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1 UNIONE ITALIANA Talijanska unija - Italijanska Unija Via Ulica Uljarska 1/IV FIUME RIJEKA REKA (HR) Tel. +385/(0)51/ (911); Fax ID Skype: unione.italiana.fiume GIUNTA ESECUTIVA Sig. Amm / /5 N Pr Ai sensi dell articolo 43 dello Statuto dell Unione Italiana e degli articoli 4, 19 e 26 del Regolamento di procedura della Giunta Esecutiva dell Unione Italiana, la Giunta Esecutiva dell Unione Italiana, nel corso della sua XXXVII Sessione ordinaria, tenutasi a Isola l 11 marzo 2013, dopo aver esaminato il Piano Operativo (Operational Plan) del progetto trasfrontaliero S.I.M.P.L.E. (Strenghtening the Identity of Minority People Leads to Equality), cofinanziato dal Programma di Cooperazione transfrontaliera IPA Adriatico , ha approvato la seguente: CONCLUSIONE 11 marzo 2013, N 407, Istituzione della branch office dell Agenzia per il supporto al multilinguismo (Multilingual Supporting Agency) con sede a Fiume e Istituzione dell Agenzia Adriatica per l Informazione multiculturale (Multicultural Information & Media Support Agency) con sede a Capodistria 1. Si prende atto che, in data 19 marzo 2012, l Assemblea dell Unione Italiana ha approvato la Conclusione N 43, recante Informazione sui progetti europei finanziati sulla programmazione Phare CBC Italia - Slovenia 2001 e 2003; Interreg IIIA Italia - Slovenia , Interreg IIIA Slovenia - Ungheria - Croazia ; CBC ; l'ipa Adriatico e SEE (in allegato). 2. Si constata che il WP 4.3 del Piano di lavoro progettuale dell Unione Italiana con sede a Fiume (Beneficiario N 6) prevede l istituzione di una branch office dell Agenzia per il supporto al multilinguismo a Fiume e l impiego di un traduttore di lingua italiana con lo scopo di rafforzare le identità culturali e la varietà delle comunità minoritarie dell area adriatica. La branch office dell Agenzia opererà nell ambito dell Unione Italiana con sede a Fiume e integrerà, come previsto dall Operational Plan del progetto SIMPLE, le attività dell Agenzia per il supporto al multilinguismo con sede a Rovigno, istituita il 1 febbraio 2013 dalla Regione Istriana, Lead Partner del progetto SIMPLE. 3. I mezzi necessari per l espletamento delle attività della branch office dell Agenzia e del traduttore (WP 4.3) sono pari a ,00 come previsto dal Piano finanziario del progetto. Per l impiego del traduttore si userà la procedura negoziata concorrenziale come indicato dal PRAG (Practical Guide to Contract Procedures for EU External Actions). 4. Si constata che il WP 7.3 del Piano di lavoro progettuale dell Unione Italiana con sede a Capodistria (Beneficiario N 5) prevede l istituzione dell Agenzia Adriatica per l Informazione Multiculturale e l impiego presso la medesima di minimo due, massimo quattro collaboratori esterni, con lo scopo di fornire assistenza e consulenza ai media attivi 1

2 nell area adriatica sul tema delle minoranze. L agenzia elaborerà una serie di best practices relative ad un trattamento non discriminatorio delle minoranze nei media. L Agenzia opererà nell ambito dell Unione Italiana con sede a Capodistria, mentre saranno costituite le antenne (Agency Antennas) di collaborazione, con lo scopo di fornire periodici aggiornamenti e informazioni, presso i partner progettuali Unione Italiana Fiume (Croazia), Progetti Sociali s.r.l. (Italia), Cooperation and Development Institute (Albania) e il Ministero per i diritti umani e le minoranze del Montenegro. 5. I mezzi necessari per l espletamento delle attività dell Agenzia Adriatica per l Informazione multiculturale sono pari a ,00, di cui ,00 destinati alle attività dell Agenzia, mentre 5.600,00 verranno utilizzati per la traduzione (Italiano, inglese, sloveno, croato, montenegrino e albanese), elaborazione grafica e stampa in 1000 copie delle linee guida Informazione multiculturale realizzate dall Unione Italiana Capodistria, come indicato nel piano finanziario del progetto e dalla richiesta di modifica del budget, inviata dall Unione Italiana Capodistria al Lead Partner nel mese di febbraio Per l impiego di collaboratori esterni verrà utilizzata la procedura negoziata concorrenziale, come indicato dal PRAG (Practical Guide to Contract Procedures for EU External Actions). 6. L attuazione della presente Conclusione è di competenza del Presidente della Giunta Esecutiva, Maurizio Tremul, che coordinerà l attività del Project Manager del progetto SIMPLE per l Unione Italiana con sede a Fiume, Marina Kancijanić e dal Project Manager dell'unione Italiana con sede a Capodistria per il progetto SIMPLE, Marko Gregorič. 7. La presente Conclusione entra in vigore il giorno della sua approvazione e sarà pubblicata sul sito dell Unione Italiana Il Presidente Maurizio Tremul Isola, 11 marzo 2013 Recapitare: - Ai membri della Giunta Esecutiva dell Unione Italiana. - Al Presidente dell Unione Italiana, On. Furio Radin. - Alla Presidentessa dell Assemblea dell Unione Italiana, Prof.ssa Floriana Bassanese Radin. - Al Vicepresidente dell Assemblea dell Unione Italiana, Sig. Paolo Demarin. - Al Segretario Generale dell Ufficio dell Assemblea e della Giunta Esecutiva, Dott.ssa Christiana Babić. - Alla Direttrice dei Servizi Amministrativi dell UI, Sig.ra Orietta Marot. - Al Segretario della GE, Sig. Marin Corva. - All Ufficio dell Assemblea e della Giunta Esecutiva. - All Ufficio Europa dell Unione Italiana con sede a Capodistria. - Al Project Manager del Progetto SIMPLE per l UI Fiume, Dr.ssa Marina Kancijanić. - Al Project Manager del Progetto SIMPLE per l UI Capodistria, Sig. Marko Gregorič - Archivio 2

3 M O T I V A Z I O N E Agenzia per il supporto al multilinguismo - Unione Italiana - Fiume L Agenzia per il supporto al multilinguismo (Multilingual Supporting Agency) è un servizio pilota istituito dalla Regione Istriana il 1 febbraio 2013 nell ambito del Progetto S.I.M.P.L.E. L Agenzia è un servizio pubblico che offre tutela linguistica ai cittadini e agli enti pubblici locali, in un contesto in cui ci sono comunità minoritarie storiche e nuove, offrendo servizi multilingue in italiano, croato, montenegrino, sloveno e albanese. Nell ambito del WP 4.3 (Identità etnica: lingue, diversità e servizi per i cittadini) l Unione Italiana supporterà il Lead partner, la Regione Istriana, nella realizzazione di una branch office dell agenzia per il multilinguismo presso la sede dell Unione Italiana a Fiume impiegando un traduttore di lingua italiana che offrirà assistenza linguistica tre giorni alla settimana (lunedì, mercoledì, venerdì) dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 13.00, per 56 settimane. I destinatari dei servizi offerto dall Agenzia sono le associazioni di minoranza, le scuole, gli enti pubblici regionali e locali, i cittadini e il personale della pubblica amministrazione, di organizzazioni sociali, istituti e organizzazioni private e pubbliche. Servizi che offre l Agenzia: 1. Assistenza linguistica ai cittadini e all amministrazione pubblica, per soddisfare le esigenze e migliorare le opportunità di contatto quotidiano tra gruppi di minoranza e quello di maggioranza. 2. Supporto alle autorità locali e regionali nella traduzione di atti ufficiali e nella formazione di base sulle lingue minoritarie. 3. Supporto pratico a cittadini e istituzioni nella traduzione di atti, documenti e avvisi pubblici obbligatori e/o utili (servizi gratuiti di traduzione dal croato all italiano e viceversa). 4. Assistenza alle scuole di minoranza nella traduzione dei libri di testo, in accordo con i rappresentanti delle scuole e gli altri enti competenti. 5. Assistenza linguistica ed economica alle autorità competenti per la revisione della segnaletica stradale bilingue e la promozione di attività indirizzate alla tutela della toponomastica autoctona. 6. Informazioni sui diritti dei cittadini e l accessibilità ai servizi pubblici locali, in termini di diritti delle minoranze e diversità linguistica. 7. Informazioni sul ruolo e sull importanza delle minoranze e della diversità linguistica e promozione dei valori bilingui e multilingui, per contribuire al patrimonio culturale, sociale ed economico dell area e sulle attività delle istituzioni rappresentative delle minoranze come contributo essenziale alla vita sociale locale. 8. Assistenza alle associazioni di minoranza nella tutela e promozione dei costumi e delle tradizioni culturali, al fine di promuoverne la visibilità e il riconoscimento da parte della maggioranza attraverso un adeguato sistema di informazione. 9. Servizi di interpretariato simultaneo in favore dell amministrazione locale in occasione di conferenze, udienze, riunioni ed eventi sportivi e culturali organizzati da associazioni sportive e culturali, con lo scopo di promuovere l utilizzo delle lingue di minoranza nella vita pubblica e garantire il diritto dei cittadini di parlare nella propria lingua. 3

