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RELAZIONE IDROLOGICO-IDRAULICA CASSA SCOPAIONE E SISTEMAZIONE GORA PREMESSA La rel. Idrologica si basa sui risultati dello studio condotto dall Università di Pisa, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile (Resp. Scientifico Prof. S.Pagliara) per conto dei Comuni di Follonica, Scarlino, Massa Marittima e Gavorrano per la redazione di uno studio idrologico-idraulico e di progettazione di massima delle opere di regimazione finalizzato alla perimetrazione delle aree allagabili del Fiume Pecora, Canale Allacciante, Torrente Petraia ed altri corsi d acqua minori. Nel seguito si riporta, in sintesi, lo studio citato: DESCRIZIONE DEI BACINI OGGETTO DELLO STUDIO Fiume Pecora Il bacino naturale del fiume Pecora attualmente presenta un'estensione pari a : 0.40 km² fino al casello idraulico sulla S.S. 43 Sarzanese - Valdera 3.25 km² fino alla confluenza con il fosso Vallino I suoi affluenti sono: - in destra ---------------------- fosso Sata fosso Giardino fosso Trecina fosso Rimarchigi fosso Borgognano fosso dell'acqua Nera fosso Vallino - in sinistra -------------------- fosso di Valmora Gora delle ferriere Il tratto vallivo del Pecora, dal ponte di Cannavota fino alla S.S. 43, è stato sistemato ed arginato con opere idrauliche di 2 a categoria. A valle del ponte di Cannavota, l'inalveazione è stata effettuata mediante opere di Bonifica integrale. GORA DELLE FERRIERE Complessivamente, nella situazione idrografica attuale, l estensione del bacino imbrifero chiuso a Vado all Arancio è pari a circa 2 km², mentre la lunghezza dell asta a partire dal punto idraulicamente più lontano (Poggio alla Fame, m. 435, ad est di Massa) fino a Vado all Arancio, è di. km e da Vado all Arancio in poi di km, per un totale di 1. km.

MODELLO IDROLOGICO PLUVIOMETRIA Per definire il regime pluviometrico della zona in oggetto e trovare quindi gli idrogrammi di piena relativi ai vari tempi di ritorno si e' fatto riferimento ai dati relativi alle piogge intense (t>1 ora) ed ai dati di durata compresa tra 1 e 24 ore registrate alla stazione pluviometrica di Follonica, Montebamboli, Massa Marittima, Castel di Pietra, Tirli. Per ciascuna durata sono stati raccolti i valori massimi relativi a ciascun anno del periodo di osservazione. Tali dati sono stati sottoposti ad analisi statistica utilizzando diverse distribuzioni teoriche. In particolare l elaborazione dei dati è stata effettuata con: - distribuzione di Gumbel; - distribuzione GEV (Generalized Extreme Value) - LN3 (Log Normale a 3 parametri) - LP3 (Log Pearson a 3 parametri) - P3 (Pearson a 3 parametri) Tali metodi, nota la serie cronologica dei valori assunti da una certa grandezza (in questo caso le piogge di data durata), consente di individuare sia i valori di tale grandezza corrispondenti ad un prefissato tempo di ritorno Tr, che cioè hanno probabilità di verificarsi non più di una volta in un dato intervallo di anni, sia il tempo corrispondente ad un dato valore della grandezza in esame Il valore del tempo di ritorno e' legato a quello della probabilità di superamento (probabilità che l'evento X assuma un valore maggiore od uguale ad x) dalla seguente relazione : P (X>x) = 1/Tr Il valore della probabilità di non superamento risulta: P (X>x) = 1 - P(X<x) = 1-1/Tr Nel caso della distribuzione tipo GEV i parametri sono stati calcolati con il metodo degli L- Moments (Hosking, 15). Per la LN3 e LP3 con il metodo della massima verosomiglianza, per la P3 e per Gumbel con il metodo dei momenti. Le curve di possibilità climatica sono state calcolate per diversi valori del tempo di ritorno; i risultati ottenuti sono: Tabella Curve segnalatrici per vari tempi di ritorno per le stazioni considerate. Stazione pluviometrica Tempo di ritorno parametro a n (t<1 ora) n (t>1ora) (anni) Follonica 500 5 0.53 0.25

Massa Marittima 500 1 0.5 0.45 Monte Bamboli 500 0.5 0.2 Tirli 500 0.5 0.34 Castel di Pietra 500 1 0. 0.3 Follonica 0 0.53 0.21 Massa Marittima 0 2 0.5 0.34 Monte Bamboli 0 0 0.5 0.22 Tirli 0 0 0.5 0.21 Castel di Pietra 0 2 0.5 0.35 Follonica 0 0.52 0.22 Massa Marittima 0 0.5 0.3 Monte Bamboli 0 1 0.5 0.22 Tirli 0 0 0.5 0.2 Castel di Pietra 0 5 0.5 0.35 Follonica 30 2 0.51 0.25 Massa Marittima 30 0.55 0.42 Monte Bamboli 30 2 0.55 0.2 Tirli 30 4 0.4 0.33 Castel di Pietra 30 55 0.55 0.35 Follonica 5 0.51 0.25 Massa Marittima 1 0.54 0.42 Monte Bamboli 5 0.54 0.2 Tirli 5 0.4 0.32 Castel di Pietra 51 0.55 0.35 in cui la cpc è espressa come h = a t n con t espresso in ore ed h in millimetri di pioggia. CALCOLO DEGLI IDROGRAMMI DI PIENA Per la determinazione degli idrogrammi di piena in corrispondenza delle sezioni di chiusura di tutti i bacini esaminati si e' utilizzato un algoritmo di calcolo che, per la trasformazione afflussi-deflussi, si basa sull'impiego dell'idrogramma sintetico di Clark (Clark,145). Tale metodo schematizza il processo di trasformazione afflussi-deflussi mediante un canale lineare ed un serbatoio lineare. Nel caso specifico e' stato adottato, per simulare le perdite di bacino, il metodo SCS- CURVE NUMBER (SCS, 12), che è basato sulle curve di precipitazione e perdita cumulate ed in cui in funzione del tipo di suolo, del suo uso e del grado di imbibizione dello stesso, viene calcolo istante per istante il quantitativo di pioggia che va a produrre il deflusso.

Bacino pecora (nodo j chiusura bacino) BACINO IDROGRAFICO DEL FIUME PECORA Il bacino Idrografico è stato schematizzato come riportato nella figura precedente. Di seguito sono riportate le portate nello stato attuale per le sezioni di interesse. Tabella. Portate di progetto per le sezioni di interesse sottobacino e/o nodo superficie Km 2 Q0 Q0 Q30 Q m 3 /s m 3 /s m 3 /s m 3 /s pec. 1.5 4. 2.43.0 pec 0.5..55 5. 5.51 j 0.1 354.21 330.04 2. 23.3 r 0.1 354. 32.2 2. 23.0 j..3 3. 4.51 1.1

r..4 3.1 4. 1.4 gor3.5 0.54 3. 4.51 4.02 sfioratore-gora 2.34 14.1 2.32 5.3 1.1 j.33 440.1 4.41 3.2 22.32 r.33 43.4 4.5 31.3 22.0 j 5.1 44. 433. 33.3 30.3 Gli idrogrammi di piena più significativi sono di seguito riportati: a: PEC0 D0A5A = idrogramma F.Pecora per Tr=0 anni durata pioggia ore riduzione all area =5 Kmq, situazione A (attuale). 500 450 400 350 300 Flow (cms) 250 0 0 0 50 0 00:00 03:00 0:00 0:00 :00 :00 :00 21:00 00:00 01Jan01 J RUN:PEC0D0A5 FLOW-COMBINE J RUN:PEC0DA5 FLOW-COMBINE J RUN:PEC0D0A5 FLOW-COMBINE Stato attuale (monte cassa)-tr=0 anni, durate di, e ore.

00 500 400 Flow (cms) 300 0 0 0 24:00 03:00 0:00 0:00 :00 :00 :00 21:00 24:0 01Jan01 J RUN:PEC030D0A5C2 FLOW-COMBINE J RUN:PEC0D0A5C2 FLOW-COMBINE J RUN:PEC500D0A5C2 FLOW-COMBINE Stato attuale (monte cassa)-tr=0, 500 e 30 anni anni ( durata di ore). 1 0 0 Flow (cms) 0 40 0 24:00 03:00 0:00 0:00 :00 :00 :00 21:00 24:0 01Jan01 SFIORATORE-GORA RUN:PEC030D0A5C2 FLOW-COMBINE SFIORATORE-GORA RUN:PEC0D0A5C2 FLOW-COMBINE SFIORATORE-GORA RUN:PEC0D0A5C2 FLOW-COMBINE SFIORATORE-GORA RUN:PEC500D0A5C2 FLOW-COMBINE Portate Gora per durate di pioggia di ore (critiche per Pecora).

CALCOLO IDRAULICO F.PECORA Il calcolo idraulico e stato eseguito a moto vario per le varie condizioni. In appendice 1 sono riportati i risultati dello stato attuale per i vari tempi di ritorno, mentre in appendice 2 gli analoghi risultati relativi allo stato di progetto con la cassa. Il volume delle casse resta confermato in circa 00.000-50.000 mc. Di seguito si riportano i profili longitudinali relativi allo stato attuale e di progetto. 35 30 25 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :2:01 AM Geom: att-jan Flow : Fiume Pecora Pecora Le gend Left Right 5 1...... 02 03 04 05.1 0. 1. 21. 24. 2. 2. 33. 35. 0 0 00 4000 000 000 000 3. Main Channel Distance (m) 3. 3. 40. 40.1 42. 44. 4. 4. 4. 50. Profilo longitudinale relativo allo stato attuale per Tr=0 anni (durata pioggia ore)

35 30 25 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :2:42 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow : Fiume Pecora Pecora Le gend Left Right 5 1...... 02 03 04 05.1 0. 1. 21. 24. 2. 2. 33. 35. 0 0 00 4000 000 000 000 3. Main Channel Distance (m) 3. 3.1 3.02 40.1 42. 44. 4. 4. 4. 50. Profilo longitudinale relativo allo stato di progetto per Tr=0 anni (durata pioggia ore) Pec -cons 0 def Pla n: prg-tr0 d0 2// :2 :42 AM Geo m: prg-jan Flow: Rive r = Fium e Pec ora Re ach = P ecora RS = 3. Elevation (m ) 22 Grou nd Ban k Sta - 0 30 40 50 Stat ion (m) Sfioro di ingresso (quota sfioro +1.4 m.s.l.m. e lunghezza L=40 m)

-50 0 50 0 0 0 250 300 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :2:42 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow : River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 34. 24 Le gend 22 Sfioro di uscita (quota sfioro +.2 m.s.l.m. e lunghezza L=30 m) Si riporta la simulazione effettuata tenendo conto dello scarico di fondo circolare avente un diametro di 1.2 m. La simulazione si riferisce allo svuotamento della cassa per una piena avente tempo di ritorno duecentennale. Si puo notare dalla figura l andamento delle quote nella cassa in funzione del tempo. Ovviamente sia ha una curva di esaurimento e il tempo di svuotamento risulta pari a circa 5 giorni. 1 Plan: prg-t0d0may River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 34. Stage TW Stage HW US Stage HW DS Stage (m) 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 01Jan01 02Jan01 03Jan01 04Jan01 05Jan01 0Jan01 Time Curva di svuotamento della cassa per un evento duecentennale

CALCOLO IDRAULICO GORA DELLE FERRIERE Per la gora si hanno le portate: sezione Q (Tr=0) mc/s Q (Tr=0) mc/s Q (Tr=30) mc/s Finale gora 14. 2.3 5.3 monte Pecora Le verifiche idrauliche di dettaglio sono riportate in appendice 3 per lo stato attuale e 4 per lo stato di progetto. Gli interventi di progetto risultano importanti e sono riportati nelle tavole di progetto. Viene realizzato una diversione in DX idraulica che porta le acque in eccesso nel F.Pecora, mentre prosegue nel vecchio alveo solamente la portata di magra che va ad interessare il sifone che sottopassa il pecora stesso. Di seguito si riportano i profili longitudinali relativi allo stato attuale. 45 Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :32:31 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow : Tr 30 0 0 Gora Delle Ferri Gora Le gend WS Tr 0 WS Tr 030 40 35 30 WS Tr 0 Left Right 25 0 500 00 00 00 2500 3000 Main Channel Distance (m) Gora stato attuale

Stato di progetto Viene realizzata, a valle della sez.3 una soglia di fondo e uno scatolare di dimensione 1.1m x 1. m che porta nel vecchio alveo. Esso ha la funzione di partizione delle portate in arrivo per cui le portate di magra (fino a circa 3 mc/s continuano nel vecchio alveo mentre le portate di piena vengono deviate nel nuovo alveo in Dx idraulica che porta al F.Pecora. 24.0 23.5 23.0 22.5 22.0 21.5 21.0.5 Gora-dec-inline-Final_nostro Plan: Plan 01 /4/ ::33 AM Geom: Prg-Dec-inline-final-dredged Flow: Tr 30 0 0 3 mcs River = Gora Delle Ferri Reach = Culvert RS = 1.5 Culv.03.0 1 1 2 4 0 2 4 Sezione in corrispondenza dello scatolare WS Tr 0 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 030 WS 1 cms 24 23 Gora-dec-inline-Final_nostro Plan: Plan 01 /4/ ::33 AM Geom: Prg-Dec-inline-final-dredged Flow: Tr 30 0 0 3 mcs Gora Delle Ferri Culvert WS Tr 0 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 030 WS 1 cms 22 21 0 50 0 0 0 250 Main Channel Distance (m) Schema del ramo con scatolare (in Sx)

45 Gora-dec-inline-Final_nostro Plan: Plan 01 /4/ ::33 AM Geom: Prg-Dec-inline-final-dredged Flow: Tr 30 0 0 3 mcs Gora Delle Ferri Gora WS Tr 0 40 35 30 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 030 WS 1 cms Left Right 25 0 500 00 00 00 2500 Main Channel Distance (m) Profilo di progetto della Gora delle Ferriere (nella parte terminale e rappresentato il lato in Dx) In appendice 4 è riportato lo stato di progetto. Per quanto riguarda la portata nella botte a sifone sul Pecora si ha che le portate rimangono invariate rispetto allo stato attuale anche in considerazione del fatto che esse saranno regolate da opportuna paratoia.

