D 3.2: Training courses for teachers: programmes, and contents

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Intelligent Energy Project Contract Nr: IEE/09/912/SI2.558315 Project : A Schools' panel for HighEnergy Efficiency Products WP 3: Strengthening the schools' skills Task 3.2: Trainingthe teachers D 3.2: Training courses for teachers: programmes, and contents Authors: Eleftherios Giakoumelos Charalampos Malamatenios November 2011 DISCLAIMER: The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Project IEE/09/912 D 3.2: Training courses for teachers: Programmes, and contents Contents 1. INTRODUCTION... 3 2. ORGANISATION OF THE TRAINING THE TEACHERS COURSES IN ITALY... 5 2.1 Backgound... 5 2.2 Dates and places participants... 5 2.3 Topics... 7 3. ORGANISATION OF THE TRAINING THE TEACHERS COURSES IN ROMANIA... 8 3.1 Backgound... 8 3.2 Dates and places participants... 8 3.3 Topics... 8 4. ORGANISATION OF THE TRAINING THE TEACHERS COURSES IN GERMANY... 10 4.1 Backgound... 10 4.2 Dates and places participants... 10 4.3 Topics... 13 5. ORGANISATION OF THE TRAINING THE TEACHERS COURSES IN BULGARIA... 14 5.1 Background... 14 5.2 Dates and places participants... 14 5.3 Topics... 15 6. ORGANISATION OF THE TRAINING THE TEACHERS COURSES IN GREECE... 16 6.1 Background... 16 6.2 Dates and places participants... 16 6.3 Topics... 16 ANNEX A: Programmes of the training the teachers courses ANNEX B: List of participants in the training the teachers courses ANNEX C: Educational material (in English and in all partners languages) - 2 -

Project IEE/09/912 D 3.2: Training courses for teachers: Programmes, and contents 1. INTRODUCTION In the framework of WP3 of the project, the organization of the training courses for teachers in the 5 different countries of the project partners on the issue of SCP policies, and their related Directives, Regulations and working tools was of contractual obligation for all project partners, with the coordination of CRES. For this purpose, the training needs and proposals from the technical partners who were in touch with the schools were collected during the relevant surveys made as foreseen in WP2. In the second management meeting in Arad, the educational materials that had to be prepared for the training courses for teachers and the partners responsible for their preparation were agreed. More precisely: For technical and commercial high schools teachers Introduction to the SCP policies (TUGAB) The Eco design Directive and its work programme (TUGAB) The Energy and Ecolabelling Directives; Regulations and standards (the Carbon footprint included) (SOG) The Product Groups requirements for domestic EuP (SOG) Life Cycle Analysis (CRES) Communication towards families (Z21) For commercial high schools teachers (additional materials) The actual market of the Efficient EuP and future scenarios (SOG) Life Cycle Costing (CRES) Recognition of Eco labels and energy labels and of their meanings (EXELSIOR) Benefits of buying high efficiency energy using products EuP (economic and environmental) (SOG) Guidelines for reducing energy consumption (EXELSIOR) These training materials were composed of both PowerPoint presentations and additional guidance materials (Word files) for facilitating the training procedure. In addition, a final test was foreseen for evaluating the training effectiveness. For this purpose, a set of relevant Q&A was provided to all by CRES. This template was finally adapted to the local needs by the respective partners (as in some cases it was considered as not appropriate to test the knowledge acquired by the participating in the trainings teachers, so another way of testing them was used). All the technical partners were in charge for carrying out the training courses and, they adapted the contents to the national/regional context and to the level of SCP development in their area. As a follow up of this procedure (i.e. the work carried out in the frame of WP3.2 of ), training courses were and will be (if not implemented yet) carried out for the partner schools and for at least other 6 schools in each region (about 3 technical schools and 3 economic/commercial schools), as foreseen in Annex I of the Project. In the following the activities carried out by the local partners in the frame of Task 3.2 of WP3 of are presented in a country by country basis. It must be mentioned that the countries have been listed as they are presented in the project s Annex I and not by alphabetical (e.g.) order. Each country s chapter follows the same structure, i.e. there is a - 3 -

