Prossime missioni ed iniziative promozionali dell Ufficio dell Agenzia ICE di Zagabria:

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1 ICE Agenzia per la promozione all estero e l internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane N. 78 agosto Realizzata dall Ufficio dell Agenzia ICE di Zagabria NEWS: Prossime missioni ed iniziative promozionali dell Ufficio dell Agenzia ICE di Zagabria: CERSAIE, Bologna settembre 2013 Salone Internazionale della Ceramica per l Architettura e dell Arredobagno, organizzato da EdiCer Spa, promosso da Confindustria Ceramica, in collaborazione con Bologna Fiere, si svolgera dal 23 al 27 settembre p.v. nel Quartiere Fieristico a Bologna su una superficie di 176 mila mq, con un totale di 910 espositori e visitatori esteri provenienti da 154 nazioni. L ufficio ICE-Agenzia di Zagabria ha selezionato 2 giornalisti delle riviste specializzate che visiteranno la fiera. EXPODENTAL, Milano ottobre 2013 International Expodental si terrà all interno del padiglione 3 di Fieramilanocity a Milano, mentre il 5 Expodental Forum si terrà pre sso il MICO, il nuovissimo polo congressuale tra i più grandi in Europa. L ufficio ICE-Agenzia di Zagabria ha selezionato 2 operatori croati del settore che visiteranno la Fiera. International Expodental si conferma il più importante evento del settore a livello nazionale che interessa sia il mercato interno che quello estero, con una buona presenza di visitatori stranieri,soprattutto operatori europei. A livello nazionale sono gli odontoiatri la categoria più rappresentata tra i professionisti (33,77% del totale dei visitatori) seguiti dagli odontotecnici (20,41%), dalle assistenti alla poltrona (8,31%) e dagli igienisti dentali (3,49%). Questo anche grazie a Expodental Forum, che con la sua V edizione tutta dedicata al tema dell Implantologia con l intervento dei più illustri relatori ha suscitato l interesse della comunità scientifica e della professione odontoiatrica. La presenza di SIO, Società Italiana di Osteointegrazione, ha di sicuro contribuito ad accrescere l interesse per l evento. FIERE SIMAC E TANNING TECH, Bologna 8-10 ottobre 2013 SIMAC è la più qualificata rassegna internazionale per la tecnologia destinata alla produzione di calzature e pelletteria. TANNING TECH è la più prestigiosa rassegna internazionale per la tecnologia e i prodotti chimici destinati alla lavorazione delle pelli. Simac è visitato da calzaturieri e pellettieri che provengono da tutto il mondo e che hanno l'opportunità di apprezzare le macchine in funzione. Negli imponenti stand di Tanning Tech si trovano le più innovative proposte tecnologiche; negli spazi che ospitano le multinazionali della chimica vengono proposte le soluzioni ottimali per un attività conciaria che sia di altissima qualità e, al tempo stesso, compatibile con l ambiente. L ufficio ICE-Agenzia di Zagabria ha effettuato la distribuzione del materiale informativo sulle due fiere.

2 SMART CITY EXIBITION, Bologna ottobre 2013 SMART City Exhibition è la manifestazione frutto della partnership tra FORUM PA e Bologna Fiere la cui seconda edizione si svolgerà a Bologna dal 16 al 18 ottobre L iniziativa si pone come momento centrale nel trend che vede ormai la politica per le città intelligenti come una priorità europea e nazionale. Le grandi opportunità date dai fondi comunitari e la messa in cantiere dei progetti nazionali sulle smart city e smart community rendono infatti sempre più necessari, per non essere sprecate, momenti di riflessione e di incontro tra i protagonisti per utilizzare al meglio questa grande occasione di innovazione, costruendo politiche sostenibili, lungimiranti ed effettivamente utili a rispondere ai crescenti e multiformi bisogni che, in questo momento di crisi, esprimono i cittadini. La manifestazione propone una visione completamente nuova del concetto di città, intesa come insieme di flussi informativi e reti di relazioni e comunicazioni, fisiche e digitali, caratterizzate dalla capacità di creare capitale sociale, benessere per le persone, migliore qualità della vita. Altrettanto nuova è la sua formula, centrata su momenti partecipativi e qualificati di lavoro collaborativo, sulla presentazione di grandi scenari internazionali, sulla costruzione di nuova cultura condivisa che aiuti a trasformare in Progetto-Paese una serie di iniziative non sempre coordinate tra loro. L ufficio ICE-Agenzia di Zagabria ha individuato 2 rappresentanti di municipalità croate che parteciperanno all iniziativa. Missione operatori croati alla fiera HOST 2013 HOST è il Salone internazionale dell ospitalità professionale. Leader mondiale nel settore e Retail. Nuovi prodotti, nuove idee, nuovi servizi, nuovo business. Sono i 4 punti di forza di Host, il Salone dell ospitalità professionale che, oltre ad essere il market place leader del settore, si attesta come indiscusso trend setter per tutto il mondo dell Host è il giusto contesto per presentare in anteprima assoluta i nuovi prodotti, frutto di ricerca e investimenti per affrontare un mercato sempre più attento, sempre più esigente, sempre più alla ricerca di nuove formule per fare business. Ad Host si fa tendenza, si valuta lo stato del mercato, ci si confronta con la concorrenza, si incontrano i clienti nuovi e fidelizzati e non solo. Host va oltre il momento fieristico e si afferma come network professionale ad ogni livello proponendosi quale rete di conoscenze, prodotti ed esperienze a completa disposizione dei professionisti dell Ho.Re.Ca. Numerosi sono i momenti di approfondimento che offrono interessanti spunti per gli operatori permettendo un confronto tra domanda e offerta più dinamico e costruttivo per fornire un servizio sempre più completo e tailor made. L iniziativa fa parte dell Accordo di collaborazione tra l ICE Agenzia e Fiera di Milano. L Ufficio ICE-Agenzia di Zagabria ha individuato e sensibilizzato tre società appartenenti alle categorie merceologiche d interesse dell iniziativa. Missione di operatori croati alla MATCHING Milano 2013, in base all Intesa Operativa MISE/ICE- Agenzia/CDO. Il Progetto Matching 2013 prevede la presenza di operatori stranieri qualificati (istituzioni, aziende e buyers) che possano incontrare in appuntamenti b2b aziende italiane partecipanti al Matching e dare vita a relazioni che portino ad avviare rapporti commerciali tra aziende italiane e straniere. I settori sui quali si intende impostare il progetto sono quelli maggiormente rappresentativi di Matching: Agroalimentare, Edilizia, Energia ed Ambiente, Meccanica, Sanità, ICT, Logistica. L ufficio ICE-Agenzia di Zagabria seleziona 10 operatori croati. Progetti, investimenti, finanziamenti, bandi di gara: LA COMMISSIONE EUROPEA APPROVA IL PIANO CROATO PER GLI INVESTIMENTI IN ARRIVO 450 MILIONI DI EURO La Commissione Europea ha approvato il piano croato degli investimenti per l'utilizzo dei mezzi finanziari di coesione dell'unione Europea, pari a 449,4 milioni di euro, impegnati per il Paese con il suo ingresso nell'ue. Il quadro strategico di riferimento nazionale (NSRO) ha lo scopo di stabilire le priorità d investimento nelle singole regioni croate al fine di accelerarne lo sviluppo economico, con la creazione di nuovi posti di lavoro e l aumento della competitività del Paese. I progetti strategici devono avere traguardi definiti in anticipo e con precisione, in modo da consentire di sfruttare al meglio le risorse messe a disposizione dall UE; il termine per l impiego dei fondi in questione scadrà nel Alla gestione sostenibile dei rifiuti e delle acque reflue, nonché al potenziamento dell approvvigionamento idrico sono stati destinati 20 milioni di euro, mentre altri 228,4 milioni di euro saranno impiegati per sostenere le piccole e medie imprese, la ricerca e l innovazione, e il potenziamento delle infrastrutture di base (ferrovie e vie navigabili). Con 60 milioni di euro saranno sovvenzionate le politiche occupazionali e per il sostegno ai progetti legati al welfare (integrazione e istruzione). 2