Appendice 1 e 2 F.Pecora : stato attuale e di progetto 1

Appendice 1a F.Pecora : stato attuale Tr0 2

50. 4. 4. 4. 4. 43. 40.1 Pecora 40. F i ume Peco r a 3. 3. 35. 34. 30. 2. 23. 1. 0 05 03 02 01 1 Some schematic data outside default extents (see View/Set Schematic Plot Extents...) None of the XS's are Geo-Referenced ( Geo-Ref user entered XS Geo-Ref interpolated XS Non Geo-Ref user entered XS Non Geo-Ref interpolated XS) 3

35 30 25 5 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: Fiume Pecora Pecora Left Right 0 00 4000 000 000 000 Main Channel Distance (m) 1... 00...... 02 03 04 05.1 0.1 1. 21. 24. 2. 2. 32. 34. 35. 3. 3. 3. 3.2 40.1 42. 44. 4. 4. 4. 50. 4

Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 3.1 Ponte Variante Aurelia valle Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 50. Montecatini 30 34 2 33 2 24 22 32 31 30 2 2 0 50 0 0 0 250 300 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 4. Montecatini 2 0 40 0 0 0 1 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 4. Montecatini 32 2 31 30 2 2 2 2 2 2 25 2 25 24 24 0 40 0 0 0 1 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 4. Montecatini 23 0 40 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 4. Montecatini 2 25 2 2 25 24 23 24 23 22 21 22 21 0 40 0 0 0 1 1 0 40 0 0 0 5

Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 45 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 44.3 BR Ponte S.S 43 2 2 2 2 24 22 24 22 0 40 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 44.3 BR Ponte S.S 43 0 40 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 44.2 2 2 2 2 24 22 24 22 0 40 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 44. ps5034 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 43. ponte caduto 32 2 30 2 2 24 24 22 22 0 50 0 0 0 250 0 30 40 50

Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 42. Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 41. sifone Gora delle Ferriere monte ps5032 24 24 22 22 0 40 0 0 0 1 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 40.5 0 50 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 40.2 IS 24 24 22 22-0 40 0 0 0-0 40 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 40.1 sifone Gora delle Ferriere monte ps5032 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 40. ps5031 controllare 24 22 22 0 50 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 250 300

Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 3. Ponte Variante Aurelia monte ps001 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 3.2 BR Ponte Variante Aurelia 30 30 2 2 2 2 24 22 24 22 0 50 0 0 0 250 300 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora Flow: RS = 3.2 BR Ponte Variante Aurelia 0 50 0 0 0 250 300 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 3. ps5030 30 21 2 2 1 24 22 1 0 50 0 0 0 250 300 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 3. ps502 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 3. ps502 1 1 1 10 0 2 2 230 240 250 20 350 30 30 30 30 400

Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 35. ps502 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 34. ps523 1 30 30 30 400 4 4 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 33. Genio 21 50 0 0 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 32. Genio 0 30 40 0 30 40 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 31. Genio 1 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 30. ps5021 0 30 40 240 250 20 20 20 20 300

Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 2. Genio Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 2. Genio 1 0 30 40 50 0 30 40 50 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 2. Genio Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 2. ps501 0 30 40 50 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 25. ponte Aurelia monte (ps002) Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 24.2 BR Ponte Vecchia Aurelia 0 30 40 50 0 0 0 30 40 50 0 0

Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 24.2 BR Ponte Vecchia Aurelia Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 24.1 ponte Aurelia monte (ps002) 0 30 40 50 0 0 0 30 40 50 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 24. Genio Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 23. ps50 30 40 50 0 10 0 10 0 2 2 230 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 22. Genio Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 21. Genio 0 30 40 0 30 40

Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS =. Genio Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 1. Genio 0 30 40 0 30 40 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS =. Genio Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 1. ps002 sezione monte ponte FFSS Ineff 0 30 40 - - 0 30 40 50 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS =.2 BR Ponte FFSS Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS =.2 BR Ponte FFSS Ineff Ineff - - 0 30 40 50 - - 0 30 40 50

Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS =.1 ps002 sezione monte ponte FFSS Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS =. Genio Ineff - - 0 30 40 50-0 30 40 50 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = Genio Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = Genio 0 30 40 50 0 30 40 50 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = ps50 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = Genio 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 30 40 50

Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = Genio 4 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = Genio 3 0 30 40 50 5 0 30 40 50 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 0 Genio 2 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 0 Genio 1 5 0 30 40 50 5 0 30 40 50 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 0 sezione di monte ponte Cannavota --Casone (ps50) River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 0.2 sezione di monte ponte Cannavota --Casone (ps50) 5 4 0 30 40 50 0 0 5 0 30 40 50 0

Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 0.1 BR Ponte Cannavota --Casone River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 0.1 BR Ponte Cannavota --Casone 5 0 30 40 50 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: 5 0 30 40 50 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 0 sezione di valle ponte Cannavota -- Casone River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 05.2 sezione di valle ponte Cannavota -- Casone 5 0 30 40 50 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora Geom: att-jan Flow: RS = 05.1 sezione di valle ponte Cannavota -- Casone 5 0 30 40 50 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora Flow: RS = 05 ps333001 5 5 0 30 40 50 0 4 0 40 0 0 0 1 0

Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 04 ps50 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 03 ps333002 5 5 4 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora Flow: RS = 02 ps333003 3 0 30 40 50 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora Flow: RS = 01 ps333004 5 4 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 40 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 00 ps333005 Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 1 5.0 4.5 2. 4.0 2. 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.4 2.2 2.0 1. 2.0 1. 1.5 1.4 1.0 0 50 0 0 0 1.2 0 0 0 300 400 500

Pec-cons0def Plan: Plan 2// :02:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 1 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 0 400 00 00 00 1

HEC-RAS Plan: att-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora Profile: Max WS Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (m3/s) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m/m) (m/s) (m2) (m) Pecora 50. Max WS 345. 2.5 2. 30.30 0.004304 2.3.0 3. 0. Pecora 4. Max WS 344. 24.21 2.30 2.22 2.05 0.0052 3.4.3 53.2 0.4 Pecora 4. Max WS 344.4 23.23 25.1 2.02 0.004 2.4.1 5.4 0. Pecora 4. Max WS 344.5 21.00 24. 24. 0.0050 2.3 5.03 0. 0.4 Pecora 4. Max WS 344.4 1.31 23.05 23. 0.003033 3.51. 3.2 0.1 Pecora 45 Max WS 344.4.3 23. 21. 23.55 0.00042 2.1 2.1 42.22 0.53 Pecora 44.3 Bridge Pecora 44.2 Max WS 344.4.3 22.4 23. 0.0010 3.5.0 3.04 0.3 Pecora 44. Max WS 344.4.40 22.45 23. 0.00443 3.2 5.23 4.5 0.3 Pecora 43. Max WS 344.45.1. 21.40 0.00150 3..52 34.4 0.5 Pecora 42. Max WS 344.45..2 21.4 0.004225 3.4.2 3.45 0.1 Pecora 41. Max WS 344. 0.000551 1. 2.33 2.0 0.40 Pecora 40.5 Max WS 1..4 0.000 2. 1.5 3.2 0.4 Pecora 40.2 Inl Struct Pecora 40.1 Max WS 42.4.3 1.3.3 0.003 2.1. 5.3 0. Pecora 40. Max WS 42.43. 1.1 1. 0.0032 1. 240.51.33 0.45 Pecora 3. Max WS 45.05. 1.1.05 1.0 0.0002 1.31 34. 3.00 0.2 Pecora 3.2 Bridge Pecora 3.1 Max WS 45.00. 1. 1. 0.00021 1.31 34.4 2. 0.2 Pecora 3. Max WS 45..5 1.1 1. 0.00253 3.41 3.5 4.5 0. Pecora 3. Max WS 45.3.33. 1.22 0.001 2.1.01 54.23 0.55 Pecora 3. Max WS 454.0.04. 1.5 0.0030 4..5 33.5 0.3 Pecora 35. Max WS 452.3.2.. 0.002524 3. 1.5 33.5 0. Pecora 34. Max WS 450..04.5. 0.004 3.50 0.2 3.2 0.5 Pecora 33. Max WS 450.40...05 0.00310 4.. 3.0 0.2 Pecora 32. Max WS 44.52..2. 0.003 4..34 3.4 0.3 Pecora 31. Max WS 44..44..5 0.00332 4.. 33.3 0.5 Pecora 30. Max WS 44.1.21..3 0.0025 3.4 3.32 34.51 0.1 Pecora 2. Max WS 0.002 3.3 3.0 3.3 0.2 Pecora 2. Max WS 0.00240 3. 2.3 40.2 0.5 Pecora 2. Max WS 0.002322 3.1 1. 3.2 0.4 Pecora 2. Max WS 44.51.4..55 0.003 2.0.00 42.2 0.44 Pecora 25. Max WS 0.0003 2.3 1.1 3.2 0.34 Pecora 24.2 Bridge Pecora 24.1 Max WS 541.52.4.2. 0.00044 2.4 1.5 3.2 0.41 Pecora 24. Max WS 523.1...4 0.002421 4.0.03 3.4 0. Pecora 23. Max WS 0.00233 3. 0. 3.3 0.5 Pecora 22. Max WS 5.22..5.3 0.0023 3..5 3.0 0.4 Pecora 21. Max WS 0.00 3. 2.4 3.0 0.1 Pecora. Max WS 0.0015 3.3 3. 3.2 0.0 Pecora 1. Max WS 44.03..04.4 0.0012 3.1 4. 3. 0.5 Pecora. Max WS 41..5..55 0.001 3.1. 3.32 0.5 Pecora 1. Max WS 40.0....51 0.00053 3.50. 45. 0.4 Pecora.2 Bridge Pecora.1 Max WS 40.0...5 0.00 4.3 1.3 3.55 0. Pecora. Max WS 0.005 3.32.53 3. 0.55 Pecora Max WS 45.4.5..40 0.00145 3.51.3 3. 0.5 Pecora Max WS 0.002 3.52. 3.5 0.0 Pecora Max WS 0.0025 3.2.0 3.4 0. Pecora Max WS 0.002403 3.3. 3. 0.5 Pecora Max WS 0.00224 3.3 2.5 3.4 0.3 Pecora Max WS 4.50 5..5.51 0.00211 3.0 2.5 3.2 0.3 Pecora 0 Max WS 4.3 0.00222 3.0 2.4 3.5 0.3 Pecora 0 Max WS 4. 0.001 3. 0.2 44.21 0.55 Pecora 0 Max WS 4.00 0.00 2.4 13. 4.5 0.4 Pecora 0.2 Max WS 4.4 0.0004 2..3 4.5 0.53 Pecora 0.1 Bridge Pecora 0 Max WS 45.3 0.002 3. 5.4 45.53 0.3 Pecora 05.2 Max WS 45.35 0.0031 3..00 45.02 0. Pecora 05.1 Max WS 45.35 5.00..05 0.000 2.31.02 4.2 0.3 Pecora 05 Max WS 41.2 0.00243 3.5 1.2 43. 0. Pecora 04 Max WS 41.21 0.002 3.05 4.4 4.52 0.52 Pecora 03 Max WS 4.4 3.1..50 0.005 3.25 4.35 44.3 0.5 Pecora 02 Max WS 4. 0.00343 4.01 1.2 42.34 0. Pecora 01 Max WS 4.0 0.4 4.3 5.4 0.00244 3.32 0. 55. 0. Pecora 00 Max WS 4.42 1.44 3.1 3. 4.32 0.052 3.2 5.0.1 1.24 Pecora 1 Max WS 4. 1. 2.2 2.32 0.000 1.05 443. 43. 0.35 Pecora 1 Max WS.2 0.0 2. 1.04 2. 0.000000 0.02 5.4 2. 0.01

Plan: att-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 50. 350 Flow Plan: att-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 3. 500 Flow 300 400 250 Flow (m3/s) 0 0 Flow (m3/s) 300 0 0 0 50 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time Plan: att-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 35. Plan: att-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS:. 500 500 Flow Flow 400 400 300 300 Flow (m3/s) Flow (m3/s) 0 0 0 0 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 1

Plan: att-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 500 Flow Plan: att-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 1 500 Flow 400 400 300 300 Flow (m3/s) Flow (m3/s) 0 0 0 0 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time

Appendice 1b F.Pecora : stato attuale Tr0 21

50. 4. 4. 4. 4. 43. 40.1 Pecora 40. F i ume Peco r a 3. 3. 35. 34. 30. 2. 23. 1. 0 05 03 02 01 1 Some schematic data outside default extents (see View/Set Schematic Plot Extents...) None of the XS's are Geo-Referenced ( Geo-Ref user entered XS Geo-Ref interpolated XS Non Geo-Ref user entered XS Non Geo-Ref interpolated XS) 22

35 30 25 5 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: Fiume Pecora Pecora Left Right 0 00 4000 000 000 000 Main Channel Distance (m) 1... 00...... 02 03 04 05.1 0.1 1. 21. 24. 2. 2. 32. 34. 35. 3. 3. 3. 3.2 40.1 42. 44. 4. 4. 4. 50. 23

Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 50. Montecatini Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 4. Montecatini Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 4. Montecatini 34 32 2 33 32 31 30 2 31 30 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 25 2 25 24 2 0 40 0 0 0 1 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 4. Montecatini 24 0 40 0 0 0 1 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 4. Montecatini 23 0 40 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 45 2 25 2 2 24 2 2 25 24 23 22 24 22 23 21 22 21 0 40 0 0 0 1 1 0 40 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 44.3 BR Ponte S.S 43 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 44.3 BR Ponte S.S 43 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 44.2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24 22 24 22 24 22 0 40 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 44. ps5034 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 43. ponte caduto Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 42. 32 2 24 30 24 22 2 2 24 22 22 0 50 0 0 0 250 0 30 40 50 0 40 0 0 0 1 0 0 24

Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 41. sifone Gora delle Ferriere monte ps5032 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 40.5 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 40.2 IS 24 24 24 22 22 22 0 50 0 0 0-0 40 0 0 0-0 40 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: Geom: att-jan Flow: Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 40.1 sifone Gora delle Ferriere monte ps5032 River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 40. ps5031 controllare River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 3. Ponte Variante Aurelia monte ps001 24 22 30 2 22 2 24 22 0 50 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: 0 50 0 0 0 250 300 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: 0 50 0 0 0 250 300 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 3.2 BR Ponte Variante Aurelia River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 3.2 BR Ponte Variante Aurelia River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 3.1 Ponte Variante Aurelia valle 30 30 30 2 2 2 2 2 2 24 22 24 22 24 22 0 50 0 0 0 250 300 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 3. ps5030 0 50 0 0 0 250 300 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 3. ps502 0 50 0 0 0 250 300 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 3. ps502 21 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 10 0 2 2 230 240 250 20 350 30 30 30 30 400 25

Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 35. ps502 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 34. ps523 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 33. Genio 21 1 30 30 30 400 4 4 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 32. Genio 50 0 0 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 31. Genio 1 0 30 40 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 30. ps5021 0 30 40 0 30 40 240 250 20 20 20 20 300 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 2. Genio Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 2. Genio 1 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 2. Genio 0 30 40 50 0 30 40 50 0 30 40 50 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 2. ps501 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 25. ponte Aurelia monte (ps002) Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 24.2 BR Ponte Vecchia Aurelia 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 30 40 50 0 0 0 30 40 50 0 0 2

Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 24.2 BR Ponte Vecchia Aurelia Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 24.1 ponte Aurelia monte (ps002) Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 24. Genio 0 30 40 50 0 0 0 30 40 50 0 0 30 40 50 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 23. ps50 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 22. Genio Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 21. Genio 10 0 10 0 2 2 230 0 30 40 0 30 40 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS =. Genio Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 1. Genio Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS =. Genio 0 30 40 0 30 40 0 30 40 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 1. ps002 sezione monte ponte FFSS Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS =.2 BR Ponte FFSS Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS =.2 BR Ponte FFSS Ineff Ineff Ineff - - 0 30 40 50 - - 0 30 40 50 - - 0 30 40 50 2

Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS =.1 ps002 sezione monte ponte FFSS Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS =. Genio Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = Genio Ineff - - 0 30 40 50-0 30 40 50 0 30 40 50 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = Genio Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = ps50 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = Genio 5 0 30 40 50 1 1 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 30 40 50 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = Genio 4 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = Genio 3 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 0 Genio 2 0 30 40 50 5 0 30 40 50 5 0 30 40 50 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 0 Genio 1 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 0 sezione di monte ponte Cannavota --Casone (ps50) Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 0.2 sezione di monte ponte Cannavota --Casone (ps50) 5 5 0 30 40 50 0 4 0 30 40 50 0 0 5 0 30 40 50 0 2

Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 0.1 BR Ponte Cannavota --Casone River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 0.1 BR Ponte Cannavota --Casone River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 0 sezione di valle ponte Cannavota -- Casone 5 0 30 40 50 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora Geom: att-jan Flow: RS = 05.2 sezione di valle ponte Cannavota -- Casone 5 0 30 40 50 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora Geom: att-jan Flow: RS = 05.1 sezione di valle ponte Cannavota -- Casone 5 0 30 40 50 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 05 ps333001 5 5 0 30 40 50 0 5 0 30 40 50 0 4 0 40 0 0 0 1 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 04 ps50 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 03 ps333002 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 02 ps333003 5 4 5 5 3 4 4 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 0 30 40 50 0 0 0 1 0 40 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 01 ps333004 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 00 ps333005 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 1 5.0 5 4.5 4.0 2. 2. 4 3 2 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.4 2.2 2.0 1. 1 2.0 1.5 1. 1.4 0 0 40 0 0 0 1.0 0 50 0 0 0 1.2 0 0 0 300 400 500 2

Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr0d0 2// :30:4 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 1 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 0 400 00 00 00 30

HEC-RAS Plan: att-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora Profile: Max WS Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (m3/s) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m/m) (m/s) (m2) (m) Pecora 50. Max WS 3.0 2.5 2.5 30.1 0.00443 2.. 1. 0.0 Pecora 4. Max WS 3.5 24.21 2.22 2.0 0.00540 3. 5.5 52.25 0.1 Pecora 4. Max WS 3.1 23.23 25.3 25.3 0.0051 2.45. 5.5 0.0 Pecora 4. Max WS 3.4 21.00 24.55 24.2 0.00 2.30. 0.45 0.4 Pecora 4. Max WS 3.3 1.31 22.0 23.44 0.0033 3.55.33 3.42 0.5 Pecora 45 Max WS 3.3.3 22. 21.2 23.2 0.0000 2.0 1.02 40. 0.54 Pecora 44.3 Bridge Pecora 44.2 Max WS 3.3.3 22.35 22. 0.005 3.4 0.5 3.3 0.2 Pecora 44. Max WS 3.3.40 22.30 22.5 0.004553 3.5. 4.35 0.4 Pecora 43. Max WS 21. 0.000 3.00 4.3 34.1 0.55 Pecora 42. Max WS 3.3..5 21.2 0.00425 3.5 3.4 3. 0.1 Pecora 41. Max WS 3.32.3..3 0.00054 1..2 0.3 0.41 Pecora 40.5 Max WS 1.0.30 0.0003 2. 4.31 1.5 0.4 Pecora 40.2 Inl Struct Pecora 40.1 Max WS 3.4.3 1.5. 0.00 2.1 3.4 2.4 0. Pecora 40. Max WS 3.44. 1.51 1. 0.004 1.3 2.30.4 0.45 Pecora 3. Max WS 4.55. 1.51 1. 1.0 0.00022 1.2 321. 1.5 0.2 Pecora 3.2 Bridge Pecora 3.1 Max WS 4.4. 1.50 1.5 0.000234 1.30 31.0 1.44 0.2 Pecora 3. Max WS 4.4.5 1.01 1.5 0.00242 3.33 4. 4. 0. Pecora 3. Max WS 1.00 0.0011 2.5 5.5 53.45 0.55 Pecora 3. Max WS 4.31.04. 1.0 0.0031 4.04 2.4 32.5 0.3 Pecora 35. Max WS 0.00253 3.. 32. 0. Pecora 34. Max WS 0.00102 3.42 2.03 3.5 0.5 Pecora 33. Max WS 4.21...2 0.00332 4.0 2. 32.42 0.3 Pecora 32. Max WS 4...1.55 0.00330 4.0 1. 33.1 0.4 Pecora 31. Max WS 4..44.43.33 0.00325 4..1 32.55 0. Pecora 30. Max WS 4..21.4. 0.002 3.5 1. 33.2 0.2 Pecora 2. Max WS 4..04.34. 0.00223 3.5 1. 34.1 0.3 Pecora 2. Max WS 0.0020 3. 1.2 3.5 0. Pecora 2. Max WS 4.03.22..51 0.002545 3.4 1. 34.35 0. Pecora 2. Max WS 0.00 2. 5.00 42.4 0.45 Pecora 25. Max WS 0.00032 2.3 15.1 3.1 0.35 Pecora 24.2 Bridge Pecora 24.1 Max WS 0.00032 2.4.1 3.23 0.3 Pecora 24. Max WS 4.03..31.00 0.00225 3. 1.4 31. 0.3 Pecora 23. Max WS 403.5.2..0 0.00220 3.2 1.50 32.1 0.3 Pecora 22. Max WS 402.5..0.3 0.0021 3.5 1.1 32. 0.1 Pecora 21. Max WS 402. 0.001 3.4 1.5 35.4 0.5 Pecora. Max WS 401..32.3.33 0.005 3.44 1. 32.50 0.5 Pecora 1. Max WS 401.53..54. 0.00121 3.45 1.35 32.3 0.5 Pecora. Max WS 401. 0.001 3.3.33 32.3 0.5 Pecora 1. Max WS 401...41.2.1 0.0004 3..5 3.43 0.44 Pecora.2 Bridge Pecora.1 Max WS 4.3..52.30 0.0004 3.3 5.0 34.41 0.1 Pecora. Max WS 4.3.4..1 0.00 3. 3.5 3.0 0.53 Pecora Max WS 0.0055 3.2.3 3.3 0.5 Pecora Max WS 4..40.2.2 0.0014 3.31 5.3 3.54 0.5 Pecora Max WS 4..52.0.3 0.00254 3.3 1.3 3.4 0. Pecora Max WS 4..23..0 0.00233 3.54.30 3. 0.4 Pecora Max WS 4..0..3 0.00221 3.45 1.3 3.44 0.2 Pecora Max WS 4. 5..54. 0.0021 3.45 1.41 3.24 0.2 Pecora 0 Max WS 4. 0.00223 3.4.1 3.4 0.3 Pecora 0 Max WS 4. 0.0014 3.0 5.00 43.0 0.55 Pecora 0 Max WS 4. 0.0022 2.5.5 4. 0.4 Pecora 0.2 Max WS 4. 0.00053 2.2 2.04 4.50 0.54 Pecora 0.1 Bridge Pecora 0 Max WS 4.3 0.0055 3.3 1.33 44. 0.2 Pecora 05.2 Max WS 4.3 5.00.21. 0.003 3..51 44. 0. Pecora 05.1 Max WS 4.3 0.0001 2. 12. 4. 0.34 Pecora 05 Max WS 4.3 4.32..2 0.00244 3.43 1.0 43.05 0.5 Pecora 04 Max WS 4.2 0.004 2.0 3.1 44. 0.51 Pecora 03 Max WS 4. 0.001 3. 3.5 43.5 0.5 Pecora 02 Max WS 4.4 2.3.02. 0.00332 3.2.45 41. 0. Pecora 01 Max WS 4.2 0.4 4.2 5.30 0.00234 3.0 4. 55.4 0.3 Pecora 00 Max WS 4.1 1.44 3.55 3. 4.1 0.03 3.55 1. 5.3 1.22 Pecora 1 Max WS 4.0 1. 2.24 2.2 0.00050 0. 432.0 4.0 0.33 Pecora 1 Max WS.2 0.0 2. 1.04 2. 0.000000 0.02 5.4 2. 0.01 31

Appendice 1c F.Pecora : stato attuale Tr30 32

50. 4. 4. 4. 4. 43. 40.1 Pecora 40. F i ume Peco r a 3. 3. 35. 34. 30. 2. 23. 1. 0 05 03 02 01 1 Some schematic data outside default extents (see View/Set Schematic Plot Extents...) None of the XS's are Geo-Referenced ( Geo-Ref user entered XS Geo-Ref interpolated XS Non Geo-Ref user entered XS Non Geo-Ref interpolated XS) 33

35 30 25 5 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr030d0 2// :33:04 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: Fiume Pecora Pecora Left Right 0 00 4000 000 000 000 Main Channel Distance (m) 1... 00...... 02 03 04 05.1 0.1 1. 21. 24. 2. 2. 32. 34. 35. 3. 3. 3. 3.2 40.1 42. 44. 4. 4. 4. 50. 34

HEC-RAS Plan: att-tr030d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora Profile: Max WS Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (m3/s) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m/m) (m/s) (m2) (m) Pecora 50. Max WS 255.03 2.5 2.54 2.3 0.00453 2. 1..3 0.2 Pecora 4. Max WS 254. 24.21 2.0 2.1 0.00422 3.2.51 50.32 0.5 Pecora 4. Max WS 254. 23.23 25.4 25. 0.00542 2.3. 5. 0.4 Pecora 4. Max WS 254.3 21.00 24.2 24.51 0.0025 2. 1.45 5.5 0.4 Pecora 4. Max WS 254.1 1.31 22.3 23.00 0.00402 3.55 1.1 35.5 0.0 Pecora 45 Max WS 254.1.3 22.41 21.53 22.0 0.00 2.3 3.21 3. 0.5 Pecora 44.3 Bridge Pecora 44.2 Max WS 254.1.3 22.0 22.5 0.000 3.1.0 3. 0. Pecora 44. Max WS 254.1.40 21. 22.5 0.00433 3.4 3.5 42.5 0.4 Pecora 43. Max WS 0.001 2. 4.54 34. 0.52 Pecora 42. Max WS 254.0..2.0 0.004302 3.51 2.2 3.21 0.0 Pecora 41. Max WS 254..3 1..04 0.0005 1. 3.53 5.0 0.41 Pecora 40.5 Max WS 3..52 1.. 1. 0.00042 2.00.55 5.51 0.4 Pecora 40.2 Inl Struct Pecora 40.1 Max WS 3..3 1.31 1.5 0.0043 2.3.1 4.4 0.2 Pecora 40. Max WS 3.. 1. 1.2 0.0002 1..0.4 0.4 Pecora 3. Max WS 33.43. 1. 1.1 1. 0.00022 1.2 2.3. 0.2 Pecora 3.2 Bridge Pecora 3.1 Max WS 33.43. 1. 1.1 0.0002 1.2 25.00.5 0.2 Pecora 3. Max WS 1. 0.0020 3..1 4.1 0. Pecora 3. Max WS 33.33.33..54 0.00142 2.3 3.3 51.1 0.5 Pecora 3. Max WS 1.0 0.00315 3.2.3 31.31 0.3 Pecora 35. Max WS 0.00250 3.53 5.42 31.3 0.5 Pecora 34. Max WS 0.0031 3.. 32.0 0.55 Pecora 33. Max WS 33.1..53.2 0.0033 3.2. 30. 0.2 Pecora 32. Max WS 33.1..25.01 0.00345 3..0 31. 0.5 Pecora 31. Max WS 33..44.5. 0.0035 4.03 3.0 31.00 0. Pecora 30. Max WS 33..21..55 0.0021 3.3. 31.4 0.1 Pecora 2. Max WS 33..04.3.43 0.0023 3.42.0 32.0 0.3 Pecora 2. Max WS 0.0024 3.2 3.1 34.24 0.0 Pecora 2. Max WS 33.0.22.. 0.00252 3.0 1. 32.21 0.0 Pecora 2. Max WS 0.00 2.4 3.1 33.32 0.45 Pecora 25. Max WS 0.000325 2.21 2.2 3.2 0.34 Pecora 24.2 Bridge Pecora 24.1 Max WS 33.04.4..4 0.000353 2.2.3 35. 0.3 Pecora 24. Max WS 33.04..3.44 0.00225 3.4.50 30.4 0.2 Pecora 23. Max WS 0.0024 3.53 5.51 31.4 0.5 Pecora 22. Max WS 33.00..5. 0.00221 3.45.5 30. 0.2 Pecora 21. Max WS 0.0024 3.41.2 31. 0.1 Pecora. Max WS 33..32.1. 0.0023 3.40.1 31.0 0.1 Pecora 1. Max WS 33...3.54 0.0022 3.4. 30.5 0.2 Pecora. Max WS 33..5.2.32 0.002 3.42.2 30. 0.1 Pecora 1. Max WS 33...0.3.25 0.000525 2. 1.2 3.5 0.45 Pecora.2 Bridge Pecora.1 Max WS 33.... 0.000 3.4.4 31.04 0.5 Pecora. Max WS 33..4.24. 0.002 2..02 3.2 0.52 Pecora Max WS 0.000 3.05 1.5 3.43 0.5 Pecora Max WS 0.00123 3.0.31 3. 0.5 Pecora Max WS 0.00255 3.41. 3.0 0. Pecora Max WS 0.00235 3.31 1. 3.2 0.3 Pecora Max WS 0.00223 3.23 4.22 3.03 0.2 Pecora Max WS 33.0 5...4 0.0022 3.23 4.33 3.2 0.1 Pecora 0 Max WS 33.0 5.2..42 0.00230 3.2 3.33 3.0 0.2 Pecora 0 Max WS 33.0 5.5..1 0.0032 2.1 1.3 41.54 0.5 Pecora 0 Max WS 33. 4.3.1. 0.005 2.51 4.4 4.2 0.4 Pecora 0.2 Max WS 33. 0.00042 2.1.4 45. 0.5 Pecora 0.1 Bridge Pecora 0 Max WS 33. 5.00..0 0.00144 3.43. 43.40 0.3 Pecora 05.2 Max WS 33. 0.004305 3.0 1.04 42.3 0.1 Pecora 05.1 Max WS 33.4 0.00055 1.4 13.32 4. 0.32 Pecora 05 Max WS 33. 0.0025 3.24 3.4 41.1 0.5 Pecora 04 Max WS 33.4 3.2..55 0.00 2. 5.3 42.0 0.50 Pecora 03 Max WS 33. 3.1.34. 0.0014 2..21 42.45 0.55 Pecora 02 Max WS 33. 2.3 5.1.34 0.00323 3.52 5. 40.5 0.3 Pecora 01 Max WS 33.4 0.4 4.5 5.02 0.0010 2. 5.34 54. 0.5 Pecora 00 Max WS 33.3 1.44 3.45 3.54 3. 0.011 3.24 3.5 3.0 1. Pecora 1 Max WS 33.5 1. 2.21 2.24 0.00034 0.1 4. 4.2 0.2 Pecora 1 Max WS.2 0.0 2. 1.04 2. 0.000000 0.02 5.4 2. 0.01 35

