Microbiology Products. Liofilchem. Microbiologia Clinica ed Industriale. Listino Prezzi

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Liofilchem. Microbiologia Clinica ed Industriale. Listino Prezzi




Liofilchem. Microbiologia Clinica ed Industriale. Listino Prezzi

Microbiology Products. Liofilchem. Microbiologia Clinica ed Industriale. Listino Prezzi

Amminoglicosidi Macrolidi. Cefalosporine (eccetto. Acido Fusidico Ceftazidime. ceftazidime)



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Ed. 01 Marzo Rev. 1.0

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Sommario. L Autore e i Collaboratori. Presentazione. Introduzione. La microbiologia clinica

SensiQuattro Gram-negative


SensiQuattro Gram-positive

β-lattamine Penicillina G Penicillina V Oxacillina Cloxacillina Dicloxacillina Cocchi Gram +: stafilococchi

Urin System Chrom. System for microbial count, identification and susceptibility testing, directly from urine specimens. Ref.

ANTIBIOGRAMMA Criteri interpretativi per l antibiogramma dei batteri Gram-positivi. Giovanni Gesu. Ospedale Niguarda Ca Granda Milano

OSSERVATORIO EPIDEMIOLOGICO (presidi ospedalieri Faenza Lugo Ravenna) anno 2006:

Antibiogramma Nuovi criteri interpretativi e istruzioni per l uso

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WIDER I. Sistemi per la Microbiologia

L antibiotico-resistenza in Lombardia

all "Prodotti microbiologici da laboratorio, kit, sieri e terreni di cultura disidratati " - CIG [ ]

Microrganismi per tipo di infezione (crit.lab.) per rep

Copro System AST. System for the detection, identification and susceptibility testing of intestinal pathogenic bacteria. Ref.

Azienda Ospedaliera Cosenza UOC Microbiologia e Virologia - Direttore dr. Cristina Giraldi 2014

Codice Descrizione Utilizzo Confezione

Sensi Test gram-positive


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Il panorama delle antibiotico- resistenze

Klebsiella pneumoniae

LINEA ROSCO. Listino Prezzi Neo-Sensitabs: pastiglie per antibiogramma e resistenze batteriche Diatabs: test di identificazione

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LINEA ROSCO. Listino Prezzi Leader in Microbiologia Clinica e Industriale dal 1968

Commento al controllo circolare B9 microbiologia

Lo scopo della presentazione

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Prodotti per Diagnostica CLINICA Listino Prezzi Italia

IMPORTO PRESUNTO oltre IVA. IMPORTO PRESUNTO oltre IVA. Fornitura di provettine per stoccaggio a lungo termine di batteri esigenti, contenenti

Codice Descrizione Utilizzo Confezione

I microrganismi isolati e l'osservatorio locale delle resistenze. Dott.ssa Franca Benini


n. 1 busta con l indicazione Documentazione amministrativa contenente i seguenti documenti:

Commento al controllo circolare B9 microbiologia

Diagnosi di laboratorio: screening, fenotipizzazione e genotipizzazione

Patogeni emergenti: impatto epidemiologico

PATHOGENIC SYSTEM. Ref Page. Contents. Italiano 1. English 6



CICA BETA TEST. Rilevazione rapida di ESBL, AMPC, MBL

Germi multiresistenti Profilo microbiologico

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Epidemiologia isolamenti batteri e miceti e sorveglianza antibiotico-resistenze. II trimestre Azienda Ospedaliera S.

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BD Sensi-Disc per il test della sensibilità agli antibiotici

STREPTOSYSTEM 12R. System for the identification of Streptococci. Ref Italiano 1 English 6


Epidemiologia isolamenti batteri e miceti e sorveglianza antibiotico-resistenze. III trimestre Azienda Ospedaliera S.

Commento al controllo circolare B9 microbiologia

CAPITOLATO TECNICO LOTTO N. 2. Test vari (test rapidi e conferme microbiologia, sierodiagnosi, gruppi sanguigni).

Kit completi contenenti terreni di coltura pronti in piastra petri ø 60 mm + le membrane di filtrazione con reticolo, in confezione singola sterile.

Il sistema informativo per i dati di antibiotico resistenza in Toscana

Penicilline Cefalosporine Inibitori β-lattamasi Monobactami Carbapenemi

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Epidemiologia isolamenti batteri e miceti e sorveglianza antibiotico-resistenze. IV trimestre Azienda Ospedaliera S.




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Epidemiologia isolamenti batteri e miceti e sorveglianza antibiotico-resistenze. II trimestre Azienda Ospedaliera S.

Corso ECM Uso Responsabile dell Antibioticoterapia Ferrara 19 Marzo 2014

Epidemiologia isolamenti batteri e miceti e sorveglianza antibiotico-resistenza. ANNO 2013 TOTALE POLICLINICO Azienda Ospedaliera S.


Microbiology Products Liofilchem Microbiologia Clinica ed Industriale Listino Prezzi Liofilchem Listino Prezzi Rev.5.9-20.05.2014 Il Listino prezzi ufficialmente in vigore è quello pubblicato sul sito web di Liofilchem : http://www.liofilchem.net/it/download/liofilchem_italia.pdf Nuovo WEB STORE Il modo più facile e veloce per effettuare gli ordini! Visita www.liofilchem.it

LIOFILCHEM s.r.l. Via Scozia, Zona Industriale 64026 Roseto degli Abruzzi (Te) Italy Tel.: +39 0858930745 Fax: +39 0858930330 e-mail: order@liofilchem.net P. IVA: IT00530130673 R.E.A. TERAMO n.79331 (n. di registrazione CCIAA) Banca: TERCAS spa Filiale di Roseto degli Abruzzi c/c: 11123.14 ABI: 06060 CAB: 77020 CIN: E IBAN: IT11 E060 6077 020C C046 0011 123 Nuovo WEB STORE Il modo più facile e veloce per effettuare gli ordini! Visita www.liofilchem.it Possiamo ricevere pagamenti anche tramite carta di credito, attraverso www.paypal.com Il nome Liofilchem ed il logo aziendale della Liofilchem sono marchi registrati di proprietà della Liofilchem s.r.l. 2

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Sono disponibili formule di noleggio con consumo di reagenti per BIOMIC V3 e Giotto Reader. BIOMIC V3 Descrizione Codice prezzo BIOMIC V3 96909 45.000 Software completo: AST + ID + CC BIOMIC V3 AST 96914 30.000 Pacchetto Antibiogramma: legge i test di sensibilità con metodo Kirby-Bauer per dischi e strisce a gradiente ed interpreta automaticamente secondo EUCAST, CLSI e BSAC e con metodo in brodo microdiluizione (Liofilchem SensiQuattro). BIOMIC V3 ID 96915 30.000 Pacchetto Identificazione: legge ed interpreta automaticamente una vasta gamma di pannelli e gallerie per identificazione microbica. BIOMIC V3 CC 96916 30.000 Conta Colonie e Agar Cromogenici: conta automaticamente le colonie batteriche e fungine su piastre fino a 150 mm, legge ed interpreta le piastre con terreni cromogenici. Contratto di Assistenza Annuale S0004 2.000 E disponibile a partire dal secondo anno. L Assistenza è compresa nell acquisto per il primo anno. Il Contratto di Assistenza prevede la garanzia completa su hardware, aggiornamento annuale del software, supporto per interfaccia LIS/LIMS (il fornitore del LIS/LIMS potrebbe avere costi aggiuntivi) e supporto tecnico in lingua inglese dal fabbricante 7 giorni su 7. Aggiornamento Software S0007 1.500 Aggiorna il software del BIOMIC V3 alla versione annuale più recente. Non comprende garanzia su hardware. Aggiunta pacchetti software a sistemi già installati AST 96919 9.000 ID 96931 9.000 CC 96932 7.000 micropiastre 96 pozzetti 96933 9.000 PC Computer da collegare e dedicare al BIOMIC V3. 96917 1.000 GIOTTO Reader Descrizione Codice prezzo GIOTTO Reader 96900 10.000 Legge ed interpreta automaticamente una vasta gamma di pannelli e gallerie Liofilchem per identificazione microbica ed antibiogramma. Contratto di Assistenza Annuale S0005 2.000 E disponibile a partire dal secondo anno. L Assistenza è compresa nell acquisto per il primo anno. Il Contratto di Assistenza prevede la garanzia completa su hardware, aggiornamento annuale del software e supporto tecnico in lingua italiana da Liofilchem. Aggiornamento Software S0006 1.500 Aggiorna il software del GIOTTO Reader alla versione annuale più recente. Non comprende garanzia su hardware. Stampante Da collegare al GIOTTO Reader per la stampa dei referti. 96918 500 4

Sistemi per identificazione microbica ed antibiogramma direttamente da campioni clinici A.F. GENITAL SYSTEM 20 test 74156 140,60 System for detection, count and susceptibility testing of pathogenic urogenital microorganisms. 4 test 79156 33,70 A.F. GENITAL SYSTEM Mono-test (complete kit with swab and reagents) 1 test 741561 20,00 A.F. GENITAL SYSTEM REAGENT 100 test 80258 54,10 Additional biochemical reagents for A.F. GENITAL SYSTEM. MYCOPLASMA TRANSPORT BROTH Liquid medium for transporting and storing clinical specimen for mycoplasma and other pathogenic microorganisms detection. 20 fiale 20158 21,60 COPRO SYSTEM System for detection and identification of intestinal pathogenic microorganisms directly from stool specimens (9 wells). COPRO SYSTEM Plus System for detection and identification of intestinal pathogenic microorganisms directly from stool specimens (18 wells). MYCOPLASMA SYSTEM Plus System for detection, count and susceptibility testing of urogenital mycoplasma. MYCOPLASMA TRANSPORT BROTH Liquid medium for transporting and storing clinical specimen for mycoplasma and other pathogenic microorganisms detection. PATHOGENIC SYSTEM 18 wells system for the identification of pathogenic microorganisms directly from pharyngeal, auricular, ophthalmic swabs, expectorate and other clinical specimens. PATHOGENIC SYSTEM Double 12 wells system for the identification of pathogenic microorganisms directly from pharyngeal, auricular, ophthalmic swabs, expectorate and other clinical specimens. 40 test 8 test 20 test 4 test 20 test 4 test 71670 79670 71675 79675 72592 79592 173,00 41,00 140,00 33,00 173,00 41,00 20 fiale 20158 21,60 20 test 4 test 40 test 8 test 71679 79679 71678 79678 140,00 33,00 206,00 49,00 PATHOGENIC SYSTEM AST 32 wells system for the direct identification and susceptibility testing of pathogenic microorganisms from pharyngeal, auricular, ophthalmic swabs, expectorate and other clinical 20 test 71681 160,00 specimens. Count, Identification and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing URIN SYSTEM Chrom of the main pathogenic microorganisms directly from Urine 20 Specimen test 74161 140,00 System for microbial count, ID and AST directly from urine specimens (32 wells). 4 test 79161 33,00 1 GR+ 9 KES 17 TZP 25 AMS 2 GR++ 10 VP 18 FOS 26 NA * * 3 ESC 11 STR 19 IMI 27 CIP * 4 IND 12 STA 5 PD 13 CAN 20 CFM 21 CFP 28 LEV 29 OFL 6 UR 14 AK 22 CTX 7 H2S 15 CN 23 CAZ 30 AUG 31 SXT URIN SYSTEM Chrom Specimen... Date... Integral System GARDNERELLA System for Gardnerella vaginalis identification and susceptibility testing. Benefits 1 2 3 4 GR+ GR++ ESC IND 5 6 7 8 PD UR H2S PSE System for staphylococci identification and susceptibility testing. Liofilchem and the Liofilchem company logo are registred trademarks of LIOFILCHEM s.r.l. 25 AMS 26 NA * 27 CIP URIN SYSTEM Chrom * * 28 LEV 29 OFL 30 AUG 31 SXT URIN SYSTEM Chrom Specimen... Date... 8 PSE 16 TOB 24 NET 32 Growth 32 Growth Count and Direct Microbial Identification Escherichia coli, Proteus spp., Providencia spp., Citrobacter spp., Pseudomonas spp., Klebsiella spp., Enterobacter spp., Serratia spp., Enterococcus spp. (Group D), Staphylococcus aureus, Candida spp. Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing URIN SYSTEM Plus 20 test System for microbial count, ID and AST directly from urine specimens (24 wells). 4 test Amikacin, Gentamicin, Tobramycin, Piperacillin-Tazobactam, Fosfomycin, Imipenem, Cefixime, Cefoperazone, Cefotaxime, Ceftazidime, Ceftriaxone, Netilmicin, Sistemi per identificazione microbica ed antibiogramma Ampicillin-Sulbactam, Nalidixic Acid, Ciprofloxacin, Automatic reading available 74160 79160 129,80 31,00 Descrizione Levofloxacin, Amoxicillin-Clavulanic Acid, Co-trimoxazole Confezionamento Ref. prezzo (Euro) Integral System ENTEROBACTERIA 20 test 71714 95,20 System for Enterobacteriaceae identification URIN and SYSTEM susceptibility Chrom testing. 4 test 79714 23,00 Integral System STAPHYLOCOCCI Integral System STREPTOCOCCI 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 KES VP STR STA CAN AK CN TOB System for streptococci identification and susceptibility testing. 17 18 19 20 TZP FOS IMI CFM CFP 21 22 23 24 CTX CAZ NET Integral System YEASTS Plus System for yeasts identification and susceptibility testing. 20 test 4 test Complete diagnosis 20 test Save time and labor with direct 4 test testing 20 test Results in 18-24 hours 4 test Clear and well defined color changes 20 test Easy interpretation 4 test 71724 79724 71718 79718 71720 79720 71822 79822 95,20 23,00 95,20 23,00 95,20 23,00 123,60 29,00 www.liofilchem.net 5

Sistemi per antibiogramma SensiQuattro Gram-negative EU System for susceptibility testing of Gram-negative bacteria, 10 antimicrobial agents x 4 concentrations. SensiQuattro Gram-positive EU System for susceptibility testing of Gram-positive bacteria, 10 antimicrobial agents x 4 concentrations. SensiQuattro Candida EU System for susceptibility testing of yeasts, 8 antifungal agents x 4 concentrations. SensiTest Gram-negative System for susceptibility testing of Gram-negative bacteria, 23 antimicrobial agents in single concentration. SensiTest Gram-positive System for susceptibility testing of Gram-positive bacteria, 23 antimicrobial agents in single concentration. 20 test 4 test 20 test 4 test 20 test 4 test 20 test 4 test 20 test 4 test 76031 79031 76032 79032 76033 79033 76010 79010 76020 79020 140,00 34,00 140,00 34,00 200,00 48,00 76,80 18,00 76,80 18,00 Sistemi per identificazione microbica EnteroPluri-Test System with 12 agar media by simultaneous inoculum for Enterobacteriaceae identification. 10 test 25 test 78618 78619 60,60 138,40 V.P. TEST EP 100/200 80281 30,30 KOH and alpha-naphtol solutions for Voges Proskauer test. KOVAC S - REAGENT Reagent solution for indole test. 800/1000 test 20x2.5 ml 80271 87001 33,60 60,00 EnteroPluri-Test CODE BOOK 1 book 71709 Oxi/Ferm Pluri Test System for the identification of Gram negative, oxidase positive bacteria. 10 test 25 test 78620 78621 60,60 138,40 Oxi/Ferm Pluri Test CODE BOOK 1 book 71708 23,00 ENTEROSYSTEM 18 R System with 18 desiccated biochemical tests in wells for Enterobacteriaceae identification. 20 test 4 test 71618 79618 80,00 19,00 ENTEROSYSTEM 18 R REAGENT 100/200 80252 44,40 Additional biochemical reagents for Enterosystem 18 R. ENTEROSYSTEM 18 R CODE BOOK 1 book 71710 LISTERIA SYSTEM 18 R System with 18 desiccated biochemical tests in wells for Listeria spp. identification. LISTERIA - SYSTEM 18 R - REAGENT Additional biochemical reagents for Listeria system 18 R. STAF SYSTEM 18 R System with 18 desiccated biochemical tests in wells for staphylococci identification. IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM REAGENT Additional biochemical reagents for identification systems. STREPTO SYSTEM 9 R System with 9 desiccated biochemical tests in wells for streptococci identification. 20 test 4 test 71640 79640 80,00 19,00 100/200 80257 64,90 20 test 71630 80,00 4 test 79630 19,00 100/200 80260 81,20 40 test 8 test 72540 79540 89,80 21,00 6

Accessori e kit reagenti per sistemi di identificazione e antibiogramma Multichannel Pipette 1 unit 96759 300,00 8 channels, 50 300 μl Solution reservoir for multichannel pipette 60 unità 96761 60,00 IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM REAGENT Additional biochemical reagents for identification systems. 100/200 80260 81,20 KOVAC S - REAGENT Reagent solution for indole test. Mc FARLAND STANDARD SET 0.5-1.0-2.0-3.0-4.0 Turbidity standard for preparing suspensions of microorganisms. 4 x 25 ml 20 x 2.5 ml 80271 87001 33,60 60,00 5 tubes 80405 180,00 Mc FARLAND 0.5 BARIUM SULPHATE STANDARD 1 fiala 80400 35,00 Mc FARLAND 1 BARIUM SULPHATE STANDARD 1 fiala 80401 40,00 Mc FARLAND 2 BARIUM SULPHATE STANDARD 1 fiala 80402 40,00 Mc FARLAND 3 BARIUM SULPHATE STANDARD 1 fiala 80403 40,00 Mc FARLAND 4 BARIUM SULPHATE STANDARD 1 fiala 80404 40,00 PHYSIOLOGICAL SOLUTION Sterile physiological solution for diagnostic use. 20 x 7 ml 20095 10,80 V.P. TEST - REAGENT NaOH and alpha-naphtol solutions for Voges Proskauer test. VASELINE OIL Supplementary reagent for identification systems. 100/200 10 x 2 x 2.5 ml 4x50 ml 10 x 10 ml 80280 87002 80279 87006 30,30 60,00 60,00 Coloranti e fissativi ALBERT COLOR KIT Complete kit for Corynebacterium diphteriae staining according to Albert. CRYSTAL VIOLET SOLUTION (Gram staining) Crystal violet solution for Gram staining. DECOLOURIZING SOLUTION (Gram staining) Decolourizing solution for Gram staining. GRAM COLOR KIT Complete kit for bacteria Gram staining. KINYOUN COLOR KIT Complete kit for cold staining alcohol-acid resistant microorganisms. LUGOL PVP SOLUTION (Gram staining) Lugol solution for Gram staining. METHYLENE BLUE 0.3% Methylene blue solution for Ziehl-Neelsen staining. MIF COLOR KIT Solution for eggs and fecal parasites detection. SAFRANINE SOLUTION (Gram staining) Safranine solution for Gram staining. ZIEHL NEELSEN COLOR KIT Complete kit for hot staining alcohol-acid resistant microorganisms. 2x250 ml 80294 35,70 1000 ml 80299 45,40 1000 ml 80295 40,10 4 x 250 ml 4 x 2 x 12 ml 80293 87101 54,10 60,00 2 x 250 ml 80380 61,70 1000 ml 80296 45,40 250 ml 80277 13,00 50 x 12 ml 80275 97,30 1000 ml 80290 33,60 3 x 250 ml 80276 50,90 7

Test per identificazione microbica AESCULIN BILE TEST Rapid test for aesculin hydrolysis. ARGININE DECARBOXYLASE TEST Rapid test for arginine decarboxylation. BACITRACIN TEST Bacitracin 0.05 IU impregnated diagnostic discs for group A streptococci identification. BETA LACTAMASE STICKS Sticks impregnated with Nitrocefin, used for the detection of ß-Lactamase producing microorganisms. Brilliant Green 100 μg Discs for the presumptive identification of anaerobic bacteria. CAMP TEST R Rapid test for listeriae identification. CAMP TEST S Rapid test for listeriae identification. CATALASE / OXY TEST Rapid test for catalase and peroxidase enzyme determination. H 2O 2 Reagent Reagent for catalase test. CITRATE Disc for the identification of Enterobacteriaceae and non-fermenting gram-negative bacteria. COAGULASE TEST Citrated freeze-dried rabbit plasma for coagulase test in tube. C-390 Discs containing antibiotic C-390 for the identification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. E. COLI TEST Rapid test for Escherichia coli identification (MUG, ONPG, Indole). GRAM TEST STICK Rapid test for gram-negative and gram-positive germs identification. H 2S RAPID TEST Rapid test for H 2S production. HIPPURATE TEST Rapid test for hippurate hydrolysis. INDOLE TEST STICK Rapid test for indole production. INDOLE TEST Rapid test for indole production. LISTERIA-mono TEST Rapid test for Listeria monocytogenes identification. LYSINE DECARBOXYLASE TEST Rapid test for lysine decarboxylation. METRONIDAZOLE TEST Discs for Gardnerella vaginalis identification. NINHYDRIN 7% Reagent for Hippurate Test. NITRATE TEST Rapid test for nitrates to nitrites reduction. O129 discs Test for differentiating Vibro spp. from other Gram negative bacteria. ONPG Discs Rapid test for detecting the beta-galactosidase activity. ONPG TEST Rapid test for lactose fermenting microorganisms differentiation. OPTOCHINE TEST Diagnostic discs for pneumococci identification. ORNITHINE DECARBOXYLASE TEST Rapid test for ornithine decarboxylation. OXIDASE TEST DISCS Rapid test for cytochrome-oxydase enzyme detection. OXIDASE TEST STICKS Rapid test for cytochrome-oxydase enzyme detection. OXIDASE TEST SWABS Rapid test for cytochrome-oxydase enzyme detection. PEPTIDASE A STICKS Rapid test for group A and group D streptococci identification. S.F. RAPID TEST Rapid test for group D streptococci determination. 8 30 provette 88008 30,30 30 provette 88016 30,30 100 dischi 9502 21,60 30 stick 88033 60,00 50 discs 88041 15,00 30 dischi 88027 30,30 30 dischi 88021 30,30 30 provette 88023 64,90 10 ml 80057 15,10 30 test 88042 18,00 5 fiale (40 Test) 88030 54,10 50 dischi 88040 34,60 30 provette 3 ml Kovac s 88006 51,90 30 sticks 88031 3 ml DMAC 30 provette 88013 30,30 30 provette 88007 32,40 30 sticks 3 ml DMAC 88032 30 provette 88017 30,30 3 ml Kovac s 88010 86,50 20 dischi 3 ml reagent 30 provette 88014 30,30 100 dischi 9508 27,10 10 ml 80273 32,40 30 provette 88009 45,40 3 ml α-naphthylamine 3 ml Sulphanilic acid 50 dischi 88043 58,00 30 dischi 88105 # 30,00 30 provette 88005 40,10 100 dischi 9501 21,60 30 provette 88015 30,30 30 dischi 88004 21,60 50 stick 88029 30,30 30 tamponi 88003 30 sticks 88034 30,30 5 ml Pyr reagent 30 provette 88020 30,30

Test per identificazione microbica SULPHONAMIDE Diagnostic discs for Gardnerella vaginalis identification. UREA / INDOLO TEST Rapid test for urea and indole detection. UREA RAPID TEST Rapid test for urease determination. V FACTOR TEST Diagnostic discs for Haemophilus spp. identification. X FACTOR TEST Diagnostic discs for Haemophilus spp. identification. X + V FACTOR TEST Diagnostic discs for Haemophilus spp. identification. 100 dischi 9511 27,10 30 provette 88024 30,30 3 ml Kovac s 30 provette 88011 30,30 100 dischi 9504 27,10 100 dischi 9503 27,10 100 dischi 9505 30,30 9

Test rapidi per la fermentazione degli zuccheri (terreni disidratati in provetta) ADONITOL TEST Rapid test for adonitol fermentation. ARABINOSE TEST Rapid test for arabinose fermentation. ARABITOL TEST Rapid test for arabitol fermentation. DULCITOL TEST Rapid test for dulcitol fermentation. GALACTOSE TEST Rapid test for galactose fermentation. GLUCOSE TEST Rapid test for glucose fermentation. INOSITOL TEST Rapid test for inositol fermentation. INULIN TEST Rapid test for inulin fermentation. LACTOSE TEST Rapid test for lactose fermentation. LEVULOSE TEST Rapid test for levulose fermentation. MALTOSE TEST Rapid test for maltose fermentation. MANNITOL TEST Rapid test for mannitol fermentation. MANNOSE TEST Rapid test for mannose fermentation. RAFFINOSE TEST Rapid test for raffinose fermentation. RHAMNOSE TEST Rapid test for rhamnose fermentation. SALICIN TEST Rapid test for salicin fermentation. SORBITOL TEST Rapid test for sorbitol fermentation. SUCROSE TEST Rapid test for sucrose fermentation. TREHALOSE TEST Rapid test for trehalose fermentation. XYLOSE TEST Rapid test for xylose fermentation. 30 provette 88208 33,60 30 provette 88209 33,60 30 provette 88207 33,60 30 provette 88210 33,60 30 provette 88201 30 provette 88202 33,60 30 provette 88211 33,60 30 provette 88212 33,60 30 provette 88203 33,60 30 provette 88213 33,60 30 provette 88204 33,60 30 provette 88214 33,60 30 provette 88215 33,60 30 provette 88205 33,60 30 provette 88216 33,60 30 provette 88217 33,60 30 provette 88218 33,60 30 provette 88206 33,60 30 provette 88219 33,60 30 provette 30 discs 88220 33,60 10