4 Agenzia Adriatica per l Informazione Multiculturale - Unione Italiana - Capodistria L Agenzia Adriatica per l Informazione Multiculturale è un servizio pilota che sarà istituito entro il mese di giugno 2013 dall Unione Italiana con sede a Capodistria nell ambito progetto SIMPLE. L agenzia è un servizio pubblico che offre supporto e diffusione della corretta produzione informativa nei media dell area adriatica, dove si registra la presenza di comunità minoritarie e cosiddette nuove minoranze, offrendo una serie di Best practices quali modello di corretta e non-discriminatoria diffusione di notizie legate agli aspetti socio-culturali delle minoranze. L Agenzia opererà nell ambito dell Unione Italiana con sede a Capodistria e sarà operativa tre giorni a settimana (9 ore/giorno) per un periodo di almeno 9 mesi. I lavori, le attività, i materiali e le informazioni inviate dai partner (antenne) saranno pubblicati su un apposita pagina web, previa negoziata concessione con il titolare del sito internet. I destinatari dei servizi offerto dall Agenzia sono i media (televisivi, radiofonici, carta stampata, nuovi media ecc.). Servizi che offre l Agenzia: 1. Redazione della rivista online SIMPLE nella quale saranno trattati gli aspetti critici dell area adriatica sul trattamento delle minoranze nei media. La rivista raccoglierà e monitorerà, in collaborazione con i partner progettuali, modelli negativi e positivi di informazione sulla tematica delle diversità e delle minoranze. Gli aspetti critici, come la discriminazione o l incitamento all odio etnico e razziale, saranno analizzati cercando di elaborare soluzione adeguate e funzionali ad un corretto uso dei media; 2. Realizzazione di un telegiornale dimostrativo (su supporto DVD), nel quale saranno evidenziati esempi positivi e negativi d informazione legate alle minoranze e ai suoi appartenenti (cronaca nera, manifestazioni culturali, integrazione sociale, ecc.); 3. Organizzazione del premio giornalistico Daily Adriatic Multicultural Award. La premiazione avrà luogo all evento conclusivo del progetto SIMPLE, in programma a febbraio Assistenza ai media nella realizzazione di notizie inerenti alle minoranze. 5. Supporto e assistenza ai partner progettuali impegnati nella realizzazione delle rispettive campagne di sensibilizzazione contro il razzismo e la discriminazione nell area adriatica (WP 2.2). 4

5 Operational Plan Last update: Version 2.0 Responsible Partner: Progetti Sociali s.r.l. Impresa Sociale

6 Table of contents PRESENTATION 4 1. PROJECT INFORMATION 5 2. WP 1: THE PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION The WP 1 description Action 1.1: Sound administrative and financial management Action 1.2: Joint project operational management Action 1.3: Monitoring and evaluation system Diagram of the overall management scheme of the project SIMPLE: WP 1: previsional implementation timing WP 2: THE PROJECT COMMUNICATION The WP 2 description Action 2.1: SIMPLE communication strategy Action 2.2: Mainstreaming Strategy Action 2.3: Project web communication WP 2: previsional implementation timing THE SIMPLE PROJECT APPROACH The project objectives The methodology approach WP 3: ADRIATIC CBC LABORATORY FOR THE ETHNIC MINORITIES IDENTITY PROMOTION The WP 3 description Action 3.1: Mapping and knowledge of minority social conditions and rights in the Adriatic Countries Action 3.2: Sociological survey in the Adriatic Countries Action 3.3: Adriatic Governance Strategy for joint minority policies WP 3: previsional implementation timing WP 4: ETHNIC IDENTITY: LANGUAGES DIVERSITY AND FAIR CITIZENS SERVICES The WP 4 implementation sheet WP 5: MULTICULTURALISM AS A RESOURCE FOR THE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT 30 Last update: Version 2.0vo 2


8 PRESENTATION A well-organized management system is basic for the success of a transnational project involving 9 organizations from 5 different Countries. Therefore, it is important to ensure that all project actions will be implemented with homogeneous quality standards in terms both of financial administration and achievement of the operational objectives. The Operational Plan is an open tool for supporting the project Partners in the organization, management and implementation of the activities foreseen in the SIMPLE project. The Plan aims to provide the necessary information for the prompt start-up of the activities and the sound management of the project in its entirety. Each Action will be organized and managed by the respective Responsible Partner and it will be responsible for sharing every matters concerning with the implementation with all project Consortium. The Steering Group is responsible for discussing, approving and updating the Operational Plan. In order to achieve all the project objectives, it is important to follow together the following operational topics: What How Why Think to SIMPLE as a TRANSNATIONAL ADRIATIC PROJECT in all implementation steps Close and constant collaboration with all project Partners for the activities development The Partners shall be the new landmark for all issues concerning with the minorities communities and relevant actors Realize the project activities considering that they should be suitable to be replicated in other Adriatic Countries Update about the project activities and results, exchange of the mutual experiences, shared solution of problems Creation of a basic group of at least 2/3 associations representative of the main minorities, local bodies and other Third sector organization relevant for the minorities protection and the social inclusion The IPA Adriatic Programme is the wider EU program of the Adriatic basin and its objective is to favour the joint economic and social development of all the territories The joint implementation is one of the basic principle of the project. All project activities shall run together for achieving the foreseen added value and impacts Participation in the research activity, participation in the transnational institutional building training, support for the local pilot s implementation, sustainability of the project results and models Last update: Version 2.0vo 4

9 1. PROJECT INFORMATION Project identification: Project Acronym SIMPLE Project code 309 Project title Priority/Measure N of Partners 9 N of Associates Strengthening the Identity of Minority People Leads to Equality Priority 1 - Economic, Social and Institutional Cooperation Measure 1.4 Institutional Cooperation 4 (added in the December 2010) Countries Project duration 36 months Total budget ,00 Croatia, Albania, Italy, Montenegro, Slovenia Greece, Croatia, European Commission Partnership: Beneficiary Country Role Legal Status 1 Region of Istria Croatia Lead Beneficiary Public body 2 Region of Abruzzo Italy Beneficiary Public Body 3 Ministry for Human and Minority Rights of Montenegro Montenegro Beneficiary Public Body 4 Municipality of Durres Albania Beneficiary Public Body 5 Progetti Sociali ltd Social Enterprise Italy Beneficiary 6 Italian Union of Koper-Capodistria Slovenia Beneficiary 7 Italian Union of Fiume - Rijeka Croatia Beneficiary 8 Cooperation and Development Institute CDI Albania Beneficiary 9 Institute of International Sociology Gorizia ISIG Italy Beneficiary Non profit private organization Non profit private organization Non profit private organization Non profit private organization Non profit private organization The Associates: Associates Country Legal stauts 1 European Commission DG Regio European Union Public body 2 Greek Ministry for Foreign Affairs Greece Public Body 3 Community of Albanians of the Region of Istria Croatia 4 Slovenian Cultural Association "Istra" Croatia Non profit private organization Non profit private organization Last update: Version 2.0vo 5

10 2. WP 1: THE PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 2.1. The WP 1 description The Workpackage 1 (WP 1) is about the Cross-border Management and Coordination of the project. It is divided into 3 Actions: Action 1.1: Sound administrative and financial management; Action 1.2: Joint project operational management; Action 3: Monitoring and evaluation system. This WP 1 will last for the entire project duration: 36 months. A well organized management system is basic for the success of a cross-border project involving 9 organizations (4 Public bodies; 5 non profit private organizations) from 5 different Countries (2 EU Member States, 1 Candidate Country, 2 Potential Candidate Countries). In this respect, it is important to ensure that all the project components will be implemented with a homogeneous quality standards in terms both of financial administration and achievement of the operational objectives. For these reasons, according to the principles of the joint implementation and joint staffing, the management system of the project SIMPLE is organized as following: General Financial Manager Project Managers SIMPLE Joint Secretariat Project Coordinator Financial Managers - The Project management scheme Action 1.1: Sound administrative and financial management The Programme s financial and administrative procedures and rules are very complex, especially for the Beneficiaries from those Adriatic Countries that are working for the alignment of internal law and administrative rules with the aquis communitaire. In order to ensure an effective and regular IPA funds management, it is important that all Beneficiaries will be able to: Manage the PRAG rules for public procurements; Manage the principles and rules of the project management; Last update: Version 2.0vo 6

11 Manage the narrative and financial account reporting; The Region of Istria is the Project Coordinator and is responsible for the overall administrative and financial management. In order to achieve this task, it appoints a General Administrative & Financial Manager: General Administrative & Financial Manager First name and surname Region of Istria Sanja Labinjan Telephone Mobile Each Partner appoints a Financial Manager. A qualified and targeted workforce will be established to ensure the sound management of the project: the Joint Project Secretariat, that will be a project internal technical body for supporting the administrative and reporting duties of the project financial management by the Beneficiaries, in accordance with the joint staffing principle. The Joint Project Secretariat will be composed by a Head of Secretariat (expert in EU funds management and accounting), with specific tasks of coordination, advising and tutoring, and by a Secretariat Assistant for each Beneficiary, supporting the Financial Manager for daily expenditure operations and the Project Manager for the activities implementation The main tasks of the financial and administrative management staff are the following: Main tasks of the FinancialManager Main tasks of the Secretariat Assistance Responsible for the Beneficiary budget Responsible for the regular expenditures accounting to national first level control Responsible for the contacts with the Lead Beneficiary for financial issues Participation in the Steering Committee meetings Support to the Financial Manager and to Project Managers of the Beneficiary Contacts with the Head of Secretariat for technical issues and questions Participation into the intensive seminar on IPA project management Assistance for the organization of the Steering Committee meetings The Istria Region signed the Grant Agreement with the IPA Adriatic Programme Managing Authority that establishes duties and rules that must be respect in the project implementation. All the project Partners signed a Partnership Agreement that establishes the joint and single responsibilities for the project implementations. It is strictly recommended to follow the procedure and the rules foreseen in the Partnership Agreement Action 1.2: Joint project operational management The Steering Committee will be the joint management board of the project, composed by the Project Coordinator (appointed by Progetti Sociali) and the Project Managers of the Partners organizations, with the participation of the Financial Managers and the support of the Secretariat Assistants for the financial issues. Project Coordinator First name and surname Progetti Sociali s.r.l. Impresa Sociale Gabriele Di Marcantonio Telephone Fax Last update: Version 2.0vo 7

