Game on! Student s Book & Workbook. Pamela Linwood Daniela Guglielmino Clare Kennedy. Sapere in espansione. Ambiente educativo Digitale

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Pamela Linwood Daniela Guglielmino Clare Kennedy Game on! Student s Book & Workbook 3 Sapere in espansione Ambiente educativo Digitale LIBRO MISTO E-BOOK CONTENUTI INTEGRATIVI INCLASSE

Game on! 3 Ambiente educativo Digitale Libro digitale sfogliabile (PDF) Testo del libro misto in formato elettronico Contenuti Digitali Integrativi Esercizi, dimostrazioni, schemi, immagini, documenti collegati al libro misto Libreria Digitale Archivio online dei libri digitali adottati ebook Fruibile online e offline, integrato con tutte le risorse e i servizi LIM Risorse e suggerimenti per insegnare con la Lavagna Interattiva Multimediale InClasse Piattaforma di e-learning per l insegnamento personalizzato Portali tematici Aree online per aggiornarsi, preparare lezioni, contattare autori ed esperti Minisiti di prodotto Contenuti web collegati al libro misto RISORSE DIGITALI LIBRO MISTO STRUMENTI E SERVIZI Formazione e assistenza Corsi, eventi, seminari, assistenza online e sul territorio Competenze Risorse per organizzare la didattica per competenze Didattica inclusiva Strumenti per una didattica a misura dei singoli studenti (DSA-BES) Estensioni multimediali Risorse digitali offline su Pen Drive, Cd/Dvd Rom Invalsi Esercizi per prepararsi alle prove nazionali App Frasari linguistici, dizionari, letture in italiano e in lingua CLIL Materiali per la didattica in lingua straniera Insegnare, imparare, crescere

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In ogni Unità dello Student s Book: Game on! Accetta la sfida: Presentazione del lessico con esercizi per usare le nuove parole utilizzando la grammatica e le funzioni imparate nelle unità precedenti. Rimandi al Word Bank e alle pagine del Workbook, per esercitarti ancor di più! Dialoghi in formato video per entrare in contatto e «vivere» la realtà del mondo anglosassone. Natural English per apprendere modi di dire tipici della lingua inglese. Competences per attivare le competenze linguistiche. Spiegazioni grammaticali con schemi e tabelle che aiutano a visualizzare la struttura delle regole, riquadri di attenzione e box contrastivi. Overview con attività di ripasso e consolidamento. Functions per usare la lingua in contesti comunicativi reali, con un attenzione particolare alla pronuncia. Skills and Culture per conoscere meglio alcuni aspetti della cultura dei paesi di lingua inglese con attività legate alle quattro abilità, e in preparazione all Esame di Stato (ES ) e alle certificazioni Key e Trinity (K, T). Le strategie di apprendimento forniscono utili suggerimenti per lo studio e lo svolgimento degli esercizi. 4 four

impara l inglese divertendoti! Exams sezione dedicata all Esame di Stato che si focalizza, per ogni unità, su una prova in particolare, accompagnata da strategie per superarla brillantemente. A chiusura di unità: Go With English si focalizza sul linguaggio utilizzato in contesti reali. Ogni due unità: Revision con attività di ripasso. Towards exams con attività di preparazione all Esame di Stato, al Key e al Trinity. In chiusura di Student s Book tre sezioni dedicate a tutte le tipologie di Esame: Exam Training: mirata all Esame di Stato, con materiali per esercitarsi su tutte le tipologie di prove, ovvero reading comprehension, open dialogue, guided dialogue, letter writing, summary e oral presentation. KEY: propone una prova del Key English Test. TRINITY: offre una prova dell Esame Trinity. Nel Workbook: Nell ebook I video dei dialoghi, delle prove orali dell Esame di Stato, del KEY e del Trinity, con le strategie per superarli; di civiltà con esercizi interattivi; l audio integrale dello Student s Book e l audio degli esercizi di ascolto; tutte le attività interattive; le immagini zoomabili, tabelle e disegni, schede grammaticali e di fonetica; glossario; test. InClasse La nuova piattaforma DeA scuola con tante attività per verificare il tuo livello di inglese. Contenuti digitali integrativi Numerosi esercizi con diversi livelli di difficoltà e giochi per esercitarti. Ogni due unità, due pagine di ripasso e due pagine di potenziamento. LANGUAGE PLUS: un ricco repertorio di attività interattive e autocorrettive pensate e organizzate in base ai livelli del Common European Framework A1 e A2 e suddivise in sezioni: Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Reading e Listening. five LANGUAGE 5