Dischi antibiotici in cartucce Descrizione μg CLSI 1,2 EUCAST 3,4,5 BSAC 6 Confezione * Ref. prezzo ( ) Amikacin AK 30 5x50 Dischi 9004 27,60 Amoxicillin AML 2 5x50 Dischi 9151 27,60 Amoxicillin AML 10 5x50 Dischi 9133 27,60 Amoxicillin AML 25 5x50 Dischi 9179 27,60 Amoxicillin AML 30 5x50 Dischi 9005 27,60 Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid AUG 3 (2+1) 5x50 Dischi 9191 27,60 Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid AUG 30 (20+10) 5x50 Dischi 9048 27,60 Ampicillin AMP 2 5x50 Dischi 9115 27,60 Ampicillin AMP 10 5x50 Dischi 9006 27,60 Ampicillin + Sulbactam AMS 20 (10+10) 5x50 Dischi 9031 27,60 Ampliclox (AMP + CX) ACL 30 (25+5) 5x50 Dischi 9122 27,60 Azithromycin AZM 15 5x50 Dischi 9105 27,60 Azlocillin AZL 75 5x50 Dischi 9007 27,60 Aztreonam ATM 30 5x50 Dischi 9008 27,60 Bacitracin BA 10 IU 5x50 Dischi 9051 27,60 Boronic acid BO 5x50 Dischi 9193 27,60 Carbenicillin CAR 100 5x50 Dischi 9009 27,60 Cefaclor CEC 30 5x50 Dischi 9010 27,60 Cefadroxil CDX 30 5x50 Dischi 9052 27,60 Cefamandole MA 30 5x50 Dischi 9014 27,60 Cefazolin KZ 30 5x50 Dischi 9015 27,60 Cefepime FEP 30 5x50 Dischi 9104 27,60 Cefepime + Clavulanic acid FEL 40 (30+10) 7 5x50 Dischi 9143 27,60 Cefixime CFM 5 5x50 Dischi 9089 27,60 Cefoperazone CFP 30 5x50 Dischi 9016 27,60 Cefoperazone CFP 75 5x50 Dischi 9108 27,60 Cefotaxime CTX 5 5x50 Dischi 9152 27,60 Cefotaxime CTX 30 7 5x50 Dischi 9017 27,60 Cefotaxime + Clavulanic acid CTL 40 (30+10) 7 5x50 Dischi 9182 27,60 Cefotetan CTT 30 5x50 Dischi 9081 27,60 Cefoxitin FOX 30 5x50 Dischi 9018 27,60 Cefoxitin + Cloxacillin FOC 230 (30+200) 5x50 Dischi 9144 27,60 Cefpirome CR 30 5x50 Dischi 9185 27,60 Cefpodoxime PX 10 5x50 Dischi 9064 27,60 Cefpodoxime + Clavulanic acid PXL 11 (10+1) 7 5x50 Dischi 9190 27,60 Cefprozil CPR 30 5x50 Dischi 9112 27,60 Cefsulodin CSD 30 5x50 Dischi 9053 27,60 Ceftaroline CPT 5 5x50 Dischi 9195 27,60 Ceftaroline CPT 30 5x50 Dischi 9198 27,60 Ceftazidime CAZ 10 5x50 Dischi 9153 27,60 Ceftazidime CAZ 30 5x50 Dischi 9019 27,60 Ceftazidime + Clavulanic acid CAL 40 (30+10) 7 5x50 Dischi 9145 27,60 Ceftibuten CTB 30 5x50 Dischi 9101 27,60 Ceftizoxime CZX 30 5x50 Dischi 9054 27,60 Ceftriaxone CRO 30 5x50 Dischi 9020 27,60 Cefuroxime CXM 30 5x50 Dischi 9021 27,60 Cephalexin CL 30 5x50 Dischi 9011 27,60 Cephalothin KF 30 5x50 Dischi 9013 27,60 Cephradine CE 30 5x50 Dischi 9055 27,60 Chloramphenicol C 10 5x50 Dischi 9128 27,60 Chloramphenicol C 30 5x50 Dischi 9022 27,60 Cinoxacin CIN 100 5x50 Dischi 9057 27,60 Ciprofloxacin CIP 5 5x50 Dischi 9056 27,60 Clarithromycin CLR 15 5x50 Dischi 9098 27,60 Clindamycin CD 2 5x50 Dischi 9047 27,60 Clindamycin CD 10 5x50 Dischi 9146 27,60 Cloxacillin CX 5 5x50 Dischi 9058 27,60 Colistin sulfate CS 10 5x50 Dischi 9023 27,60 Colistin sulfate CS 25 5x50 Dischi 9184 27,60 Colistin sulfate CS 30 IU 5x50 Dischi 9141 27,60 Dicloxacillin DCX 1 5x50 Dischi 9093 27,60 11

Dischi antibiotici in cartucce Descrizione μg CLSI 1,2 EUCAST 3,4,5 BSAC 6 Confezione * Ref. prezzo ( ) Dipicolinic acid DP 5x50 Dischi 9194 27,60 Doripenem DOR 10 5x50 Dischi 9154 27,60 Doxycycline DXT 30 5x50 Dischi 9059 27,60 Ertapenem ETP 10 5x50 Dischi 9061 27,60 Ertapenem + Cloxacillin ET+CL 5x50 Dischi 9199 50,00 Erythromycin E 2 5x50 Dischi 9180 27,60 Erythromycin E 15 5x50 Dischi 9024 27,60 Fosfomycin FOS 50 5x50 Dischi 9025 27,60 Fosfomycin (includes G-6-P) FOS 100 5x50 Dischi 9121 27,60 Fosfomycin (includes G-6-P) FOS 200 5x50 Dischi 9109 27,60 Furazolidon FR 50 5x50 Dischi 9099 27,60 Fusidic acid FC 10 5x50 Dischi 9049 27,60 Fusidic acid FC 30 5x50 Dischi 9111 27,60 Gatifloxacin GAT 5 5x50 Dischi 9169 27,60 Gentamicin CN 10 5x50 Dischi 9026 27,60 Gentamicin CN 30 5x50 Dischi 9125 27,60 Gentamicin CN 120 5x50 Dischi 9124 27,60 Imipenem IMI 10 5x50 Dischi 9079 27,60 Imipenem + Boronic acid IMI+BO 5x50 Dischi 9085 50,00 Imipenem + Cloxacillin IMI+CL 5x50 Dischi 9086 50,00 Imipenem + EDTA IMD 760 (10+750) 5x50 Dischi 9183 27,60 Kanamycin K 30 5x50 Dischi 9027 27,60 Levofloxacin LEV 5 5x50 Dischi 9102 27,60 Lincomycin MY 2 5x50 Dischi 9028 27,60 Lincomycin MY 15 5x50 Dischi 9116 27,60 Linezolid LNZ 10 5x50 Dischi 9155 27,60 Linezolid LNZ 30 5x50 Dischi 9136 27,60 Lomefloxacin LOM 10 5x50 Dischi 9113 27,60 Loracarbef LOR 30 5x50 Dischi 9173 27,60 Mecillinam MEC 10 5x50 Dischi 9156 27,60 Meropenem MRP 10 5x50 Dischi 9068 27,60 Meropenem + Boronic acid MR+BO 7 5x50 Dischi 9176 50,00 Meropenem + Cloxacillin MR+CL 7 5x50 Dischi 9175 50,00 Meropenem + Dipicolinic acid MR+DP 7 5x50 Dischi 9177 27,60 Meropenem + EDTA MR+ED 7 5x50 Dischi 9178 27,60 Methicillin MET 5 5x50 Dischi 9029 27,60 Metronidazole MTZ 5 5x50 Dischi 9076 27,60 Metronidazole MTZ 10 5x50 Dischi 9188 27,60 Metronidazole MTZ 50 5x50 Dischi 9119 27,60 Mezlocillin MEZ 75 5x50 Dischi 9062 27,60 Minocycline MN 30 5x50 Dischi 9030 27,60 Miokamicin MK 15 5x50 Dischi 9106 27,60 Moxifloxacin MOX 5 5x50 Dischi 9103 27,60 Mupirocin MUP 5 5x50 Dischi 9189 27,60 Mupirocin MUP 200 5x50 Dischi 9157 27,60 Nafcillin NAF 1 5x50 Dischi 9174 27,60 Nalidixic acid NA 30 5x50 Dischi 9001 27,60 Neomycin N 30 5x50 Dischi 9032 27,60 Netilmicin NET 10 5x50 Dischi 9170 27,60 Netilmicin NET 30 5x50 Dischi 9033 27,60 Nitrofurantoin F 50 5x50 Dischi 9181 27,60 Nitrofurantoin F 100 5x50 Dischi 9158 27,60 Nitrofurantoin F 300 5x50 Dischi 9034 27,60 Norfloxacin NOR 10 5x50 Dischi 9035 27,60 Novobiocin NO 5 5x50 Dischi 9117 27,60 Novobiocin NO 30 5x50 Dischi 9063 27,60 Ofloxacin OFX 5 5x50 Dischi 9080 27,60 Oxacillin OX 1 5x50 Dischi 9036 27,60 Oxacillin OX 5 5x50 Dischi 9135 27,60 Oxolinic acid OA 2 5x50 Dischi 9002 27,60 Oxytetracycline OT 30 5x50 Dischi 9065 27,60 12

Dischi antibiotici in cartucce Descrizione μg CLSI 1,2 EUCAST 3,4,5 BSAC 6 Confezione * Ref. prezzo ( ) Pefloxacin PEF 5 5x50 Dischi 9091 27,60 Penicillin G P 1 IU 5x50 Dischi 9130 27,60 Penicillin G P 2 IU 5x50 Dischi 9127 27,60 Penicillin G P 10 IU 5x50 Dischi 9037 27,60 Phenoxymethylpenicillin PV 10 5x50 Dischi 9171 27,60 Pipemidic acid PI 20 5x50 Dischi 9003 27,60 Piperacillin PRL 30 5x50 Dischi 9159 27,60 Piperacillin PRL 100 5x50 Dischi 9038 27,60 Piperacillin + Tazobactam TZP 36 (30+6) 5x50 Dischi 9160 27,60 Piperacillin + Tazobactam TZP 110 (100+10) 5x50 Dischi 9100 27,60 Polymyxin B PB 100 IU 5x50 Dischi 9066 27,60 Polymyxin B PB 300 IU 5x50 Dischi 9120 27,60 Quinupristin-Dalfopristin QDA 15 5x50 Dischi 9161 27,60 Rifampicin RD 5 5x50 Dischi 9118 27,60 Rifampicin RD 30 5x50 Dischi 9039 27,60 Rokitamycin ROK 30 5x50 Dischi 9192 27,60 Roxithromycin RXT 15 5x50 Dischi 9060 27,60 Sisomycin SIS 30 5x50 Dischi 9046 27,60 Sodium Fusidate FC 30 5x50 Dischi 9131 27,60 Spectinomycin SPC 100 5x50 Dischi 9067 27,60 Spiramycin SP 100 5x50 Dischi 9088 27,60 Streptomycin S 10 5x50 Dischi 9040 27,60 Streptomycin S 300 5x50 Dischi 9162 27,60 Sulbactam SU 20 5x50 Dischi 9129 27,60 Sulfadiazine SUZ 300 5x50 Dischi 9150 27,60 Sulfafurazole SF 300 5x50 Dischi 9041 27,60 Sulfamethoxazole SMX 50 5x50 Dischi 9084 27,60 Sulfamethoxazole SMX 100 5x50 Dischi 9187 27,60 Sulfaprim SXT 50 5x50 Dischi 9132 27,60 Sulphonamide S3 300 5x50 Dischi 9126 27,60 Teicoplanin TEC 30 5x50 Dischi 9050 27,60 Telithromycin TEL 15 5x50 Dischi 9172 27,60 Temocillin TMO 30 7 5x50 Dischi 9186 27,60 Tetracycline TE 30 5x50 Dischi 9043 27,60 Tiamulin T 30 8 5x50 Dischi 9094 27,60 Ticarcillin TC 75 5x50 Dischi 9070 27,60 Ticarcillin + Clavulanic acid TTC 85 (75+10) 5x50 Dischi 9096 27,60 Tigecycline TGC 15 5x50 Dischi 9147 27,60 Tobramycin TOB 10 5x50 Dischi 9044 27,60 Tobramycin TOB 30 5x50 Dischi 9163 27,60 Trimethoprim TM 2.5 5x50 Dischi 9083 27,60 Trimethoprim TM 5 5x50 Dischi 9110 27,60 Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole SXT 25 (1.25+23.75) 5x50 Dischi 9042 27,60 Tylosin TY 30 5x50 Dischi 9082 27,60 Vancomycin VA 5 5x50 Dischi 9164 27,60 Vancomycin VA 30 5x50 Dischi 9045 27,60 *Singole cartucce da 50 dischi sono disponibili: aggiungere /1 al n. di catalogo per indicare il relativo codice. Esempio: ref. 9045/1 indica Vancomycin 30 μg in una singola cartuccia da 50 dischi. Prezzo di una singola cartuccia da 50 dischi = 6,50 euro 1. CLSI. Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing; Twenty-Fourth Informational Supplement. CLSI document M100-S24. Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; 2014. 2. CLSI. Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk Susceptibility Tests; Approved Standard - Tenth Edition. CLSI document M02-A10. Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; 2009. 3. The European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing. Breakpoint tables for interpretation of MICs and zone diameters. Version 4.0, 2014. 4. Routine internal quality control as recommended by EUCAST, Version 3.0, January 2013. 5. Extended quality control as recommended by EUCAST, Version 1.0, January 2013 6. BSAC Methods for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing, Version 12, May 2013. 7. EUCAST guidelines for detection of resistance mechanisms and specific resistances of clinical and/or epidemiological importance. Version 1.0, 2013. 8. CLSI. Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk and Dilution Susceptibility Tests for Bacteria Isolated From Animals; Approved Standard - Third Edition. CLSI document M31-A3. Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; 2008. 13

Dischi antimicotici in cartucce Descrizione μg CLSI 5,6 Confezione * Ref. prezzo (Euro) Amphotericin B AMB 20 5x50 dischi 9071 27,60 Caspofungin CAS 5 5x50 dischi 9165 50,00 Clotrimazole CLO 50 5x50 dischi 9097 27,60 Econazole ECN 10 5x50 dischi 9072 27,60 Fluconazole FLU 25 5x50 dischi 9166 27,60 Fluconazole FLU 100 5x50 dischi 9069 27,60 Flucytosine AFY 1 5x50 dischi 9073 27,60 Griseofulvin AGF 10 5x50 dischi 9074 27,60 Itraconazole ITC 50 5x50 dischi 9107 27,60 Ketoconazole KCA 10 5x50 dischi 9075 27,60 Miconazole MCL 10 5x50 dischi 9077 27,60 Nystatin NY 100 IU 5x50 dischi 9078 27,60 Posaconazole POS 5 5x50 dischi 9167 38,00 Voriconazole VO 1 5x50 dischi 9168 27,60 *Singole cartucce da 50 dischi sono disponibili: aggiungere /1 al n. di catalogo per indicare il relativo codice. Esempio: ref. 9045/1 indica Vancomycin 30 μg in una singola cartuccia da 50 dischi. Prezzo di una singola cartuccia da 50 dischi = 6,50 euro NOTE: 5. CLSI M44-A2 - Method for Antifungal Disk Diffusion Susceptibility Testing of Yeasts; Approved Guideline Second Edition (August 2009). 6. CLSI M44 S3 - Zone Diameter Interpretive Standards, Corresponding Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Interpretive Breakpoints, and Quality Control Limits for Antifungal Disk Diffusion Susceptibility Testing of Yeasts;Third Informational Supplement. Multodischi con otto agenti antimicrobici MULTODISC ANAEROBES 100 Multodischi 95410 97,40 Carbenicillin, Cefoxitin, Clindamycin, Chloramphenicol, Erythromycin, Metronidazole, Ampicillin, Tetracycline. MULTODISC ENTEROBACTERIA 100 Multodischi 95380 97,40 Amikacin, Aztreonam, Carbenicillin, Chloramphenicol, Fosfomycin, Netilmycin, Cefotaxime, Rifampicin. MULTODISC ENTEROBACTERIA URINE 100 Multodischi 95430 97,40 Nalidixic acid, Ampicillin, Cefuroxime, Ceftazidime, Co-trimoxazole, Gentamicin, Nitrofurantoin, Norfloxacin. MULTODISC ENTEROBACTERIA URINE AND OTHER SAMPLES 100 Multodischi 95440 97,40 Pipemidic acid, Cefoxitin, Cefoperazone, Cefuroxime, Sisomycin, Netilmicin, Piperacillin, Tobramycin. MULTODISC ENTEROCOCCI 100 Multodischi 95400 97,40 Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Erythromycin, Nitrofurantoin, Tetracycline, Vancomycin, Gentamicin, Ciprofloxacin. MULTODISC PSEUDOMONAS / ACINETOBACTER 100 Multodischi 95390 97,40 Amikacin, Carbenicillin, Cefoperazone, Ceftazidime, Gentamicin, Netilmycin, Pipemidic acid, Tobramycin. MULTODISC STAPH/STREP 100 Multodischi 95420 97,40 Cefalothin, Cefuroxime, Netilmicin, Co-trimoxazole, Erytromycin, Gentamicin, Rifampicin, Oxacillin. MULTODISC YEASTS Econazole, Nystatin, Griseofulvin, Amphotericin B, Flucytosine, Miconazole, Metronidazole, Ketoconazole. 100 Multodischi 95500 97,40 14

Liofilchem Listino Prezzi Rev.5.9-20.05.2014 Il Listino prezzi ufficialmente in vigore è quello pubblicato sul sito web di Liofilchem http://www.liofilchem.net/pricelist/download/liofilchem_italia.pdf Disc Dispenser Descrizione Disc Dispenser 1 cartridge Disc Dispenser 6 cartridges Disc Dispenser 8 cartridges Disc Dispenser 12 cartridges Ref. 91201 91203 91200 91202 prezzo (Euro) 31 440 440 620 Descrizione SensorTurn - Inoculatore rotante automatico handsfree 14-110 rpm include adattatore per piastre petri da 90 mm Ref. 96795 prezzo (Euro) 800 SensorTurn - Inoculatore rotante automatico handsfree PRO 14-210 rpm include adattatore per piastre petri da 90 mm 96796 900 Turntable extra wide adattatore per piastre petri da 140 mm Pedale Wireless Pedale in acciaio Pedale in plastica 96797 160 96801 96798 96799 400 140 100 Ref. 96881 prezzo (Euro) 612 96882 25 96883 96884 360 186 Inoculatore rotante automatico handsfree per semina confluente Densitometro Descrizione DEN-1B McFarland densitometer with built-in adapter for 18 mm tubes A-16 Adapter for 16 mm tubes CKG18, calibration kit for DEN-1, for 18mm glass tubes CKG16, calibration kit for DEN-1, for 16mm glass tubes 15

CultiControl microrganismi liofilizzati Confezione: 1 fiala contenente 5 pellet liofilizzati UFC non numerate Applicazioni: Culture microbiche, dispositivi QC e ID, CQ di dispositivi per antibiogramma Descrizione CultiControl Ref. note prezzo (Euro) Actinomyces odontolyticus ATCC 17929 * 89114 120 Aeromonas hydrophila ATCC 7966 * 89119 120 Aggregatibacter aphrophilus ATCC 7901 * 89091 120 Aspergillus brasiliensis ATCC 16404 * 89021 120 Bacillus cereus ATCC 11778 * 89022 120 Bacillus subtilis subsp. spizizenii ATCC 6633 * 89023 120 Bacteroides fragilis ATCC 25285 * 89078 120 Bacteroides fragilis ATCC 23745 * 89113 120 Bacteroides ovatus ATCC 8483 * 89111 120 Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron ATCC 29741 * 89079 120 Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni ATCC 33291 * 89086 120 Candida albicans ATCC 10231 * 89024 120 Candida albicans ATCC 90028 * 89072 120 Candida krusei ATCC 14243 * 89098 120 Candida parapsilosis ATCC 22019 * 89071 120 Candida tropicalis ATCC 750 * 89097 120 Clostridium difficile ATCC 9689 * 89090 produce citotossina 120 Clostridium histolyticum ATCC 19401 * 89112 120 Clostridium perfringens ATCC 13124 * 89053 120 Clostridium sordellii ATCC 9714 * 89059 120 Clostridium sporogenes ATCC 19404 * 89095 120 Enterobacter cloacae subsp. cloacae ATCC BAA-1143 * 89065 ceppo di controllo per test 120 AmpC con disco; fortemente positivo Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 19433 * 89025 120 Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212 * 89026 120 Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 33186 * 89115 120 Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 49532 * 89066 altamente resistente alla 120 Gentamicina e sensibile alla Streptomicina Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 49533 * 89067 altamente sensibile alla 120 Gentamicina e resistente alla Streptomicina Enterococcus faecium ATCC 51559 * 89117 120 Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 * 89027 120 Escherichia coli ATCC 8739 * 89028 120 Escherichia coli NCTC 11954 89068 produttore di beta lattamasi 120 Fusobacterium nucleatum subsp. nucleatum ATCC 25586 * 89118 120 Gardnerella vaginalis ATCC 14018 * 89099 120 Haemophilus haemolyticus ATCC 33390 * 89123 120 Haemophilus influenzae ATCC 49766 * 89076 120 Haemophilus influenzae ATCC 49247 * 89077 120 Haemophilus influenzae ATCC 10211 * 89120 tipo b; beta lattamasi 120 negativo Haemophilus influenzae ATCC 33533 * 89124 tipo b; produttore di beta 120 lattamasi Issatchenkia orientalis ATCC 6258 * 89073 120 Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC BAA-1705 * 89088 Modified Hodge Test (MHT) 120 controllo positivo Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC BAA-1706 * 89087 Modified Hodge Test (MHT) 120 controllo negativo Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC BAA-2146 * 89069 New Delhi metallo-betalactamase 120 (NDM-1) positivo Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae ATCC 700603 * 89070 ESBL positivo 120 16

CultiControl microrganismi liofilizzati Confezione: 1 fiala contenente 5 pellet liofilizzati UFC non numerate Applicazioni: Culture microbiche, dispositivi QC e ID, CQ di dispositivi per antibiogramma Descrizione CultiControl Ref. note prezzo (Euro) Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae ATCC 13883 * 89089 120 Lactobacillus acidophilus ATCC 4356 * 89080 120 Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei ATCC BAA-52 * 89055 120 Lactobacillus fermentum ATCC 9338 * 89100 120 Lactobacillus leichmannii ATCC 4797 * 89081 120 Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis ATCC 19435 * 89082 120 Legionella pneumophila subsp. pneumophila ATCC 33152 * 89052 120 Listeria grayi ATCC 25401 * 89101 120 Listeria innocua ATCC 33090 * 89029 120 Listeria ivanovii subsp. ivanovii ATCC 19119 * 89030 120 Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 19111 * 89031 serotipo 1 120 Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 19115 * 89051 serotipo 4b 120 Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 13932 * 89085 serotipo 4b 120 Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 7644 * 89060 120 Micrococcus luteus ATCC 10240 * 89096 120 Micrococcus luteus ATCC 4698 * 89102 120 Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis ATCC 25238 * 89103 120 Neisseria gonorrhoeae ATCC 19424 * 89074 120 Neisseria gonorrhoeae ATCC 31426 * 89075 produttore di beta lattamasi 120 Neisseria gonorrhoeae ATCC 49226 * 89104 120 Neisseria gonorrhoeae ATCC 49981 * 89122 penicillina resistente 120 Plesiomonas shigelloides ATCC 14029 * 89094 120 Proteus mirabilis ATCC 25933 * 89032 120 Proteus mirabilis ATCC 12453 * 89049 120 Proteus mirabilis ATCC 29906 * 89083 120 Proteus mirabilis ATCC 35659 * 89105 120 Proteus mirabilis ATCC 43071 * 89106 120 Proteus vulgaris ATCC 6380 * 89107 120 Providencia stuartii ATCC 33672 * 89125 120 Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442 * 89109 Piocianina non prodotta 120 Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 10145 * 89108 120 Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 * 89033 120 Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027 * 89034 120 Pseudomonas fluorescens ATCC 13525 * 89110 120 Rhodococcus equi ATCC 6939 * 89035 raccomandato per CAMP test per Listeria monocytogenes Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC 9763 * 89036 120 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Abony NCTC 6017 89132 120 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Enteritidis ATCC 13076 * 89084 gruppo D 120 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium ATCC 14028 * 89037 120 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium ATCC 13311 * 89054 120 Serratia marcescens ATCC 8100 * 89121 120 Shigella flexneri ATCC 12022 * 89038 serotipo 2b 120 Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 33862 * 89042 raccomandato per CAMP 120 test Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus ATCC 29213 * 89041 120 Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus ATCC 25923 * 89040 120 Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus ATCC 43300 * 89043 meticillina resistente; mec A 120 positivo Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus ATCC 33591 * 89116 meticillina resistente 120 120 17

CultiControl microrganismi liofilizzati Confezione: 1 fiala contenente 5 pellet liofilizzati UFC non numerate Applicazioni: Culture microbiche, dispositivi QC e ID, CQ di dispositivi per antibiogramma Descrizione CultiControl Ref. note prezzo (Euro) Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus ATCC 700699 * 89093 meticillina resistente; Mu50; 120 ridotta sensibilità alla vancomicina Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus ATCC 700698 * 89092 meticillina resistente; 120 controllo per GRD MIC Test Strip Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 * 89044 120 Staphylococcus aureus NCTC 12493 89039 120 Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 12228 * 89045 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus ATCC 29970 * 89126 120 Staphylococcus xylosus ATCC 29971 * 89133 120 Streptococcus agalactiae ATCC 13813 * 89046 gruppo B; non-emolitico in 120 assenza del fattore CAMP Streptococcus anginosus ATCC 33397 * 89127 gruppo G; tipo 1 120 Streptococcus bovis ATCC 33317 * 89061 120 Streptococcus mitis ATCC 6249 * 89129 120 Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis ATCC 12388 * 89128 gruppo C 120 Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 * 89062 120 Streptococcus pneumoniae ATCC 27336 * 89063 120 Streptococcus pneumoniae ATCC 49619 * 89047 bassa resistenza a penicillina 120 attraverso il test dell oxacillina Streptococcus pyogenes ATCC 19615 * 89048 gruppo A 120 Streptococcus pyogenes ATCC 49399 * 89130 gruppo A 120 Streptococcus salivarius ATCC 13419 * 89131 120 Streptococcus sanguinis ATCC 10556 * 89064 120 Vibrio parahaemolyticus ATCC 17802 * 89056 120 Yersinia enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica ATCC 9610 * 89050 biovar 1; serogruppo O:8 120... Ulteriori microrganismi Culti-Control saranno presto disponibili.... Il logo ATCC Licensed Derivative, il marchio relativo ed i riferimenti di catalogo ATCC sono marchi registrati di ATCC. Liofilchem è licenziataria autorizzata all uso dei marchi e alla vendita dei prodotti derivati dalle colture ATCC. **I prodotti derivati da colture ATCC riportano in chiaro il logo ATCC Licensed Derivative. 18

Quanti-CultiControl microrganismi liofilizzati Confezionamento: 1 fiala contenente 1 pellet + 1 fiala di soluzione reidratante Quantitativo: <100 UFC / 0.1 ml di inoculo Applicazioni: Growth Promotion Testing, Microbial Limits Testing, Microbial Enumeration Testing Descrizione Quanti-CultiControl Ref. note prezzo (Euro) Aspergillus brasiliensis ATCC 16404 * 89501 80 Bacillus cereus ATCC 10876 * 89502 80 Bacillus subtilis subsp. spizizenii ATCC 6633 * 89503 80 Bacillus subtilis subsp. spizizenii NCIMB 8054 89504 80 Bacteroides fragilis ATCC 25285 * 89505 80 Brevundimonas diminuta ATCC 19146 * 89506 80 Burkholderia cepacia ATCC 25416 * 89507 80 Candida albicans ATCC 10231 * 89508 80 Candida albicans ATCC 14053 * 89509 80 Candida albicans ATCC 2091 * 89510 80 Candida albicans NCYC 1363 89511 80 Clostridium perfringens ATCC 13124 * 89512 80 Clostridium sporogenes ATCC 11437 * 89513 80 Clostridium sporogenes ATCC 19404 * 89514 80 Clostridium sporogenes NCIMB 12343 89515 80 Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC 13048 * 89516 80 Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212 * 89517 80 Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 7080 * 89518 80 Escherichia coli ATCC 8739 * 89519 80 Geobacillus stearothermophilus ATCC 12980 * 89521 80 Geobacillus stearothermophilus ATCC 7953 * 89522 80 Kocuria rhizophila ATCC 9341 * 89523 80 Lactobacillus fermentum ATCC 9338 * 89524 80 Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 19115 * 89525 serotype 4b 80 Micrococcus luteus ATCC 4698 * 89526 80 Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 * 89527 80 Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027 * 89528 80 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Choleraesuis ATCC 10708 * 89529 80 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium ATCC 14028 * 89531 80 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium ATCC 13311 * 89530 80 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Abony NCTC 6017 89532 serovar Abony 80 Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus ATCC 25923 * 89533 80 Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 * 89535 80 Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538P * 89534 80 Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus NCIMB 9518 89536 80 Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 12228 * 89537 80 Streptococcus pyogenes ATCC 19615 * 89538 group A 80 Il logo ATCC Licensed Derivative, il marchio relativo ed i riferimenti di catalogo ATCC sono marchi registrati di ATCC. Liofilchem è licenziataria autorizzata all uso dei marchi e alla vendita dei prodotti derivati dalle colture ATCC. **I prodotti derivati da colture ATCC riportano in chiaro il logo ATCC Licensed Derivative. 19