12 Mobile The Steering Group will be responsible for the activities organization, the monitoring of the workplan and timeplan, validation of the outputs, proposing modifications, approval of the evaluation reports. The ordinary work and information flow will be based on the web-platform reserved area, that will include the documents archive and a multi-chat system for on line discussion sessions. The Committee will meet at least 7 times (3 in Croatia, 1 in Albania, 1 in Italy, 1 in Montenegro, 1 in Slovenia), with an indicative duration of 1 working day for each meeting, with the following provisional schedule: November 2011 CROATIA February 2012 ITALY July 2012 ALBANIA January 2013 CROATIA May 2013 MONTENEGR September 2013 SLOVENIA January 2014 CROATIA - Steering Group meetings: provisional schedule- The Project Managers will have the further important function to be the basic members of the Adriatic Permanent Observatory on Minority Communities, that will be coordinated by Istria Region, with the support of the Cross-border Partnership Coordinator, that will act as an animator and facilitator of the relations between the Observatory members. The Observatory will be the place where to discuss and elaborate the governance model and guidelines foreseen in the WP 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, under the remote coordination of the Cross-border Partnership Coordinator, made through the reserved working area of the project web-site. The main tasks of the Project managers are the following: Main tasks of the Project Manager Responsible for the implementation of the activities of the Beneficiary, according to the project aims and the Operational Plan Responsible for the periodical evaluation reports and for supporting the Evaluation Manager in collecting data and information at local level Participation in the Steering Committee meetings Members of the Adriatic Observatory In order to ensure a common standard for the organization of the Steering Group s meetings, it is proposed an indicative check-list with the main aspects to deal with: Last update: Version 2.0vo 8

13 Contact the Coordinator and the Project Secretariat for the definition of the meeting date with duly advance (2-3 months before) Provide Partners with the information about the flight, local transport from the airport to the hotel, accommodations (suggest 3 or 4 hotels) Find the meeting venue (about 20 people) Provide the Coordinator and the Project Secretariat with all the logistic information for the preparation of the Agenda of the meeting (place, time, possible public presentation, etc.) Print the meeting documents and prepare the working folders to the meeting participants 6 Provide a projector and a monitor for the slides presentation (if required) 7 Prepare the meeting minutes 8 Organize a coffee break 9 Provide information for the lunch (in general, the meals are in charge to each participant) - Check-list for the organization of the Steering Group s meetings Action 1.3: Monitoring and evaluation system The evaluation system of the project SIMPLE is planned in order to achieve 2 main objectives: To ensure a constant control of the project state of art and the effectiveness of the activities (Internal Evaluation System); To ensure the respect of the expenditures timing and accounting reporting, as established in the Partnership Agreement (IPA Adriatic Programme reporting). The achievement of these purposes will require an Evaluation Manager expert in the management of complex projects in social fields. The Evaluation Manager will prepare the half-year and the final reports of the project, on the base of the local reports by single Project Managers. The Evaluation Manager will provide standard reporting formats, based on a common set of indicators ensuring coherent information. Internal Evaluation System The Monitoring and Evaluation System foresees 5 half-year Evaluation Reports and a specific evaluation system of the local pilot services, as established by the approved project. 5 half-year Evaluation Reports: These reports shall be submitted by the Project Manager of each Partner to the project Evaluation Manager, that will provide to collect them and monitor the project progresses with the Lead Beneficiary Istria Region. A comprehensive half-year report will be sent to the Members of the Steering Group. The Evaluation Manager will provide a common template and a common set of performance indicators for the half-year reporting. Last update: Version 2.0vo 9

14 In this respect, in order to have a coherent and uniform global evaluation system of the project, the deadlines for the submission of the half-year reports are planned in accordance with the deadlines established by the Managing Authority of the Adriatic IPA Programme for the Progress Reports to be prepared by the Lead Beneficiary (31 st October; 30 th April). This system will allow the Lead Beneficiary to have updated information for the filling-in of the general Progress Report. Evaluation of the local pilot services; In a perspective of sustainability, it is important to know the impacts of the services tested by the pilot actions. Each service is evaluated with a final report under the innovative Total Quality Management Control, that assesses service performances on the base of objective indicators and of users quality satisfaction tools (questionnaires and interviews). The Evaluation Manager will coordinate the assessment of the single pilots. 6 Half-year Evaluation Reports Deadline: November 2011 March 2012 September 2012 March 2013 September 2013 January 2014 Internal evaluation Pilot service evaluation Deadline: December 2013 Internal evaluation - The timing of the internal evaluation - Reporting to IPA Adriatic Programme The Programme Management and Control Manual explains rules and procedures to be respected for the reporting of expenditures to the Programme Bodies and the respective payment claim. Final Beneficiaries can report their expenditures whenever they want, but are anyway required to reach the level of expenditure foreseen in the approved project in the four period per year 31 January 30 April 30 June 31 October - Forecast timing of the expenditures levels - The instruments for reporting the expenditures is the Progress Report, to be filled-in using the templates provided by the IPA Adriatic Programme and the informatics platform MIS (Management and Information System). Each Partner has an own password for the access the MIS and management its own section. Progress Report presents the activities and costs of one Final Beneficiary for the given reporting period. It contains information about activities and costs of the respective Final Beneficiary and has to be compiled by all Partners, including the Lead Beneficiary. The Progress Report is composed of: Activity Report that provides information on the activities implemented in the related period of reporting, outputs produced, Final Beneficiary declarations (statement on VAT status, update on declaration of state aid received, respect of equal opportunities principles), revenues produced Financial Report which provides information on project s expenditure per budget lines and WP. Any Progress Report must be supported by documents proving the eligibility of expenditure (proof of expenditure, proof of payment, documents relating to public procurement, etc). Last update: Version 2.0vo 10

15 For the procedure of submission of the Progress report and the correct expenditures reporting it is strictly recommended to refer to the Programme Management and Control Manual The common set of indicators WP 1 Crossborder Project Management and Coordination Output indicators Target N of Steering Committe meetings organized 7 N of Progress Reports submitted 6 Partnership agreement signature 1 Project Cross-border Secretariat 1 Intensive training for the project management 1 Technical Manual for the project management 1 SIMPLE operational Manual 1 Results indicators Target Beneficiaries' staff with increased capacity to manage complex cbc project 18 Implementation of correct procedures for expenditures validation by national FLCs Level of joint organization, implementation and monitorigof project activities Level of coherence of the implemented activities with the project workplan and timeplan 100% 100% 100% Last update: Version 2.0vo 11

16 WP 2 Communication and dissemination Output indicators Target N of press releases disseminated N brochure created N of copies of brochure disseminated N of newsletters created N of copies of newsletters disseminated N of dissemination events organised N of other events participated in SIMPLE communication and visibility plan Social communication kit Kick-off Adriatic Conference Final Adriatic Conference Multilingual project brochure Annual country information and sensitization media campaign Multiutility SIMPLE web-platform First Adriatic Intercultural Day Results indicators Target N of articles/appearances in press and media N of participants in events Average n of visits per month on project's website Increase of awareness of majority community people in the Adriatic Countries about the minorities cultural identity and rights Increase of awareness of minority community people about their rights > 200% > 100% Last update: Version 2.0vo 12

17 Increase of public services managers/professionals and decision makers' knowledge about the governance models and pilot services for minorities groups Annual increase of people awareness level on the minority issues in the Adriatic Countries (empirically measured by the website access and newsletter subscription) Increase of Adriatic and European public bodies, minority and third sector associations joining the Permanent Observatory High level of participation in the Adriatic Intercultural Day by the main Adriatic stakeholders 200 > 50% > 80% 100 WP 3 Adriatic crossborder laboratory for the ethnic minority indentity promotion Output indicators Target Research report presenting the results of mapping of minority social conditions and rights in the Adriatic Countries Research report on the sociologial survey results Adriatic focus group with relevant stakeholders Adriatic action plan for promoting and enhancing minority groups Adriatic Permanent Observatory on Minority communities Results indicators Target Public service managers and decision makers of Adriatic Countries with increased knowledge on legal and institutional aspects of minority rights Minority and social organizations with increased knowledge on legal and institutional aspects of minority rights in the Adriatic area Adriatic minority associations involved in the public dialogue (Focus group) and sociological research for the minorities present social condition Knowledge of governance good practices (strategies, services, etc.) for the harmonization of Adriatic Countries' policies on minorities with EU standards Pro-active involvement of minority associations and public Authorities (other than project beneficiaries) in the Permanent Observatory activities Last update: Version 2.0vo 13

18 WP 4 Ethnic identity:languages diversity and fair citizens services Output indicators Target Guidelines for a governance model for multilingual accessible services Intensive training seminars cycle Multilingual supporting regional Agency Branch of the Multilingual Supporting Regional Agency in the Rijeka Municipality Open targeted workshop on the focus of preserving the language diversity in multiethnic society as a factor of national and social identity Results indicators Target Public services managers and decision makers with increased awareness on the governance model for the multilingual assistance in citizens' services Public services' professionals of involved Countries with specific competences to replicate the governance model for the multilingual assistance in citizens' services Minority associations and social organizations with specific competences to promote the governance model for the multilingual services in the contexts Minority people (per ethnic origin) accessing to the Agency services High level of satisfaction of the Agency users about the services provided Level of renewing of the road signals system in Istria Region People belonging to minorities with increased awareness on their rights and knowledge on existing services Stakeholders (services professionals and managers, minority and social organizations, citizens) with increased awareness on the value of language identity for minority people Increased level of effective application of minority rights recognized by law in involved Croatian Regions Significant contribution to the decrease of discrimination behaviors and prejudices against minorities in civil society >90% 80% % -50% Last update: Version 2.0vo 14