Contents Revision Unit p. 10 Vocabulary Music festivals Free time activities The weather Grammar Simple past Espressioni di tempo Comparativo e superlativo degli aggettivi Should / shouldn t Must / have to / mustn t / don t have to Functions Making a suggestion Giving directions Ordering food Asking for permission Agreeing Giving advice Unit 1 What I m going to be p. 13 Vocabulary Grammar Functions Jobs and places of work Be going to: forma affermativa Be going to: forma negativa Be going to: forma interrogativa e risposte brevi Which I pronomi One / Ones Making arrangements Pronunciation: Shall we Unit 2 Predicting the future p. 25 Feelings Will: forma affermativa Will: forma negativa Will: forma interrogativa e risposte brevi Will vs Be going to Pronomi relativi Who, Which, That Offers and promises Pronunciation: I ll / We ll / Shall I? / Shall we? Pronunciation: won t vs want Revision (1-2) p. 37 Towards exams (1-2) p. 38 Experiences p. 39 Activities with a difference Participio passato dei verbi regolari e irregolari Present perfect: forma affermativa e negativa Present perfect: forma interrogativa e risposte brevi Been e gone Present perfect vs Simple past Talking about experiences Pronunciation: pronuncia debole e forte di have Unit 4 Getting connected p. 51 Technology and communication Present perfect con just Present perfect con already e yet How long? con il present perfect Present perfect con for e since Making phone calls Pronunciation: accento della frase Revision (3-4) p. 63 Towards exams (3-4) p. 64 6 six

Contenuti integrativi per ogni Unit sulla piattaforma InClasse. CONTENUTI INTEGRATIVI INCLASSE LANGUAGE PLUS Say goodbye to Abbie and Matt. Accompany Eliza, Luke and Raj in this book. Skills and Culture: Competences Exam Go with English The United States of America Reading: compilare una scheda con le informazioni del testo; localizzare nomi geografici su una cartina Listening: abbinare i luoghi alle cose per cui sono famosi Speaking: a coppie, fare e rispondere alle domande di un quiz Writing: scrivere un testo per una pagina web sulla geografia e i luoghi più interessanti dell Italia Speaking Strategies People who made a difference: Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Reading: completare una linea del tempo con le informazioni del testo e rispondere alle domande Listening: ascoltare e completare un testo con le informazioni richieste Speaking: fare domande e rispondere con le informazioni del testo Writing: scrivere il riassunto del testo Writing Strategies Yellowstone National Park Reading comprehension Who is Barack Obama? Completing a dialogue At the airport Competences: interagire in diverse situazioni all aeroporto e sull aereo e comprendere le informazioni relative ai voli At the souvenir gift shop Competences: fare acquisti in un negozio di souvenir e comprendere prezzi e altre informazioni relative agli articoli in vendita Amazing places in the English-Speaking World Reading: leggere il testo e rispondere alle domande Listening: ascoltare una parte di un programma radiofonico e indicare se le frasi sono vere o false Speaking: a coppie, fare domande e rispondere su esperienze personali Writing: scrivere un email a un amico parlando delle proprie esperienze con la lingua inglese e esprimendo un opinione personale Speaking Strategies India: a land of contrasts Reading: compilare una scheda con le informazioni del testo e l aiuto della cartina; rispondere alle domande sul testo Listening: ascoltare un dialogo e completare frasi Speaking: fare e rispondere a domande sull India Writing: scrivere la risposta all email di un amico che chiede riguardo a un viaggio che hai fatto in India Writing Strategies A holiday in the Canadian Rockies Writing a letter / an email Bollywood Writing a summary At a youth hostel Competences: interagire alla reception di un ostello della gioventù o albergo e comprendere informazioni sui servizi offerti At an Internet café Competences: parlare di servizi Internet e dare e comprendere indirizzi email e di siti web seven 7

Contents Unit 5 What were you doing? p. 65 Unit 6 What if? p. 77 Vocabulary Grammar Functions Sports equipment and facilities Natural disasters and the environment Past continuous: forma affermativa Past continuous: forma negativa Past continuous: forma interrogativa e risposte brevi When / While Past continuous vs Simple past Preposizioni + foma in -ing Avverbi di modo Zero conditional First conditional Comparativi (2): as as Comparativi (3): less How high / wide / long...? Talking about past events Pronunciation: pronuncia forte e debole di was e were Being polite Pronunciation: intonazione ascendente e discendente Revision (5-6) p. 89 Towards exams (5-6) p. 90 English Plus A p. 92 Clothes: materials and patterns Forma passiva: Simple present e Simple past English Plus B p. 94 Emotional reactions Discorso diretto e indiretto English Plus C p. 96 The environment Second conditional Word Bank p. 98 Pronunciation Bank p. 104 EXAMS Exam Training Esame di Stato p. 105 History p. 106 Art p. 108 History p. 110 Geography p. 112 Science p. 114 History & Social Studies p. 116 History p. 118 Geography & Science p. 120 KEY p. 122 Paper 1 p. 122 Paper 2 p. 128 Paper 3 p. 132 Trinity p. 134 Grammar Bank p. 138 Speaking Bank p. 142 8 eight