Dip-Slide per lo screening di infezioni urinarie # Prodotto con minimo d ordine URITEST (MAC CONKEY AGAR / CETRIMIDE AGAR / CLED ANDRADE AGAR) Enterobacteria, Pseudomonas spp., total bacterial count. URITEST N (MAC CONKEY AGAR / CETRIMIDE AGAR / CLED AGAR) Enterobacteria, Pseudomonas spp., total bacterial count. URITEST C (MAC CONKEY MUG AGAR / CETRIMIDE AGAR / CLED ANDRADE AGAR) Enterobacteria, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas spp., total bacterial count. URITEST EC (MAC CONKEY AGAR / E.COLI AGAR / CLED AGAR) Enterobacteria, Escherichia coli and coliforms, total bacterial count. URITEST 2 (CLED AGAR/ MAC CONKEY AGAR) Total bacterial count, enterobacteria. URITEST M (MAC CONKEY AGAR / MALT SELECTIVE AGAR / CLED ANDRADE AGAR) Enterobacteria, yeasts, total bacterial count. URITEST MALTO (MAC CONKEY AGAR / MALT AGAR / CLED AGAR) Enterobacteria, yeasts, total bacterial count. URITEST EF (MAC CONKEY AGAR / BILE ESCULIN AGAR / CLED AGAR) Enterobacteria, enterococci, total bacterial count. URITEST PENTA (CLED AGAR / MAC CONKEY AGAR / CETRIMIDE AGAR / MALT AGAR / BILE ESCULIN AGAR) Total bacterial count, enterobacteria, Pseudomonas spp., yeasts, enterococci. 20 slide 120 slide 20 slide 120 slide 500 slide 20 slide 120 slide 20 slide 120 slide 20 slide 120 slide 500 slide 20 slide 120 slide 500 slide 20 slide 120 slide 500 slide 20 slide 120 slide 20 slide 120 slide 500152 51015 500232 51023 51123 500242 # 51024 # 500412 51041 500302 51030 51130 500182 51018 51118 500402 51040 51140 500702 51070 500142 51014 24,50 130,10 24,50 130,10 486,70 140,60 31,40 160,10 23,50 125,50 486,70 24,50 130,10 486,70 24,50 130,10 486,70 24,50 130,10 34,60 207,60 Dip-Slide per lo screening di infezioni urogenitali VAGITEST (CHOCOLATE / ROGOSA / THAYER MARTIN) Fastidious microorganisms, lactobacilli, Neisseria gonorrhoeae. 10 slides 120 slides 50020 51020 23,50 259,60 Dip-Slide per lo screening di infezioni dermatologiche DERMATEST (MALTO / CORN MEAL / DTM-TAPLIN) Pathogenic dermatophytes and others non pathogenic fungi. 10 slides 120 slides 50021 51021 20,10 227,10 20

Contact Slide flessibili per lo screening microbiologico delle superfici (ISO 18593) CONTACT SLIDE 1 (PCA+TTC + NEUTRALIZING / V.R.B.G. AGAR + NEUTRALIZING) Total bacterial count, enterobacteria, with inactivation of disinfectants. CONTACT SLIDE 2 (PCA+TTC + NEUTRALIZING / ROSE BENGAL CAF AGAR + NEUTRALIZING) Total bacterial count, yeasts and moulds, with inactivation of disinfectants. CONTACT SLIDE 3 (PCA+TTC + NEUTRALIZING / VOGEL JOHNSON AGAR) Total bacterial count with inactivation of disinfectants, staphylococci. CONTACT SLIDE 4 (CETRIMIDE AGAR + NEUTRALIZING / ROSE BENGAL CAF AGAR + NEUTRALIZING) Peudomonas spp., yeasts and moulds. CONTACT SLIDE 5 (V.R.B.G. AGAR + NEUTRALIZING / BILE ESCULIN AGAR + NEUTRALIZING) Enterobacteria, fecal streptococci, with inactivation of disinfectants. CONTACT SLIDE 8 (PCA+TTC + NEUTRALIZING / V.R.B.L. AGAR + NEUTRALIZING) Total bacterial count, coliforms, with inactivation of disinfectants. CONTACT SLIDE 9 (PCA+TTC + NEUTRALIZING / PCA+TTC + NEUTRALIZING) Total bacterial count with inactivation of disinfectants. CONTACT SLIDE 10 (ROSE BENGAL CAF AGAR + NEUTRALIZING / VOGEL JOHNSON AGAR) Yeasts and moulds with inactivation of disinfectants, staphylococci. CONTACT SLIDE Chrom 1 (Chromatic E.coli-coliform / Chromatic Salmonella) Chromogenic selective media for detecting E. coli, coliforms and Salmonella spp. on surfaces or in food and waters. CONTACT SLIDE Chrom 2 (Chromatic E.coli-coliform / PCA+TTC + NEUTRALIZING) Chromogenic selective medium for detecting E. coli, coliforms and for total bacterial count. CONTACT SLIDE Chrom 3 (Chromatic E.coli-coliform / BAIRD PARKER AGAR + NEUTRALIZING) Chromogenic selective medium for detecting E. coli, coliforms and Staphylococcus aureus with inactivation of disinfectants. CONTACT SLIDE TSA + NEUTRALIZING / TSA + NEUTRALIZING Total bacterial count with inactivation of disinfectants. CONTACT SLIDE TSA + NEUTRALIZING / ROSE BENGAL CAF AGAR + NEUTRALIZING Total bacterial count with inactivation of disinfectants, yeasts and moulds. 20 slides 120 slides 20 slides 120 slides 20 slides 120 slides 20 slides 120 slides 20 slides 120 slides 20 slides 120 slides 20 slides 120 slides 20 slides 120 slides 20 slides 120 slides 20 slides 120 slides 20 slides 120 slides 20 slides 120 slides 20 slides 120 slides 525262 53526 525272 53527 525302 53530 525282 # 53528 # 525312 53531 525622 53562 525322 53532 525452 # 53545 # 525292 # 53529 # 525392 # 53539 # 525462 # 53546 # 525472 # 53547 # 525482 # 53548 # 40,20 217,40 40,20 217,40 40,20 217,40 40,20 217,40 40,20 217,40 40,20 217,40 40,20 217,40 46,00 250,00 46,00 250,00 46,00 250,00 46,00 250,00 40,20 217,40 46,00 250,00 21

Sistemi per identificazione microbica direttamente da campioni alimentari e superfici FOOD SYSTEM System for detection and identification of pathogenic microorganisms from food. VALIDATED to ISO 16140 standard Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Protocol for the validation of alternative methods HACCP SYSTEM Plus System for enumeration and identification of pathogenic microorganisms from surfaces. 40 test 71680 216 40 test 71655 216 Ricerca di residui di pesticidi MAIA Pesticide MultiTest Colorimetric system for the detection of organophosphate, organochloride and carbamate pesticides residues in water, food and drink. 96 test 79700 540,80 Ricerca di residui organici su superfici CLEAN TEST Swab for detecting protein, fat and sugar residues for the hygiene control of surfaces. 50 test 3 test 86001 86001/3 123,60 9,60 Tamponi per superfici per ricerca microbica Contam Swab Listeria 30 test 86102 70 Contam Swab E.coli-coliforms 30 test 86101 70 Contam Swab Salmonella 30 test 86103 70 Contam Swab Contamination 30 test 86100 70 Test dell acqua Water Detect COLIFORMS Chromogenic medium for detecting E. coli and others coliforms in water samples. 20 tubes 25 bottles x 100 ml 630600 630601 # 70 90 22

Ricerca di residui di antibiotici MeRA Test Detection of antibiotic and sulphamide residues in meat by Geobacillus stearothermophilus. 50 fiale 80356 61,70 MiRA Test Detection of antibiotic and sulphamide residues in milk by Geobacillus stearothermophilus. 50 fiale 80355 61,70 PAR TEST AGAR Medium with spores of Geobacillus stearothermophilus subsp. calidolactis for residual antibiotic detection in biological liquids (milk, blood and urine). BLANK DISCS 6 mm dischi in carta. ANTIBIOTIC TEST Antibiotic residue detection in urine and other biological fluids by Bacillus subtilis. RAPID ANTIBIOTIC TEST Antibiotic residue detection in foodstuffs by Geobacillus stearothermophilus var. calidolactis. 100 PIASTRE 250 dischi 11200 11200* 9999 64,90 324,50 27,10 50 dischi 80350 68,20 50 test 80351 68,20 SUSPENSION SPORE BAS E8 10 ml 82012 270,40 Sterile suspension of Bacillus subtilis spores in distilled water for antibiotic residue detection in milk and other biological fluids (1-5x10 8 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE BAS E7 10 ml 82013 248,70 Sterile suspension of Bacillus subtilis spores in distilled water for antibiotic residue detection in milk and other biological fluids (1-5x10 7 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE BAS E6 10 ml 82014 237,90 Sterile suspension of Bacillus subtilis spores in distilled water for antibiotic residue detection in milk and other biological fluids(1-5x10 6 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE BAS E5 10 ml 82015 216,30 Sterile suspension of Bacillus subtilis spores in distilled water for antibiotic residue detection in milk and other biological fluids (1-5x10 5 CFU/mL). Soluzioni per la raccolta di campioni SWAB SOLUTION SKELETON Solution to hydrate samples collection swabs (2001/471/CE). SWAB SOLUTION SURFACES Solution to hydrate samples collection swabs before surfaces checking. 20 fiale 20157 11,90 20 fiale 20160 15,10 Tamponi con e senza terreno di trasporto BIO CULT AMIES + charcoal Swabs for collection and transport of clinical, environmental samples and microorganisms. BIO CULT AMIES Swabs for collection and transport of clinical, environmental samples and microorganisms. BIO CULT STUART + charcoal Swabs for collection and transport of clinical, environmental samples and microorganisms. BIO CULT STUART Swabs for collection and transport of clinical, environmental samples and microorganisms. STERILE SWAB IN ENVELOPE Dry swabs for clinical and environmental samples collection. STERILE SWAB WITHOUT ENVELOPE Swabs for clinical and environmental samples collection. 100 tamponi 85307 51,90 100 tamponi 85317 51,90 100 tamponi 85306 51,90 100 tamponi 85308 51,90 100 tamponi 85270 100 tamponi 85275 23

Self-contained per sterilizzazione a vapore # Prodotto con minimo d ordine STERILtest GST E6 self-contained Devices with nutrient medium, ph indicator and discs with spores of G. stearothermophilus (1-5x10 6 CFU/disc). 100 unità 91100 324,00 STERILtest GST E5 self-contained Devices with nutrient medium, ph indicator and discs with spores of G. stearothermophilus (1-5x10 5 CFU/disc). 100 unità 91101 # 324,00 Ampolle per sterilizzazione a vapore STERIL CONTROL E6 ampoules Ampoules with nutrient medium, ph indicator and spores of G. stearothermophilus (1-5x10 6 CFU/ampoule). STERIL CONTROL E5 ampoules Ampoules with nutrient medium, ph indicator and spores of G. stearothermophilus (1-5x10 5 CFU/ampoule). Strip per sterilizzazione a vapore 10 Ampoules 50 Ampoules 10 Ampoules 50 Ampoules 91010 91050 91051# 91052# 36,80 112,50 33,60 100,60 # Prodotto con minimo d ordine STRIP CONTROL GST E6 Strips with spores of G. stearothermophilus (1-5x10 6 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. 20 strip 91055 86,50 STRIP CONTROL GST E5 Strips with spores of G.stearothermophilus (1-5x10 5 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. STRIP CONTROL GST E4 Strips with spores of G. stearothermophilus (1-5x10 4 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. STRIP CONTROL GST E3 Strips with spores of G.stearothermophilus (1-5x10 3 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. 100 strip 91155 309,00 20 strip 91056 # 81,20 20 strip 20 strip 91057 # 81,20 91058 # 81,20 Sospensioni di spore per sterilizzazione a vapore SUSPENSION SPORE GST E8 Sterile suspension of G. stearothermophilus spores in distilled water (1-5x10 8 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE GST E7 Sterile suspension of G. stearothermophilus spores in distilled water (1-5x10 7 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE GST E6 Sterile suspension of G. stearothermophilus spores in distilled water (1-5x10 6 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE GST E5 Sterile suspension of G. stearothermophilus spores in distilled water (1-5x10 5 CFU/mL). 1 fiala 10 ml 82002 973,40 1 fiala 10 ml 82003 378,50 1 fiala 10 ml 82004 194,70 1 fiala 10 ml 82005 151,40 Strip per sterilizzazione a calore secco o ossido di etilene # Prodotto con minimo d ordine STRIP CONTROL BAT E8 Strips with spores of B. atrophaeus (1-5x10 8 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. 20 strip 91059 # 162,00 STRIP CONTROL BAT E7 Strips with spores of B. atrophaeus (1-5x10 7 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. STRIP CONTROL BAT E6 Strips with spores of B. atrophaeus (1-5x10 6 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. STRIP CONTROL BAT E5 Strips with spores of B. atrophaeus (1-5x10 5 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. STRIP CONTROL BAT E4 Strips with spores of B. atrophaeus (1-5x10 4 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. STRIP CONTROL BAT E3 Strips with spores of B. atrophaeus (1-5x10 3 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. 24 20 strip 20 strip 91062 # 75,70 91063 64,90 100 strip 91067 257,50 20 strip 91064 # 64,90 20 strip 20 strip 91065 # 64,90 91066 # 64,90

Sospensioni di spore per sterilizzazione a calore secco o ossido di etilene SUSPENSION SPORE BAT E10 Sterile suspension of B. atrophaeus spores in distilled water (1-5x10 10 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE BAT E9 Sterile suspension of B. atrophaeus spores in distilled water (1-5x10 9 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE BAT E8 Sterile suspension of B. atrophaeus spores in distilled water (1-5x10 8 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE BAT E7 Sterile suspension of B. atrophaeus spores in distilled water (1-5x10 7 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE BAT E6 Sterile suspension of B. atrophaeus spores in distilled water (1-5x10 6 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE BAT E5 Sterile suspension of B. atrophaeus spores in distilled water (1-5x10 5 CFU/mL). 1 fiala 10 ml 82006 5840,10 1 fiala 10 ml 82007 865,20 1 fiala 10 ml 82008 216,30 1 fiala 10 ml 82009 162,20 1 fiala 10 ml 82010 140,60 1 fiala 10 ml 82011 129,80 Self-contained per sterilizzazione a ossido di etilene # Prodotto con minimo d ordine STERILtest BAT E6 self-contained Devices with nutrient medium, ph indicator and discs with spores of B. atrophaeus (1-5x10 6 CFU/disc). 100 unità 91150 324,50 STERILtest BAT E5 self-contained Devices with nutrient medium, ph indicator and discs with spores of B. atrophaeus (1-5x10 5 CFU/disc). 100 unità 91151 # 324,50 Pinza per self-contained CRUSHER Steel pincer for the easy break of self-contained fiale. 1 pinza 96790 10,30 Strips per sterilizzazione ad irraggiamento # Prodotto con minimo d ordine STRIP CONTROL PUM E7 Strips with spores of B. pumilus (1-5x10 7 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. 20 strips 91071 # 86,50 STRIP CONTROL PUM E6 Strips with spores of B. pumilus (1-5x10 6 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. STRIP CONTROL PUM E5 Strips with spores of B. pumilus (1-5x10 5 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. STRIP CONTROL PUM E4 Strips with spores of B. pumilus (1-5x10 4 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. STRIP CONTROL PUM E3 Strips with spores of B. pumilus (1-5x10 3 CFU/strip) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. 20 strips 20 strips 20 strips 20 strips 91072 75,70 91073 # 64,90 91074 # 64,90 91075 # 64,90 Coupon in Acciaio per sterilizzazione a perossido di idrogeno # Prodotto con minimo d ordine OXI CONTROL E6 SS Steel coupons with spores of G. stearothermophilus (1-5x10 6 CFU/coupon) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. 20 coupons 91082 144,90 OXI CONTROL E5 SS Steel coupons with spores of G. stearothermophilus (1-5x10 5 CFU/coupon) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. 20 coupons 91083 # 144,90 Coupon in Poliflex per sterilizzazione a perossido di idrogeno # Prodotto con minimo d ordine OXI CONTROL E6 PLX Poliflex coupons with spores of G.stearothermophilus (1-5x10 6 CFU/coupon) and provette of nutrient broth with ph indicator. 20 coupons 91085 86,50 25

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Liofilchem Listino Prezzi Rev.5.9-20.05.2014 Il Listino prezzi ufficialmente in vigore è quello pubblicato sul sito web di Liofilchem http://www.liofilchem.net/pricelist/download/liofilchem_italia.pdf Terreni pronti in piastre da contatto (55 mm) # Prodotto con minimo d ordine Descrizione BAIRD PARKER AGAR + NEUTRALIZING Selective medium for Staphylococcus aureus isolation with inactivation of disinfectants. Confezionamento Ref. 15331 prezzo (Euro) 41,10 CETRIMIDE AGAR Selective medium for Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolation. E.P. 15332 35,70 LEGIONELLA AGAR (B.C.Y.E.) Non-selective medium for Legionella spp. isolation. ISO 11731-1 15334 54,10 LEGIONELLA AGAR (G.V.P.C.) Selective medium for Legionella spp. isolation. ISO 11731-1 15376 54,10 MAC CONKEY AGAR Selective medium for gram-negatives isolation. MANNITOL SALT AGAR Selective medium for staphylococci isolation. m-faecal COLIFORM AGAR Selective medium for fecal coliforms isolation and enumeration. PLATE COUNT AGAR Medium for surfaces and air total bacterial count. PLATE COUNT AGAR + NEUTRALIZING Medium for surfaces total bacterial count with inactivation of disinfectants. PLATE COUNT AGAR + NEUTRALIZING (IRRADIATED) Medium for surfaces total bacterial count with inactivation of disinfectants. PLATE COUNT AGAR + TTC + NEUTRALIZING Medium for surfaces total bacterial count with inactivation of disinfectants. ROSE BENGAL AGAR + CAF Selective medium for yeasts and moulds isolation and enumeration. R2 AGAR Medium for heterotrophic microorganisms count in drinking water. SABOURAUD DEXTROSE AGAR Medium for yeasts and moulds isolation. SABOURAUD AGAR + NEUTRALIZING (IRRADIATED) Medium for yeasts and moulds isolation with inactivation of disinfectants. SABOURAUD CAF AGAR (IRRADIATED) Selective medium for yeasts and moulds isolation. SABOURAUD CAF AGAR + NEUTRALIZING Selective medium for yeasts and moulds isolation with inactivation of disinfectants. SLANETZ BARTLEY AGAR + NEUTRALIZING Selective medium for fecal streptococci enumeration and isolation with inactivation of disinfectants. TRYPTIC SOY AGAR (IRRADIATED) Medium for surfaces and air total bacterial count. TRYPTIC SOY AGAR + NEUTRALIZING (IRRADIATED) Medium for surfaces and air total bacterial count with inactivation of disinfectants. TRYPTIC SOY AGAR + 0.1% PENASE + NEUTRALIZING Medium for surfaces and air total bacterial count with inactivation of disinfectants penicillins. VIOLET RED BILE GLUCOSE AGAR Selective medium for enterobacteria isolation and enumeration. E.P. 15329 35,70 E.P. 15328 35,70 15368 35,70 ISO 4833 15325 35,70 ISO 4833 15336 35,70 ISO 4833 15336S 44,70 ISO 4833 15360 38,90 APHA 15374 35,70 E.P. 15354 # 41,10 E.P. 15327 35,70 15323S 44,70 15380S 35,70 15365 38,90 15362 38,90 E.P. 15340S 47,60 E.P. 15339S 44,70 15330 # 38,90 ISO 21528-2 E.P. 15375 43,30 VIOLET RED BILE LACTOSE AGAR Selective medium for coliforms isolation and enumeration. ISO 4832 15326 35,70 27

Liofilchem Listino Prezzi Rev.5.9-20.05.2014 Il Listino prezzi ufficialmente in vigore è quello pubblicato sul sito web di Liofilchem http://www.liofilchem.net/pricelist/download/liofilchem_italia.pdf Terreni pronti in piastre da contatto (55 mm) # Prodotto con minimo d ordine Descrizione VIOLET RED BILE GLUCOSE AGAR + NEUTRALIZING Selective medium for Enterobacteriaceae isolation and enumeration with inactivation of disinfectants. VIOLET RED BILE LACTOSE AGAR + NEUTRALIZING Selective medium for coliforms isolation and enumeration with inactivation of disinfectants. ISO 21528-2 Confezionamento Ref. 15382 ISO 4832 15361 Confezionamento 3x3L 3x5L 3x3L 3x5L 3x3L 3x5L 3x3L 3x5L 3x3L 1 unit 1 unit Ref. 499010 499015 499020 499025 499030 499035 499040 499045 499060 96885 prezzo (Euro) 35,70 38,90 Ready BAGS Terreni liquidi pronti in sacche da 3 L o 5 L. Descrizione LISTERIA U.V.M. Broth Bag LISTERIA Demi Fraser Broth Bag Buffered Peptone Water Bag Maximum Recovery Diluent Bag Tryptic Soy Broth Bag Ready Bag Holder DoseMatic 28 prezzo (Euro) 180 240 135 180 70 96 70 96 70 350 soon available

Terreni pronti in piastre da 60 mm # Prodotto con minimo d ordine MEMBRANE DISC FILTERS Mixed cellulose ester membrane for the isolation and enumeration of bacteria by Membrane Filter Technique. 47 mm - 0.45 μm - white 100 filters 97000 98,90 47 mm - 0.45 μm - black 100 filters 97013 110,00 47 mm - 0.22 μm - white 100 filters 97014 110,00 AEROMONAS AGAR Selective medium for Aeromonas spp. isolation. BAIRD PARKER AGAR Selective medium for Staphylococcus aureus isolation. BILE AESCULIN AZIDE AGAR Selective medium for group D streptococci isolation. IRON SULPHITE AGAR Medium for thermophilic anaerobes determination. LEGIONELLA AGAR (G.V.P.C.) Selective medium for Legionella spp. isolation. LEGIONELLA MWY AGAR Selective medium for Legionella spp. isolation. MAC CONKEY AGAR Selective medium for enterobacteria isolation. m-cp AGAR Selective medium for Clostridium perfrigens isolation from water. m-endo AGAR LES Medium for coliforms determination in water. m-faecal COLIFORM AGAR Selective medium for fecal coliforms isolation and enumeration. MYCOSEL AGAR Selective medium for pathogenic fungi isolation. PLATE COUNT AGAR Medium for bacterial count in water and foodstuffs determination. CETRIMIDE AGAR Selective medium for Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolation. PSEUDOMONAS CN AGAR Selective medium for Pseudomonas spp. isolation. PSEUDOMONAS ISOLATION AGAR Selective medium for Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolation. R2 AGAR Medium for heterotrophic microorganisms count in drinking water. SABOURAUD DEXTROSE AGAR Medium for yeasts and moulds isolation. SLANETZ BARTLEY AGAR (m-enterococcus A.) Selective medium for fecal streptococci enumeration and isolation. SPS AGAR Medium for Clostridium perfrigens and sulfite reducing bacteria isolation and enumeration. STREPTOCOCCAL KF+TTC AGAR Selective medium for fecal streptococci isolation and enumeration. TERGITOL AGAR Selective medium for coliforms enumeration and identification. TERGITOL + T.T.C. AGAR Selective medium for coliforms enumeration and identification. YEAST EXTRACT AGAR Medium for microorganisms enumeration in water. 163622 # 21,60 ISO 6888-1 163512 21,60 ISO 7899-2 163572 21,60 163372 20,10 ISO 11731 163392 32,40 ISO 11731 163382 # 35,70 E.P. 163542 21,60 98/83/EC 163612 71,40 APHA 163432 20,10 APHA 163442 20,10 163412 # 24,90 ISO 4833 163452 20,10 E.P. 163472 20,10 ISO 12780 163592 21,60 163502 20,10 E.P. 163672# 20,10 E.P. 163402 20,10 ISO 7899-2 163462 20,10 APHA 163522# 21,60 APHA 163482 20,10 ISO 9308-1 163562 21,60 ISO 9308-1 163492 20,10 ISO 6222 163582 # 21,60 29