3 NUOVO STABILIMENTO DI PRODUZIONE DI VIVIS VINDIJA A VARAZDIN L importante industria alimentare croata Vindija, operante nel settore lattiero-caseario e nella produzione di carne, ha aperto un nuovo impianto per la produzione di dessert al latte e creme di formaggi freschi a Varazdin. Il valore complessivo dell'investimento ammonta a 3,5 milioni di euro su un totale di 25 milioni di euro di nuovi impianti per la produzione di vari prodotti lattiero-caseari. Nel gruppo Vindija sono presenti 13 aziende, con un totale di dipendenti, che nel 2012 hanno registrato 411 milioni di euro di proventi complessivi. PUBBLICATO BANDO DI GARA PER SERVIZI DI CONSULENZA AL PORTO DI FIUME La Banca Internazionale per la ricostruzione e lo sviluppo (IBRD) ha pubblicato il bando di gara (Invitation for expression of interest) per servizi di consulenza al Porto di Fiume, sul terminal di Brajdica. La data di scadenza per la presentazione delle offerte è l'11 settembre Ulteriori informazioni ed il testo completo dell'invito sono disponibili online: Commesse estere/accordi/nuovi contratti: ''ULJANIK'' COSTRUIRÀ UNA NAVE PER LA COMPAGNIA SOFIDRA ll cantiere navale Uljanik ha stipulato un accordo con la compagnia Sofidra S.A. per la costruzione di una nave polifunzionale specializzata nei lavori in alto mare. Il contratto è stato firmato il 6 agosto; la nave avrà una lunghezza di 138 metri ed una larghezza di 32 metri e sarà dotata di due sistemi di propulsione elettrica da 3000 Kw ciascuno. Con la sottoscrizione del contratto il cantiere polese e la Sofidra hanno deciso di proseguire la proficua collaborazione. Il cantiere Uljanik ha costruito finora per il gruppo armatoriale Jan de Nul due navi dredger; il contratto appena siglato prevede la possibilità che il cantiere navale costruisca per la Sofidra anche una seconda nave speciale per gli scavi in mare. NUOVO CONTRATTO DELLA VIADUKT Le compagnie Viadukt e Spegra Inzenjering, hanno stipulato lunedi 12 agosto il contratto con la HZ Infrastruktura per la ristrutturazione del ponte Jelenski jarak sulla ferrovia Zagabria - Rijeka. Il valore delle opere concordate è di ca. 1,5 milioni di euro e la scadenza per il termine dei lavori è di 330 giorni. TVZ GREDELJ CONSEGNA DUE TRENI A MOTORE ELETTICO ALLE FERROVIE MONTENEGRINE La fabbrica croata di veicoli ferroviari TVZ Gredelj ha inviato in Montenegro i primi due treni, a motore elettrico, della serie 412/416, in uso all'azienda montenegrina Zeljeznicki prevoz Crne Gore AD, dopo aver provveduto alla revisione ed alla modernizzazione dei convogli. Stando allo stesso accordo, a breve sarà consegnato anche un altro treno della stessa serie. Per la stessa azienda montenegrina negli ultimi tre anni TVZ Gredelj ha riparato 30 vagoni/carrozze e 4 locomotive. DALEKOVOD TERMINA PROGETTO IN UCRAINA Con l'apertura della sottostazione elettrica ricostruita a Bar di 330/110 kv, la compagnia edile croata Dalekovod ha portato a termine un altro progetto in Ucraina. Alla cerimonia erano presenti il Ministro dell'energia ucraino, l'ambasciatore della Croazia a Kiev ed il Direttore della Banca IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) per l'ucraina. Il valore del progetto ammonta a 12,5 milioni di euro. 3

4 NUOVO CONTRATTO DELLA VIADUKT CON LA HAC La compagnia di costruzioni Viadukt e la compagnia slovena Javna Razsvetljava d.d di Lubiana hanno stipulato un accordo con le Hrvatske autoceste (Autostrade croate, HAC) del valore di 52,86 milioni di kune (7,05 milioni di euro). L'accordo prevede la costruzione dei tratti aggiuntivi sull'autostrada Zagabria-Spalato-Dubrovnik, tratto Split-Ploce e una parte della strada Ploce-Karamatici. Il termine per la conclusione delle opere è previsto entro 60 giorni dalla data di inizio dei lavori. NUOVO CONTRATTO TRA L'ISTITUTO DI IMMUNOLOGIA E L'AZIENDA INDIANA HLL BIOTECH LIMITED L'istituto di immunologia croato e l'azienda indiana Hll Biotech Limited hanno firmato un contratto per la consegna dei vaccini ed il transfer della tecnologia per la produzione dei vaccini antimorbillo. Il valore del contratto ammonta a 5 milioni di dollari e la collaborazione potrebbe durare fra i 7 e i 10 anni. L'istituto di immunologia croato è alla ricerca di un investitore per construire un nuovo impianto per la produzione di nuovi tipi di vaccini; l'istituto già esporta la maggior parte della propria produzione di vaccini virali (95%). IL CANTIERE NAVALE CROATO ''3. MAJ'' HA CONSEGNATO IL TERZO TANKER ALLA SVEDESE WISBY TANKERS Il cantiere navale ''3.maj'' di Rijeka ha consegnato alla compagnia svedese Wisby Tankers il terzo dei quattro tankers per il trasporto dell'asfalto, del petrolio e dei prodotti chimici. Il tanker, di nome Palanca Singapore, ha una lunghezza di 133,35 metri, una larghezza di 23 ed una portata di 15 milla tonnellate. Con questa consegna il cantiere ''3 maj'' cessa la sua attività; in futuro la produzione delle navi che verranno realizzate nello stabilimento di Cantrida a Rijeka sarà gestita direttamente dal nuovo proprietario, il cantiere polese ''Uljanik''. Statistiche: RALLENTATO IL CALO DEI PREZZI DEGLI IMMOBILI In base ai dati pubblicati dal portale croato per gli immobili Centar Nekretnina, i prezzi degli immobili in Croazia nel luglio scorso hanno fatto registrare un calo del 5,9% a livello annuo, mentre a livello mensile la contrazione è stata dello 0,2%. Nel luglio scorso il prezzo medio di un appartamento a Zagabria è ammontato a euro per metro quadro, il che rappresenta un calo dello 0,2% rispetto al dicembre del 2012 ed una flessione del 6,6% rispetto al luglio del I prezzi degli appartamenti a Zagabria variano da euro/mq in pieno centro (zona Medvescak) a euro/mq nella zona periferica (Sesvete). I prezzi degli immobili ubicati lungo la costa adriatica, sono calati del 4,3% a livello annuo, mentre rispetto al mese di giugno hanno fatto registrare una diminuzione dello 0,1%. Va considerato comunque che i prezzi degli immobili ubicati sulla costa variano notevolmente da una regione/contea (e citta ) all altra. Ad es. i prezzi più alti si riscontrano nelle Contee di Dubrovnik/Neretva e Spalato/Dalmazia (il costo medio di un appartamento ammonta a euro/mq), mentre i prezzi più contenuti risultano essere nella Contea di Lika/Senj, con prezzi che si aggirano sui euro/mq. AUMENTO DELLA PRODUZIONE INDUSTRIALE IN CROAZIA Secondo gli ultimi dati diffusi dall'ente Nazionale di Statistica, si è confermato per i primi sei mesi del 2013 il trend positivo della produzione industriale con un aumento del 5,3%. Sempre stando agli stessi dati, aumenti si sono registrati nei settori dell energia (+16,3%), della produzione dei prodotti non durevoli per il largo consumo (+4,9%) e dei prodotti intermedi (+ 6,9%). I settori minerario ed estrattivo hanno segnato un aumento dello 2,7% mentre l industria della trasformazione dell'1,9%. Il calo più forte è stato registrato dalla produzione dei beni capitali (-8,9%). 4

5 Energia: INVESTIMENTI NEL SETTORE ENERGETICO Quello energetico è uno dei settori principali del Governo per rilanciare gli investimenti pubblici e per favorire la ripresa dell'economia. È stata presentata la lista degli investimenti in tale comparto e il Ministro dell'economia Ivan Vrdoljak ha dichiarato che a ottobre dovrebbero pervenire le offerte dei partner per la costruzione della centrale termoelettrica Fianona C, il cui costo si aggira sui 6 miliardi di kune (ca. 0,8 miliardi di euro). Prossimamente dovrebbe essere disponibile anche lo studio di fattibilità per la realizzazione del rigassificatore a Castelmucchio sull'isola di Veglia (Krk) mentre è in programma la modernizzazione della raffineria di Fiume, gestita dalla società petrolifera ungherese MOL che ne aveva a suo tempo acquisito il controllo dalla omologa croata INA. Fiere: PROSSIMAMENTE 3 EVENTI FIERISTICI ALLA FIERA DI ZAGABRIA (ZV) A Zagabria si terranno dall'1 al 4 ottobre 2013 tre manifestazioni fieristiche: Energetika, Ekotehno e Interprotex, presso i padiglioni della Fiera di Zagabria (Zagrebacki Velesajam). La Fiera Energetika è alla sua seconda edizione internazionale e riguarda il settore energetico, dell'efficienza energetica e delle energie rinnovabili; saranno presenti 79 espositori di 14 paesi su una superficie di mq. La settima edizione dell' Ekotehno, Fiera internazionale sulle ecotecnologie, sulla protezione ambientale e sulle attrezzature di arredo urbano, si rivolgerà ai costruttori e ai fornitori delle attrezzature per la gestione dei rifiuti e delle acque di scarico. La Interprotex, patrocinata dal Ministero degli Interni e giunta alla 11ma edizione, si rivolge al settore per la protezione delle persone e dei beni; la manifestazione riunirà' fra l'altro esperti del settore in diversi panels tematici a livello nazionale ed internazionale. Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili online sulla pagina web: Varie: IL RATING S&P DELLA CROAZIA Standard & Poor's prevede di modificare l'anno prossimo il rating della Croazia in caso di deterioramento della sua economia, annunciando il mantenimento del rating del debito sovrano a ''BB+'' per quello a lungo termine e a ''B'' per quello a breve, ma portando l'outlook da ''stabile'' a ''negativo''. ACCETTATA L'OFFERTA DELLA BANCA CECA ''J&T BANK'' PER LA RICAPITALIZZAZIONE DELLA BANCA CROATA ''CENTAR BANKA'' Gli azionisti della ''Centar banka'', all'assemblea generale tenuta venerdi 16 agosto, hanno accettato l'offerta della banca ceca J&T per la ricapitalizzazione della banca per un valore di 75 milioni di kune (10 milioni di euro). La J&T ha annunciato di essere disposta ad investire 150 milioni di kune (ca. 20 milioni di euro) in due tranche, di 75 milioni di kune (10 milioni di euro) ciascuna. All'Assemblea generale è stata votata la decisione per l'aumento della capitale di base fino ad un valore complessivo di 113,5 milioni di kune (ca. 15,2 milioni di euro). 5