Skills and Culture: Competences Exam Go with English Sports made in Britain Reading: completare frasi con informazioni dal testo e rispondere alle domande Listening: ascoltare dialoghi e capire di quali sport si parla Speaking: descrivere la situazione e dire che cosa succedeva nel momento in cui sono state scattate delle foto Writing: preparare una scheda e scrivere un breve testo sul proprio sport preferito Reading Strategies Aussies and Kiwis The Making of Australia and New Zealand Reading: leggere il testo e rispondere alle domande Listening: ascoltare un dialogo e indicare se le frasi sono vere o false, poi correggere le false Speaking: a coppie, programmare una vacanza assumendo un atteggiamento ottimista e uno più pessimista Writing: scrivere un email in risposta a un amico che ha scritto parlando della Nuova Zelanda Listening Strategies Spotlight on African Athletics Writing a dialogue Aborigines and Maoris How to do the speaking test At the Tourist Information Centre Competences: interagire in un ufficio di informazioni turistiche e comprendere informazioni su un luogo da visitare At the station Competences: acquistare biglietti alla stazione ferroviaria e comprendere informazioni su orari e prezzi dei treni Workbook p. 145 Revision Unit p. 146 Unit 1 p. 150 Unit 2 p. 158 Revision (1-2) Extension (1-2) p. 166 Unit 3 p. 170 Unit 4 p. 178 Revision (3-4) Extension (3-4) p. 186 Unit 5 p. 190 Unit 6 p. 198 Revision (5-6) Extension (5-6) p. 206 English plus A B C p. 210 Exam Training Multicultural Britain p. 216 The Inuit Then and now p. 218 The clothes industry p. 220 Nuclear energy p. 222 Pop art p. 224 Grammar revision p. 225 List of irregular verbs p. 235 Word list p. 236 E-BOOK INCLASSE Tutte le attività a risposta chiusa sono disponibili in versione digitale interattiva e autocorrettiva, nell ebook e sulla piattaforma InClasse. nine 9

Revision Unit Our London Francesco Hi, there. Are you going to any music festivals this summer? There are over a hundred of them in the UK every summer. The most famous and usually the wettest is Glastonbury, of course, but there are many others. We were on holiday in Scotland with our parents last week and we went to T in the Park. The music was brilliant! We saw Rihanna. (She s really attractive and taller than I thought.) It was great fun because we slept in a tent in a field. I love camping! So do I. In warm weather! In Scotland we didn t get much sunshine. But a lot of music festivals are in London, so you don t have to take a tent. In August we re going to the Lovebox Festival in Victoria Park. We bought the tickets months ago. You have to buy them early because they go very quickly. The food at music festivals is great. There are lots of food stalls so you don t have to take Claudia food from home. But you should take warm clothes and you mustn t forget to take an anorak and an umbrella because it often rains. Another thing you must remember to take is toilet paper and if you re camping a torch. It isn t easy to find the toilets at night without one! Comprehension 1 Listen and read. 1.02 2 Mark the statements true or false (T = True; F = False). Then correct the false ones. T F 1 Claudia and Francesco went to a music festival in Scotland. 2 Claudia doesn t like camping. 3 There are a few music festivals in London. 4 You mustn t take food from home. 5 It s sometimes cold and wet at music festivals. 6 You need a torch if you re staying in a tent. 10 ten

Revision Unit Revising Functions 3 Poppy and Anne are at a music festival. Listen to their conversations and complete sentences 1-6. Then connect each sentence to a function a-f. 1.03 1...... at the crossroads. 2...... put up our tent here? 3...... going to the food stalls? 4...... a cheeseburger, please. 5...... put some ketchup on it. 6...... I. a Making a suggestion. b Giving directions. c Ordering food. d Asking for permission. e Agreeing. f Giving advice. 4 In pairs. Listen to Poppy and Anne again. Then invent dialogues for these situations. 1.03 1 A propone a B di andare al cinema insieme domani sera. B risponde che non può. Deve aiutare suo fratello con i compiti. 2 B dice che ama i film d azione. A dice che li ama anche lui / lei. B consiglia a A di vedere il film al cinema Odeon. Revising Grammar 5 Complete the sentences with the simple past of be and a time expression. My parents were at the theatre last night. 1 Luke... with his friends.... 2... your favourite soap on TV...? 3 They... (not) with us.... 4 It... sunny and hot.... 5 A... there many people at Jake s party...? B Yes, there.... 6 Complete the sentences with the simple past of the suggested regular verbs. like w prefer w w stop w study w visit We stayed at home all afternoon. 1 We really... that film. 2 I... for my Maths test last weekend. 3 The car... at the traffic lights. 4 When you were a child, you... cats to dogs. 5 Lucy... her grandparents yesterday. 7 Complete the sentences with the simple past of the verbs in brackets. I found (find) a purse in the street. 1 Jo... (hurt) her leg. 2 The boy... (run) away. 3 Last night we... (eat) pizza. 4 Al... (give) me his phone number. 5 We... (meet) at the cinema. 6 Megan... (buy) new leggings at the shopping mall. 8 Rewrite the sentences in exercise 7 in the negative form. I didn t find a purse in the street. 9 Complete the sentences with the simple past of the verbs in brackets. A Did you see (you / see) Thomas at school? B No, I didn t. 1 A... (they / stay) in a B&B in London? B No, they.... 2 A... (you / play) volleyball on Friday? B Yes, we.... 3 A Where... (you / be) born? B I... (be) born in York. 4 A... (Lauren / tidy) her room yesterday? B Yes, she.... 5 Where... (you / go) to primary school? 6 What... (Dad / do) yesterday afternoon? ` WORKBOOK, p. 146 eleven 11