Terreni di coltura cromogenici # Prodotto con minimo d ordine Chromatic Bacillus cereus 11628 36,00 Chromogenic medium for the isolation and differentiation of Bacillus cereus from food samples. Chromatic CANDIDA Chromogenic selective medium for isolation and differentiation of C. albicans, C. tropicalis, C. krusei. 60 mm Chromatic COLI/COLIFORM Chromogenic selective medium for E. coli and coliforms isolation and count in foods and water. 60 mm 55 mm Chromatic CRE Chromogenic medium for the detection of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae directly from clinical specimens. 11612 481110 610613 620613 163692 # 11613 481120 610610 620610 163702 # 15344 # 11619 611619 621619 40,00 70,00 390,00 88,00 38,00 32,00 60,60 430,00 98,00 28,00 50,00 40,00 630,00 152,00 Chromatic CRE supplement 10 fiale 81088 140,00 Chromatic DETECTION Chromogenic medium for urinary bacterial count and identification. Chromatic SALMONELLA Chromogenic selective medium for Salmonella spp. isolation and identification (including S. typhi). 60 mm 11611 481130 610612 620612 11614 481140 610611 620611 163662 # 33,00 49,00 350,00 86,00 36,00 60,60 378,00 78,00 28,00 TWEEN 20 Supplement 2 x 50 ml 80032 19,50 Chromatic STREPTO B Selective chromogenic medium for detecting Group B Streptococci (Streptococcus agalactiae) Chromatic STAPH AUREUS Selective chromogenic medium for Staphylococcus aureus isolation. 6 bottles x 100 ml 11617 481180 610617 620617 11616 481160 610616 620616 48,00 70,00 480,00 125,00 32,00 110,00 280,00 78,00 Chromatic STAPH AUREUS supplement 10 fiale 81085 160,00 Chromatic MRSA Chromogenic medium for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. 10599 610615 620615 60,00 280,00 78,00 Chromatic MRSA supplement 10 fiale 81078 160,00 Chromatic Staph.aureus/MRSA Chromogenic media on double plate for detecting methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. 18007 # 40,00 Chromatic ESBL Chromatic ESBL+AmpC Chromogenic medium for the detection of Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase producing bacteria. 11622 11629 610629 620629 50,00 48,00 440,00 140,00 Chromatic ESBL supplement 10 fiale 81089 280,00 Chromatic ESBL+AmpC supplement 10 fiale 81090 120,00 O.A. LISTERIA agar Selective chromogenic medium for Listeria monocytogenes isolation and differentiation (ISO 11290). 10 piastre 140 mm 10620 10223 610601 620601 46,00 98,00 280,00 72,00 O.A. LISTERIA supplement (4+4) x 500 ml 81074 68,00 Chromatic E.coli O157 Selective chromogenic medium for detecting E. coli O157. Chromatic MH Chromogenic Mueller Hinton for presumptive identification and susceptibility testing of bacteria from clinical specimens. Chromatic VRE Chromogenic medium for screening vancomycin-resistant enterococci. TBX agar Selective chromogenic medium for detecting and enumerating E. coli in food according to ISO 16649. 10 piastre 140 mm 11610 610614 11618 10246 611618 621618 36,00 460,00 46,00 50,00 440,00 90,00 11621 50,00 10522 610224 620224 481170 36,00 367,70 87,60 32,00 30

Terreni di coltura pronti in piastre petri, provette, bottiglie # Prodotto con minimo d ordine A1 MEDIUM APHA 24113 32,00 Liquid selective medium for fecal coliforms detection in water and food. ACETAMIDE BROTH Liquid medium for confirming Pseudomonas aeruginosa. ISO 16266 ISO 12780 x 5 ml 24154 23,00 AEROMONAS AGAR Selective medium for Aeromonas spp. isolation. ALKALINE PEPTONE WATER Liquid enrichment medium for Vibrio spp. isolation. AZIDE AGAR (Sheep blood 5%) Selective medium for streptococci isolation. AZIDE DEXTROSE BROTH Liquid selective medium for fecal streptococci detection in water and food. AZIDE DEXTROSE BROTH (double concentration) Liquid selective medium for fecal streptococci detection in water and food. AZIDE BLOOD AGAR BASE Base selective medium for streptococci isolation. BACILLUS CEREUS AGAR (MOSSEL, MYP) Selective medium for Bacillus cereus isolation and enumeration. BACILLUS CEREUS AGAR (PEMBA) Selective medium for Bacillus cereus isolation and enumeration. BAIRD PARKER AGAR (Egg yolk tellurite) Selective medium for Staphylococcus aureus isolation in food. BAIRD PARKER AGAR + RPF Selective medium for Staphylococcus aureus isolation. BIGGY (NICKERSON) AGAR Selective medium for Candida spp. isolation and presumptive identification. BILE AESCULIN AGAR Selective medium for group D streptococci isolation. BILE AESCULIN AZIDE AGAR w/ VANCOMYCIN Selective medium for isolating vancomycin-resistant enterococci. BILE AESCULIN BROTH Selective medium for group D streptococci isolation. BISMUTH SULFITE AGAR Selective medium for Salmonella spp. isolation. APHA APHA APHA 10406 # 10 provette 100 provette 10 provette 100 provette 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 24100 401990 11041 11041* 20114 26114 # 21114 26414 # 402170 412150 21,60 106,00 11,90 110,00 15,10 120,00 38,90 ISO 7932 10027 31,40 ISO 21871 10007 ISO 6888-1 10020 10020* 128,80 ISO 6888-2 20 plates 10521 70,30 10 provette 10 provette 6 bottiglie x 500 ml 10021 10021* 30091 442350 10057 10057* 33085 442320 470140 18,10 90,80 13,00 19,50 97,30 14,10 77,90 10411 22,00 ISO 7899-2 24120 25,00 U.S.P. 10047 # 10047* # 26,90 103,80 BLOOD AGAR BASE (Sheep blood 7%) ISO 10560 10142 21,60 Medium for fastidious microorganisms isolation and for haemolysis test. BLOOD AGAR BASE Basal medium for fastidious microorganisms isolation. 6 bottiglie x 500 ml 402140 470130 # 67,10 SHEEP BLOOD DEFIBRINATED 1 bottiglia x 50 ml 83296 48,70 BOLTON BROTH ISO 10272-1 Medium for the enrichment of Campylobacter spp. in foods and animal feeding stuff. BRAIN HEART INFUSION AGAR Medium for cultivation of fastidious aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. BRAIN HEART INFUSION BROTH Broth for cultivation of fastidious aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. BRILLIANT GREEN AGAR Selective medium for Salmonella spp. isolation other than S. typhi. BRILLIANT GREEN BILE BROTH 2% Selective medium for coliforms detection and confirmation. BRUCELLA BLOOD AGAR w HEMIN AND VITAMIN K1 Selective medium for Brucella spp. isolation. BRUCELLA BROTH Medium for cultivating Brucella spp. BUFFERED PEPTONE WATER Medium for Salmonella pre-enrichment in food. ISO 4831 ISO 4832 ISO 6579 ISO 6785 6 bottles x 500 ml 6 bottles x 1000 ml 10 provette 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 470340 # 400260 # 10060 10060* 30084 402380 # 24104 412010 # 10022 10022* 402330 180,00 220,00 20,60 97,30 12,50 24,00 45,40 18,40 89,80 10 provette 20102 13,00 10245 # 51,10 24418 28,00 6 bottiglie x 90 ml 25 bottiglie x 90 ml 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 6 bottiglie x 225 ml 25 bottiglie x 225 ml 24099 414030 454030 # 412090 414020 451402 98,00 38,90 38,90 130,00 31

Terreni di coltura pronti in piastre petri, provette, bottiglie # Prodotto con minimo d ordine BUFFERED PEPTONE SOLUTION E.P. 402410 Solution for samples dilution. ISO 21149 BURKHOLDERIA CEPACIA SELECTIVE AGAR (BCSA) Selective medium for the isolation of Burkholderia cepacia from clinical and non-clinical specimens. 11506 # 30,30 CAMPYLOBACTER AGAR (Sheep blood 5%) Selective medium for Campylobacter spp. isolation. CAMPYLOBACTER AGAR BASE Selective basal medium for Campylobacter spp. isolation. 10050 10050* 30,80 153,60 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 413030 # 45,40 SHEEP BLOOD DEFIBRINATED 1 bottiglia x 50 ml 83296 48,70 CAMPYLOBACTER BROTH 24404 38,00 Selective medium for Campylobacter spp. enrichment. CAMPYLOBACTER PRESTON AGAR Selective medium for Campylobacter spp. detection from clinical specimens. CASITONE AGAR Medium for fastidious microorganisms growth. CETRIMIDE AGAR Selective medium for Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolation. CHOCOLATE AGAR Medium for fastidious microorganisms isolation. CHOCOLATE BACITRACIN AGAR Selective medium for Haemophilus spp. isolation. CHRISTENSEN UREA AGAR Medium for enterobacteria urease test. CLED AGAR Medium for total bacterial count in urine. E.P. ISO 6785 ISO 6579 10146 # 30,00 10079 # 24,90 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 6 bottiglie x 500 ml 10 provette 5 bottiglie x 200 ml 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 6 bottiglie x 500 ml 10033 10033* 402270 412270 10023 10023* 442220 470120 # 11023 11023* 30081 412100 10026 10026* 402180 412180 470110 10004 10004* 19,10 95,20 38,90 20,10 100,60 77,90 21,60 103,80 13,00 43,30 17,90 89,80 38,90 67,10 20,60 100,60 CLED ANDRADE AGAR Medium for total bacterial count of urine. SHEEP BLOOD DEFIBRINATED 1 bottiglia x 50 ml 83296 48,70 CLOSTRIDIUM AGAR (Sheep Blood 5%) 11060 # 32,40 Selective medium for Clostridium difficile isolation. COLUMBIA AGAR BASE 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 452210 38,90 Basal medium for fastidious microorganisms isolation. 6 bottiglie x 500 ml 470100 # 72,50 SHEEP BLOOD DEFIBRINATED 1 bottiglia x 50 ml 83296 48,70 COLUMBIA AGAR (Horse blood 5%) Medium for streptococci, staphylococci and pneumococci isolation. COLUMBIA AGAR (Sheep blood 5%) Medium for fastidious microorganisms isolation. COLUMBIA AGAR (Sheep blood 5%) + VANCOMYCIN Medium for identification and differentiation of heteroresistant vancomycinintermediate S.aureus (h-visa) and vancomycin-intermediate S.aureus (VISA) from vancomycin-susceptible S.aureus (VSSA) COLUMBIA C.N.A. AGAR (Sheep blood 5%) Medium for streptococci, staphylococci and pneumococci isolation. COLUMBIA C.N.A. AGAR BASE Selective basal medium for streptococci, staphylococci and pneumococci isolation. 10025 10025* 11025 11025* 21,60 101,70 20,60 100,60 11517 # 38,00 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 11024 11024* 402210 412210 20,70 102,80 38,90 SHEEP BLOOD DEFIBRINATED 1 bottiglia x 50 ml 83296 48,70 COLUMBIA C.N.A. MOD. AGAR (Sheep blood 5%) Selective medium for streptococci isolation. COPRO KIT 1 (Selenite Broth) Enrichment medium for Salmonella spp. isolation in feces. COPRO KIT 2 (Salmonella Differential Broth) Selective medium for Salmonella spp. screening and isolation in feces. CORN MEAL AGAR Medium for cultivating yeasts. CRYSTAL VIOLET AGAR (Sheep blood 5%) Selective medium for streptococci isolation. CZAPEK DOX AGAR Selective medium for saprophytic fungi cultivation. DEMI FRASER BROTH Medium for Listeria spp. enrichment. 11124 11124* 20,70 102,80 10 test 85501 # 13,00 10 test 85502 # 13,00 11507 # 21,60 10042 # 10042 #* 20,60 102,80 10017 # 20,60 ISO 11290-1 6 bottiglie x 225 ml 414000 38,90 32

Terreni di coltura pronti in piastre petri, provette, bottiglie # Prodotto con minimo d ordine DERMATOPHYTE (D.T.M.) AGAR Selective medium for dermatophyte fungi isolation. DESOXYCHOLATE AGAR Selective medium for enterobacteria isolation. DICHLORAN ROSE BENGAL CAF AGAR Selective medium for detecting yeasts and moulds in foods. E.C. BROTH Selective broth for fecal coliforms detection and for E. coli confirmation. E.E. BROTH Broth for enterobacteria selective enrichment (harmonized European Pharmacopoeia). E.M.B. LEVINE AGAR Selective medium for gram-negative enteric bacteria isolation. ENDO AGAR Medium for coliforms detection, enumeration and confirmation test. ENTEROBACTER SAKAZAKII ISOLATION AGAR Selective medium for Enterobacter sakazakii isolation. ENTEROCOCCO AGAR (BILE AESCULIN AZIDE AGAR) Selective medium for group D streptococci isolation. ENTEROCOCCUS AGAR + VANCOMYCIN Selective medium for detecting and counting vancomycin-resistant enterococci. EUGON LT 100 AGAR Medium for detection and enumeration of mesophilic bacteria in cosmetic products. EUGON LT 100 BROTH Broth for detecting and enumerating aerobic bacteria in cosmetic products. GARDNERELLA AGAR (Sheep blood 5%) Selective medium for Gardnerella vaginalis isolation. GBS Agar (Granada) Medium for the isolation and identification of Streptococcus agalatiae (Group B Streptococci). GLUCOSE BROTH Broth for bacteria growth. G.N. HAJNA BROTH Broth for gram-negatives enrichment. HAEMOPHYLUS TEST AGAR Medium for Haemophilus spp. sensitivity testing. HAEMOPHYLUS TEST BROTH Broth for Haemophilus spp. sensitivity testing. HELICOBACTER PYLORI AGAR Selective medium for Helicobacter pylori isolation. HELICOBACTER PYLORI EGG YOLK EMULSION AGAR Medium for the cultivation of Helicobacter pylori. HELICOBACTER PYLORI TEST Selective broth for Helicobacter pylori isolation in bioptical samples. Helicobacter pylori GESA medium Transport medium of gastric biopsies for the isolation and identification of Helicobacter pylori. HEKTOEN ENTERIC AGAR Selective medium for pathogenic enterobacteria isolation. HERELLEA AGAR Selective medium for gram negative bacteria isolation. ISOSENSITEST AGAR Medium for susceptibility test. I.U.T.M. MEDIUM Medium for mycobacteria detection and sensitivity test. KLIGLER IRON AGAR Differential medium for enterobacteria identification. LACTOSE BROTH Broth for coliforms detection. 33 APHA ISO 21527 10 provette 6 bottiglie x 500 ml 11052 11052* 33086 # 402200 11027 402340 470030 # 10097 10097* 21,60 108,20 13,10 20,60 72,50 110,00 ISO 7251 10 provette 20122 12,50 USP 24096 # 402480 10048 10048* 402350 36,00 21,30 106,00 APHA 403010 ISO 22964 11623 38,00 11057 11057* 19,50 95,20 11501 36,00 ISO 21149 20 plates 10133 # 24,00 ISO 21567 20 tubes x 10 ml 20 tubes x 9 ml 100 tubes x 9 ml 6 bottles x 45 ml 6 bottles x 90/125 ml 6 bottles x 90/200 ml 24094 # 240949 # 260949 # 402400 # 403400 # 413400 # 11054 11054* 40,00 40,00 180,00 83,80 84,00 83,00 31,40 157,90 10421 # 50,00 10 provette 20105 12,50 24119 30,00 10080 24091 # 29,00 10082 10605 # 40,00 20 test 20090 122,30 x 1 ml 27001 # 36,00 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 10043 10043* 402230 412230 11143# 11143* 10028 10028* 19,10 95,20 41,10 20,80 103,80 20,60 99,50 10 provette 33118 19,50 ISO 10273 10 provette 30087 18,40 ISO 9308-2 10 provette 20106 402090 12,50

Terreni di coltura pronti in piastre petri, provette, bottiglie # Prodotto con minimo d ordine LACTOSE BROTH (double concentration) ISO 9308-2 10 provette 21106 15,10 Broth for coliforms detection. LAURYL SULFATE TRYPTOSE BROTH (LST) Selective medium for the detection of coliform bacteria in water and food. APHA 10 tubes x 10 ml 100 tubes x 10 ml 21453 # 26453 # 14,00 140,00 LAURYL SULFATE TRYPTOSE BROTH (LST) double concentration Selective medium for the detection of coliform bacteria in water and food. LAURYL SULFATE TRYPTOSE BROTH MODIFIED (mlst) Selective medium for the enrichment of Enterobacter sakazakii. L.B. MEDIUM Medium for recombinant Escherichia coli cultivation. LEGIONELLA AGAR (B.C.Y.E.) Non-selective medium for Legionella spp. isolation. LEGIONELLA AGAR (B.C.Y.E.) w/o cysteine Non-selective medium for Legionella spp. isolation. LEGIONELLA AGAR (G.V.P.C.) Selective medium for Legionella spp. isolation. LEGIONELLA MWY AGAR Selective medium for Legionella spp. isolation. LETHEEN BROTH Broth for the determination of the phenol coefficient of quaternary ammonium compounds. LISTERIA AESCULIN AGAR Selective medium for Listeria spp. isolation. LISTERIA FRASER BROTH Broth for Listeria spp. enrichment. LISTERIA PALCAM AGAR Selective medium for Listeria spp. isolation. LISTERIA SELECTIVE BROTH Enrichment broth for Listeria spp. isolation. LISTERIA U.V.M. 1 BROTH Enrichment broth for Listeria spp. isolation. LISTERIA U.V.M. 2 BROTH Enrichment broth for Listeria spp. isolation. LOEFFLER MEDIUM Medium for Corynebacterium diphteriae cultivation. LOWENSTEIN JENSEN MEDIUM Medium for mycobacteria isolation. LOWENSTEIN JENSEN MEDIUM W/O GLYCEROL Medium for mycobacteria isolation. LYSINE DECARBOXYLASE BROTH Medium for lysine decarboxylation test. LYSINE IRON AGAR Differential medium for enterobacteria identification. M17 AGAR Medium for lactic streptococci enumeration. M.R.S. AGAR Medium for lactobacilli isolation. M.S.R.V. AGAR (Modified Semisolid Rappaport Vassiliadis) Selective medium for Salmonella spp. isolation. MAC CONKEY AGAR Selective medium for Gram-negative bacteria isolation. MAC CONKEY BROTH Selective broth for coliforms isolation. MAC CONKEY MUG AGAR Selective medium for Escherichia coli isolation. MAC CONKEY SORBITOL AGAR Selective medium for Escherichia coli O157 isolation. MALONATE BROTH Broth for enterobacteria differentiation. MALT AGAR Medium for yeasts and moulds isolation. MALT EXTRACT AGAR Medium for yeasts and moulds isolation. APHA 10 tubes x 10 ml 100 tubes x 10 ml 21454 # 26454 # 16,00 130,00 ISO 22964 x 10 ml 24452 30,00 ISO 11731-1 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 412390 38,90 10051 10051* 54,10 270,40 ISO 11731-1 10412 40,00 ISO 11731-1 10128 53,00 ISO 11731 10127 43,30 AOAC 24170 28,00 ISO 11290-1 11230 21,60 ISO 11290-1 10 provette x 9 ml 6 bottiglie x 225 ml 24131 20131/9 413980 32,00 17,30 38,90 ISO 11290-1 10041 19,50 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 412070 38,90 USDA-FSIS 6 bottiglie x 225 ml 461030 38,90 USDA-FSIS 6 bottiglie x 225 ml 461020# 38,90 10 provette 30116 10 provette 30118 19,50 10 provette 30119 19,50 APHA 24139 # 32,00 10 provette 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 30098 412040 # 13,00 43,30 6 bottiglie x100 ml 402110 # 32,40 ISO 15214 402120 E.P. 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 6 bottiglie x 500 ml 10 provette 10049 10049* 10029 10029* 402240 412240 470090 20126 402490 21,60 106,00 17,90 89,30 38,90 72,50 13,00 E.P. 10129 # 10005 402450 # 22,80 24,90 24137 # 28,00 10418 18,00 402470 34

Terreni di coltura pronti in piastre petri, provette, bottiglie # Prodotto con minimo d ordine MANNITOL SALT AGAR E.P. Selective medium for pathogenic staphylococci isolation (harmonized European Pharmacopoeia). MAXIMUM RECOVERY BROTH Isotonic diluent for microorganisms optimal recovery. m ENDO AGAR LES Medium for coliforms isolation and enumeration in water by membrane filtration (APHA). m FAECAL COLIFORM AGAR Selective medium for fecal coliforms isolation and enumeration in water by membrane filtration. MIDDLEBROOK 7 H 10 AGAR Medium for mycobacteria culture. MIDDLEBROOK 7H11 AGAR Medium for antimicrobial susceptibility testing of mycobacteria. MILK AGAR Medium for microorganisms enumeration in milk. MOTILITY TEST MEDIUM Medium for bacterial motility determination. MR-VP MEDIUM Medium for carrying out Methyl Red (MR) and Voges-Proskauer (VP) tests. MUELLER HINTON AGAR II Medium for susceptibility test (Kirby Bauer method), low concentration of thymine-thymidine with Ca ++ and Mg ++. 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 6 bottiglie x 500 ml 10030 10030* 402290 412290 470080 17,80 89,30 38,90 72,50 ISO 6887-1 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 412400 32,40 APHA ISO 6785 ISO 6579 CLSI 11053 11053* 11210 11210* 403020 19,50 97,30 22,80 112,50 10 provette 30368 # 43,30 10416 # 6 bottiglie x 150 ml 401950 24342 24149 # 36,00 10 piastre 140 mm 5 piastre 120x120 mm 10 provette 10 provette x 22 ml 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 6 bottiglie x 500 ml 10031 10031* 10231 12031 # 30090 # 34075 # 402250 412250 470070 MUELLER HINTON AGAR II + 2% NaCl CLSI 11206 # 18,00 Medium for antimicrobial susceptibility testing of staphylococci with Oxacillin. MUELLER HINTON AGAR II (Sheep blood 5%) Medium for susceptibility testing to antibiotics of fastidious microorganisms. MUELLER HINTON FASTIDIOUS AGAR (Horse blood 5% + 20 mg/l β-nad) Medium for antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Streptococcus spp., Haemophilus spp., and some other fastidious organisms. MUELLER HINTON BROTH II Broth for susceptibility test (Kirby Bauer method), low concentration of thymine-thymidine with Ca ++ and Mg ++. MULLER KAUFFMANN BROTH Broth for Salmonella spp. selective enrichment. MULLER KAUFFMANN Tetrathionate Novobiocin Broth (MKTTn) Selective enrichment broth for the isolation of Salmonella spp. from food samples. MYCOPLASMA AGAR Selective medium for isolating urogenital mycoplasma. MYCOPLASMA TRANSPORT BROTH Liquid medium for transporting and storing clinical specimen for mycoplasma and other pathogenic microorganisms detection. MYCOSEL AGAR Selective medium for pathogenic fungi isolation. MYCOSEL BROTH Selective broth for pathogenic fungi isolation. NUTRIENT AGAR Medium for microorganism growth and enumeration. NUTRIENT BROTH Broth for microorganisms culture. NUTRIENT GELATIN Medium for gelatin liquefaction test. O.G.Y.E. AGAR (Oxytetracycline) Selective medium for yeasts and moulds isolation. O.N.P.G. AGAR Medium for lactose fermenting bacteria differentiation. CLSI EUCAST CLSI ISO 6579 ISO 12780 APHA ISO 7954 10 piastre 140 mm x 10 ml 100 provette x 10 ml 10131 10131* 10132 11132 # 24107 402020 24108 402030 403110 20072 26072 # 17,90 89,30 10,80 11,90 14,10 38,90 72,50 22,80 108,20 25,00 36,00 24,00 30,00 38,00 28,00 110,00 11205 44,00 20 fiale 20158 21,60 11070 11070* 108,20 24070 25,00 10 provette 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 6 bottiglie x 500 ml 10044 10044* 30083 402190 412190 470060 # 24103 402000 17,90 89,20 11,90 38,90 72,50 24,00 24153 # 30,00 11055 11055* 22,80 108,20 10 provette 33066 # 37,90 35

Terreni di coltura pronti in piastre petri, provette, bottiglie # Prodotto con minimo d ordine ORANGE SERUM AGAR APHA 10089 # 20,60 Medium for isolation and count of bacteria and yeasts in citrus fruits and derivates. PAR TEST AGAR Medium containing spores of Geobacillus stearothermophilus var. calidolactis C953 for residual antibiotic detection in biological liquids, milk and food. 11200 64,90 BLANK DISCS Dischi in carta. PEPTONE WATER Medium for indole production test. PHENOL RED BROTH Base broth for carbohydrate fermentation. PHENYLALANINE AGAR Medium for enterobacteria differentiation. FERRIC CHLORIDE 10% Reagent for phenylalanine deamination test. PHYSIOLOGICAL SOLUTION Physiological solution for microbiological use. PLATE COUNT AGAR Medium for bacterial count in water and foodstuffs. POTATO DEXTROSE AGAR Medium for yeasts and moulds enumeration. PSEUDOMONAS CN AGAR Selective medium for Pseudomonas spp. isolation. PSEUDOMONAS SELECTIVE AGAR (CFC) (Cetrimide, Fucidin, Cephaloridine) Selective medium for Pseudomonas spp. isolation. PURPLE GLUCOSE AGAR Medium for enterobacteriaceae identification. PURPLE LACTOSE BROTH Broth for coliforms isolation. R2 AGAR Medium for heterotrophic microorganisms count in drinking water. RAPPAPORT BROTH w/o SOY Selective enrichment liquid medium for detection of motile Salmonella spp. from food and environmental samples. RAPPAPORT VASSILIADIS SOY (RSV) BROTH Broth for Salmonella enrichment. ROGOSA AGAR Selective medium for lactobacilli isolation and enumeration. ROSE BENGAL CAF AGAR Selective medium for yeasts and moulds isolation and enumeration. RPMI Agar (2% glucose + MOPS) Medium for antifungal susceptibility testing. S.F. BROTH Selective broth for fecal streptococci isolation. SPS AGAR Medium for Clostridium perfrigens isolation and enumeration. S.S. AGAR Selective medium for Salmonella and Shigella isolation. SABOURAUD DEXTROSE AGAR Medium for yeasts and moulds isolation. ISO 7251 ISO 4833 E.P. 250 dischi 9999 27,10 24098 402130 10 provette 21146 # 15,10 10 provette 30085 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 412170 41,10 2 bottiglie x 25 ml 80272 18,40 20x7 ml 6 x 500 ml 6 x 240 ml 10 provette 10 provette x 22 ml 6 bottiglie x 150 ml 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 6 bottiglie x 500 ml 20095 473000 471120 10032 10032* 33070 # 34073 402260 401940 412260 470180 11199 11199* 10,80 24,90 19,50 17,90 89,40 13,50 13,00 38,90 38,90 72,50 20,60 102,80 EN 12780 11034 10061 ISO 21528 24151 36,00 E.P. ISO 6785 ISO 6579 APHA 10 provette 20140 # 17,30 6 bottiglie x 500 ml 10019 472580 21,60 72,00 20 tubes x 10 ml 24450 # 32,00 24400 402550 # 30,00 28,00 10039 # 20,80 10 piastre 140 mm 10034 10034* 442480 # 11509 10233 20,10 100,60 70,00 68,00 AOAC 24411 APHA E.P. 10 provette 6 bottiglie x 150 ml 6 bottiglie x 200 ml Irradiate 10 provette 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 6 bottiglie x 500 ml 11196 11196* # 33065# 442490 401930 10036 10036* 402300 412300 10035 10035S # 10035* 30093 402280 412280 470040 23,00 108,20 19,50 17,90 89,90 38,90 17,90 45,30 89,80 11,90 38,90 72,50 36