Project IEE/09/912 D 3.2: Training courses for teachers: Programmes, and contents general description of the work carried out there and how it was planned and finally executed, then a reference to the dates and places of the trainings is made (as well as to the participating teachers in these trainings) and, finally, the topics covered in the local trainings are provided. In addition, in the 3 Annexes of the Report, the programmes of the training the teachers courses, the lists of participants in the courses, as well as the educational materials developed and presented to the trainees (in both English and the local languages) are included. This is made following the same as above concept, i.e. all info is provided in a country by country basis. - 4 -

Project IEE/09/912 D 3.2: Training courses for teachers: Programmes, and contents 2. ORGANISATION OF THE TRAINING THE TEACHERS COURSES IN ITALY 2.1 Backgound The training courses for teacher started in November 2010 and will continue during the school year 2011 2012. In order to introduce the training courses and to test the training material prepared by the consortium, the first two courses of the project were performed in Italy, with the Coordinator, ITIS ROSSI and the project partner ITC Piovene receiving the training in their premises. After that, other 3 courses were held in Veneto Region, with Sogesca as partner responsible for the organisation and the lectures. At the moment 48 teachers were trained from 11 schools, two partner schools and other 9 invited schools. For the next period, four more courses will be performed in Veneto and Lombardy Regions, involving other 4 schools and other 60 teachers. In Lombardy Region there are also some courses foreseen for the next period 2011 2012. Sogesca is coordinating these activities and will perform the lectures. When the training courses for teacher will be finalised, Italy would have totalised: 9 training courses 2 partner schools trained and actively involved as trainers, more than 20 schools involved in training (almost three times the expected results), more than 100 teachers trained (duplicating the expected results) 2.2 Dates and places participants It is important to notice than in Italy training courses for teachers were programmed at the beginning of the school year for the whole duration of it. In order to introduce the training courses and to test the training material prepared by the consortium, the first two courses of the project were performed in Italy, with the Coordinator, ITIS ROSSI and the project partner ITC Piovene receiving the training in their premises. The technical partner Sogesca srl was responsible for the lecturers. These courses were performed between November 2010 and February 2011. In the first round participated 23 teachers from 3 schools with technical and commercial background. After this first round of courses and the feedback from the teachers, Sogesca made the improvements to the training material (presentations) and shared with the project partners. - 5 -

Project IEE/09/912 D 3.2: Training courses for teachers: Programmes, and contents The second round of courses started in March 2011 with other three courses. These courses were distributed in the Veneto Region: at IIS De Amicis, Rovigo; I.T.C.G. L. Einaudi, Bassano del grappa Vicenza and Istituto Tecnico Severi, Padova. Furthermore, teachers from other 6 schools from the region participated in the courses: IIS L.Einaudi from Badia Polesine Rovigo and IPSIA G.Marchesini Rovigo, Liceo Brocchi and ITIS Fermi both from from Bassano del Grappa Vicenza, Istituto Leonardo da Vinci and IPSIA E. Bernardi from Padova. In total 25 teachers from technical and commercial background were trained in the second round. The technical partner Sogesca srl was responsible for the lecturers. The third round of courses started in October 2011. In this case, the teachers from IT IS ROSSI that receive the training will perform the courses for their colleagues between October 2011 and May 2012. The course is also open to the schools from the region and ITC PIOVENE, and I.T.C.G. L. Einaudi already gave their adhesion. Another 15 teachers will be trained. Other courses are foreseen in Veneto Region at Treviso, in the school year 2011 2012, involving other 6 schools and other 30 teachers. Sogesca is coordinating these activities and will perform the lectures. In Lombardy region there are also some courses foreseen for the next period 2011 2012. Sogesca is coordinating these activities and will perform the lectures. Teachers from ITIS ROSSI preparing a new training course for teachers and teaching courses for students Vicenza (IT) 27 September 2011. - 6 -

