.00 0.00 1.71 0.24 12.55 0.00 340 RC ENV_STR(all) I[353] 0.00 0.00 32.36 0.16 101.84 0.00 340 RC ENV_STR(all) J[352] 0.00 0.00 32.69 0.16 83.98 0.00 341 RC ENV_STR(all) I[353] 0.00 0.00-14.13 0.01 0.00-0.00 341 RC ENV_STR(all) J[354] 0.00 0.00-8.50 0.01 14.82 0.00 342 RC ENV_STR(all) I[354] 0.00 0.00-7.60 0.01 14.82 0.00

342 RC ENV_STR(all) J[355] -0.00-0.00 18.57 0.01 0.00 0.00 343 RC ENV_STR(all) I[356] 0.00 0.00-8.55 0.11 1.99 0.00 343 RC ENV_STR(all) J[350] 0.00 0.00-7.34 0.11 12.16 0.00 344 RC ENV_STR(all) I[351] -0.00-0.00-0.37 0.01 0.00 0.00 344 RC ENV_STR(all) J[357] 0.00-0.00 0.37 0.01 0.00 0.00 345 RC ENV_STR(all) I[358] 0.00 0.00 17.60 0.15 115.27 0.00 345 RC ENV_STR(all) J[353] 0.00 0.00 18.25 0.15 101.82 0.00 346 RC ENV_STR(all) I[354] -0.00 0.00-0.90-0.01 0.00-0.00 346 RC ENV_STR(all) J[360] 0.00 0.00-0.48-0.01 0.62 0.00 347 RC ENV_STR(all) I[364] 0.00 0.00-21.11 0.23-16.47 0.00 347 RC ENV_STR(all) J[355] 0.00 0.00-20.27 0.23 12.56 0.00 348 RC ENV_STR(all) I[357] 0.00 0.00 5.60-0.01 13.00 0.00 348 RC ENV_STR(all) J[356] 0.00-0.00 10.76-0.01 0.00-0.00 349 RC ENV_STR(all) I[358] -0.00 0.00-15.49-0.01 0.00 0.00 349 RC ENV_STR(all) J[357] 0.00 0.00 5.23-0.01 13.02 0.00 350 RC ENV_STR(all) I[359] 0.00 0.00 1.99 0.12 115.56 0.00 350 RC ENV_STR(all) J[358] 0.00 0.00 2.09 0.12 115.26 0.00 351 RC ENV_STR(all) I[359] 0.00 0.00-1.66-0.01 0.00 0.00 351 RC ENV_STR(all) J[360] 0.00-0.00 1.66-0.01 0.00-0.00 352 RC ENV_STR(all) I[361] 0.00 0.00-19.68 0.11-10.78 0.00 352 RC ENV_STR(all) J[356] 0.00 0.00-19.29 0.11 1.99 0.00 353 RC ENV_STR(all) I[362] 0.00 0.00-0.05 0.12 115.64 0.00 353 RC ENV_STR(all) J[359] 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.12 115.57 0.00 354 RC ENV_STR(all) I[360] 0.00 0.00 1.19-0.01 0.61 0.00 354 RC ENV_STR(all) J[363] 0.00 0.00 1.31-0.01 0.00-0.00 355 RC ENV_STR(all) I[361] -0.00 0.00-14.91 0.00 0.00-0.00 355 RC ENV_STR(all) J[362] 0.00-0.00 14.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 356 RC ENV_STR(all) I[362] 0.00 0.00-17.51-0.00 0.00-0.00 356 RC ENV_STR(all) J[363] 0.00 0.00-8.84-0.00 17.26 0.00 357 RC ENV_STR(all) I[363] 0.00 0.00-7.53-0.00 17.27 0.00 357 RC ENV_STR(all) J[364] -0.00-0.00 20.31-0.00 0.00 0.00 358 RC ENV_STR(all) I[365] 0.00 0.00 13.24 0.11 4.01 0.00 358 RC ENV_STR(all) J[361] 0.00 0.00 13.88 0.11-10.79 0.00 359 RC ENV_STR(all) I[366] 0.00 0.00-33.18 0.04 80.50 0.00 359 RC ENV_STR(all) J[362] 0.00 0.00-32.53 0.04 115.65 0.00 360 RC ENV_STR(all) I[367] 0.00 0.00 20.17 0.18 5.63 0.00 360 RC ENV_STR(all) J[364] 0.00 0.00 20.81 0.18-16.48 0.00 361 RC ENV_STR(all) I[365] -0.00 0.00-18.53 0.01 0.00-0.00 361 RC ENV_STR(all) J[366] 0.00-0.00 18.53 0.01 0.00 0.00 362 RC ENV_STR(all) I[366] -0.00 0.00-18.03-0.01 0.00-0.00 362 RC ENV_STR(all) J[367] 0.00-0.00 18.03-0.01 0.00-0.00 363 RC ENV_STR(all) I[368] 0.00 0.00-6.10 0.11-2.46 0.00 363 RC ENV_STR(all) J[365] 0.00 0.00-5.46 0.11 4.00 0.00 364 RC ENV_STR(all) I[369] 0.00 0.00-70.38 0.20 5.65 0.00 364 RC ENV_STR(all) J[366] 0.00 0.00-69.74 0.20 80.53 0.00 365 RC ENV_STR(all) I[370] 0.00 0.00 1.49 0.13 7.43 0.00 365 RC ENV_STR(all) J[367] 0.00 0.00 2.13 0.13 5.61 0.00 366 RC ENV_STR(all) I[368] -0.00 0.00-15.50 0.02 0.00-0.00 366 RC ENV_STR(all) J[369] 0.00-0.00 15.50 0.02 0.00 0.00 367 RC ENV_STR(all) I[369] -0.00 0.00-15.08-0.02 0.00-0.00 367 RC ENV_STR(all) J[370] 0.00-0.00 15.08-0.02 0.00-0.00 368 RC ENV_STR(all) I[371] 0.00 0.00-22.31 0.10-26.13 0.00 368 RC ENV_STR(all) J[368] 0.00 0.00-21.66 0.10-2.48 0.00 369 RC ENV_STR(all) I[372] 0.00 0.00-101.61 0.30-103.79 0.00 369 RC ENV_STR(all) J[369] 0.00 0.00-100.96 0.30 5.69 0.00 370 RC ENV_STR(all) I[375] 0.00 0.00-14.67 0.11-8.57 0.00 370 RC ENV_STR(all) J[370] 0.00 0.00-14.02 0.11 7.41 0.00 371 RC ENV_STR(all) I[371] -0.00 0.00-17.01 0.01 0.00-0.00

371 RC ENV_STR(all) J[372] 0.00-0.00 17.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 372 RC ENV_STR(all) I[372] 0.00 0.00-12.01-0.01 0.00-0.00 372 RC ENV_STR(all) J[373] 0.00 0.00-5.44-0.01 12.82 0.00 373 RC ENV_STR(all) I[373] 0.00 0.00-2.75-0.01 12.83 0.00 373 RC ENV_STR(all) J[374] 0.00 0.00 2.43-0.01 13.01 0.00 374 RC ENV_STR(all) I[374] 0.00 0.00 3.73-0.01 13.02 0.00 374 RC ENV_STR(all) J[375] 0.00 0.00 15.13-0.01 0.00-0.00 375 RC ENV_STR(all) I[376] 0.00-0.00-1.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 375 RC ENV_STR(all) J[377] 0.00 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.00-0.00 376 RC ENV_STR(all) I[378] 0.00-0.00-1.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 376 RC ENV_STR(all) J[379] 0.00 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.00-0.00 377 RC ENV_STR(all) I[380] 0.00-0.00-2.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 377 RC ENV_STR(all) J[381] -0.00 0.00 2.74 0.00 0.00-0.00 379 RC ENV_STR(all) I[373] -0.00-0.00-2.69 0.01 0.00 0.00 379 RC ENV_STR(all) J[383] 0.00 0.00-2.57 0.01 1.29 0.00 380 RC ENV_STR(all) I[374] -0.00-0.00-1.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 380 RC ENV_STR(all) J[384] 0.00 0.00-1.18 0.00 0.61 0.00 381 RC ENV_STR(all) I[376] 0.00 0.00 1.99 0.10-0.02 0.00 381 RC ENV_STR(all) J[385] 0.00 0.00 2.10 0.10-1.00 0.00 382 RC ENV_STR(all) I[377] 0.00 0.00 1.99 0.10-0.02 0.00 382 RC ENV_STR(all) J[386] 0.00 0.00 2.10 0.10-1.00 0.00 383 RC ENV_STR(all) I[378] 0.00 0.00 1.93 0.07-0.02 0.00 383 RC ENV_STR(all) J[387] 0.00 0.00 2.04 0.07-0.97 0.00 384 RC ENV_STR(all) I[379] 0.00 0.00 1.93 0.07-0.02 0.00 384 RC ENV_STR(all) J[388] 0.00 0.00 2.04 0.07-0.97 0.00 385 RC ENV_STR(all) I[380] 0.00 0.00 2.82 0.04-0.03 0.00 385 RC ENV_STR(all) J[389] 0.00 0.00 2.93 0.04-1.41 0.00 386 RC ENV_STR(all) I[381] 0.00 0.00 2.82 0.04-0.03 0.00 386 RC ENV_STR(all) J[390] 0.00 0.00 2.93 0.04-1.41 0.00 387 RC ENV_STR(all) I[382] 0.00-0.00-1.40-0.02 0.00-0.00 387 RC ENV_STR(all) J[383] 0.00 0.00 1.40-0.02 0.00 0.00 388 RC ENV_STR(all) I[383] 0.00-0.00-1.07-0.00 0.00 0.00 388 RC ENV_STR(all) J[384] 0.00 0.00 1.07-0.00 0.00-0.00 389 RC ENV_STR(all) I[386] 0.00-0.00-5.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 389 RC ENV_STR(all) J[385] 0.00 0.00 5.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 390 RC ENV_STR(all) I[388] 0.00-0.00-5.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 390 RC ENV_STR(all) J[387] 0.00 0.00 5.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 391 RC ENV_STR(all) I[390] 0.00-0.00-6.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 391 RC ENV_STR(all) J[389] 0.00 0.00 6.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 392 RC ENV_STR(all) I[371] 0.00 0.00-28.35 0.20-26.08 0.00 392 RC ENV_STR(all) J[401] 0.00 0.00-27.20 0.20 26.89 0.00 393 RC ENV_STR(all) I[405] 0.00 0.00 7.44 0.06 7.08 0.00 393 RC ENV_STR(all) J[375] 0.00 0.00 8.59 0.06-8.48 0.00 395 RC ENV_STR(all) I[383] 0.00 0.00-0.10 0.01 1.28 0.00 395 RC ENV_STR(all) J[392] 0.00 0.00 0.77 0.01 0.91 0.00 396 RC ENV_STR(all) I[384] 0.00 0.00-0.11 0.00 0.60 0.00 396 RC ENV_STR(all) J[393] 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.00 0.41 0.00 397 RC ENV_STR(all) I[385] 0.00 0.00-0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 397 RC ENV_STR(all) J[395] -0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 398 RC ENV_STR(all) I[386] 0.00 0.00-0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 398 RC ENV_STR(all) J[396] -0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 399 RC ENV_STR(all) I[387] 0.00 0.00-0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 399 RC ENV_STR(all) J[397] -0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 400 RC ENV_STR(all) I[388] 0.00 0.00-0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 400 RC ENV_STR(all) J[398] -0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 401 RC ENV_STR(all) I[389] 0.00 0.00-0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 401 RC ENV_STR(all) J[399] -0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 402 RC ENV_STR(all) I[390] 0.00 0.00-0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00

402 RC ENV_STR(all) J[400] -0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 403 RC ENV_STR(all) I[391] -0.00-0.00-1.36 0.01 0.00-0.00 403 RC ENV_STR(all) J[392] -0.00 0.00 1.36 0.01 0.00 0.00 404 RC ENV_STR(all) I[392] -0.00-0.00-0.79-0.01 0.00 0.00 404 RC ENV_STR(all) J[393] -0.00 0.00 0.79-0.01 0.00-0.00 406 RC ENV_STR(all) I[392] 0.00 0.00 2.93 0.01 0.92 0.00 406 RC ENV_STR(all) J[403] -0.00 0.00 3.00 0.01 0.00-0.00 407 RC ENV_STR(all) I[393] 0.00 0.00 1.26 0.00 0.40 0.00 407 RC ENV_STR(all) J[404] -0.00 0.00 1.33 0.00 0.00-0.00 408 RC ENV_STR(all) I[395] -0.00 0.00-9.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 408 RC ENV_STR(all) J[394] 0.00 0.00 9.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 409 RC ENV_STR(all) I[396] 0.00-0.00-12.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 409 RC ENV_STR(all) J[395] 0.00 0.00 12.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 410 RC ENV_STR(all) I[397] -0.00 0.00-10.76 0.00 0.00-0.00 410 RC ENV_STR(all) J[396] 0.00-0.00 10.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 411 RC ENV_STR(all) I[398] 0.00-0.00-12.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 411 RC ENV_STR(all) J[397] 0.00 0.00 12.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 412 RC ENV_STR(all) I[399] -0.00 0.00-10.76 0.00 0.00-0.00 412 RC ENV_STR(all) J[398] 0.00-0.00 10.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 413 RC ENV_STR(all) I[400] 0.00-0.00-12.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 413 RC ENV_STR(all) J[399] 0.00 0.00 12.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 414 RC ENV_STR(all) I[400] -0.00-0.00-10.85-0.00 0.00 0.00 414 RC ENV_STR(all) J[401] 0.00 0.00 10.85-0.00 0.00-0.00 415 RC ENV_STR(all) I[401] 0.00 0.00-18.12 0.00 0.00-0.00 415 RC ENV_STR(all) J[402] -0.00-0.00 18.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 416 RC ENV_STR(all) I[402] -0.00 0.00-12.96 0.00 0.00-0.00 416 RC ENV_STR(all) J[403] 0.00 0.00-5.68 0.00 13.70 0.00 417 RC ENV_STR(all) I[403] 0.00 0.00-2.68 0.00 13.70 0.00 417 RC ENV_STR(all) J[404] 0.00 0.00 2.57 0.00 13.76 0.00 418 RC ENV_STR(all) I[404] 0.00 0.00 3.90 0.00 13.76 0.00 418 RC ENV_STR(all) J[405] -0.00 0.00 16.04 0.00 0.00-0.00 419 RC ENV_STR(all) I[401] 0.00 0.00 1.87 0.17 26.89 0.00 419 RC ENV_STR(all) J[406] 0.00 0.00 2.64 0.17 24.05 0.00 421 RC ENV_STR(all) I[408] 0.00 0.00-9.57 0.06-4.76 0.00 421 RC ENV_STR(all) J[405] 0.00 0.00-8.80 0.06 7.08 0.00 423 RC ENV_STR(all) I[395] -0.00-0.00-0.18-0.00 0.00-0.00 423 RC ENV_STR(all) J[410] 0.00 0.00 0.86-0.00-0.85 0.00 424 RC ENV_STR(all) I[396] -0.00-0.00-0.15-0.00 0.00-0.00 424 RC ENV_STR(all) J[411] 0.00 0.00 0.87-0.00-0.89 0.00 425 RC ENV_STR(all) I[397] -0.00-0.00-0.15-0.00 0.00-0.00 425 RC ENV_STR(all) J[412] 0.00 0.00 0.87-0.00-0.89 0.00 426 RC ENV_STR(all) I[398] -0.00-0.00-0.15-0.01 0.00-0.00 426 RC ENV_STR(all) J[413] 0.00 0.00 0.87-0.01-0.89 0.00 427 RC ENV_STR(all) I[399] -0.00 0.00-0.48-0.01 0.00-0.00 427 RC ENV_STR(all) J[414] 0.00 0.00 1.23-0.01-0.92 0.00 428 RC ENV_STR(all) I[400] -0.00-0.00-0.18-0.00 0.00-0.00 428 RC ENV_STR(all) J[415] 0.00 0.00 0.84-0.00-0.82 0.00 429 RC ENV_STR(all) I[406] 0.00 0.00-14.63-0.01 0.00-0.00 429 RC ENV_STR(all) J[407] -0.00-0.00 14.63-0.01 0.00 0.00 430 RC ENV_STR(all) I[407] 0.00 0.00-14.24 0.00 0.00-0.00 430 RC ENV_STR(all) J[408] -0.00-0.00 14.24 0.00 0.00-0.00 431 RC ENV_STR(all) I[406] 0.00 0.00 17.31 0.09 24.05 0.00 431 RC ENV_STR(all) J[416] 0.00 0.00 18.00 0.09 3.93 0.00 433 RC ENV_STR(all) I[419] 0.00 0.00-24.59 0.07-35.42 0.00 433 RC ENV_STR(all) J[408] 0.00 0.00-23.82 0.07-4.76 0.00 435 RC ENV_STR(all) I[411] 0.00-0.00-8.86-0.00 0.00 0.00 435 RC ENV_STR(all) J[410] 0.00 0.00 8.86-0.00 0.00 0.00 436 RC ENV_STR(all) I[412] -0.00 0.00-11.43 0.00 0.00-0.00

436 RC ENV_STR(all) J[411] 0.00-0.00 11.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 437 RC ENV_STR(all) I[413] 0.00-0.00-8.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 437 RC ENV_STR(all) J[412] 0.00 0.00 8.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 438 RC ENV_STR(all) I[414] -0.00 0.00-11.43 0.00 0.00-0.00 438 RC ENV_STR(all) J[413] 0.00-0.00 11.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 439 RC ENV_STR(all) I[415] 0.00-0.00-8.86-0.00 0.00 0.00 439 RC ENV_STR(all) J[414] 0.00 0.00 8.86-0.00 0.00 0.00 440 RC ENV_STR(all) I[415] 0.00-0.00-11.64 0.01 0.00 0.00 440 RC ENV_STR(all) J[535] 0.00 0.00 8.07 0.01 5.22 0.00 441 RC ENV_STR(all) I[416] 0.00 0.00 30.31 0.09 3.93 0.00 441 RC ENV_STR(all) J[417] 0.00 0.00 30.39 0.09-0.01 0.00 442 RC ENV_STR(all) I[417] 0.00 0.00-13.63-0.01 0.00-0.00 442 RC ENV_STR(all) J[418] -0.00-0.00 13.63-0.01 0.00 0.00 443 RC ENV_STR(all) I[418] 0.00 0.00-9.55 0.01 0.00-0.00 443 RC ENV_STR(all) J[419] -0.00-0.00 9.55 0.01 0.00-0.00 446 RC ENV_STR(all) I[421] 0.00 0.00 61.69 0.03-26.11 0.00 446 RC ENV_STR(all) J[418] 0.00 0.00 61.94 0.03-51.44 0.00 447 RC ENV_STR(all) I[424] 0.00 0.00 35.17 0.17-21.05 0.00 447 RC ENV_STR(all) J[419] 0.00 0.00 35.42 0.17-35.52 0.00 450 RC ENV_STR(all) I[421] -0.00 0.00-4.37 0.01 0.00-0.00 450 RC ENV_STR(all) J[422] 0.00 0.00-1.88 0.01 4.59 0.00 451 RC ENV_STR(all) I[422] 0.00 0.00-1.44 0.01 4.59 0.00 451 RC ENV_STR(all) J[423] 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.01 5.16 0.00 452 RC ENV_STR(all) I[423] 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.01 5.15 0.00 452 RC ENV_STR(all) J[424] -0.00 0.00 6.72 0.01 0.00-0.00 458 RC ENV_STR(all) I[432] 0.00 0.00 56.70 0.03 13.35 0.00 458 RC ENV_STR(all) J[421] 0.00 0.00 57.33 0.03-26.11 0.00 459 RC ENV_STR(all) I[422] -0.00 0.00-0.44-0.00 0.00-0.00 459 RC ENV_STR(all) J[447] 0.00-0.00 0.44-0.00 0.00 0.00 460 RC ENV_STR(all) I[423] -0.00 0.00-0.29-0.01 0.00-0.00 460 RC ENV_STR(all) J[448] 0.00-0.00 0.29-0.01 0.00 0.00 461 RC ENV_STR(all) I[449] 0.00 0.00 27.78 0.17 10.40 0.00 461 RC ENV_STR(all) J[424] 0.00 0.00 28.45 0.17-21.05 0.00 467 RC ENV_STR(all) I[431] 0.00 0.00-13.89-0.00-0.60 0.00 467 RC ENV_STR(all) J[432] -0.00 0.00 13.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 476 RC ENV_STR(all) I[446] 0.00 0.00 42.74 0.04 31.35 0.00 476 RC ENV_STR(all) J[432] 0.00 0.00 43.08 0.04 13.35 0.00 483 RC ENV_STR(all) I[446] -0.00 0.00-6.84 0.01 0.00-0.00 483 RC ENV_STR(all) J[447] 0.00 0.00-2.54 0.01 6.89 0.00 484 RC ENV_STR(all) I[447] 0.00 0.00-2.10 0.01 6.90 0.00 484 RC ENV_STR(all) J[448] 0.00 0.00 1.24 0.01 7.40 0.00 485 RC ENV_STR(all) I[448] 0.00 0.00 1.53 0.01 7.41 0.00 485 RC ENV_STR(all) J[449] -0.00 0.00 9.21 0.01 0.00-0.00 495 RC ENV_STR(all) I[462] 0.00 0.00 35.38 0.04 62.33 0.00 495 RC ENV_STR(all) J[446] 0.00 0.00 35.90 0.04 31.35 0.00 496 RC ENV_STR(all) I[463] 0.00 0.00 18.04 0.17 26.28 0.00 496 RC ENV_STR(all) J[449] 0.00 0.00 18.57 0.17 10.41 0.00 503 RC ENV_STR(all) I[461] 0.00 0.00-14.84 0.00-0.42 0.00 503 RC ENV_STR(all) J[462] -0.00 0.00 14.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 504 RC ENV_STR(all) I[462] 0.00 0.00-12.08 0.00 0.00-0.00 504 RC ENV_STR(all) J[463] -0.00-0.00 12.08 0.00 0.00-0.00 514 RC ENV_STR(all) I[487] 0.00 0.00 7.87 0.02 72.85 0.00 514 RC ENV_STR(all) J[462] 0.00 0.00 8.64 0.02 62.33 0.00 515 RC ENV_STR(all) I[488] 0.00 0.00 5.17 0.19 33.31 0.00 515 RC ENV_STR(all) J[463] 0.00 0.00 5.94 0.19 26.29 0.00 535 RC ENV_STR(all) I[486] 0.00 0.00-14.61 0.00-0.41 0.00 535 RC ENV_STR(all) J[487] -0.00-0.00 14.43 0.00 0.00-0.00 536 RC ENV_STR(all) I[487] 0.00 0.00-13.32-0.00 0.00-0.00

536 RC ENV_STR(all) J[488] -0.00-0.00 13.32-0.00 0.00-0.00 539 RC ENV_STR(all) I[492] 0.00 0.00-20.64 0.04 50.55 0.00 539 RC ENV_STR(all) J[487] 0.00 0.00-19.98 0.04 72.85 0.00 540 RC ENV_STR(all) I[493] 0.00 0.00-8.95 0.21 23.85 0.00 540 RC ENV_STR(all) J[488] 0.00 0.00-8.29 0.21 33.31 0.00 543 RC ENV_STR(all) I[491] 0.00 0.00-12.78-0.00-0.38 0.00 543 RC ENV_STR(all) J[492] -0.00 0.00 12.60-0.00 0.00 0.00 544 RC ENV_STR(all) I[492] 0.00 0.00-12.35-0.01 0.00-0.00 544 RC ENV_STR(all) J[493] -0.00-0.00 12.35-0.01 0.00-0.00 546 RC ENV_STR(all) I[496] 0.00 0.00-46.27 0.05-0.15 0.00 546 RC ENV_STR(all) J[492] 0.00 0.00-45.61 0.05 50.55 0.00 547 RC ENV_STR(all) I[498] 0.00 0.00-21.98 0.23 0.15 0.00 547 RC ENV_STR(all) J[493] 0.00 0.00-21.32 0.23 23.85 0.00 549 RC ENV_STR(all) I[495] 0.00 0.00-6.64 0.01-0.18 0.00 549 RC ENV_STR(all) J[496] -0.00 0.00 6.56 0.01 0.00 0.00 550 RC ENV_STR(all) I[496] 0.00 0.00-2.28-0.07 0.00 0.00 550 RC ENV_STR(all) J[497] 0.00 0.00 4.17-0.07-2.24 0.00 551 RC ENV_STR(all) I[497] 0.00 0.00-4.53-0.06-2.32 0.00 551 RC ENV_STR(all) J[498] -0.00-0.00 2.91-0.06 0.00 0.00 552 RC ENV_STR(all) I[395] -69.32-31.93-0.34-0.04-0.36-3.56 552 RC ENV_STR(all) J[499] -69.31-31.93-0.34-0.04-0.34 2.71 553 RC ENV_STR(all) I[396] -71.72-33.01-0.34-0.04-0.36-3.46 553 RC ENV_STR(all) J[500] -71.70-33.01-0.34-0.04-0.34 2.31 554 RC ENV_STR(all) I[397] -71.16-32.69-0.33-0.05-0.35-3.30 554 RC ENV_STR(all) J[501] -71.14-32.69-0.33-0.05-0.33 1.94 555 RC ENV_STR(all) I[398] -70.85-32.53-0.34-0.04-0.36-3.25 555 RC ENV_STR(all) J[502] -70.84-32.53-0.34-0.04-0.34 1.73 556 RC ENV_STR(all) I[399] -71.96-32.78-0.33-0.04-0.35-3.29 556 RC ENV_STR(all) J[503] -71.94-32.78-0.33-0.04-0.33 1.53 557 RC ENV_STR(all) I[400] -70.42-32.06-0.34-0.03-0.36-3.31 557 RC ENV_STR(all) J[504] -70.40-32.06-0.34-0.03-0.34-1.57 558 RC ENV_STR(all) I[385] 45.34-3.23 0.26-0.04 0.32-2.54 558 RC ENV_STR(all) J[505] 45.61-3.23 0.26-0.04 0.09 0.30 559 RC ENV_STR(all) I[386] 46.73-3.18 0.26-0.04 0.32-2.49 559 RC ENV_STR(all) J[506] 47.01-3.18 0.26-0.04 0.09 0.30 560 RC ENV_STR(all) I[387] 46.18-3.05 0.26-0.04 0.32-2.39 560 RC ENV_STR(all) J[507] 46.46-3.05 0.26-0.04 0.09 0.29 561 RC ENV_STR(all) I[388] 45.89-3.01 0.26-0.04 0.32-2.35 561 RC ENV_STR(all) J[508] 46.16-3.01 0.26-0.04 0.09 0.29 562 RC ENV_STR(all) I[389] 46.46-3.36 0.26-0.04 0.32-2.62 562 RC ENV_STR(all) J[509] 46.73-3.36 0.26-0.04 0.09 0.34 563 RC ENV_STR(all) I[390] 45.42-3.37 0.26-0.04 0.32-2.63 563 RC ENV_STR(all) J[510] 45.69-3.37 0.26-0.04 0.09 0.34 564 RC ENV_STR(all) I[499] -40.58-0.01-0.83 0.01-0.68-0.02 564 RC ENV_STR(all) J[505] -40.50-0.01-0.71 0.01 0.43 0.00 565 RC ENV_STR(all) I[500] -41.57-0.01-0.78 0.01-0.63-0.01 565 RC ENV_STR(all) J[506] -41.48-0.01-0.66 0.01 0.42 0.00 566 RC ENV_STR(all) I[501] -40.88-0.01-0.72 0.01-0.57-0.02 566 RC ENV_STR(all) J[507] -40.80-0.01-0.60 0.01 0.39 0.00 567 RC ENV_STR(all) I[502] -40.52-0.01-0.68 0.01-0.53-0.01 567 RC ENV_STR(all) J[508] -40.43-0.01-0.56 0.01 0.37 0.00 568 RC ENV_STR(all) I[503] -40.66-0.01-0.66 0.01-0.51-0.01 568 RC ENV_STR(all) J[509] -40.57-0.01-0.54 0.01 0.37 0.00 569 RC ENV_STR(all) I[504] -39.73-0.01-0.64 0.01-0.49-0.01 569 RC ENV_STR(all) J[510] -39.64-0.01-0.52 0.01 0.36 0.00 570 RC ENV_STR(all) I[410] 38.84 0.02-0.10 0.01 0.00 0.04 570 RC ENV_STR(all) J[517] 38.99 0.02 0.10 0.01 0.00-0.02 571 RC ENV_STR(all) I[411] 40.59 0.03-0.10 0.02 0.00 0.06

571 RC ENV_STR(all) J[518] 40.73 0.03 0.10 0.02 0.00-0.03 572 RC ENV_STR(all) I[412] 40.56 0.03-0.10 0.02 0.00 0.06 572 RC ENV_STR(all) J[519] 40.71 0.03 0.10 0.02 0.00-0.03 573 RC ENV_STR(all) I[413] 40.55 0.04-0.10 0.02 0.00 0.07 573 RC ENV_STR(all) J[520] 40.70 0.04 0.10 0.02 0.00-0.03 574 RC ENV_STR(all) I[414] 41.48 0.02-0.10 0.01 0.00 0.04 574 RC ENV_STR(all) J[521] 41.62 0.02 0.10 0.01 0.00-0.02 575 RC ENV_STR(all) I[415] 40.62 0.02-0.10 0.01 0.00 0.03 575 RC ENV_STR(all) J[522] 40.76 0.02 0.10 0.01 0.00-0.02 576 RC ENV_STR(all) I[499] -45.72-1.48-0.22-0.04-0.30 2.05 576 RC ENV_STR(all) J[517] -45.21-1.48-0.22-0.04 0.06 0.57 577 RC ENV_STR(all) I[500] -47.60-1.38-0.22-0.04-0.30 1.71 577 RC ENV_STR(all) J[518] -47.09-1.38-0.22-0.04 0.06 0.56 578 RC ENV_STR(all) I[501] -47.48-1.28-0.21-0.04-0.29-1.56 578 RC ENV_STR(all) J[519] -46.96-1.28-0.21-0.04 0.05 0.55 579 RC ENV_STR(all) I[502] -47.41-1.25-0.22-0.04-0.30-1.51 579 RC ENV_STR(all) J[520] -46.90-1.25-0.22-0.04 0.06 0.54 580 RC ENV_STR(all) I[503] -48.45-1.27-0.21-0.03-0.29-1.54 580 RC ENV_STR(all) J[521] -47.94-1.27-0.21-0.03 0.05 0.55 581 RC ENV_STR(all) I[504] -47.46-1.30-0.22-0.04-0.30-1.58 581 RC ENV_STR(all) J[522] -46.94-1.30-0.22-0.04 0.06 0.55 582 RC ENV_STR(all) I[505] 0.22-0.59 0.10-0.02 0.08-0.28 582 RC ENV_STR(all) J[511] 0.48-0.59 0.10-0.02 0.00 0.29 583 RC ENV_STR(all) I[506] 0.23-0.60 0.10-0.02 0.08-0.27 583 RC ENV_STR(all) J[512] 0.49-0.60 0.10-0.02 0.00 0.30 584 RC ENV_STR(all) I[507] 0.22-0.57 0.10-0.02 0.08-0.24 584 RC ENV_STR(all) J[513] 0.47-0.57 0.10-0.02 0.00 0.29 585 RC ENV_STR(all) I[508] 0.21-0.56 0.10-0.02 0.08-0.23 585 RC ENV_STR(all) J[514] 0.47-0.56 0.10-0.02 0.00 0.29 586 RC ENV_STR(all) I[509] 0.22-0.52 0.10-0.02 0.08-0.18 586 RC ENV_STR(all) J[515] 0.48-0.52 0.10-0.02 0.00 0.30 587 RC ENV_STR(all) I[510] 0.22-0.50 0.10-0.02 0.08-0.17 587 RC ENV_STR(all) J[516] 0.47-0.50 0.10-0.02 0.00 0.29 588 RC ENV_STR(all) I[505] 39.52-0.01 0.24 0.00 0.20-0.02 588 RC ENV_STR(all) J[517] 39.60-0.01 0.36 0.00-0.24 0.01 589 RC ENV_STR(all) I[506] 40.94-0.01 0.24 0.00 0.20-0.02 589 RC ENV_STR(all) J[518] 41.03-0.01 0.36 0.00-0.23 0.01 590 RC ENV_STR(all) I[507] 40.66-0.01 0.23 0.00 0.19-0.02 590 RC ENV_STR(all) J[519] 40.75-0.01 0.35 0.00-0.22 0.01 591 RC ENV_STR(all) I[508] 40.52-0.01 0.22 0.00 0.19-0.02 591 RC ENV_STR(all) J[520] 40.60-0.01 0.34 0.00-0.22 0.01 592 RC ENV_STR(all) I[509] 41.35-0.01 0.23 0.00 0.20-0.02 592 RC ENV_STR(all) J[521] 41.43-0.01 0.35 0.00-0.22 0.00 593 RC ENV_STR(all) I[510] 40.47-0.01 0.23 0.00 0.20-0.02 593 RC ENV_STR(all) J[522] 40.56-0.01 0.35 0.00-0.23 0.01 594 RC ENV_STR(all) I[511] 0.53-0.03 0.48 0.00 0.29-0.02 594 RC ENV_STR(all) J[517] 0.53-0.03 0.60 0.00-0.36 0.01 595 RC ENV_STR(all) I[512] 0.55-0.02 0.49 0.00 0.30-0.02 595 RC ENV_STR(all) J[518] 0.55-0.02 0.61 0.00-0.36 0.01 596 RC ENV_STR(all) I[513] 0.53-0.02 0.48 0.00 0.30-0.02 596 RC ENV_STR(all) J[519] 0.53-0.02 0.60 0.00-0.35 0.01 597 RC ENV_STR(all) I[514] 0.52-0.02 0.47 0.00 0.30-0.02 597 RC ENV_STR(all) J[520] 0.52-0.02 0.59 0.00-0.34 0.01 598 RC ENV_STR(all) I[515] 0.48-0.02 0.48 0.00 0.30-0.02 598 RC ENV_STR(all) J[521] 0.48-0.02 0.60 0.00-0.35 0.01 599 RC ENV_STR(all) I[516] 0.46-0.02 0.48 0.00 0.30-0.02 599 RC ENV_STR(all) J[522] 0.46-0.02 0.60 0.00-0.35 0.01 603 RC ENV_STR(all) I[495] 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

603 RC ENV_STR(all) J[491] -0.00-0.01-0.01 0.00 0.00-0.00 604 RC ENV_STR(all) I[491] 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 604 RC ENV_STR(all) J[486] -0.00-0.01-0.02 0.00 0.00-0.00 605 RC ENV_STR(all) I[486] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 605 RC ENV_STR(all) J[461] -0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00-0.00 606 RC ENV_STR(all) I[461] -0.00 0.00-0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 606 RC ENV_STR(all) J[431] 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00-0.00 607 RC ENV_STR(all) I[431] 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 607 RC ENV_STR(all) J[417] -0.00-0.01-0.00 0.00 0.00-0.00 609 RC ENV_STR(all) I[352] 0.00 0.00 53.68 0.17 83.99 0.00 609 RC ENV_STR(all) J[348] 0.00 0.00 53.90 0.17 64.12 0.00 610 RC ENV_STR(all) I[348] 0.00 0.00 69.42 0.21 64.15 0.00 610 RC ENV_STR(all) J[346] 0.00 0.00 69.98 0.21-0.16 0.00 611 RC ENV_STR(all) I[418] 0.00 0.00-24.23 0.09-51.40 0.00 611 RC ENV_STR(all) J[407] 0.00 0.00-23.47 0.09-21.15 0.00 612 RC ENV_STR(all) I[407] 0.00 0.00 5.48 0.02-21.14 0.00 612 RC ENV_STR(all) J[402] 0.00 0.00 6.25 0.02-28.56 0.00 613 RC ENV_STR(all) I[402] 0.00 0.00 37.36 0.05-28.56 0.00 613 RC ENV_STR(all) J[391] 0.00 0.00 37.54 0.05-40.15 0.00 614 RC ENV_STR(all) I[391] 0.00 0.00 38.90 0.05-40.14 0.00 614 RC ENV_STR(all) J[382] 0.00 0.00 39.87 0.05-83.44 0.00 615 RC ENV_STR(all) I[382] 0.00 0.00 41.26 0.05-83.46 0.00 615 RC ENV_STR(all) J[372] 0.00 0.00 41.56 0.05-103.75 0.00 616 RC ENV_STR(all) I[535] 0.00 0.00 8.66 0.01 5.25 0.00 616 RC ENV_STR(all) J[416] -0.00-0.00 12.33 0.01 0.00-0.00 617 RC ENV_STR(all) I[530] -0.00-0.00-0.09-0.02 0.00 0.00 617 RC ENV_STR(all) J[531] 0.00 0.00 0.09-0.02 0.00-0.00 618 RC ENV_STR(all) I[531] -0.00-0.00-0.09 0.02 0.00 0.00 618 RC ENV_STR(all) J[532] 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.02 0.00-0.00 619 RC ENV_STR(all) I[532] 0.00-0.00-0.10-0.02 0.00-0.00 619 RC ENV_STR(all) J[533] -0.00-0.00 0.10-0.02 0.00 0.00 620 RC ENV_STR(all) I[533] 0.00-0.00-0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 620 RC ENV_STR(all) J[534] -0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00-0.00 621 RC ENV_STR(all) I[534] 0.00 0.00-0.42 0.05 0.00 0.00 621 RC ENV_STR(all) J[536] 0.00 0.00-0.31 0.05 0.27 0.00 622 RC ENV_STR(all) I[536] 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.06 0.28 0.00 622 RC ENV_STR(all) J[535] -0.00-0.00 0.59 0.06 0.00-0.00 623 RC ENV_STR(all) I[523] 0.00 0.00-0.87-0.01 0.01 0.00 623 RC ENV_STR(all) J[524] -0.00 0.00 0.87-0.01 0.00-0.00 624 RC ENV_STR(all) I[524] -0.00-0.00-0.73-0.00 0.00 0.00 624 RC ENV_STR(all) J[525] -0.00 0.00 0.73-0.00 0.00-0.00 625 RC ENV_STR(all) I[525] -0.00-0.00-0.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 625 RC ENV_STR(all) J[526] -0.00 0.00 0.94 0.00 0.00-0.00 626 RC ENV_STR(all) I[526] -0.00-0.00-0.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 626 RC ENV_STR(all) J[527] -0.00 0.00 0.73 0.00 0.00-0.00 627 RC ENV_STR(all) I[527] -0.00-0.00-0.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 627 RC ENV_STR(all) J[528] -0.00 0.00 0.94 0.00 0.00-0.00 628 RC ENV_STR(all) I[528] -0.00-0.00-0.73-0.00 0.00 0.00 628 RC ENV_STR(all) J[529] 0.00 0.00 0.73-0.00 0.00-0.00 629 RC ENV_STR(all) I[529] 0.00-0.00-0.81-0.00 0.00 0.00 629 RC ENV_STR(all) J[536] -0.00 0.00 0.81-0.00 0.00-0.00 630 RC ENV_STR(all) I[410] 0.00 0.00-1.88 0.01-0.86 0.00 630 RC ENV_STR(all) J[524] 0.00 0.00-1.67 0.01 0.03 0.00 631 RC ENV_STR(all) I[411] 0.00 0.00-1.94 0.03-0.90 0.00 631 RC ENV_STR(all) J[525] 0.00 0.00-1.73 0.03 0.02 0.00 632 RC ENV_STR(all) I[412] 0.00 0.00-1.94 0.03-0.90 0.00 632 RC ENV_STR(all) J[526] 0.00 0.00-1.73 0.03 0.02 0.00 633 RC ENV_STR(all) I[413] 0.00 0.00-1.94 0.03-0.90 0.00

633 RC ENV_STR(all) J[527] 0.00 0.00-1.73 0.03 0.02 0.00 634 RC ENV_STR(all) I[414] 0.00 0.00-2.09 0.02-0.94 0.00 634 RC ENV_STR(all) J[528] 0.00 0.00-1.74 0.02 0.02 0.00 635 RC ENV_STR(all) I[537] 0.00 0.00-10.49-0.00-0.01 0.00 635 RC ENV_STR(all) J[410] -0.00 0.00 10.49 0.00 0.00-0.00 636 RC ENV_STR(all) I[415] 0.00 0.00-1.81 0.01-0.83 0.00 636 RC ENV_STR(all) J[529] 0.00 0.00-1.60 0.01 0.02 0.00 638 RC ENV_STR(all) I[531] 0.00 0.00 0.18-0.00-0.04 0.00 638 RC ENV_STR(all) J[491] 0.00 0.00 1.18-0.00-0.37 0.00 639 RC ENV_STR(all) I[533] 0.00 0.00 0.20-0.00-0.03 0.00 639 RC ENV_STR(all) J[461] 0.00 0.00 1.35-0.00-0.42 0.00 640 RC ENV_STR(all) I[534] 0.00 0.00 0.53-0.00-0.05 0.00 640 RC ENV_STR(all) J[431] 0.00 0.00 1.66-0.00-0.59 0.00 641 RC ENV_STR(all) I[530] 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.02 0.00 641 RC ENV_STR(all) J[495] 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.00-0.17 0.00 642 RC ENV_STR(all) I[532] 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.04 0.00 642 RC ENV_STR(all) J[486] 0.00 0.00 1.46 0.00-0.38 0.00 643 RC ENV_STR(all) I[394] -0.00 0.00-0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 643 RC ENV_STR(all) J[537] 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 644 RC ENV_STR(all) I[537] 0.00 0.00-0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 644 RC ENV_STR(all) J[523] 0.00-0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 207 SLU Envelope(all) I[232] 0.59 0.00-5.73-0.00-3.50 0.00 207 SLU Envelope(all) J[233] 0.59 0.00 6.35-0.00-4.78-0.00 208 SLU Envelope(all) I[233] 0.99-0.00-6.05 0.00-4.25-0.00 208 SLU Envelope(all) J[234] 0.99-0.00 5.69 0.00-3.53 0.00 210 SLU Envelope(all) I[251] 1.30-0.00-5.26-0.00-3.26-0.00 210 SLU Envelope(all) J[252] 1.30-0.00 4.64-0.00-2.20 0.00 211 SLU Envelope(all) I[255] 1.30-0.00-5.52-0.00-3.69-0.00 211 SLU Envelope(all) J[256] 1.30-0.00 4.38-0.00-1.76 0.00 212 SLU Envelope(all) I[259] 1.50-0.00-13.31 0.00-16.96-0.01 212 SLU Envelope(all) J[260] 1.50-0.00-3.34 0.00 11.44 0.00 216 SLU Envelope(all) I[268] 1.51 0.00-5.58-0.00-3.15 0.00 216 SLU Envelope(all) J[269] 1.51 0.00 6.49-0.00-5.03-0.00 217 SLU Envelope(all) I[269] 1.07-0.00-6.17 0.00-4.47-0.00 217 SLU Envelope(all) J[270] 1.07-0.00 5.57 0.00-3.29 0.00 233 SLU Envelope(all) I[303] 65.61 3.41-0.00-0.03 0.00 0.00 233 SLU Envelope(all) J[315] 65.67 3.41-0.00-0.03 0.00-0.51 234 SLU Envelope(all) I[304] 60.61 5.88-0.00-0.03 0.00 0.00 234 SLU Envelope(all) J[316] 60.67 5.88-0.00-0.03 0.00-0.88 235 SLU Envelope(all) I[305] 53.23 7.85-0.00-0.03 0.00 0.00 235 SLU Envelope(all) J[317] 53.29 7.85-0.00-0.03 0.00-1.18 236 SLU Envelope(all) I[306] 47.52 9.38-0.00-0.03 0.00 0.00 236 SLU Envelope(all) J[318] 47.59 9.38-0.00-0.03 0.00-1.41 237 SLU Envelope(all) I[307] 38.19 11.31-0.00-0.03 0.00 0.00 237 SLU Envelope(all) J[319] 38.25 11.31-0.00-0.03 0.00-1.70 238 SLU Envelope(all) I[308] 32.15 12.65-0.00-0.03 0.00 0.00 238 SLU Envelope(all) J[320] 32.21 12.65-0.00-0.03 0.00-1.90 239 SLU Envelope(all) I[309] -163.46-0.14 0.00-0.02 0.00 0.00 239 SLU Envelope(all) J[321] -162.97-0.14 0.00-0.02-0.00 0.17 240 SLU Envelope(all) I[310] -161.88-0.08 0.00-0.02 0.00 0.00 240 SLU Envelope(all) J[322] -161.39-0.08 0.00-0.02-0.00 0.10 241 SLU Envelope(all) I[311] -154.50 0.05 0.00-0.02 0.00 0.00 241 SLU Envelope(all) J[323] -154.01 0.05 0.00-0.02-0.00-0.06 242 SLU Envelope(all) I[312] -148.79 0.08 0.00-0.02 0.00 0.00 242 SLU Envelope(all) J[324] -148.30 0.08 0.00-0.02-0.00-0.10 243 SLU Envelope(all) I[313] -143.36 0.12 0.00-0.02 0.00 0.00 243 SLU Envelope(all) J[325] -142.87 0.12 0.00-0.02-0.00-0.14 244 SLU Envelope(all) I[314] -136.51 0.15 0.00-0.02 0.00 0.00

244 SLU Envelope(all) J[326] -136.02 0.15 0.00-0.02-0.00-0.18 245 SLU Envelope(all) I[315] -4.71-0.00-0.21 0.00-0.14-0.00 245 SLU Envelope(all) J[321] -4.57-0.00 0.07 0.00 0.06-0.00 246 SLU Envelope(all) I[316] -8.31-0.00-0.28 0.00-0.22-0.00 246 SLU Envelope(all) J[322] -8.17-0.00-0.13 0.00 0.11-0.00 247 SLU Envelope(all) I[317] -11.19-0.00-0.34 0.00-0.28-0.00 247 SLU Envelope(all) J[323] -11.06-0.00-0.18 0.00 0.14-0.00 248 SLU Envelope(all) I[318] -13.43-0.00-0.39 0.00-0.32-0.00 248 SLU Envelope(all) J[324] -13.29-0.00-0.23 0.00 0.17-0.00 249 SLU Envelope(all) I[319] -16.23-0.00-0.45 0.00-0.38-0.00 249 SLU Envelope(all) J[325] -16.09-0.00-0.29 0.00 0.21-0.00 250 SLU Envelope(all) I[320] -18.14-0.00-0.49 0.00-0.43-0.00 250 SLU Envelope(all) J[326] -18.00-0.00-0.33 0.00 0.23-0.00 251 SLU Envelope(all) I[315] 64.82 0.37-0.00-0.02-0.00-0.37 251 SLU Envelope(all) J[327] 65.67 0.37-0.00-0.02 0.01-0.65 252 SLU Envelope(all) I[316] 62.81-0.19-0.00-0.02-0.00-0.66 252 SLU Envelope(all) J[328] 63.66-0.19-0.00-0.02 0.01-0.52 253 SLU Envelope(all) I[317] 57.93-0.35-0.00-0.02-0.00-0.90 253 SLU Envelope(all) J[329] 58.78-0.35-0.00-0.02 0.01-0.40 254 SLU Envelope(all) I[318] 54.15-0.47-0.00-0.02-0.00-1.09 254 SLU Envelope(all) J[330] 55.01-0.47-0.00-0.02 0.01-0.30 255 SLU Envelope(all) I[319] 47.26-0.60-0.00-0.02-0.00-1.31 255 SLU Envelope(all) J[331] 48.12-0.60-0.00-0.02 0.01-0.22 256 SLU Envelope(all) I[320] 42.84-0.71-0.00-0.02-0.00-1.47 256 SLU Envelope(all) J[332] 43.70-0.71-0.00-0.02 0.01-0.13 257 SLU Envelope(all) I[268] -134.61 0.19-0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 257 SLU Envelope(all) J[333] -131.70 0.19-0.00-0.00 0.01-0.71 258 SLU Envelope(all) I[286] -63.48 0.19-0.01-0.00 0.00 0.00 258 SLU Envelope(all) J[338] -60.58 0.19-0.01-0.00 0.02-0.71 259 SLU Envelope(all) I[209] -33.21 0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 259 SLU Envelope(all) J[345] -30.15-0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 262 SLU Envelope(all) I[214] -141.87-0.08 0.00-0.00 0.00-0.30 262 SLU Envelope(all) J[346] -138.81-0.08 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 265 SLU Envelope(all) I[219] -33.07-0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 265 SLU Envelope(all) J[347] -30.01-0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 270 SLU Envelope(all) I[226] -76.90 0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 270 SLU Envelope(all) J[361] -73.84-0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 271 SLU Envelope(all) I[228] -96.09 0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 271 SLU Envelope(all) J[364] -93.02-0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 276 SLU Envelope(all) I[232] -119.82 0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 276 SLU Envelope(all) J[371] -116.75 0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 277 SLU Envelope(all) I[233] -287.40 0.01 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.05 277 SLU Envelope(all) J[372] -284.34 0.01 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 278 SLU Envelope(all) I[234] -67.75 0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 278 SLU Envelope(all) J[375] -64.68 0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 279 SLU Envelope(all) I[269] -190.32 0.06 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.22 279 SLU Envelope(all) J[418] -187.26 0.06 0.00-0.00 0.00-0.00 280 SLU Envelope(all) I[270] -119.99 0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 280 SLU Envelope(all) J[419] -116.93 0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 284 SLU Envelope(all) I[291] -98.83 0.11 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.45 284 SLU Envelope(all) J[496] -95.77 0.11 0.00-0.00 0.00-0.00 285 SLU Envelope(all) I[293] -10.54 0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 285 SLU Envelope(all) J[497] -7.48 0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 288 SLU Envelope(all) I[296] -47.62 0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 288 SLU Envelope(all) J[498] -44.56 0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00-0.00 289 SLU Envelope(all) I[321] -3.26-0.00-0.08 0.00 0.04-0.01 289 SLU Envelope(all) J[327] 3.32-0.00 0.09 0.00 0.03-0.00 290 SLU Envelope(all) I[322] 6.79-0.00-0.07 0.00 0.04-0.01

290 SLU Envelope(all) J[328] 6.93-0.00 0.09 0.00 0.03-0.00 291 SLU Envelope(all) I[323] 9.74-0.00-0.07 0.00 0.05-0.01 291 SLU Envelope(all) J[329] 9.87-0.00 0.09 0.00 0.03-0.00 292 SLU Envelope(all) I[324] 12.02-0.00-0.06 0.00 0.05-0.01 292 SLU Envelope(all) J[330] 12.16-0.00 0.10 0.00 0.02-0.00 293 SLU Envelope(all) I[325] 14.85-0.00-0.07 0.00 0.05-0.01 293 SLU Envelope(all) J[331] 14.98-0.00 0.09 0.00 0.03-0.00 294 SLU Envelope(all) I[326] 16.69-0.00-0.07 0.00 0.05-0.01 294 SLU Envelope(all) J[332] 16.83-0.00 0.09 0.00 0.03-0.00 295 SLU Envelope(all) I[321] -159.70 1.15 0.01-0.02 0.00 0.20 295 SLU Envelope(all) J[339] -158.84 1.15 0.01-0.02-0.01-2.22 296 SLU Envelope(all) I[322] -164.04 1.15 0.01-0.02 0.00 0.19 296 SLU Envelope(all) J[340] -163.19 1.15 0.01-0.02-0.01-2.22 297 SLU Envelope(all) I[323] -161.65 1.10 0.01-0.02 0.00 0.17 297 SLU Envelope(all) J[341] -160.80 1.10 0.01-0.02-0.01-2.14 298 SLU Envelope(all) I[324] -159.81 1.06 0.01-0.02 0.00 0.16 298 SLU Envelope(all) J[342] -158.95 1.06 0.01-0.02-0.01-2.07 299 SLU Envelope(all) I[325] -159.22 1.02 0.01-0.02 0.00 0.15 299 SLU Envelope(all) J[343] -158.37 1.02 0.01-0.02-0.01-1.99 300 SLU Envelope(all) I[326] -155.65 0.97 0.01-0.02 0.00 0.13 300 SLU Envelope(all) J[344] -154.79 0.97 0.01-0.02-0.01-1.90 301 SLU Envelope(all) I[327] 2.89-0.00 0.21 0.00 0.08-0.01 301 SLU Envelope(all) J[339] 3.03-0.00 0.37 0.00-0.38-0.00 302 SLU Envelope(all) I[328] -5.78-0.00 0.20 0.00 0.08-0.01 302 SLU Envelope(all) J[340] -5.64-0.00 0.36 0.00-0.37-0.00 303 SLU Envelope(all) I[329] -8.32-0.00 0.18 0.00 0.06-0.01 303 SLU Envelope(all) J[341] -8.18-0.00 0.33 0.00-0.34-0.00 304 SLU Envelope(all) I[330] -10.29-0.00 0.16 0.00 0.06-0.01 304 SLU Envelope(all) J[342] -10.15-0.00 0.32 0.00-0.32-0.00 305 SLU Envelope(all) I[331] -13.15-0.00 0.14 0.00 0.05-0.01 305 SLU Envelope(all) J[343] -13.01-0.00 0.30 0.00-0.30-0.00 306 SLU Envelope(all) I[332] -14.76-0.00 0.12 0.00 0.04-0.01 306 SLU Envelope(all) J[344] -14.62-0.00 0.28 0.00-0.28-0.00 307 SLU Envelope(all) I[327] 61.61 0.31-0.01-0.02 0.00-0.76 307 SLU Envelope(all) J[385] 62.09 0.31-0.01-0.02 0.01-0.85 308 SLU Envelope(all) I[328] 65.03 0.53-0.01-0.02 0.00-0.63 308 SLU Envelope(all) J[386] 65.51 0.53-0.01-0.02 0.01-1.03 309 SLU Envelope(all) I[329] 64.81 0.69-0.01-0.02 0.00-0.49 309 SLU Envelope(all) J[387] 65.29 0.69-0.01-0.02 0.01-1.12 310 SLU Envelope(all) I[330] 64.64 0.81-0.01-0.02 0.00-0.38 310 SLU Envelope(all) J[388] 65.11 0.81-0.01-0.02 0.01-1.19 311 SLU Envelope(all) I[331] 62.52 0.68-0.01-0.02 0.00-0.31 311 SLU Envelope(all) J[389] 63.00 0.68-0.01-0.02 0.01-0.99 312 SLU Envelope(all) I[332] 61.19 0.78-0.01-0.02 0.00-0.21 312 SLU Envelope(all) J[390] 61.67 0.78-0.01-0.02 0.01-1.02 313 SLU Envelope(all) I[333] -0.06-3.74-55.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 313 SLU Envelope(all) J[334] -0.06-2.34-55.05 0.00 61.03 3.34 314 SLU Envelope(all) I[334] -0.06-2.34-27.85 0.00 61.03 3.34 314 SLU Envelope(all) J[335] -0.06-0.69-26.84 0.00 96.31 5.30 315 SLU Envelope(all) I[335] -0.06-0.69 1.33 0.00 96.31 5.30 315 SLU Envelope(all) J[336] -0.06 0.94 2.34 0.00 93.96 5.15 316 SLU Envelope(all) I[336] -0.06 0.94 29.75 0.00 93.96 5.15 316 SLU Envelope(all) J[337] -0.06 2.34 30.61 0.00 60.76 3.34 317 SLU Envelope(all) I[337] -0.06 2.34 54.81 0.00 60.76 3.34 317 SLU Envelope(all) J[338] -0.06 3.74 55.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 318 SLU Envelope(all) I[333] -75.79-3.55 0.06-0.00 0.01-0.71 318 SLU Envelope(all) J[417] -75.47-3.70-0.03 0.01 0.00 0.00 323 SLU Envelope(all) I[338] -4.91-3.55-0.07-0.00 0.02-0.71

323 SLU Envelope(all) J[495] -4.61-3.85 0.10 0.01-0.02 0.00 324 SLU Envelope(all) I[339] -156.57 3.06 0.01-0.02-0.01-2.60 324 SLU Envelope(all) J[395] -156.52 3.06 0.01-0.02-0.01-2.63 325 SLU Envelope(all) I[340] -163.41 5.35 0.01-0.02-0.01-2.59 325 SLU Envelope(all) J[396] -163.36 5.35 0.01-0.02-0.01-2.95 326 SLU Envelope(all) I[341] -163.18 7.22 0.01-0.02-0.01-2.48 326 SLU Envelope(all) J[397] -163.13 7.22 0.01-0.02-0.01-3.12 327 SLU Envelope(all) I[342] -163.01 8.66 0.01-0.02-0.01-2.39 327 SLU Envelope(all) J[398] -162.96 8.66 0.01-0.02-0.01-3.24 328 SLU Envelope(all) I[343] -164.79 10.77 0.01-0.02-0.01-2.29 328 SLU Envelope(all) J[399] -164.75 10.77 0.01-0.02-0.01-3.45 329 SLU Envelope(all) I[344] -162.66 12.00 0.01-0.02-0.01-2.18 329 SLU Envelope(all) J[400] -162.61 12.00 0.01-0.02-0.01-3.51 330 SLU Envelope(all) I[345] -0.00 0.00-18.38-0.04 0.00 0.00 330 SLU Envelope(all) J[346] 0.00-0.00 18.38-0.04 0.00 0.00 331 SLU Envelope(all) I[346] -0.00 0.00-12.94 0.04 0.00-0.00 331 SLU Envelope(all) J[347] 0.00-0.00 12.94 0.04 0.00 0.00 333 SLU Envelope(all) I[347] 0.00 0.00-24.22 0.00 0.04 0.00 333 SLU Envelope(all) J[349] 0.00 0.00-23.50 0.00 21.99 0.00 334 SLU Envelope(all) I[350] 0.00 0.00 15.43 0.00 20.59 0.00 334 SLU Envelope(all) J[345] 0.00 0.00 16.43 0.00 0.04 0.00 335 SLU Envelope(all) I[348] -0.00 0.00-25.24 0.04 0.00-0.00 335 SLU Envelope(all) J[349] 0.00-0.00 25.24 0.04 0.00 0.00 337 SLU Envelope(all) I[350] 0.00-0.00-27.29-0.03 0.00 0.00 337 SLU Envelope(all) J[351] 0.00 0.00-11.09-0.03 30.52 0.00 338 SLU Envelope(all) I[351] 0.00 0.00-10.25-0.03 30.53 0.00 338 SLU Envelope(all) J[352] -0.00 0.00 34.32-0.03 0.00 0.00 339 SLU Envelope(all) I[349] 0.00 0.00 1.76 0.00 22.03 0.00 339 SLU Envelope(all) J[355] 0.00 0.00 2.48 0.00 20.09 0.00 340 SLU Envelope(all) I[353] 0.00 0.00 53.06 0.00 166.30 0.00 340 SLU Envelope(all) J[352] 0.00 0.00 53.49 0.00 137.01 0.00 341 SLU Envelope(all) I[353] 0.00 0.00-23.60 0.02 0.00-0.00 341 SLU Envelope(all) J[354] 0.00 0.00-13.87 0.02 24.55 0.00 342 SLU Envelope(all) I[354] 0.00 0.00-12.14 0.02 24.54 0.00 342 SLU Envelope(all) J[355] -0.00-0.00 30.32 0.02 0.00 0.00 343 SLU Envelope(all) I[356] 0.00 0.00-14.28 0.00 3.62 0.00 343 SLU Envelope(all) J[350] 0.00 0.00-11.87 0.00 20.62 0.00 344 SLU Envelope(all) I[351] -0.00-0.00-0.90 0.01 0.00 0.00 344 SLU Envelope(all) J[357] 0.00-0.00 0.90 0.01 0.00 0.00 345 SLU Envelope(all) I[358] 0.00 0.00 28.24 0.00 187.95 0.00 345 SLU Envelope(all) J[353] 0.00 0.00 29.45 0.00 166.28 0.00 346 SLU Envelope(all) I[354] -0.00 0.00-1.73-0.01 0.00-0.00 346 SLU Envelope(all) J[360] 0.00 0.00-0.79-0.01 1.13 0.00 347 SLU Envelope(all) I[364] 0.00 0.00-33.87 0.00-26.21 0.00 347 SLU Envelope(all) J[355] 0.00 0.00-32.78 0.00 20.11 0.00 348 SLU Envelope(all) I[357] 0.00 0.00 9.06-0.01 21.80 0.00 348 SLU Envelope(all) J[356] 0.00-0.00 18.37-0.01 0.00-0.00 349 SLU Envelope(all) I[358] 0.00 0.00-25.38-0.01 0.00 0.00 349 SLU Envelope(all) J[357] 0.00 0.00 8.24-0.01 21.79 0.00 350 SLU Envelope(all) I[359] 0.00 0.00 2.93 0.00 188.35 0.00 350 SLU Envelope(all) J[358] 0.00 0.00 3.07 0.00 187.94 0.00 351 SLU Envelope(all) I[359] 0.00 0.00-2.99-0.01 0.00 0.00 351 SLU Envelope(all) J[360] 0.00-0.00 2.99-0.01 0.00-0.00 352 SLU Envelope(all) I[361] 0.00 0.00-33.14 0.00-17.42 0.00 352 SLU Envelope(all) J[356] 0.00 0.00-32.64 0.00 3.63 0.00 353 SLU Envelope(all) I[362] 0.00 0.00-0.67 0.00 188.13 0.00 353 SLU Envelope(all) J[359] 0.00 0.00-0.29 0.00 188.36 0.00 354 SLU Envelope(all) I[360] 0.00 0.00 2.21-0.01 1.12 0.00

354 SLU Envelope(all) J[363] 0.00 0.00 2.36-0.01 0.00-0.00 355 SLU Envelope(all) I[361] -0.00 0.00-24.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 355 SLU Envelope(all) J[362] 0.00-0.00 24.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 356 SLU Envelope(all) I[362] 0.00 0.00-28.55-0.00 0.00-0.00 356 SLU Envelope(all) J[363] 0.00 0.00-14.50-0.00 28.19 0.00 357 SLU Envelope(all) I[363] 0.00 0.00-12.14-0.00 28.20 0.00 357 SLU Envelope(all) J[364] -0.00-0.00 33.03-0.00 0.00 0.00 358 SLU Envelope(all) I[365] 0.00 0.00 21.04 0.00 5.73 0.00 358 SLU Envelope(all) J[361] 0.00 0.00 21.88 0.00-17.42 0.00 359 SLU Envelope(all) I[366] 0.00 0.00-54.20 0.00 130.59 0.00 359 SLU Envelope(all) J[362] 0.00 0.00-53.37 0.00 188.14 0.00 360 SLU Envelope(all) I[367] 0.00 0.00 32.28 0.00 8.78 0.00 360 SLU Envelope(all) J[364] 0.00 0.00 33.12 0.00-26.21 0.00 361 SLU Envelope(all) I[365] -0.00 0.00-30.06 0.02 0.00 0.00 361 SLU Envelope(all) J[366] 0.00-0.00 30.06 0.02 0.00 0.00 362 SLU Envelope(all) I[366] -0.00 0.00-29.26-0.02 0.00-0.00 362 SLU Envelope(all) J[367] 0.00-0.00 29.26-0.02 0.00 0.00 363 SLU Envelope(all) I[368] 0.00 0.00-9.85 0.00-4.58 0.00 363 SLU Envelope(all) J[365] 0.00 0.00-9.02 0.00 5.71 0.00 364 SLU Envelope(all) I[369] 0.00 0.00-114.36 0.00 8.89 0.00 364 SLU Envelope(all) J[366] 0.00 0.00-113.52 0.00 130.63 0.00 365 SLU Envelope(all) I[370] 0.00 0.00 2.19 0.00 11.54 0.00 365 SLU Envelope(all) J[367] 0.00 0.00 3.02 0.00 8.75 0.00 366 SLU Envelope(all) I[368] -0.00 0.00-25.53 0.03 0.00 0.00 366 SLU Envelope(all) J[369] 0.00-0.00 25.53 0.03 0.00 0.00 367 SLU Envelope(all) I[369] -0.00 0.00-24.84-0.03 0.00-0.00 367 SLU Envelope(all) J[370] 0.00-0.00 24.84-0.03 0.00 0.00 368 SLU Envelope(all) I[371] 0.00 0.00-36.22 0.00-43.27 0.00 368 SLU Envelope(all) J[368] 0.00 0.00-35.38 0.00-4.61 0.00 369 SLU Envelope(all) I[372] 0.00 0.00-165.57 0.00-169.58 0.00 369 SLU Envelope(all) J[369] 0.00 0.00-164.73 0.00 8.95 0.00 370 SLU Envelope(all) I[375] 0.00 0.00-23.50 0.00-13.42 0.00 370 SLU Envelope(all) J[370] 0.00 0.00-22.66 0.00 11.51 0.00 371 SLU Envelope(all) I[371] 0.00 0.00-28.71 0.02 0.00 0.00 371 SLU Envelope(all) J[372] 0.00-0.00 28.71 0.02 0.00 0.00 372 SLU Envelope(all) I[372] -0.00 0.00-20.84-0.02 0.00-0.00 372 SLU Envelope(all) J[373] 0.00 0.00-9.83-0.02 22.54 0.00 373 SLU Envelope(all) I[373] 0.00 0.00-4.47-0.02 22.55 0.00 373 SLU Envelope(all) J[374] 0.00 0.00 4.27-0.02 22.64 0.00 374 SLU Envelope(all) I[374] 0.00 0.00 6.79-0.02 22.64 0.00 374 SLU Envelope(all) J[375] 0.00 0.00 26.03-0.02 0.00-0.00 375 SLU Envelope(all) I[376] -0.00-0.00-3.06-0.00 0.00 0.00 375 SLU Envelope(all) J[377] 0.00 0.00 3.06-0.00 0.00-0.00 376 SLU Envelope(all) I[378] -0.00-0.00-3.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 376 SLU Envelope(all) J[379] 0.00 0.00 3.06 0.00 0.00-0.00 377 SLU Envelope(all) I[380] 0.00-0.00-4.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 377 SLU Envelope(all) J[381] 0.00 0.00 4.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 379 SLU Envelope(all) I[373] -0.00 0.00-5.40 0.01 0.00 0.00 379 SLU Envelope(all) J[383] 0.00 0.00-5.25 0.01 2.61 0.00 380 SLU Envelope(all) I[374] -0.00 0.00-2.52 0.01 0.00 0.00 380 SLU Envelope(all) J[384] 0.00 0.00-2.37 0.01 1.20 0.00 381 SLU Envelope(all) I[376] 0.00 0.00 3.06 0.00-0.03 0.00 381 SLU Envelope(all) J[385] 0.00 0.00 3.21 0.00-1.54 0.00 382 SLU Envelope(all) I[377] 0.00 0.00 3.06 0.00-0.03 0.00 382 SLU Envelope(all) J[386] 0.00 0.00 3.21 0.00-1.54 0.00 383 SLU Envelope(all) I[378] 0.00 0.00 3.06 0.00-0.03 0.00 383 SLU Envelope(all) J[387] 0.00 0.00 3.21 0.00-1.54 0.00 384 SLU Envelope(all) I[379] 0.00 0.00 3.06 0.00-0.03 0.00

384 SLU Envelope(all) J[388] 0.00 0.00 3.21 0.00-1.54 0.00 385 SLU Envelope(all) I[380] 0.00 0.00 4.48 0.00-0.05 0.00 385 SLU Envelope(all) J[389] 0.00 0.00 4.63 0.00-2.23 0.00 386 SLU Envelope(all) I[381] 0.00 0.00 4.48 0.00-0.05 0.00 386 SLU Envelope(all) J[390] 0.00 0.00 4.63 0.00-2.23 0.00 387 SLU Envelope(all) I[382] -0.00-0.00-2.71-0.03 0.00-0.00 387 SLU Envelope(all) J[383] -0.00 0.00 2.71-0.03 0.00 0.00 388 SLU Envelope(all) I[383] 0.00-0.00-2.04-0.01 0.00 0.00 388 SLU Envelope(all) J[384] -0.00 0.00 2.04-0.01 0.00-0.00 389 SLU Envelope(all) I[386] 0.00-0.00-10.19-0.00 0.00 0.00 389 SLU Envelope(all) J[385] 0.00 0.00 10.19-0.00 0.00 0.00 390 SLU Envelope(all) I[388] 0.00-0.00-10.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 390 SLU Envelope(all) J[387] 0.00 0.00 10.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 391 SLU Envelope(all) I[390] 0.00-0.00-11.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 391 SLU Envelope(all) J[389] 0.00 0.00 11.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 392 SLU Envelope(all) I[371] 0.00 0.00-47.50 0.00-43.30 0.00 392 SLU Envelope(all) J[401] 0.00 0.00-46.02 0.00 45.55 0.00 393 SLU Envelope(all) I[405] 0.00 0.00 12.63 0.00 11.96 0.00 393 SLU Envelope(all) J[375] 0.00 0.00 14.11 0.00-13.44 0.00 395 SLU Envelope(all) I[383] 0.00 0.00-0.50 0.01 2.59 0.00 395 SLU Envelope(all) J[392] 0.00 0.00 1.84 0.01 1.85 0.00 396 SLU Envelope(all) I[384] 0.00 0.00-0.33 0.01 1.19 0.00 396 SLU Envelope(all) J[393] 0.00 0.00 1.01 0.01 0.82 0.00 397 SLU Envelope(all) I[385] 0.00 0.00-0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 397 SLU Envelope(all) J[395] -0.00 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 398 SLU Envelope(all) I[386] 0.00 0.00-0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 398 SLU Envelope(all) J[396] -0.00 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 399 SLU Envelope(all) I[387] 0.00 0.00-0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 399 SLU Envelope(all) J[397] -0.00 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 400 SLU Envelope(all) I[388] 0.00 0.00-0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 400 SLU Envelope(all) J[398] -0.00 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 401 SLU Envelope(all) I[389] 0.00 0.00-0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 401 SLU Envelope(all) J[399] -0.00 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 402 SLU Envelope(all) I[390] 0.00 0.00-0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 402 SLU Envelope(all) J[400] -0.00 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 403 SLU Envelope(all) I[391] -0.00-0.00-2.59 0.01 0.00-0.00 403 SLU Envelope(all) J[392] -0.00 0.00 2.59 0.01 0.00 0.00 404 SLU Envelope(all) I[392] -0.00-0.00-1.56-0.01 0.00 0.00 404 SLU Envelope(all) J[393] -0.00 0.00 1.56-0.01 0.00-0.00 406 SLU Envelope(all) I[392] 0.00 0.00 5.99 0.01 1.87 0.00 406 SLU Envelope(all) J[403] -0.00 0.00 6.08 0.01 0.00-0.00 407 SLU Envelope(all) I[393] 0.00 0.00 2.57 0.01 0.81 0.00 407 SLU Envelope(all) J[404] -0.00 0.00 2.66 0.01 0.00-0.00 408 SLU Envelope(all) I[395] 0.00 0.00-17.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 408 SLU Envelope(all) J[394] 0.00 0.00 17.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 409 SLU Envelope(all) I[396] 0.00-0.00-21.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 409 SLU Envelope(all) J[395] 0.00 0.00 21.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 410 SLU Envelope(all) I[397] 0.00 0.00-18.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 410 SLU Envelope(all) J[396] 0.00-0.00 18.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 411 SLU Envelope(all) I[398] 0.00-0.00-21.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 411 SLU Envelope(all) J[397] 0.00 0.00 21.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 412 SLU Envelope(all) I[399] 0.00 0.00-18.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 412 SLU Envelope(all) J[398] 0.00-0.00 18.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 413 SLU Envelope(all) I[400] 0.00-0.00-21.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 413 SLU Envelope(all) J[399] 0.00 0.00 21.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 414 SLU Envelope(all) I[400] -0.00-0.00-18.87-0.00 0.00 0.00 414 SLU Envelope(all) J[401] 0.00 0.00 18.87-0.00 0.00 0.00 415 SLU Envelope(all) I[401] 0.00 0.00-30.60 0.00 0.00 0.00