Terreni di coltura pronti in piastre petri, provette, bottiglie # Prodotto con minimo d ordine SABOURAUD CAF AGAR Selective medium for pathogenic fungi isolation. SABOURAUD CAF AGAR + ACTIDIONE Selective medium for pathogenic fungi isolation. SABOURAUD CAF AGAR + GENTAMICIN Selective medium for pathogenic fungi isolation. SABOURAUD CAF AGAR + TTC Selective medium for pathogenic fungi isolation. SABOURAUD AGAR + GENTAMICIN Selective medium for pathogenic fungi isolation. SABOURAUD DEXTROSE BROTH Broth for yeasts and moulds culture. SCHAEDLER BROTH Culture broth for anaerobic bacteria culture. SCHAEDLER K AGAR (Sheep blood 5%) Medium for antimicrobial susceptibility testing of anaerobic bacteria. SCHAEDLER KKV AGAR (Sheep blood 5%) Selective medium for anaerobic gram-negative bacteria isolation SELENITE BROTH Broth for Salmonella spp. enrichment. SELENITE CYSTINE BROTH Broth for selective enrichment of Salmonella spp. SERUM BROTH Broth for fastidious microorganisms enrichment. SIM MEDIUM Differential medium for indole, motility and H 2S tests. SIMMONS CITRATE AGAR Differential medium for enterobacteria identification. SLANETZ BARTLEY AGAR Selective medium for fecal streptococci enumeration and isolation. STREPTOCOCCAL KF+TTC AGAR Selective medium for fecal streptococci isolation and enumeration. STREPTOCOCCAL KF AGAR Selective medium for fecal streptococci isolation and enumeration. TTC 1% supplement Supplement for bacteria differentiation STREPTOCOCCUS BROTH Selective broth for streptococci isolation. SULPHATE REDUCERS BROTH Broth for sulphate reducers bacteria detection. T.C.B.S. AGAR Selective medium for Vibrio spp. isolation. T.S.I. AGAR Differential medium for enterobacteriaceae identification. TETRATHIONATE BROTH Selective enrichment medium for the isolation of Salmonella spp. THAYER MARTIN AGAR Selective medium for pathogenic neisseriae isolation. THIOGLYCOLLATE MEDIUM Broth for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria culture in sterility tests. TODD HEWITT BROTH Medium for group A β-haemolytic streptococci culture. TODD HEWITT BROTH w Colistin / Nalidixic Acid Selective medium for cultivating and isolating group B streptococci. TRICHOMONAS BROTH Culture broth for Trichomonas spp. TRIPLE SUGAR IRON AGAR Differential medium for enterobatteriacee identification. E.P. APHA ISO 6785 U.S.P. ISO 10273 ISO 7899-2 APHA 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 11035 11035* 402370 412370 19,50 92,00 38,90 10 provette 30024 # 10235 21,60 6 bottiglie x 500 ml 11235 # 11235* 11335 11335* 24109 402040 # 471070 # 20,70 102,80 19,50 97,30 24,00 67,10 10 provette 22130 15,10 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 6 bottiglie x 500 ml 11065 11065* 10065 10065* 24110 402050 412050 470020 24510 402390 116,80 24,90 117,40 24,00 38,90 72,50 24,00 24125 # 32,00 10 provette 10 provette 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 10 provette 30095 403050 30011 412030 11058 11058* 10038 10038* 30010 # 19,50 24,90 43,30 19,50 95,20 20,80 103,80 14,10 APHA 402150 ISO 8914 U.S.P. ISO 7937 5x10 ml 80300 22,80 24412 24,00 24440 # 10 provette 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 11195 11195* 30096 413020 24,90 119,00 11,90 38,90 24451 # 32,00 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 11040 11040* 24124 452060 24111 412060 21,60 108,20 24,00 38,90 24145 36,00 6 bottiglie x 500 ml 24115 470150 # 36,00 86,50 ISO 6579 10 provette 30100 16,00 37

Terreni di coltura pronti in piastre petri, provette, bottiglie # Prodotto con minimo d ordine TRYPTIC SOY AGAR E.P. Medium for non-fastidious bacteria growth. TRYPTIC SOY AGAR (Sheep blood 5%) Medium for fastidious bacteria isolation. TRYPTIC SOY BROTH Broth for fastidious bacteria growth. TRYPTIC SOY BROTH + CAPITOL 4 Broth for microbiological testing of cosmetic products. TRYPTOPHAN BROTH Medium for indole reaction. TRYPTONE WATER Medium for Escherichia coli determination. TRYPTOSE AGAR Medium for fastidious bacteria growth. TRYPTOSE BROTH Broth for fastidious bacteria enrichment. VIOLET RED BILE GLUCOSE AGAR Selective medium for enterobacteria isolation and count. VIOLET RED BILE LACTOSE AGAR Selective medium for coliforms isolation and enumeration. VIOLET RED BILE LACTOSE AGAR + MUG Selective medium for isolation and enumeration of coliforms and Escherichia coli. UREA BROTH Medium for enterobacteria differentiation. UREA / INDOLO BROTH Medium for indole and urease test. VAGITUBE Medium for the search for Trichomonas vaginalis and for yeasts in urogenital samples. VOGEL JOHNSON AGAR Selective medium for Staphylococcus aureus isolation. WURTZ LACTOSE AGAR Medium for enterobacteria isolation. XLD AGAR Differential and selective medium for pathogenic enterobacteria isolation. XLD AGAR Pharmacopoeia formulation Differential and selective medium for pathogenic enterobacteria isolation. X.L.T. 4 AGAR Selective medium for Salmonella spp. isolation. YEAST EXTRACT AGAR Medium for microorganisms enumeration in water. YEAST GLUCOSE CHLORAMPHENICOL AGAR Selective medium for yeasts and moulds isolation and enumeration. YERSINIA BROTH Enrichment broth for Yersinia enterocolitica isolation. YERSINIA SELECTIVE AGAR Selective medium for Yersinia enterocolitica isolation. E.P. Irradiate 10 provette 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 6 bottiglie x 500 ml 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 10037 10037S 10037* 30082 442290 432290 470010 11037 11037* 24513 452080 442080 17,90 30,30 89,80 13,00 38,90 72,50 20,70 102,80 32,00 38,90 6 bottiglie x 90 ml 442090 # 24,00 ISO 9308 x 3mL 24073 30,00 ISO 3811 APHA ISO 21528-2 E.P. ISO 4832 U.S.P. ISO 6579 ISO 21567 10 provette 10 provette 10 provette x 22 ml 20136 401980 30097 402320 # 24112 402070 # 11184 402540 11183 11183* 34076 402460 28,00 24,90 11,90 24,00 19,50 18,00 20,80 103,80 14,10 10012 # 22,80 24416 25,00 403060 41,10 20340 41,10 11185 # 11185* # 10054 10054* 442300 10056 10056* 20,70 102,80 18,40 92,00 21,60 97,30 EP, USP, JP, BP 10413 # 24,00 ISO 6222 10069 100 provette 6 bottiglie x 200 ml 34074 # 26074 # 412120 34,00 130,00 49,70 ISO 7954 10011 # 20,60 ISO 10273 24432 34,00 10052 10052* 47,60 173,00 38

GASPAK: Anaerobiosi, Microaerofilia, Capnofilia Contenitori, Generatori, Indicatori, Buste monouso. GasPak EZ Standard Container 1 unità 96720 200 Sistema multiuso per la produzione di atmosfera per la coltura di organismi anaerobi, microaerofili o capnofili. Contiene fino 15-18 piastre. I containers sono disegnati anche per contenere provette. GasPak EZ Standard Rack 1 unità 96721 90 Rack per il trasporto di 15-18 piastre per un miglior utilizzo di GasPak EZ Standard Container codice 96720. GasPak EZ Large Container 1 unità 96722 250 Sistema multiuso per la produzione di atmosfera per la coltura di organismi anaerobi, microaerofili o capnofili. Contiene fino 30-33 piastre. I containers sono disegnati anche per contenere provette. GasPak EZ Large Rack 1 unità 96723 90 Rack per il trasporto di 30-33 piastre per un miglior utilizzo di GasPak EZ Large Container codice 96722. GasPak EZ Anaerobe Container System Sachet 20 unità 96724 68 Sistema per la rapida produzione di un ambiente anaerobio nei GasPak Containers. Si attivano direttamente con l aria senza necessità di aggiungere acqua o catalizzatori. Indicatore di anaerobiosi 100 unità 96725 80 GasPak EZ Anaerobe Container System Sachet con indicatore 20 unità 96726 72 Sistema per la rapida produzione di un ambiente anaerobio nei GasPak Containers. Si attivano direttamente con l aria senza necessità di aggiungere acqua o catalizzatori. Con indicatore. GasPak EZ Campy Container System Sachet 20 unità 96727 70 Sistema per la rapida produzione di un ambiente microaerofilo nei GasPak Containers. Si attivano direttamente con l aria senza necessità di aggiungere acqua o catalizzatori. GasPak EZ CO 2 Container System Sachet 20 unità 96728 70 Sistema per la rapida produzione di un ambiente ricco di CO 2 nei GasPak Containers. Si attivano direttamente con l aria senza necessità di aggiungere acqua o catalizzatori. GasPak CO 2 Indicator 50 unità 96729 100 GasPak EZ Anaerobe Pouch System 20 unità 96730 100 Kit completo per la rapida produzione di un ambiente anaerobio. Il sistema comprende: sacchetti con chiusura a zip che possono contenere 1-4 piastre e sistemi per la produzione di atmosfera anaerobia, attivati direttamente con l aria, indicatore di anaerobiosi. GasPak EZ CO 2 Pouch System 20 unità 96731 100 Kit completo per la rapida produzione di un ambiente arricchito di CO2. Il sistema comprende: sacchetti con chiusura a zip che possono contenere 1-4 piastre e sistemi per la produzione di atmosfera arricchita di CO2, attivati direttamente con aria. GasPak EZ Campy Pouch System Kit completo per la rapida produzione di un ambiente microaerofilo. Il sistema comprende: sacchetti con chiusura a zip che possono contenere 1-4 piastre e sistemi per la produzione di atmosfera microaerofila, attivati direttamente con l aria. 20 unità 96732 100 39

Bottiglie per emocoltura HEMO AEROBIC CULTURING 6 bottiglie x 80 ml 490010 41,10 Medium for blood culture of aerobic microorganisms. HEMO AEROBIC CULTURING Pediatric Medium for blood culture of aerobic microorganisms (pediatric use). 6 bottiglie x 40 ml 490030 41,10 HEMO AEROBIC CULTURING Neonatal Medium for blood culture of aerobic microorganisms (neonatal use). HEMO ANAEROBIC CULTURING Medium for blood culture of anaerobic microorganisms. HEMO ANAEROBIC CULTURING Pediatric Medium for blood culture of anaerobic microorganisms (pediatric use). HEMO ANAEROBIC CULTURING Neonatal Medium for blood culture of anaerobic microorganisms (neonatal use). 6 bottiglie x 9 ml 490050 41,10 6 bottiglie x 80 ml 490020 41,10 6 bottiglie x 40 ml 490040 41,10 6 bottiglie x 9 ml 490060 41,10 40

Terreni di coltura pronti in piastre petri a due settori # Prodotto con minimo d ordine BAIRD PARKER / MAC CONKEY Selective media for Staphylococcus aureus and gram-negatives isolation. BAIRD PARKER / SABOURAUD CAF Selective media for Staphylococcus aureus, yeasts and moulds isolation. BRILLIANT GREEN / S.S. Selective media for Salmonella spp. isolation. CLED / MAC CONKEY Media for total bacterial count and gram-negatives isolation in urine. COLUMBIA C.N.A. / CHOCOLATE Selective medium for staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci and non selective medium for fastidious bacteria isolation. COLUMBIA C.N.A. / GARDNERELLA V. Selective media for streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci and Gardnerella vaginalis isolation. COLUMBIA C.N.A. / MAC CONKEY Selective media for streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci and gram-negative isolation. D.T.M. / SABOURAUD Selective media for dermatophytes, yeasts, moulds isolation. GARDNERELLA V. / THAYER MARTIN Selective media for Gardnerella vaginalis and pathogenic neisseriae isolation. HEKTOEN ENTERIC / YERSINIA Selective media for enteric pathogens and Yersinia enterocolitica isolation. HEKTOEN ENTERIC / S.S. Selective media for enteric pathogens isolation. MAC CONKEY / SABOURAUD CAF Selective media for coliforms and pathogenic fungi detection. MAC CONKEY / S.S. Selective media for enteric pathogens isolation. MAC CONKEY / T.S.A. BLOOD Media for gram-negatives and fastidious bacteria isolation. 18500 # 18500* # 18390 # 18390* # 18012 # 18012* # 18502 # 18502* # 18507 # 18507* # 18422 # 18422* # 18327 # 18327* # 18595 # 18595* # 18379 # 18379* # 18391 # 18391* # 18503 # 18503* # 140,60 140,60 140,60 140,60 140,60 140,60 140,60 32,40 140,60 31,40 151,40 140,60 140,60 18018 # 18505 # 18505* # 18380 # 18380* # 140,60 140,60 Terreni di coltura pronti in piastre petri a tre settori # Prodotto con minimo d ordine BAIRD PARKER / BIGGY / MAC CONKEY Selective media for Staphylococcus aureus, Candida spp. and gram-negatives isolation. BAIRD PARKER / BILE ESC. / SABOURAUD CAF Selective media for Staphylococcus aureus, group D streptococci and fungi isolation. BAIRD PARKER / MAC CONKEY / SABOURAUD CAF Selective media for Staphylococcus aureus, gram-negatives and fungi isolation. CHOCOLATE / COLUMBIA CNA / THAYER MARTIN Media for fastidious bacteria, streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci and pathogenic neisseriae isolation. CLED / ENTEROCOCCO / MAC CONKEY Media for total bacterial count in urine and isolation of enterococci and gram-negatives. CLED / MAC CONKEY / CETRIMIDE Media for total bacterial count and for Gram-negative bacteria and Pseudomonas aeruginosa detection. GARD. V. / ROGOSA / THAYER MARTIN Media for Gardnerella vaginalis, lactobacilli, pathogenic neisseriae isolation. MAC CONKEY / V. JOHNSON / SABOURAUD Media for gram-negatives, Staphycococcus aureus and fungi isolation. 13013 # 13013* # 13602 # 13602* # 13371 # 13371* # 13014 # 13014* # 13614 # 13614* # 13019 # 13019* # 13345 # 13345* # 13480 # 13480* # 21,00 84,00 21,00 84,00 21,00 84,00 21,00 84,00 21,00 84,00 21,00 84,00 21,00 84,00 21,00 84,00 41

Terreni per test suscettibilità dei micobatteri # Prodotto con minimo d ordine Descrizione μg / ml Confezionamento Ref. prezzo (Euro) LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + AMIKACIN 5 10 provette 34127 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + CAPREOMYCIN 10 10 provette 34138/1 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + CYCLOSERINE 30 10 provette 34137/1 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + ETHAMBUTOL 2 10 provette 34126/1 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + ETHAMBUTOL 4 10 provette 34126/2 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + ETHAMBUTOL 5 10 provette 34126/3 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + ETHIONAMIDE 10 10 provette 34132/1 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + ETHIONAMIDE 20 10 provette 34132/2 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + ETHIONAMIDE 30 10 provette 34132/3 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + ISONIAZIDE 0.1 10 provette 34123 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + ISONIAZIDE 0.2 10 provette 34123/1 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + ISONIAZIDE 1 10 provette 34123/2 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + ISONIAZIDE 5 10 provette 34123/3 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + KANAMYCIN 10 10 provette 34143/1 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + KANAMYCIN 20 10 provette 34143/2 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + KANAMYCIN 30 10 provette 34143/3 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + LEVOFLOXACIN 2 10 tubes 34146/1 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + NICOTINAMIDE 10 10 provette 34135/1 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + NICOTINAMIDE 20 10 provette 34135/2 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + NICOTINAMIDE 30 10 provette 34135/3 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + OFLOXACIN 5 10 provette 34128/1 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + OFLOXACIN 10 10 provette 34128/2 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + OFLOXACIN 25 10 provette 34128/3 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + PAS 0.5 10 provette 34129/3 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + PAS 1 10 provette 34129/1 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + PAS 10 10 provette 34129/2 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + PEFLOXACIN 2 10 provette 34136 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + PIRAZINAMIDE 5 10 provette 34124/1 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + PIRAZINAMIDE 15 10 provette 34124/2 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + PIRAZINAMIDE 20 10 provette 34124/3 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + PIRAZINAMIDE 200 10 provette 34124/4 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + PYRUVATE 0.2% 10 provette 34144 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + RIFABUTIN 10 10 provette 34130/1 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + RIFABUTIN 30 10 provette 34130/2 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + RIFABUTIN 50 10 provette 34130/3 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + RIFAMPICIN 5 10 provette 34121/1 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + RIFAMPICIN 10 10 provette 34121/2 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + RIFAMPICIN 15 10 provette 34121 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + RIFAMPICIN 20 10 provette 34121/6 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + RIFAMPICIN 25 10 provette 34121/3 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + RIFAMPICIN 40 10 provette 34121/5 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + RIFAMPICIN 50 10 provette 34121/4 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + RIFAPENTIN 9 10 provette 34122 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + STREPTOMYCIN 4 10 provette 34125/1 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + STREPTOMYCIN 10 10 provette 34125/2 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + STREPTOMYCIN 25 10 provette 34125/3 # 56,20 LOWENSTEIN JENSEN + TCH 2 10 tubes 35148 # 56,20 I terreni con antibiotici sono forniti esclusivamente su richiesta. Le concentrazioni degli antibiotici sono formulate su specifica richiesta. 42

Terreni di coltura disidratati A1 MEDIUM Basal liquid medium for fecal coliforms detection in water and food. APHA 610105 620105 194,70 75,70 TRITON X 100 supplement 5x5 ml 80046 36,80 ACETAMIDE AGAR Medium for differentiation of nonfermentative, gram-negative bacteria, especially Pseudomonas aeruginosa, on the basis of acetamide utilization. 610312 95,20 ACETAMIDE BROTH Broth for the differentiation of nonfermentative, gram-negative bacteria, especially Pseudomonas aeruginosa, on the basis of acetamide utilization. 610313 95,20 AEROMONAS AGAR BASE Basal medium for selective isolation of Aeromonas. 610048 620048 147,10 43,30 AMPICILLIN supplement (Ampicillin) 10 fiale 81001 50,90 ALKALINE PEPTONE WATER Liquid enrichment medium for Vibrio spp. isolation. APHA 610098 620098 68,20 AMIES TRANSPORT MEDIUM (with charcoal) Semi-solid medium for transport of clinical, environmental specimens and of microorganisms. AMIES TRANSPORT MEDIUM (w/o charcoal) Semi-solid medium for transport of clinical, environmental specimens and of microorganisms. ANAEROBIC AGAR (BREWER) Medium for cultivating anaerobic microorganisms. ANDRADE LACTOSE PEPTONE WATER Liquid medium for coliforms detection with andrade's indicator. ANDRADE PEPTONE WATER Liquid enrichment medium with andrade's indicator. ANTIBIOTIC AGAR No.1 Surface medium for the antibiotic assay by agar-diffusion method. ANTIBIOTIC BROTH No.3 Broth for turbidimetric assay of antibiotics. ANTIBIOTIC AGAR No.11 Medium for the microbiological assay of neomycin, used for the base and seed layers. APT AGAR Medium for counting and cultivating heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria. 610152 620152 6101525 610191 620191 6101915 86,50 24,90 757,10 101,70 28,80 973,40 610320 95,20 610118 620118 610119 620119 80,00 27,10 85,50 27,10 E.P. 610314 105,10 U.S.P. 610316 95,20 E.P. 610315 95,20 APHA 610300 95,20 TWEEN 80 supplement (Tween 80) 2x50 ml 80031 19,60 ARGININE DECARBOXYLASE BROTH Broth for the detection of the production of arginine decarboxylase by Enterobacteriaceae. 610306 144,20 ASPARAGINE ENRICHMENT BROTH APHA Liquid medium for Pseudomonas aeruginosa detection with MPN method in swimming pools and waters designed for bathing. 610138 620138 105,00 32,60 AZIDE BLOOD AGAR BASE Selective basal medium for streptococci isolation. 610153 620153 89,80 30,30 SHEEP BLOOD DEFIBRINATED 50 ml 83296 48,70 AZIDE DEXTROSE BROTH Selective liquid medium for fecal streptococci detection in water and food. APHA 610003 620003 77,90 AZIDE MALTOSE AGAR KF Selective medium for fecal streptococci isolation and enumeration. APHA 610154 620154 89,80 33,60 TTC 1% supplement 5x10 ml 80300 22,80 AZIDE VIOLET BLOOD AGAR BASE Selective basal medium for streptococci isolation. 610155 620155 108,20 43,30 SHEEP BLOOD DEFIBRINATED 50 ml 83296 48,70 BACILLUS CEREUS AGAR BASE (MOSSEL, MYP) Basal medium for selective isolation and enumeration of Bacillus cereus. EGG YOLK emulsion Supplement for lecithinase producers bacteria (Staphylococcus, Bacillus and Clostridium) isolation. ISO 7932 610114 620114 86,50 37,90 ISO 7932 4x50 ml 80219 50,90 BACILLUS cereus supplement (Polymyxin B) 10 fiale 81016 50,90 BACILLUS CEREUS AGAR BASE (PEMBA) ISO 21871 610136 138,40 Basal medium for selective isolation and enumeration of Bacillus cereus. 620136 32,40 EGG YOLK emulsion Supplement for lecithinase producers bacteria (Staphylococcus, Bacillus and Clostridium) isolation. ISO 7932 4x50 ml 80219 50,90 BACILLUS cereus supplement (Polymyxin B) 10 fiale 81016 50,90 BAIRD PARKER AGAR BASE ISO 6888-1 610004 139,60 Selective basal medium for Staphylococcus aureus isolation. 620004 44,40 EGG YOLK TELLURITE emulsion Supplement for coagulase positive staphylococci isolation in food. ISO 6888-1 4x50 ml 80122 53,00 43

Terreni di coltura disidratati R.P.F. supplement Selective and diagnostic supplement for isolation, enumeration and confirmation of Staphylococcus aureus from food and other specimens. BAIRD PARKER AGAR BASE acc. to E.P. Selective basal medium for Staphylococcus aureus isolation. ISO 6888-2 8 fiale 81057 162,20 E.P. 610338 144,20 EGG YOLK TELLURITE emulsion ISO 6888-1 4x50 ml 80122 53,00 Supplement for coagulase positive staphylococci isolation in food. BARNES AGAR BASE Selective basal medium for fecal streptococci isolation and identification. 610156 620156 170,90 38,90 TTC 1% supplement 5x10 ml 80300 22,80 BEER UNIVERSAL AGAR Medium for isolation of microorganisms contaminating beer. BIGGY (NICKERSON) AGAR Selective medium for Candida spp. isolation and presumptive identification. BILE AESCULIN AGAR Medium for group D streptococci isolation. BILE AESCULIN BROTH Selective medium for group D streptococci isolation. BILE AESCULIN AZIDE AGAR Selective medium for group D streptococci isolation. BIOTONE AGAR Medium for fastidious microorganisms cultivation. BISMUTH SULPHITE AGAR Selective medium for isolation and differentiation of Salmonella typhi and other salmonellae from clinical specimens and other materials. ISO 7899-2 ISO 7899-2 APHA 610126 620126 610135 620135 610210 620210 610151 620151 610001 620001 610157 620157 129,80 37,90 99,50 32,40 142,10 34,00 156,90 53,00 146,10 46,60 81,20 30,30 U.S.P. 610301 95,20 BLOOD AGAR BASE Basal medium for fastidious microorganisms isolation and for haemolysis test. 610005 620005 81,20 SHEEP BLOOD DEFIBRINATED 50 ml 83296 48,70 BLOOD AGAR BASE No.2 Basal medium for fastidious microorganisms isolation and for haemolysis test. ISO 10560 610188 620188 89,80 30,30 SHEEP BLOOD DEFIBRINATED 50 ml 83296 48,70 BOLTON BROTH Basal broth for enrichment of Campylobacter spp. ISO 10272-1 610216 620216 315,00 75,00 CAMPYLOBACTER C.T.V.A. supplement (Cefoperazone, Trimethoprim, Vancomycin, Amphotericin B) Selective supplement for enrichment of Campylobacter spp. BORDET GENGOU AGAR BASE Basal medium for selective isolation of Bordetella spp. ISO 10272-1 10 fiale 81077 98,00 610006 620006 BORDETELLA supplement (Cephalexin) 10 fiale 81013 50,90 SHEEP BLOOD DEFIBRINATED 50 ml 83296 48,70 BRAIN HEART INFUSION AGAR Medium for cultivation of fastidious aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. BRAIN HEART INFUSION BROTH Medium for cultivation of fastidious aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. BRILLIANT GREEN AGAR Selective medium for Salmonella spp. isolation other than S. typhi. BRILLIANT GREEN BILE BROTH 2% Selective medium for detection and confirmation of coliforms. U.S.P. ISO 4831 ISO 4832 610007 620007 610008 620008 6100085 610009 620009 610010 620010 6100105 80,00 24,90 124,40 30,30 100,60 803,40 82,20 79,00 675,70 BROMOCRESOL PURPLE AZIDE BROTH 610321 95,20 Broth for the confirmation of the enterococci presence, particularly in the bacteriological analysis of water. GLYCEROL supplement (Glycerol) 4x50 ml 80021 BRUCELLA AGAR BASE Basal medium for selective isolation of Brucella spp. and other bacteria. BRUCELLA supplement (Polymyxin B, Bacitracin, Cyclohexinide, Nalidixic Acid, Nystatin, Vancomycin) BRUCELLA BROTH Medium for the cultivation of Brucella spp. and other fastidious microorganisms. BRYANT AND BURKEY MEDIUM Medium for the selective enrichment of lactate-fermenting clostridia (C. tyrobutyricum) which are responsible for "late blowing" in brine-salted semi-hard and hard cheeses and other dairy products. BUFFERED PEPTONE WATER Medium for Salmonella pre-enrichment in food. APHA ISO 6579 ISO 6785 610079 620079 103,80 43,30 10 fiale 81003 84,40 610356 87,00 610142 106,00 5 Kg 611014 621014 6110145 60,60 21,60 551,60 44