6 OPPORTUNITA D AFFARI: Segnalazione gare in scadenza: Port of Rijeka Authority Riva 1, Rijeka Rijeka Gateway II Project- Expression of Interest Preparation of Design Documentation for Reconstruction of Railway Stations Rijeka and Rijeka Brajdica and for Construction of Intermodal Yards at Brajdica and Zagreb Container Terminals Data scadenza presentazione offerta Prestazione di servizi e assistenza IBRD The Republic of Croatia has received a loan from the IBRD towards the cost of the Rijeka Gateway II Project and intends to apply a part of the proceeds for the Consultant s Services Contract for preparation of Design Documentation for reconstruction of railway stations Rijeka and Rijeka Brajdica and for construction of intermodal yards at Brajdica and Zagreb Container Terminals. The Consultant services include preparing Design Documentation for: A) Reconstruction of Railway Station Rijeka Brajdica and construction of Container Terminal Brajdica Intermodal Yard. Based on Location permit and Preliminary design for Reconstruction of Railway Station Rijeka Brajdica and construction of Container Terminal Brajdica Intermodal Yard the Consultant is invited to prepare design documentation for Main Design for the following facilities: (a) Construction of Container Terminal Brajdica Intermodal Yard; (b) Reconstruction of Railway Station Rijeka Brajdica; (c) New pullout tunnel. The Consultant is also obliged (i) to obtain separate Construction Permits on behalf of the Client for each of the facilities, based on of which it is possible to construct facilities and furthermore, obtain separate Operation Permit, (ii) to carry out necessary geotechnical investigation works within area of new pullout tunnel. B) Reconstruction of Railway Station Rijeka and construction of Intermodal Yard at Container Terminal Zagreb Pier. Based on Traffic-technology Conceptual Design Rijeka and Rijeka Brajdica station reconstruction related to construction of new (Zagreb pier) and extension of existing (Brajdica) container terminal in Rijeka the Consultant is invited to prepare design documentation for (i) Preliminary and (ii) Main Design Documentation for the following facilities: (a) Construction of Intermodal Yard at Container Terminal Zagreb pier; (b) Reconstruction of Railway Station Rijeka. The Consultant is also obliged to obtain (i) Location Permit as well as (ii) Construction Permits on behalf of the Client for each of the facilities, based on of which it is possible to construct facilities and obtain separate Operation Permit. Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address: Port of Rijeka Authority, Riva 1, Rijeka, Croatia, attn: Ms. Jadranka Paulin, Procurement Officer, Room 212, second floor, facsimile: ,, (in person, or by mail, or by fax, or by ) by September 11, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Forestry Ulica Fakultetsko dobro, Zagreb, Tel Enhancing EU-competitiveness of Croatian wood flooring industry Data scadenza presentazione offerta Fornitura di beni,ebrd University of Zagreb, Faculty of Forestry intends to award a supply contract for Universal mechanical 10t testing machine in Zagreb with financial assistance from the Programme of the European Union. The tender dossier is available from and/or The deadline for submission of tenders is at 10:00 Zagreb Local Time. Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on the website of Faculty of Forestry: Croatian Employment Service, Service for Financing and Contracting of EU Projects Ulica grada Vukovara 70/3, Zagreb Local employment development initiatives-phase II Data scadenza presentazione offerta Prestazione di servizi Croatian Employment Service, Service for Financing and Contracting of EU Projects is seeking proposals for supporting local stakeholders in defining, creating, facilitating and implementing local employment and HRD policies through a partnership framework in Croatia with financial assistance from the Operational Programme for Human Resources Development , Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, 2007HR05IPO001. An information session on this Call for Proposals will be held prior to the deadline for the submission of concept notes. For further 6

7 information, please refer to: may be sent by or by fax: no later than 21 days before the deadline for the submission of concept, indicating clearly the reference of the Call for Proposals. The Contracting Authority has no obligation to provide clarifications to questions received after this date. Replies will be given no later than 11 days before the deadline for submission of Concept s. To ensure equal treatment of applicants, the Contracting Authority cannot give a prior opinion on the eligibility of applicants, or affiliated entity(ies), an action or specific activities. Questions that may be relevant to other applicants, together with answers and other important notices in the course of the evaluation procedure, will be published on the EuropeAid website and on as the need arises. It is therefore advisable to consult the abovementioned website regularly in order to be informed of the questions and answers published. The deadline for submission of proposals is 27 September 2013 at 15:30, Zagreb local time at the premises of the Croatian Employment Service, Service for Financing and Contracting of EU Projects, Ulica grada Vukovara 70/3, Zagreb, CROATIA. Central Finance and Contracting Agency Ulica grada Vukovara 284, objekt C, Zagreb Supply of equipment for the RIS and voice VHF systems on the Sava river Data scadenza presentazione offerta Fornitura di beni Description of the contract: The subject of the contract is the supply, delivery, unloading and after-sales service of the best possible and up-to-date RIS (river information services), VHF (very high frequency) and general IT (information technology) equipment. Procurement of the abovementioned equipment will contribute to the establishment of fully operational RIS and voice VHF systems on the entire navigable stretch of the river Sava in the Republic of Croatia which will provide services according to the EU RIS Directive. Installation will be done through a separate service contract, which will sequentially commence 3 months after the relevant equipment is procured. Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to Central Finance and Contracting Agency, Ulica grada Vukovara 284, objekt C, Zagreb, Croatia (Središnja agencija za financiranje i ugovaranje programa i projekata EU, Ulica grada Vukovara 284, objekt C, Zagreb, Hrvatska), mail or by fax: +385 (0) (mentioning the publication reference) at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tender. The Contracting Authority must reply to all tenderers' questions at least 11 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier shall be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at and on the CFCA website at: Deadline for submission of tenders: (10:00), Zagreb local time at the premises of the Central Finance and Contracting Agency, Ulica grada Vukovara 284, objekt C, Zagreb, CROATIA. Central Finance and Contracting Agency Ulica grada Vukovara 284, objekt C, Zagreb Construction of the Centre for Training Dog Handlers and Police Dogs in Zagreb Data scadenza presentazione offerta Description of the contract: The works contract includes construction of 3 tracts: administrative-accommodation building for the staff of the centre and course attendants (gross area of app m2); support and veterinary clinic building (gross area of app.570 m2) and building for accommodation and care for animals (gross area of app. 665 m2). The new buildings are to be built on site of existing auxiliary objects (to be demolished) within the existing complex of the centre for training dog handlers and police dogs (facility of Police Academy, Ministry of the Interior) in Zagreb. The project foresees also dogs' running site (area of app m2) and dogs' training site/polygon (area of app m2) as the fenced part of natural terrain. The construction works will be implemented according to FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction (Red Book, 1999 edition) Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to Central Finance and Contracting Agency, Ulica grada Vukovara 284, objekt C, Zagreb, Croatia (Središnja agencija za financiranje i ugovaranje programa i projekata EU, Ulica grada Vukovara 284, objekt C, Zagreb, Hrvatska), mail or by fax: +385 (0) (mentioning the publication reference) at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tender. The Contracting Authority must reply to all tenderers' questions at least 11 days before the 7