415 SLU Envelope(all) J[402] -0.00-0.00 30.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 416 SLU Envelope(all) I[402] -0.00 0.00-22.49 0.00 0.00-0.00 416 SLU Envelope(all) J[403] 0.00 0.00-10.38 0.00 24.16 0.00 417 SLU Envelope(all) I[403] 0.00 0.00-4.37 0.00 24.15 0.00 417 SLU Envelope(all) J[404] 0.00 0.00 4.50 0.00 24.03 0.00 418 SLU Envelope(all) I[404] 0.00 0.00 7.16 0.00 24.03 0.00 418 SLU Envelope(all) J[405] -0.00 0.00 27.66 0.00 0.00-0.00 419 SLU Envelope(all) I[401] 0.00 0.00 3.51 0.00 45.54 0.00 419 SLU Envelope(all) J[406] 0.00 0.00 4.45 0.00 40.48 0.00 421 SLU Envelope(all) I[408] 0.00 0.00-16.03 0.00-7.92 0.00 421 SLU Envelope(all) J[405] 0.00 0.00-15.03 0.00 11.96 0.00 423 SLU Envelope(all) I[395] -0.00-0.00 0.26-0.00 0.00-0.00 423 SLU Envelope(all) J[410] 0.00 0.00 1.39-0.00-1.78 0.00 424 SLU Envelope(all) I[396] -0.00-0.00 0.30-0.00 0.00-0.00 424 SLU Envelope(all) J[411] 0.00 0.00 1.44-0.00-1.89 0.00 425 SLU Envelope(all) I[397] -0.00-0.00 0.30-0.00 0.00-0.00 425 SLU Envelope(all) J[412] 0.00 0.00 1.44-0.00-1.89 0.00 426 SLU Envelope(all) I[398] -0.00-0.00 0.30-0.00 0.00-0.00 426 SLU Envelope(all) J[413] 0.00 0.00 1.44-0.00-1.89 0.00 427 SLU Envelope(all) I[399] -0.00 0.00-0.33-0.00 0.00-0.00 427 SLU Envelope(all) J[414] 0.00 0.00 1.90-0.00-1.93 0.00 428 SLU Envelope(all) I[400] -0.00-0.00 0.24-0.00 0.00-0.00 428 SLU Envelope(all) J[415] 0.00 0.00 1.37-0.00-1.73 0.00 429 SLU Envelope(all) I[406] 0.00 0.00-24.66-0.01 0.00 0.00 429 SLU Envelope(all) J[407] -0.00-0.00 24.66-0.01 0.00 0.00 430 SLU Envelope(all) I[407] 0.00 0.00-24.01 0.01 0.00-0.00 430 SLU Envelope(all) J[408] -0.00-0.00 24.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 431 SLU Envelope(all) I[406] 0.00 0.00 29.12 0.00 40.49 0.00 431 SLU Envelope(all) J[416] 0.00 0.00 30.01 0.00 6.79 0.00 433 SLU Envelope(all) I[419] 0.00 0.00-41.03 0.00-59.39 0.00 433 SLU Envelope(all) J[408] 0.00 0.00-40.04 0.00-7.91 0.00 435 SLU Envelope(all) I[411] 0.00 1.67-15.86-0.00 0.00 0.73 435 SLU Envelope(all) J[410] 0.00-1.67 15.86-0.00 0.00 0.73 436 SLU Envelope(all) I[412] 0.00 2.15-20.46 0.00 0.00 1.21 436 SLU Envelope(all) J[411] 0.00-2.15 20.46 0.00 0.00 1.21 437 SLU Envelope(all) I[413] 0.00 1.67-15.86 0.00 0.00 0.73 437 SLU Envelope(all) J[412] 0.00-1.67 15.86 0.00 0.00 0.73 438 SLU Envelope(all) I[414] 0.00 2.15-20.46 0.00 0.00 1.21 438 SLU Envelope(all) J[413] 0.00-2.15 20.46 0.00 0.00 1.21 439 SLU Envelope(all) I[415] 0.00 1.67-15.86-0.00 0.00 0.73 439 SLU Envelope(all) J[414] 0.00-1.67 15.86-0.00 0.00 0.73 440 SLU Envelope(all) I[415] 0.00-1.86-20.85 0.01 0.00-0.90 440 SLU Envelope(all) J[535] 0.00 1.86 14.37 0.01 9.42-0.90 441 SLU Envelope(all) I[416] 0.00 0.00 52.40 0.00 6.80 0.00 441 SLU Envelope(all) J[417] 0.00 0.00 52.51 0.00-0.02 0.00 442 SLU Envelope(all) I[417] 0.00 0.00-22.97-0.02 0.00 0.00 442 SLU Envelope(all) J[418] -0.00-0.00 22.97-0.02 0.00 0.00 443 SLU Envelope(all) I[418] 0.00 0.00-16.03 0.01 0.00-0.00 443 SLU Envelope(all) J[419] -0.00-0.00 16.03 0.01 0.00 0.00 446 SLU Envelope(all) I[421] 0.00 0.00 105.62 0.00-44.65 0.00 446 SLU Envelope(all) J[418] 0.00 0.00 105.94 0.00-88.02 0.00 447 SLU Envelope(all) I[424] 0.00 0.00 59.54 0.00-34.90 0.00 447 SLU Envelope(all) J[419] 0.00 0.00 59.86 0.00-59.38 0.00 450 SLU Envelope(all) I[421] -0.00 0.00-8.50 0.01 0.00-0.00 450 SLU Envelope(all) J[422] 0.00 0.00-3.61 0.01 8.90 0.00 451 SLU Envelope(all) I[422] 0.00 0.00-2.41 0.01 8.89 0.00 451 SLU Envelope(all) J[423] 0.00 0.00 1.23 0.01 9.58 0.00 452 SLU Envelope(all) I[423] 0.00 0.00 1.92 0.01 9.56 0.00

452 SLU Envelope(all) J[424] -0.00 0.00 11.94 0.01 0.00-0.00 458 SLU Envelope(all) I[432] 0.00 0.00 95.86 0.00 21.99 0.00 458 SLU Envelope(all) J[421] 0.00 0.00 97.12 0.00-44.66 0.00 459 SLU Envelope(all) I[422] -0.00 0.00-1.19-0.01 0.00-0.00 459 SLU Envelope(all) J[447] 0.00-0.00 1.19-0.01 0.00 0.00 460 SLU Envelope(all) I[423] -0.00 0.00-0.68-0.02 0.00-0.00 460 SLU Envelope(all) J[448] 0.00-0.00 0.68-0.02 0.00 0.00 461 SLU Envelope(all) I[449] 0.00 0.00 46.74 0.00 17.47 0.00 461 SLU Envelope(all) J[424] 0.00 0.00 47.60 0.00-34.89 0.00 467 SLU Envelope(all) I[431] 0.00 0.00-23.46 0.00-1.25 0.00 467 SLU Envelope(all) J[432] -0.00 0.00 22.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 476 SLU Envelope(all) I[446] 0.00 0.00 72.39 0.00 52.50 0.00 476 SLU Envelope(all) J[432] 0.00 0.00 73.01 0.00 21.99 0.00 483 SLU Envelope(all) I[446] -0.00 0.00-12.70 0.01 0.00-0.00 483 SLU Envelope(all) J[447] 0.00 0.00-4.72 0.01 12.81 0.00 484 SLU Envelope(all) I[447] 0.00 0.00-3.53 0.01 12.81 0.00 484 SLU Envelope(all) J[448] 0.00 0.00 2.56 0.01 13.38 0.00 485 SLU Envelope(all) I[448] 0.00 0.00 3.24 0.01 13.39 0.00 485 SLU Envelope(all) J[449] -0.00 0.00 16.17 0.01 0.00-0.00 495 SLU Envelope(all) I[462] 0.00 0.00 59.00 0.00 104.12 0.00 495 SLU Envelope(all) J[446] 0.00 0.00 59.68 0.00 52.49 0.00 496 SLU Envelope(all) I[463] 0.00 0.00 29.89 0.00 43.78 0.00 496 SLU Envelope(all) J[449] 0.00 0.00 30.57 0.00 17.48 0.00 503 SLU Envelope(all) I[461] 0.00 0.00-25.07 0.00-0.88 0.00 503 SLU Envelope(all) J[462] -0.00 0.00 24.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 504 SLU Envelope(all) I[462] 0.00 0.00-20.34 0.00 0.00-0.00 504 SLU Envelope(all) J[463] -0.00-0.00 20.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 514 SLU Envelope(all) I[487] 0.00 0.00 13.02 0.00 121.43 0.00 514 SLU Envelope(all) J[462] 0.00 0.00 14.02 0.00 104.12 0.00 515 SLU Envelope(all) I[488] 0.00 0.00 8.55 0.00 55.37 0.00 515 SLU Envelope(all) J[463] 0.00 0.00 9.55 0.00 43.78 0.00 535 SLU Envelope(all) I[486] 0.00 0.00-24.33 0.00-0.78 0.00 535 SLU Envelope(all) J[487] -0.00-0.00 23.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 536 SLU Envelope(all) I[487] 0.00 0.00-22.45-0.00 0.00-0.00 536 SLU Envelope(all) J[488] -0.00-0.00 22.45-0.00 0.00 0.00 539 SLU Envelope(all) I[492] 0.00 0.00-34.23 0.00 84.25 0.00 539 SLU Envelope(all) J[487] 0.00 0.00-33.37 0.00 121.43 0.00 540 SLU Envelope(all) I[493] 0.00 0.00-14.76 0.00 39.61 0.00 540 SLU Envelope(all) J[488] 0.00 0.00-13.90 0.00 55.36 0.00 543 SLU Envelope(all) I[491] 0.00 0.00-21.56 0.00-0.78 0.00 543 SLU Envelope(all) J[492] -0.00 0.00 21.18-0.00 0.00 0.00 544 SLU Envelope(all) I[492] 0.00 0.00-20.80-0.01 0.00-0.00 544 SLU Envelope(all) J[493] -0.00-0.00 20.80-0.01 0.00 0.00 546 SLU Envelope(all) I[496] 0.00 0.00-77.06 0.00-0.04 0.00 546 SLU Envelope(all) J[492] 0.00 0.00-76.20 0.00 84.26 0.00 547 SLU Envelope(all) I[498] 0.00 0.00-36.41 0.00 0.01 0.00 547 SLU Envelope(all) J[493] 0.00 0.00-35.55 0.00 39.59 0.00 549 SLU Envelope(all) I[495] 0.00-2.63-11.09 0.02-0.35-1.80 549 SLU Envelope(all) J[496] -0.00 2.63 10.92 0.02 0.00-1.80 550 SLU Envelope(all) I[496] 0.00-1.18-3.36-0.01 0.00-0.36 550 SLU Envelope(all) J[497] 0.00 1.18 6.53-0.01-2.93-0.36 551 SLU Envelope(all) I[497] 0.00-1.38-7.13-0.01-2.93-0.50 551 SLU Envelope(all) J[498] -0.00 1.38 4.41-0.01 0.00-0.50 552 SLU Envelope(all) I[395] -117.77-53.79-0.01-0.00-0.01-2.63 552 SLU Envelope(all) J[499] -117.74-53.79-0.01-0.00-0.01 0.73 553 SLU Envelope(all) I[396] -123.10-56.28-0.01-0.00-0.01-2.96 553 SLU Envelope(all) J[500] -123.08-56.28-0.01-0.00-0.01 0.55 554 SLU Envelope(all) I[397] -122.88-56.17-0.01-0.00-0.01-3.12

554 SLU Envelope(all) J[501] -122.85-56.17-0.01-0.00-0.01 0.37 555 SLU Envelope(all) I[398] -122.70-56.08-0.01-0.00-0.01-3.24 555 SLU Envelope(all) J[502] -122.68-56.08-0.01-0.00-0.01 0.23 556 SLU Envelope(all) I[399] -124.06-56.34-0.01-0.00-0.01-3.45 556 SLU Envelope(all) J[503] -124.04-56.34-0.01-0.00-0.01-0.21 557 SLU Envelope(all) I[400] -122.13-55.43-0.01-0.00-0.01-3.51 557 SLU Envelope(all) J[504] -122.10-55.43-0.01-0.00-0.01-0.31 558 SLU Envelope(all) I[385] 75.68-3.21 0.01-0.00 0.01-2.38 558 SLU Envelope(all) J[505] 76.04-3.21 0.01-0.00 0.00 0.45 559 SLU Envelope(all) I[386] 79.10-3.44 0.01-0.00 0.01-2.56 559 SLU Envelope(all) J[506] 79.46-3.44 0.01-0.00 0.00 0.47 560 SLU Envelope(all) I[387] 78.88-3.54 0.01-0.00 0.01-2.64 560 SLU Envelope(all) J[507] 79.24-3.54 0.01-0.00 0.00 0.47 561 SLU Envelope(all) I[388] 78.71-3.62 0.01-0.00 0.01-2.71 561 SLU Envelope(all) J[508] 79.06-3.62 0.01-0.00 0.00 0.48 562 SLU Envelope(all) I[389] 79.42-4.27 0.01-0.00 0.01-3.20 562 SLU Envelope(all) J[509] 79.78-4.27 0.01-0.00 0.00 0.56 563 SLU Envelope(all) I[390] 78.09-4.31 0.01-0.00 0.01-3.24 563 SLU Envelope(all) J[510] 78.45-4.31 0.01-0.00 0.00 0.55 564 SLU Envelope(all) I[499] -65.40-0.00-0.78 0.00-0.54-0.00 564 SLU Envelope(all) J[505] -65.29-0.00-0.62 0.00 0.48 0.00 565 SLU Envelope(all) I[500] -68.24-0.00-0.78 0.00-0.53-0.00 565 SLU Envelope(all) J[506] -68.14-0.00-0.62 0.00 0.48 0.00 566 SLU Envelope(all) I[501] -67.96-0.00-0.75 0.00-0.51-0.00 566 SLU Envelope(all) J[507] -67.85-0.00-0.59 0.00 0.47 0.00 567 SLU Envelope(all) I[502] -67.74-0.00-0.73 0.00-0.48-0.00 567 SLU Envelope(all) J[508] -67.63-0.00-0.57 0.00 0.46 0.00 568 SLU Envelope(all) I[503] -67.90-0.00-0.71 0.00-0.46-0.00 568 SLU Envelope(all) J[509] -67.79-0.00-0.56 0.00 0.46 0.00 569 SLU Envelope(all) I[504] -66.70-0.00-0.68 0.00-0.43-0.00 569 SLU Envelope(all) J[510] -66.59-0.00-0.53 0.00 0.44 0.00 570 SLU Envelope(all) I[410] 69.48 0.00-0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 570 SLU Envelope(all) J[517] 69.67 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.00-0.00 571 SLU Envelope(all) I[411] 72.80 0.00-0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 571 SLU Envelope(all) J[518] 72.99 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.00-0.00 572 SLU Envelope(all) I[412] 72.80 0.00-0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 572 SLU Envelope(all) J[519] 72.99 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.00-0.00 573 SLU Envelope(all) I[413] 72.80 0.00-0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 573 SLU Envelope(all) J[520] 72.99 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.00-0.00 574 SLU Envelope(all) I[414] 73.93 0.00-0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 574 SLU Envelope(all) J[521] 74.12 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.00-0.00 575 SLU Envelope(all) I[415] 72.87 0.00-0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 575 SLU Envelope(all) J[522] 73.06 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.00-0.00 576 SLU Envelope(all) I[499] -80.20-0.38-0.01-0.00-0.01 0.19 576 SLU Envelope(all) J[517] -79.53-0.38-0.01-0.00 0.00 0.59 577 SLU Envelope(all) I[500] -83.93-0.49-0.01-0.00-0.01-0.22 577 SLU Envelope(all) J[518] -83.26-0.49-0.01-0.00 0.00 0.64 578 SLU Envelope(all) I[501] -83.89-0.57-0.01-0.00-0.01-0.34 578 SLU Envelope(all) J[519] -83.22-0.57-0.01-0.00 0.00 0.66 579 SLU Envelope(all) I[502] -83.86-0.64-0.01-0.00-0.01-0.43 579 SLU Envelope(all) J[520] -83.19-0.64-0.01-0.00 0.00 0.68 580 SLU Envelope(all) I[503] -85.14-0.76-0.01-0.00-0.01-0.58 580 SLU Envelope(all) J[521] -84.47-0.76-0.01-0.00 0.00 0.71 581 SLU Envelope(all) I[504] -83.91-0.82-0.01-0.00-0.01-0.65 581 SLU Envelope(all) J[522] -83.24-0.82-0.01-0.00 0.00 0.71 582 SLU Envelope(all) I[505] 0.29-0.87 0.00-0.00 0.00-0.26 582 SLU Envelope(all) J[511] 0.63-0.87 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.45 583 SLU Envelope(all) I[506] 0.34-0.91 0.00-0.00 0.00-0.27

583 SLU Envelope(all) J[512] 0.67-0.91 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.48 584 SLU Envelope(all) I[507] 0.35-0.90 0.00-0.00 0.00-0.26 584 SLU Envelope(all) J[513] 0.69-0.90 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.48 585 SLU Envelope(all) I[508] 0.36-0.89 0.00-0.00 0.00-0.25 585 SLU Envelope(all) J[514] 0.69-0.89 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.48 586 SLU Envelope(all) I[509] 0.38-0.83 0.00-0.00 0.00-0.18 586 SLU Envelope(all) J[515] 0.72-0.83 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.49 587 SLU Envelope(all) I[510] 0.38-0.80 0.00-0.00 0.00-0.17 587 SLU Envelope(all) J[516] 0.71-0.80 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.49 588 SLU Envelope(all) I[505] 67.76-0.00 0.22 0.00 0.24-0.00 588 SLU Envelope(all) J[517] 67.87-0.00 0.37 0.00-0.19 0.00 589 SLU Envelope(all) I[506] 70.86-0.00 0.24 0.00 0.25-0.00 589 SLU Envelope(all) J[518] 70.97-0.00 0.40 0.00-0.21 0.00 590 SLU Envelope(all) I[507] 70.75-0.00 0.25 0.00 0.26-0.00 590 SLU Envelope(all) J[519] 70.86-0.00 0.41 0.00-0.22 0.00 591 SLU Envelope(all) I[508] 70.66-0.00 0.26 0.00 0.26-0.00 591 SLU Envelope(all) J[520] 70.77-0.00 0.42 0.00-0.23 0.00 592 SLU Envelope(all) I[509] 71.72-0.00 0.28 0.00 0.28-0.00 592 SLU Envelope(all) J[521] 71.83-0.00 0.44 0.00-0.24 0.00 593 SLU Envelope(all) I[510] 70.61-0.00 0.28 0.00 0.28-0.00 593 SLU Envelope(all) J[522] 70.72-0.00 0.44 0.00-0.25 0.00 594 SLU Envelope(all) I[511] 0.87-0.00 0.63 0.00 0.45-0.00 594 SLU Envelope(all) J[517] 0.87-0.00 0.79 0.00-0.40 0.00 595 SLU Envelope(all) I[512] 0.91-0.00 0.67 0.00 0.48-0.00 595 SLU Envelope(all) J[518] 0.91-0.00 0.83 0.00-0.43 0.00 596 SLU Envelope(all) I[513] 0.90-0.00 0.69 0.00 0.48-0.00 596 SLU Envelope(all) J[519] 0.90-0.00 0.84 0.00-0.44 0.00 597 SLU Envelope(all) I[514] 0.89-0.00 0.69 0.00 0.48-0.00 597 SLU Envelope(all) J[520] 0.89-0.00 0.85 0.00-0.45 0.00 598 SLU Envelope(all) I[515] 0.83-0.00 0.72 0.00 0.49-0.00 598 SLU Envelope(all) J[521] 0.83-0.00 0.87 0.00-0.46 0.00 599 SLU Envelope(all) I[516] 0.80-0.00 0.71 0.00 0.49-0.00 599 SLU Envelope(all) J[522] 0.80-0.00 0.87 0.00-0.46 0.00 603 SLU Envelope(all) I[495] 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 603 SLU Envelope(all) J[491] -0.00-0.00-0.05 0.00 0.00-0.00 604 SLU Envelope(all) I[491] 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 604 SLU Envelope(all) J[486] -0.00-0.00-0.06 0.00 0.00-0.00 605 SLU Envelope(all) I[486] 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 605 SLU Envelope(all) J[461] -0.00-0.00-0.04 0.00 0.00-0.00 606 SLU Envelope(all) I[461] -0.00 0.00-0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 606 SLU Envelope(all) J[431] 0.00-0.00-0.04 0.00 0.00-0.00 607 SLU Envelope(all) I[431] 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 607 SLU Envelope(all) J[417] -0.00-0.00-0.03 0.00 0.00-0.00 609 SLU Envelope(all) I[352] 0.00 0.00 87.81 0.00 137.04 0.00 609 SLU Envelope(all) J[348] 0.00 0.00 88.10 0.00 104.49 0.00 610 SLU Envelope(all) I[348] 0.00 0.00 113.34 0.00 104.53 0.00 610 SLU Envelope(all) J[346] 0.00 0.00 114.06 0.00-0.08 0.00 611 SLU Envelope(all) I[418] 0.00 0.00-42.32 0.00-87.99 0.00 611 SLU Envelope(all) J[407] 0.00 0.00-41.32 0.00-34.88 0.00 612 SLU Envelope(all) I[407] 0.00 0.00 8.10 0.00-34.86 0.00 612 SLU Envelope(all) J[402] 0.00 0.00 8.94 0.00-44.91 0.00 613 SLU Envelope(all) I[402] 0.00 0.00 61.43 0.00-44.91 0.00 613 SLU Envelope(all) J[391] 0.00 0.00 61.67 0.00-63.99 0.00 614 SLU Envelope(all) I[391] 0.00 0.00 64.26 0.00-63.98 0.00 614 SLU Envelope(all) J[382] 0.00 0.00 66.12 0.00-135.69 0.00 615 SLU Envelope(all) I[382] 0.00 0.00 68.83 0.00-135.71 0.00 615 SLU Envelope(all) J[372] 0.00 0.00 69.21 0.00-169.53 0.00 616 SLU Envelope(all) I[535] 0.00 0.00 15.59 0.01 9.50 0.00

616 SLU Envelope(all) J[416] -0.00-0.00 22.39 0.01 0.00-0.00 617 SLU Envelope(all) I[530] -0.00-0.00-0.11-0.03 0.00 0.00 617 SLU Envelope(all) J[531] 0.00 0.00 0.11-0.03 0.00-0.00 618 SLU Envelope(all) I[531] -0.00-0.00-0.11 0.03 0.00 0.00 618 SLU Envelope(all) J[532] 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.03 0.00-0.00 619 SLU Envelope(all) I[532] 0.00-0.00-0.13-0.03 0.00-0.00 619 SLU Envelope(all) J[533] -0.00-0.00 0.13-0.03 0.00 0.00 620 SLU Envelope(all) I[533] 0.00-0.00-0.13 0.01 0.00 0.00 620 SLU Envelope(all) J[534] -0.00 0.00 0.13 0.01 0.00 0.00 621 SLU Envelope(all) I[534] 0.00 0.00-0.84 0.07 0.00 0.00 621 SLU Envelope(all) J[536] 0.00 0.00-0.69 0.07 0.56 0.00 622 SLU Envelope(all) I[536] 0.00 0.00 1.11 0.09 0.58 0.00 622 SLU Envelope(all) J[535] -0.00-0.00 1.21 0.09 0.00-0.00 623 SLU Envelope(all) I[523] 0.00 0.00-1.92-0.02 0.00 0.00 623 SLU Envelope(all) J[524] -0.00 0.00 1.92-0.02 0.00 0.00 624 SLU Envelope(all) I[524] -0.00-0.00-1.62-0.00 0.00 0.00 624 SLU Envelope(all) J[525] -0.00 0.00 1.62-0.00 0.00-0.00 625 SLU Envelope(all) I[525] -0.00-0.00-2.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 625 SLU Envelope(all) J[526] 0.00 0.00 2.09 0.00 0.00-0.00 626 SLU Envelope(all) I[526] -0.00-0.00-1.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 626 SLU Envelope(all) J[527] -0.00 0.00 1.62 0.00 0.00-0.00 627 SLU Envelope(all) I[527] -0.00-0.00-2.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 627 SLU Envelope(all) J[528] 0.00 0.00 2.09 0.00 0.00-0.00 628 SLU Envelope(all) I[528] -0.00-0.00-1.62-0.00 0.00 0.00 628 SLU Envelope(all) J[529] 0.00 0.00 1.62-0.00 0.00 0.00 629 SLU Envelope(all) I[529] 0.00-0.00-1.80-0.00 0.00 0.00 629 SLU Envelope(all) J[536] 0.00 0.00 1.80-0.00 0.00 0.00 630 SLU Envelope(all) I[410] 0.00 0.00-3.82 0.00-1.78 0.00 630 SLU Envelope(all) J[524] 0.00 0.00-3.54 0.00 0.06 0.00 631 SLU Envelope(all) I[411] 0.00 0.00-3.99 0.00-1.89 0.00 631 SLU Envelope(all) J[525] 0.00 0.00-3.72 0.00 0.04 0.00 632 SLU Envelope(all) I[412] 0.00 0.00-3.99 0.00-1.89 0.00 632 SLU Envelope(all) J[526] 0.00 0.00-3.72 0.00 0.04 0.00 633 SLU Envelope(all) I[413] 0.00 0.00-3.99 0.00-1.89 0.00 633 SLU Envelope(all) J[527] 0.00 0.00-3.72 0.00 0.04 0.00 634 SLU Envelope(all) I[414] 0.00 0.00-4.17 0.00-1.93 0.00 634 SLU Envelope(all) J[528] 0.00 0.00-3.72 0.00 0.04 0.00 635 SLU Envelope(all) I[537] 0.00-1.98-18.76 0.00-0.00-1.02 635 SLU Envelope(all) J[410] 0.00 1.98 18.76 0.00 0.00-1.02 636 SLU Envelope(all) I[415] 0.00 0.00-3.70 0.00-1.74 0.00 636 SLU Envelope(all) J[529] 0.00 0.00-3.43 0.00 0.04 0.00 638 SLU Envelope(all) I[531] 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.00-0.06 0.00 638 SLU Envelope(all) J[491] 0.00 0.00 2.66 0.00-0.78 0.00 639 SLU Envelope(all) I[533] 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.00-0.04 0.00 639 SLU Envelope(all) J[461] 0.00 0.00 3.08 0.00-0.88 0.00 640 SLU Envelope(all) I[534] 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00-0.08 0.00 640 SLU Envelope(all) J[431] 0.00 0.00 3.74 0.00-1.25 0.00 641 SLU Envelope(all) I[530] 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.03 0.00 641 SLU Envelope(all) J[495] 0.00 0.00 1.41 0.00-0.35 0.00 642 SLU Envelope(all) I[532] 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.00 0.06 0.00 642 SLU Envelope(all) J[486] 0.00 0.00 3.12 0.00-0.78 0.00 643 SLU Envelope(all) I[394] 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 643 SLU Envelope(all) J[537] 0.00 0.00-0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 644 SLU Envelope(all) I[537] 0.00 0.00-0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 644 SLU Envelope(all) J[523] 0.00 0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00

Tabella 4 TFORCE Elem Load Force-I (kn) Force-J (kn) 260 RC ENV_STR(all) -86.380059-85.993804 261 RC ENV_STR(all) 79.675192 80.061447 263 RC ENV_STR(all) -82.635570-82.249315 264 RC ENV_STR(all) 79.625863 80.012118 266 RC ENV_STR(all) 38.135082 38.521337 267 RC ENV_STR(all) -40.177091-39.790836 268 RC ENV_STR(all) -60.746328-60.360073 269 RC ENV_STR(all) -60.516973-60.130718 272 RC ENV_STR(all) 35.940508 36.326763 273 RC ENV_STR(all) -43.323827-42.937573 274 RC ENV_STR(all) 57.480885 57.867140 275 RC ENV_STR(all) -64.851659-64.465405 282 RC ENV_STR(all) 92.507315 92.893569 283 RC ENV_STR(all) -96.632520-96.246266 286 RC ENV_STR(all) -77.905852-77.519597 287 RC ENV_STR(all) 75.391172 75.777426 260 SLU Envelope(all) -11.767665-11.265534 261 SLU Envelope(all) 4.592757 5.094888 263 SLU Envelope(all) -8.000685-7.498554 264 SLU Envelope(all) -1.162160 1.175442 266 SLU Envelope(all) 6.652866 7.154997 267 SLU Envelope(all) -12.348499-11.846367 268 SLU Envelope(all) -5.242660-4.740529 269 SLU Envelope(all) -4.122700-3.620569 272 SLU Envelope(all) 4.914339 5.416470 273 SLU Envelope(all) -14.892334-14.390203 274 SLU Envelope(all) -2.051344-1.549213 275 SLU Envelope(all) -9.044525-8.542393 282 SLU Envelope(all) 6.359135 6.861266 283 SLU Envelope(all) -12.872965-12.370833 286 SLU Envelope(all) -8.184817-7.682685 287 SLU Envelope(all) 4.259786 4.761917