Terreni di coltura disidratati BUFFERED SODIUM CHLORIDE PEPTONE SOLUTION acc. to E.P. Medium for the microbial examination of non-sterile pharmaceutical products, e.g. solution for sample preparation or dilution or washing solution. CAMPYLOBACTER AGAR Basal medium for selective isolation of Campylobacter spp. ISO 21149 E.P. AOAC 610335 50,50 611007 621007 SHEEP BLOOD DEFIBRINATED 50 ml 83296 48,70 HORSE BLOOD LYSED 100 ml 83397 64,90 Lysed horse blood for bacteriological use. CAMPYLOBACTER growth supplement (Sodium pyruvate, Sodium metabisulphate, 10 fiale 81050 56,20 Ferrous sulphate) CAMPYLOBACTER Blaser Wang supplement (Polymyxin B, Trimethoprim, 10 fiale 81051 95,20 Amphotericin B, Cephalotin, Vancomycin) CAMPYLOBACTER Preston supplement (Polymyxin B, Trimethoprim, Cyclohexinide, 10 fiale 81004 95,20 Rifampicin) CAMPYLOBACTER Skirrow supplement (Polymyxin B, Trimethoprim, Vancomycin) 10 fiale 81055 95,20 CAMPYLOBACTER BLOOD FREE MEDIUM BASE Basal medium for selective isolation of Campylobacter jejuni, coli, landis from clinical samples. ISO 10272-1 610130 620130 98,50 30,90 CAMPYLOBACTER C.C.D.A. supplement (Cefoperazone, Amphotericin B). ISO 10272-1 10 fiale 81037 93,00 CAMPYLOBACTER ENRICHMENT BROTH BASE Basal broth for selective enrichment of Campylobacter spp. CAMPYLOBACTER C.T.V.N. supplement (Cefoperazone, Trimethoprim, Vancomycin, Nystatin) CAMPYLOBACTER KARMALI AGAR BASE Basal medium for selective isolation of Campylobacter spp. CAMPYLOBACTER KARMALI supplement (Sodium pyruvate, Cefoperazone, Vancomycin, Cyclohexinide) CARY BLAIR TRANSPORT MEDIUM Semi-solid medium for transport of clinical specimens and microorganisms. CASEIN PEPTONE LECITHIN POLYSORBATE BROTH BASE Broth for diluting samples of pharmaceutical, cosmetic and other raw materials or final products when determining microbial counts. AOAC 610131 620131 62,70 98,50 30,90 10 fiale 81038 89,80 610200 620200 84,40 10 fiale 81036 106,00 611402 621402 106,00 32,40 U.S.P. 610302 95,20 TWEEN 20 supplement (Tween 20) 2x50 ml 80032 19,50 CETRIMIDE AGAR Selective basal medium for Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolation. E.P. 610041 620041 6100415 77,90 27,10 746,20 GLYCEROL supplement (Glycerol) 4x50 ml 80021 CHINA-BLUE LACTOSE AGAR Non-selective medium for enumeration and differentiation of bacteria in dairy products. 610362 # 145,00 CLED AGAR Differential medium for total bacterial count of urine. CLED ANDRADE AGAR Medium for total bacterial count of urine. CLOSTRIDIUM BROTH Semisolid medium for clostridia and other anaerobes cultivation in food and clinical samples. CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE AGAR BASE Basal medium for selective isolation of Clostridium difficile. ISO 6461-1 E.P. 610012 620012 6100125 610112 620112 610056 620056 610115 620115 85,50 30,30 804,60 86,50 30,30 100,60 108,20 32,40 SHEEP BLOOD DEFIBRINATED 50 ml 83296 48,70 CLOSTRIDIUM difficile supplement (D-Cyclozenine, Cefoxitin) 10 fiale 81007 140,60 CLOSTRIDIUM PERFRIGENS AGAR BASE Basal medium for selective isolation of Clostridium perfrigens. ISO 7937 ISO 14189 610207 620207 100,60 27,10 EGG YOLK emulsion ISO 7932 4x50 ml 80219 50,90 Enrichment supplement for lecithinase producing bacteria (Staphylococcus, Bacillus and Clostridium) isolation. CLOSTRIDIUM perfrigens (T.S.C.) supplement (D-Cycloserine). ISO 7937 10 fiale 81011 140,60 KANAMYCIN / POLYMYXIN B supplement (Kanamycin, Polymyxin B) 10 fiale 81031 56,20 COLUMBIA AGAR BASE Basal medium for fastidious microorganisms isolation. 610013 620013 6100135 77,90 622,90 SHEEP BLOOD DEFIBRINATED 50 ml 83296 48,70 CNA (Staf/Strep) supplement (Colistin, Nalidixic acid) 10 fiale 81048 56,20 GARDNERELLA vaginalis supplement (Gentamicin, Nalidixic acid, Amphotericin B) 10 fiale 81040 50,90 COLUMBIA C.N.A. AGAR BASE Selective medium for isolation of streptococci and staphylococci. 610113 620113 96,30 35,70 SHEEP BLOOD DEFIBRINATED 50 ml 83296 48,70 45

Terreni di coltura disidratati C.P.L.M. SELECTIVE WITH CAF Selective medium for Trichomonas vaginalis isolation and cultivation. 610159 620159 111,60 48,90 HORSE SERUM 100 ml 83810 59,50 CYSTINE HEART AGAR 610506 180,00 Medium for cultivating Francisella tularensis and gram-negative cocci. CZAPEK DOX AGAR ISO 6461-1 Medium for cultivation of fungi and bacteria capable of using sodium nitrate as the sole nitrogen source. CZAPEK DOX BROTH Liquid medium or cultivation of fungi and bacteria capable of using sodium nitrate as the sole nitrogen source. DNase TEST AGAR Medium for detection of deoxyribonucleasic activity (DNase) of microorganisms. DEMI FRASER BROTH ISO 11290-1 Basal broth for Listeria enrichment. 610095 620095 610072 620072 610205 620205 610091 620091 56,20 62,70 281,20 68,20 106,60 LISTERIA FRASER supplement (Ferric ammonium citrate) 10 fiale 81028 56,20 DERMATOPHYTE (D.T.M.) AGAR Selective medium for selective isolation of dermatophytic fungi. 610160 620160 237,90 75,70 DERMATOPHYTE supplement (Chlortetracycline) 10 fiale 81025 63,90 DESOXYCHOLATE AGAR APHA Selective medium for enterobacteria isolation. DESOXYCHOLATE CITRATE AGAR Selective medium for pathogenic enterobacteria isolation. DEXTROSE AGAR Medium for cultivation and maintaining of microorganisms. DEXTROSE BROTH Broth for cultivation and maintaining of microorganisms. DEXTROSE TRYPTONE AGAR Medium for the enumeration of spores of mesophilic and thermophilic bacillus in sugar, sweet desserts, aromatic preparation and other foodstuffs. DRIGALSKI LACTOSE AGAR Selective medium for pathogenic enterobacteria isolation. E.C. BROTH Selective broth for fecal coliforms detection and for E. coli confirmation. E.C. BROTH MUG Selective broth for fecal coliforms and E. coli detection in water. E.E. BROTH Broth for enterobacteria selective enrichment. E.M.B. LEVINE AGAR Selective medium for gram-negative enteric bacteria isolation. ENDO AGAR Medium for coliforms detection, enumeration and confirmation. ENTEROBACTER SAKAZAKII ISOLATION AGAR Selective medium for Enterobacter sakazakii isolation. ISO 7251 E.P. U.S.P. APHA 610014 620014 6100145 610015 620015 610002 620002 610161 620161 77,90 24,90 622,90 83,30 29,30 48,70 24,90 64,90 21,60 610198 80,00 610016 620016 610063 620063 93,00 29,30 73,50 24,90 610332 121,50 610017 620017 610019 620019 610020 620020 76,80 27,10 67,10 70,30 ISO 22964 610623 490,00 EUGON LT 100 AGAR ISO 21149 610327 152,40 Medium for count and isolation of mesophilic bacteria in cosmetics. LECITHIN Supplement 4x50 ml 80007 33,60 E.V.A. BROTH (ETHYL VIOLET AZIDE) Selective broth for enterococci detection in water and other samples. APHA 611365 621365 73,50 24,90 G.C. MEDIUM Basal medium for Haemophilus spp. and Neisseria spp. isolation. 610022 620022 HORSE BLOOD DEFIBRINATED 100 ml 83396 64,90 VITALEX growth supplement 10 fiale 81023 50,90 L.C.A.T. supplement (Lincomycin, Colistin, Amphotericin B, Trimethoprim) 10 fiale 81012 47,60 V.C.A.T. supplement (Vancomycin, Colistin, Amphotericin B, Trimethoprim) 10 fiale 81041 50,90 V.C.N. supplement (Vancomycin, Colistin, Nystatin) 10 fiale 81022 50,90 V.C.N.T. supplement (Vancomycin, Colistin, Nystatin, Trimethoprim) 10 fiale 81024 50,90 HAEMOPHILUS supplement (Bacitracin, Vancomycin, Clindamycin) 10 fiale 81014 117,90 GELATIN PEPTONE AGAR (Agar gelisato) Medium for total bacterial count of aerobes in ice creams. GIOLITTI CANTONI BROTH BASE Basal broth for Staphylococcus aureus enrichment. AOAC ISO 6888-3 610054 620054 6100545 610100 620100 71,40 93,00 20,60 746,20 81,20 22,80 POTASSIUM TELLURITE 3.5% supplement 5x10 ml 80291 GLUCOSE SALT TEEPOL BROTH Medium for selective enrichment and enumeration (MPN method) of Vibrio parahemolyticus from foodstuffs. 610359 70,00 46

Terreni di coltura disidratati G.N. HAJNA BROTH Broth for gram-negatives enrichment. HEART INFUSION BROTH Broth for fastidious bacteria cultivation. HEKTOEN ENTERIC AGAR Selective medium for pathogenic enterobacteria isolation. HERELLEA AGAR Selective medium for isolation from urethral and vaginal specimens. HHD BROTH Medium for differentiation of heterofermentative and homofermentative lactic bacteria. IRON SULPHITE AGAR Medium for thermophilic anaerobes determination. ISOSENSITEST AGAR Medium for susceptibility test. KANAMYCIN AESCULIN AZIDE AGAR Selective medium for isolation of group D streptococci in food. KLIGLER IRON AGAR Differential medium for enterobacteria identification. LACTOSE BROTH Broth for coliforms detection. LACTOSE GELATIN MEDIUM Dehydrated medium for the identification of C. perfringens by lactose and gelatin test. LACTOSE SULFITE BROTH Selective medium for the detection and enumeration of spores of Clostridium perfringens in food products. AOAC ISO 21567 APHA ISO 10273 ISO 9308-2 LAURYL PEPTO BROTH ISO 7251 Broth for selective enrichment of coliforms in water and dairy products. LAURYL TRYPTOSE BROTH ISO 7251 Broth for selective enrichment of coliforms in water and dairy products. KOSER CITRATE BROTH AOAC Broth for enterobacteria differentiation on the basis of their capability of utilizing citrate as the sole carbon source. L.B. MEDIUM (LURIA BERTANI) Medium for cultivation of recombinant Escherichia coli. LEGIONELLA B.C.Y.E. AGAR BASE (w ACES AND α-chetoglutaric ACID) Basal medium for isolation of Legionella spp. 610163 620163 611021 621021 6110215 610021 620021 6100215 610164 620164 6101645 610064 # 620064 # 611401 621401 611265 621265 610190 620190 610023 620023 611202 621202 75,70 27,10 106,00 30,30 973,40 114,60 37,90 973,40 119,00 42,20 973,40 119,00 33,60 90,80 32,40 83,30 27,10 119,00 30,30 73,50 58,40 21,60 ISO 7937 610360 80,00 ISO 7937 610358 96,00 ISO 11731-1 610189 620189 610085 620085 610165 620165 610084 620084 610049 620049 56,20 21,60 69,20 77,90 27,10 73,50 380,00 162,20 LEGIONELLA growth supplement (L-cysteine, Ferric Pyrophosphate) 10 fiale 80056 40,10 LEGIONELLA (B.M.P.A.) supplement (Cefamandole, Polymyxin B, Anisomycin) 10 fiale 81002 134,10 LEGIONELLA (G.V.P.C.) supplement (Glycine, Vancomycin, Polymyxin B, ISO 11731-1 10 fiale 81008 79,00 Cycloheximide) LEGIONELLA (M.W.Y.) supplement (Anisomycin, Polymyxin B, Vancomycin, Glycine, 10 fiale 81019 167,70 Bromothynol Blue, Bromocrystal Purple). LEGIONELLA C.Y.E. AGAR BASE (w/o ACES AND α-chetoglutaric ACID) Basal medium for Legionella spp. isolation. ISO 11731-1 610125 620125 99,50 32,40 LEGIONELLA (B.C.Y.E.) growth supplement (Aces, L-cysteine, Ferric pyrophosphate, α- ketoglutanate). ISO 11731-1 10 fiale 81056 84,40 LEGIONELLA (B.M.P.A.) supplement (Cefamandole, Polymyxin B, Anisomycin) 10 fiale 81002 134,10 LEGIONELLA (G.V.P.C.) supplement (Glycine, Vancomycin, Polymyxin B, ISO 11731-1 10 fiale 81008 79,00 Cycloheximide). LEGIONELLA (M.W.Y.) supplement (Anisomycin, Polymyxin B, Vancomycin, Glycine, 10 fiale 81019 167,70 Bromothynol Blue, Bromocrystal Purple). LETHEEN AGAR BASE Basal medium for coefficient phenol detection of quaternary ammonium disinfectants. 610076 620076 98,50 27,10 LETHEEN supplement (Lecithin) 4x50 ml 80008 33,60 TWEEN 80 supplement (Tween 80) 2x50 ml 80031 19,50 LETHEEN BROTH BASE Basal medium for coefficient phenol detection of quaternary ammonium disinfectants. AOAC 610208 620208 106,00 27,10 LETHEEN supplement (Lecithin) 4x50 ml 80008 33,60 TWEEN 80 supplement (Tween 80) 2x50 ml 80031 19,50 LETHEEN BROTH MODIFIED ISO 21149 610328 103,00 Medium for the evaluation of bactericidal activity of quaternary ammonium base. TWEEN 80 supplement (Tween 80) 2x50 ml 80031 19,50 LISTERIA ENRICHMENT BROTH BASE (Lovett) Broth for enrichment of Listeria spp. according to Lovett formulation. APHA 610326 620326 88,60 26,80 47

Terreni di coltura disidratati LISTERIA SUPPLEMENT FOR ENRICHMENT (FDA/IDF) Selective supplement for Listeria isolation. LISTERIA FRASER BROTH Basal medium for Listeria monocytogenes selective enrichment. ISO 11290-1 10 fiale 81045 61,70 610166 620166 LISTERIA FRASER supplement (Ferric ammonium citrate) 10 fiale 81028 56,20 LISTERIA OXFORD AGAR BASE ISO 11290-1 610167 114,60 Basal medium for selective isolation and differentiation of L. monocytogenes. 620167 33,60 LISTERIA OXFORD supplement (Cefotetan, Fosfomycin) 10 fiale 81027 61,70 LISTERIA OXFORD AGAR BASE ISO 11290 ISO 11290-1 610231 103,00 Basal medium w/o antibiotics and acriflavine for the isolation of L. monocytogenes. LISTERIA OXFORD WITH CEF/FOS/COL/CYC/ACR supplement (Cefotetan, Fosfomycin, Colistin, Cycloheximide, Acriflavine) LISTERIA PALCAM AGAR BASE Basal medium for selective isolation and differentiation of L. monocytogenes. ISO 11290-1 94,10 10 fiale 81629 105,10 610168 620168 107,10 30,30 LISTERIA PALCAM supplement (Polymyxin B, Ceftazidime, Acriflavina HCl) 10 fiale 81026 61,70 LISTERIA U.V.M. 1 BROTH USDA-FSIS 610031 90,80 Broth for Listeria monocytogenes selective enrichment. 620031 LISTERIA U.V.M. 2 BROTH Broth for Listeria monocytogenes selective enrichment. USDA-FSIS 610045 620045 LITMUS MILK 610318 95,20 Medium for the maintenance of lactic acid bacteria and for the determination of bacterial action on milk. LOWENSTEIN JENSEN MEDIUM Selective medium for mycobacteria isolation. 610026 620026 6100265 89,80 27,10 718,00 GLYCEROL supplement (Glycerol) 4x50 ml 80021 LYSINE DECARBOXYLASE BROTH Broth for the detection of the production of lysine decarboxylase by Enterobacteriaceae. APHA 610303 95,20 LYSINE IRON AGAR Differential medium for enterobacteria isolation. M17 AGAR Medium for lactic streptococci cultivation. M.R.S. AGAR Basal medium for lactobacillus isolation. ISO 15214 610027 620027 610192 620192 610024 620024 87,70 22,80 89,80 30,30 102,80 48,70 83,30 29,30 TWEEN 80 supplement (Tween 80) 2x50 ml 80031 19,50 M.R.S. BROTH Basal medium for lactobacillus enrichment and isolation. ISO 15214 610025 620025 73,50 27,10 TWEEN 80 supplement (Tween 80) 2x50 ml 80031 19,50 M.S.R.V. (Modified Semisolid Rappaport Vassiliadis) MEDIUM BASE Semisolid basal medium for selective isolation of motile Salmonella spp. 610018 620018 NOVOBIOCIN supplement (Novobiocin). ISO 6579 10 fiale 81021 56,20 MAC CONKEY AGAR Selective and differential medium for coliforms and intestinal pathogens isolation. E.P. 610028 620028 6100285 64,90 562,40 MUG supplement 10 fiale 81020 88,70 MAC CONKEY AGAR w/o CRYSTAL VIOLET Differential moderately selective medium for enterobacteria isolation. MAC CONKEY AGAR w/o Bile Salt Selective and differential medium for coliforms isolation with Proteus spp. swarming inhibition. MAC CONKEY BROTH Selective and differential broth for the detection of coliforms in water, milk and other materials of sanitary importance. MAC CONKEY BROTH (Purple) Selective and differential broth for coliforms isolation (with BCP). MAC CONKEY BROTH MODIFIED (w/o NaCl) Selective and differential broth for coliforms isolation (with BCP). MAC CONKEY MUG AGAR Selective and differential medium for Escherichia coli isolation. MAC CONKEY SORBITOL AGAR Selective and differential medium for E. coli O157 isolation. 610195 620195 67,10 86,50 32,40 610128 70,00 E.P. 610337 78,30 610171 620171 610149 620149 610170 620170 6101705 610108 620108 62,70 21,60 79,00 24,90 151,40 47,60 973,40 88,70 32,40 CEFIXIME TELLURITE Supplement 10 fiale 81081 36,00 MALONATE BROTH Broth for enterobacteria differentiation. MALT AGAR Medium for yeasts and moulds isolation and enumeration. AOAC 610172 620172 610101 620101 304,00 97,30 85,50 29,30 48

Terreni di coltura disidratati MALT EXTRACT AGAR Medium for yeasts and moulds isolation and enumeration. MALT EXTRACT BROTH Broth for yeasts and moulds culture. MANNITOL MOTILITY TEST MEDIUM Medium for differentiation of Enterobacteriaceae. MANNITOL SALT AGAR Selective medium for pathogenic staphylococci isolation. MAXIMUM RECOVERY BROTH Isotonic diluent for microorganisms optimal recovery. m-cp AGAR BASE Basal medium for selective isolation of C. perfrigens in waters. AOAC E.P. ISO 6887-1 98/83/EC 610173 620173 610069 620069 610235 620235 610029 620029 6100295 610077 620077 610199 620199 88,70 30,30 80,00 102,00 47,40 47,60 17,30 432,60 43,30 15,10 93,00 m-cp supplement 10 fiale 81034 106,00 m-cp Supp.A Phenolphtalein diphosphate 10 fiale 81070 40,00 m-cp Supp.B Ferric chloride 10 fiale 81071 30,00 m-cp Supp.C Indoxyl B-D-Glucoside 10 fiale 81072 120,00 m-endo AGAR LES Medium for coliforms enumeration in water by membrane filtration. m-endo BROTH Broth for coliforms counting in water by membrane filtration. m-fc AGAR BASE Selective basal medium for fecal coliforms isolation and enumeration by membrane filtration method. APHA APHA APHA 611011 621011 610220 620220 611012 621012 6110125 89,80 30,30 82,20 27,10 89,80 33,60 757,10 ROSOLIC ACID supplement (Rosolic acid) 10 fiale 81029 50,90 m-fc BROTH BASE Selective basal broth for fecal coliforms isolation and enumeration by membrane APHA 610162 620162 86,50 30,30 filtration method. ROSOLIC ACID supplement (Rosolic acid) 10 fiale 81029 50,90 MICROBIAL CONTENT TEST AGAR BASE 610094 97,30 Basal medium for bacterial count determination with inactivation of disinfectants. LECITHIN supplement (Lecithin) 4x50 ml 80007 33,60 TWEEN 80 supplement (Tween 80) 2x50 ml 80031 19,50 MIDDLEBROOK 7 H 10 AGAR BASE Basal medium for mycobacteria cultivation. 611022 621022 97,30 32,40 MIDDLEBROOK 7 H 10 supplement (Oleic acid, Glucose, NaCl) 4x50 ml 81035 50,90 GLYCEROL supplement (Glycerol) 4x50 ml 80021 MILK PLATE COUNT AGAR Medium for bacterial count in milk and dairy products. MOTILITY INDOLE UREA AGAR Medium for Enterobacteriaceae identification. MOTILITY TEST AGAR Medium for the detection of motility of gram-negative enteric bacilli. MRS-IM + MALTOSE Medium for counting probiotic bacteria. 610073 620073 88,70 24,90 610236 90,60 610132 620132 610067 620067 82,40 100,60 30,30 TWEEN 80 supplement (Tween 80) 2x50 ml 80031 19,50 MRS-IM + GLUCOSE Medium for counting probiotic bacteria. 610068 620068 100,60 30,30 TWEEN 80 supplement (Tween 80) 2x50 ml 80031 19,50 MR-VP BROTH Broth for carrying out Methyl Red (MR) and Voges-Proskauer (VP) tests. MUELLER HINTON AGAR II Medium for susceptibility test (Kirby Bauer method), low concentration of thyminethymidine with Ca ++ and Mg ++. MUELLER HINTON BROTH Broth for susceptibility test by dilution method. MUELLER HINTON BROTH II Broth for susceptibility test by dilution method, low concentration of thyminethymidine with Ca ++ and Mg ++. MULLER KAUFFMANN BROTH BASE Basal broth for Salmonella spp selective enrichment. MULLER KAUFFMANN supplement (Iodine, Potassium iodide, Brilliant green) ISO 6785 ISO 6579 CLSI CLSI ISO 6785 MULLER KAUFFMANN TETRATHIONATE BROTH BASE ISO 6579 Basal medium for Salmonella spp. selective enrichment from water, foodstuffs and fecal samples. 610032 620032 610627 620627 6106275 610034 620034 610218 620218 57,40 21,60 95,00 22,00 830,00 72,50 24,90 99,00 35,00 610035 620035 53,00 22,80 2x50 ml Iodine 80047 33,60 50 ml B.G. 0.1% 610239 65,00 620239 22,00 IODINE MKTT SOLUTION 10 provette x 10 80009 36,00 ml NOVOBIOCIN MKTT Supplement 10 fiale 81073 60,00 49

Terreni di coltura disidratati NITRATE BROTH Broth for the identification of aerobic and facultative anaerobic gram-negative microorganisms by means of the nitrate reduction test. NUTRIENT AGAR Medium for non fastidious bacteria growth. NUTRIENT BROTH Broth for non fastidious bacteria growth. ISO 12780 APHA 610322 95,20 610036 620036 610037 620037 6100375 75,70 24,90 67,10 22,80 540,80 NUTRIENT BROTH no.2 Broth for non fastidious bacteria growth. Base broth for the enrichment of Campylobacter spp. ISO 17995 610217 620217 CAMPYLOBACTER Preston supplement (Polymyxin B, Trimethoprim, Cyclohexinide, 10 fiale 81004 95,20 Rifampicin) CAMPYLOBACTER growth supplement (Sodium pyruvate, Sodium metabisulphite, 10 fiale 81050 56,20 Ferrous sulphate) HORSE BLOOD LYSED 100 ml 83397 64,90 O.F. BASAL MEDIUM 610304 90,60 Medium for the detection of oxidative and fermentative carbohydrate degradation, particularly for the differentiation of gram-negative intestinal bacteria. O.G.Y.E. AGAR BASE Basal medium for selective enumeration of yeasts and moulds. ISO 7954 610202 620202 6102025 73,50 24,90 735,40 O.G.Y.E. supplement (Oxytetracycline) 10 fiale 81018 40,00 ORANGE SERUM AGAR Medium for isolation and count of bacteria and yeasts in citrus fruit and by-products. ORANGE SERUM BROTH Broth for cultivation and enumeration of microorganisms associated with spoilage of citrus products. ORNITHINE DECARBOXYLASE BROTH Broth for the detection of the production of ornithine decarboxylase by Enterobacteriaceae. P.P.L.O. BROTH Broth for mycoplasma cultivation. PEPTONE WATER Medium for indole production detection. PFIZER SELECTIVE ENTEROCOCCUS AGAR Medium for selective isolation, cultivation and enumeration of Enterococcus spp. PHENOL RED AGAR BASE Base medium used with the addition of carbohydrates for differentiating pure culture of bacteria based on sugar fermentation reactions. PHENOL RED BROTH BASE Broth for carbohydrates fermentation studies. PHENYLALANINE AGAR Medium for enterobacteria differentiation. APHA APHA ISO 7251 610078 620078 6100785 80,00 108,20 32,40 832,80 610307 95,20 610305 144,20 610109 620109 610038 620038 173,00 21,60 54,10 19,50 610319 123,60 610308 95,20 610174 620174 610039 620039 75,70 99,50 29,30 FERRIC CHLORIDE 10% (Ferric chloride) 2x25 ml 80272 18,40 PHENYLALANINE MALONATE BROTH Broth for enterobacteria differentiation. 610075 620075 454,20 151,40 FERRIC CHLORIDE 10% (Ferric chloride) 2x25 ml 80272 18,40 PLATE COUNT AGAR ISO 4833 Medium for total bacterial count detection in foodstuffs and water. POTATO DEXTROSE AGAR Medium for yeasts and moulds enumeration in food and dairy products. POTATO DEXTROSE BROTH Broth for yeasts and moulds enumeration in food and dairy products. POTATO INFUSION AGAR Medium for Brucella spp. isolation. PROTEOSE PEPTONE Special peptone obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of animal tissue. PSEUDOMONAS AGAR BASE Basal medium for selective isolation of Pseudomonas spp. E.P. APHA ISO 12780 610040 620040 6100405 610102 620102 6101025 610106 620106 6101065 610011 620011 74,70 692,20 84,40 32,40 811,10 64,90 648,90 80,00 24,90 612201 82,20 610071 620071 GLYCEROL supplement (Glycerol) 4x50 ml 80021 95,20 50