19 WP 5 Multiculturalism ad resource for the local development Output indicators Target Guidelines for a governance model to enhancing minority people as an economic resources Business Charter for Diversity Intensive training seminars cycle Multiethnic Economic Development Agency Open targeted workshop on the focus of minorities' enhancement as a socio-economic resources for the Adriatic development Results indicators Target Public services managers and decision makers with increased awareness on the governance model for a multiethnic development of local/regional/national economies Public services' professionals of involved Countries with specific competences to replicate the governance model for the enhancement of minority involvement as economic value Minority associations and social organizations with specific competences to promote the governance model for the local multiethnic economic development Minority people (per ethnic origin) accessing the Agency services High level of satisfaction of the Agency users about the services provided People belonging to minorities with increased awareness on their rights and knowledge on existing services Stakeholders (services professionals and managers, minority and social organizations, citizens) with increased awareness on the value of the diversity value for innovative business Increased level of effective application of minority rights recognized by law in involved Albania Regions Significant contribution to the decrease of discrimination behaviours and prejudices against minorities in civil society >90% >80% -50% Last update: Version 2.0vo 15

20 WP 6 Supporting cultural diversity for an intercultural education Output indicators Target Guidelines for a governance model to establish an intercultural education supporting Agency Intensive training seminars cycle Intercultural Education Supporting Agency Open targeted workshop on the focus of minorities' enhancement as a socio-economic resources for the Adriatic development Results indicators Target Public services managers and decision makers with increased awareness on the governance model for the development of an intercultural education systems Public services' professionals of involved Countries with specific competences to replicate the governance model for the development of intercultural education systems Minority associations and social organizations with specific competences to promote the governance model for the development of an intercultural education system Minority people - Families and children - (per ethnic origin) accessing the Agency services High level of satisfaction of the Agency users about the services provided High number of students participating in the school competition BEING THE OTHER Significant contribution to the decrease of discrimination behaviours and prejudices against minorities in civil society People belonging to minorities with increased awareness on their rights and knowledge on existing services Increased level of the effective application of the minority rights recognized by law in Montenegro >90% > % 500 > 80% Last update: Version 2.0vo 16

21 WP 7 Multicultural Information and Media for a multiethnic society Output indicators Target Guidelines for a governance model to establish fair information system and media in the Adriatic Countries Intensive training seminars cycle Adriatic multicultural information & media Agency National branches of the Adriatic multicultural information & media Agency Open targeted workshop on the focus of fair information and media towards minorities Adriatic journalistic award "Daily life portrait of Adriatic intercultural society" Online monthly magazine "SIMPLE NEWS" Results indicators Target Public and private MEDIA managers and decision makers with increased awareness on the governance model for fair information and media in the Adriatic Countries Media professionals of involved Countries with specific competences to replicate the governance model for fair information and media in the Adriatic Countries Minority associations and social organizations with specific competences to promote the governance model for fair information and media in the Adriatic Countries Media and information professionals assisted by the Agency High level of satisfaction of the Agency users about the services provided High number of journalists and information professionals participating in the Adriatic Journalistic Award People belonging to minorities with increased awareness on their rights and knowledge on existing services Increased level of the effective application of the minority rights recognized by law in Slovenia Significant contribution to the decrease of discrimination behaviours and prejudices against minorities in civil society >90% > >80% -50% Last update: Version 2.0vo 17

22 WP 8 Preventing and combating discrimination and violence against minority women Output indicators Target Guidelines for a governance model to establish a social protection systems for minority women Intensive training seminars cycle Minority's women protection and non-discrimination Agency Open targeted workshop on the focus of non-discrimination rights and protection of minorities women Results indicators Target Public services managers and decision makers with increased awareness on the governance model for the social protection of women of minority groups Public services' professionals of involved Countries with specific competences to replicate the governance model for the social protection of women of minority groups Minority associations and social organizations with specific competences to promote the governance model for the social protection of women of minority groups Women requiring the sercives of the agency Significant contribution to the decrease of discrimination behaviours and prejedices against minorities in civil society People belonging to minorities with increased awareness on their rights and knowledge on existing services % 500 Last update: Version 2.0vo 18

23 2.5. Diagram of the overall management scheme of the project SIMPLE: Operational Management for the project joint development Project Coordinator (Progetti Sociali) Steering Committee Sound administrative and financial management General Financial Manager (Istria Region) Project Manager (Istria Region) Financial Manager (Progetti Sociali) Project Manager (Ministry H&MR Montenegro) Financial Manager (Ministry H&MR Montenegro) Project Manager (Abruzzo Region) Financial Manager (Abruzzo Region) Project Manager (Durres Municipality) Joint Project Secretariat (All Beneficiaries) Financial Manager (Durres Municipality) Project Manager (Italian Union Koper) Financial Manager (Italian Union Koper) Project Manager (Italian Union Fiume) Financial Manager (Italian Union Fiume) Project Manager (CDI) Financial Manager (CDI) Project Manager (ISIG) Financial Manager (ISIG) CBC Partnership Manager (Progetti Sociali) Evaluation Manager (Progetti Sociali) Last update: Version 2.0vo 19

24 MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB 2.6. WP 1: previsional implementation timing Action 1.1 Sound administrative and financial management Action 1.2 Joint project operational management Action 1.3 Monitoring and evaluation system Last update: Version 2.0vo 20

25 3. WP 2: THE PROJECT COMMUNICATION 3.1. The WP 2 description SIMPLE is a institutional cooperation and capacity building project on the governance systems to address the issues of minorities in the Adriatic Countries/Regions/Municipalities by a wide area strategy, through innovative services and a deep sensitization campaign aiming at spread the culture of diversities as a socioeconomic resource for Adriatic local societies. The achievement of these important objectives, in a perspective of future sustainability, needs of a very-well targeted mainstreaming and communication strategy: it is basic to reach a large number of key stakeholders (public Authorities, minority associations, Third sector organizations) and people belonging to majority and minority groups, especially young. According to the Communication and Visibility Manual for European Union External Actions, the SIMPLE Communication strategy will be defined in a comprehensive document, elaborated and implemented with a joint approach by all Beneficiaries: the Communication and Mainstreaming Plan. The main tools for the spread of project outputs to relevant stakeholders are the kick-off and final conferences and the targeted mainstreaming workshops. The establishment of the annual event Adriatic Intercultural Day will be the permanent mainstreaming instrument after the project conclusion. In all 5 participating Countries national sensitization media campaigns will be realized 3.2. Action 2.1: SIMPLE communication strategy The SIMPLE communication strategy is settled out by a joint Communication and Visibility Plan, agreed by all project Partners and approved by the Steering Group. Progetti Sociali will be responsible for the preparation of the Communication and Visibility Plan. The Plan defines instruments and contents for the project cross-border mainstreaming strategy: global Adriatic Area visibility actions; national promotion and sensitization campaigns; objectives, information target groups and tools of each initiative; implementation timing; standard diffusion information in Adriatic Area (project description, Partners presentation); website structures and main contents. The Plan provides a single operational toolkit for all Beneficiaries: project logo; Programme official logos; print format for public communication; etc The Programme Management and Control Manual provides specific rules about the project communication and visibility (Chapter 7). The of the Manual provides instructions for the use of the European flag and Programme logo. You are kindly requested to refer to the Manual for more detailed information. It is important to keep in the project official documentation at least 1 copy of the publications or other communication materials, because the Programme Bodies can request to view your outputs during the check visits. For any kind of communication and publicity materials made available as a published document or in electronic form (word-, pdf-, ppt- or similar) as well as by electronic means and audio-visual means, Final Beneficiaries are obliged to prominently display: Last update: Version 2.0vo 21

26 What Images Download The European Flag Click here for the download The project is co-funded by the European Union, Instruments for Pre-Accession Assistance IPA Adriatic CBC Programme Logo and slogan Click here for the download Progetti Sociali, after a consultation with all project Partners, has created the logo of the project SIMPLE: Progetti Sociali also provides common templates with graphic design for the communication tools, in order to use a standard graphic line for the project communication and dissemination (Social communication toolkit). These instruments will be attached to the Communication and Visibility Plan Action 2.2: Mainstreaming Strategy The mainstreaming strategy is based on: A. Cross-border mainstreaming: communication activities having a global impact on the whole Adriatic area (Cross-border kick off and final conferences; multilingual project brochures). The Kickoff Conference aims to stimulate the involvement of all possible Adriatic stakeholders since the project start up; the Final Conference aims to promote the future sustainability of the governance models and start up the annual ADRIATIC INTERCULTURAL DAY. The Region of Istria organizes the Cross-border kick off and the final conferences and the Adriatic Intercultural Day : all Beneficiaries participates in both international events with their representatives. The Italian Union of Reijka is responsible for the realization and printing of the multilingual project brochure. The brochure copies are distributed among all project Partners. B. National mainstreaming: a wide national sensitization campaigns is realized on local/regional/national media (newspaper, TV), to increase people awareness on the value of diversity in the Adriatic multiethnic society. The Country information and sensitization campaigns will be organized by the following Partners: Croatia: Italian Union of Reijka; Slovenia: Italian Union of Koper; Italy: Progetti Sociali; Albania: CDI; Montenegro: Ministry of Human and minority rights of Montenegro. Last update: Version 2.0vo 22