Figura 6 MySLU Figura 7 FzSLU

Figura 8 FxSLU Figura 9 FxSLV

Figura 10 soilpressureslv Figura 11 soilpressureslu

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== +============================================================+ MIDAS(Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software) midas Gen - Design & checking system for windows +============================================================+ Steel Member Applicable Code Checking Based On Eurocode3:05, Eurocode3, AISC(13th)-LRFD05, AISC(13th)-ASD05, AISC-LRFD2K, AISC-LRFD93, AISC-ASD89, AISI-CFSD86, CSA-S16-01, BS5950-90 (c)since 1989 +============================================================+ MIDAS Information Technology Co.,Ltd. (MIDAS IT) MIDAS IT Design Development Team +============================================================+ HomePage : +============================================================+ Gen 2013 +============================================================+ *. DEFINITION OF LOAD COMBINATIONS WITH SCALING UP FACTORS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LCB C Loadcase Name(Factor) + Loadcase Name(Factor) + Loadcase Name(Factor) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_slv(es)( 0.300) 2 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_slv(es)(-0.300) 3 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_slv(es)(-0.300) 4 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_slv(es)( 0.300) 5 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_slv(es)( 0.300) 6 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_slv(es)(-0.300) 7 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_slv(es)(-0.300) 8 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_slv(es)( 0.300) 9 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)( 0.3 00) 10 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)(-0.3 00) 11 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)(-0.3 00) 12 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)( 0.3 00) Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-1 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== 00) 00) 00) 00) 13 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)( 0.3 14 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)(-0.3 15 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)(-0.3 16 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)( 0.3 17 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 18 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 19 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 20 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 21 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 22 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 23 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 24 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 25 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 26 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 27 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 28 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 29 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 30 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 31 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 32 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 33 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 34 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 35 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 36 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 37 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 38 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)(-0.300) Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-2 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== 00) 00) 00) 00) 00) 00) 00) 00) 39 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 40 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 41 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_slv(es)(-0.300) 42 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_slv(es)( 0.300) 43 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_slv(es)( 0.300) 44 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_slv(es)(-0.300) 45 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_slv(es)(-0.300) 46 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_slv(es)( 0.300) 47 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_slv(es)( 0.300) 48 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_slv(es)(-0.300) 49 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)(-0.3 50 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)( 0.3 51 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)( 0.3 52 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)(-0.3 53 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)(-0.3 54 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)( 0.3 55 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)( 0.3 56 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)(-0.3 57 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 58 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 59 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 60 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 61 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 62 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 63 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 64 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)(-0.300) Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-3 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== 00) 00) 65 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 66 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 67 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 68 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 69 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 70 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 71 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 72 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 73 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 74 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 75 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 76 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 77 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 78 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 79 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 80 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 81 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_slv(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_slv(es)(-0.300) 82 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_slv(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_slv(es)( 0.300) 83 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_slv(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_slv(es)( 0.300) 84 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_slv(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_slv(es)(-0.300) 85 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_slv(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_slv(es)(-0.300) 86 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_slv(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_slv(es)( 0.300) 87 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_slv(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_slv(es)( 0.300) 88 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_slv(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_slv(es)(-0.300) 89 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)(-0.3 90 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)( 0.3 Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-4 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== 00) 00) 00) 00) 00) 00) 91 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)( 0.3 92 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)(-0.3 93 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)(-0.3 94 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)( 0.3 95 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)( 0.3 96 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)(-0.3 97 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 98 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 99 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 100 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 101 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 102 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 103 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 104 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 105 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 106 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 107 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 108 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 109 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 110 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 111 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 112 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 113 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 114 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 115 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 116 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)(-0.300) Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-5 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== 00) 00) 00) 00) 00) 00) 00) 00) 117 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 118 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 119 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 120 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 121 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_slv(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_slv(es)( 0.300) 122 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_slv(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_slv(es)(-0.300) 123 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_slv(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_slv(es)(-0.300) 124 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_slv(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_slv(es)( 0.300) 125 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_slv(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_slv(es)( 0.300) 126 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_slv(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_slv(es)(-0.300) 127 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_slv(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_slv(es)(-0.300) 128 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_slv(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_slv(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_slv(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_slv(es)( 0.300) 129 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)( 0.3 130 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)(-0.3 131 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)(-0.3 132 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)( 0.3 133 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)( 0.3 134 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)(-0.3 135 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)(-0.3 136 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sld_eta2/3(es)( 0.3 137 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 138 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 139 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 140 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 141 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 142 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)(-0.300) Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-6 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== 143 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 144 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 145 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 146 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 147 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 148 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 149 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 150 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 151 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 152 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 153 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 154 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 155 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 156 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 157 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 158 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 159 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 160 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +sisma_y_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +sisma_x_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +sisma_x_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 161 1 G1( 1.300) + G2( 1.500) + Qk,neve( 1.500) 162 1 G1( 1.300) + G2( 1.500) + Qk,neve( 0.750) + Qk,copertura( 1.500) 163 2 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) + Qk,neve( 1.000) 164 2 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) + Qk,neve( 0.500) + Qk,copertura( 1.000) 165 2 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) + Qk,neve( 0.500) 166 2 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) 167 1 G1( 1.300) + G2( 1.500) + Qk,neve( 1.500) + VENTO X(-0.900) + VENTO Y(-0.450) + VENTO Z( 0.450) 168 1 G1( 1.300) + G2( 1.500) + Qk,neve( 1.500) + VENTO X(-0.450) + VENTO Y(-0.900) + VENTO Z( 0.450) 169 1 G1( 1.300) + G2( 1.500) + Qk,neve( 0.750) + VENTO X(-1.500) + VENTO Y(-0.750) + VENTO Z( 0.750) 170 1 G1( 1.300) + G2( 1.500) + Qk,neve( 0.750) + VENTO X(-0.750) + VENTO Y(-1.500) + VENTO Z( 0.750) Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-7 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== 171 2 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) + Qk,neve( 1.000) + VENTO X(-0.600) + VENTO Y(-0.300) + VENTO Z( 0.300) 172 2 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) + Qk,neve( 1.000) + VENTO X(-0.300) + VENTO Y(-0.600) + VENTO Z( 0.300) 173 2 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) + Qk,neve( 0.500) + VENTO X(-1.000) + VENTO Y(-0.500) + VENTO Z( 0.500) 174 2 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) + Qk,neve( 0.500) + VENTO X(-0.500) + VENTO Y(-1.000) + VENTO Z( 0.500) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-8 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== *. PROJECT : *. MEMBER NO = 338, ELEMENT TYPE = Beam *. LOADCOMB NO = 161, MATERIAL NO = 1, SECTION NO = 1 *. UNIT SYSTEM : kn, cm *. SECTION PROPERTIES : Designation = HEA140 Shape = I - Section. (Rolled) Depth = 13.300, Top F Width = 14.000, Bot.F Width = 14.000 Web Thick = 0.550, Top F Thick = 0.850, Bot.F Thick = 0.850 Area = 3.14000e+001, Avy = 2.50200e+001, Avz = 1.01075e+001 Ybar = 7.00000e+000, Zbar = 6.65000e+000, Qyb = 1.51506e+002, Qzb = 2.45000e+001 Wely = 1.55000e+002, Welz = 5.56000e+001, Wply = 1.73400e+002, Wplz = 8.41773e+001 Iyy = 1.03000e+003, Izz = 3.89000e+002, Iyz = 0.00000e+000 iy = 5.73000e+000, iz = 3.52000e+000 J = 6.42229e+000, Cwp = 1.50637e+004 *. DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR STRENGTH EVALUATION : Ly = 2.53000e+002, Lz = 2.53000e+002, Lu = 0.00000e+000 Ky = 1.00000e+000, Kz = 1.00000e+000 *. MATERIAL PROPERTIES : Fy = 2.35000e+001, Es = 2.10000e+004, MATERIAL NAME = S235 *. FORCES AND MOMENTS AT (1/4) POINT : Axial Force Fxx = 0.00000e+000 Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000e+000, Fzz = 9.38178e-001 Bending Moments My = 3.34551e+003, Mz = 0.00000e+000 End Moments Myi = 3.05291e+003, Myj = 0.00000e+000 (for Lb) Myi = 3.05291e+003, Myj = 0.00000e+000 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000e+000, Mzj = 0.00000e+000 (for Lz) *. Sign conventions for stress and axial force. - Stress : Compression positive. - Axial force: Tension positive. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY LEFT-TOP FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 6.50 -. sigma1 = 21.600 kn/cm^2. -. sigma2 = 21.600 kn/cm^2. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-9 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [[[*]]] CLASSIFY RIGHT-TOP FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 6.50 -. sigma1 = 21.600 kn/cm^2. -. sigma2 = 21.600 kn/cm^2. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] CLASSIFY LEFT-BOTTOM FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of tension outstand flanges. -. Not Checking the Section Classification. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY RIGHT-BOTTOM FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of tension outstand flanges. -. Not Checking the Section Classification. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY WEB OF SECTION (HTR). ( ). Determine classification of bending Internal Parts. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 1 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. d/t = HTR = 16.73 -. sigma1 = 14.941 kn/cm^2. -. sigma2 = -14.941 kn/cm^2. -. HTR < 72*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] APPLIED FACTORS. ( ). Calculate equivalent uniform moment factors (Cmy,Cmz,CmLT). [ Eurocode3:05 Annex A. Table A.1, A.2 ] -. Cmy,0 = 1.000 -. Cmz,0 = 1.000 -. Cmy (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. Cmz (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. CmLT (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-10 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Partial Factors (Gamma_Mi). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1 ] -. Gamma_M0 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M1 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M2 = 1.25 [[[*]]] CHECK AXIAL RESISTANCE. ( ). Check slenderness ratio of axial tension member (l/i). [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1 ] -. l/i = 71.9 < 300.0 ---> O.K. ( ). Calculate parameters for combined resistance. -. Lambda1 = Pi * SQRT(Es/fy) = 93.913 -. Lambda_bz = (KLz/iz) / Lambda1 = 0.765 ( ). Calculate axial tensile resistance (Nt_Rd). [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.3 ] -. Nt_Rd = fy * Area / Gamma_M0 = 702.76 kn. ( ). Check ratio of axial resistance (N_Ed/Nt_Rd). N_Ed 0.00 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nt_Rd 702.76 [[[*]]] CHECK SHEAR RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate shear area. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6, EN1993-1-5:04 5.1 NOTE 2 ] -. eta = 1.2 (Fy < 460 MPa.) -. r = 1.2000 cm. -. Avy = Area - hw*tw = 25.0200 cm^2. -. Avz1 = eta*hw*tw = 7.6560 cm^2. -. Avz2 = Area - 2*B*tf + (tw + 2*r)*tf = 10.1075 cm^2. -. Avz = MAX[ Avz1, Avz2 ] = 10.1075 cm^2. ( ). Calculate plastic shear resistance in local-z direction (Vpl_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.6 ] -. Vpl_Rdz = [ Avz*fy/SQRT(3) ] / Gamma_M0 = 130.61 kn. ( ). Shear Buckling Check. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6 ] -. HTR < 72*e/Eta ---> No need to check! Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-11 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check ratio of shear resistance (V_Edz/Vpl_Rdz). ( LCB = 161, POS = J ) -. Applied shear force : V_Edz = 34.32 kn. V_Edz 34.32 -. ------- = --------------- = 0.263 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Vpl_Rdz 130.61 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MAJOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about major axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wply = 173.4000 cm^3. -. Mc_Rdy = Wply * fy / Gamma_M0 = 3880.86 kn-cm. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edy/Mc_Rdy). M_Edy 3345.51 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.862 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdy 3880.86 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MINOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about minor axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wplz = 84.1773 cm^3. -. Mc_Rdz = Wplz * fy / Gamma_M0 = 1883.97 kn-cm. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edz/Mc_Rdz). M_Edz 0.00 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdz 1883.97 [[[*]]] CHECK INTERACTION OF COMBINED RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate Major reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edz / Vpl_Rdz < 0.5 -. My_Rd = Mc_Rdy = 3880.86 kn-cm. ( ). Calculate Minor reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edy / Vpl_Rdy < 0.5 -. Mz_Rd = Mc_Rdz = 1883.97 kn-cm. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-12 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check general interaction ratio. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.1 (6.2) ] - Class1 or Class2 N_Ed M_Edy M_Edz -. Rmax1 = ------ + ------- + ------- N_Rd My_Rd Mz_Rd = 0.862 < 1.000 ---> O.K. ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial force member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.9 (6.31 ~ 6.41) ] - Class1 or Class2 -. n = N_Ed / Npl_Rd = 0.000 -. a = MIN[ (Area-2b*tf)/Area, 0.5 ] = 0.242 -. Alpha = 2.000 -. Beta = MAX[ 5*n, 1.0 ] = 1.000 -. N_Ed < 0.25*Npl_Rd = 175.69 kn. -. N_Ed < 0.5*hw*tw*fy/Gamma_M0 = 71.40 kn. Therefore, No allowance for the effect of axial force. -. Mny_Rd = Mply_Rd = 3880.86 kn-cm. -. Rmaxy = M_Edy / Mny_Rd = 0.862 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. N_Ed < hw*tw*fy/gamma_m0 = 220.68 kn. Therefore, No allowance for the effect of axial force. -. Mnz_Rd = Mplz_Rd = 1883.97 kn-cm. -. Rmaxz = M_Edz / Mnz_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax2 = MAX[ Rmaxy, Rmaxz ] = 0.862 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax = MAX[ Rmax1, Rmax2 ] = 0.862 < 1.000 ---> O.K. [[[*]]] CHECK DEFLECTION. ( ). Compute Maximum Deflection. -. LCB = 163 -. DAF = 1.000 (Deflection Amplification Factor). -. Position = 112.444cm From i-end(node 351). -. Def = -0.724 * DAF = -0.724cm (Golbal Z) -. Def_Lim = 1.265cm Def < Def_Lim ---> O.K! Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-13 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== *. PROJECT : *. MEMBER NO = 369, ELEMENT TYPE = Beam *. LOADCOMB NO = 161, MATERIAL NO = 1, SECTION NO = 2 *. UNIT SYSTEM : kn, cm *. SECTION PROPERTIES : Designation = HEB200 Shape = I - Section. (Rolled) Depth = 20.000, Top F Width = 20.000, Bot.F Width = 20.000 Web Thick = 0.900, Top F Thick = 1.500, Bot.F Thick = 1.500 Area = 7.81000e+001, Avy = 6.28000e+001, Avz = 2.48500e+001 Ybar = 1.00000e+001, Zbar = 1.00000e+001, Qyb = 3.44458e+002, Qzb = 5.00000e+001 Wely = 5.70000e+002, Welz = 2.00000e+002, Wply = 6.42000e+002, Wplz = 3.03443e+002 Iyy = 5.70000e+003, Izz = 2.00000e+003, Iyz = 0.00000e+000 iy = 8.54000e+000, iz = 5.07000e+000 J = 4.94955e+001, Cwp = 1.71125e+005 *. DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR STRENGTH EVALUATION : Ly = 6.45000e+002, Lz = 4.90000e+001, Lu = 0.00000e+000 Ky = 1.00000e+000, Kz = 1.00000e+000 *. MATERIAL PROPERTIES : Fy = 2.35000e+001, Es = 2.10000e+004, MATERIAL NAME = S235 *. FORCES AND MOMENTS AT (1/2) POINT : Axial Force Fxx = 0.00000e+000 Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000e+000, Fzz =-6.66323e-001 Bending Moments My = 1.88363e+004, Mz = 0.00000e+000 End Moments Myi = 1.88129e+004, Myj = 1.88363e+004 (for Lb) Myi =-1.69579e+004, Myj =-7.83343e+000 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000e+000, Mzj = 0.00000e+000 (for Lz) *. Sign conventions for stress and axial force. - Stress : Compression positive. - Axial force: Tension positive. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY LEFT-TOP FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 5.17 -. sigma1 = 33.046 kn/cm^2. -. sigma2 = 33.046 kn/cm^2. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-14 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [[[*]]] CLASSIFY RIGHT-TOP FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 5.17 -. sigma1 = 33.046 kn/cm^2. -. sigma2 = 33.046 kn/cm^2. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] CLASSIFY LEFT-BOTTOM FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of tension outstand flanges. -. Not Checking the Section Classification. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY RIGHT-BOTTOM FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of tension outstand flanges. -. Not Checking the Section Classification. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY WEB OF SECTION (HTR). ( ). Determine classification of bending Internal Parts. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 1 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. d/t = HTR = 14.89 -. sigma1 = 22.141 kn/cm^2. -. sigma2 = -22.141 kn/cm^2. -. HTR < 72*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] APPLIED FACTORS. ( ). Calculate equivalent uniform moment factors (Cmy,Cmz,CmLT). [ Eurocode3:05 Annex A. Table A.1, A.2 ] -. Cmy,0 = 1.000 -. Cmz,0 = 1.000 -. Cmy (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. Cmz (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. CmLT (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-15 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Partial Factors (Gamma_Mi). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1 ] -. Gamma_M0 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M1 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M2 = 1.25 [[[*]]] CHECK AXIAL RESISTANCE. ( ). Check slenderness ratio of axial tension member (l/i). [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1 ] -. l/i = 75.5 < 300.0 ---> O.K. ( ). Calculate parameters for combined resistance. -. Lambda1 = Pi * SQRT(Es/fy) = 93.913 -. Lambda_bz = (KLz/iz) / Lambda1 = 0.103 ( ). Calculate axial tensile resistance (Nt_Rd). [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.3 ] -. Nt_Rd = fy * Area / Gamma_M0 = 1747.95 kn. ( ). Check ratio of axial resistance (N_Ed/Nt_Rd). N_Ed 0.00 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nt_Rd 1747.95 [[[*]]] CHECK SHEAR RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate shear area. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6, EN1993-1-5:04 5.1 NOTE 2 ] -. eta = 1.2 (Fy < 460 MPa.) -. r = 1.8000 cm. -. Avy = Area - hw*tw = 62.8000 cm^2. -. Avz1 = eta*hw*tw = 18.3600 cm^2. -. Avz2 = Area - 2*B*tf + (tw + 2*r)*tf = 24.8500 cm^2. -. Avz = MAX[ Avz1, Avz2 ] = 24.8500 cm^2. ( ). Calculate plastic shear resistance in local-z direction (Vpl_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.6 ] -. Vpl_Rdz = [ Avz*fy/SQRT(3) ] / Gamma_M0 = 321.10 kn. ( ). Shear Buckling Check. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6 ] -. HTR < 72*e/Eta ---> No need to check! Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-16 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check ratio of shear resistance (V_Edz/Vpl_Rdz). ( LCB = 161, POS = I ) -. Applied shear force : V_Edz = 165.57 kn. V_Edz 165.57 -. ------- = --------------- = 0.516 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Vpl_Rdz 321.10 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MAJOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about major axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wply = 642.0000 cm^3. -. Mc_Rdy = Wply * fy / Gamma_M0 = 14368.57 kn-cm. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edy/Mc_Rdy). M_Edy 18836.33 -. ------ = --------------- = 1.311 > 1.000 ---> Not Acceptable! Mc_Rdy 14368.57 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MINOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about minor axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wplz = 303.4425 cm^3. -. Mc_Rdz = Wplz * fy / Gamma_M0 = 6791.33 kn-cm. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edz/Mc_Rdz). M_Edz 0.00 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdz 6791.33 [[[*]]] CHECK INTERACTION OF COMBINED RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate Major reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edz / Vpl_Rdz > 0.5 (equal flanges) -. Rho = { 2*(V_Edz/Vpl_Rdz) - 1 }^2 =9.769e-004 -. My.V_Rd1= [ Wply - {Rho*Aw^2/(4*tw)} ]*fy / Gamma_M0 = 14367.15 kn-cm. -. My_Rd = MIN [ My.V_Rdy1, Mc_Rdy ] = 14367.15 kn-cm. ( ). Calculate Minor reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edy / Vpl_Rdy < 0.5 -. Mz_Rd = Mc_Rdz = 6791.33 kn-cm. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-17 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check general interaction ratio. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.1 (6.2) ] - Class1 or Class2 N_Ed M_Edy M_Edz -. Rmax1 = ------ + ------- + ------- N_Rd My_Rd Mz_Rd = 1.311 > 1.000 ---> Not Acceptable! ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial force member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.9 (6.31 ~ 6.41) ] - Class1 or Class2 -. n = N_Ed / Npl_Rd = 0.000 -. a = MIN[ (Area-2b*tf)/Area, 0.5 ] = 0.232 -. Alpha = 2.000 -. Beta = MAX[ 5*n, 1.0 ] = 1.000 -. N_Ed < 0.25*Npl_Rd = 436.99 kn. -. N_Ed < 0.5*hw*tw*fy/Gamma_M0 = 171.21 kn. Therefore, No allowance for the effect of axial force. -. Mny_Rd = Mply_Rd = 14367.15 kn-cm. -. Rmaxy = M_Edy / Mny_Rd = 1.311 > 1.000 ---> Not Acceptable! -. N_Ed < hw*tw*fy/gamma_m0 = 570.71 kn. Therefore, No allowance for the effect of axial force. -. Mnz_Rd = Mplz_Rd = 6791.33 kn-cm. -. Rmaxz = M_Edz / Mnz_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax2 = MAX[ Rmaxy, Rmaxz ] = 1.311 > 1.000 ---> Not Acceptable! -. Rmax = MAX[ Rmax1, Rmax2 ] = 1.311 > 1.000 ---> Not Acceptable! [[[*]]] CHECK DEFLECTION. ( ). Compute Maximum Deflection. -. LCB = 163 -. DAF = 1.000 (Deflection Amplification Factor). -. Position = 246.852cm From i-end(node 372). -. Def = -4.348 * DAF = -4.348cm (Golbal Z) -. Def_Lim = 3.225cm Def > Def_Lim ---> Not Acceptable!!! Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-18 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== *. PROJECT : *. MEMBER NO = 277, ELEMENT TYPE = Beam *. LOADCOMB NO = 161, MATERIAL NO = 1, SECTION NO = 3 *. UNIT SYSTEM : kn, cm *. SECTION PROPERTIES : Designation = HEB200 - pil, HEB200 Shape = I - Section. (Rolled) Depth = 20.000, Top F Width = 20.000, Bot.F Width = 20.000 Web Thick = 0.900, Top F Thick = 1.500, Bot.F Thick = 1.500 Area = 7.81000e+001, Avy = 6.28000e+001, Avz = 2.48500e+001 Ybar = 1.00000e+001, Zbar = 1.00000e+001, Qyb = 3.44458e+002, Qzb = 5.00000e+001 Wely = 5.70000e+002, Welz = 2.00000e+002, Wply = 6.42000e+002, Wplz = 3.03443e+002 Iyy = 5.70000e+003, Izz = 2.00000e+003, Iyz = 0.00000e+000 iy = 8.54000e+000, iz = 5.07000e+000 J = 4.94955e+001, Cwp = 1.71125e+005 *. DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR STRENGTH EVALUATION : Ly = 3.92000e+002, Lz = 3.92000e+002, Lu = 3.92000e+002 Ky = 1.00000e+000, Kz = 1.00000e+000 *. MATERIAL PROPERTIES : Fy = 2.35000e+001, Es = 2.10000e+004, MATERIAL NAME = S235 *. FORCES AND MOMENTS AT (I) POINT : Axial Force Fxx =-2.87399e+002 Shear Forces Fyy =-5.48933e-003, Fzz = 0.00000e+000 Bending Moments My = 0.00000e+000, Mz =-2.15154e+000 End Moments Myi = 0.00000e+000, Myj = 0.00000e+000 (for Lb) Myi = 0.00000e+000, Myj = 0.00000e+000 (for Ly) Mzi =-2.15154e+000, Mzj = 1.94832e-004 (for Lz) *. Sign conventions for stress and axial force. - Stress : Compression positive. - Axial force: Tension positive. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY LEFT-TOP FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 5.17 -. sigma1 = 3.691 kn/cm^2. -. sigma2 = 3.682 kn/cm^2. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-19 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [[[*]]] CLASSIFY RIGHT-TOP FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 5.17 -. sigma1 = 3.677 kn/cm^2. -. sigma2 = 3.669 kn/cm^2. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] CLASSIFY LEFT-BOTTOM FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 5.17 -. sigma1 = 3.691 kn/cm^2. -. sigma2 = 3.682 kn/cm^2. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] CLASSIFY RIGHT-BOTTOM FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 5.17 -. sigma1 = 3.677 kn/cm^2. -. sigma2 = 3.669 kn/cm^2. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] CLASSIFY WEB OF SECTION (HTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression Internal Parts. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 1 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. d/t = HTR = 14.89 -. sigma1 = 3.680 kn/cm^2. -. sigma2 = 3.680 kn/cm^2. -. HTR < 33*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] APPLIED FACTORS. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-20 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Calculate equivalent uniform moment factors (Cmy,Cmz,CmLT). [ Eurocode3:05 Annex A. Table A.1, A.2 ] -. Cmy,0 = 1.009 -. Cmz,0 = 0.777 -. Cmy (Default or User Defined Value) = 0.850 -. Cmz (Default or User Defined Value) = 0.850 -. CmLT (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 ( ). Partial Factors (Gamma_Mi). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1 ] -. Gamma_M0 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M1 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M2 = 1.25 [[[*]]] CHECK AXIAL RESISTANCE. ( ). Check slenderness ratio of axial compression member (Kl/i). [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1 ] -. Kl/i = 77.3 < 200.0 ---> O.K. ( ). Calculate axial compressive resistance (Nc_Rd). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.4 ] -. Nc_Rd = fy * Area / Gamma_M0 = 1747.95 kn. ( ). Check ratio of axial resistance (N_Ed/Nc_Rd). N_Ed 287.40 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.164 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nc_Rd 1747.95 ( ). Calculate buckling resistance of compression member (Nb_Rdy, Nb_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05, ] -. Beta_A = Aeff / Area = 1.000 -. Lambda1 = Pi * SQRT(Es/fy) = 93.913 -. Lambda_by = {(KLy/iy)/Lambda1} * SQRT(Beta_A) = 0.489 -. Ncry = Pi^2*Es*Ryy / KLy^2 = 7688.15 kn. -. Lambda_by < 0.2 or N_Ed/Ncry < 0.04 --> No need to check. -. Lambda_bz = {(KLz/iz)/Lambda1} * SQRT(Beta_A) = 0.823 -. Ncrz = Pi^2*Es*Rzz / KLz^2 = 2697.60 kn. -. Lambda_bz > 0.2 and N_Ed/Ncrz > 0.04 --> Need to check. -. Alphaz = 0.490 -. Phiz = 0.5 * [ 1 + Alphaz*(Lambda_bz-0.2) + Lambda_bz^2 ] = 0.992 -. Xiz = MIN [ 1 / [Phiz + SQRT(Phiz^2 - Lambda_bz^2)], 1.0 ] = 0.648 -. Nb_Rdz = Xiz*Beta_A*Area*fy / Gamma_M1 = 1131.86 kn. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-21 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check ratio of buckling resistance (N_Ed/Nb_Rd). -. Nb_Rd = MIN[ Nb_Rdy, Nb_Rdz ] = 1131.86 kn. N_Ed 287.40 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.254 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nb_Rd 1131.86 [[[*]]] CHECK SHEAR RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate shear area. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6, EN1993-1-5:04 5.1 NOTE 2 ] -. eta = 1.2 (Fy < 460 MPa.) -. r = 1.8000 cm. -. Avy = Area - hw*tw = 62.8000 cm^2. -. Avz1 = eta*hw*tw = 18.3600 cm^2. -. Avz2 = Area - 2*B*tf + (tw + 2*r)*tf = 24.8500 cm^2. -. Avz = MAX[ Avz1, Avz2 ] = 24.8500 cm^2. ( ). Calculate plastic shear resistance in local-y direction (Vpl_Rdy). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.6 ] -. Vpl_Rdy = [ Avy*fy/SQRT(3) ] / Gamma_M0 = 811.48 kn. ( ). Check ratio of shear resistance (V_Edy/Vpl_Rdy). ( LCB = 97, POS = J ) -. Applied shear force : V_Edy = 0.97 kn. V_Edy 0.97 -. ------- = --------------- = 0.001 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Vpl_Rdy 811.48 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MAJOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about major axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wply = 642.0000 cm^3. -. Mc_Rdy = Wply * fy / Gamma_M0 = 14368.57 kn-cm. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edy/Mc_Rdy). M_Edy 0.00 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdy 14368.57 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MINOR AXIS. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-22 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about minor axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wplz = 303.4425 cm^3. -. Mc_Rdz = Wplz * fy / Gamma_M0 = 6791.33 kn-cm. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edz/Mc_Rdz). M_Edz 2.15 -. ------ = --------------- =3.168e-004 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdz 6791.33 [[[*]]] CHECK INTERACTION OF COMBINED RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate Major reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edz / Vpl_Rdz < 0.5 -. My_Rd = Mc_Rdy = 14368.57 kn-cm. ( ). Calculate Minor reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edy / Vpl_Rdy < 0.5 -. Mz_Rd = Mc_Rdz = 6791.33 kn-cm. ( ). Check general interaction ratio. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.1 (6.2) ] - Class1 or Class2 N_Ed M_Edy M_Edz -. Rmax1 = ------ + ------- + ------- N_Rd My_Rd Mz_Rd = 0.165 < 1.000 ---> O.K. ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial force member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.9 (6.31 ~ 6.41) ] - Class1 or Class2 -. n = N_Ed / Npl_Rd = 0.164 -. a = MIN[ (Area-2b*tf)/Area, 0.5 ] = 0.232 -. Alpha = 2.000 -. Beta = MAX[ 5*n, 1.0 ] = 1.000 -. N_Ed < 0.25*Npl_Rd = 436.99 kn. -. N_Ed > 0.5*hw*tw*fy/Gamma_M0 = 171.21 kn. Therefore, Allowance for the effect of axial force. -. Mny_Rd = MIN[ Mply_Rd*(1-n)/(1-0.5*a), Mply_Rd ] = 13579.66 kn-cm. -. Rmaxy = M_Edy / Mny_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. N_Ed < hw*tw*fy/gamma_m0 = 570.71 kn. Therefore, No allowance for the effect of axial force. -. Mnz_Rd = Mplz_Rd = 6791.33 kn-cm. -. Rmaxz = M_Edz / Mnz_Rd =3.168e-004 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax2 = MAX[ Rmaxy, Rmaxz ] =3.168e-004 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-23 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial compression member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1, (6.61, 6.62), Annex A ] -. N_Ed = -287.40 kn. -. M_Edy = 0.00 kn-cm. -. M_Edz = -2.15 kn-cm. -. kyy = 0.871 -. kyz = 0.602 -. kzy = 0.458 -. kzz = 0.854 -. Xiy = 0.889 -. Xiz = 0.647 -. XiLT = 0.888 -. N_Rk = A*fy = 1835.35 kn. -. My_Rk = Wply*fy = 15087.00 kn-cm. -. Mz_Rk = Wplz*fy = 7130.90 kn-cm. -. N_Ed*eNy = 0.0 (Not Slender) -. N_Ed*eNZ = 0.0 (Not Slender) N_Ed M_Edy + N_Ed*eNy M_Edz + N_Ed*eNz -. Rmax_LT1 = ----------------- + kyy * ------------------- + kyz * ---------------- Xiy*N_Rk/Gamma_M1 XiLT*My_Rk/Gamma_M1 Mz_Rk/Gamma_M1 = 0.185 < 1.000 ---> O.K. N_Ed M_Edy + N_Ed*eNy M_Edz + N_Ed*eNz -. Rmax_LT2 = ----------------- + kzy * ------------------- + kzz * ---------------- Xiz*N_Rk/Gamma_M1 XiLT*My_Rk/Gamma_M1 Mz_Rk/Gamma_M1 = 0.255 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax = MAX[ MAX(Rmax1, Rmax2), MAX(Rmax_LT1, Rmax_LT2) ] = 0.255 < 1.000 ---> O.K. [[[*]]] CHECK DEFLECTION. ( ). Compute Maximum Deflection. -. LCB = 163 -. DAF = 1.000 (Deflection Amplification Factor). -. Def = 0.031 * DAF = 0.031cm (Golbal Y) -. Def_Lim = 1.307cm Def < Def_Lim ---> O.K! Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-24 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== *. PROJECT : *. MEMBER NO = 632, ELEMENT TYPE = Beam *. LOADCOMB NO = 161, MATERIAL NO = 1, SECTION NO = 5 *. UNIT SYSTEM : kn, cm *. SECTION PROPERTIES : Designation = HEB160 Shape = I - Section. (Rolled) Depth = 16.000, Top F Width = 16.000, Bot.F Width = 16.000 Web Thick = 0.800, Top F Thick = 1.300, Bot.F Thick = 1.300 Area = 5.43000e+001, Avy = 4.35800e+001, Avz = 1.76400e+001 Ybar = 8.00000e+000, Zbar = 8.00000e+000, Qyb = 2.13545e+002, Qzb = 3.20000e+001 Wely = 3.11000e+002, Welz = 1.11000e+002, Wply = 3.54000e+002, Wplz = 1.68544e+002 Iyy = 2.49000e+003, Izz = 8.89000e+002, Iyz = 0.00000e+000 iy = 6.78000e+000, iz = 4.05000e+000 J = 2.59435e+001, Cwp = 4.79432e+004 *. DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR STRENGTH EVALUATION : Ly = 5.00000e+001, Lz = 5.00000e+001, Lu = 0.00000e+000 Ky = 1.00000e+000, Kz = 1.00000e+000 *. MATERIAL PROPERTIES : Fy = 2.35000e+001, Es = 2.10000e+004, MATERIAL NAME = S235 *. FORCES AND MOMENTS AT (I) POINT : Axial Force Fxx = 0.00000e+000 Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000e+000, Fzz =-3.98915e+000 Bending Moments My =-1.88609e+002, Mz = 0.00000e+000 End Moments Myi =-1.88609e+002, Myj = 4.05643e+000 (for Lb) Myi =-1.88609e+002, Myj = 4.05643e+000 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000e+000, Mzj = 0.00000e+000 (for Lz) *. Sign conventions for stress and axial force. - Stress : Compression positive. - Axial force: Tension positive. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY LEFT-TOP FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of tension outstand flanges. -. Not Checking the Section Classification. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY RIGHT-TOP FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of tension outstand flanges. -. Not Checking the Section Classification. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-25 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [[[*]]] CLASSIFY LEFT-BOTTOM FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 4.69 -. sigma1 = 0.606 kn/cm^2. -. sigma2 = 0.606 kn/cm^2. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] CLASSIFY RIGHT-BOTTOM FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 4.69 -. sigma1 = 0.606 kn/cm^2. -. sigma2 = 0.606 kn/cm^2. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] CLASSIFY WEB OF SECTION (HTR). ( ). Determine classification of bending Internal Parts. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 1 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. d/t = HTR = 13.00 -. sigma1 = 0.394 kn/cm^2. -. sigma2 = -0.394 kn/cm^2. -. HTR < 72*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] APPLIED FACTORS. ( ). Calculate equivalent uniform moment factors (Cmy,Cmz,CmLT). [ Eurocode3:05 Annex A. Table A.1, A.2 ] -. Cmy,0 = 0.785 -. Cmz,0 = 1.000 -. Cmy (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. Cmz (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. CmLT (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-26 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Partial Factors (Gamma_Mi). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1 ] -. Gamma_M0 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M1 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M2 = 1.25 [[[*]]] CHECK AXIAL RESISTANCE. ( ). Check slenderness ratio of axial tension member (l/i). [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1 ] -. l/i = 12.3 < 300.0 ---> O.K. ( ). Calculate parameters for combined resistance. -. Lambda1 = Pi * SQRT(Es/fy) = 93.913 -. Lambda_bz = (KLz/iz) / Lambda1 = 0.131 ( ). Calculate axial tensile resistance (Nt_Rd). [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.3 ] -. Nt_Rd = fy * Area / Gamma_M0 = 1215.29 kn. ( ). Check ratio of axial resistance (N_Ed/Nt_Rd). N_Ed 0.00 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nt_Rd 1215.29 [[[*]]] CHECK SHEAR RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate shear area. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6, EN1993-1-5:04 5.1 NOTE 2 ] -. eta = 1.2 (Fy < 460 MPa.) -. r = 1.5000 cm. -. Avy = Area - hw*tw = 43.5800 cm^2. -. Avz1 = eta*hw*tw = 12.8640 cm^2. -. Avz2 = Area - 2*B*tf + (tw + 2*r)*tf = 17.6400 cm^2. -. Avz = MAX[ Avz1, Avz2 ] = 17.6400 cm^2. ( ). Calculate plastic shear resistance in local-z direction (Vpl_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.6 ] -. Vpl_Rdz = [ Avz*fy/SQRT(3) ] / Gamma_M0 = 227.94 kn. ( ). Shear Buckling Check. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6 ] -. HTR < 72*e/Eta ---> No need to check! Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-27 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check ratio of shear resistance (V_Edz/Vpl_Rdz). ( LCB = 168, POS = I ) -. Applied shear force : V_Edz = 3.99 kn. V_Edz 3.99 -. ------- = --------------- = 0.018 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Vpl_Rdz 227.94 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MAJOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about major axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wply = 354.0000 cm^3. -. Mc_Rdy = Wply * fy / Gamma_M0 = 7922.86 kn-cm. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edy/Mc_Rdy). M_Edy 188.61 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.024 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdy 7922.86 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MINOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about minor axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wplz = 168.5440 cm^3. -. Mc_Rdz = Wplz * fy / Gamma_M0 = 3772.18 kn-cm. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edz/Mc_Rdz). M_Edz 0.00 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdz 3772.18 [[[*]]] CHECK INTERACTION OF COMBINED RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate Major reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edz / Vpl_Rdz < 0.5 -. My_Rd = Mc_Rdy = 7922.86 kn-cm. ( ). Calculate Minor reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edy / Vpl_Rdy < 0.5 -. Mz_Rd = Mc_Rdz = 3772.18 kn-cm. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-28 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check general interaction ratio. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.1 (6.2) ] - Class1 or Class2 N_Ed M_Edy M_Edz -. Rmax1 = ------ + ------- + ------- N_Rd My_Rd Mz_Rd = 0.024 < 1.000 ---> O.K. ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial force member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.9 (6.31 ~ 6.41) ] - Class1 or Class2 -. n = N_Ed / Npl_Rd = 0.000 -. a = MIN[ (Area-2b*tf)/Area, 0.5 ] = 0.234 -. Alpha = 2.000 -. Beta = MAX[ 5*n, 1.0 ] = 1.000 -. N_Ed < 0.25*Npl_Rd = 303.82 kn. -. N_Ed < 0.5*hw*tw*fy/Gamma_M0 = 119.96 kn. Therefore, No allowance for the effect of axial force. -. Mny_Rd = Mply_Rd = 7922.86 kn-cm. -. Rmaxy = M_Edy / Mny_Rd = 0.024 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. N_Ed < hw*tw*fy/gamma_m0 = 389.88 kn. Therefore, No allowance for the effect of axial force. -. Mnz_Rd = Mplz_Rd = 3772.18 kn-cm. -. Rmaxz = M_Edz / Mnz_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax2 = MAX[ Rmaxy, Rmaxz ] = 0.024 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax = MAX[ Rmax1, Rmax2 ] = 0.024 < 1.000 ---> O.K. [[[*]]] CHECK DEFLECTION. ( ). Compute Maximum Deflection. -. LCB = 163 -. DAF = 1.000 (Deflection Amplification Factor). -. Position = 19.444cm From i-end(node 412). -. Def = 3.741e-004 * DAF =3.741e-004cm (Golbal Z) -. Def_Lim = 0.200cm Def < Def_Lim ---> O.K! Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-29 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== *. PROJECT : *. MEMBER NO = 283, ELEMENT TYPE = Truss *. LOADCOMB NO = 60, MATERIAL NO = 4, SECTION NO = 6 *. UNIT SYSTEM : kn, cm *. SECTION PROPERTIES : Designation = piatti_controventi, BSB 80x16x0/0 Shape = SB - Section. (Built-up) Depth = 8.000, Width = 1.600 Area = 1.28000e+001, Avy = 1.28000e+001, Avz = 1.28000e+001 Ybar = 8.00000e-001, Zbar = 4.00000e+000, Qyb = 8.00000e+000, Qzb = 3.20000e-001 Wely = 1.70667e+001, Welz = 3.41333e+000, Wply = 2.56000e+001, Wplz = 5.12000e+000 Iyy = 6.82667e+001, Izz = 2.73067e+000, Iyz = 0.00000e+000 iy = 2.30940e+000, iz = 4.61880e-001 J = 9.54659e+000, Cwp = 1.00000e+028 *. DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR STRENGTH EVALUATION : Ly = 5.68690e+002, Lz = 5.68690e+002, Lu = 5.68690e+002 Ky = 1.00000e-002, Kz = 1.00000e-002 *. MATERIAL PROPERTIES : Fy = 1.17500e+001, Es = 1.05000e+004, MATERIAL NAME = S235 - c *. FORCES AND MOMENTS AT (I) POINT : Axial Force Fxx =-9.66325e+001 Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000e+000, Fzz = 0.00000e+000 Bending Moments My = 0.00000e+000, Mz = 0.00000e+000 End Moments Myi = 0.00000e+000, Myj = 0.00000e+000 (for Lb) Myi = 0.00000e+000, Myj = 0.00000e+000 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000e+000, Mzj = 0.00000e+000 (for Lz) *. Sign conventions for stress and axial force. - Stress : Compression positive. - Axial force: Tension positive. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY TOP FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression Internal Parts. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 1 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.41 -. d/t = HTR = 5.00 -. sigma1 = 7.549 kn/cm^2. -. sigma2 = 7.549 kn/cm^2. -. HTR < 33*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-30 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [[[*]]] CLASSIFY BOTTOM FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression Internal Parts. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 1 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.41 -. d/t = HTR = 0.00 -. sigma1 = 7.549 kn/cm^2. -. sigma2 = 7.549 kn/cm^2. -. HTR < 33*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] CLASSIFY LEFT WEB OF SECTION (HTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression Internal Parts. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 1 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.41 -. d/t = HTR = 0.00 -. sigma1 = 7.549 kn/cm^2. -. sigma2 = 7.549 kn/cm^2. -. HTR < 33*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] APPLIED FACTORS. ( ). Calculate equivalent uniform moment factors (Cmy,Cmz,CmLT). [ Eurocode3:05 Annex A. Table A.1, A.2 ] -. Cmy,0 = 1.000 -. Cmz,0 = 1.003 -. Cmy (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. Cmz (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. CmLT (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 ( ). Partial Factors (Gamma_Mi). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1 ] -. Gamma_M0 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M1 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M2 = 1.25 [[[*]]] CHECK AXIAL RESISTANCE. ( ). Check slenderness ratio of axial compression member (Kl/i). [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1 ] -. Kl/i = 12.3 < 200.0 ---> O.K. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-31 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Calculate axial compressive resistance (Nc_Rd). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.4 ] -. Nc_Rd = fy * Area / Gamma_M0 = 143.24 kn. ( ). Check ratio of axial resistance (N_Ed/Nc_Rd). N_Ed 96.63 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.675 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nc_Rd 143.24 ( ). Calculate buckling resistance of compression member (Nb_Rdy, Nb_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05, ] -. Beta_A = Aeff / Area = 1.000 -. Lambda1 = Pi * SQRT(Es/fy) = 93.913 -. Lambda_by = {(KLy/iy)/Lambda1} * SQRT(Beta_A) = 0.026 -. Ncry = Pi^2*Es*Ryy / KLy^2 = 218749.46 kn. -. Lambda_by < 0.2 or N_Ed/Ncry < 0.04 --> No need to check. -. Lambda_bz = {(KLz/iz)/Lambda1} * SQRT(Beta_A) = 0.131 -. Ncrz = Pi^2*Es*Rzz / KLz^2 = 8749.98 kn. -. Lambda_bz < 0.2 or N_Ed/Ncrz < 0.04 --> No need to check. [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MAJOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about major axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wply = 25.6000 cm^3. -. Mc_Rdy = Wply * fy / Gamma_M0 = 286.48 kn-cm. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edy/Mc_Rdy). M_Edy 0.00 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdy 286.48 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MINOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about minor axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wplz = 5.1200 cm^3. -. Mc_Rdz = Wplz * fy / Gamma_M0 = 57.30 kn-cm. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edz/Mc_Rdz). M_Edz 0.00 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdz 57.30 Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-32 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [[[*]]] CHECK INTERACTION OF COMBINED RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate Major reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edz / Vpl_Rdz < 0.5 -. My_Rd = Mc_Rdy = 286.48 kn-cm. ( ). Calculate Minor reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edy / Vpl_Rdy < 0.5 -. Mz_Rd = Mc_Rdz = 57.30 kn-cm. ( ). Check general interaction ratio. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.1 (6.2) ] - Class1 or Class2 N_Ed M_Edy M_Edz -. Rmax1 = ------ + ------- + ------- N_Rd My_Rd Mz_Rd = 0.675 < 1.000 ---> O.K. ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial force member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.9 (6.31 ~ 6.41) ] - Class1 or Class2 -. n = N_Ed / Npl_Rd = 0.675 -. Alpha = 1.73 + 1.8*n^3 = 2.283 -. Beta = 1.73 + 1.8*n^3 = 2.283 -. N_Ed > 0.25*Npl_Rd = 35.81 kn. Therefore, Allowance for the effect of axial force. -. ay = MIN[ (Area-2b*tf)/Area, 0.5 ] = 0.500 -. Mny_Rd = MIN[ Mply_Rd*(1-n)/(1-0.5*ay), Mply_Rd ] = 124.28 kn-cm. -. Rmaxy = M_Edy / Mny_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. N_Ed > 0.25*Npl_Rd = 35.81 kn. Therefore, Allowance for the effect of axial force. -. az = MIN[ (Area-2h*tw)/Area, 0.5 ] = 0.500 -. Mnz_Rd = MIN[ Mplz_Rd*(1-n)/(1-0.5*az), Mplz_Rd ] = 24.86 kn-cm. -. Rmaxz = M_Edz / Mnz_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax2 = MAX[ Rmaxy, Rmaxz ] = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-33 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial compression member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1, (6.61, 6.62), Annex A ] -. N_Ed = -96.63 kn. -. M_Edy = 0.00 kn-cm. -. M_Edz = 0.00 kn-cm. -. kyy = 0.617 -. kyz = 0.365 -. kzy = 0.361 -. kzz = 0.624 -. Xiy = 1.000 -. Xiz = 1.000 -. XiLT = 1.000 -. N_Rk = A*fy = 150.40 kn. -. My_Rk = Wply*fy = 300.80 kn-cm. -. Mz_Rk = Wplz*fy = 60.16 kn-cm. -. N_Ed*eNy = 0.0 (Not Slender) -. N_Ed*eNZ = 0.0 (Not Slender) N_Ed M_Edy + N_Ed*eNy M_Edz + N_Ed*eNz -. Rmax_LT1 = ----------------- + kyy * ------------------- + kyz * ---------------- Xiy*N_Rk/Gamma_M1 XiLT*My_Rk/Gamma_M1 Mz_Rk/Gamma_M1 = 0.675 < 1.000 ---> O.K. N_Ed M_Edy + N_Ed*eNy M_Edz + N_Ed*eNz -. Rmax_LT2 = ----------------- + kzy * ------------------- + kzz * ---------------- Xiz*N_Rk/Gamma_M1 XiLT*My_Rk/Gamma_M1 Mz_Rk/Gamma_M1 = 0.675 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax = MAX[ MAX(Rmax1, Rmax2), MAX(Rmax_LT1, Rmax_LT2) ] = 0.675 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-34 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== *. PROJECT : *. MEMBER NO = 377, ELEMENT TYPE = Beam *. LOADCOMB NO = 161, MATERIAL NO = 1, SECTION NO = 7 *. UNIT SYSTEM : kn, cm *. SECTION PROPERTIES : Designation = UPN140 Shape = C - Section. (Rolled) Depth = 14.000, Top F Width = 6.000, Bot.F Width = 6.000 Web Thick = 0.700, Top F Thick = 1.000, Bot.F Thick = 1.000 Area = 2.04000e+001, Avy = 1.20000e+001, Avz = 1.01000e+001 Ybar = 1.90882e+000, Zbar = 7.00000e+000, Qyb = 7.37143e+001, Qzb = 8.36886e+000 Wely = 8.64000e+001, Welz = 1.48000e+001, Wply = 1.02800e+002, Wplz = 3.14400e+001 Iyy = 6.05000e+002, Izz = 6.27000e+001, Iyz = 0.00000e+000 iy = 5.45000e+000, iz = 1.75000e+000 J = 5.25300e+000, Cwp = 2.07638e+003 *. DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR STRENGTH EVALUATION : Ly = 2.62000e+002, Lz = 2.62000e+002, Lu = 0.00000e+000 Ky = 1.00000e+000, Kz = 1.00000e+000 *. MATERIAL PROPERTIES : Fy = 2.35000e+001, Es = 2.10000e+004, MATERIAL NAME = S235 *. FORCES AND MOMENTS AT (1/2) POINT : Axial Force Fxx = 0.00000e+000 Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000e+000, Fzz = 0.00000e+000 Bending Moments My = 2.93219e+002, Mz = 0.00000e+000 End Moments Myi = 0.00000e+000, Myj = 0.00000e+000 (for Lb) Myi = 0.00000e+000, Myj = 0.00000e+000 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000e+000, Mzj = 0.00000e+000 (for Lz) *. Sign conventions for stress and axial force. - Stress : Compression positive. - Axial force: Tension positive. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY TOP FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 4.30 -. sigma1 = 3.393 kn/cm^2. -. sigma2 = 3.393 kn/cm^2. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-35 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [[[*]]] CLASSIFY BOTTOM FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of tension outstand flanges. -. Not Checking the Section Classification. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY WEB OF SECTION (HTR). ( ). Determine classification of bending Internal Parts. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 1 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. d/t = HTR = 14.29 -. sigma1 = 2.423 kn/cm^2. -. sigma2 = -2.423 kn/cm^2. -. HTR < 72*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] APPLIED FACTORS. ( ). Calculate equivalent uniform moment factors (Cmy,Cmz,CmLT). [ Eurocode3:05 Annex A. Table A.1, A.2 ] -. Cmy,0 = 1.000 -. Cmz,0 = 1.000 -. Cmy (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. Cmz (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. CmLT (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 ( ). Partial Factors (Gamma_Mi). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1 ] -. Gamma_M0 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M1 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M2 = 1.25 [[[*]]] CHECK AXIAL RESISTANCE. ( ). Check slenderness ratio of axial tension member (l/i). [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1 ] -. l/i = 149.7 < 300.0 ---> O.K. ( ). Calculate parameters for combined resistance. -. Lambda1 = Pi * SQRT(Es/fy) = 93.913 -. Lambda_bz = (KLz/iz) / Lambda1 = 1.594 Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-36 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Calculate axial tensile resistance (Nt_Rd). [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.3 ] -. Nt_Rd = fy * Area / Gamma_M0 = 456.57 kn. ( ). Check ratio of axial resistance (N_Ed/Nt_Rd). N_Ed 0.00 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nt_Rd 456.57 [[[*]]] CHECK SHEAR RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate shear area. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6, EN1993-1-5:04 5.1 NOTE 2 ] -. r = 1.0000 cm. -. Avy = Area - hw*tw = 12.0000 cm^2. -. Avz = Area - 2*B*tf + (tw+r)*tf = 10.1000 cm^2. ( ). Calculate plastic shear resistance in local-z direction (Vpl_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.6 ] -. Vpl_Rdz = [ Avz*fy/SQRT(3) ] / Gamma_M0 = 130.51 kn. ( ). Shear Buckling Check. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6 ] -. HTR < 72*e/Eta ---> No need to check! ( ). Check ratio of shear resistance (V_Edz/Vpl_Rdz). ( LCB = 161, POS = J ) -. Applied shear force : V_Edz = 4.48 kn. V_Edz 4.48 -. ------- = --------------- = 0.034 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Vpl_Rdz 130.51 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MAJOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about major axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wply = 102.8000 cm^3. -. Mc_Rdy = Wply * fy / Gamma_M0 = 2300.76 kn-cm. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edy/Mc_Rdy). M_Edy 293.22 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.127 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdy 2300.76 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MINOR AXIS. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-37 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about minor axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wplz = 31.4400 cm^3. -. Mc_Rdz = Wplz * fy / Gamma_M0 = 703.66 kn-cm. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edz/Mc_Rdz). M_Edz 0.00 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdz 703.66 [[[*]]] CHECK INTERACTION OF COMBINED RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate Major reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edz / Vpl_Rdz < 0.5 -. My_Rd = Mc_Rdy = 2300.76 kn-cm. ( ). Calculate Minor reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edy / Vpl_Rdy < 0.5 -. Mz_Rd = Mc_Rdz = 703.66 kn-cm. ( ). Check general interaction ratio. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.1 (6.2) ] - Class1 or Class2 N_Ed M_Edy M_Edz -. Rmax1 = ------ + ------- + ------- N_Rd My_Rd Mz_Rd = 0.127 < 1.000 ---> O.K. ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial force member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.9 (6.31 ~ 6.41) ] - Class1 or Class2 -. n = N_Ed / Npl_Rd = 0.000 -. a = MIN[ (Area-2b*tf)/Area, 0.5 ] = 0.412 -. Alpha = 2.000 -. Beta = MAX[ 5*n, 1.0 ] = 1.000 -. Mny_Rd = MIN[ Mply_Rd*(1-n)/(1-0.5*a), Mply_Rd ] = 2300.76 kn-cm. -. Rmaxy = M_Edy / Mny_Rd = 0.127 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. In case of n < a -. Mnz_Rd = Mplz_Rd = 703.66 kn-cm. -. Rmaxz = M_Edz / Mnz_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax2 = MAX[ Rmaxy, Rmaxz ] = 0.127 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax = MAX[ Rmax1, Rmax2 ] = 0.127 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-38 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [[[*]]] CHECK DEFLECTION. ( ). Compute Maximum Deflection. -. LCB = 163 -. DAF = 1.000 (Deflection Amplification Factor). -. Position = 131.000cm From i-end(node 380). -. Def = -0.117 * DAF = -0.117cm (Golbal Z) -. Def_Lim = 1.310cm Def < Def_Lim ---> O.K! Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-39 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== *. PROJECT : *. MEMBER NO = 239, ELEMENT TYPE = Beam *. LOADCOMB NO = 6, MATERIAL NO = 3, SECTION NO = 8 *. UNIT SYSTEM : kn, cm *. SECTION PROPERTIES : Designation = pilastri Shape = P - Section. (Built-up) Outer Dia. = 13.970, Wall Thick = 1.000 Area = 4.07465e+001, Avy = 2.59400e+001, Avz = 2.59400e+001 Ybar = 6.98500e+000, Zbar = 6.98500e+000, Qyb = 4.23052e+001, Qzb = 4.23052e+001 Wely = 1.23392e+002, Welz = 1.23392e+002, Wply = 1.68554e+002, Wplz = 1.68554e+002 Iyy = 8.61894e+002, Izz = 8.61894e+002, Iyz = 0.00000e+000 iy = 4.59920e+000, iz = 4.59920e+000 J = 1.72379e+003, Cwp = 1.00000e+028 *. DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR STRENGTH EVALUATION : Ly = 3.42000e+002, Lz = 1.20000e+002, Lu = 1.20000e+002 Ky = 1.00000e+000, Kz = 1.00000e+000 *. MATERIAL PROPERTIES : Fy = 2.35000e+001, Es = 2.10000e+004, MATERIAL NAME = S235 *. FORCES AND MOMENTS AT (I) POINT : Axial Force Fxx =-1.87252e+002 Shear Forces Fyy =-7.72909e-001, Fzz = 1.64096e-002 Bending Moments My = 0.00000e+000, Mz = 0.00000e+000 End Moments Myi = 0.00000e+000, Myj =-1.96915e+000 (for Lb) Myi = 0.00000e+000, Myj = 6.44922e-001 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000e+000, Mzj = 9.27491e+001 (for Lz) *. Sign conventions for stress and axial force. - Stress : Compression positive. - Axial force: Tension positive. ( ). Determine classification of tublar section(hollow pipe). [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 3 of 3) ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. d/t = DTR = 13.97 -. DTR < 50*e^2 ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] APPLIED FACTORS. ( ). Calculate equivalent uniform moment factors (Cmy,Cmz,CmLT). [ Eurocode3:05 Annex A. Table A.1, A.2 ] -. Cmy,0 = 0.775 -. Cmz,0 = 0.788 Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-40 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== -. Cmy (Default or User Defined Value) = 0.850 -. Cmz (Default or User Defined Value) = 0.850 -. CmLT (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 ( ). Partial Factors (Gamma_Mi). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1 ] -. Gamma_M0 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M1 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M2 = 1.25 [[[*]]] CHECK AXIAL RESISTANCE. ( ). Check slenderness ratio of axial compression member (Kl/i). [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1 ] -. Kl/i = 74.4 < 200.0 ---> O.K. ( ). Calculate axial compressive resistance (Nc_Rd). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.4 ] -. Nc_Rd = fy * Area / Gamma_M0 = 911.94 kn. ( ). Check ratio of axial resistance (N_Ed/Nc_Rd). N_Ed 187.25 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.205 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nc_Rd 911.94 ( ). Calculate buckling resistance of compression member (Nb_Rdy, Nb_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05, ] -. Beta_A = Aeff / Area = 1.000 -. Lambda1 = Pi * SQRT(Es/fy) = 93.913 -. Lambda_by = {(KLy/iy)/Lambda1} * SQRT(Beta_A) = 0.792 -. Ncry = Pi^2*Es*Ryy / KLy^2 = 1527.29 kn. -. Lambda_by > 0.2 and N_Ed/Ncry > 0.04 --> Need to check. -. Alphay = 0.210 -. Phiy = 0.5 * [ 1 + Alphay*(Lambda_by-0.2) + Lambda_by^2 ] = 0.876 -. Xiy = MIN [ 1 / [Phiy + SQRT(Phiy^2 - Lambda_by^2)], 1.0 ] = 0.800 -. Nb_Rdy = Xiy*Beta_A*Area*fy / Gamma_M1 = 729.88 kn. -. Lambda_bz = {(KLz/iz)/Lambda1} * SQRT(Beta_A) = 0.278 -. Ncrz = Pi^2*Es*Rzz / KLz^2 = 12405.39 kn. -. Lambda_bz < 0.2 or N_Ed/Ncrz < 0.04 --> No need to check. ( ). Check ratio of buckling resistance (N_Ed/Nb_Rd). -. Nb_Rd = MIN[ Nb_Rdy, Nb_Rdz ] = 729.88 kn. N_Ed 187.25 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.257 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nb_Rd 729.88 [[[*]]] CHECK SHEAR RESISTANCE. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-41 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Calculate shear area. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6, EN1993-1-5:04 5.1 NOTE 2 ] -. Avy = 2*Area/Pi = 25.9400 cm^2. -. Avz = 2*Area/Pi = 25.9400 cm^2. ( ). Calculate plastic shear resistance in local-y direction (Vpl_Rdy). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.6 ] -. Vpl_Rdy = [ Avy*fy/SQRT(3) ] / Gamma_M0 = 335.19 kn. ( ). Check ratio of shear resistance (V_Edy/Vpl_Rdy). ( LCB = 6, POS = J ) -. Applied shear force : V_Edy = 30.78 kn. V_Edy 30.78 -. ------- = --------------- = 0.092 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Vpl_Rdy 335.19 ( ). Calculate plastic shear resistance in local-z direction (Vpl_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.6 ] -. Vpl_Rdz = [ Avz*fy/SQRT(3) ] / Gamma_M0 = 335.19 kn. ( ). Shear Buckling Check. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6 ] -. HTR < 72*e/Eta ---> No need to check! ( ). Check ratio of shear resistance (V_Edz/Vpl_Rdz). ( LCB = 97, POS = J ) -. Applied shear force : V_Edz = 0.24 kn. V_Edz 0.24 -. ------- = --------------- =7.227e-004 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Vpl_Rdz 335.19 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MAJOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about major axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wply = 168.5542 cm^3. -. Mc_Rdy = Wply * fy / Gamma_M0 = 3772.40 kn-cm. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edy/Mc_Rdy). M_Edy 0.00 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdy 3772.40 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MINOR AXIS. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-42 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about minor axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wplz = 168.5542 cm^3. -. Mc_Rdz = Wplz * fy / Gamma_M0 = 3772.40 kn-cm. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edz/Mc_Rdz). M_Edz 0.00 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdz 3772.40 [[[*]]] CHECK INTERACTION OF COMBINED RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate Major reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edz / Vpl_Rdz < 0.5 -. My_Rd = Mc_Rdy = 3772.40 kn-cm. ( ). Calculate Minor reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edy / Vpl_Rdy < 0.5 -. Mz_Rd = Mc_Rdz = 3772.40 kn-cm. ( ). Check general interaction ratio. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.1 (6.2) ] - Class1 or Class2 N_Ed M_Edy M_Edz -. Rmax1 = ------ + ------- + ------- N_Rd My_Rd Mz_Rd = 0.205 < 1.000 ---> O.K. ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial force member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.9 (6.31 ~ 6.41) ] - Class1 or Class2 -. Alpha = 2.000 -. Beta = 2.000 -. N_Ed < 0.25*Npl_Rd = 227.99 kn. Therefore, No allowance for the effect of axial force. -. Mny_Rd = Mply_Rd = 3772.40 kn-cm. -. Rmaxy = M_Edy / Mny_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Mnz_Rd = Mplz_Rd = 3772.40 kn-cm. -. Rmaxz = M_Edz / Mnz_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax2 = MAX[ Rmaxy, Rmaxz ] = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-43 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial compression member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1, (6.61, 6.62), Annex A ] -. N_Ed = -187.25 kn. -. M_Edy = -1.40 kn-cm. -. M_Edz = -141.51 kn-cm. -. kyy = 0.889 -. kyz = 0.480 -. kzy = 0.553 -. kzz = 0.814 -. Xiy = 0.800 -. Xiz = 0.983 -. XiLT = 1.000 -. N_Rk = A*fy = 957.54 kn. -. My_Rk = Wply*fy = 3961.02 kn-cm. -. Mz_Rk = Wplz*fy = 3961.02 kn-cm. -. N_Ed*eNy = 0.0 (Not Slender) -. N_Ed*eNZ = 0.0 (Not Slender) N_Ed M_Edy + N_Ed*eNy M_Edz + N_Ed*eNz -. Rmax_LT1 = ----------------- + kyy * ------------------- + kyz * ---------------- Xiy*N_Rk/Gamma_M1 XiLT*My_Rk/Gamma_M1 Mz_Rk/Gamma_M1 = 0.275 < 1.000 ---> O.K. N_Ed M_Edy + N_Ed*eNy M_Edz + N_Ed*eNz -. Rmax_LT2 = ----------------- + kzy * ------------------- + kzz * ---------------- Xiz*N_Rk/Gamma_M1 XiLT*My_Rk/Gamma_M1 Mz_Rk/Gamma_M1 = 0.240 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax = MAX[ MAX(Rmax1, Rmax2), MAX(Rmax_LT1, Rmax_LT2) ] = 0.275 < 1.000 ---> O.K. [[[*]]] CHECK DEFLECTION. ( ). Compute Maximum Deflection. -. LCB = 163 -. DAF = 1.000 (Deflection Amplification Factor). -. Def = 0.115 * DAF = 0.115cm (Golbal Y) -. Def_Lim = 1.140cm Def < Def_Lim ---> O.K! Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-44 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== *. PROJECT : *. MEMBER NO = 565, ELEMENT TYPE = Beam *. LOADCOMB NO = 161, MATERIAL NO = 3, SECTION NO = 9 *. UNIT SYSTEM : kn, cm *. SECTION PROPERTIES : Designation = aste Shape = P - Section. (Built-up) Outer Dia. = 8.890, Wall Thick = 0.500 Area = 1.31790e+001, Avy = 8.39000e+000, Avz = 8.39000e+000 Ybar = 4.44500e+000, Zbar = 4.44500e+000, Qyb = 1.76605e+001, Qzb = 1.76605e+001 Wely = 2.61808e+001, Welz = 2.61808e+001, Wply = 3.52377e+001, Wplz = 3.52377e+001 Iyy = 1.16374e+002, Izz = 1.16374e+002, Iyz = 0.00000e+000 iy = 2.97158e+000, iz = 2.97158e+000 J = 2.32748e+002, Cwp = 1.00000e+028 *. DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR STRENGTH EVALUATION : Ly = 1.45341e+002, Lz = 1.45341e+002, Lu = 1.45341e+002 Ky = 1.00000e+000, Kz = 1.00000e+000 *. MATERIAL PROPERTIES : Fy = 2.35000e+001, Es = 2.10000e+004, MATERIAL NAME = S235 *. FORCES AND MOMENTS AT (I) POINT : Axial Force Fxx =-6.82447e+001 Shear Forces Fyy =-2.12130e-003, Fzz =-7.80228e-001 Bending Moments My =-5.34524e+001, Mz =-2.41605e-001 End Moments Myi =-5.34524e+001, Myj = 4.84455e+001 (for Lb) Myi =-5.34524e+001, Myj = 4.84455e+001 (for Ly) Mzi =-2.41605e-001, Mzj = 6.67063e-002 (for Lz) *. Sign conventions for stress and axial force. - Stress : Compression positive. - Axial force: Tension positive. ( ). Determine classification of tublar section(hollow pipe). [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 3 of 3) ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. d/t = DTR = 17.78 -. DTR < 50*e^2 ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] APPLIED FACTORS. ( ). Calculate equivalent uniform moment factors (Cmy,Cmz,CmLT). [ Eurocode3:05 Annex A. Table A.1, A.2 ] -. Cmy,0 = 1.173 -. Cmz,0 = 0.719 Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-45 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== -. Cmy (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. Cmz (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. CmLT (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 ( ). Partial Factors (Gamma_Mi). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1 ] -. Gamma_M0 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M1 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M2 = 1.25 [[[*]]] CHECK AXIAL RESISTANCE. ( ). Check slenderness ratio of axial compression member (Kl/i). [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1 ] -. Kl/i = 48.9 < 200.0 ---> O.K. ( ). Calculate axial compressive resistance (Nc_Rd). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.4 ] -. Nc_Rd = fy * Area / Gamma_M0 = 294.96 kn. ( ). Check ratio of axial resistance (N_Ed/Nc_Rd). N_Ed 68.24 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.231 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nc_Rd 294.96 ( ). Calculate buckling resistance of compression member (Nb_Rdy, Nb_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05, ] -. Beta_A = Aeff / Area = 1.000 -. Lambda1 = Pi * SQRT(Es/fy) = 93.913 -. Lambda_by = {(KLy/iy)/Lambda1} * SQRT(Beta_A) = 0.521 -. Ncry = Pi^2*Es*Ryy / KLy^2 = 1141.82 kn. -. Lambda_by > 0.2 and N_Ed/Ncry > 0.04 --> Need to check. -. Alphay = 0.210 -. Phiy = 0.5 * [ 1 + Alphay*(Lambda_by-0.2) + Lambda_by^2 ] = 0.669 -. Xiy = MIN [ 1 / [Phiy + SQRT(Phiy^2 - Lambda_by^2)], 1.0 ] = 0.918 -. Nb_Rdy = Xiy*Beta_A*Area*fy / Gamma_M1 = 270.68 kn. -. Lambda_bz = {(KLz/iz)/Lambda1} * SQRT(Beta_A) = 0.521 -. Ncrz = Pi^2*Es*Rzz / KLz^2 = 1141.82 kn. -. Lambda_bz > 0.2 and N_Ed/Ncrz > 0.04 --> Need to check. -. Alphaz = 0.210 -. Phiz = 0.5 * [ 1 + Alphaz*(Lambda_bz-0.2) + Lambda_bz^2 ] = 0.669 -. Xiz = MIN [ 1 / [Phiz + SQRT(Phiz^2 - Lambda_bz^2)], 1.0 ] = 0.918 -. Nb_Rdz = Xiz*Beta_A*Area*fy / Gamma_M1 = 270.68 kn. ( ). Check ratio of buckling resistance (N_Ed/Nb_Rd). -. Nb_Rd = MIN[ Nb_Rdy, Nb_Rdz ] = 270.68 kn. N_Ed 68.24 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.252 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nb_Rd 270.68 Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-46 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [[[*]]] CHECK SHEAR RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate shear area. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6, EN1993-1-5:04 5.1 NOTE 2 ] -. Avy = 2*Area/Pi = 8.3900 cm^2. -. Avz = 2*Area/Pi = 8.3900 cm^2. ( ). Calculate plastic shear resistance in local-y direction (Vpl_Rdy). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.6 ] -. Vpl_Rdy = [ Avy*fy/SQRT(3) ] / Gamma_M0 = 108.41 kn. ( ). Check ratio of shear resistance (V_Edy/Vpl_Rdy). ( LCB = 97, POS = J ) -. Applied shear force : V_Edy = 0.01 kn. V_Edy 0.01 -. ------- = --------------- =1.175e-004 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Vpl_Rdy 108.41 ( ). Calculate plastic shear resistance in local-z direction (Vpl_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.6 ] -. Vpl_Rdz = [ Avz*fy/SQRT(3) ] / Gamma_M0 = 108.41 kn. ( ). Shear Buckling Check. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6 ] -. HTR < 72*e/Eta ---> No need to check! ( ). Check ratio of shear resistance (V_Edz/Vpl_Rdz). ( LCB = 161, POS = I ) -. Applied shear force : V_Edz = 0.78 kn. V_Edz 0.78 -. ------- = --------------- = 0.007 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Vpl_Rdz 108.41 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MAJOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about major axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wply = 35.2377 cm^3. -. Mc_Rdy = Wply * fy / Gamma_M0 = 788.65 kn-cm. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edy/Mc_Rdy). M_Edy 53.45 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.068 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdy 788.65 Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-47 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MINOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about minor axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wplz = 35.2377 cm^3. -. Mc_Rdz = Wplz * fy / Gamma_M0 = 788.65 kn-cm. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edz/Mc_Rdz). M_Edz 0.24 -. ------ = --------------- =3.064e-004 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdz 788.65 [[[*]]] CHECK INTERACTION OF COMBINED RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate Major reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edz / Vpl_Rdz < 0.5 -. My_Rd = Mc_Rdy = 788.65 kn-cm. ( ). Calculate Minor reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edy / Vpl_Rdy < 0.5 -. Mz_Rd = Mc_Rdz = 788.65 kn-cm. ( ). Check general interaction ratio. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.1 (6.2) ] - Class1 or Class2 N_Ed M_Edy M_Edz -. Rmax1 = ------ + ------- + ------- N_Rd My_Rd Mz_Rd = 0.299 < 1.000 ---> O.K. ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial force member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.9 (6.31 ~ 6.41) ] - Class1 or Class2 -. Alpha = 2.000 -. Beta = 2.000 -. N_Ed < 0.25*Npl_Rd = 73.74 kn. Therefore, No allowance for the effect of axial force. -. Mny_Rd = Mply_Rd = 788.65 kn-cm. -. Rmaxy = M_Edy / Mny_Rd = 0.068 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Mnz_Rd = Mplz_Rd = 788.65 kn-cm. -. Rmaxz = M_Edz / Mnz_Rd =3.064e-004 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-48 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [ M_Edy ^(Alpha) M_Edz ^(Beta) ] -. Rmax2 = [ -------- + -------- ] [ Mny_Rd Mnz_Rd ] = 0.005 < 1.000 ---> O.K. ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial compression member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1, (6.61, 6.62), Annex A ] -. N_Ed = -68.24 kn. -. M_Edy = -53.45 kn-cm. -. M_Edz = -0.24 kn-cm. -. kyy = 0.975 -. kyz = 0.582 -. kzy = 0.582 -. kzz = 0.975 -. Xiy = 0.918 -. Xiz = 0.918 -. XiLT = 1.000 -. N_Rk = A*fy = 309.71 kn. -. My_Rk = Wply*fy = 828.09 kn-cm. -. Mz_Rk = Wplz*fy = 828.09 kn-cm. -. N_Ed*eNy = 0.0 (Not Slender) -. N_Ed*eNZ = 0.0 (Not Slender) N_Ed M_Edy + N_Ed*eNy M_Edz + N_Ed*eNz -. Rmax_LT1 = ----------------- + kyy * ------------------- + kyz * ---------------- Xiy*N_Rk/Gamma_M1 XiLT*My_Rk/Gamma_M1 Mz_Rk/Gamma_M1 = 0.318 < 1.000 ---> O.K. N_Ed M_Edy + N_Ed*eNy M_Edz + N_Ed*eNz -. Rmax_LT2 = ----------------- + kzy * ------------------- + kzz * ---------------- Xiz*N_Rk/Gamma_M1 XiLT*My_Rk/Gamma_M1 Mz_Rk/Gamma_M1 = 0.292 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax = MAX[ MAX(Rmax1, Rmax2), MAX(Rmax_LT1, Rmax_LT2) ] = 0.318 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-49 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== *. PROJECT : *. MEMBER NO = 574, ELEMENT TYPE = Beam *. LOADCOMB NO = 161, MATERIAL NO = 3, SECTION NO = 10 *. UNIT SYSTEM : kn, cm *. SECTION PROPERTIES : Designation = tiranti Shape = P - Section. (Built-up) Outer Dia. = 7.610, Wall Thick = 0.500 Area = 1.11684e+001, Avy = 7.11000e+000, Avz = 7.11000e+000 Ybar = 3.80500e+000, Zbar = 3.80500e+000, Qyb = 1.27005e+001, Qzb = 1.27005e+001 Wely = 1.86392e+001, Welz = 1.86392e+001, Wply = 2.53177e+001, Wplz = 2.53177e+001 Iyy = 7.09220e+001, Izz = 7.09220e+001, Iyz = 0.00000e+000 iy = 2.51997e+000, iz = 2.51997e+000 J = 1.41844e+002, Cwp = 1.00000e+028 *. DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR STRENGTH EVALUATION : Ly = 2.95743e+002, Lz = 2.95743e+002, Lu = 2.95743e+002 Ky = 1.00000e+000, Kz = 1.00000e+000 *. MATERIAL PROPERTIES : Fy = 2.35000e+001, Es = 2.10000e+004, MATERIAL NAME = S235 *. FORCES AND MOMENTS AT (1/2) POINT : Axial Force Fxx = 7.40226e+001 Shear Forces Fyy = 2.03460e-004, Fzz = 0.00000e+000 Bending Moments My = 9.99887e+000, Mz =-2.50025e-002 End Moments Myi = 0.00000e+000, Myj = 0.00000e+000 (for Lb) Myi = 0.00000e+000, Myj = 0.00000e+000 (for Ly) Mzi = 5.08348e-003, Mzj =-5.50885e-002 (for Lz) *. Sign conventions for stress and axial force. - Stress : Compression positive. - Axial force: Tension positive. ( ). Determine classification of tublar section(hollow pipe). [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 3 of 3) ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. d/t = DTR = 15.22 -. DTR < 50*e^2 ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] APPLIED FACTORS. ( ). Calculate equivalent uniform moment factors (Cmy,Cmz,CmLT). [ Eurocode3:05 Annex A. Table A.1, A.2 ] -. Cmy,0 = 1.013 -. Cmz,0 = 0.704 Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-50 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== -. Cmy (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. Cmz (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. CmLT (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 ( ). Partial Factors (Gamma_Mi). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1 ] -. Gamma_M0 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M1 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M2 = 1.25 [[[*]]] CHECK AXIAL RESISTANCE. ( ). Check slenderness ratio of axial tension member (l/i). [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1 ] -. l/i = 117.4 < 300.0 ---> O.K. ( ). Calculate parameters for combined resistance. -. Lambda1 = Pi * SQRT(Es/fy) = 93.913 -. Lambda_bz = (KLz/iz) / Lambda1 = 1.250 ( ). Calculate axial tensile resistance (Nt_Rd). [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.3 ] -. Nt_Rd = fy * Area / Gamma_M0 = 249.96 kn. ( ). Check ratio of axial resistance (N_Ed/Nt_Rd). N_Ed 74.02 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.296 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nt_Rd 249.96 [[[*]]] CHECK SHEAR RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate shear area. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6, EN1993-1-5:04 5.1 NOTE 2 ] -. Avy = 2*Area/Pi = 7.1100 cm^2. -. Avz = 2*Area/Pi = 7.1100 cm^2. ( ). Calculate plastic shear resistance in local-y direction (Vpl_Rdy). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.6 ] -. Vpl_Rdy = [ Avy*fy/SQRT(3) ] / Gamma_M0 = 91.87 kn. ( ). Check ratio of shear resistance (V_Edy/Vpl_Rdy). ( LCB = 85, POS = 3/4 ) -. Applied shear force : V_Edy = 0.02 kn. V_Edy 0.02 -. ------- = --------------- =2.124e-004 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Vpl_Rdy 91.87 Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-51 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Calculate plastic shear resistance in local-z direction (Vpl_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.6 ] -. Vpl_Rdz = [ Avz*fy/SQRT(3) ] / Gamma_M0 = 91.87 kn. ( ). Shear Buckling Check. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6 ] -. HTR < 72*e/Eta ---> No need to check! ( ). Check ratio of shear resistance (V_Edz/Vpl_Rdz). ( LCB = 170, POS = J ) -. Applied shear force : V_Edz = 0.14 kn. V_Edz 0.14 -. ------- = --------------- = 0.001 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Vpl_Rdz 91.87 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MAJOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about major axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wply = 25.3177 cm^3. -. Mc_Rdy = Wply * fy / Gamma_M0 = 566.63 kn-cm. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edy/Mc_Rdy). M_Edy 10.00 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.018 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdy 566.63 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MINOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about minor axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wplz = 25.3177 cm^3. -. Mc_Rdz = Wplz * fy / Gamma_M0 = 566.63 kn-cm. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edz/Mc_Rdz). M_Edz 0.03 -. ------ = --------------- =4.412e-005 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdz 566.63 [[[*]]] CHECK INTERACTION OF COMBINED RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate Major reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edz / Vpl_Rdz < 0.5 -. My_Rd = Mc_Rdy = 566.63 kn-cm. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-52 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Calculate Minor reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edy / Vpl_Rdy < 0.5 -. Mz_Rd = Mc_Rdz = 566.63 kn-cm. ( ). Check general interaction ratio. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.1 (6.2) ] - Class1 or Class2 N_Ed M_Edy M_Edz -. Rmax1 = ------ + ------- + ------- N_Rd My_Rd Mz_Rd = 0.314 < 1.000 ---> O.K. ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial force member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.9 (6.31 ~ 6.41) ] - Class1 or Class2 -. Alpha = 2.000 -. Beta = 2.000 -. N_Ed > 0.25*Npl_Rd = 62.49 kn. Therefore, Allowance for the effect of axial force. -. n = N_Ed / Npl_Rd = 0.296 -. Mny_Rd = MIN[ 1.04 * Mply_Rd*(1-n^1.7), Mply_Rd ] = 514.85 kn-cm. -. Rmaxy = M_Edy / Mny_Rd = 0.019 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Mnz_Rd = MIN[ 1.04 * Mplz_Rd*(1-n^1.7), Mplz_Rd ] = 514.85 kn-cm. -. Rmaxz = M_Edz / Mnz_Rd =4.856e-005 < 1.000 ---> O.K. [ M_Edy ^(Alpha) M_Edz ^(Beta) ] -. Rmax2 = [ -------- + -------- ] [ Mny_Rd Mnz_Rd ] =3.772e-004 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax = MAX[ Rmax1, Rmax2 ] = 0.314 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-53 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== *. PROJECT : *. MEMBER NO = 634, ELEMENT TYPE = Beam *. LOADCOMB NO = 168, MATERIAL NO = 1, SECTION NO = 14 *. UNIT SYSTEM : kn, cm *. SECTION PROPERTIES : Designation = HEB220 Shape = I - Section. (Rolled) Depth = 22.000, Top F Width = 22.000, Bot.F Width = 22.000 Web Thick = 0.950, Top F Thick = 1.600, Bot.F Thick = 1.600 Area = 9.10000e+001, Avy = 7.31400e+001, Avz = 2.78800e+001 Ybar = 1.10000e+001, Zbar = 1.10000e+001, Qyb = 4.22117e+002, Qzb = 6.05000e+001 Wely = 7.36000e+002, Welz = 2.58000e+002, Wply = 8.28000e+002, Wplz = 3.91442e+002 Iyy = 8.09000e+003, Izz = 2.84000e+003, Iyz = 0.00000e+000 iy = 9.43000e+000, iz = 5.59000e+000 J = 6.59048e+001, Cwp = 2.95418e+005 *. DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR STRENGTH EVALUATION : Ly = 5.00000e+001, Lz = 5.00000e+001, Lu = 0.00000e+000 Ky = 1.00000e+000, Kz = 1.00000e+000 *. MATERIAL PROPERTIES : Fy = 2.35000e+001, Es = 2.10000e+004, MATERIAL NAME = S235 *. FORCES AND MOMENTS AT (I) POINT : Axial Force Fxx = 0.00000e+000 Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000e+000, Fzz =-4.17279e+000 Bending Moments My =-1.93259e+002, Mz = 0.00000e+000 End Moments Myi =-1.93259e+002, Myj = 3.99753e+000 (for Lb) Myi =-1.93259e+002, Myj = 3.99753e+000 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000e+000, Mzj = 0.00000e+000 (for Lz) *. Sign conventions for stress and axial force. - Stress : Compression positive. - Axial force: Tension positive. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY LEFT-TOP FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of tension outstand flanges. -. Not Checking the Section Classification. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY RIGHT-TOP FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of tension outstand flanges. -. Not Checking the Section Classification. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-54 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [[[*]]] CLASSIFY LEFT-BOTTOM FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 5.45 -. sigma1 = 0.263 kn/cm^2. -. sigma2 = 0.263 kn/cm^2. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] CLASSIFY RIGHT-BOTTOM FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 5.45 -. sigma1 = 0.263 kn/cm^2. -. sigma2 = 0.263 kn/cm^2. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] CLASSIFY WEB OF SECTION (HTR). ( ). Determine classification of bending Internal Parts. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 1 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. d/t = HTR = 16.00 -. sigma1 = 0.182 kn/cm^2. -. sigma2 = -0.182 kn/cm^2. -. HTR < 72*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] APPLIED FACTORS. ( ). Calculate equivalent uniform moment factors (Cmy,Cmz,CmLT). [ Eurocode3:05 Annex A. Table A.1, A.2 ] -. Cmy,0 = 0.786 -. Cmz,0 = 1.000 -. Cmy (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. Cmz (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. CmLT (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-55 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Partial Factors (Gamma_Mi). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1 ] -. Gamma_M0 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M1 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M2 = 1.25 [[[*]]] CHECK AXIAL RESISTANCE. ( ). Check slenderness ratio of axial tension member (l/i). [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1 ] -. l/i = 8.9 < 300.0 ---> O.K. ( ). Calculate parameters for combined resistance. -. Lambda1 = Pi * SQRT(Es/fy) = 93.913 -. Lambda_bz = (KLz/iz) / Lambda1 = 0.095 ( ). Calculate axial tensile resistance (Nt_Rd). [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.3 ] -. Nt_Rd = fy * Area / Gamma_M0 = 2036.67 kn. ( ). Check ratio of axial resistance (N_Ed/Nt_Rd). N_Ed 0.00 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nt_Rd 2036.67 [[[*]]] CHECK SHEAR RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate shear area. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6, EN1993-1-5:04 5.1 NOTE 2 ] -. eta = 1.2 (Fy < 460 MPa.) -. r = 1.8000 cm. -. Avy = Area - hw*tw = 73.1400 cm^2. -. Avz1 = eta*hw*tw = 21.4320 cm^2. -. Avz2 = Area - 2*B*tf + (tw + 2*r)*tf = 27.8800 cm^2. -. Avz = MAX[ Avz1, Avz2 ] = 27.8800 cm^2. ( ). Calculate plastic shear resistance in local-z direction (Vpl_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.6 ] -. Vpl_Rdz = [ Avz*fy/SQRT(3) ] / Gamma_M0 = 360.26 kn. ( ). Shear Buckling Check. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6 ] -. HTR < 72*e/Eta ---> No need to check! Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-56 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check ratio of shear resistance (V_Edz/Vpl_Rdz). ( LCB = 168, POS = I ) -. Applied shear force : V_Edz = 4.17 kn. V_Edz 4.17 -. ------- = --------------- = 0.012 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Vpl_Rdz 360.26 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MAJOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about major axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wply = 828.0000 cm^3. -. Mc_Rdy = Wply * fy / Gamma_M0 = 18531.43 kn-cm. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edy/Mc_Rdy). M_Edy 193.26 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.010 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdy 18531.43 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MINOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about minor axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wplz = 391.4417 cm^3. -. Mc_Rdz = Wplz * fy / Gamma_M0 = 8760.84 kn-cm. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edz/Mc_Rdz). M_Edz 0.00 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdz 8760.84 [[[*]]] CHECK INTERACTION OF COMBINED RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate Major reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edz / Vpl_Rdz < 0.5 -. My_Rd = Mc_Rdy = 18531.43 kn-cm. ( ). Calculate Minor reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edy / Vpl_Rdy < 0.5 -. Mz_Rd = Mc_Rdz = 8760.84 kn-cm. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-57 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check general interaction ratio. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.1 (6.2) ] - Class1 or Class2 N_Ed M_Edy M_Edz -. Rmax1 = ------ + ------- + ------- N_Rd My_Rd Mz_Rd = 0.010 < 1.000 ---> O.K. ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial force member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.9 (6.31 ~ 6.41) ] - Class1 or Class2 -. n = N_Ed / Npl_Rd = 0.000 -. a = MIN[ (Area-2b*tf)/Area, 0.5 ] = 0.226 -. Alpha = 2.000 -. Beta = MAX[ 5*n, 1.0 ] = 1.000 -. N_Ed < 0.25*Npl_Rd = 509.17 kn. -. N_Ed < 0.5*hw*tw*fy/Gamma_M0 = 199.86 kn. Therefore, No allowance for the effect of axial force. -. Mny_Rd = Mply_Rd = 18531.43 kn-cm. -. Rmaxy = M_Edy / Mny_Rd = 0.010 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. N_Ed < hw*tw*fy/gamma_m0 = 673.22 kn. Therefore, No allowance for the effect of axial force. -. Mnz_Rd = Mplz_Rd = 8760.84 kn-cm. -. Rmaxz = M_Edz / Mnz_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax2 = MAX[ Rmaxy, Rmaxz ] = 0.010 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax = MAX[ Rmax1, Rmax2 ] = 0.010 < 1.000 ---> O.K. [[[*]]] CHECK DEFLECTION. ( ). Compute Maximum Deflection. -. LCB = 172 -. DAF = 1.000 (Deflection Amplification Factor). -. Position = 19.444cm From i-end(node 414). -. Def = 1.086e-004 * DAF =1.086e-004cm (Golbal Z) -. Def_Lim = 0.200cm Def < Def_Lim ---> O.K! Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:29-58 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Checking Result Company Project Title Author 1. Design Information Alberto Dellavalle File Name C:\...amento_EST_pensilina-RID.mgb z Design Code : Eurocode3:05 0.85 Unit System : kn, cm Member No : 338 Material : S235 (No:1) (Fy = 23.5000, Es = 21000.0) 13.3 6.65 0.55 y Section Name : HEA140 (No:1) 7.00 (Rolled : HEA140). 14 Member Length : 253.000 2. Member Forces Axial Force Fxx = 0.00000 (LCB: 161, POS:1/4) Bending Moments My = 3345.51, Mz = 0.00000 End Moments Myi = 3052.91, Myj = 0.00000 (for Lb) Myi = 3052.91, Myj = 0.00000 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000, Mzj = 0.00000 (for Lz) Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000 (LCB: 160, POS:I) Fzz = 34.3241 (LCB: 161, POS:J) Depth 13.3000 Web Thick 0.55000 Top F Width 14.0000 Top F Thick 0.85000 Bot.F Width 14.0000 Bot.F Thick 0.85000 Area 31.4000 Asz 7.31500 Qyb 151.506 Qzb 24.5000 Iyy 1030.00 Izz 389.000 Ybar 7.00000 Zbar 6.65000 Wely 155.000 Welz 55.6000 ry 5.73000 rz 3.52000 3. Design Parameters Unbraced Lengths Ly = 253.000, Lz = 253.000, Lb = 0.00000 Effective Length Factors Ky = 1.00, Kz = 1.00 Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors Cmy = 1.00, Cmz = 1.00, CmLT = 1.00 4. Checking Results Slenderness Ratio L/r = 117.0 < 300.0 (Memb:330, LCB: 1)... O.K Axial Resistance N_Ed/Nt_Rd = 0.000/702.762 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Bending Resistance M_Edy/M_Rdy = 3345.51/3880.86 = 0.862 < 1.000... O.K M_Edz/M_Rdz = 0.00/1883.97 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Combined Resistance RNRd = MAX[ M_Edy/Mny_Rd, M_Edz/Mnz_Rd ] Rcom = N_Ed/(A*fy/Gamma_M0), Rbend = M_Edy/My_Rd + M_Edz/Mz_Rd Rmax = MAX[ RNRd, (Rcom+Rbend) ] = 0.862 < 1.000... O.K Shear Resistance V_Edy/Vy_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K V_Edz/Vz_Rd = 0.263 < 1.000... O.K 5. Deflection Checking Results L/ 200.0 = 2.0600 > 1.8950 (Memb:415, LCB: 163, POS: 206.0cm, Dir-Z)... O.K Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:31

midas Gen Steel Checking Result Company Project Title Author 1. Design Information Alberto Dellavalle File Name C:\...amento_EST_pensilina-RID.mgb z Design Code : Eurocode3:05 1.5 Unit System : kn, cm Member No : 369 Material : S235 (No:1) (Fy = 23.5000, Es = 21000.0) 20 10.0 0.9 y Section Name : HEB200 (No:2) (Rolled : HEB200). Member Length : 645.000 10.0 20 2. Member Forces Axial Force Fxx = 0.00000 (LCB: 161, POS:1/2) Bending Moments My = 18836.3, Mz = 0.00000 End Moments Myi = 18812.9, Myj = 18836.3 (for Lb) Myi = -16958, Myj = -7.8334 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000, Mzj = 0.00000 (for Lz) Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000 (LCB: 160, POS:I) Fzz = -165.57 (LCB: 161, POS:I) Depth 20.0000 Web Thick 0.90000 Top F Width 20.0000 Top F Thick 1.50000 Bot.F Width 20.0000 Bot.F Thick 1.50000 Area 78.1000 Asz 18.0000 Qyb 344.458 Qzb 50.0000 Iyy 5700.00 Izz 2000.00 Ybar 10.0000 Zbar 10.0000 Wely 570.000 Welz 200.000 ry 8.54000 rz 5.07000 3. Design Parameters Unbraced Lengths Ly = 645.000, Lz = 49.0000, Lb = 0.00000 Effective Length Factors Ky = 1.00, Kz = 1.00 Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors Cmy = 1.00, Cmz = 1.00, CmLT = 1.00 4. Checking Results Slenderness Ratio KL/r = 115.8 < 200.0 (Memb:313, LCB: 1)... O.K Axial Resistance N_Ed/Nt_Rd = 0.00/1747.95 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Bending Resistance M_Edy/M_Rdy = 18836.3/14368.6 = 1.311 > 1.000... N.G M_Edz/M_Rdz = 0.00/6791.33 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Combined Resistance RNRd = MAX[ M_Edy/Mny_Rd, M_Edz/Mnz_Rd ] Rcom = N_Ed/(A*fy/Gamma_M0), Rbend = M_Edy/My_Rd + M_Edz/Mz_Rd Rmax = MAX[ RNRd, (Rcom+Rbend) ] = 1.311 > 1.000... N.G Shear Resistance V_Edy/Vy_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K V_Edz/Vz_Rd = 0.516 < 1.000... O.K 5. Deflection Checking Results L/ 200.0 = 3.2250 < 4.3480 (Memb:369, LCB: 163, POS: 246.9cm, Dir-Z)... N.G Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:31

midas Gen Steel Checking Result Company Project Title Author 1. Design Information Alberto Dellavalle File Name C:\...amento_EST_pensilina-RID.mgb z Design Code : Eurocode3:05 1.5 Unit System : kn, cm Member No : 277 Material : S235 (No:1) (Fy = 23.5000, Es = 21000.0) 20 10.0 0.9 y Section Name : HEB200 - pil (No:3) (Rolled : HEB200). Member Length : 392.000 10.0 20 2. Member Forces Axial Force Fxx = -287.40 (LCB: 161, POS:I) Bending Moments My = 0.00000, Mz = -2.1515 End Moments Myi = 0.00000, Myj = 0.00000 (for Lb) Myi = 0.00000, Myj = 0.00000 (for Ly) Mzi = -2.1515, Mzj = 0.00019 (for Lz) Shear Forces Fyy = -0.9671 (LCB: 97, POS:J) Fzz = 0.00000 (LCB: 160, POS:I) Depth 20.0000 Web Thick 0.90000 Top F Width 20.0000 Top F Thick 1.50000 Bot.F Width 20.0000 Bot.F Thick 1.50000 Area 78.1000 Asz 18.0000 Qyb 344.458 Qzb 50.0000 Iyy 5700.00 Izz 2000.00 Ybar 10.0000 Zbar 10.0000 Wely 570.000 Welz 200.000 ry 8.54000 rz 5.07000 3. Design Parameters Unbraced Lengths Ly = 392.000, Lz = 392.000, Lb = 392.000 Effective Length Factors Ky = 1.00, Kz = 1.00 Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors Cmy = 0.85, Cmz = 0.85, CmLT = 1.00 4. Checking Results Slenderness Ratio KL/r = 77.3 < 200.0 (Memb:277, LCB: 161)... O.K Axial Resistance N_Ed/Nc_Rd = 287.40/1131.86 = 0.254 < 1.000... O.K Bending Resistance M_Edy/M_Rdy = 0.0/14368.6 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K M_Edz/M_Rdz = 2.15/6791.33 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Combined Resistance RNRd = MAX[ M_Edy/Mny_Rd, M_Edz/Mnz_Rd ] Rcom = N_Ed/(A*fy/Gamma_M0), Rbend = M_Edy/My_Rd + M_Edz/Mz_Rd Rc_LT1 = N_Ed/(Xiy*A*fy/Gamma_M1) Rb_LT1 = (kyy*m_edy)/(xi_lt*wply*fy/gamma_m1) + (kyz*msdz)/(wplz*fy/gamma_m1) Rc_LT2 = N_Ed/(Xiz*A*fy/Gamma_M1) Rb_LT2 = (Kzy*M_Edy)/(Xi_LT*Wply*fy/Gamma_M1) + (Kzz*Msdz)/(Wplz*fy/Gamma_M1) Rmax = MAX[ RNRd, (Rcom+Rbend), MAX(Rc_LT1+Rb_LT1, Rc_LT2+Rb_LT2) ] = 0.255 < 1.000.. O.K Shear Resistance V_Edy/Vy_Rd = 0.001 < 1.000... O.K V_Edz/Vz_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K 5. Deflection Checking Results Story Hight/ 300.0 = 1.3067 > 0.0469 (Memb:276, LCB: 163, Dir-Y)... O.K Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:31

midas Gen Steel Checking Result Company Project Title Author 1. Design Information Alberto Dellavalle File Name C:\...amento_EST_pensilina-RID.mgb z Design Code : Eurocode3:05 1.3 Unit System : kn, cm Member No : 632 Material : S235 (No:1) (Fy = 23.5000, Es = 21000.0) 16 8.0 0.8 y Section Name : HEB160 (No:5) (Rolled : HEB160). Member Length : 50.0000 8.0 16 2. Member Forces Axial Force Fxx = 0.00000 (LCB: 161, POS:I) Bending Moments My = -188.61, Mz = 0.00000 End Moments Myi = -188.61, Myj = 4.05643 (for Lb) Myi = -188.61, Myj = 4.05643 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000, Mzj = 0.00000 (for Lz) Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000 (LCB: 160, POS:I) Fzz = -3.9892 (LCB: 168, POS:I) Depth 16.0000 Web Thick 0.80000 Top F Width 16.0000 Top F Thick 1.30000 Bot.F Width 16.0000 Bot.F Thick 1.30000 Area 54.3000 Asz 12.8000 Qyb 213.545 Qzb 32.0000 Iyy 2490.00 Izz 889.000 Ybar 8.00000 Zbar 8.00000 Wely 311.000 Welz 111.000 ry 6.78000 rz 4.05000 3. Design Parameters Unbraced Lengths Ly = 50.0000, Lz = 50.0000, Lb = 0.00000 Effective Length Factors Ky = 1.00, Kz = 1.00 Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors Cmy = 1.00, Cmz = 1.00, CmLT = 1.00 4. Checking Results Slenderness Ratio L/r = 59.8 < 300.0 (Memb:428, LCB: 1)... O.K Axial Resistance N_Ed/Nt_Rd = 0.00/1215.29 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Bending Resistance M_Edy/M_Rdy = 188.61/7922.86 = 0.024 < 1.000... O.K M_Edz/M_Rdz = 0.00/3772.18 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Combined Resistance RNRd = MAX[ M_Edy/Mny_Rd, M_Edz/Mnz_Rd ] Rcom = N_Ed/(A*fy/Gamma_M0), Rbend = M_Edy/My_Rd + M_Edz/Mz_Rd Rmax = MAX[ RNRd, (Rcom+Rbend) ] = 0.024 < 1.000... O.K Shear Resistance V_Edy/Vy_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K V_Edz/Vz_Rd = 0.018 < 1.000... O.K 5. Deflection Checking Results L/ 200.0 = 1.2100 > 0.0068 (Memb:425, LCB: 172, POS: 147.9cm, Dir-Z)... O.K Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:31

midas Gen Steel Checking Result Company Author 1. Design Information Alberto Dellavalle Design Code : Eurocode3:05 Unit System : kn, cm Member No : 283 Material : S235 - c (No:4) (Fy = 11.7500, Es = 10500.0) Section Name : piatti_controventi (No:6) (Rolled : BSB 80x16x0/0). Member Length : 568.690 Project Title File Name 8 C:\...amento_EST_pensilina-RID.mgb z y 1.6 2. Member Forces Axial Force Fxx = -96.633 (LCB: 60, POS:I) Bending Moments My = 0.00000, Mz = 0.00000 End Moments Myi = 0.00000, Myj = 0.00000 (for Lb) Myi = 0.00000, Myj = 0.00000 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000, Mzj = 0.00000 (for Lz) Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000 (LCB: 160, POS:I) Fzz = 0.00000 (LCB: 160, POS:I) Depth 8.00000 Width 1.60000 Area 12.8000 Asz 10.6667 Qyb 8.00000 Qzb 0.32000 Iyy 68.2667 Izz 2.73067 Ybar 0.80000 Zbar 4.00000 Wely 17.0667 Welz 3.41333 ry 2.30940 rz 0.46188 3. Design Parameters Unbraced Lengths Ly = 568.690, Lz = 568.690, Lb = 568.690 Effective Length Factors Ky = 0.01, Kz = 0.01 Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors Cmy = 1.00, Cmz = 1.00, CmLT = 1.00 4. Checking Results Slenderness Ratio L/r =1231.2 > 300.0 (Memb:261, LCB: 8)... N.G Axial Resistance N_Ed/Nc_Rd = 96.633/143.238 = 0.675 < 1.000... O.K Bending Resistance M_Edy/M_Rdy = 0.000/286.476 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K M_Edz/M_Rdz = 0.0000/57.2952 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Combined Resistance RNRd = MAX[ M_Edy/Mny_Rd, M_Edz/Mnz_Rd ] Rcom = N_Ed/(A*fy/Gamma_M0), Rbend = M_Edy/My_Rd + M_Edz/Mz_Rd Rc_LT1 = N_Ed/(Xiy*A*fy/Gamma_M1) Rb_LT1 = (kyy*m_edy)/(xi_lt*wply*fy/gamma_m1) + (kyz*msdz)/(wplz*fy/gamma_m1) Rc_LT2 = N_Ed/(Xiz*A*fy/Gamma_M1) Rb_LT2 = (Kzy*M_Edy)/(Xi_LT*Wply*fy/Gamma_M1) + (Kzz*Msdz)/(Wplz*fy/Gamma_M1) Rmax = MAX[ RNRd, (Rcom+Rbend), MAX(Rc_LT1+Rb_LT1, Rc_LT2+Rb_LT2) ] = 0.675 < 1.000.. O.K Shear Resistance V_Edy/Vy_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K V_Edz/Vz_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:31

midas Gen Steel Checking Result Company Project Title Author 1. Design Information Alberto Dellavalle File Name C:\...amento_EST_pensilina-RID.mgb z Design Code : Eurocode3:05 1 Unit System : kn, cm 0.7 Member No : 377 Material : S235 (No:1) (Fy = 23.5000, Es = 21000.0) 14 7.0 y Section Name : UPN140 (No:7) (Rolled : UPN140). Member Length : 262.000 1.9 6 2. Member Forces Axial Force Fxx = 0.00000 (LCB: 161, POS:1/2) Bending Moments My = 293.219, Mz = 0.00000 End Moments Myi = 0.00000, Myj = 0.00000 (for Lb) Myi = 0.00000, Myj = 0.00000 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000, Mzj = 0.00000 (for Lz) Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000 (LCB: 160, POS:I) Fzz = 4.47662 (LCB: 161, POS:J) Depth 14.0000 Web Thick 0.70000 Top F Width 6.00000 Top F Thick 1.00000 Bot.F Width 6.00000 Bot.F Thick 1.00000 Area 20.4000 Asz 9.80000 Qyb 73.7143 Qzb 8.36886 Iyy 605.000 Izz 62.7000 Ybar 1.90882 Zbar 7.00000 Wely 86.4000 Welz 14.8000 ry 5.45000 rz 1.75000 3. Design Parameters Unbraced Lengths Ly = 262.000, Lz = 262.000, Lb = 0.00000 Effective Length Factors Ky = 1.00, Kz = 1.00 Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors Cmy = 1.00, Cmz = 1.00, CmLT = 1.00 4. Checking Results Slenderness Ratio L/r = 193.1 < 300.0 (Memb:627, LCB: 1)... O.K Axial Resistance N_Ed/Nt_Rd = 0.000/456.571 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Bending Resistance M_Edy/M_Rdy = 293.22/2300.76 = 0.127 < 1.000... O.K M_Edz/M_Rdz = 0.000/703.657 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Combined Resistance RNRd = MAX[ M_Edy/Mny_Rd, M_Edz/Mnz_Rd ] Rcom = N_Ed/(A*fy/Gamma_M0), Rbend = M_Edy/My_Rd + M_Edz/Mz_Rd Rmax = MAX[ RNRd, (Rcom+Rbend) ] = 0.127 < 1.000... O.K Shear Resistance V_Edy/Vy_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K V_Edz/Vz_Rd = 0.034 < 1.000... O.K 5. Deflection Checking Results L/ 200.0 = 1.3100 > 0.1175 (Memb:377, LCB: 163, POS: 131.0cm, Dir-Z)... O.K Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:31

midas Gen Steel Checking Result Company Author 1. Design Information Alberto Dellavalle Design Code : Eurocode3:05 Unit System : kn, cm Member No : 239 Material : S235 (No:3) (Fy = 23.5000, Es = 21000.0) Section Name : pilastri (No:8) (Built-up Section). Member Length : 342.000 Project Title File Name C:\...amento_EST_pensilina-RID.mgb z y 1 13.97 2. Member Forces Axial Force Fxx = -187.25 (LCB: 6, POS:I) Bending Moments My = 0.00000, Mz = 0.00000 End Moments Myi = 0.00000, Myj = -1.9691 (for Lb) Myi = 0.00000, Myj = 0.64492 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000, Mzj = 92.7491 (for Lz) Shear Forces Fyy = -30.785 (LCB: 6, POS:J) Fzz = 0.24223 (LCB: 97, POS:J) Outer Dia. 13.9700 Wall Thick 1.00000 Area 40.7465 Asz 20.3732 Qyb 42.3052 Qzb 42.3052 Iyy 861.894 Izz 861.894 Ybar 6.98500 Zbar 6.98500 Wely 123.392 Welz 123.392 ry 4.59920 rz 4.59920 3. Design Parameters Unbraced Lengths Ly = 342.000, Lz = 120.000, Lb = 120.000 Effective Length Factors Ky = 1.00, Kz = 1.00 Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors Cmy = 0.85, Cmz = 0.85, CmLT = 1.00 4. Checking Results Slenderness Ratio KL/r = 74.4 < 200.0 (Memb:239, LCB: 6)... O.K Axial Resistance N_Ed/Nc_Rd = 187.252/729.877 = 0.257 < 1.000... O.K Bending Resistance M_Edy/M_Rdy = 0.00/3772.40 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K M_Edz/M_Rdz = 0.00/3772.40 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Combined Resistance RNRd = MAX[ M_Edy/Mny_Rd, M_Edz/Mnz_Rd ] Rcom = N_Ed/(A*fy/Gamma_M0), Rbend = M_Edy/My_Rd + M_Edz/Mz_Rd Rc_LT1 = N_Ed/(Xiy*A*fy/Gamma_M1) Rb_LT1 = (kyy*m_edy)/(xi_lt*wply*fy/gamma_m1) + (kyz*msdz)/(wplz*fy/gamma_m1) Rc_LT2 = N_Ed/(Xiz*A*fy/Gamma_M1) Rb_LT2 = (Kzy*M_Edy)/(Xi_LT*Wply*fy/Gamma_M1) + (Kzz*Msdz)/(Wplz*fy/Gamma_M1) Rmax = MAX[ RNRd, (Rcom+Rbend), MAX(Rc_LT1+Rb_LT1, Rc_LT2+Rb_LT2) ] = 0.275 < 1.000.. O.K Shear Resistance V_Edy/Vy_Rd = 0.092 < 1.000... O.K V_Edz/Vz_Rd = 0.001 < 1.000... O.K 5. Deflection Checking Results Story Hight/ 300.0 = 0.0200 > 0.0080 (Memb:553, LCB: 163, Dir-Y)... O.K Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:31

midas Gen Steel Checking Result Company Author 1. Design Information Alberto Dellavalle Design Code : Eurocode3:05 Unit System : kn, cm Member No : 565 Material : S235 (No:3) (Fy = 23.5000, Es = 21000.0) Section Name : aste (No:9) (Built-up Section). Member Length : 145.341 Project Title File Name C:\...amento_EST_pensilina-RID.mgb z y 0.5 8.89 2. Member Forces Axial Force Fxx = -68.245 (LCB: 161, POS:I) Bending Moments My = -53.452, Mz = -0.2416 End Moments Myi = -53.452, Myj = 48.4455 (for Lb) Myi = -53.452, Myj = 48.4455 (for Ly) Mzi = -0.2416, Mzj = 0.06671 (for Lz) Shear Forces Fyy = -0.0127 (LCB: 97, POS:I) Fzz = -0.7802 (LCB: 161, POS:I) Outer Dia. 8.89000 Wall Thick 0.50000 Area 13.1790 Asz 6.58949 Qyb 17.6605 Qzb 17.6605 Iyy 116.374 Izz 116.374 Ybar 4.44500 Zbar 4.44500 Wely 26.1808 Welz 26.1808 ry 2.97158 rz 2.97158 3. Design Parameters Unbraced Lengths Ly = 145.341, Lz = 145.341, Lb = 145.341 Effective Length Factors Ky = 1.00, Kz = 1.00 Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors Cmy = 1.00, Cmz = 1.00, CmLT = 1.00 4. Checking Results Slenderness Ratio KL/r = 53.7 < 200.0 (Memb:250, LCB: 3)... O.K Axial Resistance N_Ed/Nc_Rd = 68.245/270.679 = 0.252 < 1.000... O.K Bending Resistance M_Edy/M_Rdy = 53.452/788.654 = 0.068 < 1.000... O.K M_Edz/M_Rdz = 0.242/788.654 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Combined Resistance RNRd = MAX[ M_Edy/Mny_Rd, M_Edz/Mnz_Rd ] Rmax1 = (M_Edy/Mny_Rd)^Alpha + (M_Edz/Mnz_Rd)^Beta Rcom = N_Ed/(A*fy/Gamma_M0), Rbend = M_Edy/My_Rd + M_Edz/Mz_Rd Rc_LT1 = N_Ed/(Xiy*A*fy/Gamma_M1) Rb_LT1 = (kyy*m_edy)/(xi_lt*wply*fy/gamma_m1) + (kyz*msdz)/(wplz*fy/gamma_m1) Rc_LT2 = N_Ed/(Xiz*A*fy/Gamma_M1) Rb_LT2 = (Kzy*M_Edy)/(Xi_LT*Wply*fy/Gamma_M1) + (Kzz*Msdz)/(Wplz*fy/Gamma_M1) Rmax = MAX[ RNRd, Rmax1, (Rcom+Rbend), MAX(Rc_LT1+Rb_LT1, Rc_LT2+Rb_LT2) ] = 0.318 < 1.000.. O.K Shear Resistance V_Edy/Vy_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K V_Edz/Vz_Rd = 0.007 < 1.000... O.K Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:31

midas Gen Steel Checking Result Company Author 1. Design Information Alberto Dellavalle Design Code : Eurocode3:05 Unit System : kn, cm Member No : 574 Material : S235 (No:3) (Fy = 23.5000, Es = 21000.0) Section Name : tiranti (No:10) (Built-up Section). Member Length : 295.743 Project Title File Name C:\...amento_EST_pensilina-RID.mgb z y 0.5 7.61 2. Member Forces Axial Force Fxx = 74.0226 (LCB: 161, POS:1/2) Bending Moments My = 9.99887, Mz = -0.0250 End Moments Myi = 0.00000, Myj = 0.00000 (for Lb) Myi = 0.00000, Myj = 0.00000 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00508, Mzj = -0.0551 (for Lz) Shear Forces Fyy = 0.01951 (LCB: 85, POS:I) Fzz = 0.13524 (LCB: 161, POS:J) Outer Dia. 7.61000 Wall Thick 0.50000 Area 11.1684 Asz 5.58418 Qyb 12.7005 Qzb 12.7005 Iyy 70.9220 Izz 70.9220 Ybar 3.80500 Zbar 3.80500 Wely 18.6392 Welz 18.6392 ry 2.51997 rz 2.51997 3. Design Parameters Unbraced Lengths Ly = 295.743, Lz = 295.743, Lb = 295.743 Effective Length Factors Ky = 1.00, Kz = 1.00 Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors Cmy = 1.00, Cmz = 1.00, CmLT = 1.00 4. Checking Results Slenderness Ratio L/r = 117.4 < 300.0 (Memb:574, LCB: 161)... O.K Axial Resistance N_Ed/Nt_Rd = 74.023/249.959 = 0.296 < 1.000... O.K Bending Resistance M_Edy/M_Rdy = 9.999/566.635 = 0.018 < 1.000... O.K M_Edz/M_Rdz = 0.025/566.635 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Combined Resistance RNRd = MAX[ M_Edy/Mny_Rd, M_Edz/Mnz_Rd ] Rmax1 = (M_Edy/Mny_Rd)^Alpha + (M_Edz/Mnz_Rd)^Beta Rcom = N_Ed/(A*fy/Gamma_M0), Rbend = M_Edy/My_Rd + M_Edz/Mz_Rd Rmax = MAX[ RNRd, Rmax1, (Rcom+Rbend) ] = 0.314 < 1.000... O.K Shear Resistance V_Edy/Vy_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K V_Edz/Vz_Rd = 0.001 < 1.000... O.K Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:31

midas Gen Steel Checking Result Company Project Title Author 1. Design Information Alberto Dellavalle File Name C:\...amento_EST_pensilina-RID.mgb z Design Code : Eurocode3:05 1.6 Unit System : kn, cm Member No : 634 Material : S235 (No:1) (Fy = 23.5000, Es = 21000.0) 22 11.00 0.95 y Section Name : HEB220 (No:14) (Rolled : HEB220). Member Length : 50.0000 11.00 22 2. Member Forces Axial Force Fxx = 0.00000 (LCB: 168, POS:I) Bending Moments My = -193.26, Mz = 0.00000 End Moments Myi = -193.26, Myj = 3.99753 (for Lb) Myi = -193.26, Myj = 3.99753 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000, Mzj = 0.00000 (for Lz) Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000 (LCB: 160, POS:I) Fzz = -4.1728 (LCB: 168, POS:I) Depth 22.0000 Web Thick 0.95000 Top F Width 22.0000 Top F Thick 1.60000 Bot.F Width 22.0000 Bot.F Thick 1.60000 Area 91.0000 Asz 20.9000 Qyb 422.117 Qzb 60.5000 Iyy 8090.00 Izz 2840.00 Ybar 11.0000 Zbar 11.0000 Wely 736.000 Welz 258.000 ry 9.43000 rz 5.59000 3. Design Parameters Unbraced Lengths Ly = 50.0000, Lz = 50.0000, Lb = 0.00000 Effective Length Factors Ky = 1.00, Kz = 1.00 Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors Cmy = 1.00, Cmz = 1.00, CmLT = 1.00 4. Checking Results Slenderness Ratio L/r = 43.3 < 300.0 (Memb:427, LCB: 1)... O.K Axial Resistance N_Ed/Nt_Rd = 0.00/2036.67 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Bending Resistance M_Edy/M_Rdy = 193.3/18531.4 = 0.010 < 1.000... O.K M_Edz/M_Rdz = 0.00/8760.84 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Combined Resistance RNRd = MAX[ M_Edy/Mny_Rd, M_Edz/Mnz_Rd ] Rcom = N_Ed/(A*fy/Gamma_M0), Rbend = M_Edy/My_Rd + M_Edz/Mz_Rd Rmax = MAX[ RNRd, (Rcom+Rbend) ] = 0.010 < 1.000... O.K Shear Resistance V_Edy/Vy_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K V_Edz/Vz_Rd = 0.012 < 1.000... O.K 5. Deflection Checking Results L/ 200.0 = 1.2100 > 0.0013 (Memb:427, LCB: 172, POS: 161.3cm, Dir-Z)... O.K Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 14:31