Terreni di coltura disidratati C.F.C. (Pseudomonas) supplement (Cetrimide, Fucidin, Cephalordine) 10 fiale 81049 40,10 C.N. (Pseudomonas) supplement (Cetrimide, Nalidix acid) ISO 12780 10 fiale 81006 40,10 PSEUDOMONAS AGAR F Medium for the enhancement of fluorescin production by Pseudomonas spp. ISO 12780 610309 95,20 GLYCEROL supplement (Glycerol) 4x50 ml 80021 PSEUDOMONAS AGAR P U.S.P. 610310 95,20 Medium for the enhancement of pyocyanin production by Pseudomonas spp. PURPLE GLUCOSE AGAR Medium for enterobacteria isolation and differentiation. PURPLE LACTOSE AGAR Medium for coliforms isolation and differentiation. R2 AGAR Medium for heterotrophic microorganisms count in the examination of potable water. RAPPAPORT VASSILIADIS BROTH Selective enrichment broth for Salmonella isolation. REINFORCED CLOSTRIDIAL AGAR Medium for isolation and enumeration of anaerobes, specially Clostridium spp. ISO 21528-2 E.P. ISO 6785 ISO 6579 ISO 6461-1 610194 620194 610044 620044 610129 620129 610175 620175 610096 620096 85,50 30,30 73,50 24,90 127,60 33,00 59,50 100,60 30,30 ROGOSA AGAR Selective basal medium for lactobacilli isolation and enumeration. 610176 620176 88,70 27,10 TWEEN 80 supplement (Tween 80) 2x50 ml 80031 19,50 ROGOSA BROTH Selective basal broth for lactobacilli culture. 610177 620177 86,50 27,10 TWEEN 80 supplement (Tween 80) 2x50 ml 80031 19,50 ROSE BENGAL AGAR BASE Basal broth for selective isolation and enumeration of yeasts and moulds. APHA 610178 620178 6101785 74,70 27,10 735,40 CHLORAMPHENICOL supplement (Cholarmphenicol) 10 fiale 81017 36,80 ROSE BENGAL CAF AGAR Selective medium for yeasts and moulds isolation and enumeration. SABOURAUD DEXTROSE AGAR Medium for yeasts and moulds isolation. APHA E.P. 610090 620090 610103 620103 6101035 88,70 53,00 21,60 486,70 CHLORAMPHENICOL supplement (Chloramphenicol) 10 fiale 81017 36,80 GENTAMICIN supplement (Gentamicin) 10 fiale 81033 67,10 SABOURAUD DEXTROSE BROTH Broth for yeasts, moulds and acidophilic bacteria cultivation. SABOURAUD CAF AGAR Selective medium for yeasts and moulds isolation. SABOURAUD CAF AGAR + ACTIDIONE Selective medium for dermatophyte isolation. SABOURAUD MALTOSE AGAR Acid medium for the isolation of dermatophytes, other fungi and yeasts. SCHAEDLER AGAR BASE Basal medium for anaerobic bacteria isolation. E.P. APHA U.S.P. 610104 620104 610203 620203 610179 620179 610146 620146 610043 620043 51,90 18,40 73,50 24,90 270,40 93,00 96,30 30,30 80,00 27,10 SHEEP BLOOD DEFIBRINATED 50 ml 83296 48,70 VITAMIN K 1% supplement (Vitamin K) 5x5 ml 80053 40,10 SCHAEDLER supplement (Kanamycin, Vancomycin) 10 fiale 81054 116,80 SCHAEDLER BROTH Broth for anaerobic bacteria cultivation. SCHWARZ DIFFERENTIAL MEDIUM Medium used in the brewing industry for the differentiation of brewing yeasts from wild yeasts. SELENITE BROTH Broth for selective enrichment of Salmonella spp. SELENITE CYSTINE BROTH Medium for selective enrichment of Salmonella spp. S.F. BROTH Broth medium for fecal streptococci isolation. SIERRA LIPOLYTIC AGAR Medium for lipolytic bacteria isolation. SIM MEDIUM Differential medium for indole, motility and H 2S tests. SIMMONS CITRATE AGAR Differential medium for enterobacteria identification based on the utilization of citrate as the sole source of carbon. SLANETZ AND BARTLEY AGAR BASE Selective basal medium for fecal streptococci isolation and enumeration. APHA ISO 6785 AOAC ISO 10273 ISO 7899-2 610137 620137 73,50 32,40 610127 106,00 610145 620145 6101455 610150 620150 610180 620180 611015 621015 610181 620181 610046 620046 610134 620134 70,30 648,90 80,00 27,10 83,30 30,30 80,00 32,40 73,50 24,90 79,00 144,90 38,90 51

Terreni di coltura disidratati TTC 1% supplement (TTC) 5x10 ml 80300 22,80 SLANETZ AND BARTLEY AGAR + TTC Selective medium for fecal streptococci isolation and enumeration. SPS AGAR Selective medium for Clostridium perfrigens and sulphite-reducing bacteria isolation and enumeration. S.S. AGAR MODIFIED Selective medium for Salmonella and Shigella isolation. STAPHYLOCOCCUS 110 AGAR Selective medium for staphylococci isolation. STUART TRANSPORT MEDIUM Semisolid medium for transport of clinical specimens and microorganisms. T.B.X. AGAR Selective chromogenic medium for E. coli detection in food. T.C.B.S. AGAR Selective medium for Vibrio spp. isolation. ISO 7899-2 APHA ISO 16649-2 ISO 8914 610147 620147 6101475 610148 620148 610042 620042 6100425 79,00 754,90 101,70 38,90 76,80 27,10 713,80 611366 114,60 610182 620182 610224 620224 611010 621010 94,10 30,30 367,00 87,00 TERGITOL AGAR BASE Basal medium for coliforms enumeration and identification. ISO 9308-1 610184 620184 96,30 24,90 TTC 1% supplement (TTC) 5 x10 ml 80300 22,80 T.S.I. AGAR Differential medium for enterobacteria identification. U.S.P. 610055 620055 62,70 19,50 TETRATHIONATE BROTH BASE Basal broth for Salmonella spp. enrichment APHA U.S.P. 610183 620183 IODINE solution (Iodine, Potassium iodide) 5x10 ml 81009 14,10 THIOGLYCOLLATE MEDIUM Medium for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria for sterility tests. TODD HEWITT BROTH Broth for haemolytic streptococci culture prior to serological identification. TRICHOMONAS BROTH Selective base broth for Trichomonas spp. isolation. ISO 7937 E.P. U.S.P. 610050 620050 610051 620051 6100515 610061 620061 76,80 24,90 56,20 21,60 64,90 22,80 82,20 30,30 757,10 95,20 27,10 HORSE SERUM 100 ml 83810 59,50 TRYPTIC (CTA) MEDIUM Semisolid medium for motility test and carbohydrates fermentation. TRYPTIC SOY AGAR Medium for the growth of a wide variety of microorganisms. TRYPTIC SOY BROTH Broth for the growth of a wide variety of microorganisms. TRYPTONE GLUCOSE EXTRACT AGAR Medium for cultivation and count of microorganisms in food and water. TRYPTONE SULFITE NEOMYCIN AGAR Medium for Clostridium perfringens detection in food. TRYPTONE WATER Liquid medium for Escherichia coli detection in food and water. TRYPTOPHAN BROTH Broth of subcultivation for coliform differentiation, and for indole testing in the bacteriological examination of water. TRYPTOSE AGAR Medium for the growth of a wide variety of microorganisms. TRYPTOSE BROTH Broth for cultivating and maintaining of fastidious microorganisms, including Brucella spp. E.P. E.P. APHA ISO 3811 ISO 9308-1 ISO 6579 ISO 6785 APHA 610185 620185 610052 620052 610053 620053 6100535 610089 620089 610074 620074 610206 620206 610197 620197 610193 620193 610233 620233 80,00 27,10 69,20 22,80 62,70 19,50 575,40 96,30 106,00 59,50 24,90 106,00 32,40 90,80 34,60 84,40 24,90 UREA AGAR BASE Basal medium for enterobacteria urease test. ISO 6785 ISO 6579 610107 620107 74,70 22,80 UREA 40% supplement 10x5 ml 80292 38,90 UREA BROTH Broth for the detection of microorganisms which metabolize urea. 610311 74,70 VIOLET RED BILE AGAR MUG Selective medium for isolation and counting of coliforms and Escherichia coli. VIOLET RED BILE GLUCOSE AGAR Selective medium for enterobacteria isolation and enumeration. VIOLET RED BILE LACTOSE AGAR Selective medium for coliforms isolation and enumeration. ISO 21528-2 E.P. ISO 4832 610187 620187 610059 620059 610058 620058 6100585 254,20 54,10 73,50 24,90 73,50 24,90 648,90 52

Terreni di coltura disidratati VOGEL JOHNSON AGAR Selective basal medium for Staphylococcus aureus isolation. U.S.P. 610186 620186 POTASSIUM TELLURITE 1% supplement 5x10 ml 80022 POTASSIUM TELLURITE 3.5% supplement 5x10 ml 80291 V.R.B. AGAR w GLUCOSE / LACTOSE E.P. 610336 80,30 Medium recommended for the detection and enumeration of enterobacteria. VRE Agar Base 610501 140,00 Medium for isolating Vancomycin-resistant enterococci. MEROPENEM Supplement 10 fiale 81083 48,00 W.L. NUTRIENT AGAR Medium for the enumeration and cultivation of yeasts and bacteria in the microbiological control carried out in the brewing and other fermentation industries. WORT AGAR Medium for the cultivation, isolation and enumeration or enrichment of fungi, especially of yeasts. WORT BROTH w/o NaCl Basal broth for isolation and enumeration of yeasts and moulds. 610234 620234 82,20 30,30 80,30 21,60 610323 95,20 610080 106,00 GLYCEROL supplement (Glycerol) 4x50 ml 80021 WURTZ LACTOSE AGAR Medium for enterobacteria isolation. XLD AGAR Differential and selective medium for pathogenic enterobacteria isolation. X.L.T. 4 AGAR BASE Basal medium for selective isolation of Salmonella non typhi and paratyphi. ISO 21567 ISO 6579 611210 621210 610060 620060 6100605 610092 620092 83,30 30,30 75,70 33,60 735,40 89,80 X.L.T. (Tergitol 4) 2x50 ml 80010 67,10 YEAST EXTRACT AGAR ISO 6222 611016 75,70 Medium for microorganisms enumeration in water. 621016 YEAST GLUCOSE CHLORAMPHENICOL AGAR Selective medium for yeasts and moulds isolation and enumeration. YERSINIA SELECTIVE AGAR BASE Basal medium for selective isolation of Yersinia enterocolitica. ISO 7954 ISO 10273 610070 620070 610111 620111 YERSINIA supplement (Cefsulodin, Irgasan, Novobiocin) ISO 10273 10 fiale 81039 50,90 74,70 86,50 33,60 53

Ingredienti per terreni di coltura ACID HYDROLYSATE OF CASEIN Product obtained by acid hydrolysis of casein. AGAR BACTERIOLOGICAL Purified agar for culture media preparation. BEEF EXTRACT Beef extract obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of animal proteins. BILE BACTERIOLOGICAL Bacteriological bile obtained by bile purification. BILE SALT No. 3 Purified extract obtained of bovine bile. BRAIN HEART INFUSION Infusion obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of brain and heart. GELATIN BACTERIOLOGICAL Purified gelatin for bacteriological use. GELATIN PANCREATIC PEPTONE Peptone obtained by pancreatic digest of gelatin. GLUCOSE Glucose for bacteriological use. LACTOSE Lactose for bacteriological use. LIVER EXTRACT Dehydrated extract of bovine liver. MALT EXTRACT Dehydrated extract obtained from sprouted grain. PEPTONE BACTERIOLOGICAL Peptone obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of animal tissues. PEPTONE MYCOLOGICAL Mixture of peptones for yeast culture. POLYPEPTONE Pancreatic digest of casein and peptic digest of animal tissue combined in equal parts. PROTEOSE PEPTONE Special peptone obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of animal tissues. SKIM MILK POWDER Pasteurized product resulting from the removal of water from nonfat milk (APHA). SODIUM CHLORIDE Sodium Chloride for bacteriological use. SODIUM DESOXYCHOLATE Sodium desoxycholate for bacteriological use. SODIUM SELENITE Sodium selenite for bacteriological use. SOY PEPTONE Soy peptone obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of soy bean meal. SUCROSE Sucrose for bacteriological use. TRYPTONE Product obtained by pancreatic hydrolysis of casein. TRYPTOSE Product obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of casein, yeasts and animal tissues. YEAST EXTRACT Yeast extract obtained by autolysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 610496 620496 611001 621001 6110015 610497 620497 6104975 611367 621367 611901 6119015 610495 620495 6104955 611002 6110025 129,80 32,40 97,30 757,10 64,90 648,90 173,00 34,60 200,10 1946,70 237,90 41,10 2054,90 50,90 508,30 611503 106,00 611601 621601 6116015 610498 620498 6104985 612001 6120015 611006 6110065 611701 621701 6117015 612101 6121015 44,40 10,80 432,60 58,40 24,90 540,80 62,70 540,80 57,40 540,80 73,50 22,80 692,20 119,00 1081,50 610492 95,20 612201 6122015 82,20 811,10 610491 80,30 5 Kg 5 Kg 5 Kg 611000 621000 612401 6124015 611003 6110035 612501 6125015 611801 6118015 611004 621004 6110045 611008 6110085 611005 621005 6110055 45,40 27,10 298,70 2678,00 97,30 746,20 71,40 648,90 43,30 411,00 57,40 21,60 540,80 86,05 648,90 57,40 540,80 Soluzioni saline e trattamento dell espettorato DECONTAM KIT 3 bottles x 9 80060 108,20 Kit for fluidification and decontamination of sputum samples to submit to culture for mycobacteria detection. RINGER S Solution (1/4X) Freeze-dried product for preparation of Ringer (1/4X) isotonic solution for bacteriological use. 10 fiale 81059 21,60 54

Supplementi liquidi EGG YOLK emulsion Supplement for lecithinase producers bacteria (Staphylococcus, Bacillus and Clostridium) identification (ISO 7932). EGG YOLK TELLURITE emulsion Supplement for coagulase positive staphylococci isolation (ISO 6888-1). GLYCEROL supplement (Glycerol) Supplement for culture media preparation. IODINE solution Supplement for culture media preparation. LECITHIN supplement Emulsion of lecithin. LETHEEN supplement Sterile emulsion of lecithin for Letheen media. MIDDLEBROOK 7 H 10 supplement (Albumina Bovina, Glucosio) Supplement for Middlebrook 7 H 10 medium preparation. MULLER KAUFFMANN supplement (Iodine, Potassium iodide, Brilliant green) Selective supplement for Muller Kauffmann broth. O.A. LISTERIA supplement Supplement for selective enrichment of Listeria monocytogenes. POTASSIUM TELLURITE 1% supplement (Potassium tellurite) POTASSIUM TELLURITE 3.5% supplement Selective supplement for pathogenic staphylococci isolation. Tergitol 0.2% supplement Tergitol 1.5% supplement Supplement for coliforms isolation (ISO 9308-1). TRITON X 100 supplement (Triton X 100) Selective supplement for fecal coliforms isolation. TTC 1% supplement (TTC) Supplement for bacteria differentiation. TWEEN 80 supplement (Tween 80) Supplement for culture media preparation. UREA 40% supplement (Urea) Supplement for urease activity of bacteria (ISO 6785) (ISO 6579). VITAMIN K 1% supplement (Vitamin K) Growth supplement for anaerobes isolation. X.L.T. 4 supplement (Tergitol 4) Selective supplement for X.L.T. 4 Agar Base. Sangue animale e derivati 4x50 ml 80219 50,90 4x50 ml 80122 53,00 4x50 ml 80021 5x10 ml 81009 14,10 4x50 ml 80007 33,60 4x50 ml 80008 33,60 4x50 ml 81035 50,90 2x50 ml Iodine 80047 33,60 50 ml B.G. 0.1% (4+4) x 500 ml 81074 68,00 5x10 ml 5x10 ml 5x5 ml 4x40 ml 80022 80291 80035 80042 17,30 54,00 5x5 ml 80046 36,80 5x10 ml 80300 22,80 2x50 ml 80031 19,60 10x5 ml 80292 80110 38,90 68,00 5x5 ml 80053 40,10 2x50 ml 80010 67,10 # Prodotto con minimo d ordine BOVINE SERUM 50 ml 83830 59,50 Bovine serum for bacteriological use. HORSE BLOOD CITRATED Whole citrated horse blood for bacteriological use. HORSE BLOOD DEFIBRINATED Defibrinated horse blood for bacteriological use. HORSE BLOOD LYSED Lysed horse blood for bacteriological use. HORSE SERUM Horse serum for bacteriological use. SHEEP BLOOD CITRATED Whole citrated sheep blood for bacteriological use. SHEEP BLOOD DEFIBRINATED Defibrinated sheep blood for bacteriological use. SHEEP RED CELLS 10 Sheep red cells 10% for serological reactions. 25 ml 50 ml 100 ml 50 ml 100 ml 500 ml 83391 83392 # 83393 83395 83396 83394 30,30 47,60 54,10 46,60 64,90 144,90 100 ml 83397 64,90 100 ml 83810 59,50 25 ml 50 ml 100 ml 25 ml 50 ml 100 ml 500 ml 83291 83292 83293 83298 83296 83297 83294 45,40 56,20 30,30 48,70 62,70 144,90 25 ml 83701 35,70 55

Mini Incubatore MINI INCUBATOR EM4 ATL 1 unit 96750 391,40 Incubatori DIGITAL THERMOBLOCK 1 unit 96752 824,00 Incubator for ampoules and provette. Range of temperature: 5 to 150 C. ALUMINUM BLOCK FOR STERILTEST 1 unit 96753 90,00 Aluminum block with 20 holes. ALUMINUM BLOCK FOR STERIL CONTROL 1 unit 96754 90,00 Aluminum block with 12 holes. ALUMINUM BLOCK FOR STRIP CONTROL, MiRA Test, MeRA Test Aluminum block with 12 holes. 1 unit 96755 90,00 Campionatore d aria PORTABLE AIR SAMPLER 55 Instrument for microbiological monitoring of environment with 55 mm Contact Piastre, complete of: carrying case, air sampler, spare aluminum sampling head, remote control, battery charger, pencil torch for head sterilization, calibration certificate. PORTABLE AIR SAMPLER 90 Instrument for microbiological monitoring of environment with 90 mm Petri dishes, complete of: carrying case, air sampler, spare aluminum sampling head, remote control, battery charger, pencil torch for head sterilization, calibration certificate. 1 unit 96760 3000,00 1 unit 96770 3000,00 56

Piastre da ImmunoDiffusione Radiale (RID) Descrizione Confezionamento ref. prezzo (Euro) EASY RID h-igg 1 x 12 Tests 93001 24,00 EASY RID h-iga 1 x 12 Tests 93002 24,00 EASY RID h-igm 1 x 12 Tests 93003 24,00 EASY RID h-c3c 1 x 12 Tests 93004 24,00 EASY RID h-c4 1 x 12 Tests 93005 24,00 EASY RID h- Transferrin 1 x 12 Tests 93006 27,00 EASY RID h- Albumin 1 x 12 Tests 93007 27,00 EASY RID h- Apolipoprotein A1 1 x 12 Tests 93008 27,00 EASY RID h- Apolipoprotein B 1 x 12 Tests 93009 27,00 EASY RID h- Alpha-1-acid Glycoprotein 1 x 12 Tests 93010 27,00 EASY RID h- Fibrinogen 1 x 12 Tests 93011 34,00 EASY RID h- Antithrombin III 1 x 12 Tests 93012 30,00 EASY RID h-igg Kappa light chain 1 x 12 Tests 93013 30,00 EASY RID h-igg Lambda light chain 1 x 12 Tests 93014 30,00 EASY RID h- Alfa 1 Antitrypsin 1 x 12 Tests 93015 30,00 EASY RID h- Ceruloplasmin 1 x 12 Tests 93016 30,00 EASY RID h- Haptoglobin 1 x 12 Tests 93018 30,00 Ruler for RID E20316 5,00 Multipiastre per ImmunoDiffusione Radiale Descrizione Confezionamento ref. prezzo (Euro) Multiplate h-igg/iga/igm 3 sectors x 4 Test 93104 27,00 Multiplate h-c3c/c4 2 sectors x 6 Test 93106 27,00 Multiplate h-apoa1/apob 2 sectors x 6 Test 93110 29,00 Multiplate h- Kappa chain / Lambda chain 2 sectors x 6 Test 93115 33,00 Piastre per ImmunoDiffusione doppia Descrizione Confezionamento ref. prezzo (Euro) Bence Jones Test Urine 20 x 2 Test 93201 160,00 Siero di Controllo Descrizione Confezionamento ref. prezzo (Euro) RID CONTROL SERUM IgG + IgA + IgM + C3c + C4 + Transferrin + α1 Acid Glycoprotein + Ig k chain + Ig λ chain + Ceruloplasmine + α1 Antitrypsin + Albumin + Haptoglobin + Apo A + Apo B 4 x 0.5 ml 940010 80,00 57

Test al lattice per identificazione microbica Descrizione Confezionamento ref. prezzo (Euro) CAMPYLOBACTER latex kit Latex test for Campylobacter jejunii identification. E. coli 0157 latex kit Latex test for E. coli 0157 identification. SALMONELLA latex kit Latex test for Salmonella identification. STAPH latex kit Latex test for Staphylococcus aureus identification. CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE latex kit Latex test for C. difficile identification. LEGIONELLA latex kit Latex test for Legionella pneumophila identification. LISTERIA latex kit Latex test for Listeria identification. STREPTO B latex kit Latex test for Group B Streptococci identification. STREPTO A latex kit Latex test for Group A Streptococci identification. STREP-CHECK KIT Latex test for Lancefield group (A, B, C, D, F e G) streptococci identification. SHIGELLA ANTISERUM Lyophilized polyvalent serum for serological Shigella characterization. YERSINIA ENTEROCOLITICA ANTISERUM Test serum for Yersina enterocolitica identification. 50 test 96143 150,00 50 test 96150 110,00 50 test 96151 120,00 50 test 96017 100,00 50 test 96144 200,00 50 test 96142 360,00 50 test 96146 150,00 50 test 96153 120,00 50 test 96154 120,00 50 test 96016 240,00 50 test 96148 150,00 50 test 96147 150,00 Test al lattice per la determinazione di anticorpi Descrizione Confezionamento ref. prezzo (Euro) ASO KIT Qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of antibodies to O-Streptolysin. CRP KIT Qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of C reactive protein. RF KIT Qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of reumathoid factor. WAALER ROSE KIT Qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of reumathoid factor. RPR KIT Qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of reagin joinable to Lue. TPHA KIT Qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of Treponema pallidum antibodies. MONONUCLEOSI KIT Qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of eterophil antibodies joined to infectious mononucleosis. ANTI n-dna KIT Determination of antibodies to n-dna joined to Systemic Lupus Eythematosus. BETA-HCG DIRECT 300 UI/L KIT Qualitative determination of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin in urine. 5 ml suspension 0.5 ml positive control 0.5 ml negative control 96101 40,00 5 ml suspension 96105 40,00 0.5 ml positive control 0.5 ml negative control 5 ml suspension 96110 36,00 0.5 ml positive control 0.5 ml negative control 2.5 ml suspension 96111 40,00 0.5 ml positive control 0.5 ml negative control 4 ml suspension 96115 50,00 0.5 ml positive control 0.5 ml negative control 100 tests 96117 70,00 2.5 ml red cells test 0.5 ml positive control 0.5 ml negative control 2.5 ml suspension 0.5 ml positive control 0.5 ml negative control 5 ml suspension 0.5 ml positive control 0.5 ml negative control 96120 70,00 96125 150,00 96130 42,00 CRP (C Reactive Protein) Latex 5 ml latex vial, liquid 96181 24,00 ASO (Anti-Streptolysin O) Latex 5 ml latex vial, liquid 96180 24,00 RF (Rheumatoid Factor) Latex 5 ml latex vial, liquid 96182 19,00 58

Ricerca Sangue Occulto Descrizione Confezionamento ref. prezzo (Euro) FECAL OCCULT BLOOD CARD Research occult blood in feces (without diet). 20 Card 96415/20 76,00 Gravidanza Descrizione Confezionamento ref. prezzo (Euro) HCG URINE CARD 20 mui/ml Rapid test for qualitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin in urine. 50 Card 100 Card 96460 96461 80,00 120,00 Rotavirus Descrizione Confezionamento ref. prezzo (Euro) ONE STEP ROTA-ADENOVIRUS COMBO 20 card 97802 160,00 ONE STEP ROTAVIRUS TEST 20 card 97800 150,00 Chlamydia Descrizione Confezionamento ref. prezzo (Euro) CHLAMYDIA CARD 20 Card 96450 76,00 Helicobacter pylori Descrizione Confezionamento ref. prezzo (Euro) H.pylori CARD Rapid test for antobodies IgG to Helicobacter pylori determination in human serum. FECAL H.pylori ANTIGEN CARD Rapid test for qualitative detection of Helicobacter pylori antigen in human fecal specimens. 20 Card 96455 110,00 20 Card 97803 210,00 Epatite Descrizione Confezionamento ref. prezzo (Euro) FLAVISCREEN-HCV CARD (CE certification) 25 Card 96435 188,00 Card varie Descrizione Confezionamento ref. prezzo (Euro) CEA CARD 20 Card 96485 68,00 PSA CARD 40 Card 96470 120,00 Ig E Tot. CARD 20 Card 96480 68,00 AFP ALFA FETOCARD 20 Card 96465 76,00 STREPTO A CARD 30 Card 96418 82,00 STREPTO B CARD 25 Card 97809 150,00 TREPONEMA PALLIDUM (SIFILIDE) 20 Card 96495 38,00 HIV 1 & 2 Card (CE certification) 25 Card 96440 180,00 Microalbumin Card (Urine) 20 Card 96462 68,00 Tuberculosis Card 20 Card 96468 78,00 TSH CARD 20 Card 96486 120,00 Myoglobin CARD 20 Card 96487 224,00 TROPONIN CARD 20 Card 96488 120,00 FERRITIN CARD 20 Card 96490 74,00 IM CARD (mononucleosis infection) 20 Card 96498 82,00 ONE STEP ADENOVIRUS TEST 20 Card 97807 140,00 Analisi chimico-fisiche delle Urine Descrizione Confezionamento ref. prezzo (Euro) Urine strip Reader U500 1 reader 96780 2000,00 Urine Strip 10SL 100 test 96590 20,00 59

Immunoturbidimetria Descrizione Confezionamento ref. prezzo (Euro) APO A1 2 + 80 96920 80,00 APO B 2 + 80 96921 80,00 α-1-ac GLY 10 + 40 96922 80,00 ATHROM-III 10 + 40 96923 80,00 C3 10 + 40 96924 80,00 C4 10 + 40 96925 80,00 HAPTO 10 + 40 96926 80,00 IgA 10 + 40 96927 80,00 IgG 10 + 40 96928 80,00 IgM 10 + 40 96929 80,00 TRF Transferrin 10 + 40 96930 80,00 PROT CAL 1 x 2 ml 96940 80,00 PROT CONTROL 4 x 1 ml 96941 100,00 Turbidimetria al lattice Descrizione Confezionamento ref. prezzo (Euro) ASO TURBI 5 + 45 + CAL 96901 98,00 ASO/CRP/RF Control H 4 x 1 96904 58,00 RF TURBI 5 + 45 + CAL 96903 78,00 ASO/CRP/RF Control L 4 x 1 96905 58,00 CRP TURBI 5 + 45 + CAL 96902 78,00 Lp(a) TURBI 5 + 37,5 + CAL 96950 160,00 β-2-micro TURBI 5 + 45 + CAL 96951 140,00 FERRITIN TURBI 7,5 + 25 96952 210,00 FERRITIN CAL 6 x 1 96953 70,00 MICROALBUMINE TURBI 5 + 45 + CAL 96954 140,00 Coagulazione Descrizione Confezionamento ref. prezzo (Euro) PT 4 x 4 96851 80,00 APTT (5x4) + (5x4) 96850 80,00 Fibrinogen (8x1) + (1x100) 96908 88,00 Control Coagulation Normal 4 x 1 96906 70,00 Control Coagulation Pathological 4 x 1 96907 70,00 60