8 deadline for submission of tenders. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier shall be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at and on the CFCA website at: The deadline for submission of tenders is 04 October 2013 at 10:00 hours Zagreb Local Time at the premises of Central Finance and Contracting Agency (CFCA), Ulica grada Vukovara 284, objekt C, Zagreb, Croatia. Municipality Sveta Nedelja Nedešćina 103, Nedešćina Reconstruction of Unclassified Roads in the Municipality of Sveta Nedelja, Republic of Croatia, Istrian County Data scadenza presentazione offerta The contracting works are related on reconstruction project for unclassified roads for the Municipality of Sveta Nedelja in the Istrian County. Reconstruction project for unclassified roads for the Municipality of Sveta Nedelja applies to road sections Snašići Tomivi Mali Turini, Santalezi Cere, Batelići Markoci, Ripenda- Crkveno, Žnjidari Baloti, Štrmac Crkveno, Vrečari Štrmac of the municipality with the purpose of better connection of the villages with their rural areas as well as with other neighbouring areas, all in order to create conditions for better business and better living for residents of Municipality of Sveta Nedelja, which is an undeveloped area from which the population is continuously emigrating. Reconstruction shall be done on sections of existing road which is functional, but as gravel (white) roads, so the reconstruction of the existing roads is relatively simple, with no mayor construction or any other works. Deadline for submission of tenders: 07 October 2013 at 09:00 local time. City of Kutjevo Trg graševine 1, Kutjevo Construction of west bypass road of Vetovo, Pozega-Slavonia County Data scadenza presentazione offerta The subject of the Main Project is construction of west bypass road of Vetovo in the length of m. The beginning of the aforementioned road section on km is located at the intersection with County road Biškupci Kaptol Vetovo (Ž4101) and end on km on the closure with the County road Quarry Vetovo Vetovo Jaksic (Ž4116) Majdanska road, Vetovo. Designed length of the road section is m. The anticipated width of the pavement on this length is 7.00 m which consists of two lanes of 3.50 m, shoulder width is 1.00 m, and open rain water drainage is designed in the form of road ditches whose bottom is 50 cm wide, and slope inclinations 1:1.50. Lining of the channels on the steeper parts of the route was not designed. The route was built in 2009 and the road section from km to km and from km to the end was largely completed. Overview of the route was done in the begging of April, 2012 for the purpose of this Bill of Quantities. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier will be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at Development A clarification meeting will be held on at 12:00 hours at local time and a site visit will be held at 13:00 hours at local time at the premises of The City of Kutjevo, Trg graševine 1, Kutjevo. The attendance should be previously confirmed using the following contact details: tel: ; fax ; Deadline for submission of tenders is at 14:00 Local time on Central Finance and Contracting Agency Ulica grada Vukovara 284, objekt C, Zagreb Supply of necessary IT equipment and establishment of IT infrastructure for the integrated land administration system (ILAS), lot 3, lot 4 Data scadenza presentazione offerta Fornitura di beni Description of the contract: The purpose of the contract is the delivery and installation of IT and electricity infrastructure in the 28 cadastral offices; delivery and installation of an electricity generator for SGA's data centre: lot 3 supply, delivery, unloading, installation (for all items except items 84 and 8

9 85), lot 4 supply, delivery, unloading, installation (for all items except items 63 and 64), training (for item 64), after-sales service (for lot 4 item 30). Number and titles of lots: Lot 3: IT and electricity infrastructure in the regional and local offices of SGA; Lot 4: electricity generator system for SGA's data centre. Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to Central Finance and Contracting Agency, Ulica grada Vukovara 284, objekt C, Zagreb, Croatia (Središnja agencija za financiranje i ugovaranje programa i projekata EU, Ulica grada Vukovara 284, objekt C, Zagreb, Hrvatska), mail or by fax: +385 (0) (mentioning the publication reference) at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tender. The Contracting Authority must reply to all tenderers' questions at least 11 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier shall be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at and on the CFCA website at: Deadline for submission of tenders: (10:00), Zagreb local time at the premises of the Central Finance and Contracting Agency, Ulica grada Vukovara 284, objekt C, Zagreb, CROATIA. City of Ozalj Kurilovac 1, Ozalj Waste water treatment plant of Ozalj, Karlovac County Data scadenza presentazione offerta The scope of works is building of waste water purification plant sized for PE. The design is based on sequencing batch reactors (SBR) technology which uses industrial processing tanks for treatment of waste water. The device will be connected to already existing sewage system. The project will consist of the following elements: civil works on waste water treatment plant, mechanical works installation of equipment, electrical works and equipment and electronic works and equipment (controlling and automation). The clarification meeting will be held in City of Ozalj, Kurilovac 1, Ozalj on September 16, 2013 at 10:00 AM local time. The site visit will be held September 16, 2013 at building location Trška cesta b.b., Ozalj at 11:00 AM local time. Deadline for submission of tenders is at 11:00 AM local time on October 14, Central Finance and Contracting Agency Ulica grada Vukovara 284, objekt C, Zagreb Supply of equipment for the integrated border management 2nd launch Data scadenza presentazione offerta Fornitura di beni Description of the contract: The overall objective of the project is to further contribute to the development of an efficient and strengthened Croatian integrated border management system, which will establish greater security at international borders and diminish cross-border crime and illegal migration. The purpose of the project is further development of efficient customs and border controls at border crossing points, capable of ensuring adequate protection and equipping the Border Police in order to achieve EU standards in performing border controls. The subject of this contract is the supply, delivery, unloading, installation (including testing) and training of border control equipment (detector for narcotics and explosives). Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to Central Finance and Contracting Agency, Ulica grada Vukovara 284, objekt C, Zagreb, Croatia (Središnja agencija za financiranje i ugovaranje programa i projekata EU, Ulica grada Vukovara 284, objekt C, Zagreb, Hrvatska), mail or by fax: +385 (0) (mentioning the publication reference) at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tender. The Contracting Authority must reply to all tenderers' questions at least 11 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier shall be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at and on the CFCA website at: Deadline for submission of tenders: (10:00), Zagreb local time at the premises of the Central Finance and Contracting Agency, Ulica grada Vukovara 284, objekt C, Zagreb, CROATIA. 9

10 Central Finance and Contracting Agency Ulica grada Vukovara 284, objekt C, Zagreb Construction of the capacities for minors and other vulnerable groups of illegal migrants in the Reception Centre for Aliens - Ježevo Data scadenza presentazione offerta Description of the contract: The works contract includes construction of new accommodation centre for illegal immigrants with total gross area of 1.398,47 m2 and reconstruction of existing kitchen and laundry facility with total gross area of 328,90 m2 situated in the annex to the existing building in Ježevo. The construction works will be implemented according to FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction (Red Book, 1999 edition). The distance from Zagreb is cca 40 km. Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to Central Finance and Contracting Agency, Ulica grada Vukovara 284, objekt C, Zagreb, Croatia (Središnja agencija za financiranje i ugovaranje programa i projekata EU, Ulica grada Vukovara 284, objekt C, Zagreb, Hrvatska), mail or by fax: +385 (0) (mentioning the publication reference) at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tender. The Contracting Authority must reply to all tenderers' questions at least 11 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier shall be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at and on the CFCA website at: The deadline for submission of tenders is 15 October 2013 at 12:00 hours Zagreb Local Time at the premises of Central Finance and Contracting Agency (CFCA), Ulica grada Vukovara 284, objekt C, Zagreb, Croatia. Public institution Nature Park Kopački rit, Titov dvorac 1, HR Lug, fax Supply of a tourist train for Nature Park Kopački rit Data scadenza presentazione offerta Fornitura di beni The subject of the contract shall be the supply and delivery of a tourist train and a maximum of 3 coaches by the contractor as well as provision of 1-day management training. Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to Public institution Nature Park Kopački rit, Titov dvorac 1, HR Lug, CROATIA, or by fax (mentioning the publication reference) at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of. The contracting authority must reply to all tenderers' questions at least 11 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier shall be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at and Deadline for submission of tenders: (10:00), local time at Public institution 'Nature Park Kopački rit', Titov dvorac 1, HR Lug, CROATIA. Municipality of Lupoglav Lupoglav 17, Lupoglav Construction of sewage system and wastewater treatment plant in Vranja settlement, Istria County Data scadenza presentazione offerta The project foresees the construction of sewage system and wastewater treatment plant in Vranja settlement whose real capacity is 200 ES. All households which have their own buildings and small service and manufacturing enterprises within the settlement of Vranja will be connected to the sewage system. The project implementation will enable the construction of a modern sewage system with mechanical and biological wastewaters purification. This will create essential preconditions for undisturbed economic development, remaining of residents and new population of the Municipality of Lupoglav with significant effect on ecological aspects and protection of potable water sources, especially in the eastern part of Istrian County. The overall length of the above mentioned sewage network is m. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier will be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at 10

11 Development A clarification meeting will be held on 11 September 2013 at 10:00 hours at local time and a site visit will be held 11 September 2013 at 11:00 hours at local time at the premises of The Municipality of Lupoglav, Lupoglav 17, Lupoglav. The attendance should be previously confirmed using the following contact details: fax ; Deadline for submission of tenders is at 14:00 Local time on 21 October 2013 Municipality of Jagodnjak Borisa Kidriča 100, Jagodnjak RD Construction of Jagodnjak Zornice Road, Baranja County Data scadenza presentazione offerta Description of the contract: Subject of the contract is construction of the un-classified Jagodnjak Zornice road. The road length/width to be constructed in the first phase shall be 3210 meters/3,50 meters. The road shall be the asphalt-paved for the purpose of one-way traffic. Water drainage from the asphalt-paved road is planned by means of the longitudinal and transversal acclivities enabling the water flow into the existing reconstructed network of ditches alongside the road. Prior to digging the shallow foundation, the existing stone layer shall be removed from the field road, will be disposed at a landfill and later utilized for covering the field roads. Upon completion of the works, the environment shall be brought to its previous shape. Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to, or to postal address: Municipality of Jagodnjak, Borisa Kidriča 100, Jagodnjak (mentioning the publication reference) at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. The Contracting Authority must reply to all tenderers questions at least 11 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier will be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at Development Deadline for submission of tenders: On 22 October 2013 at 12:00 local time. Municipality of Jalžabet Trg braće Radić 16, Jalžabet RD Construction of sewage network in Leštakovec and Kelemen, Republic of Croatia, Varaždin County, Municipality of Jalžabet Data scadenza presentazione offerta Description of the contract: The project includes the construction of sewage system which currently does not exist in the settlements Leštakovec and Kelemen. It will enable its inhabitants to discharge their waste water in to the central collector, thus upgrading the current precarious situation which threatens health conditions and spoils the environment. Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to and Municipality of Jalžabet, Trg braće Radić 16, Jalžabet (mentioning the publication reference) at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. The Contracting Authority must reply to all tenderers questions at least 11 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier will be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at: and on the web page of the Paying Agency for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development Deadline for submission of tenders: October 22, 2013 at 11,00 am Local time. Municipality of Oprtalj Matka Laginje 21, Oprtalj Reconstrucion of Unclassified Roads in the Municipality of Oprtalj Data scadenza presentazione offerta The contracting works are related on reconstruction project for unclassified roads for the Municipality of Oprtalj in the Istrian County. Reconstruction project for unclassified roads for the Municipality of Oprtalj applies to road sections Lubiani-Balini, Balini Krajići, Bazjaki, Zubini, Škeri Štelki, Kalegarići, Sv. Lucija Jadorni-Šegalini of the municipality with the purpose of better connection of the villages with their rural areas as well as with other neighbouring areas, all in order to create conditions for better business and better living for residents of Municipality of Oprtalj, which is an undeveloped area from which the population is continuously emigrating. 11