27 MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB 3.4. Action 2.3: Project web communication The Action implements a the project web-communication strategy, through a multi-utility WEB-PLATFORM accessible at the following internet domain: The website design, construction and update will be achieved by CDI. The website will be updated with information and news provided by all Partners. The website will be multilingual in the descriptive and general sections, in order to ensure an easy access and understanding for local users and visitors. All Partners shall provide the translation in their national languages (from English) of the more important contents of the website (project description, partnership, workplan, contacts, etc.). The website has also a function of internal communication, with a reserved web-community for project joint working and documents exchanges and database. A more detailed description of the website utilities will be provided with the Communication and Visibility Plan. The Italian Union of Capodistria-Koper will be responsible for the editorial and diffusion of the online monthly magazine SIMPLE NEWS (Action 7.3) 3.5. WP 2: previsional implementation timing Action 2.1 SIMPLE Communication Strategy Action 2.2 Mainstreaming strategy Action 2.3 Project web-communication Last update: Version 2.0vo 23

28 4. THE SIMPLE PROJECT APPROACH 4.1. The project objectives Overall objective: T o p r o m o t e t h e s o c i o - e c o n o m i c s u s t a i n a b l e d e v e l o p m e n t o f A d r i a t i c R e g i o n s, b y e n h a n c i n g t h e s o c i a l c o h e s i o n b e t w e e n m a j o r i t y a n d m i n o r i t y p e o p l e Specific objective 1: Identify the barriers that prevent the social inclusion of minority people and the best practices for overcoming these obstacles Specific objective 2: Make the inclusion of ethnic minorities a priority of the Adriatic Authorities political agenda Specific objective 3: Promote joint governance models, supporting services and specialized professionals for the socio-economic inclusion of minorities Specific objective 4: Increase the ethnocultural sensitivity among people of Adriatic Regions 4.2. The methodology approach SIMPLE is a capacity building project. The UN Development Programme (UNDP) has defined "capacity" as "the ability of individuals, institutions and societies to perform functions, solve problems, and set and achieve objectives in a sustainable manner" The terms "capacity building" describe the task of establishing human and institutional capacity. Local, regional and national Public Bodies and individual organizations such as local community groups are crucial providers of capacity building programmes whilst themselves often lacking capacity to sustain their mission. Improving internal management structures, access to information and technology, and networking are integral to institutional capacity building. The complexity of the minorities matter in the Adriatic Area requires a multispectral methodology that considers the different perspectives into an organic joint strategy, suitable to produce benefits on all Adriatic regions. The project adopts a multilevel innovative approach, based on the following logical scheme: Context Analysis Joint Strategic Action Plan Joint governance models Cross-border Capacity Building Cross Border Mainstreamin - SIMPLE logical scheme - Last update: Version 2.0vo 24

29 The scientific methodology is based on: Impact Assessment Method (IAM): the IAM ensures that all the initiatives are based on transparent, comprehensive and balanced evidence. It prepares evidence for decision-makers on the advantages and disadvantages of possible political options by assessing their potential impacts. SIMPLE applies the IAM for the definition of a joint Adriatic Action Plan for enhancing ethnic minority identity and the targeted governance models, as final outputs of the sociological research, SWOT analysis, best practices benchmark, comparative analysis of policy options and impacts and guidelines definitions. Joint development approach: the effective implementation of models and services into the Adriatic Regions requires high qualified professionals. SIMPLE is based on a wide involvement of project Beneficiaries into the Permanent Observatory (governance models) and in the capacity building actions for professionals and local stakeholders (seminars, workshops, pilot actions). Mainstreaming strategies: the establishment of a multicultural society and the diffusion of a wide area governance approach on the sensitive matter of ethnic minorities requires: A) the promotion of the tested governance tools among relevant Adriatic Public Authorities (cross-border workshops and conferences); B) an innovative communication strategy towards people and young in particular, through the involvement of traditional and internet media (online magazine, news broadcast demonstration, media campaigns). In this respect, the strategy of the project SIMPLE aims to return to the Adriatic stakeholders community (local, regional and national public Authorities, civil society, minorities representative associations, Third Sectors, social workers) the operational tools elaborated and tested in the local pilots, in order to promote their actual utilization into the ordinary policies and services for improving the effectiveness of the existing rights and the social participation of minorities people. The following graphic shows the capacity building cycle of the project SIMPLE: Creation of a Governance Model Targeted community mainstreaming Capacity Building Cycle Thematic Training for professionals Pilot Actions -- Capacity building cycle of the project SIMPLE:- Last update: Version 2.0vo 25

30 5. WP 3: ADRIATIC CBC LABORATORY FOR THE ETHNIC MINORITIES IDENTITY PROMOTION 5.1. The WP 3 description Ethnic minorities represent a crucial asset for the integrated socio-economic development of the Adriatic. Underestimating their role in the promotion of civil society and in inter-state relations may jeopardize the larger regional developmental framework. Institutional cooperation is key to strengthen the role of minorities, promoting their rights and cultural heritage. Strategies, policies and direct actions, however, need to be substantiated by solid scientific insights: this is the reason of a preliminary targeted and concrete sociological research and analysis, that involve directly all the stakeholders (public services operators, decision makers, minority groups associations, etc.). The WP 3 promotes cross-border, cross-sectoral research activities to: 1) describing the state of the art on the existing legislative framework on ethnic minority protection/promotion/rights in the Adriatic area and their effective application; 2) analyzing the ethnic group in terms of self-representation and majority-minority relations; 3) identifying the role of ethnic minorities in shaping inter-state relation in the Adriatic area. The WP, thus, develops a three-tiers research structure ultimately aiming at providing the necessary tools for the elaboration of the Adriatic Action Plan for promoting and enhancing minority groups and the establishment of the Adriatic Permanent on Minority Communities in Istria Action 3.1: Mapping and knowledge of minority social conditions and rights in the Adriatic Countries The Action 3.1 "MAPPING AND KNOWLEDGE OF MINORITY SOCIAL CONDITIONS AND RIGHTS IN ADRIATIC COUNTRIES" aims to improve data and information on the present state of art of ethnic minority protection/promotion and legal rights. The research foresees a secondary data analysis on legislative provisions in Adriatic States about the ethnic minority groups in the following issues: Language; Labour market; Education; Information and media; Women discrimination and violence. The cross-border and cross-sectoral analysis will be crossed against the EU and international agencies frameworks. A complementary analysis will produce the mapping of: i) national minorities people abroad accorded by State; ii) key ethnic minority associations in each Country. ISIG is the scientific responsible of the research: it will organize the local researches teams, elaborate an evaluation grid for the cross-border, cross-sectoral and international comparative analysis (Copenhagen criteria, 2000/43/EC, OCSE HCNM 2008, EC MIPD 08-10). All other Beneficiaries (public and private) will contribute to the collection of the relevant local, regional and national laws and acts and to the mapping of minority groups people and associations in each Adriatic Country 5.3. Action 3.2: Sociological survey in the Adriatic Countries Once the relevant Adriatic context is depicted and analyzed, it is key to single out its level of juxtaposition with subjective minority/majority interpretations. This enables data elaboration for strategy-design. This Action SOCIOLOGICAL SURVEY IN ADRIATIC COUNTRIES foresees interviews to qualified respondents (majority/minority), in respect of the equal representation to all minority groups in all Countries. Brokerage of knowledge is an essential feature of innovative research. To ensure the horizontal understanding and a positive feedback-system from relevant stakeholders to researchers, a Focus Group Last update: Version 2.0vo 26

31 MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC jan FEB with Adriatic public operators and minority associations will be hold in Pescara, during the seminars of WP 8. ISIG carries out interviews (by questionnaires) to majority/minority representatives in each Countries. Each Beneficiary promotes the participation in the sociological survey and in the cross-border Focus Group of relevant stakeholders. The Focus Group will be organized by ISIG, with the logistic assistance of Progetti Sociali and Region of Abruzzo Action 3.3: Adriatic Governance Strategy for joint minority policies The Action 3.3 aims to establish the Adriatic Permanent on Minority Communities as the open laboratory for joint fairness strategies for minority groups in Adriatic area. It is important to take into consideration the level of inter-state relations in the area and the specific role played by ethnic minority groups. The context internal and external variables will be assessed for the production of feasible operative strategies for each Country (SWOT analysis): the Adriatic Action Plan for strengthening minority groups cultural identity defines possible strategies and services for specific issues; the Action Plan is elaborated by the Permanent Observatory, composed by Beneficiaries and open to all Adriatic stakeholders ISIG elaborates an original and replicable methodology decostructing the notion of ethnic minority identity in operative variables allowing for cross-border and cross-sectoral differences. It carries out the SWOT analysis and the Adriatic Action Plan. All Partners participates to the Permanent Observatory and to the preparation of the Adriatic Action Plan. The Region of Istria will be responsible for the establishment and coordination of the Permanent Observatory WP 3: previsional implementation timing Action Mapping and knowledge of minority social conditions and legislative rights in Adriatic Countries Action Sociological survey in Adriatic Countries and Focus Group Action Governance tools for joint minority policies in Adriatic Countries Last update: Version 2.0vo 27