Project IEE/09/912 D 3.2: Training courses for teachers: Programmes, and contents 2.3 Topics The content of the courses was decided between the technical partner, Sogesca and a representative from each of the schools hosting the course. The focus was regarding the orientation of the school, technical or commercial high schools. The topics were: Introduction to the Sustainable Production and Consumption policies. Guidelines for reducing energy consumption. Benefits of buying high efficiency energy using products EuP (economic and environmental) The actual market of efficient energy using products EuP Life Cycle Assessment Life Cycle Costing Communication towards families. The Eco design Directive and its work program. The Energy efficiency labels Directives (e.g. new Directive 2010/30/EU) and Ecolabeling Directives, regulations and standards (the carbon footprint included). Energy and Eco Labels recognition and meanings The courses were performed using presentations adapted and translated in Italian by Sogesca. As explained above, after the first round of courses some modifications were proposed by Sogesca and shared with the project partners. - 7 -

Project IEE/09/912 D 3.2: Training courses for teachers: Programmes, and contents 3. ORGANISATION OF THE TRAINING THE TEACHERS COURSES IN ROMANIA 3.1 Backgound The teachers courses covered all the themes previously planned. Before lecturing them, they were translated in Romanian and adapted according to the schools needs. The teachers training took place in March 2011. 3.2 Dates and places participants The participant teachers were divided in 2 groups in both technical schools and commercial ones. The teaching sessions lasted 4 hours. Apart from the schools involved in the project, 3 other commercial schools and 6 technical schools signed up for the courses. Some photos of the course(s) are provided below. 3.3 Topics The contents of the courses were previously discussed at the project meetings. The lectures were slightly different for the two types of schools. I few extra lectures were taught to the commercial schools. The following lectures were held at the technical schools: Introduction - 8 -

Project IEE/09/912 D 3.2: Training courses for teachers: Programmes, and contents to the SCP policies, The Eco design Directive and its work programme, The Energy and Eco labelling Directives Regulations and standard, The Product Groups requirements for domestic Energy Using Products, Life Cycle Analysis, and Communication towards families. Life Cycle Costing, Recognition of Eco labels and energy labels and of their meanings, Guidelines for reducing energy consumption, The actual market of the Efficient EuP and future scenarios, Benefits of buying high efficiency energy using products EuP were added to the commercial schools. The lectures were presented as Power Point Presentations and the courses were finished with evaluation questionnaires. - 9 -

Project IEE/09/912 D 3.2: Training courses for teachers: Programmes, and contents 4. ORGANISATION OF THE TRAINING THE TEACHERS COURSES IN GERMANY 4.1 Backgound End of June 2010 the first part of teachers training took place. The teachers were sensitised with respect to climate and saving energy in cooperation with the Viscardi Gymnasium. The A++ training courses had to be adopted to the German needs as in Germany the whole society is well aware about the more general topics climate, energy production, energy saving, energy efficiency. So the main issues for the training were energy labels, EuPs and energy efficiency, life cycle costing and practical advice how to teach students in these topics and how to communicate towards families The second training was in July 2011 and more than 40 teachers were trained at the FOSBOS. The results of the first wave of student schoolings were presented: Excel spreadsheets were shown with which you can exactly calculate the lifetime costs of refrigerators or washing machines. Teachers from FOSBOS, GG and other schools were present. The training consisted of a course for computer science classes at grade 11 at FOSBOS and grade 9 at grammar school. A training course regarding energy labels and provocative energy efficiency related movies were presented by GG. Additional material was introduced for substitute lessons. These substitute lessons are given in the case a teacher is ill (or prevented for any other reason) and not able to teach his subject at class. So another teacher has to keep the class occupied. It is agreed that this is a good opportunity to concern the students with A++ topics. To be able to do this the substitute teacher needs ready for use material and has to be trained on the material. So this was an important issue of the second teachers training course. The German teachers got an evaluation sheet instead of a test. In Germany it is not common to test teachers at teachers trainings, so we skipped this item and gave the teachers an evaluation sheet to get an impression about the training and get input for further training activities. Additionally for us it is important to keep teachers willing to work with us and attend the next training instead of create a test situation. (this is perhaps a cultural difference from other countries in the project, and thus we adapted this task). In Germany teachers training regarding A++ topics is an ongoing process and more other schools will be involved the next time. 4.2 Dates and places participants First Training 28.06.2010 at Viscardi Gymnasium Fürstenfeldbruck Second Training 20.07.2011 at FOSBOS, Fürstenfeldbruck Teachers trained in total so far: 49-10 -