Figura 1 3D *** NODE DATA < Node > NO X Y Z TEMPERATURE -------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 1 11.21 6.63-0.9 0 2 11.55 6.63-0.9 0 3 12.42 6.63-0.9 0 4 13.3 6.63-0.9 0 5 14.17 6.63-0.9 0 6 14.51 6.63-0.9 0 7 17.21 6.63-0.9 0 8 17.55 6.63-0.9 0 9 18.42 6.63-0.9 0 10 19.3 6.63-0.9 0 11 20.17 6.63-0.9 0 12 20.51 6.63-0.9 0 13 23.21 6.63-0.9 0 14 23.55 6.63-0.9 0 15 24.42 6.63-0.9 0 16 25.3 6.63-0.9 0 17 26.17 6.63-0.9 0 18 26.51 6.63-0.9 0 19 11.21 7.11-0.9 0 20 11.55 7.11-0.9 0 21 12.42 7.11-0.9 0 22 13.3 7.11-0.9 0 23 14.17 7.11-0.9 0 24 14.51 7.11-0.9 0 25 17.21 7.11-0.9 0 26 17.55 7.11-0.9 0 27 18.42 7.11-0.9 0 28 19.3 7.11-0.9 0 29 20.17 7.11-0.9 0 30 20.51 7.11-0.9 0 31 23.21 7.11-0.9 0 32 23.55 7.11-0.9 0 33 24.42 7.11-0.9 0 34 25.3 7.11-0.9 0 35 26.17 7.11-0.9 0 36 26.51 7.11-0.9 0 37 11.21 8.31-0.9 0 38 11.55 8.31-0.9 0 39 12.42 8.31-0.9 0 40 13.3 8.31-0.9 0 41 14.17 8.31-0.9 0

42 14.51 8.31-0.9 0 43 17.21 8.31-0.9 0 44 17.55 8.31-0.9 0 45 18.42 8.31-0.9 0 46 19.3 8.31-0.9 0 47 20.17 8.31-0.9 0 48 20.51 8.31-0.9 0 49 23.21 8.31-0.9 0 50 23.55 8.31-0.9 0 51 24.42 8.31-0.9 0 52 25.3 8.31-0.9 0 53 26.17 8.31-0.9 0 54 26.51 8.31-0.9 0 55 11.21 8.78-0.9 0 56 11.55 8.78-0.9 0 57 12.42 8.78-0.9 0 58 13.3 8.78-0.9 0 59 14.17 8.78-0.9 0 60 14.51 8.78-0.9 0 61 17.21 8.78-0.9 0 62 17.55 8.78-0.9 0 63 18.42 8.78-0.9 0 64 19.3 8.78-0.9 0 65 20.17 8.78-0.9 0 66 20.51 8.78-0.9 0 67 23.21 8.78-0.9 0 68 23.55 8.78-0.9 0 69 24.42 8.78-0.9 0 70 25.3 8.78-0.9 0 71 26.17 8.78-0.9 0 72 26.51 8.78-0.9 0 82 0 0-0.9 0 83 0.5 0-0.9 0 84 1.54-3.553e-015-0.9 0 85 2.58-3.553e-015-0.9 0 86 3.62 0-0.9 0 87 4.12 0-0.9 0 88 4.62 0-0.9 0 89 5.63-3.553e-015-0.9 0 90 6.63-3.553e-015-0.9 0 91 7.63 0-0.9 0 92 8.13 0-0.9 0 93 0 0.5-0.9 0 94 0.5 0.5-0.9 0 95 1.54 0.5-0.9 0 96 2.58 0.5-0.9 0 97 3.62 0.5-0.9 0 98 4.12 0.5-0.9 0 99 4.62 0.5-0.9 0 100 5.63 0.5-0.9 0 101 6.63 0.5-0.9 0 102 7.63 0.5-0.9 0 103 8.13 0.5-0.9 0 104-1.776e-015 1.865-0.9 0 105 0.5 1.865-0.9 0 106 7.63 1.865-0.9 0 107 8.13 1.865-0.9 0 108 3.62 1.94-0.9 0 109 4.12 1.94-0.9 0 110 4.62 1.94-0.9 0 111-1.776e-015 3.225-0.9 0 112 0.5 3.225-0.9 0 113 7.63 3.225-0.9 0 114 8.13 3.225-0.9 0 115 3.62 3.39-0.9 0 116 4.12 3.39-0.9 0 117 4.62 3.39-0.9 0 118-1.776e-015 4.84-0.9 0 119 0.5 4.84-0.9 0 120 3.62 4.84-0.9 0 121 4.12 4.84-0.9 0 122 4.62 4.84-0.9 0 123 7.63 4.84-0.9 0 124 8.13 4.84-0.9 0 125-1.776e-015 6.45-0.9 0 126 0.5 6.45-0.9 0 127 3.62 6.45-0.9 0 128 4.12 6.45-0.9 0

129 4.62 6.45-0.9 0 130 7.63 6.45-0.9 0 131 8.13 6.45-0.9 0 132-1.776e-015 7.83-0.9 0 133 0.5 7.83-0.9 0 134 3.62 7.83-0.9 0 135 4.12 7.83-0.9 0 136 4.62 7.83-0.9 0 137 7.63 7.83-0.9 0 138 8.13 7.83-0.9 0 139 7.63 8.31-0.9 0 140 8.13 8.31-0.9 0 141-1.776e-015 9.22-0.9 0 142 0.5 9.22-0.9 0 143 3.62 9.22-0.9 0 144 4.12 9.22-0.9 0 145 4.62 9.22-0.9 0 146 7.63 9.22-0.9 0 147 8.13 9.22-0.9 0 148-1.776e-015 10.75-0.9 0 149 0.5 10.75-0.9 0 150 3.62 10.75-0.9 0 151 4.12 10.75-0.9 0 152 4.62 10.75-0.9 0 153 7.63 10.75-0.9 0 154 8.13 10.75-0.9 0 155-1.776e-015 11.61-0.9 0 156 3.62 11.61-0.9 0 157 4.12 11.61-0.9 0 158 4.62 11.61-0.9 0 159 7.63 11.61-0.9 0 160 8.13 11.61-0.9 0 161 0.5 11.75-0.9 0 162 7.63 12.56-0.9 0 163 8.13 12.56-0.9 0 164-1.776e-015 12.62-0.9 0 165 0.5 12.62-0.9 0 166 3.62 12.62-0.9 0 167 4.12 12.62-0.9 0 168 4.62 12.62-0.9 0 169-1.776e-015 13.8-0.9 0 170 0.5 13.8-0.9 0 171 3.62 13.8-0.9 0 172 4.12 13.8-0.9 0 173 4.62 13.8-0.9 0 174 7.63 13.8-0.9 0 175 8.13 13.8-0.9 0 176-1.776e-015 14.96-0.9 0 177 0.5 14.96-0.9 0 178 3.62 14.96-0.9 0 179 4.12 14.96-0.9 0 180 4.62 14.96-0.9 0 181 7.63 14.96-0.9 0 182 8.13 14.96-0.9 0 183-1.776e-015 16.12-0.9 0 184 0.5 16.12-0.9 0 185 1.54 16.12-0.9 0 186 2.58 16.12-0.9 0 187 3.62 16.12-0.9 0 188 4.12 16.12-0.9 0 189 4.62 16.12-0.9 0 190 5.63 16.12-0.9 0 191 6.63 16.12-0.9 0 192 7.63 16.12-0.9 0 193 8.13 16.12-0.9 0 194-1.776e-015 16.62-0.9 0 195 0.5 16.62-0.9 0 196 1.54 16.62-0.9 0 197 2.58 16.62-0.9 0 198 3.62 16.62-0.9 0 199 4.12 16.62-0.9 0 200 4.62 16.62-0.9 0 201 5.63 16.62-0.9 0 202 6.63 16.62-0.9 0 203 7.63 16.62-0.9 0 204 8.13 16.62-0.9 0 205-1.776e-015 17.12-0.9 0 206 0.5 17.12-0.9 0

207 1.54 17.12-0.9 0 208 2.58 17.12-0.9 0 209 3.62 17.12-0.9 0 210 4.12 17.12-0.9 0 211 4.62 17.12-0.9 0 212 5.63 17.12-0.9 0 213 6.63 17.12-0.9 0 214 7.63 17.12-0.9 0 215 8.13 17.12-0.9 0 216 0 0 0 0 217 0.5 0 0 0 218 1.54-3.553e-015 0 0 219 2.58-3.553e-015 0 0 220 3.62 0 0 0 221 4.12 0 0 0 222 4.62 0 0 0 223 5.63-3.553e-015 0 0 224 6.63-3.553e-015 0 0 225 7.63 0 0 0 226 8.13 0 0 0 227 0 0.5 0 0 228 4.12 0.5 0 0 229 8.13 0.5 0 0 230-1.776e-015 1.865 0 0 231 8.13 1.865 0 0 232 4.12 1.94 0 0 233-1.776e-015 3.225 0 0 234 8.13 3.225 0 0 235 4.12 3.39 0 0 236-1.776e-015 4.84 0 0 237 4.12 4.84 0 0 238 8.13 4.84 0 0 239-1.776e-015 6.45 0 0 240 4.12 6.45 0 0 241 8.13 6.45 0 0 242 11.55 6.63 0 0 243 14.17 6.63 0 0 244 17.55 6.63 0 0 245 20.17 6.63 0 0 246 23.55 6.63 0 0 247 26.17 6.63 0 0 248 11.55 7.11 0 0 249 14.17 7.11 0 0 250 17.55 7.11 0 0 251 20.17 7.11 0 0 252 23.55 7.11 0 0 253 26.17 7.11 0 0 254-1.776e-015 7.83 0 0 255 4.12 7.83 0 0 256 8.13 7.83 0 0 257 8.13 8.31 0 0 258 11.55 8.31 0 0 259 12.42 8.31-2.22e-016 0 260 13.3 8.31-2.22e-016 0 261 14.17 8.31 0 0 262 17.55 8.31 0 0 263 18.42 8.31-2.22e-016 0 264 19.3 8.31-2.22e-016 0 265 20.17 8.31 0 0 266 23.55 8.31 0 0 267 24.42 8.31-2.22e-016 0 268 25.3 8.31-2.22e-016 0 269 26.17 8.31 0 0 271-1.776e-015 9.22 0 0 272 4.12 9.22 0 0 273 8.13 9.22 0 0 274-1.776e-015 10.75 0 0 275 4.12 10.75 0 0 276 8.13 10.75 0 0 279-1.776e-015 11.61 0 0 280 4.12 11.61 0 0 281 8.13 11.61 0 0 282 8.13 12.56 0 0 284 4.12 12.61 0 0 285-1.776e-015 12.62 0 0 287-1.776e-015 13.8 0 0 288 4.12 13.8 0 0 289 8.13 13.8 0 0

290-1.776e-015 14.96 0 0 291 4.12 14.96 0 0 292 8.13 14.96 0 0 293-1.776e-015 16.12 0 0 294 4.12 16.12 0 0 295 8.13 16.12 0 0 296-1.776e-015 16.62 0 0 297 0.5 16.62 0 0 298 1.54 16.62 0 0 299 2.58 16.62 0 0 300 3.62 16.62 0 0 301 4.12 16.62 0 0 302 4.62 16.62 0 0 303 5.63 16.62 0 0 304 6.63 16.62 0 0 305 7.63 16.62 0 0 306 8.13 16.62 0 0 307 11.55 6.63 0.5 0 308 14.17 6.63 0.5 0 309 17.55 6.63 0.5 0 310 20.17 6.63 0.5 0 311 23.55 6.63 0.5 0 312 26.17 6.63 0.5 0 313 11.55 7.11 0.5 0 314 14.17 7.11 0.5 0 315 17.55 7.11 0.5 0 316 20.17 7.11 0.5 0 317 23.55 7.11 0.5 0 318 26.17 7.11 0.5 0 319 11.55 8.31 0.5 0 320 14.17 8.31 0.5 0 321 17.55 8.31 0.5 0 322 20.17 8.31 0.5 0 323 23.55 8.31 0.5 0 324 26.17 8.31 0.5 0 325 11.55 7.11 0.65 0 326 14.17 7.11 0.65 0 327 17.55 7.11 0.65 0 328 20.17 7.11 0.65 0 329 23.55 7.11 0.65 0 330 26.17 7.11 0.65 0 331 11.55 8.31 1.7 0 332 14.17 8.31 1.7 0 333 17.55 8.31 1.7 0 334 20.17 8.31 1.7 0 335 23.55 8.31 1.7 0 336 26.17 8.31 1.7 0 337 11.55 7.11 2.75 0 338 14.17 7.11 2.75 0 339 17.55 7.11 2.75 0 340 20.17 7.11 2.75 0 341 23.55 7.11 2.75 0 342 26.17 7.11 2.75 0 343 8.13 10.75 3.72 0 344 8.13 11.83 3.72 0 345 8.13 13.13 3.72 0 346 8.13 14.42 3.72 0 347 8.13 15.52 3.72 0 348 8.13 16.62 3.72 0 349 11.55 8.31 3.8 0 350 14.17 8.31 3.8 0 351 17.55 8.31 3.8 0 352 20.17 8.31 3.8 0 353 23.55 8.31 3.8 0 354 26.17 8.31 3.8 0 355-1.776e-015 0 3.92 0 356 4.12 0 3.92 0 357 8.13 0 3.92 0 358-1.776e-015 1.13 3.92 0 359 4.12 1.13 3.92 0 360 6.67 1.13 3.92 0 361 8.13 1.13 3.92 0 362-1.776e-015 2.43 3.92 0 363 4.12 2.43 3.92 0 364 6.67 2.43 3.92 0 365 8.13 2.43 3.92 0 366-1.776e-015 3.225 3.92 0 367 4.12 3.225 3.92 0

368 8.13 3.225 3.92 0 369-1.776e-015 4.19 3.92 0 370 4.12 4.19 3.92 0 371 8.13 4.19 3.92 0 372-1.776e-015 5.15 3.92 0 373 1.92 5.15 3.92 0 374 2.82 5.15 3.92 0 375 4.12 5.15 3.92 0 376 8.13 5.15 3.92 0 377 1.92 6.07 3.92 0 378 2.82 6.07 3.92 0 379-1.776e-015 6.45 3.92 0 380 1.92 6.45 3.92 0 381 2.82 6.45 3.92 0 382 4.12 6.45 3.92 0 383 8.13 6.45 3.92 0 384 11.55 6.63 3.92 0 385 14.17 6.63 3.92 0 386 17.55 6.63 3.92 0 387 20.17 6.63 3.92 0 388 23.55 6.63 3.92 0 389 26.17 6.63 3.92 0 390 11.55 7.11 3.92 0 391 14.17 7.11 3.92 0 392 17.55 7.11 3.92 0 393 20.17 7.11 3.92 0 394 23.55 7.11 3.92 0 395 26.17 7.11 3.92 0 396-1.776e-015 7.5 3.92 0 397 1.67 7.5 3.92 0 398 2.97 7.5 3.92 0 399 4.12 7.5 3.92 0 400 8.13 7.5 3.92 0 401 4.12 8.31 3.92 0 402 8.13 8.31 3.92 0 403 11.55 8.31 3.92 0 404 14.17 8.31 3.92 0 405 17.55 8.31 3.92 0 406 20.17 8.31 3.92 0 407 23.55 8.31 3.92 0 408 26.17 8.31 3.92 0 409 29.33 8.31 3.92 0 410-1.776e-015 8.85 3.92 0 411 1.67 8.85 3.92 0 412 2.97 8.85 3.92 0 413 4.12 8.85 3.92 0 414 4.12 9.53 3.92 0 415 8.13 9.53 3.92 0 416 1.67 10.2 3.92 0 417 2.97 10.2 3.92 0 418 8.13 10.61 3.92 0 419 11.55 10.61 3.92 0 420 14.17 10.61 3.92 0 421 17.55 10.61 3.92 0 422 20.17 10.61 3.92 0 423 23.55 10.61 3.92 0 424 26.17 10.61 3.92 0 425 29.33 10.61 3.92 0 426-1.776e-015 10.75 3.92 0 427 1.67 10.75 3.92 0 428 2.97 10.75 3.92 0 429 4.12 10.75 3.92 0 430 8.13 10.75 3.92 0 434-1.776e-015 11.83 3.92 0 435 4.12 11.83 3.92 0 436 8.13 11.83 3.92 0 462-1.776e-015 13.13 3.92 0 463 4.12 13.13 3.92 0 464 8.13 13.13 3.92 0 484-1.776e-015 14.42 3.92 0 485 4.12 14.42 3.92 0 486 8.13 14.42 3.92 0 491-1.776e-015 15.52 3.92 0 492 4.12 15.52 3.92 0 493 8.13 15.52 3.92 0 496-1.776e-015 16.62 3.92 0 497 4.12 16.62 3.92 0 498 8.13 16.62 3.92 0

500 11.55 8.31 3.98 0 501 14.17 8.31 3.98 0 502 17.55 8.31 3.98 0 503 20.17 8.31 3.98 0 504 23.55 8.31 3.98 0 505 26.17 8.31 3.98 0 506 11.55 7.11 4.8 0 507 14.17 7.11 4.8 0 508 17.55 7.11 4.8 0 509 20.17 7.11 4.8 0 510 23.55 7.11 4.8 0 511 26.17 7.11 4.8 0 512 11.55 7.11 5.62 0 513 14.17 7.11 5.62 0 514 17.55 7.11 5.62 0 515 20.17 7.11 5.62 0 516 23.55 7.11 5.62 0 517 26.17 7.11 5.62 0 518 11.55 8.31 5.62 0 519 14.17 8.31 5.62 0 520 17.55 8.31 5.62 0 521 20.17 8.31 5.62 0 522 23.55 8.31 5.62 0 523 26.17 8.31 5.62 0 524 29.33 11.11 3.92 0 525 26.17 11.11 3.92 0 526 23.55 11.11 3.92 0 527 20.17 11.11 3.92 0 528 17.55 11.11 3.92 0 529 14.17 11.11 3.92 0 530 11.55 11.11 3.92 0 532 8.63 11.11 3.92 0 533 8.63 11.83 3.92 0 534 8.63 13.13 3.92 0 535 8.63 14.42 3.92 0 536 8.63 15.52 3.92 0 537 8.63 16.62 3.92 0 539 8.63 10.61 3.92 0 Figura 2 nodes

< Beam > *** BEAM MEMBER DATA NO NODAL CONNECTIVITY BEAM END RELEASE MATERIAL SECTION LENGTH I J I J -------- --------- -------- -------- -------- --------------- --------------- ---------- 214 239 240 - - C25/30 Cord_Fond 4.12 215 240 241 - - C25/30 Cord_Fond 4.01 216 257 258 - - C25/30 Cord_Fond 3.42 217 262 261 - - C25/30 Cord_Fond 3.38 218 266 265 - - C25/30 Cord_Fond 3.38 221 274 275 - - C25/30 Cord_Fond 4.12 222 275 276 - - C25/30 Cord_Fond 4.01 240 313 325 000001 000000 S235 - ret pilastri 0.15 241 314 326 000001 000000 S235 - ret pilastri 0.15 242 315 327 000001 000000 S235 - ret pilastri 0.15 243 316 328 000001 000000 S235 - ret pilastri 0.15 244 317 329 000001 000000 S235 - ret pilastri 0.15 245 318 330 000001 000000 S235 - ret pilastri 0.15 246 319 331 000001 000000 S235 - ret pilastri 1.2 247 320 332 000001 000000 S235 - ret pilastri 1.2 248 321 333 000001 000000 S235 - ret pilastri 1.2 249 322 334 000001 000000 S235 - ret pilastri 1.2 250 323 335 000001 000000 S235 - ret pilastri 1.2 251 324 336 000001 000000 S235 - ret pilastri 1.2 252 325 331 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 253 326 332 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 254 327 333 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 255 328 334 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 256 329 335 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 257 330 336 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 258 325 337 - - S235 - ret pilastri 2.1 259 326 338 - - S235 - ret pilastri 2.1 260 327 339 - - S235 - ret pilastri 2.1 261 328 340 - - S235 - ret pilastri 2.1 262 329 341 - - S235 - ret pilastri 2.1 263 330 342 - - S235 - ret pilastri 2.1 264 276 343 000011 000000 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.72 265 306 348 000011 000000 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.72 266 216 355 000011 000010 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 269 221 356 000011 000011 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 272 226 357 000011 000010 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 277 233 366 000011 000010 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 278 234 368 000011 000010 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 283 239 379 000011 000010 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 284 240 382 000011 000011 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 285 241 383 000011 000010 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 286 274 426 000011 000011 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 287 275 429 000011 000011 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 289 296 496 000000 000010 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 292 301 497 000000 000010 S235 HEB200 - pil 3.92 295 331 337 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 296 332 338 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 297 333 339 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 298 334 340 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 299 335 341 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 300 336 342 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 301 331 349 - - S235 - ret pilastri 2.1 302 332 350 - - S235 - ret pilastri 2.1 303 333 351 - - S235 - ret pilastri 2.1 304 334 352 - - S235 - ret pilastri 2.1 305 335 353 - - S235 - ret pilastri 2.1 306 336 354 - - S235 - ret pilastri 2.1 307 337 349 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 308 338 350 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 309 339 351 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 310 340 352 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 311 341 353 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 312 342 354 - - S235 - ret aste 1.595 313 337 390 - - S235 - ret pilastri 1.17 314 338 391 - - S235 - ret pilastri 1.17 315 339 392 - - S235 - ret pilastri 1.17 316 340 393 - - S235 - ret pilastri 1.17 317 341 394 - - S235 - ret pilastri 1.17 318 342 395 - - S235 - ret pilastri 1.17 319 343 344 000010 000000 S235 HEB200 1.08 320 344 345 - - S235 HEB200 1.3

321 345 346 - - S235 HEB200 1.29 322 346 347 - - S235 HEB200 1.1 323 347 348 000000 000010 S235 HEB200 1.1 324 343 430 000000 000011 OFFSET HEB200 - pil 0.2 329 348 498 000000 000011 OFFSET HEB200 - pil 0.2 330 349 403 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.12 331 350 404 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.12 332 351 405 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.12 333 352 406 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.12 334 353 407 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.12 335 354 408 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.12 336 355 356 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.12 337 356 357 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.01 338 355 358 - - S235 HEB200 1.13 339 356 359 - - S235 HEB200 1.13 340 357 361 - - S235 HEB200 1.13 341 358 359 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.12 342 359 360 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 2.55 343 360 361 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 1.46 344 358 362 - - S235 HEB200 1.3 345 359 363 - - S235 HEB200 1.3 346 360 364 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 1.3 347 361 365 - - S235 HEB200 1.3 348 362 363 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.12 349 363 364 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 2.55 350 364 365 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 1.46 351 362 366 - - S235 HEB200 0.795 352 363 367 - - S235 HEB200 0.795 353 365 368 - - S235 HEB200 0.795 354 366 367 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.12 355 367 368 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.01 356 366 369 - - S235 HEB200 0.965 357 367 370 - - S235 HEB200 0.965 358 368 371 - - S235 HEB200 0.965 359 369 370 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.12 360 370 371 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.01 361 369 372 - - S235 HEB200 0.96 362 370 375 - - S235 HEB200 0.96 363 371 376 - - S235 HEB200 0.96 364 372 373 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 1.92 365 373 374 - - S235 HEA140 0.9 366 374 375 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 1.3 367 375 376 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.01 368 373 377 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 0.92 369 374 378 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 0.92 370 372 379 - - S235 HEB200 1.3 371 375 382 - - S235 HEB200 1.3 372 376 383 - - S235 HEB200 1.3 373 377 378 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 0.9 374 377 380 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 0.38 375 378 381 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 0.38 376 379 380 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 1.92 377 380 381 - - S235 HEA140 0.9 378 381 382 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 1.3 379 382 383 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.01 380 384 385 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 2.62 381 386 387 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 2.62 382 388 389 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 2.62 383 384 390 - - S235 HEA140 0.48 384 385 391 - - S235 HEA140 0.48 385 386 392 - - S235 HEA140 0.48 386 387 393 - - S235 HEA140 0.48 387 388 394 - - S235 HEA140 0.48 388 389 395 - - S235 HEA140 0.48 389 379 396 - - S235 HEB200 1.05 390 382 399 - - S235 HEB200 1.05 391 383 400 - - S235 HEB200 1.05 392 390 391 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 2.62 393 392 393 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 2.62 394 394 395 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 2.62 395 396 397 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 1.67 396 397 398 - - S235 HEA140 1.3 397 398 399 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 1.15 398 399 400 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.01 399 390 403 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 1.2 400 391 404 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 1.2 401 392 405 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 1.2 402 393 406 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 1.2

403 394 407 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 1.2 404 395 408 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 1.2 405 399 401 - - S235 HEB200 0.81 406 400 402 - - S235 HEB200 0.81 407 396 410 - - S235 HEB200 1.35 408 397 411 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 1.35 409 398 412 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 1.35 410 401 402 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.01 411 402 403 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 3.42 412 403 404 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 2.62 413 404 405 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 3.38 414 405 406 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 2.62 415 406 407 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 3.38 416 407 408 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 2.62 417 408 409 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 3.16 418 401 413 - - S235 HEB200 0.54 419 410 411 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 1.67 420 411 412 - - S235 HEA140 1.3 421 412 413 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 1.15 422 402 415 - - S235 HEB200 1.22 423 413 414 - - S235 HEB200 0.68 424 403 419 - - S235 HEB160 2.3 425 404 420 - - S235 HEB220 2.3 426 405 421 - - S235 HEB160 2.3 427 406 422 - - S235 HEB160 2.3 428 407 423 - - S235 HEB160 2.3 429 408 424 - - S235 HEB160 2.3 430 409 425 - - S235 UPN140 2.3 431 411 416 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 1.35 432 412 417 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 1.35 433 414 415 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.01 434 410 426 - - S235 HEB200 1.9 435 415 418 - - S235 HEB200 1.08 436 414 429 - - S235 HEB200 1.22 437 416 417 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 1.3 438 416 427 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 0.55 439 417 428 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 0.55 440 418 539 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 0.5 441 419 420 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 2.62 442 420 421 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 3.38 443 421 422 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 2.62 444 422 423 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 3.38 445 423 424 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 2.62 446 424 425 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 3.16 447 418 430 - - S235 HEB200 0.14 448 426 427 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 1.67 449 427 428 - - S235 HEA140 1.3 450 428 429 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 1.15 451 429 430 - - S235 HEA140 4.01 458 426 434 - - S235 HEB200 1.08 459 429 435 - - S235 HEB200 1.08 464 434 435 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.12 465 435 436 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 4.01 488 434 462 - - S235 HEB200 1.3 489 435 463 - - S235 HEB200 1.3 498 462 463 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.12 499 463 464 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 4.01 500 464 534 - - S235 HEA140 0.5 511 462 484 - - S235 HEB200 1.29 512 463 485 - - S235 HEB200 1.29 527 484 485 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.12 528 485 486 000010 000000 S235 doppioheb140 4.01 529 486 535 - - S235 doppioheb140 0.5 533 484 491 - - S235 HEB200 1.1 534 485 492 - - S235 HEB200 1.1 537 491 492 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.12 538 492 493 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 4.01 539 493 536 - - S235 HEA140 0.5 541 491 496 - - S235 HEB200 1.1 542 492 497 - - S235 HEB200 1.1 544 496 497 000010 000010 S235 HEA140 4.12 545 497 498 000010 000000 S235 HEA140 4.01 546 498 537 - - S235 HEA140 0.5 547 403 500 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.06 548 404 501 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.06 549 405 502 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.06 550 406 503 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.06 551 407 504 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.06

552 408 505 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.06 553 390 506 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.88 554 391 507 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.88 555 392 508 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.88 556 393 509 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.88 557 394 510 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.88 558 395 511 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.88 559 500 506 - - S235 - ret aste 1.453 560 501 507 - - S235 - ret aste 1.453 561 502 508 - - S235 - ret aste 1.453 562 503 509 - - S235 - ret aste 1.453 563 504 510 - - S235 - ret aste 1.453 564 505 511 - - S235 - ret aste 1.453 565 419 518 000011 000011 S235 - ret tiranti 2.86 566 420 519 000011 000011 S235 - ret tiranti 2.86 567 421 520 000011 000011 S235 - ret tiranti 2.86 568 422 521 000011 000011 S235 - ret tiranti 2.86 569 423 522 000011 000011 S235 - ret tiranti 2.86 570 424 523 000011 000011 S235 - ret tiranti 2.86 571 500 518 - - S235 - ret pilastri 1.64 572 501 519 - - S235 - ret pilastri 1.64 573 502 520 - - S235 - ret pilastri 1.64 574 503 521 - - S235 - ret pilastri 1.64 575 504 522 - - S235 - ret pilastri 1.64 576 505 523 - - S235 - ret pilastri 1.64 577 506 512 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.82 578 507 513 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.82 579 508 514 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.82 580 509 515 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.82 581 510 516 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.82 582 511 517 - - S235 - ret pilastri 0.82 583 506 518 - - S235 - ret aste 1.453 584 507 519 - - S235 - ret aste 1.453 585 508 520 - - S235 - ret aste 1.453 586 509 521 - - S235 - ret aste 1.453 587 510 522 - - S235 - ret aste 1.453 588 511 523 - - S235 - ret aste 1.453 589 512 518 - - S235 - ret aste 1.2 590 513 519 - - S235 - ret aste 1.2 591 514 520 - - S235 - ret aste 1.2 592 515 521 - - S235 - ret aste 1.2 593 516 522 - - S235 - ret aste 1.2 594 517 523 - - S235 - ret aste 1.2 595 498 493 000110 000110 OFFSET offset 1.1 596 493 486 000110 000110 OFFSET offset 1.1 597 486 464 000110 000110 OFFSET offset 1.29 598 464 436 000110 000110 OFFSET offset 1.3 602 532 530 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 2.92 603 530 529 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 2.62 604 529 528 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 3.38 605 528 527 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 2.62 606 527 526 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 3.38 607 526 525 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 2.62 608 525 524 000010 000000 S235 UPN140 3.16 609 425 524 - - S235 UPN140 0.5 610 424 525 - - S235 HEB160 0.5 611 423 526 - - S235 HEB160 0.5 612 422 527 - - S235 HEB160 0.5 613 421 528 - - S235 HEB160 0.5 614 419 530 - - S235 HEB160 0.5 615 420 529 - - S235 HEB200 0.5 616 436 533 - - S235 HEA140 0.5 617 537 536 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 1.1 618 536 535 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 1.1 619 535 534 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 1.29 621 533 532 000010 000000 S235 UPN140 0.72 623 539 419 000000 000010 S235 HEA140 2.92 624 532 539 000000 000010 S235 UPN140 0.5 625 436 430 000110 000110 S235 offset 1.08 626 534 533 000010 000010 S235 UPN140 1.3

< Truss > *** TRUSS MEMBER DATA NO NODAL CONNECTIVITY MATERIAL SECTION TENSION / SECTION AREA LENGTH I J COMPRESSION I J -------- --------- -------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 267 221 355 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.687 268 216 356 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.687 270 226 356 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.608 271 221 357 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.608 273 233 355 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.076 274 216 366 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.076 275 226 368 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.076 276 234 357 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.076 279 233 379 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.076 280 239 366 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.076 281 234 383 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.076 282 241 368 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.076 290 296 497 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.687 291 301 496 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.687 293 301 498 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.608 294 306 497 S235 - c piatti_co~ N 0.00128-5.608 Figura 3 elements

Tabella 1 1 : HEA140 z y A(m 2 ) Asy(m 2 ) Asz(m 2 ) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.067 0.067 Ixx(m 4 ) Iyy(m 4 ) Izz(m 4 ) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.070 0.070 Tabella 2 2 : HEB200 z y A(m 2) Asy(m 2) Asz(m 2) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.008 0.005 0.002 0.100 0.100 Ixx(m 4 ) Iyy(m 4 ) Izz(m 4 ) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.100

Tabella 3 3 : HEB200 - pil z y A(m 2) Asy(m 2) Asz(m 2) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.008 0.005 0.002 0.100 0.100 Ixx(m 4) Iyy(m 4) Izz(m 4) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.100 Tabella 4 5 : HEB160 z y A(m 2) Asy(m 2) Asz(m 2) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.005 0.003 0.001 0.080 0.080 Ixx(m 4) Iyy(m 4) Izz(m 4) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.080 0.080

Tabella 5 6 : piatti_controventi z y A(m 2) Asy(m 2) Asz(m 2) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.040 0.040 Ixx(m 4) Iyy(m 4) Izz(m 4) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.008 0.008 Tabella 6 7 : UPN140 z y A(m 2) Asy(m 2) Asz(m 2) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.070 0.070 Ixx(m 4) Iyy(m 4) Izz(m 4) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.041 0.019

Tabella 7 8 : pilastri z y A(m 2) Asy(m 2) Asz(m 2) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.004 0.002 0.002 0.070 0.070 Ixx(m 4) Iyy(m 4) Izz(m 4) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.070 0.070 Tabella 8 9 : aste z y A(m 2) Asy(m 2) Asz(m 2) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.044 0.044 Ixx(m 4) Iyy(m 4) Izz(m 4) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.044 0.044

Tabella 9 10 : tiranti z y A(m 2) Asy(m 2) Asz(m 2) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.038 0.038 Ixx(m 4) Iyy(m 4) Izz(m 4) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.038 0.038 Tabella 10 11 : doppioheb140 z y A(m 2) Asy(m 2) Asz(m 2) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.008 0.007 0.002 0.070 0.070 Ixx(m 4) Iyy(m 4) Izz(m 4) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.140 0.140

Tabella 11 14 : HEB220 z y A(m 2) Asy(m 2) Asz(m 2) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.009 0.006 0.002 0.110 0.110 Ixx(m 4) Iyy(m 4) Izz(m 4) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.110 0.110 Tabella 12 16 : Cord_Fond z y A(m 2) Asy(m 2) Asz(m 2) z(+)(m) z(-)(m) 0.090 0.075 0.075 0.150 0.150 Ixx(m 4) Iyy(m 4) Izz(m 4) y(+)(m) y(-)(m) 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.150 0.150

< Boundary > ** SUPPORT / SPECIFIED DISPLACEMENT NODE SUPPORT SPECIFIED DISPLACEMENT DDDRRR Dx Dy Dz Rx Ry Rz -------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 3 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 4 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 5 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 6 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 7 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 8 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 9 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 10 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 11 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 12 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 13 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 14 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 15 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 16 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 17 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 18 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 19 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 20 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 21 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 22 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 23 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 24 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 25 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 26 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 27 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 28 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 29 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 30 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 31 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 32 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 33 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 34 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 35 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 36 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 37 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 38 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 39 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 40 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 41 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 42 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 43 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 44 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 45 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 46 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 47 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 48 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 49 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 50 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 51 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 52 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 53 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 54 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 55 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 56 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 57 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 58 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 59 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 60 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 61 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 62 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 63 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 64 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 65 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 66 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 67 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 68 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 69 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 70 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 71 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

72 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 82 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 83 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 84 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 85 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 86 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 87 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 88 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 89 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 90 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 91 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 92 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 93 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 94 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 95 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 96 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 97 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 98 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 99 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 100 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 101 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 102 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 103 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 104 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 105 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 106 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 107 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 108 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 109 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 110 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 111 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 112 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 113 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 114 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 115 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 116 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 117 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 118 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 119 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 120 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 121 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 122 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 123 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 124 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 125 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 126 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 127 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 128 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 129 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 130 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 131 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 132 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 133 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 134 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 135 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 136 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 137 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 138 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 139 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 140 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 141 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 142 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 143 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 144 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 145 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 146 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 147 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 148 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 149 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 150 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 151 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 152 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 153 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 154 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 155 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 156 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 157 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 158 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

159 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 160 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 161 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 162 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 163 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 164 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 165 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 166 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 167 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 168 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 169 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 170 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 171 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 172 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 173 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 174 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 175 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 176 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 177 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 178 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 179 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 180 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 181 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 182 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 183 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 184 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 185 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 186 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 187 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 188 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 189 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 190 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 191 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 192 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 193 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 194 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 195 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 196 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 197 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 198 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 199 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 200 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 201 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 202 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 203 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 204 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 205 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 206 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 207 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 208 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 209 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 210 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 211 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 212 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 213 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 214 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 215 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 216 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 217 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 218 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 219 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 220 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 221 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 222 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 223 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 224 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 225 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 226 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 227 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 228 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 229 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 230 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 231 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 232 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 233 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 234 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 235 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 236 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

237 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 238 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 239 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 240 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 241 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 242 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 243 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 244 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 245 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 246 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 247 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 248 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 249 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 250 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 251 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 252 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 253 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 254 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 255 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 256 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 257 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 258 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 259 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 260 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 261 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 262 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 263 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 264 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 265 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 266 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 267 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 268 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 269 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 271 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 272 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 273 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 274 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 275 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 276 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 279 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 280 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 281 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 282 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 284 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 285 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 287 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 288 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 289 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 290 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 291 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 292 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 293 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 294 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 295 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 296 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 297 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 298 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 299 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 300 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 301 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 302 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 303 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 304 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 305 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 306 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 307 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 308 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 309 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 310 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 311 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 312 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 313 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 314 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 315 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 316 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 317 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 318 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 319 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

320 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 321 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 322 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 323 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 324 110000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 409 001000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 425 001000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 524 001000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Figura 4 external boundary Figura 5 internal boundary

Tabella 13 K Winkler Element Type Distributed Face Spring Modulus of Subgrade 1 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 2 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 3 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 4 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 5 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 6 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 7 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 8 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 9 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 10 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 11 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 12 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 13 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 14 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 15 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 16 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 17 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 18 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 19 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 20 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 21 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 22 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 23 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 24 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 25 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 26 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 27 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 28 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 29 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 30 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 31 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 32 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 33 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 34 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 35 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 36 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 37 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 38 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 39 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 40 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 41 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 42 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 43 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 44 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 45 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 50 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 51 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 52 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 53 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 54 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 55 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 56 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 57 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 58 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 59 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 60 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00

61 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 62 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 63 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 64 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 65 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 66 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 67 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 68 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 69 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 70 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 71 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 72 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 73 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 74 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 75 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 76 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 77 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 78 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 79 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 80 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 81 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 82 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 83 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 84 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 85 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 86 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 87 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 88 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 89 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 90 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 91 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 92 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 93 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 94 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 95 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 96 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 97 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 98 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 99 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 100 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 101 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 102 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 103 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 104 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 105 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 106 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 107 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 108 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 109 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 110 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 111 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 112 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 113 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 114 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 115 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 116 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 117 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 118 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00

119 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 120 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 121 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 122 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 123 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 124 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 125 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 126 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 127 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 128 PLATE Planar(Face) Face #1 Linear 2.00 *** STORY DATA < Story > NAME LEVEL HEIGHT FLOOR DIAPHRAGM --------------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------- 2F 3.920 0.000 Consider 1F -0.900 4.820 Do not consider < Floor Diaphragm/Rigid Link > *** FLOOR DIAPHRAGM / RIGID LINK DATA MASTER DDDRRR NODES OF SAME DISPLACEMENT ---------- --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 2F Floor Diaphragm 355to430 434to436 462to464 484to486 491to493 496to498 524to530 532to537 539 344 1000 436 345 1000 464 346 1000 486 347 1000 493 < Static Loadcase > *** LOAD CASE DATA NO NAME TYPE SELF WEIGHT FACTOR DESCRIPTION X Y Z -------- -------------------- ---------- ------ ------ ------ --------------------------------- -- 1 G1 D 0.000 0.000-1.000 2 G2 D 0.000 0.000 0.000 3 Qk,neve S 0.000 0.000 0.000 4 Qk,copertura L 0.000 0.000 0.000 5 Vento X W 0.000 0.000 0.000 6 Vento Y W 0.000 0.000 0.000 7 Vento Z W 0.000 0.000 0.000 < Weight/Volume/Surface area of all member > *** TOTAL WEIGHT / VOLUME / SURFACE AREA SUMMARY SECTION SECION SURFACE AREA VOLUMN WEIGHT FRAME TRUSS NO NAME NUMBER NUMBER -------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------- -------- 1 HEA140 160.5 0.6182 47.59 89 0 2 HEB200 59.53 0.3933 30.28 47 0 3 HEB200 - pil 64.87 0.4286 32.75 16 0 4 offset 0.1844 0.000461 0.00653 5 0

5 HEB160 13.22 0.07602 5.852 10 0 6 piatti_controv~ 16.47 0.1098 8.453 0 16 7 UPN140 18.91 0.07623 5.869 18 0 8 pilastri 50.07 0.2503 19.27 60 0 9 aste 28.12 0.0703 5.412 36 0 10 tiranti 7.666 0.01917 1.475 6 0 11 doppioheb140 7.234 0.03763 2.897 2 0 12 UPN140 0 0 0 0 0 13 pilastri_obl 0 0 0 0 0 14 HEB220 2.992 0.02093 1.611 1 0 15 HEB140 0 0 0 0 0 16 Cord_Fond 31.73 2.38 59.49 7 0 17 Cord_Fond04 0 0 0 0 0 18 Pilastrino 0 0 0 0 0 Tabella 14 Floor Load Type S N n o o 1 1 TIPO 1-A 2 2 TIPO 1-B 3 3 TIPO 1-C 4 4 TIPO 1-D 5 5 TIPO 2 Name Desc. Copertura laboratori con Impianti Copertura laboratori senza Impianti Copertura corridoio con Impianti Copertura corridoio senza Impianti Copertura pensilina Load case1 Load1 (kn/m^2) Sub 1 Load case2 Load2 (kn/m^2) G1-3.6300 O G2-4.5500 X G1-3.6300 O G2-1.7500 X G1-2.5100 O G2-5.3500 X G1-2.5100 O G2-2.5500 X G1-0.3000 O G2-1.3000 X Sub 2 Load case3 Qk,ne ve Qk,ne ve Qk,ne ve Qk,ne ve Qk,ne ve Load3 (kn/m^2) -1.2000 X -1.2000 X -1.2000 X -1.2000 X -1.2000 X Sub 3 Load case4 Qk,co pertu ra Qk,co pertu ra Qk,co pertu ra Qk,co pertu ra Qk,co pertu ra Load4 (kn/m^2) -0.5000 X -0.5000 X -0.5000 X -0.5000 X -0.5000 X Sub 4 6 6 Vent o Z Vento Z 0.2700 O NONE 0.0000 X NONE 0.0000 X NONE 0.0000 X 7 7 LUCE RNAI G2-1.0000 O Qk,ne ve -1.2000 X NONE 0.0000 X NONE 0.0000 X Tabella 15 Flld No Load Type Distribution Load Angle Load Direction Projection Nodes for Loading Area 1 Vento Z Type Two Way 0.00 ([deg]) Global Z No 496, 497, 492, 491 2 TIPO 1-A One Way 0.00 Global Z No 355, 358, 359, 356 3 TIPO 1-A One Way 0.00 Global Z No 356, 359, 361, 357 4 TIPO 1-A One Way 0.00 Global Z No 358, 362, 363, 359 5 TIPO 1-A One Way 0.00 Global Z No 359, 363, 364, 360 6 TIPO 1-A One Way 0.00 Global Z No 362, 366, 367, 363 7 TIPO 1-A One Way 0.00 Global Z No 363, 367, 368, 365 8 TIPO 1-A One Way 0.00 Global Z No 366, 369, 370, 367 9 TIPO 1-A One Way 0.00 Global Z No 367, 370, 371, 368 10 TIPO 1-A One Way 0.00 Global Z No 369, 372, 375, 370 11 TIPO 1-A One Way 0.00 Global Z No 370, 375, 376, 371 12 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 372, 379, 380, 373 13 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 374, 381, 382, 375 14 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 377, 380, 381, 378 15 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 375, 382, 383, 376 16 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 379, 396, 399, 382 17 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 382, 399, 400, 383 18 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 396, 410, 411, 397 19 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 398, 412, 413, 399 20 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 399, 401, 402, 400

21 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 401, 414, 415, 402 22 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 412, 428, 429, 413 23 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 410, 426, 427, 411 24 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 416, 427, 428, 417 25 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 426, 434, 435, 429 26 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 414, 429, 430, 415 27 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 434, 462, 463, 435 28 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 462, 484, 485, 463 29 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 484, 491, 492, 485 30 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 491, 496, 497, 492 31 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 429, 435, 436, 430 32 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 435, 463, 464, 436 33 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 463, 485, 486, 464 34 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 485, 492, 493, 486 35 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 492, 497, 498, 493 36 TIPO 1-D One Way 0.00 Global Z No 384, 390, 391, 385 37 TIPO 1-D One Way 0.00 Global Z No 390, 403, 404, 391 38 TIPO 1-D One Way 0.00 Global Z No 386, 392, 393, 387 39 TIPO 1-D One Way 0.00 Global Z No 392, 405, 406, 393 40 TIPO 1-D One Way 0.00 Global Z No 388, 394, 395, 389 41 TIPO 1-B One Way 0.00 Global Z No 394, 407, 408, 395 42 TIPO 1-D One Way 0.00 Global Z No 402, 418, 419, 403 43 TIPO 1-D One Way 0.00 Global Z No 403, 419, 420, 404 44 TIPO 1-D One Way 0.00 Global Z No 404, 420, 421, 405 45 TIPO 1-D One Way 0.00 Global Z No 405, 421, 422, 406 46 TIPO 1-D One Way 0.00 Global Z No 406, 422, 423, 407 47 TIPO 1-D One Way 0.00 Global Z No 407, 423, 424, 408 48 TIPO 1-D One Way 0.00 Global Z No 408, 424, 425, 409 49 TIPO 2 One Way 0.00 Global Z No 493, 498, 537, 536 50 TIPO 2 One Way 0.00 Global Z No 486, 493, 536, 535 51 TIPO 2 One Way 0.00 Global Z No 464, 486, 535, 534 52 TIPO 2 One Way 0.00 Global Z No 436, 464, 534, 533 53 TIPO 2 One Way 0.00 Global Z No 539, 532, 530, 419 54 TIPO 2 One Way 0.00 Global Z No 419, 530, 529, 420 55 TIPO 2 One Way 0.00 Global Z No 420, 529, 528, 421 56 TIPO 2 One Way 0.00 Global Z No 421, 528, 527, 422 57 TIPO 2 One Way 0.00 Global Z No 422, 527, 526, 423 58 TIPO 2 One Way 0.00 Global Z No 423, 526, 525, 424 59 TIPO 2 One Way 0.00 Global Z No 424, 525, 524, 425 60 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 497, 498, 493, 492 61 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 491, 492, 485, 484 62 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 492, 493, 486, 485 63 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 484, 485, 463, 462 64 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 485, 486, 464, 463 65 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 462, 463, 435, 434 66 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 463, 464, 436, 435 67 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 434, 435, 429, 426 68 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 435, 436, 430, 429 69 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 426, 427, 411, 410 70 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 427, 428, 417, 416 71 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 416, 417, 412, 411 72 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 428, 429, 413, 412 73 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 429, 430, 415, 414 74 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 414, 415, 402, 401 75 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 401, 402, 400, 399 76 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 399, 400, 383, 382 77 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 382, 383, 376, 375 78 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 375, 376, 371, 370

79 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 370, 371, 368, 367 80 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 367, 368, 365, 363 81 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 363, 364, 360, 359 82 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 364, 365, 361, 360 83 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 359, 361, 357, 356 84 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 358, 359, 356, 355 85 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 362, 363, 359, 358 86 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 366, 367, 363, 362 87 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 366, 369, 370, 367 88 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 369, 372, 375, 370 89 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 372, 379, 380, 373 90 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 380, 381, 378, 377 91 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 381, 382, 375, 374 92 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 377, 378, 374, 373 93 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 379, 396, 399, 382 94 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 396, 410, 411, 397 95 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 411, 412, 398, 397 96 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 412, 413, 399, 398 97 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 402, 418, 419, 403 98 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 403, 419, 420, 404 99 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 390, 403, 404, 391 100 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 390, 391, 385, 384 101 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 420, 421, 405, 404 102 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 421, 422, 406, 405 103 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 405, 406, 393, 392 104 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 392, 393, 387, 386 105 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 422, 423, 407, 406 106 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 423, 424, 408, 407 107 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 407, 408, 395, 394 108 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 394, 395, 389, 388 109 Vento Z Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 408, 424, 425, 409 110 LUCERNAI Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 411, 416, 417, 412 111 LUCERNAI Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 397, 411, 412, 398 112 LUCERNAI Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 373, 377, 378, 374 113 LUCERNAI Two Way 0.00 Global Z No 360, 364, 365, 361 114 TIPO 2 One Way 0.00 Global Z No 418, 436, 533, 539 Tabella 16 Bmld 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 447 Element BM LD Type Line Load Line Load Line Load Line Load Line Load Line Load Line Load Line Load Line Load Load Case Vento Y Distributed Forces Vento Y Distributed Forces Vento Y Distributed Forces Vento Y Distributed Forces Vento Y Distributed Forces Vento Y Distributed Forces Vento Y Distributed Forces Vento X Distributed Forces Vento X Distributed Forces Load Type Direction Projection D1 D2 P1 P2 Unit Global Y Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m Global Y Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m Global Y Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m Global Y Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m Global Y Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m Global Y Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m Global Y Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m Global X Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m Global X Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 447 Line Vento X Distributed Global X Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m

Load Forces 544 Line Load Vento Y Distributed Forces Global Y Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 545 Line Load Vento Y Distributed Forces Global Y Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 595 Line Load Vento X Distributed Forces Global X Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 595 Line Load Vento X Distributed Forces Global X Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 595 Line Load Vento X Distributed Forces Global X Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 596 Line Load Vento X Distributed Forces Global X Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 596 Line Load Vento X Distributed Forces Global X Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 596 Line Load Vento X Distributed Forces Global X Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 597 Line Load Vento X Distributed Forces Global X Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 597 Line Load Vento X Distributed Forces Global X Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 597 Line Load Vento X Distributed Forces Global X Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 598 Line Load Vento X Distributed Forces Global X Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 598 Line Load Vento X Distributed Forces Global X Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 598 Line Load Vento X Distributed Forces Global X Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 623 Line Load Vento Y Distributed Forces Global Y Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 625 Line Load Vento X Distributed Forces Global X Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 625 Line Load Vento X Distributed Forces Global X Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m 625 Line Load Vento X Distributed Forces Global X Yes 0.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 kn/m

Figura 6 VentoY Figura 7 VentoX

Figura 8 VentoZ

Figura 9 SLD Figura 10 SLV

Figura 11 SLD eta 2/3 Figura 12 SP1

Figura 13 SP2 Figura 14 SP3

< Load Combination > ** GENERAL NO NAME TYPE ACTIVE DESCRIPTION -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------------------------------------------- 1 glcb2 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)+ spettro_x_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 2 glcb3 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)- spettro_x_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 3 glcb4 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)+ spettro_x_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 4 glcb5 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)- spettro_x_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 5 glcb6 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)+ spettro_y_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 6 glcb7 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)- spettro_y_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 7 glcb8 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)+ spettro_y_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 8 glcb9 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)- spettro_y_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 9 glcb10 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 10 glcb11 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 11 glcb12 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 12 glcb13 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 13 glcb14 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 14 glcb15 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 15 glcb16 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 16 glcb17 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 17 glcb18 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 18 glcb19 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)- spettro_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 19 glcb20 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 20 glcb21 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)- spettro_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 21 glcb22 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 22 glcb23 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)- spettro_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 23 glcb24 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 24 glcb25 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)- spettro_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 25 glcb26 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 26 glcb27 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)- spettro_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 27 glcb28 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 28 glcb29 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)- spettro_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 29 glcb30 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 30 glcb31 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)- spettro_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 31 glcb32 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 32 glcb33 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)- spettro_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 33 glcb34 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 34 glcb35 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)- spettro_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 35 glcb36 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr...

36 glcb37 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)- spettro_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 37 glcb38 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 38 glcb39 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)- spettro_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 39 glcb40 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 40 glcb41 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)- spettro_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 41 glcb42 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)+ spettro_x_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 42 glcb43 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)- spettro_x_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 43 glcb44 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)+ spettro_x_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 44 glcb45 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)- spettro_x_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 45 glcb46 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)+ spettro_y_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 46 glcb47 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)- spettro_y_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 47 glcb48 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)+ spettro_y_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 48 glcb49 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)- spettro_y_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 49 glcb50 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 50 glcb51 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 51 glcb52 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 52 glcb53 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 53 glcb54 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 54 glcb55 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 55 glcb56 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 56 glcb57 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 57 glcb58 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 58 glcb59 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)- spettro_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 59 glcb60 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 60 glcb61 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)- spettro_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 61 glcb62 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 62 glcb63 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)- spettro_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 63 glcb64 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 64 glcb65 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)- spettro_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 65 glcb66 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 66 glcb67 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)- spettro_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 67 glcb68 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 68 glcb69 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)- spettro_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 69 glcb70 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 70 glcb71 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)- spettro_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 71 glcb72 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 72 glcb73 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)- spettro_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 73 glcb74 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 74 glcb75 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)- spettro_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr...

75 glcb76 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 76 glcb77 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)- spettro_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 77 glcb78 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 78 glcb79 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)- spettro_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 79 glcb80 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 80 glcb81 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)- spettro_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 81 glcb82 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)+ spettro_x_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 82 glcb83 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)- spettro_x_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 83 glcb84 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)+ spettro_x_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 84 glcb85 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)- spettro_x_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 85 glcb86 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)+ spettro_y_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 86 glcb87 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)- spettro_y_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 87 glcb88 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)+ spettro_y_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 88 glcb89 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)- spettro_y_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 89 glcb90 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 90 glcb91 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 91 glcb92 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 92 glcb93 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 93 glcb94 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 94 glcb95 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 95 glcb96 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 96 glcb97 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 97 glcb98 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 98 glcb99 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)- spettro_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 99 glcb100 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 100 glcb101 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)- spettro_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 101 glcb102 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 102 glcb103 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)- spettro_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 103 glcb104 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 104 glcb105 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)- spettro_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 105 glcb106 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 106 glcb107 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)- spettro_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 107 glcb108 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 108 glcb109 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)- spettro_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 109 glcb110 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 110 glcb111 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)- spettro_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 111 glcb112 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 112 glcb113 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)- spettro_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 113 glcb114 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr...

114 glcb115 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)- spettro_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 115 glcb116 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 116 glcb117 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)- spettro_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 117 glcb118 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 118 glcb119 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)- spettro_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 119 glcb120 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 120 glcb121 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)- spettro_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 121 glcb122 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)+ spettro_x_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 122 glcb123 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)- spettro_x_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 123 glcb124 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)+ spettro_x_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 124 glcb125 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)- spettro_x_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 125 glcb126 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)+ spettro_y_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 126 glcb127 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)- spettro_y_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 127 glcb128 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)+ spettro_y_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 128 glcb129 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)- spettro_y_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 129 glcb130 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 130 glcb131 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 131 glcb132 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 132 glcb133 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 133 glcb134 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 134 glcb135 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 135 glcb136 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 136 glcb137 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 137 glcb138 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 138 glcb139 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)- spettro_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 139 glcb140 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 140 glcb141 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)- spettro_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 141 glcb142 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 142 glcb143 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)- spettro_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 143 glcb144 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 144 glcb145 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)- spettro_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 145 glcb146 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 146 glcb147 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)- spettro_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 147 glcb148 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 148 glcb149 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)- spettro_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 149 glcb150 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 150 glcb151 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)- spettro_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 151 glcb152 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 152 glcb153 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)- spettro_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr...

153 glcb154 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 154 glcb155 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)- spettro_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 155 glcb156 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 156 glcb157 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)- spettro_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 157 glcb158 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 158 glcb159 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)- spettro_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 159 glcb160 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 160 glcb161 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)- spettro_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 161 SLU_Neve ~ Add ACTIVE 162 SLU_Coper~ Add ACTIVE 163 SLE Rara_~ Add ACTIVE 164 SLE Rara_~ Add ACTIVE 165 SLE_Frequ~ Add ACTIVE 166 SLE_Quasi~ Add ACTIVE 167 SLU_Neve ~ Add ACTIVE 168 SLU_ Cope~ Add ACTIVE 169 SLU_ Vent~ Add ACTIVE 170 SLU_Vento~ Add ACTIVE 171 SLU_Neve Add ACTIVE 172 SLE Rara_~ Add ACTIVE 173 SLE Rara_~ Add ACTIVE 174 SLE Rara_~ Add ACTIVE 175 SLE Rara_~ Add ACTIVE 176 SLV_Envel~ Envelope ACTIVE 177 SLV_Envel~ Envelope ACTIVE 178 SLV_Envel~ Envelope ACTIVE 179 SLU_Envel~ Envelope ACTIVE 180 SLE_Rara_~ Envelope ACTIVE 181 SLV_ Fond~ Add ACTIVE ** STEEL DESIGN NO NAME TYPE ACTIVE DESCRIPTION -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------------------------------------------- 1 glcb2 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)+ spettro_x_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 2 glcb3 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)- spettro_x_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 3 glcb4 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)+ spettro_x_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 4 glcb5 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)- spettro_x_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 5 glcb6 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)+ spettro_y_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 6 glcb7 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)- spettro_y_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 7 glcb8 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)+ spettro_y_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 8 glcb9 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)- spettro_y_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 9 glcb10 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 10 glcb11 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 11 glcb12 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 12 glcb13 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 13 glcb14 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 14 glcb15 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 15 glcb16 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 16 glcb17 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 17 glcb18 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr...

18 glcb19 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)- spettro_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 19 glcb20 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 20 glcb21 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)- spettro_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 21 glcb22 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 22 glcb23 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)- spettro_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 23 glcb24 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 24 glcb25 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)- spettro_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 25 glcb26 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 26 glcb27 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)- spettro_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 27 glcb28 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 28 glcb29 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)- spettro_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 29 glcb30 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 30 glcb31 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)- spettro_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 31 glcb32 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 32 glcb33 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)- spettro_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 33 glcb34 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 34 glcb35 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)- spettro_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 35 glcb36 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 36 glcb37 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)- spettro_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 37 glcb38 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 38 glcb39 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)- spettro_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 39 glcb40 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 40 glcb41 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)- spettro_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 41 glcb42 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)+ spettro_x_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 42 glcb43 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)- spettro_x_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 43 glcb44 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)+ spettro_x_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 44 glcb45 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)- spettro_x_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 45 glcb46 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)+ spettro_y_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 46 glcb47 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)- spettro_y_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 47 glcb48 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)+ spettro_y_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 48 glcb49 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)- spettro_y_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 49 glcb50 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 50 glcb51 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 51 glcb52 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 52 glcb53 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 53 glcb54 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 54 glcb55 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 55 glcb56 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 56 glcb57 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1...

57 glcb58 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 58 glcb59 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)- spettro_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 59 glcb60 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 60 glcb61 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)- spettro_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 61 glcb62 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 62 glcb63 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)- spettro_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 63 glcb64 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 64 glcb65 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)- spettro_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 65 glcb66 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 66 glcb67 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)- spettro_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 67 glcb68 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 68 glcb69 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)- spettro_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 69 glcb70 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 70 glcb71 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)- spettro_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 71 glcb72 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 72 glcb73 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)- spettro_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 73 glcb74 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 74 glcb75 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)- spettro_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 75 glcb76 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 76 glcb77 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)- spettro_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 77 glcb78 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 78 glcb79 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)- spettro_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 79 glcb80 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 80 glcb81 Add ACTIVE 1.0D + 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)- spettro_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 81 glcb82 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)+ spettro_x_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 82 glcb83 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)- spettro_x_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 83 glcb84 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)+ spettro_x_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 84 glcb85 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)- spettro_x_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 85 glcb86 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)+ spettro_y_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 86 glcb87 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)- spettro_y_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 87 glcb88 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)+ spettro_y_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 88 glcb89 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)- spettro_y_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 89 glcb90 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 90 glcb91 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 91 glcb92 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 92 glcb93 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 93 glcb94 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 94 glcb95 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 95 glcb96 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1...

96 glcb97 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 97 glcb98 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 98 glcb99 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)- spettro_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 99 glcb100 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 100 glcb101 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)- spettro_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 101 glcb102 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 102 glcb103 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)- spettro_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 103 glcb104 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 104 glcb105 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)- spettro_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 105 glcb106 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 106 glcb107 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)- spettro_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 107 glcb108 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 108 glcb109 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)- spettro_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 109 glcb110 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 110 glcb111 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)- spettro_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 111 glcb112 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 112 glcb113 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)- spettro_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 113 glcb114 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 114 glcb115 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)- spettro_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 115 glcb116 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 116 glcb117 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)- spettro_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 117 glcb118 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 118 glcb119 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)- spettro_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 119 glcb120 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 120 glcb121 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)- spettro_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 121 glcb122 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)+ spettro_x_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 122 glcb123 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)- spettro_x_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 123 glcb124 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)+ spettro_x_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 124 glcb125 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SV(RS)- spettro_x_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_y_... 125 glcb126 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)+ spettro_y_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 126 glcb127 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)- spettro_y_sv(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 127 glcb128 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)+ spettro_y_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 128 glcb129 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SV(RS)- spettro_y_sv(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettro_x_... 129 glcb130 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 130 glcb131 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 131 glcb132 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 132 glcb133 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_x_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 133 glcb134 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1... 134 glcb135 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))+0.3(1...