12 Reconstruction shall be done on sections of existing road which is functional, but as gravel (white) roads, so the reconstruction of the existing roads is relatively simple, with no mayor construction or any other works. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier will be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at Development Clarification meeting will be held by the Contracting Authority on 10 September 2013 at 10:00 local time in the premises of the Municipality of Oprtalj, Matka Laginje 21, Oprtalj and site visit will be held 10 September 2013 at 11:00 local time at the construction site. Deadline for submission of tenders: 28 October 2013 at 09:00 local time. Central Finance and Contracting Agency Ulica grada Vukovara 284, objekt C, Zagreb Supply of equipment for upgrading the systems for the on- and offline monitoring of radioactivity in the environment in Croatia in regular and emergency situations Data scadenza presentazione offerta Fornitura di beni Description of the contract: The purpose of the contract is supply (for all lots), delivery (for all lots), unloading (for all lots), installation (for lot 1, lot 2 (items 3 and 6), lot 3), assembly (for lot 2 (items 2, 4, 5)), testing (for lot 1), training (for lot 1, lot 2 (item 6) and lot 3) and after-sales services for all lots, of gamma dose rate monitoring devices with data logger and monitoring centre with hardware and software for automatic data management; vehicle including mobile equipment for radiation detection and a lowlevel alpha spectrometer for laboratory measurements. The equipment will upgrade the system for on- and offline monitoring of the radioactivity in the environment in the Republic of Croatia necessary to comply with the Article 35 of the Euratom Treaty. Number and titles of lots: Lot 1: gamma dose rate stations including monitoring centre; Lot 2: vehicle including mobile equipment; Lot 3: low-level alpha spectrometer. Deadline for submission of tenders: (10:00), Zagreb local time at the premises of the Central Finance and Contracting Agency, Ulica grada Vukovara 284, objekt C, Zagreb, CROATIA. Municipality of Sućuraj Sućuraj b.b., Sućuraj RD Construction of junction road from state road D116 to Zaglava settlement, Splitsko-dalmatinska County, the Municipality of Sućuraj Data scadenza presentazione offerta Description of the contract: Municipality Sućuraj located on the far eastern side of the island Hvar and is the main transport route for coming to the island of Hvar and a ferry dock and permanent ferry Sucuraj Drvenik. From the ferry dock and the whole island goes State Road 116, which forms the main traffic route through the center of the island. Most unclassified roads relies on state road D116 and their construction allows to Sućuraj Municipality of is not only a transit municipality, but to ensure access to agricultural land and sea as a long time owner of the development of this island. Construction of junction road from state road D116 to Zaglava settlement in the municipality Sućuraj will provide significant economic growth based on agriculture and tourism, with the goal of sustainable development of the island. Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to and Sućuraj b.b., Sućuraj (mentioning the publication reference) at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. The Contracting Authority must reply to all tenderers questions at least 11 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier will be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at and on the web page of the Paying Agency for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development Clarification meeting will be held on 17th September, 2013 at 10:00 hours Local time at Contracting Authority premises. Site visit will be held on 17th September, 2013 at 12:00 hours Local time. Please confirm the attendance at:; phone: ; contact person: Ivan Sulić. Deadline for submission of tenders: 12:00 hours Local time on 28th October,

13 Grad Krizevci (Town Krizevci) Ivana Zakmardija Dijankoveckog 12, Krizevci Reconstruction of Visitors center Križevci, Koprivnicko-krizevacka county Krizevci Data scadenza presentazione offerta 29/10/2013 Reconstruction of the former synagogue building in Križevci for the purpose of its conversion into touristic visitors center. The building was built in 1895 and designed in Neo-Renaissance and Neoclasicism styles. It is located in the Town Križevci main square. The building is visible, easy accessible, with sufficient number of parking places in the surrounding. Most of touristic and cultural infrastructure is near and town manifestations are being held in the square directly in front of the building. Building is owned by Town Križevci, with total surface of 998 m 2. Building is in 2 floors and a semi-floor, accessible from all sides, with 2 entrances and allocation of rooms that enables adjustments for various needs. All related topographical numbers: K.O Križevci, kcbr.1328/1 Address: J.J. Strossmayera 5, Križevci. A mandatory site visit will be held on at 10,00 o'clock Central European Time with the meeting point at the following address: Town Križevci administrative building, Small City Hall (1 st floor) Ivana Zakmardija Dijankovečkoga 12, Križevci. A mandatory clarification meeting will follow up on the same date at 12,00 o'clock Central European Time on the same address. sinagoga_tender2/d2_contractnotice_en.doc Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to Grad Krizevci, Ivana Zakmardija 12, Krizevci, Darko Masnec, fax: or to (mentioning the publication reference) at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. The Contracting Authority must reply to all tenderers' questions at least 11 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier will be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the Contracting Authority web site 12,00 o'clock Central European Time on City of Kutjevo Trg graševine 1, Kutjevo Construction of drainage system and wastewater treatment plant of settlement of Bektež, Pozega-Slavonia County Data scadenza presentazione offerta The project foresees the construction of the drainage system (sewage network), and a wastewater treatment plant serving settlement of Bektež. Bektež settlement is a part of the City of Kutjevo, and it is located approximately 5 km away from the city centre. It is situated in Požega Valley, on the southern slopes of Papuk. The sewage pipelines shall be used to drain all wastewater from households and public institutions and a part of rainwater collected on roofs and yards (asphalt pr concrete covered, along with water inlet sedimentation tank), and from uncategorized road surfaces in the southern part of the settlement, where surface drainage is not feasible due to narrow corridors available. The sewage system shall be developed by construction of pipe channels (branch 1-13) designed for combined drainage, collecting and transporting rainwater and wastewater in individual streets of the settlement. Collected wastewater shall be channelled to a wastewater treatment plant located on the right bank of Dragaljevac brook at cadastral plot 681 of Bektež cadastral municipality. Wastewater shall be discharged to Dragaljevac brook only after their purification. This will create essential preconditions for undisturbed economic development with significant effect on ecological aspects and protection of potable water sources. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier will be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at Development A clarification meeting will be held on 23 September 2013 at 10:00 hours at local time and a site visit will be held on 23 September 2013 at 11:00 hours at local time by the Contracting Authority at the premises of The City of Kutjevo, Trg graševine 1, Kutjevo.Deadline for submission of tenders is at 14:00 Local time on 04 November

14 Agency for Regional Development of Republic of Croatia Zagreb, Vlaška 108 Croatia-Bosnia and Herzegovina, Instrument for Pre-Accession () Component II Cross-Border Cooperation, 3rd Call for Proposals Data scadenza presentazione offerta Prestazione di servizi Agency for Regional Development of Republic of Croatia and the European Union Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina are seeking proposals within Cross-border Programme Croatia-Bosnia and Herzegovina (financial assistance from the 2011 (only for BiH), 2012 and 2013 allocations) with the aim to encourage the creation of cross-border networks and partnerships; to encourage the development of joint cross-border activities with a view to revitalizing the economy, protecting nature and the environment and increasing social cohesion of the programming area. Under this Call for Proposals an indicative amount of ,56 is available for project proposals from both partner Countries ( ,00 for Croatia and ,56 for Bosnia and Herzegovina). The full Guidelines for Applicants are available on the following internet sites: and Dates and places of Information sessions on this call for proposals will be available on web sites: The deadline for submission of proposals is 4 November 2013 at 16:00 hours local time. Town of Glina Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 2, Glina Reconstruction and upgrade of the sewer B1, Sisak Moslavina County Data scadenza presentazione offerta Reconstruction of Glina town south-west sewage system by upgrading existing pipeline «B1» in Toplička and Đure Augustinovića streets. Sewage disposal has been design as combined rainwater and faecal system. Total length of the pipelines is app. 700m with 10 manholes. As required by design the road surface needs to be reconstructed after sewer trenching. The sewer pipeline that will be constructed need to be connected to existing retarding basin no 2. The clarification meeting will be held in Glina, Trg bana Jelačića 2 on October 07, 2013 at 10:00 AM local time and the site visit will be held in Glina, Trg bana Jelačića 2 on October 07, 2013 at 11:00 AM local time. Deadline for submission of tenders is: 11:00 AM local time on November 04, 2013 Municipality of Voćin Trg Gospe Voćinske b.b., Voćin RD Sewage and purification of wasterwater in settlement of Voćin I Phase in Republic of Croatia, Virovitica Podravina County Data scadenza presentazione offerta Description of the contract: The project aim is construction of sewage and purification of wasterwater in settlement of Voćin I Phase in Municipality of Voćin, in order to create better socio-economic conditions in rural area of Virovitica Podravina County by improving rural infrastructure and promoting business activities. The subject area is no organized system of drainage. Drainage is done individually, mainly through the waterproof sumps, direct drop in traffic, and melioration canals or rivers, which certainly does not meet basic hygienic sanitation. The realization of the planned project, building sewage networks, treatment plants and municipal wastewater discharges of wastewater, the compliance with the environmental protection measures, will achieve adequate protection of the environment from adverse effects of urban waste water. Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to and to postal addreses: the Municipality of Voćin, općina Voćin, Trg Gospe Voćinske b.b., Voćin (mentioning the publication reference) at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. The Contracting Authority must reply to all tenderers questions at least 11 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier will be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at and on the web page of the Paying Agency for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development Clarification meeting will be held on 23rd September 2013 at 10:00 hours at local time and the site visit will be held on 23rd September 2013 at 12:00 hours at local time by 14