32 6. WP 4: ETHNIC IDENTITY: LANGUAGES DIVERSITY AND FAIR CITIZENS SERVICES 6.1. The WP 4 implementation sheet WP 4 Ethnic identity: Languages diversity and fair citizen s services Description The WP 4 tackles the difficult accessibility of public services, that aggravates the condition of vulnerability of minority people. The main exclusion barriers are: the different languages and the lack of knowledge of services and rights. Indeed, the mother languages use and the awareness on personal rights are basic for strengthening ethnic identity, and for a cultural emancipation from majority. A multi-ethnic inclusive society should provide equal opportunities to access public services, removing the direct exclusion factors. SIMPLE defines a governance model for public Authorities and other service providers, to overcome the barriers to service accessibility: the model guidelines provide evidence on the advantages and disadvantages of the possible governance options (with respect to different Adriatic contexts and local communities needs) and propose as operational solution (service) the implementation of the Multilingual Supporting Agency, that improves local services accessibility through its multilingual experts and information. The Istria Region is the best context to test the service: the statutory bilinguism CRO-IT represents a good comparative term to recognize the cultural value of other communities languages. The model and service implementation and their potential transferring in other Adriatic Regions are supported by targeted capacity building actions: each Beneficiary will involve the local relevant stakeholders in intensive seminars and mainstreaming workshops. WP 4: WORKPLAN n. Action Timetable Partners 4.1 Guidelines and toolkit Start: End: January 2012 September 2012 Region of Istria for the elaboration of the Guidelines Partners for validation of the Guidelines 4.2 Training for the capacity building on Multilingual public services Start: End: January 2013 January 2013 Region of Istria for the organization of the seminars Partners for the participation of local stakeholders into the seminars 4.3 Pilot Action: Regional multilingual supporting Agency Start: End: November 2012 December 2013 Region of Istria Italian Union of Fiume (branch office) 4.4 Open thematic workshop Start: End: January 2013 January 2013 Region of Istria for the organization of the Workshop Partners for the participation of local stakeholders into the Workshop Last update: Version 2.0vo 28

33 Action Partner Tasks WP 4: WORK ORGANIZATION Act. 4.1 Guidelines and toolkit Act. 4.1 Guidelines and toolkit Act. 4.2 Training for the capacity building Act. 4.2 Training for the capacity building Act. 4.3 Pilot Action: Regional multilingual supporting Agency Act. 4.4 Open workshop thematic Region of Istria All Partners Region of Istria All Partners (if foreseen) Region of Istria Italian Fiume Region of Istria All Partners Union Appointment of the expert for the guidelines elaboration (he/she could be the same expert that will be appointed as Responsible of the pilot Agency of the WP 4.3); Preparation of the draft of the Guidelines and sharing with other Partners and the Permanent Observatory. The Guidelines are a brief document that describes the governance models that will be tested in the pilot action (tasks, human resources, estimated costs, local network) and provide recommendations for policy makers for the actual introduction of the model in the ordinary policies and services. The Guidelines will be of about pages; Consultation with the local members of the project network (minority associations, public Authorities, NGOs) for the validation of the document: it is a very important step, because these local Actors will be the one who should use the model; Translation of the Guidelines in all the languages of the project Partners (English, Croatian, Italian, Montenegrin, Albanian, Slovenian); Graphic elaboration of the Guidelines, in accordance with the common graphic line of the projects (Programme and project logos, Partners logos, colours, etc.); Printing of copies of the multi-lingual guidelines; Distribution to the project Partners of the copies of the Guidelines; Transmission of the electronic version of the Guidelines to the CDI, for the publication on the project website. As basic members of the Permanent Observatory, the project Partners shall provide comments on the ongoing draft of thematic Guidelines and validate the final version of the document; Distribution of the copies of the documents among local stakeholders The training seminars on Multilingual public services will last 12 hours (in 2 days) and are addressed to public professionals, minority associations and social organizations of the Adriatic Countries (about 20 participants); Preparation of the seminars agenda and appointment of lecturers (indicative matters: A) Multilinguism, national identity and services accessibility: principles, tools and best practices; B) Creation and management of a Multilingual Public Services in the Adriatic Countries); Individuation of the room for the seminars and arrangement of other logistic aspects (projector, interpreter service, didactic material, etc.); Assistance for the project Partners for the travel and accommodation of the people that will be sent to participate in the seminars. Individuation of the participants in the transnational seminars (2 persons per Partner among local professionals and minorities representatives); they will participate also in the final workshop (Act. 4.4). Organization of the mission of the participants (the seminars will be held in the same days of the Steering Groups). The pilot will test a public service for the linguistic assistance to citizens and local public Authorities in a context of historical and new minority community. The Agency will offer the following multilingual services for at least 3 days a weeks: A) Information on citizens rights and local public services; B) Linguistic assistance for administrative acts, translation of compulsory/useful public notices; C) Assistance to minority schools for book translations; D) Assistance to relevant Authorities for reviewing of bilingual road signals (IT-CRO); E) Support for the local and regional Authorities in official acts translations and elementary language training on minority language. As a pilot experimental action, the Agency is established in Rovinj-Rovigno Municipality c/o the Istria Regional Offices, and tests its service mainly with people living in Istria. Appointment of the Head Office of the Agency and of the translators in Istria; Organization of a branch office of the Agency in Fiume and appointment of the translators; Graphic elaboration and printing of the promotional leaflet; Logistic organization of the Agency; Purchase of the road bilingual signs and planning their utilization together with the relevant public Authority; Final evaluation of the service in terms of effectiveness and impacts. At the end of the training seminars (Act. 4.2), a workshop open also to local and national professionals and minority associations (about 50 participants) will deepen the themes of WP4 focus; Preparation of the Workshop Agenda and appointment of the lectures; Logistic organization of the workshop; Local promotion of the workshop. Last update: Version 2.0vo 29

34 7. WP 5: MULTICULTURALISM AS A RESOURCE FOR THE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT 7.1. The WP 5 implementation sheet WP 5 Multiculturalism as a resource for the local development Description The WP 5 tackles the main factors of poverty risk of minority people: the exclusion from the labour market and the discriminations in job conditions (underpaid short-term contracts). This situation deprives local economies of a potential resource: the minority workers involvement as a growing sector of national and regional economies. They are customers, business partners, and providers of jobs for people from the own ethnic group and from the overall community. The improvement of relevant social functions is important to enhance the value of the national diversities. SIMPLE defines a governance model to overcome the job market barriers: the guidelines provide evidence on the advantages and disadvantages of the governance options and propose the implementation of the Multiethnic Economic Development Agency (information on job rights, supporting the value informal skills, supported employment assistance). Albania and Durres municipality, with the high exposition to poverty risks, are the best context to test the service. The WP also aims to promote into Adriatic business mentality the innovative principles of the Diversity Management: persons with different cultures in companies management improves the innovation capacity. The model and service implementation and their potential transferring in other Adriatic Regions are supported by targeted capacity building actions: each Beneficiary will involve the local relevant stakeholders in intensive seminars and mainstreaming workshops. WP 5: WORKPLAN n. Action Timetable Partners 5.1 Guidelines and toolkit Start: End: January 2012 September 2012 Durres Municipality for the elaboration of the Guidelines CDI for the Business Charter Diversity. Partners for validation of the Guidelines and the Charter 5.2 Training for the capacity building for Minorities workforce supporting Agency Start: End: July 2012 July 2012 Durres Municipality for the organization of the seminars Partners for the participation of local stakeholders into the seminars 5.3 Pilot Action: Multiethnic Economic Development Agency Start: End: November 2012 Durres Municipality for the organization and management of the pilot Agency December 2013 CDI supports the Durres Municipality with its expertise in locale development 5.4 Open thematic workshop Start: End: July 2012 July 2012 Durres Municipality for the organization of the Workshop Partners for the participation of local stakeholders into the Workshop Last update: Version 2.0vo 30

35 Action Partner Tasks WP 5: WORK ORGANIZATION Act. 5.1 Guidelines and toolkit Act. 5.1 Guidelines and toolkit Act. 5.1 Guidelines and toolkit Act. 5.2 Training for the capacity building Act. 5.2 Training for the capacity building Act. 5.3 Pilot Action: Multiethnic Economic Development Agency Durres Municipality CDI All Partners Durres Municipality All Partners (if foreseen) Durres Municipality Appointment of the expert for the guidelines elaboration (he/she could be the same expert that will be appointed as Responsible of the pilot Agency of the WP 5.3); Preparation of the draft of the Guidelines and sharing with other Partners and the Permanent Observatory. The Guidelines are a brief document that describes the governance models that will be tested in the pilot action (tasks, human resources, estimated costs, local network) and provide recommendations for policy makers for the actual introduction of the model in the ordinary policies and services. The Guidelines will be of about pages; Consultation with the local members of the project network (minority associations, public Authorities, NGOs) for the validation of the document: it is a very important step, because these local Actors will be the one who should use the model; Translation of the Guidelines in all the languages of the project Partners (English, Croatian, Italian, Montenegrin, Albanian, Slovenian); Graphic elaboration of the Guidelines, in accordance with the common graphic line of the projects (Programme and project logos, Partners logos, colours, etc.); Printing of copies of the multi-lingual guidelines; Distribution to the project Partners of the copies of the Guidelines; Transmission of the electronic version of the Guidelines to the CDI, for the publication on the project website. Appointment of the expert for the Charter elaboration; Preparation of the draft of the Charter and sharing with other Partners and the Permanent Observatory. The Charter will provide operational recommendations for Adriatic companies and employers representatives to assume pluralism and diversity as drivers for the business innovation; Consultation with the local members of the project network (minority associations, public Authorities, NGOs) for the validation of the document: it is a very important step, because these local Actors will be the one who should use the model; Translation of the Charter in all the languages of the project Partners (English, Croatian, Italian, Montenegrin, Albanian, Slovenian); Graphic elaboration of the Charter, in accordance with the common graphic line of the projects (Programme and project logos, Partners logos, colours, etc.); Printing of copies of the multi-lingual Charter; Distribution to the project Partners of the copies of the Charter; Publication of the Charter on the project website As basic members of the Permanent Observatory, the project Partners shall provide comments on the ongoing draft of thematic Guidelines and validate the final version of the document; Distribution of the copies of the documents among local stakeholders The training seminars on Minorities workforce supporting services will last 12 hours (in 2 days) and are addressed to public professionals, minority associations and social organizations of the Adriatic Countries (about 20 participants); Preparation of the seminars agenda and appointment of lecturers (indicative matters: A) Job services for the development of multiethnic vocational skills and competences as economic value: principles, tools and best practices; B) Innovative tools for the supported employment of minority people); Individuation of the room for the seminars and arrangement of other logistic aspects (projector, interpreter service, didactic material, etc.); Assistance for the project Partners for the travel and accommodation of the people that will be sent to participate in the seminars. Individuation of the participants in the transnational seminars (2 persons per Partner among local professionals and minorities representatives); they will participate also in the final workshop (Act. 5.4). Organization of the mission of the participants (the seminars will be held in the same days of the Steering Groups). The pilot will test a public service model aiming at promoting the ethnic minorities inclusion into the labour market. The main tasks of the Agency will be the following: A) Supporting people for elaborating an informal CV to document not officially acquired skills; B) Supported employment service (vocational guidance, matching with the Agency job opportunities database; personnel assistance and supervision by a job mentor in the job start up); C) Diffusion of multilingual leaflets on local public job services, rights and duties (social security, taxes, etc.); D) Information for self-employment initiatives; E) Promotion of the Business Charter for Diversity and of a CSR network of representatives of employers, trade unions and companies; Last update: Version 2.0vo 31