135 glcb136 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)+ spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 136 glcb137 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SD_eta2/3(RS)- spettro_y_sd_eta2/3(es))-0.3(1... 137 glcb138 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 138 glcb139 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)- spettro_x_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 139 glcb140 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 140 glcb141 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_1(RS)- spettro_x_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 141 glcb142 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 142 glcb143 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)- spettro_y_sp_1(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 143 glcb144 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 144 glcb145 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_1(RS)- spettro_y_sp_1(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 145 glcb146 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 146 glcb147 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)- spettro_x_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 147 glcb148 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 148 glcb149 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_2(RS)- spettro_x_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 149 glcb150 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 150 glcb151 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)- spettro_y_sp_2(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 151 glcb152 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 152 glcb153 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_2(RS)- spettro_y_sp_2(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 153 glcb154 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 154 glcb155 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)- spettro_x_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 155 glcb156 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 156 glcb157 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_X_SP_3(RS)- spettro_x_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 157 glcb158 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 158 glcb159 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)- spettro_y_sp_3(es))+0.3(1.00)(spettr... 159 glcb160 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)+ spettro_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 160 glcb161 Add ACTIVE 1.0D - 1.0(1.0(1.00)(spettro_Y_SP_3(RS)- spettro_y_sp_3(es))-0.3(1.00)(spettr... 161 SLU_Neve ~ Add ACTIVE 162 SLU_Coper~ Add ACTIVE 163 SLE Rara_~ Add SERVICE 164 SLE Rara_~ Add SERVICE 165 SLE_Frequ~ Add SERVICE 166 SLE_Quasi~ Add SERVICE 167 SLU_Neve ~ Add ACTIVE 168 SLU_ Cope~ Add ACTIVE 169 SLU_ Vent~ Add ACTIVE 170 SLU_Vento~ Add ACTIVE 171 SLU_Neve Add ACTIVE 172 SLE Rara_~ Add SERVICE 173 SLE Rara_~ Add SERVICE 174 SLE Rara_~ Add SERVICE 175 SLE Rara_~ Add SERVICE

Tabella 1 EigenMode Node Mode UX UY UZ RX RY RZ E I G E N V A L U E A N A L Y S I S Mode No Frequency Period (rad/sec) (cycle/sec) (sec) Tolerance 1.0000 4.9166 0.7825 1.2779 0.0000e+000 2.0000 6.7355 1.0720 0.9328 0.0000e+000 3.0000 7.2640 1.1561 0.8650 0.0000e+000 4.0000 8.7021 1.3850 0.7220 0.0000e+000 5.0000 8.7022 1.3850 0.7220 0.0000e+000 6.0000 14.4350 2.2974 0.4353 0.0000e+000 7.0000 14.5986 2.3234 0.4304 0.0000e+000 8.0000 19.4819 3.1006 0.3225 0.0000e+000 9.0000 23.5398 3.7465 0.2669 0.0000e+000 10.0000 27.1987 4.3288 0.2310 0.0000e+000 11.0000 28.4280 4.5245 0.2210 0.0000e+000 12.0000 30.5093 4.8557 0.2059 2.7809e-308 13.0000 31.6396 5.0356 0.1986 5.0549e-301 14.0000 32.9997 5.2521 0.1904 1.3025e-294 15.0000 34.1705 5.4384 0.1839 1.5909e-284 16.0000 34.6273 5.5111 0.1815 4.2238e-283 17.0000 36.9746 5.8847 0.1699 2.0470e-270 18.0000 37.1658 5.9151 0.1691 8.7476e-269 19.0000 37.3392 5.9427 0.1683 4.6152e-268 20.0000 38.7621 6.1692 0.1621 1.6506e-262 21.0000 41.7643 6.6470 0.1504 2.7067e-245 22.0000 42.5961 6.7794 0.1475 6.7043e-232 23.0000 42.5994 6.7799 0.1475 5.6432e-219 24.0000 42.5994 6.7799 0.1475 3.5219e-217 25.0000 42.5994 6.7799 0.1475 6.3228e-218 26.0000 42.5994 6.7799 0.1475 7.2761e-219 27.0000 42.5995 6.7799 0.1475 5.6620e-224 28.0000 45.6189 7.2605 0.1377 5.6900e-233 29.0000 47.1014 7.4964 0.1334 2.0254e-226 30.0000 47.1973 7.5117 0.1331 1.9168e-220 31.0000 47.1978 7.5118 0.1331 7.1625e-220 32.0000 47.2112 7.5139 0.1331 1.6609e-222 33.0000 47.6958 7.5910 0.1317 4.7498e-227 MODAL PARTICIPATION MASSES PRINTOUT TRAN-X TRAN-Y TRAN-Z ROTN-X ROTN-Y ROTN-Z Mode No MASS(%) SUM(%) MASS(%) SUM(%) MASS(%) SUM(%) MASS(%) SUM(%) MASS(%) SUM(%) MASS(%) SUM(%) 1.0000 0.0281 0.0281 0.0000 0.0000 0.0012 0.0012 0.0001 0.0001 2.2044 2.2044 0.0116 0.0116 2.0000 0.0000 0.0281 0.0364 0.0364 0.0000 0.0012 7.2717 7.2718 0.0000 2.2044 0.0083 0.0199 3.0000 0.0000 0.0281 0.0353 0.0716 0.0000 0.0012 7.2808 14.5526 0.0000 2.2044 0.0084 0.0283 4.0000 0.0000 0.0281 0.0413 0.1130 0.0000 0.0012 2.0578 16.6104 0.0000 2.2044 0.0131 0.0415 5.0000 0.0000 0.0281 0.0014 0.1143 0.0000 0.0012 0.3879 16.9983 0.0000 2.2044 0.0053 0.0467 6.0000 0.0206 0.0487 0.0000 0.1143 0.0257 0.0269-0.0010 16.9973 0.0539 2.2584 0.0008 0.0475 7.0000 0.0021 0.0508 0.0000 0.1143 0.0877 0.1146-0.0012 16.9961 0.1625 2.4209 0.0063 0.0538 8.0000 0.0283 0.0791 0.0000 0.1143 0.0910 0.2055 0.0006 16.9967 2.4730 4.8939 0.0009 0.0548 9.0000 0.1754 0.2545 0.0004 0.1147 0.0625 0.2680-0.0013 16.9954 0.0002 4.8940 0.0090 0.0638 10.0000 98.6979 98.9524 0.0105 0.1252 0.0010 0.2690 0.0174 17.0128 0.0331 4.9272 0.0132 0.0769 11.0000 0.0009 98.9533 0.0081 0.1333 0.0153 0.2843 0.0372 17.0500 0.0001 4.9272 0.0006 0.0775 12.0000 0.1828 99.1361 0.0033 0.1366 0.0002 0.2846 0.0122 17.0622 0.4110 5.3382 0.0094 0.0869 13.0000 0.0068 99.1429 0.0539 0.1905 0.0041 0.2887-0.0423 17.0200 0.0097 5.3480 0.0085 0.0954 14.0000 0.0198 99.1627 81.1523 81.3428 0.0011 0.2898 1.2335 18.2534 0.0000 5.3480 17.6484 17.7438 15.0000 0.0000 99.1627 0.0000 81.3428 0.0007 0.2905 0.1755 18.4289 0.0003 5.3482 0.0000 17.7438 16.0000 0.0028 99.1656 0.0012 81.3440 0.0212 0.3116 0.0103 18.4393 0.5001 5.8484 0.0000 17.7438 17.0000 0.0357 99.2012 0.0327 81.3767 0.3286 0.6402-0.0181 18.4211 0.5204 6.3688 0.0030 17.7468 18.0000 0.0002 99.2015 0.0006 81.3773 0.0608 0.7010 0.0018 18.4229 0.2053 6.5741 0.0016 17.7484 19.0000 0.0001 99.2015 0.0001 81.3774 0.0008 0.7019 0.0147 18.4376 0.0005 6.5746 0.0003 17.7487 20.0000 0.0141 99.2157 0.0002 81.3776 0.0045 0.7064-0.0081 18.4295 0.0565 6.6311 0.0001 17.7488

21.0000 0.0000 99.2157 0.0000 81.3776 0.0006 0.7070 0.2074 18.6369 0.0000 6.6312 0.0000 17.7488 22.0000 0.0000 99.2157 0.0421 81.4198 0.0000 0.7070 0.4164 19.0533 0.0000 6.6312 0.0560 17.8048 23.0000 0.0000 99.2157 0.0000 81.4198 0.0000 0.7070 0.0001 19.0534 0.0000 6.6312 0.0000 17.8048 24.0000 0.0000 99.2157 0.0000 81.4198 0.0000 0.7070 0.0001 19.0534 0.0000 6.6312 0.0000 17.8048 25.0000 0.0000 99.2157 0.0000 81.4198 0.0000 0.7070-0.0001 19.0534 0.0000 6.6312 0.0000 17.8048 26.0000 0.0000 99.2157 0.0000 81.4198 0.0000 0.7070 0.0002 19.0536 0.0000 6.6312 0.0000 17.8048 27.0000 0.0000 99.2157 0.0003 81.4200 0.0000 0.7070 0.1617 19.2153 0.0000 6.6312 0.0005 17.8053 28.0000 0.0000 99.2157 0.0050 81.4250 0.0065 0.7136-0.0108 19.2044 0.9585 7.5897 0.0302 17.8355 29.0000 0.0009 99.2166 2.7513 84.1764 0.0616 0.7751-0.0448 19.1596 0.0000 7.5897 12.6477 30.4832 30.0000 0.0000 99.2166 0.0013 84.1777 0.0121 0.7873-0.0398 19.1197 0.0004 7.5900 0.0003 30.4834 31.0000 0.0000 99.2166 0.0000 84.1777 0.0003 0.7875 0.0059 19.1257 0.0002 7.5903 0.0003 30.4837 32.0000 0.0001 99.2167 0.0002 84.1779 0.0013 0.7889-0.0062 19.1195 0.2172 7.8075 0.0004 30.4841 33.0000 0.0048 99.2215 15.2373 99.4152 0.0519 0.8408 0.1681 19.2876 0.0015 7.8090 66.5955 97.0796 Mode No TRAN-X TRAN-Y TRAN-Z ROTN-X ROTN-Y ROTN-Z MASS SUM MASS SUM MASS SUM MASS SUM MASS SUM MASS SUM 1.0000 0.0374 0.0374 0.0000 0.0000 0.0021 0.0021 0.0000 0.0000 181.3706 181.3706 11981.2150 11981.2150 2.0000 0.0000 0.0374 0.0484 0.0484 0.0000 0.0021 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 181.3706 8548.9412 20530.1562 3.0000 0.0000 0.0374 0.0470 0.0954 0.0000 0.0021 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 181.3706 8681.2651 29211.4213 4.0000 0.0000 0.0374 0.0550 0.1505 0.0000 0.0021 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 181.3706 13503.6296 42715.0509 5.0000 0.0000 0.0374 0.0018 0.1523 0.0000 0.0021 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 181.3706 5430.9238 48145.9747 6.0000 0.0274 0.0648 0.0000 0.1523 0.0442 0.0463 0.0000 0.0000 4.4379 185.8085 849.5874 48995.5621 7.0000 0.0029 0.0677 0.0000 0.1523 0.1510 0.1973 0.0000 0.0000 13.3726 199.1811 6478.1318 55473.6939 8.0000 0.0377 0.1054 0.0000 0.1523 0.1566 0.3539 0.0000 0.0000 203.4654 402.6466 962.4644 56436.1584 9.0000 0.2337 0.3391 0.0005 0.1528 0.1075 0.4614 0.0000 0.0000 0.0146 402.6612 9260.0742 65696.2326 10.0000 131.4877 131.8268 0.0140 0.1668 0.0018 0.4632 0.0000 0.0000 2.7239 405.3851 13574.5695 79270.8020 11.0000 0.0012 131.8280 0.0108 0.1776 0.0264 0.4895 0.0000 0.0000 0.0048 405.3899 611.5358 79882.3379 12.0000 0.2435 132.0716 0.0044 0.1820 0.0004 0.4899 0.0000 0.0000 33.8150 439.2049 9683.3095 89565.6474 13.0000 0.0091 132.0806 0.0718 0.2538 0.0071 0.4970 0.0000 0.0000 0.8022 440.0071 8729.7675 98295.4149 14.0000 0.0263 132.1070 108.1131 108.3668 0.0020 0.4990 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002 440.0073 18185598.0352 18283893.4501 15.0000 0.0000 132.1070 0.0000 108.3669 0.0012 0.5001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0237 440.0310 2.3719 18283895.8219 16.0000 0.0038 132.1108 0.0016 108.3685 0.0364 0.5366 0.0000 0.0000 41.1494 481.1805 36.4743 18283932.2962 17.0000 0.0475 132.1583 0.0435 108.4120 0.5658 1.1023 0.0000 0.0000 42.8136 523.9941 3089.7953 18287022.0915 18.0000 0.0003 132.1586 0.0008 108.4128 0.1047 1.2070 0.0000 0.0000 16.8951 540.8892 1627.2965 18288649.3880 19.0000 0.0001 132.1587 0.0001 108.4129 0.0014 1.2084 0.0000 0.0000 0.0427 540.9319 312.9075 18288962.2954 20.0000 0.0188 132.1775 0.0003 108.4132 0.0078 1.2162 0.0000 0.0000 4.6496 545.5815 89.8501 18289052.1455 21.0000 0.0000 132.1775 0.0000 108.4132 0.0011 1.2173 0.0000 0.0000 0.0025 545.5840 7.7501 18289059.8956 22.0000 0.0000 132.1776 0.0561 108.4694 0.0000 1.2173 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 545.5840 57717.1836 18346777.0791 23.0000 0.0000 132.1776 0.0000 108.4694 0.0000 1.2173 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 545.5840 0.0000 18346777.0792 24.0000 0.0000 132.1776 0.0000 108.4694 0.0000 1.2173 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 545.5840 0.0002 18346777.0794 25.0000 0.0000 132.1776 0.0000 108.4694 0.0000 1.2173 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 545.5840 0.0001 18346777.0795 26.0000 0.0000 132.1776 0.0000 108.4694 0.0000 1.2173 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 545.5840 0.0004 18346777.0799 27.0000 0.0000 132.1776 0.0004 108.4698 0.0000 1.2173 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 545.5840 488.3993 18347265.4791 28.0000 0.0000 132.1776 0.0067 108.4764 0.0113 1.2286 0.0000 0.0000 78.8615 624.4455 31096.6550 18378362.1341 29.0000 0.0013 132.1788 3.6654 112.1418 0.1060 1.3346 0.0000 0.0000 0.0006 624.4461 13032674.2764 31411036.4105 30.0000 0.0000 132.1788 0.0017 112.1436 0.0209 1.3555 0.0000 0.0000 0.0295 624.4756 289.1087 31411325.5193 31.0000 0.0000 132.1788 0.0000 112.1436 0.0005 1.3560 0.0000 0.0000 0.0195 624.4951 273.5776 31411599.0969 32.0000 0.0001 132.1789 0.0003 112.1439 0.0023 1.3583 0.0000 0.0000 17.8705 642.3656 404.8953 31412003.9922 33.0000 0.0064 132.1853 20.2995 132.4434 0.0894 1.4476 0.0000 0.0000 0.1219 642.4875 68622609.6568 100034613.6490 MODAL PARTICIPATION FACTOR PRINTOUT (kgf,cm) Mode No TRAN-X TRAN-Y TRAN-Z ROTN-X ROTN-Y ROTN-Z Value Value Value Value Value Value 1.0000-0.1934 0.0009-0.0456 0.0000 13.4674-109.4587 2.0000 0.0001-0.2201 0.0001 0.0000-0.0001 92.4605 3.0000 0.0001-0.2168-0.0002 0.0000 0.0008 93.1733 4.0000 0.0002-0.2346 0.0001 0.0000-0.0003 116.2051 5.0000-0.0001-0.0426 0.0001 0.0000-0.0000-73.6948 6.0000-0.1656-0.0011-0.2102 0.0000 2.1066 29.1477 7.0000-0.0534-0.0038-0.3886 0.0000 3.6569 80.4868 8.0000-0.1941 0.0053-0.3957 0.0000 14.2641 31.0236 9.0000 0.4834-0.0220 0.3279 0.0000-0.1209 96.2293 10.0000-11.4668 0.1184 0.0419 0.0000 1.6504-116.5099 11.0000-0.0350 0.1037-0.1623 0.0000-0.0695 24.7292

12.0000 0.4935 0.0662 0.0197 0.0000 5.8151-98.4038 13.0000-0.0954-0.2679 0.0841 0.0000 0.8956 93.4332 14.0000 0.1623 10.3977-0.0444 0.0000 0.0151-4264.4571 15.0000-0.0032-0.0054-0.0340 0.0000-0.1540 1.5401 16.0000 0.0615 0.0399-0.1909 0.0000 6.4148 6.0394 17.0000-0.2180-0.2087-0.7522 0.0000 6.5432-55.5859 18.0000-0.0177 0.0278 0.3236 0.0000 4.1104 40.3398 19.0000-0.0090-0.0109-0.0377 0.0000 0.2067-17.6892 20.0000-0.1372-0.0180 0.0882 0.0000 2.1563-9.4789 21.0000 0.0026 0.0038 0.0331 0.0000-0.0501 2.7839 22.0000 0.0033-0.2369 0.0028 0.0000-0.0024-240.2440 23.0000 0.0000-0.0000 0.0000 0.0000-0.0006-0.0052 24.0000-0.0000 0.0000-0.0000 0.0000 0.0012-0.0152 25.0000 0.0000 0.0000-0.0000 0.0000-0.0000-0.0103 26.0000-0.0000-0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0007-0.0190 27.0000 0.0003-0.0193-0.0002 0.0000-0.0012-22.0998 28.0000-0.0044-0.0817 0.1061 0.0000 8.8804-176.3424 29.0000-0.0354 1.9145 0.3256 0.0000 0.0250 3610.0792 30.0000-0.0015-0.0418 0.1445 0.0000 0.1717 17.0032 31.0000 0.0001-0.0008-0.0224 0.0000-0.1397-16.5402 32.0000-0.0094-0.0177 0.0481 0.0000 4.2273-20.1220 33.0000-0.0798 4.5055-0.2990 0.0000 0.3491 8283.8756 MODAL DIRECTION FACTOR PRINTOUT Mode No TRAN-X TRAN-Y TRAN-Z ROTN-X ROTN-Y ROTN-Z Value Value Value Value Value Value 1.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 99.9999 0.0000 2.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 99.9999 0.0000 0.0000 3.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 99.9999 0.0000 0.0000 4.0000 0.0000 0.0002 0.0000 99.9997 0.0000 0.0001 5.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000 0.0000 0.0000 6.0000 0.0012 0.0000 0.0029 0.0002 99.9958 0.0000 7.0000 0.0003 0.0000 0.0002 0.0000 99.9994 0.0001 8.0000 0.0016 0.0000 0.0137 0.0004 99.9843 0.0000 9.0000 0.1144 0.0005 0.0027 0.0002 99.8812 0.0011 10.0000 99.4616 0.0110 0.0092 0.0001 0.5024 0.0157 11.0000 0.1752 0.0134 0.0044 0.0001 99.8040 0.0029 12.0000 0.3517 0.0039 0.0278 0.0014 99.6125 0.0027 13.0000 0.2156 0.0793 0.0087 0.0003 99.6812 0.0149 14.0000 0.0448 81.8489 0.0598 0.1344 0.1050 17.8071 15.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0029 99.9612 0.0358 0.0000 16.0000 0.0093 0.0013 0.0164 0.0264 99.9466 0.0000 17.0000 0.0749 0.0271 0.3435 0.0194 99.5348 0.0002 18.0000 0.0014 0.0007 0.1254 0.0054 99.8667 0.0004 19.0000 0.2246 0.0004 0.0122 0.0007 99.7594 0.0027 20.0000 0.2422 0.0009 0.0243 0.0010 99.7291 0.0024 21.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0062 99.9901 0.0036 0.0000 22.0000 0.0001 0.0072 0.0002 99.9364 0.0001 0.0560 23.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000 0.0000 0.0000 24.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000 0.0000 0.0000 25.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000 0.0000 0.0000 26.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 99.9999 0.0000 0.0000 27.0000 0.0000 0.0010 0.0000 99.9985 0.0000 0.0005 28.0000 0.0021 0.0061 0.0368 0.0026 99.9267 0.0257 29.0000 0.0798 4.5712 0.1598 0.0410 75.2035 19.9447 30.0000 0.0632 0.0024 0.0203 0.0001 99.9134 0.0006 31.0000 0.0659 0.0001 0.0176 0.0001 99.9158 0.0005 32.0000 0.0003 0.0003 0.0128 0.0016 99.9842 0.0009 33.0000 0.1264 17.1988 0.5578 0.1325 10.3047 71.6799 E I G E N V E C T O R (kgf,cm)

Figura 1 mode10 Figura 2 mode14

Figura 3 mode33 Tabella 2 Disp Node Load DX (cm) DY (cm) DZ (cm) RX ([rad]) RY ([rad]) RZ ([rad]) 1 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206705-0.000004-0.000013 0.000000 2 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206299-0.000003-0.000016-0.000002 3 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203146-0.000021-0.000022 0.000000 4 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203094-0.000021 0.000021 0.000000 5 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206181-0.000003 0.000015 0.000002 6 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206570-0.000004 0.000012 0.000000 7 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203669-0.000004-0.000012 0.000000 8 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203280-0.000003-0.000015-0.000002 9 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200203-0.000021-0.000022 0.000000 10 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200182-0.000022 0.000021 0.000000 11 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203230-0.000004 0.000015 0.000002 12 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203613-0.000004 0.000012 0.000000 13 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200525-0.000005-0.000012 0.000000 14 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200138-0.000004-0.000015-0.000002 15 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.197074-0.000022-0.000022 0.000000 16 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.196974-0.000022 0.000020 0.000000 17 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.199906-0.000004 0.000014 0.000002 18 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200265-0.000005 0.000011 0.000000 19 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206858-0.000004-0.000011 0.000000 20 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206504-0.000006-0.000013 0.000000 21 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.204106-0.000020-0.000019 0.000000 22 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.204057-0.000021 0.000018 0.000000 23 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206390-0.000006 0.000013-0.000000 24 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206737-0.000004 0.000011 0.000000 25 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203846-0.000004-0.000011 0.000000 26 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203499-0.000006-0.000013 0.000000 27 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.201174-0.000021-0.000018 0.000000 28 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.201156-0.000021 0.000018 0.000000 29 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203456-0.000007 0.000013-0.000000 30 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203799-0.000005 0.000011 0.000000 31 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200717-0.000005-0.000011 0.000000 32 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200370-0.000007-0.000013 0.000000

33 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.198050-0.000021-0.000019 0.000000 34 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.197957-0.000021 0.000017 0.000000 35 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200144-0.000007 0.000012-0.000000 36 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200470-0.000005 0.000010 0.000000 37 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206888 0.000003-0.000002 0.000000 38 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206872 0.000002-0.000002 0.000000 39 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206415-0.000005-0.000004-0.000000 40 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206379-0.000006 0.000004 0.000000 41 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206792 0.000002 0.000003-0.000000 42 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206827 0.000003 0.000002 0.000000 43 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203969 0.000002-0.000002 0.000000 44 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203934 0.000001-0.000003 0.000000 45 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203511-0.000006-0.000004-0.000000 46 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203508-0.000006 0.000004 0.000000 47 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203920 0.000001 0.000003-0.000000 48 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203955 0.000002 0.000002 0.000000 49 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200894 0.000002-0.000002 0.000000 50 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200851 0.000001-0.000003 0.000000 51 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200402-0.000006-0.000004-0.000000 52 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200331-0.000006 0.000003 0.000000 53 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200674 0.000001 0.000002-0.000000 54 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200700 0.000002 0.000002 0.000000 55 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206676 0.000005-0.000002 0.000000 56 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206610 0.000005-0.000003 0.000000 57 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206408 0.000001-0.000003 0.000000 58 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206370 0.000001 0.000002 0.000000 59 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206544 0.000005 0.000003 0.000000 60 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206622 0.000005 0.000002 0.000000 61 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203784 0.000004-0.000002 0.000000 62 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203705 0.000004-0.000003 0.000000 63 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203519 0.000001-0.000002 0.000000 64 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203517 0.000001 0.000002 0.000000 65 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203699 0.000004 0.000003 0.000000 66 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203777 0.000004 0.000002 0.000000 67 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200732 0.000004-0.000002 0.000000 68 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200646 0.000004-0.000003 0.000000 69 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200426 0.000000-0.000003 0.000000 70 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200358 0.000000 0.000001 0.000000 71 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200483 0.000004 0.000002 0.000000 72 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200549 0.000004 0.000002 0.000000 82 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.262005 0.000001-0.000004-0.000000 83 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.261800 0.000004-0.000008 0.000000 84 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.261287 0.000009-0.000006 0.000000 85 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.261062 0.000010-0.000002 0.000000 86 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.261164 0.000011-0.000002-0.000000 87 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.260942 0.000008 0.000001 0.000000 88 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.261303 0.000012 0.000004 0.000000 89 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.261501 0.000010 0.000004-0.000000 90 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.262009 0.000009 0.000008-0.000000 91 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.262787 0.000003 0.000010-0.000000 92 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.263097 0.000000 0.000006 0.000000 93 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.262094 0.000000-0.000007-0.000000 94 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.261395 0.000006-0.000012 0.000000 95 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.260467 0.000017-0.000005 0.000000 96 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.260185 0.000018-0.000002 0.000000 97 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.260145 0.000019 0.000003 0.000000 98 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.260335 0.000017 0.000001-0.000000 99 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.260247 0.000020-0.000001 0.000000 100 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.260613 0.000018 0.000004 0.000000 101 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.261214 0.000016 0.000008 0.000000 102 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.262486 0.000004 0.000015 0.000000 103 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.263298-0.000002 0.000009 0.000000 104 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.262532-0.000006-0.000010-0.000000

105 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.261668-0.000005-0.000018 0.000000 106 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.263153-0.000008 0.000018 0.000000 107 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.264035-0.000008 0.000010 0.000000 108 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.257662 0.000012 0.000009 0.000000 109 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.258062 0.000012 0.000000-0.000000 110 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.257674 0.000013-0.000009 0.000000 111 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.263169-0.000000-0.000011 0.000000 112 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.262266 0.000000-0.000018 0.000000 113 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.264120-0.000004 0.000018 0.000000 114 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.265026-0.000004 0.000011-0.000000 115 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.256805 0.000001 0.000008 0.000000 116 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.257190 0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 117 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.256806 0.000001-0.000008 0.000000 118 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.262533 0.000005-0.000010-0.000000 119 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.261691 0.000005-0.000017 0.000000 120 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.257607-0.000011 0.000007 0.000000 121 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.257932-0.000011 0.000000-0.000000 122 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.257607-0.000011-0.000007 0.000000 123 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.264456-0.000003 0.000017 0.000000 124 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.265304-0.000003 0.000010 0.000000 125 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.262062 0.000006-0.000012 0.000000 126 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.261117 0.000006-0.000019 0.000000 127 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.259101 0.000005 0.000006 0.000000 128 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.259483 0.000005-0.000000-0.000000 129 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.259098 0.000005-0.000006 0.000000 130 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.264704 0.000004 0.000019 0.000000 131 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.265659 0.000004 0.000012-0.000000 132 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.260876 0.000008-0.000010 0.000000 133 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.260017 0.000008-0.000017 0.000000 134 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.256917 0.000018 0.000007 0.000000 135 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.257240 0.000018-0.000000 0.000000 136 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.256916 0.000018-0.000007 0.000000 137 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.263409 0.000012 0.000019 0.000000 138 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.264328 0.000012 0.000011 0.000000 139 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.262874 0.000010 0.000018 0.000000 140 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.263754 0.000010 0.000011 0.000000 141 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.260035 0.000004-0.000010-0.000000 142 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.259190 0.000004-0.000017 0.000000 143 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.255213 0.000007 0.000007 0.000000 144 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.255555 0.000007-0.000000-0.000000 145 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.255213 0.000007-0.000007 0.000000 146 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.262256 0.000005 0.000018 0.000000 147 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.263143 0.000005 0.000010-0.000000 148 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.259280 0.000011-0.000012 0.000000 149 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.258359 0.000011-0.000018 0.000000 150 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.254256 0.000013 0.000007 0.000000 151 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.254635 0.000013-0.000000 0.000000 152 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.254255 0.000013-0.000007 0.000000 153 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.261067 0.000014 0.000018 0.000000 154 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.262006 0.000014 0.000012-0.000000 155 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.257909 0.000020-0.000010 0.000000 156 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.252618 0.000021 0.000007 0.000000 157 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.252946 0.000021-0.000000 0.000000 158 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.252618 0.000021-0.000007 0.000000 159 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.259536 0.000020 0.000017 0.000000 160 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.260402 0.000020 0.000010-0.000000 161 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.256776 0.000020-0.000017 0.000000 162 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.257552 0.000020 0.000017 0.000000 163 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.258390 0.000020 0.000010 0.000000 164 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.256084 0.000016-0.000010-0.000000 165 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.255228 0.000016-0.000018 0.000000 166 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.250514 0.000018 0.000007 0.000000 167 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.250855 0.000018 0.000000-0.000000

168 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.250514 0.000018-0.000007 0.000000 169 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.254355 0.000013-0.000010 0.000000 170 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.253505 0.000013-0.000017 0.000000 171 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.248974 0.000009 0.000008 0.000000 172 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.249347 0.000009 0.000000 0.000000 173 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.248978 0.000009-0.000008 0.000000 174 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.255338 0.000016 0.000017 0.000000 175 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.256197 0.000016 0.000010-0.000000 176 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.252934 0.000011-0.000010-0.000000 177 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.252084 0.000011-0.000018 0.000000 178 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.248343 0.000001 0.000008 0.000000 179 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.248706 0.000001 0.000000-0.000000 180 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.248367 0.000001-0.000008 0.000000 181 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.253569 0.000014 0.000018 0.000000 182 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.254441 0.000015 0.000010 0.000000 183 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.251876 0.000009-0.000010 0.000000 184 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.250913 0.000005-0.000018 0.000000 185 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.249176-0.000005-0.000011 0.000000 186 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.248518-0.000007-0.000003 0.000000 187 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.248673-0.000005 0.000005 0.000000 188 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.248957-0.000003 0.000001 0.000000 189 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.248787-0.000005-0.000003 0.000000 190 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.248978-0.000007 0.000005 0.000000 191 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.249934-0.000005 0.000014 0.000000 192 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.251968 0.000008 0.000021 0.000000 193 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.253051 0.000012 0.000012 0.000000 194 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.251284 0.000008-0.000009 0.000001 195 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.250720 0.000006-0.000014-0.000000 196 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.249420 0.000002-0.000010-0.000000 197 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.248828 0.000001-0.000003-0.000000 198 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.248939 0.000002 0.000002 0.000000 199 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.248965 0.000002 0.000001 0.000000 200 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.249087 0.000001 0.000001-0.000000 201 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.249287 0.000001 0.000005 0.000000 202 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.250148 0.000002 0.000013 0.000000 203 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.251665 0.000007 0.000016 0.000000 204 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.252346 0.000010 0.000011-0.000001 205 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.250618 0.000014-0.000013 0.000000 206 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.250058 0.000013-0.000012 0.000000 207 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.248961 0.000010-0.000009 0.000000 208 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.248438 0.000008-0.000003 0.000000 209 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.248492 0.000009 0.000001 0.000000 210 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.248559 0.000008 0.000002 0.000000 211 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.248642 0.000009 0.000002 0.000000 212 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.248893 0.000008 0.000005 0.000000 213 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.249663 0.000010 0.000011 0.000000 214 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.250957 0.000014 0.000014 0.000000 215 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.251631 0.000015 0.000015 0.000000 216 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.262228-0.000001 0.000002-0.000000 217 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.261827-0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 218 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.261365-0.000003 0.000000 0.000000 219 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.261154-0.000003 0.000000 0.000000 220 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.261143-0.000003 0.000000-0.000000 221 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.261692-0.000003-0.000000 0.000000 222 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.261286-0.000003 0.000000 0.000000 223 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.261593-0.000003 0.000000-0.000000 224 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.262088-0.000003 0.000000-0.000000 225 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.262800-0.000001 0.000000-0.000000 226 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.263348-0.000000-0.000002 0.000000 227 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.262180 0.000000 0.000002-0.000000 228 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.260335 0.000000-0.000000-0.000000 229 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.263382 0.000000-0.000003 0.000000 230 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.262515 0.000000 0.000003-0.000000

231 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.264034 0.000000-0.000003 0.000000 232 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.258215 0.000000-0.000000-0.000000 233 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.263565 0.000000 0.000004 0.000000 234 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.265371 0.000000-0.000004-0.000000 235 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.257398 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 236 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.262452 0.000000 0.000002-0.000000 237 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.257796 0.000000-0.000000-0.000000 238 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.265191 0.000000-0.000002 0.000000 239 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.262382 0.000000 0.000009 0.000000 240 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.260523 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 241 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.266157-0.000000-0.000009-0.000000 242 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206474 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 243 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206347 0.000000-0.000002-0.000000 244 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203428 0.000000 0.000001 0.000000 245 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203368 0.000000-0.000002-0.000000 246 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200257 0.000000 0.000001 0.000000 247 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200018 0.000000-0.000002-0.000000 248 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206619 0.000000 0.000008 0.000000 249 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206501 0.000000-0.000003-0.000000 250 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203591 0.000000 0.000003 0.000000 251 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203538 0.000000-0.000003-0.000000 252 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200437 0.000000 0.000003 0.000000 253 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200205 0.000000-0.000002-0.000000 254 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.260912 0.000000 0.000002 0.000000 255 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.257174 0.000000-0.000000 0.000000 256 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.264229 0.000000-0.000001 0.000000 257 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.263907-0.000000-0.000016 0.000000 258 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.207370-0.000000-0.000017-0.000000 259 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206510 0.000002 0.000000-0.000000 260 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206482 0.000002 0.000000 0.000000 261 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.207280-0.000000 0.000003 0.000000 262 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.204440-0.000000-0.000005-0.000000 263 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203606 0.000002 0.000000-0.000000 264 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203600 0.000002 0.000000 0.000000 265 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.204438-0.000000 0.000003 0.000000 266 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.201390 0.000000-0.000005-0.000000 267 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200484 0.000002 0.000000-0.000000 268 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200424 0.000002 0.000000 0.000000 269 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.201191 0.000000-0.000000-0.000000 271 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.259983 0.000000 0.000002-0.000000 272 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.255527 0.000000-0.000000-0.000000 273 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.263032 0.000000 0.000001-0.000000 274 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.259825-0.000000 0.000010 0.000000 275 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.255535 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 276 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.262593 0.000000-0.000010 0.000000 279 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.257854 0.000000 0.000002 0.000000 280 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.252882 0.000000-0.000000 0.000000 281 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.260336 0.000000-0.000002-0.000000 282 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.258490 0.000000-0.000003 0.000000 284 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.251046 0.000000-0.000000-0.000000 285 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.256184 0.000000 0.000003-0.000000 287 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.254411 0.000000 0.000003 0.000000 288 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.249468 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 289 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.256254 0.000000-0.000003-0.000000 290 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.253020 0.000000 0.000003-0.000000 291 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.248863 0.000000-0.000000-0.000000 292 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.254526 0.000000-0.000003 0.000000 293 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.251890 0.000000 0.000003 0.000000 294 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.248981 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 295 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.253076 0.000000-0.000004-0.000000 296 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.251806-0.000006 0.000001 0.000000 297 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.250760-0.000002 0.000000-0.000000 298 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.249568-0.000001 0.000000-0.000000

299 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.248971-0.000000 0.000000-0.000000 300 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.249001-0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 301 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.249559-0.000004-0.000004-0.000000 302 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.249152-0.000000 0.000000-0.000000 303 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.249432-0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 304 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.250296-0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 305 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.251697-0.000002 0.000000 0.000000 306 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.252853-0.000003-0.000003-0.000000 307 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206606 0.000000 0.000000 0.000001 308 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206488 0.000000 0.000000-0.000000 309 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203581 0.000000-0.000000 0.000000 310 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203529 0.000000 0.000000-0.000000 311 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200429 0.000000-0.000000 0.000000 312 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.200197 0.000000 0.000000-0.000000 313 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206261 0.000000-0.000000-0.000000 314 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.206112 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 315 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203156 0.000000-0.000000-0.000000 316 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.203069 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 317 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.199925 0.000000-0.000000-0.000000 318 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.199666 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 319 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.208288 0.000000 0.000000 0.000001 320 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.208241 0.000000-0.000000-0.000000 321 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.205458 0.000000-0.000000 0.000000 322 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.205498 0.000000-0.000000-0.000000 323 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.202510 0.000000-0.000000 0.000000 324 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.000000 0.000000-0.202334 0.000000-0.000000 0.000000 325 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.000036-0.006657-0.205908 0.000355-0.000004 0.000001 326 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.000032-0.006154-0.205707 0.000326-0.000004 0.000002 327 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.000034-0.004320-0.202655 0.000224-0.000004 0.000001 328 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.000032-0.003321-0.202504 0.000167-0.000004 0.000002 329 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.000034-0.002034-0.199281 0.000095-0.000004 0.000001 330 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.000033 0.002058-0.198963-0.000137-0.000004 0.000002 331 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.002687-0.005912-0.220868 0.000050-0.000040 0.000011 332 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.002709-0.004422-0.221310 0.000061-0.000040 0.000011 333 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.002700 0.006874-0.219188-0.000031-0.000040 0.000011 334 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.002709 0.010148-0.219744-0.000052-0.000040 0.000011 335 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.002700 0.014389-0.217455-0.000080-0.000040 0.000011 336 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.002705 0.018493-0.217501-0.000107-0.000040 0.000011 337 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.005746 0.011205-0.199043-0.000279-0.000046 0.000023 338 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.005742 0.015526-0.198277-0.000301-0.000046 0.000023 339 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.005746 0.024677-0.194429-0.000316-0.000046 0.000023 340 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.005742 0.030512-0.193684-0.000333-0.000046 0.000023 341 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.005746 0.038022-0.189756-0.000354-0.000046 0.000023 342 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.005742 0.044812-0.189049-0.000365-0.000046 0.000023 343 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.022022 0.043319-0.283455-0.000116-0.000059 0.000035 344 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.025336 0.043319-1.431874-0.009088-0.000068 0.000033 345 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.029173 0.043319-2.271769-0.003106-0.000078 0.000032 346 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.032929 0.043319-2.204058 0.004113-0.000089 0.000032 347 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.036180 0.043319-1.440299 0.009123-0.000097 0.000033 348 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.039554 0.043319-0.262984-0.000116-0.000106 0.000035 349 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.014770 0.046232-0.246061-0.000883-0.000064 0.000034 350 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.014771 0.053007-0.246946-0.001041-0.000064 0.000034 351 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.014771 0.065652-0.244977-0.000950-0.000064 0.000034 352 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.014771 0.074108-0.245826-0.000980-0.000064 0.000034 353 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.014771 0.085019-0.243977-0.001020-0.000064 0.000034 354 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.014771 0.093768-0.243540-0.001026-0.000064 0.000034 355 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.028693 0.018020-0.267401-0.001264 0.000073 0.000035 356 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.028693 0.032021-0.286134-0.023719 0.009619 0.000035 357 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.028693 0.045648-0.268488-0.001061 0.000073 0.000035 358 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.024853 0.018020-0.391117-0.000447 0.000063 0.000035 359 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.024853 0.032021-2.864012-0.019288 0.009619 0.000035 360 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.024853 0.040686-2.763087-0.007280-0.011569 0.000035 361 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.024853 0.045648-0.372935-0.000405 0.000063 0.000035

362 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.020435 0.018020-0.348095 0.000753 0.000052 0.000035 363 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.020435 0.032021-4.630573-0.006540 0.009619 0.000035 364 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.020435 0.040686-3.157399-0.001964-0.015272 0.000035 365 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.020435 0.045648-0.340974 0.000656 0.000052 0.000035 366 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.017734 0.018020-0.280270 0.000256 0.000045 0.000035 367 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.017734 0.032021-4.779333 0.002704 0.009619 0.000035 368 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.017734 0.045648-0.277885 0.000439 0.000045 0.000035 369 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.014455 0.018020-0.317833-0.000368 0.000037 0.000035 370 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.014455 0.032021-4.006408 0.012267 0.009619 0.000035 371 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.014455 0.045648-0.272777 0.000080 0.000029 0.000035 372 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.011192 0.018020-0.333674 0.000178 0.000029 0.000035 373 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.011192 0.024545-2.797226 0.008149 0.006277 0.000035 374 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.011192 0.027603-3.039391 0.011885-0.000640 0.000035 375 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.011192 0.032021-2.489154 0.017282 0.009619 0.000035 376 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) 0.011192 0.045648-0.255782 0.000178-0.000029 0.000035 377 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.008488 0.024545-1.978090 0.008974 0.002605 0.000035 378 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.008488 0.027603-1.906418 0.012381-0.003957 0.000035 379 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.009683 0.018020-0.273129 0.000279-0.000025 0.000035 380 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.009683 0.024545-1.635727 0.005740 0.001089 0.000035 381 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.009683 0.027603-1.434551 0.008308-0.005328 0.000035 382 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.009683 0.032021-0.309167 0.012017 0.009619 0.000035 383 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.009683 0.045648-0.285563-0.001472-0.000049 0.000035 384 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.010250 0.057270-0.171818-0.000453-0.000055 0.000035 385 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.010250 0.066173-0.169053-0.000492-0.000055 0.000035 386 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.010250 0.077659-0.164632-0.000504-0.000055 0.000035 387 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.010250 0.086562-0.162714-0.000527-0.000055 0.000035 388 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.010250 0.098048-0.157352-0.000557-0.000055 0.000035 389 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.010250 0.106952-0.156690-0.000560-0.000055 0.000035 390 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.011760 0.057270-0.193584-0.000576-0.000055 0.000035 391 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.011760 0.066173-0.192765-0.000616-0.000055 0.000035 392 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.011760 0.077659-0.188942-0.000627-0.000055 0.000035 393 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.011760 0.086562-0.188177-0.000650-0.000055 0.000035 394 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.011760 0.098048-0.184259-0.000680-0.000055 0.000035 395 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.011760 0.106952-0.183777-0.000683-0.000055 0.000035 396 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.012987 0.018020-0.270327 0.000185-0.000039 0.000035 397 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.012987 0.023695-1.144710 0.001671 0.000739 0.000035 398 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.012987 0.028113-0.693177 0.002828-0.007375 0.000035 399 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.012987 0.032021 0.438793 0.003860 0.009619 0.000035 400 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.012987 0.045648-0.543829-0.002346-0.002361 0.000035 401 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.015535 0.032021 0.582193 0.000326 0.009619 0.000035 402 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.015535 0.045648-0.702239-0.001004-0.004174 0.000035 403 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.015535 0.057270-0.247566-0.001053-0.000063 0.000035 404 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.015535 0.066173-0.248463-0.001241-0.000063 0.000035 405 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.015535 0.077659-0.246481-0.001110-0.000063 0.000035 406 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.015535 0.086562-0.247332-0.001138-0.000063 0.000035 407 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.015535 0.098048-0.245490-0.001174-0.000063 0.000035 408 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.015535 0.106952-0.245004-0.001170-0.000063 0.000035 409 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.015535 0.117690 0.000000 0.000044-0.005299 0.000035 410 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.017233 0.018020-0.213913 0.000548-0.000056 0.000035 411 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.017233 0.023695-1.261945-0.003867 0.000859 0.000035 412 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.017233 0.028113-0.749554-0.004923-0.008357 0.000035 413 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.017233 0.032021 0.547389-0.001366 0.009619 0.000035 414 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.019373 0.032021 0.389609-0.003372 0.009619 0.000035 415 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.019373 0.045648-0.643970 0.001867-0.006905 0.000035 416 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.021480 0.023695-1.710731-0.002928-0.002405 0.000035 417 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.021480 0.028113-1.348502-0.003995-0.003167 0.000035 418 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.022770 0.045648-0.333193 0.003290-0.009322 0.000035 419 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.022770 0.057270-0.559784-0.001619-0.000063 0.000035 420 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.022770 0.066173-0.565626-0.001477-0.000063 0.000035 421 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.022770 0.077659-0.566225-0.001652-0.000063 0.000035 422 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.022770 0.086562-0.570672-0.001663-0.000062 0.000035 423 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.022770 0.098048-0.573450-0.001676-0.000063 0.000035 424 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.022770 0.106952-0.566105-0.001629-0.000063 0.000035

425 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.022770 0.117690 0.000000-0.000060-0.006719 0.000035 426 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.023211 0.018020-0.280696-0.002739-0.000081 0.000035 427 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.023211 0.023695-1.843003-0.002632 0.003355 0.000035 428 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.023211 0.028113-1.542416-0.003707-0.007573 0.000035 429 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.023211 0.032021-0.288354-0.008500 0.009619 0.000035 430 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.023211 0.045648-0.283455 0.003319-0.009636 0.000035 434 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.026608 0.018020-0.742898-0.004554-0.000096 0.000035 435 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.026608 0.032021-1.437951-0.010441 0.007833 0.000035 436 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.026608 0.045648-1.431874-0.010441-0.009502 0.000035 462 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.030698 0.018020-1.261999-0.002505-0.000113 0.000035 463 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.030698 0.032021-2.551294-0.005011 0.005683 0.000035 464 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.030698 0.045648-2.271769-0.005011-0.011202 0.000035 484 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.034756 0.018020-1.328927 0.001690-0.000130 0.000035 485 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.034756 0.032021-2.628780 0.004131 0.003549 0.000035 486 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.034756 0.045648-2.204058 0.004131-0.004637 0.000035 491 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.038216 0.018020-0.939224 0.005047-0.000144 0.000035 492 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.038216 0.032021-1.745351 0.011147 0.001730 0.000035 493 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.038216 0.045648-1.440299 0.011147-0.009716 0.000035 496 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.041677 0.018020-0.261167 0.006441-0.000159 0.000035 497 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.041677 0.032021-0.266539 0.014010-0.000144 0.000035 498 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.041677 0.045648-0.262984 0.014010-0.004652 0.000035 500 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.015913 0.064915-0.248120-0.001060-0.000063 0.000035 501 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.015913 0.074878-0.249019-0.001226-0.000063 0.000035 502 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.015913 0.085648-0.247037-0.001114-0.000063 0.000035 503 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.015913 0.094716-0.247889-0.001140-0.000063 0.000035 504 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.015913 0.106414-0.246048-0.001174-0.000063 0.000035 505 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.015913 0.115245-0.245544-0.001168-0.000063 0.000035 506 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.016791 0.132867-0.188454-0.000931-0.000058 0.000037 507 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.016790 0.144262-0.187595-0.000948-0.000058 0.000037 508 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.016789 0.156228-0.183790-0.000959-0.000058 0.000037 509 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.016790 0.166515-0.183011-0.000972-0.000058 0.000037 510 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.016789 0.179780-0.179074-0.000989-0.000058 0.000037 511 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.016791 0.187619-0.178761-0.000972-0.000058 0.000037 512 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.021609 0.209116-0.188431-0.000893-0.000059 0.000038 513 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.021605 0.221921-0.187576-0.000912-0.000059 0.000038 514 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.021605 0.234981-0.183767-0.000925-0.000059 0.000038 515 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.021605 0.246439-0.182989-0.000939-0.000059 0.000038 516 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.021605 0.261209-0.179052-0.000958-0.000059 0.000038 517 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.021606 0.267731-0.178741-0.000944-0.000059 0.000038 518 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.025914 0.209327-0.258497-0.000715-0.000060 0.000038 519 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.025904 0.222118-0.259397-0.000677-0.000060 0.000038 520 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.025906 0.235199-0.257426-0.000737-0.000060 0.000038 521 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.025903 0.246660-0.258293-0.000748-0.000060 0.000038 522 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.025906 0.261434-0.256470-0.000761-0.000060 0.000038 523 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.025906 0.267950-0.255617-0.000747-0.000060 0.000038 524 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.024343 0.117690 0.000000-0.000087-0.002971 0.000035 525 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.024343 0.106952-0.650761-0.001687-0.000063 0.000035 526 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.024343 0.098048-0.660570-0.001736-0.000063 0.000035 527 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.024343 0.086562-0.657141-0.001723-0.000062 0.000035 528 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.024343 0.077659-0.652182-0.001713-0.000063 0.000035 529 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.024343 0.066173-0.641330-0.001504-0.000063 0.000035 530 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.024343 0.057270-0.643818-0.001675-0.000063 0.000035 532 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.024343 0.047347-0.805386-0.002401 0.000870 0.000035 533 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.026608 0.047347-0.961163-0.010441-0.009414 0.000035 534 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.030698 0.047347-1.714590-0.005011-0.011147 0.000035 535 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.034756 0.047347-1.973108 0.004131-0.004624 0.000035 536 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.038216 0.047347-0.957075 0.011147-0.009666 0.000035 537 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.041677 0.047347-0.043720 0.014010-0.004634 0.000035 539 SLE_Rara_Envelope(all) -0.022770 0.047347-0.688153 0.002572 0.006365 0.000035

Figura 4 DeformSLERARA Tabella 3 BForce Elem Load Part Axial (kn) Shear-y (kn) Shear-z (kn) Torsion (kn*m) Moment-y (kn*m) 214 SLU_Envelope(all) I[239] 1.19-0.00-5.86 0.00-3.74-0.00 214 SLU_Envelope(all) J[240] 1.19-0.00 6.21 0.00-4.46 0.00 215 SLU_Envelope(all) I[240] 1.23 0.00-6.23-0.00-4.60 0.00 215 SLU_Envelope(all) J[241] 1.23 0.00 5.53-0.00-3.18-0.00 216 SLU_Envelope(all) I[257] 0.17 0.00-0.98-0.00 4.37 0.00 216 SLU_Envelope(all) J[258] 0.17 0.00 9.22-0.00-10.07-0.00 217 SLU_Envelope(all) I[262] 1.30 0.00-5.17 0.00-3.10 0.00 217 SLU_Envelope(all) J[261] 1.30 0.00 4.73 0.00-2.36-0.00 218 SLU_Envelope(all) I[266] 1.30 0.00-5.21 0.00-3.17 0.00 218 SLU_Envelope(all) J[265] 1.30 0.00 4.69 0.00-2.30-0.00 221 SLU_Envelope(all) I[274] 1.29-0.00-5.73 0.00-3.47-0.00 221 SLU_Envelope(all) J[275] 1.29-0.00 6.34 0.00-4.72 0.00 222 SLU_Envelope(all) I[275] 1.35-0.00-6.33 0.00-4.78-0.00 222 SLU_Envelope(all) J[276] 1.35-0.00 5.43 0.00-2.98 0.00 240 SLU_Envelope(all) I[313] 28.85 12.57 0.02 0.02-0.08 0.00 240 SLU_Envelope(all) J[325] 28.91 12.57 0.02 0.02-0.08-1.89 241 SLU_Envelope(all) I[314] 33.10 11.76 0.02 0.02-0.08 0.00 241 SLU_Envelope(all) J[326] 33.16 11.76 0.02 0.02-0.08-1.76 242 SLU_Envelope(all) I[315] 40.88 9.08 0.02 0.02-0.08 0.00 242 SLU_Envelope(all) J[327] 40.94 9.08 0.02 0.02-0.08-1.36 243 SLU_Envelope(all) I[316] 46.09 7.64 0.02 0.02-0.08 0.00 243 SLU_Envelope(all) J[328] 46.16 7.64 0.02 0.02-0.08-1.15 244 SLU_Envelope(all) I[317] 52.63 5.79 0.02 0.02-0.08 0.00 244 SLU_Envelope(all) J[329] 52.69 5.79 0.02 0.02-0.08-0.87 245 SLU_Envelope(all) I[318] 57.45 3.66 0.02 0.02-0.08 0.00 245 SLU_Envelope(all) J[330] 57.52 3.66 0.02 0.02-0.08-0.55 246 SLU_Envelope(all) I[319] -127.21-0.07-0.05 0.02-0.12 0.00 246 SLU_Envelope(all) J[331] -126.72-0.07-0.05 0.02-0.06 0.08 247 SLU_Envelope(all) I[320] -132.06-0.20-0.04 0.02-0.12 0.00 247 SLU_Envelope(all) J[332] -131.57-0.20-0.04 0.02-0.06 0.24 248 SLU_Envelope(all) I[321] -138.87-0.13-0.04 0.02-0.12 0.00 Moment-z (kn*m)

248 SLU_Envelope(all) J[333] -138.38-0.13-0.04 0.02-0.06 0.16 249 SLU_Envelope(all) I[322] -144.09-0.16-0.04 0.02-0.12 0.00 249 SLU_Envelope(all) J[334] -143.60-0.16-0.04 0.02-0.06 0.20 250 SLU_Envelope(all) I[323] -151.02-0.20-0.04 0.02-0.12 0.00 250 SLU_Envelope(all) J[335] -150.53-0.20-0.04 0.02-0.06 0.24 251 SLU_Envelope(all) I[324] -153.28-0.24-0.04 0.02-0.12 0.00 251 SLU_Envelope(all) J[336] -152.79-0.24-0.04 0.02-0.06 0.29 252 SLU_Envelope(all) I[325] -18.06-0.01-0.51-0.00-0.43 0.00 252 SLU_Envelope(all) J[331] -17.92-0.01-0.35-0.00 0.26 0.01 253 SLU_Envelope(all) I[326] -16.91-0.00-0.50-0.00-0.41 0.00 253 SLU_Envelope(all) J[332] -16.77-0.00-0.34-0.00 0.26 0.01 254 SLU_Envelope(all) I[327] -13.00-0.01-0.40-0.00-0.32 0.00 254 SLU_Envelope(all) J[333] -12.86-0.01-0.24-0.00 0.19 0.01 255 SLU_Envelope(all) I[328] -10.91-0.00-0.35-0.00-0.28 0.00 255 SLU_Envelope(all) J[334] -10.77-0.00-0.20-0.00 0.16 0.01 256 SLU_Envelope(all) I[329] -8.20-0.01-0.30-0.00-0.22 0.00 256 SLU_Envelope(all) J[335] -8.06-0.01-0.14-0.00 0.13 0.01 257 SLU_Envelope(all) I[330] -5.09-0.01-0.23-0.00-0.16 0.00 257 SLU_Envelope(all) J[336] -4.95-0.01-0.08-0.00 0.09 0.01 258 SLU_Envelope(all) I[325] 39.59-0.71 0.02 0.02-0.07-1.45 258 SLU_Envelope(all) J[337] 40.44-0.71 0.02 0.02-0.04-0.11 259 SLU_Envelope(all) I[326] 42.82-0.64 0.02 0.02-0.07-1.35 259 SLU_Envelope(all) J[338] 43.67-0.64 0.02 0.02-0.04-0.19 260 SLU_Envelope(all) I[327] 47.47-0.44 0.02 0.02-0.07-1.04 260 SLU_Envelope(all) J[339] 48.32-0.44 0.02 0.02-0.04-0.31 261 SLU_Envelope(all) I[328] 50.91-0.33 0.02 0.02-0.07-0.87 261 SLU_Envelope(all) J[340] 51.77-0.33 0.02 0.02-0.04-0.40 262 SLU_Envelope(all) I[329] 55.15-0.18 0.02 0.02-0.07-0.64 262 SLU_Envelope(all) J[341] 56.01-0.18 0.02 0.02-0.04-0.51 263 SLU_Envelope(all) I[330] 57.40 0.32 0.02 0.02-0.07-0.39 263 SLU_Envelope(all) J[342] 58.26 0.32 0.02 0.02-0.04-0.62 264 SLU_Envelope(all) I[276] -129.57 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 264 SLU_Envelope(all) J[343] -126.66 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00-0.00 265 SLU_Envelope(all) I[306] -63.27-0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 265 SLU_Envelope(all) J[348] -60.36-0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 266 SLU_Envelope(all) I[216] -33.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 266 SLU_Envelope(all) J[355] -30.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00-0.00 269 SLU_Envelope(all) I[221] -146.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 269 SLU_Envelope(all) J[356] -143.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 272 SLU_Envelope(all) I[226] -31.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 272 SLU_Envelope(all) J[357] -28.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00-0.00 277 SLU_Envelope(all) I[233] -100.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 277 SLU_Envelope(all) J[366] -97.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00-0.00 278 SLU_Envelope(all) I[234] -75.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 278 SLU_Envelope(all) J[368] -72.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00-0.00 283 SLU_Envelope(all) I[239] -64.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 283 SLU_Envelope(all) J[379] -61.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00-0.00 284 SLU_Envelope(all) I[240] -287.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 284 SLU_Envelope(all) J[382] -284.69-0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 285 SLU_Envelope(all) I[241] -114.53 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 285 SLU_Envelope(all) J[383] -111.47 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00-0.12 286 SLU_Envelope(all) I[274] -122.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 286 SLU_Envelope(all) J[426] -119.30-0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 287 SLU_Envelope(all) I[275] -190.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 287 SLU_Envelope(all) J[429] -187.60-0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 289 SLU_Envelope(all) I[296] -56.24-0.13 0.13 0.00 0.51-0.49 289 SLU_Envelope(all) J[496] -53.17-0.13 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 292 SLU_Envelope(all) I[301] -99.78-0.15 0.25 0.00 0.99-0.52 292 SLU_Envelope(all) J[497] -96.72-0.15 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.09 295 SLU_Envelope(all) I[331] 15.91-0.00-0.05 0.00 0.07 0.00 295 SLU_Envelope(all) J[337] 16.05-0.00 0.12 0.00 0.01 0.01 296 SLU_Envelope(all) I[332] 14.29-0.00-0.04 0.00 0.09 0.00 296 SLU_Envelope(all) J[338] 14.43-0.00 0.13 0.00 0.01 0.01

297 SLU_Envelope(all) I[333] 11.00-0.00-0.06 0.00 0.06 0.00 297 SLU_Envelope(all) J[339] 11.14-0.00 0.11 0.00 0.02 0.01 298 SLU_Envelope(all) I[334] 8.90-0.00-0.06 0.00 0.06 0.00 298 SLU_Envelope(all) J[340] 9.04-0.00 0.11 0.00 0.02 0.01 299 SLU_Envelope(all) I[335] 6.18-0.00-0.06 0.00 0.06 0.00 299 SLU_Envelope(all) J[341] 6.32-0.00 0.10 0.00 0.02 0.01 300 SLU_Envelope(all) I[336] 3.13-0.00-0.07 0.00 0.05 0.00 300 SLU_Envelope(all) J[342] 3.27-0.00 0.09 0.00 0.03 0.01 301 SLU_Envelope(all) I[331] -145.90 1.41-0.04 0.02-0.07 0.38 301 SLU_Envelope(all) J[349] -145.04 1.41-0.04 0.02 0.01-2.59 302 SLU_Envelope(all) I[332] -148.30 1.77-0.04 0.02-0.07 0.56 302 SLU_Envelope(all) J[350] -147.44 1.77-0.04 0.02 0.01-3.16 303 SLU_Envelope(all) I[333] -149.34 1.43-0.04 0.02-0.07 0.37 303 SLU_Envelope(all) J[351] -148.49 1.43-0.04 0.02 0.01-2.62 304 SLU_Envelope(all) I[334] -151.05 1.44-0.04 0.02-0.07 0.37 304 SLU_Envelope(all) J[352] -150.19 1.44-0.04 0.02 0.01-2.64 305 SLU_Envelope(all) I[335] -153.44 1.45-0.04 0.02-0.07 0.37 305 SLU_Envelope(all) J[353] -152.59 1.45-0.04 0.02 0.01-2.67 306 SLU_Envelope(all) I[336] -150.64 1.41-0.04 0.02-0.07 0.36 306 SLU_Envelope(all) J[354] -149.78 1.41-0.04 0.02 0.01-2.60 307 SLU_Envelope(all) I[337] -13.74 0.00 0.26-0.00 0.12 0.01 307 SLU_Envelope(all) J[349] -13.60 0.00 0.42-0.00-0.43 0.00 308 SLU_Envelope(all) I[338] -12.31 0.00 0.38-0.00 0.18 0.01 308 SLU_Envelope(all) J[350] -12.17 0.00 0.54-0.00-0.55 0.00 309 SLU_Envelope(all) I[339] -9.51 0.00 0.28-0.00 0.13 0.01 309 SLU_Envelope(all) J[351] -9.37 0.00 0.44-0.00-0.45 0.00 310 SLU_Envelope(all) I[340] -7.69 0.00 0.29-0.00 0.13 0.01 310 SLU_Envelope(all) J[352] -7.56 0.00 0.45-0.00-0.46 0.00 311 SLU_Envelope(all) I[341] -5.36 0.00 0.30-0.00 0.14 0.01 311 SLU_Envelope(all) J[353] -5.22 0.00 0.46-0.00-0.47 0.00 312 SLU_Envelope(all) I[342] -2.76 0.00 0.30-0.00 0.14 0.01 312 SLU_Envelope(all) J[354] -2.62 0.00 0.46-0.00-0.47 0.00 313 SLU_Envelope(all) I[337] 56.69 0.84-0.02 0.02-0.03-0.25 313 SLU_Envelope(all) J[390] 57.17 0.84-0.02 0.02-0.01-1.12 314 SLU_Envelope(all) I[338] 57.15 0.68-0.02 0.02-0.03-0.39 314 SLU_Envelope(all) J[391] 57.63 0.68-0.02 0.02-0.01-1.05 315 SLU_Envelope(all) I[339] 57.00 0.58-0.02 0.02-0.03-0.46 315 SLU_Envelope(all) J[392] 57.47 0.58-0.02 0.02-0.01-0.98 316 SLU_Envelope(all) I[340] 57.19 0.47-0.02 0.02-0.03-0.55 316 SLU_Envelope(all) J[393] 57.67 0.47-0.02 0.02-0.01-0.91 317 SLU_Envelope(all) I[341] 57.24 0.34-0.02 0.02-0.03-0.67 317 SLU_Envelope(all) J[394] 57.72 0.34-0.02 0.02-0.01-0.84 318 SLU_Envelope(all) I[342] 54.90 0.16-0.02 0.02-0.03-0.78 318 SLU_Envelope(all) J[395] 55.38 0.16-0.02 0.02-0.01-0.70 319 SLU_Envelope(all) I[343] -0.00-0.00-54.92-0.00 0.00-0.01 319 SLU_Envelope(all) J[344] -0.00-0.00-54.08-0.00 58.86-0.01 320 SLU_Envelope(all) I[344] -0.00-0.00-27.57-0.00 58.86-0.01 320 SLU_Envelope(all) J[345] -0.00-0.00-26.56-0.00 94.04-0.00 321 SLU_Envelope(all) I[345] -0.00-0.00 1.17-0.00 94.04-0.00 321 SLU_Envelope(all) J[346] -0.00-0.00 2.18-0.00 91.89 0.00 322 SLU_Envelope(all) I[346] -0.00-0.00 29.09-0.00 91.89 0.00 322 SLU_Envelope(all) J[347] -0.00-0.00 29.95-0.00 59.41 0.01 323 SLU_Envelope(all) I[347] -0.00-0.00 53.58-0.00 59.41 0.01 323 SLU_Envelope(all) J[348] -0.00-0.00 54.44-0.00 0.00 0.01 324 SLU_Envelope(all) I[343] -71.73-0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00-0.00 324 SLU_Envelope(all) J[430] -71.46 0.19-0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 329 SLU_Envelope(all) I[348] -5.92 0.00-0.00 0.01-0.00 0.00 329 SLU_Envelope(all) J[498] -5.67 0.34-0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 330 SLU_Envelope(all) I[349] -152.15 11.71-0.04 0.02 0.01-3.01 330 SLU_Envelope(all) J[403] -152.10 11.71-0.04 0.02 0.01-4.27 331 SLU_Envelope(all) I[350] -153.22 10.96-0.04 0.02 0.01-3.71 331 SLU_Envelope(all) J[404] -153.17 10.96-0.04 0.02 0.01-4.90 332 SLU_Envelope(all) I[351] -152.09 8.45-0.04 0.02 0.01-3.06

332 SLU_Envelope(all) J[405] -152.04 8.45-0.04 0.02 0.01-3.87 333 SLU_Envelope(all) I[352] -152.29 7.10-0.04 0.02 0.01-3.10 333 SLU_Envelope(all) J[406] -152.24 7.10-0.04 0.02 0.01-3.71 334 SLU_Envelope(all) I[353] -152.74 5.35-0.04 0.02 0.01-3.14 334 SLU_Envelope(all) J[407] -152.70 5.35-0.04 0.02 0.01-3.50 335 SLU_Envelope(all) I[354] -147.83 3.36-0.04 0.02 0.01-3.07 335 SLU_Envelope(all) J[408] -147.78 3.36-0.04 0.02 0.01-3.15 336 SLU_Envelope(all) I[355] 0.00 0.00-16.18-0.04 0.00 0.00 336 SLU_Envelope(all) J[356] -0.00-0.00 16.18-0.04 0.00 0.00 337 SLU_Envelope(all) I[356] 0.00-0.00-15.75 0.04 0.00 0.00 337 SLU_Envelope(all) J[357] -0.00-0.00 15.75 0.04 0.00 0.00 338 SLU_Envelope(all) I[355] 0.00 0.00-21.93-0.00 0.04 0.00 338 SLU_Envelope(all) J[358] 0.00 0.00-21.04-0.00 24.32 0.00 339 SLU_Envelope(all) I[356] 0.00 0.00-118.20 0.00-0.08 0.00 339 SLU_Envelope(all) J[359] 0.00 0.00-117.32 0.00 132.99 0.00 340 SLU_Envelope(all) I[357] 0.00 0.00-17.67-0.00 0.04 0.00 340 SLU_Envelope(all) J[361] 0.00 0.00-16.78-0.00 19.50 0.00 341 SLU_Envelope(all) I[358] 0.00 0.00-34.05-0.03 0.00 0.00 341 SLU_Envelope(all) J[359] -0.00-0.00 34.05-0.03 0.00 0.00 342 SLU_Envelope(all) I[359] 0.00-0.00-31.48 0.03 0.00 0.00 342 SLU_Envelope(all) J[360] 0.00 0.00 10.66 0.03 26.54 0.00 343 SLU_Envelope(all) I[360] 0.00 0.00 11.56 0.03 26.52 0.00 343 SLU_Envelope(all) J[361] -0.00 0.00 24.77 0.03 0.00 0.00 344 SLU_Envelope(all) I[358] 0.00 0.00 13.00-0.00 24.35 0.00 344 SLU_Envelope(all) J[362] 0.00 0.00 14.02-0.00 6.79 0.00 345 SLU_Envelope(all) I[359] 0.00 0.00-51.79 0.00 132.92 0.00 345 SLU_Envelope(all) J[363] 0.00 0.00-50.77 0.00 199.58 0.00 346 SLU_Envelope(all) I[360] -0.00 0.00-0.90-0.02 0.00-0.00 346 SLU_Envelope(all) J[364] 0.00-0.00 0.90-0.02 0.00-0.00 347 SLU_Envelope(all) I[361] 0.00 0.00 7.99-0.00 19.54 0.00 347 SLU_Envelope(all) J[365] 0.00 0.00 10.40-0.00 7.59 0.00 348 SLU_Envelope(all) I[362] 0.00 0.00-29.44-0.01 0.00 0.00 348 SLU_Envelope(all) J[363] -0.00-0.00 29.44-0.01 0.00 0.00 349 SLU_Envelope(all) I[363] 0.00-0.00-26.99 0.01 0.00 0.00 349 SLU_Envelope(all) J[364] 0.00 0.00 9.46 0.01 22.36 0.00 350 SLU_Envelope(all) I[364] 0.00 0.00 10.36 0.01 22.38 0.00 350 SLU_Envelope(all) J[365] -0.00 0.00 20.30 0.01 0.00 0.00 351 SLU_Envelope(all) I[362] 0.00 0.00 43.46-0.00 6.80 0.00 351 SLU_Envelope(all) J[366] 0.00 0.00 44.08-0.00-28.00 0.00 352 SLU_Envelope(all) I[363] 0.00 0.00 5.66 0.00 199.56 0.00 352 SLU_Envelope(all) J[367] 0.00 0.00 6.28 0.00 194.81 0.00 353 SLU_Envelope(all) I[365] 0.00 0.00 30.69-0.00 7.60 0.00 353 SLU_Envelope(all) J[368] 0.00 0.00 31.31-0.00-17.04 0.00 354 SLU_Envelope(all) I[366] 0.00 0.00-24.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 354 SLU_Envelope(all) J[367] -0.00-0.00 24.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 355 SLU_Envelope(all) I[367] 0.00-0.00-24.17-0.00 0.00 0.00 355 SLU_Envelope(all) J[368] -0.00-0.00 24.17-0.00 0.00 0.00 356 SLU_Envelope(all) I[366] 0.00 0.00-35.59-0.00-28.00 0.00 356 SLU_Envelope(all) J[369] 0.00 0.00-34.84-0.00 5.98 0.00 357 SLU_Envelope(all) I[367] 0.00 0.00 55.29 0.00 194.82 0.00 357 SLU_Envelope(all) J[370] 0.00 0.00 56.05 0.00 141.10 0.00 358 SLU_Envelope(all) I[368] 0.00 0.00-22.38-0.00-17.05 0.00 358 SLU_Envelope(all) J[371] 0.00 0.00-21.63-0.00 4.39 0.00 359 SLU_Envelope(all) I[369] 0.00 0.00-27.11 0.02 0.00 0.00 359 SLU_Envelope(all) J[370] -0.00-0.00 27.11 0.02 0.00 0.00 360 SLU_Envelope(all) I[370] 0.00-0.00-26.38-0.02 0.00 0.00 360 SLU_Envelope(all) J[371] -0.00-0.00 26.38-0.02 0.00 0.00 361 SLU_Envelope(all) I[369] 0.00 0.00-7.73-0.00 5.96 0.00 361 SLU_Envelope(all) J[372] 0.00 0.00-6.98-0.00 13.02 0.00 362 SLU_Envelope(all) I[370] 0.00 0.00 109.53 0.00 141.14 0.00 362 SLU_Envelope(all) J[375] 0.00 0.00 110.28 0.00 35.63 0.00 363 SLU_Envelope(all) I[371] 0.00 0.00 4.76-0.00 4.37 0.00 363 SLU_Envelope(all) J[376] 0.00 0.00 5.51-0.00-0.76 0.00

364 SLU_Envelope(all) I[372] -0.00 0.00-24.98 0.03 0.00 0.00 364 SLU_Envelope(all) J[373] 0.00 0.00-0.67 0.03 24.63 0.00 365 SLU_Envelope(all) I[373] 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.03 24.60 0.00 365 SLU_Envelope(all) J[374] 0.00 0.00 7.09 0.03 21.24 0.00 366 SLU_Envelope(all) I[374] 0.00 0.00 8.09 0.03 21.22 0.00 366 SLU_Envelope(all) J[375] 0.00 0.00 24.55 0.03 0.00 0.00 367 SLU_Envelope(all) I[375] 0.00-0.00-25.39-0.03 0.00 0.00 367 SLU_Envelope(all) J[376] -0.00-0.00 25.39-0.03 0.00 0.00 368 SLU_Envelope(all) I[373] 0.00-0.00-1.04-0.03 0.00-0.00 368 SLU_Envelope(all) J[377] 0.00 0.00-0.14-0.03 0.51 0.00 369 SLU_Envelope(all) I[374] 0.00-0.00-1.00-0.03 0.00-0.00 369 SLU_Envelope(all) J[378] 0.00 0.00-0.10-0.03 0.47 0.00 370 SLU_Envelope(all) I[372] 0.00 0.00 18.00-0.00 12.99 0.00 370 SLU_Envelope(all) J[379] 0.00 0.00 19.02-0.00-11.07 0.00 371 SLU_Envelope(all) I[375] 0.00 0.00 160.22 0.00 35.70 0.00 371 SLU_Envelope(all) J[382] 0.00 0.00 161.24 0.00-173.25 0.00 372 SLU_Envelope(all) I[376] 0.00 0.00 30.90-0.00-0.80 0.00 372 SLU_Envelope(all) J[383] 0.00 0.00 31.91-0.00-41.62 0.00 373 SLU_Envelope(all) I[377] -0.00 0.00-1.26 0.03 0.00 0.00 373 SLU_Envelope(all) J[378] -0.00-0.00 1.26 0.03 0.00-0.00 374 SLU_Envelope(all) I[377] 0.00 0.00 1.20-0.03 0.48 0.00 374 SLU_Envelope(all) J[380] 0.00 0.00 1.32-0.03 0.00 0.00 375 SLU_Envelope(all) I[378] 0.00 0.00 1.24-0.03 0.49 0.00 375 SLU_Envelope(all) J[381] 0.00 0.00 1.36-0.03 0.00 0.00 376 SLU_Envelope(all) I[379] 0.00 0.00-22.29 0.02 0.00 0.00 376 SLU_Envelope(all) J[380] 0.00 0.00-1.06 0.02 22.42 0.00 377 SLU_Envelope(all) I[380] 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.02 22.45 0.00 377 SLU_Envelope(all) J[381] 0.00 0.00 6.43 0.02 19.44 0.00 378 SLU_Envelope(all) I[381] 0.00 0.00 7.79 0.02 19.47 0.00 378 SLU_Envelope(all) J[382] -0.00 0.00 22.16 0.02 0.00 0.00 379 SLU_Envelope(all) I[382] -0.00-0.00-22.17-0.02 0.00 0.00 379 SLU_Envelope(all) J[383] 0.00-0.00 22.17-0.02 0.00 0.00 380 SLU_Envelope(all) I[384] 0.00-0.00-3.06-0.00 0.00 0.00 380 SLU_Envelope(all) J[385] -0.00 0.00 3.06-0.00 0.00 0.00 381 SLU_Envelope(all) I[386] 0.00-0.00-3.06-0.00 0.00-0.00 381 SLU_Envelope(all) J[387] 0.00 0.00 3.06-0.00 0.00 0.00 382 SLU_Envelope(all) I[388] 0.00-0.00-3.06-0.00 0.00-0.00 382 SLU_Envelope(all) J[389] 0.00 0.00 3.06-0.00 0.00 0.00 383 SLU_Envelope(all) I[384] 0.00 0.00 3.06 0.00-0.03 0.00 383 SLU_Envelope(all) J[390] 0.00 0.00 3.21 0.00-1.54 0.00 384 SLU_Envelope(all) I[385] 0.00 0.00 3.06 0.00-0.03 0.00 384 SLU_Envelope(all) J[391] 0.00 0.00 3.21 0.00-1.54 0.00 385 SLU_Envelope(all) I[386] 0.00 0.00 3.06 0.00-0.03 0.00 385 SLU_Envelope(all) J[392] 0.00 0.00 3.21 0.00-1.54 0.00 386 SLU_Envelope(all) I[387] 0.00 0.00 3.06 0.00-0.03 0.00 386 SLU_Envelope(all) J[393] 0.00 0.00 3.21 0.00-1.54 0.00 387 SLU_Envelope(all) I[388] 0.00 0.00 3.06 0.00-0.03 0.00 387 SLU_Envelope(all) J[394] 0.00 0.00 3.21 0.00-1.54 0.00 388 SLU_Envelope(all) I[389] 0.00 0.00 3.06 0.00-0.03 0.00 388 SLU_Envelope(all) J[395] 0.00 0.00 3.21 0.00-1.54 0.00 389 SLU_Envelope(all) I[379] 0.00 0.00-18.21-0.00-11.10 0.00 389 SLU_Envelope(all) J[396] 0.00 0.00-17.39-0.00 7.60 0.00 390 SLU_Envelope(all) I[382] 0.00 0.00-79.12 0.00-173.21 0.00 390 SLU_Envelope(all) J[399] 0.00 0.00-78.30 0.00-90.57 0.00 391 SLU_Envelope(all) I[383] 0.00 0.00-53.09-0.12-41.64 0.00 391 SLU_Envelope(all) J[400] 0.00 0.00-52.27-0.12 13.67 0.00 392 SLU_Envelope(all) I[390] 0.00 0.00-10.19-0.00 0.00 0.00 392 SLU_Envelope(all) J[391] 0.00-0.00 10.19-0.00 0.00 0.00 393 SLU_Envelope(all) I[392] 0.00 0.00-10.19-0.00 0.00 0.00 393 SLU_Envelope(all) J[393] 0.00-0.00 10.19-0.00 0.00 0.00 394 SLU_Envelope(all) I[394] 0.00 0.00-10.39-0.00 0.00 0.00 394 SLU_Envelope(all) J[395] 0.00-0.00 10.39-0.00 0.00 0.00 395 SLU_Envelope(all) I[396] 0.00-0.00-21.20 0.01 0.00 0.00