Project IEE/09/912 D 3.2: Training courses for teachers: Programmes, and contents Teachers from different disciplines were trained as it was agreed amongst the German partners that the topics are suitable for almost all subjects. Even in languages the items could be discussed in the foreign language. Additional material was introduced for substitute lessons. These substitute lessons are given in the case a teacher is ill (or prevented for any other reason) and not able to teach his subject at class. So another teacher has to keep the class occupied. It is agreed that this is a good opportunity to concern the students with A++ topics. To be able to do this the substitute teacher needs ready for use material and has to be trained on the material. So this was an important issue of the second teachers training course. Pictures from the First Training: Presentation Training Material Presentation Climate Change Auditory Pictures from the Second Training: - 11 -

Project IEE/09/912 D 3.2: Training courses for teachers: Programmes, and contents GG presenting the training material for substitute lessons July 2011: teachers training, vice headmaster of FOSBOS greeting the attendees Energy Label Presentation Training Materiel Lifestyle Energy Check for Substitute Lessons Training Material Lifestyle Energy Check for Substitute Lessons - 12 -

Project IEE/09/912 D 3.2: Training courses for teachers: Programmes, and contents Training Material Energy Labels for Substitute Lessons Presentation of samples for lessons and students participation Gymnasium Gröbenzel 4.3 Topics First Training: Climate Change in General Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving Energy Generation Economic aspects of climate change Economic chances of Energy Efficiency (jobs, added value etc.) Second Training: Project Presentation Energy Label Life Cycle Analysis Communication towards families Students training opportunities (Examples) Presentation of Material for Substitute Lessons - 13 -

Project IEE/09/912 D 3.2: Training courses for teachers: Programmes, and contents 5. ORGANISATION OF THE TRAINING THE TEACHERS COURSES IN BULGARIA 5.1 Background To meet the objectives of the project in Bulgaria it was conducted training of teachers from vocational schools. The training was conducted using the developed training materials. Overall assessment of the training was positive and most teachers define teaching material as interesting and useful. 5.2 Dates and places participants Name of participant school Professional Mechanoelectrical High School General Ivan Bachvarov Vocational School of Tourism Pencho Semov Vasil Levski Secondary School Hristo Botev Secondary School Vratsa Kozma Trichkov Secondary School Professional school for business and restaurant activities Nikola Voyvodov Secondary School Address of school Place of training Dates of training 3 Nenko Iliev Street, Sevlievo 5400, Bulgaria 18 Benkovski Str., Gabrovo 5300, Bulgaria 22 Gladston Street, Sevlievo 5400, Bulgaria 37 General Leonov Str, 3000 Vratsa, Bulgaria 12 Antim I Str., 3000 Vratsa, Bulgaria Student complex, Building 2, Vratsa Z.k. "Dabnika", 3000 Vratsa, Bulgaria Professional Mechanoelectrical High School General Ivan Bachvarov Professional Mechanoelectrical High School General Ivan Bachvarov Professional Mechanoelectrical High School General Ivan Bachvarov Hristo Botev Secondary School Vratsa Hristo Botev Secondary School Vratsa Hristo Botev Secondary School Vratsa Hristo Botev Secondary School Vratsa 6, 7, 13, 14 November 2010; 23, 24, 25 March 2011 6, 7, 13, 14 November 2010; 23, 24, 25 March 2011 6, 7, 13, 14 November 2010; 23, 24, 25 March 2011 28, 29, 30, 31 March 2011 28, 29, 30, 31 March 2011 28, 29, 30, 31 March 2011 28, 29, 30, 31 March 2011-14 -