Revision Unit 10 Complete the sentences using the comparative form as in the example. My car / fast / yours My car s faster than yours. 1 Thomas / slim / Luke 2 Geography / interesting / Science 3 Emily s results / good / her brother s 4 Riding a horse / difficult / riding a bike 5 I / happy / you 6 Their school / bad / ours 11 Use the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. One Direction is one of the most famous (famous) bands in the world. 1 Fashionista is... (elegant) clothes shop in my town. 2 The elephant is... (big) land animal of all. 3 Harry s Daniel s... (good) friend. 4 Who is... (funny) student in your class? 5 I think this is... (boring) book in the library. 6 Yesterday was... (bad) day of my life. 12 Complete the sentences with should or shouldn t. You should study harder if you want to pass your exam. Mum looks tired. She shouldn t work so hard. 1 Jack s got flu. He... call the doctor. 2 It s a very good film. You... see it. 3 Olivia s too fat. She... eat so much. 4 You... tell anybody. It s a secret! 5 It s very cloudy. We... take an umbrella. 6 These jeans are very expensive. You... buy them. 13 Complete the sentences with must and one of the suggested verbs. w have w phone w respect w tidy w turn w visit It s midnight. You must go to bed. 1 All passengers... a valid ticket. 2 You... the school rules. 3 We can t go straight on here. We... left. 4 I... Samuel. It s his birthday today. 5 You... the Tate Gallery when you re in London. 6 My brother s room s a mess. He... it. 14 Complete the sentences with have to and the verbs in brackets. Joseph has to study university. (study) hard at 1... we... (have) a shower after gym? 2 My dad s a doctor so he... (work) at the weekends. 3 They... (stay) at school till 1.30 p.m. 4... Rebecca... (go) to the dentist tomorrow? 5 Policemen... (wear) a uniform. 6 William... (feed) his cat twice a day. 15 Complete the sentences with mustn t or don t have to. You mustn t play videogames all the afternoon. They don t have to finish their homework. There s no school tomorrow. 1 It s free. We... pay. 2 You... touch the oven. It s hot. 3 They... run. The train leaves in half an hour. 4 We... copy during the test. 5 Children... play ball in this playground. 6 I... get up early on Sundays. 12 twelve

What I m going to be 1 1 3 2 4 Extra words journalist 5 6 machine operator helpline operator lawyer plumber cook Vocabulary Jobs and places of work 1 Match the words to the pictures. 1 businessperson nurse mechanic hairdresser shop assistant office worker 2 Listen, check and repeat. 1.04 3 Listen and repeat the extra words. 1.05 4 Who works in these places? In pairs, ask and answer questions. 1 a garage 2 a hospital 3 a call centre 4 a beauty salon A Who works in a garage? B A mechanic. 5 an office 6 a factory 7 a shop 8 a restaurant ` WORKBOOK, p. 150 For more words ` WORD BANK, p. 98 thirteen 13

I m going to be a graphic artist Video Episode (1) Story update We left Abbie and Matt at the arts centre. Where are they now? Abbie s back in Norfolk with her family and Matt s staying with them for two weeks. They re taking him round the Norfolk Broads, a beautiful area of rivers and lakes. So no more summer courses at the arts centre for him! And what about Eliza and Luke? They re spending a lot of time together. They re learning how to make documentaries and creating a video blog. Want to know more? Watch this space! 1 Listen and read. 1.06 Eliza and Luke are chatting online about their future plans. Luke Eliza Luke Eliza Luke Eliza Luke Eliza Luke Eliza Luke Eliza Luke Eliza Are you going to go to university when you leave school? Yes, I am. I m going to study engineering. What are you going to do? I want to be a graphic artist. Are you going to work for an advertising agency? Who knows! Anyway, I m not going to work for magazines. My dad s a journalist and he works 24/7. What does your mum do? She s got a part time job. She s a tour guide. You know, there s an important graphic art fair in London right now. Which one? The big one in Chelsea? Yes, that s the one. I m going to see it. Shall we go together? OK. When shall we go? It s on till Sunday. Let s go on Friday. It s very busy at the weekend. It s a date. 2 Listen and repeat. 1.06 Comprehension 3 Answer the questions. Quit 1 What does Eliza want to do when she leaves school? 2 Does Luke want to work for a magazine? 3 What do Luke s parents do? 4 Where is the graphic art fair? 5 Does Luke want to see it? 6 When do Eliza and Luke decide to go there? 14 fourteen