Appendice 1d F.Pecora : stato attuale Tr500 3

50. 4. 4. 4. 4. 43. 40.1 Pecora 40. F i ume Peco r a 3. 3. 35. 34. 30. 2. 23. 1. 0 05 03 02 01 1 Some schematic data outside default extents (see View/Set Schematic Plot Extents...) None of the XS's are Geo-Referenced ( Geo-Ref user entered XS Geo-Ref interpolated XS Non Geo-Ref user entered XS Non Geo-Ref interpolated XS) 3

35 30 25 5 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: att-tr500d0 2// :34:21 AM Geom: att-jan Flow: Fiume Pecora Pecora Left Right 0 00 4000 000 000 000 Main Channel Distance (m) 1... 00...... 02 03 04 05.1 0.1 1. 21. 24. 2. 2. 32. 34. 35. 3. 3. 3. 3.2 40.1 42. 44. 4. 4. 4. 50. 3

HEC-RAS Plan: att-tr500d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora Profile: Max WS Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (m3/s) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m/m) (m/s) (m2) (m) Pecora 50. Max WS 3.0 2.5 30.01 30.4 0.0040 3.04 0.4 5.2 0. Pecora 4. Max WS 3.5 24.21 2.44 2.40 2.2 0.00255 4.0.44 54. 0. Pecora 4. Max WS 3.3 23.23 25. 2.1 0.00335 2.4..4 0.3 Pecora 4. Max WS 3. 21.00 24. 25.2 0.0043 2.44 2.41 1. 0.4 Pecora 4. Max WS 34.40 1.31 23.3 23. 0.0022 3.4 1. 44.34 0.0 Pecora 45 Max WS 34.2.3 23.45 22. 23. 0.000 2.3 5.3 43.4 0.51 Pecora 44.3 Bridge Pecora 44.2 Max WS 3.2.3 22.1 23.45 0.0013 3.2 4.0 40. 0.5 Pecora 44. Max WS 3.0.40 22.0 23.3 0.004242 3.. 53. 0.2 Pecora 43. Max WS 3.05.1 21. 21.1 0.00 3.35 1. 35.4 0.5 Pecora 42. Max WS 3.05.. 21. 0.0040 3.. 41. 0.1 Pecora 41. Max WS 35..3.4.3 0.000532 1.3 5.2.0 0.40 Pecora 40.5 Max WS 1.35.4 0.00043 2.1 224.2 4. 0.45 Pecora 40.2 Inl Struct Pecora 40.1 Max WS 0.0023 2.1. 0. 0.4 Pecora 40. Max WS 41...04. 0.0024 1. 2.3 11.34 0.42 Pecora 3. Max WS 525...03.. 0.00011 1.33 35.3 5.35 0.2 Pecora 3.2 Bridge Pecora 3.1 Max WS 525...01. 0.00014 1.34 33. 5.24 0.2 Pecora 3. Max WS 525..5 1.50. 0.0024 3.52.1 50.1 0. Pecora 3. Max WS 525.0.33 1. 1.5 0.001 2. 15. 55.4 0.54 Pecora 3. Max WS 525.53.04 1.33.2 0.0030 4.32 2.33 40.21 0.4 Pecora 35. Max WS 525.4.2.44 1.2 0.0023 4..1 3. 0. Pecora 34. Max WS 525. 0.0041 3.3. 3.2 0.1 Pecora 33. Max WS 525.4..3.43 0.0035 4.54. 3.0 0. Pecora 32. Max WS 525.44..04. 0.00350 4.4 1. 3.3 0.1 Pecora 31. Max WS 525. 0.004403 4.3.1 33.53 0. Pecora 30. Max WS 451..21..3 0.00211 3. 3.24 34.50 0.2 Pecora 2. Max WS 450. 0.00215 3.5 3. 3.3 0.2 Pecora 2. Max WS 450. 0.002444 3. 2.3 40.1 0.5 Pecora 2. Max WS 0.002355 3.3 1.54 3.25 0.4 Pecora 2. Max WS 44.3.4..54 0.004 2.1.4 42.1 0.44 Pecora 25. Max WS 0.0003 2.3 1.34 3.2 0.34 Pecora 24.2 Bridge Pecora 24.1 Max WS 525.3.4.43. 0.0003 2.4 2. 3.2 0.3 Pecora 24. Max WS 525.3..01. 0.0030 3..35 3.4 0.1 Pecora 23. Max WS 525.3.2..1 0.00 3.2 1. 45.1 0.1 Pecora 22. Max WS 525.3..1.5 0.0011 3.3.1 3.31 0.0 Pecora 21. Max WS 525.3.50..3 0.0024 3.3 2.5 3.35 0.5 Pecora. Max WS 525. 0.0011 3.0 4.01 3.3 0.5 Pecora 1. Max WS 525.34..30. 0.001 3.0 4. 3.22 0.5 Pecora. Max WS 525.33.5..0 0.00 3.3.3 3.32 0.5 Pecora 1. Max WS 525.33...4. 0.00054 3.1 5.32 54.34 0.4 Pecora.2 Bridge Pecora.1 Max WS 525.22...01 0.0015 4.4.5 3. 0. Pecora. Max WS 525. 0.000 3.3.25 40.5 0.55 Pecora Max WS 525.22.5.02. 0.002 3.54.2 3. 0.5 Pecora Max WS 525. 0.00132 3.55.4 40.41 0.5 Pecora Max WS 525. 0.002443 3.5.30 3.34 0. Pecora Max WS 525..23.54.2 0.0022 3..0 3.5 0.4 Pecora Max WS 525..0.35.03 0.002 3.5 3.5 40.40 0.2 Pecora Max WS 525. 5...2 0.00 3.4 4.40 40.25 0.1 Pecora 0 Max WS 525. 0.003 3.2 4.1 40.5 0.1 Pecora 0 Max WS 525. 0.004 3. 4.0 45.2 0.53 Pecora 0 Max WS 525. 4.3..3 0.003 2. 10.2 50.01 0.45 Pecora 0.2 Max WS 525. 5.5..4.35 0.000 2. 1.21 4.1 0.51 Pecora 0.1 Bridge Pecora 0 Max WS 525.05 0.0051 3.5.42 4.32 0.2 Pecora 05.2 Max WS 525.05 0.00352 4.04.5 45.4 0. Pecora 05.1 Max WS 525.05 0.0001 2.40 2.53 4.2 0.3 Pecora 05 Max WS 524. 4.32.1. 0.00230 3.5 3.0 44.2 0.5 Pecora 04 Max WS 524. 3.2..2 0.001 3.. 53.2 0.52 Pecora 03 Max WS 524. 0.002 2..51 1.40 0.4 Pecora 02 Max WS 524.4 0.0034 4.1 5.3 43.04 0. Pecora 01 Max WS 524.2 0.4 5.04 5. 0.00230 3.5.3 5.2 0.1 Pecora 00 Max WS 524.1 1.44 3. 3.5 4.45 0.03 3.1 4.1.4 1.2 Pecora 1 Max WS 524.0 1. 2.2 2.35 0.00 1. 455. 43.2 0.3 Pecora 1 Max WS.2 0.0 2. 1.04 2. 0.000000 0.02 5.4 2. 0.01 3

Appendice 2a1 F.Pecora : stato di progetto Tr0 d0 40

50. 4. 4. 4. 43. 40.1 Pecora 40. F i ume Peco r a 3. cassa_scopaione 3. 35. 34. 30. 2. 21.. 05.2 05 03 02 01 1 Some schematic data outside default extents (see View/Set Schematic Plot Extents...) None of the XS's are Geo-Referenced ( Geo-Ref user entered XS Geo-Ref interpolated XS Non Geo-Ref user entered XS Non Geo-Ref interpolated XS) 41

35 30 25 5 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: Fiume Pecora Pecora Left Right 0 00 4000 000 000 000 Main Channel Distance (m) 1... 0...... 02 03 04 05.1 0.1 1. 21. 23. 24.1 2. 2. 32. 34. 35. 3. 3. 3.1 3.02 40. 40.1 42. 44. 4. 4. 4. 50. 42

Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 50. Montecatini Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 4. Montecatini 34 32 33 32 31 30 31 30 2 2 2 2 2 2 25 2 0 40 0 0 0 1 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 4. Montecatini 24 0 40 0 0 0 1 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 4. Montecatini 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 25 24 25 23 24 22 23 0 40 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 4. Montecatini 21 0 40 0 0 0 1 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 45 25 2 24 2 23 22 21 24 22 1 0 40 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 43

Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 44.3 BR Ponte S.S 43 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 44.3 BR Ponte S.S 43 2 2 2 2 24 22 24 22 0 40 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 44.2 0 40 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora Flow: RS = 44. ps5034 2 32 2 30 2 24 22 2 24 22 0 40 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora Flow: RS = 43. ponte caduto 0 50 0 0 0 250 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 42. 2 24 24 22 22 0 30 40 50 0 40 0 0 0 1 0 0 44

Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 41. sifone Gora delle Ferriere monte ps5032 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 40.5 pe 24 24 22 22 0 50 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 40.2 IS - 0 40 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 40.1 24 24 22 22-0 40 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 40. ps5031 controllare Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 3. Ponte Variante Aurelia monte ps001 22 30 2 2 24 22 0 50 0 0 0 250 300 0 50 0 0 0 250 300 45

Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 3.2 BR Ponte Variante Aurelia River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 3.2 BR Ponte Variante Aurelia 30 30 2 2 2 2 24 22 24 22 0 50 0 0 0 250 300 Pec-cons0def River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: RS = 3.1 Ponte Variante Aurelia valle 0 50 0 0 0 250 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 3.05 pe1 2 30 2 2 24 2 22 24 22 0 50 0 0 0 250 0 50 0 0 0 250 300 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 3.02 pe Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 3. ps5030 22 21 1 1 0 50 0 0 0 250 300 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 4

Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 3.5 ps5030 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 3.2 IS 21 21 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 3.1 ps5030 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora Flow: RS = 3. ps502 21 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 10 0 2 2 230 240 250 20 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 3. ps502 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 35. ps502 1 1 350 30 30 30 30 400 30 30 30 400 4 4 4

Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 34. ps523 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 33. Genio 21 50 0 0 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 32. Genio 0 30 40 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 31. Genio 1-0 30 40 50 0 30 40 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 30. ps5021 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 2. Genio 240 250 20 20 20 20 300-0 30 40 50 4

Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 2. Genio 1 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 2. Genio 0 30 40 50 0 30 40 50 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 2. ps501 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 25. ponte Aurelia monte (ps002) 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 30 40 50 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 24.2 BR Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 24.2 BR 0 30 40 50 0 0 0 30 40 50 0 0 4

Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 24.1 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 24. Genio 0 30 40 50 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora Flow: RS = 23. ps50 30 40 50 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 22. Genio 10 0 10 0 2 2 230 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 21. Genio 0 30 40 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS =. Genio 0 30 40 0 30 40 50

Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 1. Genio Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS =. Genio 0 30 40-0 30 40 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 1. ps002 sezione monte ponte FFSS Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS =.2 BR Ponte FFSS Ineff Ineff - - 0 30 40 50 - - 0 30 40 50 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS =.2 BR Ponte FFSS Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS =.1 Ineff Ineff - - 0 30 40 50 - - 0 30 40 50 51

Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS =. Genio Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = Genio - 0 30 40 50 0 30 40 50 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = Genio Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = ps50 0 30 40 50 1 1 0 0 0 0 10 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = Genio 5 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = Genio 4 0 30 40 50 0 30 40 50 52

Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = Genio 3 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 0 Genio 2 5 0 30 40 50 5 0 30 40 50 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 0 Genio 1 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 0 sezione di monte ponte Cannavota --Casone (ps50) 5 5 0 30 40 50 0 4 0 30 40 50 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 0.2 sezione di monte ponte Cannavota --Casone (ps50) River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 0.1 BR Ponte Cannavota --Casone 5 0 30 40 50 0 5 0 30 40 50 0 53

Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 0.1 BR Ponte Cannavota --Casone River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 0 sezione di valle ponte Cannavota -- Casone 5 0 30 40 50 0 5 0 30 40 50 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 05.2 sezione di valle ponte Cannavota -- Casone River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 05.1 sezione di valle ponte Cannavota -- Casone 5 0 30 40 50 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora Flow: RS = 05 ps333001 5 0 30 40 50 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora Flow: RS = 04 ps50 5 5 4 4 0 40 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 54

Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 03 ps333002 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 02 ps333003 5 4 5 3 4 2 3 0 30 40 50 0 0 0 1 0 40 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 01 ps333004 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 00 ps333005 5.0 5 4 3 2 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1 1.5 0 0 40 0 0 0 1.0 0 50 0 0 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 1 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :05:41 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: River = Fiume Pecora Reach = Pecora RS = 1 3.0 2. 2. 2.5 2.4 2.2 2.0 1. 2.0 1.5 1. 1.0 1.4 1.2 0 0 0 300 400 500 0.5 0 0 400 00 00 00 55