395 SLU_Envelope(all) J[397] 0.00 0.00-2.35 0.01 19.66 0.00 396 SLU_Envelope(all) I[397] 0.00 0.00-1.39 0.01 19.66 0.00 396 SLU_Envelope(all) J[398] 0.00 0.00 6.66 0.01 16.23 0.00 397 SLU_Envelope(all) I[398] 0.00 0.00 7.62 0.01 16.23 0.00 397 SLU_Envelope(all) J[399] 0.00-0.00 20.60 0.01 0.00-0.00 398 SLU_Envelope(all) I[399] -0.00-0.00-17.68-0.01 0.00 0.00 398 SLU_Envelope(all) J[400] 0.00-0.00 17.68-0.01 0.00 0.00 399 SLU_Envelope(all) I[390] 0.00-0.00-0.19-0.00 0.00-0.00 399 SLU_Envelope(all) J[403] -0.00-0.00 0.19-0.00 0.00-0.00 400 SLU_Envelope(all) I[391] 0.00-0.00-0.19-0.00 0.00-0.00 400 SLU_Envelope(all) J[404] -0.00-0.00 0.19-0.00 0.00-0.00 401 SLU_Envelope(all) I[392] 0.00-0.00-0.19-0.00 0.00-0.00 401 SLU_Envelope(all) J[405] -0.00-0.00 0.19-0.00 0.00-0.00 402 SLU_Envelope(all) I[393] 0.00-0.00-0.19-0.00 0.00-0.00 402 SLU_Envelope(all) J[406] -0.00-0.00 0.19-0.00 0.00-0.00 403 SLU_Envelope(all) I[394] 0.00-0.00-0.19-0.00 0.00-0.00 403 SLU_Envelope(all) J[407] -0.00-0.00 0.19-0.00 0.00-0.00 404 SLU_Envelope(all) I[395] 0.00-0.00-0.19-0.00 0.00-0.00 404 SLU_Envelope(all) J[408] -0.00-0.00 0.19-0.00 0.00-0.00 405 SLU_Envelope(all) I[399] 0.00 0.00-40.01 0.00-90.55 0.00 405 SLU_Envelope(all) J[401] 0.00 0.00-39.38 0.00-58.39 0.00 406 SLU_Envelope(all) I[400] 0.00 0.00-34.59-0.12 13.66 0.00 406 SLU_Envelope(all) J[402] 0.00 0.00-33.95-0.12 41.41 0.00 407 SLU_Envelope(all) I[396] 0.00 0.00 4.01-0.00 7.59 0.00 407 SLU_Envelope(all) J[410] 0.00 0.00 4.95-0.00 1.74 0.00 408 SLU_Envelope(all) I[397] 0.00-0.00-0.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 408 SLU_Envelope(all) J[411] -0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 409 SLU_Envelope(all) I[398] 0.00-0.00-0.96-0.01 0.00 0.00 409 SLU_Envelope(all) J[412] -0.00 0.00 0.96-0.01 0.00 0.00 410 SLU_Envelope(all) I[401] -0.00 0.00-19.24-0.00 0.00 0.00 410 SLU_Envelope(all) J[402] 0.00-0.00 19.24-0.00 0.00 0.00 411 SLU_Envelope(all) I[402] 0.00-0.00-18.02-0.00 0.00 0.00 411 SLU_Envelope(all) J[403] 0.00 0.00 18.02-0.00 0.00 0.00 412 SLU_Envelope(all) I[403] 0.00 0.00-20.79-0.00 0.00 0.00 412 SLU_Envelope(all) J[404] 0.00-0.00 20.79-0.00 0.00 0.00 413 SLU_Envelope(all) I[404] 0.00-0.00-17.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 413 SLU_Envelope(all) J[405] 0.00 0.00 17.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 414 SLU_Envelope(all) I[405] 0.00 0.00-20.79-0.00 0.00 0.00 414 SLU_Envelope(all) J[406] 0.00-0.00 20.79-0.00 0.00 0.00 415 SLU_Envelope(all) I[406] 0.00-0.00-17.80-0.00 0.00 0.00 415 SLU_Envelope(all) J[407] 0.00 0.00 17.80-0.00 0.00 0.00 416 SLU_Envelope(all) I[407] 0.00 0.00-20.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 416 SLU_Envelope(all) J[408] 0.00-0.00 20.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 417 SLU_Envelope(all) I[408] -0.00-0.00-16.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 417 SLU_Envelope(all) J[409] 0.00 0.00 16.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 418 SLU_Envelope(all) I[401] 0.00 0.00-20.14 0.00-58.39 0.00 418 SLU_Envelope(all) J[413] 0.00 0.00-19.72 0.00-47.63 0.00 419 SLU_Envelope(all) I[410] 0.00-0.00-26.62-0.02 0.00 0.00 419 SLU_Envelope(all) J[411] 0.00 0.00-1.28-0.02 23.30 0.00 420 SLU_Envelope(all) I[411] 0.00 0.00 1.90-0.01 23.28 0.00 420 SLU_Envelope(all) J[412] 0.00 0.00 4.88-0.01 19.02 0.00 421 SLU_Envelope(all) I[412] 0.00 0.00 7.84 0.02 19.05 0.00 421 SLU_Envelope(all) J[413] 0.00-0.00 25.29 0.02 0.00-0.00 422 SLU_Envelope(all) I[402] 0.00 0.00 3.40-0.12 41.41 0.00 422 SLU_Envelope(all) J[415] 0.00 0.00 4.25-0.12 36.80 0.00 423 SLU_Envelope(all) I[413] 0.00 0.00 5.57 0.00-47.61 0.00 423 SLU_Envelope(all) J[414] 0.00 0.00 6.11 0.00-51.58 0.00 424 SLU_Envelope(all) I[403] 0.00 0.00-0.93 0.00-2.44 0.00 424 SLU_Envelope(all) J[419] 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.00-1.74 0.00 425 SLU_Envelope(all) I[404] 0.00 0.00-1.92 0.00-3.98 0.00 425 SLU_Envelope(all) J[420] 0.00 0.00-0.37 0.00-1.92 0.00 426 SLU_Envelope(all) I[405] 0.00 0.00-0.74 0.00-2.14 0.00 426 SLU_Envelope(all) J[421] 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.00-1.89 0.00

427 SLU_Envelope(all) I[406] 0.00 0.00-0.69 0.00-2.03 0.00 427 SLU_Envelope(all) J[422] 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.00-1.89 0.00 428 SLU_Envelope(all) I[407] 0.00 0.00-0.62 0.00-1.88 0.00 428 SLU_Envelope(all) J[423] 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.00-1.89 0.00 429 SLU_Envelope(all) I[408] 0.00 0.00-0.56 0.00-1.67 0.00 429 SLU_Envelope(all) J[424] 0.00 0.00 0.69 0.00-1.82 0.00 430 SLU_Envelope(all) I[409] 0.00 0.00-0.11-0.00 0.00 0.00 430 SLU_Envelope(all) J[425] 0.00 0.00 0.36-0.00-0.27 0.00 431 SLU_Envelope(all) I[411] -0.00-2.00-0.00-0.02 0.00-0.01 431 SLU_Envelope(all) J[416] 0.00-0.26 0.00-0.02 0.00 1.38 432 SLU_Envelope(all) I[412] -0.00-2.01-0.00 0.03 0.00-0.03 432 SLU_Envelope(all) J[417] 0.00-0.24 0.00 0.03 0.00 1.38 433 SLU_Envelope(all) I[414] -0.00 0.00-23.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 433 SLU_Envelope(all) J[415] 0.00-0.00 23.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 434 SLU_Envelope(all) I[410] 0.00 0.00 31.48-0.00 1.76 0.00 434 SLU_Envelope(all) J[426] 0.00 0.00 32.97-0.00-59.47 0.00 435 SLU_Envelope(all) I[415] 0.00 0.00 27.25-0.12 36.81 0.00 435 SLU_Envelope(all) J[418] 0.00 0.00 28.10-0.12 6.92 0.00 436 SLU_Envelope(all) I[414] 0.00 0.00 29.10 0.00-51.59 0.00 436 SLU_Envelope(all) J[429] 0.00 0.00 30.06 0.00-87.67 0.00 437 SLU_Envelope(all) I[416] 0.00-2.53 0.00-0.01 0.00 0.09 437 SLU_Envelope(all) J[417] -0.00 2.54 0.00-0.01 0.00 0.09 438 SLU_Envelope(all) I[416] 0.00 2.46 0.00 0.08 0.00 1.39 438 SLU_Envelope(all) J[427] -0.00 2.63-0.00 0.08 0.00-0.01 439 SLU_Envelope(all) I[417] 0.00 2.46 0.00-0.06 0.00 1.38 439 SLU_Envelope(all) J[428] -0.00 2.63-0.00-0.06 0.00-0.03 440 SLU_Envelope(all) I[418] -0.00-0.32-21.53-0.01 0.00-0.03 440 SLU_Envelope(all) J[539] 0.00 0.32-15.00-0.01 9.13-0.03 441 SLU_Envelope(all) I[419] 0.00-1.67-15.16 0.00 0.00-0.73 441 SLU_Envelope(all) J[420] 0.00 1.67 15.16 0.00 0.00-0.73 442 SLU_Envelope(all) I[420] 0.00-2.15-19.55-0.00 0.00-1.21 442 SLU_Envelope(all) J[421] 0.00 2.15 19.55-0.00 0.00-1.21 443 SLU_Envelope(all) I[421] 0.00-1.67-15.16-0.00 0.00-0.73 443 SLU_Envelope(all) J[422] 0.00 1.67 15.16-0.00 0.00-0.73 444 SLU_Envelope(all) I[422] 0.00-2.15-19.55-0.00 0.00-1.21 444 SLU_Envelope(all) J[423] 0.00 2.15 19.55-0.00 0.00-1.21 445 SLU_Envelope(all) I[423] 0.00-1.67-15.16 0.00 0.00-0.73 445 SLU_Envelope(all) J[424] 0.00 1.67 15.16 0.00 0.00-0.73 446 SLU_Envelope(all) I[424] -0.00-2.01-18.26 0.00 0.00-1.06 446 SLU_Envelope(all) J[425] 0.00 2.01 18.30 0.00-0.06-1.06 447 SLU_Envelope(all) I[418] 0.00 0.27 49.63-0.12 6.93 0.01 447 SLU_Envelope(all) J[430] 0.00-0.27 49.74-0.12-0.02 0.01 448 SLU_Envelope(all) I[426] 0.00-0.00-27.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 448 SLU_Envelope(all) J[427] 0.00 0.00-4.23 0.00 26.51 0.00 449 SLU_Envelope(all) I[427] 0.00 0.00-1.60-0.01 26.43 0.00 449 SLU_Envelope(all) J[428] 0.00 0.00 8.49-0.01 21.95 0.00 450 SLU_Envelope(all) I[428] 0.00 0.00 11.13-0.03 22.01 0.00 450 SLU_Envelope(all) J[429] 0.00-0.00 27.16-0.03 0.00-0.00 451 SLU_Envelope(all) I[429] 0.00 0.00-21.71 0.02-0.09 0.00 451 SLU_Envelope(all) J[430] 0.00 0.00 21.72 0.02-0.12 0.00 458 SLU_Envelope(all) I[426] 0.00 0.00-58.82-0.00-59.47 0.00 458 SLU_Envelope(all) J[434] 0.00 0.00-57.97-0.00 3.70 0.00 459 SLU_Envelope(all) I[429] 0.00 0.00-108.68-0.09-87.73 0.00 459 SLU_Envelope(all) J[435] 0.00 0.00-107.83-0.09 29.19 0.00 464 SLU_Envelope(all) I[434] -0.00 0.00-23.06-0.01 0.00 0.00 464 SLU_Envelope(all) J[435] 0.00-0.00 23.06-0.01 0.00 0.00 465 SLU_Envelope(all) I[435] -0.00 0.00-22.14-0.00 0.00 0.00 465 SLU_Envelope(all) J[436] 0.00 0.00 22.76 0.00-1.25 0.00 488 SLU_Envelope(all) I[434] 0.00 0.00-34.91-0.00 3.71 0.00 488 SLU_Envelope(all) J[462] 0.00 0.00-33.90-0.00 48.33 0.00 489 SLU_Envelope(all) I[435] 0.00 0.00-62.63-0.09 29.18 0.00 489 SLU_Envelope(all) J[463] 0.00 0.00-61.62-0.09 109.94 0.00 498 SLU_Envelope(all) I[462] -0.00 0.00-25.04-0.00 0.00 0.00

498 SLU_Envelope(all) J[463] 0.00-0.00 25.04-0.00 0.00 0.00 499 SLU_Envelope(all) I[463] -0.00 0.00-24.15-0.00 0.00 0.00 499 SLU_Envelope(all) J[464] 0.00 0.00 24.59 0.00-0.88 0.00 500 SLU_Envelope(all) I[464] 0.00 0.00-3.10 0.00-0.88 0.00 500 SLU_Envelope(all) J[534] 0.00 0.00-0.26 0.00-0.03 0.00 511 SLU_Envelope(all) I[462] 0.00 0.00-8.85-0.00 48.34 0.00 511 SLU_Envelope(all) J[484] 0.00 0.00-7.85-0.00 59.11 0.00 512 SLU_Envelope(all) I[463] 0.00 0.00-12.42-0.09 109.94 0.00 512 SLU_Envelope(all) J[485] 0.00 0.00-11.42-0.09 125.31 0.00 527 SLU_Envelope(all) I[484] -0.00 0.00-23.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 527 SLU_Envelope(all) J[485] 0.00-0.00 23.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 528 SLU_Envelope(all) I[485] -0.00 0.00-23.39-0.00 0.00 0.00 528 SLU_Envelope(all) J[486] 0.00 0.00 23.78 0.00-0.79 0.00 529 SLU_Envelope(all) I[486] 0.00 0.00-3.14 0.00-0.79 0.00 529 SLU_Envelope(all) J[535] 0.00 0.00-0.24 0.00 0.06 0.00 533 SLU_Envelope(all) I[484] 0.00 0.00 15.31-0.00 59.10 0.00 533 SLU_Envelope(all) J[491] 0.00 0.00 16.17-0.00 41.79 0.00 534 SLU_Envelope(all) I[485] 0.00 0.00 35.13-0.09 125.32 0.00 534 SLU_Envelope(all) J[492] 0.00 0.00 35.99-0.09 86.21 0.00 537 SLU_Envelope(all) I[491] -0.00 0.00-21.37 0.01 0.00 0.00 537 SLU_Envelope(all) J[492] 0.00-0.00 21.37 0.01 0.00 0.00 538 SLU_Envelope(all) I[492] -0.00 0.00-20.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 538 SLU_Envelope(all) J[493] 0.00 0.00 20.99 0.00-0.77 0.00 539 SLU_Envelope(all) I[493] 0.00 0.00-2.66 0.00-0.77 0.00 539 SLU_Envelope(all) J[536] 0.00 0.00-0.22 0.00-0.05 0.00 541 SLU_Envelope(all) I[491] 0.00 0.00 37.54-0.00 41.78 0.00 541 SLU_Envelope(all) J[496] 0.00 0.00 38.40-0.00 0.01 0.00 542 SLU_Envelope(all) I[492] 0.00 0.00 77.96-0.09 86.22 0.00 542 SLU_Envelope(all) J[497] 0.00 0.00 78.82-0.09-0.01 0.00 544 SLU_Envelope(all) I[496] -0.00-2.63-11.01 0.01 0.00-1.80 544 SLU_Envelope(all) J[497] 0.00 2.63 11.01 0.01 0.00-1.80 545 SLU_Envelope(all) I[497] -0.00-2.56-10.63 0.00 0.00-1.71 545 SLU_Envelope(all) J[498] 0.00 2.56 10.80 0.00-0.35-1.71 546 SLU_Envelope(all) I[498] 0.00 0.00-1.41 0.00-0.35 0.00 546 SLU_Envelope(all) J[537] 0.00 0.00-0.11 0.00 0.03 0.00 547 SLU_Envelope(all) I[403] -112.18-49.64 0.01 0.01 0.01-1.88 547 SLU_Envelope(all) J[500] -112.16-49.64 0.01 0.01 0.01 1.19 548 SLU_Envelope(all) I[404] -112.47-49.40 0.01 0.01 0.01-0.93 548 SLU_Envelope(all) J[501] -112.44-49.40 0.01 0.01 0.01 2.08 549 SLU_Envelope(all) I[405] -112.53-49.88 0.01 0.01 0.01-1.77 549 SLU_Envelope(all) J[502] -112.50-49.88 0.01 0.01 0.01 1.32 550 SLU_Envelope(all) I[406] -112.77-50.03 0.01 0.01 0.01-1.71 550 SLU_Envelope(all) J[503] -112.75-50.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 1.39 551 SLU_Envelope(all) I[407] -113.09-50.22 0.01 0.01 0.01-1.64 551 SLU_Envelope(all) J[504] -113.07-50.22 0.01 0.01 0.01 1.48 552 SLU_Envelope(all) I[408] -109.40-48.59 0.01 0.01 0.01-1.50 552 SLU_Envelope(all) J[505] -109.38-48.59 0.01 0.01 0.01 1.52 553 SLU_Envelope(all) I[390] 70.76-3.58-0.01 0.01-0.01-2.62 553 SLU_Envelope(all) J[506] 71.12-3.58-0.01 0.01-0.01 0.54 554 SLU_Envelope(all) I[391] 71.22-3.58-0.01 0.01-0.01-2.55 554 SLU_Envelope(all) J[507] 71.58-3.58-0.01 0.01-0.01 0.60 555 SLU_Envelope(all) I[392] 71.07-3.40-0.01 0.01-0.01-2.48 555 SLU_Envelope(all) J[508] 71.42-3.40-0.01 0.01-0.01 0.52 556 SLU_Envelope(all) I[393] 71.26-3.32-0.01 0.01-0.01-2.42 556 SLU_Envelope(all) J[509] 71.62-3.32-0.01 0.01-0.01 0.52 557 SLU_Envelope(all) I[394] 71.52-3.23-0.01 0.01-0.01-2.34 557 SLU_Envelope(all) J[510] 71.87-3.23-0.01 0.01-0.01 0.51 558 SLU_Envelope(all) I[395] 69.17-3.04-0.01 0.01-0.01-2.20 558 SLU_Envelope(all) J[511] 69.53-3.04-0.01 0.01-0.01 0.49 559 SLU_Envelope(all) I[500] -60.77 0.00-0.83-0.00-0.60 0.00 559 SLU_Envelope(all) J[506] -60.66 0.00-0.67-0.00 0.50-0.00 560 SLU_Envelope(all) I[501] -61.21 0.00-0.98-0.00-0.74 0.00 560 SLU_Envelope(all) J[507] -61.10 0.00-0.82-0.00 0.57-0.00

561 SLU_Envelope(all) I[502] -61.18 0.00-0.85-0.00-0.62 0.00 561 SLU_Envelope(all) J[508] -61.07 0.00-0.69-0.00 0.51-0.00 562 SLU_Envelope(all) I[503] -61.41 0.00-0.86-0.00-0.63 0.00 562 SLU_Envelope(all) J[509] -61.30 0.00-0.70-0.00 0.51-0.00 563 SLU_Envelope(all) I[504] -61.71 0.00-0.88-0.00-0.64 0.00 563 SLU_Envelope(all) J[510] -61.60 0.00-0.72-0.00 0.52-0.00 564 SLU_Envelope(all) I[505] -59.78 0.00-0.86-0.00-0.64 0.00 564 SLU_Envelope(all) J[511] -59.67 0.00-0.71-0.00 0.51-0.00 565 SLU_Envelope(all) I[419] 66.08 0.00-0.13-0.00 0.00 0.00 565 SLU_Envelope(all) J[518] 66.27-0.00 0.13-0.00 0.00 0.00 566 SLU_Envelope(all) I[420] 65.78 0.00-0.13-0.00 0.00 0.00 566 SLU_Envelope(all) J[519] 65.97-0.00 0.13-0.00 0.00 0.00 567 SLU_Envelope(all) I[421] 66.15 0.00-0.13-0.00 0.00 0.00 567 SLU_Envelope(all) J[520] 66.34-0.00 0.13-0.00 0.00 0.00 568 SLU_Envelope(all) I[422] 66.23 0.00-0.13-0.00 0.00 0.00 568 SLU_Envelope(all) J[521] 66.42-0.00 0.13-0.00 0.00 0.00 569 SLU_Envelope(all) I[423] 66.34 0.00-0.13-0.00 0.00 0.00 569 SLU_Envelope(all) J[522] 66.53-0.00 0.13-0.00 0.00 0.00 570 SLU_Envelope(all) I[424] 64.07 0.00-0.13-0.00 0.00 0.00 570 SLU_Envelope(all) J[523] 64.26-0.00 0.13-0.00 0.00 0.00 571 SLU_Envelope(all) I[500] -77.19 0.07 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.59 571 SLU_Envelope(all) J[518] -76.52 0.07 0.01 0.00-0.00 0.49 572 SLU_Envelope(all) I[501] -77.10 0.59 0.01 0.00 0.01 1.34 572 SLU_Envelope(all) J[519] -76.43 0.59 0.01 0.00-0.00 0.37 573 SLU_Envelope(all) I[502] -77.28 0.15 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.71 573 SLU_Envelope(all) J[520] -76.61 0.15 0.01 0.00-0.00 0.47 574 SLU_Envelope(all) I[503] -77.39 0.19 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.76 574 SLU_Envelope(all) J[521] -76.72 0.19 0.01 0.00-0.00 0.47 575 SLU_Envelope(all) I[504] -77.52 0.24 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.84 575 SLU_Envelope(all) J[522] -76.86 0.24 0.01 0.00-0.00 0.46 576 SLU_Envelope(all) I[505] -74.94 0.28 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.89 576 SLU_Envelope(all) J[523] -74.27 0.28 0.01 0.00-0.00 0.43 577 SLU_Envelope(all) I[506] 0.20-0.70-0.00 0.00-0.00-0.17 577 SLU_Envelope(all) J[512] 0.53-0.70-0.00 0.00-0.00 0.40 578 SLU_Envelope(all) I[507] 0.13-0.65-0.00 0.00-0.00-0.15 578 SLU_Envelope(all) J[513] 0.47-0.65-0.00 0.00-0.00 0.38 579 SLU_Envelope(all) I[508] 0.19-0.72-0.00 0.00-0.00-0.19 579 SLU_Envelope(all) J[514] 0.53-0.72-0.00 0.00-0.00 0.40 580 SLU_Envelope(all) I[509] 0.19-0.73-0.00 0.00-0.00-0.20 580 SLU_Envelope(all) J[515] 0.52-0.73-0.00 0.00-0.00 0.40 581 SLU_Envelope(all) I[510] 0.19-0.74-0.00 0.00-0.00-0.21 581 SLU_Envelope(all) J[516] 0.52-0.74-0.00 0.00-0.00 0.40 582 SLU_Envelope(all) I[511] 0.16-0.72-0.00 0.00-0.00-0.21 582 SLU_Envelope(all) J[517] 0.49-0.72-0.00 0.00-0.00 0.38 583 SLU_Envelope(all) I[506] 63.81 0.00 0.17-0.00 0.21 0.00 583 SLU_Envelope(all) J[518] 63.92 0.00 0.33-0.00-0.15-0.00 584 SLU_Envelope(all) I[507] 64.16 0.00 0.12-0.00 0.19 0.00 584 SLU_Envelope(all) J[519] 64.27 0.00 0.28-0.00-0.10-0.00 585 SLU_Envelope(all) I[508] 63.94 0.00 0.16-0.00 0.21 0.00 585 SLU_Envelope(all) J[520] 64.04 0.00 0.32-0.00-0.14-0.00 586 SLU_Envelope(all) I[509] 64.05 0.00 0.16-0.00 0.20 0.00 586 SLU_Envelope(all) J[521] 64.16 0.00 0.32-0.00-0.14-0.00 587 SLU_Envelope(all) I[510] 64.19 0.00 0.15-0.00 0.20 0.00 587 SLU_Envelope(all) J[522] 64.30 0.00 0.31-0.00-0.14-0.00 588 SLU_Envelope(all) I[511] 62.06 0.00 0.14-0.00 0.19 0.00 588 SLU_Envelope(all) J[523] 62.16 0.00 0.30-0.00-0.13-0.00 589 SLU_Envelope(all) I[512] 0.70 0.00 0.53-0.00 0.40 0.00 589 SLU_Envelope(all) J[518] 0.70 0.00 0.69-0.00-0.33-0.00 590 SLU_Envelope(all) I[513] 0.65 0.00 0.47-0.00 0.38 0.00 590 SLU_Envelope(all) J[519] 0.65 0.00 0.63-0.00-0.28-0.00 591 SLU_Envelope(all) I[514] 0.72 0.00 0.53-0.00 0.40 0.00 591 SLU_Envelope(all) J[520] 0.72 0.00 0.69-0.00-0.33-0.00 592 SLU_Envelope(all) I[515] 0.73 0.00 0.52-0.00 0.40 0.00

592 SLU_Envelope(all) J[521] 0.73 0.00 0.68-0.00-0.32-0.00 593 SLU_Envelope(all) I[516] 0.74 0.00 0.52-0.00 0.40 0.00 593 SLU_Envelope(all) J[522] 0.74 0.00 0.68-0.00-0.32-0.00 594 SLU_Envelope(all) I[517] 0.72 0.00 0.49-0.00 0.38 0.00 594 SLU_Envelope(all) J[523] 0.72 0.00 0.65-0.00-0.30-0.00 595 SLU_Envelope(all) I[498] 0.00-2.10 0.06 0.00 0.00-0.39 595 SLU_Envelope(all) J[493] -0.00 2.10-0.08 0.00 0.00-0.39 596 SLU_Envelope(all) I[493] 0.00-2.10 0.06 0.00 0.00-0.39 596 SLU_Envelope(all) J[486] -0.00 2.10-0.09 0.00 0.00-0.39 597 SLU_Envelope(all) I[486] -0.00-2.47 0.06 0.00 0.00-0.53 597 SLU_Envelope(all) J[464] 0.00 2.47-0.08 0.00 0.00-0.53 598 SLU_Envelope(all) I[464] 0.00-2.49 0.06 0.00 0.00-0.54 598 SLU_Envelope(all) J[436] -0.00 2.49-0.09 0.00 0.00-0.54 602 SLU_Envelope(all) I[532] -0.00-0.00-1.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 602 SLU_Envelope(all) J[530] 0.00 0.00 1.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 603 SLU_Envelope(all) I[530] 0.00-0.00-1.62 0.00 0.00-0.00 603 SLU_Envelope(all) J[529] 0.00 0.00 1.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 604 SLU_Envelope(all) I[529] 0.00-0.00-2.09-0.00 0.00 0.00 604 SLU_Envelope(all) J[528] 0.00 0.00 2.09-0.00 0.00 0.00 605 SLU_Envelope(all) I[528] 0.00-0.00-1.62-0.00 0.00-0.00 605 SLU_Envelope(all) J[527] 0.00 0.00 1.62-0.00 0.00 0.00 606 SLU_Envelope(all) I[527] 0.00-0.00-2.09-0.00 0.00 0.00 606 SLU_Envelope(all) J[526] 0.00 0.00 2.09-0.00 0.00 0.00 607 SLU_Envelope(all) I[526] 0.00-0.00-1.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 607 SLU_Envelope(all) J[525] -0.00 0.00 1.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 608 SLU_Envelope(all) I[525] 0.00-0.00-1.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 608 SLU_Envelope(all) J[524] 0.00 0.00 1.94 0.00 0.05 0.00 609 SLU_Envelope(all) I[425] 0.00 0.00-0.63 0.05-0.27 0.00 609 SLU_Envelope(all) J[524] 0.00 0.00-0.53 0.05 0.02 0.00 610 SLU_Envelope(all) I[424] 0.00 0.00-3.87 0.00-1.82 0.00 610 SLU_Envelope(all) J[525] 0.00 0.00-3.60 0.00 0.04 0.00 611 SLU_Envelope(all) I[423] 0.00 0.00-3.99 0.00-1.89 0.00 611 SLU_Envelope(all) J[526] 0.00 0.00-3.72 0.00 0.04 0.00 612 SLU_Envelope(all) I[422] 0.00 0.00-3.99 0.00-1.89 0.00 612 SLU_Envelope(all) J[527] 0.00 0.00-3.72 0.00 0.04 0.00 613 SLU_Envelope(all) I[421] 0.00 0.00-3.99 0.00-1.89 0.00 613 SLU_Envelope(all) J[528] 0.00 0.00-3.72 0.00 0.04 0.00 614 SLU_Envelope(all) I[419] 0.00 0.00-3.70 0.00-1.75 0.00 614 SLU_Envelope(all) J[530] 0.00 0.00-3.43 0.00 0.04 0.00 615 SLU_Envelope(all) I[420] 0.00 0.00-4.11 0.00-1.92 0.00 615 SLU_Envelope(all) J[529] 0.00 0.00-3.72 0.00 0.04 0.00 616 SLU_Envelope(all) I[436] 0.00 0.00-3.75 0.00-1.25 0.00 616 SLU_Envelope(all) J[533] 0.00 0.00-0.98 0.00-0.07 0.00 617 SLU_Envelope(all) I[537] -0.00 0.00-0.11 0.03 0.00-0.00 617 SLU_Envelope(all) J[536] 0.00-0.00 0.11 0.03 0.00 0.00 618 SLU_Envelope(all) I[536] -0.00 0.00-0.11-0.03 0.00-0.00 618 SLU_Envelope(all) J[535] 0.00-0.00 0.11-0.03 0.00 0.00 619 SLU_Envelope(all) I[535] 0.00 0.00-0.13 0.03 0.00 0.00 619 SLU_Envelope(all) J[534] -0.00-0.00 0.13 0.03 0.00 0.00 621 SLU_Envelope(all) I[533] -0.00 0.00-0.85-0.08 0.00 0.00 621 SLU_Envelope(all) J[532] 0.00 0.00-0.70-0.08 0.56 0.00 623 SLU_Envelope(all) I[539] 0.00-1.86-13.79-0.01 9.05-0.91 623 SLU_Envelope(all) J[419] 0.00 1.86 19.99-0.01 0.00-0.91 624 SLU_Envelope(all) I[532] 0.00 0.00 1.11-0.07 0.58 0.00 624 SLU_Envelope(all) J[539] -0.00 0.00 1.21-0.07 0.00 0.00 625 SLU_Envelope(all) I[436] 0.00-2.07 0.05 0.00 0.00-0.37 625 SLU_Envelope(all) J[430] 0.00 2.07-0.05 0.00 0.00-0.37 626 SLU_Envelope(all) I[534] -0.00-0.00-0.13-0.01 0.00 0.00 626 SLU_Envelope(all) J[533] 0.00 0.00 0.13-0.01 0.00 0.00

Tabella 4 BForce1 Elem Load Part Axial (kn) Shear-y (kn) Shear-z (kn) Torsion (kn*m) Moment-y (kn*m) 214 SLV_Envelope(all) I[239] 0.97-0.00-4.79 0.02-3.46-0.00 214 SLV_Envelope(all) J[240] 0.97-0.00 5.09 0.02-4.08 0.00 215 SLV_Envelope(all) I[240] 1.02 0.00-5.04-0.01-4.03 0.00 215 SLV_Envelope(all) J[241] 1.02 0.00 4.49-0.01-2.93-0.01 216 SLV_Envelope(all) I[257] 0.26 0.00-1.16-0.00 3.63-0.00 216 SLV_Envelope(all) J[258] 0.26 0.00 7.25-0.00-8.01-0.00 217 SLV_Envelope(all) I[262] 1.04 0.00-4.00 0.00-2.42 0.01 217 SLV_Envelope(all) J[261] 1.04 0.00 3.67 0.00-1.87-0.00 218 SLV_Envelope(all) I[266] 1.04 0.00-3.99 0.00-2.42 0.01 218 SLV_Envelope(all) J[265] 1.04 0.00 3.66 0.00-1.85-0.00 221 SLV_Envelope(all) I[274] 1.08-0.00-4.65 0.02-3.16-0.00 221 SLV_Envelope(all) J[275] 1.08-0.00 5.12 0.02-4.12 0.01 222 SLV_Envelope(all) I[275] 1.12 0.00-5.09-0.02-4.13 0.01 222 SLV_Envelope(all) J[276] 1.12 0.00 4.42-0.02-2.79-0.01 240 SLV_Envelope(all) I[313] 76.06 27.11 0.45 0.08 1.75 0.00 240 SLV_Envelope(all) J[325] 76.11 27.11 0.45 0.08 1.68-4.07 241 SLV_Envelope(all) I[314] 79.48 26.96 0.47 0.08 1.76 0.00 241 SLV_Envelope(all) J[326] 79.52 26.96 0.47 0.08 1.69-4.04 242 SLV_Envelope(all) I[315] 86.09 25.92 0.46 0.08 1.76 0.00 242 SLV_Envelope(all) J[327] 86.14 25.92 0.46 0.08 1.69-3.89 243 SLV_Envelope(all) I[316] 93.38 26.42 0.47 0.08 1.76 0.00 243 SLV_Envelope(all) J[328] 93.43 26.42 0.47 0.08 1.69-3.96 244 SLV_Envelope(all) I[317] 106.26 28.36 0.47 0.08 1.76 0.00 244 SLV_Envelope(all) J[329] 106.30 28.36 0.47 0.08 1.69-4.25 245 SLV_Envelope(all) I[318] 119.46-30.50 0.46 0.08 1.75 0.00 245 SLV_Envelope(all) J[330] 119.51-30.50 0.46 0.08 1.68 4.58 246 SLV_Envelope(all) I[319] -133.31-0.40-0.41 0.08-1.57 0.00 246 SLV_Envelope(all) J[331] -132.94-0.40-0.41 0.08 1.10 0.48 247 SLV_Envelope(all) I[320] -137.29-0.43-0.43 0.08-1.59 0.00 247 SLV_Envelope(all) J[332] -136.91-0.43-0.43 0.08 1.10 0.51 248 SLV_Envelope(all) I[321] -143.13-0.45-0.42 0.08-1.58 0.00 248 SLV_Envelope(all) J[333] -142.76-0.45-0.42 0.08 1.10 0.55 249 SLV_Envelope(all) I[322] -150.44-0.50-0.42 0.08-1.59 0.00 249 SLV_Envelope(all) J[334] -150.06-0.50-0.42 0.08 1.10 0.60 250 SLV_Envelope(all) I[323] -163.84-0.57-0.43 0.08-1.59 0.00 250 SLV_Envelope(all) J[335] -163.46-0.57-0.43 0.08 1.10 0.69 251 SLV_Envelope(all) I[324] -175.65-0.65-0.41 0.08-1.57 0.00 251 SLV_Envelope(all) J[336] -175.27-0.65-0.41 0.08 1.10 0.78 252 SLV_Envelope(all) I[325] -39.42-0.03-0.91 0.07-0.85-0.09 252 SLV_Envelope(all) J[331] -39.31-0.03-0.79 0.07 0.51 0.07 253 SLV_Envelope(all) I[326] -39.19-0.03-0.92 0.07-0.85-0.09 253 SLV_Envelope(all) J[332] -39.09-0.03-0.80 0.07 0.52 0.07 254 SLV_Envelope(all) I[327] -37.68-0.03-0.88 0.07-0.81-0.09 254 SLV_Envelope(all) J[333] -37.58-0.03-0.75 0.07 0.49 0.07 255 SLV_Envelope(all) I[328] -38.41-0.03-0.89 0.07-0.83-0.09 255 SLV_Envelope(all) J[334] -38.30-0.03-0.77 0.07 0.50 0.07 256 SLV_Envelope(all) I[329] -41.24-0.03-0.95 0.07-0.89-0.09 256 SLV_Envelope(all) J[335] -41.13-0.03-0.83 0.07 0.53 0.07 257 SLV_Envelope(all) I[330] 44.71-0.03-1.01 0.07-0.95-0.09 257 SLV_Envelope(all) J[336] 44.81-0.03 0.95 0.07 0.57 0.07 258 SLV_Envelope(all) I[325] 61.38-1.98 0.42 0.08 1.56-3.23 258 SLV_Envelope(all) J[337] 62.04-1.98 0.42 0.08-0.70-1.08 259 SLV_Envelope(all) I[326] 63.90-1.95 0.43 0.08 1.57-3.20 259 SLV_Envelope(all) J[338] 64.56-1.95 0.43 0.08-0.69-1.13 260 SLV_Envelope(all) I[327] 67.96-1.89 0.42 0.08 1.57-3.08 260 SLV_Envelope(all) J[339] 68.62-1.89 0.42 0.08-0.69-1.25 261 SLV_Envelope(all) I[328] 72.78-1.93 0.43 0.08 1.57-3.15 261 SLV_Envelope(all) J[340] 73.44-1.93 0.43 0.08-0.69-1.37 262 SLV_Envelope(all) I[329] 81.21 2.23 0.43 0.08 1.57-3.38 Moment-z (kn*m)

262 SLV_Envelope(all) J[341] 81.87 2.23 0.43 0.08-0.69-1.58 263 SLV_Envelope(all) I[330] 89.45 2.63 0.42 0.08 1.57 3.71 263 SLV_Envelope(all) J[342] 90.10 2.63 0.42 0.08-0.70-1.82 264 SLV_Envelope(all) I[276] -76.21 0.06-0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 264 SLV_Envelope(all) J[343] -73.97 0.06-0.04 0.00 0.13-0.22 265 SLV_Envelope(all) I[306] -88.14-0.06-0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 265 SLV_Envelope(all) J[348] -85.91-0.06-0.04 0.00 0.14 0.23 266 SLV_Envelope(all) I[216] -67.94 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 266 SLV_Envelope(all) J[355] -65.58 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00-0.15 269 SLV_Envelope(all) I[221] -91.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 269 SLV_Envelope(all) J[356] -89.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 272 SLV_Envelope(all) I[226] -76.29 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 272 SLV_Envelope(all) J[357] -73.93 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00-0.14 277 SLV_Envelope(all) I[233] -63.02 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 277 SLV_Envelope(all) J[366] -60.66 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00-0.14 278 SLV_Envelope(all) I[234] -47.01 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 278 SLV_Envelope(all) J[368] -44.65 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00-0.11 283 SLV_Envelope(all) I[239] -79.71 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 283 SLV_Envelope(all) J[379] -77.36 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00-0.12 284 SLV_Envelope(all) I[240] -175.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 284 SLV_Envelope(all) J[382] -172.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 285 SLV_Envelope(all) I[241] -93.67 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 285 SLV_Envelope(all) J[383] -91.32 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00-0.34 286 SLV_Envelope(all) I[274] -73.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 286 SLV_Envelope(all) J[426] -71.17-0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 287 SLV_Envelope(all) I[275] -113.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 287 SLV_Envelope(all) J[429] -110.73-0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 289 SLV_Envelope(all) I[296] -83.39-0.95 1.89 0.00 7.41-3.68 289 SLV_Envelope(all) J[496] -81.03-0.95 1.89 0.00 0.00 0.10 292 SLV_Envelope(all) I[301] -61.25-0.97 1.65 0.00 6.47-3.72 292 SLV_Envelope(all) J[497] -58.89-0.97 1.65 0.00 0.00 0.16 295 SLV_Envelope(all) I[331] 38.08-0.03-0.08-0.05 0.08 0.07 295 SLV_Envelope(all) J[337] 38.18-0.03 0.12-0.05 0.03 0.05 296 SLV_Envelope(all) I[332] 37.25-0.02-0.09-0.05 0.10 0.07 296 SLV_Envelope(all) J[338] 37.35-0.02 0.14-0.05 0.03 0.05 297 SLV_Envelope(all) I[333] 36.35-0.03-0.09-0.05 0.08 0.07 297 SLV_Envelope(all) J[339] 36.46-0.03 0.12-0.05 0.03 0.05 298 SLV_Envelope(all) I[334] 37.08-0.02-0.10-0.05 0.08 0.07 298 SLV_Envelope(all) J[340] 37.18-0.02 0.12-0.05 0.03 0.05 299 SLV_Envelope(all) I[335] 39.91-0.02-0.11-0.05 0.08 0.07 299 SLV_Envelope(all) J[341] 40.02-0.02 0.12-0.05 0.04 0.05 300 SLV_Envelope(all) I[336] -46.18-0.03-0.12-0.05 0.09 0.07 300 SLV_Envelope(all) J[342] -46.07-0.03 0.13-0.05 0.04 0.05 301 SLV_Envelope(all) I[331] -102.58 0.92-0.34 0.09 1.09 0.22 301 SLV_Envelope(all) J[349] -101.92 0.92-0.34 0.09 0.44-1.73 302 SLV_Envelope(all) I[332] -104.71 1.01-0.37 0.09 1.09 0.39 302 SLV_Envelope(all) J[350] -104.05 1.01-0.37 0.09 0.39-1.81 303 SLV_Envelope(all) I[333] -105.55 0.94-0.36 0.09 1.09 0.22 303 SLV_Envelope(all) J[351] -104.89 0.94-0.36 0.09 0.41-1.76 304 SLV_Envelope(all) I[334] -107.97 0.95-0.36 0.09 1.09 0.22 304 SLV_Envelope(all) J[352] -107.31 0.95-0.36 0.09 0.40-1.79 305 SLV_Envelope(all) I[335] -112.55 0.98-0.36 0.09 1.09 0.22 305 SLV_Envelope(all) J[353] -111.89 0.98-0.36 0.09 0.39-1.85 306 SLV_Envelope(all) I[336] -114.54 0.98-0.35 0.09 1.09 0.22 306 SLV_Envelope(all) J[354] -113.88 0.98-0.35 0.09 0.42-1.86 307 SLV_Envelope(all) I[337] -32.79 0.01 0.23-0.03 0.11 0.05 307 SLV_Envelope(all) J[349] -32.68 0.01 0.36-0.03-0.36 0.04 308 SLV_Envelope(all) I[338] -32.05 0.01 0.25-0.03 0.12 0.05 308 SLV_Envelope(all) J[350] -31.94 0.01 0.37-0.03-0.38 0.03 309 SLV_Envelope(all) I[339] -31.31 0.01 0.25-0.03 0.11 0.05 309 SLV_Envelope(all) J[351] -31.20 0.01 0.37-0.03-0.38 0.03 310 SLV_Envelope(all) I[340] -31.93 0.01 0.26-0.03 0.12 0.05 310 SLV_Envelope(all) J[352] -31.82 0.01 0.38-0.03-0.39 0.03

311 SLV_Envelope(all) I[341] -34.35 0.01 0.28-0.03 0.13 0.05 311 SLV_Envelope(all) J[353] -34.25 0.01 0.40-0.03-0.42 0.03 312 SLV_Envelope(all) I[342] 39.58 0.01 0.30-0.03 0.14 0.05 312 SLV_Envelope(all) J[354] 39.69 0.01 0.42-0.03-0.44 0.03 313 SLV_Envelope(all) I[337] 33.39 1.90 0.35 0.09 0.72-1.22 313 SLV_Envelope(all) J[390] 33.76 1.90 0.35 0.09-0.37-1.29 314 SLV_Envelope(all) I[338] 34.13 1.79 0.36 0.09 0.71-1.28 314 SLV_Envelope(all) J[391] 34.50 1.79 0.36 0.09-0.35-1.25 315 SLV_Envelope(all) I[339] 33.65 1.81 0.36 0.09 0.71-1.40 315 SLV_Envelope(all) J[392] 34.01 1.81 0.36 0.09-0.36-1.25 316 SLV_Envelope(all) I[340] 33.96 1.85 0.36 0.09 0.71-1.53 316 SLV_Envelope(all) J[393] 34.33 1.85 0.36 0.09-0.36-1.26 317 SLV_Envelope(all) I[341] 34.25 1.99 0.36 0.09 0.71-1.76 317 SLV_Envelope(all) J[394] 34.62 1.99 0.36 0.09-0.35-1.33 318 SLV_Envelope(all) I[342] 33.47-2.35 0.35 0.09 0.72-2.00 318 SLV_Envelope(all) J[395] 33.84-2.35 0.35 0.09-0.37-1.38 319 SLV_Envelope(all) I[343] -0.33-0.41-32.08-0.00 0.00-0.49 319 SLV_Envelope(all) J[344] -0.33-0.41-31.43-0.00 34.30-0.05 320 SLV_Envelope(all) I[344] -0.19-0.21-16.31-0.00 34.30-0.04 320 SLV_Envelope(all) J[345] -0.19-0.21-15.52-0.00 54.99-0.25 321 SLV_Envelope(all) I[345] -0.05-0.02 0.49-0.00 54.99-0.25 321 SLV_Envelope(all) J[346] -0.05-0.02 1.27-0.00 53.93 0.23 322 SLV_Envelope(all) I[346] -0.10-0.23 17.03-0.00 53.93 0.22 322 SLV_Envelope(all) J[347] -0.10-0.23 17.69-0.00 34.83 0.04 323 SLV_Envelope(all) I[347] -0.22-0.41 31.33-0.00 34.83 0.04 323 SLV_Envelope(all) J[348] -0.22-0.41 31.99-0.00 0.00 0.50 324 SLV_Envelope(all) I[343] -41.89-0.63 0.46 0.50 0.09-0.13 324 SLV_Envelope(all) J[430] -41.71 2.79-0.79 0.49 0.00 0.00 329 SLV_Envelope(all) I[348] -53.91 0.65-0.38 0.51-0.08 0.13 329 SLV_Envelope(all) J[498] -53.72 3.18-0.71 0.49 0.00 0.00 330 SLV_Envelope(all) I[349] -88.42 25.30-0.26 0.10 0.50-2.10 330 SLV_Envelope(all) J[403] -88.38 25.30-0.26 0.10 0.47-4.32 331 SLV_Envelope(all) I[350] -89.72 25.16-0.29 0.10 0.45-2.21 331 SLV_Envelope(all) J[404] -89.69 25.16-0.29 0.10 0.42-4.97 332 SLV_Envelope(all) I[351] -88.47 24.19-0.29 0.10 0.46-2.15 332 SLV_Envelope(all) J[405] -88.43 24.19-0.29 0.10 0.43-4.20 333 SLV_Envelope(all) I[352] -88.80 24.65-0.29 0.10 0.45-2.20 333 SLV_Envelope(all) J[406] -88.76 24.65-0.29 0.10 0.42-4.24 334 SLV_Envelope(all) I[353] -89.61 26.45-0.29 0.10 0.45-2.28 334 SLV_Envelope(all) J[407] -89.57 26.45-0.29 0.10 0.42-4.42 335 SLV_Envelope(all) I[354] -87.43-28.53-0.27 0.10 0.48-2.32 335 SLV_Envelope(all) J[408] -87.39-28.53-0.27 0.10 0.45-4.55 336 SLV_Envelope(all) I[355] 0.00 0.00-10.02-0.02 0.00 0.00 336 SLV_Envelope(all) J[356] -0.00-0.00 10.02-0.02 0.00-0.00 337 SLV_Envelope(all) I[356] 0.00-0.00-9.75 0.03 0.00 0.00 337 SLV_Envelope(all) J[357] -0.00-0.00 9.75 0.03 0.00-0.00 338 SLV_Envelope(all) I[355] 0.00 0.00-13.71-0.03 0.16 0.00 338 SLV_Envelope(all) J[358] 0.00 0.00-13.03-0.03 15.21 0.00 339 SLV_Envelope(all) I[356] 0.00 0.00-73.01 0.13-0.16 0.00 339 SLV_Envelope(all) J[359] 0.00 0.00-72.33 0.13 82.13 0.00 340 SLV_Envelope(all) I[357] 0.00 0.00-10.50-0.00 0.12 0.00 340 SLV_Envelope(all) J[361] 0.00 0.00-9.82-0.00 11.53 0.00 341 SLV_Envelope(all) I[358] 0.00 0.00-20.97-0.02 0.00 0.00 341 SLV_Envelope(all) J[359] -0.00-0.00 20.97-0.02 0.00-0.00 342 SLV_Envelope(all) I[359] 0.00-0.00-19.24 0.02 0.00 0.00 342 SLV_Envelope(all) J[360] 0.00 0.00 6.74 0.02 15.96 0.00 343 SLV_Envelope(all) I[360] 0.00 0.00 7.10 0.02 15.94 0.00 343 SLV_Envelope(all) J[361] -0.00 0.00 14.73 0.02 0.00 0.00 344 SLV_Envelope(all) I[358] 0.00 0.00 8.08-0.01 15.23 0.00 344 SLV_Envelope(all) J[362] 0.00 0.00 8.86-0.01 4.37 0.00 345 SLV_Envelope(all) I[359] 0.00 0.00-32.11-0.12 82.08 0.00 345 SLV_Envelope(all) J[363] 0.00 0.00-31.33-0.12 123.26 0.00 346 SLV_Envelope(all) I[360] -0.00 0.00-0.37-0.01 0.00-0.00

346 SLV_Envelope(all) J[364] 0.00-0.00 0.37-0.01 0.00-0.00 347 SLV_Envelope(all) I[361] 0.00 0.00 5.02-0.00 11.55 0.00 347 SLV_Envelope(all) J[365] 0.00 0.00 6.22-0.00 4.38 0.00 348 SLV_Envelope(all) I[362] 0.00 0.00-18.15-0.01 0.00 0.00 348 SLV_Envelope(all) J[363] -0.00-0.00 18.15-0.01 0.00-0.00 349 SLV_Envelope(all) I[363] 0.00-0.00-16.49 0.01 0.00 0.00 349 SLV_Envelope(all) J[364] 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.01 13.39 0.00 350 SLV_Envelope(all) I[364] 0.00 0.00 6.36 0.01 13.40 0.00 350 SLV_Envelope(all) J[365] -0.00 0.00 11.99 0.01 0.00 0.00 351 SLV_Envelope(all) I[362] 0.00 0.00 27.03-0.04 4.38 0.00 351 SLV_Envelope(all) J[366] 0.00 0.00 27.51-0.04-17.64 0.00 352 SLV_Envelope(all) I[363] 0.00 0.00 3.37 0.08 123.25 0.00 352 SLV_Envelope(all) J[367] 0.00 0.00 3.84 0.08 120.40 0.00 353 SLV_Envelope(all) I[365] 0.00 0.00 18.22-0.00 4.39 0.00 353 SLV_Envelope(all) J[368] 0.00 0.00 18.69-0.00-10.54 0.00 354 SLV_Envelope(all) I[366] 0.00 0.00-15.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 354 SLV_Envelope(all) J[367] -0.00-0.00 15.33 0.00 0.00-0.00 355 SLV_Envelope(all) I[367] 0.00-0.00-14.92-0.00 0.00 0.00 355 SLV_Envelope(all) J[368] -0.00-0.00 14.92-0.00 0.00-0.00 356 SLV_Envelope(all) I[366] 0.00 0.00-22.37-0.03-17.66 0.00 356 SLV_Envelope(all) J[369] 0.00 0.00-21.79-0.03 3.84 0.00 357 SLV_Envelope(all) I[367] 0.00 0.00 34.10-0.09 120.40 0.00 357 SLV_Envelope(all) J[370] 0.00 0.00 34.68-0.09 87.25 0.00 358 SLV_Envelope(all) I[368] 0.00 0.00-14.15-0.04-10.54 0.00 358 SLV_Envelope(all) J[371] 0.00 0.00-13.57-0.04 3.12 0.00 359 SLV_Envelope(all) I[369] 0.00 0.00-16.72 0.01 0.00 0.00 359 SLV_Envelope(all) J[370] -0.00-0.00 16.72 0.01 0.00-0.00 360 SLV_Envelope(all) I[370] 0.00-0.00-16.27-0.01 0.00 0.00 360 SLV_Envelope(all) J[371] -0.00-0.00 16.27-0.01 0.00-0.00 361 SLV_Envelope(all) I[369] 0.00 0.00-5.07-0.01 3.83 0.00 361 SLV_Envelope(all) J[372] 0.00 0.00-4.50-0.01 8.30 0.00 362 SLV_Envelope(all) I[370] 0.00 0.00 67.67-0.14 87.27 0.00 362 SLV_Envelope(all) J[375] 0.00 0.00 68.25-0.14 22.09 0.00 363 SLV_Envelope(all) I[371] 0.00 0.00 2.87-0.01 3.10 0.00 363 SLV_Envelope(all) J[376] 0.00 0.00 3.45-0.01-0.21 0.00 364 SLV_Envelope(all) I[372] -0.00 0.00-14.97 0.02 0.00 0.00 364 SLV_Envelope(all) J[373] 0.00 0.00-0.25 0.02 14.61 0.00 365 SLV_Envelope(all) I[373] 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.02 14.59 0.00 365 SLV_Envelope(all) J[374] 0.00 0.00 4.21 0.02 12.58 0.00 366 SLV_Envelope(all) I[374] 0.00 0.00 4.69 0.02 12.57 0.00 366 SLV_Envelope(all) J[375] 0.00 0.00 14.65 0.02 0.00 0.00 367 SLV_Envelope(all) I[375] 0.00-0.00-15.37-0.02 0.00 0.00 367 SLV_Envelope(all) J[376] -0.00-0.00 15.37-0.02 0.00-0.00 368 SLV_Envelope(all) I[373] 0.00-0.00-0.50-0.02 0.00-0.00 368 SLV_Envelope(all) J[377] 0.00 0.00-0.07-0.02 0.26 0.00 369 SLV_Envelope(all) I[374] 0.00-0.00-0.48-0.02 0.00-0.00 369 SLV_Envelope(all) J[378] 0.00 0.00-0.04-0.02 0.24 0.00 370 SLV_Envelope(all) I[372] 0.00 0.00 10.89-0.01 8.29 0.00 370 SLV_Envelope(all) J[379] 0.00 0.00 11.67-0.01-6.79 0.00 371 SLV_Envelope(all) I[375] 0.00 0.00 98.27-0.15 22.13 0.00 371 SLV_Envelope(all) J[382] 0.00 0.00 99.05-0.15-106.23 0.00 372 SLV_Envelope(all) I[376] 0.00 0.00 18.81-0.03-0.23 0.00 372 SLV_Envelope(all) J[383] 0.00 0.00 19.59-0.03-25.16 0.00 373 SLV_Envelope(all) I[377] 0.00 0.00-0.67 0.02 0.00 0.00 373 SLV_Envelope(all) J[378] 0.00-0.00 0.67 0.02 0.00-0.00 374 SLV_Envelope(all) I[377] 0.00 0.00 0.60-0.02 0.25 0.00 374 SLV_Envelope(all) J[380] 0.00-0.00 0.69-0.02 0.00 0.00 375 SLV_Envelope(all) I[378] 0.00 0.00 0.63-0.02 0.26 0.00 375 SLV_Envelope(all) J[381] 0.00-0.00 0.72-0.02 0.00 0.00 376 SLV_Envelope(all) I[379] -0.00 0.00-13.17 0.01 0.00 0.00 376 SLV_Envelope(all) J[380] 0.00 0.00-0.56 0.01 13.18 0.00 377 SLV_Envelope(all) I[380] 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.01 13.20 0.00 377 SLV_Envelope(all) J[381] 0.00 0.00 3.81 0.01 11.42 0.00

378 SLV_Envelope(all) I[381] 0.00 0.00 4.53 0.01 11.44 0.00 378 SLV_Envelope(all) J[382] 0.00 0.00 13.07 0.01 0.00 0.00 379 SLV_Envelope(all) I[382] 0.00-0.00-13.16-0.02 0.00 0.00 379 SLV_Envelope(all) J[383] -0.00-0.00 13.16-0.02 0.00-0.00 380 SLV_Envelope(all) I[384] -0.00-0.00-1.80-0.00 0.00-0.00 380 SLV_Envelope(all) J[385] 0.00 0.00 1.80-0.00 0.00 0.00 381 SLV_Envelope(all) I[386] -0.00-0.00-1.80-0.00 0.00-0.00 381 SLV_Envelope(all) J[387] -0.00 0.00 1.80-0.00 0.00 0.00 382 SLV_Envelope(all) I[388] -0.00-0.00-1.80-0.00 0.00-0.00 382 SLV_Envelope(all) J[389] -0.00 0.00 1.80-0.00 0.00 0.00 383 SLV_Envelope(all) I[384] 0.00 0.00 1.82 0.01-0.02 0.00 383 SLV_Envelope(all) J[390] 0.00 0.00 1.94 0.01-0.92 0.00 384 SLV_Envelope(all) I[385] 0.00 0.00 1.82 0.01-0.02 0.00 384 SLV_Envelope(all) J[391] 0.00 0.00 1.94 0.01-0.92 0.00 385 SLV_Envelope(all) I[386] 0.00 0.00 1.84 0.02-0.02 0.00 385 SLV_Envelope(all) J[392] 0.00 0.00 1.95 0.02-0.93 0.00 386 SLV_Envelope(all) I[387] 0.00 0.00 1.83 0.02-0.02 0.00 386 SLV_Envelope(all) J[393] 0.00 0.00 1.95 0.02-0.93 0.00 387 SLV_Envelope(all) I[388] 0.00 0.00 1.85 0.03-0.02 0.00 387 SLV_Envelope(all) J[394] 0.00 0.00 1.97 0.03-0.94 0.00 388 SLV_Envelope(all) I[389] 0.00 0.00 1.85 0.03-0.02 0.00 388 SLV_Envelope(all) J[395] 0.00 0.00 1.97 0.03-0.94 0.00 389 SLV_Envelope(all) I[379] 0.00 0.00-10.54-0.06-6.71 0.00 389 SLV_Envelope(all) J[396] 0.00 0.00-9.91-0.06 4.53 0.00 390 SLV_Envelope(all) I[382] 0.00 0.00-47.56-0.16-106.16 0.00 390 SLV_Envelope(all) J[399] 0.00 0.00-46.93-0.16-56.77 0.00 391 SLV_Envelope(all) I[383] 0.00 0.00-31.84-0.27-25.11 0.00 391 SLV_Envelope(all) J[400] 0.00 0.00-31.21-0.27 8.14 0.00 392 SLV_Envelope(all) I[390] -0.00 0.00-5.88-0.00 0.00 0.00 392 SLV_Envelope(all) J[391] -0.00-0.00 5.88-0.00 0.00 0.00 393 SLV_Envelope(all) I[392] -0.00 0.00-5.88-0.00 0.00 0.00 393 SLV_Envelope(all) J[393] -0.00-0.00 5.88-0.00 0.00 0.00 394 SLV_Envelope(all) I[394] -0.00 0.00-6.14-0.00 0.00 0.00 394 SLV_Envelope(all) J[395] -0.00-0.00 6.14-0.00 0.00 0.00 395 SLV_Envelope(all) I[396] 0.00-0.00-12.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 395 SLV_Envelope(all) J[397] 0.00 0.00-1.08 0.00 11.14 0.00 396 SLV_Envelope(all) I[397] 0.00 0.00-0.69 0.00 11.14 0.00 396 SLV_Envelope(all) J[398] 0.00 0.00 3.72 0.00 9.17 0.00 397 SLV_Envelope(all) I[398] 0.00 0.00 4.12 0.00 9.16 0.00 397 SLV_Envelope(all) J[399] 0.00-0.00 11.82 0.00 0.00-0.00 398 SLV_Envelope(all) I[399] 0.00-0.00-10.52-0.01 0.00 0.00 398 SLV_Envelope(all) J[400] -0.00-0.00 10.52-0.01 0.00-0.00 399 SLV_Envelope(all) I[390] 0.00 0.00-0.15-0.00 0.00-0.00 399 SLV_Envelope(all) J[403] -0.00 0.00 0.15-0.00 0.00-0.00 400 SLV_Envelope(all) I[391] 0.00 0.00-0.15-0.00 0.00-0.00 400 SLV_Envelope(all) J[404] -0.00 0.00 0.15-0.00 0.00-0.00 401 SLV_Envelope(all) I[392] 0.00 0.00-0.15-0.00 0.00-0.00 401 SLV_Envelope(all) J[405] -0.00 0.00 0.15-0.00 0.00-0.00 402 SLV_Envelope(all) I[393] 0.00 0.00-0.15-0.00 0.00-0.00 402 SLV_Envelope(all) J[406] -0.00 0.00 0.15-0.00 0.00-0.00 403 SLV_Envelope(all) I[394] 0.00 0.00-0.15-0.00 0.00-0.00 403 SLV_Envelope(all) J[407] -0.00 0.00 0.15-0.00 0.00-0.00 404 SLV_Envelope(all) I[395] 0.00 0.00-0.15-0.00 0.00-0.00 404 SLV_Envelope(all) J[408] -0.00 0.00 0.15-0.00 0.00-0.00 405 SLV_Envelope(all) I[399] 0.00 0.00-24.50-0.11-56.76 0.00 405 SLV_Envelope(all) J[401] 0.00 0.00-24.02-0.11-37.19 0.00 406 SLV_Envelope(all) I[400] 0.00 0.00-20.59-0.19 8.13 0.00 406 SLV_Envelope(all) J[402] 0.00 0.00-20.10-0.19 24.58 0.00 407 SLV_Envelope(all) I[396] 0.00 0.00 2.58-0.06 4.53 0.00 407 SLV_Envelope(all) J[410] 0.00 0.00 3.39-0.06 0.52 0.00 408 SLV_Envelope(all) I[397] 0.00 0.00-0.39-0.00 0.00 0.00 408 SLV_Envelope(all) J[411] -0.00 0.00 0.39-0.00 0.00 0.00 409 SLV_Envelope(all) I[398] 0.00 0.00-0.39-0.00 0.00 0.00

409 SLV_Envelope(all) J[412] -0.00 0.00 0.39-0.00 0.00 0.00 410 SLV_Envelope(all) I[401] 0.00 0.00-11.43-0.00 0.00 0.00 410 SLV_Envelope(all) J[402] -0.00-0.00 11.43-0.00 0.00 0.00 411 SLV_Envelope(all) I[402] 0.00-0.00-10.36-0.00 0.00 0.00 411 SLV_Envelope(all) J[403] -0.00 0.00 10.36-0.00 0.00 0.00 412 SLV_Envelope(all) I[403] -0.00 0.00-11.92-0.00 0.00 0.00 412 SLV_Envelope(all) J[404] -0.00-0.00 11.92-0.00 0.00 0.00 413 SLV_Envelope(all) I[404] 0.00-0.00-10.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 413 SLV_Envelope(all) J[405] -0.00 0.00 10.24 0.00 0.00-0.00 414 SLV_Envelope(all) I[405] -0.00 0.00-11.92-0.00 0.00 0.00 414 SLV_Envelope(all) J[406] -0.00-0.00 11.92-0.00 0.00 0.00 415 SLV_Envelope(all) I[406] 0.00-0.00-10.24-0.00 0.00 0.00 415 SLV_Envelope(all) J[407] -0.00 0.00 10.24-0.00 0.00-0.00 416 SLV_Envelope(all) I[407] -0.00 0.00-12.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 416 SLV_Envelope(all) J[408] -0.00-0.00 12.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 417 SLV_Envelope(all) I[408] 0.00-0.00-9.58 0.00 0.00-0.00 417 SLV_Envelope(all) J[409] 0.00 0.00 9.58 0.00 0.01 0.00 418 SLV_Envelope(all) I[401] 0.00 0.00-12.64 0.10-37.19 0.00 418 SLV_Envelope(all) J[413] 0.00 0.00-12.31 0.10-30.46 0.00 419 SLV_Envelope(all) I[410] -0.00-0.00-15.05-0.01 0.00 0.00 419 SLV_Envelope(all) J[411] 0.00 0.00-0.05-0.01 12.60 0.00 420 SLV_Envelope(all) I[411] 0.00 0.00 1.26-0.00 12.59 0.00 420 SLV_Envelope(all) J[412] 0.00 0.00 2.42-0.00 10.21 0.00 421 SLV_Envelope(all) I[412] 0.00 0.00 3.72 0.01 10.22 0.00 421 SLV_Envelope(all) J[413] -0.00-0.00 14.06 0.01 0.00-0.00 422 SLV_Envelope(all) I[402] 0.00 0.00 1.81-0.14 24.57 0.00 422 SLV_Envelope(all) J[415] 0.00 0.00 2.55-0.14 21.94 0.00 423 SLV_Envelope(all) I[413] 0.00 0.00 1.94-0.10-30.45 0.00 423 SLV_Envelope(all) J[414] 0.00 0.00 2.35-0.10-31.83 0.00 424 SLV_Envelope(all) I[403] 0.00 0.00-1.33 0.02-2.74 0.00 424 SLV_Envelope(all) J[419] 0.00 0.00 0.78 0.02-0.82 0.00 425 SLV_Envelope(all) I[404] 0.00 0.00-2.28 0.02-4.26 0.00 425 SLV_Envelope(all) J[420] 0.00 0.00 1.10 0.02-0.91 0.00 426 SLV_Envelope(all) I[405] 0.00 0.00-1.26 0.02-2.65 0.00 426 SLV_Envelope(all) J[421] 0.00 0.00 0.92 0.02-0.89 0.00 427 SLV_Envelope(all) I[406] 0.00 0.00-1.28 0.01-2.68 0.00 427 SLV_Envelope(all) J[422] 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.01-0.89 0.00 428 SLV_Envelope(all) I[407] 0.00 0.00-1.33 0.01-2.80 0.00 428 SLV_Envelope(all) J[423] 0.00 0.00 1.11 0.01-0.89 0.00 429 SLV_Envelope(all) I[408] 0.00 0.00-1.39 0.02-2.90 0.00 429 SLV_Envelope(all) J[424] 0.00 0.00 1.25 0.02-0.87 0.00 430 SLV_Envelope(all) I[409] 0.00 0.00-0.10-0.00 0.00 0.00 430 SLV_Envelope(all) J[425] 0.00 0.00 0.26-0.00-0.18 0.00 431 SLV_Envelope(all) I[411] -0.00-0.91-0.00-0.01 0.00-0.01 431 SLV_Envelope(all) J[416] 0.00-0.13 0.00-0.01 0.00 0.69 432 SLV_Envelope(all) I[412] -0.00-0.91-0.00 0.02 0.00-0.02 432 SLV_Envelope(all) J[417] 0.00-0.13 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.69 433 SLV_Envelope(all) I[414] -0.00 0.00-13.64 0.01 0.00 0.00 433 SLV_Envelope(all) J[415] 0.00-0.00 13.64 0.01 0.00 0.00 434 SLV_Envelope(all) I[410] 0.00 0.00 18.45-0.06 0.53 0.00 434 SLV_Envelope(all) J[426] 0.00 0.00 19.59-0.06-35.65 0.00 435 SLV_Envelope(all) I[415] 0.00 0.00 16.28-0.23 21.95 0.00 435 SLV_Envelope(all) J[418] 0.00 0.00 16.93-0.23 4.01 0.00 436 SLV_Envelope(all) I[414] 0.00 0.00 16.10 0.14-31.83 0.00 436 SLV_Envelope(all) J[429] 0.00 0.00 16.84 0.14-51.82 0.00 437 SLV_Envelope(all) I[416] 0.00-1.33 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.05 437 SLV_Envelope(all) J[417] -0.00 1.33 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.05 438 SLV_Envelope(all) I[416] 0.00 1.20 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.69 438 SLV_Envelope(all) J[427] -0.00 1.33-0.00 0.04 0.00-0.00 439 SLV_Envelope(all) I[417] 0.00 1.20 0.00-0.03 0.00 0.68 439 SLV_Envelope(all) J[428] -0.00 1.34-0.00-0.03 0.00-0.01 440 SLV_Envelope(all) I[418] -0.00 0.00-11.85-0.01 0.00-0.00 440 SLV_Envelope(all) J[539] 0.00 0.00-8.33-0.01 5.04 0.00