Dialogue 1 Natural English 4 Find the English equivalent in the dialogue. 1... = Chissà! 2... = giorno e notte, sette giorni della settimana 3... = è proprio quello / quella 4 It s... = C è / È in corso... 5 It s... = Stabilito! 5 Use four of the phrases in exercise 4 to complete the dialogues. Cruising Camden Type... 1 A Can I get your jacket for you? It s this black one, right? B Yes,.........! Thanks. 2 A I d like to see the new Ben Affleck film. B Me, too....... at the Odeon Cinema at the moment. 3 A Shall we meet in front of the underground station at 6 p.m.? B Yes, sure........... 4 A Is Damian coming with us? B......! He didn t answer my text message. Work on the dialogue 6 Look again at the dialogue and complete the sentences using is / are going to or isn t / aren t going to. 1 Eliza... go to university. 2 Luke... be a graphic artist. 3 He... work for magazines. 4 Luke and Eliza... see the graphic art fair together. 5 They... visit it on Saturday or Sunday because it s too busy. 7 COMPETENCES In pairs. Ask and answer about your plans for the future. Per indicare la professione: articolo a / an. He s a doctor. Si usa be e non do per rispondere a domande come: What do you do? I m a dentist. What are you going to do? I m going to be a nurse. A What are you going to do when you leave school? Are you going to work or study? B I m going to / I m not going to A What job are you going to do? / What are you going to study? B I m going to be / I m going to study ` WORKBOOK, p. 150 fifteen 15

Grammar Be going to: forma affermativa Sogg. + am / is / + going to + forma are base I m going to study. Forma affermativa I am / I m You are / You re He is / He s She is / She s It is / It s We are / We re You are / You re They are / They re going to eat. Be going to indica azioni future che si ha intenzione di fare: What are you going to do tonight? stanno per accadere: It s very cloudy and cold. It s going to snow. Si usa la forma affermativa di be seguita da going to e dal verbo che indica l azione alla forma base. Ricorda che la forma contratta è preferita quando parliamo e in linguaggio informale. Giulio s going to fall. 1 Ellie... the road. 2 They... a bus. 1 Write sentences to express intentions. Use the contracted form of be going to. Joe / be a doctor Joe s going to be a doctor. 1 They / watch a soap tonight 2 Molly / read comics this evening 3 We / travel around Europe next summer 4 You / go to the swimming pool today 5 Dad / visit an art gallery tomorrow 6 Charlie / get up late tomorrow morning 3 Dad... the floor. 4 Alice and Laura... pizza. 2 Look at the pictures and say what s going to happen. Use contracted forms. catch w cross w eat w w take w vacuum 5 Nathan... a tablet. 3 Listen and check. 1.07 16 sixteen

Grammar 1 Be going to: forma negativa Sogg. + am / is + not + going + forma / are to base I m not going to work. Forma negativa I am not / I m not He / She / It is not / He / She / It isn t You / We / They are not / You / We / They aren t going to eat. Si usa la forma negativa di be seguita da going to e dal verbo che indica l azione alla forma base. 4 Write the sentences in exercise 1 in the negative form. Joe isn t going to be a doctor. 5 Write negative and affirmative sentences as in the example. We / stay at a hotel / stay at a camping site We aren t going to stay at a hotel, we re going to stay at a camping site. 1 They / have fish and chips / have a kebab 2 Dad / buy new shoes / buy trainers 3 We / eat at home / eat at a restaurant 4 Jasmine / do judo / do yoga 5 I / tidy my room / make my bed 6 My sister / have a shower / wash her hair 6 Listen and check. 1.08 7 Write what you re going to do or you aren t going to do next weekend. ride my bike I m going to ride my bike. / I m not going to ride my bike. 1 go to the sports centre 2 have lunch at Gran s 3 meet my friends 4 play videogames 5 go to the shopping mall 6 study History Be going to: forma interrogativa e risposte brevi Am / Is + sogg. + going to + forma +? / Are base Are you going to work? Forma interrogativa Am I going to eat? Are you going to eat? Is he going to eat? Is she going to eat? Is it going to eat? Are we going to eat? Are you going to eat? Are they going to eat? Risposte brevi Yes, I am. / No, I m not. Yes, you are. / No, you aren t. Yes, he is. / No, he isn t. Yes, she is. / No, she isn t. Yes, it is. / No, it isn t. Yes, we are. / No, we aren t. Yes, you are. / No, you aren t. Yes, they are. / No, they aren t. Si usa la forma interrogativa di be seguita da going to e dal verbo che indica l azione alla forma base. Nelle risposte brevi si usa l ausiliare be. Ricorda che non si può usare la forma contratta nella risposta breve affermativa. 8 Your French pen friends are coming to visit your school and town. Reorder the questions. Then write short answers. at / at / arrive / to / are / 9.00 / going / they / our school /? (Yes) A Are they going to arrive at our school at 9.00? B Yes, they are. 1 castle / a / catch / bus / are / to / we / to / the / going /? (Yes) 2 to / the / are / there / going / stay / in / we / afternoon /? (No) 3 going / a / are / we / to / have / picnic lunch /? (No) 4 around / are / the / going / walk / town / we / to /? (Yes) 5 come back / are / the / going / school / we / afternoon / in / to / to /? (No) 6 are / 6.00 p.m. / going / leave / to / at / they /? (Yes) seventeen 17