HEC-RAS Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora Profile: Max WS Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (m3/s) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m/m) (m/s) (m2) (m) Pecora 50. Max WS 345. 2.5 2. 30.30 0.00430 2.4.5 3. 0. Pecora 4. Max WS 344.5 24.21 2.30 2.22 2.05 0.0052 3.4.3 53.2 0.4 Pecora 4. Max WS 344.4 23.23 25.1 2.02 0.0040 2.4.1 5.4 0. Pecora 4. Max WS 344.5 21.00 24. 24. 0.0050 2.3 5.03 0. 0.4 Pecora 4. Max WS 344.4 1.31 23.05 23. 0.003031 3.51. 3.2 0.1 Pecora 45 Max WS 344.4.3 23. 21. 23.55 0.00042 2.1 2.2 42.22 0.53 Pecora 44.3 Bridge Pecora 44.2 Max WS 344.4.3 22.4 23. 0.001 3.5.01 3.03 0.3 Pecora 44. Max WS 344.4.40 22.45 23. 0.004450 3.2 5. 4.5 0.3 Pecora 43. Max WS 344.44.1. 21.3 0.0013 3.. 34.2 0.5 Pecora 42. Max WS 344.44..1 21.4 0.00422 3.. 3.3 0.2 Pecora 41. Max WS 344. 0.00051 1.1 0. 1.5 0.41 Pecora 40.5 Max WS 1..45 0.004 2.31 14.5.5 0.4 Pecora 40.2 Inl Struct Pecora 40.1 Max WS 42.55.3 1.2.30 0.0054 3.0.3 3. 0.2 Pecora 40. Max WS 42.53. 1.51 1.2 0.0053 2.01 2..5 0.50 Pecora 3. Max WS 45.25. 1.52.05 1.2 0.00024 1.42 322.0 1.1 0.30 Pecora 3.2 Bridge Pecora 3.1 Max WS 45.1.0 1.52 1.1 0.000221 1.34 342.3.5 0.2 Pecora 3.05 Max WS 45.1. 1.50 1.0 0.00022 1.43 3.0 1.4 0.30 Pecora 3.02 Max WS 45.1. 1.4 1.5 0.0004 1.5 2.0 5.21 0.2 Pecora 3. Max WS 45..5.0 1.1 0.0041 3. 1. 4. 0.2 Pecora 3. Lat Struct Pecora 3.5 Max WS 3.45.55. 1. 1.41 0.002 2.5. 4.0 0.5 Pecora 3.2 Inl Struct Pecora 3.1 Max WS 1.25 0.002 3.2 1.2 4. 0. Pecora 3. Max WS 0.004 2. 5. 52.2 0.5 Pecora 3. Max WS 1.33 0.00325 3. 4. 32.00 0.4 Pecora 35. Max WS 0.0022 3..5 31.4 0.0 Pecora 34. Lat Struct Pecora 34. Max WS 0.00223 3. 0.2 31.30 0. Pecora 33. Max WS 3.23..52.23 0.002524 3.2 1.3 30.1 0.5 Pecora 32. Max WS 3...2.03 0.0020 3.3.40 31.24 0. Pecora 31. Max WS 3..5..4 0.003444 4.0 2.2 30. 0.5 Pecora 30. Max WS 0.0022 3.51.5 31.0 0.1 Pecora 2. Max WS 3..50.1.52 0.0020 3.4. 32.3 0.1 Pecora 2. Max WS 3..34.55.30 0.00304 3.3.5 33.3 0.2 Pecora 2. Max WS 3....00 0.0033 4.01 3. 32.0 0.5 Pecora 2. Max WS 3..02.2.3 0.00044 2. 0.3 33.33 0.42 Pecora 25. Max WS 3...30..0 0.0003 2.41.4 3.24 0.3 Pecora 24.2 Bridge Pecora 24.1 Max WS 3...1.4 0.000400 2.4 3.1 35. 0.3 Pecora 24. Max WS 3....52 0.002 3.0.34 30.1 0. Pecora 23. Max WS 3..3.1.3 0.002 3.5 5.0 31.1 0.2 Pecora 22. Max WS 3.0..5.32 0.002 3..2 30. 0. Pecora 21. Max WS 0.0050 3.0 4.1 31.3 0.3 Pecora. Max WS 0.00 3.5 5.00 31.1 0.2 Pecora 1. Max WS 3.0..0.4 0.005 3.2 4.24 31.25 0.3 Pecora. Max WS 0.00 3.52.1 31.24 0.1 Pecora 1. Max WS 0.000425 2..3 3.5 0.42 Pecora.2 Bridge Pecora.1 Max WS 0.0001 3.41 1.4 35. 0.52 Pecora. Max WS 0.000 2.4.0 3.02 0.51 Pecora Max WS 0.0055 3.1 1.35 3. 0.5 Pecora Max WS 0.001 3.22.0 3.2 0.5 Pecora Max WS 3.01.35..4 0.0023 3.41 1.50 3. 0.3 Pecora Max WS 3.00.23..3 0.0023 3.44. 3. 0.4 Pecora Max WS 0.00223 3.35 1.4 3.5 0.2 Pecora Max WS 3. 5..33.0 0.0022 3.35 1.4 3.55 0.2 Pecora 0 Max WS 3. 5.2.. 0.002301 3.3 1.55 3. 0.3 Pecora 0 Max WS 3. 5.5..45 0.0003 3.01 5.2 42.30 0.5 Pecora 0 Max WS 3. 0.005 2.5 5.52 4.03 0.4 Pecora 0.2 Max WS 3. 5.5..5.3 0.00002 2. 0.0 4. 0.55 Pecora 0.1 Bridge Pecora 0 Max WS 3.5 0.00 3.54.51 44.05 0.3 Pecora 05.2 Max WS 3.5 5.00.03. 0.0040 3..5 43.51 0.0 Pecora 05.1 Max WS 3.1 0.00054 2.05 3.53 4.2 0.33 Pecora 05 Max WS 3. 0.0025 3.34 1.0 42.3 0.5 Pecora 04 Max WS 3.5 0.001 2.0 4.0 43.5 0.51 Pecora 03 Max WS 3.0 0.001 2. 5. 43.1 0.5 Pecora 02 Max WS 3.5 2.3 5..5 0.00330 3. 2.33 41. 0.5 Pecora 01 Max WS 3.3 0.4 4.4 5.1 0.002 2. 0.2 55.1 0.0 Pecora 00 Max WS 3.3 1.44 3.50 3.2 4.0 0.01 3.41 1.51 4.5 1. Pecora 1 Max WS 3.1 1. 2.22 2.2 0.0004 0. 424.21 4.5 0.30 Pecora 1 Max WS.2 0.0 2. 1.04 2. 0.000000 0.02 5.4 2. 0.01 5

Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 50. 350 Flow Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 3. 500 Flow 300 400 250 Flow (m3/s) 0 0 Flow (m3/s) 300 0 0 0 50 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 35. Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 34. 400 400 Flow Flow 350 350 300 300 250 250 Flow (m3/s) 0 Flow (m3/s) 0 0 0 0 0 50 50 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 5

Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 21. Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 1 400 400 Flow Flow 350 350 300 300 250 250 Flow (m3/s) 0 Flow (m3/s) 0 0 0 0 0 50 50 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 5

1 Plan: prg-tr0d0 Storage Area: cassa_scopaione 0 Stage Net Inflow 0 40 Stage (m) Flow (m3/s) 0-00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 5

1 Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 3. 500 400 Stage HW US Stage HW DS Stage TW Flow HW US Flow HW DS Flow Leaving 1 300 Stage (m) Flow (m3/s) 0 0 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 0

1 Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 34. 400 300 Stage TW Stage HW US Stage HW DS Flow HW US Flow HW DS Flow Leaving 0 Stage (m) Flow (m3/s) 0 0-0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 1

Appendice 2a2 F.Pecora : stato di progetto Tr0 d0 2

50. 4. 4. 4. 4. 43. 40.1 Pecora 40. F i ume Peco r a 3. cassa_scopaione 3. 35. 34. 30. 2. 21.. 05.2 05 03 02 01 1 Some schematic data outside default extents (see View/Set Schematic Plot Extents...) None of the XS's are Geo-Referenced ( Geo-Ref user entered XS Geo-Ref interpolated XS Non Geo-Ref user entered XS Non Geo-Ref interpolated XS) 3

35 30 25 5 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :25:0 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: Fiume Pecora Pecora Left Right 0 00 4000 000 000 000 Main Channel Distance (m) 1... 00...... 02 03 04 05.1 0.1 1. 21. 24. 2. 2. 32. 34. 35. 3. 3. 3.1 3.02 40. 40.1 42. 44. 4. 4. 4. 50. 4

Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 50. 350 Flow Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 3. 500 Flow 300 400 250 Flow (m3/s) 0 0 Flow (m3/s) 300 0 0 0 50 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 35. Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 34. 400 400 Flow Flow 350 350 300 300 250 250 Flow (m3/s) 0 Flow (m3/s) 0 0 0 0 0 50 50 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 5

Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS:. Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 1 400 400 Flow Flow 350 350 300 300 250 250 Flow (m3/s) 0 Flow (m3/s) 0 0 0 0 0 50 50 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time

HEC-RAS Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora Profile: Max WS Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (m3/s) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m/m) (m/s) (m2) (m) Pecora 50. Max WS 33.34 2.5 2.3 30.2 0.004342 2.2 1.3 2.3 0. Pecora 4. Max WS 33.31 24.21 2.2 2.02 0.0051 3.0. 53.05 0.4 Pecora 4. Max WS 33.1 23.23 25. 2.00 0.00402 2.4.2 5. 0. Pecora 4. Max WS 33. 21.00 24. 24.4 0.005 2.3 3.05 0. 0.4 Pecora 4. Max WS 33. 1.31 23.00 23.3 0.00304 3.51. 3.55 0.2 Pecora 45 Max WS 33..3 23. 21.3 23.50 0.00052 2.0 1. 41. 0.53 Pecora 44.3 Bridge Pecora 44.2 Max WS 33..3 22.4 23. 0.0010 3.5 4.0 3. 0.3 Pecora 44. Max WS 33..40 22.42 23.0 0.00444 3.1 3.5 4. 0.4 Pecora 43. Max WS 33.0.1. 21.35 0.00151 3..1 34. 0.5 Pecora 42. Max WS 33.0.. 21.43 0.0042 3.4.04 3.25 0.2 Pecora 41. Max WS 0.00053 1.0 1.0 1.5 0.41 Pecora 40.5 Max WS 4..52. 1.1.42 0.00 2.30 12.1.52 0.4 Pecora 40.2 Inl Struct Pecora 40.1 Max WS 4.0.3 1..2 0.000 3.0.4 3.3 0.2 Pecora 40. Max WS 4.0. 1.4 1. 0.004 2.01. 5.41 0.50 Pecora 3. Max WS 44.02. 1.4.04 1.5 0.0002 1.41 3. 1.3 0.30 Pecora 3.2 Bridge Pecora 3.1 Max WS 44.02.0 1.4 1.5 0.000222 1.33 33.22.32 0.2 Pecora 3.05 Max WS 44.01. 1.4 1.5 0.00023 1.42 3. 1.24 0.30 Pecora 3.02 Max WS 44.01. 1.43 1.5 0.0004 1.5 25.3 5.0 0.2 Pecora 3. Max WS 44..5. 1.5 0.004 3. 1.50 4. 0.2 Pecora 3. Lat Struct Pecora 3.5 Max WS 1.3 1.3 0.0033 2.4.40 4.3 0.5 Pecora 3.2 Inl Struct Pecora 3.1 Max WS 31.4.55. 1.22 0.00222 3.2 1.3 4. 0. Pecora 3. Max WS 0.005 2. 3.53 52.1 0.5 Pecora 3. Max WS 1.2 0.00321 3. 3.1 31. 0.4 Pecora 35. Max WS 0.0022 3..5 31.55 0. Pecora 34. Lat Struct Pecora 34. Max WS 0.00225 3.5. 31.1 0. Pecora 33. Max WS 31.4..4.1 0.0025 3.0 0.34 30.0 0.5 Pecora 32. Max WS 31.4..24. 0.002 3.2.32 31. 0. Pecora 31. Max WS 0.00345 4.0 1. 30. 0. Pecora 30. Max WS 31.4.21..1 0.0021 3.4.43 31. 0.1 Pecora 2. Max WS 31.4.50..4 0.0023 3.45.5 32.1 0.1 Pecora 2. Max WS 0.0030 3.2.25 33.5 0.2 Pecora 2. Max WS 31.4... 0.0034 4.01 2.5 31.0 0.5 Pecora 2. Max WS 0.0004 2..3 33.22 0.42 Pecora 25. Max WS 31.4..25.4.55 0.0003 2.40 4.3 3. 0.3 Pecora 24.2 Bridge Pecora 24.1 Max WS 31.45...45 0.0003 2.45 1.4 35. 0.3 Pecora 24. Max WS 31.45..4.4 0.002 3.. 30.51 0. Pecora 23. Max WS 31.45.3..31 0.003 3.55 4.1 31.0 0.2 Pecora 22. Max WS 31.45..55.2 0.0022 3..4 30.5 0. Pecora 21. Max WS 0.004 3.5 3.3 31.2 0.3 Pecora. Max WS 0.0030 3.5 3.1 31.0 0.3 Pecora 1. Max WS 31.44..02. 0.001 3.1 2. 31. 0.4 Pecora. Max WS 31.44.3..51 0.001 3.52 5.3 31. 0.1 Pecora 1. Max WS 31.44.0..1.44 0.000425 2. 5.21 3.43 0.42 Pecora.2 Bridge Pecora.1 Max WS 0.00055 3.3. 35. 0.51 Pecora. Max WS 0.00 2.3. 3.2 0.51 Pecora Max WS 0.0051 3.1.23 3.02 0.5 Pecora Max WS 0.0015 3. 1.4 3.2 0.5 Pecora Max WS 0.0023 3.40.40 3. 0.3 Pecora Max WS 0.0023 3.42.5 3. 0.4 Pecora Max WS 0.00223 3.34 1.33 3.5 0.2 Pecora Max WS 31.41 5..30. 0.00221 3.34 1.32 3.45 0.2 Pecora 0 Max WS 31.41 0.00230 3.3 1.3 3. 0.3 Pecora 0 Max WS 31.41 5.5..42 0.00 3.00 3. 42.1 0.5 Pecora 0 Max WS 31.41 0.002 2.5 3.2 4.2 0.4 Pecora 0.2 Max WS 31.41 0.0000 2..2 4.5 0.55 Pecora 0.1 Bridge Pecora 0 Max WS 31.40 5.00.. 0.00103 3.52 5.3 43. 0.3 Pecora 05.2 Max WS 31.3 0.0041 3..43 43.42 0.0 Pecora 05.1 Max WS 31.3 0.00050 2.04 2. 4. 0.33 Pecora 05 Max WS 31.3 0.0025 3.33 1.3 42.2 0.5 Pecora 04 Max WS 31.3 3.2.3. 0.00 2. 3.4 43.50 0.51 Pecora 03 Max WS 31.34 3.1.52. 0.0014 2. 4.2 43.0 0.5 Pecora 02 Max WS 31.33 2.3 5.5.53 0.0032 3. 1.45 41.0 0.4 Pecora 01 Max WS 31.32 0.4 4.3 5. 0.002 2..0 55. 0.0 Pecora 00 Max WS 31.32 1.44 3.50 3.1 4.0 0.02 3.3.1 4.1 1.