441 SLV_Envelope(all) I[419] 0.00 0.00-8.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 441 SLV_Envelope(all) J[420] 0.00-0.00 8.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 442 SLV_Envelope(all) I[420] -0.00-0.00-10.92-0.00 0.00 0.00 442 SLV_Envelope(all) J[421] 0.00 0.00 10.92-0.00 0.00-0.00 443 SLV_Envelope(all) I[421] 0.00 0.00-8.46-0.00 0.00 0.00 443 SLV_Envelope(all) J[422] 0.00-0.00 8.46-0.00 0.00 0.00 444 SLV_Envelope(all) I[422] -0.00-0.00-10.92-0.00 0.00 0.00 444 SLV_Envelope(all) J[423] 0.00 0.00 10.92-0.00 0.00-0.00 445 SLV_Envelope(all) I[423] 0.00 0.00-8.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 445 SLV_Envelope(all) J[424] 0.00-0.00 8.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 446 SLV_Envelope(all) I[424] -0.00-0.00-10.20 0.00 0.00-0.00 446 SLV_Envelope(all) J[425] 0.00 0.00 10.22 0.00-0.05 0.00 447 SLV_Envelope(all) I[418] 0.00 0.00 28.75-0.23 4.02 0.00 447 SLV_Envelope(all) J[430] 0.00 0.00 28.84-0.23-0.01 0.00 448 SLV_Envelope(all) I[426] -0.00-0.00-16.12-0.00 0.00 0.00 448 SLV_Envelope(all) J[427] 0.00 0.00-2.33-0.00 15.41 0.00 449 SLV_Envelope(all) I[427] 0.00 0.00-0.99-0.00 15.36 0.00 449 SLV_Envelope(all) J[428] 0.00 0.00 5.02-0.00 12.74 0.00 450 SLV_Envelope(all) I[428] 0.00 0.00 6.36-0.02 12.77 0.00 450 SLV_Envelope(all) J[429] -0.00-0.00 15.85-0.02 0.00-0.00 451 SLV_Envelope(all) I[429] 0.00 0.00-12.93 0.01-0.20 0.00 451 SLV_Envelope(all) J[430] 0.00 0.00 12.94 0.01-0.23 0.00 458 SLV_Envelope(all) I[426] 0.00 0.00-35.50-0.11-35.74 0.00 458 SLV_Envelope(all) J[434] 0.00 0.00-34.85-0.11 2.51 0.00 459 SLV_Envelope(all) I[429] 0.00 0.00-65.13-0.12-51.86 0.00 459 SLV_Envelope(all) J[435] 0.00 0.00-64.48-0.12 18.24 0.00 464 SLV_Envelope(all) I[434] -0.00 0.00-13.69-0.01 0.00 0.00 464 SLV_Envelope(all) J[435] 0.00-0.00 13.69-0.01 0.00-0.00 465 SLV_Envelope(all) I[435] -0.00 0.00-13.18-0.00 0.00-0.00 465 SLV_Envelope(all) J[436] 0.00 0.00 13.47 0.00-0.59 0.00 488 SLV_Envelope(all) I[434] 0.00 0.00-21.11-0.07 2.51 0.00 488 SLV_Envelope(all) J[462] 0.00 0.00-20.33-0.07 29.35 0.00 489 SLV_Envelope(all) I[435] 0.00 0.00-37.57-0.11 18.23 0.00 489 SLV_Envelope(all) J[463] 0.00 0.00-36.79-0.11 66.48 0.00 498 SLV_Envelope(all) I[462] -0.00 0.00-14.85-0.00 0.00 0.00 498 SLV_Envelope(all) J[463] 0.00-0.00 14.85-0.00 0.00-0.00 499 SLV_Envelope(all) I[463] -0.00 0.00-14.35-0.00 0.00-0.00 499 SLV_Envelope(all) J[464] 0.00 0.00 14.56 0.00-0.43 0.00 500 SLV_Envelope(all) I[464] 0.00 0.00-1.36-0.00-0.41 0.00 500 SLV_Envelope(all) J[534] 0.00 0.00-0.21-0.00-0.02 0.00 511 SLV_Envelope(all) I[462] 0.00 0.00-5.44-0.05 29.35 0.00 511 SLV_Envelope(all) J[484] 0.00 0.00-4.66-0.05 35.76 0.00 512 SLV_Envelope(all) I[463] 0.00 0.00-7.53-0.12 66.47 0.00 512 SLV_Envelope(all) J[485] 0.00 0.00-6.75-0.12 75.68 0.00 527 SLV_Envelope(all) I[484] -0.00 0.00-13.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 527 SLV_Envelope(all) J[485] 0.00-0.00 13.74 0.00 0.00-0.00 528 SLV_Envelope(all) I[485] -0.00 0.00-14.10-0.00 0.00 0.00 528 SLV_Envelope(all) J[486] 0.00 0.00 14.29-0.00-0.46 0.00 529 SLV_Envelope(all) I[486] 0.00 0.00-1.47-0.00-0.38 0.00 529 SLV_Envelope(all) J[535] 0.00 0.00-0.19-0.00 0.04 0.00 533 SLV_Envelope(all) I[484] 0.00 0.00 9.23-0.08 35.76 0.00 533 SLV_Envelope(all) J[491] 0.00 0.00 9.89-0.08 25.27 0.00 534 SLV_Envelope(all) I[485] 0.00 0.00 21.25-0.12 75.68 0.00 534 SLV_Envelope(all) J[492] 0.00 0.00 21.91-0.12 51.95 0.00 537 SLV_Envelope(all) I[491] -0.00 0.00-12.69 0.01 0.00 0.00 537 SLV_Envelope(all) J[492] 0.00-0.00 12.69 0.01 0.00-0.00 538 SLV_Envelope(all) I[492] -0.00 0.00-12.26 0.00 0.00-0.00 538 SLV_Envelope(all) J[493] 0.00 0.00 12.45-0.00-0.39 0.00 539 SLV_Envelope(all) I[493] 0.00 0.00-1.18-0.00-0.37 0.00 539 SLV_Envelope(all) J[536] 0.00 0.00-0.18-0.00-0.03 0.00 541 SLV_Envelope(all) I[491] 0.00 0.00 22.61-0.11 25.26 0.00 541 SLV_Envelope(all) J[496] 0.00 0.00 23.27-0.11 0.14 0.00 542 SLV_Envelope(all) I[492] 0.00 0.00 46.90-0.15 51.96 0.00

542 SLV_Envelope(all) J[497] 0.00 0.00 47.56-0.15-0.12 0.00 544 SLV_Envelope(all) I[496] -0.00 0.00-6.59 0.01 0.00 0.00 544 SLV_Envelope(all) J[497] 0.00-0.00 6.59 0.01 0.00-0.00 545 SLV_Envelope(all) I[497] -0.00 0.00-6.38 0.00 0.00-0.00 545 SLV_Envelope(all) J[498] 0.00 0.00 6.46 0.00-0.18 0.00 546 SLV_Envelope(all) I[498] 0.00 0.00-0.65 0.00-0.17 0.00 546 SLV_Envelope(all) J[537] 0.00 0.00-0.09 0.00 0.02 0.00 547 SLV_Envelope(all) I[403] -65.73-29.56 0.36 0.05 0.41-1.59 547 SLV_Envelope(all) J[500] -65.71-29.56 0.36 0.05 0.39 1.47 548 SLV_Envelope(all) I[404] -66.82-30.03 0.36 0.03 0.40-0.73 548 SLV_Envelope(all) J[501] -66.80-30.03 0.36 0.03 0.38 1.60 549 SLV_Envelope(all) I[405] -66.04-29.76 0.36 0.05 0.42-1.56 549 SLV_Envelope(all) J[502] -66.02-29.76 0.36 0.05 0.40 1.59 550 SLV_Envelope(all) I[406] -66.44-30.00 0.36 0.03 0.41-1.57 550 SLV_Envelope(all) J[503] -66.42-30.00 0.36 0.03 0.39 1.69 551 SLV_Envelope(all) I[407] -67.11-30.42 0.36 0.04 0.41-1.63 551 SLV_Envelope(all) J[504] -67.09-30.42 0.36 0.04 0.39 1.86 552 SLV_Envelope(all) I[408] -65.73-29.92 0.36 0.05 0.42-1.67 552 SLV_Envelope(all) J[505] -65.71-29.92 0.36 0.05 0.40 2.01 553 SLV_Envelope(all) I[390] 41.68-2.93-0.29 0.05-0.37-2.20 553 SLV_Envelope(all) J[506] 41.96-2.93-0.29 0.05-0.11 0.38 554 SLV_Envelope(all) I[391] 42.42-2.96-0.28 0.04-0.35-2.16 554 SLV_Envelope(all) J[507] 42.70-2.96-0.28 0.04-0.10 0.44 555 SLV_Envelope(all) I[392] 41.94-2.87-0.29 0.04-0.36-2.16 555 SLV_Envelope(all) J[508] 42.22-2.87-0.29 0.04-0.11 0.37 556 SLV_Envelope(all) I[393] 42.26-2.89-0.29 0.04-0.35-2.17 556 SLV_Envelope(all) J[509] 42.53-2.89-0.29 0.04-0.10 0.38 557 SLV_Envelope(all) I[394] 42.80-2.98-0.29 0.04-0.35-2.24 557 SLV_Envelope(all) J[510] 43.08-2.98-0.29 0.04-0.10 0.38 558 SLV_Envelope(all) I[395] 42.02-3.03-0.29 0.05-0.36-2.28 558 SLV_Envelope(all) J[511] 42.29-3.03-0.29 0.05-0.11 0.38 559 SLV_Envelope(all) I[500] -36.74 0.02-0.62-0.01-0.47 0.02 559 SLV_Envelope(all) J[506] -36.66 0.02-0.49-0.01 0.33-0.00 560 SLV_Envelope(all) I[501] -37.41 0.02-0.64-0.01-0.50 0.02 560 SLV_Envelope(all) J[507] -37.33 0.02-0.52-0.01 0.35-0.00 561 SLV_Envelope(all) I[502] -37.09 0.02-0.63-0.01-0.49 0.02 561 SLV_Envelope(all) J[508] -37.00 0.02-0.51-0.01 0.34-0.01 562 SLV_Envelope(all) I[503] -37.45 0.02-0.65-0.01-0.51 0.02 562 SLV_Envelope(all) J[509] -37.36 0.02-0.53-0.01 0.35-0.00 563 SLV_Envelope(all) I[504] -38.08 0.02-0.68-0.01-0.53 0.02 563 SLV_Envelope(all) J[510] -38.00 0.02-0.56-0.01 0.36-0.00 564 SLV_Envelope(all) I[505] -37.59 0.02-0.69-0.01-0.55 0.02 564 SLV_Envelope(all) J[511] -37.51 0.02-0.57-0.01 0.37-0.01 565 SLV_Envelope(all) I[419] 37.68 0.00-0.10-0.05 0.00 0.00 565 SLV_Envelope(all) J[518] 37.82 0.00 0.10-0.05 0.00 0.00 566 SLV_Envelope(all) I[420] 38.26 0.00-0.10-0.03 0.00 0.00 566 SLV_Envelope(all) J[519] 38.40 0.00 0.10-0.03 0.00 0.00 567 SLV_Envelope(all) I[421] 37.75 0.00-0.10-0.05 0.00 0.00 567 SLV_Envelope(all) J[520] 37.90 0.00 0.10-0.05 0.00 0.00 568 SLV_Envelope(all) I[422] 37.89 0.00-0.10-0.04 0.00 0.00 568 SLV_Envelope(all) J[521] 38.04 0.00 0.10-0.04 0.00 0.00 569 SLV_Envelope(all) I[423] 38.11 0.00-0.10-0.03 0.00 0.00 569 SLV_Envelope(all) J[522] 38.26 0.00 0.10-0.03 0.00 0.00 570 SLV_Envelope(all) I[424] 37.10 0.00-0.10-0.06 0.00 0.00 570 SLV_Envelope(all) J[523] 37.25 0.00 0.10-0.06 0.00 0.00 571 SLV_Envelope(all) I[500] -44.47 0.49 0.23 0.05 0.35 1.02 571 SLV_Envelope(all) J[518] -43.96 0.49 0.23 0.05-0.03 0.33 572 SLV_Envelope(all) I[501] -45.16 0.56 0.23 0.03 0.33 1.12 572 SLV_Envelope(all) J[519] -44.65 0.56 0.23 0.03-0.06 0.23 573 SLV_Envelope(all) I[502] -44.57 0.57 0.23 0.04 0.35 1.12 573 SLV_Envelope(all) J[520] -44.06 0.57 0.23 0.04-0.04 0.33 574 SLV_Envelope(all) I[503] -44.75 0.62 0.23 0.04 0.34 1.20 574 SLV_Envelope(all) J[521] -44.23 0.62 0.23 0.04-0.05 0.33

575 SLV_Envelope(all) I[504] -45.05 0.72 0.23 0.04 0.34 1.34 575 SLV_Envelope(all) J[522] -44.53 0.72 0.23 0.04-0.05 0.33 576 SLV_Envelope(all) I[505] -43.93 0.82 0.23 0.05 0.35 1.48 576 SLV_Envelope(all) J[523] -43.41 0.82 0.23 0.05-0.03 0.33 577 SLV_Envelope(all) I[506] 0.05-0.49-0.12 0.03-0.10-0.19 577 SLV_Envelope(all) J[512] 0.31-0.49-0.12 0.03-0.00 0.22 578 SLV_Envelope(all) I[507] -0.02-0.50-0.11 0.02-0.09-0.20 578 SLV_Envelope(all) J[513] 0.24-0.50-0.11 0.02-0.01 0.22 579 SLV_Envelope(all) I[508] 0.05-0.51-0.12 0.02-0.10-0.21 579 SLV_Envelope(all) J[514] 0.31-0.51-0.12 0.02-0.01 0.22 580 SLV_Envelope(all) I[509] 0.05-0.53-0.12 0.02-0.09-0.22 580 SLV_Envelope(all) J[515] 0.31-0.53-0.12 0.02-0.00 0.22 581 SLV_Envelope(all) I[510] 0.05-0.56-0.12 0.02-0.09-0.24 581 SLV_Envelope(all) J[516] 0.31-0.56-0.12 0.02-0.01 0.22 582 SLV_Envelope(all) I[511] -0.06-0.57-0.12 0.03-0.10-0.26 582 SLV_Envelope(all) J[517] 0.30-0.57-0.12 0.03-0.00 0.21 583 SLV_Envelope(all) I[506] 36.97 0.01 0.12-0.01 0.14 0.02 583 SLV_Envelope(all) J[518] 37.06 0.01 0.24-0.01-0.13-0.01 584 SLV_Envelope(all) I[507] 37.60 0.01 0.08-0.00 0.12 0.02 584 SLV_Envelope(all) J[519] 37.68 0.01 0.20-0.00-0.08-0.01 585 SLV_Envelope(all) I[508] 37.09 0.01 0.12-0.00 0.14 0.02 585 SLV_Envelope(all) J[520] 37.18 0.01 0.24-0.00-0.13-0.01 586 SLV_Envelope(all) I[509] 37.28 0.01 0.12-0.00 0.14 0.02 586 SLV_Envelope(all) J[521] 37.36 0.01 0.24-0.00-0.13-0.01 587 SLV_Envelope(all) I[510] 37.60 0.01 0.13-0.00 0.14 0.02 587 SLV_Envelope(all) J[522] 37.68 0.01 0.25-0.00-0.13-0.01 588 SLV_Envelope(all) I[511] 36.74 0.01 0.13-0.01 0.14 0.02 588 SLV_Envelope(all) J[523] 36.82 0.01 0.25-0.01-0.13-0.01 589 SLV_Envelope(all) I[512] 0.45 0.03 0.31-0.01 0.22 0.02 589 SLV_Envelope(all) J[518] 0.45 0.03 0.43-0.01-0.22-0.02 590 SLV_Envelope(all) I[513] 0.46 0.02 0.25-0.00 0.21 0.01 590 SLV_Envelope(all) J[519] 0.46 0.02 0.37-0.00-0.17-0.01 591 SLV_Envelope(all) I[514] 0.48 0.03 0.31-0.01 0.22 0.02 591 SLV_Envelope(all) J[520] 0.48 0.03 0.43-0.01-0.22-0.01 592 SLV_Envelope(all) I[515] 0.49 0.02 0.31-0.01 0.22 0.02 592 SLV_Envelope(all) J[521] 0.49 0.02 0.43-0.01-0.22-0.01 593 SLV_Envelope(all) I[516] 0.51 0.02 0.31-0.01 0.22 0.02 593 SLV_Envelope(all) J[522] 0.51 0.02 0.44-0.01-0.23-0.01 594 SLV_Envelope(all) I[517] 0.51 0.03 0.31-0.01 0.22 0.02 594 SLV_Envelope(all) J[523] 0.51 0.03 0.43-0.01-0.22-0.01 595 SLV_Envelope(all) I[498] 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00-0.00 595 SLV_Envelope(all) J[493] -0.00 0.00-0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 596 SLV_Envelope(all) I[493] 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00-0.00 596 SLV_Envelope(all) J[486] -0.00 0.00-0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 597 SLV_Envelope(all) I[486] -0.00-0.00-0.02 0.00 0.00-0.00 597 SLV_Envelope(all) J[464] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 598 SLV_Envelope(all) I[464] 0.00-0.00-0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 598 SLV_Envelope(all) J[436] -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00-0.00 602 SLV_Envelope(all) I[532] -0.00-0.00-0.81 0.00 0.00-0.00 602 SLV_Envelope(all) J[530] 0.00 0.00 0.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 603 SLV_Envelope(all) I[530] 0.00-0.00-0.73 0.00 0.00-0.00 603 SLV_Envelope(all) J[529] 0.00 0.00 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 604 SLV_Envelope(all) I[529] 0.00-0.00-0.94-0.00 0.00-0.00 604 SLV_Envelope(all) J[528] 0.00 0.00 0.94-0.00 0.00 0.00 605 SLV_Envelope(all) I[528] 0.00-0.00-0.73-0.00 0.00-0.00 605 SLV_Envelope(all) J[527] 0.00 0.00 0.73-0.00 0.00 0.00 606 SLV_Envelope(all) I[527] 0.00-0.00-0.94-0.00 0.00-0.00 606 SLV_Envelope(all) J[526] 0.00 0.00 0.94-0.00 0.00 0.00 607 SLV_Envelope(all) I[526] 0.00-0.00-0.73 0.00 0.00-0.00 607 SLV_Envelope(all) J[525] -0.00 0.00 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 608 SLV_Envelope(all) I[525] -0.00-0.00-0.89 0.00 0.00-0.00 608 SLV_Envelope(all) J[524] 0.00 0.00 0.87 0.00 0.04 0.00 609 SLV_Envelope(all) I[425] 0.00 0.00-0.41 0.03-0.18 0.00

609 SLV_Envelope(all) J[524] 0.00 0.00-0.33 0.03 0.01 0.00 610 SLV_Envelope(all) I[424] 0.00 0.00-1.91-0.02-0.88 0.00 610 SLV_Envelope(all) J[525] 0.00 0.00-1.70-0.02 0.02 0.00 611 SLV_Envelope(all) I[423] 0.00 0.00-1.95 0.01-0.90 0.00 611 SLV_Envelope(all) J[526] 0.00 0.00-1.74 0.01 0.02 0.00 612 SLV_Envelope(all) I[422] 0.00 0.00-1.95 0.02-0.90 0.00 612 SLV_Envelope(all) J[527] 0.00 0.00-1.74 0.02 0.02 0.00 613 SLV_Envelope(all) I[421] 0.00 0.00-1.94 0.03-0.90 0.00 613 SLV_Envelope(all) J[528] 0.00 0.00-1.74 0.03 0.02 0.00 614 SLV_Envelope(all) I[419] 0.00 0.00-1.81-0.02-0.83 0.00 614 SLV_Envelope(all) J[530] 0.00 0.00-1.60-0.02 0.02 0.00 615 SLV_Envelope(all) I[420] 0.00 0.00-2.04 0.02-0.92 0.00 615 SLV_Envelope(all) J[529] 0.00 0.00-1.74 0.02 0.02 0.00 616 SLV_Envelope(all) I[436] 0.00 0.00-1.66 0.00-0.59 0.00 616 SLV_Envelope(all) J[533] 0.00 0.00-0.53 0.00-0.04 0.00 617 SLV_Envelope(all) I[537] -0.00 0.00-0.09 0.02 0.00-0.00 617 SLV_Envelope(all) J[536] 0.00-0.00 0.09 0.02 0.00 0.00 618 SLV_Envelope(all) I[536] -0.00 0.00-0.09-0.02 0.00-0.00 618 SLV_Envelope(all) J[535] 0.00-0.00 0.09-0.02 0.00 0.00 619 SLV_Envelope(all) I[535] 0.00 0.00-0.10 0.02 0.00-0.00 619 SLV_Envelope(all) J[534] -0.00-0.00 0.10 0.02 0.00 0.00 621 SLV_Envelope(all) I[533] -0.00 0.00-0.43-0.05 0.00 0.00 621 SLV_Envelope(all) J[532] 0.00 0.00-0.32-0.05 0.27 0.00 623 SLV_Envelope(all) I[539] 0.00 0.00-7.73-0.01 5.02 0.00 623 SLV_Envelope(all) J[419] 0.00 0.00 11.15-0.01 0.00-0.00 624 SLV_Envelope(all) I[532] 0.00 0.00 0.52-0.05 0.28 0.00 624 SLV_Envelope(all) J[539] -0.00 0.00 0.60-0.05 0.00 0.00 625 SLV_Envelope(all) I[436] -0.00 0.00-0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 625 SLV_Envelope(all) J[430] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 626 SLV_Envelope(all) I[534] -0.00-0.00-0.10-0.00 0.00 0.00 626 SLV_Envelope(all) J[533] 0.00 0.00 0.10-0.00 0.00 0.00 Tabella 5 TFORCE Elem Load Force-I (kn) Force-J (kn) 267 SLV_Envelope(max) 68.709437 69.095691 268 SLV_Envelope(max) 75.214251 75.600506 270 SLV_Envelope(max) 67.373373 67.759627 271 SLV_Envelope(max) 75.254945 75.641200 273 SLV_Envelope(max) 51.887842 52.274097 274 SLV_Envelope(max) 54.933626 55.319881 275 SLV_Envelope(max) 36.491605 36.877860 276 SLV_Envelope(max) 24.748678 25.134933 279 SLV_Envelope(max) 54.603152 54.989407 280 SLV_Envelope(max) 50.173793 50.560047 281 SLV_Envelope(max) 34.527840 34.914095 282 SLV_Envelope(max) 24.882065 25.268320 290 SLV_Envelope(max) 67.953353 68.339608 291 SLV_Envelope(max) 73.877422 74.263677 293 SLV_Envelope(max) 66.067739 66.453994 294 SLV_Envelope(max) 75.523396 75.909651

Figura 5 MySLU Figura 6 FzSLU

Figura 7 FxSLV Figura 8 soilpressureslv

Figura 9 soilpressureslu

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== +============================================================+ MIDAS(Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software) midas Gen - Design & checking system for windows +============================================================+ Steel Member Applicable Code Checking Based On Eurocode3:05, Eurocode3, AISC(13th)-LRFD05, AISC(13th)-ASD05, AISC-LRFD2K, AISC-LRFD93, AISC-ASD89, AISI-CFSD86, CSA-S16-01, BS5950-90 (c)since 1989 +============================================================+ MIDAS Information Technology Co.,Ltd. (MIDAS IT) MIDAS IT Design Development Team +============================================================+ HomePage : +============================================================+ Gen 2013 +============================================================+ *. DEFINITION OF LOAD COMBINATIONS WITH SCALING UP FACTORS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LCB C Loadcase Name(Factor) + Loadcase Name(Factor) + Loadcase Name(Factor) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_slv(es)( 0.300) 2 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_slv(es)(-0.300) 3 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_slv(es)(-0.300) 4 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_slv(es)( 0.300) 5 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_slv(es)( 0.300) 6 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_slv(es)(-0.300) 7 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_slv(es)(-0.300) 8 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_slv(es)( 0.300) 9 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es )( 0.300) 10 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es )(-0.300) 11 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es )(-0.300) 12 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es )( 0.300) Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-1 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== 13 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es )( 0.300) 14 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es )(-0.300) 15 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es )(-0.300) 16 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es )( 0.300) 17 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 18 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 19 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 20 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 21 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 22 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 23 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 24 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 25 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 26 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 27 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 28 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 29 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 30 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 31 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 32 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 33 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 34 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 35 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 36 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 37 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 38 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)(-0.300) Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-2 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== 39 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 40 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 41 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_slv(es)(-0.300) 42 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_slv(es)( 0.300) 43 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_slv(es)( 0.300) 44 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_slv(es)(-0.300) 45 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_slv(es)(-0.300) 46 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_slv(es)( 0.300) 47 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_slv(es)( 0.300) 48 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_slv(es)(-0.300) 49 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es )(-0.300) 50 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es )( 0.300) 51 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es )( 0.300) 52 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es )(-0.300) 53 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es )(-0.300) 54 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es )( 0.300) 55 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es )( 0.300) 56 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es )(-0.300) 57 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 58 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 59 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 60 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 61 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 62 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 63 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 64 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)(-0.300) Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-3 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== 65 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 66 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 67 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 68 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 69 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 70 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 71 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 72 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 73 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 74 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 75 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 76 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 77 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 78 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 79 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 80 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 81 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_slv(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_slv(es)(-0.300) 82 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_slv(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_slv(es)( 0.300) 83 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_slv(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_slv(es)( 0.300) 84 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_slv(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_slv(es)(-0.300) 85 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_slv(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_slv(es)(-0.300) 86 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_slv(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_slv(es)( 0.300) 87 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_slv(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_slv(es)( 0.300) 88 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_slv(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_slv(es)(-0.300) 89 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es )(-0.300) 90 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es )( 0.300) Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-4 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== 91 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es )( 0.300) 92 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es )(-0.300) 93 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es )(-0.300) 94 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es )( 0.300) 95 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es )( 0.300) 96 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es )(-0.300) 97 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 98 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 99 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 100 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 101 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 102 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 103 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 104 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 105 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 106 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 107 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 108 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 109 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 110 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 111 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 112 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 113 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 114 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 115 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 116 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)(-0.300) Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-5 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== 117 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 118 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 119 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 120 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 121 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_slv(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_slv(es)( 0.300) 122 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_slv(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_slv(es)(-0.300) 123 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_slv(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_slv(es)(-0.300) 124 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_slv(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_slv(es)( 0.300) 125 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_slv(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_slv(es)( 0.300) 126 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_slv(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_slv(es)(-0.300) 127 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_slv(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_slv(es)(-0.300) 128 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_slv(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_slv(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_slv(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_slv(es)( 0.300) 129 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es )( 0.300) 130 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es )(-0.300) 131 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es )(-0.300) 132 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es )( 0.300) 133 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es )( 0.300) 134 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es )(-0.300) 135 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es )(-0.300) 136 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sld_eta2/3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sld_eta2/3(es )( 0.300) 137 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 138 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 139 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 140 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 141 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 142 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)(-0.300) Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-6 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== 143 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)(-0.300) 144 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_1(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_1(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sp_1(es)( 0.300) 145 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 146 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 147 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 148 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 149 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 150 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 151 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)(-0.300) 152 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_2(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_2(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sp_2(es)( 0.300) 153 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 154 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 155 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 156 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 157 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 158 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)(-0.300) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 159 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)(-1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)(-0.300) 160 1 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(rs)(-1.000) +spettro_y_sp_3(es)( 1.000) +spettro_x_sp_3(rs)( 0.300) +spettro_x_sp_3(es)( 0.300) 161 1 G1( 1.300) + G2( 1.500) + Qk,neve( 1.500) + Vento X(-0.900) + Vento Y(-0.450) + Vento Z( 0.450) 162 1 G1( 1.300) + G2( 1.500) + Qk,neve( 0.750) + Qk,copertura( 1.500) + Vento X(-0.900) + Vento Y(-0.450) + Vento Z( 0.450) 163 2 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) + Qk,neve( 1.000) 164 2 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) + Qk,neve( 0.500) + Qk,copertura( 1.000) 165 2 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) + Qk,neve( 0.200) 166 2 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) 167 1 G1( 1.300) + G2( 1.500) + Qk,neve( 1.500) + Vento X(-0.450) + Vento Y(-0.900) + Vento Z( 0.450) 168 1 G1( 1.300) + G2( 1.500) + Qk,neve( 0.750) + Qk,copertura( 1.500) + Vento X(-0.450) + Vento Y(-0.900) + Vento Z( 0.450) 169 1 G1( 1.300) + G2( 1.500) + Qk,neve( 0.750) Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-7 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== + Vento X(-1.500) + Vento Y(-0.750) + Vento Z( 0.750) 170 1 G1( 1.300) + G2( 1.500) + Qk,neve( 0.750) + Vento X(-0.750) + Vento Y(-1.500) + Vento Z( 0.750) 171 1 G1( 1.300) + G2( 1.500) + Qk,neve( 1.500) 172 2 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) + Qk,neve( 1.000) + Vento X(-0.600) + Vento Y(-0.300) + Vento Z( 0.300) 173 2 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) + Qk,neve( 1.000) + Vento X(-0.600) + Vento Y(-0.300) + Vento Z( 0.300) 174 2 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) + Qk,neve( 0.500) + Vento X(-1.000) + Vento Y(-0.500) + Vento Z( 0.500) 175 2 G1( 1.000) + G2( 1.000) + Qk,neve( 0.500) + Vento X(-0.500) + Vento Y(-1.000) + Vento Z( 0.500) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-8 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== *. PROJECT : *. MEMBER NO = 341, ELEMENT TYPE = Beam *. LOADCOMB NO = 171, MATERIAL NO = 1, SECTION NO = 1 *. UNIT SYSTEM : kn, m *. SECTION PROPERTIES : Designation = HEA140 Shape = I - Section. (Rolled) Depth = 0.133, Top F Width = 0.140, Bot.F Width = 0.140 Web Thick = 0.005, Top F Thick = 0.009, Bot.F Thick = 0.009 Area = 3.14000e-003, Avy = 2.50200e-003, Avz = 1.01075e-003 Ybar = 7.00000e-002, Zbar = 6.65000e-002, Qyb = 1.51506e-002, Qzb = 2.45000e-003 Wely = 1.55000e-004, Welz = 5.56000e-005, Wply = 1.73400e-004, Wplz = 8.41773e-005 Iyy = 1.03000e-005, Izz = 3.89000e-006, Iyz = 0.00000e+000 iy = 5.73000e-002, iz = 3.52000e-002 J = 6.42229e-008, Cwp = 1.50637e-008 *. DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR STRENGTH EVALUATION : Ly = 4.12000e+000, Lz = 4.12000e+000, Lu = 0.00000e+000 Ky = 1.00000e+000, Kz = 1.00000e+000 *. MATERIAL PROPERTIES : Fy = 2.35000e+005, Es = 2.10000e+008, MATERIAL NAME = S235 *. FORCES AND MOMENTS AT (1/2) POINT : Axial Force Fxx = 0.00000e+000 Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000e+000, Fzz = 0.00000e+000 Bending Moments My = 3.50674e+001, Mz = 0.00000e+000 End Moments Myi = 0.00000e+000, Myj = 0.00000e+000 (for Lb) Myi = 0.00000e+000, Myj = 0.00000e+000 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000e+000, Mzj = 0.00000e+000 (for Lz) *. Sign conventions for stress and axial force. - Stress : Compression positive. - Axial force: Tension positive. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY LEFT-TOP FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 6.50 -. sigma1 = 226406.008 KPa. -. sigma2 = 226406.008 KPa. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-9 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [[[*]]] CLASSIFY RIGHT-TOP FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 6.50 -. sigma1 = 226406.008 KPa. -. sigma2 = 226406.008 KPa. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] CLASSIFY LEFT-BOTTOM FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of tension outstand flanges. -. Not Checking the Section Classification. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY RIGHT-BOTTOM FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of tension outstand flanges. -. Not Checking the Section Classification. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY WEB OF SECTION (HTR). ( ). Determine classification of bending Internal Parts. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 1 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. d/t = HTR = 16.73 -. sigma1 = 156611.675 KPa. -. sigma2 = -156611.675 KPa. -. HTR < 72*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] APPLIED FACTORS. ( ). Calculate equivalent uniform moment factors (Cmy,Cmz,CmLT). [ Eurocode3:05 Annex A. Table A.1, A.2 ] -. Cmy,0 = 1.000 -. Cmz,0 = 1.000 -. Cmy (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. Cmz (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. CmLT (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-10 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Partial Factors (Gamma_Mi). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1 ] -. Gamma_M0 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M1 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M2 = 1.25 [[[*]]] CHECK AXIAL RESISTANCE. ( ). Check slenderness ratio of axial tension member (l/i). [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1 ] -. l/i = 117.0 < 300.0 ---> O.K. ( ). Calculate parameters for combined resistance. -. Lambda1 = Pi * SQRT(Es/fy) = 93.913 -. Lambda_bz = (KLz/iz) / Lambda1 = 1.246 ( ). Calculate axial tensile resistance (Nt_Rd). [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.3 ] -. Nt_Rd = fy * Area / Gamma_M0 = 702.76 kn. ( ). Check ratio of axial resistance (N_Ed/Nt_Rd). N_Ed 0.00 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nt_Rd 702.76 [[[*]]] CHECK SHEAR RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate shear area. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6, EN1993-1-5:04 5.1 NOTE 2 ] -. eta = 1.2 (Fy < 460 MPa.) -. r = 0.0120 m. -. Avy = Area - hw*tw = 0.0025 m^2. -. Avz1 = eta*hw*tw = 0.0008 m^2. -. Avz2 = Area - 2*B*tf + (tw + 2*r)*tf = 0.0010 m^2. -. Avz = MAX[ Avz1, Avz2 ] = 0.0010 m^2. ( ). Calculate plastic shear resistance in local-z direction (Vpl_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.6 ] -. Vpl_Rdz = [ Avz*fy/SQRT(3) ] / Gamma_M0 = 130.61 kn. ( ). Shear Buckling Check. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6 ] -. HTR < 72*e/Eta ---> No need to check! Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-11 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check ratio of shear resistance (V_Edz/Vpl_Rdz). ( LCB = 171, POS = I ) -. Applied shear force : V_Edz = 34.05 kn. V_Edz 34.05 -. ------- = --------------- = 0.261 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Vpl_Rdz 130.61 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MAJOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about major axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wply = 0.0002 m^3. -. Mc_Rdy = Wply * fy / Gamma_M0 = 38.81 kn-m. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edy/Mc_Rdy). M_Edy 35.07 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.904 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdy 38.81 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MINOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about minor axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wplz = 8.4177e-005 m^3. -. Mc_Rdz = Wplz * fy / Gamma_M0 = 18.84 kn-m. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edz/Mc_Rdz). M_Edz 0.00 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdz 18.84 [[[*]]] CHECK INTERACTION OF COMBINED RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate Major reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edz / Vpl_Rdz < 0.5 -. My_Rd = Mc_Rdy = 38.81 kn-m. ( ). Calculate Minor reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edy / Vpl_Rdy < 0.5 -. Mz_Rd = Mc_Rdz = 18.84 kn-m. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-12 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check general interaction ratio. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.1 (6.2) ] - Class1 or Class2 N_Ed M_Edy M_Edz -. Rmax1 = ------ + ------- + ------- N_Rd My_Rd Mz_Rd = 0.904 < 1.000 ---> O.K. ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial force member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.9 (6.31 ~ 6.41) ] - Class1 or Class2 -. n = N_Ed / Npl_Rd = 0.000 -. a = MIN[ (Area-2b*tf)/Area, 0.5 ] = 0.242 -. Alpha = 2.000 -. Beta = MAX[ 5*n, 1.0 ] = 1.000 -. N_Ed < 0.25*Npl_Rd = 175.69 kn. -. N_Ed < 0.5*hw*tw*fy/Gamma_M0 = 71.40 kn. Therefore, No allowance for the effect of axial force. -. Mny_Rd = Mply_Rd = 38.81 kn-m. -. Rmaxy = M_Edy / Mny_Rd = 0.904 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. N_Ed < hw*tw*fy/gamma_m0 = 220.68 kn. Therefore, No allowance for the effect of axial force. -. Mnz_Rd = Mplz_Rd = 18.84 kn-m. -. Rmaxz = M_Edz / Mnz_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax2 = MAX[ Rmaxy, Rmaxz ] = 0.904 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax = MAX[ Rmax1, Rmax2 ] = 0.904 < 1.000 ---> O.K. [[[*]]] CHECK DEFLECTION. ( ). Compute Maximum Deflection. -. LCB = 163 -. DAF = 1.000 (Deflection Amplification Factor). -. Position = 2.060m From i-end(node 358). -. Def = -0.021 * DAF = -0.021m (Golbal Z) -. Def_Lim = 0.021m Def > Def_Lim ---> Not Acceptable!!! Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-13 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== *. PROJECT : *. MEMBER NO = 339, ELEMENT TYPE = Beam *. LOADCOMB NO = 171, MATERIAL NO = 1, SECTION NO = 2 *. UNIT SYSTEM : kn, m *. SECTION PROPERTIES : Designation = HEB200 Shape = I - Section. (Rolled) Depth = 0.200, Top F Width = 0.200, Bot.F Width = 0.200 Web Thick = 0.009, Top F Thick = 0.015, Bot.F Thick = 0.015 Area = 7.81000e-003, Avy = 6.28000e-003, Avz = 2.48500e-003 Ybar = 1.00000e-001, Zbar = 1.00000e-001, Qyb = 3.44458e-002, Qzb = 5.00000e-003 Wely = 5.70000e-004, Welz = 2.00000e-004, Wply = 6.42000e-004, Wplz = 3.03443e-004 Iyy = 5.70000e-005, Izz = 2.00000e-005, Iyz = 0.00000e+000 iy = 8.54000e-002, iz = 5.07000e-002 J = 4.94955e-007, Cwp = 1.71125e-007 *. DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR STRENGTH EVALUATION : Ly = 6.45000e+000, Lz = 7.95000e-001, Lu = 0.00000e+000 Ky = 1.00000e+000, Kz = 1.00000e+000 *. MATERIAL PROPERTIES : Fy = 2.35000e+005, Es = 2.10000e+008, MATERIAL NAME = S235 *. FORCES AND MOMENTS AT (1/2) POINT : Axial Force Fxx = 0.00000e+000 Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000e+000, Fzz = 5.52910e+001 Bending Moments My = 1.99582e+002, Mz = 0.00000e+000 End Moments Myi = 1.99556e+002, Myj = 1.94811e+002 (for Lb) Myi =-8.15841e-002, Myj =-1.73254e+002 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000e+000, Mzj = 0.00000e+000 (for Lz) *. Sign conventions for stress and axial force. - Stress : Compression positive. - Axial force: Tension positive. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY LEFT-TOP FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 5.17 -. sigma1 = 350144.593 KPa. -. sigma2 = 350144.593 KPa. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-14 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [[[*]]] CLASSIFY RIGHT-TOP FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 5.17 -. sigma1 = 350144.593 KPa. -. sigma2 = 350144.593 KPa. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] CLASSIFY LEFT-BOTTOM FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of tension outstand flanges. -. Not Checking the Section Classification. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY RIGHT-BOTTOM FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of tension outstand flanges. -. Not Checking the Section Classification. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY WEB OF SECTION (HTR). ( ). Determine classification of bending Internal Parts. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 1 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. d/t = HTR = 14.89 -. sigma1 = 234596.877 KPa. -. sigma2 = -234596.877 KPa. -. HTR < 72*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] APPLIED FACTORS. ( ). Calculate equivalent uniform moment factors (Cmy,Cmz,CmLT). [ Eurocode3:05 Annex A. Table A.1, A.2 ] -. Cmy,0 = 1.000 -. Cmz,0 = 1.000 -. Cmy (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. Cmz (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. CmLT (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-15 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Partial Factors (Gamma_Mi). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1 ] -. Gamma_M0 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M1 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M2 = 1.25 [[[*]]] CHECK AXIAL RESISTANCE. ( ). Check slenderness ratio of axial tension member (l/i). [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1 ] -. l/i = 75.5 < 300.0 ---> O.K. ( ). Calculate parameters for combined resistance. -. Lambda1 = Pi * SQRT(Es/fy) = 93.913 -. Lambda_bz = (KLz/iz) / Lambda1 = 0.167 ( ). Calculate axial tensile resistance (Nt_Rd). [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.3 ] -. Nt_Rd = fy * Area / Gamma_M0 = 1747.95 kn. ( ). Check ratio of axial resistance (N_Ed/Nt_Rd). N_Ed 0.00 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nt_Rd 1747.95 [[[*]]] CHECK SHEAR RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate shear area. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6, EN1993-1-5:04 5.1 NOTE 2 ] -. eta = 1.2 (Fy < 460 MPa.) -. r = 0.0180 m. -. Avy = Area - hw*tw = 0.0063 m^2. -. Avz1 = eta*hw*tw = 0.0018 m^2. -. Avz2 = Area - 2*B*tf + (tw + 2*r)*tf = 0.0025 m^2. -. Avz = MAX[ Avz1, Avz2 ] = 0.0025 m^2. ( ). Calculate plastic shear resistance in local-z direction (Vpl_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.6 ] -. Vpl_Rdz = [ Avz*fy/SQRT(3) ] / Gamma_M0 = 321.10 kn. ( ). Shear Buckling Check. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6 ] -. HTR < 72*e/Eta ---> No need to check! Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-16 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check ratio of shear resistance (V_Edz/Vpl_Rdz). ( LCB = 171, POS = J ) -. Applied shear force : V_Edz = 161.24 kn. V_Edz 161.24 -. ------- = --------------- = 0.502 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Vpl_Rdz 321.10 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MAJOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about major axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wply = 0.0006 m^3. -. Mc_Rdy = Wply * fy / Gamma_M0 = 143.69 kn-m. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edy/Mc_Rdy). M_Edy 199.58 -. ------ = --------------- = 1.389 > 1.000 ---> Not Acceptable! Mc_Rdy 143.69 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MINOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about minor axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wplz = 0.0003 m^3. -. Mc_Rdz = Wplz * fy / Gamma_M0 = 67.91 kn-m. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edz/Mc_Rdz). M_Edz 0.00 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdz 67.91 [[[*]]] CHECK INTERACTION OF COMBINED RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate Major reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edz / Vpl_Rdz > 0.5 (equal flanges) -. Rho = { 2*(V_Edz/Vpl_Rdz) - 1 }^2 =1.833e-005 -. My.V_Rd1= [ Wply - {Rho*Aw^2/(4*tw)} ]*fy / Gamma_M0 = 143.69 kn-m. -. My_Rd = MIN [ My.V_Rdy1, Mc_Rdy ] = 143.69 kn-m. ( ). Calculate Minor reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edy / Vpl_Rdy < 0.5 -. Mz_Rd = Mc_Rdz = 67.91 kn-m. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-17 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check general interaction ratio. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.1 (6.2) ] - Class1 or Class2 N_Ed M_Edy M_Edz -. Rmax1 = ------ + ------- + ------- N_Rd My_Rd Mz_Rd = 1.389 > 1.000 ---> Not Acceptable! ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial force member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.9 (6.31 ~ 6.41) ] - Class1 or Class2 -. n = N_Ed / Npl_Rd = 0.000 -. a = MIN[ (Area-2b*tf)/Area, 0.5 ] = 0.232 -. Alpha = 2.000 -. Beta = MAX[ 5*n, 1.0 ] = 1.000 -. N_Ed < 0.25*Npl_Rd = 436.99 kn. -. N_Ed < 0.5*hw*tw*fy/Gamma_M0 = 171.21 kn. Therefore, No allowance for the effect of axial force. -. Mny_Rd = Mply_Rd = 143.69 kn-m. -. Rmaxy = M_Edy / Mny_Rd = 1.389 > 1.000 ---> Not Acceptable! -. N_Ed < hw*tw*fy/gamma_m0 = 570.71 kn. Therefore, No allowance for the effect of axial force. -. Mnz_Rd = Mplz_Rd = 67.91 kn-m. -. Rmaxz = M_Edz / Mnz_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax2 = MAX[ Rmaxy, Rmaxz ] = 1.389 > 1.000 ---> Not Acceptable! -. Rmax = MAX[ Rmax1, Rmax2 ] = 1.389 > 1.000 ---> Not Acceptable! [[[*]]] CHECK DEFLECTION. ( ). Compute Maximum Deflection. -. LCB = 163 -. DAF = 1.000 (Deflection Amplification Factor). -. Position = 2.926m From i-end(node 356). -. Def = -0.045 * DAF = -0.045m (Golbal Z) -. Def_Lim = 0.032m Def > Def_Lim ---> Not Acceptable!!! Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-18 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== *. PROJECT : *. MEMBER NO = 284, ELEMENT TYPE = Beam *. LOADCOMB NO = 171, MATERIAL NO = 1, SECTION NO = 3 *. UNIT SYSTEM : kn, m *. SECTION PROPERTIES : Designation = HEB200 - pil, HEB200 Shape = I - Section. (Rolled) Depth = 0.200, Top F Width = 0.200, Bot.F Width = 0.200 Web Thick = 0.009, Top F Thick = 0.015, Bot.F Thick = 0.015 Area = 7.81000e-003, Avy = 6.28000e-003, Avz = 2.48500e-003 Ybar = 1.00000e-001, Zbar = 1.00000e-001, Qyb = 3.44458e-002, Qzb = 5.00000e-003 Wely = 5.70000e-004, Welz = 2.00000e-004, Wply = 6.42000e-004, Wplz = 3.03443e-004 Iyy = 5.70000e-005, Izz = 2.00000e-005, Iyz = 0.00000e+000 iy = 8.54000e-002, iz = 5.07000e-002 J = 4.94955e-007, Cwp = 1.71125e-007 *. DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR STRENGTH EVALUATION : Ly = 3.92000e+000, Lz = 3.92000e+000, Lu = 3.92000e+000 Ky = 1.00000e+000, Kz = 1.00000e+000 *. MATERIAL PROPERTIES : Fy = 2.35000e+005, Es = 2.10000e+008, MATERIAL NAME = S235 *. FORCES AND MOMENTS AT (I) POINT : Axial Force Fxx =-2.87755e+002 Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000e+000, Fzz = 0.00000e+000 Bending Moments My = 0.00000e+000, Mz = 0.00000e+000 End Moments Myi = 0.00000e+000, Myj = 0.00000e+000 (for Lb) Myi = 0.00000e+000, Myj = 0.00000e+000 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000e+000, Mzj = 0.00000e+000 (for Lz) *. Sign conventions for stress and axial force. - Stress : Compression positive. - Axial force: Tension positive. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY LEFT-TOP FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 5.17 -. sigma1 = 36844.408 KPa. -. sigma2 = 36844.408 KPa. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-19 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [[[*]]] CLASSIFY RIGHT-TOP FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 5.17 -. sigma1 = 36844.408 KPa. -. sigma2 = 36844.408 KPa. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] CLASSIFY LEFT-BOTTOM FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 5.17 -. sigma1 = 36844.408 KPa. -. sigma2 = 36844.408 KPa. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] CLASSIFY RIGHT-BOTTOM FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 5.17 -. sigma1 = 36844.408 KPa. -. sigma2 = 36844.408 KPa. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] CLASSIFY WEB OF SECTION (HTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression Internal Parts. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 1 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. d/t = HTR = 14.89 -. sigma1 = 36844.408 KPa. -. sigma2 = 36844.408 KPa. -. HTR < 33*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] APPLIED FACTORS. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-20 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Calculate equivalent uniform moment factors (Cmy,Cmz,CmLT). [ Eurocode3:05 Annex A. Table A.1, A.2 ] -. Cmy,0 = 1.009 -. Cmz,0 = 1.026 -. Cmy (Default or User Defined Value) = 0.850 -. Cmz (Default or User Defined Value) = 0.850 -. CmLT (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 ( ). Partial Factors (Gamma_Mi). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1 ] -. Gamma_M0 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M1 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M2 = 1.25 [[[*]]] CHECK AXIAL RESISTANCE. ( ). Check slenderness ratio of axial compression member (Kl/i). [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1 ] -. Kl/i = 77.3 < 200.0 ---> O.K. ( ). Calculate axial compressive resistance (Nc_Rd). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.4 ] -. Nc_Rd = fy * Area / Gamma_M0 = 1747.95 kn. ( ). Check ratio of axial resistance (N_Ed/Nc_Rd). N_Ed 287.75 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.165 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nc_Rd 1747.95 ( ). Calculate buckling resistance of compression member (Nb_Rdy, Nb_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05, ] -. Beta_A = Aeff / Area = 1.000 -. Lambda1 = Pi * SQRT(Es/fy) = 93.913 -. Lambda_by = {(KLy/iy)/Lambda1} * SQRT(Beta_A) = 0.489 -. Ncry = Pi^2*Es*Ryy / KLy^2 = 7688.15 kn. -. Lambda_by < 0.2 or N_Ed/Ncry < 0.04 --> No need to check. -. Lambda_bz = {(KLz/iz)/Lambda1} * SQRT(Beta_A) = 0.823 -. Ncrz = Pi^2*Es*Rzz / KLz^2 = 2697.60 kn. -. Lambda_bz > 0.2 and N_Ed/Ncrz > 0.04 --> Need to check. -. Alphaz = 0.490 -. Phiz = 0.5 * [ 1 + Alphaz*(Lambda_bz-0.2) + Lambda_bz^2 ] = 0.992 -. Xiz = MIN [ 1 / [Phiz + SQRT(Phiz^2 - Lambda_bz^2)], 1.0 ] = 0.648 -. Nb_Rdz = Xiz*Beta_A*Area*fy / Gamma_M1 = 1131.86 kn. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-21 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check ratio of buckling resistance (N_Ed/Nb_Rd). -. Nb_Rd = MIN[ Nb_Rdy, Nb_Rdz ] = 1131.86 kn. N_Ed 287.75 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.254 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nb_Rd 1131.86 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MAJOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about major axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wply = 0.0006 m^3. -. Mc_Rdy = Wply * fy / Gamma_M0 = 143.69 kn-m. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edy/Mc_Rdy). M_Edy 0.00 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdy 143.69 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MINOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about minor axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wplz = 0.0003 m^3. -. Mc_Rdz = Wplz * fy / Gamma_M0 = 67.91 kn-m. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edz/Mc_Rdz). M_Edz 0.00 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdz 67.91 [[[*]]] CHECK INTERACTION OF COMBINED RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate Major reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edz / Vpl_Rdz < 0.5 -. My_Rd = Mc_Rdy = 143.69 kn-m. ( ). Calculate Minor reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edy / Vpl_Rdy < 0.5 -. Mz_Rd = Mc_Rdz = 67.91 kn-m. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-22 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check general interaction ratio. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.1 (6.2) ] - Class1 or Class2 N_Ed M_Edy M_Edz -. Rmax1 = ------ + ------- + ------- N_Rd My_Rd Mz_Rd = 0.165 < 1.000 ---> O.K. ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial force member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.9 (6.31 ~ 6.41) ] - Class1 or Class2 -. n = N_Ed / Npl_Rd = 0.165 -. a = MIN[ (Area-2b*tf)/Area, 0.5 ] = 0.232 -. Alpha = 2.000 -. Beta = MAX[ 5*n, 1.0 ] = 1.000 -. N_Ed < 0.25*Npl_Rd = 436.99 kn. -. N_Ed > 0.5*hw*tw*fy/Gamma_M0 = 171.21 kn. Therefore, Allowance for the effect of axial force. -. Mny_Rd = MIN[ Mply_Rd*(1-n)/(1-0.5*a), Mply_Rd ] = 135.76 kn-m. -. Rmaxy = M_Edy / Mny_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. N_Ed < hw*tw*fy/gamma_m0 = 570.71 kn. Therefore, No allowance for the effect of axial force. -. Mnz_Rd = Mplz_Rd = 67.91 kn-m. -. Rmaxz = M_Edz / Mnz_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax2 = MAX[ Rmaxy, Rmaxz ] = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial compression member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1, (6.61, 6.62), Annex A ] -. N_Ed = -287.75 kn. -. M_Edy = 0.00 kn-m. -. M_Edz = 0.00 kn-m. -. kyy = 0.871 -. kyz = 0.602 -. kzy = 0.458 -. kzz = 0.854 -. Xiy = 0.889 -. Xiz = 0.647 -. XiLT = 0.888 -. N_Rk = A*fy = 1835.35 kn. -. My_Rk = Wply*fy = 150.87 kn-m. -. Mz_Rk = Wplz*fy = 71.31 kn-m. -. N_Ed*eNy = 0.0 (Not Slender) -. N_Ed*eNZ = 0.0 (Not Slender) N_Ed M_Edy + N_Ed*eNy M_Edz + N_Ed*eNz -. Rmax_LT1 = ----------------- + kyy * ------------------- + kyz * ---------------- Xiy*N_Rk/Gamma_M1 XiLT*My_Rk/Gamma_M1 Mz_Rk/Gamma_M1 = 0.185 < 1.000 ---> O.K. N_Ed M_Edy + N_Ed*eNy M_Edz + N_Ed*eNz -. Rmax_LT2 = ----------------- + kzy * ------------------- + kzz * ---------------- Xiz*N_Rk/Gamma_M1 XiLT*My_Rk/Gamma_M1 Mz_Rk/Gamma_M1 = 0.255 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax = MAX[ MAX(Rmax1, Rmax2), MAX(Rmax_LT1, Rmax_LT2) ] = 0.255 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-23 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [[[*]]] CHECK DEFLECTION. ( ). Compute Maximum Deflection. -. LCB = 163 -. DAF = 1.000 (Deflection Amplification Factor). -. Def = 3.200e-004 * DAF =3.200e-004m (Golbal Y) -. Def_Lim = 0.013m Def < Def_Lim ---> O.K! Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-24 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== *. PROJECT : *. MEMBER NO = 424, ELEMENT TYPE = Beam *. LOADCOMB NO = 128, MATERIAL NO = 1, SECTION NO = 5 *. UNIT SYSTEM : kn, m *. SECTION PROPERTIES : Designation = HEB160 Shape = I - Section. (Rolled) Depth = 0.160, Top F Width = 0.160, Bot.F Width = 0.160 Web Thick = 0.008, Top F Thick = 0.013, Bot.F Thick = 0.013 Area = 5.43000e-003, Avy = 4.35800e-003, Avz = 1.76400e-003 Ybar = 8.00000e-002, Zbar = 8.00000e-002, Qyb = 2.13545e-002, Qzb = 3.20000e-003 Wely = 3.11000e-004, Welz = 1.11000e-004, Wply = 3.54000e-004, Wplz = 1.68544e-004 Iyy = 2.49000e-005, Izz = 8.89000e-006, Iyz = 0.00000e+000 iy = 6.78000e-002, iz = 4.05000e-002 J = 2.59435e-007, Cwp = 4.79432e-008 *. DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR STRENGTH EVALUATION : Ly = 2.30000e+000, Lz = 2.30000e+000, Lu = 0.00000e+000 Ky = 1.00000e+000, Kz = 1.00000e+000 *. MATERIAL PROPERTIES : Fy = 2.35000e+005, Es = 2.10000e+008, MATERIAL NAME = S235 *. FORCES AND MOMENTS AT (I) POINT : Axial Force Fxx = 0.00000e+000 Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000e+000, Fzz =-1.30981e+000 Bending Moments My =-2.69302e+000, Mz = 0.00000e+000 End Moments Myi =-2.69302e+000, Myj =-7.85303e-001 (for Lb) Myi =-2.69302e+000, Myj =-7.85303e-001 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000e+000, Mzj = 0.00000e+000 (for Lz) *. Sign conventions for stress and axial force. - Stress : Compression positive. - Axial force: Tension positive. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY LEFT-TOP FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of tension outstand flanges. -. Not Checking the Section Classification. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY RIGHT-TOP FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of tension outstand flanges. -. Not Checking the Section Classification. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-25 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [[[*]]] CLASSIFY LEFT-BOTTOM FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 4.69 -. sigma1 = 8652.259 KPa. -. sigma2 = 8652.259 KPa. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] CLASSIFY RIGHT-BOTTOM FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 4.69 -. sigma1 = 8652.259 KPa. -. sigma2 = 8652.259 KPa. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] CLASSIFY WEB OF SECTION (HTR). ( ). Determine classification of bending Internal Parts. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 1 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. d/t = HTR = 13.00 -. sigma1 = 5623.969 KPa. -. sigma2 = -5623.969 KPa. -. HTR < 72*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] APPLIED FACTORS. ( ). Calculate equivalent uniform moment factors (Cmy,Cmz,CmLT). [ Eurocode3:05 Annex A. Table A.1, A.2 ] -. Cmy,0 = 1.000 -. Cmz,0 = 1.000 -. Cmy (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. Cmz (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. CmLT (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-26 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Partial Factors (Gamma_Mi). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1 ] -. Gamma_M0 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M1 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M2 = 1.25 [[[*]]] CHECK AXIAL RESISTANCE. ( ). Check slenderness ratio of axial tension member (l/i). [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1 ] -. l/i = 56.8 < 300.0 ---> O.K. ( ). Calculate parameters for combined resistance. -. Lambda1 = Pi * SQRT(Es/fy) = 93.913 -. Lambda_bz = (KLz/iz) / Lambda1 = 0.605 ( ). Calculate axial tensile resistance (Nt_Rd). [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.3 ] -. Nt_Rd = fy * Area / Gamma_M0 = 1215.29 kn. ( ). Check ratio of axial resistance (N_Ed/Nt_Rd). N_Ed 0.00 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nt_Rd 1215.29 [[[*]]] CHECK SHEAR RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate shear area. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6, EN1993-1-5:04 5.1 NOTE 2 ] -. eta = 1.2 (Fy < 460 MPa.) -. r = 0.0150 m. -. Avy = Area - hw*tw = 0.0044 m^2. -. Avz1 = eta*hw*tw = 0.0013 m^2. -. Avz2 = Area - 2*B*tf + (tw + 2*r)*tf = 0.0018 m^2. -. Avz = MAX[ Avz1, Avz2 ] = 0.0018 m^2. ( ). Calculate plastic shear resistance in local-z direction (Vpl_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.6 ] -. Vpl_Rdz = [ Avz*fy/SQRT(3) ] / Gamma_M0 = 227.94 kn. ( ). Shear Buckling Check. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6 ] -. HTR < 72*e/Eta ---> No need to check! Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-27 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check ratio of shear resistance (V_Edz/Vpl_Rdz). ( LCB = 128, POS = I ) -. Applied shear force : V_Edz = 1.31 kn. V_Edz 1.31 -. ------- = --------------- = 0.006 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Vpl_Rdz 227.94 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MAJOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about major axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wply = 0.0004 m^3. -. Mc_Rdy = Wply * fy / Gamma_M0 = 79.23 kn-m. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edy/Mc_Rdy). M_Edy 2.69 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.034 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdy 79.23 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MINOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about minor axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wplz = 0.0002 m^3. -. Mc_Rdz = Wplz * fy / Gamma_M0 = 37.72 kn-m. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edz/Mc_Rdz). M_Edz 0.00 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdz 37.72 [[[*]]] CHECK INTERACTION OF COMBINED RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate Major reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edz / Vpl_Rdz < 0.5 -. My_Rd = Mc_Rdy = 79.23 kn-m. ( ). Calculate Minor reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edy / Vpl_Rdy < 0.5 -. Mz_Rd = Mc_Rdz = 37.72 kn-m. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-28 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check general interaction ratio. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.1 (6.2) ] - Class1 or Class2 N_Ed M_Edy M_Edz -. Rmax1 = ------ + ------- + ------- N_Rd My_Rd Mz_Rd = 0.034 < 1.000 ---> O.K. ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial force member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.9 (6.31 ~ 6.41) ] - Class1 or Class2 -. n = N_Ed / Npl_Rd = 0.000 -. a = MIN[ (Area-2b*tf)/Area, 0.5 ] = 0.234 -. Alpha = 2.000 -. Beta = MAX[ 5*n, 1.0 ] = 1.000 -. N_Ed < 0.25*Npl_Rd = 303.82 kn. -. N_Ed < 0.5*hw*tw*fy/Gamma_M0 = 119.96 kn. Therefore, No allowance for the effect of axial force. -. Mny_Rd = Mply_Rd = 79.23 kn-m. -. Rmaxy = M_Edy / Mny_Rd = 0.034 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. N_Ed < hw*tw*fy/gamma_m0 = 389.88 kn. Therefore, No allowance for the effect of axial force. -. Mnz_Rd = Mplz_Rd = 37.72 kn-m. -. Rmaxz = M_Edz / Mnz_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax2 = MAX[ Rmaxy, Rmaxz ] = 0.034 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax = MAX[ Rmax1, Rmax2 ] = 0.034 < 1.000 ---> O.K. [[[*]]] CHECK DEFLECTION. ( ). Compute Maximum Deflection. -. LCB = 173 -. DAF = 1.000 (Deflection Amplification Factor). -. Position = 1.150m From i-end(node 403). -. Def = 1.672e-004 * DAF =1.672e-004m (Golbal Z) -. Def_Lim = 0.012m Def < Def_Lim ---> O.K! Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-29 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== *. PROJECT : *. MEMBER NO = 270, ELEMENT TYPE = Truss *. LOADCOMB NO = 59, MATERIAL NO = 4, SECTION NO = 6 *. UNIT SYSTEM : kn, m *. SECTION PROPERTIES : Designation = piatti_controventi Shape = SB - Section. (Built-up) Depth = 0.080, Width = 0.016 Area = 1.28000e-003, Avy = 1.28000e-003, Avz = 1.28000e-003 Ybar = 8.00000e-003, Zbar = 4.00000e-002, Qyb = 8.00000e-004, Qzb = 3.20000e-005 Wely = 1.70667e-005, Welz = 3.41333e-006, Wply = 2.56000e-005, Wplz = 5.12000e-006 Iyy = 6.82667e-007, Izz = 2.73067e-008, Iyz = 0.00000e+000 iy = 2.30940e-002, iz = 4.61880e-003 J = 9.54659e-008, Cwp = 1.00000e+028 *. DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR STRENGTH EVALUATION : Ly = 5.60772e+000, Lz = 5.60772e+000, Lu = 5.60772e+000 Ky = 1.00000e-002, Kz = 1.00000e-002 *. MATERIAL PROPERTIES : Fy = 1.17500e+005, Es = 1.05000e+008, MATERIAL NAME = S235 - c *. FORCES AND MOMENTS AT (I) POINT : Axial Force Fxx =-8.22047e+001 Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000e+000, Fzz = 0.00000e+000 Bending Moments My = 0.00000e+000, Mz = 0.00000e+000 End Moments Myi = 0.00000e+000, Myj = 0.00000e+000 (for Lb) Myi = 0.00000e+000, Myj = 0.00000e+000 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000e+000, Mzj = 0.00000e+000 (for Lz) *. Sign conventions for stress and axial force. - Stress : Compression positive. - Axial force: Tension positive. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY TOP FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression Internal Parts. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 1 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.41 -. d/t = HTR = 5.00 -. sigma1 = 64222.442 KPa. -. sigma2 = 64222.442 KPa. -. HTR < 33*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-30 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [[[*]]] CLASSIFY BOTTOM FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression Internal Parts. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 1 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.41 -. d/t = HTR = 0.00 -. sigma1 = 64222.442 KPa. -. sigma2 = 64222.442 KPa. -. HTR < 33*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] CLASSIFY LEFT WEB OF SECTION (HTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression Internal Parts. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 1 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.41 -. d/t = HTR = 0.00 -. sigma1 = 64222.442 KPa. -. sigma2 = 64222.442 KPa. -. HTR < 33*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] APPLIED FACTORS. ( ). Calculate equivalent uniform moment factors (Cmy,Cmz,CmLT). [ Eurocode3:05 Annex A. Table A.1, A.2 ] -. Cmy,0 = 1.000 -. Cmz,0 = 1.002 -. Cmy (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. Cmz (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. CmLT (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 ( ). Partial Factors (Gamma_Mi). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1 ] -. Gamma_M0 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M1 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M2 = 1.25 [[[*]]] CHECK AXIAL RESISTANCE. ( ). Check slenderness ratio of axial compression member (Kl/i). [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1 ] -. Kl/i = 12.1 < 200.0 ---> O.K. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-31 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Calculate axial compressive resistance (Nc_Rd). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.4 ] -. Nc_Rd = fy * Area / Gamma_M0 = 143.24 kn. ( ). Check ratio of axial resistance (N_Ed/Nc_Rd). N_Ed 82.20 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.574 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nc_Rd 143.24 ( ). Calculate buckling resistance of compression member (Nb_Rdy, Nb_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05, ] -. Beta_A = Aeff / Area = 1.000 -. Lambda1 = Pi * SQRT(Es/fy) = 93.913 -. Lambda_by = {(KLy/iy)/Lambda1} * SQRT(Beta_A) = 0.026 -. Ncry = Pi^2*Es*Ryy / KLy^2 = 224970.42 kn. -. Lambda_by < 0.2 or N_Ed/Ncry < 0.04 --> No need to check. -. Lambda_bz = {(KLz/iz)/Lambda1} * SQRT(Beta_A) = 0.129 -. Ncrz = Pi^2*Es*Rzz / KLz^2 = 8998.82 kn. -. Lambda_bz < 0.2 or N_Ed/Ncrz < 0.04 --> No need to check. [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MAJOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about major axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wply = 2.5600e-005 m^3. -. Mc_Rdy = Wply * fy / Gamma_M0 = 2.86 kn-m. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edy/Mc_Rdy). M_Edy 0.00 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdy 2.86 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MINOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about minor axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wplz = 5.1200e-006 m^3. -. Mc_Rdz = Wplz * fy / Gamma_M0 = 0.57 kn-m. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edz/Mc_Rdz). M_Edz 0.00 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdz 0.57 Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-32 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [[[*]]] CHECK INTERACTION OF COMBINED RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate Major reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edz / Vpl_Rdz < 0.5 -. My_Rd = Mc_Rdy = 2.86 kn-m. ( ). Calculate Minor reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edy / Vpl_Rdy < 0.5 -. Mz_Rd = Mc_Rdz = 0.57 kn-m. ( ). Check general interaction ratio. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.1 (6.2) ] - Class1 or Class2 N_Ed M_Edy M_Edz -. Rmax1 = ------ + ------- + ------- N_Rd My_Rd Mz_Rd = 0.574 < 1.000 ---> O.K. ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial force member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.9 (6.31 ~ 6.41) ] - Class1 or Class2 -. n = N_Ed / Npl_Rd = 0.574 -. Alpha = 1.73 + 1.8*n^3 = 2.070 -. Beta = 1.73 + 1.8*n^3 = 2.070 -. N_Ed > 0.25*Npl_Rd = 35.81 kn. Therefore, Allowance for the effect of axial force. -. ay = MIN[ (Area-2b*tf)/Area, 0.5 ] = 0.500 -. Mny_Rd = MIN[ Mply_Rd*(1-n)/(1-0.5*ay), Mply_Rd ] = 1.63 kn-m. -. Rmaxy = M_Edy / Mny_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. N_Ed > 0.25*Npl_Rd = 35.81 kn. Therefore, Allowance for the effect of axial force. -. az = MIN[ (Area-2h*tw)/Area, 0.5 ] = 0.500 -. Mnz_Rd = MIN[ Mplz_Rd*(1-n)/(1-0.5*az), Mplz_Rd ] = 0.33 kn-m. -. Rmaxz = M_Edz / Mnz_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax2 = MAX[ Rmaxy, Rmaxz ] = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-33 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial compression member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1, (6.61, 6.62), Annex A ] -. N_Ed = -82.20 kn. -. M_Edy = 0.00 kn-m. -. M_Edz = 0.00 kn-m. -. kyy = 0.654 -. kyz = 0.387 -. kzy = 0.384 -. kzz = 0.660 -. Xiy = 1.000 -. Xiz = 1.000 -. XiLT = 1.000 -. N_Rk = A*fy = 150.40 kn. -. My_Rk = Wply*fy = 3.01 kn-m. -. Mz_Rk = Wplz*fy = 0.60 kn-m. -. N_Ed*eNy = 0.0 (Not Slender) -. N_Ed*eNZ = 0.0 (Not Slender) N_Ed M_Edy + N_Ed*eNy M_Edz + N_Ed*eNz -. Rmax_LT1 = ----------------- + kyy * ------------------- + kyz * ---------------- Xiy*N_Rk/Gamma_M1 XiLT*My_Rk/Gamma_M1 Mz_Rk/Gamma_M1 = 0.574 < 1.000 ---> O.K. N_Ed M_Edy + N_Ed*eNy M_Edz + N_Ed*eNz -. Rmax_LT2 = ----------------- + kzy * ------------------- + kzz * ---------------- Xiz*N_Rk/Gamma_M1 XiLT*My_Rk/Gamma_M1 Mz_Rk/Gamma_M1 = 0.574 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax = MAX[ MAX(Rmax1, Rmax2), MAX(Rmax_LT1, Rmax_LT2) ] = 0.574 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-34 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== *. PROJECT : *. MEMBER NO = 382, ELEMENT TYPE = Beam *. LOADCOMB NO = 171, MATERIAL NO = 1, SECTION NO = 7 *. UNIT SYSTEM : kn, m *. SECTION PROPERTIES : Designation = UPN140 Shape = C - Section. (Rolled) Depth = 0.140, Top F Width = 0.060, Bot.F Width = 0.060 Web Thick = 0.007, Top F Thick = 0.010, Bot.F Thick = 0.010 Area = 2.04000e-003, Avy = 1.20000e-003, Avz = 1.01000e-003 Ybar = 1.90882e-002, Zbar = 7.00000e-002, Qyb = 7.37143e-003, Qzb = 8.36886e-004 Wely = 8.64000e-005, Welz = 1.48000e-005, Wply = 1.02800e-004, Wplz = 3.14400e-005 Iyy = 6.05000e-006, Izz = 6.27000e-007, Iyz = 0.00000e+000 iy = 5.45000e-002, iz = 1.75000e-002 J = 5.25300e-008, Cwp = 2.07638e-009 *. DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR STRENGTH EVALUATION : Ly = 2.62000e+000, Lz = 2.62000e+000, Lu = 0.00000e+000 Ky = 1.00000e+000, Kz = 1.00000e+000 *. MATERIAL PROPERTIES : Fy = 2.35000e+005, Es = 2.10000e+008, MATERIAL NAME = S235 *. FORCES AND MOMENTS AT (1/2) POINT : Axial Force Fxx = 0.00000e+000 Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000e+000, Fzz = 0.00000e+000 Bending Moments My = 2.00550e+000, Mz = 0.00000e+000 End Moments Myi = 0.00000e+000, Myj = 0.00000e+000 (for Lb) Myi = 0.00000e+000, Myj = 0.00000e+000 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000e+000, Mzj = 0.00000e+000 (for Lz) *. Sign conventions for stress and axial force. - Stress : Compression positive. - Axial force: Tension positive. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY TOP FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 4.30 -. sigma1 = 23204.078 KPa. -. sigma2 = 23204.078 KPa. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-35 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [[[*]]] CLASSIFY BOTTOM FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of tension outstand flanges. -. Not Checking the Section Classification. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY WEB OF SECTION (HTR). ( ). Determine classification of bending Internal Parts. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 1 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. d/t = HTR = 14.29 -. sigma1 = 16574.342 KPa. -. sigma2 = -16574.342 KPa. -. HTR < 72*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] APPLIED FACTORS. ( ). Calculate equivalent uniform moment factors (Cmy,Cmz,CmLT). [ Eurocode3:05 Annex A. Table A.1, A.2 ] -. Cmy,0 = 1.000 -. Cmz,0 = 1.000 -. Cmy (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. Cmz (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. CmLT (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 ( ). Partial Factors (Gamma_Mi). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1 ] -. Gamma_M0 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M1 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M2 = 1.25 [[[*]]] CHECK AXIAL RESISTANCE. ( ). Check slenderness ratio of axial tension member (l/i). [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1 ] -. l/i = 149.7 < 300.0 ---> O.K. ( ). Calculate parameters for combined resistance. -. Lambda1 = Pi * SQRT(Es/fy) = 93.913 -. Lambda_bz = (KLz/iz) / Lambda1 = 1.594 Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-36 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Calculate axial tensile resistance (Nt_Rd). [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.3 ] -. Nt_Rd = fy * Area / Gamma_M0 = 456.57 kn. ( ). Check ratio of axial resistance (N_Ed/Nt_Rd). N_Ed 0.00 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nt_Rd 456.57 [[[*]]] CHECK SHEAR RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate shear area. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6, EN1993-1-5:04 5.1 NOTE 2 ] -. r = 0.0100 m. -. Avy = Area - hw*tw = 0.0012 m^2. -. Avz = Area - 2*B*tf + (tw+r)*tf = 0.0010 m^2. ( ). Calculate plastic shear resistance in local-z direction (Vpl_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.6 ] -. Vpl_Rdz = [ Avz*fy/SQRT(3) ] / Gamma_M0 = 130.51 kn. ( ). Shear Buckling Check. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6 ] -. HTR < 72*e/Eta ---> No need to check! ( ). Check ratio of shear resistance (V_Edz/Vpl_Rdz). ( LCB = 171, POS = J ) -. Applied shear force : V_Edz = 3.06 kn. V_Edz 3.06 -. ------- = --------------- = 0.023 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Vpl_Rdz 130.51 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MAJOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about major axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wply = 0.0001 m^3. -. Mc_Rdy = Wply * fy / Gamma_M0 = 23.01 kn-m. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edy/Mc_Rdy). M_Edy 2.01 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.087 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdy 23.01 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MINOR AXIS. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-37 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about minor axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wplz = 3.1440e-005 m^3. -. Mc_Rdz = Wplz * fy / Gamma_M0 = 7.04 kn-m. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edz/Mc_Rdz). M_Edz 0.00 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdz 7.04 [[[*]]] CHECK INTERACTION OF COMBINED RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate Major reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edz / Vpl_Rdz < 0.5 -. My_Rd = Mc_Rdy = 23.01 kn-m. ( ). Calculate Minor reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edy / Vpl_Rdy < 0.5 -. Mz_Rd = Mc_Rdz = 7.04 kn-m. ( ). Check general interaction ratio. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.1 (6.2) ] - Class1 or Class2 N_Ed M_Edy M_Edz -. Rmax1 = ------ + ------- + ------- N_Rd My_Rd Mz_Rd = 0.087 < 1.000 ---> O.K. ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial force member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.9 (6.31 ~ 6.41) ] - Class1 or Class2 -. n = N_Ed / Npl_Rd = 0.000 -. a = MIN[ (Area-2b*tf)/Area, 0.5 ] = 0.412 -. Alpha = 2.000 -. Beta = MAX[ 5*n, 1.0 ] = 1.000 -. Mny_Rd = MIN[ Mply_Rd*(1-n)/(1-0.5*a), Mply_Rd ] = 23.01 kn-m. -. Rmaxy = M_Edy / Mny_Rd = 0.087 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. In case of n < a -. Mnz_Rd = Mplz_Rd = 7.04 kn-m. -. Rmaxz = M_Edz / Mnz_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax2 = MAX[ Rmaxy, Rmaxz ] = 0.087 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax = MAX[ Rmax1, Rmax2 ] = 0.087 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-38 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [[[*]]] CHECK DEFLECTION. ( ). Compute Maximum Deflection. -. LCB = 163 -. DAF = 1.000 (Deflection Amplification Factor). -. Position = 1.310m From i-end(node 388). -. Def = -8.194e-004 * DAF =-8.194e-004m (Golbal Z) -. Def_Lim = 0.013m Def < Def_Lim ---> O.K! Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-39 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== *. PROJECT : *. MEMBER NO = 247, ELEMENT TYPE = Beam *. LOADCOMB NO = 167, MATERIAL NO = 3, SECTION NO = 8 *. UNIT SYSTEM : kn, m *. SECTION PROPERTIES : Designation = pilastri Shape = P - Section. (Built-up) Outer Dia. = 0.140, Wall Thick = 0.010 Area = 4.07465e-003, Avy = 2.59400e-003, Avz = 2.59400e-003 Ybar = 6.98500e-002, Zbar = 6.98500e-002, Qyb = 4.23052e-003, Qzb = 4.23052e-003 Wely = 1.23392e-004, Welz = 1.23392e-004, Wply = 1.68554e-004, Wplz = 1.68554e-004 Iyy = 8.61894e-006, Izz = 8.61894e-006, Iyz = 0.00000e+000 iy = 4.59920e-002, iz = 4.59920e-002 J = 1.72379e-005, Cwp = 1.00000e+028 *. DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR STRENGTH EVALUATION : Ly = 3.42000e+000, Lz = 1.20000e-001, Lu = 1.20000e-001 Ky = 1.00000e+000, Kz = 1.00000e+000 *. MATERIAL PROPERTIES : Fy = 2.35000e+005, Es = 2.10000e+008, MATERIAL NAME = S235 *. FORCES AND MOMENTS AT (J) POINT : Axial Force Fxx =-1.51147e+002 Shear Forces Fyy = 1.18875e+001, Fzz =-1.64961e-002 Bending Moments My = 1.20540e-002, Mz =-5.07476e+000 End Moments Myi = 1.00744e-002, Myj = 1.20540e-002 (for Lb) Myi =-3.95494e-002, Myj = 1.20540e-002 (for Ly) Mzi =-3.64826e+000, Mzj =-5.07476e+000 (for Lz) *. Sign conventions for stress and axial force. - Stress : Compression positive. - Axial force: Tension positive. ( ). Determine classification of tublar section(hollow pipe). [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 3 of 3) ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. d/t = DTR = 13.97 -. DTR < 50*e^2 ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] APPLIED FACTORS. ( ). Calculate equivalent uniform moment factors (Cmy,Cmz,CmLT). [ Eurocode3:05 Annex A. Table A.1, A.2 ] -. Cmy,0 = 0.703 -. Cmz,0 = 0.941 Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-40 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== -. Cmy (Default or User Defined Value) = 0.850 -. Cmz (Default or User Defined Value) = 0.850 -. CmLT (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 ( ). Partial Factors (Gamma_Mi). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1 ] -. Gamma_M0 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M1 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M2 = 1.25 [[[*]]] CHECK AXIAL RESISTANCE. ( ). Check slenderness ratio of axial compression member (Kl/i). [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1 ] -. Kl/i = 74.4 < 200.0 ---> O.K. ( ). Calculate axial compressive resistance (Nc_Rd). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.4 ] -. Nc_Rd = fy * Area / Gamma_M0 = 911.94 kn. ( ). Check ratio of axial resistance (N_Ed/Nc_Rd). N_Ed 151.15 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.166 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nc_Rd 911.94 ( ). Calculate buckling resistance of compression member (Nb_Rdy, Nb_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05, ] -. Beta_A = Aeff / Area = 1.000 -. Lambda1 = Pi * SQRT(Es/fy) = 93.913 -. Lambda_by = {(KLy/iy)/Lambda1} * SQRT(Beta_A) = 0.792 -. Ncry = Pi^2*Es*Ryy / KLy^2 = 1527.29 kn. -. Lambda_by > 0.2 and N_Ed/Ncry > 0.04 --> Need to check. -. Alphay = 0.210 -. Phiy = 0.5 * [ 1 + Alphay*(Lambda_by-0.2) + Lambda_by^2 ] = 0.876 -. Xiy = MIN [ 1 / [Phiy + SQRT(Phiy^2 - Lambda_by^2)], 1.0 ] = 0.800 -. Nb_Rdy = Xiy*Beta_A*Area*fy / Gamma_M1 = 729.88 kn. -. Lambda_bz = {(KLz/iz)/Lambda1} * SQRT(Beta_A) = 0.028 -. Ncrz = Pi^2*Es*Rzz / KLz^2 = 1240538.97 kn. -. Lambda_bz < 0.2 or N_Ed/Ncrz < 0.04 --> No need to check. ( ). Check ratio of buckling resistance (N_Ed/Nb_Rd). -. Nb_Rd = MIN[ Nb_Rdy, Nb_Rdz ] = 729.88 kn. N_Ed 151.15 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.207 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nb_Rd 729.88 [[[*]]] CHECK SHEAR RESISTANCE. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-41 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Calculate shear area. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6, EN1993-1-5:04 5.1 NOTE 2 ] -. Avy = 2*Area/Pi = 0.0026 m^2. -. Avz = 2*Area/Pi = 0.0026 m^2. ( ). Calculate plastic shear resistance in local-y direction (Vpl_Rdy). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.6 ] -. Vpl_Rdy = [ Avy*fy/SQRT(3) ] / Gamma_M0 = 335.19 kn. ( ). Check ratio of shear resistance (V_Edy/Vpl_Rdy). ( LCB = 127, POS = J ) -. Applied shear force : V_Edy = 23.85 kn. V_Edy 23.85 -. ------- = --------------- = 0.071 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Vpl_Rdy 335.19 ( ). Calculate plastic shear resistance in local-z direction (Vpl_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.6 ] -. Vpl_Rdz = [ Avz*fy/SQRT(3) ] / Gamma_M0 = 335.19 kn. ( ). Shear Buckling Check. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6 ] -. HTR < 72*e/Eta ---> No need to check! ( ). Check ratio of shear resistance (V_Edz/Vpl_Rdz). ( LCB = 98, POS = 1/4 ) -. Applied shear force : V_Edz = 0.43 kn. V_Edz 0.43 -. ------- = --------------- = 0.001 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Vpl_Rdz 335.19 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MAJOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about major axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wply = 0.0002 m^3. -. Mc_Rdy = Wply * fy / Gamma_M0 = 37.72 kn-m. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edy/Mc_Rdy). M_Edy 0.01 -. ------ = --------------- =3.195e-004 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdy 37.72 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MINOR AXIS. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-42 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about minor axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wplz = 0.0002 m^3. -. Mc_Rdz = Wplz * fy / Gamma_M0 = 37.72 kn-m. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edz/Mc_Rdz). M_Edz 5.07 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.135 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdz 37.72 [[[*]]] CHECK INTERACTION OF COMBINED RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate Major reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edz / Vpl_Rdz < 0.5 -. My_Rd = Mc_Rdy = 37.72 kn-m. ( ). Calculate Minor reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edy / Vpl_Rdy < 0.5 -. Mz_Rd = Mc_Rdz = 37.72 kn-m. ( ). Check general interaction ratio. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.1 (6.2) ] - Class1 or Class2 N_Ed M_Edy M_Edz -. Rmax1 = ------ + ------- + ------- N_Rd My_Rd Mz_Rd = 0.301 < 1.000 ---> O.K. ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial force member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.9 (6.31 ~ 6.41) ] - Class1 or Class2 -. Alpha = 2.000 -. Beta = 2.000 -. N_Ed < 0.25*Npl_Rd = 227.99 kn. Therefore, No allowance for the effect of axial force. -. Mny_Rd = Mply_Rd = 37.72 kn-m. -. Rmaxy = M_Edy / Mny_Rd =3.195e-004 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Mnz_Rd = Mplz_Rd = 37.72 kn-m. -. Rmaxz = M_Edz / Mnz_Rd = 0.135 < 1.000 ---> O.K. [ M_Edy ^(Alpha) M_Edz ^(Beta) ] -. Rmax2 = [ -------- + -------- ] [ Mny_Rd Mnz_Rd ] = 0.018 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-43 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial compression member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1, (6.61, 6.62), Annex A ] -. N_Ed = -151.15 kn. -. M_Edy = 0.01 kn-m. -. M_Edz = -5.07 kn-m. -. kyy = 0.880 -. kyz = 0.480 -. kzy = 0.544 -. kzz = 0.811 -. Xiy = 0.800 -. Xiz = 1.000 -. XiLT = 1.000 -. N_Rk = A*fy = 957.54 kn. -. My_Rk = Wply*fy = 39.61 kn-m. -. Mz_Rk = Wplz*fy = 39.61 kn-m. -. N_Ed*eNy = 0.0 (Not Slender) -. N_Ed*eNZ = 0.0 (Not Slender) N_Ed M_Edy + N_Ed*eNy M_Edz + N_Ed*eNz -. Rmax_LT1 = ----------------- + kyy * ------------------- + kyz * ---------------- Xiy*N_Rk/Gamma_M1 XiLT*My_Rk/Gamma_M1 Mz_Rk/Gamma_M1 = 0.272 < 1.000 ---> O.K. N_Ed M_Edy + N_Ed*eNy M_Edz + N_Ed*eNz -. Rmax_LT2 = ----------------- + kzy * ------------------- + kzz * ---------------- Xiz*N_Rk/Gamma_M1 XiLT*My_Rk/Gamma_M1 Mz_Rk/Gamma_M1 = 0.275 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax = MAX[ MAX(Rmax1, Rmax2), MAX(Rmax_LT1, Rmax_LT2) ] = 0.301 < 1.000 ---> O.K. [[[*]]] CHECK DEFLECTION. ( ). Compute Maximum Deflection. -. LCB = 163 -. DAF = 1.000 (Deflection Amplification Factor). -. Def = 6.616e-004 * DAF =6.616e-004m (Golbal Y) -. Def_Lim = 0.011m Def < Def_Lim ---> O.K! Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-44 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== *. PROJECT : *. MEMBER NO = 560, ELEMENT TYPE = Beam *. LOADCOMB NO = 171, MATERIAL NO = 3, SECTION NO = 9 *. UNIT SYSTEM : kn, m *. SECTION PROPERTIES : Designation = aste Shape = P - Section. (Built-up) Outer Dia. = 0.089, Wall Thick = 0.005 Area = 1.31790e-003, Avy = 8.39000e-004, Avz = 8.39000e-004 Ybar = 4.44500e-002, Zbar = 4.44500e-002, Qyb = 1.76605e-003, Qzb = 1.76605e-003 Wely = 2.61808e-005, Welz = 2.61808e-005, Wply = 3.52377e-005, Wplz = 3.52377e-005 Iyy = 1.16374e-006, Izz = 1.16374e-006, Iyz = 0.00000e+000 iy = 2.97158e-002, iz = 2.97158e-002 J = 2.32748e-006, Cwp = 1.00000e+028 *. DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR STRENGTH EVALUATION : Ly = 1.45341e+000, Lz = 1.45341e+000, Lu = 1.45341e+000 Ky = 1.00000e+000, Kz = 1.00000e+000 *. MATERIAL PROPERTIES : Fy = 2.35000e+005, Es = 2.10000e+008, MATERIAL NAME = S235 *. FORCES AND MOMENTS AT (I) POINT : Axial Force Fxx =-6.12099e+001 Shear Forces Fyy = 2.61925e-003, Fzz =-9.78174e-001 Bending Moments My =-7.38595e-001, Mz = 2.99205e-003 End Moments Myi =-7.38595e-001, Myj = 5.68081e-001 (for Lb) Myi =-7.38595e-001, Myj = 5.68081e-001 (for Ly) Mzi = 2.99205e-003, Mzj =-8.14800e-004 (for Lz) *. Sign conventions for stress and axial force. - Stress : Compression positive. - Axial force: Tension positive. ( ). Determine classification of tublar section(hollow pipe). [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 3 of 3) ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. d/t = DTR = 17.78 -. DTR < 50*e^2 ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] APPLIED FACTORS. ( ). Calculate equivalent uniform moment factors (Cmy,Cmz,CmLT). [ Eurocode3:05 Annex A. Table A.1, A.2 ] -. Cmy,0 = 1.188 -. Cmz,0 = 0.721 Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-45 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== -. Cmy (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. Cmz (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. CmLT (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 ( ). Partial Factors (Gamma_Mi). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1 ] -. Gamma_M0 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M1 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M2 = 1.25 [[[*]]] CHECK AXIAL RESISTANCE. ( ). Check slenderness ratio of axial compression member (Kl/i). [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1 ] -. Kl/i = 48.9 < 200.0 ---> O.K. ( ). Calculate axial compressive resistance (Nc_Rd). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.4 ] -. Nc_Rd = fy * Area / Gamma_M0 = 294.96 kn. ( ). Check ratio of axial resistance (N_Ed/Nc_Rd). N_Ed 61.21 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.208 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nc_Rd 294.96 ( ). Calculate buckling resistance of compression member (Nb_Rdy, Nb_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05, ] -. Beta_A = Aeff / Area = 1.000 -. Lambda1 = Pi * SQRT(Es/fy) = 93.913 -. Lambda_by = {(KLy/iy)/Lambda1} * SQRT(Beta_A) = 0.521 -. Ncry = Pi^2*Es*Ryy / KLy^2 = 1141.82 kn. -. Lambda_by > 0.2 and N_Ed/Ncry > 0.04 --> Need to check. -. Alphay = 0.210 -. Phiy = 0.5 * [ 1 + Alphay*(Lambda_by-0.2) + Lambda_by^2 ] = 0.669 -. Xiy = MIN [ 1 / [Phiy + SQRT(Phiy^2 - Lambda_by^2)], 1.0 ] = 0.918 -. Nb_Rdy = Xiy*Beta_A*Area*fy / Gamma_M1 = 270.68 kn. -. Lambda_bz = {(KLz/iz)/Lambda1} * SQRT(Beta_A) = 0.521 -. Ncrz = Pi^2*Es*Rzz / KLz^2 = 1141.82 kn. -. Lambda_bz > 0.2 and N_Ed/Ncrz > 0.04 --> Need to check. -. Alphaz = 0.210 -. Phiz = 0.5 * [ 1 + Alphaz*(Lambda_bz-0.2) + Lambda_bz^2 ] = 0.669 -. Xiz = MIN [ 1 / [Phiz + SQRT(Phiz^2 - Lambda_bz^2)], 1.0 ] = 0.918 -. Nb_Rdz = Xiz*Beta_A*Area*fy / Gamma_M1 = 270.68 kn. ( ). Check ratio of buckling resistance (N_Ed/Nb_Rd). -. Nb_Rd = MIN[ Nb_Rdy, Nb_Rdz ] = 270.68 kn. N_Ed 61.21 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.226 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nb_Rd 270.68 Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-46 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [[[*]]] CHECK SHEAR RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate shear area. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6, EN1993-1-5:04 5.1 NOTE 2 ] -. Avy = 2*Area/Pi = 0.0008 m^2. -. Avz = 2*Area/Pi = 0.0008 m^2. ( ). Calculate plastic shear resistance in local-y direction (Vpl_Rdy). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.6 ] -. Vpl_Rdy = [ Avy*fy/SQRT(3) ] / Gamma_M0 = 108.41 kn. ( ). Check ratio of shear resistance (V_Edy/Vpl_Rdy). ( LCB = 59, POS = J ) -. Applied shear force : V_Edy = 0.02 kn. V_Edy 0.02 -. ------- = --------------- =1.561e-004 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Vpl_Rdy 108.41 ( ). Calculate plastic shear resistance in local-z direction (Vpl_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.6 ] -. Vpl_Rdz = [ Avz*fy/SQRT(3) ] / Gamma_M0 = 108.41 kn. ( ). Shear Buckling Check. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6 ] -. HTR < 72*e/Eta ---> No need to check! ( ). Check ratio of shear resistance (V_Edz/Vpl_Rdz). ( LCB = 171, POS = I ) -. Applied shear force : V_Edz = 0.98 kn. V_Edz 0.98 -. ------- = --------------- = 0.009 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Vpl_Rdz 108.41 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MAJOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about major axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wply = 3.5238e-005 m^3. -. Mc_Rdy = Wply * fy / Gamma_M0 = 7.89 kn-m. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edy/Mc_Rdy). M_Edy 0.74 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.094 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdy 7.89 Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-47 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MINOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about minor axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wplz = 3.5238e-005 m^3. -. Mc_Rdz = Wplz * fy / Gamma_M0 = 7.89 kn-m. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edz/Mc_Rdz). M_Edz 2.99e-003 -. ------ = --------------- =3.794e-004 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdz 7.89 [[[*]]] CHECK INTERACTION OF COMBINED RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate Major reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edz / Vpl_Rdz < 0.5 -. My_Rd = Mc_Rdy = 7.89 kn-m. ( ). Calculate Minor reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edy / Vpl_Rdy < 0.5 -. Mz_Rd = Mc_Rdz = 7.89 kn-m. ( ). Check general interaction ratio. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.1 (6.2) ] - Class1 or Class2 N_Ed M_Edy M_Edz -. Rmax1 = ------ + ------- + ------- N_Rd My_Rd Mz_Rd = 0.302 < 1.000 ---> O.K. ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial force member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.9 (6.31 ~ 6.41) ] - Class1 or Class2 -. Alpha = 2.000 -. Beta = 2.000 -. N_Ed < 0.25*Npl_Rd = 73.74 kn. Therefore, No allowance for the effect of axial force. -. Mny_Rd = Mply_Rd = 7.89 kn-m. -. Rmaxy = M_Edy / Mny_Rd = 0.094 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Mnz_Rd = Mplz_Rd = 7.89 kn-m. -. Rmaxz = M_Edz / Mnz_Rd =3.794e-004 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-48 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [ M_Edy ^(Alpha) M_Edz ^(Beta) ] -. Rmax2 = [ -------- + -------- ] [ Mny_Rd Mnz_Rd ] = 0.009 < 1.000 ---> O.K. ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial compression member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1, (6.61, 6.62), Annex A ] -. N_Ed = -61.21 kn. -. M_Edy = -0.74 kn-m. -. M_Edz = 2.99e-003 kn-m. -. kyy = 0.977 -. kyz = 0.583 -. kzy = 0.583 -. kzz = 0.977 -. Xiy = 0.918 -. Xiz = 0.918 -. XiLT = 1.000 -. N_Rk = A*fy = 309.71 kn. -. My_Rk = Wply*fy = 8.28 kn-m. -. Mz_Rk = Wplz*fy = 8.28 kn-m. -. N_Ed*eNy = 0.0 (Not Slender) -. N_Ed*eNZ = 0.0 (Not Slender) N_Ed M_Edy + N_Ed*eNy M_Edz + N_Ed*eNz -. Rmax_LT1 = ----------------- + kyy * ------------------- + kyz * ---------------- Xiy*N_Rk/Gamma_M1 XiLT*My_Rk/Gamma_M1 Mz_Rk/Gamma_M1 = 0.318 < 1.000 ---> O.K. N_Ed M_Edy + N_Ed*eNy M_Edz + N_Ed*eNz -. Rmax_LT2 = ----------------- + kzy * ------------------- + kzz * ---------------- Xiz*N_Rk/Gamma_M1 XiLT*My_Rk/Gamma_M1 Mz_Rk/Gamma_M1 = 0.281 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax = MAX[ MAX(Rmax1, Rmax2), MAX(Rmax_LT1, Rmax_LT2) ] = 0.318 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-49 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== *. PROJECT : *. MEMBER NO = 569, ELEMENT TYPE = Beam *. LOADCOMB NO = 171, MATERIAL NO = 3, SECTION NO = 10 *. UNIT SYSTEM : kn, m *. SECTION PROPERTIES : Designation = tiranti Shape = P - Section. (Built-up) Outer Dia. = 0.076, Wall Thick = 0.005 Area = 1.11684e-003, Avy = 7.11000e-004, Avz = 7.11000e-004 Ybar = 3.80500e-002, Zbar = 3.80500e-002, Qyb = 1.27005e-003, Qzb = 1.27005e-003 Wely = 1.86392e-005, Welz = 1.86392e-005, Wply = 2.53177e-005, Wplz = 2.53177e-005 Iyy = 7.09220e-007, Izz = 7.09220e-007, Iyz = 0.00000e+000 iy = 2.51997e-002, iz = 2.51997e-002 J = 1.41844e-006, Cwp = 1.00000e+028 *. DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR STRENGTH EVALUATION : Ly = 2.86007e+000, Lz = 2.86007e+000, Lu = 2.86007e+000 Ky = 1.00000e+000, Kz = 1.00000e+000 *. MATERIAL PROPERTIES : Fy = 2.35000e+005, Es = 2.10000e+008, MATERIAL NAME = S235 *. FORCES AND MOMENTS AT (1/2) POINT : Axial Force Fxx = 6.64319e+001 Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000e+000, Fzz = 0.00000e+000 Bending Moments My = 9.19021e-002, Mz = 0.00000e+000 End Moments Myi = 0.00000e+000, Myj = 0.00000e+000 (for Lb) Myi = 0.00000e+000, Myj = 0.00000e+000 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000e+000, Mzj = 0.00000e+000 (for Lz) *. Sign conventions for stress and axial force. - Stress : Compression positive. - Axial force: Tension positive. ( ). Determine classification of tublar section(hollow pipe). [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 3 of 3) ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. d/t = DTR = 15.22 -. DTR < 50*e^2 ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] APPLIED FACTORS. ( ). Calculate equivalent uniform moment factors (Cmy,Cmz,CmLT). [ Eurocode3:05 Annex A. Table A.1, A.2 ] -. Cmy,0 = 1.011 -. Cmz,0 = 1.089 Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-50 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== -. Cmy (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. Cmz (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. CmLT (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 ( ). Partial Factors (Gamma_Mi). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1 ] -. Gamma_M0 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M1 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M2 = 1.25 [[[*]]] CHECK AXIAL RESISTANCE. ( ). Check slenderness ratio of axial tension member (l/i). [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1 ] -. l/i = 113.5 < 300.0 ---> O.K. ( ). Calculate parameters for combined resistance. -. Lambda1 = Pi * SQRT(Es/fy) = 93.913 -. Lambda_bz = (KLz/iz) / Lambda1 = 1.209 ( ). Calculate axial tensile resistance (Nt_Rd). [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.3 ] -. Nt_Rd = fy * Area / Gamma_M0 = 249.96 kn. ( ). Check ratio of axial resistance (N_Ed/Nt_Rd). N_Ed 66.43 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.266 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nt_Rd 249.96 [[[*]]] CHECK SHEAR RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate shear area. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6, EN1993-1-5:04 5.1 NOTE 2 ] -. Avy = 2*Area/Pi = 0.0007 m^2. -. Avz = 2*Area/Pi = 0.0007 m^2. ( ). Calculate plastic shear resistance in local-z direction (Vpl_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.6 ] -. Vpl_Rdz = [ Avz*fy/SQRT(3) ] / Gamma_M0 = 91.87 kn. ( ). Shear Buckling Check. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6 ] -. HTR < 72*e/Eta ---> No need to check! Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-51 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check ratio of shear resistance (V_Edz/Vpl_Rdz). ( LCB = 171, POS = I ) -. Applied shear force : V_Edz = 0.13 kn. V_Edz 0.13 -. ------- = --------------- = 0.001 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Vpl_Rdz 91.87 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MAJOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about major axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wply = 2.5318e-005 m^3. -. Mc_Rdy = Wply * fy / Gamma_M0 = 5.67 kn-m. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edy/Mc_Rdy). M_Edy 0.09 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.016 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdy 5.67 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MINOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about minor axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wplz = 2.5318e-005 m^3. -. Mc_Rdz = Wplz * fy / Gamma_M0 = 5.67 kn-m. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edz/Mc_Rdz). M_Edz 0.00 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdz 5.67 [[[*]]] CHECK INTERACTION OF COMBINED RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate Major reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edz / Vpl_Rdz < 0.5 -. My_Rd = Mc_Rdy = 5.67 kn-m. ( ). Calculate Minor reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edy / Vpl_Rdy < 0.5 -. Mz_Rd = Mc_Rdz = 5.67 kn-m. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-52 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check general interaction ratio. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.1 (6.2) ] - Class1 or Class2 N_Ed M_Edy M_Edz -. Rmax1 = ------ + ------- + ------- N_Rd My_Rd Mz_Rd = 0.282 < 1.000 ---> O.K. ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial force member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.9 (6.31 ~ 6.41) ] - Class1 or Class2 -. Alpha = 2.000 -. Beta = 2.000 -. N_Ed > 0.25*Npl_Rd = 62.49 kn. Therefore, Allowance for the effect of axial force. -. n = N_Ed / Npl_Rd = 0.266 -. Mny_Rd = MIN[ 1.04 * Mply_Rd*(1-n^1.7), Mply_Rd ] = 5.27 kn-m. -. Rmaxy = M_Edy / Mny_Rd = 0.017 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Mnz_Rd = MIN[ 1.04 * Mplz_Rd*(1-n^1.7), Mplz_Rd ] = 5.27 kn-m. -. Rmaxz = M_Edz / Mnz_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax2 = MAX[ Rmaxy, Rmaxz ] = 0.017 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax = MAX[ Rmax1, Rmax2 ] = 0.282 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-53 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== *. PROJECT : *. MEMBER NO = 425, ELEMENT TYPE = Beam *. LOADCOMB NO = 167, MATERIAL NO = 1, SECTION NO = 14 *. UNIT SYSTEM : kn, m *. SECTION PROPERTIES : Designation = HEB220 Shape = I - Section. (Rolled) Depth = 0.220, Top F Width = 0.220, Bot.F Width = 0.220 Web Thick = 0.009, Top F Thick = 0.016, Bot.F Thick = 0.016 Area = 9.10000e-003, Avy = 7.31400e-003, Avz = 2.78800e-003 Ybar = 1.10000e-001, Zbar = 1.10000e-001, Qyb = 4.22117e-002, Qzb = 6.05000e-003 Wely = 7.36000e-004, Welz = 2.58000e-004, Wply = 8.28000e-004, Wplz = 3.91442e-004 Iyy = 8.09000e-005, Izz = 2.84000e-005, Iyz = 0.00000e+000 iy = 9.43000e-002, iz = 5.59000e-002 J = 6.59048e-007, Cwp = 2.95418e-007 *. DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR STRENGTH EVALUATION : Ly = 2.30000e+000, Lz = 2.30000e+000, Lu = 0.00000e+000 Ky = 1.00000e+000, Kz = 1.00000e+000 *. MATERIAL PROPERTIES : Fy = 2.35000e+005, Es = 2.10000e+008, MATERIAL NAME = S235 *. FORCES AND MOMENTS AT (I) POINT : Axial Force Fxx = 0.00000e+000 Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000e+000, Fzz =-1.85319e+000 Bending Moments My =-4.14072e+000, Mz = 0.00000e+000 End Moments Myi =-4.14072e+000, Myj =-1.91754e+000 (for Lb) Myi =-4.14072e+000, Myj =-1.91754e+000 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000e+000, Mzj = 0.00000e+000 (for Lz) *. Sign conventions for stress and axial force. - Stress : Compression positive. - Axial force: Tension positive. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY LEFT-TOP FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of tension outstand flanges. -. Not Checking the Section Classification. [[[*]]] CLASSIFY RIGHT-TOP FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of tension outstand flanges. -. Not Checking the Section Classification. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-54 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== [[[*]]] CLASSIFY LEFT-BOTTOM FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 5.45 -. sigma1 = 5630.146 KPa. -. sigma2 = 5630.146 KPa. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] CLASSIFY RIGHT-BOTTOM FLANGE OF SECTION (BTR). ( ). Determine classification of compression outstand flanges. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 2 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. b/t = BTR = 5.45 -. sigma1 = 5630.146 KPa. -. sigma2 = 5630.146 KPa. -. BTR < 9*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] CLASSIFY WEB OF SECTION (HTR). ( ). Determine classification of bending Internal Parts. [ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 1 of 3), EN 1993-1-5 ] -. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 1.00 -. d/t = HTR = 16.00 -. sigma1 = 3889.919 KPa. -. sigma2 = -3889.919 KPa. -. HTR < 72*e ( Class 1 : Plastic ). [[[*]]] APPLIED FACTORS. ( ). Calculate equivalent uniform moment factors (Cmy,Cmz,CmLT). [ Eurocode3:05 Annex A. Table A.1, A.2 ] -. Cmy,0 = 1.000 -. Cmz,0 = 1.000 -. Cmy (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. Cmz (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 -. CmLT (Default or User Defined Value) = 1.000 Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-55 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Partial Factors (Gamma_Mi). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1 ] -. Gamma_M0 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M1 = 1.05 -. Gamma_M2 = 1.25 [[[*]]] CHECK AXIAL RESISTANCE. ( ). Check slenderness ratio of axial tension member (l/i). [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1 ] -. l/i = 41.1 < 300.0 ---> O.K. ( ). Calculate parameters for combined resistance. -. Lambda1 = Pi * SQRT(Es/fy) = 93.913 -. Lambda_bz = (KLz/iz) / Lambda1 = 0.438 ( ). Calculate axial tensile resistance (Nt_Rd). [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.3 ] -. Nt_Rd = fy * Area / Gamma_M0 = 2036.67 kn. ( ). Check ratio of axial resistance (N_Ed/Nt_Rd). N_Ed 0.00 -. ----- = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Nt_Rd 2036.67 [[[*]]] CHECK SHEAR RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate shear area. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6, EN1993-1-5:04 5.1 NOTE 2 ] -. eta = 1.2 (Fy < 460 MPa.) -. r = 0.0180 m. -. Avy = Area - hw*tw = 0.0073 m^2. -. Avz1 = eta*hw*tw = 0.0021 m^2. -. Avz2 = Area - 2*B*tf + (tw + 2*r)*tf = 0.0028 m^2. -. Avz = MAX[ Avz1, Avz2 ] = 0.0028 m^2. ( ). Calculate plastic shear resistance in local-z direction (Vpl_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.6 ] -. Vpl_Rdz = [ Avz*fy/SQRT(3) ] / Gamma_M0 = 360.26 kn. ( ). Shear Buckling Check. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.6 ] -. HTR < 72*e/Eta ---> No need to check! Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-56 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check ratio of shear resistance (V_Edz/Vpl_Rdz). ( LCB = 127, POS = I ) -. Applied shear force : V_Edz = 2.22 kn. V_Edz 2.22 -. ------- = --------------- = 0.006 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Vpl_Rdz 360.26 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MAJOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about major axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wply = 0.0008 m^3. -. Mc_Rdy = Wply * fy / Gamma_M0 = 185.31 kn-m. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edy/Mc_Rdy). M_Edy 4.14 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.022 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdy 185.31 [[[*]]] CHECK BENDING MOMENT RESISTANCE ABOUT MINOR AXIS. ( ). Calculate plastic resistance moment about minor axis. [ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.5 ] -. Wplz = 0.0004 m^3. -. Mc_Rdz = Wplz * fy / Gamma_M0 = 87.61 kn-m. ( ). Check ratio of moment resistance (M_Edz/Mc_Rdz). M_Edz 0.00 -. ------ = --------------- = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. Mc_Rdz 87.61 [[[*]]] CHECK INTERACTION OF COMBINED RESISTANCE. ( ). Calculate Major reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edz / Vpl_Rdz < 0.5 -. My_Rd = Mc_Rdy = 185.31 kn-m. ( ). Calculate Minor reduced design resistance of bending and shear. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.8 (6.30) ] -. In case of V_Edy / Vpl_Rdy < 0.5 -. Mz_Rd = Mc_Rdz = 87.61 kn-m. Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-57 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Code Checking Result PROJECT TITLE : Company Author Alberto Dellavalle Client File Name Untitled.acs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ midas Gen - Steel Code Checking [ Eurocode3:05 ] Gen 2013 ==== ( ). Check general interaction ratio. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.1 (6.2) ] - Class1 or Class2 N_Ed M_Edy M_Edz -. Rmax1 = ------ + ------- + ------- N_Rd My_Rd Mz_Rd = 0.022 < 1.000 ---> O.K. ( ). Check interaction ratio of bending and axial force member. [ Eurocode3:05 6.2.9 (6.31 ~ 6.41) ] - Class1 or Class2 -. n = N_Ed / Npl_Rd = 0.000 -. a = MIN[ (Area-2b*tf)/Area, 0.5 ] = 0.226 -. Alpha = 2.000 -. Beta = MAX[ 5*n, 1.0 ] = 1.000 -. N_Ed < 0.25*Npl_Rd = 509.17 kn. -. N_Ed < 0.5*hw*tw*fy/Gamma_M0 = 199.86 kn. Therefore, No allowance for the effect of axial force. -. Mny_Rd = Mply_Rd = 185.31 kn-m. -. Rmaxy = M_Edy / Mny_Rd = 0.022 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. N_Ed < hw*tw*fy/gamma_m0 = 673.22 kn. Therefore, No allowance for the effect of axial force. -. Mnz_Rd = Mplz_Rd = 87.61 kn-m. -. Rmaxz = M_Edz / Mnz_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax2 = MAX[ Rmaxy, Rmaxz ] = 0.022 < 1.000 ---> O.K. -. Rmax = MAX[ Rmax1, Rmax2 ] = 0.022 < 1.000 ---> O.K. [[[*]]] CHECK DEFLECTION. ( ). Compute Maximum Deflection. -. LCB = 173 -. DAF = 1.000 (Deflection Amplification Factor). -. Position = 1.022m From i-end(node 404). -. Def = 6.835e-005 * DAF =6.835e-005m (Golbal Z) -. Def_Lim = 0.012m Def < Def_Lim ---> O.K! Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:32-58 / 58 -