Grammar Which Which significa Quale/i? e si usa quando si fa una scelta tra un numero limitato di cose Which film did you see last night? The musical at the Odeon or the thriller at the Empire? What What films did you see last year? 9 Complete the questions with Which or What. Which town did you visit? York or Norwich? 1... music do you listen to? 2... is your favourite dish? 3... do you prefer? Art or P.E.? 4... of those boys is David? 5... languages do you speak? 6... bag is yours? This red bag? I pronomi One / Ones One e ones si usano per non ripetere un sostantivo numerabile appena menzionato: A That s our dog. B Which one (= which dog)? A The grey one. (= the grey dog.) A Quello è il nostro cane. B Quale? A Quello grigio. A I like those leggings. B Which ones (= which leggings)? A The blue ones. (= the blue leggings) A Mi piacciono quei leggings. B Quali? A Quelli blu. One sostituisce un sostantivo singolare, ones un sostantivo plurale. One / ones si usano con which, the, this, that, these, those. 10 Substitute the underlined nouns with one or ones. A What about watching the film on BBC2? B No, let s watch the film on Channel 4. No, let s watch the one on Channel 4. 1 Which hoodie did you buy? The red hoodie or the brown hoodie? 2 A Who are those girls? B Which girls? A The girls in front of the gym. 3 A Would you like the lemon biscuits or the chocolate biscuits? B The chocolate biscuits, please. 4 A Is this my CD? B No, that CD is yours. 5 A Can you give me that pen? B Which pen? A The blue pen. 6 A How much are those jeans? B Which jeans? A The black jeans. Overview 11 K Complete the conversations. Choose a, b or c. 1 When are you going to arrive? a Last Friday. c Yes, we are. b On Friday. 2 Those boys are very good at skiing! a What boy? c Which ones? b Which one? 3 Is Laura going to buy that scarf for her brother? a Yes, she is. b Yes, she s. c Yes, she s going. 4 I play tennis, basketball and rugby. a What do you prefer? b Why do you prefer it? c Which do you prefer? 5 We aren t going to invite Liz to the picnic. a Why not? b No, you aren t. c Next Saturday. 12 Listen and check. 1.09 13 Translate the dialogue. A Che cosa hai intenzione di fare stasera? B Niente di speciale. Guarderò un film. A Quale film? Quello su BBC1 o BBC2? B Quello su BBC1. è un thriller. A A me non piacciono i thriller. B Ma questo è uno molto bello. 18 eighteen ` WORKBOOK, p. 151

Functions 1 Making arrangements 1 Listen and read the conversation. Then answer the questions. 1.10 Adam What are you doing tomorrow afternoon, Jamie? Jamie Nothing special. Why? Adam Shall we go to see Party on Ice? Jamie Adam Three o clock s fine. Where shall we meet? Jamie Let s meet at the station. Adam OK. See you there at three. 1 What are Jamie and Adam going to do? 2 What time are they going to meet? 3 Where are they going to meet? 2 Listen and repeat. 1.10 3 Match Alice s sentences with Georgia s replies. Alice 1 c Are you free on Friday afternoon? 2 What about Saturday? 3 Shall we go to the circus? 4 Where shall we meet? 5 What time shall we meet? 6 Yes, fine. It s a date, then. 4 Listen and check. 1.11 Pronunciation Shall we? Georgia a I m not doing anything. Why? b Let s meet at the bus stop. No, sorry. I m going out. d Yes, great! e See you on Saturday. f Is two o clock OK for you? 5 Listen and notice the pronunciation of shall we when people speak fast. 1.12 What shall we do? Shall we go to the cinema? Where shall we meet? 6 Listen again and repeat. Pronounce /ʃəwi/. 1.12 What time shall we meet? 7 COMPETENCES In pairs. Arrange to go and see a DJ show at the local leisure centre. Use the conversations in exercises 1 and 3 as models. Suggest the show to your friend and decide when to go. Decide where and when to meet. Are you free on...? Shall we go to the DJ show at...? ` WORKBOOK, p. 155 nineteen 19