HEC-RAS Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora Profile: Max WS (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (m3/s) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m/m) (m/s) (m2) (m) Pecora 1 Max WS 31.31 1. 2.22 2.2 0.00030 0. 423.1 4.3 0.30 Pecora 1 Max WS.2 0.0 2. 1.04 2. 0.000000 0.02 5.4 2. 0.01

Appendice 2a3 F.Pecora : stato di progetto Tr0 d

50. 4. 4. 4. 4. 43. 40.1 Pecora 40. F i ume Peco r a 3. cassa_scopaione 3. 35. 34. 30. 2. 21.. 05.2 05 03 02 01 1 Some schematic data outside default extents (see View/Set Schematic Plot Extents...) None of the XS's are Geo-Referenced ( Geo-Ref user entered XS Geo-Ref interpolated XS Non Geo-Ref user entered XS Non Geo-Ref interpolated XS) 0

35 30 25 5 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d 2// :2:22 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: Fiume Pecora Pecora Left Right 0 00 4000 000 000 000 Main Channel Distance (m) 1... 00...... 02 03 04 05.1 0.1 1. 21. 24. 2. 2. 32. 34. 35. 3. 3. 3.1 3.02 40. 40.1 42. 44. 4. 4. 4. 50. 1

HEC-RAS Plan: prg-tr0d River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora Profile: Max WS Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (m3/s) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m/m) (m/s) (m2) (m) Pecora 50. Max WS 2. 2.5 2. 30.0 0.004 2.3 1. 0.33 0.1 Pecora 4. Max WS 2. 24.21 2. 2. 0.0053 3.50 1.5 51.3 0. Pecora 4. Max WS 2.0 23.23 25.5 25.5 0.0053 2.40.2 5.43 0.2 Pecora 4. Max WS 2.00 21.00 24.43 24. 0.004 2.22.5 0.0 0.4 Pecora 4. Max WS 25. 1.31 22.5 23.23 0.00334 3.5 0.21 3.22 0. Pecora 45 Max WS 25..3 22. 21. 23.05 0.0005 2. 2. 3. 0.55 Pecora 44.3 Bridge Pecora 44.2 Max WS 25..3 22.22 22. 0.003 3.33 5. 3.4 0.1 Pecora 44. Max WS 25..40 22. 22. 0.0042 3.52 1. 45.33 0.4 Pecora 43. Max WS 25..1.2 21.04 0.0012 2. 0.02 34.42 0.54 Pecora 42. Max WS 25...44 21. 0.00420 3.3.1 3.03 0.1 Pecora 41. Max WS 0.0005 1.2..30 0.41 Pecora 40.5 Max WS 35..52 1.2 1.01. 0.000 2. 10.5.1 0.4 Pecora 40.2 Inl Struct Pecora 40.1 Max WS 35.0.3 1.4 1.5 0.00 3.0 1.3 55.0 0. Pecora 40. Max WS 35.0. 1. 1.40 0.0050 2.01 1.32 1.2 0.4 Pecora 3. Max WS 3.4. 1.21 1.0 1.31 0.0002 1.3 2..35 0.31 Pecora 3.2 Bridge Pecora 3.1 Max WS 3.2.0 1.22 1.30 0.000230 1.2 300.2.3 0.2 Pecora 3.05 Max WS 3.2. 1.1 1.2 0.00030 1.3 2..21 0.31 Pecora 3.02 Max WS 3.1. 1.1 1.2 0.000445 1.4 20.23 3.3 0.2 Pecora 3. Max WS 1.24 0.0033 3.2 2. 45.3 0.0 Pecora 3. Lat Struct Pecora 3.5 Max WS 321..55. 1. 1.0 0.002 2.4 1.23 4.4 0.5 Pecora 3.2 Inl Struct Pecora 3.1 Max WS 321..55.42.3 0.002 3.1 1.5 45.2 0. Pecora 3. Max WS 321..33.0.45 0.001 2.0.21 51.0 0.5 Pecora 3. Max WS 321. 0.0034 3. 5.3 30. 0.2 Pecora 35. Max WS 0.002355 3.3 3.2 31.1 0.3 Pecora 34. Lat Struct Pecora 34. Max WS 33..04.52. 0.00235 3.5 3. 30.5 0. Pecora 33. Max WS 33.4..30. 0.00243 3.5 4. 2.54 0.4 Pecora 32. Max WS 33.4..05. 0.0022 3.2 1.3 30.5 0. Pecora 31. Max WS 33.4.5..5 0.003530 3. 5. 30. 0. Pecora 30. Max WS 33.4.21..3 0.002 3.3 0.1 30. 0.0 Pecora 2. Max WS 33.2.50..25 0.0023 3.3 1.0 31.3 0.0 Pecora 2. Max WS 0.003221 3. 0.0 32. 0.3 Pecora 2. Max WS 33.1..0.1 0.00344 4.00 5.0 31.0 0. Pecora 2. Max WS 33..02..30 0.0004 2.0 0.4 32.5 0.41 Pecora 25. Max WS 33.....2 0.0003 2.34 5.3 35.4 0.3 Pecora 24.2 Bridge Pecora 24.1 Max WS 33...2.21 0.00030 2.3 3. 35.31 0.3 Pecora 24. Max WS 33...53.23 0.0022 3.1 1.5 2. 0. Pecora 23. Max WS 33..3.45.0 0.005 3.4.5 31. 0.3 Pecora 22. Max WS 33...32.02 0.00221 3.1 1.5 30. 0. Pecora 21. Max WS 33..4.1.0 0.00133 3.54.0 30. 0.4 Pecora. Max WS 33..34..1 0.001 3.54.01 30.4 0.4 Pecora 1. Max WS 33....42 0.0002 3.5 4.5 30.45 0.5 Pecora. Max WS 33..3.0.22 0.0041 3.50.03 30.40 0.3 Pecora 1. Max WS 33..0.3.4. 0.00042 2. 1.1 3.3 0.42 Pecora.2 Bridge Pecora.1 Max WS 0.0001 3..05 35. 0.50 Pecora. Max WS 0.0041 2.3 1.0 3.32 0.50 Pecora Max WS 0.002 3.0 1. 3.44 0.5 Pecora Max WS 0.00152 3..3 3. 0.5 Pecora Max WS 33.3.35..23 0.00230 3.30 3.0 3.23 0.2 Pecora Max WS 0.00235 3.32 2.2 3.31 0.3 Pecora Max WS 0.00223 3.24 4.2 3.0 0.2 Pecora Max WS 33.1 5... 0.0022 3.24 4.1 3. 0.1 Pecora 0 Max WS 33.1 5.2..44 0.00230 3.2 3.1 3. 0.2 Pecora 0 Max WS 33.1 5.5..21 0.0031 2.2 1.32 41.0 0.5 Pecora 0 Max WS 33.1 4.3.3. 0.005 2.51 5.24 4.32 0.4 Pecora 0.2 Max WS 33.1 0.0003 2.2 1.2 45.3 0.55 Pecora 0.1 Bridge Pecora 0 Max WS 33.0 0.00140 3.44.3 43.45 0.3 Pecora 05.2 Max WS 33.0 0.0042 3.1 1. 42. 0.1 Pecora 05.1 Max WS 33. 5.00..30 0.0005 1.5 14. 4.3 0.32 Pecora 05 Max WS 33.5 0.00253 3.25 4.3 41. 0.5 Pecora 04 Max WS 33.2 3.2..5 0.00 2.. 42. 0.50 Pecora 03 Max WS 33. 3.1.3. 0.0015 2.. 42.51 0.55 Pecora 02 Max WS 33. 2.3 5.2.35 0.003243 3.53.1 40.2 0.3 Pecora 01 Max WS 33. 0.4 4. 5.03 0.001 2.0 5.3 54.0 0.5 Pecora 00 Max WS 33. 1.44 3.4 3.55 4.00 0.012 3.2 4.2 3. 1. 2

HEC-RAS Plan: prg-tr0d River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora Profile: Max WS (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (m3/s) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m/m) (m/s) (m2) (m) Pecora 1 Max WS 33.4 1. 2.21 2.24 0.00043 0.1 4. 4.3 0.2 Pecora 1 Max WS.2 0.0 2. 1.04 2. 0.000000 0.02 5.4 2. 0.01 3

Appendice 2b F.Pecora : stato di progetto Tr0 4

50. 4. 4. 4. 43. 40.1 Pecora 40. F i ume Peco r a 3. cassa_scopaione 3. 35. 34. 30. 2. 21.. 05.2 05 03 02 01 1 Some schematic data outside default extents (see View/Set Schematic Plot Extents...) None of the XS's are Geo-Referenced ( Geo-Ref user entered XS Geo-Ref interpolated XS Non Geo-Ref user entered XS Non Geo-Ref interpolated XS) 5

35 30 25 5 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr0d0 2// :3:23 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: Fiume Pecora Pecora Left Right 0 00 4000 000 000 000 Main Channel Distance (m) 1... 00...... 02 03 04 05.1 0.1 1. 21. 24. 2. 2. 32. 34. 35. 3. 3. 3.1 3.02 40. 40.1 42. 44. 4. 4. 4. 50.

HEC-RAS Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora Profile: Max WS Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (m3/s) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m/m) (m/s) (m2) (m) Pecora 50. Max WS 3.0 2.5 2.5 30.1 0.00443 2.. 1. 0.0 Pecora 4. Max WS 3.5 24.21 2.22 2.0 0.00540 3. 5.5 52.25 0.1 Pecora 4. Max WS 3.1 23.23 25.3 25.3 0.0051 2.45. 5.5 0.0 Pecora 4. Max WS 3.4 21.00 24.55 24.2 0.00 2.30. 0.45 0.4 Pecora 4. Max WS 3.3 1.31 22.0 23.44 0.0033 3.55.33 3.42 0.5 Pecora 45 Max WS 3.3.3 22. 21.2 23.2 0.0000 2.0 1.04 40. 0.54 Pecora 44.3 Bridge Pecora 44.2 Max WS 3.3.3 22.35 22. 0.005 3.4 0.4 3.35 0.2 Pecora 44. Max WS 3.3.40 22.30 22.5 0.00455 3.5.5 4.34 0.4 Pecora 43. Max WS 21. 0.005 3.01 4.2 34.1 0.55 Pecora 42. Max WS 3.3..5 21.2 0.004301 3.5 3.54 3. 0.1 Pecora 41. Max WS 0.0005 1..5 0.1 0.41 Pecora 40.5 Max WS 1..2 0.00 2.24 1..32 0.4 Pecora 40.2 Inl Struct Pecora 40.1 Max WS 3.53.3 1.. 0.00 0.1 Pecora 40. Max WS 3.52. 1.35 1.5 0.00 2.01 13.2 1.51 0.4 Pecora 3. Max WS 4.. 1.3 1. 1.4 0.00023 1.3 300.3 0.4 0.30 Pecora 3.2 Bridge Pecora 3.1 Max WS 4.2.0 1.3 1.45 0.000224 1.30 3.3.23 0.2 Pecora 3.05 Max WS 4.2. 1.34 1.44 0.00022 1.3 2. 0.32 0.31 Pecora 3.02 Max WS 4.1. 1.31 1.43 0.000454 1.52 23. 4.51 0.2 Pecora 3. Max WS 4.1.5. 1.41 0.00401 3.4.2 4.2 0.1 Pecora 3. Lat Struct Pecora 3.5 Max WS 1. 1.24 0.00 2. 1.22 4.3 0.5 Pecora 3.2 Inl Struct Pecora 3.1 Max WS 1.0 0.0023 3.22.5 4.25 0. Pecora 3. Max WS 0.0010 2.4.2 52. 0.5 Pecora 3. Max WS 1. 0.0032 3..21 31.40 0.4 Pecora 35. Max WS 0.0024 3. 2.0 31.04 0.0 Pecora 34. Lat Struct Pecora 34. Max WS 0.00233 3. 4.54 30.3 0. Pecora 33. Max WS 34.23..34.01 0.002500 3.2.00 2. 0.4 Pecora 32. Max WS 34.21..0.1 0.0022 3.4 2.4 30. 0. Pecora 31. Max WS 34..5.0.2 0.0035 4.01.5 30.30 0. Pecora 30. Max WS 34..21.3.43 0.0021 3.42 1.2 31. 0.0 Pecora 2. Max WS 34..50.2.30 0.0023 3.3 2.5 32.0 0.0 Pecora 2. Max WS 0.00315 3. 1.1 33.01 0.2 Pecora 2. Max WS 34.1..5. 0.0035 4.00.0 31.25 0. Pecora 2. Max WS 34..02.02.3 0.0004 2.1 2.2 32.3 0.41 Pecora 25. Max WS 34...05.2.33 0.0003 2.35.53 35.3 0.3 Pecora 24.2 Bridge Pecora 24.1 Max WS 34....2 0.00032 2.3 5.5 35.43 0.3 Pecora 24. Max WS 34...5.2 0.00212 3.3 3.0 30.0 0. Pecora 23. Max WS 34..3.50. 0.00 3.50.1 31.2 0.3 Pecora 22. Max WS 34...3.0 0.0022 3.3 3. 30.31 0. Pecora 21. Max WS 34..4.22. 0.0011 3.55.1 30. 0.4 Pecora. Max WS 34..34.03. 0.00 3.55.2 30.0 0.3 Pecora 1. Max WS 34.0..2.4 0.001 3.0.4 30.0 0.5 Pecora. Max WS 34..3..2 0.00 3.51.4 30.5 0.2 Pecora 1. Max WS 34.0.0...22 0.00042 2. 1. 3. 0.42 Pecora.2 Bridge Pecora.1 Max WS 0.0002 3.25. 35.31 0.50 Pecora. Max WS 0.004 2.5 1. 3.4 0.51 Pecora Max WS 0.0035 3.0 1.25 3.5 0.5 Pecora Max WS 34.04.40..3 0.00155 3. 1.0 3.2 0.5 Pecora Max WS 0.00230 3.32 4.54 3.3 0.2 Pecora Max WS 0.0023 3.35 3.0 3.44 0.3 Pecora Max WS 0.00223 3.2.2 3.21 0.2 Pecora Max WS 34.03 5..1.1 0.0022 3.2.35 3.01 0.1 Pecora 0 Max WS 34.03 0.0023 3.2 5.35 3.24 0.3 Pecora 0 Max WS 34.02 0.002 2.4 1.00 41.3 0.5 Pecora 0 Max WS 34.02 4.3..1 0.004 2.53. 4.45 0.4 Pecora 0.2 Max WS 34.02 5.5..3. 0.00034 2.3 2.53 4.0 0.55 Pecora 0.1 Bridge Pecora 0 Max WS 34. 0.00131 3.4 0.2 43.5 0.3 Pecora 05.2 Max WS 34. 5.00..5 0.004243 3.2 3.24 43.01 0.1 Pecora 05.1 Max WS 34. 5.00..34 0.00052 1. 15. 4.1 0.32 Pecora 05 Max WS 34.1 4.32.33. 0.002553 3.2.22 41.1 0.5 Pecora 04 Max WS 34.0 0.000 2.1. 43.0 0.50 Pecora 03 Max WS 34. 0.001 2.0.4 42.4 0.55 Pecora 02 Max WS 34.1 2.3 5.5.3 0.003254 3.5.40 40.3 0.3 Pecora 01 Max WS 34. 0.4 4. 5.0 0.002 2.4.0 54.5 0.5 Pecora 00 Max WS 34. 1.44 3.4 3.5 4.02 0.01 3.2 5.4 4.0 1.