36 Act. 5.3 Pilot Action: Multiethnic Economic Development Agency Act. 5.4 Open workshop thematic CDI Durres Municipality All Partners Appointment of the Head Office of the Agency and of the Job mentor; Graphic elaboration and printing of the promotional materials; Logistic organization of the Agency; Final evaluation of the service in terms of effectiveness and impacts. Appointment of the Agency marketing expert, that will support the Agency in Durres in organizing and implementing the action. At the end of the training seminars (Act. 5.2), a workshop open also to local and national professionals and minority associations (about 50 participants) will deepen the themes of WP5 focus; Preparation of the Workshop Agenda and appointment of the lectures; Logistic organization of the workshop; Local promotion of the workshop. Last update: Version 2.0vo 32

37 8. WP 6: SUPPORTING CULTURAL DIVERSITY FOR AN INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION 8.1. The WP 6 implementation sheet WP 6 Supporting cultural diversity for an intercultural education Description The WP 6 faces with the relations between the education systems and minority young people. Three criticisms must be taken into account: the low level of minorities children school attendance, especially in the deprived areas and for new minorities; the high level of school abandoned; discrimination and marginalization attitudes. The WP 6 addresses these issues, in order to improve the school accessibility and win prejudices and discriminatory behaviors among young. Indeed, the education system is a basic channel to strengthen the cultural identities in multi-ethnic society. SIMPLE defines a governance model for public Authorities and other service providers, to overcome the obstacles for a multi-ethnic school system: the model guidelines provide evidence on the advantages and disadvantages of the possible governance options and propose as operational solution (service) the Intercultural Education Supporting Agency, providing information to families on overall possible children concerns, ethnic intermediation, multicultural programmes and promoting the national school competition BEING THE OTHER. Its national relevance makes of the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights of Montenegro the best Beneficiary to test the service. WP 6: WORKPLAN n. Action Timetable Partners 6.1 Guidelines and toolkit Start: End: January 2012 September 2012 Ministry H&MR Montenegro for the elaboration of the Guidelines Partners for validation of the Guidelines 6.2 Training for the capacity building for the Intercultural education system development Start: End: May 2013 Ministry H&MR Montenegro for the organization of the seminars May 2013 Partners for the participation of local stakeholders into the seminars 6.3 Pilot Action: Intercultural Education Supporting Agency Start: End: November 2012 December 2013 Ministry H&MR Montenegro for the organization and management of the pilot Agency 6.4 Open thematic workshop Start: End: May 2013 Ministry H&MR Montenegro for the organization of the Workshop May 2013 Partners for the participation of local stakeholders into the Workshop Last update: Version 2.0vo 33

38 Action Partner Tasks WP 6: WORK ORGANIZATION Act. 6.1 Guidelines and toolkit Ministry H&MR Montenegro Appointment of the expert for the guidelines elaboration (he/she could be the same expert that will be appointed as Responsible of the pilot Agency of the WP 6.3); Preparation of the draft of the Guidelines and sharing with other Partners and the Permanent Observatory. The Guidelines are a brief document that describes the governance models that will be tested in the pilot action (tasks, human resources, estimated costs, local network) and provide recommendations for policy makers for the actual introduction of the model in the ordinary policies and services. The Guidelines will be of about pages; Consultation with the local members of the project network (minority associations, public Authorities, NGOs) for the validation of the document: it is a very important step, because these local Actors will be the one who should use the model; Translation of the Guidelines in all the languages of the project Partners (English, Croatian, Italian, Montenegrin, Albanian, Slovenian); Graphic elaboration of the Guidelines, in accordance with the common graphic line of the projects (Programme and project logos, Partners logos, colours, etc.); Printing of copies of the multi-lingual guidelines; Distribution to the project Partners of the copies of the Guidelines; Transmission of the electronic version of the Guidelines to the CDI, for the publication on the project website. Act. 6.1 Guidelines and toolkit All Partners As basic members of the Permanent Observatory, the project Partners shall provide comments on the ongoing draft of thematic Guidelines and validate the final version of the document; Distribution of the copies of the documents among local stakeholders Act. 6.2 Training for the capacity building Act. 6.2 Training for the capacity building Act. 6.3 Pilot Action: Multiethnic Economic Development Agency Act. 6.4 Open workshop thematic Ministry H&MR Montenegro All Partners (if foreseen) Ministry H&MR Montenegro Ministry H&MR Montenegro All Partners The training seminars on Intercultural Education Supporting Agency will last 12 hours (in 2 days) and are addressed to public professionals, minority associations and social organizations of the Adriatic Countries (about 20 participants); Preparation of the seminars agenda and appointment of lecturers (indicative matters: A) Innovative tools towards an Adriatic intercultural schools: ethnic facilitators, intercultural programmes; B) Promoting the pro-active student role in social communication activity); Individuation of the room for the seminars and arrangement of other logistic aspects (projector, interpreter service, didactic material, etc.); Assistance for the project Partners for the travel and accommodation of the people that will be sent to participate in the seminars. Individuation of the participants in the transnational seminars (2 persons per Partner among local professionals and minorities representatives); they will participate also in the final workshop (Act. 6.4). Organization of the mission of the participants (the seminars will be held in the same days of the Steering Groups). The INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION SUPPORTING AGENCY experiments with a public service aiming at assisting school professionals for promoting mutual tolerance and respect of diversities among majority/minority students. The Agency provides: A) Information to minorities families on minorities, educational, social, cultural concerns; B) Linguistic/ethnic intermediation; C) Promotion of pro-active multicultural school programmes; D) Supporting schools to manage difficult cases; E) Organization of the school competition (picture and/or composition) BEING THE OTHER, to stimulate students on mutual social and cultural representation and increase their susceptibility to responsible approach on issues around diversity. Appointment of the: Head Office of the Agency; Expert in Intercultural and school programmes; Cultural Mediator. Graphic elaboration and printing of the promotional materials; Logistic organization of the Agency (Podgorica); Organization of sensitization meetings with teachers, parents, students; Final evaluation of the service in terms of effectiveness and impacts. At the end of the training seminars (Act. 5.2), a workshop open also to local and national professionals and minority associations (about 50 participants) will deepen the themes of WP6 focus; Preparation of the Workshop Agenda and appointment of the lectures; Logistic organization of the workshop; Local promotion of the workshop. Last update: Version 2.0vo 34

39 9. WP 7: MULTICULTURAL INFORMATION AND MEDIA FOR A MULTIETHNIC SOCIETY 9.1. The WP 7 implementation sheet WP 7 Multicultural information and media for a multiethnic society Description The WP 7 tackles the problem of the unfair information systems used by media in Adriatic Countries, in dealing with events and news on minorities. The way in which minorities are portrayed in the Media, the dissemination of information about them and their presence on screen and in newsrooms are all of the utmost importance for the way in which we perceive ourselves and our environments. The public representation of diversity influences the capacity of mutual understanding of people: diversity respect in media contents and practice is a crucial factor in fostering social cohesion and preventing conflict. SIMPLE defines a governance model for public and private Media, to overcome the widespread discriminatory approach in Media. The guidelines provide evidence on the advantages and disadvantages of the possible options and propose as operational solution the Adriatic Multicultural Information & Media Agency, promoting fair information by all Adriatic Area Media, also through sensitization initiatives (magazine, demonstrative TV news broadcast, Adriatic Journalism Award). The sound partnership with Media operators acting in a multicultural context makes of the Italian Union of Capodistria-Koper the best performer for the WP 7. WP 7: WORKPLAN n. Action Timetable Partners 7.1 Guidelines and toolkit Start: End: January 2012 September 2012 Italian Union of Capodistria for the elaboration of the Guidelines Partners for validation of the Guidelines 7.2 Training for the capacity building for the Fair information on minority affairs Start: End: September 2013 Italian Union of Capodistria for the organization of the seminars September 2013 Partners for the participation of local stakeholders into the seminars 7.3 Pilot Action: Adriatic Multicultural & Media Agency Start: End: November 2012 December 2013 Italian Union of Capodistria for the organization and management of the pilot Agency Italian Union of Fiume, CDI, Progetti Sociali and the Ministry H&MR Montenegro for managing the national Agency antennas. 7.4 Open thematic workshop Start: End: September 2013 Italian Union of Capodistria for the organization of the Workshop September 2013 Partners for the participation of local stakeholders into the Workshop Last update: Version 2.0vo 35