Skills and Culture The United States of America 2 1 3 4 6 5 Culture note The people who went to California during the Gold Rush gave Death Valley its English name but in fact only one person died there! The United States of America is an enormous country it s the third biggest country in the world and it has the third largest population 316 million. It s about 4,830 km from the east to the west coast. From New York to San Francisco there are four time zones. So when it s lunchtime in New York, it s breakfast time in San Francisco! The Pacific Ocean is in the west and the Atlantic Ocean is in the east. Canada is to the north and Mexico is to the south. New York is the biggest city, but Washington DC is the capital. There are 50 states, including Hawaii and The geography of the USA is extremely diverse. The Rocky Mountains are in the west; there s an enormous plain in the centre and the Appalachian Mountains are in the east. The highest point is Mount McKinley (6,198 m) in Alaska and the lowest is Death Valley (86 metres below sea-level) in California. Alaska is also the coldest place in the USA and Death Valley is the hottest. The landscape differs from tropical beaches and wetlands in Florida to deserts in the west; from the Arctic landscape of Alaska to the prairies of the central plain and The USA is also home to the Grand Canyon and the Yosemite Valley in the west, the Mississippi River in the south and the Great Lakes and Niagara Falls in the north. There are many different climate zones in the USA so there s every sort of weather: it s very hot and dry in the south west, freezing cold in the north east and hot and humid in the southern states. The USA gets a lot of extreme weather. The hottest temperature on earth an incredible 56.7 C was measured in Death Valley in 1913 and the temperature there reached 54 C in June 2013. Hurricanes are frequent in the south east and, in the south west, there s an area called Tornado Alley where a tornado destroyed part of 20 twenty

Reading WARM UP What do you know about the USA? How many states can you name? What are the most important cities? 1.13 Skills and Culture Read and listen to the text to complete the fact file. 1 COMPETENCES The Population 316 million Capital city (1)... Largest city (2)... Highest point (3)... Lowest point (4)... Distance east west (5)... Climate (6)... Glossary time zone fuso orario plain pianura landscape paesaggio wetlands terreni paludosi prairies praterie wilderness landa selvaggia hurricane uragano alley vicolo Speaking strategies Saying large numbers: 250 million = two hundred and fifty million 37 million = thirtyseven million 83,000 = eighty-three thousand 9,210 = nine thousand two hundred and ten Re-read the text and match the places 1-6 on the map with the names in the list. Listening 1.14 the Rocky Mountains the Appalachian Mountains the Great Lakes the Mississippi River the Atlantic Ocean the Pacific Ocean K Listen and complete the sentences with the name of a state. Florida w Texas w California w Vermont 1 Paige comes from... 2 Aaron comes from... 3 Jay comes from... 4 Naomi comes from... 5 K Listen again and match the states to the things they are famous for. 1.14 1 California... a new technology 2 Florida... 3 Texas... 4 Vermont... Speaking b skiing c countryside d alligators e Disney World f the oil industry g rodeos h films 6 USA Quiz In pairs. Use the text on page 20 to write 5 questions on the USA. Ask another pair of students to answer the questions. A What s the population of the USA? Writing B It s 100 million 7 ES Write about Italy for an American students website on Europe. Prepare a fact file and write about the geography of Italy and the most interesting places to see. Use the text on page 20 as a model. ` WORKBOOK, p. 156 twenty-one 21

Exam Reading comprehension Yellowstone National Park Everything about Yellowstone National Park is amazing! Just look at these facts: Most of Yellowstone National Park is on top of an active super volcano. The volcano last erupted half a million years ago fortunately scientists don t predict another 1 eruption soon! Yellowstone was the first national park in the world and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. There are more geysers and 2 hot springs here than in any other place on earth. There are over 300 active geysers in the park. Old Faithful, the most famous geyser, explodes every 91 minutes! There are hundreds of species of animals and birds, including grizzly bears, coyotes and eagles. Many of the trees are more The area of Yellowstone Park is 8,983 km That s bigger than the states of Delaware and Rhode Island together! Over 3 million people visit the park every year. 1... Yellowstone National Park is in the north-west of the USA. Most of the park is in Wyoming, but there are small areas in Montana and Idaho too. 5% of the park is covered by water, including Yellowstone Lake and 290 waterfalls. 15% is covered by grassland and 80% by forest.... About 200 years ago, the first explorers arrived in the region. They were amazed by the landscape and the animals they saw. They convinced the US president to create the national park to protect 3... For eleven thousand years, Native Americans lived in the region. They 4 caught fish and hunted animals. They probably used the hot water from the geysers for washing and cooking! Their peaceful lives ended when the first European explorers arrived and took the land from them. 4... Today Yellowstone is a top tourist attraction and an important area of wildlife conservation. It is one of the few areas of true wilderness in the USA. There are wildlife conservation p r o j e c t s t o p r o t e c t t h e animals, birds, insects and plants in the park for all of us to see today ` Il titolo del brano e le immagini ti aiutano a capire di che cosa parla il testo. ` Leggi tutto il brano fino in fondo. Non fermarti se non capisci qualche parola, concentrati sul significato generale. 1 Read the title and look at the pictures. What do you think the text is going to be about? cowboys w wildlife w pollution w holidays w a city park 2 Read and listen to the text. As you listen, put the headings in the correct places. 1.15 Inhabitants w History w Yellowstone today w Location 22 twenty-two