HEC-RAS Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora Profile: Max WS (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (m3/s) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m/m) (m/s) (m2) (m) Pecora 1 Max WS 34. 1. 2.21 2.25 0.0002 0.3 4.2 4. 0.2 Pecora 1 Max WS.2 0.0 2. 1.04 2. 0.000000 0.02 5.4 2. 0.01

1 Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 3. 500 400 Stage HW US Stage HW DS Stage TW Flow HW US Flow HW DS Flow Leaving 1 300 Stage (m) Flow (m3/s) 0 0 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time

Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 34. 1 350 Stage TW Stage HW US 300 Stage HW DS Flow HW US Flow HW DS 250 Flow Leaving 0 Stage (m) 0 Flow (m3/s) 0 50 0-50 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 0

Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 50. Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 1 350 350 Flow Flow 300 300 250 250 Flow (m3/s) 0 0 Flow (m3/s) 0 0 0 0 50 50 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 34. Plan: prg-tr0d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 3. 350 500 Flow Flow 300 400 250 Flow (m3/s) 0 0 Flow (m3/s) 300 0 0 0 50 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 1

Appendice 2c F.Pecora : stato di progetto Tr30 2

50. 4. 4. 4. 43. 40.1 Pecora 40. F i ume Peco r a 3. cassa_scopaione 3. 35. 34. 30. 2. 21.. 05.2 05 03 02 01 1 Some schematic data outside default extents (see View/Set Schematic Plot Extents...) None of the XS's are Geo-Referenced ( Geo-Ref user entered XS Geo-Ref interpolated XS Non Geo-Ref user entered XS Non Geo-Ref interpolated XS) 3

35 30 25 5 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr030d0 2// :40:35 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: Fiume Pecora Pecora Left Right 0 00 4000 000 000 000 Main Channel Distance (m) 1... 00...... 02 03 04 05.1 0.1 1. 21. 24. 2. 2. 32. 34. 35. 3. 3. 3.1 3.02 40. 40.1 42. 44. 4. 4. 4. 50. 4

HEC-RAS Plan: prg-tr030d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora Profile: Max WS Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (m3/s) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m/m) (m/s) (m2) (m) Pecora 50. Max WS 255.03 2.5 2.54 2.3 0.00453 2. 1..3 0.2 Pecora 4. Max WS 254. 24.21 2.0 2.1 0.00422 3.2.51 50.32 0.5 Pecora 4. Max WS 254. 23.23 25.4 25. 0.00542 2.3. 5. 0.4 Pecora 4. Max WS 254.3 21.00 24.2 24.51 0.0025 2. 1.45 5.5 0.4 Pecora 4. Max WS 254.1 1.31 22.3 23.00 0.00402 3.55 1.1 35.5 0.0 Pecora 45 Max WS 254.1.3 22.41 21.53 22.0 0.00 2.3 3.21 3. 0.5 Pecora 44.3 Bridge Pecora 44.2 Max WS 254.1.3 22.0 22.5 0.0005 3.1.2 3. 0. Pecora 44. Max WS 254.1.40 21. 22.0 0.0042 3.4 3.0 42.5 0.4 Pecora 43. Max WS 0.003 2. 4. 34.1 0.52 Pecora 42. Max WS 254.0..2.0 0.0042 3.50 2. 3.23 0.0 Pecora 41. Max WS 254..3 1..05 0.0005 1. 4.24 5.23 0.41 Pecora 40.5 Max WS 3..52 1.. 1. 0.00 2.0.3 5.4 0.45 Pecora 40.2 Inl Struct Pecora 40.1 Max WS 3..3 1.2 1.2 0.00 2. 5.5 4.1 0.3 Pecora 40. Max WS 3.. 1.02 1.21 0.004 1..42.53 0.4 Pecora 3. Max WS 33.4. 1.03 1.1 1. 0.00031 1.33 254.21. 0.31 Pecora 3.2 Bridge Pecora 3.1 Max WS 33.45.0 1.03 1. 0.00023 1.23 25.31 5.33 0.2 Pecora 3.05 Max WS 33.44. 1.01 1. 0.000330 1.34 251.5.5 0.32 Pecora 3.02 Max WS 33.44.. 1.0 0.000433 1.3 243.5 2. 0.2 Pecora 3. Max WS 1.02 0.003 3.55 5. 43.44 0. Pecora 3. Lat Struct Pecora 3.5 Max WS 1.51. 0.00214 2. 4.3 4.5 0.5 Pecora 3.2 Inl Struct Pecora 3.1 Max WS 0.0020 3.0 4.2 43. 0. Pecora 3. Max WS 21.21.33 1.1.2 0.0052 2.4 1.44 50. 0.5 Pecora 3. Max WS 21..04.00.0 0.0033 3.0. 30.22 0.3 Pecora 35. Max WS 21..2..4 0.0024 3.5 1.25 2. 0. Pecora 34. Lat Struct Pecora 34. Max WS 21..04..2 0.0023 3.4 3. 2.2 0. Pecora 33. Max WS 21...00.5 0.00242 3.3 5.4 2. 0.3 Pecora 32. Max WS 21.0..4.3 0.00223 3.54 2.1 2.5 0. Pecora 31. Max WS 0.0030 3.3.02 2.1 0. Pecora 30. Max WS 0.005 3.21 0.2 2.0 0.5 Pecora 2. Max WS 0.0022 3.1 1.31 30. 0.5 Pecora 2. Max WS 21.0.34..5 0.003332 3.5. 31.3 0.3 Pecora 2. Max WS 21.0..5.33 0.003 3.0 4.1 2.5 0. Pecora 2. Max WS 0.000 2.45.04 31.0 0.40 Pecora 25. Max WS 21.05..2.43. 0.00033 2. 2.30 34.55 0.3 Pecora 24.2 Bridge Pecora 24.1 Max WS 21.03..5.2 0.00030 2.21 1.55 34.44 0.3 Pecora 24. Max WS 21.03..1.4 0.00220 3.5 1.0 2. 0. Pecora 23. Max WS 21.03.3.. 0.0013 3.34.01 30.2 0.3 Pecora 22. Max WS 21.03...3 0.00230 3.5 1.33 2.30 0. Pecora 21. Max WS 0.00 3.41 5.2 2.3 0.4 Pecora. Max WS 0.00 3.43 4.4 2.54 0.4 Pecora 1. Max WS 21.00..3.00 0.0021 3.51 2. 2.45 0. Pecora. Max WS 0.0004 3.43 4. 2.35 0.4 Pecora 1. Max WS 0.00041 2.. 35.54 0.41 Pecora.2 Bridge Pecora.1 Max WS 20..0..40 0.00051 2.2.50 34.3 0.4 Pecora. Max WS 20..4..33 0.00 2.. 3.35 0.4 Pecora Max WS 20..5.5. 0.001 2.0 0.42 35.4 0.55 Pecora Max WS 20..40.55. 0.0012 2.4.4 3. 0.5 Pecora Max WS 20..35.40. 0.00220 3. 3.0 35.31 0.1 Pecora Max WS 20..23.2. 0.0023 3. 2.22 35.3 0.2 Pecora Max WS 0.002232 3.0 4.51 3. 0.1 Pecora Max WS 20.5 5..5.33 0.00213 3.0 4.5 35. 0.0 Pecora 0 Max WS 20.3 5.2.1. 0.002300 3. 3.2 3.1 0.2 Pecora 0 Max WS 20.3 5.5.4. 0.002 2. 4.34 40.4 0.5 Pecora 0 Max WS 20.3 0.005 2.3 1.4 45.35 0.4 Pecora 0.2 Max WS 20.3 0.000 2.2. 44. 0.5 Pecora 0.1 Bridge Pecora 0 Max WS 20.2 5.00..32 0.000 3.30. 42.0 0.3 Pecora 05.2 Max WS 20.2 0.004 3.5 0. 42.02 0.3 Pecora 05.1 Max WS 20. 5.00.3. 0.00052 1.1 1.0 4.23 0.31 Pecora 05 Max WS 20.5 0.0024 3. 3.40 40. 0. Pecora 04 Max WS 20.1 0.0051 2.55 1. 42.0 0.4 Pecora 03 Max WS 20. 0.0014 2.2. 41.54 0.54 Pecora 02 Max WS 20.5 2.3 5.51.0 0.0030 3.31.5 3.0 0.1 Pecora 01 Max WS 20.3 0.4 4.54 4.4 0.00124 2.44.0 54.4 0.53 Pecora 00 Max WS 20.3 1.44 3.3 3.4 3. 0.01 3.05 5.23 2.4 1. 5

HEC-RAS Plan: prg-tr030d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora Profile: Max WS (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (m3/s) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m/m) (m/s) (m2) (m) Pecora 1 Max WS 20.2 1. 2.1 2.21 0.00050 0.1 40.41 4. 0.25 Pecora 1 Max WS.2 0.0 2. 1.04 2. 0.000000 0.02 5.4 2. 0.01

1 Plan: prg-tr030d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 3. 350 300 Stage HW US Stage HW DS Stage TW Flow HW US Flow HW DS Flow Leaving 1 250 0 Stage (m) Flow (m3/s) 0 0 50 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time

Plan: prg-tr030d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 34. 300 250 Stage TW Stage HW US Stage HW DS Flow HW US Flow HW DS Flow Leaving 0 Stage (m) 0 Flow (m3/s) 0 50 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time

Appendice 2d F.Pecora : stato di progetto Tr500

50. 4. 4. 4. 43. 40.1 Pecora 40. F i ume Peco r a 3. cassa_scopaione 3. 35. 34. 30. 2. 21.. 05.2 05 03 02 01 1 Some schematic data outside default extents (see View/Set Schematic Plot Extents...) None of the XS's are Geo-Referenced ( Geo-Ref user entered XS Geo-Ref interpolated XS Non Geo-Ref user entered XS Non Geo-Ref interpolated XS) 0

35 30 25 5 0 Pec-cons0def Plan: prg-tr500d0 2// :35:43 AM Geom: prg-jan Flow: Fiume Pecora Pecora Left Right 0 00 4000 000 000 000 Main Channel Distance (m) 1... 00...... 02 03 04 05.1 0.1 1. 21. 24. 2. 2. 32. 34. 35. 3. 3. 3.1 3.02 40. 40.1 42. 44. 4. 4. 4. 50. 1

HEC-RAS Plan: prg-tr500d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora Profile: Max WS Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (m3/s) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m/m) (m/s) (m2) (m) Pecora 50. Max WS 3.0 2.5 30.01 30.4 0.0040 3.04 0.4 5.2 0. Pecora 4. Max WS 3.5 24.21 2.44 2.40 2.2 0.00255 4.0.44 54. 0. Pecora 4. Max WS 3.3 23.23 25. 2.1 0.00335 2.4..4 0.3 Pecora 4. Max WS 3. 21.00 24. 25.2 0.0043 2.44 2.41 1. 0.4 Pecora 4. Max WS 34.3 1.31 23.3 23. 0.002 3.4 1.21 44.3 0.0 Pecora 45 Max WS 34.2.3 23.45 22. 23. 0.000 2.3 5. 43.5 0.51 Pecora 44.3 Bridge Pecora 44.2 Max WS 3..3 22.0 23.45 0.001 3.2 4.1 40.0 0. Pecora 44. Max WS 3.0.40 22. 23.3 0.0042 3..2 53.0 0.2 Pecora 43. Max WS 3.04.1 21. 21. 0.0025 3.3.1 35.55 0.5 Pecora 42. Max WS 3.04..5 21. 0.0042 4.00.2 40.2 0.2 Pecora 41. Max WS 0.00055 1. 0.2.51 0.41 Pecora 40.5 Max WS 1.3.0 0.004 2.41 2.03. 0.4 Pecora 40.2 Inl Struct Pecora 40.1 Max WS 42..3.05.5 0.00153 3... 0.1 Pecora 40. Max WS 42.. 1. 1. 0.0041 1. 24.3 4.4 0.4 Pecora 3. Max WS 52.. 1.. 1. 0.00022 1.4 35.0 3.42 0.30 Pecora 3.2 Bridge Pecora 3.1 Max WS 52..0 1. 1. 0.00021 1.40 3.0 1.2 0.2 Pecora 3.05 Max WS 52.1. 1.5 1. 0.0002 1.4 355. 3.2 0.30 Pecora 3.02 Max WS 52.. 1.0 1.4 0.00041 1. 3.4.31 0.30 Pecora 3. Max WS 52..5 1.02 1.1 0.00412 4. 5.24 4.2 0.4 Pecora 3. Lat Struct Pecora 3.5 Max WS 42..55 1.22.21 1. 0.001 3.05 0.1 50. 0.5 Pecora 3.2 Inl Struct Pecora 3.1 Max WS 1.51 0.00222 3.3 5.0 4. 0. Pecora 3. Max WS 1.0 0.0010 2.. 53. 0.55 Pecora 3. Max WS 425.5.04.0 1. 0.0035 4. 3.2 32. 0.4 Pecora 35. Max WS 4..2.1.3 0.00241 3.5 1.34 32.3 0.5 Pecora 34. Lat Struct Pecora 34. Max WS 434.41.04.0. 0.002 3.1 1. 32.3 0. Pecora 33. Max WS 434.41...3 0.00253 3. 1.5 31. 0. Pecora 32. Max WS 434.41..2.43 0.0024 3..3 32.2 0. Pecora 31. Max WS 434. 0.00324 4.1 3.5 32.01 0.4 Pecora 30. Max WS 434. 0.002 3.4.41 33.0 0.1 Pecora 2. Max WS 434. 0.00 3.5 1. 33. 0.1 Pecora 2. Max WS 434.3.34..2 0.0021 3.5 1.3 35.5 0. Pecora 2. Max WS 434.3..4.45 0.00223 3.. 33. 0.1 Pecora 2. Max WS 434.3.02.5. 0.000 2..3 34.51 0.41 Pecora 25. Max WS 434.3.... 0.00035 2.4 14.4 3.45 0.3 Pecora 24.2 Bridge Pecora 24.1 Max WS 434.3..5.3 0.00040 2.5. 3. 0.3 Pecora 24. Max WS 434.34..1.5 0.0005 3. 1.1 31.4 0. Pecora 23. Max WS 434.34.3..0 0.00105 3.4.4 32. 0.1 Pecora 22. Max WS 434.34..01. 0.0015 3.4 1.0 31.4 0.5 Pecora 21. Max WS 434.34.4..5 0.003 3.5.01 32.53 0.1 Pecora. Max WS 434. 0.003 3.2.5 32.3 0.0 Pecora 1. Max WS 434.33..5.24 0.0030 3.1 1.25 32.54 0.0 Pecora. Max WS 434. 0.005 3.50 4.0 32.0 0.5 Pecora 1. Max WS 434.2.0.53..03 0.0004 3.. 3. 0.42 Pecora.2 Bridge Pecora.1 Max WS 434.33.0..3 0.00024 3.1.23 3.5 0.55 Pecora. Max WS 434.33.4..2 0.0005 3. 0.0 3.05 0.52 Pecora Max WS 434.32.5.55. 0.002 3.35. 3. 0.5 Pecora Max WS 434. 0.001 3.3.0 3.2 0.5 Pecora Max WS 434.2.35..3 0.0023 3.5 1.4 3. 0.4 Pecora Max WS 434. 0.00234 3.5 1. 3. 0.4 Pecora Max WS 434.2.0..4 0.00221 3.50 4. 3. 0.2 Pecora Max WS 434.2 5..4.2 0.0021 3.50 4. 3.5 0.2 Pecora 0 Max WS 434.2 0.00225 3.51 3.5 3.2 0.3 Pecora 0 Max WS 434.2 0.0013 3..51 43.40 0.55 Pecora 0 Max WS 434.2 0.00 2. 1.1 4. 0.4 Pecora 0.2 Max WS 434.2 5.5.30..4 0.0003 2.5. 4. 0.54 Pecora 0.1 Bridge Pecora 0 Max WS 434.2 5.00.45. 0.003 3. 1.24 44. 0.2 Pecora 05.2 Max WS 434.23 0.0033 3.0 1.4 44.44 0. Pecora 05.1 Max WS 434.23 0.00032 2. 1.4 4. 0.35 Pecora 05 Max WS 434.1 4.32..3 0.00245 3.4 4.3 43.3 0.5 Pecora 04 Max WS 434. 3.2.. 0.0002 2.5.3 44.50 0.52 Pecora 03 Max WS 434.0 0.002 3..3 44. 0.5 Pecora 02 Max WS 434.0 2.3.0. 0.00331 3. 1.4 41.1 0. Pecora 01 Max WS 434.04 0.4 4. 5.3 0.00240 3.1.0 55.3 0.4 Pecora 00 Max WS 434.04 1.44 3.5 3.1 4.24 0.0421 3.1 1..34 1.23 2