15 the Contracting Authority, in the Municipality of Voćin (općina Voćin), Trg Gospe Voćinske Voćin, Contact person: Simodejan Perić. Deadline for submission of tenders: 04th November At 10:00 hours at local time. City of Novigrad Veliki trg 1, Novigrad Sewage System Construction in the Settlement Bužinija City of Novigrad, Republic of Croatia, Istrian County Data scadenza presentazione offerta The contracted works on the project are related to the construction of the sewage system and wastewater treatment system in the settlement Bužinija, City of Novigrad, Istrian County.Sewage system construction will be built in settlement Bužinija City of Novigrad. Investment in construction of the sewage system through the settlement Bužinija does not use complex technology, construction, or any other aspect because it is a common work for the entire project based on the free fall of the sewer system. The construction of the sewerage system will not create major problems for the surrounding settlements since there are a small number of residents therefore there will be no additional activities nor costs to facilitate the functioning of the traffic in the settlements, beyond the usual. The purpose of a sewage system construction is infrastructure development for better living and working conditions of the population and economy, the future development of the city in order to take actions and measures aimed at raising a higher environmental level. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier will be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at Development Clarification meeting will be held 01 October 2013 at 10:00 local time in the premises of the City of Novigrad, Veliki trg 1, Novigrad and site visit will be held 01 October 2013 at 11:00 local time. Deadline for submission of tenders: 11 November 2013 at 09:00 local time. Municipality of Sv. Petar u Sumi Sveti Petar u Šumi 6, Sveti Petar u Šumi Reconstruction of Unclassified Roads in the Municipality of Sveti Petar u Šumi, Istria County Data scadenza presentazione offerta The contracting works are related on reconstruction project for unclassified roads for the Municipality of Sveti Petar u Šumi in the Istrian County. Reconstruction project for unclassified roads for the Municipality of Sveti Petar u Šumi applies to road sections NPC 1A Kristani Fratria Kranjci, NPC 1B Puris Veliki Vrh (Križ), NPC 1C Puris Veliki Vrh (Križ), NPC 1D Dolčani Ledine, NPC 1E Dolčani Glavica, NPC 1F Dragovanci Škaljice (ŽC 5075»sajmišće«), NPC 1G Banovci Turčinovići Dragovanci, NPC 1H Dragovanci Krči, NPC 1I Juršići Pamići Supetarski of the municipality with the purpose of better connection of the villages with their rural areas as well as with other neighbouring areas, all in order to create conditions for better business and better living for residents of Municipality of Sveti Petar u Šumi, which is an undeveloped area from which the population is continuously emigrating. Reconstruction of unclassified roads shall be done on sections of existing road which is functional but not in good condition, but as gravel (white) roads, so the reconstruction of the existing roads is relatively simple, with no mayor construction or any other works. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier will be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at and on the web page of the Paying Agency for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development Clarification meeting will be held on 18 September 2013 at 10:00 local time in the premises of the Municipality of Sveti Petar u Šumi, Sveti Petar u Šumi 6, Sveti Petar u Šumi and site visit will be held on 18 September 2013 at 11:00 local time. Deadline for submission of tenders is 11 November 2013 at 11:00 local time. Municipality of Vojnic Trg S. Radića 1, Vojnić Reconstruction of local unclassified roads in Municipality of Vojnic Data scadenza presentazione offerta Municipality of Vojnić intends to do the Reconstruction of Local Roads. Works comprise reconstruction of the surface of the roads, installation of traffic signs, 15

16 installation of the fences and boundary stones. The clarification meeting will be held in Municipality of Vojnić, Trg S.Radića 1, Vojnić on October 14, 2013 at 10:00 AM local time and the site visit will be held in Municipality of Vojnić, Trg S.Radića 1, Vojnić on October 14, 2013 at 11:00 AM local time. Deadline for submission of tenders: 11:00 AM local time on November 11, Municipality of Konjscina Ivice Gluhaka 13, Konjscina RD Reconstruction of unclassified roads in Municipality of Konjščina, Krapinsko Zagorska County Data scadenza presentazione offerta Description of the contract: Reconstruction of unclassified roads of municipality of Konjščina. Construction contains the following project solutions that are sought from the bidder: Reconstruction of road surfaces; Solution for the drainage of rain water. Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to Municipality of Konjščina, Ivice Gluhaka 13, Konjščina, Republic of Croatia, e- mail: (mentioning the publication reference) at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. The Contracting Authority must reply to all tenderers questions at least 11 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier will be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at Development Clarification meeting: at 10,00 and site visit: at 11:00 at Municipality of Konjščina, Ivice Gluhaka 13, Krapinsko Zagorska, Krapinsko Zagorska County, Republic of Croatia. Deadline for submission of tenders: at 12:00 Local Time. Municipality of Višnjan Trg slobode 1, Višnjan RD Construction of Sewerage System of Business zone Višnjan with Waste Water Treatment Plant phase II: Construction of Waste Water Treatment Plant and Pumping Station, Istria county Data scadenza presentazione offerta Description of the contract: Construction of Sewerage System of Business zone Višnjan with Waste Water Treatment Plant phase II: Construction of Waste Water Treatment Plant and Pumping Station. The objective of the project of construction of Sewerage System with WWTP using MBR technology is putting into operation a modern sewer system for area of the municipality Višnjan. The result of the execution of this investment will be manifested through the appropriate treatment of waste water from households and industry in the area of municipality Višnjan. Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to and postal address Municipality of Višnjan; Trg slobode 1, Višnjan (mentioning the publication reference) at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. The Contracting Authority must reply to all tenderers questions at least 11 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier will be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at Development A clarification meeting and a site visit will be held by the Contracting Authority at Municipality of Višnjan, Trg slobode 1, Višnjan. Clarification meeting will be held on September 9th 2013 at and Site visit will be held on September 9th 2013 at Contact details: Municipality of Višnjan; Tel: / ; Fax: / , Deadline for submission of tenders is , local time. Municipality of Vizinada Vižinada 18 a, Vižinada Sewage System and Wastewater Treatment System Construction in Setllement Vižinada Municipality of Vižinada, Istria County Data scadenza presentazione offerta The contracted works on the project are related to the construction of the sewage 16