Project IEE/09/912 D 3.2: Training courses for teachers: Programmes, and contents The involved teachers were from different specialties but are all interested in the topic of Energy Efficiency. We did our best to include some engineers as well. The trained teachers are middle class and well educated. Their interest and intelligence is a guarantee for the future of the project. 5.3 Topics The presentations prepared by partners and translated in Bulgarian are used for all of the courses. - 15 -

Project IEE/09/912 D 3.2: Training courses for teachers: Programmes, and contents 6. ORGANISATION OF THE TRAINING THE TEACHERS COURSES IN GREECE 6.1 Background The training course for teachers in Greece was prepared in collaboration of CRES and EPAL of Korydallos and started in March 2011. 6.2 Dates and places participants The training course took place in the premises of EPAL of Korydallos during the 29 th of March and 12 & 13 of April 2011. The participants were mainly teachers from technical and commercial schools from the greater area of Athens. Their background was technical/ economical and most of them had more than 10 years experience in education. A full list of the participants in the course for teachers carried out in EPAL Korydallos is provided in Annex B. 6.3 Topics The content of the courses was decided in collaboration with CRES and EPAL. The focus was in relation to the orientation of the school, namely for technical or commercial high schools. So, it can be considered that 2 courses have been actually implemented, as there was a special session made for the teachers from commercial high schools, in which the additional topics on SCP and EuP needed were presented to them. The topics were the following: Introduction to the Sustainable Production and Consumption policies. Guidelines for reducing energy consumption. Life Cycle Assessment Life Cycle Costing Communication towards families The Eco design Directive and its work program. The Energy efficiency labels Directives (e.g. new Directive 2010/30/EU) and Ecolabelling Directives, regulations and standards (the carbon footprint included). - 16 -

Project IEE/09/912 D 3.2: Training courses for teachers: Programmes, and contents Energy and Eco Labels recognition and meanings The courses were performed using presentations adapted and translated in Greek by CRES. The test that was proposed for all the partners by CRES was translated into Greek and was given to the trainees at the last day of the course. It was useful in two ways, as a real test for the participants but also as a template for the teachers to use it for the lessons in their classrooms. - 17 -

Intelligent Energy Project Contract Nr: IEE/09/912/SI2.558315 ANNEX A: Programmes of the training the teachers course(s)