HEC-RAS Plan: prg-tr500d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora Profile: Max WS (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (m3/s) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m/m) (m/s) (m2) (m) Pecora 1 Max WS 434.02 1. 2.25 2.30 0.00003 1.00 43. 4. 0.34 Pecora 1 Max WS.2 0.0 2. 1.04 2. 0.000000 0.02 5.4 2. 0.01 3

Plan: prg-tr500d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 50. 400 Flow Plan: prg-tr500d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 3. 00 Flow 500 300 400 Flow (m3/s) 0 Flow (m3/s) 300 0 0 0 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time Plan: prg-tr500d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 35. Plan: prg-tr500d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 34. 500 500 Flow Flow 400 400 300 300 Flow (m3/s) Flow (m3/s) 0 0 0 0 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 4

Plan: prg-tr500d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 21. 500 Flow Plan: prg-tr500d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 1 500 Flow 400 400 300 300 Flow (m3/s) Flow (m3/s) 0 0 0 0 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time 5

Plan: prg-tr500d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 3. 00 Stage HW US Stage HW DS 1 Stage TW 500 Flow HW US Flow HW DS Flow Leaving 400 1 Stage (m) 300 Flow (m3/s) 0 0 0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time

1 Plan: prg-tr500d0 River: Fiume Pecora Reach: Pecora RS: 34. 500 400 Stage TW Stage HW US Stage HW DS Flow HW US Flow HW DS Flow Leaving 300 Stage (m) 0 Flow (m3/s) 0 0-0 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time

Plan: prg-tr500d0 Storage Area: cassa_scopaione 0 Stage Net Inflow 1 0 0 40 Stage (m) Flow (m3/s) 0 - -40 00 0400 000 000 00 00 00 00 01Jan01 Time

Appendice 3 F.Gora : stato attuale

Go r a De l l e Fe r r i.1. Gora 5 4 3.5 0.1 1 2 None of the XS's are Geo-Referenced ( Geo-Ref user entered XS Geo-Ref interpolated XS Non Geo-Ref user entered XS Non Geo-Ref interpolated XS)

45 40 Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :2:24 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow: Tr 30 0 0 Gora Delle Ferri Gora WS Tr 0 WS Tr 030 WS Tr 0 Left Right 35 30 25.4 1 se... 2 3 4 5. 0 500 00 00 00 2500 3000 Main Channel Distance (m).

Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :2:24 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow: Tr 30 0 0 River = Gora Delle Ferri Reach = Gora RS = Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :2:24 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow: Tr 30 0 0 River = Gora Delle Ferri Reach = Gora RS =. 41 41 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 0 40 WS Tr 0 40 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 030 WS Tr 030 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 5 25 30 35 Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :2:24 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow: Tr 30 0 0 River = Gora Delle Ferri Reach = Gora RS = 3 0 5 25 30 35 Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :2:24 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow: Tr 30 0 0 River = Gora Delle Ferri Reach = Gora RS = 3.0 3 3.5 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 0 3.0 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 030 35 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 030 3.5 3.0 35.5 34 33 35.0 32 34.5 34.0 0 5 25 30 35 Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :2:24 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow: Tr 30 0 0 River = Gora Delle Ferri Reach = Gora RS = 31 0 30 40 50 Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :2:24 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow: Tr 30 0 0 River = Gora Delle Ferri Reach = Gora RS =.1 33.0 34 32.5 32.0 31.5 31.0 30.5 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 030 33 32 31 30 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 030 30.0 2.5 2 2.0 0 30 40 50 2-0 30 40 50

Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :2:24 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow: Tr 30 0 0 River = Gora Delle Ferri Reach = Gora RS = BR Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :2:24 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow: Tr 30 0 0 River = Gora Delle Ferri Reach = Gora RS = BR 34 34 33 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 0 33 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 0 32 31 WS Tr 030 32 31 30 WS Tr 030 30 2 2 2 2-0 30 40 50 Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :2:24 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow: Tr 30 0 0 River = Gora Delle Ferri Reach = Gora RS =. 2 0 30 40 50 Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :2:24 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow: Tr 30 0 0 River = Gora Delle Ferri Reach = Gora RS = 34 2.0 33 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 0 2.5 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 0 32 WS Tr 030 2.0 WS Tr 030 31 30 2.5 2.0 2 2.5 2 2.0 2 0 30 40 50 Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :2:24 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow: Tr 30 0 0 River = Gora Delle Ferri Reach = Gora RS = 25.5 0 40 0 0 Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :2:24 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow: Tr 30 0 0 River = Gora Delle Ferri Reach = Gora RS = 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.5 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 030 2.0 2.5 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 030 2.0 2.5 2.0 2.0 25.5 25.5 25.0 25.0 24.5 24.5 0 40 0 0 0 1 24.0 0 30 40 50 0 0

Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :2:24 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow: Tr 30 0 0 River = Gora Delle Ferri Reach = Gora RS = Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :2:24 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow: Tr 30 0 0 River = Gora Delle Ferri Reach = Gora RS = 5 2.5 25.5 2.0 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 0 25.0 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 0 25.5 WS Tr 030 24.5 WS Tr 030 25.0 24.5 24.0 23.5 24.0 23.0 23.5 22.5 23.0 0 40 0 0 0 1 0 Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :2:24 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow: Tr 30 0 0 River = Gora Delle Ferri Reach = Gora RS = 4 22.0 0 40 0 0 0 1 0 Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :2:24 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow: Tr 30 0 0 River = Gora Delle Ferri Reach = Gora RS = 3 24.5 24.0 24.0 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 0 23.5 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 0 23.5 23.0 WS Tr 030 23.0 22.5 WS Tr 030 22.5 22.0 22.0 21.5 21.5 0 40 0 0 0 1 21.0 0 30 40 50 0 Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :2:24 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow: Tr 30 0 0 River = Gora Delle Ferri Reach = Gora RS = 2 Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :2:24 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow: Tr 30 0 0 River = Gora Delle Ferri Reach = Gora RS = 1 sez-gf01 23.5 23 23.0 WS Tr 030 WS Tr 0 22.5 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 0 22 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 030 22.0 21.5 21.0 21.5 1.0 1.5 0 40 0 0 0 30 40 50 0

Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :2:24 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow: Tr 30 0 0 River = Gora Delle Ferri Reach = Gora RS =.5 Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :2:24 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow: Tr 30 0 0 River = Gora Delle Ferri Reach = Gora RS =.4 Culv 23.0 23.0 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 0 22.5 WS Tr 0 22.5 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 030 WS Tr 030 22.0 21.5 22.0 21.5 21.0 21.0.5 1 1 2 4 0 2 4 Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :2:24 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow: Tr 30 0 0 River = Gora Delle Ferri Reach = Gora RS =.4 Culv.5 1 1 2 4 0 2 4 Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :2:24 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow: Tr 30 0 0 River = Gora Delle Ferri Reach = Gora RS = 0.1 23.0 23.0 22.5 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 0 22.5 WS Tr 0 WS Tr 030 22.0 21.5 WS Tr 030 22.0 21.5 WS Tr 0 21.0 1 1 2 4 0 2 4 Gora-febaxconsorzio Plan: att-f 2// :2:24 AM Geom: att-apr0 Flow: Tr 30 0 0 River = Gora Delle Ferri Reach = Gora RS =.0.0 1 1 2 4 0 2 4 21. 21. 21.4 21.2 21.0. WS Tr 0 WS Tr 030 WS Tr 0..4.2 0 1 2 3 4 5

HEC-RAS Plan: att-f River: Gora Delle Ferri Reach: Gora Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (m3/s) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m/m) (m/s) (m2) (m) Gora Tr 0 14.0 3. 40. 40.45 41.2 0.00454 3. 5.23 30.5 0.3 Gora Tr 0 2.30 3. 40.0 40.3 41.1 0.00441 3.02 53.3 30.5 0.3 Gora Tr 030 5.30 3. 40.44 40. 40.3 0.00455 2.4 45.0 30.5 0.2 Gora. Tr 0 14.0 3. 40.45 40.45 41.1 0.002 3.1 45.4 30.5 1.00 Gora. Tr 0 2.30 3. 40.3 40.3 41.0 0.00 3.1 43. 30.5 0. Gora. Tr 030 5.30 3. 40.1 40. 40.5 0.004 3.31 3.1 30.5 0.5 Gora. Lat Struct Gora. Lat Struct Gora Tr 0 14.0 34.31 3. 3. 3.50 0.0033 3.4 4.5 32.0 1.00 Gora Tr 0 2.30 34.31 3.2 3.2 3.3 0.0030 3.4 44.2 32.0 1.00 Gora Tr 030 5.30 34.31 3.50 3.50 3.0 0.00 3.35 3.42 32.0 1.00 Gora Tr 0 14.0 31.0 35.05 35. 35.1 0.05 3.5 4.3 41.2 1.0 Gora Tr 0 2.30 31.0 34.4 35.02 35.2 0.05 3. 44.33 35.3 1.05 Gora Tr 030 5.30 31.0 34.2 34.2 35.32 0.0050 3. 40. 34. 0.2 Gora Tr 0 14.0 2.2 32.5 32.54 33.2 0.003455 2.4 0.1 45.4 0.3 Gora Tr 0 2.30 2.2 32.4 32.4 33. 0.0035 2.4 5.0 45.4 0. Gora Tr 030 5.30 2.2 32.55 32.32 32.4 0.0043 2.3 52.0 45.4 0.1 Gora.1 Tr 0 14.0 2. 31. 31.01 32.3 0.0024 2.0 2.45 25.3 0.5 Gora.1 Tr 0 2.30 2. 31. 30. 32.1 0.00223 2.2 5.50 24.0 0.5 Gora.1 Tr 030 5.30 2. 31. 30.41 31.5 0.00342 2. 42.2 21.31 0. Gora Bridge Gora. Tr 0 14.0 2.2 30.0 30.3 32. 0.02.31 2. 1.05 1.5 Gora. Tr 0 2.30 2.2 30.00 30.1 31.2 0.024. 2.40.1 1.5 Gora. Tr 030 5.30 2.2 2.5 30.23 31.34 0.01 5.5 22.42.02 1.51 Gora Tr 0 14.0 25.51 2. 2. 2.3 0.0002 3.55.. 0. Gora Tr 0 2.30 25.51 2. 2.3 2.31 0.00 3.1 2.2. 0.4 Gora Tr 030 5.30 25.51 2. 2.3 31.0 0.0323.55 24.31 4. 1.5 Gora. Lat Struct Gora. Lat Struct Gora Tr 0 14.0 24.4 2.2 2.5 2.35 0.0004 1.23 1. 4.5 0.31 Gora Tr 0 2.30 24.4 2. 2.5 2.25 0.0004 1.22 1. 3.4 0.32 Gora Tr 030 5.30 24.4 2.0 2.5 2. 0.001 1. 1.5 0. 0.33 Gora Tr 0 14.0 24.22 2.22 2.22 2.5 0.02 3.4 4.21 31.1 1.00 Gora Tr 0 2.30 24.22 2. 2. 2.4 0.022 3. 44.01 31. 1.00 Gora Tr 030 5.30 24.22 2.3 2.3 2.51 0.0 3.4 3. 31.54 1.00 Gora Tr 0 14.0 23. 2. 2. 2.24 0.0013 1. 4.22 1.43 0.43 Gora Tr 0 2.30 23. 2. 2. 2.22 0.00101 1.54 4.22 1.43 0.40 Gora Tr 030 5.30 23. 2. 2. 2.1 0.00 1.1 4.22 1.43 0.31 Gora 5 Tr 0 14.0 22.3 25.0 25.0 25.2 0.00 1.5 4.1 5.3 0.44 Gora 5 Tr 0 2.30 22.3 25.0 25.0 25.23 0.001 1.4 4.1 5.3 0.41 Gora 5 Tr 030 5.30 22.3 25.0 25.0 25.1 0.002 1. 4.1 5.3 0.32 Gora 4 Tr 0 14.0 22.2 24.3 24.3 24.55 0.0001 1.2.41 3.55 0.41 Gora 4 Tr 0 2.30 22.2 24.3 24.3 24.53 0.00125 1.1.41 3.55 0.3 Gora 4 Tr 030 5.30 22.2 24.3 24.3 24.4 0.002 0.0.41 3.55 0.30 Gora 3 Tr 0 14.0 21.2 23. 23. 24. 0.0000 0.0 1. 52.24 0.2 Gora 3 Tr 0 2.30 21.2 23. 23. 24. 0.0001 0.4 1. 52.24 0.2 Gora 3 Tr 030 5.30 21.2 23. 23. 24.05 0.00045 0.5 1. 52.24 0. Gora 2 Tr 0 14.0 21.5 23.24 23.24 23.2 0.000304 0.53 3.2. 0. Gora 2 Tr 0 2.30 21.5 23.24 23.24 23.2 0.00023 0.4 3.2. 0. Gora 2 Tr 030 5.30 21.5 23.24 23.24 23.2 0.000 0.3 3.5. 0. Gora 1 Tr 0 14.0 21. 22. 22. 22. 0.000404 0.42 4.52 55. 0.1 Gora 1 Tr 0 2.30 21. 22. 22. 22. 0.00034 0.3 4.52 55. 0. Gora 1 Tr 030 5.30 21. 22. 22. 22.3 0.000 0.30 4.52 55. 0. Gora. Lat Struct Gora.5 Tr 0 3.00. 22.4 21.41 22.4 0.0002 0.51 5.1 4.5 0. Gora.5 Tr 0 3.00. 22.4 21.41 22.4 0.0002 0.51 5.1 4.5 0. Gora.5 Tr 030 3.00. 22.4 21.41 22.4 0.0002 0.51 5.1 4.5 0. Gora.4 Culvert Gora 0.1 Tr 0 3.00.35 21.2. 21.32 0.002 1.0 2. 3.54 0.3 Gora 0.1 Tr 0 3.00.35 21.2. 21.32 0.002 1.0 2. 3.54 0.3 Gora 0.1 Tr 030 3.00.35 21.2. 21.32 0.002 1.0 2. 3.54 0.3

HEC-RAS Plan: att-f River: Gora Delle Ferri Reach: Gora (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (m3/s) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m/m) (m/s) (m2) (m) Gora.0 Tr 0 3.00. 21.2.3 21.30 0.0001 0.0 3. 5.05 0.2 Gora.0 Tr 0 3.00. 21.2.4 21.30 0.0001 0.0 3. 5.05 0.2 Gora.0 Tr 030 3.00. 21.2.4 21.30 0.0001 0.0 3. 5.05 0.2