17 system and wastewater treatment system in the settlement Vižinada Municipality of Vižinada. Sewage system and wastewater treatment system construction will be built in settlement Vižinada Municipality of Vižinada. Investment in construction of the sewage system and wastewater treatment system through the settlement Vižinada does not use complex technology, construction, or any other aspect because it is a common work for the entire project based on the free fall of the sewer system. The construction of the sewerage system will not create major problems for the surrounding settlements since there are a small number of residents therefore there will be no additional activities nor costs to facilitate the functioning of the traffic in the settlements, beyond the usual. The purpose of a sewage system construction and wastewater treatment system is infrastructure development for better living and working conditions of the population and economy, the future development of the city in order to take actions and measures aimed at raising a higher environmental level. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier will be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at Development Clarification meeting will be held 30 September 2013 at 10:00 local time in the premises of Municipality of Vižinada, Vižinada 18a, Vižinada and site visit will be held 30 September 2013 at 11:00 local time. Deadline for submission of tenders is 18 November 2013 at 09:00 local time. City of Delnice Trg 138. brigade HV 4, Delnice Reconstruction of Purification Plant Delnice Data scadenza presentazione offerta Municipality of Delnice is reconstructing existing non-working and aged infrastructure a Purification plant in Delnice. Reconstruction is needed to put the plant in fully working state as Delnice is facing problems with waste and sewage water pollution and other potential environmental hazards. Reconstruction works include these main types of works: a. preparation works; b. removal of existing buildings; c. soil works and excavations; d. humidity, heat and sound isolation works; e. concrete works; f. handyman works; g. exterior and interior installation works; h. construction works; i. electrical installations;j. water and sewage installations;k. installation of equipment;l. tests, measurements, regulation and automation of equipment;m. Other. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier will be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at Development An optional information meeting will be held on 25th of September at 11:00 h local time and site visit will be held on 25th of September 12:00 h local time at City of Delnice, Trg 138. brigade HV 4, Delnice, Croatia. Tenderers are obliged to confirm their attendance in writing to the aforementioned address or via or by telefaks: The deadline for submission of tenders is 18th of November 2013., 12:00 h local time. Municipality of Smokvica Smokvica 80, Smokvica RD Sewerage system Smokvica Brna, Stages 3, 4 and 5 Phase 1 of construction, Dubrovnik Neretva County Data scadenza presentazione offerta Description of the contract: The sewerage system Smokvica Brna is divided into 4 basic phases of construction that will be, depending on the financial conditions, executed in stages. The route of the pipelines (mostly gravitational) represents the sewerage route from Smokvica to Brna, then toward the wastewater treatment plant and, finally, the submarine outfall. Pressure pipelines shall be used to negotiate the differences in elevation on the route of gravitational collectors, occurring due to the topographical characteristics of the terrain. The final pressure pipeline shall transport all wastewater collected in Smokvica and Brna from PS «BRNA 2» to the wastewater treatment plant. Wastewater from households, as well as wastewater from tourist facilities and small enterprises shall be collected in the secondary network that shall transport wastewater to the main route of the gravitational collector. Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to Municipality of Smokvica, Smokvica 80, Smokvica, (mentioning the publication reference) at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. The Contracting Authority must reply to all tenderers questions at least 11 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier will be published at the latest 11 days before 17

18 the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at Development Clarification meeting will take place in Smokvica on at 10:00 h, Local time. Site visit will take place in Smokvica on at 11:00 h, Local time. Deadline for submission of tenders is , 14:00 h, Local Time. Municipality of Lekenik Zagrebačka 44, Lekenik RD Construction of canal I, canal III and canal IV from Lekenik wastewater treatment plant to the business zone, Sisak-Moslavina County Data scadenza presentazione offerta Description of the contract: The project s aim is to build a part of the drainage system in the village of Lekenik, from the wastewater treatment plant to the business zone, i.e. canal I, canal III and canal IV. Currently, buildings and households In Lekenik dispose wastewater into collection tanks and septic tanks. The Lekenik SOS Children s Village has an independent wastewater treatment facility and the treated water is then discharged into the Lekenički potok brook. Once the wastewater disposal system of the Lekenik village is completed, the Lekenik SOS Chidren s Village will be connected to that common wastewater disposal system (the canal that will provide the connection to the Lekenik SOS Chidren s Village is not part of this project). Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to, and postal address: Municipality of Lekenik, Zagrebačka 44, Lekenik (mentioning the publication reference) at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. The Contracting Authority must reply to all tenderers questions at least 11 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier will be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at and on the web page of the Paying Agency for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development Clarification meeting will be held on the premises of Municipality of Lekenik, Zagrebačka 44 in Lekenik on 17 October 2013 at 11:00 local time. Site visit will be held on the construction site at the area of Municipality of Lekenik, on 17 October 2013 at 13:00 local time. Participation in the clarification meeting and site visit should be confirmed in writing by not later than 5 days prior to the meeting. Deadline for submission of tenders: 25 November 2013 at 12:00 hours local time. Municipality of Jaksic Osječka 39, Jakšić RD Sewage network Treštanovci, Požeško-slavonska County Data scadenza presentazione offerta Description of the contract: Construction of the Sewage Network Treštanovci; The sewage system is consisted of canals of fecal sewage (N-1, L = m, DN 250), (N-2, L = 140 m, DN 250); secondary canals, L = m, all DN250. The trace of the sewage pipeline N-1 in the settlement is located in the dike, while outside the settlement it is behind the road dike, at the edges of the plough land. The trace of the canal N-2 is on the roadside; all secondary canals are below the road. Household connections are located 2 m from the road dike. Gravity flow and length of canals determine depths: min m max 3.25 m. Construction of the revision panes will enable proper functioning. Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to or Municipality Jakšić, Osječka 39, Jakšić (mentioning the publication reference) at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. The Contracting Authority must reply to all tenderers questions at least 11 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier will be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at Development Deadline for submission of tenders: 26/11/ :00 Local time. 18

19 Town of Ozalj Kurilovac 1, Ozalj Biomass district heating for the town Ozalj, Republic of Croatia, Karlovac County Data scadenza presentazione offerta The main purpose of the project is to implement a biomass district heating system in the town of Ozalj. A biomass boiler with capacity of 1MW will be installed and local forest owners will provide the needed amount of biomass fuel. Potential users include commercial, public and residential buildings in Ozalj which are currently using light fuel oil and wood for heating. Switching to biomass heating would produce a number of benefits for both individuals and society as a whole, such as: reduction of CO2 emissions, heat price stability, security of supply and improvement of life comfort. Deadline for submission of tenders is: December at 12:00. Municipality of Primorski Dolac Primorski Dolac 2, Primorski Dolac RD Construction of waste water treatment plant of the economic zone Bristovaca Tristenica, Phase 1 in Primorski Dolac, Split Dalmatia County Data scadenza presentazione offerta Description of the contract: The contract covers the construction of the waste water treatment plant, an absorbing pit and the plateau with the grease trap, which is just Phase 1 of the long term development plans, with all of the constructed objects located on a separated lot in the economic zone Bristovaca Tristenica in Primorski Dolac. The plant will not have negative environmental effects, even though it purifies both the rain water and the waste water, before draining the processed water into the ground. Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to or to postal address: Municipality of Primorski Dolac, Primorski Dolac 2, Primorski Dolac (mentioning the publication reference) at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. The Contracting Authority must reply to all tenderers questions at least 11 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier will be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at and on the web page of the Paying Agency for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development Clarification meeting will be held on 16st of October 2013 at 10:00 local time. The site visit will be held on 16st of October 2013 at 11:00 local time. The meeting will be held in the premises of the: Municipality of Primorski Dolac, Primorski Dolac 2, Primorski Dolac. Participation in the site visit and the clarification meeting should be confirmed in writing by to not later than 5 days prior to the meeting/site visit. Tenders must be submitted until 02nd of December 2013, 12:00 local time. Municipality Preko Trg hrvatske nezavisnosti 2, Preko Construction of sewage system phase IV & V, Municipality of Preko, Zadar Country Data scadenza presentazione offerta This project is referring to the construction of two phases phase IV & V of Construction of sewage system Municipality Preko island Ugljan. These two phases are crucial for implementation of other phases for sewage system. Phase IV makes, main coast gravity collector by the cove Jaz from the brake shaft on which is connected phase IX to pumping station Poljana 1 and pumping station Poljana 1 with related pressure pipeline from the valve shaft III. phase construction to the brake shaft of the phase V. Phase V makes, main collector from the brake shaft of pressure pipeline to pumping station Poljana 2, and pressure pipeline pumping station Poljana 2 to Wastewater treatment devise and return pipeline parallel with Pressure pipeline to the break shaft near to Wastewater treatment in which is connected pressure pipeline of the development phase VIII. (Wastewater from the village Sutomiscica. Clarification meeting will be held on 11th of November 2013 at 11:00 local time, and site visit will be held on 11th of November at 12:00 local time. Deadline for submission of tenders: 12:30 local time on 9th of December

20 Municipality of Stupnik Gornjostupnička 33, Stupnik Construction works on part of the collector GSK 2 of the drainage system of the settlements of the Municipality of Stupnik II stage of construction with the construction of house connectors Data scadenza presentazione offerta The subject of this Contract is works procurement and construction on part of the main collector GSK 2 (L = 3822,00) in the area of the settlement Donji Stupnik as II stage of construction, upon which the drainage of the settlements of the Municipality of Stupnik (Donji Stupnik) will be connected to the drainage system of the city of Zagreb in the settlement Blato. The main collecting canal GSK 2 represents the main drainage collector of the settlement of Donji Stupnik, the work zone Stupnik and a part of the settlement Lučko. It is laid down in a position to enable the gravitational connection to the secondary sewage system network. With this project the construction of 214 house connections is also planned within the mentioned II stage of the construction of the collector GSK 2. The pipes of house connections enter in length of 1 m into private land lots, and are connected to the collector GSK 2. Upon the investor s request this project does not include the connection shafts within the land lots. From a total of 214, 119 connections to the collector GSK 2 are connected to the shafts planned according to the project documentation Main and construction project of a part of the main collector GSK 2 II stage of construction (no. project (S/501-2), while 95 connections are connected directly to the pipe. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier will be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at and on the web page of the Paying Agency for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development A clarification meeting will be held by the on at 09:00 local time at the premises of the Municipality of Stupnik, Gornjostupnička 33, Stupnik A site visit will be held on at 10:00 local time at the Municipality of Vinodolska at the construction site. Please confirm your presence in written to Mr Franjo Kajfeš, Municipality of Stupnik, Gornjostupnička 33, Stupnik by or fax The deadline for submission of tenders is at 09:00 local time. Municipality of Lumbarda Prvi Žal b.b., Lumbarda RD Modification of the section of the sewerage system Lumbarda Phase I. Data scadenza presentazione offerta Description of the contract: Construction and expansion of the existing sewerage system into the hinterland are foreseen for the Municipality of Lumbarda. For this reason, the Conceptual Solution Wastewater Sewerage System of the Municipality of Lumbarda was prepared. The inner centre of Lumbarda already has a constructed sewerage network consisting of two pumping stations and a pressure pipeline. The existing facilities are inadequate for transport of future larger quantities of wastewater defined in the above mentioned Conceptual Solution, so the need arose for their exclusion or replacement with bigger profiles. Besides, the existing pressure pipeline prevents the majority of the population to connect to the sewerage system except with pressure connections, and the pressure pipeline itself is of inadequate profile. Construction of Phase 1 facilities shall enable connection of a large number of inhabitants and create the foundations for acceptance of larger wastewater quantities from the other part of the settlement. Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to Municipality of Lumbarda Prvi Žal b.b., Lumbarda, (mentioning the publication reference) at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. The Contracting Authority must reply to all tenderers questions at least 11 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier will be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at and on the web page of the Paying Agency for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development Clarification meeting will take place in Lumbarda on at 10:00 h, Local time. Site visit will take place in Lumbarda on at 11:00 h, Local time.deadline for submission of tenders is , 14:00 h, Local Time. 20