40 Action Partner Tasks WP 7: WORK ORGANIZATION Act. 7.1 Guidelines and toolkit Italian Union of Capodistria Appointment of the expert for the guidelines elaboration (he/she could be the same expert that will be appointed as Responsible of the pilot Agency of the WP 7.3); Preparation of the draft of the Guidelines and sharing with other Partners and the Permanent Observatory. The Guidelines are a brief document that describes the governance models that will be tested in the pilot action (tasks, human resources, estimated costs, local network) and provide recommendations for policy makers for the actual introduction of the model in the ordinary policies and services. The Guidelines will be of about pages; Consultation with the local members of the project network (minority associations, public Authorities, NGOs) for the validation of the document: it is a very important step, because these local Actors will be the one who should use the model; Translation of the Guidelines in all the languages of the project Partners (English, Croatian, Italian, Montenegrin, Albanian, Slovenian); Graphic elaboration of the Guidelines, in accordance with the common graphic line of the projects (Programme and project logos, Partners logos, colours, etc.); Printing of copies of the multi-lingual guidelines; Distribution to the project Partners of the copies of the Guidelines; Transmission of the electronic version of the Guidelines to the CDI, for the publication on the project website. Act. 7.1 Guidelines and toolkit All Partners As basic members of the Permanent Observatory, the project Partners shall provide comments on the ongoing draft of thematic Guidelines and validate the final version of the document; Distribution of the copies of the documents among local stakeholders Act. 7.2 Training for the capacity building Act. 7.2 Training for the capacity building Act. 7.3 Pilot Action: Adriatic Multicultural Information & Media Agency Act. 7.4 Open workshop thematic Italian Union of Capodistria All Partners (if foreseen) Italian Union of Capodistria Partners Italian Union of Capodistria All Partners The training seminars on Intercultural Education Supporting Agency will last 12 hours (in 2 days) and are addressed to public professionals, minority associations and social organizations of the Adriatic Countries (about 20 participants); Preparation of the seminars agenda and appointment of lecturers (indicative matters: A) Reporting diversity: how journalists and media can contribute to community cohesion and social inclusion; B) EU best practices for factual programmes in public and private service media); Individuation of the room for the seminars and arrangement of other logistic aspects (projector, interpreter service, didactic material, etc.); Assistance for the project Partners for the travel and accommodation of the people that will be sent to participate in the seminars. Individuation of the participants in the transnational seminars (2 persons per Partner among local professionals and minorities representatives); they will participate also in the final workshop (Act. 7.4). Organization of the mission of the participants (the seminars will be held in the same days of the Steering Groups). The ADRIATIC MULTICULTURAL INFORMATION & MEDIA AGENCY tests a service model aiming to: A) Editing of the online magazine SIMPLE NEWS, an unprecedented magazine, dealing with minorities daily issues, positive experiences and discrimination acts in Adriatic area; B) Promote a demonstrative multilingual TV news broadcast (on DVD support) for the Adriatic awareness campaign towards young people; C) Organize the Adriatic Journalism Award Daily life portrait of Adriatic intercultural societies ; D) Support Adriatic Media to implement fair information transmission. An Agency antenna is in each Country, that provide information from all Adriatic Area, support the national sensitization campaigns (Action 2.2) and promote locally the Journalism Award. Appointment of the: Head Office of the Agency; Graphic elaboration and printing of the promotional materials; Logistic organization of the Agency; Organization of the national Antennas; Diffusion of the DVD with the demonstrative TV news broadcasting and distribution to the national Antennas; Final evaluation of the service in terms of effectiveness and impacts. At the end of the training seminars (Act. 7.2), a workshop open also to local and national professionals and minority associations (about 50 participants) will deepen the themes of WP 7 focus; Preparation of the Workshop Agenda and appointment of the lectures; Logistic organization of the workshop; Local promotion of the workshop. Last update: Version 2.0vo 36

41 10. WP 8: PREVENTING AND COMBATING DISCRIMINATION AND VIOLENCE AGAINST MINORITY WOMEN The WP 8 implementation sheet WP 8 Preventing and combating discrimination and violence against minority women Description The WP 8 tackles the sensitive issues of gender discrimination and social protection of women belonging to minorities groups. The Adriatic towns shared the homogeneous epidemiology and the complexity of gender violence phenomenon, linked to the geographic localization. Tourism and migrants flows characterize the gender violence: increase of cases during summers holidays, violence related with the prostitution of women and adolescents (with local case of sexual tourism), social discrimination against minority women. SIMPLE defines a governance model for public Authorities and other service providers to contrast gender discrimination and support the victims of violence. The guidelines provide evidence on the advantages and disadvantages of the possible governance options and propose the implementation of the Minority women protection and non discrimination Agency, providing psycho-social support to victims of discrimination and violence and ethnic intermediation to prevent discrimination cases. The expertise of Abruzzo Region in women violence contrast and the local worrying relevance of the phenomenon of that territory the best testing place for the service. The model and service implementation and their potential transferring in other Adriatic Regions are supported by targeted capacity building actions: each Beneficiary will involve the local relevant stakeholders in intensive seminars and mainstreaming workshops WP 8: WORKPLAN n. Action Timetable Partners 8.1 Guidelines and toolkit Start: End: January 2012 September 2012 Region of Abruzzo for the elaboration of the Guidelines Partners for validation of the Guidelines 8.2 Training for the capacity building for the Minority Women Protection and Non Discrimination Start: End: February 2012 February 2012 Progetti Sociali for the organization of the seminars Partners for the participation of local stakeholders into the seminars 8.3 Pilot Action: Minority women protection and non-discrimination Agency Start: End: November 2012 December 2013 Region of Abruzzo for the organization and management of the pilot Agency 8.4 Open thematic workshop Start: End: February 2012 February 2012 Region of Abruzzo for the organization of the Workshop Partners for the participation of local stakeholders into the Workshop Last update: Version 2.0vo 37

42 Action Partner Tasks WP 8: WORK ORGANIZATION Act. 8.1 Guidelines and toolkit Region of Abruzzo Appointment of the expert for the guidelines elaboration (he/she could be the same expert that will be appointed as Responsible of the pilot Agency of the WP 8.3); Preparation of the draft of the Guidelines and sharing with other Partners and the Permanent Observatory. The Guidelines are a brief document that describes the governance models that will be tested in the pilot action (tasks, human resources, estimated costs, local network) and provide recommendations for policy makers for the actual introduction of the model in the ordinary policies and services. The Guidelines will be of about pages; Consultation with the local members of the project network (minority associations, public Authorities, NGOs) for the validation of the document: it is a very important step, because these local Actors will be the one who should use the model; Translation of the Guidelines in all the languages of the project Partners (English, Croatian, Italian, Montenegrin, Albanian, Slovenian); Graphic elaboration of the Guidelines, in accordance with the common graphic line of the projects (Programme and project logos, Partners logos, colours, etc.); Printing of copies of the multi-lingual guidelines; Distribution to the project Partners of the copies of the Guidelines; Transmission of the electronic version of the Guidelines to the CDI, for the publication on the project website. Act. 8.1 Guidelines and toolkit All Partners As basic members of the Permanent Observatory, the project Partners shall provide comments on the ongoing draft of thematic Guidelines and validate the final version of the document; Distribution of the copies of the documents among local stakeholders Act. 8.2 Training for the capacity building Act. 8.2 Training for the capacity building Act. 8.3 Pilot Action: Adriatic Multicultural Information & Media Agency Act. 8.4 Open workshop thematic Progetti s.r.l. Sociale Sociali Impresa All Partners (if foreseen) Region of Abruzzo Region of Abruzzo All Partners The training seminars on Minority women protection and non discrimination will last 12 hours (in 2 days) and are addressed to public professionals, minority associations and social organizations of the Adriatic Countries (about 20 participants); Preparation of the seminars agenda and appointment of lecturers (indicative matters: A) Qualified care services for psycho-social support to minority women victims of discrimination and violence; B) Building up local, regional, national and Adriatic network of targeted services for minority women support); Individuation of the room for the seminars and arrangement of other logistic aspects (projector, interpreter service, didactic material, etc.); Assistance for the project Partners for the travel and accommodation of the people that will be sent to participate in the seminars. Individuation of the participants in the transnational seminars (2 persons per Partner among local professionals and minorities representatives); they will participate also in the final workshop (Act. 8.4). Organization of the mission of the participants (the seminars will be held in the same days of the Steering Groups). The ADRIATIC MULTICULTURAL INFORMATION & MEDIA AGENCY tests a service model aiming to: A) Specialized psycho-social support to minority women victims of discrimination and violence; B) Ethnic intermediation to prevent and fight discrimination cases; C) Information campaign towards minority groups about women rights and local available services for preventing, protecting and caring violence victims. Appointment of the Head Office of the Agency and of the Expert Assistant; Graphic elaboration and printing of the promotional materials; Logistic organization of the Agency; Final evaluation of the service in terms of effectiveness and impacts. At the end of the training seminars (Act.8.2), a workshop open also to local and national professionals and minority associations (about 50 participants) will deepen the themes of WP 8 focus; Preparation of the Workshop Agenda and appointment of the lectures; Logistic organization of the workshop; Local promotion of the workshop. Last update: Version 2.0vo 38

43 The project is co-funded by the European Union, Instruments for Pre- Accession Assistance

PROGETTO parte di Programma Strategico



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N 1 alla versione bilingue (italiano-inglese) NORMA UNI EN ISO 9001 (novembre 2008) Sistemi di gestione per la qualità - Requisiti.

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CONCLUSIONE 28 maggio 2014, N 584, Finanziamento della traduzione revisione stampa di manuali ad uso delle Scuole elementari della CNI

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+ per ogni persona dobbiamo vedere un password per entrare nel workingspace! (l utente stesso si aggiunge il suo qui in questo momento)

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