Programmes of the training the teachers courses in Italy Programmes of the training the teachers courses Name of the school I.T.I.S. ROSSI I.T.C. GUIDO PIOVENE Address of the school Via Legione Gallieno, 52 36100 Vicenza Corso SS. Felice e Fortunato 225 36100 Vicenza IIS De Amicis via Parenzo 16, 45100 Rovigo I.T.C.G. L. Einaudi Via T. d Aquino, 8 36061 Bassano del Grappa Vicenza Dates of training activity 3 10 17 24 November and 1 December 2010 17 November and 14 December 2010; January and February 2011 14/03/2011 29/03/2011 13/04/2011 28/04/2011 28/03/2011 11/04/2011 18/04/2011 10/05/2011 Topics Guidelines for reducing energy consumption. Benefits of buying high efficiency energy using products EuP (economic and environmental) Life Cycle Assessment Communication towards families. The Eco design Directive and its work program. The Energy efficiency labels Directives (e.g. new Directive 2010/30/EU) and Eco labeling Directives, regulations and standards (the carbon footprint included), Labels recognition and meanings Guidelines for reducing energy consumption. Benefits of buying high efficiency energy using products EuP (economic and environmental) Life Cycle Assessment Communication towards families. The Eco design Directive and its work program. The Energy efficiency labels Directives (e.g. new Directive 2010/30/EU) and Eco labeling Directives, regulations and standards (the carbon footprint included), Labels recognition and meanings Guidelines for reducing energy consumption. Benefits of buying high efficiency energy using products EuP (economic and environmental) Life Cycle Assessment Communication towards families. The Eco design Directive and its work program. The Energy efficiency labels Directives (e.g. new Directive 2010/30/EU) and Eco labeling Directives, regulations and standards (the carbon footprint included), Labels recognition and meanings Guidelines for reducing energy consumption. Benefits of buying high efficiency energy using products EuP (economic and environmental) Life Cycle Assessment Communication towards families. The Eco design Directive and its work program. The Energy efficiency labels Directives (e.g. new Directive 2010/30/EU) and Eco labeling Directives, regulations and standards (the carbon footprint included), Labels recognition Training organisation Sogesca srl 2 Sogesca srl Number of schools trained (1 partner school + 1 invited school: IIS Martini, Schio Vicenza) 1 partner school Sogesca srl 3 (1 associated school + 2 invited schools: IIS L.Einaudi from Badia Polesine Rovigo and IPSIA G.Marchesi ni Rovigo) Sogesca srl 3 (1 associated school + 2 invited school: Liceo Brocchi and ITIS Fermi both from from Number of teachers trained 14 9 9 8 - Α.2 -

and meanings Bassano del Grappa Vicenza) Istituto Tecnico Severi Via Pettinati, 46 35129 Padova 31/03/2011 07/04/2011 05/05/2011 19/05/2011 Guidelines for reducing energy consumption. Benefits of buying high efficiency energy using products EuP (economic and environmental) Life Cycle Assessment Communication towards families. The Eco design Directive and its work program. The Energy efficiency labels Directives (e.g. new Directive 2010/30/EU) and Eco labeling Directives, regulations and standards (the carbon footprint included), Labels recognition and meanings Sogesca srl 3 (1 associated school + 2 invited schools: Istituto Leonardo da Vinci and IPSIA E. Bernardi ) 8 Number of courses Training organisation Number of schools trained 11 schools Number of teachers trained Subtotal June 2010 September 2011 5 training courses Sogesca srl (2 partners and 9 additional schools) 48 teachers trained - Α.3 -

Programmes of the foreseen training the teachers courses Name of the school I.T.I.S. ROSSI Address of the school Via Legione Gallieno, 52 36100 Vicenza ITC Martini Via G. Verdi, 40 31033 Castelfranc o Veneto, Treviso ITIS Max Planck Schools in Lombardy region Via Franchini 1 31020 Lancenigo di Villorba, Treviso Ufficio Scolastico Lombardia Dates of training activity 04/10/2011 08/11/2011 13/12/2011* 10/01/2012* 15/02/2012* 06/03/2012* 03/04/2012* 08/05/2012* *programmed lessons School year 2011 2012 School year 2011 2012 School year 2011 2012 Topics Guidelines for reducing energy consumption. Benefits of buying high efficiency energy using products EuP (economic and environmental) Life Cycle Assessment Life cycle Costing Communication towards families. The Eco design Directive and its work program. The Energy efficiency labels Directives (e.g. new Directive 2010/30/EU) and Eco labeling Directives, regulations and standards (the carbon footprint included), Labels recognition and meanings Guidelines for reducing energy consumption. Benefits of buying high efficiency energy using products EuP (economic and environmental) Life Cycle Assessment Communication towards families. The Eco design Directive and its work program. The Energy efficiency labels Directives (e.g. new Directive 2010/30/EU) and Eco labeling Directives, regulations and standards (the carbon footprint included), Labels recognition and meanings Guidelines for reducing energy consumption. Benefits of buying high efficiency energy using products EuP (economic and environmental) Life Cycle Assessment Communication towards families. The Eco design Directive and its work program. The Energy efficiency labels Directives (e.g. new Directive 2010/30/EU) and Eco labeling Directives, regulations and standards (the carbon footprint included), Labels recognition and meanings Shorter lessons on the following topics: Guidelines for reducing energy consumption. Benefits of buying high efficiency energy using products EuP (economic and environmental) Life Cycle Assessment Communication towards families. The Eco design Directive and its work program. The Energy efficiency labels Directives (e.g. new Directive 2010/30/EU) and Eco labeling Directives, regulations and standards (the carbon footprint included), Labels recognition and meanings Training organisation Internal trained teachers Number of schools trained 3 already confirmaed (ROSSI, I.T.C. GUIDO PIOVENE, and I.T.C.G. L. Einaudi ) Invitation to schools from Vicenza Sogesca srl (1 associated school + 2 invited schools) Sogesca srl (1 associated school + 2 invited schools) Sogesca srl (1 associated school + 2 invited schools) Number of teachers to train 15 15 15 15 - Α.4 -