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Borsa internazionale del turismo New BIT, new business. New BIT, new business. Borsa internazionale del turismo Il tuo business al centro del mondo. Bit è la manifestazione leader nel panorama italiano, un appuntamento irrinunciabile


P R O M O S. Ruolo, servizi ed attività di supporto all operatività internazionale delle imprese. Maria Pulsana Bisceglia

P R O M O S. Ruolo, servizi ed attività di supporto all operatività internazionale delle imprese. Maria Pulsana Bisceglia Internazionalizzazione e marketing territoriale P R O M O S CAMERA DI COMMERCIO INDUSTRIA, ARTIGIANATO E AGRICOLTURA MILANO Dal 1786 l istituzione al servizio del sistema produttivo di Milano. Ruolo, servizi


Status (CN=Contra ct Notice)

Status (CN=Contra ct Notice) # 1 Status (=Contra ct Notice) Titolo Paese Deadline di attrezzat per l'aggiornamento dei sistemi per il monitoraggio online e offline della radioattività nell'ambiente in situazioni normali e di emergenza


ELENA. European Local Energy Assistance

ELENA. European Local Energy Assistance ELENA European Local Energy Assistance SOMMARIO 1. Obiettivo 2. Budget 3. Beneficiari 4. Azioni finanziabili 5. Come partecipare 6. Criteri di selezione 7. Contatti OBIETTIVI La Commissione europea e la


PV CSP SOLAR THERMAL SOLAR ARCHITECTURE mostra e convegno internazionale

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Company Profile. Go safe. Go safer. G Data.

Company Profile. Go safe. Go safer. G Data. Company Profile Go safe. Go safer. G Data. G Data in breve G Data Software AG è un azienda tedesca specializzata nello sviluppo, produzione e commercializzazione di prodotti dedicati alla sicurezza informatica.


Verso il recepimento. prospettive nazionali. Rossella Panero Presidente TTS Italia Torino, 18 novembre 2011

Verso il recepimento. prospettive nazionali. Rossella Panero Presidente TTS Italia Torino, 18 novembre 2011 Verso il recepimento della Direttiva ITS in Italia: opportunità e prospettive nazionali Rossella Panero Presidente TTS Italia Torino, 18 novembre 2011 L Associazione TTS Italia TTS Italia è l Associazione



A NEW LEAF -Progetto HERCULES III MISURA 121 Project This event is supported by the European Union Programme Hercule III (2014-2020). This programme is implemented by the European Commission. It was established to promote activities in the field


Il cloud per la tua azienda.

Il cloud per la tua azienda. Il cloud per la tua azienda. Questo è Microsoft Cloud Ogni azienda è unica. Dalla sanità alla vendita al dettaglio, alla produzione o alla finanza, non esistono due aziende che operano nello stesso modo.








più credito per la tua impresa

più credito per la tua impresa Sei un impresa che vuole acquistare nuovi macchinari, impianti o attrezzature? più credito per la tua impresa : Agevolazioni anche per i settori di pesca e agricoltura Beni strumentali, l agevolazione


Palazzo Frizzoni Conferenza Stampa 12 marzo 2012

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Sezione Elettronica ed Elettrotecnica

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Spazi e servizi integrati per comunicare con gli eventi

Spazi e servizi integrati per comunicare con gli eventi Spazi e servizi integrati per comunicare con gli eventi Spaces and integrated facilities for events communications Storia e numeri Fondato nel 1998, ampliato nel 2007, Centro Congressi Padova è stato restylizzato


illimitate. limitato Cerchiamo dimenti Master Smart Solutions Smart Communities

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L ATI composta da Associazione Nuovi Lavori e BIC Puglia s.c.a.r.l., nell ambito del progetto URLO Una rete per le opportunità, PROMUOVE

L ATI composta da Associazione Nuovi Lavori e BIC Puglia s.c.a.r.l., nell ambito del progetto URLO Una rete per le opportunità, PROMUOVE L ATI composta da Associazione Nuovi Lavori e BIC Puglia s.c.a.r.l., nell ambito del progetto URLO Una rete per le opportunità, PROMUOVE un PROTOCOLLO D INTESA tra CONSIGLIERA PARITÀ PROVINCIALE DONNE


NEWS: N. 79 settembre 2013 - Realizzata dall Ufficio dell Agenzia ICE di Zagabria GIORNATA PAESE CROAZIA ANCONA, 20 SETTEMBRE 2013

NEWS: N. 79 settembre 2013 - Realizzata dall Ufficio dell Agenzia ICE di Zagabria GIORNATA PAESE CROAZIA ANCONA, 20 SETTEMBRE 2013 ICE Agenzia per la promozione all estero e l internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane N. 79 settembre 2013 - Realizzata dall Ufficio dell Agenzia ICE di Zagabria NEWS: GIORNATA PAESE CROAZIA ANCONA,


Modulo di partecipazione

Modulo di partecipazione Modulo di partecipazione - Soggetto proponente Indicare se si tratta di un Comune o di una rete di Comuni (riferimento al punto 6.1) Soggetto proponente: Nome referente: Indirizzo mail: Contatto telefonico:



IL PROGETTO SMAU 2015 IL PROGETTO SMAU 2015 BERLINO, 12-13 marzo PADOVA, 1-2 aprile TORINO, 29-30 aprile BOLOGNA, 4-5 giugno FIRENZE, 8-9 luglio MILANO, 21-22-23 ottobre NAPOLI, 10-11 dicembre - tel. +39 02 283131



FIERA MONDIALE DEL COMMERCIO EQUO E SOLIDALE 28-31 MAGGIO 2015 - FABBRICA DEL VAPORE - MILANO FIERA MONDIALE DEL COMMERCIO EQUO E SOLIDALE 28-31 MAGGIO 2015 - FABBRICA DEL VAPORE - MILANO organizzato da World Fair Trade Organisation e Agices-Equo Garantito nell ambito della World Fair Trade Week


I Nostri Obiettivi, Il Vostro Risultato.

I Nostri Obiettivi, Il Vostro Risultato. UnicaItalia è la piattaforma multimediale dedicata alla promozione e allo sviluppo della capacità artigianale dell agroalimentare Made in Italy identificato nelle PMI della produzione e della distribuzione.



COMPANY PROFILE AZIENDA CERTIFICAZIONI COMPANY PROFILE AZIENDA Aristea presente sul mercato dal 1988 offre un ampia gamma di servizi nel settore dell organizzazione congressuale, della gestione di associazioni, dell editoria e della consulenza


Direzione centrale attività produttive, commercio, cooperazione, risorse agricole e forestali Area per il manifatturiero

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Master in Europrogettazione

Master in Europrogettazione Master in Europrogettazione Marzo Aprile 2013 4 Edizione Milano Bruxelles Due moduli in Italia* e uno a Bruxelles con consegna dell attestato finale di partecipazione Basato sulle linee guida di Europa



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Il partner per le Imprese italiane nel mondo Roberto Luongo

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II Forum Risk Management in Sanità

II Forum Risk Management in Sanità Promosso da Ministero della Salute Ministero per le Riforme e l Innovazione nella P.A. Istituto Superiore di Sanita Istituto Superiore per la Prevenzione e la Sicurezza del Lavoro Agenzia per i Servizi


Informazione Regolamentata n. 1615-51-2015

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C.I.N. Informatizzazione P.A. S.F.M. Smart City

C.I.N. Informatizzazione P.A. S.F.M. Smart City Gruppo di Lavoro C.I.N. Informatizzazione P.A. S.F.M. Smart City C.Vergnano, R.Dalla Francesca, F.Casalegno, E.Miniati, M.Casali C.I.N. CAMBIANO INTERNATIONAL NETWORK C.I.N.: Cambiano International Network


Cerimonia di Chiusura Master in Gestione delle Risorse Energetiche

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