midas Gen Steel Checking Result 1. Design Information Company Project Title Author Alberto Dellavalle Design Code : Eurocode3:05 Unit System : kn, m Member No : 341 Material : S235 (No:1) (Fy = 235000, Es = 210000000) Section Name : HEA140 (No:1) (Rolled : HEA140). Member Length : 4.12000 File Name 0.133 C:\...ento_OVEST_pensilina-RID.mgb z 0.0665 0.0085 0.0055 0.0700 0.14 y 2. Member Forces Axial Force Fxx = 0.00000 (LCB: 171, POS:1/2) Bending Moments My = 35.0674, Mz = 0.00000 End Moments Myi = 0.00000, Myj = 0.00000 (for Lb) Myi = 0.00000, Myj = 0.00000 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000, Mzj = 0.00000 (for Lz) Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000 (LCB: 160, POS:I) Fzz = -34.046 (LCB: 171, POS:I) Depth 0.13300 Web Thick 0.00550 Top F Width 0.14000 Top F Thick 0.00850 Bot.F Width 0.14000 Bot.F Thick 0.00850 Area 0.00314 Asz 0.00073 Qyb 0.01515 Qzb 0.00245 Iyy 0.00001 Izz 0.00000 Ybar 0.07000 Zbar 0.06650 Wely 0.00016 Welz 0.00006 ry 0.05730 rz 0.03520 3. Design Parameters Unbraced Lengths Ly = 4.12000, Lz = 4.12000, Lb = 0.00000 Effective Length Factors Ky = 1.00, Kz = 1.00 Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors Cmy = 1.00, Cmz = 1.00, CmLT = 1.00 4. Checking Results Slenderness Ratio L/r = 117.0 < 300.0 (Memb:341, LCB: 171)... O.K Axial Resistance N_Ed/Nt_Rd = 0.000/702.762 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Bending Resistance M_Edy/M_Rdy = 35.0674/38.8086 = 0.904 < 1.000... O.K M_Edz/M_Rdz = 0.0000/18.8397 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Combined Resistance RNRd = MAX[ M_Edy/Mny_Rd, M_Edz/Mnz_Rd ] Rcom = N_Ed/(A*fy/Gamma_M0), Rbend = M_Edy/My_Rd + M_Edz/Mz_Rd Rmax = MAX[ RNRd, (Rcom+Rbend) ] = 0.904 < 1.000... O.K Shear Resistance V_Edy/Vy_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K V_Edz/Vz_Rd = 0.261 < 1.000... O.K 5. Deflection Checking Results L/ 200.0 = 0.0206 < 0.0206 (Memb:341, LCB: 163, POS: 2.1m, Dir-Z)... N.G Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:27

midas Gen Steel Checking Result 1. Design Information Company Project Title Author Alberto Dellavalle Design Code : Eurocode3:05 Unit System : kn, m Member No : 339 Material : S235 (No:1) (Fy = 235000, Es = 210000000) Section Name : HEB200 (No:2) (Rolled : HEB200). Member Length : 6.45000 File Name 0.2 C:\...ento_OVEST_pensilina-RID.mgb z 0.100 0.015 0.009 0.100 0.2 y 2. Member Forces Axial Force Fxx = 0.00000 (LCB: 171, POS:1/2) Bending Moments My = 199.582, Mz = 0.00000 End Moments Myi = 199.556, Myj = 194.811 (for Lb) Myi = -0.0816, Myj = -173.25 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000, Mzj = 0.00000 (for Lz) Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000 (LCB: 160, POS:I) Fzz = 161.239 (LCB: 171, POS:J) Depth 0.20000 Web Thick 0.00900 Top F Width 0.20000 Top F Thick 0.01500 Bot.F Width 0.20000 Bot.F Thick 0.01500 Area 0.00781 Asz 0.00180 Qyb 0.03445 Qzb 0.00500 Iyy 0.00006 Izz 0.00002 Ybar 0.10000 Zbar 0.10000 Wely 0.00057 Welz 0.00020 ry 0.08540 rz 0.05070 3. Design Parameters Unbraced Lengths Ly = 6.45000, Lz = 0.79500, Lb = 0.00000 Effective Length Factors Ky = 1.00, Kz = 1.00 Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors Cmy = 1.00, Cmz = 1.00, CmLT = 1.00 4. Checking Results Slenderness Ratio KL/r = 115.8 < 200.0 (Memb:319, LCB: 1)... O.K Axial Resistance N_Ed/Nt_Rd = 0.00/1747.95 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Bending Resistance M_Edy/M_Rdy = 199.582/143.686 = 1.389 > 1.000... N.G M_Edz/M_Rdz = 0.0000/67.9133 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Combined Resistance RNRd = MAX[ M_Edy/Mny_Rd, M_Edz/Mnz_Rd ] Rcom = N_Ed/(A*fy/Gamma_M0), Rbend = M_Edy/My_Rd + M_Edz/Mz_Rd Rmax = MAX[ RNRd, (Rcom+Rbend) ] = 1.389 > 1.000... N.G Shear Resistance V_Edy/Vy_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K V_Edz/Vz_Rd = 0.502 < 1.000... O.K 5. Deflection Checking Results L/ 200.0 = 0.0323 < 0.0452 (Memb:339, LCB: 163, POS: 2.9m, Dir-Z)... N.G Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:27

midas Gen Steel Checking Result 1. Design Information Company Project Title Author Alberto Dellavalle Design Code : Eurocode3:05 Unit System : kn, m Member No : 284 Material : S235 (No:1) (Fy = 235000, Es = 210000000) Section Name : HEB200 - pil (No:3) (Rolled : HEB200). Member Length : 3.92000 File Name 0.2 C:\...ento_OVEST_pensilina-RID.mgb z 0.100 0.015 0.009 0.100 0.2 y 2. Member Forces Axial Force Fxx = -287.75 (LCB: 171, POS:I) Bending Moments My = 0.00000, Mz = 0.00000 End Moments Myi = 0.00000, Myj = 0.00000 (for Lb) Myi = 0.00000, Myj = 0.00000 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000, Mzj = 0.00000 (for Lz) Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000 (LCB: 160, POS:I) Fzz = 0.00000 (LCB: 160, POS:I) Depth 0.20000 Web Thick 0.00900 Top F Width 0.20000 Top F Thick 0.01500 Bot.F Width 0.20000 Bot.F Thick 0.01500 Area 0.00781 Asz 0.00180 Qyb 0.03445 Qzb 0.00500 Iyy 0.00006 Izz 0.00002 Ybar 0.10000 Zbar 0.10000 Wely 0.00057 Welz 0.00020 ry 0.08540 rz 0.05070 3. Design Parameters Unbraced Lengths Ly = 3.92000, Lz = 3.92000, Lb = 3.92000 Effective Length Factors Ky = 1.00, Kz = 1.00 Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors Cmy = 0.85, Cmz = 0.85, CmLT = 1.00 4. Checking Results Slenderness Ratio KL/r = 77.3 < 200.0 (Memb:284, LCB: 171)... O.K Axial Resistance N_Ed/Nc_Rd = 287.75/1131.86 = 0.254 < 1.000... O.K Bending Resistance M_Edy/M_Rdy = 0.000/143.686 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K M_Edz/M_Rdz = 0.0000/67.9133 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Combined Resistance RNRd = MAX[ M_Edy/Mny_Rd, M_Edz/Mnz_Rd ] Rcom = N_Ed/(A*fy/Gamma_M0), Rbend = M_Edy/My_Rd + M_Edz/Mz_Rd Rc_LT1 = N_Ed/(Xiy*A*fy/Gamma_M1) Rb_LT1 = (kyy*m_edy)/(xi_lt*wply*fy/gamma_m1) + (kyz*msdz)/(wplz*fy/gamma_m1) Rc_LT2 = N_Ed/(Xiz*A*fy/Gamma_M1) Rb_LT2 = (Kzy*M_Edy)/(Xi_LT*Wply*fy/Gamma_M1) + (Kzz*Msdz)/(Wplz*fy/Gamma_M1) Rmax = MAX[ RNRd, (Rcom+Rbend), MAX(Rc_LT1+Rb_LT1, Rc_LT2+Rb_LT2) ] = 0.255 < 1.000.. O.K Shear Resistance V_Edy/Vy_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K V_Edz/Vz_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K 5. Deflection Checking Results Story Hight/ 300.0 = 0.0131 > 0.0005 (Memb:272, LCB: 163, Dir-Y)... O.K Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:27

midas Gen Steel Checking Result 1. Design Information Company Project Title Author Alberto Dellavalle Design Code : Eurocode3:05 Unit System : kn, m Member No : 424 Material : S235 (No:1) (Fy = 235000, Es = 210000000) Section Name : HEB160 (No:5) (Rolled : HEB160). Member Length : 2.30000 File Name 0.16 C:\...ento_OVEST_pensilina-RID.mgb z 0.080 0.013 0.008 0.080 0.16 y 2. Member Forces Axial Force Fxx = 0.00000 (LCB: 128, POS:I) Bending Moments My = -2.6930, Mz = 0.00000 End Moments Myi = -2.6930, Myj = -0.7853 (for Lb) Myi = -2.6930, Myj = -0.7853 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000, Mzj = 0.00000 (for Lz) Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000 (LCB: 160, POS:I) Fzz = -1.3098 (LCB: 128, POS:I) Depth 0.16000 Web Thick 0.00800 Top F Width 0.16000 Top F Thick 0.01300 Bot.F Width 0.16000 Bot.F Thick 0.01300 Area 0.00543 Asz 0.00128 Qyb 0.02135 Qzb 0.00320 Iyy 0.00002 Izz 0.00001 Ybar 0.08000 Zbar 0.08000 Wely 0.00031 Welz 0.00011 ry 0.06780 rz 0.04050 3. Design Parameters Unbraced Lengths Ly = 2.30000, Lz = 2.30000, Lb = 0.00000 Effective Length Factors Ky = 1.00, Kz = 1.00 Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors Cmy = 1.00, Cmz = 1.00, CmLT = 1.00 4. Checking Results Slenderness Ratio L/r = 56.8 < 300.0 (Memb:424, LCB: 128)... O.K Axial Resistance N_Ed/Nt_Rd = 0.00/1215.29 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Bending Resistance M_Edy/M_Rdy = 2.6930/79.2286 = 0.034 < 1.000... O.K M_Edz/M_Rdz = 0.0000/37.7218 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Combined Resistance RNRd = MAX[ M_Edy/Mny_Rd, M_Edz/Mnz_Rd ] Rcom = N_Ed/(A*fy/Gamma_M0), Rbend = M_Edy/My_Rd + M_Edz/Mz_Rd Rmax = MAX[ RNRd, (Rcom+Rbend) ] = 0.034 < 1.000... O.K Shear Resistance V_Edy/Vy_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K V_Edz/Vz_Rd = 0.006 < 1.000... O.K 5. Deflection Checking Results L/ 200.0 = 0.0115 > 0.0002 (Memb:424, LCB: 173, POS: 1.2m, Dir-Z)... O.K Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:27

midas Gen Steel Checking Result 1. Design Information Company Project Title Author Alberto Dellavalle Design Code : Eurocode3:05 Unit System : kn, m Member No : 270 Material : S235 - c (No:4) (Fy = 117500, Es = 105000000) Section Name : piatti_controventi (No:6) (Built-up Section). Member Length : 5.60772 File Name 0.08 C:\...ento_OVEST_pensilina-RID.mgb z y 0.016 2. Member Forces Axial Force Fxx = -82.205 (LCB: 59, POS:I) Bending Moments My = 0.00000, Mz = 0.00000 End Moments Myi = 0.00000, Myj = 0.00000 (for Lb) Myi = 0.00000, Myj = 0.00000 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000, Mzj = 0.00000 (for Lz) Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000 (LCB: 160, POS:I) Fzz = 0.00000 (LCB: 160, POS:I) Depth 0.08000 Width 0.01600 Area 0.00128 Asz 0.00107 Qyb 0.00080 Qzb 0.00003 Iyy 0.00000 Izz 0.00000 Ybar 0.00800 Zbar 0.04000 Wely 0.00002 Welz 0.00000 ry 0.02309 rz 0.00462 3. Design Parameters Unbraced Lengths Ly = 5.60772, Lz = 5.60772, Lb = 5.60772 Effective Length Factors Ky = 0.01, Kz = 0.01 Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors Cmy = 1.00, Cmz = 1.00, CmLT = 1.00 4. Checking Results Slenderness Ratio L/r =1231.2 > 300.0 (Memb:267, LCB: 6)... N.G Axial Resistance N_Ed/Nc_Rd = 82.205/143.238 = 0.574 < 1.000... O.K Bending Resistance M_Edy/M_Rdy = 0.00000/2.86476 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K M_Edz/M_Rdz = 0.00000/0.57295 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Combined Resistance RNRd = MAX[ M_Edy/Mny_Rd, M_Edz/Mnz_Rd ] Rcom = N_Ed/(A*fy/Gamma_M0), Rbend = M_Edy/My_Rd + M_Edz/Mz_Rd Rc_LT1 = N_Ed/(Xiy*A*fy/Gamma_M1) Rb_LT1 = (kyy*m_edy)/(xi_lt*wply*fy/gamma_m1) + (kyz*msdz)/(wplz*fy/gamma_m1) Rc_LT2 = N_Ed/(Xiz*A*fy/Gamma_M1) Rb_LT2 = (Kzy*M_Edy)/(Xi_LT*Wply*fy/Gamma_M1) + (Kzz*Msdz)/(Wplz*fy/Gamma_M1) Rmax = MAX[ RNRd, (Rcom+Rbend), MAX(Rc_LT1+Rb_LT1, Rc_LT2+Rb_LT2) ] = 0.574 < 1.000.. O.K Shear Resistance V_Edy/Vy_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K V_Edz/Vz_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:27

midas Gen Steel Checking Result 1. Design Information Company Project Title Author Alberto Dellavalle Design Code : Eurocode3:05 Unit System : kn, m Member No : 382 Material : S235 (No:1) (Fy = 235000, Es = 210000000) Section Name : UPN140 (No:7) (Rolled : UPN140). Member Length : 2.62000 File Name 0.14 C:\...ento_OVEST_pensilina-RID.mgb z 0.070 0.01 0.007 0.019 0.06 y 2. Member Forces Axial Force Fxx = 0.00000 (LCB: 171, POS:1/2) Bending Moments My = 2.00550, Mz = 0.00000 End Moments Myi = 0.00000, Myj = 0.00000 (for Lb) Myi = 0.00000, Myj = 0.00000 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000, Mzj = 0.00000 (for Lz) Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000 (LCB: 160, POS:I) Fzz = 3.06182 (LCB: 171, POS:J) Depth 0.14000 Web Thick 0.00700 Top F Width 0.06000 Top F Thick 0.01000 Bot.F Width 0.06000 Bot.F Thick 0.01000 Area 0.00204 Asz 0.00098 Qyb 0.00737 Qzb 0.00084 Iyy 0.00001 Izz 0.00000 Ybar 0.01909 Zbar 0.07000 Wely 0.00009 Welz 0.00001 ry 0.05450 rz 0.01750 3. Design Parameters Unbraced Lengths Ly = 2.62000, Lz = 2.62000, Lb = 0.00000 Effective Length Factors Ky = 1.00, Kz = 1.00 Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors Cmy = 1.00, Cmz = 1.00, CmLT = 1.00 4. Checking Results Slenderness Ratio L/r = 193.1 < 300.0 (Memb:606, LCB: 1)... O.K Axial Resistance N_Ed/Nt_Rd = 0.000/456.571 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Bending Resistance M_Edy/M_Rdy = 2.0055/23.0076 = 0.087 < 1.000... O.K M_Edz/M_Rdz = 0.00000/7.03657 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Combined Resistance RNRd = MAX[ M_Edy/Mny_Rd, M_Edz/Mnz_Rd ] Rcom = N_Ed/(A*fy/Gamma_M0), Rbend = M_Edy/My_Rd + M_Edz/Mz_Rd Rmax = MAX[ RNRd, (Rcom+Rbend) ] = 0.087 < 1.000... O.K Shear Resistance V_Edy/Vy_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K V_Edz/Vz_Rd = 0.023 < 1.000... O.K 5. Deflection Checking Results L/ 200.0 = 0.0169 > 0.0012 (Memb:604, LCB: 173, POS: 1.7m, Dir-Z)... O.K Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:27

midas Gen Steel Checking Result 1. Design Information Company Project Title Author Alberto Dellavalle Design Code : Eurocode3:05 Unit System : kn, m Member No : 247 Material : S235 (No:3) (Fy = 235000, Es = 210000000) Section Name : pilastri (No:8) (Built-up Section). Member Length : 3.42000 File Name C:\...ento_OVEST_pensilina-RID.mgb z y 0.01 0.1397 2. Member Forces Axial Force Fxx = -151.15 (LCB: 167, POS:J) Bending Moments My = 0.01205, Mz = -5.0748 End Moments Myi = 0.01007, Myj = 0.01205 (for Lb) Myi = -0.0395, Myj = 0.01205 (for Ly) Mzi = -3.6483, Mzj = -5.0748 (for Lz) Shear Forces Fyy = 23.8534 (LCB: 127, POS:J) Fzz = -0.4294 (LCB: 98, POS:I) Outer Dia. 0.13970 Wall Thick 0.01000 Area 0.00407 Asz 0.00204 Qyb 0.00423 Qzb 0.00423 Iyy 0.00001 Izz 0.00001 Ybar 0.06985 Zbar 0.06985 Wely 0.00012 Welz 0.00012 ry 0.04599 rz 0.04599 3. Design Parameters Unbraced Lengths Ly = 3.42000, Lz = 0.12000, Lb = 0.12000 Effective Length Factors Ky = 1.00, Kz = 1.00 Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors Cmy = 0.85, Cmz = 0.85, CmLT = 1.00 4. Checking Results Slenderness Ratio KL/r = 74.4 < 200.0 (Memb:247, LCB: 167)... O.K Axial Resistance N_Ed/Nc_Rd = 151.147/729.877 = 0.207 < 1.000... O.K Bending Resistance M_Edy/M_Rdy = 0.0121/37.7240 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K M_Edz/M_Rdz = 5.0748/37.7240 = 0.135 < 1.000... O.K Combined Resistance RNRd = MAX[ M_Edy/Mny_Rd, M_Edz/Mnz_Rd ] Rmax1 = (M_Edy/Mny_Rd)^Alpha + (M_Edz/Mnz_Rd)^Beta Rcom = N_Ed/(A*fy/Gamma_M0), Rbend = M_Edy/My_Rd + M_Edz/Mz_Rd Rc_LT1 = N_Ed/(Xiy*A*fy/Gamma_M1) Rb_LT1 = (kyy*m_edy)/(xi_lt*wply*fy/gamma_m1) + (kyz*msdz)/(wplz*fy/gamma_m1) Rc_LT2 = N_Ed/(Xiz*A*fy/Gamma_M1) Rb_LT2 = (Kzy*M_Edy)/(Xi_LT*Wply*fy/Gamma_M1) + (Kzz*Msdz)/(Wplz*fy/Gamma_M1) Rmax = MAX[ RNRd, Rmax1, (Rcom+Rbend), MAX(Rc_LT1+Rb_LT1, Rc_LT2+Rb_LT2) ] = 0.301 < 1.000.. O.K Shear Resistance V_Edy/Vy_Rd = 0.071 < 1.000... O.K V_Edz/Vz_Rd = 0.001 < 1.000... O.K 5. Deflection Checking Results Story Hight/ 300.0 = 0.0057 > 0.0016 (Memb:551, LCB: 163, Dir-Y)... O.K Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:27

midas Gen Steel Checking Result 1. Design Information Company Project Title Author Alberto Dellavalle Design Code : Eurocode3:05 Unit System : kn, m Member No : 560 Material : S235 (No:3) (Fy = 235000, Es = 210000000) Section Name : aste (No:9) (Built-up Section). Member Length : 1.45341 File Name C:\...ento_OVEST_pensilina-RID.mgb z y 0.005 0.0889 2. Member Forces Axial Force Fxx = -61.210 (LCB: 171, POS:I) Bending Moments My = -0.7386, Mz = 0.00299 End Moments Myi = -0.7386, Myj = 0.56808 (for Lb) Myi = -0.7386, Myj = 0.56808 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00299, Mzj = -0.0008 (for Lz) Shear Forces Fyy = 0.01693 (LCB: 59, POS:I) Fzz = -0.9782 (LCB: 171, POS:I) Outer Dia. 0.08890 Wall Thick 0.00500 Area 0.00132 Asz 0.00066 Qyb 0.00177 Qzb 0.00177 Iyy 0.00000 Izz 0.00000 Ybar 0.04445 Zbar 0.04445 Wely 0.00003 Welz 0.00003 ry 0.02972 rz 0.02972 3. Design Parameters Unbraced Lengths Ly = 1.45341, Lz = 1.45341, Lb = 1.45341 Effective Length Factors Ky = 1.00, Kz = 1.00 Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors Cmy = 1.00, Cmz = 1.00, CmLT = 1.00 4. Checking Results Slenderness Ratio KL/r = 53.7 < 200.0 (Memb:312, LCB: 2)... O.K Axial Resistance N_Ed/Nc_Rd = 61.210/270.679 = 0.226 < 1.000... O.K Bending Resistance M_Edy/M_Rdy = 0.73859/7.88654 = 0.094 < 1.000... O.K M_Edz/M_Rdz = 0.00299/7.88654 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Combined Resistance RNRd = MAX[ M_Edy/Mny_Rd, M_Edz/Mnz_Rd ] Rmax1 = (M_Edy/Mny_Rd)^Alpha + (M_Edz/Mnz_Rd)^Beta Rcom = N_Ed/(A*fy/Gamma_M0), Rbend = M_Edy/My_Rd + M_Edz/Mz_Rd Rc_LT1 = N_Ed/(Xiy*A*fy/Gamma_M1) Rb_LT1 = (kyy*m_edy)/(xi_lt*wply*fy/gamma_m1) + (kyz*msdz)/(wplz*fy/gamma_m1) Rc_LT2 = N_Ed/(Xiz*A*fy/Gamma_M1) Rb_LT2 = (Kzy*M_Edy)/(Xi_LT*Wply*fy/Gamma_M1) + (Kzz*Msdz)/(Wplz*fy/Gamma_M1) Rmax = MAX[ RNRd, Rmax1, (Rcom+Rbend), MAX(Rc_LT1+Rb_LT1, Rc_LT2+Rb_LT2) ] = 0.318 < 1.000.. O.K Shear Resistance V_Edy/Vy_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K V_Edz/Vz_Rd = 0.009 < 1.000... O.K Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:27

midas Gen Steel Checking Result 1. Design Information Company Project Title Author Alberto Dellavalle Design Code : Eurocode3:05 Unit System : kn, m Member No : 569 Material : S235 (No:3) (Fy = 235000, Es = 210000000) Section Name : tiranti (No:10) (Built-up Section). Member Length : 2.86007 File Name C:\...ento_OVEST_pensilina-RID.mgb z y 0.005 0.0761 2. Member Forces Axial Force Fxx = 66.4319 (LCB: 171, POS:1/2) Bending Moments My = 0.09190, Mz = 0.00000 End Moments Myi = 0.00000, Myj = 0.00000 (for Lb) Myi = 0.00000, Myj = 0.00000 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000, Mzj = 0.00000 (for Lz) Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000 (LCB: 160, POS:I) Fzz = -0.1285 (LCB: 161, POS:I) Outer Dia. 0.07610 Wall Thick 0.00500 Area 0.00112 Asz 0.00056 Qyb 0.00127 Qzb 0.00127 Iyy 0.00000 Izz 0.00000 Ybar 0.03805 Zbar 0.03805 Wely 0.00002 Welz 0.00002 ry 0.02520 rz 0.02520 3. Design Parameters Unbraced Lengths Ly = 2.86007, Lz = 2.86007, Lb = 2.86007 Effective Length Factors Ky = 1.00, Kz = 1.00 Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors Cmy = 1.00, Cmz = 1.00, CmLT = 1.00 4. Checking Results Slenderness Ratio L/r = 113.5 < 300.0 (Memb:569, LCB: 171)... O.K Axial Resistance N_Ed/Nt_Rd = 66.432/249.959 = 0.266 < 1.000... O.K Bending Resistance M_Edy/M_Rdy = 0.09190/5.66635 = 0.016 < 1.000... O.K M_Edz/M_Rdz = 0.00000/5.66635 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Combined Resistance RNRd = MAX[ M_Edy/Mny_Rd, M_Edz/Mnz_Rd ] Rcom = N_Ed/(A*fy/Gamma_M0), Rbend = M_Edy/My_Rd + M_Edz/Mz_Rd Rmax = MAX[ RNRd, (Rcom+Rbend) ] = 0.282 < 1.000... O.K Shear Resistance V_Edy/Vy_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K V_Edz/Vz_Rd = 0.001 < 1.000... O.K Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:27

midas Gen Steel Checking Result 1. Design Information Company Project Title Author Alberto Dellavalle Design Code : Eurocode3:05 Unit System : kn, m Member No : 425 Material : S235 (No:1) (Fy = 235000, Es = 210000000) Section Name : HEB220 (No:14) (Rolled : HEB220). Member Length : 2.30000 File Name 0.22 C:\...ento_OVEST_pensilina-RID.mgb z 0.1100 0.016 0.0095 0.1100 0.22 y 2. Member Forces Axial Force Fxx = 0.00000 (LCB: 167, POS:I) Bending Moments My = -4.1407, Mz = 0.00000 End Moments Myi = -4.1407, Myj = -1.9175 (for Lb) Myi = -4.1407, Myj = -1.9175 (for Ly) Mzi = 0.00000, Mzj = 0.00000 (for Lz) Shear Forces Fyy = 0.00000 (LCB: 160, POS:I) Fzz = -2.2160 (LCB: 127, POS:I) Depth 0.22000 Web Thick 0.00950 Top F Width 0.22000 Top F Thick 0.01600 Bot.F Width 0.22000 Bot.F Thick 0.01600 Area 0.00910 Asz 0.00209 Qyb 0.04221 Qzb 0.00605 Iyy 0.00008 Izz 0.00003 Ybar 0.11000 Zbar 0.11000 Wely 0.00074 Welz 0.00026 ry 0.09430 rz 0.05590 3. Design Parameters Unbraced Lengths Ly = 2.30000, Lz = 2.30000, Lb = 0.00000 Effective Length Factors Ky = 1.00, Kz = 1.00 Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors Cmy = 1.00, Cmz = 1.00, CmLT = 1.00 4. Checking Results Slenderness Ratio L/r = 41.1 < 300.0 (Memb:425, LCB: 167)... O.K Axial Resistance N_Ed/Nt_Rd = 0.00/2036.67 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Bending Resistance M_Edy/M_Rdy = 4.141/185.314 = 0.022 < 1.000... O.K M_Edz/M_Rdz = 0.0000/87.6084 = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K Combined Resistance RNRd = MAX[ M_Edy/Mny_Rd, M_Edz/Mnz_Rd ] Rcom = N_Ed/(A*fy/Gamma_M0), Rbend = M_Edy/My_Rd + M_Edz/Mz_Rd Rmax = MAX[ RNRd, (Rcom+Rbend) ] = 0.022 < 1.000... O.K Shear Resistance V_Edy/Vy_Rd = 0.000 < 1.000... O.K V_Edz/Vz_Rd = 0.006 < 1.000... O.K 5. Deflection Checking Results L/ 200.0 = 0.0115 > 0.0001 (Memb:425, LCB: 173, POS: 1.0m, Dir-Z)... O.K Modeling, Integrated Design & Analysis Software Gen 2013 Print Date/Time : 08/09/2013 15:27

Travi principali L orditura principale delle coperture, posta in direzione Y, trasferisce i carichi dagli elementi secondari ai pilastri verticali. Data la conformazione dell impalcato, l elemento maggiormente sollecitato è la trave centrale della zona impianti. I momenti massimi vengono registrati nella combinazione allo SLU con carico di neve come carico principale. Con riferimento all ampliamento Ovest si rileva il seguente diagramma del momento flettente. Il massimo momento positivo risulta essere pari a 198.7 kn*m, mentre il massimo momento negativo risulta essere pari a 170.8 kn*m Riportiamo di seguito la sezione trasversale del solaio dalla quale è possibile evincere che la trave in acciaio HEB200 sia collaborante con una soletta piena di c.a. di spessore pari a 10cm. La larghezza efficace b eff di una soletta in calcestruzzo può essere determinata come: dove: b 0 è la distanza tra gli assi dei connettori;

L e è la lunghezza efficace funzione dello schema statico (NTC Figura 6.3 Larghezza efficace e luci equivalenti Il caso in esame può essere ricondotto ad una trave continua su 4 appoggi, in telai controventati con luci delle campate che non differiscono per più del 60%. Il calcolo della larghezza efficace varierà nel caso si conduca una verifica a momento positivo o una verifica a momento negativo. La campata di luce maggiore ha una sviluppo di 6.45m, mentre la campata intermedia ha uno sviluppo di 4.29m, con un interasse delle travi di 4.05m. b eff. -> momento positivo b 0 = 0cm L e = 0.70*645 = 451.5cm b i = 405/2 = 202.5cm b e1 = b e2 = min (451.5/8=56.45cm; 202.5cm) = 56.45cm b eff.+ = 2*56.45 = 112.9cm b eff. -> momento negativo b 0 = 0cm L e = 0.25*(645+429) = 268.5cm b i = 405/2 = 202.5cm b e1 = b e2 = min (268.5/8=33.55cm; 202.5cm) = 33.55cm b eff.- = 2*33.55 = 67.1cm

Il momento resistente M pl,rd della sezione mista acciaio-cls viene determinato in concordanza con il punto delle NTC 2008 e con la relativa Circolare esplicativa (C4.3.4.2) ipotizzando la conservazione delle sezioni piane, considerando nullo il contributo del calcestruzzo teso ed un rapporto tra i moduli elastici dell acciaio e del cls pari a 15 per tenere conto della viscosità del cls. Figura 6.4 Schema del momento resistente per sollecitazione positiva Figura 6.5 Schema del momento resistente per sollecitazione negativa Per il progetto e la verifica delle sezioni miste si utilizzano i coefficienti parziali identificati al par. 4.3.3 del D.M. 14/01/2008: - calcestruzzo C25/30, γ C = 1,5 ; - acciaio da carpenteria S235, γ A = 1,05 ; - acciaio d armatura B450C, γ S = 1,15 ; - connettori classe 8.8, γ V = 1,25 ; La connessione acciaio-calcestruzzo viene garantita dall utilizzo di pioli metallici duttili (disposizioni e limitazioni al par. del D.M. 14/01/2008) a completo ripristino di resistenza. Le verifiche saranno condotte con l ausilio del software Profili V.6 realizzato dal Prof. Gelfi dell Università degli Studi di Brescia. Si riportano di seguito le verifiche.

Per l intera lunghezza delle travi dovranno inoltre essere previsti dei connettori a taglio in grado di trasmettere la forza di scorrimento tra soletta e putrella in acciaio, trascurando l effetto di aderenza tra le due parti. Si ha connessione a taglio completa quando i connettori, nel loro insieme, sono così robusti che la capacità portante limite della struttura è determinata dalla massima resistenza flessionale. In questo caso (η=1) un aumento del numero di connettori non produce un incremento della capacità portante, mentre una loro riduzione ne genera la diminuzione. Quando non interessa sfruttare a fondo la collaborazione tra i due materiali per ottenere la resistenza richiesta, è possibile utilizzare un connessione a taglio parziale (η<1). [Il grado di connessione η è definito dalla Circolare C4.] I pioli devono inoltre garantire un collegamento di tipo duttile per generare il momento

resistente plastico (M pl,rd ), con capacità deformativa superiore ai 6 mm. Per garantire i parametri di duttilità i pioli, su tutta la lunghezza della trave, devono avere un altezza di 76 mm, sopra la saldatura, e diametro pari a 19 mm. La resistenza a taglio di un piolo può essere assunta pari al minore tra i valori: Definendo h sc come l altezza del piolo dopo la saldatura (non minore di tre volte d): - per ; - per. Per le verifiche si utilizzano i seguenti coefficienti parziali dei materiali: - calcestruzzo C25/30, γ C = 1,5 ; - acciaio da carpenteria S235, γ A = 1,05 ; - acciaio d armatura B450C, γ S = 1,15 ; - connettori classe 8.8, γ V = 1,25. Si riporta di seguito la verifica. VERIFICA AGLI SLE La verifica di deformazione allo Stato Limite di Esercizio, per le travi composte, deve essere eseguita in fase di costruzione ed in fase di esercizio. Nel primo caso i carichi agenti derivano esclusivamente dal peso proprio (della struttura, della lamiera e del getto in calcestruzzo) e dai carichi accidentali di costruzione. Nel secondo caso si utilizza la combinazione caratteristica delle azioni G 1, G 2 e Q k. I carichi di solaio in fase provvisionale risultano essere pari ai soli carichi permanenti strutturali G1, 3.63 kn/m 2, ai quali aggiungere 0.50kN/m 2 per tenere in conto del transito delle maestranze e quindi complessivamente pari a 4.13 kn/m 2. I carichi di solaio nella combinazione caratteristica risultano pari a 9.38 kn/m 2. Si riporta di seguito la deformata della travata HEB200 dell ampliamento OVEST nella combinazione caratteristica, calcolata considerando solo la rigidezza della trave in

acciaio. Il valore massimo della freccia risulta pari a 4.85cm. Per cui la freccia in fase provvisionale può essere valutata pari 4.85cm*4.13/9.38 = 2.14cm ( L/300) < L/200: verifica soddisfatta. In fase di esercizio occorre considerare la rigidezza della sezione composta secondo le indicazioni delle NTC08, utilizzando il metodo 2 dell analisi elastica lineare descritto al par. Nel caso di specie avremo che la rigidezza non fessurata può essere calcolata con riferimento al momento nella combinazione caratteristica, il cui diagramma viene di seguito riportato. Il valore del momento flettente in mezzeria risulta pari a 140.3 kn*m. Per questo valore del momento flettente è possibile calcolare il rapporto tra il momento d inerzia della sezione composta e della sezione di acciaio, che risulta pari a 2.75. Per quanto riguarda la rigidezza fessurata, dove il momento è negativo, si considera a favore di sicurezza una rigidezza della trave composta pari alla rigidezza della trave in acciaio.

In accordo con quanto riportato al par. par. risulta possibile calcolare la freccia in esercizio considerando la rigidezza non fessurata nella parte centrale della trave e la rigidezza fessurata in corrispondenza degli appoggi per una larghezza pari al 15% della luce. Per eseguire questo calcolo è stato eseguito un modello con il software MIDAS GEN, dove la travata è stata suddivisa in conci ai quali è stato attribuito un modulo elastico pari al modulo elastico dell acciaio S235 in prossimità degli appoggi e un modulo elastico 2.75 volte superiore nella parte centrale. Nella figura che segue riportiamo la geometria del modello. Con S235 sono indicati i conci di travata con modulo elastico pari a 210 N/mm 2, con S235-cls i conci di travata con modulo elastico pari 210*2.75=577.5 N/mm 2. Riportiamo di seguito l andamento della deformata nella combinazione caratteristica.

Si ottiene una freccia pari a 2.46cm ( L/260) < L/200: verifica soddisfatta.