12 schools Subtotal School year 2011 2012 4 training courses Sogesca srl and Rossi trained teachers (2 partners and 10 additional schools) 60 teachers to train - Α.5 -

Programmes of the training the teachers courses in Romania Nr. Crt. Technical high schools teachers Trainers Group 1 Group 2 1 Introduction to the SCP policies 2 3 4 The Eco design Directive and its work programme The Energy and Eco labelling Directives~ Regulations and standard (the Carbon footprint included) The Product Groups requirements for domestic Energy Using Products 5 Life Cycle Analysis 6 Communication towards families Excelsior (Mihai Pascu) Excelsior (Mihai Pascu) Excelsior (Paul Hac) 1/03/2011 4h 8/03/2011 4h 3/03/2011 4h 10/03/2011 4h 15/03/2011 4h 22/03/2011 4h UVVG (Horatiu Soim) 17/03/2011 4h 24/03/2011 4h UVVG (Dan Usvat) UVVG (Dan Usvat) 29/03/2011 4h 28/03/2011 4h 31/03/2011 4h 30/03/2011 4h 24h 24h Nr. Crt. Commercial high schools teachers Trainers Group 1 Group 2 1 Introduction to the SCP policies 2 3 4 The Eco design Directive and its work programme The Energy and Eco labelling Directives~ Regulations and standard (the Carbon footprint included) The Product Groups requirements for domestic Energy Using Products 5 Life Cycle Analysis 6 Life Cycle Costing 7 Communication towards families 8 9 10 Recognition of Eco labels and energy labels and of their meanings Guidelines for reducing energy consumption The actual market of the Efficient EuP and future scenarios Excelsior (Mihai Pascu) Excelsior (Mihai Pascu) Excelsior (Paul Hac) 2/03/2011 2h 4/03/2011 2h 2/03/2011 2h 4/03/2011 2h 7/03/2011 2h 9/03/2011 2h UVVG (Horatiu Soim) 7/03/2011 2h 9/03/2011 2h UVVG (Dan Usvat) 11/03/2011 4h 14/03/2011 4h UVVG (Dan Usvat) 16/03/2011 2h 18/03/2011 2h UVVG (Dan Usvat) 16/03/2011 2h 18/03/2011 2h Excelsior (Paul Hac) 21/03/2011 2h 23/03/2011 2h Excelsior (Paul Hac) UVVG (Horatiu Soim) 21/03/2011 2h 23/03/2011 2h 25/03/2011 2h 28/03/2011 2h - Α.6 -

11 Benefits of buying high efficiency energy using products EuP (economic and environmental) UVVG (Horatiu Soim) 25/03/2011 2h 28/03/2011 2h 24h 24h - Α.7 -

Programmes of the training the teachers courses in Germany Programme First Training: Climate Change in General Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving Energy Generation Economic aspects of climate change Economic chances of Energy Efficiency (jobs, added value etc.) Programme Second Training: Project Presentation Energy Label Life Cycle Analysis Communication towards families Students training opportunities (Examples) Presentation of Material for Substitute Lessons - Α.8 -