Vidal-Wright kit Descrizione Confezionamento ref. prezzo (Euro) FEBRILE MULTITEST KIT Kit for Salmonella and Brucella desease determination. 8 x 5 ml 96015 135,00 Sospensioni batteriche MACRO provette Descrizione Confezionamento ref. prezzo (Euro) SALMONELLA TYPHI H 20 ml 96001 21,00 SALMONELLA TYPHI 0 20 ml 96002 21,00 SALMONELLA TYPHI TOTALE 20 ml 96009 21,00 SALMONELLA PARATYPHI AH 20 ml 96003 21,00 SALMONELLA PARATYPHI AO 20 ml 96004 21,00 SALMONELLA PARATYPHI A TOTALE 20 ml 96010 21,00 SALMONELLA PARATYPHI BH 20 ml 96005 21,00 SALMONELLA PARATYPHI BO 20 ml 96006 21,00 SALMONELLA PARATYPHI B TOTALE 20 ml 96018 21,00 SALMONELLA PARATYPHI CH 20 ml 96019 21,00 SALMONELLA PARATYPHI CO 20 ml 96020 21,00 SALMONELLA PARATYPHI C TOTALE 20 ml 96021 21,00 BRUCELLA TOTALE (solo per diagnostica umana) 20 ml 96007 21,00 BRUCELLA ABORTUS (solo per diagnostica umana) 20 ml 96008 21,00 BRUCELLA MELITENSIS (solo per diagnostica umana) 20 ml 96022 21,00 BRUCELLA SUIS (solo per diagnostica umana) 20 ml 96023 21,00 PROTEUS OX2 20 ml 96011 21,00 PROTEUS OX19 20 ml 96013 21,00 PROTEUS OXK 20 ml 96012 21,00 Sospensioni batteriche SLIDE Descrizione Confezionamento ref. prezzo (Euro) SALMONELLA TYPHI H 5 ml 96031 20,00 SALMONELLA TYPHI 0 5 ml 96032 20,00 SALMONELLA TYPHI TOTALE 5 ml 96033 20,00 SALMONELLA PARATYPHI AH 5 ml 96034 20,00 SALMONELLA PARATYPHI AO 5 ml 96035 20,00 SALMONELLA PARATYPHI A TOTALE 5 ml 96036 20,00 SALMONELLA PARATYPHI BH 5 ml 96037 20,00 SALMONELLA PARATYPHI BO 5 ml 96038 20,00 SALMONELLA PARATYPHI B TOTALE 5 ml 96039 20,00 SALMONELLA PARATYPHI CH 5 ml 96040 20,00 SALMONELLA PARATYPHI CO 5 ml 96041 20,00 SALMONELLA PARATYPHI C TOTALE 5 ml 96042 20,00 BRUCELLA TOTALE (solo per diagnostica umana) 5 ml 96043 20,00 BRUCELLA ABORTUS (solo per diagnostica umana) 5 ml 96044 20,00 BRUCELLA MELITENSIS (solo per diagnostica umana) 5 ml 96045 20,00 BRUCELLA BENGAL ROSE (solo per diagnostica umana) 5 ml 96046 38,00 PROTEUS OX2 5 ml 96047 20,00 PROTEUS OX19 5 ml 96048 20,00 PROTEUS OXK 5 ml 96049 20,00 CONTROLLI per sospensioni batteriche Descrizione Confezionamento ref. prezzo (Euro) POSITIVE CONTROL FOR SALMONELLA 0.5 ml 96096 10,00 POSITIVE CONTROL FOR PROTEUS 0.5 ml 96097 10,00 POSITIVE CONTROL FOR BRUCELLA 0.5 ml 96098 10,00 NEGATIVE CONTROL 0.5 ml 96093 5,00 61

Chimica clinica Descrizione Confezionamento ref. prezzo (Euro) ACID PHOSPHATASE 19 X 2 ml 96665 35,00 ALBUMIN BROMOCRESOL GREEN 2 X 125 ml 96610 17,60 ALBUMIN BROMOCRESOL GREEN 4 X 250 ml 96611 55,60 ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE 20 X 3 ml 96666 38,00 ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE 15 X 15 ml 96667 48,00 ALPHA-AMYLASE LIQUID STABLE 2 X 50 ml 96668 130,00 BILIRUBIN DIRECT 2 X 125 ml 96612 23,20 BILIRUBIN DIRECT 4 X 250 ml 96613 70,80 BILIRUBIN TOTAL 2 X 125 ml 96614 23,20 BILIRUBIN TOTAL 4 X 250 ml 96615 64,80 BILIRUBIN T&D - DMSO 2 X 125 ml 966151 20,00 CALCIUM MONOREACT ARSENAZO III 2 X 125 ml 96616 28,80 CALCIUM MONOREACT ARSENAZO III 4 X 250 ml 96617 87,20 CALCIUM OCC v/v 2 X 125 ml 96618 23,20 CHLORIDE COLORIMETRIC 2 X 125 ml 96619 23,20 CHOLESTEROL CHOD-PAP 9 X 50 ml 96620 76,80 CHOLESTEROL CHOD-PAP 2 X 125 ml 96621 41,60 CHOLESTEROL CHOD-PAP 4 X 250 ml 96622 128,00 CHOLESTEROL LIQUID STABLE 2 X 125 ml 96623 41,60 CHOLESTEROL LIQUID STABLE 4 X 250 ml 96624 128,00 CHOLINESTERASE 20 X 3 ml 96669 42,00 CK-NAC 20 X 2.5 ml 96670 48,00 CK-MB 40 + 10 ml 96671 260,00 COPPER 5 X 10 ml 96627 160,00 CREATININE JAFFE 2 X 125 ml 96628 19,60 CREATININE JAFFE 4 X 250 ml 96629 60,00 FRUCTOSAMINE 19 X 3 ml 96630 104,00 GAMMA-GT CARBOXY SUSTRATE 20 X 2 ml 96672 33,00 GAMMA-GT CARBOXY SUSTRATE 15 X 15 ml 96673 98,00 GLUCOSE PAP 2 X 125 ml 96631 15,20 GLUCOSE PAP 4 X 250 ml 96632 34,00 GLUCOSE LIQUID STABLE 1 X 1000 ml 96633 30,40 GLUCOSE LIQUID STABLE 2 X 125 ml 96634 15,20 GLUCOSE/HEXOKINASE 12 X 20 ml 96636 69,20 Glycohemoglobin Reagent Set 40 test 97808 88,00 GOT-AST 20 X 2 ml 96674 29,00 GOT-AST 15 X 15 ml 96675 44,00 GOT-AST 9 X 50 ml 96676 88,00 GOT-AST COLORIMETRIC 2 X 125 ml 96677 28,00 GPT-ALT 20 X 2 ml 96678 29,00 GPT-ALT 15 X 15 ml 96679 44,00 GPT-ALT 9 X 50 ml 96680 88,00 GPT-ALT COLORIMETRIC 2 X 125 ml 96681 28,00 HAEMOGLOBIN DRABKIN 4 X 5 ml 96637 16,80 HDL-CHOLESTEROL 3 X 10 ml 96625 22,00 HDL-CHOLESTEROL DIRECT 100 test 96626 216,00 IRON FERROZINE 4 X 50 ml 96638 116,00 IRON TIBC 50 test 96639 13,60 LABTROL NORMAL 10 X 5 ml 96685 84,00 LABTROL PATHOLOGICAL 10 X 5 ml 96686 84,00 LABTROL CALIBRATOR 10 X 5 ml 96687 84,00 LABTROL HUMAN NORMAL 4 X 5 ml 96688 120,00 LABTROL HUMAN PATHOLOGICAL 4 X 5 ml 96689 120,00 LABTROL HUMAN CALIBRATOR 10 X 3 ml 96690 120,00 LACTATE PAP 10 X 10 ml 96640 116,00 LDH 20 X 3 ml 96682 41,00 LDH 15 X 15 ml 96683 44,00 LDLc Direct 100 test 966265 140,00 LIPASE 4 X 10 ml 96684 160,00 MAGNESIUM CALMAGITE 2 X 125 ml 96641 25,60 PHOSPHOLIPIDES PAP 10 X 10 ml 96642 120,00 62

Chimica clinica Descrizione Confezionamento ref. prezzo (Euro) PHOSPHOROUS UV 2 X 125 ml 96643 23,20 TOTAL LIPIDS 2 X 125 ml 96644 35,20 TOTAL PROTEINS 2 X 125 ml 96645 22,00 TOTAL PROTEINS URINE (MICROALBUMIN) 2 X 125 ml 96646 46,00 TRIGLYCERIDES PAP 12 X 20 ml 96647 99,00 TRIGLYCERIDES PAP 9 X 50 ml 96648 156,00 TRIGLYCERIDES PAP 2 X 125 ml 96649 90,00 TRIGLYCERIDES PAP 4 X 250 ml 96650 288,00 TRIGLYCERIDES LIQUID STABLE 2 X 125 ml 96651 88,00 TRIGLYCERIDES LIQUID STABLE 4 X 250 ml 96652 299,00 UREA UV/GLDH 12 X 20 ml 96653 36,80 UREA UV/GLDH 9 X 50 ml 96654 60,00 UREA COLOR BERTHELOT 2 X 125 ml 96655 UREA COLOR BERTHELOT 4 X 250 ml 96656 74,00 UREA 37 (ORTOPHTALALDEHIDE) 2 X 125 ml 96657 UREA 37 (ORTOPHTALALDEHIDE) 4 X 250 ml 96658 72,00 URIC ACID PAP 12 X 20 ml 96659 36,00 URIC ACID PAP 9 X 50 ml 96660 58,00 URIC ACID PAP 2 X 125 ml 96661 32,00 URIC ACID LIQUID STABLE 2 X 125 ml 96662 31,00 URIC ACID LIQUID STABLE 4 X 125 ml 96663 58,00 ZINC 5 X 10 ml 96664 200,00 63

Tamponi STERILE DRYSWAB, FINE TIP, NARROW PLASTIC SHAFT 100 unità 85283 150,00 Shaft: Flexible plastic for narrow orifices (urethral, pediatric). Rayon fiber: non-inhibitory to fastidious microorganisms. STERILE DRYSWAB, STRAIGHT ALUMINUM WIRE URETHRAL ENT 100 unità 85281 130,00 Shaft: Controlled sampling from narrow orifices, ideal for male urethral sampling (urethral, ear). Rayon fiber: non-inhibitory to fastidious microorganisms. STERILE DRYSWAB, STANDARD PLASTIC SHAFT 100 unità 85282 125,00 Shaft: standard plastic, suitable for most specimens (wound, nasal, throat, vaginal, skin). Alginate fiber: bud can be dissolved in weak organic acids to give total release of collected organisms, ideal for recovering organisms present in low numbers. STERILE DRYSWAB, ULTRA FINE FLEXIBLE TWIST-WIRE NASOPHARYNGEAL PEDIATRIC Shaft: ultra fine, twisted wire, for sampling nasopharyngeal region at back of nose (especially for whopping cough). Rayon fiber: non-inhibitory to fastidious microorganisms. 100 unità 85280 140,00 Materiale monouso da laboratorio Descrizione Confezionamento ref. prezzo (Euro) Petri dishes 90 mm 600 unità 96706 90,00 Petri dishes 60 mm 500 unità 96705 120,00 Contact petri dishes 55 mm 500 unità 96707 150,00 TWO SECTORS Petri dishes 90 mm 360 unità 96709 100,00 THREE SECTORS Petri dishes 90 mm 500 unità 96716 120,00 DISPOSABLE PLASTIC LOOPS 1 µl 100 unità 96702 16,00 DISPOSABLE PLASTIC LOOPS 10 µl 100 unità 96701 16,00 STERILE CONTAINER WITH SAMPLERS FOR STOOL COLLECTION 120 unità 96708 50,00 TABLETS FOR CO 2 GENERATION FOR ANAEROBIOSIS 50 unità 96740 36,00 DISPOSABLE PLASTIC PASTEUR PIPETTES 100 unità 96703 25,00 TEST Provette 16 mm x 160 mm (glass) 299 unità 96717 140,00 CUPS FOR TEST Provette (aluminum) 300 unità 96718 120,00 64

SALMONELLA DIAGNOSTIC Institut für Immunpräparate und Nährmedien GmbH, Berlin, Germany Descrizione ref. prezzo (Euro) Test reagents for screening Anti-Salmonella (A-67),omnivalent + Vi 97200 98,4 Anti-Salmonella I (A-E)+Vi 97201 64,8 Anti-Salmonella II (F-67) 97202 72 Anti-Salmonella Poly-H Phase 1&2 97203 98,4 O-Group Pool test reagents Anti-Salmonella Pool OMA 97204 67,2 Anti-Salmonella Pool OMB 97205 67,2 Anti-Salmonella Pool OMC 97206 84,00 Anti-Salmonella Pool OMD 97207 67,2 Anti-Salmonella Pool OME 97208 67,2 Anti-Salmonella Pool OMF 97209 67,2 Anti-Salmonella Pool OMG 97210 67,2 Anti-Salmonella Vi 97211 62,4 Test reagents Anti-Salmonella group specific Anti-Salmonella group B 97212 60 Anti-Salmonella group C 97213 60 Anti-Salmonella group D 97214 60 Anti-Salmonella group E 97215 67,2 Enteroclons and test sera Anti-Salmonella O,Vi-monospecific Anti-Salmonella O2 97216 64,8 Anti-Salmonella O4 97217 62,40 Anti-Salmonella O5 97218 62,4 Anti-Salmonella O6*1 97219 64,8 Anti-Salmonella O7 97220 64,8 Anti-Salmonella O8 97221 62,4 Anti-Salmonella O9 97222 62,4 Anti-Salmonella O10 97223 62,4 Anti-Salmonella O11 97224 62,4 Anti-Salmonella O13 97225 62,4 Anti-Salmonella O14 97226 67,2 Anti-Salmonella O15 97227 62,4 Anti-Salmonella O16 97228 62,4 Anti-Salmonella O17 97229 62,4 Anti-Salmonella O18 97230 84 Anti-Salmonella O19 97231 62,4 Anti-Salmonella O20 97232 62,4 Anti-Salmonella O21 97233 62,4 Anti-Salmonella O22 97234 80 Anti-Salmonella O25 97235 62 Anti-Salmonella O27 97236 62 Anti-Salmonella O28 97237 66 Anti-Salmonella O30 97238 62 Anti-Salmonella O34 97239 62 Anti-Salmonella O35 97240 62 Anti-Salmonella O38 97241 62 Anti-Salmonella O39 97242 62 Anti-Salmonella O40 97243 62 Anti-Salmonella O41 97244 62 Anti-Salmonella O42 97245 62 Anti-Salmonella O43 97246 62 Anti-Salmonella O44 97247 62 Anti-Salmonella O45 97248 62 Anti-Salmonella O46 97249 62 Anti-Salmonella O47 97250 62 Anti-Salmonella O48 97251 62 Anti-Salmonella O50 97252 62 Anti-Salmonella O51 97253 62 Anti-Salmonella O52 97254 62 Anti-Salmonella O53 97255 62 Anti-Salmonella O54 97256 62 Anti-Salmonella O55 97257 62,40 Anti-Salmonella O56 97258 62 65

SALMONELLA DIAGNOSTIC Institut für Immunpräparate und Nährmedien GmbH, Berlin, Germany Descrizione ref. prezzo (Euro) Anti-Salmonella O57 97259 62 Anti-Salmonella O58 97260 62 Anti-Salmonella O59 97261 62 Anti-Salmonella O60 97262 62 Anti-Salmonella O61 97263 62 Anti-Salmonella O62 97264 62 Anti-Salmonella O63 97265 62 Anti-Salmonella O65 97266 62 Anti-Salmonella O66 97267 62 Anti-Salmonella O67 97268 62 Enteroclons and test sera Anti-Salmonella H-monospecific Anti-Salmonella H a 97269 72 Anti-Salmonella H b 97270 72 Anti-Salmonella H c 97271 72 Anti-Salmonella H d 97272 72 Anti-Salmonella H E 97273 72 Anti-Salmonella H f 97274 72 Anti-Salmonella H g 97275 72 Anti-Salmonella H g,m 97276 72 Anti-Salmonella H h 97277 72 Anti-Salmonella H i 97278 72 Anti-Salmonella H k 97279 72 Anti-Salmonella H L 97280 72 Anti-Salmonella H m 97281 72 Anti-Salmonella H n 97282 72 Anti-Salmonella H p 97283 72 Anti-Salmonella H q 97284 72 Anti-Salmonella H r 97285 72 Anti-Salmonella H s 97286 72 Anti-Salmonella H t 97287 72 Anti-Salmonella H u 97288 72 Anti-Salmonella H v 97289 72 Anti-Salmonella H w 97290 72 Anti-Salmonella H x 97291 72 Anti-Salmonella H y 97292 72 Anti-Salmonella H z 97293 72 Anti-Salmonella H z*4 z*23 97294 72 Anti-Salmonella H z*6 97295 72 Anti-Salmonella H z*10 97296 72 Anti-Salmonella H z*13 97297 72 Anti-Salmonella H z*15 97298 72 Anti-Salmonella H z*23 97299 72 Anti-Salmonella H z*24 97300 72 Anti-Salmonella H z*28 97301 72 Anti-Salmonella H z*29 97302 72 Anti-Salmonella H z*32 97303 72 Anti-Salmonella H z*35 97304 72 Anti-Salmonella H z*38 97305 72 Anti-Salmonella H z*41 97306 72 Anti-Salmonella H1 97307 72 Anti-Salmonella H2 97308 72 Anti-Salmonella H5 97309 72 Anti-Salmonella H6 97310 72 Anti-Salmonella H7 97311 72 Salmonella O test antigens for the Widal reactions Paratyphi A-O test antigen 97312 150 Paratyphi B-O test antigen 97313 150 Paratyphi C-O test antigen 97314 150 Typhi O test antigen 97315 150 Salmonella OH test antigens for the Widal reactions Paratyphi A-OH test antigen 97316 150 Paratyphi B-OH test antigen 97317 150 Paratyphi C-OH test antigen 97318 150 66

SALMONELLA DIAGNOSTIC Institut für Immunpräparate und Nährmedien GmbH, Berlin, Germany Descrizione ref. prezzo (Euro) Typhi OH test antigen 97319 150 Typhimurium OH test antigen 97320 150 Enteritidis OH test antigen 97321 150 Salmonella H test antigens for the Widal reactions Ha test antigen 97322 150 Hb test antigen 97323 150 Hc test antigen 97324 150 Hd test antigen 97325 150 Control sera for the Salmonella O and OH test antigens Anti-Salmonella Paratyphi A 97326 60 Anti-Salmonella ParatyphiB 97327 60 Anti-Salmonella Paratyphi C 97328 60 Anti-Salmonella Typhi 97329 60 Anti-Salmonella Typhimurium 97330 60 Anti-Salmonella Enteritidis 97331 60 Control sera for the Salmonella H test antigens Anti-Salmonella H a 97332 60 Anti-Salmonella H b 97333 60 Anti-Salmonella H c 97334 60 Anti-Salmonella H d 97335 60 SHIGELLA DIAGNOSTIC Institut für Immunpräparate und Nährmedien GmbH, Berlin, Germany Descrizione ref. prezzo (Euro) Test reagents and test sera Anti-Shigella polyspecific Anti-Shigella I 97336 70 Anti-Shigella II 97337 70 Anti-Shigella III 97338 70 Anti-Shigella flexneri 97339 70 Anti-Shigella dysenteriae type 1 97340 70 Test sera and enteroclone Anti-Shigella monospecific Anti-Shigella dysenteriae type 2 97341 70 Anti-Shigella flexneri type 1 97342 70 Anti-Shigella flexneri type 2 97343 70 Anti-Shigella flexneri type 3 97344 70 Anti-Shigella flexneri type 4 97345 70 Anti-Shigella flexneri type 5 97346 70 Anti-Shigella flexneri type 6 97347 70 Anti-Shigella flexneri group 3,4 (y) 97348 70 Anti-Shigella flexneri group 6 97349 70 Anti-Shigella flexneri group 7,8 (x) 97350 70 Anti-Shigella sonnei S form (phase I) 97351 70 Anti-Shigella sonnei F form (phase II) 97352 70 Anti-Shig sonnei S and F form(phase I,II) 97353 70 67

YERSINIA DIAGNOSTIC Institut für Immunpräparate und Nährmedien GmbH, Berlin, Germany Descrizione ref. prezzo (Euro) Test sera Anti-Yersinia enterolitica O- monospecific Anti-Yersinia enterocolitica O3 97354 70 Anti-Yersinia enterocolitica O5 97355 70 Anti-Yersinia enterocolitica O8 97356 70 Anti-Yersinia enterocolitica O9 97357 70 Anti-Yersinia enterocolitica O27 97358 70 Yersinia enterolitica O test antigens for the micro-widal reaction, dyed Yersinia enterocolitica O3 test antigen 97359 70 Yersinia enterocolitica O5 test antigen 97360 70 Yersinia enterocolitica O9 test antigen 97361 70 Yersinia enterolitica O test antigens for the micro-widal reaction, non-dyed Yersinia enterocolitica O3 test antigen 97362 60 Yersinia enterocolitica O9 test antigen 97363 60 Control sera Anti-Yersinia for the Widal reaction Anti-Yersinia enterocolitica O3 97364 65 Anti-Yersinia enterocolitica O5 97365 65 Anti-Yersinia enterocolitica O9 97366 65 SEROLOGICAL DIAGNOSTIC Institut für Immunpräparate und Nährmedien GmbH, Berlin, Germany Descrizione ref. prezzo (Euro) Test reagents and test sera Anti-Coli polyspecific Anti-Coli I 97367 60 Anti-Coli II 97368 60 Anti-Coli III 97369 60 Enteroclons and test sera Anti-Coli monospecific Anti-Coli O25:K11 97370 60 Anti-Coli O26:K60 97371 60 Anti-Coli O44:K74 97372 60 Anti-Coli O55:K59 97373 60 Anti-Coli O78:K80 97374 60 Anti-Coli O86:K61 97375 60 Anti-Coli O91:K- 97376 60 Anti-Coli 103:K- 97377 60 Anti-Coli 111:K58 97378 60 Anti-Coli 114:K90 97379 60 Anti-Coli 118:K- 97380 60 Anti-Coli 119:K69 97381 60 Anti-Coli 124:K72 97382 60 Anti-Coli 125:K70 97383 60 Anti-Coli 126:K71 97384 60 Anti-Coli 127:K63 97385 60 Anti-Coli 128:K67 97386 60 Anti-Coli 142:K86 97387 60 Anti-Coli 145:K- 97388 60 Anti-Coli 157:K- 97389 60 Anti-Coli 158:K- 97390 60 Anti-Coli 164:K- 97391 60 68

VETERINARY MEDICINE Institut für Immunpräparate und Nährmedien GmbH, Berlin, Germany Descrizione ref. prezzo (Euro) Young poultry Anti-Coli A 97392 65 Anti-Coli O1 97393 65 Gruber-Widal-Serum Anti-Coli O1 97394 65 Anti-Coli O2 97395 65 Gruber-Widal-Serum Anti-Coli O2 97396 65 Anti-Coli O18 97397 65 Gruber-Widal-Serum Anti-Coli 18 97398 65 Anti-Coli O78:K80 97399 65 Calf cultivation on Minca Agar and Minca Supplement Anti-Coli C 97400 65 Anti-Coli F 5 (K99) 97401 65 Anti-Coli O9:K35 97402 65 Anti-Coli O101:K28 97403 65 Anti-Coli O101:K30 97404 65 Anti-Coli O101:K32 97405 65 Minca Agar,modified 97406 90 Minca Agar,modified 97407 380 Minca Supplement 97408 160 Piglet cultivation on Columbia Blood Agar Anti-Coli P 97409 65 Anti-Coli F4(K88) 97410 65 Anti-Coli O8:K87 97411 65 Anti-Coli O138:K81 97412 65 Anti-Coli O139:K82 97413 65 Anti-Coli O141:K85 97414 65 Anti-Coli O147:K89 97415 65 Anti-Coli O149:K91 97416 65 69

CONDIZIONI GENERALI DI VENDITA PER L ITALIA PREZZI ORDINI SPEDIZIONI RECLAMI PAGAMENTI TRIBUNALE DI COMPETENZA I prezzi segnalati nei nostri listini si intendono netti. Imballi speciali e refrigerati saranno fatturati al costo. L'IVA è a carico del cliente nella misura di legge. Nelle ordinazioni devono essere rispettate le unità di confezionamento indicate nel listino. Per evitare errori, raccomandiamo di indicare sempre nelle ordinazioni il numero di codice dell'articolo. E' nostro diritto non accettare, annullare o procrastinare in tutto o in parte ordinazioni, a seguito di sopravvenute impossibilità di forniture dovute a cause a noi non imputabili. Tali cause ci sollevano da ogni obbligo precedentemente assunto con l'accettazione dell'ordine. I termini di consegna devono considerarsi come indicativi. In nessun caso il compratore potrà rifiutare, per eventuali ritardi nella consegna, la merce da lui ordinata. Importo minimo d'ordine 200. La merce viaggia sempre per conto, rischio e pericolo del committente secondo le disposizioni di legge. I trasportatori saranno da noi scelti tra quelli convenzionati con la nostra società. Richieste di altri trasportatori scelti dal committente saranno accettate solo dietro impegno del pagamento delle spese di trasporto. Saranno comunque sempre a carico del committente e addebitate in fattura le spese di trasporto in caso di accettazione di ordini inferiori a 200. I reclami devono essere fatti entro otto giorni dalla data di arrivo della merce. Non viene accettata merce di ritorno se non dietro nostra autorizzazione. Le fatture non contestate entro otto giorni dal ricevimento si intendono definitivamente accettate. I pagamenti devono essere fatti alle condizioni di vendita concordate. Scaduto il termine di pagamento, verrà applicato un interesse di mora nella misura del tasso corrente applicato dagli istituti bancari. La vendita fatta si intende sotto la condizione dell'effettuato pagamento. E' perciò vietato al cliente vendere o impegnare la merce in suo possesso ma non ancora di sua proprietà per mancato pagamento, e di procedere ad atti che possano ledere il nostro diritto di proprietà. Per qualunque controversia è competente il Foro di Teramo. Ogni committente ammette espressamente di conoscere e accettare le condizioni di vendita di cui sopra. 70

Notes 71

Liofilchem s.r.l. Via Scozia, Zona Ind.le 64026, Roseto degli Abruzzi (Te) - ITALY tel +39 0858930745 fax +39 0858930330 www.liofilchem.it 72