Exam 1 ` Cerca di dedurre il significato delle parole o delle espressioni che non conosci dal testo che le precede o le segue. ` Leggi le domande con molta attenzione. Concentrati sul significato delle parole interrogative (what, when, ecc.) e sottolinea le parole chiave di ogni domanda. ` Leggi di nuovo il brano e individua le informazioni che rispondono alla domanda 1. Scrivi la risposta con una frase completa, non usare soltanto una o due parole, e non copiare la frase del brano. Continua così con le altre domande. Se hai difficoltà con una domanda, lasciala indietro e riprovaci più tardi. Ricorda che una o due domande finali ti chiedono di esprimere la tua opinione: non troverai quindi la risposta nel brano. 3 Look at the underlined words in the text and read the sentence each word is in. What do you think the words mean? 1 eruption a eruzione b ritorno c crollo 2 hot springs a docce b clima primaverile c sorgenti termali 3 landscape a giardino b roccia c paesaggio 4 caught a mangiavano b pescavano c compravano 4 Match the question words to the answers. 1 What did you see? 2 Where was it? 3 What was it like? 4 Who was with you? 5 Why did he eat your sandwiches? 6 How did you feel? a Scared!... and then hungry. b In the forest. c Because he was hungry. d It was big, brown... and hungry! e Nobody! I was alone. f A grizzly bear. 5 Read and listen to the text again. Then answer the questions. Where is most of Yellowstone National Park? It s on top of an active super volcano. 1 How many people visit the park every year? 2 How often does Old Faithful explode? 3 How big is Yellowstone National Park? 4 Where is Yellowstone National Park? 5 What did the first explorers think of the region? 6 Why did the president create the national park? 7 Who were the original inhabitants of the region? 8 What is Yellowstone National Park today? 9 Would you like to visit Yellowstone National Park? Why / Why not? 10 Do you think national parks are important? Why / Why not? Glossary predict prevedere eagle aquila grassland prateria wildlife natura hunt cacciare conservation salvaguardia wilderness area naturale e selvaggia Check your answers! e controlla di avere usato lo stesso nella risposta. singola parola. alla fine delle frasi. twenty-three 23

Go with English At the airport 1 Read the conversations and say where they take place. Choose from the places below. Then listen and check. 1.16 1 At the check-in desk w plane w security check w departure lounge Flight assistant Can I have your passports and tickets, please? Have you got any luggage to check in? Fran No, we ve only got hand luggage. Flight assistant Would you like an aisle seat or a window seat? Lee I d like a window seat, please. Flight assistant Here are your boarding cards. You can go to the security area now. 2 At the... Security officer Please put metal objects and liquids in this tray. Lee OK. Security officer Now walk through the metal detector. 3 In the... Fran Shall we look around the duty-free shops? Lee No, look at the screen. Our flight s boarding. We have to go to the departure gate. 4 On the... Fran Fasten your seatbelt, Lee. The plane s going to take off. Lee Wait a minute. I have to switch off my phone. It s in my bag in the overhead locker. Two hours later Lee Wake up, Fran. We re going to land in a minute. Glossary luggage bagaglio aisle seat posto lato corridoio boarding card carta d imbarco tray vassoio departure gate cancello delle partenze seatbelt cintura di sicurezza to take off decollare overhead locker vano portabagagli to land atterrare 2 Answer the questions. 1 Have Fran and Lee got any luggage to check in? 2 Does Lee want an aisle seat? 3 Why don t Fran and Lee go to the duty-free shop? 4 Where is Lee s phone? 5 Why does Lee wake Fran up? 3 Match these departure screen messages to their meanings. 1 Wait in lounge a Don t go to the departure gate yet. 2 Delayed b You re too late to board your flight. 3 Go to gate c You can go to the departure gate now. 4 Boarding d Passengers are starting to get on the plane. 5 Final Call e Hurry up! All the other passengers are on the plane. 6 Gate closed f Your flight is going to take off late. 4 Act out the conversations in exercise 1 in groups of three. 24 twenty-four